Apparatus for the study of Rayleigh-B´enard convection in gases under pressure

John R. de Bruyn Department of Physics Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3X7

Eberhard Bodenschatz Department of Physics and Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853

Stephen W. Morris Department of Physics and Erindale College University of Toronto 60 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A7

Steven P. Traino Department of Physics and Center for Nonlinear Science University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-9530

Yuchou Hu Department of Physics and Center for Nonlinear Science University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-9530 and Center for Nonlinear Studies and Material Science and Technology Division Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

David S. Cannell and Guenter Ahlers Department of Physics and Center for Nonlinear Science University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-9530 (April 10, 2002) We review the history of experimental work on Rayleigh-B´enard convection in gases, and then describe a modern apparatus which has been used in our experiments on gas convection. This system allows the study of patterns in a cell with an aspect ratio (cell radius/fluid layer depth) as large as 100, with the cell thickness uniform to a fraction of a µm, and with the pressure controlled at the level of one part in 105. This level of control can yield a stability of the critical temperature difference for the convective onset of better than one part in 104. The convection patterns are visualized and the temperature field can be inferred using the shadowgraph technique. We describe the flow visualization and image processing necessary for this. Some interesting results obtained with the system are briefly summarized.

1 I. INTRODUCTION conditions, the convection appears in the form of long straight rolls, which are viewed end-on in Fig. 1. As the When a spatially extended system is driven far from temperature dierence across the layer is increased, these equilibrium by subjecting it to a stress, it will often un- straight rolls can themselves become unstable, resulting dergo a transition from a spatially uniform state to a in the appearance of dierent, and generally more com- state with spatial variation. We refer to this variation plex ow patterns, the precise nature of which depends on as a \pattern". Pattern formation is generally associated the uid properties and the experimental conguration. with nonlinear eects. These are of great fundamental Eventually the pattern will become time dependent, and, interest in the physical sciences as well as in engineer- ultimately, turbulent. ing because they can lead to qualitatively new phenom- ena which do not occur in linear systems. Many of the Tt phenomena encountered are common to a range of dif- ferent systems, be they physical, chemical, or biological in nature [1]. For instance, depending on the parame- Tb ter ranges, elongated structures known as \stripes" or \rolls", hexagonal patterns, and \turbulent" states are found in all of them. A scientist interested in the funda- heat input mental aspects of these ubiquitous eects will choose a particular system which is well suited to detailed, quan- FIG. 1. A schematic illustration of Rayleigh-B´enard con- titative study. With this aim in mind, we have examined vection. A thin layer of fluid — in our case, a compressed gas fundamental aspects of pattern formation by conducting — is confined between two parallel, horizontal rigid plates, experiments on uid systems. In particular, we investi- and heat is applied to the system from below. The top plate gated several variations of the simple problem of a thin is at temperature Tt and the bottom plate at temperature horizontal uid layer heated from below. The convection Tb = Tt + ∆T . Because of the thermal expansion of the fluid, which occurs when the temperature dierence across the it is less dense near the bottom plate and more dense near the layer is suciently large is known as Rayleigh-Benard top. At a critical value of the temperature difference across convection(RBC) [2]. The uid ow associated with it the layer, ∆Tc, this unstable density gradient becomes large forms a pattern. It oers exceptional opportunities to the enough that a convective flow sets in, as illustrated. experimentalist, and has been used for several decades to investigate a number of fundamental nonlinear phenom- Experimentally, convection patterns can be studied in ena [3]. Problems which have been examined quantita- a number of ways. A great deal of information, both tively in more recent years are the formation of patterns qualitative and quantitative, can be obtained by actu- consisting of rolls, hexagons, and spirals, the existence ally visualizing the convective ow, particularly when of coherent structures consisting of pulses of convection the planform of the ow is viewed from above. Several rolls, the inuence of noise associated with the nite tem- ow-visualization techniques have been used, including perature of the system on the pattern-formation process, tracer particles, interferometry, and shadowgraphs. Heat and the evolution of irregular time dependence which transport across the layer can be measured, as can local eventually leads to a turbulent state [1,4]. For much of temperatures within the layer. The local ow velocity this work, convection in a layer of a compressed gas has can be measured using techniques such as laser-Doppler been particularly suitable. In the present paper we re- velocimetry. Some measurement techniques are less sat- view the history of gas convection and our experiences in isfactory than others, in that they are invasive | the in- building suitable apparatus for its quantitative study. troduction of tracer particles or thermocouples into the The basic idea of RBC is illustrated in Fig. 1. A thin convecting uid might aect the ow pattern being mea- horizontal layer of uid is heated from below by an ex- sured. Our own work has primarily relied on the shadow- ternal heater, setting up a temperature gradient across graph method [5{15] as a noninvasive technique for the the layer. As a result of thermal expansion and the nite visualization of convective ow patterns. thermal conductivity, a potentially unstable stratication Experimental studies of RBC have been carried out develops: the uid at the bottom of the layer is warmer, using many dierent uids, including water, silicone oil, and hence less dense, than the uid at the top of the ethanol-water mixtures, liquid helium, nematic liquid layer. When the gravitational potential energy gained crystals, and liquid metals. Each of them covers some by moving the lighter uid from the bottom to the top particular parameter range of interest, and carefully de- of the layer, and replacing it with the heavier uid, out- signed experiments on these have yielded many impor- weighs the energy lost to viscous dissipation and ther- tant results [1,3,4,6,16{20]. The range of parameter space mal diusion, the quiescent uid layer becomes unstable accessible by using a gas is very dierent from that and a convective ow appears. This ow transports heat probed by using liquids. In part this is because the dissi- across the layer, in excess of that transported by thermal pation by heat diusion and by viscosity is about equally conduction with no ow. Under idealized experimental important in gases, whereas viscosity dominates in ordi-

2 nary liquids and heat diusion is most important in liquid approximation. The relatively advanced state of theoreti- metals. The instabilities of the straight convection rolls, cal knowledge for RBC makes it possible to draw detailed the onset of time dependence, and the resulting dynamics comparisons between experimental results and theoreti- of the convection patterns above onset are quite dierent cal predictions, sometimes at the 0.1% level. RBC is in gases than in, say, water or silicone oil [21{27]. The thus a near-ideal system for experimental investigations study of convection in gases has a long history which we of patterns, as well as being an excellent model system will review in Sect. 3. In recent years it has seen a revival for testing theoretical and numerical approaches to the primarily due to the work of Croquette, Pocheau, and study of the dynamics of nonequilibrium, nonlinear sys- co-workers, [12,28{30] and to that of our group. Recent tems. experiments using the apparatus described in Section IV RBC can be characterized using two dimensionless of this paper have uncovered new and unexpected phe- quantities which depend on the uid properties: the nomena which have added to our understanding of some Rayleigh number R, and the Prandtl number σ. The of the questions raised above, as well as raising other, convection pattern also depends on the geometry of the new issues [31{44]. experimental cell, which can be partly quantied by a The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In third dimensionless parameter. This is the aspect ratio Section II, we introduce RBC in more detail, with em- , dened by ≡ r/d, where r is a lateral size of the cell phasis on the features of the system which make it so well and d the thickness of the uid layer. suited for the study of patterns, and on those points spe- The Rayleigh number is dened as cic to convection in gases which have a bearing on the 3 design of the apparatus. Previous work on RBC in gases R = gαd T/νκ, (1) is reviewed in Section III. Our own apparatus is described where g is the acceleration due to gravity, d the thick- in Section IV. It has a convection cell of large aspect ra- ness of the uid layer, and T the temperature dierence tio which is uniform in thickness to optical precision, has across it. The relevant uid properties are the thermal sub-milli-Kelvin temperature control, pressure control at 5 expansion coecient α, the kinematic viscosity ν, and the the level of one part in 10 , and uses ultra-high-resolution thermal diusivity κ. R can be thought of as the ratio of shadowgraph ow visualization. In Section V, we present the gravitational potential energy to be gained by revers- some typical results from our recent experiments [31{44], ing the unstable uid stratication set up by the thermal and comment on possible future directions for research in gradient, to the energy cost associated with this reversal this area. due to viscous dissipation and thermal diusion. Con- vection begins when R reaches a critical value Rc, corre- ´ sponding to a critical temperature dierence Tc. For an II. RAYLEIGH-BENARD CONVECTION innite uid layer bounded by rigid, perfectly conducting plates above and below, Rc = 1708. It is experimentally There are a number of reasons | both experimental convenient to arrange for Tc to be on the order of a and theoretical | for the usefulness of RBC as a lab- few degrees Celsius, which, for typical uid properties, oratory system for the study of the formation and dy- implies cell thicknesses on the order of millimeters. namics of patterns. The equations describing RBC are In most convection experiments, the heat input to the well known. They are the Navier-Stokes equations of bottom of the convection cell, and so T , is varied. Thus uid ow, coupled with an equation for the heat trans- R can be thought of as the experimental control parame- port across the uid layer. Equally well dened are the ter. It is convenient to dene a reduced Rayleigh number boundary conditions for the temperature and velocities. by Usually, the uid is bounded above and below by rigid plates which are, to a good approximation, isothermal.  ≡ (R − Rc)/Rc ≈ ~ (2) The important properties of the convecting uid and the where experimental cell are usually known, or measurable, to a high accuracy, and convection cells with a very high de- ~ = (T − Tc)/Tc . (3) gree of geometrical perfection have been constructed. Of particular importance is the fact that a systematic non- The onset of convection occurs at  = ~ = 0. linear stability analysis of the straight rolls which form If Tc is small enough, the relevant properties of initially [45{47] in RBC has been carried out by Busse the uid change very little over the height of the uid and Clever [21{27], which makes predictions concerning layer. In this case, the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approxima- the instabilities of straight rolls well above the convec- tion [6,48,49] can be made in the equations of motion. tive onset. This is in contrast to the theoretical situa- This approximation amounts to assuming the uid prop- tion for many other pattern-forming systems, where in erties to be constant, except in the buoyancy term of the some cases the equations of motion are known only ap- Navier-Stokes equations, where a variation in the density proximately and in others not at all. Even in favorable is needed to drive the convective ow. Stability analy- circumstances, usually little is known beyond the linear sis of the solutions to the equations of motion in this

3 ties across the uid layer must be taken into account. In this non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq case, the onset of convec- tion occurs at a discontinuous transition (a transcritical bifurcation), and the convective ow initially forms a pat- tern of hexagonal cells [52{56]. A typical shadowgraph image for this case is shown in Fig. 3.


FIG. 2. A shadowgraph image of a pattern consisting of straight-roll convection in compressed CO2 under Boussinesq conditions. Here Γ = 41 and  = 0.04. After Ref. [35].

FIG. 4. An example of the curved rolls which appear in the Boussinesq case in a cell with Γ = 41 and for σ ' 1 when  is increased, in this case to 0.34. After Ref. [35].

The second important dimensionless parameter is the Prandtl number

σ = ν/κ, (4)

It indicates the relative importance of inertial terms in the Navier-Stokes equations. This in turn aects the na- ture of the instabilities to which straight convection rolls are subject above the convective onset [21,22,24]. For FIG. 3. A shadowgraph image of a hexagonal pattern gases, σ is typically in the range from 0.7 to 1. For near the onset of convection in compressed CO2 gas under comparison, most other uids have much higher Prandtl non-Boussinesq conditions. Only part of a cell with Γ = 86 numbers: water at convenient experimental temperatures is shown. Here  = 0.06. The concentric rolls near the edge has σ in the range from 2.5 to 10, and silicone oils can of the circular cell are caused by sidewall forcing. After Ref. have values of σ in the thousands, depending on their [31]. viscosity. The Prandtl number for liquid helium is also of order 1 [57{60], while liquid metals have σ around 2 situation predicts that, at onset, convection will appear 10− [61], but in both of these cases ow visualization via a continuous transition (a supercritical bifurcation) is very dicult [61]. The low Prandtl number of gases from the uniform base sate to a pattern of innitely long, has a large eect on the behavior of the roll pattern. straight convection rolls [47]. In this case, the steady- At low σ, large-scale ows (extending over length scales state ow velocity will increase smoothly from zero as T much larger than a roll wavelength) can be generated is increased beyond Tc. Experiments with small values by roll curvature. These ows couple back to the rolls, of Tc agree with this prediction when they are not un- which in turn are then more susceptible to bending, com- duly inuenced by sidewall-forcing eects [12,35,50,51]. pression, and stretching under the inuence of this ow A typical shadowgraph image of the pattern close to on- [12,28,29,62{64]. One result of this is that the stability set in a large cell is shown in Fig. 2. Here black rep- diagram for straight rolls in a gas with σ = 0.7 is quite resents warm, upowing uid, and white corresponds to dierent from that for uids with higher σ. [21,22,24] colder downow. For an Oberbeck-Boussinesq uid, the Another manifestation is the strong tendency to form approximation in Eq. 2 becomes an equality. patterns containing curved rolls and wall foci when  is If Tc is large, however, the variation of the proper- increased, as shown in Fig. 4. Often this leads to time de- pendence of the pattern for  as small as 0.1. [28,38,41,58]

