SEIA NEWSLETTER On the Eastern Churches and

______Number 183: December 31, 2010 Washington, DC

The Eastern Orthodox Churches should be made as widely known to as CATALCA MUNICIPALITY by the Foundation many people as possible.” of Lausanne Treaty Emigrants, the local Then Bartholomew I went on to high- municipality and the 2010 Euro- N THE EVE OF THE HOLIDAY light: "With regard to interreligious dialo- pean Capital of Culture Organization. SEASON , ECUMENICAL gue, it is our belief and our creed. Because It was opened on Monday, 87 years BARTHOLOMEW I DELIVERED A O we need to know each other better, to work after the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne MAJOR ADDRESS BEFORE AN HIGHLY together while respecting the religious be- on Jan. 30, 1923, for the population ex- QUALIFIED AUDIENCE FROM THE ORTHO - liefs of others, their cultural identity, with- change between Greece and Turkey. DOX WORLD , DEFENDING THE ECUMENICAL out oppression. This is the only way to live “We have shared the same pains,” the ’S CHOICE FOR INTER -FAITH in peace. For this reason, the Patriarchate, Ecumenical Patriarch stated characteristi- DIALOGUE . "We will insist on dialogue, in addition to having a dialogue with other cally, stressing that “now the time has come despite the criticism that we suffer," he Churches and Christian denominations, has for peace and calm between the two said. "There is, unfortunately, a certain reli- established over the past 25 years a dialo- peoples.” gious fundamentalism, a tragic phenome- gue with Islam and Judaism. We have had On display in the museum are histori- non, which can be found among Orthodox several successful meetings. With the Mus- cal documents and objects that belonged to and Catholics, among Muslims and Jews. lims and Jews, our brothers, we do not dis- Turks who had to leave northern Greece. These are people who think they alone have cuss purely theological issues as it would Memorabilia that belonged to Greeks who the right to exist on earth, almost as if they be difficult. But we talk about social issues, left their homes in Turkey will be added to alone have the right to rule on this our pla- social issues that effect all people, all hu- the museum in January 2011. net according to the Old Testament. And manity, all over the world. " The inauguration ceremony was also they say there is no room for anyone else, Ecology has been one of the favorite attended by two descendents of Greek refu- and are therefore opposed to any dialogue. " themes of the Ecumenical Patriarchate gees from Asia Minor, who came especially The Patriarch continued: "We are sub- since 1989. The Patriarch said: "Everything for the occasion from the city of Ptolemai- ject to criticism and attack because we that we try to do, we do because we believe da, northwest Greece, and a UN High maintain relations with the Pope (because it is our duty, because the Church should be Commissioner for Refugees representative. we are strong supporters of the ecumenical actively present in the contemporary world – A. Ambatzis for ANA , Dec. 22. dialogue between Orthodox and Catholics), and be sensitive to people's problems, raise with Islam and the Jewish world. But we awareness and encourage them to love and HE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIO - will continue to move forward on our jour- protect nature like their own homes.” He CESE OF AMERICA , TOGETHER WITH ney, according to the path laid by our pre- added: "The environment – nature -- is THE PARISH OF ST. NICHOLAS , decessors, well aware of our actions, re- T God's creation and does not belong only to SERVED NOTICE on Dec. 6 to the Port Au- gardless of the criticisms of which we are us who live today in 2010. It belongs to all thority of New York and New Jersey (PA), object. These fringes, characterized by ex- future generations." the Lower Manhattan Development Corpo- treme positions, are everywhere. It is there- Dositheos, spokesman for the ration, the Empire State Development Cor- fore natural that we suffer their criticisms, Patriarchate, commented on the Patriarch’s poration and associated individuals of their according to their ideological dictates, all of speech for AsiaNews, "a certain confusion intention to sue these agencies over their us who try to widen our horizons and have prevails in some sectors of the Orthodox actions that have prevented the St. Nicholas a theological view of things. Because we Christian world between the two terms, church, destroyed at Ground Zero on 9/11, want the peaceful coexistence of all, based tradition and traditionalism. Tradition, to from being rebuilt. Under New York State on the principles of charity and friendship." which those minorities often refer, is the law, a 60-day notice is required before cer- Bartholomew I added: "This is the ongoing search to interpret and understand tain claims can be filed against the PA. credo of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and I the truth, while traditionalism, which is a The legal papers stated that “This want to recall that in 1920 the regent of the characteristic of these minorities, is an in- claim arises out of the arrogance, bad faith, Patriarchal see, along with the synod, ad- tellectual sterility which often is identified and fraudulent conduct of the Port Authori- dressed to Catholics and Protestants an with nationalism in the Orthodox world.” – ty in preventing Saint Nicholas from re- encyclical, called 'The community of Asia News , Dec. 21. building its church at Ground Zero after it churches', along the lines of the newly was crushed by a falling tower in the attack created 'society of nations'. That encyclical CUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOL - on the World Trade Center on September is considered today by the World Council of OMEW ATTENDED THE INAUGURA - 11, 2001.” It goes on to state that in March Churches as the 'Charter' of the ecumenical TION OF THE POPULATION EX - 2009, the PA “summarily disavowed a movement of our time. This is a well E CHANGE MUSEUM OPENED IN ISTANBUL ’S long-standing agreement” to rebuild the known fact to insiders, and it is good that it church at 130 Liberty Street. building of St. Nicholas on this site will be a genocide against the Ukrainian people. On the eve of the Feast of St. Nicholas, an appropriate memorial in “We are very fortunate to have Archbi- Dec. 5, Archbishop Demetrios of America to the 3,000 innocent people of all Faiths shop Yurij with us as both a spiritual and a led a vespers service near the site of St. who lost their lives that day and also serve community leader. He has incredible intel- Nicholas at Ground Zero. Despite the very as a center of peace and reconciliation. lect, humility and a tremendous sense of cold weather, the very solemn and moving Trusting in Almighty God, we are con- humor. I look forward to working closely service was attended by nearly one thou- fident that we shall be successful in this with His Eminence for many years to sand faithful from the greater New York awesome endeavor, and we call upon all come,” said Mr. Grod. metropolitan area who joined the St. Nicho- people of goodwill and faith to join us in A native of Lachine, , Archbi- las parishioners in a show of solidarity. the rebuilding of this church which will shop Yurij was born on May 26, 1951, to They came together in worship and prayer stand as a dynamic testament to the healing Petro and Anastasia Kalistchuk and gradu- to honor their revered Saint and demon- power of love and a symbol of the lofty ated from St. Andrew’s College (the UOC strate their resolve and conviction to re- ideals of this great nation of ours. I convey of Canada’s seminary) in in built the historic St. Nicholas church at my warmest paternal greetings and best 1973. In 1975 he studied music at McMas- Ground Zero. wishes and invoke upon all of you the ab- ter University, graduating in 1980 with a Archbishop Demetrios, in his sermon undant blessings of the Almighty.” bachelor’s of music in history and theory to those gathered at the Ground Zero con- + Archbishop Demetrios of America. (magna cum laude), and in 1984 he earned struction site, expressed this unwavering Press Release, Greek Archdiocese, Dec. a bachelor of education degree from the commitment of the Church in re-building 15. University of (magna cum laude). St. Nicholas, and the faith, confidence, and In 1985 he received a bachelor of theology trust that with the help of the Almighty God UNDREDS OF FAITHFUL AND CLER - degree from St. Andrew’s College and on this awesome endeavor will be realized. GY ATTENDED THE ENTHRONE - July 16, 1988, Archbishop Yurij was or- Below is the full text of the Statement HMENT OF ARCHBISHOP YURIJ AS dained to the diaconate and the following of Archbishop Demetrios of America on THE SIXTH METROPOLITAN OF THE day he was ordained to the priesthood. the occasion of the Vespers Service: UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF He served as assistant pastor at Holy “On the eve of the Feast of St. Nicho- CANADA and as eparch of Winnipeg and Trinity Cathedral in Winnipeg and worked las, I take this opportunity to warmly greet the Central on November 21 at as professor of church music at St. And- and gratefully thank all those people who Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral rew’s College. Archbishop Yurij was ton- especially today have witnessed their devo- in Winnipeg, Manitoba. sured as a monastic on September 10, tion to St. Nicholas but also expressed in Attending the divine liturgy were: 1989, and on October 15, 1989, Hiero- very tangible ways, despite the adversities, Archbishop Soterios, metropolitan of the monk Yurij was elevated to the rank of their wholehearted support and steadfast Greek Orthodox Church in Canada and archimandrite by Metropolitan Wasyly at resolve for the rebuilding of the Church of exarch of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholo- Holy Trinity Cathedral in Winnipeg. Later St. Nicholas on this most hallowed ground. mew I of Constantinople; Archbishop Law- that month, on October 22, 1989, Archi- Almost 10 years ago, our city and na- rence Huculak, metropolitan of the Ukrai- mandrite Yurij was elevated to bishop, with tion suffered a terrorist attack of unparal- nian of Canada; Archbi- the title bishop of and eparch of leled proportions. In addition to the tragic shop Antony of the UOC of the U.S.A.; the Central Eparchy, with enthronement on and horrific loss of almost 3,000 innocent Bishop Alexander of the Antiochian Ortho- December 17, 1989. victims, a number of whom were members dox Church; Bishop Ilarion, western eparch He was later installed as bishop of of our own community, the world witnessed of the UOC of Canada; Bishop Andriy of Toronto and the Eastern Eparchy, and in the unimaginable collapse of the Twin the UOC of Canada, bishop-elect of Saska- 2001 was elevated to the rank of archbi- Towers. When the second Tower fell on the toon and the Central Eparchy; and Bishop shop. Archbishop Yurij was selected by the historic St. Nicholas Church, it destroyed Daniel, western eparch of the UOC of the Sobor (General Council) of the Ukrainian almost every trace of the building, the only U.S.A. At the conclusion of the divine li- Orthodox Church of Canada to be the house of worship destroyed that day. turgy, Metropolitan Soterios read a procla- Church’s sixth metropolitan on July 18, Opened in 1916 by Greek immigrants, the mation of enthronement on behalf of Pa- 2009. The Synod of of the Patriar- church not only served the spiritual needs triarch Bartholomew I and the Holy and chate of Constantinople ratified the Sobor’s of its parishioners but was also a sacred Sacred Synod of bishops. Metropolitan decision on August 30, 2010. -- The Ukrai- space in which people of all ethnic and Yurij then received the articles of his new nian Weekly , Dec. 19. religious backgrounds would stop, light a office to the refrains of “Axios – He is candle and spend a few moments in prayer Worthy!” HIRTY REPRESENTATIVES OF OR- and meditation. A banquet followed the ceremony, THODOX INSTITUTIONS GATHERED The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of during which, Paul Grod, national president TIN MID -NOVEMBER 2010 AT THE America and the parish of St. Nicholas of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, deli- ANDREI SAGUNA THEOLOGICAL FACULTY remain firmly committed to the rebuilding vered greetings, personally congratulating IN SIBIU , ROMANIA TO REFLECT on the top- of the church at Ground Zero, honoring the Metropolitan Yurij. He also delivered ic “The Ecumenical Movement in Theolog- long-standing agreement with the LMDC greetings on behalf of the Ukrainian World ical Education and the Life of Orthodox and Port Authority. On this most solemn Congress, and its president, Eugene Czolij. Churches.” This discussion was moderated occasion, we once again affirm our com- Mr. Grod thanked Archbishop Yurij for his by Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima mitment to rebuild here, in this sacred leadership and support on a variety of im- (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constanti- place, the Church of St. Nicholas which portant issues for the Ukrainian community nople). will have a greater scope and outreach than in Canada, including urging the Canadian According to a communiqué issued at a simple parish house of worship. The re- government to recognize the Holodomor as the close of the consultation: “There is a

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 2. broad official agreement among the Ortho- Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops Members of Parliament, dox churches concerning the general direc- in the Americas [SCOBA]. – OCA Press Distinguished Guests, tion of Orthodox ecumenical engagement. Release, Dec. 18. “Therefore the Lord himself shall give However, at many levels of church life you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive there is a wide diversity of opinion among N DECEMBER 24, 2010, HIS in the womb, and shall bring forth a son, the Orthodox concerning inter-Christian BEATITUDE WELCOMED TO THE and thou shalt call his name Emmanuel.” and interfaith issues. This demonstrates that OPATRIARCHAL MANSION OF THE (Isaiah 7:14) there is as yet no unanimous Orthodox VICARIATE IN ARCHIMANDRITE We are highly appreciative of what is a theological understanding of how to relate THEOLOGOS CHRYSANTHAKOPOULOS OF traditional gathering in which we share the to other Christians and other faiths. Ortho- THE NEWLY -ESTABLISHED DIOCESE OF Season’s cheerfulness, in particular the dox churches should use their theological BRAZZAVILLE AND GABON to discuss is- Christmas spirit, and impart our messages faculties and seminaries as academic labor- sues regarding his missionary and pastoral of hope. Events and gatherings such as this atories to generate discussion on acute is- work. are of great significance both for celebrat- sues debated in ecumenical circles. An at- The Holy Diocese of Brazzaville and ing the common bonds of our humanity, and tempt should be made to engage all Ortho- Gabon was established by Patriarchal and for reminding ourselves of those fundamen- dox voices in this, especially those who Synodal Decree on 7th October 2010 by tal moral values that are essential to our may be most opposed to dialogue.” the Holy Synod of the Hierarchs of the Pa- common life. Humanity today is confronted The communiqué concludes with a triarchate of Alexandria, following a pro- and confused on every side with dark forces recommendation that the World Council of posal by His Beatitude. It includes in its of disrespect and even humiliation. And Churches coordinate, in collaboration with jurisdiction the countries of Congo Brazza- unfortunately much of this is being done in Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of ville and Gabon. the pretence of religious allegiance and in Theology in Boston (USA), a meeting of In the capital of Congo Brazzaville the the name of Almighty God. representatives from a broad spectrum of Orthodox Mission is continually develop- As we are here today in a clear expres- Orthodox faculties to discuss the further ing. However, the main Orthodox centre is sion and manifestation of inter-religious development of an ecumenical ethos in situated in the city of Pointe Noire, where and inter-cultural understanding, presence theological education. – WCC Press Re- Archimandrite Theologos, assisted by na- and symbiosis, it should be acknowledged lease, Dec. 14. tive priest Father Maximos Oumba and that any form of polarization -- political, Father Dimitrios Otomba, is developing social or ideological – has increasingly HE WEB SITE OF THE ASSEMBLY OF enormous spiritual missionary and huma- posed a serious challenge to our humble CANONICAL ORTHODOX BISHOPS OF nistic activity. efforts and our sincere intentions. TNORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA -- In the city of Dolisie the churches We are thankful to the Authorities’ FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE EPISCOPAL built are those dedicated to St Irene and St efforts in facilitating the access for pilgrims ASSEMBLY OF NORTH AND CENTRAL Nicholas, as well as an orphanage and pri- and worshipers that has enhanced a great AMERICA -- MADE ITS DEBUT on Friday, mary school. On 20 September 2007 His number of Christian pilgrims from around December 17, 2010. It may be accessed at Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch the world. We commend them to continue of Alexandria and All Africa, during his this holy and important provision; and al- In addition to information on the As- visit to Dolisie inaugurated the Orphanage, low us to say: “more can always be done” sembly's history, establishment, and current “Agios Efstathios.” In the town of Nkayi on the local and regional frame. Also we activities, the site provides comprehensive the work of building the Holy Church of the acknowledge the many positive steps that lists of all member Churches and hierarchs; Transfiguration of the Savior has been the State of Israel has taken to evaluate our a wealth of informative documents, state- completed. concerns, and we stress the need for the ments, and addresses highlighting its inau- In the neighboring country of Gabon, a continuation of progress on: gural meeting; directories of Assembly missionary group from the Holy Metropolis * Continued free movement of the agencies, endorsed organizations, commis- of the Cameroon catechized and baptized in faithful; sions, consultations, and committees; a 2007 the first indigenous Orthodox Chris- * Availability of entry visas for cler- soon-to-be expanded directory of parishes tians in the town of Libreville, organized ics; and and institutions; and a wealth of other in- the first Orthodox Community and ap- * Honoring the privileges of Tax ex- formation and resources. pointed the first parish Priest, Father Victor emption sanctioned by the sacred history as This Assembly is the result of the deci- Etendi Lissom. well as by the historic standing of the sion of the Fourth Pre-Conciliar Pan- In both countries, which make up the “Ownership of Church Property.” Orthodox Conference, which met in Holy Diocese of Brazzaville and Gabon, The ineffective endeavors to attaining Chambésy Switzerland in June 2009, after there are indigenous communities of Or- peace should not be disregarded this festive the extraordinary Synaxis of all the Heads thodox Christians, Greeks and Lebanese. – season. This should be a reminder amidst of the Autocephalous Churches convened Press Release, Patriarchate of Alexandria, our joyful celebrations that God’s will is by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Dec. 27. loud and clear for both the political and Bartholomew. One of twelve assemblies religious leadership to persevere in our that have been or will be convened around IS BEATITUDE PATRIARCH commitment to reaching reconciliation and the world in regions where there is no sin- THEOPHILOS III OF peace. gular Orthodox presence, the Assembly HDELIVERED THIS SPEECH BEFORE It is our mission, as servants of the includes all active canonical bishops who THE PRESIDENT OF ISRAEL FOR THE NEW Lord and thus of our fellow man, to relen- reside and minister in North and Central YEAR 2011 on December 29: tlessly enhance our efforts for improving America and will meet annually. The As- Mr President, the living and socio-economic conditions sembly is the successor of the Standing Honorable Ministers, which people of the Holy Land are passing

