JUNE 2006 Hawaii Christened At Electric Boat

ith the swing of a cham- pagne bottle, Hawaii Gov. WLinda Lingle christened the submarine that will bear her state’s name during a ceremony at General Dynamics Electric Boat on June 17. The mood in the shipyard was not dampened at all by a few drops of rain that fell during the celebration of the naming of the ship. In fact, the governor noted that by Hawaiian tradition, the weather was a good sign. “In our home state, when it rains on a day like this, we consider it a blessing,” she said. “The rain signifies a blessing upon all of you who have worked on this submarine.” continued on page 2 INSIDE Nardone Discusses Dispute Resolution Policy • 4 Earned Hours • 5 Health Matters • 6 Electric Boat Strategic Plan 2006 • Insert Newport News Delivers Submarine Texas To The Navy • 8 U.S. Navy Awards EB $29 Million Contract For Submarine Work • 8 Maintenance And Modernization Work • 8 NASSCO Delivers The Lead Ship Of T-AKE Class To The U.S. Navy • 8 USS Florida Returns To The Fleet • 9 Retirees • 9 Hawaii is christened! Classifieds • 10 In a shower of champagne, Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle christens the submarine Hawaii (SSN-776), the third Service Awards • 11 ship in the Virginia class. With Lingle on the christening platform are EB President John Casey and Monthly Safety Performance • 12 Secretary of the Navy Donald Winter. Center, U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), the christening’s principal speaker

Far right, ship sponsor and Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle receives a bouquet from Emma House, the ceremony’s flower girl. Emma, 8, is the granddaughter of Tom Cimalore, superintendent of piping trades.

continued from page 1

The blessing of the ship was particu- larly unique, when retired Hawaiian National Guard Master Sergeant Raymond Ganotise performed a tradi- tional Hawaiian ceremony, with his flow- ing white robes and Hawaiian-language prayers. EB President John P. Casey told the News, which has teamed with EB to battles of the American Revolution. thousands of shipyard workers gathered build the Virginia class of submarines. “Our nation was born in war. It was for the event that they have every right to Newport News President Mike Petters born to the sound of muskets and the feel proud in their accomplishment. noted that the two yards have put aside a sound of cannons, and many gave their “This ship embodies the skill and craft long rivalry to build the most advanced lives to bring this about,” said Inouye, of thousands of industry and shipyard submarine ever produced. who won the Medal of Honor for his workers, and it directly reflects the “The Hawaii is yet another testament, heroics in World War II. He thanked the nation’s commitment to a strong national in fact the third, to this shared vision,” Hawaii crew and all who continue the defense,” Casey said. “We have achieved Petters said. “We share a dedication to tradition of donning their country’s uni- world-class standards as validated by a our craft.” form and putting themselves in harm’s recent Department of Defense interna- The keynote speaker, Sen. Daniel way. “We are most grateful to all of tional study on shipyards.” Inouye, D-Hawaii, observed that the them. That is why we have songs and Casey also recognized the contribu- shipyard is located within a short dis- prose that speak of a land of free and tions of Northrop Grumman Newport tance of the site of one of the bloodiest continued on page 3

Above, Secretary of the Navy Donald C. Winter, right, thanks Adm. Kirkland Donald, director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion, for his introduction during the christening of Hawaii. A Hawaiian blessing Right, Master Sgt. Raymond Ganotise (ret) of the Hawaii National Guard, and a kahune or tradi- tional island priest, blesses the submarine Hawaii.

2 I June 2006 I ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS Pre-christening portrait

The officers and crew of Hawaii assembled top- side for a portrait.

