. »« . i .C' W lDltESDATi. If ASC^ fS, 1M » Tha Waathar 1 Average Daily Net P re « Ran For tko Moatk st^rsbraarr, 1S48 Fair tUa aftonwon aafi taaigMi to bs buUt M fovsn m sB t p ra ^ 9,713 Frlfiay ooa«l4arabia rliaRaaia ^ by tbs V. a. A m y Ootps sT a ■ • - with UtUa taaiparatara ehaagw tjwne liodge No. 7S, Knights e t Engaged to Wed Bids Opened Engineeta. Mombov St tho A u « t Pythias, wm hold fts repilar i^ t - Apparent low muusi^ . . Baroaa of OUealBtlees I^Kniit Town iiV tonight at 8:30 in Orange Hall. w4B L ^ a Bohoolnlck o f Gar­ Manekeiter—'A City o f VUlaite Charm For Garage den atreet, Hartford. Theto were ni4Mitar*dnace win iponsor Members ct-"Dflworth-Cornell- SUITS for a well dressed seven other bids with s high of (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS uUtoMttMk potar tonight at Quey Post, The American L e ri^ tClam lM Afivorttsiag oa Pago 16) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 8B5,oiu eubmltted by the Thomas yOL. LXVUL, NO. 147 iB Odd FdQowi tu n . Playing are re«iuMted to tm at the M m - Apparent Low Bid' of Worcester company of B ^on. I and door prlaaa win bo prc. chester ^ r o a d etaUon at 6.M Award o f the contract wUl await this eveimig wearing their $46,255 Is Made by confirmation from Waahlngton, it caps to meet the remains of Wc. Hartford Firm WM StlktAde Spring Struggle on Picket Line Senate’s Rent rue lS3th ftn e k O nnpw y. « • .William T. Anderson which ^ The Hancheoter storago atrue- , wJU meet In the StaU Armory arrive at that Ome under military turo msy be of either brick veneer Housing Plan Sent I Recovery Bids were opened yesterday aft Economic iljh t at 8 o’clock for » « organ- escort. . emoon in Hartford on the Job of or concrete block at tha option Curbs Viewed fuon meeting. A large number of candi^tes construction here off A rm ory tha government ^ K la .ona cl street of a 62 by 128 foot motor three almllar bulldlnge to be buln. ■ ‘ipu -J .'or the. new A A P mar- U om Manchester into Rockville Lodge of Elks at the vehicle storage building with 16 in the Btate. the other being in Back to Judiciary • As^GoodJob’ ■ pru M>a^ for 4Ca«t Center reguUr meeting tomorrow mghL Anaonla and Weat Haven. eet are being drafted by -the foot clearance. The structure te to Get A t the same session ofllcera ot t ^ For Europe nv York architect, Herbert Tan- lodge for the ensuing year will be Democratic Leaders Dis­ mbauin, it waa reported today. elected. Chester E. Morgan, of ^ tn ic U o n la acheduled for May. the Manchester post offlce fmce. is Committee Today like Provision Allow­ slated to become Lecturing Knight *^jAt the Mid-week Lenten Service of the lodge. Supper will precede ing ‘Homis Rule’ De- ; m the Second Congregational First Call on Funds the meeting at 6^30. ■ biurch, at 7:30 tonight, Rev. Wil­ House• Democrats Pre-j rr<« ii /Control Any Time lard McLaughlin, pastor of the On Friday evening, March 25 at diet Bowles* Bill W iU |N e W S 1 1U D 118 lUrth Methodist church, _ will ■•SO an entertainment, sponsored HALE’S Bulletin! Had Right-ofsWay Over ^ a c h the sermon. 1 by the Youth Group of the Buck- ; Not Be Permitted to Fire Destroys Historic Richttiond/I^nilmark Any Military Program I land-Oakland club will be held at Culled From (/P) Wlrea WaMilagtoa, March I the Buckland School auditorium. — The Houto refused today to •Hoae Company No. 3 9“ ™- Mlse Abas Patch ‘See Light of Day I To Support Proposed In addition to recitations by local accept Senate amendmeats to answered a atm alarm at 6.55 last Have The Again* in Protest: oeatb pinage of two afford ita MU continuing rent con­ sight at 603 Middle Turnpike East pupils there will be features, in­ Mr. and Mra. Albert J. Patch, I North Atlantic Secur­ cluding tap and acrobatic dancing. . ® , A ‘ University atudenU down 620-foot trols. The decision tvlll send exttngulsh a grass Are. of 364 Parker street, snnoimce Over Chamber Action at Yoaemlte la d^loaed the measure to n Senate-House Miss Eleanor Reeves will sing , the engagement of their daughtw, ity Pact, ConnaBy several selections. Miss Evelyn | ------! with discovery of their snow-cov­ ronference committee to work Anna Mae Patch, to ' not a compromise. Rrnt con­ Tclld Senate; Opens ’ A t the 7:80 o'clock ser\ice at St. Chalifaux will accompany her at Orren, son of Mr. and Mrs. God- ered bodies. . . .Eloping young Fabrics State Capitol, Hartford, couple, eelred by MlnaespoHs po­ trols will expire n week from lla ry ’a Episcopal church tonight [the piano. Miss Reeves is the fr$y Ojn'cn, of 30 Monioo $trc®t, the sermon 'Vill be delivered by March 24.—(ie Demoerbis de­ ta.\paying system wa.s su g­ Bv 208 to 207 Tallv diversion of Ruro|*ean manpower R e^ Charles Henchel ID., New raise, in addition to $160 increment Fraiiklll! Pierpp Adams, the news­ and materials for defense pur- HALE'S SELF SERVE Picolay Birdseye Pique The book waa one o f several serted President Truman in large gested today by the adminis­ Take The Elevator To The Second Floor Style Shops Haven) declared that If the hous­ earned this year, beginning April publications Identified by Louis F. paper columnist known as FPA. numbers. That was on an amend- jio.ses." tration to lielp make possilile Hia Original In New England ing bill wont back to the commit­ 1. Budenz, one-time Communist par- i Sponsors of the three-day eon-j |,y Senator Magnuson (D.. V.'sshir.gton, March 24 .$* By “ Should Have Benefirial Effect** }| Beautiful for all types of dresses— sport, street and eve­ tee there was a “ good probability, Search for Navy plane and pilot ty official who is the governmr%t's fei»nce, the National Council of Wash.), to continue rent control.s a vast exiiansioii of social se­ a one vote marg.n. the House to­ While no definite answer can be If not a certainty, that It w8l turns to Blue Hills areas near first witness. He said he ii.sed the i the Art^, Sciences and Professions. two ytars as Mr. Truman a.skcd. curity. Tlie .stamp s.v.stem i.s day .sh.'lved the Pauk.ii v.’teiai.s' given at this time. CfonnaIl.v said, and HEALTH MARKET ning wear. All the newest summer colors. 111 nevar see the light o f day again. Boston after resident reports hear­ publications constantly in |i||a 10 ’ said, however, that only two on That proposal was swamped, T.'i the military asisistanre program He charged that ’Thlm’s ruling ing loW-flyhig plane and crash. . . yeara o f party wrork. S | the list had sent them ?iotlc«s of 1 designed princi|)ally for farm l>en.sion bill. .\ t..li ..ill ot.- oi “oS to 2uT stimild, in fait, have a beneficial Brooklyn specialty manufacturer Stalin’s book said the prolefaiian Uvithdrawal. They said the two i ((.'untlnurrl on Page KIgbt) worker.s and hou.sehold iielp efieit on eronomic recovery by (Coattaned oa Pago. Two) comes up with radio hat— a two- revolution In Oiia country “ ia im- were Adams and Rabbi Mordecai | who would be among the 20.000.- .iet.t the mea.sure ha k 1.. U;e \< t- De Luxe Eight Rose Petal Slips ri.c .s . iimmitlee l. r lurthpr stmiy. slvenglhening the feeling of con- tubs affair built into headpiece re­ poaaible without the violent de- M. Kaplan, of the Jewish Theologi- : 000 new wi.iki'is blanketed under fidenic aftid security." T H URSDAY SPECIALS $ 1 .4 9 yd. sembling pith helmet. . . Weary structlon of the machinery of the cal Seminary. old age in

\ J . I 'l' •h , v: i ' I-.


and Mrs. Verner Nylin, an Inter-! Ufe. Taking part were Brenda ! Then Loretta Carteoa, Sonfile M a -.. tors for ths Masquers and has as- over-confident parents. Mortimer Covert will handle the role of the Browiiies Note csting program waa given. It j Baker, Mary Balkus, Barbara! Ardle., Marilyn Baibar, Baiber, sembly, there is an educational Russia to pay more attention to HartMsn Co. Starts Recounts Plan Favors Naming ‘slated tn many Mckataga d r"‘ — Judy I Exprfiaa Drivers* Strike Discuss Bills Inspector while Ida Covert will be opened with the singing of ’T h e 1 Calinn, Maureen Connor, Middlcbrook and Joaa Mwaip r, Its own economic knitting and Kennedy Will OwR Edacatioeal Plan Battle About Appearing oppoalte Mr. Bunuima win Ferguson, Carol Kilpatrick, Marls closed the program by 6lagU|| iUmrt^rstrr controversy going on too. la Being Felt Loicatly seen as Edna. Mrs. Low Birthday Brownie. Song” by Ruth Stead­ spend less time and effort waiting Of Comics Board bo pretty Helen Waleh, who won man, Judy Cayden and Carol K il­ Mannella, Frances Nylin, Sandra "Lavender Blue." It la over which of two meth­ 0iven Support many laurela for her portrayal of The Masquers are again fortu­ Scruton, Ruth Steadman and The affair waa beM la the to pick up the pieces o f a self- On Teachers The Hartman Tobacco Oe. A combined Juliette Low and patrick, after which the Brownie Coentiid Ijpralb ods shall be used to tide the state Press Appeal Th« atiike of Uw Railway False Teeth tha sympathettc Sally Opfroll In nate in having the services of An­ ironUsc was given by the group, Rosalind Sterry. dies’ Parlor" o f tha Squth MfUied- shattered capitaUst world. Express drivers in New York haa started an educational pro­ Hartford, Mandi ■ 24-Mff>—Hart­ tho Msaquem’ .prddwetlon o f "The thony PupUlo as director. Mr. birthday party waa enjoyed by over its present shortage of teach­ members of Troop 24, Brownie n uaison. Cynthia N jlln enter­ Mrs. John Pickles, Juliette Low 1st church, where ah attiscUv* Is being felt by local mer­ gram of Its own Many people Two Mrs. CarroiU’’ last ssasofi; Puplllo brings a wealth of experi­ f member of the Council and a si*e- table In a color scheme o f green Bill Proposing Antomat* ford’S Comic Advisory committee, Scouts, this week. tained with piano selcdions. An u ■lOTtll SirMt er training facilities. Former Detective Ser­ chants. Incoming express has Two Propoffalt to Fill travaUng along the Wilbur Dentist Would Ban Sell­ Richard Ntebblaon wjll appear as ence to the production both as a clal guest, gave a short . talk on and yellow held the buffet reftaOl' ■Mmmr^a^wr. Croao highway; which paaaea named several., months ago bj' Under the direction of th eir, acrostic was given with the letters The front line protagonists in slowed down tremendously, but ic Action Not Opposed tha over-sensitive brother while director and playwritc. Herbert iette Liow” and each Mrs. Low's life, and received the ments of cupcakes with candles TBUMA8 r «IW «^ W geant to Carry Plea to the outgoing express has not Shortage Before Leg­ through sonw o f the land oam- ing by Dental Tech­ Mayor Cyril Coleman, favors the Edgar WUcock and flosabelle Cor- Cariberg has dssigneil the Bng- leader, Mrs. Toro Morley and h e r; spelling "Juliette P M . TrW».. this controversy are the State assistants, Mfs. Robert Barberoiglrl telling an event in Mrs. L o w s girls’ contributions to the Fund. and chocolate milk. K u a M Ortoaat t. twi. (Umnecticui been affected at all. islative Hearings ed by Hartman, probably have At Committee Hearing establishment of a state board of don w ill bis y n as the smug and' Ilsh Manor house setting. Board of Education on the one Supreme Court Goods ordered'in New York never known the fact that UM nicians in State claaslfleation o f romla books. SMfV BscsPt ...... * hand, and the University of Con­ in small quantiUea are not be­ bacco b one of Oonnectlcut’a Hajrtford, March 24.—(JP)—A Simon I. niess. chairman o f the / ee n S Is e d Hoiidara E etei^ Bl Ih* HarUted. March U —m —Two major induetriea. local committee, discloaed today necticut on the other. Perhaps Hartford, March 24— ing delivered, because they are bill propoaing automatic recounta Hartford, March 24— Mkrt ...... Why is leglslstlvs hesrings yssterdSy. and Grorgs I. Farnham of Orotop. ^ s oMiitk kf Mail j i.uu victions as to what may be the the Supreme court of the United cel post. Committee on Ellectlons. General Asaembly to adopt a law .1 .IM policy, after all the hopea-and Ths Oeneral Asssmbly's Dducs- prohibiting dcptal tcchniciane seeking to astabllsh tte state iiBgia Cotr .1 ■« most efficient and beneficial meth­ States. Nobody mentioned the after- Wstair. a> <*»^.?! - y ” - •ISW> optimisma of those who thought Kennedy was convicted and sen­ tion committss hsard imsnimous from advertising and selling false board on comics. od of training new Connecticut math o f the last state election, Members of the Hartford com­ Wstt of Hisa.. roraipi . . .$ja.uu it might really be a policy this tenced three years ago of con- support Voiced for a bill authoris­ Scouts to Sponsor teeth without a prescription from apiracy to obstruct the administra­ but it was very much la the back­ ,a dentist * mittee. the first to be named In teachers. time, failing into a rigid and rec- Russia Fears ing the Stats Board of Education MEMMK Uf tion of justice In Hartford In a In the «th er were ^he techni­ Connecticut to clean up objection^ A t any rate, the State Board of ognizeable and old and discredited to recruit recent college graduates ground while the recount bill wa-s r M a a so cia rto pHtiui case involving alleged protection Magic Show Here cians. hopihg that this year they’ll abla comics, will appear i t legts* Tao aswefs'o* '• Education and the State Commis­ pattern 7 and train them aa elemenUry being dbcuaaed. f o o Truth Spread be able to convince the Jegialatore lative hearings to voice their sup­ , ^ to gamblers. He appealed the •B'ltloa to Mit UM of roouhHooi'oB of Why la the Republican leadership school taachera. Gov. Chester Bowlea and ether S M * . ■VM* CM. ersOUM to a oi sioner of Education want to han­ turning from Its intelligent op­ conviction to the Supreme Court Troop No. 25, Center Congrega­ Democrats captured all but one of to defeat the bill egein aa It haa port o f the Hagerty-Farnham At the eame time, the legielative been In many prevMiia legislative bill. iof o tfio r*^ croo'im dle the problem through th^^re- portunity to operate on s basis of of Errors of Connecticut which (Coattaned from Page Oac) Appropriattone committee heard tional church Boy Scoub, will the state offices at stake. The osO also ths Wrti ns»» puhUsnro ner» decided last January that ■ the sesslona. ;'C8t- All ngfiu of rSpiiril'cstK'ii I «i » atiqn of new state teachers' col­ I principle and relapsing, inaUad, support for bilU aaklng for ap­ aponsor Professor William Pitch margins wers so narrow that the I Qupstffies Bsfa> s f r»»*rssa. into a routine of nervous political conviction was legal. State Board o f Canvaasera, then Blows Follow Previous Pattera leges, while the University of Con- actioa, "which once experienced propriations to qxpand 8 ba t e Cheney, president of the Northern ,erit- ! obstructionism 7 1 He based his claim on th# con- Republican - controlled, locked up ■ The blows and counter-blows roll ssraisa ef’sni of N * S»rs i ncctlcut holds that it should be through contact with Ant^rican Teschers*- ‘ collcgos. . A b o heard Kvere Local Man to Star I Why it it doing Governor Bowlea >, tentlon that Connecticut criminal people or American books will Connecticut Assembly of the 80' the voting machines and refused struck folloivcd the pfittem of Ifs. Inc. ______bilU seeking appropriatlone for vo­ previous rounds In the biennial 1 handled through the creation of , the great favor of finding some- j procedure violates the Federal make them ill-content with their ciety of American Magicians, In a for weck.x to certify the results. lh» cational tchoob. Denqocrata blocked a move for a betUe. In Masquers’ Play 5\ean. Puni'sners Ksi>rei"ei>UI'«»s special teacher training facilities : thing wrong with everything he I constitution because the state life in the Soviet union.” M a^c Show to be held In Woodruff case* Jul'us Msfliesrt •■'pK'si Agtncy N»» ' proposes 7 Why is it always choos­ Govemor Bowlee haa urged ap­ hall, Wednesday evening, March recount in the courts. Bowlea’ in­ The dentists charged that the Beaton. and courses Inside Its owm curricu- j ■ does not require a grand Jury In- The report bristled with denun-1 Tors, c'ft'oafu. I'elrniiind ing to fight over some detail in­ proval of the emergency teacher 30, at 8 o’clock. auguration Jan. 5 waa debyed for technicians were a “ menace to dlctment except In capital cases. elation of Moscow “ evasions.” ! recruitment program, and haj pro­ Robert Bums, of Division street, you MBUttEK AO!»n BlIfff.Al) Of lupi. side the supposed "areas of agree­ A large turnout of parenb and hours while leaders o f tho two public health.” that teeth Improp­ daVrV In Connecticut, certain cases "suspicions,” snd "spy phobia.” It posed appropriations o f $8,000,000 will play a featured role in the CIHItllAfloNS There is one eminently practical ment " It cited as the session be- friends of the Boy Scouts an ex­ partlrs battled over tho Noouat erly fitted might lead to cancer are brought to trial In Superior was published on the eve of the for v’ocstlonal achools. -rje chief of the mouth. Mark Twain Masquers’ production ' gsn 7 pected to witness thb master magi­ iasue, finally agreeing on the MU rns Hereto Pnntirs , reason, we think, why such ex­ , court on the basis of an "informa­ opening tomorrow in New York of executive withheld approval of the of "A n Inspector Calls,” which '3 Why is it incapable of saying cian perform. Professor Cheney to provide automatic recounts In The techniclens reported that the comes to the Avery Memoriel In ossuinet oc flnano'Sl rsep-n.sibil'ty Tii panded teacher training activities tion" or complaint filed by the A "Cultural and Scientific Confer­ teachers college expansion pr •- dentists, motivated by “ human trP'.frsPBicai errors spoeerTs