4 The time scale for the convective ows is determined by We now consider some constraints on the design of an 2 the vertical thermal diusion time tv = d /κ. If one con- experimental cell for the study of patterns in RBC in siders the pattern to be described by a (spatially varying) general, and in compressed gases in particular. For the amplitude and phase (corresponding, say, to the ampli- investigation of the behavior of convection patterns very tude and phase of the vertical ow velocity in the center close to onset, i.e., for small , it is important that  of the layer) [1,18,65{68], then changes in the amplitude be spatially uniform. This in turn requires that T , and of the pattern typically occur over time scales of order more importantly | because it enters the Rayleigh num- tv/. For gases tv is of order a second, whereas for liquids ber to the third power | that the uid layer thickness it is more likely to be a minute or so. In all cases, am- d, be uniform over the experimental cell. plitude adjustments are relatively rapid even just above Nonuniformities in T can be caused by nonuniform onset. On the other hand, changes in the pattern’s phase input of heat at the bottom of the cell, nonuniform re- typically occur diusively in the horizontal plane, and moval of heat at the cell top or through the sidewalls, or thus require much longer times, at least of order the hor- by the dierent thermal properties of the uid and the 2 2 izontal thermal diusion time th = r /κ = tv, and sidewalls. The last of these can cause so-called sidewall often much longer [69,70]. Thus transients in the con- forcing, by which horizontal thermal gradients near the vection patterns for samples of large can be extremely walls imprint the geometry of the walls on the pattern slow. In experiments with comparable , they typically which appears at onset [10,12,31,35,75,76]. An exam- are two orders of magnitude faster for gases than for most ple can be seen in Fig. 3, where the hexagonal pattern liquids. Equivalently, on a given time scale, one can study is surrounded by two or three roll pairs. With negligible patterns in much larger systems using a gas. sidewall forcing, the convection rolls tend to align perpen- The aspect ratio of the uid layer not only denes the dicular to the walls as seen in Figs. 2 and 4 where forcing time scale for phase variations, it also characterizes the was very weak. Thermal gradients can be minimized by extent to which the pattern can show nontrivial spatial using top and bottom plates with thermal conductivities behavior. In a small-aspect-ratio cell, the possible dy- very much larger than that of the convecting uid. Side- namics of the pattern are severely constrained, and the wall forcing can be reduced further by using sidewall ma- eects of the sidewalls can dominate the formation and terials with thermal properties matched to those of the subsequent behavior of the pattern. Any complexity in uid [77{80], or through the use of sidewalls specially de- the pattern’s behavior will be restricted to the time do- signed to ensure a buer region of non-convecting uid main if the system is small enough, with the pattern’s between the bulk of the sidewall material and the sample spatial structure remaining fairly simple [1,71,72]. On [29,35,78,79]. the other hand, in a uid layer with a large aspect ra- Uniformity of the uid-layer thickness requires the use tio, there are many spatial degrees of freedom available of rigid top and bottom plates which will not bend or to the pattern, and complex spatial and spatiotemporal sag. In particular, any pressure dierential across the behavior becomes possible [1,34,57]. plates, such as might arise when using a compressed gas, Gases have the advantage that one can vary the exper- will cause them to bend to some degree, with the max- imental conditions over a wide range simply by chang- imum deection at the center of the plate increasing as ing the operating pressure P and the mean operating the fourth power of the plate radius [81]. Thus this con- temperature T . This is particularly true for gases near straint rapidly becomes more stringent, the larger the the liquid-vapor critical point, where the uid properties lateral size of the cell. The plates must also be accurately vary rapidly with temperature [58,73,74]; however, it is at, and their parallelism should be adjustable when the noteworthy that σ becomes large as the critical point is convection cell is assembled and under pressure. approached. Away from the critical point, the uid prop- As in any RBC experiment, it is necessary to ensure erties are not as strongly dependent on T and P , and the that the temperature of the top plate of the convec- primary eect of varying the operating conditions is to tion cell and the heat input to the bottom plate (or the vary the density. Both ν (which is equal to η/ρ where bottom-plate temperature) are well regulated, so that the η is the shear viscosity and ρ the density) and κ (equal Rayleigh number is accurately controlled. Since Tc de- to λ/ρCP , where λ is the thermal conductivity and CP pends rather sensitively on the density for gases, the gas the specic heat at constant pressure) depend explicitly pressure must also be precisely controlled. on density (η and λ are only weakly dependent upon ρ). Finally, for ow visualization measurements, the RBC 2 Thus Tc is approximately proportional to 1/ρ for a cell must be optically accessible. For shadowgraph ex- xed layer thickness d. Equivalently, for a given value periments, this normally means that the top plate of the of Tc, the required layer thickness is proportional to cell must be transparent, and the bottom plate highly 2/3 ρ− . On the other hand, σ is roughly independent of ρ. reecting. For example, at a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 1 bar, CO2 gas has σ = 0.72, and a critical temperature dierence of 5 K requires a layer thickness of 10 mm. At the same temperature and a pressure of 30 bar, σ = 0.95 and the corresponding layer thickness would be 0.69 mm.

5 III. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS EXPERIMENTS ON co-workers performed a number of experiments on ow GAS CONVECTION patterns at the onset of convection. Experiments were done with an unperturbed uid layer, as well as with a Flow patterns in thermally-driven convection have constant ow of uid through the experimental cell, or been studied for well over a century. In this section, with an imposed shear ow, to simulate atmospheric con- we briey review some of this previous work. Over the ditions. Mal and Walker [93] and Philips and Walker [94] last thirty years or so there has been a very large num- investigated convection in air at atmospheric pressures in ber of experimental investigations of RBC, and it is not a cell of aspect ratio 3.3 : 2.5 : 1 and a height of 6 mm. the aim of this paper to review them all. We therefore The convective ow was visualized from below through restrict our discussion of the more recent work to exper- the transparent glass bottom plate using fumes of tita- iments concerned with the onset of convection in gases, nium tetrachloride. In experiments without throughow and with the formation and behaviour of convective ow they observed a ow pattern of hexagonal cells. When patterns in gases at relatively low Rayleigh numbers. In air was the convecting uid, the ow in the center of the particular, no discussion of Rayleigh-Benard turbulence hexagons was downward, while for liquids the ow was [82] will be given. upward. Graham [95] continued the investigations, again So far as we know, pattern formation due to convection with and without shear. To generate shear he used a in uids was rst described in 1855 by Weber [83], who re- sliding top plate made of glass, with a stationary iron ported that a ow pattern consisting of an array of polyg- bottom-plate. For the case of a stationary top plate, he onal cells developed in a droplet of an alcohol-water so- again found, using tobacco smoke as a tracer, descend- lution containing a tracer, sitting in ambient air. In 1882 ing ow in the center of hexagonal convection cells. He Thompson [84] observed a similar hexagonal pattern in suggested that the sign of the change of viscosity with soapy water cooled from the open top surface. Thermal temperature, which is positive for gases and negative for convection is usually associated with the name Benard liquids, is responsible for this eect. This is now known [85], however, who observed the formation of hexagonal to be the correct explanation [52,96], and the hexago- patterns in well-controlled experiments on an open layer nal pattern observed in these experiments [93{95] can be of spermaceti heated from below and cooled from above. attributed to non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq eects [55]. In All of these early studies described what is now known as the experiments described above the temperatures of the Benard-Marangoni convection [86,87], in which the basic two plates conning the uid layer were uncontrolled and instability is not due to the gravitationally unstable den- were not measured. sity gradient in the uid, but to surface tension gradients A large amount of work has been concerned with the at the free surface. onset of convection. In his seminal 1916 theoretical work So far as we could determine, the rst experiments Lord Rayleigh [97] showed that convection starts at a on thermal convection in a layer of uid contained be- non-zero critical value Tc of the temperature dierence tween rigid top and bottom plates, i.e., on Rayleigh- T . However, since Rayleigh used free-slip rather than Benard convection, were conducted using air at atmo- rigid boundary conditions for the top and bottom bound- spheric pressure as the uid. These experiments were aries, the numerical value of R which he calculated did motivated by the technological question of how the in- not agree with experimental results. This problem was sulating properties of layers of air depend on the layer solved by Jereys [98] who extended Rayleigh’s calcula- thickness. It was clear that, due to its small thermal con- tion to non-slip boundary conditions. This theoretical ductivity, air would be a very good insulator. The work development lead in turn to a number of experiments. of Nusselt [88,89] and Grober [90] showed that convection Chandra [99] measured the height dependence of the on- contributes to the transport of heat, and so leads to an set of convection in air at atmospheric pressures. His eective thermal conductivity larger than that of still air. experimental setup had an electrically-heated stainless- Mull and Reiher [91] conducted a thorough investigation steel bottom-plate and a glass top-plate which allowed of convection in air at atmospheric pressure, including observation of the uid ow. The cell was cooled from not only horizontal but also inclined and vertical layers. above by cold water resting above the top plate. The They investigated samples with heights between 1 and top and bottom temperatures were measured with plat- 20 cm and aspect ratios from 42 : 12 : 1 to 5 : 3 : 1. They inum thermometers, and another platinum thermome- measured the ratio of the heat transport of the convect- ter was positioned mid-way between the plates. The ing air to that due only to conduction, i.e., what is now ow was visualized with cigarette smoke. These ex- known as the Nusselt number. These experiments were periments were continued by Dassanayake [100] using later analyzed by De Gra and van der Held [92] and CO2 at atmospheric pressure. Flow patterns consisting compared with their own experimental results. For the of rolls and hexagons were observed. While the mea- case of the vertical layer, Mull and Reiher [91] visualized sured Rayleigh number for the onset of hexagons agreed the ow from the side using chlor-ammonia fumes as ow with the Rayleigh-Jereys theory (we now know that tracers. their experiments must have been performed under non- Motivated by an interest in cloud patterns, Walker and Oberbeck-Boussinesq conditions), the onset of rolls oc- curred at a lower value of R than predicted. This dis-

6 crepancy was later attributed to a rapidly changing non- The observation of time dependent convection and, at linear temperature prole resulting from the introduction higher driving, turbulent convection motivated a num- of the smoke [101]. ber of experiments on convection in air. Thomas and Another, better-controlled, experiment was caried out Townsend [105] used a direct (although intrusive) tech- at the same time by Schmidt and Saunders [102]. They nique to measure the temperature distribution in a con- conducted experiments on both water and air at at- vecting air layer. The bottom plate of the experimental mospheric pressure. They used brass bottom and top cell consisted of a sandwich of asbestos, duraluminum, plates. The bottom plate was electrically heated and asbestos, and duraluminum of size 30 cm by 40 cm. The the top plate cooled by water circulating through cop- top plate was made of duraluminum and was temperature per tubes soldered into the brass plate. The tempera- regulated with circulating water. The lower aluminum tures were measured with thermocouples embedded in plate was heated and the temperature dierence across the brass plates. The side walls where made of glass to the bottom plate, measured with thermocouples, gave allow visualization of the convective ow from the side us- the heat transport through the cell. The two plates were ing the shadowgraph technique. This method, discussed separated by ground glass spacers with heights 3 cm and in detail below, relies on the temperature dependence of 5 cm. Resistance thermometers of edged Wollaston the refractive index of the uid. Apparently it was rst 3 mm long were mounted on a movable carriage span- used in a convection experiment by Saunders and Fishen- ning the whole experimental cell. The carriage could be den [103], with water as the convecting uid. To achieve moved vertically or horizontally using micrometer screws, enough sensitivity in experiments with air, Schmidt and and the resistance of the Wollaston wire was measured in Saunders [102] illuminated the cell with an arc lamp 13 an ac Wheatstone bridge using phase-sensitive detection. m in front of the cell and observed the shadowgraph on a Willis and Deardorf [106,107] used a similar technique. screen 17 m behind it. Their experiment had a cell spac- Their rectangular convection cell had a width of 360 cm ing of 1 cm and an aspect ratio of 22 : 22 : 1. Noticeable and a length of 94 cm, and cell heights of 4 cm and 10 in their design was the fact that their top and bottom cm were studied. The aluminum bottom and top plates plates were at to 10 µm, and that the parallelism of the were heated and cooled by circulating water baths. They plates was adjusted by levelling the top plate indepen- measured temperatures within the convecting uid with dent of the bottom plate using three screws. A similar a platinum resistance thermometer placed in the middle technique was used in our own experiments, described of the experimental cell, which could be pulled through below. Their experimental results [102] agreed with Jef- the layer at a speed of 25 cm/s to measure a temperature freys’ prediction [98] and the early onset described by prole. Chandra [99] was not observed. They also showed that The experiments by Thompson and Sogin in 1965 are for gases, the pattern becomes time dependent at much the rst we know of on convection in compressed gases. smaller  than for water, a phenomenon which we would [108] They used cylindrical cells of 13.7 cm diameter and now attribute to the dierence in the Prandtl numbers. heights of 0.3, 0.6, and 1.9 cm. In contrast to what was Another experiment on convection in air with a superim- done in prior experiments, they measured the critical posed through ow was conducted by Benard and Avsec Rayleigh number by changing the pressure and not the [104]. Again, as in the experiment by Chandra [99], the temperature dierence. Their very well-designed exper- convection pattern was visualized with smoke. imental setup is relatively complicated and is described The rst experiment to combine heat-transport mea- in detail in Ref. [108]. They measured heat transport us- surements and ow visualization apparently was con- ing air, argon, and CO2 at pressures from 0.6 to 6.0 bar, ducted by De Graaf and Van der Held using air at atmo- and found the critical Rayleigh number to be 1793 ± 80, spheric pressure [92]. They investigated both horizontal which compares well with the theoretical value of 1708. and inclined convection layers. The convection cells con- In 1967 Gille [109] used an interferometric technique to sisted of two brass plates of size 43 × 43 × 0.35 cm3, visualize the horizontally-averaged vertical temperature separated by glass spacers of heights 6.9, 12.6, and 22.9 eld from the side of the sample. He used cylindrical cells mm. The top plate was water-cooled and the bottom of radial aspect ratios = 6.3 and 4, with heights of 2 cm plate heated by an electric heater. The temperatures and 3.1 cm respectively. Air at atmospheric pressure was were measured with thermocouples. The heat transfer the convecting uid. The cell was placed in one arm of a was calculated from the change in temperature of the Michelson interferometer, and the observed shifts of the cooling water while it was in contact with the top plate, fringe pattern were used to determine the Nusselt num- and its ow rate. The convective ow was visualized ber. His results were in good agreement with Nusselt from the side using shadowgraphy, with an optical ar- numbers derived directly from heat-transport measure- rangement slightly dierent from that used by Schmidt ments. and Saunders [102], and from above by visualization with As part of her investigation of the transition to time- smoke. For horizontal layers they found good agreement dependent ow, Krishnamurti [110,111] studied convec- with the earlier investigations described above; however, tion in a variety of uids including air. Her experimental their results for the onset of time dependence disagreed apparatus is very well described in Ref [110]. The bottom with the observations of Schmidt and Saunders [102]. plate consisted of a low-conductivity methyl methacry-

