An Introduction to Regency Chitectu

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An Introduction to Regency Chitectu ’ Desi ns f THE N M N L M L W O RKER S D IR EC TO RY Cottin ham 1 824 g rom O R A E TA ETA by L . N . g , AN INTR O D U CTIO N TO R E GE N CY C H I TE C TU PA U L R EI LLY P E L L E G R I N I C U D A H Y N EW Y O R K Pr inted in Great Br itain by S H E N VA L PR E SS LTD and p ublis hed in the U S A . by I N I A Y I N C PE LL E G R C U D H , PREFACE THIS SHORT ES SAY does not pretend to be more than an elementary survey of Regency architecture . Its purpose is to draw attention , by of l way generalization rather than close examination , to the high ights of a brief but beautiful period of English building . I hope that the lay reader will learn enough from the text and the plates to value this fast-vanishin g beauty and to protest energetically when he sees an example of Regency architecture threatened with destruction . of c t I must , course , a knowledge my deb to Mr John Summerson for his Geor ian London his of John Nash g (Pleiades Books) and life , Ar chitec t to Kin Geor e I V U g g (George Allen and nwin Ltd) , both of i re- wh ch I read before starting this present essay . I should like to thank the Director and the Staff of the National Buildings Record for their courteous help in finding so many of the plates and also the Librarian of the Royal Institute of British Ar chi ° ' ’ e f r - i ham s te ts o lending for block making copies of L . N . Cott ng ’ ’ Ornamental Metal Worker s Director London S treet y, John Tallis s ’ Views The Ro l P v o r t and John Nash s ya a ili n at B igh on . Finally, I should like to acknowledge my lasting gratitude to my father, without whose impelling enthusiasms I might never have of enjoyed the pleasures architectural appreciation . C O NTENT S PR E FA C E p age 5 R E G E N C Y A R C H I TE C TU R E p age 9 S O ME R E G E N C Y A R C H I TE C T S p age 39 G EO R G E D A N C E p age 40 JO S EPH MICHAEL G AN D Y p age H EN R Y H O LLA N D 40 JOHN BU O N A R O TTI PAPWORT H JAME S W Y A TT 41 WILLIAM WIL K IN S JOHN NA S H 4 1 S I R ROBERT SMI R KE H 42 R S IR JO N S OANE CHARLE S . CO C KERELL S AM U EL PEPY S COC KERELL 43 G EOR G E B A SEVI S IR JEFFREY W Y A TVI LLE 43 D ECIM U S B U RTON TH E I L L U S T RAT I O N S I N T H E T E 'T ’ Designs from THE ORNAMENTAL METAL WOR KER S D IRECTORY d . n 1 824 r ontis iece an a es 30 32 33 34 by L N Cotti gham , f p p g , , , r V G n 1824 F om THE ROYAL PA ILION , BRI HTON , by Joh Nash, title- a e and a es 9 26 28 38 p g p g , , , Ramsgate and Broadstair s p ages 14—17 nin Dow g College, Cambridge n r D V n 1838—40 a e 23 Rege t Street f om LON ON S TREET IEW S by Joh Tallis , p g T H E P L AT E S ’ r n a e 49 n Chester Te race, Rege t s Park p g Adelaide Cresce t, Hove ’ n rr n n Cumberla d Te ace, Rege t s Park Tria gle formed by Adelaide Street, 50 5 1 li and n , Wil am IV Street the Stra d, n n n 52 n n 63 Carlto House Terrace, Lo do Lo do ’ ’ n n 53 n n 64 Park Cresce t, Rege t s Park St George s Hospital, Lo do ’ n n 54 nn n n 65 Ha over Terrace, Rege t s Park Ca o Place, Brighto n n 55 n n 66 Theatre Royal, Haymarket, Lo do The Royal Pavilio , Brighto n n n 56 - in n 67 Athe aeum Club , Lo do Tea Shop Brighto n n 57 n Kem Town n68 Piccadilly Circus , Lo do LewesCresce t, p , Brighto r n n 58 n n n n 68 Victoria Squa e, Lo do Pelham Cresce t , South Ke si gto f n 58 nh 69 Bed ord Hotel, Brighto Wolseley Terrace, Chelte am n 59 n n 70 Bru swick