continued from page 2 U.S. submarines have been stationed on saw. I saw men and women, shipbuilders brave people.” Hawaii for more than 90 years, and today and crew, with a twinkle in their eye and Navy Secretary Donald Winter said their presence is needed more than ever. a bounce in their step, ready to send this the christening, “serves to remind us that “I’m not a submariner, but I tell you ship to sea.” the future security environment is charac- that submarines are the most important Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, D-Conn., terized by uncertainty. The geographic tool that I have, and anti-submarine war- said it’s fitting that the latest Virginia location of future challenges is uncertain, fare is my number one warfighting priori- should be named for the nation’s newest the nature of the threat is uncertain, the ty,” Roughead said. state. makeup of the coalition of nations that Adm. Kirkland Donald, director of “This ship honors the rich tradition of will gather together to confront this chal- the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, a great seafaring people, and reflects the lenge is uncertain as well. offered his congratulations to the ship- strategic role of our nation’s 50th state, as “To cope with this uncertain future,we builders for what he characterized as “a a key submarine station in the Pacific,” need to build warfighting platforms with remarkable construction period for this Dodd said. “But that is not all. It reflects great versatility, and the ability to operate ship.” the patriotic commitment Hawaiians across the entire spectrum of conflict,” “Through your perseverance, skill and have demonstrated to America’s subma- Winter continued. “In the submarine ingenuity you’re setting records of per- rine force.” Hawaii, we have a magnificent example formance in cost and schedule, and we Also speaking at the ceremony were of the kind of asset we need to hedge sorely need your best, as we strive to U.S. Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., U.S. Rep. against future uncertainty.” meet the shipbuilding needs of this Rob Simmons, R-2nd Conn., and Vice Adm. Gary Roughead, the command- nation,” Donald said. “As I toured the Adm. Munns, Commander of er of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, noted that boat yesterday afternoon, I liked what I Naval Submarine Forces.

ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS I June 2006 I 3 Q&ANardone Discusses Dispute Resolution Policy

What is the Dispute Resolution What happens if my supervisor ext month the compa- Policy again? starts to make things difficult ny’s Dispute The DRP resolves covered workplace for me after I complain? disputes involving non-represented Electric Boat forbids retaliation against Resolution Policy employees in a simple, timely and eco- you for using or participating in the N nomical way. DRP. If you believe that a supervisor or (DRP) – a process for independent other employee is retaliating against you, It consists of three steps: then immediately take it to a higher level review of employees’ claims – will be Level 1 – Human Resources Review; of management, Human Resources or Level 2 – Management Review Panel; five years old. According to HR VP the DRP administrator. and Level 3 – Arbitration. Bob Nardone, the policy has worked Can I use the DRP to solve any problem that happens at work? well. Disputes are being resolved Why does Electric Boat use the You must use DRP to address any cov- DRP to resolve disputes? ered claim. This includes most work- fairly, quickly and inexpensively. In Because it provides a cost-effective and related concerns or problems. the following Q&A, Nardone reviews timely process for maintaining non-repre- sented employment relationships. What is a covered claim? the DRP, discusses some of its suc- A covered claim is an employment- In the DRP’s first five years has related claim between the employee and cess and the company’s future plans a disciplinary decision ever been the company or its managers in which reversed? with the DRP. either the employee or company believes Yes, on several occasions the legal rights are involved. For example, Management Review Panel has over- claims of employment discrimination turned decisions to terminate employees, and harassment based on age, race, sex, awarded back pay and reinstated benefits. disability, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, citizen- Do other business units utilize a ship, or other characteristics protected by DRP? law, or claims for workplace accommo- All GD business units in the United dation are covered claims. Claims for States have a DRP. workers’ compensation and unemploy- ment benefits are not covered. Who pays the cost of the program? How does the DRP operate if I There is no cost to employees for the disagree with my selection for a first two steps. If the dispute can’t be layoff? resolved and an employee chooses to If you believe you have a covered claim pursue arbitration, he or she must pay a then you can file under the DRP. $100 fee. Additionally, if the employee However, if you simply disagree with the hires an attorney, engages in discovery or value-ranking process then you can file a requests a transcript, he or she must pay layoff appeal which culminates with the the cost of those services. Layoff Appeals Review Board.