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 3. through and to alleviating the suffering of HE PRIMATE OF THE RUSSIAN bution to the life of peace of people belong- all affected. We are confronted with chal- ORTHODOX CHURCH MADE A ing to these religions. I would like to men- lenges and raised concerns for our com- TSPECIAL STATEMENT TO THE MASS tion a particular contribution of the Russian munities over peaceful coexistence and we MEDIA ON THE RIOTING ON MANEZH Orthodox Church to the preservation of feel the urgency to address this, diffuse it SQUARE , the press office of the Patriarch of interethnic peace both in the Russian Em- and channel the positive outcome to achiev- and All reports. The text is pire and in present-day Russia. The Church ing peace. given below: has always nurtured the spirit of peace and We are worried about the rising nega- “It seems to me that the events on Ma- the ability to share grief with our neighbors tive sentiments fuelled by extremists, and nezh Square have thrust three problems irrespective of their religious belief. It was emphasize that we consider all humans to into the spotlight. I shall begin with the the nurturing of the spirit of peace that has be equal to one another. A perception subs- simple one, and conclude with the most brought about the lack of interreligious and tantiated in the monotheistic faiths and complicated. interethnic wars in Russia. upheld by the many decent citizens who The first is hooliganism, when a per- What is happening today? Radicalisms also feel threatened by the moral decline son cannot restrain his emotions, starts to are clashing. Interethnic relations are com- witnessed today. destroy everything around him, and is ready municating vessels. One cannot point at the Christian institutions and Leadership, for a fight. This problem should be dealt one, while neglecting the other. The emer- in the Holy land, have committed them- with as prescribed and order should be gence of radicalism in the ethnically united selves by employing their blessings and imposed. If people do not understand groups and, the more so, in the criminal resources in constituting peace and recon- words, the upper hand must be used. radical ethnic groups provokes a radical ciliation in the region; for we firmly believe The second and a more complicated response of the majority. Who is suffering? that this enjoins one of the divine com- problem that has become apparent is a po- Ordinary people. When I saw the wounded mandments of our faith which solidifies our litical provocation on Manezh Square along innocent people who were beaten only be- existence and determines our mission. with hooliganism. There are certain forces cause their faces are of another color and Our fraternal noble wishes for this in our society that have an interest in desta- their countenance is different, while know- happy occasion on the New Year to all bilizing the situation. These forces can en- ing that they are law-abiding and good Jews, Christians and Muslims, who persis- hance their activity towards the 2012 elec- people, I felt bitter and ashamed. At the tently pursued peace during times of great tion. Inter-ethnic relations are a godsend for same time one understands that they were turmoil, as they set a role model for all these forces. During the Cold War many victims of the ethnic radical groups existing those who are inspired by the true and his- people who stood in opposition to the So- in diaspora and provoking – I repeat – the toric prophetic message of the incarnation viet Union used to say that multinationality disruption of interethnic peace and peace of the divine logos. was its weak spot and, if pressure is put on among different nationalities. As the custodians and servants of the this spot, the country will be destroyed. Therefore, the struggle against radical- Holy Places that bare testimony to the sa- This is what happened. There are many ism is the way along which we should go to cred history of redemption and salvation of people today who want to touch this bring interethnic relations out of their human kind, we time and again commit Achilles’ heal to destabilize and wreck present dangerous state. ourselves to promoting peace and invite Russia using various excuses. It is necessary to create a gap between every human being to “soul searching”; in The political provocation carried out radical groups and law-abiding people. It is order to recognize the other’s entitlement to on Manezh Square is a simple fact that necessary to establish intolerable conditions peace, respect and dignity; and we should demands considerate and serious attitude for all radical groups, both among ethnic always remember to behave in the same towards it on the part of the authorities, minorities and majority population. This way as we would like people to behave including law enforcement bodies. We task requires the efforts of the authorities, towards us. For it is written: “… whatever should not allow the country’s return to the public organizations, the Russian Orthodox you want man to do to you do also to them chaos of the early 1990s. We should not Church and the followers of other religions. for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Mat- allow the destabilization of our political We should work together to lower the de- thew 7:12) system and public life. Many people may gree of radicalism and to prevent the de- Your Excellency, we express our sin- not remember the dreadful years that our struction of interreligious and interethnic cere thanks to you for this cordial invitation middle-aged and senior citizens lived peace thanks to which Russia exists as a and for your gracious hospitality. We pray through. We were willing to devote any- great state. Any provocation of ethnic dis- to God for his special blessing upon the thing to stabilize the situation, to stop the cord challenges the very existence of our approaching New Year: may the Divine disintegration of the country and the col- multinational and great homeland.” – Press spirit of this Festive Season warm our lapse of social relations! How happy we Release, Moscow Patriarchate, Dec. 14. hearts, enlighten our minds, and fulfill the were to see the signs of political stabiliza- lives of all the citizens of the State of Israel. tion in the late 1990s! It would seem that N 20 DECEMBER 2010, METRO - Happy New Year and Hanoucha Samech. today we have had too much of it and are POLITAN HILARION OF VOLOKO - For, as prophet Isaiah says: “…. unto ready to wreck the country! OLAMSK , CHAIRMAN OF THE us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; I appeal to all those who hear me. Po- MOSCOW PATRIARCHATE ’S DEPARTMENT and the government will be upon His litical stabilization in Russia is a precondi- FOR EXTERNAL CHURCH RELATIONS AND shoulder. His name will be called the Angel tion for changing our life for the better. We RECTOR OF THE SS CYRIL AND METHODIUS of Great Counsel, for I shall bring peace shall not have any economic benefits if we POSTGRADUATE AND DOCTORAL SCHOOL upon the rulers, peace and health by Him. wreck our social life. OF THE Great shall be His government, and of His And now the most important thing. VISITED THE STATE ARCHIVE OF THE peace there is no end….” (Isaiah 9:6&7). – Interethnic relations are very complicated. RUSSIAN FEDERATION and met with its Jerusalem Patriarchate website, Dec. 29. World religions have made a great contri- director S. Mironenko.

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 4. Director Mironenko told the guests the tion in ratio of the number of churches to The Synod underscored the importance story of the State Archive which was the number of the ethnic Orthodox resi- of the address delivered by the Primate of opened in 1920 and reconstituted by Boris dents. Divine services have not been re- the Russian Orthodox Church at the Fourth Yeltsin’s decree in April 1992. In Decem- sumed in 39 Moscow churches; 19 Assembly of the Russian World for pre- ber 2010, there took place an exchange of churches have not been transferred to the serving spiritual and cultural unity of fra- microfilm copies of some archive materials Church; 90 churches and chapels are under ternal nations whose common history has between the Holy Trinity theological semi- construction. begun when the Old Russian state was es- nary in Jordanville and the State Archive of According to His Holiness, these num- tablished with its capital in Kiev. Members the Russian Federation. Thus, the research- bers vividly show the necessity to build of the Synod expressed their wish to devel- ers in Russia and abroad have gained new churches in Moscow, in dormitory op cooperation with the governmental and access to the rare archive materials. suburbs in particular. public organizations of the Russian World In addition to keeping the archive ma- 1720 clergymen serve under Patriar- in spiritual support of the believers belong- terials, the Archives’ leadership makes chal omophorion, including 1150 in Mos- ing to the Russian Orthodox Church and documents belonging to the national herit- cow. They are 19 bishops, 860 presbyters, living beyond the borders of the Moscow age accessible to the researchers. Hundreds and 271 deacons. Patriarchate’s canonical territory. of thousands of documents have been dec- 397 priests and 173 deacons serve in The work of the Intercouncil Presence lassified during the last eighteen years, and the stavropegic monasteries and metochia; of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2010 reference system containing over a half of 12 clergymen serve abroad, 48 are super- was approved. The participants in the ses- the archive inventories has been estab- numerary, and 32 are suspended. sion endorsed the proposal of the Inter- lished. The Moscow Theological Academy council Presence’s Presidium to include in Metropolitan Hilarion was shown and Seminary, the Sretenskaya, Perevins- the Presidium ex officio Bishop Irinarkh of some unique documents, for instance, a lot kaya and Nikolo-Ugreshskaya seminaries, Krasnogorsk, chairman of the Synodal De- by which Metropolitan Tikhon of Moscow and St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian partment for Prison Ministry; Bishop Igna- was elected Patriarch of Moscow and All University train clergymen and other tiy of Bronnitsy, chairman of the Synodal Russia at the All-Russian Local Council in church workers to serve in Moscow. Department for Youth Affairs; and Bishop 1917. Metropolitan Hilarion also saw the There are 226 Sunday schools, in Kirill of Pavlovsky Posad, chairman of the diaries of the Empress Alexandra Feodo- which 10,738 children and 5,738 adults are Synodal Committee for Relations with the rovna and Emperor Nicholas II, as well as studying. Cossacks. the Act of Abdication of the last Russian Three clerics from other dioceses have The Holy Synod approved the work of emperor. joined Moscow clergy, while one was the Sixth International Scholarly Confe- In conclusion of the meeting, the transferred to another diocese, one was rence of the Russian Orthodox Church on DECR chairman presented Mt. Mironenko suspended, and six clergymen died. – Press “Life in Christ: Christian Morality, Church with an icon of the Most Holy Mother of Release, Moscow Patriarchate, Dec. 22. Ascetic Traditions, and Challenges of Mod- God and his book “Disputes over the Name ern Age” held on 15-18 November 2010 of God. Archive documents of 1912-38 ″ N 24 DECEMBER 2010, HIS HOLI - and noted the usefulness of inviting Ortho- compiled by Metropolitan (then bishop) NESS PATRIARCH KIRILL OF MOS - dox theologians from other Local Churches Hilarion in 2007. The book includes over OCOW AND ALL RUSSIA CHAIRED to theological forums as well as the necessi- 300 documents from the Russian State His- THE SESSION OF THE HOLY SYNOD OF THE ty to develop inter-Orthodox relations in the torical Archive, the State Archive of the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH held at the field of church science and theology. Stavropol region, and the archive of the Patriarch’s working residence, Chisty side The Synod resolved to release Metro- Department for External Church Relations. street. politan Chrysostom of Vilnius and Lithua- – Press Release, Moscow Patriarchate, The Holy Synod took certain decisions nia from his duties as head of the diocese of Dec. 21. on the life of the Church, relations between Lithuania and to retire him in compliance the Church and society, and external activi- with his request and to thank him for his N 22 DECEMBER 2010, HIS ties of the Russian Orthodox Church. long archpastoral work in many dioceses of HOLINESS PATRIARCH KIRILL OF His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Mos- the Russian Orthodox Church. OMOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA cow and All Russia presented a report on The Holy Synod appointed Archbishop CHAIRED AN ANNUAL MEETING OF THE his visit to Kiev timed to the 75th birthday Innokentiy of Korsun to rule the diocese of MOSCOW DIOCESAN ASSEMBLY THAT of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Vilnius and Lithuania and thanked him for TOOK PLACE IN THE HALL OF CHURCH Kiev and All . Among those taking his archpastoral care for the parishes of the COUNCILS OF CHRIST THE SAVIOR part in the celebration were Metropolitan Russian Orthodox Church in the countries CATHEDRAL . Christopher of the Czech Lands and Slova- of Western Europe. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox kia, and representatives of other Local Or- Bishop Nestor of Caffa, a vicar of the Church presented a report, a section of thodox Churches. His Holiness met with Korsun diocese, was appointed Bishop of which was about the activities of Patriarch the Ukrainian President Viktor F. Yanuko- Korsun and charged with archpastoral care as the ruling bishop of Moscow in 2010. vich. Members of the Holy Synod thanked for the parishes in Italy. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill also gave the Primate of the Russian Orthodox The Holy Synod considered a vacancy some statistics on church life in Moscow. Church for his visit to Kiev, and Metropoli- in the Arkhangelsk diocese opened due to The total number of churches and cha- tan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine for the demise of Bishop Tikhon of Arkhan- pels is 837. Yet, regular divine services are his noble ministry he performs with dignity gelsk and Kholmogory and resolved to ap- celebrated only in 271 of them, thus making and honour. They offered up prayers to the point Bishop Daniel of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk the capital city to occupy the last place Lord for helping Metropolitan Vladimir in and the Kuril Island Bishop of Arkhangelsk among the regions of the Russian Federa- his archpastoral labors for many years. and Kholmogory.

