Sacred Heart UNIVERSITY tf;


Alma Mater/Music 1 Board of Trustees 2 The University 3

GRADUATE CEREMONY SATURDAY MAY 16 Program 6 Honorary Degree Recipient 8 Academic Awards 14 Honor Societies l8 Candidates for Graduation 22

UNDERGRADUATE CEREMONY SUNDAY MAY 17 Program 10 Honorary Degree Recipient 12 Academic Awards 16 Honor Societies 18 Candidates for Graduation 28


Unison (All): gb

1. Hail to thee___ our A1 - ma Ma - ter, Pi - o-neers are_ 2. A1 - ma Ma - ter, Oh grant us wis - dom. Heart and mind re -

....- - J ' ii r..... we. Sac - red Heart's proud sons and daugh-ters new. Love and truth. her guid - ing vis - ion.

Refrain: *

stand in u - ni oh! Swell, swell the chor - us. Hail to S fi;g.

praise, praise her glo - ry, On our fields and in these halls. Loy-al hearts pro

Bridge (Choir)

claim her sto-ry. Red and White o'er all! Final Refrain (All):

Oh Swell, swell the chor-us, praise,praise her glo - ry, Onourfieldsandinthese Repeat three times:

halls. Loy-al hearts pro - claim her sto-ry. Red and White o'er all!


Sacred Heart University Band under the direction of Keith Johnston, M.M., director of Bands

Sacred Heart Brass Quintet Walker Beard, trumpet Damon Coachman, trumpet Kevin Lam, french horn Keith Johnston, trombone Jason Bouchard, tuba

Commencement Choir under the direction of John Michniewicz, D.M.A., director of Choral Programs Galen Tate, M.M., assistant director of Choral Programs, organist BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Chairm an James T. Morley, Jr.

Vice Chairman ^ Frank R. Martire ’69

Secretary Christopher K. McLeod

Treasurer Daniel McCarthy

Trustees Rosanne Badowski '79 Norbert Becker Mary-Ann Bunting Patrick J. Carolan, M.D. Charles V. Firlotte Brian H. Flamilton ’87 Douglas L. Kennedy ’78 Rev. Robert M. Kinnally Gary J. Levin ’78 Vincent Maffeo Patrick G. M aggitti Douglas J. Manoni ’84 Murray D. Martin Daniel J. McCarthy Christopher K. McLeod Linda E. McMahon Msgr. Robert S. Meyer William E. Mitchell John J. Petillo, Ph.D. Teresa M. Ressel Thomas L. Rich Richard M. Schaeffer Lois Schine Kenneth S. Siegel THE UNIVERSITY

The Name. Sacred Heart University was founded in 1963 the aesthetic dimension of life by nurturing their abilities by th e M ost Rev. W alter W. Curtis, S.T.D., th e second Bishop to imagine, create and appreciate. It assists students to ac­ of the Diocese of Bridgeport, to provide an institution of quire a rich understanding of their own cultural and family higher education that would serve the needs of the people heritages so as to assume their responsibilities as convey­ of the diocese and region, regardless of their sex, race, creed ors and creators of culture and family. As a community of or religion. In October 1962, Bishop Curtis announced both teachers and scholars, Sacred Heart University exists for the the plan to open a college the following September, and pursuit of truth. It joins with other colleges and universities its name, “Sacred Heart.” The choice of name had a dual in the task of expanding human knowledge and deepen­ origin: it was the name of the Bishop’s first pastorate in ing human understanding. It encourages and supports Bloom&eld, N.J., and was a pledge from the Bishop attest­ the scholarly and artistic work of its faculty and students. ing to the value of such an institution. Further, it has a responsibility to share its resources and its special gifts hnd talents for the betterment of the human The Mission. Sacred Heart University is a coeducational, community. All members of the University community are independent, comprehensive institution of higher learning strongly encouraged to participate in the wider communi­ in the Catholic intellectual tradition whose primary ob­ ty through service to others, especially the poor. From its jective is to prepare men and women to live in and make founding, the University has been recognized for its caring their contributions to the human community. The approach to students. This approach expresses the University aims to assist in the development University’s belief that each student is born of people who are knowledgeable of with a unique set of qualities and skills. self, rooted in faith, educated in mind, It respects the personal and academ­ compassionate in heart, responsive ic freedom of each of its members, to social and civic obligations and while at the same time fostering a able to respond to an ever-changing genuine experience of community. world. It does this by calling forth By so doing, it creates the environ­ the intellectual potential of its stu­ ment in which each person in the dents, nurturing each one’s spiritual University shares in common goals and moral growth and deepening in and a common commitment to truth, them a sense of social responsibility. justice and concern for others. The University is committed to com­ bining education for life with preparation The official seal of Sacred Heart for professional excellence. Sacred Heart University was introduced on July 22, 1963. University is Catholic in tradition and spirit. As a The original pen and ink hangs in the dioce­ Catholic university, it seeks to play its appropriate role in the san museum at The Catholic Center in Bridgeport. The modern world. It exemplifies in its life the Judeo-Christian seal consists of a shield surrounded by the inscription, values of the God-given freedom and dignity of every Universitas Sacri Cordis, in large letters. The shield con­ human person. Inspired by the ecumenical spirit of the sists of a dexter — the right-hand side of a shield (the left Second Vatican Council, Sacred Heart University welcomes as seen by the viewer)— and a sinister, the left-hand side men and women of all religious traditions and beliefs who of a shield. The dexter impalement bears the jurisdictional share its concerns for truth, scholarship, the dignity of the arms of the Diocese of Bridgeport. The bridge above human person, freedom and the betterment of human soci­ waves of flowing water affords an apt expression of the ety. It values religious diversity as enhancing the University name of the diocese that encompasses Fairfield County, community and creating opportunities for dialogue in Connecticut, where Sacred Heart University is located. the common search for truth. Through its curricular and The bridge represents service, which forges strong bonds co-curricular activities and campus ministry programs, the of understanding and unity between diverse constituen­ University provides the context in which students have the cies, while the vivifying water symbolizes the “port” by opportunity to appropriate in a critical fashion their own which new knowledge and ideas energize the scholars religious traditions. Sacred Heart University challenges its who commit themselves to the disciplines of academic students to think critically, analyze carefully, evaluate with inquiry. The Cross of Our Faith above the bridge digni­ a sense of justice and proportion and convey conclusions fies the other symbols and identifies the University as a in an intelligible and articulate fashion. The University pro­ community that celebrates the richness of the Catholic vides the environment in which its students can develop intellectual traditions.

3 The sinister impalement displays the personal coat of with velvet, has three bars or chevrons on the sleeves and arms of the Most Rev. Walter W. Curtis, S.T.D., the founder may be in distinctive color(s) governed by the school grant­ of Sacred Heart University and the second Bishop of the ing that degree. The master’s and doctoral gowns may be Diocese of Bridgeport. The central checkered bar, taken worn open. Upon graduation, students of old carried a mor­ from the Curtis family coat of arms, suggests the collab­ tarboard showing them to be masons of the future destined orative nature of the learning community in which each to build empires or cities or fountains of wisdom on the individual member contributes to the integrity of the firm foundation of knowledge. To this day, graduates wear whole. The two diamond-shaped lozenges, taken from the mortarboard caps and gowns, symbolizing that they are Costello family shield to honor the Bishop’s mother, are builders of the future. The history of the hood, with which placed in the upper portion to highlight the University’s degree recipients are invested, dates back to 13th century two most precious treasures: Love, the compassion of God England. W hether its origin is ecclesiastical or secular has as symbolized in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and Truth, the never been settled. Hoods are two-and-one-half feet long goal of all scholarly activity. The University shield also for the associate, three feet for the bachelor’s, three-and- honors Mary, the Seat of Wisdom, by including the cres­ one-half feet for the master’s and four feet for the doctor’s cent moon, which is the symbol of Our Lady under the title degree. Tlie hood is lined with the colors of the institution of the Immaculate Conception, chosen to signify the years — red and white, in the case of Sacred Heart University. The that Bishop Curtis spent as a professor of moral theology at color of the trim indicates the academic degree —white for Immaculate Conception Seminary. arts, letters and humanities (B.A.), golden yellow for sci­ ence (B.S.). T he hoods of those w ith graduate degrees, as The Mace. During the Middle Ages, the wood mace clad in well as the tassels on the mortarboards of the undergrad­ metal was an effective weapon in battle, but as newer and uates, are often in the color associated with the academic more powerful military arms developed, it was transformed held of specialization, as follows: into a symbol of dignity and authority. The earliest cere­ monial maces were borne by bodyguards of 12th-century English and French kings; by the end of the l6th centu­ WHITE APRICOT ry, they were used widely by officials of English cities and Arts, Letters and N ursing towns. Today, the use of the ceremonial mace is found in the H um anities British House of Parliament, carried before ecclesiastical SLATE BLUE dignitaries and in university and college commencements DRAB Occupational and convocations. The Sacred Heart University Mace B usiness Therapy is carried by the president of the University Academic Assembly and represents the President’s responsibility LIGHT BLUE DARK BLUE as the chief academic and administrative officer of the Education Philosophy University. In commemoration of Sacred Heart’s 50th an­ niversary, a new mace was commissioned. It is a 54-inch BROWN TEAL rosewood mace with two three-inch antique silver plated Fine A rts Physical Therapy brass medals and brass braiding on a rosewood staff. The new mace signifies the growth of Sacred Heart during the PURPLE GOLDEN YELLOW past 50 years as well as its continued commitment to tradi­ Law Science tion and academic rigor. CRIMSON CITRON Academic Dress. Tradition holds that the cap and gown Media Studies Sociology, Social Work were first used in ancient Greece when only youths of and Criminal Justice wealthy parents or those with patrons attended school. The PINK wise teachers of the time believed that fine clothing and M usic SCARLET jewels should not be worn by the scholar but rather, that Theology and the scholar should wear the garments of the worker. In the Religious Studies , the gown commonly worn for both the asso­ ciate and bachelor’s degrees has pointed sleeves (with a slit for the arm). It is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The gown for the doctoral degree has bell-shaped open sleeves. All gowns are black and without trimming with the exception of the doctoral gown, which normally is trimmed GRADUATE CEREMONY SATURDAY, MAY 16 GRADUATE PR.OGRAM

PROCESSIONAL Sacred Heart University Band

MUSIC: Crown and Scepter - Gregory B. Rudgers Pomp and Circumstance - Edward Elgar Olympus - Barry Kopetz In the Presence of Heroes - James Swearingen Highland Cathedral - Michael Korb and Ulrich Roever

MACE BEARER: Beau Kjerulf Greer, Ph.D., CSCS Associate Professor/Director of Graduate Exercise Science & Nutrition and President of the University Academic Assembly

WORDS OF WELCOME Laura Niesen de Abruna, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

NATIONAL ANTHEM Alexandra Broderick, MAT ’15 Trevor Kelly, MARS ’15

INVOCATION James C. Carl, Ph.D. Dean, Isabelle Farrington College of Education

PRESIDENTIAL WELCOME John J. Petillo, Ph.D. President


Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa Mark Thompson President and Chief Executive Officer of The Times Company

Citation read by Joseph A. Alicastro Faculty, Department of Communication and Media Studies, Coordinator of News and Broadcasting, Master of Arts in Communication (MACOMM)

COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Mark Thompson PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES Robin Li Cautin, Ph.D. FOR GRADUATE DEGREES Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

John Chalykoff, Ph.D. Dean of the John F. Welch College of Business

Jam es C. Carl, Ph.D. Dean of the Isabelle Farrington College of Education

Patricia W. Walker, Ed.D. Dean of the College of Health Professions


STUDENT CONGRATULATIONS Kathleen Lieblich, MSAP ’15 President, Council of Graduate Students

ALUMNI GREETINGS Cheryl Janus ’Oi, ’03 MAT President, SHU Alumni Association

ALMA MATER Kiandra Dixon T6

BENEDICTION Rev. David Buckles, J.C.L. Director of Campus Ministry and Chaplaincy

RECESSIONAL Sine Nomine - Ralph Vaughan Williams Ceremonial Procession - Ron Arnon Crown Imperial - William Walton

READERS: Robert Coloney, M.B.A. Assistant Director of Student Financial Assistance NARRATOR OF CEREMONY: Michael W. Higgins, Ph.D. Morgan A. Kelly, M.B.A. Vice President for Mission and Catholic Identity Associate Director of First Year Student Financial Assistance PROMPTERS: Michael L. lannazzi, M.Div. Joel R. Quintong, M.A. Vice President for Marketing and Communications Director of Residential Life

Shirley Canaan, M.B.A. Madeleine Golda, M.B.A. Director, Administrative Computing Director, English Language Institute MARK THOMPSON PRISIDINT AND CHIIF iXtCUTIVl OFFICIR OF THI NtW YORK TIMKt COMPANY

Mark Thompson became president and chief executive officer of The New York Times Company on November 12, 2012. He is responsible for leading the company’s strategy operations and business units, and working closely with the chairman to direct the vision of the company.

Before joining the Times Company, he served as director-general of the BBC from 2004, where he reshaped the organization to meet the challenge of the digital age, ensuring that it remained a leading innovator with the launch of services such as the BBC iPlayer. He also oversaw a transformation of the BBC itself, driving productivity and efficiency through the introduction of new technologies and bold organizational redesign.

In the autumn of 2012, Thompson was a visiting professor of rhetoric and the art of public persuasion at the University of Oxford. He is currently develop­ ing the lectures he gave at Oxford into a book that will be published in 2015. He was educated at Stonyhurst College and Merton College, Oxford.



