NORTH R381 to NORTHERN CAPE Loxton WESTERN CAPE CENTRAL DR02317 Krom River Road R381 N1 to SOUTH Colesberg DR02311 Karoo National Park Beaufort West d N1 to N12 to Laingsburg Oudtshoorn Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Legend Notes: Nuweveld Gridline Corridor Nuweveld North Switching Station Northern Cape North Coordinate: (150m x 75m) Collector and Switching Nuweveld Wind Farms Boundary 31° 45.649' S Stations (Sub/Switching Nuweveld West Switching Station Nuweveld Gridline Affected Properties 22° 24.874' E station in the case of Eastern Cape (150m x 75m) Nuweveld East) to be d Eskom Droërivier Substation Beaufort West Municipality Nuweveld East Collector South Coordinate: adjoining the Wind Farm Western Cape Sub/Switching Station (300m x 400m) Provincial Boundaries 32° 24.342' S Substations. 22° 31.892' E A3 scale: 1:285,000 Date: 2020/09/29 Version:0 Job No: 505810 Nuweveld Gridline - Scoping Phase ° 0 5 10 15 Kilometers Projection: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_34S Map by: WL Affected Properties R381 to Loxton RE/18 14 1/16 1/21 17 13 RE/21 46 4/45 47 RE/45 43 DR02317 RE/45 RE/48 2/48 RE/76 R381 to Beaufort West Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, 1/75 AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Legend Collector and Switching Stations (Sub/Switching Northern Cape Nuweveld Gridline Corridor Nuweveld North Switching Station (150m x 75m) station in the case of Nuweveld East) to be Nuweveld Gridline Affected Properties adjoining the Wind FarmSubstations. Eastern Cape Nuweveld West Switching Station Nuweveld Wind Farms Boundary (150m x 75m) Nuweveld East Collector Sub/Switching Western Cape Beaufort West Municipality Provincial Boundaries Station (300m x 400m) A3 scale: 1:115,000 Date: 2020/09/29 Version:0 Job No: 505810 Nuweveld Gridline - Scoping Phase ° 0 2 4 6 Kilometers Projection: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_34S Map by: WL Affected Properties: NORTH 46 3/49 47 RE/45 DR02317 396 RE/45 RE/48 2/48 R381 to 395 RE/76 N1 1/75 439 5/54 2/75 5/73 1/113 6/73 1/112 DR02311 2/113 5/113 425 2/110 RE/424 443 N1 to Colesberg 2/408 R381 3/120 N1 to Beaufort West RE/161 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, 156 AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Legend Northern Cape Nuweveld Gridline Corridor Eastern Cape Nuweveld Gridline Affected Properties De Jager's Pass Western Cape Beaufort West Municipality A3 scale: 1:135,000 Date: 2020/09/29 Version:0 Job No: 505810 Nuweveld Gridline - Scoping Phase ° 0 2 4 6 Kilometers Projection: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_34S Map by: WL Affected Properties: CENTRAL R381 to Loxton 443 2/408 3/120 156 N1 to Colesberg DR02311 RE/161 RE/1/154 RE/2/154 19/154 20/154 8/154 RE/5/154 Karoo National Park 27/161 RE/7/161 RE/154 4/161 8/161 RE/3/161 3/153 4/162 RE/1/163 RE/3/162 13/162 6/162 5/161 2/162 10/162 9/162 19/162 11/162 7/162 17/162 5/163 413 Beaufort West RE/185 7581 RE/185 RE1/168 3/169 32/170 6/169 28/170 33/170 5/169 RE4/169 RE/1/172 36/170 31/170d 3/170 37/170 RE1/168 N12 to 17/170 Oudtshoorn 25/170 3/170 RE10/170 N1 to Laingsburg Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Legend Northern Cape Nuweveld Gridline Corridor Nuweveld Gridline Affected Properties Eastern Cape Beaufort West Municipality d Eskom Droërivier Substation Western Cape Molteno Pass A3 scale: 1:115,000 Date: 2020/09/29 Version:0 Job No: 505810 Nuweveld Gridline - Scoping Phase Projection: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_34S Map by: WL ° 0 2 4 6 Kilometers Affected Properties: SOUTH Nuweveld Gridline Corridor – List of Affected Properties Frm/ptn Farm Name S21 1/16 Farm 16 C00900000000001600001 RE/18 GERT ADRIAANS KRAAL (ROCKLANDS) C00900000000001800000 RE/21 Snydersfontein C00900000000002100000 1/21 SNYDERSFONTEIN (ANNEX ROCKLANDS) C00900000000002100001 1/21 SNYDERSFONTEIN C00900000000002100001 43 LEEUW KLOOF C00900000000004300000 RE/45 DUIKER KRANSE C00900000000004500000 3/45 DUIKER KRANSE C00900000000004500003 4/45 DUIKER KRANSE C00900000000004500004 46 SNEEUW KRAAL C00900000000004600000 47 SNEEUW KRAAL C00900000000004700000 RE/48 ADJ DRIEKOP C00900000000004800000 2/48 ADJ DRIEKOP C00900000000004800002 3/49 PAARDEBERG C00900000000004900003 5/54 BOK POORT C00900000000005400005 5/73 DASSIESFONTEIN C00900000000007300005 6/73 DASSIESFONTEIN C00900000000007300006 1/75 TAAIBOSCH HOEK C00900000000007500001 2/75 TAAIBOSCH HOEK C00900000000007500002 RE/76 BRONKERS VALEI C00900000000007600000 2/110 Matjes Kloof C00900000000011000002 1/112 Scheurfontein C00900000000011200001 1/113 GRASPLAATS C00900000000011300001 2/113 Grasplaats C00900000000011300002 5/113 Grasplaats C00900000000011300005 3/120 WAAI KRAAL C00900000000012000003 3/153 Upper Plaat Doorns C00900000000015300003 24/154 SPEELMANS KUIL C00900000000015400000 RE/1/154 Speelmans Kuil C00900000000015400001 RE/2/154 SPEELMANS KUIL C00900000000015400002 RE/5/154 Speelmans Kuil C00900000000015400005 RE/5/154 SPEELMANS KUIL C00900000000015400005 8/154 