4 I June 2006 I ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS Dan Barrett, Editor

Bob Gallo, Gary Slater, Gary Hall, Photography Electric Boat News is published monthly by the Public Affairs Department, 75 Eastern Point Road, Groton, CT 06340 Phone (860) 433-8202 Fax (860) 433-8054 Email [email protected]


How is arbitration different from What happens if I file a lawsuit ly, and with the intention to spend more a court trial? against the company for a work- on the employees and less on lawyers. With arbitration, the decision is final; place dispute? except in rare circumstances, it may not If you file a lawsuit, the company will Are there any upcoming changes be reversed by a subsequent proceeding. ask the court to dismiss the case and refer to the plan? With a trial court decision, an appeal may it to the DRP. Yes, there will be a revised version of be filed, causing significant delays. Also, the DRP distributed to all non-represent- an arbitration proceeding is usually much Will I still be able to file a charge ed employees by their supervision next more informal than a court case. The of discrimination with the Equal month. Some changes and clarifications arbitrator is usually a lawyer or a person Employment Opportunity to the plan are being made but the funda- with employee relations or legal back- Commission (EEOC) or equivalent mentals of the plan remain exactly the ground, who serves as a neutral party on state agency? same. a part-time basis. The proceeding is held Yes, the DRP does not prevent an in a private office instead of in a public employee from bringing a discrimination How do I get more information courthouse. The biggest difference, how- complaint with a federal or state agency. about the program? ever, is cost. Because arbitration is faster Contact the DRP administrator, and less formal, it ends up costing much I understand that the DRP is a Cheryl Stergio, ext. 37063. less to prepare the case. waiver of my right to a jury trial. Aren’t jury trials better for Can I appeal a DRP decision to employees? court if I don’t like it? There is no guarantee that an employee No, a DRP arbitration award is nor- will win or even recover more than the mally a final and binding decision on the company might offer to settle. In addi- company and the employee. tion, while an attorney may try to get the company to pay your legal fees, in many cases, attorneys take 30 to 40 percent of a settlement or recovery after years of liti- gation. Electric Boat has used this pro- gram to resolve disputes quickly, efficient-

ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS I June 2006 I 5 good self-care, doctors need to develop necessary factor in treatment, patients patients’ cooperation rather than dictate value ease of use, cost, personal beliefs, plans that might not be in line with their behaviors and a whole host of other fac- thinking. tors that may take precedence over the We know this to be true as multiple treatment plan. One health-care expert Bob Hurley, MD studies have found that when a low-cost has labeled noncompliance as, “an Medical Director adherence strategy is added to a treat- expression of a patient’s disagreement ment program, the cost of care goes about treatment goals by having the last down and the success rate goes up. word.” If it weren’t for the fact that non- Without these strategies the full potential compliance is a huge worldwide health HEALTH of a treatment is not reached and often problem, we might be able to overlook it. ends in outright failure or poor response. In the past we’ve talked about the New It contributes to what researchers call the Medicine doctor patient relationship in MATTERS “burden of disease.” which each brings his or her own expert- In the past 50 years in the United ise to the medical encounter, and each States, there has been a noticeable shift in respects the ideas of the other. The doc- think of my sofa as a refuge where I disease states from the acute or infectious tor remains a source of knowledge, but can escape my weary burdens after a to chronic such as diabetes, heart disease, his or her role becomes more like that of I long day at work. My children, on and cancer. During this period, research a coach, teacher, or mentor. The patient the other hand, call it the family trampo- has provided us with medications that visits the doctor to access technical line. So, while I attempted to watch the can control chronic disease. resources, medical expertise, and psy- Sox and Yanks do battle recently, the two Unfortunately, we have experienced few chosocial support, but maintains the youngest started to jump with such joy outright cures. This means that to control responsibility for managing his or her ill- that for the first minute they bathed in the the effects of chronic diseases, patients ness. Within this new model, we look at warmth of a father’s love. By the second have to take medications for long periods adherence as being less about obedience minute that love had disintegrated into of time. and more an issue of setting and working consternation and I told them that jump- Presently, adherence is so low that the toward realistic and relevant goals ing would no longer be tolerated. As they World Health Organization suggests rates If you’re concerned that your doctor continued their assault upon the world’s of 50 percent for most medical treat- might be on to your noncompliant record for continuous sofa jumping I ments. This doesn’t even take into behavior, you can relax. Studies have asked them, “Why won’t you obey me?” account the individuals who take too shown that a physician’s chances of In response, the two seemed to taunt the much medication, don’t seek care or stop detecting adherence problems are no bet- old man by accentuating the word “obey” medical care after being prescribed a ter than flipping a coin. Often low adher- on the down stroke of their leaping, as in course of treatment. The patients who ence is invisible within a primary care “oh BAY.”After conferring with the discontinue treatments most often do so practice, as physician’s wrongfully base unwritten father’s book of childrearing, I early on. And although they may start their concept of a good or poor complier promptly ushered them out of the room the regimen again, it is often at a later on information that has nothing to do and locked the door. I wondered, “What is date after avoidable harm to their health with it. Factors such as age, gender, edu- it about kids that, despite rules, they still has occurred. cation and intelligence have no relation- don’t obey?” I’m sure you feel like you adhere to ship with compliance. This remains true your doctor’s treatment plan. If that’s so, even for patients whom physicians feel Compliance versus Adherence then why do some of you have pills left they know well. Thus, part of the prob- As you recall, the traditional relation- over from the last prescription, or run lem with low adherence is that clinicians ship between physician and patient relied out of a current medication? Let’s face it can’t reliably identify individuals who on compliance and the involuntary act of – your doctor didn’t give you too much require help adhering to a medical treat- submission to authority. The New or not enough. He or she prescribed a ment program in the first place. Medicine accentuates empowerment; treatment program that in all likelihood The World Health Organization attrib- adherence by the patient is voluntary. you didn’t follow. Historically the patient utes the lack of adherence to the difficul- Moving toward this concept requires an was often blamed, but today we recog- ties patients have following treatment rec- understanding of the distinction between nize that doctors and patients look at ommendations. With the chronic non- compliance and adherence by these two compliance through very different lenses. infectious diseases, mental disorders, HIV parties. To gain patients’ adherence to While doctors value compliance as a continued on page 7