7 late layer sandwiched between two high-conductivity alu- Behringer [60]. minum plates, with an electric heater in contact with the At approximately the same time, helium gas at low bottom aluminum plate. Heat transport was measured temperatures was also used by Threlfall [119], but in a with thermocouples located above and below the low- cylindrical container with the rather small aspect ratio conductivity plate. The top of the system was similar in = 1.25. His work concentrated on Nusselt number construction but was cooled by circulating water. measurements at very high Rayleigh numbers, up to R ' Motivated by the observations of oscillatory behav- 2 × 109. At suciently large R he showed that (N − 1) ∝ ior in earlier measurements made with local temperature 0.28. Scaling arguments [120] had suggested that this probes [92,102], Willis and Deardorf visualized the con- exponent should be 1/3; but at the present the slightly vective ow in air from above in 1970 [112]. The top smaller value is generally accepted [82]. plate of their experimental cell was a square glass plate Oertel and Buhler [121,122] used a λ/2 compensated 80 cm wide, cooled with a circulating water bath. The dierential interferometer to visualize convection in gases bottom plate was made from aluminum and painted at at atmospheric pressure from the side. With this visual- black to improve photographic contrast. The cell height ization technique phase objects having optical path dif- was 2.54 cm, and the cell sidewalls were made of plexi- ferences of from λ/30 to 100λ can be visualized. Both glas. The cell height was maintained uniform by 15 small lines of equal horizontal and vertical density dierence plastic spacers positioned throughout the cell. Heat was can be visualized as interference fringes. This technique applied to the bottom plate using a thin electric heating was also used in other, similar experiments by Martinet et pad resting on a second aluminum plate. The convec- al. [123,124] and by Zierep and Oertel [125]. All of these tive ow was visualized using an oil smoke composed of interferometric studies suer from the disadvantage that, atomized particles of dioctyl phthalate with an average since the refractive index of air is not much dierent from diameter of 150 microns. They clearly observed the oscil- 1, it was necessary to view the convection from the side, latory instability later found theoretically in the stability and so to integrate over the length of the convective rolls analysis of Clever and Busse [21,22]. The same appara- to obtain an optical path length through the convection tus [112] was used by Willis, Deardorf and Sommerville cell sucient to show interference fringes. This results in [113] to investigate the behaviour of the wavenumber of the loss of information about spatial variations along the the convection pattern as a function of the Rayleigh num- length of the rolls. ber. In this work, the ow was again visualized with oil Another series of experiments was conducted by Leith smoke. It is interesting to note that the photograph of [126{128] in air at atmospheric pressure. The convection the convection pattern shown in Figure 3 of Ref. [113] cell had dimensions 24 cm by 16 cm by 2 cm. The top and appears to show spiral defects. Spiral defects, and a dis- bottom plates were made of paran-lled foamed alu- ordered, time-dependent convection state referred to as minum with embedded tubes used for temperature regu- spiral-defect chaos have recently been studied by us in lation with a circulating water bath. The convection was compressed CO2 gas [34,39,41]. visualized from the side through thick plexiglass sidewalls In the early 1970’s, one of us started to use gaseous (as by injecting smoke into the gas. Temperatures were mea- well as liquid) helium to study RBC at cryogenic temper- sured with thermocouples located in the top and bottom atures. [57,114] The sample was cylindrical, with a radial plates. Four dierential thermocouples were installed in aspect ratio = 5.5. The techniques of low-temperature the interior of the air layer. Leith used this apparatus to physics aorded the opportunity of much higher tem- investigate wavenumber selection and dislocation defects perature resolution than could be accomplished at the in the convection pattern. time with room-temperature techniques. The negligi- Extensive studies of patterns in pressurized argon have ble heat capacity of the bottom plate made it possible been carried out by Croquette, Pocheau, and coworkers to study the time dependence of the Nusselt number N , [12,28,129,130,30,131{135]. The apparatus consisted of a and led to the discovery of non-periodic time dependence container holding compressed argon at pressures on the (chaos) in this system for Rayleigh numbers larger than order of 50 bar. The top window, which supported this twice the critical value. The time dependence of the pressure, was made of a thick single crystal sapphire. The heat transport also revealed [115] the oscillatory insta- same sapphire also served as the top plate of the convec- bility found by Willis and Deardorf [112], and gave its tion cell, and was cooled by a circulating water bath. onset and frequencies in good agreement with the theo- Because of this, bending of the top plate due to the pres- retical calculations [21,22]. Time-averaged Nusselt num- sure it supported introduced an inhomogeneity in the cell bers were determined [57,114] for Rayleigh numbers up height. However, for the cell height of about 1 mm and 5 to 2.5 × 10 (150Rc). In spite of their high resolution, the relatively small diameters used, these variations in these experiments did not show any of the transitions in height were not very important. The bottom plate was the heat-ux curves which had been reported previously a thick copper mirror heated by an electric heater. The by others [116,117]. The = 5.5 cell was also used with sidewalls were formed by a plastic spacer. When used helium gas to study eects of departures from the Boussi- for heat-transport measurements the bottom of the cell nesq approximation on the heat transport [118]. Much was surrounded by a thermal shield in order to minimize of this work at cryogenic temperatures was reviewed by heat losses through the side. Their gas layers had ra-

8 dial aspect ratios up to 22. A shadowgraph technique advantage of performing convection experiments close to was used for the visualization of the pattern, taking ad- the critical point lies in the tunability of the uid parame- vantage of the fact that an increase in pressure leads to ters and the opportunity to reach very large aspect ratios. an increase in the refractive index of the gas, and so to However, only Prandtl numbers signicantly greater than an increased shadowgraph sensitivity. The cell was illu- one can be reached since σ diverges at the critical point. minated with a point light source in the focal spot of a As before, the main disadvantage of the above design is convex lens. Parallel light entered the cell and was re- the cell-height inhomogeneity due to the bending of the ected back through the lens from the bottom plate. A top sapphire. In this case, height variations on the order beam splitter located between the light source and the of 1.8 µm over the diameter of the cell lead to a varia- lens directed the reected light into a second lens, which tion of Tc of 4%. These experiments are also producing imaged the shadowgraph on the focal plane of a camera. many interesting new results [73,74]. This optical setup is very similar to the one used by us, Very recently a gas convection experiment was per- as discussed later in this paper. These experiments have formed by Keat [139] as an undergraduate laboratory led and are still leading to numerous important results experiment. The setup was very similar to the one used pertaining to pattern formation in Rayleigh Benard con- by Croquette [12]. It was used to reproduce some of the vection, and are reviewed in Refs. [1,12,19,28]. results obtained by Croquette et al [12], and to visualize In 1978, Ahlers and Behringer [58,59] took advantage the onset of low-dimensional chaos via a period-doubling of the uid properties near the critical point of 4He to cascade [71,72]. The bottom plate was made of silicon study convection in a cell of very small spacing and thus resting on a copper plate that was electrically heated. A of relatively large aspect ratio = 57. This work led to polished silicon bottom plate had been used previously the then surprising discovery that RBC in large- cells by Kolodner [140] in binary-uid convection. It gives ex- becomes time dependent near or below  = 0.1, much cellent atness, resistance to distortion over time, and closer to the onset of convection than had been predicted enough reectivity for shadowgraph ow visualization. [21,22] on the basis of the stability analysis of straight Our own experiments on convection in compressed rolls. This phenomenon is now understood at least qual- gases, conducted during the last seven years, are de- itatively on the basis of the beautiful experiments of Cro- scribed in the next two Sections. quette, Pocheau, and coworkers [28], as well as from some of our more recent work [35,38,41]. As  increases, there is a growing tendency for rolls to terminate with their axes perpendicular to the sidewall. In a circular con- tainer, or near corners in a rectangular one, this leads to strongly curved rolls like those in Fig. 4. For small σ, this curvature induces a large-scale ow which causes the d d d wavenumber in the pattern interior to increase beyond the relevant straight-roll instability, namely the skewed- varicose instability. Generation, climbing, and gliding of defects then leads to time dependence before the aver- age wavenumber of the pattern has crossed a stability boundary. Recently the opportunities oered by a gas near a criti- c c c cal point were exploited more extensively by Assenheimer a a a b b b and Steinberg [73,74], who conducted an experiment in pressurized SF6 near the gas-liquid critical point. The convection cell had a design very similar to that described FIG. 5. A schematic diagram of the apparatus, showing the by Croquette et al. [12]. The water-cooled top plate (and main components. The sample cell is contained in the main pressure window) was a 19 mm thick sapphire with a di- pressure vessel (a). A second pressure vessel (b) contains a ameter of 102 mm. The cell bottom plate was a nickel bellows used to equalize the pressures between the sample plated copper disk, to which an electric thermofoil heater gas, in the dry region of the main vessel, and the internal was attached. The cell sidewall was formed by a mylar water bath, in the wet region. Another pressure vessel (c) is spacer 130 µm thick. The very small cell thickness was used as a ballast volume in the control of the pressure. The possible due to the properties of the experimental uid flow-visualization optics (d) are contained in a tower which is close to its gas/liquid critical point [136,137]. The exper- mounted on top of the pressure vessel during experiments. A imental volume was coupled via a thin tube to a small personal computer is used to control and run the experiment. \hot" volume [138], the temperature of which was var- ied to control the pressure of the convecting uid. This method is also used in our apparatus and will be de- scribed in more detail below. The convective planform was visualized from above by shadowgraphy. The great