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 5. Archimandrite Tikhon (Dorovskikh), a Churches, and bishops and clerics of the the Liaison Office of the Moscow Patriar- cleric of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk diocese, Georgian Orthodox Church. The Primate of chate at the World Council of Churches, was nominated Bishop of Yuzhno- the Georgian Orthodox Church met several archpriest Mikhail Gundyaev, representa- Sakhalinsk and the Kuril Islands. times with Metropolitan Hilarion of Volo- tives of the Russian Orthodox Church at the As to the newly established kolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriar- World Council of Churches and other inter- diocese, the Holy Synod resolved to nomi- chate’s delegation. national organizations in and nate archpriest Aleksandr Osokin, a cleric The Holy Synod expressed satisfaction charge him with maintaining contacts with of the Astana diocese, Bishop of Karaganda with the participation of the Moscow Pa- the United Nations Human Rights Council. and Shakhtinsk. triarchate’s representatives in the celebra- The Holy Synod considered the results In following up the petitions from the tion and thanked His Holiness and Beati- of the seminar on “The Role of Religious clergymen of the Ungeni-Nisporeni diocese tude Iliya I, and Patriarch of All Communities in the Management of World and the report presented by Metropolitan Georgia for attention and hospitality ex- Heritage Properties” held in Kiev on 2-5 Vladimir of Kishinev and Moldova, the tended to the delegation of the Russian Or- November and resolved to continue the Holy Synod resolved to appoint Bishop Petr thodox Church. work of the Church aimed at establishing of Hîncesti, a vicar of the Kishinev metro- Having heard the report on the partici- the international legal grounds for extension polia, Bishop of Ungeni and Nisporeni; to pation of the delegation headed by the of the religious communities’ participation take the parishes of the Hîncesti district of DECR chairman Metropolitan Hilarion in in managing these properties. the Republic of Moldova from the Cahul- the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Having heard the report of Metropoli- Comrat diocese and to include them into the the canonization of Nicholas of Japan, the tan Hilarion on the working plan of the Ungeni-Nisporeni diocese. granting of the autonomous status to the Department for External Church Relations The Holy Synod considered the nomi- Orthodox Church of Japan by the Russian for 2011, the participants in the session nation of a bishop to the Edine Ń-Briceni Orthodox Church, and the establishment of approved of the plan of external activities diocese of the Orthodox Church in Moldo- the Metochion of the Russian Orthodox of the Russian Orthodox Church for the va and resolved to nominate archimandrite Church in Tokyo, the Holy Synod thanked next year. – Press Release, Moscow Pa- Nikodim (Vulpe), dean of the Orkhei dea- His Eminence Daniel, Archbishop of Tokyo triarchate, Dec. 25. nery of the Kishinev metropolia Bishop of and Metropolitan of All Japan, for attention Edine Ń-Briceni. and hospitality accorded to the delegation OLY SYNOD OF BISHOPS OF THE Members of the Holy Synod resolved of the Russian Orthodox Church. SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH AT to appoint a delegation of the Russian Or- Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk HTHE MEETING HELD ON 16 TH OF thodox Church to the meeting of the Inter- reported on the visit to the Holy Mount DECEMBER THIS YEAR ADDRESSED THE Orthodox Preparatory Commission to take Athos during which the delegation of the CHURCH AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC regard- place in Chambesy, Switzerland, on 21-27 Russian Orthodox Church took part in the ing the anti-church conduct of the former February 2011. The delegation will include celebration of the 95th birthday of archi- Bishop of Raška and Prizren, now monk Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, mandrite Jeremiah (Alyokhin), hegumen of Artemije, with the following statement: chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s the Russian St. Panteleimon’s Monastery, 1. As is known the Holy Assembly of Department for External Church Relations visited some Athonite monastery and met Bishops at its May session this year, on the (DECR) – head of the delegation; Archbi- with the Protos of the Holy Mountain, monk basis of a written document related to the shop Mark of Berlin, Germany and Great Peter. proved canonical delicts, permanently and Britain – member of the delegation; and The Holy Synod expressed apprecia- irrevocably dismissed Bishop Artemije archpriest Nikolai Balashov, DECR deputy tion for the participation of the delegation from the duty of the Bishop of Raška and chairman – consultant of the delegation. of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 7th Prizren, which he himself accepted and Having heard the report of Metropoli- meeting of the Joint Russian-Iranian Com- agreed to live at Sisatovac monastery upon tan Hilarion of Volokolamsk on the work of mission for Orthodoxy-Islam Dialogue and his release. Regrettably, from September the Commission on Old Believer Parishes considered it useful to continue the dialogue and October this year, Bishop Artemije in and Relations with the Old Rite done from between the Department for External his letters to the Holy Synod expressed his 2 October 2009 to 19 November 2010, Church Relations and the Muslim commu- "regret" for accepting the synodal decision, members of the Holy Synod approved of nity in Iran. claiming, contrary to common sense, that he the report. Having heard the report by Metropoli- was "a lifelong Bishop of Raška and Pri- The DECR chairman presented a re- tan Hilarion of Volokolamsk on the partici- zren.” This was a reason for the Holy Syn- port on the visit of the Moscow Patriar- pation of the delegation of the Russian Or- od to place him under censure until the next chate’s delegation to Georgia to celebrate thodox Church in the workshop on “Pro- regular session of this year's Holy Assem- the 1700th anniversary of the building of moting Human Rights through a Better bly of Bishops in November. the first church on the burial place of the Understanding of Traditional Values of Instead of asking from the Assembly Tunic of the Lord and the 1000th anniver- Humankind” held in Geneva on 4 October the forgiveness for his delicts and violations sary of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. The 2010, the Holy Synod members noted the of the canonical order of the Church, so that Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Holi- expedience of the DECR’s promotion of his censure could be lifted, Bishop Artemije ness and Beatitude Iliya II, Catholicos and the position of the Church expressed in the in a violent manner, with a group of his Patriarch of All Georgia; His Beatitude “Basic Teaching of the Russian Orthodox followers, who had also been censured after Chrysostomos, Archbishop of New Justi- Church on Human Dignity, Freedom and ecclesiastical court proceedings, tried to niana and All Cyprus; and His Beatitude Rights” at the international organizations, usurp the monasteries and entire Raška and Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech for instance, the United Nations Human Prizren Diocese, beginning his lawless act Lands and Slovakia. Concelebrating were Rights Council. by uncanonical and unconstitutional serving representatives of the Local Orthodox It was resolved to appoint secretary of of the Liturgy in the monastery of Duboki

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 6. potok, though still under a censure. In addi- among whom an outstanding place is held N 2 DECEMBER 2010, THE MEM - tion, using a counterfeit seal, he began to by Miron Cristea, the first Patriarch of Ro- BERS OF THE COMMISSION FOR issue anti-canonical decisions in the Dio- mania, whose grave is in the Patriarchal OSTATUTES AND REGULATIONS OF cese of Raška and Prizren. Cathedral. THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH MET All this was happening while the Holy At 12.00 o’clock, His Beatitude Da- IN A WORKING SESSION at the Patriarchal Assembly was in session, so the Bishops, niel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Residence. The meeting was held in the with deep regret, were forced to deprive the Church celebrated the Te Deum service in synodal room and chaired by His Beatitude former Bishop of Raška and Prizren Bishop the Patriarchal Cathedral. Hundreds of Patriarch Daniel. To start the meeting, the Artemije of his episcopal rank and return faithful, and tens of children and young members of the Commission held a solemn him to the order of a monk. The unlawful people, among whom a group of students moment and sang “Eternal Remembrance,” Liturgy and participation in it, as well as from “Jean Monet” High School of Ploiesti at the anniversary of 12 years since the other, additional reasons also contributed to were also present in the Cathedral, where passing away of Father Cleopa, as Trinitas the decision of the Ecclesiastical Court of they received the blessing of the Primate of TV informs us. the Diocese of Raška and Prizren to laicize the Romanian Orthodox Church and small During the meeting, the commission seventeen hierodeacons and hieromonks, icons of the Holy Trinity, the symbol of analyzed the amendments of the “Statutes the followers of Artemije. Instead of sober- unity. for the Organization and Functioning of the ness and repentance, monk Artemije and During the Te Deum, His Beatitude Romanian Orthodox Church” that the Met- his laicized followers continued to "serve delivered a sermon entitled, “The Church ropolitan synods proposed. the Liturgy" in the usurped church of Saint Blessed and Cultivated the Gift of National “The metropolitan synods expressed John the Baptist (the Diocese of Ži ča), Unity and Freedom.” the ecclesiastic conscience regarding the which they turned into "a monastery,” thus At the end of the Te Deum service, His importance and necessity of these Statutes adding iniquity to iniquity. Beatitude Patriarch Daniel showed that the and, to a great extent, the canonical charac- 2. These were the reasons why the unity of the Holy Trinity is the symbol the ter of the proposals formulated. We must Holy Synod was obliged to inform the pub- people of our Church used for National take into account our obligation to be in lic that such conduct by the former Bishop Unity throughout the history: “The Holy accordance and full unity with the entire of Raška and Prizren not only put himself Trinity has always been, for all those who Orthodoxy, with all the sister Orthodox on the path towards schism but literally fought for the union of the principalities and Churches, a fact mentioned just at the be- created his own sect, the sect of "Arte- the great union of all the Romanian prov- ginning of the Statutes. So, the Orthodox mians,” the first of its kind in the history of inces into a unitary state, a symbol of the Church is defined as autocepahlous, but in the Serbian Orthodox Church. Without union and unity of the three Romanian communion with the other Orthodox losing hope and calling him to repentance, provinces: Wallachia, Moldova and Tran- Churches and in dogmatic, liturgical and the Holy Synod responsibly brings to the sylvania. The most important Cathedrals of canonical unity with the universal Ortho- attention of all the clergy and faithful Transylvania are dedicated to the “Holy doxy,” also said His Beatitude. people of St. Sava's Church that " the Litur- Trinity.” The Cathedrals of Sibiu, Alba The refined text of the amendments gy" of former bishop Artemije and his sup- Iulia, Blaj and the new Cathedral of Arad, will be submitted to the Holy Synod for porters, who have all been dismissed from are all dedicated to the “Holy Trinity,” be- debate. – Press Release, Romanian Patriar- the clerical state, is not the Holy Liturgy, cause the Holy Trinity helps us search for, chate, Dec. 2. their "communion" is not the sacred Com- keep and consolidate our national unity. munion, their "mysteries" are not the holy His Beatitude has also shown the fact N 14 DECEMBER 2010, HIS mysteries of the Church of God, and that all that the great Union of Alba Iulia was con- BEATITUDE DANIEL , PATRIARCH they do serves the spiritual ruin to them and sidered a joy of the Resurrection too: “We OOF THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX those who follow them and participate in learned from the unity of the Holy Trinity CHURCH , RECEIVED IN AN INTRODUCTORY their gatherings and worship. Claiming to that the blessed life is the life in commu- VISIT HIS EXCELLENCY MR. PHILIPPE serve God, they in fact under the guise of nion, not in division and isolation. The true BEAULNE , AMBASSADOR OF CANADA IN defense of Orthodoxy work on destruction freedom is freedom for communion. Yet, . of the unity of the Church of Christ, sepa- the Great Union of Alba Iulia was consi- The Ambassador thanked the Patriarch rating themselves in a sectarian way from dered a joy of the Resurrection too. A for receiving him and underlined the con- her living and salvific Community and de- newspaper of Lugoj titled the event of the tribution of the Romanian community to the priving themselves and others of eternal union of Alba Iulia on the first page with development of Canadian society during salvation. Therefore, all those who still the words: “We have been resurrected!” more than a century of permanent presence follow them naively should think again So, unity is resurrection, while division is in this country in the North American con- whom and what they are following, separat- death. When the great union was achieved, tinent. In this sense, the Ambassador of ing themselves from the Church of Christ, the joy was as big as that on the Easter day. Canada emphasized the role of the Roma- and bringing on themselves and their child- Those who asked in 1848: “We want to nian Orthodox priests in keeping and pro- ren the sectarian curse. – Press Release, unite with the country” were the first who moting the identity of faith and nation and Serbian Patriarchate, Dec. 20. expressed the desire of unity through a in the integration of the Romanians in Ca- great joy, so that those from Alba Iulia lived nadian society. HE NATIONAL DAY OF ROMANIA this union. After the Divine Liturgy and Te His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel appre- WAS MARKED ON DECEMBER 1 AT Deum, they went out in the fields to affirm, ciated the support that the Canadian author- TTHE PATRIARCHAL CATHEDRAL just like in a Liturgy, the national unity and ities have given to the Romanian communi- FIRST OF ALL DURING THE DIVINE LITURGY lived the joy of the Resurrection.” – Press ty and pointed out the Canadian multi- WHEN THE AUTHORS OF THE UNION OF 1 Release, Romanian Patriarchate, Dec. 1. cultural example of respect and encou- DECEMBER 1918 WERE REMEMBERED , ragement of the ethnic, linguistic, cultural