6 I June 2006 I ELECTRIC BOAT New Wellness And and tuberculosis growing to 65 percent Patient Learning: Learn as much of the worldwide burden of disease by about your disease as you can. Bring Prevention Program 2020, adherence to treatment is critical sources of information with you to the especially in the developing world. appointment to discuss with your doc- For All Employees, Globally, this lack of adherence has tor. Your doctor can help you make Families Takes Root several implications for policy makers. sense of complicated conditions. In If people don’t follow a treatment, the addition, ask for alternative or addi- At EB outcomes of that particular treatment tional sources of treatment. program can’t be assessed adequately. If n a shift of emphasis, Electric Boat’s the treatment can’t be assessed properly, Back at the Trampoline: Human Resources organization will how does one promote health policy? As the banging on the door grew Itransition from the annual Salary The effects of poor treatment results in louder, I opened it. I wish I could tell Absentee Program and Raffle to a more the diminished quality of life and the you that I took a page out of the new broad-based effort aimed at prevention increase in the economic costs of dis- empathetic adherence-minded healthcare and wellness programs for all employees ease. By adhering to primary preven- relationship by asking them how I could and their families. tion (attention and screening of risk best understand their wants and needs According to Benefits Manager Dan factors) or secondary prevention (treat- so that they might set goals, be cognizant Clancy, the salaried employee absen- ment of diagnosed disease prior to ill of barriers and live adherently. teeism program served its purpose over health) the costs of providing care is When I asked them, “What do you an 11-year period, raising awareness of significantly reduced. want?” They replied,”We want you to the effect lost time has on the company’s play with us!” Their response revealed competitive position, and helping What should you discuss with that disobedience had never been their decrease the average number of sick days. your doctor when you are for- real agenda. I simply hadn’t asked the Letters of recognition for employees with mulating a treatment plan? question. 0% sick leave will continue to be issued The Patient’s Perspective: Encourage From the studies we’ve reviewed, a by respective staff members. Moving for- your doctor to listen to your story. You compliance mindset generally doesn’t ward however, the company will take a have a lot to tell him or her. Once your work well in medical care or keeping more proactive approach, focused on doctor understands your use of mean- the kids off the sofa. By establishing the improving the health and wellness of all ings, language, and values, he or she is right conditions for adherence, based employees. Some recent wellness initia- better able to translate biomedical on shared values, language, and mutual tives include the color coding of cafeteria terms into terms you can understand. respect you and your doctor can work food and the “Know Your Numbers” together to help you take better care of campaign, which provided free screenings Include Feelings in the yourself. Shouldn’t the prospect of for blood pressure, cholesterol and body Discussion: Tell your doctor how improved health and satisfaction be mass index. you feel about the situation. Share your tantalizing enough for you to subscribe The company is now committed to values, cultural beliefs, anxieties or fears to improving your relationship and “EB Building Better Health,” its recently when developing your plan of action. communications with your primary introduced wellness program. “This pro- When there is lack of progress share care doctor? Perhaps the next time you gram will benefit all employees and their your concerns so that accurate beliefs talk with your doctor you might ask families by providing the resources infor- may be discussed. him or her to work on a shared plan for mation they need to live healthier lives,” adherence. You already have the tools, Clancy said. “We believe the company’s Patient’s Values: Some patients pre- namely your life, values, language and new wellness program represents a more fer to fully participate in medical deci- experience. effective application of our benefits sion making, others feel less comfort- resources,” he said. able. Let your doctor know which type of patient you are and to what extent you wish to participate. Be ready to set goals, establish steps and identify barri- ers you might have in your life. Make sure you feel comfortable with your self- care program and that you can realisti- cally adhere to it.

ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS I June 2006 I 7 Newport News U.S. Navy Awards EB $29 Million Delivers Contract For Submarine Maintenance Submarine Texas And Modernization Work

To The Navy he U.S. Navy has awarded Electric Boat a $29.3 million contract to perform routine maintenance and modernization work on the USS Miami (SSN-755), NEWPORT NEWS, Va. a Los Angeles-class attack submarine. orthrop Grumman Newport T Under the terms of the contract, Electric Boat will perform a Dry Dock Selected News earlier this month Restricted Availability, which consists of repairs, maintenance work, alterations and sev- turned over the submarine N eral major systems upgrades. The work will take place at the Naval Submarine Base in Texas (SSN-775) to the U.S. Navy, the Groton between July 17 and Sept. 30, and involve more than 500 current employees at shipyard’s first submarine delivery in a its peak. decade. "Today is a proud moment for the shipbuilders of Newport News," said Becky Stewart, vice president for the sub- marine program at Newport News. "From the construction and planning NASSCO Delivers The Lead Ship teams to engineering and administration to our partners at Electric Boat and the Of T-AKE Class To The U.S. Navy U.S. Navy, there are many people who SAN DIEGO have worked on this great ship. Texas is a ASSCO has delivered the USNS Lewis and Clark (T-AKE 1) to the U.S. testament to their hard work, dedication Navy. The ship is named after Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, and professional commitment." N who led a legendary exploration of the American West from 1804 to 1806. The keel for Texas was laid on July 12, USNS Lewis and Clark is the first of an expected class of 11 dry cargo-ammunition 2002. The ship was christened by First ships. With modular cargo holding and handling systems, the Lewis and Clark can Lady and Sponsor Laura Bush on July replenish combat ships at sea with ammunition, food or fuel in one mission and then be 31, 2004 and launched on April 9, 2005. quickly reconfigured for an alternate mission, such as a humanitarian sealift of supplies. The commissioning will be Sept. 9 in The ship incorporates international marine technologies and commercial ship-design Galveston, Texas. features, including an integrated electric-drive propulsion system, to minimize operating costs over its projected 40-year service life. Construction of the ship began in September 2003. “The Lewis and Clark is the next-generation combat logistics force ship for the Navy,” said Frederick J. Harris, NASSCO president. “The NASSCO team is proud to have built Lewis and Clark and, based on its outstanding performance on its sea trials, it is clearly the finest lead ship we have ever delivered to the Navy.”

Some of Lewis and Clark’s characteristics

Length: 210 meters (689 feet) Displacement: 40,945 metric tons Speed: 20 knots Propulsion system: Commercial, off-the-shelf, integrated diesel-electric powered (35 megawatts total) Cargo capacity: 6,675 metric tons of dry goods, 23,450 barrels of fuel and 52,800 gallons of water Crew: 172 civilian mariners and Navy sailors

