SEIA NEWSLETTER On the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism _______________________________________________________________________________________ Number 183: December 31, 2010 Washington, DC The Eastern Orthodox Churches should be made as widely known to as CATALCA MUNICIPALITY by the Foundation many people as possible.” of Lausanne Treaty Emigrants, the local Then Bartholomew I went on to high- municipality and the Istanbul 2010 Euro- N THE EVE OF THE HOLIDAY light: "With regard to interreligious dialo- pean Capital of Culture Organization. SEASON , ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH gue, it is our belief and our creed. Because It was opened on Monday, 87 years BARTHOLOMEW I DELIVERED A O we need to know each other better, to work after the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne MAJOR ADDRESS BEFORE AN HIGHLY together while respecting the religious be- on Jan. 30, 1923, for the population ex- QUALIFIED AUDIENCE FROM THE ORTHO - liefs of others, their cultural identity, with- change between Greece and Turkey. DOX WORLD , DEFENDING THE ECUMENICAL out oppression. This is the only way to live “We have shared the same pains,” the PATRIARCHATE ’S CHOICE FOR INTER -FAITH in peace. For this reason, the Patriarchate, Ecumenical Patriarch stated characteristi- DIALOGUE . "We will insist on dialogue, in addition to having a dialogue with other cally, stressing that “now the time has come despite the criticism that we suffer," he Churches and Christian denominations, has for peace and calm between the two said. "There is, unfortunately, a certain reli- established over the past 25 years a dialo- peoples.” gious fundamentalism, a tragic phenome- gue with Islam and Judaism. We have had On display in the museum are histori- non, which can be found among Orthodox several successful meetings. With the Mus- cal documents and objects that belonged to and Catholics, among Muslims and Jews. lims and Jews, our brothers, we do not dis- Turks who had to leave northern Greece. These are people who think they alone have cuss purely theological issues as it would Memorabilia that belonged to Greeks who the right to exist on earth, almost as if they be difficult. But we talk about social issues, left their homes in Turkey will be added to alone have the right to rule on this our pla- social issues that effect all people, all hu- the museum in January 2011. net according to the Old Testament. And manity, all over the world. " The inauguration ceremony was also they say there is no room for anyone else, Ecology has been one of the favorite attended by two descendents of Greek refu- and are therefore opposed to any dialogue. " themes of the Ecumenical Patriarchate gees from Asia Minor, who came especially The Patriarch continued: "We are sub- since 1989. The Patriarch said: "Everything for the occasion from the city of Ptolemai- ject to criticism and attack because we that we try to do, we do because we believe da, northwest Greece, and a UN High maintain relations with the Pope (because it is our duty, because the Church should be Commissioner for Refugees representative. we are strong supporters of the ecumenical actively present in the contemporary world – A. Ambatzis for ANA , Dec. 22. dialogue between Orthodox and Catholics), and be sensitive to people's problems, raise with Islam and the Jewish world. But we awareness and encourage them to love and HE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIO - will continue to move forward on our jour- protect nature like their own homes.” He CESE OF AMERICA , TOGETHER WITH ney, according to the path laid by our pre- added: "The environment – nature -- is THE PARISH OF ST. NICHOLAS , decessors, well aware of our actions, re- T God's creation and does not belong only to SERVED NOTICE on Dec. 6 to the Port Au- gardless of the criticisms of which we are us who live today in 2010. It belongs to all thority of New York and New Jersey (PA), object. These fringes, characterized by ex- future generations." the Lower Manhattan Development Corpo- treme positions, are everywhere. It is there- Bishop Dositheos, spokesman for the ration, the Empire State Development Cor- fore natural that we suffer their criticisms, Patriarchate, commented on the Patriarch’s poration and associated individuals of their according to their ideological dictates, all of speech for AsiaNews, "a certain confusion intention to sue these agencies over their us who try to widen our horizons and have prevails in some sectors of the Orthodox actions that have prevented the St. Nicholas a theological view of things. Because we Christian world between the two terms, church, destroyed at Ground Zero on 9/11, want the peaceful coexistence of all, based tradition and traditionalism. Tradition, to from being rebuilt. Under New York State on the principles of charity and friendship." which