that any American rearmament State Board of Education at Buah- former vice prealdent of the N a­ aembly. In It, he wras critical of I . program should last at least three Bowles Names nell Memorial in which the chief tional PT A . lack of integration of ConnecU- Ui.n. Pre.sldent W rllree K. Ben­ Gets 200 Phone Cills Use of Violence Cancer Drive- years to assure aacurity under the executive joined President Jamca Appointment of the study com- eut’s educational Mtup and th« HOW 10 PAY $100 WORIH 01 nett of the NAM said h« hoped B. Oonant of Harvard university. miaalon implemented one of Gover­ lack of a long-range program to Pensitm .Bill Panyushkin would approve ,J.he From Seekers After Rent ------MANCHESTER North Atlantic pact Urged by Stalin Oovemment ofttclala working Dr. Finia E. Engleman, stats com­ nor Bowlea’ aupplementary Inaugu­ meet the atate'a expanding educa­ mm to siMKi PAVMimF (’Sejaiale’s Rent tour. > ■ To Be Started Schools Group ral meaaagea to the General Aa- tional needa. Fw lAH IHoiiiyy Vole Close on the program, however, shied missioner of education, and othera (an IS SMsIb plan) ■y riamylos:' aO yaw MM* , ••\Ve hope sincerely that the am- If the housing shortage lb away from making any estimaU In diacussing the general theme, ,«*d b attsvaM law aaa hassador a approval will b* forth- eaflrng off. the,, change isn't (Continued frwm Pnge One) "O ur Children — Connecticut’s YU MAN teys •M, *M c*a luaaDy riA «ay (Curbs View ed {•oniinj; speedily," Bennett wrote, about the’ program's length. I Uw total al jrour mMthly (COntlBUni fri>m l**ie One) very noticeable, according td PUBLIC MARKET They said they are waiting for AppoiulH Temporary Greatest Asset and Opportunity." Qet 0100 to* pay old billi, paymoata. "an rrri(''I \NKs iN.-;i\i i,i;i) ?,V v;."\ ‘ h c'\ "d crw ^ ««'•' ‘ he NAM would Kittel said that he has re­ dent of the Connecticut Council of counsel continued to make lengthy .Society will be launched with a can military camps and to visit appointment of a temporary flve- ceived over 200 phone calls campaign dinner at the Hotel Bond West Point. member study commission on edu Catholic Women; Merlin Bishop of FINANCE c a statententa on such polnU. he Take Home .Southington, an International rep­ and near • MAH TMIATSI MmOINO from rent seekers In the past But officials connected with his cation to examine * Connecticut’s ? “ 7 o votei: for the amendment j .',ruinB. itinerary -hichwhich could behe co.nplet-coinplot would restricl-them to a few worda at 6:30 thia evening. The key­ M cKi n n e y b r o s . 733 MAIN t m iT , MANCNUTHI, CONN. * 1| C * V F ------four days. , note speaker will be E. H. Bobst. trip reported he siso Is interestsd overall educations! system "with resentative of the United Automo­ ed within the time the delegates in making objcctiona. bile Workers, CIO, and Mrs. Clif­ Biel 3430 • Da«M Havay, Vit MANafor were all by DemocraU. It wa.s tlie olusrsl vote on a ma­ who headed the national Cancer In finding out whst kind of Amer­ i the greatest care." The commit' .sp:u \(,i . Disros.M. co. are scheduled to remain in thia ______r I MeOohey read one pas.sage from ford Thompson of Wallingford, for­ lo«a tf 1100 ctiti Sn.ia mkm prMRftty rtptll i* II MfffMy (MtMirilvt histitimh til 91 < 5leen "Pretty Good Job” jor bill in the House siin e late in Drive laet year. Other epeakers ican military equipment snd sup­ Sion will start its study next week. oouiltl V. , the manual which aaid, "Our task mer president of the Connecticut l.'io I'cirl M. I rl. M;im‘hcstrr .'i.'iOH totm ft milfiiti «f ill vnnmi\a$ tawM Lucas temied the bill the Senate ItMl when, t>y a onc-vote margin, and the worker. : is to make every party member a will include: Dr. Creighton Bar- plies Frsnee can expect ip the I *1116 announcement was made at More Foods Parent-Teachers Association and passed -a pretty good Job, all ex­ a lull to eoiuiniie the draft law ■In niral areas the employei , _ro{c*gtonal revoIuUoniat." I’.er, prealdent of the society; Rob­ ■'T ' future. a convocation sponsored by the cept that local option provision. was passeil. could purchase ITfc party ‘ demanda everything” ert 1. Daggren, atate chairman for Senator Myers rndcr it state.*, coiintios. citie.s or 171 to lOS. ' - Still' resistance already has . •Vor the rest that Ls, for the New York, ^*®**<^\ ^4 mth a money-back guarantee. Thompson, Mias Jessie Reynolds, Trajiue s niolioii Lo 5oii(i uio bill smaller political subdivisions could formed against Mr. Truman's pro-1 workers on small farms and the Winston Churchill. In this country Mlaa Jessamine Smith. Mias Jen­ liiick to committee followe'l, bring­ decontrol without the Kovernors posal to increase the .security tax j temporary help employed during ■ for an ll- .^ y wm call on nie Wind, all Soroptlmlat club ing Ui'i roll call aii'l the i.rouilt 01 from the pres'-nt St.800.000.000 a; members; Mrs. Elisabeth Ubert; okav. rush seasons it might 'he more President Tiuman In Washington DELICIOUS RE.VDY TO EAT—CUDAHY PURITAN WHOLE SHANK ILoaf Cheese The Senate bill al.sn idlows ,'.Intc.« the vol'- lust anrumiieed on it. year to around .$.5,000,000,000. Mrs. Doris D'llalls, Mra Ilona K.-d*. As originally ealled 'up. Ftankin s Convenient to use a stamp plan. t^ a y . He ^ , t ' a to remove controls v lu'.ievcr the As part of tlie hattle to prevent ■■Whenever he paid hi.s workers, . be guc.sts of the Tinmans at a 14-16 LBS AVERAGE WEIGHTS - Donovan. Dr. John Peckham. lull providid lor a p<'ii-i'.>ii of S9d Legislature passed a .law c.slliii'; I "dcsli 1 ulion." Allnicyer said, the the farmer could place special so- j formal dinner. On Friday, several members, of for that, ami the (pwernor .in- ,1 month to all World War I and 11 insuranie program should he cx- the Soroptlmlat club: through y w t- r.ins nt age Hr>. regardle.i-s of I pandf<1 to iueludc 6,000,000 faim ' rial security insurance stamps In I ------whoae efforta the Cancer Drive proved. Individual eta'cs also ' oidd books carried by the workers. Half take over the contrnl procrpni if liiiancial iici d. 1 operators; 7.700,000 urban self- haa become auch an Important fea­ the coat ofsthese stamps would be the governor certified tluft his employed (lawyers, doctors, bu.si- COOKED HAMS ■’ 5 ^ ture of local community life, will state had an adepuale re- t lav.. ' nessmoii. etc.); 3.000,000 domestic borne by the employe. spend the day in preparation to "The iMKiks would be^. accepted or household workers, snd 4.701),- I SWIFT’S PREMIUM—ALL TENDER MEAT—NO WASTE, BONELESS mall ap|5ealB for funds to carry on Hern Bad Mistake ScvcMi .Mor«* hv the Social Security administra- ‘‘I think that amendin' nt leitiiiji I 000 hired farm workers. the urgently required work of the And while thi- president had ti'in as evidence of carning.s. and FIAKO local group. Mrs.-^ Elisabeth municipalities decontrol Is a had il I’arlov the farmer would not need, to PIE CRUST MIX mistake,” Lucas .nld. "Tlie mayors (^11 1 .some rougli things to say about lb. Ubert la the general chairman ' pollsters after last November's make anv report or keep any spe­ of the campaign, which is sched­ in ' mo.'-t farmers want .social .security nual conference for physicians ‘ try's industrial are.-.s v as extended Insiiraiii'e. WHOLE OR RIB END "home rule” provision thnn I lie to tlie .Sovii l group by tli'^ National took place at the Hartford club one passed by the House. Me .said Till' ( ategories of employed per- y ester^y with several local peo­ : A.ssociation of Maniifactpio. . •sons he listed were skipped wiien he hopes the Senate eontcicfs will Itouted throngh .Soviet .Vinba.ssndor ple present. Among the more Grade “ A” insist that the House .section be the social secuiity act first was ROLLER SKATING than 800 medical men in attend­ Alexander ranyiishkin, the Invita­ pas.-ieil 12 years ago because of PORK LOINS Flayo-Rite thrown out of the bill. ance were Dr. Edward Besseri Dr. tion exfii'‘.s.-ed lielief that slU'h ai'iiiinistrative diffleulties. partic-' Qualily The Senate measure provid.-r toms would further world peace A. E. Friend and Dr. Howsit! 'doz for two five p*r eent rent in- ularly in the eollection of the tatf. 1 OPENS FRESHLY GROUND, ALL BEEF LockwilKxl, all of Manchester. Mrs. Alimcvcr said this problem has ‘■;l\ Spring is here: Yes— right here at POPULAR where you’ll find a mouth-watering va- Leona Reed also attended, ss rep­ ‘W.‘ V b '« n lick' ll, laigely by the idea Aft/.l. SPNDAY, MARCH 27th resentative for the local branch rielv of delicioui-lv good foods that are a Spring tonic for appetites. We’ ve the early of a stamp system. He ex- more than l.’i per eent over the . and liv e ...... , | of the Cancer Society. Spring riuit*< and vcgetahles vou’vc hungered for all Winter. We’ve Spring Lamb and level of June 30, 1917. | There wa.s no mdieatKm Horn plniiifd it thi.s way: MEATS •■ruder siuli a system each em­ HAMBURG Spring Chickens . . . and a Spring Song of Savings that fills every department with The first of the two five per cent 1 Soviet sources as to whether the i hikes could be put into effect Or-I rtu.'^iiBns would accept, ploye would receive a stamp book new’ notes in food bargains. Come in today and start to save in a big way. tober 1, 1949. The second '.'oiild .separate letter to I.imitri 111 will' li stamps would be placed Sholes Lakeside Casino KFAFT VELVEETA Pact Can Halt hy his employer to evnlence con- SOUTH COVENTRY be charged April 1, 1900. shoslakovieh' fameil eomptis'-r BEECHNUT STRAINED I f In cases where a tenant's rent i of the Ru.s.sian delego- trlhiition.s made by the employer CHICAGO SHOE SKATES—$15.00 2 lb. loaf Or Cause War Whether It'e tender beef, fine Iwnb, deUczte reel or lem pork— you’re aare of the fuDeet measure of iUready is 15 per cent above I tie | meal-time pleasure when you make your selection here. Our meat is quality meat— Government In- June, 1947, level, no further in- | ------~ CHEESE (Caattnuad from Page Osa) crease could be charged. In cases spected and Grade-marked— tender . . . Juicy . . . krand-tastinE . . . expertly cut for the meal you k where his rent already has been 20 years with coimtrles outside have In mind. And If you don’t see exactly what you want in our appetizing display of choice cuts. raised 10 per cent, the level eonlil Large A Grade this hamlaphan under which wo be raised five per eent Oetoher 1 From Vermont Sugar Cured BABY FOOD ask for it and the pleasure of serving yon is ours. THE WOMEN’S ( I.UB Rindkas undertako to regard an attack on but no more April I, lO.'iO. Creamed FRESH any of those countries as . tbs PURE STRAWBERRY The House measure does not OF .M.ANCHESTER equivalent of an attack on the provide for any outright rent in­ Presents: COTTAGE SLICED UnlUd SUtes." F n .l. creases. EGGS The Senate bill extends federal i Bohlen aald only Oongreas can 1 i,n . CHEESE BACON order the U. S. to w ar— despite LEAN rent controls a flat 12 months and LINCOLN M. ZONN lb JAR offers tenants who want it an ad­ the wording of the pact. RIB “The PsycholoRV of Hypnotism” Dulles, hot&aver, Inalated the U. 4 9 ^ ditional three montlia of tuotec- PRESERVES Dozen S. would join the fight— Immedi­ PORK ROAST tion. During the latter period, no Lb. 1 Lb. Layera 4 9 C 57C Ploin or SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH 25c ately— should any member nation tenant could he evlcte Whole Apricots PRUNE JUICE over one another. The western na­ FANCY WEBSTER TASTY tions are reaching this goal in the SMOKED Atlantic pact. ’The Soviet east re­ SHOULDERS WHITE MEATi ALB.ACORE OR VEGETABLE JUICE 3 ' 25c plies by enlarging its ring of satel­ TO M A TO lite states." CAN SWEET LIFE PREPARED 8. Christianity and Marxian StacKist Tuna F O S T E R ' S For Fine Foods atheism. GOOD ea. GLORIETTA SPAGHETTI REDI-TO-SERVE 3 29c The third struggle, Mr*. Luce | SIZE FANCY DIAL 7386 said, "Is the truly significant one. , GIANT 46 OZ. "Let it be quickly said that in | CUT-UP FOWL 84 OAKL.\NI> ST BUY A DOZEN AT THIS LOW PRICE! GLEE CLUB this conflict there can be no com- | Tomato Juice CAN promise of basic .concepts," she de­ EXTRA L.ARGE LOCAL CREAM STYLE 2 “„t29c SW I. T’S SELECT BIB C O R N clared. "It is s struggle to the SIRLOIN OR SHORT LEAN SUCKU JUNDLESS HAWAIIAN 59c I EGGS Dor. DELICIOUS FOR SHORT CAKES OR PIES death--tbe death in our time of Lb. ROAST BEEF Lgc. either the Christian view of life, “A” OR “AA ” STEER BEEF SLICED BACO^ or the Communist view." WHOLE OB SII.YNK END SW IF T ’S BROOKFIELD , REMARKABLE 30 Oz. Can 25c STEAKS NO. 2 CAN LE.AN' S.llX^LL S.MOKEl> PEACHES PINEAPPLE Lh. FIVE DELICIOUS FRUITS SHWLDERS Lh. COOKED HAMS Lb. 59c I BUTTER Bir Give Approval „ . SLICED S W IF T ’S SELECT BONELESS _ _ It.ATI PS LE A N LIBBY’S 30 Oz. Can 4 9 7 C FRUIT COCKTAIL Ou Reariiiiiig DEL MONTE FANCY GARDEN BLED HAM Lh. POT ROASTS Lh. 59c I d a is y HAMS Lb. A GOOD COFFEE AT A GOOD LOW' PRICE! FRESHLY SLICED SW IITS |•«EMU .'M s m a l l SIIOLI.DEB LEAN BIB END LARUE r.AM Y t I T-l P COFFEE REAL GOLD Lb. Bapr (Continued from Page One) SAUSAGES ^ Lh. 59c Lb. PORK ROASTS M l . FOWL SALE! ON peeled to IncreMe the "margin of . i.b. 49c Pork Liver Lb. 25c aafety" noted in the ea’-licr con­ > Veal Chops" MAXWELL IIOl SE SWEET PEAS 2fes35^ n i I C K F.\T JACK KKOST clusion. I * I.F.AN RIB ,,_.4 9 c.| MIRACLE WHIP Pt. Jar FACIAL SOAP 4^'.; 31c COFFEE WOODBURY Aaaiatant Secretary of State DEL MONTE FANCY WHOLE SUGAR Erneat Gross currently Li drawing 1 I SLK EH OB ( Bl'SHEil TREAT THE FAMILY! Pork Chops i.i). 49c Salt Pork Lb. 17c lll'XT'S HNE I INK Ml ALITV k Sb’P«kJ9 e • qUlNN’H PIIAR.HACY SI 1.H.AIER ■ U R K E N Tc4. « I N 'SUPER 2 29c ISTRING BEANS 2 35c NORTH END PHARMACY SQUASH 2 cb. 29c I PEPPERS LARGE LUSCIOUS ‘M. gill 4 5 CENTER -PHARMACY MARKLTS LAYER CAKES “ f POPULAR # 0 0 0 . F A N C Y I FANCY _ F A N C Y TcA 4888 i WE1.00N ORCO TO I.ba. 29c BANANAS Lbs. 29c CHIFFON CAKfS TH. 5.8?l CARROTS . 2 Bch, 29c I APPLES I 974 MAIN SJR^ET FREE PARKING .STORE Featuring Free Delivery

>. - Y V I ' / r j