PROCESSIONAL Sacred Heart University Band

MUSIC: Crown and Scepter - Gregory B. Rudgers Pomp and Circumstance - Edward Elgar Olympus - Barry Kopetz In the Presence of Heroes - James Swearingen Highland Cathedral - Michael Korb and Ulrich Roever

MACE BEARER: Beau KjeVulf Greer, Ph.D., CSCS Associate Professor/Director of Graduate Exercise Science & Nutrition and President of the University Academic Assembly

WORDS OF WELCOME Laura Niesen de Abruna, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

NATIONAL ANTHEM Elizabeth L'Esperance ’15 Francesca Kraft ’15 Sarah Cohen ’15 Kathleen Harrison ’15

INVOCATION Michelle Loris, Ph.D. Professor and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

PRESIDENTIAL WELCOME John J. Petillo, Ph.D. President

CONFERRAL OF HONORARY DEGREES Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa George Mitchell Former U.S. Senator from the State of Maine and Senate majority leader

Citation read by Gary L. Rose, Ph.D. Professor and Chair of the Department of Government and Politics


lO PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES Robin L. Cautin, Ph.D. FOR UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

John Chalykoff, Ph.D. Dean of the John F. Welch College of Business

Jam es C. Carl, Ph.D. Dean of the Isabelle Farrington College of Education

Patricia W. Walker, Ed.D. Dean of the College of Health Professions

Mary Lou DeRosa, M.B.A. Dean of University College Vice Provost of Special Academic Programs


STUDENT CONGRATULATIONS Hayley Pereira ’15 President of the Class of 2015

ALUMNI GREETINGS Cheryl Janus ’O i, ’03 MAT President, SHU Alumni Association

ALMA MATER Lindsay Strassburg ’15 Taylor Magnotti ’15 Andrew Wysocki ’15 Joe Wetherell ’15

BENEDICTION Rev. David Buckles, J.C.L. Director of Campus Ministry and Chaplaincy

RECESSIONAL Sine Nomine - Ralph Vaughan Williams Ceremonial Procession - Ron Arnon Crown Imperial - William Walton

READERS: Davis Dunavin, M.A. n a r r a t o r OF CEREMONY: Reporter, WSHU Michael W. Higgins, Ph.D. Vice President for Mission and Catholic Identity Madeleine Golda, M.B.A. Director, English Language Institute PROMPTERS: Michael Bozzone, M.A. Sean L. Heffron, M.A, Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Director of Student Experience

Michael L. lannazzi, M.Div. Joel R. Quintong, M.A. Vice President for Marketing and Communications Director of Residential Life GEORGE MITCHELL FORMER U.S. SENATOR OF THE STATE OF MAINE AND SENATE MAJORITY LEADER

George Mitchell served as U.S. special envoy for Middle East Peace from January 2009 to May 2011. Prior to that he had a distinguished career in public service. He was appointed to the United States Senate in 1980 to complete the unexpired term of Senator Edmund S. Muskie, who resigned to become secretary of state, and went on to an illustrious career in the Senate spanning 15 years. He left the Senate in 1995 as the Senate majority leader, a position he had held since January 1989. For six consecutive years he was voted “the most respected member” of the Senate by a bipartisan group of senior congressional aides.

Mitchell received an undergraduate degree from Bowdoin College and a law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center. He served in Berlin, Germany, as an officer in the U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Corps from 1954 to 1956. From i960 to 1962, he was a trial lawyer in the Justice D epartm ent in Washington, DC. From 1962 to 1965, he served as executive assistant to Senator Edmund S. Muskie. In 1965, he returned to Maine where he engaged in the pri­ vate practice of law in Portland until 1977- He was then appointed U.S. attorney for Maine, a position he held until 1979, when he was appointed U.S. district judge for Maine. He resigned that position in 1980 to accept appointment to the Senate.

In 1995, he served as a special adviser to President William J. Clinton on Ireland, and from 1996 to 2000, he served as the independent chairman of the Northern Ireland Peace Talks. For his service in Northern Ireland, he received numerous awards and honors, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor given by the U.S. government; the Philadelphia Liberty Medal; the Truman Institute Peace Prize; and the United Nations (UNESCO) Peace Prize. ACADEMIC AWARDS & HONOR SOCIETIES GRADUATE ACADEMIC AWARDS

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES JOHN F. WELCH COLLEGE OF BUSINESS MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY Gold Medal of Excellence Benjamin George Fuller MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTING Silver Medal of Excellence Artem Kirshon Gold Medal of Excellence Nancy Demartino Silver Medal of Excellence Michael Eisenhuth

MASTER OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATION Dean’s Leadership Award Derick William Horn Gold Medal of Excellence Gisela Fernandez Silver Medal of Excellence Calvin Coulthard MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dean's Leadership Award Erin Falvey Gold Medal of Excellence Paul Stephen Andreotta, Jr. Dean’s Leadership Award Adora Sarah Williams Mack Silver Medal of Excellence Patricia Ann McCartney Outstanding Master’s Project Award Colette J. Rossignol Dean’s Leadership Award Melissa Lauren Rossi Outstanding Thesis Award Carly Marie Bergin


MASTER OF ARTS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Gold Medal of Excellence David Scrofani Gold Medal of Excellence Alexis C. Milburn Silver Medal of Excellence Eric Ryan Williams Silver Medal of Excellence Linette D. Sadler Dean’s Leadership Award Michael William Schleer Dean’s Leadership Award Mary H. Craig Outstanding Administrative Practicum Award David Scrofani MASTER OF SCIENCE IN C Y B E R S E C U R IT Y Outstanding Thesis Award Daniela Marie Inglese Silvestri Gold Medal of Excellence Colin Gannon CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDIES

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN LITERACY IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT Gold Medal of Excellence Shauntier Noel Yates Gold Medal of Excellence Andrew Sanchez de Muniain Dolan Silver Medal of Excellence April Lee Basch Kassman Silver Medal of Excellence Courtney Lauren Ray Dean’s Leadership Award Gina E. Holdorf Dean's Leadership Award Jaclyn Lange Dean’s Leadership Award Tara Barroqueiro Peterson Outstanding Master's Project Award Lindsay Anne Tomaszewski MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING Outstanding Research Award Samuel Shimelis Teka Gold Medal of Excellence Lauren Raquel Huyett Kantor Silver Medal of Excellence Kimberly M. Woodruff

MASTER OF SCIENCE Dean’s Leadership Award Adriana Maria Sanzo IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Dean’s Leadership Award Wendy Beth Zullo Gold Medal of Excellence Christina Bluestein Outstanding Field Placement Award Michael Peter Andino Silver Medal of Excellence Kimberly Anne Lachapelle Outstanding Field Placement Award Georgina N. Fatibene Outstanding Field Placement Award Margaret Wyeth Mackey

MASTER OF ARTS IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES Outstanding Field Placement Award Sherry Ann McCulloch Gold Medal of Excellence Joshua E. St. Onge Outstanding Field Placement Award Joseph O’Brien Outstanding Master’s Project Award Zachary A. Daniell Outstanding Master’s Project Award Sarah Jane Hoenigmann ISABELLE FARRINGTON COLLEGE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING - OF EDUCATION, GRISWOLD CLINICAL NURSE LEADER Gold Medal of Excellence Ewelina M. Ledas CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDIES Silver Medal of Excellence Keiko Muto Thompson IN ADMINISTRATION Dean’s Leadership Award Patricia Jean Ferencz Gold Medal of Excellence Lori R. Secchiaroli Outstanding Capstone Awar i Cheryl Kay Fabello Silver Medal of Excellence Erin Marie Sebastianelli Outstanding Field Placement Awm j Kathleen Ffynes Dean’s Leadership Award Phaedra Durost Outstanding Field Placement A , c I Jaso n R. Lehm ann MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING - Outstanding Research Award Joseph A. DeLucia, Jr. FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER Outstanding Thesis Award David Gollsneider Gold Medal of Excellence Christine M. Salamida Silver Medal of Excellence Colleen Riordan MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING Dean’s Leadership Award Maria S. Johnston Gold Medal of Excellence Shane Z. Donahue Outstanding Capstone Awarti Christine R. Proulx Silver Medal of Excellence Jacqueline C. Soltz Outstanding Field Placement Av." Amanda Finch Schultz Dean’s Leadership Award Sarah Khalifeh Dean’s Leadership Award Stephan M. Paul MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING - Outstanding Field Placement Award Julia Frazier NURSE EDUCATOR Outstanding Field Placement Award Dean’s Leadership Award Courtney Anne Strong Nicholas Michael Magliocco Outstanding Field Placement Award Samantha Abate Outstanding Master’s Project Award April Beckman Outstanding Master’s Project Award Mary Kobel Lamonte Outstanding Master’s Project Award Trisha M. Seeley MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING - PATIENT CARE SERVICES COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS Dean's Leadership Award Domingos Martins, Jr. Outstanding Administrative Practicum Awvird DOCTOR OF NURSING PRACTICE Rebecca Kathleen Robke Gold Medal of Excellence Sylvie Rosenbloom Outstnnrlinn t t a t Award Karen Biffany Silver Medal of Excellence James J. Murphy Dean’s Leadership Award Susan M. Kosman MASTER OF SCIENCE Outstanding Dissertation Award Michele Nye IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Outstanding Research Award Sylvie Rosenbloom Gold Medal of Excellence Nicole Christine Gorga Silver Medal of Excellence Heather Marie Wilson DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Dean’s Leadership Award Morgan Rylee Clemente Gold Medal of Excellence Sullivan Dean’s Leadership Award Stanton William Sheridan, II Silver Medal of Excellence Michaela A. Piersanti APT A Mary McMillan S c h o fc ; j, N o m in c i Anthony Mauro Guarini APTA Minority Scholai slnp Nominee Karen Rachelle Dullas Dean’s Leadership Av. c-.d Anthony Mauro Guarini Douglas Scholar Breanna M. Berg Physical Therajiy Pr' dcr-sionnl Service Award D anielle M. French Victoi' Vniiuiraii Leaislative Service Award Karen Rachelle Dullas

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EXERCISE SCIENCE Gold Medal of Excellence Jay Mistry Silver Medal of Excellenct Christopher M. Connelly


COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES PHILOSOPHY Gold Medal of Excellence Gabrielle Teresa McNamara ART & DESIGN Silver Medal of Excellence Brent Alexander Middleton Gold Medal of Excellence Holly Suzanne Johnson Silver Medal of Excellence Elizabeth M. Mastrocola POLITICAL SCIENCE Gold Medal of Excellence Brianna Colleen Steele BIOLOGY Silver Medal of Excellence Joshua James Murphy Gold Medal of Excellence Kevin John Hess Silver Medal of Excellence Ashia Tina Wright PSYCHOLOGY Gold Medal of Excellence Andrew Wysocki CHEMISTRY Silver Medal of Excellence Benjamin Luke Thomas Gold Medal of Excellence Kevin John Hess Silver Medal of Excellence Krystal Victoria Scinto SOCIAL WORK Gold Medal of Excellence Caitlin Claire Doyle COMMUNICATION STUDIES Silver Medal of Excellence Ann Garvey Gold Medal of Excellence Julia Anne Romano Silver Medal of Excellence Kathryn Grace Shepard SOCIOLOGY Gold Medal of Excellence Kathryn Elizabeth Pierce COMPUTER SCIENCE Silver Medal of Excellence Marina Rose Fanciullo AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Gold Medal of Excellence Christopher Snavely SPANISH Silver Medal of Excellence Lindsay Rose Seppala Gold Medal of Excellence Emily Marie De Blasi Gold Medal of Excellence in Programming Silver Medal of Excellence Kayla Ann Scandole Eric Philip vonFischer

CRIMINAL JUSTICE Gold Medal of Excellence Matthew Severe Silver Medal of Excellence Elizabeth Anne Bergman

DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Gold Medal of Excellence Eliana M. Valderrama Silver Medal of Excellence Kylee Elizabeth Lowndes

ENGLISH Gold Medal of Excellence Kaitlyn Nicole Bush Silver Medal of Excellence Carrianne Seline Dillon

HISTORY Gold Medal of Excellence Winifred Rose Maloney Silver Medal of Excellence Kelsey Anne Hayward

MATHEMATICS Gold Medal of Excellence Nicole Leann Trommelen Silver Medal of Excellence Matthew Kevin Cole

MEDIA ARTS Gold Medal of Excellence Amanda Rose Sialiano Silver Medal of Excellence Marisa A. Papa JOHN F. WELCH COLLEGE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS GENERAL STUDIES ACCOUNTING Gold Medal of Excellence Anita B. DiLisio Gold Medal of Excellence Chandler Joan Antczak Silver Medal of Excellence Gloria Caesar Silver Medal of Excellence Jeffrey Quinn Stoddard

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Gold Medal of Excellence Emilie M. Cecere Silver Medal of Excellence Sean Bell

BUSINESS EOONOMICS Gold Medal of Excellence James Arthur Cooksey Silver Medal of Excellence Kimberly Ann Ball I

FINANCE Gold Medal of Excellence Scott James Gaffney Silver Medal of Excellence Margaret Eileen McCabe

MARKETING Gold Medal of Excellence Juliann Elizabeth Sweeney Silver Medal of Excellence Nicole Raye Gittleman

SPORT MANAGEMENT Gold Medal of Excellence Daniel John Wertz Silver Medal of Excellence Amanda Christine Remy


ATHLETIC TRAINING Gold Medal of Excellence Caitlin Marie Ault Silver Medal of Excellence Joseph James Erdos, III

EXERCISE SCIENCE Gold Medal of Excellence Caroline Nicole Bertram Silver Medal of Excellence Sara Lynn Isaacson

HEALTH SCIENCE Gold Medal of Excellence Matthew Dumican Silver Medal of Excellence Samantha Capozza

NURSING - FIRST PROFESSIONAL DEGREE Gold Medal of Excellence Meaghan Jeanne Abbott Silver Medal of Excellence Christina Angelica Belezos

NURSING - RN TO BSN Gold Medal of Excellence Daniel Ray Hughes Silver Medal of Excellence Twila K. Balint