9 IV. APPARATUS the experimental uid, to avoid lateral thermal gradients, particularly near the edges of the cell. To minimize side- A. Overview wall forcing, the cell sidewalls ideally should have a ther- mal diusivity and conductivity as close as practical to An overview of the apparatus used by us to study that of the uid. To allow shadowgraph visualization of RBC in compressed gases is provided by Fig. 5. The the ow pattern, the top plate must be transparent, and convection-cell assembly is mounted inside a pressure ves- the bottom plate must be highly reecting. The top plate sel (a). The space within this vessel is divided into two separates the wet and dry regions of the pressure vessel, regions, which we refer to as \wet" and \dry." The wet and since we want the cell thickness to be extremely uni- region contains a pump which circulates temperature- form, it must be suciently thick that it does not bend controlled water over the top plate of the cell, while the appreciably under any pressure dierence between the dry region contains the experimental gas. Heat is ap- two regions. Finally, the thickness of the cell, and more plied to the bottom plate of the cell, which is dry, by a importantly, its uniformity, must be adjustable when the lm heater. Water owing through a cooling jacket on system is under pressure so that nonuniformities which the outside of the vessel (not shown) removes heat from develop during pressurization can be removed. the system. Feedthroughs at the bottom of the vessel Since the thermal conductivities of gases are very low provide access for electronics and gas lines. A bellows, (on the order of 0.02 W/Km) compared to most solids, either in an external pressure vessel (b) as shown in Fig. the rst of the above criteria is easily satised. For the 5 or inside the main vessel, is used to pressurize the wet top plate we used sapphire windows (λ = 35 W/Km), region when the dry region is being lled with the gas. 0.95 cm thick and 10.2 cm in diameter, polished at to 0.1 µm over the central 80 % of the window area [141]. Another external pressure vessel (c) serves as a ballast volume for control of the gas pressure. The top plate of Thinner sapphire windows cannot be polished as at and tend to bend when they are mounted in the apparatus. the cell is transparent, and a thick sapphire window on the top of the pressure vessel supports the pressure. In We used various materials for the bottom plate, including sapphire with an evaporated layer of aluminum, and var- this design there is no signicant pressure dierence sup- ported by the cell top or bottom, thus minimizing any ious metals. Most recently we used aluminum (λ = 240 distortion of the cell geometry. The windows allow vi- W/Km), 0.95 cm thick and 10.2 cm in diameter, diamond sualization of the convective ow using the shadowgraph machined to a mirror nish and a atness of 1 µm across technique. The shadowgraph optics are mounted in a the diameter of the plate [142]. tower (d) which sits on top of the pressure vessel. Prior We used several dierent types of sidewalls. The whole to a run, this tower is replaced by interferometers used dry region of the apparatus, including the cell assembly, to align and measure the thickness of the cell. Below we is ooded with the gas which enters the cell through the describe these components in detail. sidewall. Thus the sidewall must not provide a leak-tight seal. However, it does have to isolate the ow in the gas sample from the gas outside of the cell, since oth- heater wire erwise any ows outside might inuence the convection within the cell. If the top and bottom plates had in- (a) layers of filter paper nite conductivity, a mismatch in the conductivity of the gas and the sidewall would not matter. In practice, the bottom plate had a very high, eectively innite conduc- (b) spoiler tab tivity, but the conductivity of the top sapphire plate was layers of filter paper large but nite. Consequently, the heat current pass- ing through the wall, which was larger than that passing FIG. 6. Details of the sidewall geometries described in the through the gas, induced a larger vertical temperature text. (a) Detail showing the heater wire positioned at the gradient in the sapphire than the current through the edge of the paper sidewall, to allow for intentional applica- gas. This created a small but signicant horizontal tem- tion of sidewall forcing. (b) A “spoiler tab” used to reduce perature variation near the top of the sample and the sidewall forcing. The thinner layers of gas above and below sidewall. This eect would vanish only if the conductiv- the tab remain below the onset of convection, and have ther- mal properties matched to those of the convecting gas in the ity of the sample and the sidewall were equal, a situation bulk of the cell. dicult to achieve with gas convection. We considered various plastics for sidewall material, but they could not be used in experiments with CO2 because they tended B. Convection Cell to absorb the gas and swell over time. In our early ex- periments [31], we used sidewalls made from a machin- able ceramic, Macor (λ = 1.26 W/Km) [143]. More re- There are several demands on the cell design, as out- cently [34,35,38,39,41,42], we used walls made from mul- lined above. The top and bottom plates must be made tiple layers of lter paper, cut to the desired shape. The of materials with high thermal conductivities, relative to thermal conductivity of the paper is only about a fac-

10 tor of 10 larger than that of the gas, whereas that of Macor is larger by a factor of 50 or so. As a result, the paper sidewalls cause less sidewall forcing than Ma- Sapphire

cor, and so the cell geometry has a lesser eect on the l


l a

a (a) convection pattern. In addition, the compliance of the w 2

w 1

e e

paper distributed the contact stresses which would cause d i

d 0

i S distortions in plates sandwiching a rigid spacer, and al- S lowed some adjustment of the thickness. When desired, Bottom Plate a thin heater wire could be placed around the edge of the

paper sidewall, as shown in Fig. 6(a), to allow the ap- Sapphire


plication of intentional thermal forcing at the cell edge. l 0.50 0.25 l

l (b) a a 0.5

This made it possible to initialize an experiment with w (a) w

e CO

e 0.25 2


d i

a pattern consisting of rolls parallel to the walls. In i S some experiments [35], cell sidewalls with \spoiler tabs" S 0 0 [29,78,79] were used, as shown in Fig. 6(b). In this side- Bottom Plate wall geometry, a thin tab extends into the uid from the

main sidewall. The layers of gas above and below the Sapphire


l tab are suciently thin that they are below the onset l

l (c) a a 10 5 1 0.5

w CO of convection even when the uid in the cell interior is (b) w 10 2

e 1



d i

well above onset. Thus the convecting uid to a large i 0.5 S extent feels the thermal properties of these quiescent gas S 0 0 layers, rather than those of a solid sidewall. In other ex- Bottom Plate periments the sidewall forcing was varied [35,38], and its Sapphire eect on the convection pattern studied, by adjusting the thermal contact between the sidewalls and the top and 110 110 5 ++11 0 0 (d) bottom plates. This was done by adjusting screws which (c) Tab CO2 changed the force with which the paper sidewalls were -110 -1-10 -5 --1 00 pressed between the two plates. In order to gain some insight into the thermal forc- Bottom Plate ing associated with various sidewall options, tempera- FIG. 7. Deviations from an ideal constant vertical temper- ture elds near the walls in the absence of convection ature gradient near the sidewall. The contour lines show devi- were calculated [144]. The calculation was done by as- ations from the ideal profile and are labeled in units of 0.1%. suming constant-temperature boundary conditions at the Only a small part of the sample, corresponding to a horizontal top of the bottom plate (bottom of the uid) and at the distance of about 3.4d from the wall, is shown. The lengths top of the sapphire. This is consistent with an eec- in each figure are scaled by d. In (a) there is a Macor sidewall tively innite bottom-plate conductivity and a large but confining the sample, and d = 0.052 cm. In (b), the Macor nite conductivity of the sapphire. Shown in Fig. 7(a) sidewall was replaced by a paper sidewall of height d = 0.105 is the temperature eld in the uid near a Macor side- cm without any gaps between the sidewall and the top and wall. (Note that the Macor sidewall actually used in Ref. bottom plates. In (c) there is a gas layer of thickness 0.001 [31] had a small step, unlike the sidewall modeled in Fig. cm above the paper wall of (b). This case is more likely to be 7(a). This step increased the eects of sidewall forcing in representative of the real experiment than case (b). In (d), a the experiments reported in Ref. [31].) The contour lines spoiler tab is added to case (b). In part after Ref. [35]. shown in the gure correspond to constant deviations of the temperature from the vertical temperature gradient The results show a substantially enhanced temperature which would exist in the laterally innite system without distortion due to the gas layer. The reason for this is that a sidewall. The numbers labeling the lines are the devi- the top of the sidewall reaches a relatively high tempera- ation, in units of 0.1% of the total imposed temperature ture because the wall conductivity is substantially larger dierence. As can be seen, at the top of the uid there than that of the gas above it, leaving a steep thermal is a lateral temperature variation of about 1% over a dis- gradient across the relatively thin gas layer. The hori- tance of about 2d near the wall. In Fig. 7(b), the Macor zontal temperature variation in the uid is as large as is replaced by paper. The temperature variation at the 8%. In an attempt to reduce its lateral range, a spoiler top of the uid is reduced to about 0.3 % but extends tab was added to the sidewall of Fig. 7(b). The resulting over about the same lateral range. In Fig. 7(c), there temperature eld is shown in Fig. 7(d). The temperature is a paper sidewall with a 0.001 cm gap containing the distortions near the gaps above and below the tab are as gas between the paper and the sapphire. This case was big as in 7(c), but since the tab physically prevents con- studied since it may be expected to represent approxi- vection in the region where the deviations are large, the mately the case of a paper sidewall which is not com- deviations do not matter. The end of the tab denes the pressed very rmly between the top and bottom plate. region over which the uid can convect, and it is the dis-

11 tortion of the temperature eld generated to the right of of straight rolls by rst increasing T to a large value the tab that is important. The deviation near the tab is where a highly disordered ow pattern evolved, and by around ±11%, but this eld is dipole-like and decreases then decreasing it again to the vicinity of the threshold. rapidly away from the tab, reaching below 0.1% just 1d With patience, this created patterns like the one shown into the cell. in Fig. 2. Once formed, the straight rolls were stable (in the Boussinesq case) even in the vicinity of the onset, un- less the sidewall forcing was quite strong. As can be seen, there are no rolls parallel to the wall in Fig. 2 because the sidewall forcing was weak enough.

(a) f e a g o p h c b m d

i l k n j p (b) FIG. 9. Assembly of the experimental convection cell. See text for a detailed description. a) sapphire top plate; b) cell bottom plate; c) sidewall; d) bottom-plate heater; e) flow dis- tributor; f) jet; g) clamping ring; h) top-plate holding-ring; i) hardened steel plate; j) bottom support plate; k) legs (pas- sive or with piezo-electric transducers); l) ceramic balls; m) cell-bottom-assembly holder; n) can; o) sleeve; p) spring wash- ers; q) ball washer. FIG. 8. The concentric-roll patterns which formed in the case of two of the sidewalls shown in Fig. 7 when ∆T was The cell is assembled in such a way that it is possi- increased quasistatically from below to above ∆Tc. (a) corre- sponds to Fig. 7(c), and (b) to Fig. 7(d). After Ref. [35]. ble to make ne adjustments to the parallelism of the top and bottom plates both before and after it is pres- surized. The cell assembly is illustrated in Fig. 9. The The relatively strong forcing of the Macor sidewall of topmost component is a stainless-steel ow-distributor (e Fig.7(a) yielded patterns like those in Fig. 3, where two (c) and f), which directs circulating temperature-controlled or three roll pairs parallel to the sidewall surrounded the water onto the sapphire top-plate (a). The water emerges pattern in the sample interior. In Fig. 8, we show the both from jets (f) and between the tabs at the periph- patterns which evolved when T was increased quasi- ery of the sapphire. This ow distributor is initially at- statically with walls which corresponded roughly to cases tached to the top plate at three points by small dabs (c) and (d) in Fig. 7. Both walls produced a pattern of of silicone cement. This simple three-point mounting of concentric rolls when T was increased quasi-statically the sapphire plate minimizes mechanical stresses on the in very small steps. However, in the case of the spoiler plate. The ow distributor has a series of tabs around its tabs these rolls were surrounded by a ring of cross rolls inner circumference, which are pressed against the cir- with their axes perpendicular to the wall. cumference of the sapphire top plate by a clamping ring In an attempt to further minimize thermal sidewall (g). Below the ow distributor is a stainless-steel ring forcing, we also used a sidewall with a cross section which (h) which seals around the circumference of the sapphire had the shape of the letter H. The vertical pieces were with an O-ring. Below this ring is another stainless-steel each only 0.1 mm thick and we expected them to have piece (m) which holds the bottom-plate assembly, and only a small inuence on the thermal gradients. With this piece is in turn sealed against a stainless-steel can this design, convection appeared in the form of 3-5 cir- (n) which surrounds the entire lower part of the cell as- cular rings next to the sidewall before the rest of the cell sembly. Distortions of the top plate when it is held in this convected in the form of straight rolls. assembly amount to less than 0.3 µm across its diameter. Although it was dicult to nd a wall design that The tilt of the ow distributor and top-plate assembly eliminated forcing, it was possible to create a pattern

12 could be adjusted to make the top and bottom plates by that of the piezo-electric legs. The piezo-electric legs parallel. This was done using three screws which con- worked about as well as the top-plate screws for making nect the ow distributor to the can via Belleville disc the plates parallel, with the latter giving more range of spring washers (p). These screws were positioned with movement while the former allowed more control over a ball washers (q) (machined from steel balls) to minimize shorter range. In both cases, it was possible to use in- mechanical stresses. In one version of the apparatus, terferometric methods, described in Section D below, to these three screws were made accessible to atmospheric prepare cells which were parallel to within the limits im- pressure by rods which passed through Ultra-torr O-ring posed by the atness of the top and bottom plates, that ttings in the top ange of the pressure vessel. They is, to about ±0.3 µm across their diameter. In a cell with could thus be used for alignment of the cell even when thickness d = 0.5 mm, this corresponds to a uniformity the experiment was under pressure. In another version, in d of better than 0.1 %. these screws were only used for coarse alignment before During a run, the top plate of the cell was maintained the system was pressurized, and a system of three piezo- at a constant temperature by temperature-regulated wa- electric transducers, described below, was used for ne ter which circulated across it. A circular thin-lm heater adjustments while under pressure. with diameter equal to that of the bottom plate [146] The bottom plate of the cell rests on three small steps was glued onto the bottom plate; the plastic in which machined in the edge of a hardened steel plate (i). This the heater wire was embedded was perforated with many plate is kinematically mounted on three legs (k) via three pinholes to prevent its coming unglued when the system ceramic balls (l). These balls served to cut the thermal was depressurized. The temperature of the bottom plate leak between the hardened steel plate (i), which was gen- was measured using calibrated [147] embed- erally at the same temperature as the bottom plate (b), ded deeply in small holes in the bottom plate. and the lower part of the cell assembly (m and j), which making connections to the bottom-plate heater, thermis- was near the top-plate temperature. Three springs under tors, and piezo-electric elements passed through a thin- 1 tension (not shown) pulled the steel plate down onto the walled 4 in o.d. stainless-steel tube to the bottom of the legs. The legs were in turn mounted on a rigid steel sup- pressure vessel, where they were connected to external porting plate. This plate was connected to the rest of the instrumentation via high-pressure feedthroughs. cell assembly by three small screws with spring washers (p), centered with ball washers (not shown), which could c also be used for coarse adjustments of the relative align- ment of the top and bottom plates. The entire gas-lled b volume in the lower part of the can was lled with open- d pore foam material, or with pieces of aluminized mylar super-insulation, to insulate the bottom plate and pre- vent convection. g In one version of the experiment, the three passive legs holding up the hardened steel plate and the bot- e tom plate were replaced by three legs containing piezo- f electric transducers. We used unpackaged multi-layer low-voltage piezo-electric stacks [145], 12 mm long, which had a maximum extension of 12 µm for an applied volt- age of 120 V, and a shorter range of negative extension for negative applied voltages. Each stack was built into a stainless-steel leg and actuated a small steel cup which held the ceramic bearing. Springs served to keep the stacks under tension, which is the recommended mode h of operation. The use of unpackaged stacks, which are solid pieces of multilayer ceramic painted with an epoxy insulator, avoided the use of plastic parts which were found to deteriorate under prolonged exposure to the high-pressure CO2 used as the experimental uid. The a drive voltage for the piezo-electric stacks was taken from a precision 120 V DC supply via three voltage dividers. FIG. 10. Schematic diagram of the main pressure vessel. The drive circuitry incorporated and an inter- a) bottom flange; b) top flange; c) top window; d) cell top lock system which maintained the voltage in the event plate; e) cell bottom plate; f) bath heater; g) bath ; of a power failure. The power supply and some pressure- h) circulating pump. The dotted lines indicate the flow of control electronics were mounted in a box which was tem- the circulating temperature-controlled water. See text for a detailed description. perature controlled to ±0.1◦C to improve long-term sta- bility. The stability of the cell geometry was not limited