sdtoiW MAKCHESTEK EVBNINO HERALD. HANCHESTER. COWM. THURSDAT. T>Aieee»e*e4»ee**e»ee»e*»ee%e*»e*ei»eeaee*e* ...... “ “ im iu m ing committee of the ConneeUeut In Card Touniev from several westem cotmtries society In Wgahlhgton hariiw «»" - No Fear o f Water Shortage poUcy deoiaienB OB thcM Other Bevin Roveals" over other routes, mostly by aea. Princess G^ts flrmM her appoliltment ^hy CLOVERDALI “Sa^wd** from Coiimqwriam OonneoUcut Chamber of Com­ Larsens Feed and Hardware MARYO Officers *^ehM irhether the United States merce. . ^ Jo F^t in Manchester ■hooM aethmly faror, and in Parley Views Bevin, speaking In a debate on Contest Gown "But I had already done tom# •ntr>’, inspired perhaps by the ar­ mannor'support **•*“*•. KuroPAAn AffAlrt* sAld th# shopping for Urn trip hafora 1 rival of spring has moved Into MARGARINE already baa "saved” Franw, Italy wrbo built the reaervoir In 1823. PURI V K ITA M .I lustidled auesUon is whether the United (CsBWsnsd tram rags Owe) hcanl of tho quesUon rilaad afiout Marrehester has lltUe fear * f a -flirt place of the .Manchester Flre- ITii should a c U ^ y Join ^ e r and westem Germany from. Com­ my Appointment,” she eatiL I water shortage. The and it wma teJeen over by the towm DILICAnLY PLAVOtio Sute Enlpy Hope* lo in 1828. men’a Setback League, jumping logtonaniefense systems *» Germany in retaliation against munism. wraan’t angry alwkrt It all, but 1 consumptimi la abont . 1,100,00a Um to the Inter-American ^ g a ^ - He* *poke after ConaervaUve Become C h e ^ BIo»- was disappointed.” gallons. The torWl’a three reser- Hartford aUU has trouble get­ Into a 23 point lead over Uie high­ SHORTININ6 ful CerOT<0»y the Russian blockade of west Ber­ ting Its riecessary supply of water. saUon to which it aiready W S * Harold MacMillan h ad 'trtd Mias Kelley said gbe had been voira .have .a capacity of 280 mil­ flying Hose Co. No. 2. The latter PORTiniD WITH VITAMIN A and the Atlantic alliance which it lin. House he expects Ruaala will offer gom Festival Queen teld at the Masonic " I do not want to break eaat- noUfled that all prlncfeeee were lion gallons, plue 840 galletw n haa had the first position nailed now jyropdses to enter. "a fake appeasement” and seek a minute that can fee pumped from weat trade.” Bevin said. Ha con­ to wear summer cotton formal* In down for the past several weeks. iple Last Eve^ng Uneasiness on the part treaty ending Allied occupation of Hartford. March 24—(Cl — ’The pastel shadeb at the pageant at the wella dn CbarterOak ttreeL Uty, and Iran particularly. Is urn tended such a Bhut-oir "means Johnson's Hartmans walked <*ff 'with high c sahetions, and sanctions mean Germany. princess of ConnecUcut went shop­ which tho queen Is to be crowned.’ •hie biggest water supply cornea scoring honors with M4 puln.s 1-LB PKGS -Alieo N. HoBKhinS •»> de^ood to have been at ^ MacMillan predicted also the She rev'ealed, that the gown the from Buckingham,ICKi and la due to a LB TIN 3-LB TIN war.” I ping today. . , . and Power Houses were next w'th „ W. CbleiBsn wses Installod of the reason why Acheson on two Russians will attempt quite bought Ub ah off-shoulder, green foresight of a former resident of He added, however, that mate­ It was for a very specml event— Poultry Form 134. liutnti mnd Worthy recent occasions has ahortly’~a coup In Yugoslavia and the Cherry Blossom festival in dotted Swiss affair. She said ahe Mat\chester. Stamling.s fur the tenth sitti .g rials which could be used In a war A^numter of y e w ^ John M. reasserted the concern of the Unit­ Greece In an effort to seise con­ Washington—where. Just can only hope that her gewn-—"It’a of the second and final vnund are; iBopectirely of TfinpJo ed States over the continued Inde- against the western poweri should really qOlte nice,” she said—will Shewry, bom in the Birch Moun­ Frtsh Dmeed GhlekcRf. trol of the eastern Mediterranean. Princess Frances B. K ^ * y „ No. 5S, Onler of the pendenc« of Ir«n. Turkey »no not be shipped to eaatem areas. not be too closely duplicated by tain idtatrict aUrled buying up Sstarday I.rftmens Feed aifd Hardware 2129 CALIF PEA BIANS OR RID KIDNIY Sees Danger of War Hartford may become Cherry Blos­ Hose Co. No. 2 ...... 2106 MO niPi a Stor, fOc the eiwuln* yeox, Oreoco. The Russian none of Germany one worn h f another princess land for what la now the wrater P M A tT In the House of Lords, where a som qiieen of the nstton. Fresh qniek frosen po&l- More Co.' No. 1 .•...... 2064 . dtml-publle iiuUUsUon held still does business with a number "W'eU. one of the princesses will Incidentally, the teVcaled' that, shed o f the present Buckingham . oeoBlnc lii the Masonic Tern* of western countries. Including similar debate was held. Lorf reaervoir. In buying this larid, he Bun Am ...... 2032 Baked Beans 2 ill 45< Standard Tomatoes ItS lT * Pakenkam, minister i>f civil avia becoroft, queen when they spin tl?e ao far as the knows ahe must her­ try. Any time. Valllanta All-Stnrs ...... 2048 which WBS attended by aj^ Switaeriand, ’The Netherlahda, self finance her ®wn wfrdrobe had-an Idea that sooner or later too members and tion, warned that “there is wheel down there.” the ^ t l U Coughlins Sen'icc Station .. 2044 Norway, Sweden, Belgium and Nutmeg entrant reasoned tod^, and hotel and traveling agpenaes. Hartford wodld need ttiis land for 847 Middle I urivpHce, Wcet Manchester danger of war this year, and I am a new reservoir, but they ewntu- Sthendel Oil Seiwice...... 2019 Denmark. afraid there will be for a number "maybe the will be from Connectl- "But the queen doea get-a tree Near Hnckanum River At Power’ Houses ...... 2017 Pork & Beans 2'fi?s 21< Diced Carrots PMAfT 2 30-OZ TINS 25* Past Matron Mrs. Bernice N. The western allies’ counter­ trip to Bermuda." *be said hope­ aUyibougfit up land in another i ) D.acted as Installing matron, Date Book of years to come." He emphss'.aed cut»** section of the state. However tho lATve igine l*hone 2-tKMlS .Mers Barbers , ...... 108.', blockade has stopped the move­ "that does not mean the govern­ In any event, her right to rep­ fully. " I’ve always wanted to go Hartmans ...... ; 1978 W r o n Mrs. VloU Q. Trot- ment of gooda through their sons resent Oie sUte a* its princess la there. Mayjse. . . .” land waa sold to Cheney Brother*. laatalling msrshtl, Junior ment thinks war Is probable Uils Morlnrtvs Painters ...... i; 3 Brown Bread ibominI^c Cut Beans 2 39< Tomorrow to the Soviet area of Germany, but year,” although It Is- preparing to now unquestioned, the reorganis­ White E agles...... 192:i \ ! ^ l It Mstren Miss , Eaissbeth Q. Center Church Thespians pre­ east Germany still geU supplies lUi. InstaUlng Chaplain w d meet "any emergency."______Yburkshots 3 X X X ...... 1 i3 sent. "John Loves Mary,’’ ^ « r y Case Broad Leo\ es ...... 1891 t Natron Mrs. Helen T. Elliott, MemeriaL Hartford. Benefit Conn. Campbell's 2'tiSJ 27< Sauerkraut PMAST 2 25< -.tiling warder. Cancer fund. Jamas McKay presided at the SBtnrday. March M n n and Miss Laurlne Hoaglund, Annual meeting Britlah-Ameri Friend's Beans ovin baked tin Fruit Cocktail DOLIS 29 OZ TIN 39< E.*ughter Of the worthy matron- can club. Kalecl. WMM soloist for the ovorunff* Bmririy. «**»®*L*?^ . » * Mia. Hoaghmd carried a hour PoUsh m o t^ "Tredowata, ¥ Friend's ahao i6oz hn |7< \ ^ ^ e t of American Beauty roaes. Whit* Eagle ball. S p. im HATIOHAllY CUPLETS Sliced Apples » 16c ‘5 e gift or her family and ^ MoiriMy. BUrch tS xigoee a corsage of red roaes, the Women’s Clnh of Manc^atCT. CUP CAKE MIX •Kt of her officers. Speaker, Lincoln M. Zonn. Topic: M AH -PUASm flAFOK j ‘'■*^3ther officers Installed were aa "Phychology of Hypnoclsm. South Methodist church. - PURE MIRABEL *M?A Mary C. Dlttmeyer. a s ^ TBeaday. March M Fancy Bakery Dept matron; Wlnthrop A. R e ^ YWCA Series at 1 p. m. Speak­ ite patron; M »- Florence H. er: Moriia Paranov. "Musle. at fMMM Ion AMLITV _„jrrtton. eecteUry; Miss Mary E Center Church. FAMOUS PRESERVES First Natioiiil Super Mtrkets jNlUer, treasurer; Mre. Mary G Bmiday, April i PMIO«t POa VMVI AT LESS MONEY Handel’s "Meailah” 7 p. m. r ■sauregard, conductreae; Mrs. Ce- Juil pure Fruit ar:d tuger > juil like ['odla M«we. sssoclste conductr^; Emanuel Lutheran church, pre­ 1041 MAIN 5T. Mrs. Alice Hitt, c h a p ^ ; Mrs. sented by choirs of Emanuel and you would meko in your own kilchon Marian Hannay, marMial; M ^ .First Lutheran church. New Bri­ K A S irS • '______ewmem msmme MANCHE5TER Marjorie R. Morrison, tain and Maachester High school GUARANTEE Heinz Products MEATS THAT MAKE oiMrt. PhylUt VonDeclt, A ^ ; Mm. Round Table Singers. . . BRAUNCHWEIGER Lb. 49 c S t John’s first annual minstrel, Raspberry ^ S ^ d e W. Dsuehy, Ruth: M i» Cook any First Food Store cut of meat the way you want It, test It for e l d e r b e r r y j e l l y 47c PURE WHOLE :::Vltg1nls Farris. Esther: Mrs. Mln- 7 p. ro.. White Eagle hall. FRUIT fi SUGAR u m « 2 9 c t ’ sdeiammsn. Martha; Mrt. Maty MeiNay. April 4 tenderness, julceness and flavor. If you are not completely satisfied, we wifl R A fH ’B IVORY SOAP Cinnamon Sugared Do-Nuts Open Hotwe at Anderson-Shpa BLACKBERRY JELLY 46c ' P. Smith. Electa; Mrs. J ' give vou your money back. This Is more than a guarantee. It is LIVERWURST Lb. 49c PBKONAl SUE l^CBtemgn, warder; James E. ElUott Poet 304« VFW home Manchester CRAB OR CHERRY Green. (For aU Manchester VeU that quality will always be maintained at the FIRST FOOD STORE. JAR WHKIND SBICIAL .2Sc 4 8ARS 2 5 * Strawberry 37. 6 23c ! Fresoated With Gifts and Immediate families.) J O L L Y •aaooooaaa* READY-TO-EAT FULLY COOKED ■* Hie newly installed matron was Manchester Klwanls Club Sliver Annlverslty at Hotel Sheridan, f ■resented with numerous gifU 1 6:80. RIB CUTS, 4 TO 5 LBS. AVERAGE SHOULDER HAMS ..e. 59c fm n her reiaUves and friends. KEILLER’S Pgjt* Matron Ruth C. Boyce. Tuesday, April 8 These 5 to 6 lbs. carefully trimmed shoulders are eco­ kg Red Salmon PAMCY -ALASKA LB TIN 6 5 c Annual O H ef concert, Eman­ Educator Crax u 29c ; prMldent of the Pest Matrons As- IVORY FLAKES uel Lutheran church. lb. nomical— ^just heat— no cooking shrinkage. ^ ScIaUon. presented YWCA Series, SalvaUon Army DUNDEE ICAtroil KU»ab€th G. Smith #lth A PORK LOINS unihmi ukg c ClUdel at 1 p. m. Speaher: BY REQUEST, A REPEAT SALE ON BONELESS LGI PKG 30< Krispy Crackers < 27 Tuna Fish «: ™39c hoAUtii^ Spring bouquet ^na in- Dr. Esther Beaver. "A r t ” m a r m a l a d e FRISH YOUNG PORI sited her to become a « Wedneeday. April fi DEERFOOT, LEAN SHORT SHANK WHOLE or EITHER END/ LB ' the association at a meeting to be t e PORK LOINS Pines Civic Association. Whist ROAST VEAL 59c Ass't Cookies VSSXifm .•»«: 39c Shrimp FANCY • MEDIUM 5 OZ TIN 39< held April 7. , „ Community YMCA 8 p. m. Open l,b. STONE Size 249c Shoulders Tomato Soup tioznNi3c her JOth year as treasurer. BONELESS SHOULDER school. 7:30 p. m. Sponsored by LGI 8KG FM SN 2H-3H LB AVG FHSH PORK - LIAN Miss Elisabeth G. Smith retir­ Anflerson-Shea Post 2046 30c ing worthy matron, was present­ ffer^ are tw o good RIB ROAST OF BEEF Lb. Saturday. April** V E A L RO AST Spaghetti «n.aci»iAY ukg15< u mimz ed wUh. a Past Matron;s Jrwel by Auction______for beneftt______of School (Except first three ribs). Chickens 49c Shoulders . • 45c 1 Chicken Soup nt^ozmlgc Pa*t Matron Evelyn Turklngton fund at 8t. Bridget’s hall. v a l u e s MILK-FM FRESHLY SLICED and Tbomas W. Dunbar. reUrinR Taeada>-, April 18 I STEER BEEF. BLOCK STYLE Worthy patron was presented ^4dth ^ FRESHLY GROUND VaVs\t4.j •• — r International Supper. WoodruB| Lc Sueur Tender Green CAM AY SOAP Spaghetti mSoIkSn 2 «•'•<>'29c Clam Chowder . 63c C Do-Weds’ musical “ Mardi Gras” 0>m Relish 22c LENTEN frofn Communist succeRses In |Hollister Street School. SWORDFISH. OXYDOL PKG O f 12 tWna. . Saturday. .April 30 Ample Free SPECIAL 2 9 c 1 Sliced Ced -2 5 c Redfish Fillet -3 5 c t Oaly la Idea Stage how i Tall Cedar’s Ceremonial. Ma­ Open Thursflay Chef F o il. . . A pure alumi­ So far the possibility of new m-1 W’e will grind any combination of meat you want for sonic Temple. in. Parking num foil with dozens LGI PKG temaUonal organisations along, .Ma.4 1-1 Evening TUI 8 p. vour favorite meat loaf . • • Ham and Beef . . . Ham, 30c these lines 1* only In the lde*| of uses ...... fl.OO Veal and Pork with Beef or Pork with Beef. W’e have Girl Scout Drive. Facilities K) LB BAG 9 3 * 1 Fleunder Fillet . • 49c Halibut -4 9 c SLICED AMERICAN LB ■Ngf, at least as far as tVashlng- Monday. May 2 Friilav Till 9 regular Ground Beef at 49c lb. and freshly chopped Pillsbury Flour LOdf ChBBSB 45* 'ton la concerned. Bvjt once the 00 0 04 Beethoven Glee Club 74th An­ Tern t • * • ■ • • ..29c MO« Senate discuislon of the Atlantic Lean Round Ground at 76c lb. niversary concert at High school 25 LB BAG \J\ pact Ja oyer, authorities are sure auditorium. DRIFT Brdd Flour Bordons chateau cheese 2 LB LOAF 79* much more will be heard of them. Wedneaday, May 4 Budget Balancing Grocery Products Come to Pinehurst for very fresh sliced to order, O W tv Abroad, proposals for an east­ Women's Auxlltitry, Manchester e g e o A / - . / Cuts, Frankfurts, sliced Swiss Cheese and Boiled Ham. ern Medlterrahean pact have been LGI PKG Memorial HospiUl Spring Deassrt 29c PINAST 5 OZ JAR mere fully developed. Both the Bridge. Manchester Country Club. SpcwJc£wiq.-* Pie Crust Olive-Pimento cowms 24* Greek and Turkish foreign minls- 1:30 o’clock. tera have dlecusied the Idea wdth ’ Saturday, 3Ury 1 L FRUIT COCKTAIL vr- 2 3 British Foreign Minister Bevin. It Parade of Barber Shop (Quartets. Crust Quick e i o S n i r o .» a 1 8 < a4>iJi V exfetcJdei Cream Choose 3-OZ FOIL |9c Is poaalble that Bevin and Acheson High school audlUiriuro. 8 p. m. SPIC « SPAN maj' take up the subject when Also Style Show Breakfast and 26 Ot. the Atlantic pact foreign minlsteri Basaar of Ladles’ Division of Man- Welch’s INDIAN RIVER 64 i 70’t ^ FOR | chestar Country Club at the Coun­ 'nn risco Hot -Roll Mix »w»» " 25« -gather here late next week for the Sovol Buy tho LB PKG 2 3 < GRAPEFRUIT 3 1 9 Aged Cheddar -69< signing of thair treaty. try Club. ' CREAM CORN t i * r i J iU T thrifty 3 lb. size... K Acheson told a news conference ’Tufoday, May 10 Q lllf' J WHin CAKI MIX LB PKG yesterday ha would talk w*lth the Cotton Pickers’ Minstrel at Whl- 33c Oranges n.oa»A . h ia c SS c CELLO PKG Vera-Sharp ■©•dm s 8 0ZPKG 39* visiting foreign mlnlstera about ton Memorial hall, sponsored by Giant 1 Lb. Jar 25c Salad Mix 35c any subJacU they wanted to take North Methodist church groups. B Sice Friday, Mav It TOMATO JUICE CRISCO CHAMRD UB with him. CELLO PKG | 9 c Ctmlmu'e LB PKG WaaM Avoid CompUeatloos Annual concert... of Chamlnad* Again This Week End Pard Dog Food 2 27c Oranges 3n.33c Tomatoes jtaiey s coin starch |2c Preoldcnt Truman will tend the Mualcai dub. Emanuel Lutheran Atlantic - treaty to the Senate church. mPM£ouoYmn more of those tender as butter fresh small Roasters, LfiTIN 35c 3 LB TIN 97c Carrots wistom 2 «hs I5c FLORIDA Sunday, May 32 16 Oc. Cucumbers 2 19c •hortly after It la signed. Commit­ Tmi n « Fryers and Broilers will be sent to us from next door tee hearings and Senate debate Dedication -to Manchester War heroea and Gold Star Parenta rt SALMON to Rebart Turkey Farm. Robart knows his turkeys . . . Broccoli cAurouiM icH 33c could then run Into several weeks, Welch% Meadow-brook Farms knows farm fresh fryers and broil­ Colory ’tx‘5fu7Gr!?H” -25c dn the theory of taking up and VFW Home, sponaored fey An- Fine Quality Coffees EVANGELINE EVAP. deraon-Shaa Post 2848 VFW. 0 R A F I4 U IC I ers. Fowl, of Pinehurst'quality, hard ta And this week WOODBURY’S aettllng one major lasue at a time, LBS the 8&ta department has been . . . but we will have enough to take care of the demand FACIAL SOAP AT SAVING PRICES Escarole »■>" 2 23c Onions M ICHIGAN 5 n 23c fyUma not to Itt tho Atlantic 45 c if it is not too heavy : . . - • treaty become complicated with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 3 REG BARS 25c PMIWMSS SIAUO IN MILK ~ ether aimUar projects. Qo*vR»— PASCAL deuert*. tool (IahtT"t- oMciala wm face two Summer Squash, Radishfis and Cucumbers will be lower RKHMOND BEVERAGES T E A BAGS Majer fBistieiis In trytef to Biaka Doz. OLD DUTCH M)W • Plattin* CELERY ORANGES R A D IS H E S ...... hup. 5c Ftol Of Jole* Lgrfc Re4 Rip* a iA N S U tin n LGE ASSORTMENT 2S-OZ BTLS ^ A E sin Large Baneh eeppae. PKG OF 48 'C PKG OF 100 TAa TINS U g s U NetfcfiB ■Tomatefis ...... box I 5 t FRESH CRISP CUCUMBERS ...... rach 10c 2 BAGS 79* O f fLAVORS contoitfs ^ •wr 2 CTNS 21« Larf« Buddies Extra SUMMER SQUASH ...... lb. 19c 3 >*»eeeeeie»eeeee%eeee*eeeqeeieee*eeeee*e»eeeeee»eeee» Faai^ Golden CaUfomia iL Ji Carrots ...2 hun. for 23d T jm iWir r - ODML. fern* ttsTaa CUT-RITE 55B55e datSd M^ I A toSk.witt Pascal Celery Ig. bun. 25d tfe'Ueeer Oantesl Oowimari^ far W AX P A P a mr th* aata af FIRST STORE aatba tCiadaaa. tu> Fkrfiier Bfowa’s NATIONAL FS.-6. • AvfiOfiUfi Wdfik JSttis / 7 . . / ...... 135 f t ROU 23< ► . Splnfieli > r 2 2 d C f c > o < / ObIt M OF HANGHESTER, IN C Juicy Sweet Florida • 3 0 2 MAIN • 0lAL4lf;i * TEL. 8669 KLEIN'S 644 CENTER BTREET O ranges...... doi. 49d • -dAIOM WOTWIBAM. FOOD STORE .Xpltat March to. MANCHB8TBR EVKNINO HERALD. MANUHE81EK. CONN.. THURSDAY, MARCH 24. 1949 PAGE THUl'