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 7. and spiritual aspects of those settled in Ca- the Romanian State. – Press Release, Ro- the same labor law category as gravedig- nadian territory. manian Patriarchate, Dec. 15. gers and people with primary school educa- The Canadian Ambassador was very tion. interested in the situation of the Romanian ULGARIAN PATRIARCH MAXIM HAS The same labor classification assigns Orthodox Church during the communist CONFIRMED HE IS ALIVE AND bishops and metropolitans the status of regime and in her activity after 1990. BHEALTHY , IN THE WAKE OF company directors. The Patriarch of Romania presented PERSISTENT RUMORS THAT HIS HEALTH IS The Standart reported on 14 December the difficult context in which the Romanian DETERIORATING . that union membership will include priests, Orthodox Church had to carry out her mis- Speaking for 24 Chasa daily, the 96- sextons, administrative staff and employees sion during almost 50 years of communism year-old Christian Orthodox top cleric, said who manufacture candles. Media reports in Romania and emphasized various as- he is well and whoever wants to make sure did not make it clear how many members pects of the pastoral-missionary, social- of that may see him Sunday morning when the union has attracted. charitable and cultural-educational activity he enters the synodal chapel. On 9 December, Bulgaria's mass- of the Romanian Patriarchate during the last Sunday at 9am the St. Boris synodal circulation Trud daily newspaper reported twenty years. His Beatitude mentioned chapel will hold a special service at which that the church had disclosed that annually among the priorities of the Romanian Pa- all senior clerics of the Bulgarian Orthodox it earns about 12 million leva (about six triarchate the intensification of social work Church will be present. million euro) from the sale of candles. Bul- and religious service on behalf of the Ro- The Metropolitan Bishopric, to garian law exempts the sale of church can- manian Orthodox communities abroad. which Maxim is the head in addition to dles from value-added tax. In this context, His Beatitude Patriarch being Patriarch of Bulgaria, also released a The church's income was supple- Daniel underlined the need to set up an statement that he is well and actively lead- mented by property ownership and "not eparchy for the large Romanian Orthodox ing its activities. – Sofia News Agency, inconsiderable" donations, the newspaper community in Canada. – Press Release, Dec. 11. said. The sale of candles was meant to cov- Romanian Patriarchate, Dec. 14. er the pay of priests, but in some smaller HE FOUNDING OF A TRADE UNION dioceses, not enough candles were sold to N 15 DECEMBER 2010, HIS FOR BULGARIAN ORTHODOX achieve this. The alternative was that BEATITUDE DANIEL , PATRIARCH TCHURCH PRIESTS AND CHURCH priests were paid in kind by being given OOF THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX EMPLOYEES HAS ANGERED AT LEAST ONE candles. CHURCH RECEIVED IN AN AUDIENCE , HIS MEMBER OF THE SENIOR HIERARCHY OF "I cannot eat candles," Trud quoted an EXCELLENCY MR. BOGDAN TĂTARU THE CHURCH , WHO DENOUNCED IT AS unnamed priest as saying. CAZABAN , ROMANIAN AMBASSADOR TO BEING AGAINST THE CHURCH 'S CANON The newspaper reported that in THE VATICAN . LAW . Rousse, a Bulgarian city on the Danube, 80 The Ambassador conveyed a message According to Bulgarian-language me- priests in the diocese were paid an average of greetings from His Holiness Pope Bene- dia reports on 13 December, the union will monthly maximum of around 180 euros. dict XVI and described the present state of be part of Podkrepa, one of the southeastern In Bulgaria's second city of Plovdiv, diplomatic relations between Romania and European country's two national trade un- the sale of candles is sufficient to pay all the Vatican. ion federations. clergy with enough money left over to sup- During the meeting, the Romanian In the north-western town of Vratsa, port social kitchens for the poor, Trud said, Ambassador at the briefly in- priests said that they had not been paid on with the church in the city selling more formed His Beatitude of the process of rec- time for a long time and their statutory candles than in the capital, Sofia. – Ivan ognition of the statutes of the Romanian health and retirement insurance had not Andreev for ENI , Dec. 14. Orthodox Diocese of Italy by the Italian been paid, the Standart daily newspaper authorities. reported. The Vratsa Metropolitan Kipriyan HE ISTANBUL CITY HALL IS TO The Patriarch of Romania mentioned said, however, it is "absurd" for priests to RESTORE THE BULGARIAN "S T. that the Romanian Patriarchate considers it have a trade union and that this is against TSTEFAN " CHURCH , THE BULGARIAN was natural to recognize the statutes of the the church's own law. NEWS AGENCY BTA REPORTS ON Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Italy, tak- The formation of the union follows DECEMBER 24, CITING TURKISH MEDIA . ing into account both the large number of complaints about the pay of ordinary priests The works are to begin as soon as Romanian Orthodox faithful settled in Italy, and lay employees being low and often ar- possible while 60% of the funds will come and the support that the Romanian State riving late, a criticism echoed by a Bulga- from Turkey's Regions Directorate and the gave to the Catholic Churches of Romania. rian Cabinet minister, and coinciding with rest will be financed by the City Hall. As for a possible visit of Pope Bene- disclosures about the amount of money The Bulgarian "Saint Stephen" Church, dict XVI to Romania, His Beatitude Pa- earned by the church from the sale of can- also known as the Bulgarian Iron Church, is triarch Daniel emphasized the fact that such dles. a Bulgarian Orthodox church in Istanbul, a visit should be thoroughly prepared in Bozhidar Dimitrov, the cabinet minis- Turkey, famous for being made of cast iron. order to be a common witness for defending ter in charge of Bulgarians abroad, had said The parts were manufactured in Vienna and and promoting the Christian values in con- earlier in December that priests in villages then transported via the Danube River to temporary Europe. In this sense, the Roma- are "living in poverty.” Bulgaria and through the Black Sea to Is- nian Patriarchate and the Roman Catholic Church employee Hristo Latinov, tanbul. The Church was inaugurated in Church are to estimate the best time for the named as head of the union, was quoted by 1898 by Exarch Joseph and marks the be- Pope’s visit to Romania. Because the Pope Bulgaria's Darik Radio as saying on 13 ginning of the Bulgarian exarchate. is the chief of the Vatican State, his visit to December that it is "unacceptable, immoral According to a legend, Sultan Abdul Romania must be prepared together with and scandalous" that priests are classified in Azis was not inclined to let Bulgarians have

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 8. their own church, but yielded to the pres- Dec. 22. Republic,” he said. sure under one condition – that the church He was then reminded that he himself be built in only one month. Bulgarians were RCHBISHOP CHRYSOSTOMOS II OF had once said that the people never actually able to comply by building the church with CYPRUS SEES EYE TO EYE WITH A read the peace blueprint – in order to form cast iron. ANATIONALIST GROUP ON MANY an informed opinion – and that the public In the last few years, the Bulgarian ISSUES , PAYS LIP SERVICE TO ONGOING had been swayed by then President Papa- State and the Istanbul City Hall have made REUNIFICATION TALKS THOUGH HE dopoulos into rejecting the plan. significant efforts to raise funds for the BELIEVES THEY ARE DOOMED , AND CLAIMS “Of course the people didn’t read it church's renovation and maintenance, but THAT FORMER PRESIDENT TASSOS [the Annan Plan]. No one did. No one those funds are still insufficient. The 110th PAPADOPOULOS DID NOT BOTHER TO READ knows it. The Annan Plan was 10,000 pag- anniversary of the iron church was cele- THE WHOLE 2003 UN PEACE PLAN . es long,” said Chrysostomos. brated at the end of 2008. – Sophia News Those were some of the highlights of “Then how was it rejected?” the jour- Agency, Dec. 24. the Archbishop’s interview with online nalist asked. publication Kathimerini published over the “We read about 500 pages. Not even HIS IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF DE - weekend. In it, the Prelate was taken to task the President knew the plan inside out, and CISIONS MADE AT A MEETING OF THE over his perceived political meddling and he admitted as much to me. Nobody knew THOLY SYNOD OF THE ORTHODOX hardline views on the Cyprus problem. it.” CHURCH OF GEORGIA : But perhaps the most eye-catching part Regarding the pamphlets that were 1. The Holy Synod session discusses of the interview was his assertion that he distributed in churches by the Archbisho- an issue of special importance and makes a identifies a great deal with the views of the pric slamming aspects of the peace talks – historical decision: based on historical doc- nationalist outfit ELAM (National People’s such as the proposal for a weighted vote for uments and current situation the Catholicos Front). Turkish Cypriots – and calling on Greek Patriarch of all Georgia shall be appointed “I find that many of ELAM’s views Cypriots to reject such a peace plan, Chry- as the Ruler of historical diocese of Pitsun- express me. And if they are against illegal sostomos insisted this was not political da and Sukhumi-Abkhazia. And, hereby the immigrants, I dare to say that I, too, am influence, but rather an exercise in “inform- Catholicos Patriarch of All Georgia shall be against illegal immigrants. We cannot have ing the public.” titled: His Holiness and Beatitude Catholi- all kinds of seeds here,” Chrysostomos said “The Church’s rhetoric is national in cos Patriarch of All Georgia, Archbishop of candidly. scope. It is not politics. We wanted to give Mtskheta and , and Metropolitan of It was not clear whether the Prelate people some food for thought. You were Pitsunda and Sukhumi-Abkhazia Ilia II. His had done his homework on the nationalist not forced to take the pamphlet if you did Eminence Metropolitan Daniel (Datuashvi- group, which advocates a ‘Greek Cyprus’ – not agree.” li) of Sukhumi-Abkhazia was thanked for a racially homogeneous nation, and wants Chrysostomos insisted also that the his service in Sukhumi-Abkhazia Diocese all illegal aliens to be summarily deported. Church did not meddle in politics, despite and is appointed as Metropolitan of Chiatu- The interviewer interjected, reminding being reminded that in the last presidential ra and Sachkhere Diocese. Chrystostomos of ELAM’s motto: “Every elections he had publicly backed Papado- 2. The Holy Synod discusses problems foreigner equals one unemployed Greek.” poulos, and when the latter was defeated in of priests serving at poor villages and rural The journalist observed that the group were the first round, he switched to Ioannis Ka- areas, and makes decision on some finan- apparently opposed to legally as well as soulides for the runoff. cial assistance for them. illegally residing foreigners. The Prelate was also asked about his 3. Those who came to Tbilisi from Chrysostomos defended ELAM, not- seemingly incoherent views – on the one outlying areas for a theological education ing: “I don’t think that is the case. On the hand opposing a federation-based solution are obliged to return to their dioceses after occasions that I had contact with these fel- because it is unworkable, and on the other completion of their studies. lows, they struck me as educated guys, they accepting the peace talks. 4. It is once again emphasized that the care about their country and their views are “In our bid to reach a solution, so that Divine Liturgy must be accompanied by crystal-clear.” the people of Cyprus can return to normalcy polyphonic Georgian church chant in all But in the same breath, Chrysostomos and live happily in the land of their fathers, churches under the jurisdiction of the Geor- dismissed allegations that the premises we have agreed to the talks, to find a set- gian Patriarchate. Violation of this re- housing the ELAM offices in be- tlement, even if a federal one, though there quirement shall be subject to canonical long to the Church, which is said to be leas- does not seem to be solution on the hori- penalty. ing the property free of charge. zon,” said Chrysostomos. 5. It is ordered to form a Commission “This is a malicious lie, we do not host “But let us not kid ourselves. Today, it to research materials about persons to be ELAM on Church property,” he remarked. is not a federation that we are discussing, canonized. The Commission shall be com- The Prelate was next challenged that but rather a confederation, or something far prised of Metropolitan Anania (Japaridze), his rhetoric on political matters is often worse,” he added. Metropolitan Shio (Mujiri), and Archbi- incendiary, and that he tends to divide Chrysostomos was repeatedly pressed shop Ioane (Gamrekeli). people into patriots and traitors, for exam- to resolve another contradiction in his 6. Dedoplistskaro Diocese is ordered ple by adopting Tassos Papadopoulos’ statements, namely that he supports the to return to its historical name, and its Bi- claim that some people were paid off to talks despite the fact he believes the Tur- shop shall be called ruler of Khojabundi support the Annan Plan in 2003. kish side cannot be trusted to implement and Hereti Diocese. Bishop Iacob (Iako- “Some truths, no matter how bitter, any agreement. bashvili) of Tsurtavi Diocese shall be need to be said. I don’t think the Annan The Prelate also denied accusations moved to Gardabani and Martkofi Diocese. Plan would have solved our national prob- that he was meddling in the state’s educa- – Press Release, Georgian Patriarchate, lem, rather it would have dismantled the tion policy, for example when he urged

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 9. pupils at public schools to toss out the new, and cancellation of services at a church in orders?" the Holy Synod adds. revised history books which try to weed out occupied Rizokarpasso on Christmas Day. The Church says that the country's the more nationalist content. He also handed a demarche to the five leadership "in practice has undermined the He said: “At any rate, I am certain that countries concerned. real interests of the country and its people. the students will not wait for the Church to “I made it clear to them that we shall And on the other hand, the people behaved tell them to throw out the books. They will not tolerate this sort of thing,” Chrysosto- irresponsibly and indulged in easy wealth, do so on their own.” – Elias Hazou for Cy- mos told newsmen later. good life, easy profit and deception. We prus Mail , Dec. 28. The Church has also said it will report didn't take stock of the truth of things." – the matter to the World Council of News , Dec. 16. RCHBISHOP CHRYSOSTOMOS OF Churches and the Pope. CYPRUS DENIED BEING A Chrysostomos went on to reveal that, SPOKESPERSON FOR THE HOLY ACHAUVINIST ON DECEMBER 30, at the suggestion of the US Ambassador to SYNOD OF THE CHURCH OF FOLLOWING COMMENTS EARLIER IN THE Cyprus, he had planned to meet with Tur- AGREECE ON DECEMBER 19 WEEK THAT HE IDENTIFIED A GREAT DEAL kish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu. REBUFFED REPORTS THAT ARCHBISHOP WITH A NATIONALIST EXTREMIST GROUP . But now, following the Turkish Cy- IERONYMOS HAD CHALLENGED THE Following the uproar from those com- priot authorities’ action against the church CONTENT OF A LEAFLET TITLED “T O THE ments, the Archbishop said yesterday: services in the north, that tête-à-tête was PEOPLE ,” which was issued to churchgoers We are neither extremist nor chauvin- off. across the country by the synod and com- ist, nor are we against illegal immigrants. I shall not meet with him unless he first plains that the country is being constrained Every well-intentioned person understands allows our priests to conduct services un- by its international creditors. that we do not turn against any of our fellow hindered in our occupied lands. “The archbishop does not differentiate human beings who, at the end of the day, If the Turks wish to have a European his stance from that of the synod,” said are God’s creations too.” course, they must behave like Europeans, press spokesman, Haris Konidaris. In the What he was criticizing, Chrysostomos they must respect human rights and reli- leaflet, the synod says: “Our country no clarified, was the lax handling of the issue gious freedoms, Chrysostomos noted. longer seems to be free but is essentially of illegal immigrants by successive gov- Pressed for details, the Prelate said his being directed by our creditors.” The leaflet ernments. scheduled meeting with Eroglu was post- describes an ongoing austerity drive as “an Perhaps confusing the terms “illegal poned after the Turkish Cypriot leader was attempt to uproot many traditions and es- immigrant” and “asylum seeker,” the Arch- taken ill, but subsequently the church ser- tablished rights that had been taken for bishop said the generous benefits paid to vices affair broke out. granted until now.” – KED , Dec. 20. these people encouraged more to seek out But he qualified: “Because there exists Cyprus as a haven: an occupation [in the north], and everything EADERS OF GREECE ’S SMALL JEWISH “When someone can live comfortably emanates from Ankara, it is not the Turkish COMMUNITY OBJECTED ON DECEM - here, of course they won’t want to leave. Cypriots who prohibit Christian liturgies LBER 22 TO TELEVISED REMARKS BY Not only that, but they will encourage oth- and trample on our human rights; it is An- A GREEK ORTHODOX BISHOP WHO BLAMED ers who also want to come and live in Cy- kara.”-- Elias Hazou for Cyprus Mail , Dec. THE COUNTRY ’S FINANCIAL PROBLEMS ON prus, and in this way the illegal immigrants 31. A CONSPIRACY OF JEWISH BANKERS AND keep increasing. CLAIMED THAT THE HOLOCAUST WAS These are my opinions. And I don’t CCORDING TO A STATEMENT BY ORCHESTRATED BY ZIONISTS . think Europe wants us to have them here. THE HOLY SYNOD OF THE ORTHO - The Central Board of Jewish Com- What Europe wants is that we don’t throw ADOX CHURCH OF GREECE , “G REECE munities in Greece complained to church these people out, we don’t keep them IS NOT A FREE COUNTRY ANYMORE ” and authorities about the anti-Semitic remarks starved so that they die of hunger. Rather, many "expect the Church to talk loudly and made by the Metropolitan Seraphim of Pi- we shall give them the means to survive, clearly on what is happening.” raeus during an interview on Greek televi- but not to the point of mollycoddling them “What is happening to our fatherland is sion on Monday, according to a statement and encouraging more to come here.” shocking and unprecedented. Along with (in Greek) on the group’s Web site. Chrysostomos also sought to distance the spiritual, social and financial crisis we The Jewish Telegraphic Agency re- himself from the nationalist group ELAM see all kinds of overturning. It is an effort to ported that the bishop “said that there is a (National People’s Front). destroy and uproot everything that we be- conspiracy to enslave Greece and Christian He said he has met with a delegation lieved was a given in our country's way of Orthodoxy. He also accused international from ELAM, describing them as “educated, life ... These measures are demanded by our Zionism of trying to destroy the family unit down-to-earth kids.” lenders. It's like we declare that we are a by promoting one-parent families and But in an apparent non-sequitur, he country under foreign occupation and we same-sex marriages.” added: “Of course the majority of them are obey the orders of those in charge, our According to the news agency, when extremists. And I don’t agree with extrem- lenders.” the bishop was then asked, “Why do you ists. Some people tried to brand me a chau- "The problematic ways of our society disagree with Hitler’s policies? If they are vinist. I don’t think I am,” he said. and economy that we violently seek to cor- doing all this, wasn’t he right in burning The top cleric was busy yesterday rect today, why haven't we corrected in them?” he replied: “Adolf Hitler was an meeting with the ambassadors of the five time? Why did it have to come to this? The instrument of world Zionism and was fi- permanent members of the UN Security political leadership has been the same for nanced from the renowned Rothschild fami- Council in Nicosia. decades. How come they used to calculate ly with the sole purpose of convincing the Chrysostomos briefed the ambassadors the political cost of their acts and now feel Jews to leave the shores of Europe and go on the Turkish Cypriot side’s interruption like they don't have to, since they follow to Israel to establish the new Empire.” He

