California Department of Water Resources December 2019 Appendix W – NOP Comment Letters. Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration and Flood Improvement Project Draft EIR SCH # 2019039136 California Department of Water Resources December 2019 This page intentionally left blank. Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration and Flood Improvement Project Draft EIR SCH # 2019039136 CENTRAL DELTA WATER AGENCY 235 East Weber Avenue • P.O. Box 1461 • Stockton, CA 95201 Phone (209) 465-5883 • Fax (209) 465-3956 DIRECTORS COUNSEL George Biagi, Jr. Dante John Nomellini Rudy Mussi Dante John Nomellini, Jr. Edward Zuckerman April 22, 2019 Via Email Only to
[email protected] Attn: Heather Green Lookout Slough NOP 3500 Industrial Blvd West Sacramento, CA 95691 Re: CDWA Comments on the Notice of Preparation of an EIR for the Lookout Slough Restoration Project. Dear Ms. Green: On April 15, 2019, the CDWA provided the attached comments on a similar type of project, i.e., the “Partial Recirculation of the Draft EIR for the Prospect Island Tidal Habitat Restoration Project.” Those comments raise issues and concerns that the upcoming EIR for the Lookout Slough Restoration Project should thoroughly and properly address. As more fully discussed in those attached comments, and in summary fashion, the upcoming EIR for the Lookout Slough Restoration Project, should thoroughly and properly address the following issues: – Piecemealing. The justification for performing piecemealed analysis of the various individual pieces of the broader California EcoRestore project and, especially, the broader 8,000 to 9,000 acre tidal/sub-tidal component of that project must be thoroughly discussed and explained. – Cumulative Impacts. Since DWR appears committed to performing a piecemealed analysis of this Project, it is imperative that DWR thoroughly and meaningfully address the cumulative impacts of this project together with the broader EcoRestore project and the broader 8,000 to 9,000 acre tidal/sub-tidal component of that project.