...... * S’ MANOIESTEB e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN w THURSDAY. MARCH 24, 1949 bring their, parents. The purpeee othy T. Robinson, 34, alao solpred, of the rally Friday at 6:30 p. m.' Engagement Jury to Hear early this month. It showed that Club, baa sant {hvtutlona ^ to aU Let Lacrease to explain the aecompUshmeaU ^Plan to Study the woman waa kUIad bscauee dub, will be the- guest sps^*'- thill «-H work. AU attcndlag are Moors was "conaumtd with jeal­ been ill at her home on Main street | Entertalamant will also b » prsvld- cbaitsr mambera o f tli* orgaalaa- S MinulM ! tloa. and It ia axpacted that a NoivSieSjmt^ to bring a hot dlah, aalad or des­ ously" because "she had . lest her ia able to be’up again. 25th Birthday RoaacU-FiBch About Slaying affection for him,” the coroner tide large crowd will attend. Riding Rates se rt Persona not already regia- Liquor Habits Jobless to Be James H. Patrlc of this town RuAell J. Paul, pnaidant o f the sir. and klra. Horaca R. RusseU, ■aid. , and soli conservator for Tolland aid tarad in 4-H work are requeetad Parties Pointing to contact Mrs. John Murqm, Mrs. o f 71 Walla street, announce the The killing waa premeditated County has returned from Belta- WHhewt fttotu lBailweh r for Full Flavor To Be Noted Sute^i T wq Largest Bus Fred MlUer or Mrs. Wlnthrop Mer- Yale Researchers Will coming marriage of their daugii- Will Gmsider Indict* and ’’unjuttlflable murder with Parley Theme vllle, Md., where he spent four ter, Grace Jean to Harold J. Finc^. malice aforethought," Corrigan ra- weeks taking a'special course in rlam for'Birther Informatlcm. ment Against Moore in Companies Authorized John Dempsey, Democratic rep- Send Questionnaires to ■on o f Mr. and Mra. Fred L. Finch ported. m ngier k Each Other ■oil conservation. Kiwanis O u b to Cele- o f StaffordvIUe. The muelcgl comedy, " I Long .to reeentatlve from Putnam sad field 80 Colleges Killing of Girl Friend Moore attacked Mrs. Robinson State Q O to Hold Con­ To Raise Fares ^ secretary for Mra. Chase Going Tbe wedding wiU take place at Belong" which was presented in . brate Event Here on on March 9 in a York street store Woodhouee, has advised Mrs. Wal­ tbe South M etbAlst church ' on where she was employed, the coro­ tha Senate alone. Th*!^ P^P®?*** ference on Unemploy­ Springfield Tuesday night under WOOD New Haven, March 34— (JP)—A. April 25th TOUT kMatjrt or Hartford, March 24—(P>—Oon- ter F. Hiltgen, "I feel Coventry Is New. Haven, March 34 — (/r>— Saturday. May 14. ner's finding related, and stabbed on •Tatv amendment under which the the auspices of Temple I^Fh El Don’t w aH lAta m e 4 n c e M fo r Dm b ^ Superior court grand jury was commissioner’s appointment would ment at Capitol nectleut’e two Uggaet hue tratia- in dire need heed o f a post offloe How inuch do college students her repeatedly with a large knife will be repeated in Hartford, April POK n sUMket «e*eUe. ose4 eew w ef* convened today to consider an in­ bilftjf FaMuhev of require approval o f bote House The Kiwanis Club o f Manchester br mllUoM fo r o « » » M w o n . portatton cbmpanlea have been and that the present building is en­ drink'and why T "as she cried for mercy" and "pro­ 16 and 17. ’This is of Interest to Sprr r ^ aa4 wffl tlio U mOrntt tirely inadequate. However, be­ and Senate, but the Senate reject' Watarbury, March 24— (M— "Tbe Ellington and vicinity music lovers will be celebrating its 26th anni­ 24' drinking as fashionable on dictment against Le^vis O. Moore, tested she had done ncthlng Atunnhly to Agree on kU iw tohw aorii eat authoriMd to increaM fares to a fore a town can apply for a Gov­ Catholic Group wrong.” ed It by a voice vote. ■a it was written by the late Dr. versary in April, and plans have er PUmt wbloe4. dot Dooa’s PUk, the campus aa it was raputad to be 23, accused by Coroner James J. Connecticut Stats CIO will hold a flat ten cents a ride. ernment-built post office building, Republicans have ready a public been formulated to have a gala ia prohibition daya whw a Saak Corrigan of slaying his girl friend L^islation conference on unemployment In Leonard W. Levine. its local office must do a yearly Selects Officers works bill of their own in the Measles cases are on the derline celebration on April 4, at the TEL, 8424 ’The Ineraeae, effective April 1, on cha hip waa p«qmlariy eupposed In a jealous rage. TEA House, and will insist on a share in the old Senate chamber at the 51 BISSELL STREET wee authortaed yeaterday by tbe business o f $10,000 or over. In the In addition to Moore’s case, the as there are few school children Sheridan Restaurant. Dinner will last audited year, 1947, receipts to ba aa naocasary to tha weU- Hertford, March J4—(*>—Wbo’a the appointing power when It State Capitol, Hartford, on March BtaU PubUc UUUUea. It affecU grand jury will weigh evidence IIMITID TIMI ONLY who have escaped them. T h e^ be served at 6:30. from the Coventry post office shew dreeaed oellsfa man as a eoonskln A t a recent meeting ot Gibbons rcaponaUfle for the fhUuro of the comes up in that chamber, • have been few cases, among the thoueande bf rlderi on the bus line coat? ' against FiUlppe T<>maeel, 86, end 29 it was announced today. Wives and lady friends of the 19,868. As eoon as racelpta reach Assembly, Catholic Ladies of " Co­ Joseph Celso, 81, held by police In 1 peUttcalljr-divided General Aesem- older people. School attendance Is "Dan^f ■yeteme o f the Connecticut com­ 'The speakers will Include Hy­ members will be the honored Take Less Than The Best" $10,000 or over, the town.will auto­ Tha answers to those and other lumbus, the following officers were connection with the fetal shooting gradually getting back to normal. pany and tbe OonnecUcut Railway questions concerning tha tippling ' My ,to agree on legiala^ioo? , man Bookbinder, assistant re­ guests, and the festivities will be and Lighting company. matically be placed on the Govern­ elected: Prceldent, Mrs. Stanley of Samuel Kehan, local jeweler, FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS search director. Amalgamated I known as “ Ladies Night." Clar­ POULTRY SPECIAI.S FOR FRI, AND SAT. ment building eligibility list." Mrs. habits o f luidergraduatcs ara being The answer seems to be ss hard The two companies wiere given Juros; vice president, Mra. John during an attempted robbery. Marlborough ence Quimby, former principal of Hiltgen, Arthur Sebert, State Dem' ■ought by Yale research workers, FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW FRIAI..ATUR! f to And as that to the query of the Clothing Workers of America Jul­ to the end of this year to redeem Hajfford: honorary president, Mra. Complete Account Gives ius Rothman, eastern representa­ the Manchester High School and a L srfo Native and Fresh KlUed Well-Meated Fowl lb. 59c ocratlc committeeman of Coven­ the university''announced today. E old song "Who threw the overalls Veteran Poliee the tokens they now used, told at John Dely; recording eecretary, Coroner Corrigan reported last The P. T. A. voted at , its laal tive CIO Community Services past president of the Kiwanis Large Roasting Chickens .•••■fee...... jh# ow try, and Mrs. Woodhouse, a United Queettonnairea win be sent to night that Moore, a New Haven Our new sanitary process gives yon a delirious, crisp, Fin Mrs.'Murphy’s chowder?" the rate of three for 25 cento. about SO coUeges throughout the Mra. Geno Andreini; flnanclel sec­ I***—— Each other meeting to sponsor the serving of Committee: Howard E. Hausraan. j Large Capons .. # ■ # a...... States representative, through Mr. Negro, had given him a complete golden brown food ~ Seals in the flavor! Come in and Official Retires School Bate To Be Raieed Dempsey, have been investigating nation. Undergraduates will be retary, Mra- W alter Anderson; * A lot of opinions are being ex- milk at the new Mary Hall school Elxccutive director. Division of AH From The Bennett Turkey Farm treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Volta. account o f the killing of Mra. Dor- try them! FRIED OYSTKILS AND CLAMS PACKED Employment. aecurRyState Labor’ In addition to being the flat ten the poeslbllity of such a building asked to fill them out ■■ a class > I pressed on Capit<^ hill these days, beginning on Monday, March 28 cent fere, the buae lines were au­ Installation will take place TO TAKE HUME. CAI-I, .1803. department, and Margaret C. Dris­ in Coventry. room assignment. r l but it all adds up to the rival and parents are asked to send Guilford, March 24— —Gull- | thorised to raise all other cash and Wednesday, April 27, by the state coll. state CIO legislative agent. Mrs. Mabel O. Hail, tax collec­ F’Sw Faeta On OHupas Drtaldag J. f f parties pointing the finger of money to the teachers by Friday ford’s first police chief, Alfred H. INSURE Lean Smoked Shoulders . ,,»• • ,1b, 45c ticket feres, except echool tickets, resident, Mies Anne Meeney, of A highlight includes a survey of Supemor, has taken off his badge. O v«r tor, in two days haa mailed out Profeeeon Balden D. Bacon and kf blame at each other. o f this week. \Vlth StahLMeyer Daisy Hams ...... lb. 75c by 2(k per cent. School tleketa will some 3,067 biUs to Coventry prop­ Robert Btraua, co-directora o f the Danbury. COMMUNITY RESTAURANT ■ ^ The •itUAtion lUuBlrated unemployment conditions in the The retirement of the veteran A ll membera interested in or­ STOP GAS THIEVES! ’The P. T. A. also had a discus­ Stahl-Meyer Hickory Bacon ...... lb. 69c remain at the present four and erty ownere. On Monday the re­ survey, say there’s etill a lot of I yesterday when both the Democra- sion and it was decided to hold a major industries of the state by police official for reasons of ill McKlNNEY BROTHERS Thrtiti Hundrtid one.balf cents until the next ganising a Glee Club will meet at. IM NORTH MAIN STRRET MANCHRSTBR the State directors of CIO interna­ health and advancing years waa ceived the rate bill from Rate- talking about eampue drinking but S tic-controlled Senate and the Ite- food sale in April, a supper in Real Estate and iBsaraace Finished Monuments and echool year atarta in September. Maker Mra. Bertha O. Cour, town very few facta. the K. of C. Home Friday, at 7:30. MePsi tional unions. announced yesterday by the town 608 MAIN ST. ‘TEL. S6iS Rev. Robert Carroll will direct. i i publican House decided it would be May and a play in the faU the H. L. HANDY’S FRESH DRESSED PORK PR O D U (^ Markera In Our Display ’The school rate will go up • to clerk and treasurer. Tuesday ’The information they dig up, Small betl!« a good thing to boost old age pen- proceeds of which will be used for Must Study Oanaes Board o f Police Commi-seioners. 0 ■ ’The Program committee will FUEL TANK Supemor now 70. started police five cents then. Mrm Hall mailed out 1.382 proper­ they hope, wUl be useful to college PtHCf fUw*r I Sl«»s—but couldn’t get together on establishing a school lunch fund. Pork Ijoins, Whole or Rib H a l f ...... jh, Me 1 Yard To Choose F rom !,, ■In a 34-page finding, the com- meet Monday evening at 8 o’clock lOCKINQ CAP In Issuing the announcement of work as a constable 17 years ago, ty tax bllla to town residents and admintstraton, parents and health f ivQg wMi ••ck the details. A special town meeting will be Fresh Shoulders...... mlaaloq reviewed the history of St the home of Mra. Stanley Juros. the conference, a CIO spokesman and wrat made chief when the on Wednesday the remaining 1,715 authorities. Prevents theft or contami­ S «a to r Charles House (R-Man- held in the Richmond Memorial both eompanice, their operations 03 Pearl etreet ^ptkw s4 9 said "attention must be focused on General Assembly fir-st luthorized Breakfast Sausage, Little L in k ...... lb. u9c The Finest In bijis were mailed to the non-resi­ nation o f fuel.' Can’t be EchesUr) charged that it was the Library building on ’Tuesday. and earnings. It concluded that 'the dent taxpayers. Billa were issued growing layoffs and short time. a town police force. opened without key. Shop Here With A Small ! Democrats’ fault. They were re- March 29 at 8:00 p. m. to act on Intelligent study muat be made of fare Increase, first in 24 yeara was at a tax rata of 32H mlUe on a dol­ esert i e r i porting administration bills Inw the foUowlng matters: For the past year and a half he BEEF CUTS FROM THE HOUSE OF SWIFT Local Boy Scouts Chrome plated. D F ?W the causes of today’s unemploy­ has been a.ssistant to Chief Design warranted because of increased lar on the list of 1948. Such taxes Retreat League ith e Senate without exploring the 1. 'To act upon the recommen­ .lb. 69c costa for wages, materials and are due and payable April I and TOIIIT WAfll ment and the remedies that must George Fogarty. Boneless Chucks, For Pot Roast Puree and A Big Bashet [ posslblUUes of seeking a com- dations of the committee appoint­ be applied. Boneless Rib Roast, For Oven Roast .lb. 7.5c Workmanship equipment become delinquent May 2 of this To Hold Contests To Hold Meeting MH tOK lOUP 'iCSPl 1.25 i pro^se in committee rooms, he ed at the special town meeUng ■’’TblB conference will be the .lb. 65c ’The commission ordered the year. Interest will be charged Our every day low- prices, our sensational values ploa Boneless Veal Roast ...... • e • e e e < 9HMIW held March 15 as follows: state CIO’s major effort at this Material CR and L to study operetlona tn from April 1, 1949, after May 2. MiPaSPARCHIIE a. Concerning regulations for .lb. .59c ’The Maneheeter District Boy large assortments of food in massive displays, all mark* ' * Dsmoersts promptly blamed Uie time to get in motion a program Police Board Extra Lean, Fresh Ground Beef .... \ its Wateebury, Norwalk and Mrs. Hail statee she will be at the Promoters of Our Lady of Sor­ the construction and coversion of .lb. 69c Scouts will hold an later-troop VALVE QTENnON SPECIAL OFFER to acquaint i Republicans. Every administration to deal with the problem of unem­ Bxtra Lean Beef for Stew Bridgeport dlviskms and report Town Clerk’s office April 2, 9, 16, rows Leymcn’e Retreat League ed at great savings. Shop at CARRA'S for all yonr food 23 and May 2. She will be at her. contest Friday evening, March 35 Spare tire can more women with the secret i bill is being fought by the Repub­ dwellings. ployment, which la affecting Cutting done in our own what changes it can make without w ill meet at the Knights of Colum­ b. Concerning regulations for Meiiil>er Dies I at the Y at 7:15 p. m. AU-seven of thii perfume'* isntetional needs and pocket the difference. licans, they contended. Just be- thousanda of our union members, shop from the rough stone impairing service. ’The Oonneett- home in North Coventry on April bus home tomorrow evening at 8 be inflated with­ GROTE AND W EIGEL PRODUCTS I 6, 18, 20 and 27. Her houra on troope wUI participate. I cause Governor Bowles is for it. trailer camps and trailer coaches. as well as addlUonal thousands of eut company was directed to study o’clock. A t that Ums lists of for­ o u t opening tuccess . . . thii lattinq 2. To act upon a proposed or­ .. lb. 55c to the (Inched memorial. those- days will be from 9 a. m. ’The flrat event on the program AMPLE PARKING SP.UE glpr.. the General Assembly con- the unorganised.” New Haven, March 24—(JP< Long Bologna, Veal Baked lA >af...... U New Haven dlvleion'e operations mer retreatenta and prospects wUl trunk. For aU vehicles with fragrance that blend* the dinance regulating the dlmensione Police Commissioner John P. to eliminate kMeee, improve eerv- until 4 p. m. wiU ba Scouteraft when troops wlU be prepared for contact by tbe pA>- i vened 11 weeks ago, the House 'The confefence will start at 10 Franks, Mincrf Ham concealed spare tiree modern end urbane with o f future aub-dlvlBlon of lota. Keleher, 75, died here yesterday Ice and make operations pay. Gretcl Tyler, Jeanette Oonetan- be compered to ranks received motera. I and Senate have come to m., and adjourn at 1 p. m. Plan now to have a locker for your early vegetables. co m p a rt to troop enrollment. i tot OeSofe ontf H r mouth Cot$ the mystery and ma’qneti*m We Feature Swift's Quality Meats 3. To act upon a resolution after a brief illneae. He ser\*ed as a ■ FeUtlona Filed lAst 6fay tine end Sally Thomas, represent­ ITic annual retreat of the Man­ ment on only one bUl of We have a few to rent at this time. Contact Mr. Bigelow MANCHESTER ing the Coventry Day school, were o f th s eternal desert. providing lor the creation of a member of the Board of Fire Com- Both companies filed petitions ’These eventa wUl follow: Fire chester chapter ot the Retreat ; rtgnlficance. That waa a heard and seen over television building by friction, fire method, NATII'K SsBgthenlng the anU-evlctlon Town Planning Commission con­ mlsaioners from 1924 until. 