8 I June 2006 I ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS USS Florida Returns To The Fleet

MAYPORT, Fla. ished product in just 39 months, trans- tained for our country’s security. The crit- he transformation of USS forming what was the ultimate Cold War ical skills we have developed to support Florida from a fleet ballistic weapon to a platform uniquely config- the Navy in its own efforts to maintain T missile submarine to the ured for warfare in the 21st century. maritime superiority must be preserved.” Navy’s second SSGN was marked by a “And we did it all in an efficient and Casey recognized the efforts of the Return to Service ceremony recently at cost-effective manner. To cite just one individuals and organizations responsible the naval base here. example, we have cut the cost per drawing for the successful conversion, including “Florida now joins her sister ship USS on this ship by 50 percent, compared Electric Boat employees, the supplier Ohio (SSGN-726) in the fleet,” said Rear with Virginia Class drawings,” he said. base, and the personnel of Norfolk Naval Adm. William Hilarides, program execu- With two of the four SSGN conver- Shipyard under the command of Rear tive officer for submarines. “This is an sions completed, said Casey, Electric Adm. Select Joseph Campbell. important accomplishment for the Navy. Boat is prepared to support these ships Instead of 24 Trident ballistic missiles, In three and one-half months, we have throughout the rest of their working lives. Florida and the other three sister SSGNs, delivered two powerful and transforma- “Looking forward, if a future Nuclear USS Ohio, USS Michigan (SSGN-727) tional platforms to the fleet. Posture Review recommends further and USS Georgia (SSGN-729), will carry "We are on time largely due to great reductions to our strategic submarine up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise teamwork between General Dynamics fleet, Electric Boat has the track record missiles, and up to 66 Special Operations Electric Boat and the public shipyards, needed to apply enhanced transforma- Forces for extended periods of time. Norfolk Naval Shipyard and Puget tional capabilities to additional Tridents if Following USS Florida and USS Ohio, Sound Naval Shipyard,” Hilarides said. called for. the USS Michigan and USS Georgia are EB President John Casey also spoke at “Electric Boat’s performance on the on schedule to re-enter the fleet in the ceremony: “Responding to the Navy’s SSGN conversion program demonstrates December 2006, and September 2007, requirements and challenges, we worked clearly that the company and its work respectively. our way from a PowerPoint slide to fin- force are national assets that must be sus-


252 Gerard V. Hartman 437 Francis X. Williams 507 Albert M. Harris 901 Paul F. Hassell 37 years 16 years 33 years 29 years Carpenter 1/C Principal Engineer Principal Engineer Install. Tech. III

272 Carl A. Anderson 438 John D. Abosso 626 Kathryn T. Buckner 957 Terry C. Meece 31 years 33 years 18 years 31 years STO-Sv Eng.-Mech. 1/C Admin. Clerk II FinancialAnalyst Proj. Process Analyst

330 Norman A. Laperle 448 Harry W. Holmgren 626 Judith K. Korgen 33 years 20 years 7 years Purchasing Agent Engineering Specialist Financial Analyst, Sys.

409 Martin T. Soifer 453 Robert F. Osborne 660 William J. Cole 11 years 10 years 18 years Principal Engineer Mech. Sr. Designer Security Officer G/1

ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS I June 2006 I 9 To submit a classified ad, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following information: Classified$ CATEGORY choose from Appliances Computers Pets Real Estate / APPLIANCES Autos / Trucks Furniture Real Estate / Sales Auto Parts Miscellaneous Rentals Wanted AIR CONDITIONER. Carrier, FURNITURE Boats Motorcycles window, 5000 BTU, 11OVAC, 10 BOOKCASES (4). 5-shelf, white years old, runs well. $50. 572- ITEM NAME; DESCRIPTION; ASKING PRICE; and maple finish. Dimensions 71 0435. HOME TELEPHONE (include area code if outside 860). 3/8” H x 11 5/8” D x 29 5/8” W. Deadline is the 15th of the month. FREEZER. Imperial frost-free New. Still in boxes. Assembly Maximum of two 25-word ads per employee per issue. commercial freezer. 18.7 cubic required. $50 each or $150 for feet. Upright. 64 _ H x 27” D x all 4. 376-5027. Please include your name, department and work 32” W. $100 firm. 464-1384. extension with your ad (not for publication). COUCH AND LOVE SEAT. AUTOS/TRUCKS Modern design, 12-years-old, Employees without e-mail can submit their ads through colors – cream, browns, blues interoffice mail to: CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE and mauves. $100 OBO. You 1973. L48/Auto. AC/PS/PB/PW. Dan Barrett, pick up. 445-6075. Deluxe leather interior. EB Classified, Dept. 605, Numbers match. Major restora- ROUND GLASS TOP ship’s Station J88-10. tion 1987-88. Repainted 2000. wheel dining table and 4 chairs. New top and trailing arm $150 OBO. Matching dresser NORMAN ROCKWELL collector REAL ESTATE / assemblies 2001. Motor rebuilt and chest of drawers set. $150 plates including Rediscovered RENTALS 2005. Many other new parts. OBO. 536-2098. Women, Light Campaign, $19,000 OBO. 376-2076 or 861- NORTH KINGSTOWN. All new. WOOD COMPUTER desk Mother’s Day series. Boxed and 4854. 3 beds, 2 baths, fireplace, deck, w/keyboard tray. Dimensions: in excellent condition. $5 each. hardwoods. Large yard. 596 AUTO PARTS 39 1/2” L x 20” W x 30” H. 464-7040. South County Trail. Near Excellent condition. Sturdy. $40. MITSUBISHI GALANT S 1996. Schartners, URI, Route 4, golf, 401-263-6507. TANDEM BICYCLE. New rim 4-dr, 4 new tires (P185/70R14). Wickford. Possible in-law. 294- drive stationary bike exerciser; Interior in good condition/buck- MISCELLANEOUS 5882. metal pasture gates; metal et seats. Stereo with speakers. CRAFTSMAN 10” radial arm fence posts with free fencing; REAL ESTATE/SALES Selling for parts ONLY. $500 saw. Sawdust collection sys- inflatable dingy; canoe; horse OBO. 401-263-6507. CAPE CORAL Florida land. One tem. Table stand, lamp, other saddle. 546-6449. waterfront property. One across TRUCK HOOD with scoops. Will accessories included. Runs TREK BICYCLE. Men’s 24 gear street from water and one cor- fit 1988-1999 GMC/Chevy full well. $125 OBO. 437-7873. with manual. Almost new. ner double lot for single or size truck. $250. 599-0222. KUBOTA TRACTOR 2004. 7510, Ridden only a few times. Paid duplex dwelling. 401-348-6769. BOATS 21HP, 4-wheel drive hydrostatic, $400 but will sell for $250. 434- WANTED PTO 3pt. hitch with loader. Only 2792. GREAT CANADIAN canoe. Red, 39 hours. $12,500 OBO. 822- FREE LOGS. 10” to 50” diame- 17 ft. fiberglass. Very good con- TRUCK TIRE. New Bridgestone 9227 or 334-5385. ter and 8 1/2 feet to 16 1/2 feet dition. Includes paddles, cush- M773 size 245-75-16. Load long for post & beam barn. Will ions and roof support foam LITTLE TYKES country kitchen. range E. $55. 160 square feet of pick up. 691-2479 from 9 AM to blocks. $250. 739-3245. $40. Little Tykes art desk. $20. Bellawood prefinished hard- 3 PM. Little Tykes giant building block wood flooring. 401-596-4519. SAILBOAT SPINNAKER POLE. set. $10. Small play pen with GAMES for GameBoy. Rider Aluminum by Forespar. 2” OD WOOD STOVE & WOOD. floor mat and over. Brand new. mower. 32” or 38” cut. x 115” long. Good condition. Upland wood stove. Takes up to Still in box. $25. 442-8659. Reasonable. 443-0687. $225. 599-5459. 24” logs, with 1/2 cord seasoned MEN’S COWBOY BOOTS. and split wood. $100. 464-1384. 10 1/2, Nocona, brown. Child’s MOTORCYLES upholstered glider/rocker chair. $40. 443-0687. Leave message. KAWASAKI VULCAN 500. 2003. Low miles. 50 MPG. Leather saddle bags. Great condition. Save on fuel. 822-6762.

