Capability Brown, Royal Gardener: the Business of Place-Making in Northern Europe, Pp

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Capability Brown, Royal Gardener: the Business of Place-Making in Northern Europe, Pp Select Bibliography Adshead, D. (2007). Wimpole: Architectural drawings and topographical views. Bromley: National Trust. Albert, W. (1972). The Turnpike Road System in England 1663–1840. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. André, E. (1879). L’Art des jardins. Paris: Masson. Anon. (1767). Rise and progress of the present taste in planting parks, pleasure grounds, gardens &c.: From Henry the Eighth to King George the Third. London. Atkinson, G. (Ed.). (1842). Journals and letters of the late Samuel Curwen, Judge of Admiralty, etc., an American refugee in England from 1775–1784. New York: C.S. Francis. Barrier, J., & Mosser, M. (Eds.). (2016). Journal d’un botaniste-jardinier (1775–1792): Un Écossais en France à la fin de l’Ancien Régime. Thomas Blaikie (1750–1838). Paris: Klincksieck. Barrier, J. (1997). Bélanger et l’Angleterre. In M. Constans (Ed.), Bagatelle dans ses jardins (pp. 167–177). 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