13 C. Pressure Vessel up toward the cell region. After leaving the heater cham- ber, the water was directed upward around the outside of The cell assembly described above was contained in the the stainless-steel can surrounding the cell assembly by stainless-steel pressure-vessel shown in Figs. 5 and 10. a delrin ow separator. On its way up, the water owed The circulating water used for temperature control was over four 100 k thermistors [147] which were held in pressurized along with the sample gas, to minimize the stainless-steel turrets attached at 90◦ intervals around pressure dierence across, and hence the distortion of, the the main platform. cell top- and bottom-plates. Thus the circulating pump is The thermistors and the bath heater were used to con- housed inside the vessel, along with several pieces which trol the temperature of the circulating water using a per- direct the ow, or are used for controlling the temper- sonal computer (PC). The four thermistors which mea- ature of the circulating water. Most components inside sure the temperature of the water just above the heater the vessel which were in contact with the pressurized gas chamber were arranged in a series-parallel network, so were machined from stainless steel or aluminum. Plastics that the total resistance of the network represents an av- erage of the temperature around the ow. The resistance in the gas space had to be avoided because of problems 1 due to the gas diusing into or through them. of the thermistor network was read with a 6 2 digit ohm- The vessel was designed to be used up to 100 bar, with meter, and transmitted to the PC over an IEEE-488 bus. a substantial safety factor [81]. It was machined from A program monitored the resistance and compared it to stainless-steel pipe, and had an inside diameter of 15.9 a desired set point, then used a proportional-integral- cm and a wall thickness of 0.95 cm. Stainless-steel top- dierential control algorithm to adjust the bath-heater and bottom-anges were attached and O-ring sealed to voltage via a digital-to-analog converter. This system the body of the vessel with grade 8 hardened-steel bolts. provided short-term temperature stability of ±0.2 mK. The bottom ange was 2.2 cm thick. It contained several Long-term stability is limited by room-temperature vari- holes with 1/4 in female pipe threads into which a valve ations which cause drifts in the calibration of the mea- and several high-pressure feed-throughs [148] for electri- suring instruments, and is estimated to be about ±1 mK. cal connections and for stainless-steel gas-handling tubes The temperature-controlled water is directed onto the were screwed. The top ange was 2.5 cm thick, and held cell top-plate by the ow distributor. Water is directed a 1.9 cm thick by 10.2 cm diameter window, made of a down onto the top plate from above by jets mounted on single-crystal sapphire. Glass, or even fused silica, of sim- the ow distributor, and across the surface of the plate ilar thickness was considered too weak to safely support through notches milled in the bottom of the ow distribu- the pressure dierence because of surface and internal tor. Heat transported through the convection cell during defects. an experiment is eciently swept away by the ow of wa- At the bottom inside the vessel, an aluminum plate ter. Temperature gradients across the cell top-plate due with a large recess machined into it provided a place to its nite thermal conductivity, and due to the pres- for making electrical connections to the wires passing ence of the sidewalls, are estimated to be typically on through the bottom ange. Above it was a large alu- the order of 0.3% at the onset of convection. minum piece which held the pump. The pump was a After passing over the top plate, the water returns to modied magnetically-driven aquarium pump [149]. Its the pump. It ows down around the outside of the del- motor was removed from the original plastic housing and rin ow separator, thus providing thermal insulation be- potted with Stycast 2850FT epoxy [150] into a stainless- tween the pressure-vessel wall and the upowing water steel box. A glass-sealed electrical feedthrough on the inside the separator. The complete ow path of the wa- stainless-steel pump-box was used to connect ac power ter is shown in Figs. 5 and 10. to the pump motor. An O-ring at the top of the pump Heat is removed from the pressure vessel by an exter- box was one of several which separated the wet and nal cooling jacket positioned roughly at the height of the dry regions. Above the pump was a stainless-steel ow- pump motor (not shown in the gures). Water was cir- distributor plate with channels milled into it to direct the culated through this jacket by a temperature-controlled ow of water out of and back into the pump. circulating bath. In one version of the apparatus this Roughly in the center of the pressure vessel, above the heat removal was not provided, and cooling was only to ow-distributor plate, was the main stainless-steel plat- the ambient air at approximately 20◦C. In that case, the form. An O-ring around its circumference formed a seal bath could not be operated below about 32 ◦C. to the wall of the vessel, again to isolate the dry from We also found it necessary to control the pressure of the the wet region. In the center of this platform was a del- sample gas. Room-temperature variations, and the slow rin chamber, bounded at its top and bottom by two thin diusion of the pressurized gas through the butyl-rubber stainless-steel disks with many holes drilled in them. Be- O-rings or into plastic pieces, caused pressure variations tween these disks was the bath heater, which consisted over the course of a run (i.e., over several weeks) which in of roughly 18 m of #30 insulated single-strand copper turn caused drifts in Tc. To eliminate these drifts, the wire, with a resistance of about 7.5 . Water coming pressure was controlled using a temperature-regulated out of the pump passed through this chamber on its way external ballast volume [138], connected to the main pressure vessel, as shown in Fig. 5. The gas pressure

14 was measured using a commercial strain-gauge pressure cell, was directed normally into the cell. Light reected transducer [151], and a voltage was applied to a heater in from the bottom surface of the sapphire top-plate and the ballast volume to change its temperature such that from the mirror surface of the bottom plate was then the pressure remained constant. The variation in pres- directed onto a screen by a beam splitter. This arrange- sure using this system was ±0.01% (0.001% in a version ment is shown in Fig. 11. The interference fringes ob- using a home-made pressure transducer [152]), and Tc served on the screen are fringes of equal thickness [153]; varied by less than 0.02% with this level of pressure con- each fringe corresponds to a change in the optical thick- trol. ness of the cell of one-half of a wavelength. The cell A second external volume contained a bellows which thickness is made uniform by adjusting the three screws was used to pressurize the wet region of the main pres- which connect the bottom support plate to the rest of the sure vessel (in one version of the apparatus, the bellows is cell assembly and the three screws which connect the top in the main pressure vessel, and forms part of the can sur- ow distributor to the assembly. It is straightforward to rounding the cell assembly). One side of the bellows was get the two plates parallel to within a few fringes, i.e., to in contact with the wet region, the other with the dry, as within about 1 µm. shown in Fig. 5. To prevent corrosion, welds joining the Once this preliminary alignment has been performed, bellows to a mounting plate were covered with Stycast the cell is mounted in the pressure vessel. The pressure 2850FT epoxy [150]. The roughly 2 l volume of the wa- vessel is then leveled, using a precision level placed on ter in the wet region decreases by about 0.1%, or about the sapphire top-plate of the cell, to make the cell ac- 2 cm3, when it is pressurized, due to the nite compress- curately horizontal. The upper, wet half of the vessel is ibility of the water. This, and the compression of any air then lled with water and the vessel closed. The system remaining in the wet space, is compensated for by the is pressurized as described below, the internal water bath expansion of the bellows. The force required to extend temperature-controlled at the desired operating temper- the bellows results in a pressure dierence between the ature, and the bottom plate brought to a reference tem- wet and dry regions | and so across the sapphire top perature just below the onset of convection. Mechanical plate of the cell | of typically 1 psi. This causes the stresses from mounting the cell, thermal expansion, and sapphire to bow outward at its center by about 0.1 µm. the small pressure dierential across the cell top-plate all contribute to the misalignment of the cell plates af- ter this procedure, and a further ne adjustment of the cell parallelism in situ, at the operating temperatures and laser pressure, is required. This adjustment is performed using the same procedure as described above, except that the laser, beam splitter, and screen assembly are mounted on top of the pressure vessel rather than on a separate stand. beam exapnder The nal alignment was done with the three piezoelectric stacks, or with the three externally accessible screws in the ow distributor described above. Using either pro- cedure, the cell could be restored to within about 0.3 µm of parallel at the reference temperature. The system beam splitter screen was suciently stable that this alignment persisted for the few weeks’ duration of an experimental run. For the largest temperature dierences applied across the cell, thermal expansion of the bottom plate caused a change away from parallelism corresponding to a few fringes; parallelism returned without hysteresis when the bottom cell plate was returned to the reference temperature. The thickness of the pressurized cell was measured with a second type of interferometer, which was mounted on FIG. 11. The optical interferometer used for adjusting the parallelism of the top and bottom plate of the convection cell. top of the pressure vessel for this purpose. It is shown schematically in Fig. 12. A helium-neon laser and a large-area assembly [154] indepen- D. Cell Alignment and Thickness Measurement dently move on lever arms which pivot about an axis passing through the convection cell. The unexpanded laser beam reects from the bottom plate of the cell and The parallelism of the top and bottom plates was ad- the bottom of the sapphire top plate at an adjustable justed and the thickness of the cell measured using two angle θ . The two reected beams emerge parallel and dierent interferometric techniques. Initially, the cell was i very slightly displaced from each other. They are di- assembled and mounted on a stand. A helium-neon laser rected onto the photodiode assembly by a beam splitter beam, expanded and collimated to illuminate the entire and focussed onto it by a 2.54 cm focal length, 2.54 cm

15 diameter lens. These beams interfere on the detector to of the pressure vessel was lled with deionized water. produce fringes of equal inclination [153]. The condition Air bubbles were removed from the water and from the for interference minima is less-accessible corners of the wet region, and the water was thoroughly degassed. Bubbles increase the eective mλ = 2ngd cos θr (5) compressibility of the water, and thus the distance the bellows must move as the system is pressurized. where m is the (integer) fringe order, λ the laser wave- After the water bath was lled, the pressure vessel was length, n the refractive index of the gas in the convection g sealed, and the pressure in both the dry and wet regions cell, d the cell thickness and θ the angle the ray trav- r of the vessel was reduced with a vacuum pump to about eling through the cell makes with the normal to the cell 100 mTorr. Both regions were then re-pressurized to just plates. The refractive index n is a well-known function g above atmospheric pressure by lling the dry region with of the density of the gas [155], which was in turn calcu- the experimental gas. The pumping line to the wet re- lated from the measured pressure and temperature using gion was connected to an extra volume of water which the equation of state, as described in Section IV G below. was siphoned back into the water bath in the pressure vessel each time it was re-pressurized, ensuring complete lling of the wet region with water. This procedure was laser detector repeated roughly ve times, repeatedly ushing the dry region of the pressure vessel, including the convection lens cell, with the experimental gas. In the wet region, each pumpdown boiled and degassed the internal water bath. After a few pumping/repressurization cycles, a valve be- θ i tween the extra water volume and the internal bath was top window closed and the entire vessel brought to the working pres- sure by pressurizing the dry side only, with the pressure being communicated to the water bath by the bellows. The system was cycled between the atmospheric pressure cell and the working pressure a few times to further ush the gas in the dry region. θ g During experimental runs of several weeks’ duration, a signicant amount of CO2 typically diused through FIG. 12. Schematic drawing of the interferometer used for the O-rings into the water. Thus, precautions were nec- measuring the cell thickness. See text for a detailed descrip- essary during de-pressurization to prevent excessive gas tion. formation in the wet region from compressing the bel- lows unduly. For this purpose, an electrical lead which The angle of incidence θi of the laser beam entering made contact with the bellows at a certain level of com- the pressure vessel could be varied continuously in the pression was used to signal the operator that some pres- range ±30◦, and was measured to an accuracy of 0.02◦ sure relief in the wet region was needed before further on a vernier-equipped scale. The large-angle scale and de-pressurization of the dry region. its vernier were ruled using a numerical milling machine. The angular locations of a sequence of interference min- ima were measured on both sides of θi = 0. >From these F. Rotation about a Vertical Axis measurements, and knowing ng, θr can be calculated us- ing Snell’s law. The slope of a plot of cos θr against the One version of the apparatus was mounted on a rotat- order number of the minima m (the unknown large, con- ing table with a vertical rotation axis so that the eect stant oset in m has no eect) is λ/2ngd, from which the of a Coriolis force on the RBC system could be studied. cell thickness d can be determined with an uncertainty of [40] In that case, the electrical leads were brought out of ±1 µm. Changes in the cell thickness (as distinct from its the rotating system through slip rings [156]. The shad- loss of parallelism, described above) resulting from large owgraph system was co-rotating with the convection cell, applied temperature dierences are easily measured with so that all images were in the rotating frame. this interferometer, and measured changes were consis- tent with the expected thermal expansion of the bottom plate. G. Flow Visualization and Image Analysis