SPEELMANS KUIL C00900000000015400008 19/154 SPEELMANS KUIL C00900000000015400019 20/154 SPEELMANS KUIL C00900000000015400020 156 SLAGTERS KOP C00900000000015600000 RE/161 KUILS PORT C00900000000016100000 RE/3/161 KUILS PORT C00900000000016100003 4/161 KUILS PORT C00900000000016100004 5/161 KUILS PORT C00900000000016100005 RE/7/161 KUILS PORT C00900000000016100007 8/161 KUILS PORT C00900000000016100008 27/161 KUILS PORT C00900000000016100027 29/161 KUILS PORT C00900000000016100029 2/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200002 RE/3/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200003 4/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200004 6/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200006 7/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200007 9/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200009 10/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200010 11/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200011 Nuweveld Gridline Corridor – List of Affected Properties Frm/ptn Farm Name S21 12/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200012 13/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200013 14/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200014 15/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200015 16/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200016 17/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200017 19/162 SOUTH LEMOENFONTEIN C00900000000016200019 5/163 BULS KOP C00900000000016300005 6/163 BULS KOP C00900000000016300006 RE/1/168 STEENROTSFOUNTAIN C00900000000016800001 54/168 STEENROTSFOUNTAIN C00900000000016800054 3/169 HANS RIVIER C00900000000016900003 RE/4/169 HANS RIVIER C00900000000016900004 5/169 HANS RIVIER C00900000000016900005 6/169 HANS RIVIER C00900000000016900006 3/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000003 RE/10/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000010 15/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000015 17/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000017 25/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000025 26/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000026 27/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000027 28/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000028 29/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000029 30/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000030 31/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000031 32/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000032 33/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000033 35/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000035 36/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000036 37/170 WELTEVREDEN C00900000000017000037 RE/1/172 WELTEVREDE WES C00900000000017200001 13 (387) C00900000000038700000 14 (387) C00900000000038700000 17 (387) C00900000000038700000 395 FARM 395 C00900000000039500000 396 FARM 396 C00900000000039600000 2/408 PLAAS 408 C00900000000040800002 413 Steenbokkie Private Nature Reserve C00900000000041300000 RE/424 FARM 424 C00900000000042400000 425 C00900000000042500000 439 FARM 439 C00900000000043900000 441 C00900000000044100000 1/441 C00900000000044100001 443 C00900000000044300000 erf 7581 ERF 7581 C00900010000758100000 RE/185 FARM 185 C00900000000018500000 RE/1/163 BULS KOP C00900000000016300001 Nuweveld Gridline Corridor – List of Affected Properties Property Number SG 21-Digit Code Property Number SG 21-Digit Code 13 C00900000000001300000 5/161 C00900000000016100005 14 C00900000000001400000 5/163 C00900000000016300005 17 C00900000000001700000 5/169 C00900000000016900005 43 C00900000000004300000 5/54 C00900000000005400005 46 C00900000000004600000 5/73 C00900000000007300005 47 C00900000000004700000 54/168 C00900000000016800054 156 C00900000000015600000 6/162 C00900000000016200006 395 C00900000000039500000 6/163 C00900000000016300006 396 C00900000000039600000 6/169 C00900000000016900006 413 C00900000000041300000 6/73 C00900000000007300006 425 C00900000000042500000 7/162 C00900000000016200007 439 C00900000000043900000 8/154 C00900000000015400008 443 C00900000000044300000 8/161 C00900000000016100008 7581 C00900010000758100000 9/162 C00900000000016200009 1/112 C00900000000011200001 RE/1/154 C00900000000015400001 1/113 C00900000000011300001 RE/1/163 C00900000000016300001 1/16 C00900000000001600001 RE/1/172 C00900000000017200001 1/21 C00900000000002100001 RE/154 C00900000000015400000 1/75 C00900000000007500001 RE/161 C00900000000016100000 10/162 C00900000000016200010 RE/18 C00900000000001800000 11/162 C00900000000016200011 RE/185 C00900000000018500000 12/162 C00900000000016200012 RE/2/154 C00900000000015400002 13/162 C00900000000016200013 RE/21 C00900000000002100000 14/162 C00900000000016200014 RE/3/161 C00900000000016100003 15/162 C00900000000016200015 RE/3/162 C00900000000016200003 15/170 C00900000000017000015 RE/424 C00900000000042400000 16/162 C00900000000016200016
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