Baltic Security and Defence Review 2010
Baltic Security and Defence Review Volume 12, Issue 1 2010 Baltic Security and Defence Review is the publication of the Baltic Defence College © 2010, Baltic Defence College, All rights reserved ISSN 1736-3772 (print) 1736-3780 (online) Editorial Board Editor: Dr. James S. Corum, Dean, Baltic Defence College Lt. Col. John Andreas Olsen PhD, Norwegian Air Force, Dean, Norwegian Defence University College Dr. Richard DiNardo, Professor, US Marine Corps Staff College Dr. Joel Hayward, Dean, RAF College Cranwell, UK Dr. Adam Seipp. Dept of History, University of Texas Dr. Jürgen Foerster, Department of History, University of Freiburg Col. Robert Ehlers PhD, Professor, USAF School of Advanced Air and Space power Studies Dr. Arunas Molis, Department of Strategy and Politics, Baltic Defence College Brigadier General Walter Feichtinger PhD, Austrian National Defence Academy Dr. Hannu Kari, Finnish National Defence University Dr. Flemming Hansen, Royal Danish Defence College Assistant editor and layout: Villu Varjas Cover design and print: Momo Electronic version of the Baltic Security and Defence Review can be accessed on the website of the Baltic Defence College at All articles of the Baltic Security and Defence Review are also available through the International Relations and Security Network (ISN) at All inquiries should be made to the Baltic Defence College, Riia 12, 51013 Tartu, Estonia, ph: +372 717 6000, fax: +372 717 6050, e-mail: Baltic Security and Defence Review Volume 12, issue 1, 2010 Contents Baltic Defence College Workshop on the New NATO Strategic Concept, 18 February 2010 By Baltic Defence College faculty............................................................
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