E. Filling Procedure In addition to providing a qualitative picture of the convective ow pattern and its dynamics, an appropri- ately implemented visualization scheme can also be used Experiments were typically performed at pressures of to obtain quantitative information. Flow visualization 20{50 bar. Before the cell was pressurized, the wet region

16 was accomplished using the well-known shadowgraph tower which was attached to the top ange of the pressure technique [5{15]. Qualitatively, this method is easily un- vessel during an experiment. Light from a \point source" derstood from the standpoint of geometrical optics, [13] was directed down onto the convection cell by a pellicle although a quantitative evaluation given near the end of beam splitter. We used one of several achromatic lenses, this section requires that the diraction eects of physi- most with a diameter of 10.2 cm, with a focal length in cal optics [15] be taken into account. The shadowgraph the range from 24 to 64 cm, to collimate the light beam technique uses the lateral index-of-refraction variations which then passed through the thick window in the top of an otherwise transparent medium to visualize the con- ange, through the transparent cell top plate, and into vection pattern. In the case of convection, the warm, the cell. The light was then reected from the cell bottom upwelling uid has a lower index of refraction than the plate and returned to the optics tower, having passed cool, down-owing uid. A parallel beam of light pass- twice through the uid layer. It was re-focussed by the ing through the convecting uid will be refracted by the collimating lens and imaged by a Nikon camera lens onto convection rolls, and focused toward the regions of higher a ccd video camera. refractive index. In eect, the convection rolls act as an array of lenses, and when the beam of light impinges upon CCD a screen, or, as in our experiments, on the ccd arra y of a video camera, regions of downow appear bright, and CAMERA regions of upow appear dark. We visualize the convec- tion from above, and the light and dark regions in the shadowgraph image have the same planform as the index variations, averaged over the thickness of the cell. CIMAAMGEINRGA LENS The sensitivity of the method depends upon the optical distance z1 between the convection cell and the screen, and for suciently small z1 increases with z1. Under op- FOCAL PLANE timal circumstances, it can be very high. Measurements ∆z of the index-of-refraction variation with a resolution of 1 PINHOLE IMAGING PLANE part in 109, corresponding to temperature variations of a few µK, have been made for convection in liquids where LED* BEAM SPLITTER the refractive index n has a relatively large temperature coecient COLLIMATING LENS

nT ≡ −(∂n/∂T )P , (6) FLOW DISTRIBUTOR SUPPORTING PLATE 4 1 TOP WINDOW of order 10− K− [157]. With image division (to be dis- cussed below), it is then possible to observe convection z0 patterns extremely close to onset, well before the ow has any measurable eect on the heat transport across the

layer. However, the low refractive index of gases makes

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¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦

¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦

¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦

¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ ow visualization relatively dicult at atmospheric pres- CELL sure, and is one of the reasons for working at higher pres- 6 1 sure. At 1 bar, one has nT = O(10− K− ) and the eec- FIG. 13. Schematic diagram of the shadowgraph optics. tive focal length of the convective pattern is on the order of hundreds of meters. In order to get useful resolution, The light source for the shadowgraph should ideally the screen would have to be placed inconveniently far be monochromatic, to avoid chromatic aberrations in the from the convection cell. This is precisely what was done optics and dispersion in the uid. However, if the light in the pioneering work of Ref. [102] mentioned in Sect. source is spatially and temporally coherent, interference III, where the screen was placed 17 m beyond the cell! WfringesATER OUareT produced whicWAThERobscure IN the shadoWwgraphATER OUef-T Under these conditions, however, diraction severely lim- fect. BLighASEt-emitting PLATE , which produce incoherent its the spatial resolution possible. On the other hand, 4 1 light in a narrow frequency band of width approximately at 30 bar, nT is typically 10− K− , the eective focal 100 A, were found to be an excellent compromise. length of the pattern is of order 1 m, and very high res- One source we used was a bright LED [158], the surface olution can be achieved at moderate distances. of which was polished until the cathode wire was almost In order to make the apparatus versatile, it includes exposed. A 45 µm diameter pinhole [159] was then glued two lenses which, depending on their relative position, onto the surface over the LED element. A disadvantage permit eective optical viewing distances z1 which cover of this technique is that the resulting illumination is not a very wide range. The optics is shown schematically perfectly spatially uniform. The pinhole projects onto in Fig. 13, and the shadowgraph tower is shown in Fig. the cell an image of the LED chip, which has a dark spot 14. The system was contained in a cylindrical aluminum

17 (from a solder joint in the LED) in the center. photodiode. The light entering the convection cell should be col- limated, so the light source must be positioned at the focal point of the collimating lens. To accomplish this, the source and beam splitter were mounted together on camera a tube which could be moved up and down (see Fig. 14). The lower part of the shadowgraph, including the colli- mating lens and the light source/beam splitter tube, was placed on a at granite table with a plane mirror posi- camera/lens adjustment rod tioned just below the lens. A screen was placed over an aperture at the top of the tube, at the same distance from imaging lens the beam splitter as the light source. The position of the tube was then adjusted until the image of the source on screen/pinhole mount the screen was sharply focused. After this collimation beam splitter procedure, the horizontal position and inclination of the light source collimating lens was adjusted so that the focused spot movable tube was centered on crosshairs inscribed on the screen. The collimating lens lower half of the shadowgraph was then mounted on top of the pressure vessel. To insure that the shadowgraph axis was perpendicular to the cell, the shadowgraph tube was leveled so that the focused spot, now reected from FIG. 14. The arrangement of components in the shadow- the cell bottom plate, was again centered on the cross graph tower. The assembly is described in detail in the text. hairs. The optical path of the shadowgraph is illustrated in In more recent experiments, we used an LED coupled Fig. 13. The signal in the camera was generated by to a 50 µm graded-index silica ber. The light was cou- imaging a plane a distance z below the focal plane of pled into the ber by drilling a hole, just large enough the collimating lens onto the CCD element. From geo- to accommodate the ber and its cladding, in the plastic metrical optics one sees that this is equivalent to viewing of the LED, extending to within 0.2 mm of the cath- a shadowgraph signal which, in the absence of the colli- ode wire. The end of the ber was glued into the hole mating lens, would have formed at an optical distance with Epotek 301 epoxy [160], which has a refractive in- dex closely matching that of silica. The ber was then f(f − z) z1 = z0 + (7) loosely coiled to scramble the image of the LED element. z The other end of the ber was polished and used as the from the cell. Here f is the focal length of the collimat- light source. In addition to providing a more uniform ing lens (typically 50 cm), and z0 ' 20 cm is the optical source, the ber also reduces the amount of light which distance from the sample to the collimating lens includ- misses the collimating lens and is lost. Very recently, we ing corrections for the refractive indices of the water and found a commercial source of a similarly-designed LED- windows in the optical path. Typical values of z are in ber combination which is very convenient to use [161]. the range 4 to 25 cm, giving values of z1 in the range 500 In order to get enough intensity, we often operated the to 50 cm. The value of z1 aects the sensitivity as we LEDs above their rated current, up to 120 mA, without will see below. For a given sensitivity, the magnication obvious detrimental eects. This was likely due to the of the system can still be adjusted by changing the focal improved heat sinking provided by our mount. length of the imaging lens and the relative locations of In some experiments the light source was an inexpen- the camera and the imaging lens, keeping the imaging sive laser operating at 780 nm [162]. The laser plane xed. diode could be used without a pinhole, since the active Values of z are not limited to the typical range given area was only 20 µm by 60 µm, and it was extremely above. When z is such that a real image of the cell is bright. It was typically used just below the laser thresh- formed on the detector, z1 and thus the sensitivity of the old, where it was already several times brighter than the shadowgraph is zero. One can observe a shadowgraph LED. The coherence length of this laser was suciently of the convection pattern when the optical system is fo- short that no interference fringes due to reections be- cused either above or below the plane of the cell. These tween the top and bottom of the cell were observed, but two shadowgraphs are negatives of each other, with the the light was suciently coherent across the wavefront one formed by imaging a plane above the cell correspond- that interference rings due to dust in the optics were vis- ing to Eq. 7 with z1 > 0. For the shadowgraph to be ible. At 780 nm, the was dimly visible to the linear (i.e., for Eq. 12 below to be a good approxima- eye for alignment purposes, and was in the wavelength tion), care must be taken to avoid working near caustics, range where the ccd camera is quite sensitive. The inten- i.e., to avoid imaging planes for which z1 is close to the sity of the laser was feedback controlled using its internal

18 eective focal length of the convection pattern. The zero- were misaligned, the divided image showed a black or sensitivity condition | with the cell focused on the ccd white line around the cell edge, and, for images recorded detector | was often used as a starting point for the at small , imperfections on the cell bottom were high- adjustment of the shadowgraph to higher sensitivity, and lighted. In the absence of a signicant convection pat- the sensitivity and magnication were adjusted by chang- tern, tool marks from the diamond machining of the bot- ing the positions of the ccd camera and imaging lens and tom plate were discernible. The eects of the shift were the distance between them, without changing the align- largely eliminated by shifting the background to match ment of the components in the lower half of the shad- the image. Shifts could be made with sub-pixel resolu- owgraph tube. An alternate procedure was to rst focus tion by performing a bi-linear interpolation using the four the camera lens on the focal point of the collimating lens, nearest-neighbor pixels. Optimal shifts were determined corresponding to z = 0. The camera together with its by inspection of the edge of the cell in the divided im- lens was then lowered through the desired distance z. age. For very weak signals, it often was possible to nd Depending on the sensitivity and magnication require- the optimal shifts by minimizing the variance of the sig- ments, a 50 mm or a 35{70mm zoom Nikon camera lens nal I(x). This was so because the major contribution to was used as the imaging lens. the signal came from bottom-plate imperfections which For quantitative analysis of the shadowgraph images, divided out almost completely when the image and ref- the optical system was calibrated. The combined re- erence were properly aligned. sponse of the ccd camera and the video frame grabber The shadowgraph images of convection very near which converted the camera output to digital format was threshold are often extremely faint. They can be en- calibrated using a set of neutral-density lters. Images hanced by the use of Fourier ltering. Since the convec- without convection were digitized under dierent lters, tion pattern has a characteristic length scale which is set and the average pixel intensities of a few dierent regions by the cell thickness, a two-dimensional Fourier trans- were compared. It turned out that the response of the form will have most of its power concentrated on a ring ccd/digitizer system was suciently linear that only two or in several spots corresponding to a wave number close parameter emerged from the calibration: the gain and to the critical wave number, kc. Noise at low wave num- the zero value, i.e., the average value for an image taken bers is primarily due to large-scale imperfections in the without light. This value was treated as an oset and optical quality of the cell bottom-plate which were not subtracted from the images before image division. completely removed by the image division process, while After proper adjustment of the optics, we took images high-k noise is mostly due to electronic noise in the video I~(x) which typically contained m0 = 256 × 256 = 65536 camera and the frame-grabber amplier. By multiplying pixels (here x is the discrete horizontal position vector the Fourier transform by a band-pass lter centered on x = (i, j) within the cell). The light intensity at each kc, one can eliminate much of this noise, and an inverse pixel location was digitized in a range of 256 intensity transform of the ltered Fourier transform yields an im- levels, so as to be described by one byte of data. A age with a much clearer pattern. Care must be taken to background image I~o(x) was taken at a value of T well taper the lter edges gradually to prevent ringing which below the critical value Tc for the onset of convection. might introduce spurious structures into the image. Then T was increased close to or above Tc, and an One can also use this technique to create special- image I~(x, T ) was taken at each value of T which was purpose lters, as illustrated in Fig. 15. The upper of interest. The shadowgraph signal is then dened to be left part of the gure shows a shadowgraph image of a pattern of hexagonal convection cells containing a defect ~ ~ ~ I(x, T ) = [I(x, T ) − Io(x)]/Io(x) (8) (the defect is located inside the circle). The modulus of the two-dimensional Fourier-transform F (k) of the im- where the division on the right-hand side of Eq. 8 corre- age is shown in the lower left of Fig. 15. It shows that sponds to pixel-by-pixel division of the image matrices. a hexagonal pattern can be viewed as a superposition of This image division removes the dependence of I(x) on three straight-roll patterns oriented at 120◦ with respect the system gain and also eliminates the eects of local in- to each other, each contributing a pair of peaks. If one homogeneities in the illumination or in the bottom plate lters out all but one pair of peaks at k and −k, cor- reectivity. For visual display, this signal was re-scaled responding to one of the three roll patterns, and then so as to cover a suitable fraction of the range of integers performs an inverse transform, one of the three straight- between 0 and 255, and a corresponding grey-scale image roll patterns is reconstructed. Figures 15(a{c) show the was produced. Examples of such images have been given three roll patterns which make up the hexagonal pattern in Figs. 2, 3, and 4. For quantitative further analysis, of Fig. 15. This analysis shows that the defect in the I(x, T ) was used directly. hexagonal pattern is equivalent to dislocation defects in Since runs of the experiments can last for several two of the three straight-roll patterns which combine to weeks, mechanical or thermal stresses in the shadow- make up the hexagonal pattern. It is also possible to use graph tower can cause small misalignments between the this and related methods to determine the location of the data and background images. Shifts were small | typ- defect, and to study the defect dynamics by following it ically from less than one to a few pixels. If the images as a function of time. Clearly, in a hexagonal lattice this

