INSIDE:INSIDE: STRATEGICSTRATEGIC PLANPLAN 20062006 JUNE 2006 Hawaii Christened At Electric Boat ith the swing of a cham- pagne bottle, Hawaii Gov. WLinda Lingle christened the submarine that will bear her state’s name during a ceremony at General Dynamics Electric Boat on June 17. The mood in the shipyard was not dampened at all by a few drops of rain that fell during the celebration of the naming of the ship. In fact, the governor noted that by Hawaiian tradition, the weather was a good sign. “In our home state, when it rains on a day like this, we consider it a blessing,” she said. “The rain signifies a blessing upon all of you who have worked on this submarine.” continued on page 2 INSIDE Nardone Discusses Dispute Resolution Policy • 4 Earned Hours • 5 Health Matters • 6 Electric Boat Strategic Plan 2006 • Insert Newport News Delivers Submarine Texas To The Navy • 8 U.S. Navy Awards EB $29 Million Contract For Submarine Work • 8 Maintenance And Modernization Work • 8 NASSCO Delivers The Lead Ship Of T-AKE Class To The U.S. Navy • 8 USS Florida Returns To The Fleet • 9 Retirees • 9 Hawaii is christened! Classifieds • 10 In a shower of champagne, Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle christens the submarine Hawaii (SSN-776), the third Service Awards • 11 ship in the Virginia class. With Lingle on the christening platform are EB President John Casey and Monthly Safety Performance • 12 Secretary of the Navy Donald Winter. Center, U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), the christening’s principal speaker Far right, ship sponsor and Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle receives a bouquet from Emma House, the ceremony’s flower girl. Emma, 8, is the granddaughter of Tom Cimalore, superintendent of piping trades. continued from page 1 The blessing of the ship was particu- larly unique, when retired Hawaiian National Guard Master Sergeant Raymond Ganotise performed a tradi- tional Hawaiian ceremony, with his flow- ing white robes and Hawaiian-language prayers. EB President John P. Casey told the News, which has teamed with EB to battles of the American Revolution. thousands of shipyard workers gathered build the Virginia class of submarines. “Our nation was born in war. It was for the event that they have every right to Newport News President Mike Petters born to the sound of muskets and the feel proud in their accomplishment. noted that the two yards have put aside a sound of cannons, and many gave their “This ship embodies the skill and craft long rivalry to build the most advanced lives to bring this about,” said Inouye, of thousands of industry and shipyard submarine ever produced. who won the Medal of Honor for his workers, and it directly reflects the “The Hawaii is yet another testament, heroics in World War II. He thanked the nation’s commitment to a strong national in fact the third, to this shared vision,” Hawaii crew and all who continue the defense,” Casey said. “We have achieved Petters said. “We share a dedication to tradition of donning their country’s uni- world-class standards as validated by a our craft.” form and putting themselves in harm’s recent Department of Defense interna- The keynote speaker, Sen. Daniel way. “We are most grateful to all of tional study on shipyards.” Inouye, D-Hawaii, observed that the them. That is why we have songs and Casey also recognized the contribu- shipyard is located within a short dis- prose that speak of a land of free and tions of Northrop Grumman Newport tance of the site of one of the bloodiest continued on page 3 Above, Secretary of the Navy Donald C. Winter, right, thanks Adm. Kirkland Donald, director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion, for his introduction during the christening of Hawaii. A Hawaiian blessing Right, Master Sgt. Raymond Ganotise (ret) of the Hawaii National Guard, and a kahune or tradi- tional island priest, blesses the submarine Hawaii. 2 I June 2006 I ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS Pre-christening portrait The officers and crew of Hawaii assembled top- side for a portrait. continued from page 2 U.S. submarines have been stationed on saw. I saw men and women, shipbuilders brave people.” Hawaii for more than 90 years, and today and crew, with a twinkle in their eye and Navy Secretary Donald Winter said their presence is needed more than ever. a bounce in their step, ready to send this the christening, “serves to remind us that “I’m not a submariner, but I tell you ship to sea.” the future security environment is charac- that submarines are the most important Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, D-Conn., terized by uncertainty. The geographic tool that I have, and anti-submarine war- said it’s fitting that the latest Virginia location of future challenges is uncertain, fare is my number one warfighting priori- should be named for the nation’s newest the nature of the threat is uncertain, the ty,” Roughead said. state. makeup of the coalition of nations that Adm. Kirkland