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 10. added that Jewish bankers like “Rockefel- God’s grace and help, mutual respect, un- sentences by an appeals court in Thrace for ler, Rothschild and Soros control the inter- derstanding and love will prevail. – Press being moral accomplices to a breach of national banking system that controls glo- Release, Greek Archdiocese, Dec. 23. duty. balization.” Ephraim, the monastery’s former chief Greece’s Jewish community is ancient, HE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE monk, and Arsenios, its ex-financial man- but only about 10,000 Greek Jews survived WELCOMED A LETTER FROM THE ager, were accused of colluding with Maria the Holocaust. TGREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Psalti, the former judge of a first instance The president of the European Jewish LEADERSHIP REAFFIRMING THE “LONG - court in Rhodope, northern Greece, where Congress, Moshe Kantor, called for the STANDING DIALOGUE ” AND “CLOSE tracts of land involved in the swap are lo- bishop to be fired in a statement sent to COOPERATION ” between the church and the cated. Psalti also received a 10-month sus- reporters on Wednesday. He added: “It is Jewish community. pended sentence for delaying making public completely unacceptable that someone se- The letter to Rabbi David Rosen, AJC a ruling on the ownership of the land. – nior in a mainstream European religious International Director of Interreligious Af- KED , Dec. 23. denomination can make such repulsive and fairs, came in response to AJC’s condem- hate-filled claims.” nation of a high-level priest, Metropolitan URING A SPECIAL MEETING CALLED The American Gathering of Holocaust Seraphim of Piraeus for his anti-Semitic BY HIS BEATITUDE , METROPOLI - Survivors and their Descendants sent this remarks last week on national Greek TV. DTAN JONAH ON TUESDAY , NO- statement to The Lede : “Such unfortunate comments have no VEMBER 30, 2010, THE HOLY SYNOD OF “Holocaust survivors are aghast at the place in our hearts and minds,” wrote Met- BISHOPS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN hate-filled remarks of Metropolitan Sera- ropolitan Emmanuel of France on behalf of AMERICA DECIDED TO SUSPEND HIS phim and call on the Greek Orthodox hie- Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. “The EMINENCE , ARCHBISHOP SERAPHIM OF rarchy to remove him from his position. We language of hate and mistrust will find ways OTTAWA AND CANADA . This decision was also demand that the Greek government to be heard. This, however, should not be- reached after careful deliberations and in prosecute him under its laws against in- come an obstacle in our sincere and frater- accordance with the policies and proce- citement to hatred. Greece itself, which nal cooperation.” dures of the Orthodox Church in America suffered grievously under Nazi occupation, Rabbi Rosen expressed appreciation mandated in cases of allegations of sexual is slandered by Metropolitan Seraphim’s for the letter, and reiterated that “It is the misconduct. bigotry. His remarks constitute a brutal responsibility of the church leadership to The Holy Synod further designated His assault on the memory of all Nazi victims, condemn and uproot anti-Semitism.” Grace, Bishop Irenee of Quebec City, Ad- Jew and non-Jew.” The full text of the letter follows: ministrator of the Archdiocese of Canada. Earlier this year, the bishop wrote to Dear Rabbi Rosen, He will be responsible for all aspects of the Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II to demand that It is with great disappointment that I hierarchical supervision of the Archdi- Elton John be stripped of his knighthood have received the news regarding the anti- ocese. for telling Parade magazine, “Jesus was a Semitic comments of a Hierarch of the Concurrently, the Holy Synod issued a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man.” Church of Greece that have been recently detailed Mandate for the Synodal Commis- The bishop also complained to Britain’s made on a public forum. You are well sion for the Investigation of Allegations ambassador to Greece about the singer’s aware of the respect and sincere coopera- against Archbishop Seraphim. – OCA “unacceptable and absurd” comment, tion of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and of Press Release, Dec. 1. which, he said, had caused “deep pain and His All Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch bitterness.” The Lede (NY Times), Dec. Bartholomew himself. I would therefore N A LETTER DATED DECEMBER 8, 2010, 22. like to take this opportunity to assure you HIS EMINENCE , METROPOLITAN PHILIP , that such unfortunate comments have no IPRIMATE OF THE SELF -RULED N RESPONSE TO THE RECENT ANTI - place in our hearts and minds. The Ecu- ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN SEMITIC RHETORIC THAT HAS BEEN menical Patriarchate believes in our long- ARCHDIOCESE OF NORTH AMERICA , IUNFORTUNATELY USED PUBLICLY BY A standing dialogue and strives to improve GRANTED A CANONICAL RELEASE TO HIS HIERARCH OF THE CHURCH OF GREECE , and strengthen our close cooperation with GRACE , BISHOP MARK [MAYMON ] TO THE HOLY ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA the Jewish community worldwide. ENTER THE CANONICAL JURISDICTION OF condemns any such language, and ex- Incidents such as the aforementioned THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN AMERICA . presses its sadness that these hurtful words will unfortunately take place, and the lan- This action was a response to an offi- should have been spoken at all. The Greek guage of hate and mistrust will find ways to cial request made by His Beatitude, Metro- Orthodox Archdiocese of America consid- be heard. This, however, should not be- politan Jonah, Primate of the Orthodox ers the remarks to be gravely offensive and come an obstacle in our sincere and frater- Church in America, on behalf of the Holy totally unacceptable. nal cooperation. Synod of the Orthodox Church in America. As a leader in Interfaith Dialogue, the Respectfully yours Upon receipt of the letter from Metro- Greek Orthodox Archdiocese affirms its Metropolitan Emmanuel of France politan Philip, Metropolitan Jonah ex- longstanding and positive relations with the -- AJC Press Release, Dec. 28. pressed his "appreciation for the harmo- Jewish Community here and abroad, and nious relations of the Orthodox Church in grieves with them at this incident, which is WO SENIOR MONKS FROM THE America and the Antiochian Archdiocese, not expressive of the feelings and attitude of VATOPEDI MONASTERY ON MOUNT as shown most recently in the release of the Greek Orthodox Church in America and TATHOS , WHICH HAS BEEN Bishop Mark.... We welcome His Grace, worldwide, or of the Greek Nation. In this IMPLICATED IN AN ALLEGEDLY CORRUPT Bishop Mark into the Orthodox Church in Holy Season that celebrates peace and good LAND -SWAP DEAL WITH THE STATE , were America and look forward to close collabo- will among all peoples, we pray that, with yesterday given 10-month suspended jail ration in ministry and mission."

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 11. Effective January 1, 2011, Bishop Diocese of the Russian Church was the be expressed in eucharistic communion. Mark will serve as Auxiliary to Metropoli- principal canonical ecclesiastical authority In addition, we see the need to work tan Jonah with the title "Bishop of Balti- here, and although there were clergy and together in harmony on joint projects, such more" and will administer the OCA Dio- parishes of differing cultures and languag- as pastoral education, parish schools, stu- cese of the South. – OCA Press Release, es, many were in the archpastoral care of dent outreach, translations of services, mi- Dec. 13. the bishop of the Russian Orthodox nistering to the poor and needy, and mis- Church. Therefore, there is no question that sionary efforts. To work in harmony we will IS BEATITUDE , METROPOLITAN the formation of multiple jurisdictions on need to reflect together on theological, pas- JONAH , MET WITH MEMBERS OF this continent was largely due to the eccle- toral, and liturgical issues which we face in HTHE SYNOD OF BISHOPS OF THE siastical chaos that ensued after the Revolu- our ministry in North America. We also RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OUTSIDE OF tion of 1917. […] affirm the need to examine together and RUSSIA [ROCOR] at the invitation of His With regard to the situation of the cler- develop a common understanding of the Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, ROCOR gy and parishes of the Russian Church that historical record concerning our churches. First Hierarch, in New York City on were found abroad, there were two distinct These hopes and endeavors can be encour- Wednesday, December 8, 2010. directions that evolved. The first was the aged and advanced through periodic meet- The meeting marked the first of its striving for a unified central Church Ad- ings of our first hierarchs, bishops, clergy kind since December 11, 1950. ministration which could oversee the eccle- and laity to discuss matters of mutual con- Also representing the Orthodox siastical life abroad until conditions would cern, including those theological, liturgical Church in America at the meeting were His change in the homeland and the Patriar- and pastoral issues. Grace, Bishop Tikhon of Philadelphia and chate, independent of Soviet control, could We are committed to the processes and Eastern Pennsylvania, Archpriest Leonid be restored. The second was the striving goals expressed in the Chambesy accords Kishkovsky, and Mr. Alexis Liberovsky, toward the establishment of a completely of June 2009, specifically the active partic- OCA Archivist, all of whom participated in independent self-administered Orthodox ipation of both our Churches in the regional the drafting of the Joint Statement of the Church in North America. Episcopal Assembly as we strive to achieve Commissions of the Orthodox Church in These two directions are the essence of Orthodox unity on this continent. […] America and the Russian Orthodox Church the conflict between the bishops, clergy and We ask for the intercession and bless- Outside of Russia, titled "Relations Be- parishes which would become the Ortho- ing of the Holy Hierarch Tikhon, Patriarch tween the Orthodox Church in America and dox Church in America and the bishops, and Confessor of Moscow and Enlightener the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of clergy and parishes which would remain of North America and all the saints who Russia." part of a central Russian Orthodox Church have shone forth on this continent as we Metropolitan Jonah addressed the Outside of Russia. […] labor “for the equipping of the saints for the ROCOR hierarchs, after which fruitful and Despite these mutual efforts toward work of ministry, for the edifying of the positive discussion took place. Other is- establishing brotherly relations, the paths of body of Christ” (Ephesians 4: 12). – sues, in addition to the joint statement, the Church Outside of Russia and the OCA/ROCOR Press Release, Dec. 14. touched upon included the continuation of American Metropolia continued to be sepa- mutual work of OCA and ROCOR Com- rate. HE HOLY SYNOD OF THE ORTHO - missions, the concelebration of hierarchs, In 1970, by recognizing the self- DOX CHURCH IN AMERICA AD - the Episcopal Assembly, and cooperative governing status of the Metropolia with the TDRESSED THIS PASTORAL LETTER TO efforts in the areas of liturgical translation, granting of the Tomos of Autocephaly, eu- THE CLERGY , MONASTICS , AND FAITHFUL publications, and hospital, prison, youth, charistic communion between the Russian OF THE CHURCH ON DECEMBER 2: and other ministries. Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) Forty years ago, the Orthodox Church The Russian Orthodox Church Outside and the American Metropolia was restored in America received its autocephaly from of Russia is observing its 90th anniversary and reconciliation was achieved. the Russian Orthodox Church and soon in December 2010. – OCA Press Release, At the beginning of the 21st century, after glorified the first North American Dec. 14. the deep and extensive changes in Russia saint, our Venerable Father Herman of with the renewal of church life, the restora- Alaska. The Holy Synod of Bishops gives HESE ARE EXCERPTS FROM THE tion of thousands of churches and monaste- thanks to Almighty God for the prayerful JOINT STATEMENT OF THE ries, the freedom to bear public witness to intercessions of St Herman and of all the TCOMMISSIONS OF THE ORTHODOX the Gospel in Russian society, a process of saints who shone forth on this continent and CHURCH IN AMERICA AND THE RUSSIAN dialogue between ROCOR and the Moscow likewise celebrates and affirms the gift of ORTHODOX CHURCH OUTSIDE OF RUSSIA Patriarchate led to the restoration of canon- autocephaly. By the grace of God, this great THAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE HOLY ical unity through the Act of Canonical gift was the result of a long process of re- SYNODS OF BOTH CHURCHES : Communion in 2007. conciliation between the Metropolia and the The Orthodox Church in America It is now time for the Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate, whose relations had (OCA) and the Russian Orthodox Church in America and the Russian Orthodox tragically gone astray, a gift which still Outside of Russia (ROCOR) share a single Church Outside of Russia to declare to- stands at the heart of our ecclesial life and origin – the local Church of Russia – and a gether in the spirit of mutual repentance serves as the basis for understanding our- long history on the North American conti- and mutual forgiveness that we are commit- selves. nent. It was the Russian Church that first ted to living together as brothers in Christ At the same time, much has transpired sent missionaries to America, established and as sister Churches, and to sharing a in the past forty years within the life of the the first parishes, sent the first bishops and common witness to the Gospel of Christ Orthodox Church in America. A most sig- established the first dioceses. Prior to the and the Holy Orthodox Faith. This common nificant event took place on May 25th-27th Bolshevik Revolution, the North American witness should most clearly and most fully of this year with the convening of the first