19 dynamics must involve a combination of climbing (mo- or the inverse of the correlation length. \Contour plots" tion of the defect parallel to the roll axis) and gliding which give |F (k)| or |F ()| in the form of grey-scale plots (motion perpendicular to the roll axis). as a function of time have been very useful in the study of the dynamics of patterns [41]. So far we have discussed primarily how to extract infor- mation regarding the pattern, or equivalently about the wave vector eld. It is also possible to obtain quantita- tive information about the amplitude of the signal and to relate this to the amplitude of the temperature eld. Let us write the deviation of the refractive index n(x, z, T ) from the horizontally-uniform pure-conduction prole as

A δn(x, z, T ) = δn(x, T )f(z) (9)

where f(z) is chosen so that its vertical average is equal to unity. On the basis of geometrical optics [8,9,12{15] one has

I~(x, ∆T) 2 1 = (1 + 2z1d∇hn(x))− . (10) I~0(x)

Here the factor of 2 comes from the light passing twice A B 2 C through the cell, and ∇h is the horizontal Laplacian. Eq. 10 is valid for z1 much less than the geometric focalization length z at which Eq. 10 rst predicts an divergent sig- F nal. For a superposition of spatially-sinusoidal refractive- index variations of uniform wave number q and to linear order, this gives

I(x, T ) = A δn(x, T ) (11)

B C for the shadowgraph signal. The sensitivity A is given by FIG. 15. A hexagonal pattern with a defect is shown in the upper left. The lower right is the modulus of the Fourier 2 A = 2dγ1γ2q z1 . (12) transform of this pattern. One sees that it is the sum of the Fourier transforms of three sets of rolls. The right three panels In the formula derived from geometrical optics, [11,13] are the inverse tronsforms of the contributions from each of the coecients γ1 and γ2 are equal to unity. In that case, these sets of rolls. Two of these contain the defect, and the A ∝ 1/d since q is proportional to 1/d. A thinner cell third does not. would thus seem to provide a stronger signal. However, to some extent this is illusory. On the basis of physical Another technique which we used was to lter out all optics and for an initially parallel beam generated from but a single Fourier peak and then to translate this peak a point source, γ2 = 1 and γ1 is shown in Ref. [15] to be to k = 0. An inverse transform then yields a complex given by map of the slowly-varying amplitude of the pattern as a function of position, but with fast variations due to the γ1 = sin(Kz1)/Kz1 (13) individual convective rolls removed. Zeros of this func- tion correspond to defects of the pattern. This technique where works well for well-organized patterns such as the hexag- 2 onal array of cells shown in Fig. 3, but not for disordered K = q /2k , (14) patterns with many curved rolls and defects like that in 4 1 Fig. 4. and k ' 9.7 × 10 cm− is the wave vector of the light. A variety of other analyses of F (k) have turned out For a distributed source consisting of light emanating to be useful [34,41]. These have included calculations uniformly from a circular pinhole of nite diameter l, of the azimuthal average F (k) or the radial average [15] F () of F (k). The rst moment of the structure fac- tor S(k) = |F (k)|2 gives a good estimate of the average γ2 = 2J1(qz1a)/qz1a (15) wave number k of the pattern, and the second moment where J1(x) is the rst-order Bessel function of the rst yields information about the wave number distribution kind,

20 a = l/2f , (16) Prandtl number are known. Thus we give in this section a summary of the properties of CO2 which we have used with f the focal length of the lens which generates the in much of our work. We used this information over the pseudo-parallel beam from the pinhole source. The typi- 5 range 10 to 60 ◦C and 20 to 60 bar. cal case l = 45 µm and f = 0.64 m gives a = 3.5×10− . For the density ρ we used Eq. 5.68 of Vukalovich and Equations 12, 13, and 15 show that the shadowgraph sig- Altunin [163]. Since this equation is rather complicated, nal has extrema as a function of z1. These can be seen we do not reproduce it here. We obtained the isobaric in Fig. 16, which gives the sensitivity A as a function of thermal expansion coecient z1 for cells with the typical thicknesses d = 0.1 cm and d = 0.05 cm, assuming the representative case q = π/d. α = −(1/ρ)(∂ρ/∂T )P We see that the maximum sensitivity actually decreases with decreasing d, contrary to the predictions based on from a numerical dierentiation of the equation for ρ, geometrical optics [13] which would be given by straight using values of ρ at temperatures which were 0.1% of lines in Fig. 16 with slopes equal to those of the curves at the absolute temperature (≈ 0.3◦C) below and above the origin. A derivation and more detailed description of the mean temperature. Although usually not needed, we the physical optics of the shadowgraph method is given used a similar numerical procedure to get the isothermal in Ref. [15]. compressibility. The heat capacity was derived by bilinear interpolation in Table 3 of Angus et al. [164] We obtained the shear 4 viscosity from a t of the polynomial

4 2 2 3 4 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 η = η , + η , T + η , T + η , ρ + η , ρ + η , ρ + η , ρ to the data of Iwasaki and Takahashi [165]. With T in K 0 and ρ in g/cm3, we found Sensitivity / 10 6 -2 η0,0 = −28.66 × 10− , 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 z1 ( cm ) 6 η0,1 = 0.6937 × 10− , FIG. 16. Shadowgraph sensitivity A for a cell thickness d = 0.1 cm (solid line) and d = 0.05 cm (dashed line). 10 η0,2 = −3.455 × 10− ,

H. Gas properties 4 η1,1 = 0.7352 × 10− , Much can be learned from heat-transport measure- ments and from an analysis of shadowgraph images with- 3 η1 2 = 0.5813 × 10− , out knowing the uid properties. The distance from , threshold can be dened in terms of the measured val- 3 ues of T as ~ ≡ T/Tc − 1. The dependence of the η1,3 = 0.1751 × 10− , Nusselt number on ~ can be measured, and the evolu- tion of pattern amplitudes and wavevector elds with ~ and can be studied in terms of the intensities of the Fourier 4 components of the pattern without regard to the actual η1,4 = 0.1137 × 10− , values of the temperature eld. However, even more in- formation can be extracted from the experiment when when η is in Poise. This t also agrees well with the data actual Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers are evaluated and of Diller and Ball [166]. when the actual temperature amplitudes are determined. For the thermal conductivity, we tted the data of Sen- gers [167] over the temperature range 298 to 323 K and [43,157] This requires a knowledge of some of the uid 3 properties. In addition, much theoretical work about RB the density range 0.0019 to 0.14 g/cm to the function convection [47] is based on the Oberbeck-Boussinesq ap- 2 2 proximation, [48,49] and the extent of the departures of a λ = λ0,0 + λ0,1T + λ0,2T + λ1,1ρ + λ1,2ρ . real physical system from this approximation can be eval- 3 With T in Kelvin and ρ in g/cm , the coecients uated only when the relevant properties are known as a function of temperature and pressure. Finally, in some of λ0,0 = 3165.24, our work the coupling of external (thermal) noise to the hydrodynamic system has been of interest. This can be determined theoretically only when the viscosity and the λ0,1 = −16.0129,

21 λ0,2 = 0.036625, end of the cell. Good estimates of the coecients in the equation for P are [55]

1 1 λ , = 2867.92, P0 = 2.676 − 0.1258/σ ' 2.54, and P1 = −6.603 − 0.5023/σ ' −7.13, λ1,2 = 21137.7 give λ in erg/s cm K. Deviations from the t are generally P2 = 2.755 ' 2.76, less than one percent [168]. th c

T 1.05 P3 = 2.917 − 0.5023/σ ' 2.39, ∆

/ 1 and expt c

T 0.95

∆ P4 = −6.229 + 0.2512/σ ' −5.96. 0 10 20 30 40 50 P ( bar7.6e-5 ) P Here the numerical values are for CO2 at 25◦C and 30 FIG. 17. Ratio of the experimental to the theoretical values bar (σ = 0.94). Once P is known, the predicted ranges of ∆Tc. The different symbols refer to data taken in different of stability of hexagons and rolls as well as the pre- apparatus. dicted amplitudes of the ow near the convective onset [31,47,55,118,169] are readily determined. As a test of the reliability of the uid properties we de- A further quantity of importance in some of the inves- termined the critical temperature dierence for a number tigations is the parameter which gives a dimensionless of dierent pressures and temperatures in cells of various measure of the strength of thermal noise, [170,171] spacings. The measurements spanned values of Tc from k T 0.186σ2 1.5 to 29 K, values of d from 0.05 to 0.2 cm, and pres- F = B × . sures from 23 to 48 bar. Figure 17 gives, as a function th ρdν2 σ + 0.5117 expt th of pressure, the ratio of Tc /Tc of the experimen- It also can be determined from the uid properties given tal Tc to the Tc calculated from the uid properties, above. Rc = 1708, and the experimental pressure and mean temperature. It can be seen that all experimental de- Finally we mention that the quantitative determina- terminations are within a few % of the theoretical value, tion of the temperature-eld amplitude requires a knowl- showing that the uid properties are consistent with the edge of the refractive index n and its temperature deriva- experimental onset of convection. tive nT . [43,157] These we calculated using the formula Another useful parameter which we estimate from the [172] uid properties is the extent P of the departure from the Boussinesq approximation which was dened by Busse n = p(1 + 2arρ)/(1 − arρ) , [55] and is given by him as where ar = 0.152 in the case of CO2. 4 P = i=0γiPi , TABLE I. Some properties of CO2 relevant to convection. with

γ0 = −ρ/ρ , 4 1 8 P (bar) d (cm) ∆Tc (◦C) 10 × nT (K− ) P 10 F γ1 = α/α ,

10 0.2 4.33 0.170 0.24 1.56 γ2 = ν/ν , 20 0.1 6.07 0.441 0.50 7.1 30 0.05 14.2 0.900 1.68 24.9 40 0.03 21.8 1.79 4.49 69.0 γ3 = λ/λ , and

γ4 = CP /CP . Here the quantities ρ, etc. are the dierence in the value of the property at the bottom (hot) and top (cold)

22 In Table I we give a few examples of typical parame- surements and the prediction based on thermal noise is ter values for a mean sample temperature of 25◦ C. It is excellent. apparent that convection in gases is quite versatile. For instance the sample can have properties which conform well to the Boussinesq approximation, or it can show sig- -4 nicant non-Boussinesq eects which lead to hexagons at 10 ) onset. Another feature apparent from the Table is that 2 the relative importance of thermal noise can be varied

over a wide range. The values of nT = −(∂n/∂T )P sug- ) > (K ε

( -5 gest that the sensitivity of the shadowgraph method can 2 10

vary signicantly. T δ <

V. RESULTS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS 10-6 10-4 10-3 10-2 Here we briey describe and illustrate some interesting - ε results obtained from experiments on RBC in compressed 2 gases using the apparatus described above. More detailed FIG. 18. The variance δT () of the temperature fluctua- accounts have been published elsewhere [31{44]. tions below the threshold for convection as a function of  on • ◦ In a sense one of the most elementary aspects of con- logarithmic scales. : P = 42.33 bar. : P = 28.96 bar. The vection, and yet from an experimental viewpoint one of solid lines are the predictions fro m stochastic hydrodynamics based on thermal noise. After Ref. [43]. the most dicult, is the study of uctuations below the onset. Deterministic hydrodynamics predicts that there is a sharp bifurcation point below which the velocity eld is zero. Above it, the amplitudes of the convective ow elds (in the Boussinesq approximation) are expected to grow in proportion to 1/2. In reality, the eect of thermal noise on the system must be represented in the hydrodynamic equations by the addition of a stochastic stress tensor, as suggested by Landau and Lifshitz [173]. Well away from the bifurcation point, the eect of ther- mal noise on the system is expected to be very small 10-1 because thermal noise is \microscopic" and the convec- tion rolls are macroscopic; but as the onset of convection is approached, the susceptibility of the system to exter- nal disturbances diverges and at small  even thermal Amplitude ( Arb. Units ) noise has a signicant inuence. Patches of convection rolls are excited in random locations with random ori- 10-3 10-2 10-1 entations and phases; their spatial extent on average is ε 1 2 given by the correlation length ξ = ξ0/(−) / and their lifetime by the correlation time τ = τ0/(−) (ξ0 = 0.385 FIG. 19. Amplitudes of convective flows as a function of . and τ0 ' 0.077 are length and time scales in units of d The origin of the -scale is based on the determination of ∆Tc and tv respectively). On average, the velocity eld will from Nusselt-number measurements. Solid circles: amplitude be zero; but the root-mean-square average of the uc- of the umbilicus. Open circles: Amplitude of t he rolls away 1/4 from the center. The lines have been drawn through the data tuation amplitudes is predicted to diverge as (−)− until(at very small ) nonlinear saturation eects keep it with slopes corresponding to the predicted exponents. After from growing further [174]. These uctuations are the Ref. [35]. equivalent of critical opalescence near equilibrium criti- cal points. One of the advantages of gas convection is Next we consider what happens just beyond the bi- that the eect of thermal noise can be made relatively furcation point in a uid which is described well by the large by an appropriate choice of experimental param- Boussinesq approximation, i.e. one for which the uid eters [33,43]. In Fig. 18 we show experimental mea- properties do not vary signicantly over the height of surements of the mean-square temperature uctuations the cell. When sidewall forcing is signicant, a pat- below the onset of convection at two dierent pressures tern of concentric rolls forms at the onset of convection [10,28,35,75] as is shown in Fig. 8. As  is increased, in CO2 gas in a cell with d ' 0.05cm. The lines are the predictions [170,171] based on stochastic hydrodynamics the amplitude of the ow in the umbilicus at the center [173]. As can be seen, the agreement between the mea- of the pattern initially grows faster than the amplitude away from the center. [76] This was explained theoret-