COLLEGE Linette D. Sadler Carrianne Seline Dillon Phi Alpha National Honor OF ARTS Allen Christopher Tedaldi Danielle Marie D'Onofrio Society for Social Work AND SCIENCES Ariel Rose Walker Neil Daniel Doppler Rachel Fogarty UNDERGRADUATES Alpha Kappa Delta Edward J. Garrity Jaclyn Anna Bentivegna International Sociology Beta Beta Beta Michelle Nicole Renault Tara Danielle Bisson Honor Society National Biological Kevin John Hess Sarah Ellen Cohen Honor Society Holly Suzanne Johnson Geoffrey Alexander Connors UN DERGRADUATES Crystal Jeannie Jones Caitlin Claire Doyle Brittany Lee Cerreta UNDERGRADUATES Regan Elizabeth Resting Mellisa Anne Duffy Marina Rose Fanciullo Samantha Jane Abel Jessica Katherine LaFlam Ann Garvey Taylor Marie Jozwiak Taylor Babin Patricia Lang Tess Kallmeyer Alissa M. K neeland Nicole Carol Barney Brianna Marie Liccardi Kathryn Emilie Mennen Kathryn Elizabeth Pierce Danielle Nicole Beier Bruno Olivieri Fernandes Madison Kennedy Mercier Marlon Ramnanan Julie Ann Bettke Lopes Stephanie Mary Nickerson Jennifer Mary Schwartz Olivia Bolen Francesca Marie Mainella Jamie Nicole Preziosi Amy Robin Buonaccorsi Winifred Rose Maloney Shannon L. Rick Jacquelyn Nicole Charamut C assandra A nne Malz Brianna E. Schussler Alpha Phi Sigma Matthew Kevin Cole Elizabeth M. Mastrocola Gabriel John Scrivani National Criminal Justice Sarah Catherine DeWolf Jessica James McGuigan Samantha Nicole Stilo Honor Society Neil Daniel Doppler Jessica Anne Nichol Kirstin Hope Vales Kevin John Hess Allyson Elizabeth O’Connor UNDERGRADUATES Emily Lynn Isch Kelsey Elizabeth Palumberi Ashley L. Almeida Paul Turco Kipiani Julia Anne Romano Phi Alpha Theta National Elizabeth Anne Bergman Tina Louise Menezes Krystal Victoria Scinto Honor Society in History Marinela Bicolli Stephanie Marie Samrin Brianna Colleen Steele Karla R. Bonilla Stephanie Domenica Sorbara Carrie Lynn St. Hilaire UNDERGRADUATES Kelsey June Burke Joseph Michael Wetherell Nicole Leann Trommelen Francesca Rose Kraft Elizabeth A. Easton Carla Vaccarello Bruno Olivieri Fernandes Shanae Annette James Joseph Michael Wetherell Lopes Ani Elizabeth Sarajian Delta Epsilon Sigma Andrew Wysocki Winifred Rose Maloney Christina Jeanine Sereno National Scholastic Molly Brien McClintock Melanie Shea Honor Society Ashley V. Tiedem ann Gamma Sigma Epsilon Michael J. Tomanelli UNDERGRADUATES National Chemistry Phi Sigma Iota Joshua Walker Alexandria M. Abel Honor Society International Foreign Michelle Georgette Wallace Cristin Antimisiaris Language Honor Society Samantha Elizabeth Wolman Kimberly A nn Ball UNDERGRADUATES Lindsey Marie Yanicky Amy Elizabeth Bardino Taylor Babin UNDERGRADUATES Steven Tyler Zawacki Nicole Carol Barney Nicole Carol Barney Michael Patrick Barden Danielle Nicole Beier Danielle Nicole Beier Sherry Choi GRADUATES Caroline Nicole Bertram Amy Robin Buonaccorsi Katherine Margaret Crosby Mary H. Craig Marinela Bicolli Neil Daniel Doppler Emily Marie De Blasi Karen DeMartino Amy Robin Buonaccorsi Matthew Joseph Gadman Mareeka Celeste Dookie Sam m y G. Falcon Kaitlyn Nicole Bush Kevin John Hess Jessica Katherine LaFlam Anthony J. Gadsden, Jr. Kristi Marie Chamberlain Kristie Lee Konieczny Joshua James Murphy Alexandra Michelle Galan Jacquelyn Nicole Charamut Stephanie Marie Samrin Paige Alexa Noonan Chenelle Dorese James Catherine Agnes Chittick Krystal Victoria Scinto Marilyn Diana Quintanilla Alexis C. M ilburn Allison Marie Coll Stephanie Domenica Sorbara Karli Marie Ryan David OMeara Eleanor Rose Danna Joseph Michael Wetherell Kayla Ann Scandole Pi Mu Epsilon GRADUATES Kelsey J. .Burke Upsilon Pi Epsilon National Mathematics Christina Bluestein Nicole Elizabeth Campbell International Honor Honor Society Jonathan Abel Danenberg Jacquelyn Nicole Charamut Society for Computing Kimberly Anne Lachapelle Patrick James Cronin and Information UNDERGRADUATES Kristen Marie Leopoldi Elizabeth DeBenedictis C onnor Jo h n Bohl Pamela Medrano Sarah Catherine DeWolf UNDERGRADUATE Matthew Kevin Cole Maria Belen Ruiz Danielle Marie D’Onofrio Brendan Andrew Ritter Nicole Leann Trommelen Laurie Whalen Neil Daniel Doppler Joseph James Erdos, III GRADUATE Ian Wallace McGrath Gage Steve Skiptunas Pi Sigma Alpha Sigma Tau Delta Paradise Ellesse Garrett National Political Science International Nicole Hentnick Honor Society English Honor Society Kevin John Hess JOHN F. WELCH Sara Lynn Isaacson COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATES UNDERGRADUATES Anna Leigh Johnson OF BUSINESS Natalie Rose Cafasso Kaitlyn Nicole Bush Tess Kallmeyer Amanda Natalie Carilli Katherine Margaret Crosby Dean Simpson Keats Beta Gamma Sigma Mellisa Anne Duffy Carrianne Seline Dillon Mary Elizabeth Keenan International Honor Sergio Hruszko Antoinette DiVisconti Elizabeth Ann L’Esperance Society for Welch College Caitlin Crowley Isherwood Taylor M. M agnotti Callan Ann Liljeberg of Business Majors Joshua James Murphy Brent Alexander Middleton Bruno Olivieri Fernandes Brianna Colleen Steele Mark Timothy Podesta Lopes UNDERGRADUATES Nicole Sillery Price Declan Laurent Lynch Chandler Joan Antczak Anthony Rodriguez Winifred Rose Maloney Sean Bell Psi Chi International Kimberly Marie Snyder Geena Louise Maniaci Stephen Alexander Honor Society Elizabeth M. Mastrocola Bienkiewicz in Psychology Margaret Eileen McCabe C onnor Jo h n Bohl Theta Alpha Kappa Molly Brien McClintock Matthew Michael UNDERGRADUATES National Honor Society Jessica James McGuigan Charmello Meghan Elizabeth Barcellos for Religious Studies Allyson Elizabeth O’Connor Eleanor Rose Danna Amy Elizabeth Bardino and Theology Jamie Constance Judith Downs Alexandra Leigh Brielmann O’Donoghue Scott James Gaffney Kelsey June Burke GRADUATES Nathan J. Perez Dean Simpson Keats Morgan Taylor DeMattia Geoffrey Alexander Connors Mark Timothy Podesta Isabelle Marie Malin Erin Lynn Dugan David P. Hill Kyle Joseph Rogus Molly Elena Sheluck Claire Rindell Gardner Trevor Joseph Kelly Talia Marin Schwartz Juliann Elizabeth Sweeney Paradise Ellesse Garrett Stacy Elizabeth Pescosolido Krystal Victoria Scinto Matthew John Ward Nicole Gaviola Joshua E. St. O nge Molly Elena Sheluck Stephanie Hong Stephanie Domenica GRADUATES (MBA) Elizabeth Lea Hutchins Sorbara Paul Stephan Andreotta, Jr. Jessica Katherine LaFlam The Thomas More Kaitlyn Patricia Stanford Ronnie Leonidas Batista Brianna Marie Liccardi Honors Program Aileen Anna Trella Kira E. Brantley Olivia Katherine Makowsky Nicole Leann Trommelen Martha L. DeFeo Christina Marie McCrink UNDERGRADUATES Joseph Michael Wetherell Peter DiCrescenzo Meaghan Catherine McGann Daphney Judith Anicette Andrew Wysocki Philip Joseph Gaetano Jillian Rose Newell Chandler Joan Antczak Amanda Zecca Sandra Leigh Levine Geana Marie Salerno Cristin Antimisiaris Enzo Luppi MacKenzie Melanie Shea Nicole Carol Barney Patricia Ann McCartney Benjamin Luke Thomas Danielle Nicole Beier Alexander J. Relph Carla Vaccarello Caroline Nicole Bertram Melissa Lauren Rossi Michelle Katherine Weiman Gabriella Biagini Michael Roth Kacie Nicole Wentworth Connor John Bohl Francesco Sardo Andrew Wysocki Olivia Bolen Ethan W. Voltolini Amy Robin Buonaccorsi

19 COLLEGE Joanna Marie Cyr Deborah M. Schoenfelder Janelle Alisha Sewell OF HEALTH Kathleen Dahl Amanda Finch Schultz Michelle M. Sheridan PROFESSIONS Melissa Saumier Dean Meghan Anne Schultz Barbara M. Smith Deborah Marie Ebert Keiko Muto Thompson Carrie Lynn St. Hilaire Phi Theta Epsilon Denise Erickson Marie Antoinette Timlin Tiffany M. Urban National Occupational Iva R. Ervin-Stanberry Rose Tran Cheryl Frances Watts Therapy Honor Society Patricia Jean Ferencz Alison Balmer Vail Taylor Chelsey Willette Tara Ferrauolo Shannon Vane Catherine Marie Zelepsky GRADUATES Carrie Dawn Ferrindino A lison M. Varcoe Hanna Jane Zibluk Amanda Kelly Cady Carol A. Grabinski Agnieszka Warenica Elizabeth Foster Cho Adria Griesing Rebecca Wellborn Carly Ettefagh Danielle M. Grillo Kimberly Ann Wright UNIVERSITY Nicole Christine Gorga Monica Gutierrez Stephanie Lea Yarger COLLEGE Taylor Leigh Greco Jennifer Lynn Healy Erin Elizabeth Zullo Christine E. McGlynn Cynthia Heng I Alpha Sigma Lambda Marina Victoria Paiva Mark F. Hill UNDERGRADUATES National Continuing Stanton William Sheridan, II Kasey Paulla Kolnaski Meaghan Jeanne Abbott Education Honor Society Lindsay Elizabeth Semerzaki H indinger Sharon M. Sutton Alkerstedt for Undergraduate Sara M. Steinagel Sarah Elizabeth Hong Romeo Ponce Angeles Students Claire Taylor Sondra Howland-Paul Twila K. Balint Claire Ellen Van Valen Maria S. Johnston Christina Angelica Belezos Sharon M. Sutton Alkerstedt Amanda Verrino Alison Kelley Alison Carroll Jeanette Almodovar Heather Marie Wilson Shannon Kenney Erica Lynn Cavaliere Sandy Martins Alves Elizabeth Anne Kester Kristi Marie Chamberlain Twila K. Balint Nalrudee Kittiratanaporn Catherine Agnes Chittick Elizabeth Carmona Sigma Theta Tau Kaitlin Knight Sherry Choi Aileen Carr International Honor Sarah Dudley Korpak Toni Michelle Christoforo Connie L. ColeTngber Society of Nursing Mariusz Kosla Jacqueline Michelle Coady Giovanna Concetta Jean Marie Kulas Connie L. ColeTngber D A m elia DOCTOR OF NURSING Kimberly Beth Kunze Ann Elizabeth Conlon Ewa G. Dedios PRACTICE Theresa LaLonde Jessica Conte Anita B. DiLisio Susan M. Kosman Ewelina M. Ledas Kristy L. Cosgrove Antoinette DiVisconti James J. Murphy Domingos Martins, Jr. Linda Carol Cucinello Maribel Galindo Michele Nye Deann McCants Giovanna Concetta Lina Gallego Sylvie Rosenbloom Cynthia Leann McConnell D A m elia Desta Gennet Grant Catherine W. Stevens April McGrath Jamie Dance Richel Hermosura Lynne Marie Whitney Donna Marie McKeehan William Hall Tiffany Ceil Ishmael Ju d ith M. Zwer Laura Mills Daniel Ray Hughes Bruno Olivieri Fernandes Tara Lynn Morris Wanda R. Hundley Lopes GRADUATES Amber Naughton Dennis James Hutt Bianca Mykytyn Samantha Abate Temple Marie Newbold Ashley Elizabeth Bryan Vaughn Palmer Anne Marie Adiletta Autumn Nicolazzo Kilcommons Aaminah Syed Qadri Michelle Bargteil Ju d ith A. Pirhala Patricia Lang Sarah J. Ramnarine Kathryn Grace Bellico Christine R. Proulx Ashley Marie Lapolla Maryellen Rediker-Douglas K atherine M. Benn Colleen Riordan Paige Taylor Lassen Carrie Lynn St. Hilaire Karen Biffany Regina Maria Rizzo Callan Ann Liljeberg Magdalena Szychowska Amy Bollinger J. Douglas Robinson Jessica James McGuigan Janine Blais Carlson Rebecca Kathleen Robke Jacqueline A. Morrison Sharon Marie Chilton Elizabeth Ann Rogers Lauren Elizabeth Mruk Shannon R. Christian Sherri Elaine Roller Tanya L. Payne Marissa A. Cimino Carey Lee Rumbaugh Kathryn Leigh Rezuke Nancy Lee Clements Jessica Lorraine Maureen SanFilippo- Dolores Coyle-Feliciano Saimininkas Burchm an Shannon Lee Curtis Christine M. Salamida CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION GRADUATE STUDENTS