those minorities often refer, is the law, a 60-day notice is required before cer- Bartholomew I added: "This is the ongoing search to interpret and understand tain claims can be filed against the PA. credo of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and I the truth, while traditionalism, which is a The legal papers stated that “This want to recall that in 1920 the regent of the characteristic of these minorities, is an in- claim arises out of the arrogance, bad faith, Patriarchal see, along with the synod, ad- tellectual sterility which often is identified and fraudulent conduct of the Port Authori- dressed to Catholics and Protestants an with nationalism in the Orthodox world.” – ty in preventing Saint Nicholas from re- encyclical, called 'The community of Asia News , Dec. 21. building its church at Ground Zero after it churches', along the lines of the newly was crushed by a falling tower in the attack created 'society of nations'. That encyclical CUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOL - on the World Trade Center on September is considered today by the World Council of OMEW ATTENDED THE INAUGURA - 11, 2001.” It goes on to state that in March Churches as the 'Charter' of the ecumenical TION OF THE POPULATION EX - 2009, the PA “summarily disavowed a movement of our time. This is a well E CHANGE MUSEUM OPENED IN ISTANBUL ’S long-standing agreement” to rebuild the known fact to insiders, and it is good that it church at 130 Liberty Street. building of St. Nicholas on this site will be a genocide against the Ukrainian people. On the eve of the Feast of St. Nicholas, an appropriate memorial in New York City “We are very fortunate to have Archbi- Dec. 5, Archbishop Demetrios of America to the 3,000 innocent people of all Faiths shop Yurij with us as both a spiritual and a led a vespers service near the site of St. who lost their lives that day and also serve community leader. He has incredible intel- Nicholas at Ground Zero. Despite the very as a center of peace and reconciliation. lect, humility and a tremendous sense of cold weather, the very solemn and moving Trusting in Almighty God, we are con- humor. I look forward to working closely service was attended by nearly one thou- fident that we shall be successful in this with His Eminence for many years to sand faithful from the greater New York awesome endeavor, and we call upon all come,” said Mr. Grod. metropolitan area who joined the St. Nicho- people of goodwill and faith to join us in A native of Lachine, Quebec, Archbi- las parishioners in a show of solidarity. the rebuilding of this church which will shop Yurij was born on May 26, 1951, to They came together in worship and prayer stand as a dynamic testament to the healing Petro and Anastasia Kalistchuk and gradu- to honor their revered Saint and demon- power of love and a symbol of the lofty ated from St. Andrew’s College (the UOC strate their resolve and conviction to re- ideals of this great nation of ours. I convey of Canada’s seminary) in Winnipeg in built the historic St. Nicholas church at my warmest paternal greetings and best 1973. In 1975 he studied music at McMas- Ground Zero. wishes and invoke upon all of you the ab- ter University, graduating in 1980 with a Archbishop Demetrios, in his sermon undant blessings of the Almighty.” bachelor’s of music in history and theory to those gathered at the Ground Zero con- + Archbishop Demetrios of America. (magna cum laude), and in 1984 he earned struction site, expressed this unwavering Press Release, Greek Archdiocese, Dec. a bachelor of education degree from the commitment of the Church in re-building 15. University of Toronto (magna cum laude). St. Nicholas, and the faith, confidence, and In 1985 he received a bachelor of theology trust that with the help of the Almighty God UNDREDS OF FAITHFUL AND CLER - degree from St. Andrew’s College and on this awesome endeavor will be realized. GY ATTENDED THE ENTHRONE - July 16, 1988, Archbishop Yurij was or- Below is the full text of the Statement HMENT OF ARCHBISHOP YURIJ AS dained to the diaconate and the following of Archbishop Demetrios of America on THE SIXTH METROPOLITAN OF THE day he was ordained to the priesthood. the occasion of the Vespers Service: UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF He served as assistant pastor at Holy “On the eve of the Feast of St. Nicho- CANADA and as eparch of Winnipeg and Trinity Cathedral in Winnipeg and worked las, I take this opportunity to warmly greet the Central Eparchy on November 21 at as professor of church music at St. And- and gratefully thank all those people who Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral rew’s College. Archbishop Yurij was ton- especially today have witnessed their devo- in Winnipeg, Manitoba. sured as a monastic on September 10, tion to St.
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