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 12. Episcopal Assembly for the region of North We express our gratitude to all the room for visitors to leave gifts. and Central America. All of the hierarchs of Patriarchs for their care and ask all of the Archaeologists found 15 rooms and the Orthodox Church in America partici- clergy, monastics and faithful of the Ortho- two courtyards within the monastery, in- pated in this historic gathering of the ca- dox Church in America to be of one mind cluding a chapel decorated with plaster nonical Orthodox Bishops of this region. and one heart to offer thanksgiving to God crosses, a main settlement room for the Our Holy Synod is grateful to His All- for the gift of the Church, whose mission in monks which also had a niche for holy wa- Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholo- this world is to bring the Gospel of Jesus ter and a brazier for cooking, and a ring of mew, who wisely undertook the task of Christ to all the people of North America. residential houses around the settlement. convening the Fourth Pre-Conciliar Pan We ask the clergy and faithful to pray that Artifacts unearthed so far include more Orthodox Conference in Chambésy, Swit- we be worthy of the heritage of the saints than 15 types of pottery, glass vessels, and zerland in June of 2009. This Pre-Conciliar who shone forth in North America in build- ceremonial vases and richly decorated plas- Conference resulted in the establishment, ing up the Body of Christ, fulfilling these terwork stucco, which gives evidence of the with the blessing of all the Orthodox Pa- words of Scripture: “Speaking the truth in boat traffic for trade between Basra in Iraq triarchs, of an Episcopal Assembly for our love, may [we] grow up in all things into and India. region which has as its goal the “swift heal- Him who is the head—Christ— from whom Tourists may be allowed to visit the ing of every canonical anomaly” [Message the whole body, joined and knit together by site in the near future, with more buildings of the Patriarchs 3.12] and the working out what every joint supplies, according to the expected to be uncovered. – Assyrian of a solution to Orthodox administrative effective working by which every part does Church News , Dec. 16. unity on this continent. its share, causes growth of the body for the This event, as well as the recent dialo- edifying of itself in love.” (Ephesians 4:15- N A SHOW OF CHRISTIAN UNITY , THE gue with the Russian Orthodox Church 16) -- OCA Press Release, Dec. 2. HOLY APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC ASSYRIAN Outside of Russia, has provided us with an ICHURCH OF THE EAST ’S ST GEORGE opportunity to enter more fully into the pan- The Assyrian Church of the East PARISH IN HAS COMMUNED Orthodox process in North America. As WITH THE LOCAL MELKITE GREEK such we have reflected on how we under- HE FIRST CHRISTIAN ARCHAEOLOGI - CATHOLIC CHURCH TO CELEBRATE HOLY stand our life and work and how these can CAL SITE IN THE UNITED ARAB EUCHARIST . become a means for greater and deeper TEMIRATES , BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN The Holy Eucharist was offered by interrelationship with the other Orthodox BUILT BY THE ASSYRIAN CHURCH OF THE Archbishop Joseph Absi, Patriarchal Vicar Churches as we move towards authentic EAST IN 600AD, HAS BEEN UNVEILED TO in Damascus, on 19 December, the same unity through the process of the Episcopal THE PUBLIC . day that Syria’s non-Christian majority Assemblies. Initially discovered on the 87 square participated in Eid Abraham. As we reflect upon the past forty years, kilometre Sir Bani Yas island in St George Parish priest Reverend To- we affirm the following principles: during excavations in 1992, the ruins are ma Asitev guided the service, in which 1. We understand ourselves to be an the first evidence of Christianity in the pre- deacons and choir members also took part. indigenous, multi-ethnic, missionary Islamic period in the UAE and the site Anonymous faithful that were present Church, laboring to bring Orthodox Chris- marks the farthest east a Christian settle- said: “The atmosphere of the Church, hav- tianity to all citizens of this continent. ment has been found in the Arabian Gulf. ing everyone gather for the praising and 2. We affirm that our historical reality Dr Joseph Elders, the archaeological glorification of our Lord as it nears to the derives from the Russian Orthodox Church director who led the initial surveys of the celebration of His birth, is an awesome and that we have humbly received and site in the 1990s, told UAE-based newspa- feeling!” faithfully maintain the inheritance of the per The National that the Assyrian Church The parishioners were also thankful for Russian Mission of 1794, the Diocese of of the East was the largest church in the the aid made available by the not-for-profit Sitka in 1843; the Diocese of San Francisco world during that period, with Christianity Assyrian Church of the East Relief Organi- in 1870, and its relocation to New York in spreading through the Gulf between 50- zation (ACERO) through the years, and 1907, and the Autocephaly of 1970. 350AD. gave further thanks to the church for reach- 3. As directed by the Tomos, we live “Twenty years ago, we had no idea that ing all their needs. as other self-governing Churches do: elect- Christians came this far south and east in “This communing is a good indication ing our own bishops and Primate, without the Arabian Gulf. of peace and love between all Christians. confirmation by any other Synod, maintain- “This shows that Christianity had pe- We especially thank His Grace Mar Aprem ing inter-Church relationships with all other netrated far further than we thought be- Nathniel, Bishop of Syria, for his support Churches; and consecrating our own chr- fore… We don’t have many monasteries and blessings as a caring and spiritual fa- ism. from this period.” ther,” added some clergy and parishioners. 4. As envisioned in the Tomos, we Other Nestorian churches have been – Assyrian Church News , Dec. 26. believe that the autocephaly given to us will discovered in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, but be fully realized when the promise of Or- the Sir Bani Yas site is the first to include a The Oriental Orthodox Churches thodox unity in North America is fulfilled, monastic settlement. and the OCA together with all the Orthodox However, archaeologists have only HE JOINT INTERNATIONAL COMMIS - faithful in North America become one unit- unearthed one skeleton during their dig. SION FOR DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE ed Autocephalous Church of America, rec- Dr Elders said it appeared that the TSYRIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH AND ognized by all other Orthodox Churches. whole church may have been built around THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WAS HELD 5. We commit ourselves to work with- the body, possibly a holy man or local saint, ON DECEMBER 7, 2010, AT MANGANAM in the Episcopal Assembly in order to real- and may also have been the reason why SPIRITUALITY CENTRE IN KOTTAYAM . ize the goal of unity. pilgrims visited the island – with a separate Topics of common interest were discussed

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 13. and agreements were reached upon. The Viachislav Kovalenco, Ambassador Ex- They also toured the complex of Holy following decisions were made: traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Rus- Etchmiadzin and various departments of the 1. To share Churches and Cemeteries sian Federation accredited to and Mother See, to better acquaint themselves in urgent and unavoidable situations subject Rev. Fr. Arseni Grigoriants, Pastor of the with the spiritual-educational programs, to mutually agreed upon conditions. Church of St. Mary Russian Orthodox and social and Church-building activities of 2. To publish the common understand- Church in Kanaker, greeted the delegation the Armenian Church. ing reached between the two churches re- at the airport. On the same day, the delegation of the garding the Primacy of St. Peter. From the airport, the delegation tra- Russian Orthodox Church visited Shogha- 3. To send the translated copy of the veled to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiad- kat TV Studio of the Mother See of Holy agreement made between the two churches zin where His Holiness Karekin II, Su- Etchmiadzin where Metropolitan Hilarion regarding the Holy Matrimony between the preme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Ar- gave an interview, reflecting on the activi- members of our two churches to all the menians received the representatives of the ties of the Russian Orthodox Church; the Parish vicars along with necessary direc- Russian Orthodox Church. relationship between the other Christian tives. His Holiness expressed his joy for their Churches and religions; relations between 4. To include an 'Ecumenical Guide- visit, stressing the importance of mutual the Church and State, the Church and So- line' in the +1 and +2 Sunday School curri- visits as a means of strengthening the coop- ciety; and various challenges. – Press Re- culum of both our churches to create an eration and collaboration of the friendship. lease, Holy Etchmiadzin, Dec. 11. awareness among the younger generation The Armenian Pontiff reflected on the ex- about the importance of Ecumenism and isting relationship between the two N DECEMBER 12 TH , THE DELE - also to teach them the common traditions Churches and Pontiffs, which is contribut- GATION OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHO - and spirituality of the Syrian Christians. ing to the prosperity of the spiritual life of ODOX VISITED ST. MARY RUSSIAN 5. To appoint a Commission to look our two nations and aids in overcoming the ORTHODOX CHURCH IN KANAKER , WHERE into and study the effects of rising Pente- various challenges facing the Church and METROPOLITAN HILARION OF VOLOKO - costalism and the problems arising out of society. LAMSK offered a Divine Liturgy. Following that. His Holiness also expressed his hope the Liturgy, the representatives of the dele- The meeting was presided over by His that in the forthcoming year the construc- gation traveled to the Mother See of Holy Eminence Archbishop Brian Farell and His tion of the Armenian Church complex in Etchmiadzin where a private meeting was Eminence Kuriakose Mor Theophilose. Moscow would be finished, and that with held between the Armenian Pontiff and The Roman Catholic church was the participation of His Holiness Kirill I, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. represented by Mar Joseph Powathil, Mar Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, they In the afternoon, the delegation tra- Mathew Moolakkattu, Mar Koorilose Tho- would hold the opening ceremony of the veled to the Vaskenian Theological Acad- mas, Bishop Silvester Ponnumuthan, Rev. new center and offer the consecration of the emy at Lake Sevan where they were re- Dr. Mathew Vellanikkal, Rev. Dr. Xavier Church. The new complex is located at the ceived by Rev. Fr. Shnork Sargsian, Dean Koodappuzha, Rev. Dr. Jacob Thekkepa- headquarters of the Diocese, and symboliz- of the Seminary. The guests held a meeting rambil and Rev. Dr. Philip Nelpuraparam- es the centuries-old friendship between the with the seminarians and the seminarians bil. two nations. presented a musical program in honor of The Syrian Orthodox Church was The Armenian Pontiff also informed their visit. represented by Mor Gregorios Joseph, Mor the delegation that the Presidential Confe- At the conclusion of the meeting, Met- Eusebios Kuriakose, Very Rev. Adai Jacob rence of the Interreligious Council of the ropolitan Hilarion extended his greetings to Cor-Episcopa, Very Rev. Moolayil Kuria- CIS countries will be held in Armenia, in the students and held a question and answer kose Cor-Episcopa and Rev. Fr. Gregor 2011. session. – Press Release, Holy Etchmiad- Kollannur. – , Dec. 7. Metropolitan Hilarion conveyed his zin, Dec. 13. warm greetings and fraternal love on behalf N DECEMBER 11, UPON THE INVI - of His Holiness Kirill I, Patriarch of Mos- N DECEMBER 13, THE DELEGATION TATION OF HIS HOLINESS KAREKIN cow and All Russia, also expressing his OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX OII, SUPREME PATRIARCH AND appreciation for the invitation and warm OCHURCH VISITED SEVERAL CATHOLICOS OF ALL ARMENIANS , A reception. He was confident that the visit HISTORICAL CHURCHES . In the morning, the DELEGATION FROM THE RUSSIAN ORTHO - was a good opportunity for learning of Russian delegation visited the Monastery of DOX CHURCH led by Metropolitan Hilarion Church activities in different spheres and Kecharis in Tsakhadzor. of Volokolamsk, Director of the Depart- for strengthening the Interchurch Relations. The delegation then traveled to the ment of External Church Relations, paid a During the visit there was a reflection Monastery of Geghard. Accompanied by four-day visit to the Mother See of Holy on the mission of the Holy Armenian Apos- Rev. Fr. Harutiun Kirakosian, Abbot of the Etchmiadzin. The delegation members are: tolic Church, and the problems and chal- Monastery, they toured the grounds of the Metropoliton Sergi, Bishop of Solnechno- lenges of Ecclesiastical life. A series of Monastery, learning about the history and gorsk, Head of the Patriarchate administra- issues on Interchurch and Interreligious activities of the Church. tion; Rev. Fr. Ioan Guayta, Dn. Ioan Ko- Relations, and the cooperation between the On December 14, the delegation led by peyki, Mr. Leonid Sebastianov, Mr. and two Churches in the social and educational His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukian, Mrs. Palestin and Mrs. Larisa Monakhova. sphere were also discussed. visited the National Memorial to the Arme- His Grace Bishop Yezras Nersissian, Following the meeting, the delegation nian Genocide, located on Tsitsernakaberd Primate of the Armenian Church Diocese of visited the Museums of the Mother See, the Hill in , and paid tribute to the New Nakhijevan and Russia, His Grace Spiritual center of all Armenians, to view memory of the victims of the first Genocide Bishop Hovakim Manukian, Director of the and learn about the spiritual and historical– of the 20th Century. Interchurch Relations Department, Mr. cultural treasures of the Armenian nation. Metropolitan Hilarion, Director of the

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 14. th Department of External Church Relations BLESSING CEREMONY OF A NEW WING OF centuries and from the 12 to the 13th cen- of the Russian Orthodox Churches placed THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING ON THE turies. His Holiness stated that they would floral wreaths at the base of the monument GROUNDS OF THE MOTHER SEE . Participat- be preserved intact, and the old Pontifical and prayed for the repose of souls of the ing in the ceremony were members of the Residence would sustain its historical- innocent victims. Metropolitan Hilarion Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin. architectural composition. After reconstruc- also watered the memorial tree planted by The new building was designed by the tion of the old Pontifical Residence, it will His Holiness Kirill I, Patriarch of Moscow Architecture Department of the Mother be opened as a Museum. Dormitories will and All Russia in the memorial garden of See. The Interchurch Relations Department also be built in the south-western part of the the monument. of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the historical building. —Press Release, Holy Afterwards, the delegation visited the Armenia Round Table Foundation of the Etchmiadzin, Dec. 27. Russian Orthodox Church of Holy Cross World Council of Churches and the Ecu- being built in Yerevan, where Metropolitan menical Church Loan Fund (ECLOF) will T ITS MEETING ON 2 DECEMBER Hilarion toured the construction site. be located in the new wing, which is being 2010, THE RELIGIOUS COUNCIL OF The delegation ended their official visit built through the sponsorship of the Mother ATHE ARMENIAN PATRIARCHATE IN in the afternoon, and returned to Moscow. – See, Round Table Foundation and ECLOF. TURKEY DISCUSSED THE MATTER OF THE Press Release, Holy Etchmiadzin, Dec. 14. During the solemn service, with the ELECTION OF THE PATRIARCH , which has singing of hymns and psalms, His Emi- become a controversial topic today, and it Y THE PONTIFICAL BLESSINGS OF nence Archbishop Tatev Sargsian, Presi- felt the need once again to inform the public HIS HOLINESS KAREKIN II, SU- dent of the Trustee Committee of ECLOF of the truth. BPREME PATRIARCH AND CATHOLI - International; His Grace Bishop Arshak As is known, the attitude shown by COS OF ALL ARMENIANS , AND BY A HOLY Khachatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See; some persons is disturbing to some circles, PONTIFICAL ENCYCLICAL , TWO NEW and His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukian, and they are putting all the community, and DIOCESES WERE ESTABLISHED IN ARMENIA Director of the Interchurch Relations De- particularly the Office of the Patriarch, into on December 10. The new Dioceses are the partment of the Mother See; conducted the difficulties with the Government, as well as Diocese of and the Diocese of Ta- service of Ground Blessing. with internal and external public opinion. vush. His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukian Moreover, it must be asked whether it is The Pontifical Encyclical states in part, read the Pontifical blessing letter on the really proper behavior to use press confe- “For the prosperity of our God-willing occasion of the ground blessing ceremony rences to communicate the internal prob- mission of our Holy Church, for the effi- which stated in part, "We extend our Pontif- lems of our community, by means of base- cient organization of the Church- ical gratitude and blessings to the Round less and gratuitous claims, to external cir- Administrative activities, for the guidance Table Foundation of WCC and the ECLOF cles and critics. of the spiritual servants, as well as for the Foundation for accepting the invitation to According to what we know from the professional implementation of regional construct this building with Christian love, visual and printed media, the declarations oversight, by the following Pontifical En- under the domes of which the important made at a press conference held on 1 De- cyclical we separate the Ecclesiastical Interchurch mission of the Holy Armenian cember 2010 are contrary to reality and do communities of the Vayots Dzor region Apostolic Church will be implemented.” – not reflect it. We have in hand the press from the Diocese of Syunik, and the Eccle- Press Release, Holy Etchmiadzin, Dec. 24. statements of our Spiritual Council number siastical communities of region 9166, dated 30 June 2010, and number from the Diocese of Gugark. We establish N DECEMBER 27, IN THE MOTHER 9202, dated 2 August 2010, that pertain to the foundation of the Diocese of Vayk with SEE OF HOLY ETCHMIADZIN , HIS this matter. It appears that those pronounc- its Diocesan Headquarters located in the OHOLINESS KAREKIN II, SUPREME ing on the election matter paid no attention town of and the Diocese of PATRIARCH AND CATHOLICOS OF ALL to these statements. Tavush with its Diocesan Headquarters ARMENIANS , PRESIDED OVER BLESSING We declare the following points for the located in the town of .” SERVICE OF THE OLD PONTIFICAL RESI - attention of the public. His Grace Bishop Abraham Mkrtchian DENCE FOR THE COMMENCEMENT OF ITS 1. The claims about the Government was appointed to serve as the Primate of the RECONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION . It stripping the Armenian Community of its new Diocese of Vayk. Bishop Abraham was last reconstructed in 1958 during the right to choose its Spiritual Leader are to- previously served as the Primate of the reign of His Holiness Vasken I of blessed tally erroneous and without foundation. The Diocese of Siunik. Rev. Fr. Zaven Yazijian, memory. people of our foundations will see that there former of the Diocese of The old Pontifical Residence is being is no such reference in the official docu- Siunik was appointed to serve as the Locum remodeled through the generosity of the ments sent by the Government. Following Tenens of the Diocese of Siunik. benefactors of the Mother See, Mr. Berge the death of His Beatitude the Patriarch, Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Tonikian, who Setrakian, President of the Central Board of Mesrob II, the Armenian Patriarch of Tur- was serving as the Vicar General of Tavush the Armenian General Benevolent Union key will be chosen again according to our region in the Diocese of Gougark, was ap- (AGBU) and his wife Mrs. Vera Setrakian. traditions and customs, as has been the case pointed as the Locum Tenens of the new The construction is being undertaken by a up until now. There is absolutely no ques- . – Press Release, Holy local company, "Horizon-95" directed by tion of anything different. Etchmiadzin, Dec. 15. Mr. Gagik Galstian. 2. The statement of The Deputy Gen- At the conclusion of the service, the eral of the Patriarch, Archbishop Aram N DECEMBER 24, HIS HOLINESS Armenian Pontiff reflected on the scope of Atesyan, that as long as His Beatitude the KAREKIN II, SUPREME PATRIARCH the reconstruction project. Layers and Patriarch, Mesrob II, is alive, an election of AND CATHOLICOS OF ALL structures from different periods have been a new Patriarch will not be held, is not his O th ARMENIANS , PRESIDED OVER THE GROUND discovered, dating back to the 7 to the 9th personal view but is a decision taken by our