COLLEGE OF HEALTH Brian Scott McLellan Tamara Buonocore-Hay Eric Ryan Williams PROFESSIONS Jennifer Vieira McNellis Paul Thomas Camarco Jamie Lee Mey Ryan Chaney Certificate of Advanced Doctor of Nursing Practice Maxine Elizabeth Mitjans Amy K. Cleary Studies in Literacy Elizabeth A rm strong Kara Lindsay Morenus Nicole J. Colleran-Jeanetti Helene J. Anglaret K athleen M. Clark Joseph Moscogiuri Tracey Prendergast DeDonato Jennifer Lee Barac Alice W. Davis Hayley Janice Murphy Joseph A. DeLucia, Jr. Michele Anne Battinelli Susan M. Kosman Uththara Nagage Karen S. DeRosa Stacy Bivona James J. Murphy Jeffrey Paul Notestine Anne Elizabeth DiFranco Kara K. Cebula Christiana Chioma Sangdae Park Phaedra Durost Tracey Michelle Ceglio Nwachukwu Michaela A. Piersanti Thomas Andrew Edwards Kathryn Lorraine Ellis Michele Nye H eather M. Powell Jason Engelhardt Melissa Fano-Dropick C ynthia A nn Palm er Jessica Dawn Rice Sarah Pear Esposito Lindsay Gabriele Brenda Joy Rosenberg Nicole Riggio Dana Firmender Roseann Grisier Sylvie Rosenbloom Rachel Russo Jonathan Trumbull Foster Kimberly Andren Hastings Jeuse B. Saint-Fleur Sarah Beth SantAmbrogio Christopher Todd Fulton Gina E. Holdorf Catherine W. Stevens Stephen Wells Scerra Jessica Gleason Jennifer Howley K atherine E. Tucker Rachel A. Shell David Gollsneider April Lee Basch Kassman Deborah Pac Warzecha Devon Shire Jessica Gruttola Kimberly Ann Kolman Lynne Marie Whitney Amy Elizabeth Sobolewski D ebra A. H ansen Tanya Leonard Ju d ith M. Zwer Craig Spann Ryan Howard Megan Elizabeth McGrath Ashley Nicole Spencer Eve M. H urley Tara Barroqueiro Peterson Doctor of Physical Therapy Andrew Brennan Sullivan Timothy Jonasch Kaitlyn Picheco Meaghan Elizabeth Bailey Katelyn Tansock Jennifer A. Jones Paige R. Randall B reanna M. Berg Brittany Christine Teleng Jody R. Kokoszka Heather Redin Lauren Eileen Broderick James George Vavra Melissa Ann Krodel James Francis Stanton, Jr." Nicholas J. Buonforte Karen Victoria MaryEllen Lafferty Julie V. Vaughan Danielle C. Burkart M elissa W ade Carlos A. Lawrence Elena C. W etmore Matthew Edward Burns Kaitlin Wagner Jason R. Lehmann Cyndal Wilmot Robert Chambers, Jr. Amy Lee Wanczyk Danielle Marcellino Shauntier Noel Yates Steven Cheung Andrea Wells Laura Woods Massey Kathleen Zezima A lana M. Collins Kyle John Wikfors Jennifer Ann McCarthy Nicole R. DelGreco Stacey Lynn Williams M atthew G. McCloskey Certificate of Advanced Michael J. De Munno Katherine Cordelia Windsor Ashley B. McKee Studies in Teaching Sara Doody Sara Wynne Erica McNeil Rachel E. Boles Karen Rachelle Dullas Alyssa E. Zadrozinski Steven M. M ontgom ery Richard Errico Rachel Ebmeier Payam Zarrinpour Tracey Perez Meredith Homza Kathryn Michael Faugno Yesenia Lynette Perez John Niemann Amy Michelle Flanagan Lillian M. Perone Danielle M. French ISABELLE FARRINGTON Thom as M. Ragusa Bethany Anne Fritzinger COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Courtney Ruggiero COLLEGE OF ARTS Marykate Gallagher Jennifer Lynne Sarahn AND SCIENCES Anthony Mauro Guarini Certificate of Advanced Michael William Schleer William Joseph Gulli Studies in Administration David Scrofani Master of Science Kelly A. H eath Angelo L. Amato, III Sara Alvaretta Dodd Scrofani in Environmental Science Lucas Herget Kathleen Margaret Archibald Erin Marie Sebastianelli and Management Andrea Marie Hogan Kimberly K. Bates Lori R. Secchiaroli Brett Charles Buckhout Annalise Nicole Hurley Melissa Martin Behrens Daniela Marie Inglese Silvestri Maribeth Chassey Kelli Elizabeth Koehler Sheryl J. Berkley Katherine M. Sinisgalli Andrew Sanchez de Muniain Jacqueline Nicole Kromko Lisa Ann Bernabe Jessica Vocatura St. George Dolan Daniel William Kielbania Kara A. Larson Jonathan Quinn Berryman Sharon Ternowchek Deryk David Matheny Mark Donato Bilotta Danielle Marie Waring Jaclyn Lange Courtney Lauren Ray Ashley Maxwell Bethany Blackwood John Stuart Webber, III Michael David May Sarah Brouillier Barbara Bower Welles Samuel Shimelis Teka Lindsay Anne Tomaszewski Adora Sarah Williams Mack' Sushma Kodali M ary H. Craig Nii Kwei-Pe Yartey Tharun Kollipara Jo h n R. Cueto Master of Science Fernando Yepez " Dinesh Koluguri Marcela Daza in Chemistry Kranthi Kommineni Karen DeMartino Addus, Hatim Ali A:' Master of Science Srupane Kondreddy Sadi-Ann Duckett Abdullah Abkar I. in Computer Science and Prashanth Kotha Sammy G. Falcon A khdhar Information Technology Sampath Kotnala Anthony J. Gadsden, Jr. Alamier, Waleed Mohammaed Marwan Abusaleh Trinath Koya Alexandra Michelle Galan Y.- P rasanth Varma Addepalli Vivek Lingampally Chenelle Dorese James" Nouf Muqbil Alanazi' Adekemi Chidinma Adenle Praveen Reddy Mali Robert Gearing Alghamdi, Raed Khader A. ’ Anas Mahmoud Alansari Satish Kumar Mannava Lauren M. H artnett Fawziah Altirad Bassam Zayid Alharthy Suresh Marakani John B. Knoche, Jr. M anar A bdullah Arab Alekya Alle Harish Reddy Marrenna Quanitra Rashawnda McCray Dawn M. Boulton Mohamad Abdullah Rakesh Mattela Philip Miccio Richard D. Conticello Alluhaidan Arneta Mayes Alexis C. M ilburn Benjamin George Fuller Ahmad Rished Alotay Krishnakanth Medipally David O'Meara Artem Kirshon Ahmed Yousef Alwushayl Dinesh Muppa' Victoria Lynn Pacher Raveesh Kukkamalla Sai 'Vaishnavi Anantula Uma Vijayan Naidu Linette Desrene Sadler ' Abdullah Fouad Mirza 'Venkata Sashi Kumar Ariga Uday Kumar Nallapu Donald Edwin Smith Matthew Salvi' Priya Aswan! Sravya Nandimandalam Allen Christopher Tedaldi Akash Shah' Jhansirani Attuluri Madhuri Narayana Amie Toner Prathik Bachaboidi Vamshi Nidra Ariel Rose Walker Master of Arts Srujana Banda A dnan N ur James Scott Wildason in Communication Bintrad, Abdulaziz Saeed M Shankara Chaithanya Pala Katherine Andersen' Srikanth Reddy Bireddy Praveen Pasupuleti Master of Science A nthony Anzevui" Priyanka Kashinath Bobade Santhosh Reddy Patlolla in Cybersecurity Ryan 'William Arroyo Sandeep Bonthu Devanand Pichikari Zaid Al-Anbari Julia Elizabeth Baumgart' Ramakanth Reddy Chaganti Sandeep Polisetty Colin Gannon Carly Marie Bergin" Rajiv Chalasani Jayanth Kumar Regula Andreas Kleanthous Randal Lord Brochu ' Maheedhar Chintakindhi Karen P. Darois- Robinson Oluwole Nicholson Colleen Renee Brown Nikhil Sai Chutke Shylender Kathy Rowberry Calvin Coulthard' Kiran Kumar Goud Cikka Vilas Gupta Shadipuram Master of Arts in Film and Erin Falvey Kishore Kumar Goud Cikka Kareemullah Baba Shaik Television Production Elyse M. Fernandes Bradley Clawson Sumiya Sulthana Shaik Jean Chery Gisela Fernandez" Sri Harsha Darapanenf Heungjoo Shin Donald Chad Davis Lynda M. Garcia Ravichandra Reddy Dendhi Saikranthi Singarapu Mary DeBorger Tiffani Gibson" Rahul Reddy Desidi Steve Skiptunas Stephen Andrew Emerick Jessica Lynne Gonzalez V incent C. Fragola Vincent Sorrentino Brendan Engle Jeliesa G. G regory' Kevin J. Franzman Siva Sai Krishna Suryadevara Tamara Bess Friedrichs Kristi Leigh Harris" Vivek Gajjela Javier Armando Tabora Gerard George Michele Mary Herrmann Deepika Gannamaneni Justin Daniel Tartagni' Benjamin Gyurik' Lorrissa Lippi Luis Manuel Gonzalez Ashish Teegala David J. Higgins Yan Lou ‘ Vishwanth Gouru Shambhu Thakur Colin Francis James Kathryn Matt Swapna Gudelli Venkata Sai Kiran Thirthala Ryan Levitt Timothy McCloskey' Nithin Kumar Gudikandula Vinay Reddy Thummala Lawrence Lockhart Stalyn A. N unez M ichael G. G um an Anil Kumar Reddy Tokala Cassie Jo Ochoa Kaitlin Ann O'Reilly' Angela Juliana Gutierrez Shirish Reddy Toom Jaclyn Rogers Kimberly Oates Santana Sharath Chandra Vanam Marc J. Troiani Catherine Ann Roberts' Philip House Rakesh Kumar Veldhana Andrea Van Niekerk' Megan Anne Roche" Andrew Howard' Shashank Vinala Ashley Corinne Vanderwaren Colette J. Rossignol' Manjula Devi Jasti" Pavan Kumar Vootkuri ' Sarah May-Lynn Waddell Jean-Daniel Roussel' Ramasri Kalaga Meredith Nicole W est Jen n a M. Russell' Nikesh Reddy Kandimalla Master of Arts Sean Patrick W helan' Leah Elizabeth Salindong Manoj Shankar Reddy Karri in Criminal Justice Kiara Ashlee Waide' Sukeshreddy Kasireddy Sattam Mariq Almutairi Geoffrey W eglarz' Vivek Sairam Katta Scott Patrick Bement