10 I June 2006 I ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS Service Awards

248 Robert D. Collins 915 Ronald W. Stevens years 248 Josephine F. Dacosta 915 Daniel L. Perreault years 251 George R. Rancourt 921 Robert C. Ray Jr. 45 252 Michael G. Vos 921 Richard M. Servoss Jr. 20 453 James A. Furtado Jr. 229 Allan F. Anderson 494 Robert G. Caffary 252 Joseph N. Talbot 921 Alvin B. Smitherman 243 James T. Blanchard 271 Peter J. Dixon 931 John O. Hoxsie Jr. 243 Michael W. Gilliard Sr. 271 Walter F. Rapoza Jr. 935 Gerald M. Shannon 251 Kyle T. Guartafierro years 321 Richard W. Clark 950 Kenneth C. Jacques 251 Ralph Cassino Jr. 330 Darcel J. Peruzzotti 962 Pasquale J. DiOrio 252 David A. Sanchez 40 333 Lee S. Johnson 969 Thomas H. Lefebvre 275 Paul A. Rogers 251 Arnold J. Green 341 Lewis C. Hassell Jr. 275 Kevin P. Grealish 355 Thomas J. Miller 355 Robert C. Quattrucci 330 Ronald A. Smith 355 Steven J. Tremblay years 355 Kenneth M. Brown 403 Dennis G. Mathers 410 Charles Nado 412 Richard D. Serpa 25 414 Margaret A. Plouffe years 414 Mark A. Chemerynski 252 Levester Jones 417 Rhona A. Morse 35 431 Richard A. Szepkouski 252 Stephen E. Snow 423 Mary C. Hall 274 Leon Griffin Jr. 434 Robert A. Paquette 341 John R. Tuneski 425 Dennis D. Arch 321 Harry W. Martinez 443 Alice L. Bauman 341 Albert J. Herring 429 Thomas S. Grady 434 Richard R. Clairwood 452 Thomas R. Valliere 355 Kenneth W. Piascik 434 Bryan D. Driskill 444 Alberto Franco 459 Anthony S. Migliozzi 404 Donald R. Cloutier Jr. 434 Patricia Ann Lombardo 496 Paul W. Risseeuw 501 Stephen W. Toper 410 Leland M. Horton 443 George R. Cummins Jr. 604 Noel M. Brehant 507 Robert W. Mateer 410 Steven R. Cook 447 Mark P. Sabilia 604 Mario Nonnenmacher 434 Stewart Peil 448 Patrick R. O’Neil 641 Scott C. Waring 436 Evelyn H. Flynn 456 Dennis P. Gay years 685 John N. Occhionero 437 John H. Brown 460 Donald P. Cammarata 741 John P. Szegda Jr. 452 Curtis J. Rice 464 Stephen C. Kirkup 30 795 Steven M. Gemma 452 Robert L. Kirby 467 Christina H. Green 100 Theodore O. Schulz 803 Thomas A. Walsh 459 Bradley J. Webster 472 Brett W. Cicchese 100 Paul A. Cave 901 George S. Weeden 462 Karl W. Froling 473 David J. Kompare 100 William P. Gilday 901 Paul Colardo Jr. 467 Robert B. Harbeck 496 Brentt J. Smith Sr. 230 Curran J. Sheppo 902 Leo F. Brotherton Jr. 472 Gary F. Mayer 545 James Mayo Jr. 230 James B. Carson 902 Robert A. Maglio 545 Penny J. Stanley 604 David M. Kelsey 230 Edmond A. Goyette 904 David J. D’Amico 737 Karen M. Hohenleitner 626 Terri L. Fish 242 James R. Skaggs 904 James T. Barbieri 741 Douglas A. Fonda 742 John M. Bureau 243 Stephen E. Grande 911 Ted E. Lynn 901 Harold A. Trettenero 744 Scott C. Barnwell 243 Charles Realini 911 Gary A. Pigeon 903 John P. Laurie 915 Michael C. Franks 243 Richard Stadnicki 915 Paul L. Seaman 915 William J. Dudley 921 Dennis A. Keener 244 Robert J. Martin 915 Edward M. Ellis 921 Richard Kenner Jr. 924 Dale E. Dombrowski 966 John T. McDonald


Monthly Safety Performance Electric Boat’s safety performance goal for 2006 is to reduce injury rates by at least 5 percent. The below chart shows that the company’s 2006 goal for Lost Workday Injury Rate (LWIR) is 2.6. Note: LWIR = the number of lost workday injuries per 100 employees.