1933 or Mr. Larrabee'your locker plant boys. lest May asking for tbe rate league will be held at the Passton- sisting of five members pursuant Wedneadsy at 7:30 p. m. ’The trio, Paul Revere race, patrol obstacle [ lAWS. wid wM adopted only after when he was appointed to the MEMORIAL booeta. ist monastery at West Springfield. to the General Statutes of the known as the "Three Squemks,” race, knot tying contest, first aid, [ more than a week of heated argu- Ellington Police commission by Mayor John FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS ’Two hearings wars held on each Mass., starting Friday, May 6, and ROASTING State of Connecticut. W. Murphy. He had served on that COMPANY acted and sang "Buttons and racing and Morse atgnaUing. continuing through Sunday, May company’s petition, the lest tn Bows" over Channel 6 from New 4. To nominate and elect the The next meeting of tlie Ladies’ commission continuously since Birdseye Or Seabrook French Fried Potatoes 2 pkgs. 5.5c OompetlUon is very keen in 8, Last year 93 members of the ROY MOTORS ! **TOe adopUon of the antl-evlcUon A. AIMETTI. Pro^ January, and provoked a consider­ Haven Station W NH CTV on the members of the Planning Cora Benevolent Society will be held in that time. Birdseye Green Peas— Seabrook Green Peas • - 2 for |>.ic these conteeta. Troop 37 has won local chapter attended the retreat. ! bin several weeks ago marked a able amount of opposition from o f­ Chamberlain Junior Parade pro­ Incorporated CHICKENS mission. the social rooms of the churcli ! A retired superintendent of the COR. P E A R L and HARRISON the swimming contest and Troop ’The capacity of the retreat house fundamental change in the rela- French Fried Onion R in g s ...... oo ficials in some of the cities affect­ gram. 241 No. Main St. (S M d c m ii S-g L K Average 6. ’To act on the following: Tuesday, March 29 at 8 p.m. Connecticut company. Keleher is STREETS ed and other groups claiming to 98 has won the flrat aid contest. is <103 persons, and the promoters | PLUMP, TENDEB. 6IEATY t^Tofthe two parties. Until No person shall bring garbage 1 Dole Pineapple Chunks ...... ••••...pkg. .lOc A special play and casting meet of the chapter are aiming at that T e l. 5113 SCENT SHOP Mrs. Maude P. Steele who has survived by a granddaughter, Mis), Oppmlte Feet Cemetery represent segments o f the public Parents and any persons inter­ then, there had been a lot of talk­ or other rubbish into the Towm of ing will take place Wednesday at number to attend the retreat this i been ill at her home on Maple Robert Lockwood and two great OUR OWN PACK TELEPH O NE 7787 Or 5‘!07 ested in Boy Scouting are welcome Open Saturday Afternoons 901 Main St. , TeL 5321 ing on both Bides of the need for Marlborough from any other town grandchildren. Barbara and Ed­ 7:30 p. m. in the auditorium of the year, | cooperaUon and wlUlngness to co- street ia recovering and able to sit Fresh Froren Strawberries...... 2 pkgs. 98c to attend the contest for dumping or for any other rea­ ward Lockwood, all of New Haven. Open Snndeye Nathan Hale Community Center, NATIVE FOWL up Tuesday for the first time. for the Coventry Pleyera’ "Here FRESH DRESSED, TENDER. YOUNO son. Mrs. Jennie DeCarll who 1 \s Funeral plans are incomplete. These Are Very Special! I “‘ » ^ r a U had sought Jo ohum A ll rubbish coUected by any per­ ( f i t * Buy Direct sad Save Mosey 1 South Coventry Comes Charlie," the group plan to lUpohUcan approval of the anu- t ______present in May. Marshall Love- son who shall make a charge for Mi a Paultoe Uttle Srtrtlon bill in hm collections. shsU be carried to the grove o f Bolton, chairmen of the failad. Then they passed their blU regular town dump and ahall not WUUmaatte Bs. Phene t62ft-Wl play and casting committee hopes PORK ROAST I In the Senate, and the Republicans be dumped in any other section of to be able to eatect the entire cast I RIB END promptly passed one of their o ^ the town whether the property be TO N IG H T'S An aihilt Bible cleae for persona o f 10 persona that evening foUow­ in the House. A fter a lot of talk- SWIFT’S’ SELECT privately owned, leased or rented 38 years o f age and over w ill get lng the reading of the three-act Uig and finger-pointing, a under way Sunday at 9:30 k. m. comedy. Jay Tobtaa is the author. oiS^ eventuaUy waa worked out for such purposes, or whether per­ SUPPER SPECIAL mission of the property owner has at the United Methodist church of Club members are urged to at­ ind passed in a hurry. tend. RIB ROAST been granted, unless permission SERVED 5 TO 8 P. M. Bolton under the direction of Rev. The Rout That Pleasee Mnnt Refuse To Delay Action 'John B. Post, pastor. Kveryone is Since thqn. Democrats have shall be granted by tbe Board of 824-828 M AIN STREET TEL. 5161, MANCHESTER Selectmen. Ipvited. The service of worship SWIFT'S BONELESS adopted a strategy of refusing to Full Course Dinner taet morning will include special delay administration measures in «. To’authorise a majority of Music by Jacobi muelc by the vested choir. Rev. WEIK-END order to obtain RepubUcan appro-, the Board of Selectmen to trans­ VEAL ROAST val in committee. Instead, they ve I fer a part of ’Town Aid funds due Post will take as his sermon topic: BREADED VEAL CUTLET '"•what M WaYVlIl bf God?’». Program Feature snik Fed — No W aste been brought into the Senate for the town of Marlborough to proj­ Philip, 14-nlonths-old ton o f Mr. quick passage, and then sent down ect No. 78-36 Lake Road. To S W IFT’S S.MOKCD grade, gravel and install necessary French Fried Potatoes and Mra. Elmore A. Turkington, HartfonI, March 24—OP)—"Un- to the House. underwent a major operation at Republicans have countered in culverts from a point one-half Cole Slaw lUie children, composers should two ways. Administration blUs to mile west of Jones Hollow Road Tea or Coffee, Ice Cream tha Hartford hospital ’Tuesday SHOULDERS a distance of approximately one- 8S morning. The baby wUl be con- usually be heard and not seen, Shoppers' Specials which they are fundamentally op­ Short Staask— Premium Cooked posed— such as the governors quarter mile, under supervision of ffned at tha hospitaii for about an­ Oomposer Frederick Jacobi an­ housing measures — have i^en the Engineering Department ot other week. nounced last night after a concert fr’v n $ ___ .^.oirasAlTl Gilbert H. Storre, chairman of shunted back to committee while the State Highway. of his wor^s in tbe fourth Hertt O O. P. leaders consider what to To designate which of two the town 4-H committee, wishes to •-‘7. H S I P you e C O N O M l M remind any children interested in school Institute ot Contemporary I f do about them. On issues on which routes proposed shall be built. ARTHUR'S '/z BACON SQUARES American Music. the two parties are basically 7. To transact any other busi­ 942 MAIN STREET 4-H work that they are welcome TO to attend the spring rally and Mr. Jacobi, professor of compo­ ajc'fted-" such as the old a|^e pen* ness proper to come before said sition at the JuUIiard school, went ALL PRICES CUT • e • THIS WEEK ONLY! n f Sion inurw^ increase — RepubUcans l»v e - town meeting. on to explain that composers usu­ ? brought forward a Wu of tneir DAISY HAMS ally made fools of themselves LEAN, MH.D CURED own. differing on details. when they talked about their mu­ I Both RepubUcan and Democratic Look-Alikes Housewives these days want to make every dol­ sic. However, he said, his Idea was I old age pension bills proposed that lar count without scrimping on quality. That la * the present 160 celling on benefits expressed by MoXart who hoped be Uated. Instead payments wo^d SWEETHEART SOAP 4 V r 28e where Bursack’s enters the picture, with the best his compositions would appeal to he made on a basis of actual need. __ and nothing but the best— at featured econom­ people on first hearing, though he ECONOMY COFFEE 43c hoped mtisirlans would see more No. I BAG BpUt Ob AdmlniatrstioB Patterson^s Market ical prices. e and more in them whenever they Tha two parties apUt owar a ques­ ------TEL. 3386 LIBBY’S RED ALASKAN tion of adnUnlatratlon. ’The Dem- 101 CENTER STREET played them. ocntlc bUl would require aPPWea* I WOODBURY tiocia to be filed with the State RIB E N D SALMON Tall Tin 63c Welfare department: the Republi­ BONELESS, TOP QUALITY . . FACIAL SOAP 4 Cake* For can measure would retain the pres­ Bird Quilt LIBBY’S ent system of having appUcatlona lb. ROAST PORK »> 5 9 « made to municipal oSlclala. CHUCK ROAST FRUIT The Senate aieo adopted yester­ SU N LIG H T C day a blU to re-eatablish the state SMOKED public works department, but this LEAN SHORT SHANK, SMOKED, 4-6 LB. AVG. Tall Tin too waa enmeshed in the partisan COCKTAIL 23c controversy over details. BUTTER PICNICS i.b. 49c LIB B Y’S .N O . 8 •rhe two parties agreed that the lb. / department was needed to handle SHOULDERS the state’s first big building pro­ i.b. 39c JUICE 25c gram in a decade, for which Gov­ PICKLED TRIPE ernor Bowles has proposed a $100,- PATTERSON’S QUALI-TY ■ > > • .6 9 * MOTTS 000,000 bond issue. But Republl- cana objected to a provision under ■ ./ PURITAN which the governor would appoint lb. I? APPLE SAUCE 2 r.. 29c LIB B Y’S RED a commlaaloner to head the depart­ CHOPPED REEF 79c HEAVY WARDOLEUM YARD GOODS HUNT'S ment, subject to confirmation by BACON RE6. 4.98 FRiNOED H09NAIL SPREAD FRESHLY SLICED WAFER T H I N ______SALM O N 63c Our lowest price In years for such a fine White and Beet value in printed enamel floor cover­ WHITE MEAT TUNA 45c fringed hobnail! ’The flu ffy tufts are closely PastelB ing lor yotJT money! Heavy enamel surface Do FALSE TEETH lb. g 9 e spaced on a sturdy cotton base. A charm­ is baked on. thick felt-base. Bright tiles, 66- i UBBY’S ing traditionally American spread. Full marbles, florals in choice of colors. 6 ft. yd. Rock, Slide or Slip? DMEDBEEF 'Vide. ■ ~ W I sizes. For FASTEEn'H an Improved powder to FRUIT COCKTAIL 16 Oc. Can CUCUMBERS i aprinkled on upper or lower plate*. ( SWIFT’S BROOKFIELD FANCY FIRM i holda faU* teeth more nrmly In plaae. FAIRMONTS READY-TO-COOK FROZEN FRYING ^ Do not illde. illp or rock. No eummy, ; gooey, paaty ta»te or feellne. FAB- lb. REG. 4.98 M EN ’S WHITE ATHLETIC * TEBTH la alkaline (non-acid). Does CHICKEN E.cb $1.87 Our Vegetablea are delivered fresh daily and not aour. (?lveck» "plate odor" (rtent-1 BUTTER Cut Into 8 Portion* OXFORI» 50CKS c '.* ur* brekth). Get FASTEETII at any | drug store. CREAM CORN 19 Average Weight Before X i (ini lO-M-II kept under refrigeration to protect Sizes liom 45 8370 3-3 yr*. long-wearing, comfortoble iheir freshness. Grocery Dept. LIBBY’S FISH DINNER An easy-going tiylel Supple sock* o f 50''o new wool, with Wqr II Both For brown leather, double-stitched LIBBY’S FANCY FROZEN FRESH By Sue Burnett nylon reinfcrcejl heel. toe. TOMATO JUICE „ 25c Word-q-lite soles. A fine buy! • Vets Preference 1 PKG. FAIRMONT FRENCH FRIES- The popular Mother and Daugh- | NATHT HOTHOUSE DANDELIONS Tall Tin ter vogue is hlKhliglited today i RED SALMON 63C Ready To Heat and Eat with these smart, quaintly styled { SA5'E! REG. 1.25 Mm* OMO OaBe Reneea ander daytime dresses. Narrow ruffling , 2.91 MEN'S C O n O N SUMMER SQUASH, GREEN STRING BEANS leetmetlaa to vartaee aecUoaB 1 PKG. 40 FATHOM COD FILLI:TS Ready To Cook and Serve trinas each drera —snd.a crisp pet- | PAJAAAAS ^75 WALL ENAMEL el Meaeaeeter. LIBBY’S ticoai ia included in each pattern. ^ PINEAPPLES and eata wRa * ad- Fun to sew! By Mrs. Anne Cabot Gloss or Semi-Gloss •BtoRed apetaltw Hot FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 1 Tall Tin 23C Pattern No. 8309 la for sizes 10, Tuck your wee-one under this I aB aaenat Breptoea. 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Slxe 12, dress, cheerful blue - bird • of • happiness Gleaming new beauty for your quilt. ’Three darling litUb birds' STORE HOURS: 8 to-6 P. M-— ThorMay URtll 9 P. M.' Itae, oappat and araee 0 '« yards of 39-ihch; petticoat, 8 wall* ond woodwork. For kifcl^en, We toelto year to. LIBBY’S FANCY MEDIUM SIZE MdNTOSn yards. btmgrily await Mamma to arriva * ’ Closed All Day Mondays Pitee S IM M end ap- Pattern No. 8370 comes in sizes with their breskfeet. Pale yellow both, loundry, etc. • Gal. 4.17 Lgst. Tin 25c 3. 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8 ye^rs. Blse 4„ ie a.dellghtful color for the 12-lnch TOMATO JUICE 'dress, 2 U yards of 39-lnch; petti­ background squares and the birds APPLES 3u» SS« are caaily eppiiqued In gay colors. Attention coat, 1 1-8 yards: iPPif. REG. 4.39 ROLL For these patterns, send 28 Add more blocks if you want a 3 Lb. Tin larger quilt end make the 9-inch 1CRISCO OR SPRY 95C cents, in Goins, for Each pattern border scalloped or plain. ~ •RICK SIDINOI Non Veterans! C A L iro B N T A ordered, your name, address, aixee CARRA^e Patterii No. 5706 consists 'of Orslred. and the Pattern Number OaaBtrBcUoa ta accord SAFETY EDGE material requirements, complete to Sue Burnett, The Manchester cutting pattern for blocks and tbe u c a ^ ^ plBaa aad aped- CARROTS Evening Herald, 1180 A've. Amer­ applique birds, color suggestions looks like real brick, yet costi W A X PAPER 125FL RoU 21c icas. New York 19, N. Y. and flniahlng directions. much less, lasting, fire-resistant. 2 b u n c h o 1 g|c ’The Spring and Summer Fashion Send 20c in coins, your name, • C o v e r* 100 tq. ft. MARKR contains 64 pages of smart styles, address and the Pattern Number ' fashion news, more American Oe- JorvisReiiltyCo. 1 BEEC|I]4UT. CROPPeD to Anne Cabot, The Manchester 1 SOUTH MAIN STREET OPEN algnsr Originals. Free psttem Evening Herald, 11.10 Ave. Ameri- •E A L T O e S ' printed inside the book. 26 cents. cei. New York l9. N, Y. 654 CaiMM S t ^ t r BABY FOODS 2|.r.29c TcL 41lf Or p t l 1 MANCHl^TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 PAGE ■ 'r f » MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- TMUKaOAY, MARCH 24. 104 li®^roUI^TBEW Surowiec^s basket Gives PA^s 53-51 Win Over Nassiffi Ksmattasr, Louts aitlsn, Arthur McFall, Danisl V*rllll, Allan Usk, Rockville Franda Larson. Amc Bterud, Mar- Wildcat Stars Un aifford, Joseph 0 « “ y* Joe DiMaggio's Heel Louis to Stage StrsngfeliV John Moran, Robert B.V Deciding Tally Comes Stoddard. Herbert Wharp, John THE loiy Asked Rady Paul lacobuccl,, William Chicago Fight Earl W. O n W est Coast Schaeffer, Arthur OuamM, Stan­ Disturbing to Yanks In Final Ten Seconds' For Rockville ley McCray. Norman Dowdlng, Compikd by Stndento of Manehestw Hlfh School Miaa BoIm Katoa. Fbcvlty Atfviacr Yo$t Ernest Backofen. Charles Helnta, THURSDAY, MARCH 24 diBrlM and Wolcott to sport* Ediloi Kentucky Prepare* for John Yaskulka, P. Joseph Gulnan. VOL. XVI, NO. 27 No Definite AMurance Meet Next June in ANGLE NCAA Finals Against Capacity Crowd Watche* Alex Manchuck, Alden Bailey, UQ ********"*** ^Rearing to Be Held at Henry Butler, Everett Moore, Lose 2nd Debate DebatorsAre Chicago for Crown Ol^homa Saturday Two-Point Victory George DeCormler. S. & B. Members Legion of Honor Clipper Will Be Able' Exciting Battle «t Capitol on April 14 to BowUsf Popularity IncrcMe* f baaebaU each week, weather per- i Vincent Ingraham. John b . Honor Cagers On Federalism To Open Season in ^ Chicago, March 24.—(**)—Joe Seattle. March 24 — (*5-The Polish Americans (63) Rec; Rematch Seen Dailey. Michael Zawistowskl, Mat- 3rd in Match Manchester is becoming more mitting, once the Twilight Base­ p B F PU Discuss Matter Hear Club History This week’* Legton man la well ^ Louis, in hi* new rote of boxing and more bowling conacioua with ball Lieague * into action. East cam* West last night, rsady them Smyth. Rocco CSroUe. Rudolph Familiar Outfield Spot' premotor, ha* jacked Chicago for 4 Surowiec, rf . . .. . 4 3-3 11 Likely; Burke Stum With Banquet known In athletic drclea In M. H. The Debating Socisty lost Its each passing month and much' Game* will be achsduled evsry to give you Oklahoma A. A M. 2 W. Parclak. if .. . 5 2-4 12 ItodcvUle, March 24.— (SpeclM) O. Heck, John 3. Spaulding, ^ w - th* Essard Charlea-Jersey Joc Monday, Wednesday and Friday —The committee appointed by rence A. Fountain, Russell Rich­ The history of Sock and Buskin S., especially In baseball. Every­ second debate of the year on the ake Four Matches to •St. Petersburg. Fla., March 24— i Walcott heavyweight acrap for credit belongs to La* OeCkm and and all the points you think you’ll 2 ZamoitU. If .. . .. 0 1-1 1 AI Surowiec’a basket with but was related to the members by universal topic, “ World Federal­ th* Manchester Bowling Green. evening at th* West Bid* Oval. 2 Koae, c ...... 