23 Master of Science Tierney Leigh Snyder Zinab Ben elkaid Melanie Marie-Therese in Applied Psychology Yeida Soto Suling Bourret Nathou Susanna Orah Amira Sarah Szabo Pooja Brahmania Rachel Nielsen(a) Tracy Bendolph-Brown Anna Irwin Thompson Kira E. Brantley Alexander J. Relph Sean Billings Nicole Theresa Weis Simon Buhl Alyssa Riccardelli(a) Christina Bluestein Laurie Whalen Quanicia Lee Burton Jesenia Rocio Rojas Erica Bumgardner Brooke Fontana Caponegro Melissa Lauren Rossi Laura Kathleen Callahan Master of Arts Dawn Ciambriello Michael Roth Elizabeth Champion in Religious Studies Robert John Coloney Christina Ann Sanzo Sneha Ashok Chandani Christopher E. Etter Matthew Cordaro Francesco Sardo Charity Ann Cheney David P. Hill Dora A. Coriano Jason Shafiee Amy Louise Clinard Trevor Joseph Kelly Tiffany Nicole Cosme(a) Dmitry S. Solovyev Jonathan Abel Danenberg Stacy Elizabeth Pescosolido Joseph Anthony Costantino Julien Solvi Elizabeth Dobyan Joshua E. St. O nge Christopher Robert Crane Lynda M. Clarke Stack Katie Downey Neda Culani Eleni Stefanatos Travis Fedor John Edward Cunningham Brendan Patrick Stokes Alicia Mary Fiorino JOHN F. WELCH Sanda Cuturic Marlin Cristina Tiburcio Tricia Fisher COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Trevor Van Dauses Courtney Tingler Amelia Foxwell Martha L. DeFeo A ndre Vale Meghan Garza Master of Science Peter DiCrescenzo Jacques Gerhard Venter Caitlin Anne Gordon in Accounting Robert Dim Arina Vinskiy Matthew Grajeda Alexa Rae Ameo Thibaut Morgan Duffy' Ethan W. Voltolini Traci Graper Stangia Tamara Bartholomew David S. Eastwood Dorian Yanez Jason James Grubbs John Matthew Bellucci Joseph Michael Eppedio Anna Zawadzki Glyn Dodson Hays Analise I. Bott Brooke Danielle Esposito Susanne Elisabeth Hopkins Allison Leigh Buccos Jessa K. Francis Master of Science Kimberly Noel Hunnicutt Gwendolyn Burdge Vanessa Freitas in Digital Marketing Cynthia Marie Ingold Nicholas Michael Cavallaro Philip Joseph Gaetano Adrianna Dattoli Madysen Cheyenne Jubrey Nancy Demartino Anabelle Giorgana Reynoso Sergio Frank Gallo Carolyn Ann Kazmer Annie Dreher Jean Goetzinger Merlind Sophia Grundhoff Liesel Kershul Alexandria Elizabeth Drexl Miguel A. Gonzales-Kempsey Ivonne Melissa Haire Kelly Elizabeth King Brian Christopher Dundon Nicholas Grasso Maria Zorzos Whitney Jo Klebel Michael Eisenhuth James F. Halpin, Jr. Kimberly Anne Lachapelle Stephanie Frye Maria Gisela Higgins Master of Science Erik Lee Donald A. Gill, HI Stuart Holmes in Human Resources Kristen Marie Leopoldi Samantha Lynn Hale Christophe Kadi Management Kathleen Lieblich Keith George Hartmann Kristen M. Kaszuba Kaitlin Donahue Nicole M. Lincoln James Patrick Holland Vesselin Ivanov Kirilov Adam James Lagosz Sherri Ann Locke Derick W illiam Horn Patrick Kramer Angela Marie Pitcher Giovanna Luna-Griffith Dane Christopher Kenny Mariola Laskowska Melissa Ann Poli Meghan L. Manke Blair Alexis Koniszewski Sandra Leigh Levine Oddette Staple Rachel Louise Martin Christopher Robert Lombardi Paul Leonard Link Jillian Sullivan Pamela Medrano Corynn McCarroll Grzegorz Lublinski Alicia Marie Melendez Albert Radix Sarah Evelyn Lucas Lindsay New Tatiana Raphael Enzo Luppi MacKenzie ISABELLE FARRINGTON Diane Niland Robert Kenneth Volk Charles Douglas MacLean COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Sara Osborne Jennifer Yee Sophie Aurelie Mander Andrea Nicole Parker-Beggs Durrell L. Martin Master of Arts in Teaching Samuel Pruitt Master of Business Patricia Ann McCartney Rebecca Alfonso Andrea Cristina Rivadeneira Administration Catherine Ann McLean Michael Peter Andino Maria Belen Ruiz Naimah Albaharnah James Michael McNamee Jr. Laureen F. Andrews Michel Santana Kevin Almerini Lindsay Michaels Shannon A. Andros Cody Alexander Sestito John Lyden Anderson Martha Cristina Miranda Erica Artikes Sandra Sibilio Paul Stephen Andreotta, Jr. Arun Kumar Mohanan Tiffany Paula Auerbach Michael Sipsky Pedro Barata James Monnat Randall D. A ustin Susan Slowik Ronnie Leonidas Batista Robert Joseph Napolitano Victoria Bagdasarian Kayla Barber Ryan Eberts Marie Elizabeth Leone Cheril Perez Sara Elizabeth Barile H eather M. Eighm e Jeffrey Robert Lewis Kathryn Pesto Rebbecca Barnum Katie Marie Ellis Elizabeth Lickwola Jessica Petruzzelli Katia L. Barragan Danielle L. Evans Lauren Lindsay Cynthia Marie Pisowloski Megan Bartosik Benjamin J. Fagan Adam Llamas Collin B. Powers Lisa J. Battista Georgina N. Fatibene Lauren Michelle Lostocco Dawn Irene Price Christina C. Baukus Casey L. Feldman Lauren S. Lyn&eld Meggie Pringer Stephen E. Beale Kevin R. Fennell Margaret Wyeth Mackey Wellesley Harris Purcell April Beckman Caitlin Fernandez Nicholas Michael Magliocco Erin E. Puschak Cassandra L. Bennett Joshua Evan Fintz Jillian York Mahar Stephanie J. Pye Jessica N. Biekert Joshua William Fish Laura K. M aher Justine Quammie Bassomb Elizabeth A. Bigley Kathryn Ann Fitelson Julia Mahoney Sean Matthew Ramsey Katherine M. Boeglin Julia Frazier Emily Catherine Malay Kelly M arie Re Chelsea Alexandra Boersma Mary Elizabeth Frostick Monica Lynn Malcomson Timothy E. Redican Cathleen West Bond Francesca G. Fusaro Elaine C. M alone Amy L. Reed Brittany Meagan Bousquet Terry Lee Gabriel Alexandra Michelle Malvasio Emily Catherine Reed K atherine M. Boyd Teresa Gagliostro Ashley Rose Manca John Patrick Reed Kathryn Bradley Nathan S. Gagnon Lisa Marie Mandolfo Angela Marie Renfree Kristi L. Brenek Omar Chiree Gaines Kyle Mangier! Anne H. Roesler Robert Brennan Kevin R. Gallagher Christina Marie Manias Kayla Jean Romaniello Brittany Bridgman Joanne L. Gallie Suzanne Marquez Julie L. Rosa Alexandra Joyce Broderick Julieanne Gillespie Abigail Bogart Maxwell Yvonne Royce Matthew Brunetti Alexis Claire Giroux Corinne Emilia Mazzotta Daniel John Royle Katherine Bruzinski Travis Godley Sherry A nn M cCulloch Ellen Margaret Ruberry A shley M. Bua Sarah E. Goodwin Meghan Theresa McGuinness Nicole E. Rubino Colleen R. Burke Kyle T. Gore Collin J. Mclvor Diana Ruggiero Lauren A. Burke Taylor Graham Peter McMorris Kelsey M. Russo Christopher Buzi Nyomi Guberman-Pfeffer Jonathan Mercado Casey O. Ryan Stephanie Lauren Cahill Carly M. H ansen Bernadette Messier David Salvatore Sabilia Tara Clifford Callahan Jay David Hardell William C. Michael Jennifer Sant Anna Lisa Capomolla Erika Elizabeth Hart Erika Michaels Brenna Ashton Santos Shauna Elizabeth Cassell Sharon Amber Hart Erinn Michaels Adriana Maria Sanzo Christopher Caulfield Veronica Hernandez Nicholas A. Mills Susan Antoinette Sarrazin Jenna Leigh Chik Garrett Thomas Hickey Cara Mizak Charles Hardin Schneider Jenna Marie Ciocca Sarah Jane Hoenigmann Drew Mizak M ichael N. Schrage Danielle Coleman Jillian Lee Hogan Johnna Moran Kevin R. Schumann Christina R. Corcoran Cody Michael Hoskins Jessica Morgillo Lorie Katherine Scovish Danielle N. Cordray Andrew Robertson Hull Lisa Bonn Murphy William D. Seddon Catherine Costanzo Maia Jaber A ndrea M. Nault Trisha M. Seeley Cynthia Marie Crudale Jade Alana James Elizabeth Desiree Nelson Maureen Shields Margaret Cupp James R. Jeffers Tara Nelson Shalu Sikka Melanie J. Cutrone Julie Michelle Jimenez Dianna Norton Heather Lynn Silera Gabrielle Cuttitta Lauren Raquel Huyett Kantor Amy Alexandra N unes Edwin Sisson Jennifer Czekala A lison G. Kass Joseph O'Brien Megan J. Smith Zachary A. Daniell Erin C. Kelly Pamela O'Connor Mary Smuniewski Ashley Marie Daniels Sarah Khalifeh Natalie Rose Odierna Kate E. Soriero Lauren Cynthia Daniels Kaitlyn Mary Klein Kura L. O'Driscoll Jacqueline C. Soltz Kyle J.A. Davenport Catherine Marie Dupont Brian O'Neill Laurie A. Strazza Jemal C. Davis Kolnaski C hristopher A. O uellette Dianne S. Talbot Kristen Lee Davis Liza M. Krider Danielle Elizabeth Palmaccio Marissa Monet Terifay Jacquelyn R. Delgado Toni Ann N. LaMattina Amy Pantaleo Christopher Testani Rebecca E. DeMichael Brittany M. Lane Ryan Paola Melinda Therriault Daniel Vincent DeRubis Brianna M. Lauria Katie V. Pape Nicole A. Thom as Karolin Dimyan Tracy Law Sara Christine Parille G raham A. Thom pson Alyssa Domini Amanda Marie Leclerc Stephan M. Paul Grace Yolanda Torres Shane Z. D onahue Shannan V. Leo Camelia Perez Tracey Tortorello Tina Marie Tramontano' George Buahin Susan Elies Rachael A. Kenowski Philip Trostler John Murray Denise Erickson" Elizabeth Anne Kester Paige Marie Tully' Maegan Anne Wood Helena P. Erskine Ginger King Haley Caron Turner Iva R. Ervin-Stanberry Michelle King" A rina Van D er Voort Master of Science in Nursing Cheryl Kay Fabello Nalrudee Kittiratanaporn' Reina R. Van Florcke Samantha Abate Claudette G. Faucher-Charles Kaitlin Knight' Lauren Patricia Vasale Anne Marie Adiletta Patricia Jean Ferencz Lindsey Koroly Nicole Michelle Vazquez Gledelyn Alejandro Tara M. Ferrauolo ' Sarah Dudley Korpak Danielle D'Amore Viglione ‘ K athleen W. A m adasun Maria Christina C. Ferrer Mariusz Kosla Allegra M. V illers' Sandra C. Amico Carrie Dawn Ferrindino Carrie Kozel" Margaret K. Vogel Nicholas James Arsenault Elise Figler' Heidi Krieg Lauren Elizabeth Voll Liya Arustamyan A m anda M. Fisher" Jean Marie Kulas Matthew Louis Wagner Maren Attanasio Charlene D. Fleming' Kimberly Beth Kunze Andrew David Walker Michelle Bargteil Amanda Frederick Michelle Danielle Kutner Tim othy Jam es Wall A ndrena N. Barnes Michele Lynn Gaudet Theresa LaLonde Thomas John Wallace Joshua Becker Lindd Ghampson Mary Kobel Lamonte' Kristine Banks Walsh " Kathryn Grace Bellico' Lisa M. Gioe Lauren Lee Lang' Tim othy J. W alsh K atherine M. Benn' Melissa Glass Lauren Elizabeth Laveneziana" Lindsey Tompkins Ward Laura Biegen Karen Gowdey Laura Lavin Lydia Hudak Wasil Karen Biffany Joy G ozun Ewelina M. Ledas Katelyn Couper Werner" Amy Bollinger Carol A. Grabinski" Sandra Lemoine Ashley Susan Wickham Marie Annette Brasher Cynthia Gran Erin A. Lewis Georgia Hope Williamson Jason Brice Carrol Jean Graves Nicole Spinelli Loiz " Kimberly M. Woodruff' Danielle Marie Broder Adria Griesing Lisa E. Lowry Caron Wunderlich ’ Marcia Brooks Danielle M. Grille A m ara C. Luong Wendy Beth Zullo Julie M. Brown Susan Grube Agnes Torres Lynch Stacey A nn Brown Monica Nicole Gutierrez Lisa Ann Maciejak Rachel Bryan Kelley Haag Marie Martin COLLEGE OF HEALTH Janine Blais Carlson Maimoona Haffees Domingos Martins, Jr' PROFESSIONS Erin I. Chandanathil Elyse Renee Harrell Sharlynne Anne Maucesa ' Sharon Marie Chilton Dawn Lavonne Harris" Deann McCants Master of Science in Exercise Danoris Ann Chinn Patricia Hart Rachael McClelland ' Science and Nutrition Shannon R. Christian Jennifer Lynn Healy Cynthia Leann McConnell V incent M. Barber M arissa A .Cimino Cynthia Heng Christina McDaniel Paul Charles Brown Julita E. Cinguina Megan Elizabeth Hildreth April McGrath Amber-Leigh Marie Clamser Nancy Lee Clements Mark F. Hill Donna Marie McKeehan ' Christopher M. Connelly Cynthia Diane Colson ' Melissa Shepard Keefer Gina McWhirter Julie Ann Grecni Robert Philip Conte" Kasey Paulla Kolnaski Rebecca Rose Miller Kristyn Helen Hanewicz Abby Cook-Walkup' H indinger Laura Mills Joshua J. Lander ' Dolores Coyle-Feliciano Beth Ann Holveck Meghan Miskinis Koryd Lavimoniere Constance Cozens Sarah Elizabeth Hong D iana M. Mitchell Jay Mistry Patricia Coleman Curtis Sondra Howland-Paul Tara Lynn Morris Michael Orzolek Shannon Lee Curtis' Kathleen Hynes Tonianne Motta Daniel Joseph Polaski Joanna Marie Cyr Josephine Imperatrice Patrick Murphy M arcy E. Pudim Kathleen Dahl Jenna Marie Jacques' Ali Myers Chelsea Elizabeth Sands Melissa Saumier Dean’ Christina Jankowski ' Michelle D. Myers' Randi Michelle Savage Cassandra J. DeFilippo ' C ynthia A. Jeffrey Hollie Semmes Nagel Assunta DeLuca Kimberly A. Johnson Amber Naughton Master of Science in Geriatric Marcie Alicia-Lynn Diggs Maria S. Johnston Temple Marie Newbold Health and Wellness Kevin Alan Dinsmore Tara Day Jones Chenese La Shene Nathan P. Seversky ' Mary Anne Douglas Solomon Joshua N icholas' Bridget Dowd Alison Kelley Autumn Nicolazzo" Master of Science Danielle Marie Downey' Dina Kelly Lisa Niemi in Heathcare Informatics Candice Georgine Krout Dutko Timothy S. Kenderdine Laurie Nolan-Kelley Asma Ahmed Deborah Marie Ebert Aprilee Kennedy-Brown Karen H. Parniawski Anthony T. Brockman Meryl P. Edwards ' Shannon Kenney' Shelly Ann Perrotti Joseph Robert Petreycik Kathleen G. Thompson Christine E. McGlynn Joan Pezzano Keiko Muto Thompson Marina Victoria Paiva Judith A. Pirhala Rena Thorsten Courtney O'Sullivan Powers Kathleen Geraghty Pisano Marie Antoinette Timlin Nicole Leah Puttick Celeste L. Potter A ngela R. Tingle Nicholas Ryan Rioux ' Christine R. Proulx Kasandra Toegel Karen Victoria Rubin Ashley Quinn Rose Tran Joseph Donald Schenk Veron Raymond Paula Benita Treadway Lindsay Elizabeth Semerzaki Berdette Reuer Kristen A. Trimboli Mark Christopher Servidio Francine Revella Megan Turner Stanton William Sheridan, IT Shanita Michelle Reynolds Tanisha Nicole Tyson Shea-Kathryn Silver Betsy Logan Rice Alison Balmer Vail Christina Enriquez Siwa Colleen Riordan Julianne Emily Van Kalken Florine Ann Smolenski Vallerie Rivera Shannon Vane Dora Tony Srour Regina Maria Rizzo A lison M. Varcoe Sara M. Steinagel Elizabeth Roark M arlene E. Verrier Claire TayloT April Roberts D onna M. Viner Caren M. Tucker Kathleen L. Roberts Karen M. W ardell Claire Ellen Van Valen' J. Douglas Robinson Agnieszka Warenica Amanda Verrino Rebecca Kathleen Robke Rebecca Wellborn Heather Marie Wilson Elizabeth Ann Rogers Michelle Willard Nichole E. Woggon Tracy A, Rolfe Nadine Williams Sherri Elaine Roller Kimberly A nn W right Kerri A. Rossi Sandra Stroud Yamane Shelly A. Rossotto Stephanie Lea Yarger Trisha Halliwell Rubbo Gabriela Zea Nicole Ruffo Robyn C. Zemienieski G ina A. Ruiz-Brice Erin Elizabeth Zullo Carey Lee Rumbaugh Jessica Lorraine Saimininkas Master of Science Christine M. Salamida in Occupational Therapy Jason Edward Sandler Melissa Bennett Deborah M. Schoenfelder Casey E. Bergin Amanda Finch Schultz Karissa L. Berube Meghan Anne Schultz Colette Blish Janet Marie Servoss Nichole Elizabeth Bowski Lauren Sharp Amanda Kelly Cady Ellen Leslie Shaw Chelsea M. Capobianco Kathleen Elizabeth Sheehan Nicole Cardillo Marjorie Shragher Elizabeth Foster Cho Tara Simmons Giovanna Ciccone Hilary Skoch Morgan Rylee Clemente' Christina H. Sloan Racquel Collins Jane Anne Smeaton Patricia Deutsch Deanna Lynne Smith Michael Jason Dezmin Shantelle Smith Joseph Dodson Ann Ettlinger Snyder Carly Ettefagh Sophia Sopczneski Alyssa Futterman Hope Spears Allysen Gibson Vinteerie A. Springs Kristina Giliberto Elena Squitieri Nicole Christine Gorga Desiree M. Staggs Taylor Leigh Greco Kailea Dawn Stephens Kaila Harrington Suzanne Stewart Katherine Knight Courtney Anne Strong Alexa Lefelstein Ashley Suydam Theresa Marie Manley UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS

COLLEGE OF ARTS Kevin John Hess David George Falkl Robert R. Jevarjian AND SCIENCES Also Chemistry Major A ndre C. Faria Joshua Michael Johnson Olivia S. Hurd Conor James Flynn Also History Major Bachelor of Arts Emily Lynn Isch " Ian Wallace McGrath Gage Jamie Jurak in Art and Design M organ M. Kelly Frank Gambino Evan Kelley Danielle Lynn Barberi Paul Turco Kipiani Geoffrey Michael Giller Chantale Kfoury Kristin Elizabeth Csordas Mark Sandre McNeil, Jr. Jonathan Steven Jacovino Jennifer Janory Mata Abigail Livingston Faillace Tina Louise Menezes Charles Gleason Kessler William F. McDonough, Jr. Nicole Alexis Feoranzo Jessica Ann Michaud Anastasia Kulikova Alexander Joseph Miccoli Jeffrey Walsh Flanagan Kaila Munkwitz ' Lydine R. Leger Eamonn Patrick Monks Rachel Fogarty Jillian Rose Picinich Michael A. Leone Victoria Ann Picerno Edward J. Garrity Nicholas Pombonyo Seamus Patrick McGuire Marilyn Diana Quintanilla Emily Patricia Goulet Paige Lilliana Ryan Stephen Paul McNicholas Nicolo Joseph Rendina Helen Elaine Graham Stephanie Marie Samrin Sean Edward McVey Ani Elizabeth Sarajian Anna Leigh Johnson Stephanie Domenica Sorbara Stephanie Mary Palermo Christina Jeanine Sereno Holly Suzanne Johnson Joseph Michael Wetherell Bryan Vaughn Palmer Matthew Severe Nicholas Angelo Liquori Abigail Helena Wooster Gregory Briggs Pross Jack Timothy Sheehan Elizabeth M. Mastrocola Ashia Tina Wright Brendan Andrew Ritter Christopher A. Staines Jenille Jade McIntosh Alissa Marie Young Anthony Jacob Ryskin Ashley V. Tiedem ann Michelle I. Melgar Adam J. Salwocki Michael J. Tomanelli " Jessica Anne Nichol Bachelor of Science in Lindsay Rose Seppala Joshua W alker Maribel Rose Paredes Chemistry Michael Joseph Smith Michelle Georgette Wallace Margaret Kathleen Ruberry Brianna Marie Baribault Christopher Snavely Ryan Wennberg Alanna Patricia Woodford Hajira Bashir Butt A nthony J. Spiteri Samantha Elizabeth Wolman Matthew Joseph Gadman Eric Philip vonFischer Lindsey Marie Yanicky Bachelor of Science in Kristie Lee Konieczny Christopher M. Williams Steven Tyler Zawacki Art and Design Krystal Victoria Scinto Bryan Matthew Zima Danielle Marie D'Onofrio Angelica Joan Tescione Bachelor of Arts in Also Marketing Major Khristopher Earl White Bachelor of Science in Digital Communication Judith Downs Criminal Justice Kylee Elizabeth Lowndes Also Marketing mar r Bachelor of Arts in Ashley L. Almeida Also Communication Studies Communication Studies Victor Andreou Major Bachelor of Science in Bethany Louise Barbar John Nicholas Attardi Eliana M. Valderrama Biology Samuel Cody Butler Ryan J. Bergen Samantha Jane Abel Michele Marie Capocci Elizabeth Anne Bergman Bachelor of Arts in English Carlos Enrique Alvarado Elizabeth O'Rourke Falco Marinela Bicolli Kaitlyn Nicole Bush Taylor Babin Philip Robert Falcone Adrien Pascal Bocherel Christina Rose Ciufo Nicole Carol Barney Dana Marie Gilbertson Andrew Benedict Bodnarchuk Katherine Margaret Crosby Danielle Nicole Beier Megan Anne Lackman Marissa Lauren Bollet Carrianne Seline Dillon Julie Ann Bettke Also Media Arts Major Adso Psychology Major Antoinette DiVisconti Olivia Bolen Stephanie Elaine Lamb Alexander Dennis Bonagura Kathleen Fazzinga Marlon Tanner Bridgman ' Steven D. Lamorte Karla R. Bonilla Chelsea Eileen Frenette Amy Robin Buonaccorsi MacKenzie Rose Malloy Anthony James Campion Meaghan Elizabeth Garrigal' Amanda Lee Casey Mario D. Miranda Kyle Devaughn Church Also Political Science Major Jacquelyn Nicole Charamut Evan Pittman Philip John Cotugno Niko Nunzio Guerrera Matthew Kevin Cole Julia Anne Romano Alexandra Ruth Davis Eileen Mary Kafafian Also Mathematics Major Lucia Rothe Gregory Dane Diaz Natasha Rose Andrea Klinoff Sarah Catherine DeWolf Keshaudas Dean Spence Haley Elizabeth Dubits Taylor M. M agnotti AlsoPscohmogv Mmm- Adreanna Marie Walsh Elizabeth A. Easton Gabrielle Teresa McNamara James Gene DiGiuseppi Joseph Harley Evangelista Also Philosophy Major Neil Daniel Doppler Bachelor of Science in Suzette Angela Harris Brent Alexander Middleton Jam es C. Eazor Computer Science Eric Gabriel Hernandez Also Philosophy Major Joseph Raphael Falcone Scott Edward Blanchette ' Andrea D. Hill M ichael A. Nunez Gregory Alexander Hazell Paul Nicholas Brenner Shanae Annette James Jaime Liane Perrotti Mark Timothy Podesta Kathleen Alana Harrison Bachelor of Science Caroline Beth Haffner’ Nicole Sillery Price Alexandra Rose Kleeman in Political Science Boravy S. Hinn Lauren Rodrigues Alexandria Joanna Marini Edward Thomas Christian" Elizabeth Annette Hogan Anthony Rodriguez* Nicholas Vincent McAneney Stephanie Hong* Kimberly Marie Snyder Francis Thomas McConnell Bachelor of Science Elizabeth Lea Hutchins Gionna Tarantola Kieran Michael McGirl in Psychology Nicholas Vincent Jannetti Chelsea M. Tibus Alana Grace Miller’ Brenda Alamilla" Julie G. Karpp Gabrielle Yvonne Washington Christopher Robert Minardi Meghan Ashley Amaya Michael Joseph Kenny Georgia Anthony Palladino Erika Gardner Aronson Caroline M. Krchnavy' Bachelor of Arts in History Nathan J. Perez Melissa Ann Badaracco Jessica Katherine LaFlam Kendall C. Bourbon Lauren Elizabeth Pettinelli Meghan Elizabeth Barcellos" Ashley Marie Lasalandra Elvonni Lamar Capozziello' Alexander Schettino Amy Elizabeth Bardino Casey Louise Levesque Jo h n A. Cuneo' Kathryn Grace Shepard' Jennifer Bennett Brianna Marie Liccardi Kelsey Rose Hanley" Also Communication Studies Gillian Frances Bianchi Dominique J. Lippolis Kelsey Anne Hayward Major Alexa Taylor Blanchard Nicole Lucas' Francesca Rose Kraft Amanda Rose Sialiano Ashley Elizateth Blatus Olivia Katherine Makowsky Bruno Olivieri Fernandes Justine Taylor Sibthorp Pamela Jo Boccanfuso Cassandra Anne Malz Lopes Dana Marie Souza* Margaret L. Borchardt Keaton Tyler Cooke Mangi Winifred Rose Maloney Nathan Melone Tallo Jessica Kristen Bouchard* Alexa Daniele McCourt Jam eson R. M artin Jason Andrew Torey Alexandra Leigh Brielmann Christina Marie McCrink Molly Brien McClintock Richard John Yandoli Alison Laura Brosky Meaghan Catherine McGann Whitney Kelley Moss Raychel R. Brown" Margaret Rose McGuirk Alyssa Nicole Piccirillo Bachelor of Science Francesca Theresa Bruno William Philip McNeil Kenneth Dylan Strachan in Media Studies Kelsey Ju n e Burke ' Marie-Helena Ngabouli M arisa A. Papa Nicholas Angelo Caminiti' Mekolo" Bachelor of Science in Also Psychology Major Gabrielle Victoria Cantileno" Ashley Taylor Mele" Mathematics Bridget Marian Carey Kimberlyn J. Mele Steven H. Fabrizio Bachelor of Arts Elizabeth Carmona Michelle Y. Menera-Chin Caitlin Patricia Giff in Philosophy Jennifer Ann Ciaralli Danielle L. Mestres Kimberly Maria Mata Edward Arthur Theurkauf Marykate Mason Coakley Kaila Rose Morgan" Robert Stephen O'Neill, Jr." Brooke Victoria Colombo Nicole Danielle Morra Malvina Reinhold Bachelor of Arts Amanda Taylor Contento" Bianca Mykytyn' Jennifer Lyn Robillard in Political Science Warner Braxton Cooley, III' Jillian Rose Newell Talia Marin Schwartz Dylan Adlai Baker Katelyn Marie Cornett Marisa Leigh Palmiere Nicole Leann Trommelen Nikki Taylor Berotti" Ian Scott Cotterell" Jessica Rose Pfeffer Katharine Athena Wells" Natalie Rose Cafasso Shannon Elizabeth Daley Dominique Ann Prudente Sarah M. W elte' Also Psychology Major Emily A nne Davin" Sarah M ary Loughery Quatela' Amanda Natalie Carilli Danielle Marie De Monte Rebecca Amanda Ramos Bachelor of Arts in Jessica Chapman* Gentiana Dedushaj" William Joseph Rayner, Jr. Media Arts Chelsey L Corbo Morgan Taylor DeMattia Dennis Neal Regan Abshir A. Aden Lea Marie DeRosa Riley Moore Devine Luz Karen Rivera Also Marketing Major Thomas Christopher Samantha Michelle Devine Tamara Rose Rusconi' Sarah Elizabeth Backus Fallon, Jr. Krista Briett Dorsey Karli Marie Ryan A nthony M. Bartonik Sergio Hruszko" Liam Robert Doyle Geana Marie Salerno Joseph Russell Berry" Caitlin Crowley Isherwood Erin Lynn Dugan Nicolette Carol Sands" Emily Katherine Brucato" Gordon Edward Kern, II Lindsay Dunlea Katherine Mary Saphire* Courtney C. Z. Christine Alisa Ann Mesa" Nessa Eugene" Melissa Brittany Schreiber Budenholzer Joshua James Murph5r‘ Chelsey Nicole Ferraro Katrina Shababb Aaron Michael Burrell" Brandon James Norton Marissa L. Ferris Melanie Shea Lindsay K. Clouse Ana Sofia Nunes Claire Rindell Gardner Stephane Smarth John F. Coletta Paul M. Perillie' Paradise Ellesse Garrett Jaclyn Rose Smith Raymond Anthony Corriea Brianna Colleen Steele Nicole Gaviola Megan Mary Somers' Ryan Alexander Cotmpi Leo Michael Tahajian, Jr. Caitlyn Elizabeth Goggin Brianna Spitaliere Colleen Mae Crowley' Also Criminal Justice Major Katherine Fairfield Goodale Jillian Lorraine Steinhauer Megan Grace Floyd Paige Elizabeth Grennan Caitlyn Rae Stine Nicholaus Gerard Gaulin" Kerrin Haas* Benjamin Luke Thomas Annie Tracy Bachelor of Science Nicholas Rae Koerner' Christopher James Borea Carla Vaccarello' in Sociology Also Finance Major Also Sport Management Betty Varughese Brionna Ashleigh Francis Skyler Brendan Leen Major Jenna Lynn Wagenblatt Kathryn Elizabeth Pierce Angelo Frank Lombardo Sean Bowe Anthony Thomas Walsh Laura Elizabeth Ricci Justin Mikael Mandala Also Marketing Major Samantha Nicole Ward Geena Louise Maniac! M ichele M. Brewster Dominique Renee Weigel Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Lauren Ashley Miller Nathaniel Caldwell Michelle Katherine Weiman Michael Patrick Barden Nikole DeSousa Moutinho Kellie M. Canino Kacie Nicole Wentworth Karla V. Castro Katherine Mae Mullane Andrea P. Cannata Jaclyn Elizabeth Wieczorek Emily Marie De Bias! Meena Nasimi Michelle Antoinette Camsone Andrew Wysocki Mareeka Celeste Dookie Katarina Victoria Nelson Patrick David Casey Jill Kovacs Matthew Nunnink Alexandria Marie Castracucco Bachelor of Arts in Social Work Raul Martinez Stephen J. Phillips Emilie M. Cecere Jaclyn Anna Bentivegna Paige Alexa Noonan Nicholas Piliero Leah E. Cerritelli Tara Danielle Bisson Kayla Ann Scandole Carlos Francisco Ramos Brenton John Champagne Kathryn Mary Branagan Villegks Gabriela Chavez Hernandez ' Sarah Ellen Cohen Also } 'incince Major Sarah Anna Connor Geoffrey Alexander Connors JOHN F. WELCH Anthony Saia, III Daniel Steven Cossa Spencer George Denisco COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Anthony Paul Sallemi Eleanor Rose Danna Caitlin Claire Doyle Vernon C. Smith' Matthew Gregg DAttile' M ellisa A nne Duffy Bachelor of Science Daniella A. Smolanick Coleman North Davis Also Political Science Major in Accounting Diana Janette Soyland Alexandra Nicole Deleonardis A nn Garvey Anthony Peter Altomaro Taylor Marie Stanley' Kevin Eduardo Devissiere Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez" Martin E. Amand Also Criminal Jnstmi' Major Natalie Ann DiGennaro' Dianne Gutierrez Chandler Joan Antczak Jeffrey Quinn Stoddard Thomas Ward Diplacido, III Tess Kallmeyer Also Finance Majcc Tyler Joseph Tanasi Jarek R. Dombrowski Darrin D. M artinez Nicholas Balias Kenneth J. Tobey Lauren Mary Dufresne Kathryn Emilie Mennen Stangia Tamara Bartholomew Francis Tanner Tripucka Marketing Major Madison Kennedy Mercier Gabriella Biagini Benjamin Edmund Viccari Jessica Ellen Fahy' Stephanie Mary Nickerson Nicole Cacchiani Sean Carlos Vilar Alsi' Psvc'miogy Major Stephanie Marie Notaro Nicole M. Capria Amanda Zecca ' Thomas Francis Farrelly, III Jamie Nicole Preziosi Aileen Carr Madeleine Abelina Zuniga Diana Marie Felezzola Elona Reci Michael J. Cavataio Stephen John Finegan Christine Regan Jasmine Madry Centeno Bachelor of Science Thomas Ford Amanda S. Riccitelli Briana Lee Connolly in Business Administration Also Finance Major Shannon L. Rick Ewa G. Dedios Ashley Rose Alaimo David Ribas Fraga' Kaitlin Mary Schittig Robin De Jesus Michaela Francesca Albano Gerelyn Michelle Garcia Brianna E. Schussler Jenna DelBuono Also Business Economics Also Accounting Major Gabriel John Scrivani Robert Dim Major Victoria Rose Gardner Samantha Nicole Stilo Christopher John Dipietro Jeanette Almodovar Steven A. Gentile Kirstin Hope Vales Kaitlin Duda La5Tth Alm unajed Monica Marie Giannetta Branden G. D urant Taylor Alyse Anastasio Nicole Raye Gittleman Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Molly A nn Ferrari Adriana Renee Arminio Also Marketing Major Brittany Lee Cerreta Maribel Galindo' Stephen Geoffrey Arther' Anika E. Gonzales Adam Louis Cron Lina Gallego Megan J. Atkinson Desta Gennet Grant Marina Rose Fanciullo Drew Daniel George Elizabeth A. Babollah' Alexander Francis Hanelt Taylor Marie Jozwiak Alexandra Giraldo' David John Barbar Sheena Marie Hollywood Alissa M. K neeland Margaret Jean Glander Kyle J. Beam Lindsay Jacobsen Kasey Anne McCullough Andrew E. Holmes Jaclyn Beatty Samantha Monika Jarmek Brian Edward McGarr' Also Finance Major Sean Bell Artur Jorge, Jr Adrianna Lucille Quintilian! Ashile J. Hendrickson Micheal