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 15. Religious Council in accordance with its the one intervention concerns the protection understanding.” – Press Release, Great by-laws. of our customary practices and the by-laws. House of Cilicia, Dec. 29. 3. It has been asserted that an election Furthermore, the Government has not es- of the Patriarch must take place so that the tablished any new system or title. The HE INDIAN CONCEPT OF THE Office of the Patriarchate will not remain “Deputy General” system has a place in the SANCTITY OF THE FAMILY IS NOBLE empty. It should not be forgotten that His internal administrative structure of the Of- TAND ONE SHOULD NOT EMULATE Beatitude the Patriarch, Mesrob II, was fice of the Patriarchate, and it is a tempo- THE WESTERN APPROACH HERE IN INDIA , elected by the community. He is still alive rary “Sub-governor” system. Because of SAID THE GENERAL SECRETARY OF and cannot resign, and so he continues to various sorts of interference there was no NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES OF carry the title of Patriarch. Therefore, al- permanent solution possible, and the “Dep- CHRIST IN THE USA REV . DR. MICHAEL though His Beatitude the Patriarch, Mesrob uty General of the Patriarch” was imple- KINNAMON . He was replying to the recep- II, has health problems, the Office of the mented as a temporary solution. The selec- tion that the Catholicos of the East Baselios Patriarch is not vacant, and in accordance tion was carried out in Istanbul by the Gen- Marthoma Paulose II offered at the Catholi- with the by-laws, there is no institution that eral Spiritual Council, formed from our cate Palace, Devalokam, Kottayam. could declare to the Community that the active clergy, according to the by-laws and Dr. Michael Kinnamon, a Christian Office is vacant. For this reason it is not our customary practices. Everyone present Church (Disciples of Christ) clergyman and possible to hold an election. had the right to vote regardless of rank. The a long-time educator and ecumenical lead- 4. It has been claimed that with few claim that other candidates were blocked er, is the ninth General Secretary of the exceptions, the Patriarchs throughout histo- from being elected as Patriarch is utterly National Council of Churches in USA. ry have always been removed from office. baseless. “The Indian culture is exemplary and One should note that there is an institution In making the above statement our is good to follow for the world. I thankfully that could decide things in the name of the Religious Council invites our Community remember the Orthodox faithful in the Community. This institution can remove a to work to establish harmony. – Lraper , USA, who have contributed commendably Patriarch from office, can accept his resig- Dec. 2. to the suffering ones at Haiti at the after- nation, and can choose a new Patriarch. In math of the earthquake,” he said. addition, during the time of the Republic, GROUP OF TWENTY JOURNALISTS “The greatest gift that I received from all Patriarchs have remained in office REPRESENTING DIFFERENT MEDIA India is my adopted daughter ‘Anna Kapila’ throughout their lives. AAGENCIES IN IRAN , MET WITH HIS at the age of five months. At present she is 5. As is known, in accordance with the HOLINESS ARAM I AT HIS OFFICE . DURING 28 years old and is working as Manager of by-laws, the civilian and clergy Patriarch THE INTERVIEW , CATHOLICOS ARAM I a Department Store at New York,” he said. delegates are elected. In 1961, again fol- STATED : “Christian-Muslim dialogue Dr. Michael Kinnamon presented a lowing the standing regulations for the should have practical expressions and con- copy of the Green Bible to the Pontiff. In- Election of the Patriarch, these delegates sequences. What is the purpose of theologi- terchurch Relations Committee Secretary complete their duties following the election cal dialogues, when, for example, in Iraq Fr. Abraham Thomas, Fr. Dr. Regi Ma- of the Council and are then dismissed. Our Christians are dying, and in other places thew, Fr. John Thomas Karingattil, Fr. P.A. Religious Council tries to make its voice they are persecuted or discriminated against Philip, Fr. M.K. Kurian, Fr. Yuhanon John heard by various means. However, there is as minorities? All these are happening be- and Prof. P.C. Aleas attended the visitation. a force that utterly neglects the interests of cause of rising fundamentalism. Based on – The Indian Orthodox Herald , Dec. 1. the Community. In spite of all the accusa- these realities, I would insist that the ulti- tions, our Religious Council works hard to mate purpose of any Christian-Muslim di- HE HONORABLE HIGH COURT OF protect forever the right of the community alogue should be to learn about one anoth- ASKED THE MALANKARA to hold an election. One should see that er, accept each other as we are, and respect TORTHODOX SYRIAN CHURCH AND those who presume to say the Office of the our differences. No group has the right to THE JACOBITE FACTION TO EXPLORE THE Patriarch is empty are, by doing so, taking a impose its understanding of truth, its faith, POSSIBILITY OF RESOLVING THE DECADES - decision in the name of the Community. In its beliefs or values upon another group. OLD FACTIONAL FEUD BETWEEN THEM order that the Election of the Patriarch be Instead, we should emphasize our commo- THROUGH MEDIATION . held in accordance with customary practice nalities and learn to respect our differenc- Advocates from both factions have to when required, the Religious Council has es.” consult with each other as well as with their not gone in such a direction at all, in spite Referring to the Christian presence and clients and have to inform the court of the of the name it carries. Any move to declare witness in the Middle East, His Holiness outcome. The court also opined that if unity in the name of the Community that the Of- Aram I said: “Christianity has existed in is not possible, a separation with goodwill fice of the Patriarchate is vacant exposes this region even before Islam. Christians and mutual respect should also be possible. the right of the Community to hold a new are part of Middle East history, cultures and Problems did not subside even after election of a Patriarch. By making a civilizations because they have contributed various courts tried to settle the disputes precedent it opens the way to depriving the to their formation and development.” Then, amiably. Disputes within courtrooms that Community of its right to an election. speaking of Armenians in Iran, he said: began in 1890 and continued until the PMA 6. It is claimed that the Deputy General “For many centuries, Armenians have been Metropolitan case in the honorable Su- of the Patriarch has been appointed by the living in Iran and contributing to the devel- preme Court in 2001, continue even unto Government. Before one could make such a opment of Iranian society with their specific this day. claim, it would be necessary to examine our Armenian Christian and cultural values.” Seventy cases exist in the First Addi- customary practices, the internal adminis- His Holiness concluded his remarks recal- tional District Court, Ernakulam, a special tration of the Office of the Patriarchate, and ling that “The challenge today is to build court established per Government orders, to most importantly, the by-laws. At that point community through cooperation and mutual settle litigations between these two warring

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 16. factions. Seventy appeals are pending at the tan Mathews Mar Barnabas from his re- northern America. High Court. Various courts at Ernakulam, sponsibilities with the Diocese of Idukki to Father Ambadan, who teaches in St. Trissur, and Idukki have another seventy entrust him with reins of the American Joseph’s Pontifical Seminary, Alwaye, re- more pending cases. More cases are possi- Diocese. The Malankara Orthodox faithful called the Pope’s observation about the bly pending at other courts in the State of in America respectfully received the perso- future of the Indian Church. Kerala. nality of Mar Barnabas that was clad in “My dear Indians, salvation should The court does not propose a modus prayer and piety. His leadership was very come through your own missionaries. You operandi to solve the cases. Clients shall productive and instrumental in many ways. should not depend on Western missionaries find an answer through suggestions and It is definitely his achievement that the in- at all.” advises from mediators. They shall inform itiatives from the times of Dr. Thomas Mar Father Alex Tharamangalam, rector of the court within two weeks considering the Makarios, the first Metropolitan of Ameri- St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam, nature of cases. Who are acceptable media- can Diocese, were positively guided to- says the Pope’s conciliatory attitude helped tors is also a matter that interests the court. wards perfection. resolve inter-rite disputes in the Indian Division Bench including Justice Thot- The American Diocese found her ab- Church. tathil Radhakrishnan and Justice P. Bhava- odes first in Queens and then after her divi- “He always solved disputes through dasan issued this verdict regarding the case sion into two dioceses, namely the North dialogue and love. His impact on the Syro- on Sehion Orthodox Church, Onakkoor, East American Diocese and South West Malabar Church is incalculable,” he told a Ernakulam District. American Diocese, at Mutton Town, New seminar the Kerala Church organized on Unfortunately there exists a separation York. These achievements are golden Nov. 27 to mark the bicentenary. also between lay people in the Orthodox feathers on the cap of Metropolitan Mar Father Stephen Alathara, deputy secre- and Jacobite factions. Allusions thereto Barnabas. It shall be recorded in the annals tary general of the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ exist in the verdicts from Supreme Court of history that through his exceptional abili- Council, told the seminar that Pope Leo had and other courts. Interestingly there is no ty Metropolitan Mar Barnabas was able to repeatedly stressed the need for the SMC dispute among Christian priests or laity on inspire and guide a generation that was Catholics to follow their rituals and practic- the importance or meaning of Jesus Christ born and brought up in the United States es instead of joining the Latin rite. – ICNS , or of the Cross, the court observes. – The towards the leadership of the Church, pre- Dec. 1. Indian Orthodox Herald , Dec. 1. cisely towards the Holy Priesthood. – The Indian Orthodox Herald , Dec. 31. HE TENTH HOLY EPISCOPAL SYNOD HE METROPOLITAN OF THE NORTH OF THE SYRO -MALANKARA EAST AMERICAN DIOCESE , The Catholic Churches TCATHOLIC CHURCH THAT BEGAN ON TMATHEWS MAR BARNABAS , HAS 29 NOVEMBER , AT THE MAJOR ARCH - EXPRESSED HIS DESIRE TO AVAIL EADERS OF THE SYRO -MALABAR BISHOP ’S HOUSE , TRIVANDRUM CON - RETIREMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE CHURCH (SMC), GETTING READY CLUDED ON 2 DECEMBER 2010. His Beati- DUTIES OF THE DIOCESE. This was officially LTO CELEBRATE THE BIRTH tude Moran Mor Catholi- conveyed to the Catholicos and Malankara CENTENARY OF POPE LEO XIII, SAY THE cos presided over the Synod. During the Metropolitan in a special epistle. PONTIFF HELPED THEIR CHURCH GROW Synod His Grace Thomas Mar Koorilos, The senior Metropolitan of the North WITH A NEW IDENTITY . Archbishop of Tiruvalla, who completed East American Diocese communicated his “The Syro-Malabar Church rememb- his term of five years, was re-elected the wish to retire in front of the diocesan coun- ers Pope Leo XIII with a deep sense of Secretary of the Holy Episcopal Synod. cil that assembled on December 29 and he gratitude,” says Father Raphael Ambadan, a The Holy Episcopal Synod deliberated has intimated on his decision to all priests Church historian in Kerala, where the on topics such as the Major Archiepiscopal of the diocese in a separate Kalpana. Oriental Church is based. Assembly, the restructuring of the Synodal Final decision upon this matter has to Pope Leo XIII gave the Syro-Malabar Commissions, the act of promulgation of come from the Malankara Metropolitan. If Catholics independence and freed them the Code of Particular Canons of the Syro- the letter gets accepted, the constitutional from a Latin archdiocese’s control, the Malanakra Catholic Church, rights and need will arise to convene the Holy Epi- priest told yesterday. obligations of the Curia Bishop, the con- scopal Synod to discuss the issue. Thereu- In 1887, the Pope set up two vicariates struction of the Catholicate Centre, the for- pon the Church Managing Committee will exclusively for the Syro-Malabar Catholics mation of the Permanent Deacons, etc. The discuss and conclude upon the appointment who trace their faith to Saint Thomas the pastoral care of the Tamil-speaking Malan- of a new Metropolitan of the North East Apostle. For centuries these Catholics had kara Catholics in Tamil Nadu outside the American Diocese. Moreover, if the resig- been under Latin jurisdiction. Eparchy of Marthandom, and of the Malan- nation letter gets accepted, the Malankara Father Ambadan says the establish- karites in Australia, New Zealand, Singa- Metropolitan will take charge of the dio- ment of the vicariates “had a tremendous pore and Malaysia was also discussed. It cese. Consequently he can depute one of impact on the Syro-Malabar Christians.” was decided that the Malankara Catholic the Metropolitans to administer the diocese The SMC grew rapidly and in 1923 Priests’ Meeting shall be organized on 1and until a Metropolitan is officially appointed. Rome set up a separate hierarchy for the 2 March 2011 at St. John’s Cathedral, Ti- Since there is an Auxiliary Metropolitan for Church. ruvalla. The Holy Synod also decided to the North East American Diocese, this duty “Thereafter, numerous dioceses and hold the first Malankara Catholic Assembly will most probably be bestowed upon him, congregations came up,” Ambadan said, from 21 to 23 September 2011, on the oc- namely upon Metropolitan Zachariah Mar adding that Pope Leo encouraged a missio- casion of the 81st Re-union Day Celebra- Nicholavos. nary spirit among the natives. tions at the Catholicate Centre, in Trivan- It was in 1993 that the then Malankara SMC now has some 3.5 million people drum. – Press Release, Syro-Malankara Managing Committee released Metropoli- spread across 29 dioceses, including one in Catholic Church, Dec. 2.