4 1-2 9 Mayor Frederick BerRcr In the in- ards, George F. DeCormler. Emil one tecognlzea him as Bldward Mc­ (*•/—How about Jo* DlMaggioT the Brown Bomber^ vacated title. Six teama wUI again comprise need to beat Kentucky In th* ten seconds remaining In the game tereaU of an armory for Rockville Pantaleo, Bruno F. Patria. Er- Exchange Club Dinner Mrs. Helen Page Skinner at their ism," to South Hadley by a Judgea* Two Defeats; Receive, Th* twenty lanaa at the BowUng 0 Vilga, c ...... 0 1-1 I : Carthy. The doubtful condition of the. If wa* in Chicago’* Oomtekey’s the circuit, all of whom were N.C.A.A. baaketball championships broke a 51-51 deadlock and enabled held a meetlns- last evening at the mond G. Pola, Thomas L. Larkin, meeting Wednesday, March 23, Ed haa caught for the locw decision x>f two to. one In South Baseball Briefs Park that Loul* lifted the heavy­ Green are among the finest In 1 3 Server, rg ...... 3 0-0 8 ; Honors MHS Players; High Speaker Ratings Yankee Clipper is the moat d is-. New England. DeOon, owner and members a year ago. 'They are the Saturday night. 1 3 Staum, Ig . . . . . 4 5-7 13, Obmmon Council >*1th Col. Charles Rooco Bonadlcs. Kenneth B. Leon­ held In the Drama room. baseball team for four years, and Hadley, Taesdsy, March 8. H m turbing note of the spring train­ weight crown from Jim Braddock league champion British Ameri­ 1 the Pollsh-Amcrlcans to eke out ard. William J. Moore, Joseph C. In 1919 a dramatic club waa affirmative speakers for Manches­ in 1987 and it may be in the same general manager of the plant, Eastern coaches wers so far a 53 to 51 win over the NasaIR Beach presiding. Dr. Slockdalc Speaks last year played with the league- The ll.H.S. Debating Society, ing season. cans. playoff kings, Moriarty gone on the Wildcats, kings of the The proposed site for the w - LaShay. Anthony P- Marouaki. started at M. H. S. by Miss Ix)la winning British Americans In the ter were Jane Rottner and Phyllis Yanka ball park next June at the pro­ sponsor* th* famed Blue Ribbons 18 Total* ...... , 20 13-20 33 1Arms quintet last night at th« Godlng for upperclassmen. It defending Its 1948 champianahiii, There is no definite assurance In th r Northern' Connecticut Brothers, and Rockvllte, United Atlantic side of the basketball Nosslff .Arm* (31) Rec. . mory would be on a portion of the Kenneth W. Uttle, Alexander G. Twilight League. He also played Sllverstein. Susan • Householder that DlMag. hobbled by a tender St. Petersburg, Fla., March 24— posed 15-round match between Aircraft, Silk City Ace* and the » S2 acre property of the American “ Give yoHth a challenge; the was not until 192.''} that the under­ and Don Barry took the'negative won second place by'placing third The absence of extra-base Charles and Walcott take* place. League. The Ribbons, won the first country, they were talking with a r B F PtS. A full house was on hand tor Blor.ie, Lee Goodwin, Alfred A. information that goes along with with Bolton In the Inter-Oounty at the Oonnectieut High Scboel 'right heel following an off aeaaon round of the loop considered the Polteh American*. Legion on West street which is Schiebcl, Georee A. Rosebush. classmen were Joined In this type league. Ed haa played Inter-claaa for South Hadley, on his club la one of th* big Th* data might be June 22, the I southern drawi. 4 Gaudmo, rf .. . . . 3 0-0 6 the game which 'Hvas a thriller sit the accomplishments and let them of club. The Junior-senior club Debating Meeting held Saturday. operation, will be able to open the fastest in the state, and are lead- Team to beat in any league is On the modest aide was Harry 1 I. Oole, rf . .. . , . 0 0-0 0 the way. The game vva.s fast and near to the railroad, old Route lo Ruilolph Behrman, Luther W. baakrtball In hla aophomoro M d The first speaker, Phyllis Bll- American League schedule. In worries of Manager Casey Stengel night Louis won the champion­ the champion. The BA's in the lo­ and the new Wilbur Cross high­ EO to it. ’ Thia was the Inspira­ waa named Sock and Buskin in verateln, pointed out that the March 19,'-at Wgsleyan Univaraity. of the New York Yankees. ship In the White Sox park nearly i, Ing in the second round. Nick j Cambea of Illinois, who said of the 2 Burke, I f ...... 17 well played and it wa.s easily the Burnham, William E. Barton, Roy junior years and alro In the Rec fact, there is no positive word that ' Tronsky. the nation’s No. 1 rank- cal case. From all reports, the Ma­ way. It was brought out at the tional message taht Dr. Allen A. 1926. Connecticut Legislators voted tor Stratford High and Seymour High The Yankees, notorious aa 12 years ago. The date and Kentuckians who walloped his 4 Knight r . . . S 4-7 16 best iiecn at the Ucu this season. S Barlow . Lester Behrend. Stockdale conveyed to his listeners Intermediate league. - tied for first place with five Vtc- he will play at all. *ng bowler, heads th# star-studded ple Streeter* will field a bettei I mini Tuesday night; T h ey re a ' 0 Kobb. c meeting that Rockville is located In 1933 Mrs. Skinner took The Detroit Tigers are Ed s fa­ s World Federal GovemmenL She fence busters haven't been belting will be announced later, 1 1-2 3 Surowlec'a game winning hoop Meeting Called at the second annual Testimonial charge of Sock and Buskin and toriea to one defeat while M. 'H.' 8. '.Nobody knows. The doctors are team thl* year. The aame report ' great ball club." 1 3 Wlerzblckl, rg 2 1-2 came seconds after Nasslffa missed In a most strategic position geo­ A sperial town meeting has vorite baseball team and he, of sUted that the U. N. has been the ball with much gusto In recent ^ e “ 'c’h*ri*iHWaicott^ would j Ribbons’ roster. Never before has 15 Dinner given In honfm of the Man­ their first production waa "The teams won four debates add suf­ optimistic. DlMag wanU to believe be for th* National Boxing Asao-1 Manchester boas^ _ a team of hold* true for Moriarty Brothers. 1 Ned Irish, Impreeario of Madison 1 0 R. Cole, rg . . (1 0-1 0 a golden opportunity to cop the graphically and otherwise, for the been colled for Tueaday evening. course, likes sport magazines. paralyzed by the veto power. She exhibition games. Th* Aircraft has always bad a movement of material and person­ chester High School basketball Monkey’s Paw." Noel Coward’s fered two losses. Nine high 8ebhola them. But he knows the hesl stUI elation's version of the heavy- •tors aa do the B.R *. I Square Garden, hit tti# popular 2 William#. Ig . . . 1 0-0 2 game themselves. With 4.5 sec­ March 29 at 8 o'clock at the Town team by the Manchester Exchange "I’n Leave It To You" waa close Other favorites are Guy Lombar­ said the advantages of a World took parL sends Jsbblng pains through his Johnny Llndell'a double In the contender but haa never been a chord when he said ' Kentucky is 1 Conran, Ig onds left to play, Na.iaiffs were nel. Tolland County is the only Hall at which time the citizens of do’s band and popular music. Ed aecnhd Inning asainat Washington w^lfht chftmplonfihip. New York, Saturday the Yankee 1 0-0 2 Club, at the Masonic Temple, on following. "Pamander Walk," Federal Government are that It The question waa: "Resalved, body when he trie* to run. one of the two atates not a mem- Sweapilakei were ttaifed at t champion. This may be the East "The best there is." li'Hilii'g by two points, 49 to 51. county in the state which docs Rocltvillc will be given opportiml- also likes dancing. will save money, stop war and yesterday was the first ex|ra Hartford club* year to cop the not have an armory and the offi­ March 21. Ghost Train," "Black Flamingo," that the United Nation*' zholild It la feared the spur la growing w.x '•-V- . NBA. haa auffcested an , Bowling Green for women pinner*, I "Of course." said the cautious 7 ToIhU . 19 13-’20 51 wlicn Norm Burke vvus fouled In ty to vote whether or not they ‘Spring Dance," and "Smilin’ Ed has been a member of the save Uvea. back on 'the heel. Then again, base blow in four game* for the tournament for ' The entry Hat included the leading crown. The Silk City nine, last tlie act of shooUng. Tlie brilliant cers of Company E state the num­ Dr. Stockdale. a retired minister, French a u b In hla sophomore now be revised into a World Fed­ : IrisJi. "Hank Ibs's Oklahoma i .Score at lialf time .Naaslffa 26-2.’J 1 wlah the Immediate erection of Thrhugh" are only a few plays that The first negative, Susan House eral Government." The affirmafivo what appears to be growth, may be one time Bronx Bombers. Without year’s Nassiffs, will be tougher Aggies are stingy with that b ' Referee. Boggini: ber of members of the company one or two new elementary achool spoke on the topic of "Sport Spirit year, and this year la a Student Louis’ title and will not recognise I bowlers In th* East. Elizabeth I’mplre,- Horvath would be increased if men did not and Human Problems." "Most were presented in following years holder, said that the afflrm*Uve team member* were Pete* Qunas, only cartilage. / too much power but with hits In the Charles-Walcott winner as | B^f^er. the No. 1 vroman bowler, than a three day beard, and tbe and a team can’t score unlea* it tleiiiicrs (45) ball game as he sank both tries to bulldlnga. under Mrs. Skinner’s direction. Council alternate. must show that the U.N. has W l- alternating with Phylll* Sllver­ DIMagglo seta his own training cluster*, the Yankees won over the Polish Americana have been plan- : gets to feel the casaba occasional- make it seven in a row for the have to travel such a diatance to The first business will be the people fail to get the Intracacy of While in school E!d haa followed champion. Massachusetto is the ; »PP«*re‘l Mconj* P'*®*: l: K Mancheater to drill. Several novelty productions Ed McCarthy ed, why s confederation wouldn’t stein and Jane Rottner. Catherine pace. So far he haa appeared In ex­ Washington Senator* yesterday, other non-NBA state. She’s from .Baltimore. Ixi^aine I n!ng for several months to i ly. Hank’a boy* don’t give you Connellv. if ...... 0 2 14 evening. Seconds later, the scrap­ accepting of the report of the Ver­ team play. If a coach Is to have a the Scientific course with his sub­ 5-4 The Mancheater armory, it was good team, he has to have efficient were presented, one being "King work, and that a Worid Federal Corbett and Ellerd Huibcrt made hibitions aa a pinch hitter only. Louis announced ihr Charles- Oulll, a top-flight competitor for I »l**nghten their forces. Even Jeff ' enough ball to bite at.’’ Brown, I f ...... 3 1 - py f'liv.ai'l wa.i again fouled, but non school building committee jects this year English, Problema ' many years, cam# from Washing- ' KoeUeh, skipper of the Rockville this tune 111.'' luck ha'l run out. This brought out at the meeting, la individuals to make a team,’ aays of Sherwood." which waa present­ of Democracy, Modern History way whether In the schoolroom or Government can achieve peace. up the negative team. The affirm­ If he gets a hit, a runner takes Dodgers Walcott affair yesterday with his And Coach Adolph Rupp oi Davis, c ...... 4 0 1 which calls for the erection of on the playing field. Wo feel suro ative team triumphed over Nauga­ West Palm Beach, Fla.. March ton D. C They are tops In their ! Hill Billies, promises a new deal, ’ Kent'.icky said ot hi.s eastern de cvenUiuily led to .Surowicc’s final overcrowded at the present time. two new school buildings at. a Dr Stockdale. "There l.a paycotogy ed in Educational Square, and an­ and General Phy.slca. Modern His­ Jane Rottner said that iinU with Surowicc. Coach Wally on East street In Rockville and College. majoring In Social one year ago that he would keep.! League players and fans, 161 men. which the commanding the other In rural Vernon, wrtth should give the youths of America tival and presented some outstand­ Studies. He also expects to play there as he is now. ss government officials. tngton in the second round. The af'^ Stengel. "He’s the only one that whiz at third base. And Jackie 'vUl appear Monday before the Bolduc's Fl'.e (39) I'arclak. Snap Server, and Pete officers would be reached easily if a chance. They ahould look at ing festival plays, the most auc- Ed la the soin of Mrs. Aline Mc­ flrmatlve bowed to Hartforil Pub­ Robinson at second snd Pee Wee Illinois Athletic C5omml**lon u d his plant Immaculate and "it wl!l Shota Here and There tucky and Illinois highbeys. B K PU,. SlBuni paring the attack. It ap­ the third, the appropriation of baseball there. . The negstlve. In the rebuttal, rbally knows the story about his A record entry for the Initial there w’ere an armory available. Juvenile nccomplishment.'i Instead cessful being "Pink and Patchea." Carthy of J33 Florence street. pointed out that common habits lic in the third round, while the heel. When he \.ant* to ptey. he’ll Reese at short look like perman- request a license, be a place to bowl for the whole The coaches bedded them dowr \iorsntv rf . . . 4 ,3 1 peared as thoupli they were going All mlUtary units In this vicinity $6,000 to pay for architect fees Ed Is viry popular with his —R. Shlrer, '49. midget auto racing program at for the preliminary sketches. The of Juvenile delinquency” presented in 1942, which won both claasmatca and has a winning are essential to the success of a negative triumphed over Wiiltsm* tell me. I only hope he will be In ent fixtures. I The retired heavyweight cham- femlly under excellent conditions early, with no ordcri except to eai 1 Bolduc. If ...... 2 0 4 to make a rout ot the game, as would benefit by a local armory, ...... _ Not to be,'wholly on the serious the Connecticut and New England Memorial Institute of New Lon­ Robinson was th* hero of ■ th# j pion said Chicago waa picked aa a ' *n8 th* environment will be the Cherry’ Park In Avon Is expected breakfast sometime before practict , August, If ...... 5 1 11 thev quickly shot out a 16 to 6 Board of Finance last week ap World Federal Government. They there opening day." when the green flag ia dropped ^ rth e r plana are to be made for proved the $6,o6o desired for the I aide. Mr. Stockdale kept the aii- Festivals. robin tournament In which team don. "I don’t think we'll be very good Dodgers’ 6-8 victory over - ...... ------the site "after carefully considering- best." ■’ Lea ha*haa kantkspt Vhis word. He. hour this afternoon. Kentuckv 1 Plummer, c ...... 0 0 0 lead. It was then that Burke, the representation ,at the hearing stressed the point that a World Sunday, April 3 to start another , gets Bobby Knight, and hard-working architect fees. dience intact with his humorous “ The past four years "Arsenic piaya every other team will start 'The team waa also second In the without him,” he added sadly. Philadelphia Athletics yesterday, substantial offera from Detroit. o r t h * establishment, hasn’t ! Shaw, c ...... ---- 0 0 u to be held on AprtI 14 at the State Show Possibilities Federal Government could lower season. Drivers from the ARDC i Washington Pavilion from 2:3' •» Cus (Jaudino began tmding the Meeting Tonight examples of true instances. ■ and Old Lace.” "Our Town." "Our islunday. So drop in at the Kec our price of living by reducing speaker rating totals with 200 Casey knows the Yanka can’t win knocking In four runs. Cox, bril­ Pittsburgh, Philadeli^la. Cleve­ changed one lota 1Matbiason. rg ...... I 0 Capitol. Many from Rockville wdll at­ Dr. Stockdale'a talk was ao In Hearts Were Young and Gay." and points to Seymour’s 221. Close land and Cinclnnetl." He said Sam Automatic pin setter* will soon and Bay State circuits have al­ until 4 p.m. ip. n. t.i and Illinoi : .Vo'.vak. rg ...... 0 0 0 range for .NassiffH. The first quor- To Elect Officers and sign up lor tue fun. tariffs. .V without DlMag. liant in the field and tough at bat. ready signed entry blanks Includ­ it next. ter ended 16 to 11 in lavor of the tend the meeting at North Coven­ spiratlonal that h.srdlv a person "Pride and Prejiidlce” were given. For Financial Aid runners—up were Hartford PubHc knocked In the other run with a Becker, Cincinnati promoter, of­ be In production and De'jon plans , 2tenU, Ig ...... 