J. Belmont, IV' Dean Simpson Keats Marlon Ramnanan William Ryder Herlihy Also Finance Major Agne Kerzaite Huldah Rodney-Lattimore’ Colby Eastman Jennings Melissa Bolivar' Scott Gene Kuenzle, Jr. ' Jennifer Mary Schwartz Michelle L. Johnson' Also Accounting Major Michelle Renee LaSalandra" M ichael M. Kelly' Esmeralda Boraj Cassandra Victoria Lavoie Christopher John Kinsella Justin Nicolas Leone ' Victoria Anne Lloyd-Williams Bachelor of Science in Ryan James Janoska Jonathan Mark Taporco Christopher Joseph Logozio Business Economics Also Business Economics David Vicente Demi Leigh Lopez' John Brownell Major Matthew John Ward Juan Diego Lopez' Jonathan Flood' Joshua R. Joy' Also Accounting Major Nicole C. Lostocco Colby W illiam Kofoed Konstantinos Kamargiannakis Diego Ramiro Luna' Also Marketing Major Alexey A. Karpinskiy' Bachelor of Science in Anthony Marciano' Joseph Aaron Kemp ' Marketing Shelby Rose Marinello Bachelor of Science in Benjamin Robert Ketcham' Lauren Lee Abascal D esm ond A. M ighty Finance Also Business Economics A m eer H, Ali Francis Ryan Murphy Adria Eden Abboud Major Kelly Elizabeth Andersen Shannon Rose Muscara Also Business Economics Cody Andrew Knox Victoria Andersen Kristofer Nrekic Major Declan Laurent Lynch Ryan Arther Hayley Michelle Pereira Joseph Alessandro Also Business Economics Kimberly A nn Ball Also Marketing Major Sam John Barber Major Also Business Economics Octavia Ann Pierce Stephen Alexander Robert A. M aguire Major Also Sport Management Bienkiewicz Also Busineis Economics Connor John Bohl Major Also Business Economics Major Also Mathematics Major Paul Pironi Major Isabelle Marie Malin Audine Christie Buffalino Lori Ann Pisanelli Thomas Patrick Breen Scott Margiano Jr.' Paul Harrison Calato Leah Prescott Michael Thomas Burke" Joshua Adriel Mathews' Matthew Michael Charmello Dominick Mario Puntillo ' John Butler' Margaret Eileen McCabe Also Finance Major Aaminah Syed Qadri Andrew William Butterworth Also Business Economics John E. Cifelli, Jr. Andrew James Reynolds' Kenneth C. Byram, III' Major Jackeline Coronado Christine Brett Rios Also Business Economics Jesse Cole McEachern' Shay Kelly Cronin Justin Michael Rodrigues Major Also Business Economics Christa Marie Cruz James Ryan Ross Andrew Scott Cohen Major Chelsey Lynn Curren Cortney Lynn Rotonto Jeffrey Jordan Cohen Shilpa M ehta' Olivia Czaplinski ‘ Scott King Rowe Also Business Economics Claudia Isabel Moncayo- Kaitlyn Marie Darienzo Megan Kathleen Ryan Major Terranova * Arianna Lisa De Julio Nicole Rydzewski James Arthur Cooksey Also Business Economics Mark Defalco Luz Karime Sanchez' Also Business Economics Major Gina Lucia DeFeo' Lauren Ann Sandbach Major Joseph Michael Navas ' Florenta Demaku M ichael R. Sapanski Brandon Richard Crowe ' Justin Pagan Taylor Alyssa Di Bella Cortney Jane Sevigny James Nicholas Curry “ Matthew J. Paquette' Craig Edward Dix Also Finance Major Kyle Peter Czarnecki Patrick R. Plant Danielle Lillian D'Urso Lawrence Spano Also Business Economics Also Business Economics Ines Duzic Stylianos Stavrianos’ Major Major Rudyard Favard Elizabeth Cooper Stouch Anthony J. Dolisi, II Mason David Powers' Brianna Lynn Formicola Juliann Elizabeth Sweeney' Also Business Economics Also Business Economics Gabrielle Marie Fuentes Also Marketing Major Major Major Melissa Hernandez Magdalena Szychowska" Sara Maria Fernandez Louis Edward Raab Gordon Taylor Hill Galiano Paolo Tiramani' Also Business Economics Also Accounting Major Neelab Maria Hussaini Andrea P. Torres Major Amanda Marie Sansaricq Dayna Rachel Interlandi Angel Jose Torres Cintron Laura Elizabeth Ferrarese' Also Business Economics Taylor Reed Kaiser Emma Marie Trapani Scott James Gaffney Major Kelly A. Keenan Also Business Economics Also Business Economics Raymond Satagaj Jeffrey Kim' Major Major Also Business Economics Adam R. King Kristina Marie Valentino Elias Antoine Gharios Major Amanda Elizabeth Kunze Alexandro Vazzano Gerhard Gjonaj' Christopher Matthew Sestak' Benjamin Lake Marysol Velez-Rodriguez Dallas Sean Haarmann Breanna Daniels Skelley Ryan William Machovsky Denise West' Also Business Economics Conor Matthew Soravilla Francesca Marie Mainella Meagen Amanda Westphalen Major Steven Richard Sullivan Isabel Citlali Martinez' Todd Peter Young Richel Hermosura Also Business Economics Michelle Alice Molinari Vincent Joseph lannitelli Major Kerry Nora Morris Also Business Economics Alihumza Noor Sumra Celine Marie Monies Major Jason Griffin Sutkowski' Marie Kori Nakos Allyson Elizabeth O'Connor Domenique Rose Watkins Jessica C. Fiscella Kelsey Jean Treveloni Daniel L. Orcutt Also Marketing Major Steven Michael Flatley Garrett Wayne Wadsworth Kathryn Phelan Owens Daniel John Wertz Keaton Sebastian Flint Sarah Kathryn Wallis Cory A. Patane Codi Taylor Forney Sean Patrick Walsh Nicholas Loukas Post C onnor A. Frizzell Benjamin Pryzby COLLEGE OF HEALTH Stephanie Gabriele Bachelor of Science in Health Lauren Taylor Ricci PROFESSIONS Thomas Aiden Gerrity Sciences Kelsey Erin Rondeau Jessica Lynn Giammattei Emily Anne Albers Samantha Jane Sands Bachelor of Science in Sarah Elizabeth Gravel Cristina Badalamenti Emma Rose Schnitman Athletic Training Stephanie Bozena Guminiak Ashley Marie Baillargeon ' Brian Paul Sheehan Caitlin Marie Ault Daniel P. Hagan Kristina May Beauchamp Melanie Christine Solimine Noelle Layton Keilani Cahill Maura Harrington Jacqueline Krystin Beirne Ryan Michael Straub Emily Rose Calabrese Michelle Nicole Henault Sarah M. Bell Brittany Lynn Tigano Nicole A. Castellucci Nicole Hentnick Emma Clare Bolduc Raquel Gina Tisi Patrick James Cronin Andrew Tyler Kingston Samantha Capozza Kristin Leigh Verrette Joseph James Erdos, III H olihes Andrew Chanthinith Kaitlyn Danielle Voswinkel Timothy Daniel Godfrey Taylor Elizabeth Holt Brianna Marie Coffaro Claudia Kostich Megan Michelle Hubert Sarah Margaret Collins Bachelor of Science Mark Joseph Macdonald ' Kayla Patricia Huegel Hannah June DeSarro in Sport Management Kaitlyn Alyssa Nadler Sara Lynn Isaacson Matthew Dumican Stephanie Nicole Adamec Michaela M. O'Neil Christina Marie Joerg Christina Marie Gambino Austen Thomas Ahern Marcello Umberto Orsini Mary Elizabeth Keenan Natalie Janet Giardina" Corey Robert Badeau Francesca Noelle Prestia Hannah Joann Kimmel Megan R. Harrop Mark Kenneth Blake-Lobb David Sean Wallace Emily Kathleen Kiss Ryan Albert Hogan Christopher Paul Bongo Hunter Robert Edwin Warner Kevin Raymond Kosis Carey Marie Hotsky Ryan Douglas Briggs Michael Joseph Kulich Keeley A. Jam es Also MiO'setuig Major Bachelor of Science in Ashley Lockaby Devan Rae Kelley Christopher James Buckman Exercise Science John Bell Martin Regan Elizabeth Resting Andrew Robert Cresci Alexandria M. Abel Sarissa Jayne Masucci Kayla Marie Lance Michael Aaron Cross Melinda Acevedo Giancarlo Salvatore Maurello Amanda Lenane Leah R. Decarlo Jordan Lawrence Aglieco A llison C. M cCusker Elizabeth Ann L'Esperance Ryan James Drummond Sebastian Jose Altomarino Lori Kathleen McGovern Steven Mason Maguire, Jr. Tyler Daniel Dube Cristin Antimisiaris Stephanie N. Messier Frederick Ekow Mensah Also I 'inance Major Andrew Lawrence Baranauskas Marisa Messina Katherine Alexandra Mulyk Christopher Michael Dumas Melissa Liane Berrick Dania Morejon Kelsey Elizabeth Palumberi Also Marketing Major Caroline Nicole Bertram Victoria L. Morrell Jennifer Kathleen Pisano Ian Charles Farley Joseph Peter Bilynsky, Jr. Jamie Constance O'Donoghue Darien A. Pittman Timothy James Goodwin Thomas Andrew Bovino Katerina Antonia Parlamas Jennifer Lauren Powers Steven Kaplan Charlotte Emma Bracken Mark Lewis Paul Carly Suze Romeus Timothy Carl Langer Alessandro Bruno Christina Maria Pesci Jennifer Mary Rutigliano Samuel John McCain Tara Kimberly Bugden Matthew T. Piekarz Gina M. Silveri Paul Carl Oliva Carissa Lynn Calcagno Maeghan Rose Risser Gia Renata Spinelli Jennie Patricia Poirier Nicole Briana Capozzi Kyle Joseph Rogus Lindsay June Strassburg Monica Maria Re Jocelyn Rose Ceruti Stephanie Lai Mi Russo Lauren E. Taylor Also Financo Major Ashley Michelle Chory Adam Sadowski Angela Marie Tiano Amanda Christine Remy Allison Marie Coll Preston Stiles Sanford Kaitlin Ann Tuohy Also Finance Major Cara Susan Curran Jessica Rose Schild Lauren Margaret Tycz Daniel Ryan Rios' Craig Daniel DeCesare Sara Ann Scorpa Jenna Lee Warman Paul Andrew Sabato, Jr. Erika Jeanne Doyle Colleen Louise Semenick Emily Rose Wilbur Immanuel Sanchez Peter Thomas Dulin Scott James Sheehan Chelsea Marie Zenk Also Marketing Major Isabela Dunatov Kaitlyn Patricia Stanford Molly Elena Sheluck Sam antha K. Eberg Brandon James Theroux Bachelor of Science in Nursing Also Marketing Major Danielle Marie English Nicole Theus Meaghan Jeanne Abbott Daniel Douglas Tremblay' Kristina Marie English Julianne Marie Tocchio Liliana Acosta Also Finance Major Alyssa N. Farnsworth Kevin M. Trainor, Jr. Sharon M. Sutton Alkerstedt' Steven Robert Ferrara Aileen Anna Trella Sandy Martins Alves Romeo Ponce Angeles William Hall Christina Gale Sepe Matthew Weiss Daphney Judith Anicette Heather Hancort Janelle Alisha Sewell Delmarc Anora Karolina Hannah Vanessa Sheftz Associate in Arts Susana Araujo Emily A. Hokunson' Michelle M. Sheridan in Business Administration Tam m y Arel Daniel Ray Hughes Kathleen Simon Margaret Tyminski Valerie A. Assalone Wanda R. Hundley Deirdre Elizabeth Slubowski Twila K. Balint Dennis James Hutt Barbara M. Smith Associate in Arts Victoria Louise Barnes ' Tiffany Ceil Ishmael Stephanie Sorak in General Studies Celina A. Bazaar Odette Johnson Rhonda Diane Sosik Ashley Anne Hongo Shannon Bednarczyk Crystal Jeannie Jones' Nicole Ann Spaulding Demetrios Andrew Kyriakides Christina Angelica Belezos Linda Kelley Carrie Lynn St. Hilaire David Matthew Russo Michele Lee Benjamin Madeline Joyce Kennedy Kathleen Stezko Kyle A. Toohey Jessica L. Boccanfuso Ashley Elizabeth Kilcommons Jacob Switzer Briana R. Bolmer Alioune Nathaniel Kotey Erin Tavella-Shearer Meaghan Lee Brosnan Emma M. Kraft Lindsey Anne Tesorero Alissa Margaret Brown Samantha Landers Donna-Mari^ Tuttle' Nicole Elizabeth Campbell Patricia Lang Amy Lynn Tweedie Britni Canelli Ashley Marie Lapolla Marilou Ventures Ty Alison Carroll Paige Taylor Lassen Tiffany M. Urban Samantha Ashley Carros Dennecia M. Lawrence Cheryl Frances Watts Jennifer L. Castello Callan Ann Liljeberg Rachel Weinreb Erica Lynn Cavaliere Nora Liskowsky Julie Weiss Kristi Marie Chamberlain Leah Lizbeth Magliari Taylor Chelsey Willette Catherine Agnes Chittick Sylvie Marston Lauren E. Young Sherry Inkyung Choi Alan J. McGoldrick Catherine Marie Zelepsky Toni Michelle Christoforo Jessica James McGuigan Hanna Jane Zibluk Jacqueline Michelle Coady Debra Merola Connie L. ColeTngber Monica Lynn Meucci UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Meghan E. Collins Danielle F, Morabito Bachelor of A rts Brittany K. Pothier' Jacqueline A, Morrison in General Studies Ann Elizabeth Conlon Lauren Elizabeth Mruk Jacklyn K. Bradley Jessica Conte Jennifer Lauren Mulkeen Sarah Carrozza Laura Jo Cook Katherine Mullen Samantha Rabel' Kristy L. Cosgrove Theresa Negron Hannah Leigh Cronan Sarah Michele Olmstead Bachelor of Science in Linda Carol Cucinello Heather Page General Studies Giovanna Concetta D Amelia Danielle Elizabeth Paquette Erica Isabel Acevedo Jamie Dance Tanya L. Payne Ashley Marie Andreycak Joanna Danielewicz Nancy Jean Persico Janelle Bal Rosa Diaz-Herring Andrea Peterson Nicole Barnes Caitlyn A. Egan Jennifer Lauren Petrone Amanda Patricia Bonny Kelly E. Egan Alexandra Nicole Price Gloria Caesar Meghan Elizabeth Eggleston Meghan Ann Quinn Amy Clemons Kayla Rose Farrell Farrellin Rameikas Jennifer C. Correnty Kelly Marie Fraser Maryellen Rediker-Douglas Anita B. DiLisio The preceding does not constitute an Tracy A. Fusco Fredrick Ryan Reece Philip Michael DiNapoli official graduation list. The students Stephanie Gabriel Kathryn Leigh Rezuke Rose-Anne Frances Errico listed here were candidates for the degree or honor at the program printing Jenny Gaity Leah Alice Ricci Alexandra R. Falcone deadline. Latin honors for undergraduates as announced at the undergraduate Meaghan Elizabeth Gallagher Melissa Ann Robbins Astrid Garza commencement ceremony were Christine Marie Gargano Jessica Rosa Michael John Kedersha calculated as of the end of fall 2014. Nicole Taylor Geckler Claudine Anne Roy Susan Mary Kelley A ugust 2014 G raduates Grace Margaret Gillette Stacey Anne Roy Luckens Mathelier ' December 2014 Graduates Lucy P. Golding Maureen SanFilippo- Justin S. McLoughlin ' June 2014 Luxembourg Stephanie Marie Gomes Burchman Stephanie Reed G raduates ' August 2015 Candidates Ashley Elizabeth Greco Karen E. Scott Sarah Sawyer in Attendance Courtney Anne Grillo Kristina Selander Todd Weaver SENIOR CLASS GIFT CAMPAIGN