Terrace, Hove The Prome ade, Chelte ham n 60 n and n Bru swick Square, Hove Cumberla d Terrace Mu ster n n 60 n n Crow Street, Brighto Square, Lo do n n 6 1 n and New Stey e, Brighto Rod ey House Wolseley Ter n n 6 1 n a Crow House, St Leo ards race, Chelte h m 6 n o n 72 n n n Claremo t L dge, Chelte ham Behi d the Rotu da , Chelte ham in l n 73 74 77 n n Villas Pittvi le, Chelte ham , , Royal Cresce t, Chelte ham I n 75 n n mperial Square , Chelte ham Gra d Parade, Brighto ’ 76 nn n Dix s Field , Exeter Pe sylva ia Park , Exeter n n n 78 n n La sdow Parade, Chelte ham Royal Cresce t, Brighto n nh 78 n n Rod ey Road, Chelte am Mari e Square, Brighto n r n n 79 n n Mu ster Squa e, Lo do Pelham Cresce t, Hasti gs D ownshire 80 n - - Hill , Hampstead Haveri g atte Bower , Essex in n l n 8 1 - n Villas Mo tpel ier, Chelte ham Shop fro t , Weymouth n 8 1 End Bath Road , Chelte ham South Road , Hampstead n n n t n 82 n Hi l Alexa der Place, South Ke si g o Rossly l , Hampstead n 83 nh Russell Square, Brighto Bath Road, Chelte am n n n in Edwardes Square, Ke si gto ; House Colchester n Southam End Cumberla d Place, p South Road, Hampstead ton n n Medburn n n ; Dea Street, Brighto ; Street, Lo do n n n Goswell n n Mu ster Square, Lo do Road, Isli gto A C K N O W L E D G M ENT S Permission to reproduce the photographs is gratefully acknowledged to the following 49 50 5 1 68 bottom 79 80 84 bottom r i ht 9 1 92 93 95 96 : w n Pages , , , , , , g , , , , , Ed i Smith 2 57 ottom an d . 5 : r . Pages , b Bedfo d Lemere Co Ltd n Page 53 : A . F . Kersti g ' 54 57 to 58 bottom 59 60 to 63 65 67 68 to 76 83 86 87 to 89 Pages , p , , , p , , , , p , , , , p , National Buildings Record 55 56 64 82 : Pages , , , Hugh Veysey 58 ta 84 to e r l t and i ht : . Pages p , p f g E R Jarrett 60 to 62 : M Pages p , THE TI ES 60 bottom 84 botto le t 87 o m b ttom 88 : . Pages , f , , R E Ormerod 6 n Page 1 A . T . Rey olds Page 66 : Reece Winstone 69 70 7 1 72 73 74 75 77 78 8 1 85 94 to : r n Pages , , , , , , , , , , , p Marga et Casso 90 : and n Page Raphael Tuck So s Ltd . Page 94 bottom : Phoebe Harling n B n : f n The Royal Pavilio , righto west ro t R E G E N C Y A R C H I T E C T U R E IT IS N OT A Y fi . E S to de ne Regency architecture The Regency, as 1 8 1 1 — 20 we all know, lasted from , but when we talk Of Regency architecture we are not thinking of the immediate results of ten years nfini Of building . Were we to do so we would be co ng ourselves to a n ot one relatively barren period, certainly that quantitatively could - have attracted the attention of posterity . The post Napoleonic build ing boom had barely got started by the time that the Regency ended and the extravagant Prince Regent became the even more spendthrift ni King George IV . A fairer defi tion would call it the architecture Of George IV, whether as Regent or as King . But even that would leave unrecorded many buildings and tendencies, at either end of the period, which should be included in an account of Regency architecture . Y et having settled on dates we are faced with further complications f di er en O . Our v style and scale period, for instance , can witness such g ’ cies in style as shown in St Luke s Church, Chelsea (Gothic) , Greek in r villas Cheltenham, Roman and Greek te races in London , Indian in i domes and Chinese interiors Brighton , and the altogether ind vidual 9 designs Of Sir John Soane in the Bank of England and at Ealing and l ff Du wich .
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