sos i rn oto i su us)in o ida BILLPRANTY. 8515 VILLAGE MILL ROW. BAYONET POINT, FLORIDA 34667 ß (EMAIL:
[email protected]) Figures1,2. Two views of a SuperbStarling atPompano Beach, Browasd County, Florida on 21 July 2007. This bird, perhaps one of a pair,often sang and built a nestin a nativepalm m a shoppingcenter parkinglot. It shared this habitat with, among others, afamily of Gray Kingbirds (Tyrannus dominicensis), anesting pair of Common Mynas (Acridotheres tristis], and a female-plumaged bishop(Euplectes spp.]--afairly typical scene in southeastern FloridaS urban jungle. Photographs byBillœranly. Abstract 100. One of the most recent exotics to be doc- familygroups of 20 or morebirds may be This paper digestsall known reportsand umentedin Floridais SuperbStarling (Lam- found year-round(Feare and Craig 1998). recordsof SuperbStarling (Lamprotornis su- protornissuperbus, sometimes placed in the The adult is distinctive with its black head, perbus)in Florida,including a documented genusSpreo), the subject of thisnote (Figures glossybluish nape and upperparts,glossy nestingin BrowardCounty. 1, 2). bluish-greenwings, tail with boldly black- SuperbStarling, one of 21 "glossystar- tippeduppertail coverts, and white undertail 0ventiew lings," is a monotypicspecies common in coverts;a starkwhite breastband separates Florida•s the exouc avifauna capital of North partsof Ethiopia,Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, the glossybluish-black breast from the rusty America,with more than 200 speciesreport- Tanzania,and Uganda (Feare and Craig 1998, belly.The bill, legs,and feet are blackish gray, ed outsideof captivity,and with nearlyfour Clements2000). It is generallyfound in arid and the iridesare whitishand conspicuous "new" speciesreported annually (Pranty countrysuch as thorn scrub,but it ventures againstthe blackface.