Thank you to the members of the Class of 2015 who made a contribution to the Forever Pioneers Senior Class Gift Campaign. The Forever Pioneers Campaign raised $14,000 for Sacred Heart University; these gifts support scholarships, lab equipment, student programming, community service initiatives, athletics and much more.

Best of luck to all of you in the next chapter of your lives. We hope you will always consider Sacred Heart University your home away from home and will visit often.

Lauren L. Abascal Sean C. Bowe Briana L. Connolly Eyimofe Edukugho Stephanie N. Adamec Thomas R Breen James A. Cooksey Danielle M. English Jordan L. Aglieco Alexandra L. Brielmann Jennifer C. Correnty Kristina M. English Ashley R. Alaimo Emily K. Brucato Ryan A. Cotrupi Joseph J. Erdos III Michaela F. Albano Alessandro Bruno Ian S. Cotterell Philip R. Falcone Meghan A. Amaya Francesca T. Bruno Adam L. Cron Ian C. Farley Taylor A. Anastasio Courtney C. Budenholzer Colleen M. Crowley Alyssa N. Farnsworth Kelly E. Andersen Tara Bugden Shannon E. Daley Rudyard Favard Chandler J. Antczak Amy R. Buonaccorsi Emily A. Davin Sara M. Fernandez Cristin T. Antimisiaris Michael T. Burke Alexandra R. Davis Chelsey N. Ferraro Erika G. Aronson Aaron M. Burrell Craig D. Decesare Molly A. Ferrari Caitlin M. Ault Samuel C. Butler Mark DeFalco Marissa L. Ferris Ashley Baillargeon Flajira B. Butt Morgan T. Demattia Keaton S. Flint Dylan A. Baker Andrew W. Butterworth Danielle M. DeMonte Jonathan Flood Kimberly A. Ball Kenneth C. Byram Lea M. DeRosa Megan G. Floyd Andrew L. Baranauskas Natalie R. Cafasso Riley M. Devine Connor A. Frizzell Danielle L. Barberi Gabrielle V. Cantileno Sarah C. DeWolf Philip J. Gaetano Anthony M. Bartonik Nicole B. Capozzi Gregory D. Diaz Gerelyn Garcia Kristina M. Beauchamp Bridget M. Carey Natalie A. DiGennaro Claire Gardner Jacqueline K. Beirne Michelle A. Carusone Carrianne S. Dillon Victoria R. Gardner Christina A. Belezos Patrick D. Casey Christopher J. DiPietro Edward J. Garrity Sean Bell Leah E. Cerritelli Thomas W. DiPlacido Steven A. Gentile Ryan J. Bergen Jocelyn R. Ceruti Craig E. Dix Drew George Melissa L. Berrick Matthew M. Charmello Jarek R. Dombrowski Thomas A. Gerrity Gillian F. Bianchi Gabriela Chavez Neil D. Doppler Elias A. Gharios Scott E. Blanchette Hernandez Caitlin C. Doyle Caitlin P. Giff Ashley E. Blatus Catherine A. Chittick Erika J. Doyle Grace M. Gillette Andrew B. Bodnarchuk Kyle D. Church Tyler D. Dube Nicole R. Gittleman Connor J. Bohl John E. Cifelli Jr. Haley E. Dubits Steven Glowiak Emma C. Bolduc Brianna M. Coffaro Lauren M. Dufresne Timothy J. Goodwin Melissa Bolivar Andrew S. Cohen Erin L. Dugan Paige E. Grennan Christopher R Bongo Matthew K. Cole Christopher M. Dumas Stephanie B. Guminiak Christopher J. Borea John F. Coletta Elizabeth A. Easton Alexander F. Hanelt Thomas A. Bovino Brooke V. Colombo James C. Eazor Kathleen A. Harrison Kelsey A. Hayward Declan L. Lynch Cory A. Patane Janelle Sewell Gregory A. Hazell Mark J. MacDonald Mark L. Paul Brian Sheehan Ashile J. Hendrickson Taylor M. M agnotti H ayley M. Pereira Scott J. Sheehan Nicole M. Hentnick Isabelle M. Malin Jaime L. Perrotti M olly E. Sheluck Eric G, H ernandez K eaton T.C. M angi C hristina M. Pesci Kathryn G. Shepard Kevin J. Hess Geena L, Maniaci Alyssa N. Piccirillo A m anda R. Sialiano G ordon T. Hill Alexandria J, Marini Victoria A. Picerno Ju stin e T. Sibthorp A ndrew E. H olm es Elizabeth M, Mastrocola Jillian R. Picinich B reanna D. Skelley A ndrew T. H olm es Joshua A. Mathews K athryn E. Pierce Jaclyn R. Sm ith Ryan P. H u g h es Giancarlo S. Maurello Nicholas Piliero Michael J. Smith Olivia S. Hurd Nicholas V. McAneney Jen n ifer K. Pisano Daniella A. Smolanick Elizabeth L. Hutchins Samuel J. McCain Evan Pittman K im berly M. Snyder D ayna R. Interlandi Molly B. McClintock M ark T. P odesta K eshaudas D. Spence Sara L, Isaacson Francis T. McConnell Jennifer L. Powers Anthony J. Spiteri Emily L. Isch Christina M. McCrink Jam ie N. Preziosi S am antha N. Stilo Caitlin C. Isherwood Kasey A. McCullough Nicole S. Price Kevin M. Stim m el Jonathan S. Jacovino A llison C. M cC usker Marilyn D. Quintanilla C aitlyn R. Stine Nicholas V. Jannetti William F, McDonough Jr. William Rayner Elizabeth C. Stouch Ryan J. Janoska Meaghan C. McGann M onica M. Re K enneth D. Strachan Cooper A. Johnson Kieran M. McGirl Dennis N. Regan Lindsay J. Strassburg H olly S. Jo h n so n Lori K. M cG overn Malvina Reinhold L auren E. Taylor Robert L. Johnson Jessica J. McGuigan Amanda C. Remy Stephan J. Thomas Artur Jorge Jr. Margaret R.McGuirk Kathryn L. Rezuke C helsea M. Tibus Taylor M. Jozw iak Michelle I. Melgar Leah A. Ricci Kenneth J. Tobey Jamie Jurak Alisa A. Mesa Christine B. Rios Jason Torey Taylor R. K aiser Stephanie N. Messier Daniel R. Rios A nnie R. Tracy Tess Kallmeyer Danielle L. Mestres Brendan A. Ritter Kevin M. Trainor Jr. Kelly A. Keenan Jessica Michaud Jennifer L. Robillard Aileen A. Trella Evan Kelley Brent A. Middleton Julia A. Romano Francis T. Tripucka Madeline J. Kennedy Alana G. Miller Ja m e s R. Ross Nicole L. Trommelen R egan E. R esting Lauren A. Miller Lucia Rothe Kaitlin A. Tuohy Ashley E. Kilcommons Sean W. M iller Stephanie L. Russo Marilou Ty Hannah Kimmel Christopher R. Minardi Jennifer M. Rutigliano Alexandro Vazzano A dam R. K ing C laudia I. M oncayo- Karli M. Ryan Sean C. Vilar Christopher J. Kinsella T erranova Nicole Rydzewski Kristin L. Verrette Em ily K. Kiss Troy F. Moore Paul A. Sabato Eric P. VonFischer Alexandra R. Kleeman Dania Morejon A nthony P. Sallem i Je n n a L. W agenblatt Alissa M. Kneeland N icole D. M orra Adam J. Salwocki David S. Wallace C ody A. Knox Victoria L. Morrell Lauren A. Sandbach A nthony T. W alsh Kristie L. Konieczny K erry N. M orris N icolette C. Sands Matthew J. Ward E m m a M. Kraft Troy L. Moyer Maureen E. SanFilippo- Samantha N. Ward F rancesca R. Kraft Kaitlyn A. Nadler B urchm an H u n ter R. W arner Michael J. Kulich M arie K. N akos P reston S. Sanford Gabrielle Y. Washington A m an d a E. Kunze Stephanie M. Nickerson A ni E. Sarajian Domenique R. Watkins Megan A. Lackman Meredith C. Nyser Raymond Satagaj Kacie N. W entw orth Benjamin Lake Michaela M. O'Neil Je ssic a R. Schild Khristopher E. White S tep h an ie E. Lam b M arcello U. O rsini K aitlin M. Schittig Em ily R. W ilbur A shley M. Lapolla Kathryn P. Owens Melissa B. Schreiber Christopher M. Williams B rianna M. Liccardi Justin Pagan Brianna E. Schussler S am antha E. W olm an Callan A. Liljeberg Stephanie M. Palermo Jennifer M. Schwartz Alanna P. Woodford Victoria A. Llyod-Williams Georgia A. Palladino Talia M. Schw artz Andrew Wysocki D em i L. Lopez Charles J. Pardini Sara A. Scorpa A lissa M. Young Kylee E. Low ndes M aribel R. Paredes Colleen L. Semenick Steven T. Zawacki Zachary Luczyk K aterina A. Parlam as Cortney J. Sevigny Sacred Heart UNIVERSITY