Donald, director of “This ship honors the rich tradition of will gather together to confront this chal- the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, a great seafaring people, and reflects the lenge is uncertain as well. offered his congratulations to the ship- strategic role of our nation’s 50th state, as “To cope with this uncertain future,we builders for what he characterized as “a a key submarine station in the Pacific,” need to build warfighting platforms with remarkable construction period for this Dodd said. “But that is not all. It reflects great versatility, and the ability to operate ship.” the patriotic commitment Hawaiians across the entire spectrum of conflict,” “Through your perseverance, skill and have demonstrated to America’s subma- Winter continued. “In the submarine ingenuity you’re setting records of per- rine force.” Hawaii, we have a magnificent example formance in cost and schedule, and we Also speaking at the ceremony were of the kind of asset we need to hedge sorely need your best, as we strive to U.S. Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., U.S. Rep. against future uncertainty.” meet the shipbuilding needs of this Rob Simmons, R-2nd Conn., and Vice Adm. Gary Roughead, the command- nation,” Donald said. “As I toured the Adm. Chuck Munns, Commander of er of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, noted that boat yesterday afternoon, I liked what I Naval Submarine Forces. ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS I June 2006 I 3 Q&ANardone Discusses Dispute Resolution Policy What is the Dispute Resolution What happens if my supervisor ext month the compa- Policy again? starts to make things difficult ny’s Dispute The DRP resolves covered workplace for me after I complain? disputes involving non-represented Electric Boat forbids retaliation against Resolution Policy employees in a simple, timely and eco- you for using or participating in the N nomical way. DRP. If you believe that a supervisor or (DRP) – a process for independent other employee is retaliating against you, It consists of three steps: then immediately take it to a higher level review of employees’ claims – will be Level 1 – Human Resources Review; of management, Human Resources or Level 2 – Management Review Panel; five years old. According to HR VP the DRP administrator. and Level 3 – Arbitration. Bob Nardone, the policy has worked Can I use the DRP to solve any problem that happens at work? well. Disputes are being resolved Why does Electric Boat use the You must use DRP to address any cov- DRP to resolve disputes? ered claim. This includes most work- fairly, quickly and inexpensively. In Because it provides a cost-effective and related concerns or problems. the following Q&A, Nardone reviews timely process for maintaining non-repre- sented employment relationships. What is a covered claim? the DRP, discusses some of its suc- A covered claim is an employment- In the DRP’s first five years has related claim between the employee and cess and the company’s future plans a disciplinary decision ever been the company or its managers in which reversed? with the DRP. either the employee or company believes Yes, on several occasions the legal rights are involved. For example, Management Review Panel has over- claims of employment discrimination turned decisions to terminate employees, and harassment based on age, race, sex, awarded back pay and reinstated benefits. disability, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, citizen- Do other business units utilize a ship, or other characteristics protected by DRP? law, or claims for workplace accommo- All GD business units in the United dation are covered claims. Claims for States have a DRP. workers’ compensation and unemploy- ment benefits are not covered. Who pays the cost of the program? How does the DRP operate if I There is no cost to employees for the disagree with my selection for a first two steps. If the dispute can’t be layoff? resolved and an employee chooses to If you believe you have a covered claim pursue arbitration, he or she must pay a then you can file under the DRP. $100 fee. Additionally, if the employee However, if you simply disagree with the hires an attorney, engages in discovery or value-ranking process then you can file a requests a transcript, he or she must pay layoff appeal which culminates with the the cost of those services. Layoff Appeals Review Board. 4 I June 2006 I ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS Dan Barrett, Editor Bob Gallo, Gary Slater, Gary Hall, Photography Electric Boat News is published monthly by the Public Affairs Department, 75 Eastern Point Road, Groton, CT 06340 Phone (860) 433-8202 Fax (860) 433-8054 Email [email protected] EARNED HOURS: WHERE WE STAND How is arbitration different from What happens if I file a lawsuit ly, and with the intention to spend more a court trial? against the company for a work- on the employees and less on lawyers.
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