23 ically by Pomeau et al. [175], who predicted that the unstable skewed-varicose disturbance [184]. The defects umbilicus amplitude should grow as 1/4 whereas the roll move, at least initially, in the direction determined by amplitudes well away from the center should grow as 1/2 this angle, thus yielding a combination of climbing (mo- [176]. Figure 19 shows experimental data from Ref. [35] tion parallel to the roll axes) and gliding (motion per- which quantitatively support the predictions for these ex- pendicular to the roll axes). It is interesting to note that ponents. for the example of this process given by Croquette (Fig. As  is increased, the rst instability encountered by 23 of Ref. [28]) the angle was close to zero and yielded a concentric-roll patterns is the focus instability, which in- nearly pure climbing defect motion. Thus it seems that volves a shifting o-center of the umbilicus of the pattern the mechanism in that case was not the skewed-varicose [10,28,35,177{182]. The focus instability (in the case of instability, but rather the Eckhaus instability [184]. rigid sidewalls) was observed [35] at  ' 0.16, in quite good agreement with theoretical predictions [180]. Little is known theoretically about what should happen as  is increased further; but from experiment there is a variety of sequences of events which seem to be sensitive to the aspect ratio , and perhaps to the Prandtl number. For reasonably large , the umbilicus initially can act as a source of rolls, emitting a traveling wave which moves radially in the outward direction [35]. However, when the umbilicus wanders further away from the center, its outward motion accelerates [35], presumably because it is inuenced by the large-scale ow which becomes stronger as the deviation of the structure from circular symmetry is enhanced. As the umbilicus heads for the sidewall, it tends to compress the rolls which are in its path, caus- ing them to form defects. Finally, the umbilicus arrives (c) at the sidewall, where it turns into a wall focus. After some time, the curvature near the wall focus relaxes and a system of curved rolls develops, with the degree of cur- vature depending on the precise  value. An example for  = 0.115 and = 41 from Ref. [35] is shown in the top part of Fig. 20. When  is reduced to a small value for a pattern like that in Fig. 20, stable straight rolls with very little dis- tortion like those in Fig. 2 are formed. Although they are stable close to onset, they become time dependent in an FIG. 20. A typical pattern of rolls at  = 0.115, where the interesting way when  is increased beyond about 0.08. sidewalls induce sufficient curvature to cause compression of This phenomenon was described in considerable detail the rolls in the center, which in turn leads to defect formation by Croquette [28], and is illustrated in Fig. 20. As  is via the skewed-varicose mechanism. The lower two panels are increased, the increasing tendency for the rolls to termi- enlargements of the center portion, at two times separated by nate with their axes orthogonal to the sidewall [70,183] 2.6tv , and show the combination of climb and glide executed causes two grain boundaries or wall foci (depending on by the defect pair. After Ref. [35]. ) to form, roughly on opposite sides of the cell. The remainder of the rolls then curve gently around these de- As  is increased further, the average roll curvature in- fects. The resulting curvature throughout the cell, and creases as well. Wall foci form, such as can be seen in the associated large-scale ows, cause compression of the Fig. 4. Quantitative measurements of the average cur- rolls in the cell center to the point where the local roll vature and of the sidewall obliqueness have been made, wavelength falls below a stability limit. A roll pair is [41], but the patterns are too complicated to yield to a \pinched o", leading to the formation of a defect pair. detailed theoretical analysis at the present. The two defects travel away from the center, reach and Under non-Boussinesq conditions, the initial pattern is travel along the sidewall, and eventually are absorbed by predicted to consist of an array of hexagonal convection the grain boundaries. The process then repeats itself, pe- cells, which appear via a transcritical bifurcation [52{56]. riodically or irregularly in time depending on , , and σ. Figure 3 shows a pattern of hexagonal cells recorded near This process is illustrated in Fig. 20, where the mecha- onset [31] which agrees with this prediction. Here the nism of defect formation is the skewed-varicose instability cell thickness was only 0.52 mm and uniform to ±0.5 [22,25]. In particular, the lower panels show that the in- µm. The aspect ratio was = 86, and the xed top stability is associated with a characteristic angle relative plate temperature was 12.84 ± 0.05 ◦C. Under these con- to the roll axes; this angle is close to that of the most

24 ditions, Tc was measured to be 29.026 ± 0.005 ◦C. The are spontaneously created and destroyed. This state non-Boussinesq parameter was P = −3.4. Convection is a good example of the little-understood phenomenon rst appeared as a localized patch of hexagonal cells in a of spatio-temporal chaos [1]. It is now referred to as region where  was slightly greater than elsewhere. Then, spiral-defect chaos (SDC). Figure 22 shows a snapshot at as  was increased, the pattern spread to ll the entire  = 0.72 in a circular cell and with a nearly Boussinesq cell. Figure 3 shows an array of roughly 3500 hexagonal uid. SDC has now been studied in a number of our in- cells, with no internal defects, recorded at  = 0.06. The vestigations [34,35,37{39,41,44] as well as by others [74]. circular rolls at the perimeter of the cell are caused by We found that this state occurs with square [42] as well the forcing due to the Macor sidewall (see Fig. 7(a)). as with circular sidewalls (provided the aspect ratio is large). Its occurrence is not sensitive to sidewall forcing, departures from Boussinesq conditions, or past history (e.g. whether  is stepped to its nal value or ramped quasistatically). More recently, we have shown [41,44] that the SDC state appears gradually (the time average of the number of spirals in a given cell increases smoothly from zero) from the roll state with sidewall foci or the straight-roll state which appears at the convective onset, and that the value of  at the transition to SDC decreases as the aspect ratio increases. Time series of shadow- graph images of this state were analyzed [42] by con- structing the three-dimensional structure-factor S(~k, ω) (the modulus squared of the Fourier transform) of the shadowgraph intensity. These data were used to charac- terize the -dependence of the correlation length and time of the chaotic state [39,42]. Both were found to decrease approximately as a power law in , but a theoretical ex- planation of this behavior remains to be developed.

FIG. 21. A giant two-armed spiral at  = 0.15. The two arms terminate in defects which are circled in the figure. The structure rotates as indicated by the arrows, with a period of about 2400 tv. After Ref. [31].

As  was increased further, the hexagonal pattern be- came unstable and, after a long transient, was replaced by the pattern shown in Fig. 21 [31]. Here the convec- tion takes the form of rolls, wound up into a giant spiral. The case shown in the gure has two arms, but spirals with from zero (a target pattern) to 13 arms were ob- served. Each arm terminates in a defect (circled in the gure), and the spiral heads and the defects rotate syn- chronously thus yielding a stable structure. The sense of rotation is such that the resulting waves propagate out from the spiral core. This state was unexpected, but has since been found in several numerical simulations of systems of equations which model RBC [185{188]. It ap- pears to result from a coupling between the convective FIG. 22. An example of spiral-defect chaos for Γ = 78 and ow and large-scale ows. The structure is stabilized by  = 0.72. After Ref. [34]. the sidewall forcing caused by the Macor sidewalls used in these experiments; in the absence of this forcing it A similar chaotic state has since been found in several tends to drift o center, being destroyed in that process. numerical models, including simulations based on a mod- When  was increased further using a large-aspect-ratio ied Swift-Hohenberg equation [189,190] and direct inte- cell ( = 78), an unexpected new chaotic state was dis- gration of the Navier-Stokes equations in the Boussinesq covered for  > 0.26 [34]. It consists of a time-dependent approximation [191]. In the simulations of Ref. [191], pattern of many small spirals and other defects which straight-roll solutions were only found when they were

25 imposed as an initial condition. As a result of this work, length scale of the dynamics found in the experiments it appears that both straight rolls and the SDC state [40] is consistent with predictions based on theoretical coexist in the region of parameter space where it was models [194{196]. Thus, a complete understanding of previously believed that only straight rolls were stable. this interesting state of spatio-temporal chaos is still elu- It also appears that SDC, and not the straight-roll state, sive and much remains to be done both by experiment is the \generic" state which is reached from almost all and in theory. initial conditions. A most fascinating aspect of SDC is its response to ro- tation of the convection cell about a vertical axis [44,184]. Let us dene M ≡ (nr−nl)/(nr+nl) with nr and nl equal to the average number of right-handed and left-handed spirals respectively. For rotation frequency = 0, one nds M = 0, indicating complete chiral symmetry. Ro- tation breaks this symmetry, yielding a function M() which tends to ±1 as || grows. This function has a shape very similar to that of the magnetization of a paramag- net as a function of the magnetic eld. It is interesting to speculate on the analogy between the statistical be- havior of chaotic non-equilibrium systems and statistical- FIG. 23. An example of the Kupp¨ ers-Lortz-unstable state mechanical models for equilibrium phenomena. for Γ = 40, Ω = 17.6, and  = 0.024. The left part is the The experiments which we described have demon- image in real space, and the right one is the modulus of the strated that convection in gases is a rich system for the Fourier transform of this image. After Ref. [40]. study of patterns. New and unexpected phenomena, such as giant spirals and SDC, have been discovered as a direct An interesting variation of the KL problem is to study consequence of the large aspect ratios which are accessi- it in a system with strong deviations from the Boussinesq ble under a variety of experimental conditions. Work on approximation where hexagons are observed for = 0. this system is continuing on several fronts, and we men- In that case it has been predicted [197,198] that the KL tion briey only a few of the as yet unexplored issues. chaos should be replaced by a limit cycle; but experi- Much additional work is yet to be done on the eect ments do not seem to exist as yet. of rotation on RBC [40,184]. Some of the interesting There are many additional problems of interest, of problems are the eect of rotation on the motion of de- which we mention a few. For most of them, the large fects, and on the SDC state. Another important project aspect ratio attainable in gases is important. One is con- is the study of the Kupp ers-Lortz (KL) unstable state vection in an inclined layer and is presently being studied [192] which occurs immediately above the convective on- in the group of one of us [199]. Another is the motion of set when is large enough. The KL state is particu- defects in a hexagonal lattice where the topology requires larly interesting since it is an example of spatio-temporal that this motion be a combination of climb and glide (see chaos which is predicted to be entered from the conduc- Fig. 15). An interesting problem presently under study tion state via a supercritical bifurcation, near which a by part of our group is convection in gas mixtures [200], weakly-nonlinear theoretical approach should be appli- where parameter ranges [Lewis numbers of O(1), sepa- cable. A set of rolls is predicted to form which, once ration ratios from 0.01 to 1, and Prandtl numbers from it acquires a nite amplitude, is unstable with respect to 0.25 to 1], which are not accessible in liquid mixtures, can another set at an angle close to π/3 to the original one. be explored. No doubt there are numerous other issues [192,193] Preliminary results of our work on this problem and problems which can be fruitfully investigated with have been published; [32,40,44] but much remains to be the apparatus described in this paper. done. The bifurcation was indeed found to be super- critical [184]. In Fig. 23 we show a typical pattern for 2 = 2πfd /ν = 17.6 (f is the rotation frequency in Hz) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and  = 0.024. One can see that dierent parts of the sample contain more or less coherent rolls, with dier- This research was supported by the U.S. Department of ent roll patches having dierent orientations at a given Energy through Grant No. DE-FG03-87ER13738. J.R. time. As time evolves, the pattern constantly changes, de B. and S.W.M. acknowledge support from the Natural with a given roll patch invading neighboring ones, mostly Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, by front propagation. The right portion of Fig. 23 gives and E.B. from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We the modulus of the Fourier transform F (k) of the image are grateful to R. Ecke for his collaboration in this re- on the left. Consistent with the prediction that ' π/3, search, and to R. Stuber and the skilled sta of the a temporal sequence of F (k) reveals three predominant U.C.S.B. machine shop for their invaluable contributions. roll orientations, two of which show up clearly in the case shown in Fig. 23. However, neither the time nor the

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