5 0 10 . The Rockville Lodge of Elks .The affirmative stated that the ing Bronco Bill Schindler, tbe na­ j I t’olish-.Americans. try Community House this eve­ was left unimpressed. All productions were very succcis- Better la'lc than never! Al­ li.N. assembly has no right to set with 199 points and Stntford with double. fered to guarantee a $500,000 to Install the latest invention at will elect Its officers for the com­ Dinner was served to close to ful. 19814. Phyllis Sllverstein ana Pet- gate. hla lansi. The Bowling Green Is tional champion . . . Sid Smith In midnight by plane. He'll have ‘ Totals ...... 17 5 ' .Action slowed down In the sec- ing yesr at the meeting to be held ning sponsored by the Farm Bu­ though the junior-senior bowUng on tariffs. Hockey Playoffs Oiante 39 reau, at which time William Agar 200 persons with Tony O'Bri^rht The festival play that has been Possibilities for financial aid for er Ouna* together rated 50 point*; expected to be the first In Connecti- ‘ winning the American Hockey choice between early afternoc .Score at half t)me (Jleaners 24- j ond quarter, with the wlnnerif this evening, March 24. The new tournament ended a few weeks ago •re rvi • 1 «. I Angelea, March 24— — League scoring crown has been and late evening practice. Slai .scoring but one basket and three will speak on "Vlalting the United and his orrhc.slra playing the din­ chosen for this year is “ Heat both academic and vocational the results were never published. Jane Rottner 52; EUlcrd Hulbert K c s u n i c i O l l l & l l t The GlanU. says Manager Leo cut to use the automatic pin ma 15 officers will be installed on Thurs Lightning." which will be present­ ----- .% I foul shots. Nassiffs also did very Nations.'■ Those connected wdth ner music. training were pointed out in a However, the Midgets ended up In Juniors Crowned 51; and Catherine Corbett 47. THa ^ ! Durocher, are not Interested In chines. day evening, April 14. Following the dinner Earle ed April 2, at New Britain Teach­ highest rating of all the speaker* Pagaiii’s Trounce and the Carl Ltecombe A.ward. i IJllnols In the Saturday I little s(:aring but it wa.s onuigh to the Farm B u r e a u groups recent bulletin from the Guidance first place. Second place fell to "tomato" pitcher*. So it looks as Bowiing. a game for the entire The following officers have been may secure tickets from the Rohan, president of the Exeho.igc ers College. This Is a great honor was 59; the lowest 27. family, has yet to reach Its peak. Liscombe. last year’s , leave the floor with a 28 to 23 half- nominated: Ehcalted Ruler, John for the club as this onc-act play Department. tile Schmoos and third was taken Inlerclass Champ By The Associated Press If those rumored deals won’t come in early tor a 5:15 p.m. practice. j time lead. Their 12 points coming Home Demonstration agent with­ Club. Introdu-ed Arthur B. Mc- Mr. Dougherty, the Debating ladlanapolte and Cleveland will Garden Bowlers Juat at the B. O. alone, nearly two played aecond during the past sea­ 'J. Lehsn; EUiteemed Leading has never been given on the stage Among facts called to student by the Pinheads. off. son. Liscombe and Smith were tied The National Aaeociation r Local Suori I on four baskets anti four out charge. Oinly. sports editor of the Hart­ Society faculty advisor, judged try to retain "life" In the Ameri­ For days thsr* have been re­ hundred teams (four, five and six Knight, deorge W. Stone; Es­ ford Times, as toastma.ster. Mr. before. three debatea in which Manchester bowler* on a team* use the i In goals with 55, but Smith had , tosses. attention were: A new champion wa» crowned can Hockey League’s Calder Cup ports th* Giants were dickering teemed Loyal Knight, Thomas J McGInley kept the andlenee in Mrs. Skinner’s talk was much Frosh-Soph bowUng started last did not participate. After trouncing Pagani’s bowl polished lanes. This is an increase ' the most asalsta 57. littab'.irgh’a 1 i The Polish boys went ahead 4i Blrml^bam; Esteemed Lectuf' "By means of acholar.shlps, week and the gals were really "on in the Interclass Basketball playoffs tonight while St. Louis for mound talent. Durocher said ing team in the first of a best two of a three-day convention. 1 ( d i a l l e r to .38 in the third quarter mainly Isf.ghter most of (he time with his appreciated by the club. The student loan funds, apprentice­ League Tueaday, when the junior* The^flrst and third round* were tried to pull even with Providence of more than 100 per cent ovei the | Baz Bastien coppe all league hon- Jng luUght. Cheater E. Morgan amusing anerdotes. majority of the members had the ball." Janice Anderson la conducted la the croaa-queatloning he had talked trades with Brook- j out of three games match, 609 to ora for the beat goal tending rec- hottest talk is expected to F I on some nice shooting by Ed Kose Wapping ships. and government training, it raptured a closely conteated in their beat-of-sev*n ftrit place prevlous season when the doors’ ‘ — * secretary, Michael J. Cosgrove After his introduction. Mr. Me. asked her to relate the history frosh—no le.sa) rolled a .score of pattern of debate while tlM second lyn and other National League I 671. the Garden Grove changed the were first opened to the public. ord allowing but 2.57 scores per around the rules on fouls in Center Service leads the Y Wed- who scored his only four baskets treasurer, Raymond E. Hunt is often possible to continue edu­ 99. Arlene Peterson. 86 an«l game from the sophomores. « to series. clubs. , order of Its lineup, and Paganl’a game. It waa Bastien’s third auc- two mlnutea of play, 1 in thl* period. Rurowlec and Par- Ginley Introduced Alderm.in Bail­ since they had not had the oppor­ cation or training beyond high 42. The senlora. who were tied round waa conducted In the re-, Tbs schedule haa St. Louis at Lea DeGon is now an adopted nesday Night Bowling League sec­ Uler, John F. Coleman; trustee A meeting of the School Survey ey. who spoke in the absenee of tunity to hear about the history Nancy Folsey 82. Pretty nice But they only offered "tomato" | toppling the pins with amazing cessive season as No. 1 net minder. ' Sentiment Is strong for making ond round with 22 'vlns and eight ! ciak each chipped in with two school even though one may lack for the league lead with the jun­ buttal method. Provldenec, Hershery at Indlailh- lor five years, Samuel W, Gamble. committee will be held tonight at Mayor Harold A. Turkington and of the club before. bowling for underela.s.smcn! pitchers, said Durocher, not defln-1 consistency, came back to elimL ; hifor^'onenlii" Wallingford defeated Bristol. * tea^i shoot all iC- free throws In defeats. Chambers Movers are hoops apiect. For the loser*, it the necessary funds. iors, failed to field a team and the A banquet waa held at the polla and Bpringtleld at Cleveland. ing the term further. "•*«• •»’- ' openin - The Rockville Lodge of Elks 8 p. m. at Ellsworth Memorial presented the greeting of the Town Downey House In Middletown qt 77 to 67 Tuesday evening In Wal- the final minutes. At imeeei.t it second, one game behind. 21-9, was their brilliant center, Knight, kss started Its preliminary prep "Each year, many scholarships game automatically went to the One more setback will knock the W « t S ld .°R .r two‘ «lJ[^.‘ to o ? ; i "hi i^w ltog Gro';; “^bu^ through ______may choose to take the nail out of who kept them in the game. High 8<;hool. This committee will of Manchester. Spring sports will be coming up Middletown at 6:30. At the ban­ Indlanapolla Capitols and Cleve­ iDdtens win work, long hours, and wn- lingford in It* first of the best two wlulc the Manchester .Motor Sales ftratlona for the annual Fair, offi Success Marks Eml are not used because no one ap­ frosh. . , , aerie* for the .t?” *'' (^tal.dng ‘ he control have a 20 and 10 record In the final .ten minute# of play, Ed.son M. Bailey, principal of soon, so keep an eye open for an­ quet sympoelum, George Holt of land Bairona out of the poat-aea- out of three game 1 Ctals ^ the general committee be. continue to gather and compile in­ M.H.S.. Wilfred .1. Clarke, coach: plies for them. In the hotly contcaUd junior- - r t Z oitfh‘'N o ”hU’’ V J h 'i'^ ro b i th* .;;indHart" , "• "‘ J; >}• “ the Polish-Americana held on to " A l t h o u g h acjiolarshlpa are nouncement of the change over. sophomore contest, the sophomores Woodstock President of the state aon eliminations. They dropped tbe (3ood pitch. No hit U the prob- ] i P®*>llc lag nafned as follows: Chairman, formation In order that an open and Jim Roach, captain elect, lem of the world champion Cleve­ ford Road Grill team Mbnday night I “ 'nT Lvsff sr Jerry Goodrlcli continues to pace their slim lead unttl Burke came Of Clothes Drive baaed, as a rule, on good marks in tried desperately to force a play­ organization, represented the Uni­ opening gamca of their brief best and they will have their job .^.9 li * * through with his foul shots to tie Qeorge Stone; co-chairman, Thom spoke briefly. land Indians as they try for their i public meeting in the near future school, there are many scholarships off upon the Juniors. But despite ted Worid Federallata. while Eu­ two-out-of-thre# series Tuesday. out for them as the Grillmen boast i 9*.PPy through his succesa- S ■'••i ■ ■ -« o ’ ™ . the bowlers In the Y Teague with a the score at 51-all. The remain­ as £riningham; secretary, York Named pencils were presented to Rinrnirn Downed first win in five games today 118.19 game average. Pop Glea­ may be held to discuss the school for different achievements such as their undying efforts the fin** gene Golob of the Wesleyan Uni­ Indlanapolla bowed to Hershery. of three of the league’s leading; management, the Vets’ attack with '23 point*. ing 45 seconds is hi.story now and Strsngfeld. the basketball team from the Ex­ The most aucresaful Old Clothea versity History departmegt oppon~ against the Chicago Cubs. Satchel No offlclsls were aaatgned the son. well known softbaji pitcher Basketball IMiiner survey program In South Windsor. musical ability scientific ingenuity, sophomore rally fell short and the 5-0. and Cleveland lost to Spring- bowlers In Pollnshy, Sarpola and Tvs'o More Months it was during this lime that the John Kearney, Red Cross Drive change Club. Drive ever held at M.H.S., thia ^ Mr. Holt’s views. Fremont Ry­ Paige will start for the Indians. game and a hurried call was anri umpire. Is second with a 113.23 H m East School bssketbatl time for the benefit of the Navajo leadership, outstanding citizen­ Bv Hamden Team* juniors b^cftmo the new fteld. 8-4. Lucas. The winner of this match Baseball fans In Manchester are Sflurls ill Brief contest was finally decided. chairman reporta that returns up The Wesleyan .libers, a quartet der. librarian of Wesleyan Ualver- Against the 8t. t»uis Browjvlea ^ vvlll meet th* Broad Street Motors. placed to Meriden for two arbiters. average. teaSM wUl hold their annual bsn- from Wesleyan University, sang a Indiana, haa been completed. The ship. champion*. This gives them the Winners of the lower strata a.saured at least three nights of Suiowlec’a hoop was definitely to date amount to $726, with one ‘There arc scholarships lii other right to a tentative faculty game •Ity and author o f "The Great aeries tsill meet to see which one yesterday, the Tribe pitcher* Dick | je»jue champions, in a best out of the clincher as the winners out- ijuet this evening at the school few selections and were enthual- drive', aa acheduled, ran from Tlic' Manchester High school Dilemma of World Org;anl*atlon." Rozek and Will Hafey allowed but By T he .AsHOciated Press A life saving course will start cafeteria with Francis Gelasler of captain yet to make hta returns. typea of schools than college - tex­ which will be played at a later challenges the survivor of the five match ’Tuesday. wwr. •*-» i won opening games in tne beet-of- scored Nassiffs by one basket from astlcallv received. March 14-18. was chairman of the dlseussion. seven hit*. The Indiana got nine, Baseball the ^llUmastlc State Teachers The town's quota was $660. $67.50 The total amount of money col­ tile. pharmacy, beauty culture, rifle team made Its final appear­ date. flrat-plsee fight between Provi­ Mike Z w i^ and big Swede An- ^ l ] l g 8 T a V O U e i l seven elimination.''. Detroit beat at .the East Side Rec tonight from ’ ;he floor. 20, to 19 In the foul was contributed by the Junior Bed The banquet was the serond of An open forum period followed. but lost the ball game 6 to 5. Thr drrson led Pagan! s to their well r N'e-.v York — Federal'Judge Ed­ 4.00 to 9.00 o dork. These instruc- ' sliootiiic hf»th fra College, formerly director’ of ath­ its kind in honoring the Manches­ lected during thia campaign waa b u s inesa, music, and nursing ance against the Hamden High Despite the Juniors’ triumph It dence and St. Louis. Montreal. 2-1. Toronto topped both teams were even, Cross, $19.10 was collected at Principal Edaon Bailey was the The Providence Reds. Eastern Tribe now has lost four straight, earned victory while Kovis and An- ward A. Conger said he would act tion.v will be given by Walter Bar- each making good 13 shots out of letics at the Rockville High school ter High basketball teaiTi and was $117.40. 32 baga of clothing have achool- to name a few. shooters at the Hamden High was a sophomore, one Charley Boston. 3-0. Union school, $12.16 at Wapping "Seme scholarships pay only Morrison, who stole the show. Not prinetpar* rcpre*entat!ve at th* Division pennant winners, drew all by one run. nlello were the best for the Grove I l l Puck Plavofftt on Danny Gardella’s p!ea for im­ eisf. in preparation for tbe life 20 tries. as the guest speaker. the climax to the Red and White I been packed to send to the Nav- range last iveck. It was not a tournament. team. Goalie Harry Lumley stands as mediate reinstatement into base­ savings exams that will be given ' Oinrch Women Meet and $36.30 at Ellsworth High ajoa. Credit is due Felix Sambog- tuition fee or part of the expenses, only a good team man. Morrison first blood Tueaday with a 7-2 con- Braves For tlic winners, who used but recently completed cage season. successful final appearance in that Norman Kittcl Box score: the biggest factor in Detroit * bid ball after lawyers filed briefs .-.t a later date. All adults wish­ An executive committee meet­ school.-Mr. Kearney thanked the SeSadn Tally na. Carl Mikolowsky and Peter but others go as high as or higher racked up a mauwive total of 21 queat of the Western Division Bradenton, Fla , March 24 —(J*) T h e champion Detroit to add the Stanley Cup to iU seven men, .Staum, Parclak, and captains, workers and the gener­ Gunas, who collected large bundles th.m $1,000 a year, the locale were soundly trounced. polnU with a various array of champions. - Spring training or regular aea- Pognal’s , April 6. ing to take these instructions Surowiec led the scorers with 13. ing of the Rockville Council of A record of five ^Wn8 and .12 Pagani- . Wings are favored to win league crown. Lumley has been must register their names at the Church Women will be held at the al public for making the drive a of clothing from different homes; "Some colleges such as Hillj’br. The final .score read Hamden 914, hooka, sets and layups, » i a ^ g Providence, which made a run*- i son the players and umpires have .... 108 93 103- 306 nd Boxing 12. and 11 points, respectively. loses was- compiled. Mancheeler Freheit . ... .n o 106 117 - 342, Stanley Cup playoffs but Manager , piaving great de'en.eivc r.ockey j Chicago Promoter Joe Loui.s offici- St. John's Episcopal church on success. June Hall, who handled the Northeastern, and Antioch have a Manchester 831. him the day’s high acorer. Out­ way of the eastern race. 1* a fav­ their difference*. A hot exchange " ‘ Jack Adam-s of the Wings says ' “ ------— ■ Server turned in a beautiful floor scored wins of the Alumni, 29-27; Gess . .. . -----115 124 95 33* hla work In the overtime g.airic announced the Ezzard CTiarles- game. Friday, March 25 at 2 p. m. at Instead of the mtd-w«ek Lenten Mlddlrlowm. 45-36: Hall. 31-29; i finances collected In the drive; and plan of cooperative education and This match followed the New standing for the juniors was the Here *n There orite for the (!7*lder f?up honors, over the new- and to many still there’s no need I" expect s quick Tuesday night "'as one of the ..est England Rcgionals which Hamden Anderson . ...113 126 124-- 363 , Jersey Joe Walcjtt fight for the TTicre will be s speci.il meeting TTie two outstanding players on which time plans for the May Fel­ service of the First Congregational Bristol, 49-47; Weaver. 