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 17. RCHBISHOP ROGER L. SCHWIETZ OF several trips to Magadan, had planned to Europe, Murphy will be responsible for the ANCHORAGE , ALASKA , AND A attend the anniversary event, but he was bishops’ grant initiative for the Church in ASMALL DELEGATION WERE still recuperating from heart surgery he the region, which includes the former So- RECENTLY IN RUSSIA TO ATTEND A THREE - underwent in September. CNS , Dec. 7. viet Union. His responsibilities include DAY CELEBRATION TO MARK THE 20 TH supervising the grant making process, as- ANNIVERSARY OF A CATHOLIC PARISH IN ECLAN MURPHY , PH.D, HAS BEEN sessing the needs of the grantees, and main- THE EASTERN SIBERIAN PORT CITY OF NAMED ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF taining effective relationships with the ap- MAGADAN . DTHE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE propriate Church leadership in those coun- The Church of the Nativity, a mission OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS (USCCB) OFFICE tries. – USCCB Press Release, Dec. 13. parish of the Archdiocese of Anchorage, OF NATIONAL COLLECTIONS AND was established in an area that is the site of DIRECTOR OF THE COLLECTION FOR AID TO YRIAN CATHOLIC PATRIARCH the former Soviet gulags. Its pastor is Fa- THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN IGNATIUS JOSEPH III YOUNAN ther Michael Shields. EUROPE . Murphy previously served as SCALLED ON THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT Retired Archbishop Francis T. Hurley president of the Eurasian Cultural Fund, a TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF ALL IRAQI of Anchorage helped establish the mission foundation that supported faith-based civil CITIZENS , ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS , "WHO in 1990, around the time of the fall of the society initiatives in Russia and Eastern ARE DEFENSELESS , HONEST AND PEACEFUL . The city is a four-hour plane Europe, deputy director of the Kennan In- PEOPLE ." ride across the Bering Sea from Anchorage. stitute for Advanced Russian Studies at the In his homily at a Dec. 10 memorial The anniversary celebration, held dur- Smithsonian Institution and Russia and Mass in that venerated the "46 ing the first week of November, began with Eastern Europe special projects manager at new martyrs" of the Syrian Catholic a pro-life conference and included a Mass, the Library of Congress. Church, the Patriarch said the presence of attended by more than 150 parishioners and “Dr. Murphy will be an excellent addi- government officials at the liturgy "helped visitors, who included religious and lay tion to the Office of National Collections to inspire some trust and feelings of some guests from Russia, the United States and staff,” said Patrick Markey, executive direc- protection" for the faithful, despite a pre- France. tor of the USCCB Office of National Col- vailing mood of being anxious for the future The local Magadan choir also pre- lections. “It will not be easy to replace Fa- "since the cover-up of the terror targeting sented a musical concert honoring the sur- ther Jim McCann, but Dr. Murphy has deep Iraqi Christians is still going on after such a vivors of communist repression in the for- knowledge of the history and culture of the period of time." mer Soviet Union. Each of the survivors region, especially the former Soviet Union The Patriarch, who flew from was given a cross to represent their suffer- and the Balkan Peninsula. He also has a for the Mass, reminded those present of the ing, as was Bishop Cyril Klimowcz of Ir- great love for the Church in the region, pleas of all Christians in Iraq and abroad, kutsk, whose family had been exiled and which the USCCB is dedicated to support- "that it is the responsibility of the Iraqi gov- suffered for their faith. ing. We are looking forward to the vision ernment to carry out proper and thorough Among those who addressed the ga- and direction he will bring to our work.” investigations to uncover the terrorist thering was the first Catholic bishop of the Last May, Pope Benedict XVI ap- groups who did plan and finance the car- region, Bishop Joseph Werth of Novosi- pointed Father James McCann, SJ, to be nage, of whatever religious or political al- birsk. The area covered by his diocese ex- rector of the Pontifical Oriental Institute in legiance they may be, and to bring them tends from the Ural Mountains -- directly Rome. During his seven years of service to publically to justice." north of eastern Iran -- across to the Sea of the USCCB, Father McCann greatly in- "We need deeds and not just ... prom- Japan and up to Alaska; it is 5,000 miles creased the quantity and the quality of the ises, that our Christian faithful feel really long, 2,000 miles wide and contains nine of grant program. safe in their churches, houses and places of the world's 24 time zones. Magadan is The USCCB Office of National Col- work. They also need the government to 4,000 miles northeast of . lections manages eight of the national col- ensure equality in the work places, since The Russian Orthodox bishop of the lections held in Catholic parishes through- the Christians fear vengeance and harass- area also hosted a meal for participants. out the year. The Collection for the Church ment from many fundamentalist and self- Representatives of other denomina- in Central and Eastern Europe received proclaimed leaders in parts of the city as tions in Magadan thanked the Catholic over $7.6 million dollars in donations from well in the civil and administrative areas," community for its "faithfulness and brother- 147 U.S. dioceses in 2009. The bishops’ he said. hood." Subcommittee on Central and Eastern Eu- Fifty-eight people died in the attack on In January 1991, the Catholics in Ma- rope approved 320 grants for 28 countries the Syrian Catholic Church in Baghdad gadan, few in number but determined, peti- in the region for a total of $6,563,486. Oct. 31 after military officials tried to end a tioned and received recognition from the Murphy holds a Ph.D. in Russian his- terrorist siege of the church. government as a Catholic community. tory from Princeton University, and a MBA In an e-mail to Catholic News Service, Archbishop Hurley assisted them, saying from the Wharton School of the University the Patriarch said the December memorial that one day they would have a bishop and a of Pennsylvania. He comes to the bishops’ Mass was "a time of grace, sorrow and priest from their own country. Conference from the University of Sacra- hope." In September 1991, Bishop Werth was mento where he was dean of the College of He said he experienced "profound con- named apostolic administrator of Business Administration. He is fluent in solation to witness the faith of thousands of and eastern Russia. In 2002, the Diocese of Russian and speaks Serbo-Croatian. Mur- Iraqi Christians who challenged threats and Novosibirsk was created, with Bishop phy will begin his new position December overcame fear in order to prove their com- Werth as its head. He is a native of Ka- 13, 2010. mitment and love for the ultimate sacrifice zakhstan, just southwest of Novosibirsk. As director of the USCCB work for of their brothers and sisters, including their Archbishop Hurley, who has made Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern two young priests ... who gave themselves

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 18. courageously as the first martyrs to be sa- of courtesy or was it an attempt to redefine a global reality. Consequently, even in vagely slaughtered during Sunday Mass." the importance of ecumenical dialogue after ecumenism, being able to speak with one The Mass, the Patriarch told CNS, was the meeting in Vienna? language is a specific need of our time, in attended by many prominent Shiite Muslim A: First of all we attended the great order to address all the socio-political and leaders and government representatives, liturgy for the patron saint of the Ecumeni- ethical challenges. Because if the Church four ambassadors to Iraq, as well as church cal Patriarchate, the Apostle Andrew. It does not have a single language, she will officials, including Archbishop Giorgio was a wonderful experience, my meeting not have anything to say to our society. This Lingua, apostolic to Iraq and Jordan. with Patriarch Bartholomew, whom I re- is why the very presence of churches in – Doreen Abi Raad for CNS , Dec. 14. spect as a man of deep spirituality and society depends on the ecumenical move- noble kindness, was moving. This was fol- ment. The foundation of our ecumenism is NLY A UNITED CHURCH , THE FRUIT lowed by a meeting between the delegation our faith, our beliefs and our baptism. In OF THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT , of the Patriarchate and ours and we consi- this sense, we first need to identify our- OWILL BE ABLE TO RESPOND TO THE dered the future of the dialogue. In Vienna selves as Christians and then as Catholic or CHALLENGES OF AN INCREASINGLY GLO - there were some difficulties, but I'm sure Orthodox, in the sense of belonging to the BALIZED WORLD , TO GIVE ANSWERS WHICH we can find a way to proceed in a positive two churches - and not the Protestant de- HIGHLIGHT THE ETHICAL FOUNDATION OF way. nominations as they say – which have the SOCIAL COEXISTENCE . It is therefore impor- Q: It is said that after Vienna dialogue apostolic tradition in common. – Asia tant that all the faithful feel involved in the will focus more on the theological rather News , Dec. 17. ecumenical movement. Speaking to Asia- than historical aspect. News, the new president of the Pontifical A: About two years ago, we embarked RCHBISHOP JOHN BUKOVSKY , WHO Council for Promoting Christian Unity, on a mainly historical approach, but we HELPED SHAPE VATICAN POLICY IN Cardinal , highlights these points realized that the Orthodox have a different AEASTERN EUROPE FOR DECADES AT on his return from Istanbul, where he at- way of dealing with history, than we Catho- THE VATICAN SECRETARIAT OF STATE AND tended celebrations for the apostle Andrew, lics. Since the questions are very difficult IN DIPLOMATIC ASSIGNMENTS TO ROMANIA patron saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and there is need for expert historians, the AND RUSSIA , DIED DEC . 18 IN TECHNY AT of Constantinople. Orthodox have proposed a text on the theo- THE AGE OF 86. The cardinal does not hide the difficul- logical primacy and collegiality. Collegiali- A memorial Mass was scheduled for ties that exist in dialogue, but emphasizes ty is a major theme for the Orthodox, and Dec. 22 in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit in that the relationship between the Catholic for Catholics the major theme is the prima- the Techny Towers Conference and Retreat Church and the Orthodox Church, as Sister cy. The great challenge for the future is how Center. The archbishop's funeral Mass and Churches, which resumed after the historic to see these two great realities together. burial was to take place in the church of his meeting between Pope Paul VI and Ecu- Q: How does the Catholic world view baptism in Nitra, Slovakia. menical Patriarch Athenagoras, can now the Orthodox world today? A priest of the Society of the Divine depend on the solid foundations of love and A: I think that when we meet with the Word since 1950, Archbishop Bukovsky friendship created between Rome and Con- Orthodox, we feel at home. This is because was the first apostolic nuncio in post- stantinople. The cardinal also plans to visit the Orthodox have maintained the struc- communist Romania and the first papal other Patriarchs and Orthodox churches. tures, the mentality and vision of the ancient delegate in post-communist Russia. A natu- Q: The Pontifical Council for Promot- Church. We Catholics are in danger of for- ralized U.S. citizen, he spoke nine languag- ing Christian Unity was founded 50 years getting this reality. Although the break with es fluently, including Polish, German, Rus- ago. What was achieved in this period in these ancient Orthodox Churches took sian, English, French and his native Slovak. dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox? place more than a millennium ago, I feel at Divine Word Father Thomas Kros- A: During these 50 years there has home when I visit them. nicki, a friend and former student, said been a great effort in Ecumenism, and the With the Protestants, even though we Archbishop Bukovsky was well suited for meeting between Pope Paul VI and Ecu- are separated by just 400 years, it is another his post in the Secretariat of State, where he menical Patriarch Athenagoras was the reality. worked on the Eastern European desk from turning point of the great beginning of our Q: What response should be given to 1973 to 1990, because of "his cultural journey together. Of course we still haven’t those minority Catholics and Orthodox, background, his language abilities and his arrived at full unity and there is still much who are opposed to any initiative in favor diplomatic talents -- in the best sense of the to do. But it is especially necessary today to of ecumenical dialogue? word." deepen the dialogue of charity and truth. I A: Even among Catholics there are Born Jan. 18, 1924, in Cerova- think the dialogue of charity and friendship those minorities who do not want ecumen- Lieskove, Czechoslovakia, John Bukovsky is the foundation of true ecumenism. With- ism. But I think the first challenge in an entered the Divine Word high school semi- out friendship and love, together, dialogue increasingly globalized world, is that the nary in Nitra in 1939 at age 15. Recogniz- between the two sister Churches cannot go Church must breathe, as John Paul II said, ing his intellectual abilities, the internation- on. And so I think the great friendship that with both lungs, that of the East and the al religious order of missionary priests and characterized relations between Rome and West. Therefore ecumenical dialogue is a brothers sent him to Chicago to complete Constantinople is now a reason to look at source of enrichment for all. his philosophical and theological education the future with optimism. Q: In an increasingly globalized world, for the priesthood. Q: On November 30, as head of the with a clear social economic and ethical A few months after his November Vatican delegation you visited the Ecumen- crisis, how can a divided church provide 1947 arrival, however, a communist gov- ical Patriarchate of Constantinople, which answers? ernment took control in Czechoslovakia, is the driving force of the ecumenical dialo- A: It is important in today's world, a revoked the seminarian's passport and or- gue in the Orthodox world. This was a visit world of globalization, that Christianity be dered him home. He remained in the United

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 19. States and would not be able to return to his on the council, Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, tirement age under church law. homeland for 20 years. then Vatican secretary of state, asked the He remained active in retirement, "He never forgot the kindness of (Chi- priest to join his staff. however, serving as a member of the Pon- cago) Mayor Richard J. Daley," said Divine As a staff member of the Vatican's tifical Council for Promoting Christian Uni- Word Father Mark Weber, provincial supe- Council for Public Affairs of the Church, ty and a consultant to the Secretariat of rior of the order's Chicago province, where Father Bukovsky frequently traveled to State's Section for Relations with States. He Archbishop Bukovsky lived for the past Eastern Europe to assess the needs of Cath- also published a book in Slovak about his five years. olics and explore opportunities for diplo- experiences as a Vatican diplomat. Daley made arrangements for the se- macy between the Vatican and the nations During the early years of his retire- minarian to travel to Canada, where he ob- visited, including Bulgaria, Czechoslova- ment, Archbishop Bukovsky lived near tained an immigrant's visa, which allowed kia, Hungary and Romania. Vienna at the St. Gabriel Mission House of him to stay in the United States. He made 20 trips to Romania alone to the Society of the Divine Word. He re- Ordained a Divine Word priest in De- meet with government officials as the Vati- turned to Techny in 2005. – CNS , Dec. 21. cember 1950, he became a naturalized U.S. can's special East European envoy, and citizen within a few years. when the Vatican and Romania restored After earning a graduate degree in diplomatic relations after more than 40 N DECEMBER 29, HIS HOLINESS theology from The Catholic University of years, he was named apostolic nuncio to POPE BENEDICT XVI APPOINTED : America in 1952, then-Father Bukovsky Romania and titular archbishop of Tabalta O - As members of the Congre- taught sacred Scripture at St. Mary's Semi- on Oct. 13, 1990. gation for the Oriental Churches: His Beati- nary in Techny, pursued postgraduate stu- In that position, he reclaimed Vatican tude Cardinal , Patriarch dies at the University of Chicago's Oriental property, worked closely with the local of Alexandria of the Copts, ; Cardinal Institute and studied Scripture at the Pontif- clergy and re-established the nunciature , archpriest of the pap- ical Biblical Institute in Rome, completing building, which had been used by the com- al basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls, his second licentiate in 1966. munists as a prison and torture center. and Cardinal Kurt Koch. He was appointed rector of the Techny Pope John Paul II named him as papal - As members of the Pontifical Council seminary in 1967 but served only six delegate in Moscow on Dec. 20, 1994, a for Promoting Christian Unity: Cardinal months before his election to the Society of few years after the Soviet Union was dis- Donald William Wuerl, and Cardinal Ange- the Divine Word General Council in Rome. solved. He held that post until Feb. 14, lo Amato S.D.B. – VIS , Dec. 29. As soon as he completed his six-year term 2000, when he reached the mandatory re-

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk with Catholicos Karekin II of All Armenians, December 2011

Catholic News Service Stories © 2010. Reprinted with permission. Abbreviations: CNS=Catholic News Service, ANA=Athens News Agency, VIS=Vatican Information Service, RRN=Russian Religious News (, RISU=Religious Information Service of Ukraine, KED=Kathimerini English Daily, ENI=Ecumenical News International, L’OR=L’Osservatore Romano Daily Edition, L’ORE=L’Osservatore Romano English Weekly Edition, SOP=Service Orthodoxe de Presse, F18News=Forum 18 News Service (, ICNS= Indian Catholic News Service.

Edited by Ronald G. Roberson, CSP Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs 3211 Fourth Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-1194 Tel: (202) 541-3020 Fax: (202) 541-3183

SEIA Newsletter on the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism , n. 183, December 31, 2010, page 20.