33-31. The ! Eugene Pinto. Carol^m Scott. Doris work experience in which the stu­ floor play of Johnny lamonaco won last year by Cleveland. unclear balk rule occurred be­ cleanup. ^verformaneea of the year. church this week, the United ! C- Raymond Johnson P. 8. It is still there. session. This waa preceded by a delphia Phils today. men’s play. a member ot the 1924 and 192S out four events In the annual C. I. A. Here we arc again with the latest inherited a club with an excellent F'tnlsb— Third. Saryiola ...... 112 104 124- 340 Women's Olympic swimming of Coventry, who Inipected the Jane Kottner, '50 vl*it to the Superior Court In i My,, how style* do change! P L M 8 H I I M The Cards scored their first 114—352 WORK C Individual swimming champion­ new* of what’s happening over at Orchestra, Choirs shutout yesterday, blanking the outfield, a potentially fin* pitch­ Kompanik . . 106 132 squads, Miss Mignerey led A’Uloge CTiormers Grange and Ira Wilcox, State ships. The Red and White med­ Hartford. |We’ve noticed that the color bow to cut this Imposing list Low Man . . . 88 100 83-271 Overseer, from Merrow. The next the Rec. I Detroit Tlgera. 6-0. Al Brable an(l ing staff—and very little else. all the way, covering ley relay team of John Panctera, schemes change wdth them! It of flychoaers to five. in 1:05.1. ' meeting will be held April 12 with Mr. LeBiiis Speaks We've noticed that the Gilbert seems that the "heading" trend Is ! Ted WUKa pitched for the C!ards. Hla problems are numerous. He Sporl* Srlipilnlp Bantiv Oil (Ol SoUmene and Flues. Inc Frank Vozzolo and Bob Harris set Th^ Badminton tournament end­ Will Give Concert has no idea w’ho vein be hte first Unless he collapses completely. Totals . 540 530 517 1607 87 104 108-299 j the program on "Farm and Home High School Newa .has had a col­ for lighter color*! Joe Oaraglola got three hits In Judy Lens of the Newark (.N. Hiestand a new. Manchester High school ed last week. Laurels go to baseman, or hla third baaeinan. or Y’ogl Berra looks like he’ll return Alorlartj 1 Brothers (1) Hammond ..58 74 7 6 - ’208 «S4 Cenlei SI reel Hour." f At Jr. Hi-Y Meeting umn devoted to rearranging names i four trip* to the plate and drove 104—356 Saturday, March 28 J.i A. C. finished second, followed 1 record of 1:29.5, 5.5 seconds bet­ Barbara Johnson and Jean Schuetz. I in two runs. hte first string catcher. behind th* bat. He played the Vittner ..... 1.38 111 ..87 St 9 3 - ’264 The Annual Spring Concert pre­ —for Instance—what would you "Don’t let your emotion* run 88 122 104—314 Willie’s vs Laurels, 8:15- Rec. by Joanne Berggren of the M etro-' Govang ter than the old record, in placing who won out over Betty Hohl and sented by the combined orchestra Tiger* Bis double play oomblnatloa outfield last year. Berra needs K r o ll...... poiitan Swimming Club of Boston. ' Boom . 76 85 67—228 third in the 150 yard medley re- Lorraine Bradley ln;the advaticed think If: sway with yffur technique" U uvp- H. LsChapelle 96 i n 83—290 The Jr. Hi-Y Club held their reg­ and choirs will take place in the Tommy was King Instead of I Lakeland, Fla., March 24—(;P)— nf Sacond B # s » n f Georg# plenty of polishing in fielding. Eileen Jenson of .Newark and Pat lay. doubles finaLs--andj' Ruth Lamp- poAcd to be the motto of * the chow Waickowaki 103 100 95- 298 Cbedey UffloC League ular meeting on Tuesday *%’cnlng, high school auditorium March 31 Duke ! After 20 Innings W’lthout a run SUrnweU#juid SBortotep Phil There la no question .of hla bit­ Kelly of Stamford. Totals . . 308 347 344—999 ' Whitcy Fidlcr set' a new M. H. recht and June Halt who defeated . . but . . . We have a sneaking ting. Qua Nlarhos, Charley Sil­ R. LaChapelle 101 108 102—311 .March 22. and had as their guest and April 1 at 8.00. Boh w^as Clty-Sllcker Instead of suspicion that one of the student the Detroit Tigers are making Rlsouto I# a qneatleti inarti. Two state scholastic swimmers E. A. Juhimuii Point (> . (4) Ri record of 2:35.2 for a 25 yard speaker. Mr. LcBuia from the Uni­ Bessie Carenbule.e and June Cham­ I some changes . Even In the outfteki, where he ver* and Ralph Houk are the oth­ S (0) M iller...... 95 9i; 88—274 As In previous years a variety Farmer directors doesn’t heed thl* advice! Totals . 526 555 488 1569 also won important victorlea. Ray I pool, as he placed fourth In the versity of Connecticut who gave a bers In the beginners’ tournament. Shirley was Wrong instead of Manager Red Roife now la go­ I# atrongeat, he It not alto­ er receivers. Dounowitz b*! 115 87--2 8 ‘J j Smith ...... 95 96 91 — 282 ANNUAL 220-yard free style. match will be arranged between of musical entertainment has been I -T"" • -2 (3 , Lemalre of Bristol high school, very interesting and informative prepared. With the orchestra | Wright ing to try an outfield of Hoot gether aolld. Bab* Young, veteran National Rtevenson 92 100 81- I NlelHcn ...... 75 79 73—227 C. C. 1 L champion Frank 'Voz­ the winners. .Badminton will con­ Heard the new rendition of pihrr* (2) 76 84 98 - ’267 i swimming for the Bristol Boy’s talk on human relationships. Mr. and choirs, the program will Ifl- Wilma jwa* Irish Instead of Ever*. Vie Wert* and Johnny Bill Johnoon. hero ot the 1943 Leaguer, «1ll attempt to fill tbe Higgins . . I Club, set a new meet record of I Erickson ...... 110 94 101—305 zolo eclipsed by 1.1 seconds his tinue for a few weeks more. "Shanty Town"? We thought th* shoes of Georg# McQulnn at first. Hiltnski . r 171 123 128—422 Hayden .. 94 91 100—285 LeBuls wa.a a former tank officer clude piano selections by Clara Scott boy* were bad but those *enlor Groth. In ten exhibition games World Series, looks llkt tbe third 116—313 I 0-23.8 in winning the 50-yard free- i RAINBOW-DEMOLAY own short cour.se M. H. S. record baseman but Bobby Brown still Should he fall, either Jack Phil­ Chambers 97 109 Dubaldo .104 88 99--291 1 in an armored division in the past Scrabac. Dorothy Marino and Her­ Connie waa Old ’ Instead of Dick Wakefield and Pat Mullln are Wennergren 91 132 106- S29 1 style. The winning time waa a full | Totals .375 360 353 1088 as he finished second In the 100- Barbara Johnson and Jean gals surpass all! thinks he has a chance. Johnson lips, Dick Kryhbskl or Joe Collins war, and at present Is a student bert Urwelder at the marimbas, Young bitting respectively .185 and .148. Wltkovvgki . 106 100 92—298 ; four seconds off Uie time Lemaire yard breast stroke. Schuetz ■not only wound up aa Beverly was a Gulp Instead of a bit .294 last season in 127 games will take over. Both Stirnwelss Totals 46’i 478 465 1395 : teacher here at Manchester High. badminton ehamplons here but and George Vince, a tenor soloist A trio of eongratulatlens to the Rookie Groth has been th* only Sasiela ...... 98 143 121 362 ' made last Saturday In winning the Manchester .Motor* (0) The fourth place captured by After hla talk numerous quc.stions Swallow while Brown batted an even .300 and Rlzauto axperienced poor •No 1 I (4) . 57 68 67—192 ! the locals was a second in the they got a.s far as the finals at a Carolyn Estey. a a ra Skrabac east of the festival play! I ^ w h consistent hitter among the fly Connecticut Interocholastic Ath-1 Fereday ...... were asked by the club rilembera. shaggera. in 113 games. seasons at the plate last year. Johnson . 93 105 95 - ’293 McPartland .. . . 81 83 82—246 J SEMI-FORMAL 200-yard free style relay. In the C. i. A. C. meet. Nlca going, gals! and Barry Wood will accompany them lots of luek at New Britain. Totals . 563 598 563 1724 -263 , letlc Conference championship In At a bualnes.a meeting before, Got to run- -ther’s a dead line to Joe DIMaggto's right heel—the Each hit a msoger .262. Th* Yan­ Stamler .. . 82 94 87- Hartzog ...... 64 77 88—224 ‘ 4 afternoon trials the,locals clipped the choir. Manchester Motor Rales . 86 95 92--275 i the same pool to tie the national plana for a visit to the Wethers­ Acting aa student conductors meet— It appears that the »tud*Bt* at one that waa operated upon teat kees need more hitting from this n o 110--338 Marcel . .. Ruddell ...... 91 87 92—270 ’ 1 3.2 seconds off the record as they Two varsity basketball teams Musteng# YVtn pair to figure seriously in the race. Howard . Its Cervini .134 109 119--362 schoolboy mark. ' SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 2S field Prison were discussed. The are posted over on the Rcc btdletln for the orchestra and choir will be Adieu. M. H. S. are going to b* totM*' November ho* flared up again. Mazzoll . 95 87 91- 273 Wayne Moore of the Warrin j swam the 200-yard diatance In because one pair No one kn.'swa just how serious It Stengel boa seven potential Dummy . . . 75 84 81--240 1 315 324—982 1 1.45.9. ImvB also talked about having a now. These gals will be given 25 Robert Fo»* and William Sweet. busy during th* n««t tw o ereekA Prentice . 127 118 105 -350 ' Harding High school team of I Totals ...... 293 future loint meeting with the Sen­ Tickets are 60 cents and can b* Seniors Vote for Legle* South Yiethodlst Mustangs (61) is. The Yankees know, however, starting pllchera. The beet of nv 107 lOA 332 N’asalff Aim* The Manchester High school extra points toward an award for with exams, festlvaU B F Pta Brogan . . .472 487 474 1433 Bridgeport, turned In two vic­ DANCING 8 TO n :45 ior Hl-Y Oub. obtained from any member of drama), concerts, »nd more te*t*! does the work of two P that to make any decent showing the lot probably to Vic Raachl, 137 142 116--397 Totals CHark ...... 63 71 78—213 ^ swimming team made a commend­ achieving this position. They were The senior clasa voted this 3 Roache, re . . . . 7 1-1 15 McCurry tories in the 100 and 220-yard free- William Munsle '51. chosen by vote of their team-matea. these musical organizations. In tlie pennant race, they must n 19-gnme winner teat >#nr. Suto ...... - . 72 76 78—320 1 able showing against the finest week on candidates for the legion Wbeo you toiy a Florslieiiii 1 Foniaceila, U . 4 1-2 V have a healthy DIMagglo. Southpaw Ed Lopat won 17 No 2 (1 ) ' style events. He swam the 100 in swimmers In the state. J. Lathrop Don’t ie t too worn out. K l^ ! Totals 586 572 532 1690 Hills ...... 80 79 89—248 ij AT THE Scholarships Offered of Honor for the remainder of the 0 MIkoUet, If ___ 3 0-0 0 teat year. Allle Reynelda 18. j M.'Tchne ... . 78 108 104--290 I 0:55.3. finishing just ahead of T, Prior, ’49. The junior-senior team la aa fol­ Remember there’ll he a vacation Shoe in pfsfcwocs to Stengel also must know soon G ou ln ...... 87 99 •►-271 1 year. !^cauae of lack of time 2 Cuater, c . ___ 3 0-0 6 whether Charll* Keller, whp Spec Shea nine. Tommy Brywo I Wupperfeld .103 97 97--297 I Lemaire, and copped the longer lows: Carolyn Mann, Dtirla Cuater, To Hold UNE8C» Confereaee coming up soon! another, you sutomatJcolly ; Chapman (6) ! race In 2:18.3. Two scholarship ' aw ai^ of and space, only the five girl* and 2 Carlson, rg . . . 7 1-5 15 missed moat of the 1947 sassoTi eight and Bob Porterfield five, Lawrence ■. 82 86 77--245 324 22&-2M ; I Rowars-Schubert Excel Ruth Lamprecht, Helen McGugan, pottpooc tbe data of your R e e d ----- 98 111 86--291 I Yale University relay team* ToU!* ...... 302 MASONIC TEMPLE $25.00 each, sponsored by the five boys receiving the highest 1 Glenney. Ig . . . 1 0-0 2 beeaua* ef a spinal condition, has an in the final six weeko. Fred -268 Cheney .. . 104 97 99--300 Lorraine Bradley, Dawn Muraaki ^To Interest high achhol student* votes will be Legionnaire*. Bequest I* D* Confse next shoe-purchase and sart Coe ...... 86 01 91- I captured the 800-yord medley In Beethoven Glee CTub and the G. Barbain Johnson and Jean Rich­ In th* progrems of 'UNESCO, to 2 Clapp, Ig . . . . . 3 0-0 4 fully recovered from the operation. Sanford, acquired from tho i Brown ... 112 103 117--332 !Johnson .. . . 87 88 86-261 Golf Tmunameate Richard Bowers and Roger Clef ejub, win be available to i Faculty advlBors of extrii-cur- fust that much money on th* Benson .... ■ 111 n o 93—314 { 3:22.0 and the 200-yord freestyle I Schubert, class of "48" have re­ ardson. The Frosh-aoph team U stimulate the growth of organiza­ A request for Information about So far. Keller ha* been Impres- Brown* tor 8I86.M6 and three I Burr .... 95 120 90 305 boy and a girl In this year’s gradu tions. to carry out Its alms, and to ricular clubs and sporte nomlaat- deal . . . for RorslKims sr* 10 Totela 24 3-8 31 •Ive. Tommy Henrlch round* out phiyor# teat Decetnbar. should ' In 1:40.0. Other winners were: New Haven, Morck 34 — OTi-^ ^ cently had their names placed on composed of Beverly Bristol, Helen ed candidates for the election. II the new feattire* of this Manchee- I Nichols .. 92 107 119--318 at ing claas. It was announced re­ I-awler, Arlene Peterson, Barbara l^ n t out some of the ways In built to fire you "tk t txtrs Mayberry—FUrtms (48) th* outfield, which Btenre! re­ help. He wen a dosen la ’iS. ToUU . .565 586 556 1707 lOO-yord girl* bockatrokc. Jojrce Secretory WllUam H. Neal* ot ttw < MUSIC BY CARL LITTLE the Freshman Dean’s list at Wes­ cently. The awarda will be made the marks of the nominees wrere In ter High *chool coulee ef Studies Osborne of Norwalk, 1:17.6; lOO- Jackie. Beverley HibberL Janet Ir-' which high school students can has come to Principal Ed*or M. WMr V <( isrsmd p^ir. ” P F rta gards aa the bast fai baseball. Joe Page, who had a bSd year ToUl* . 483 532 502 1617 4 (8) . Junior-Senior Golfing Boctoty oi leyan University. on a basla of demonstrated musi­ make a contribution to Interna- the upper half of their class la 1 Farmer . . . ___ 6 0-1 12 Orieder . . . . 97 «4 90—261 yard women’s breostetroke, An­ Connecticut has oanounoafi Thia term Roger la taking phil­ win, Betty Carlaon and June marks they were Included on the Bailey fforit the state dipsetor of Boekiiig wp the Mg thrc« are in '48. will again be the No. 1 re­ Ccuter Service (S) and kiz ORCHESTRA cal ability, character and general rional underetsndlng, the UNESCO 1 Dandely ...... 3 0-0 6 Jalumy Updell. a JI7 awatter lief man. Wally Hood from New­ Toumaud . .. 84 99 81—264 gelina Lombard of Waterbury, tournomenU for the 3949 osophy. calculus, humanities, phy­ scholarship and priority will prob­ Keeney. * list of candidate* upon which the vocational education In tlteh. Gleason .... 126 n o 131-866 Council of Yeaehers College of Mark Nichols, the director, 1 Dearoebes . . . . . 3 2-6 8 teat y«wri Hank' Bpoar, pp ark. and Clarence Marshi^ and Bchmeiaki .. i n 120 130—361 Raa ...... 88 80 99 -2 6 7 1:29.0; 100-yard men’* backstroke, June 33! New H«v#a O sics and German. Despite this ably be given to persona planning Connecticut at New Britain will seniors voted. Space wra* allowed 2 W. Morrison of Bridgeport. 1:09.1: More basketball newa comes for the nomination of names not heard Mr. Bailey speak »t th* r e ­ 2 Norton ...... 1 0-5 fr#M Kgsaws CItyi Oaw* Don Johnson from Konsa* O ty ore W. Hetenskt 118 93 101—810 Davlea . . ,.120 98 94 -3 1 2 Club; July 30. Ooimtw Ol heavy schedule he was a member further study, particularly In mu sponaor a High School Conference 1 Parkar ...... 8 91 99—815 100-yzrd men * br#**t*tioke. It Waterbary: August I, W< ADinSSION—11A0 PER COUPLE from UConn. The team of alx appearing on the list. ference OP Wto Adjustment Edu­ 1-2 W'oUHtmg. tko Pprifle Ca**t th* best of th* newcomers. Dutch Vortlek ----- 187 107 148—387 Hall ...... 12.6 of the freshman football squad sic. for UNESCO on April 28. 1949. to .... 1 E**#rt ef Yote, 1:08.6; and 400- m m Any member of the faculty or Which visited the university Satur­ Thanks U extended to Cynthia cation In Washington last October. McCelrey . 0.4) 2 kaMni ekwiwrtsw, piMl CNff Hiller with a 6-3 record loot yesr. Goodrich ... 102 lt4 114—880 lUutanberg . 90 91 107-288 fl«M Country CI : last tall, and Is now on the frwh- day played ball with Stafford which thev have Invited Manchez- yard men's freestyle, J.-Luca* ot Brooktewn Ceantfy OlUl) mnn track team. the senior class may reeommend Hlllery, Carolyn Estey, Nawy Mr. Nlchcls Is Interested In th# Mawaa, • koMarar. Btewgat orobably will joint Paige In the M ^c fgurrtHnnn with aay Rainbow or DcMolay Spring* and th* UConn froah. ter High iiehool to send eight-rep­ work experience credit, which 1* 7 Total* 40 3-14 43 I aaya kl* Mggaat ptwbtefli te hull pen. Totela 391 544 819 17M Total* .. .004 663 670 1737 Bridgeport, 5;06.3. Richard hs* maintained a total candidates for the award to a com­ resentatives. Builzel and Betty Zimmerman ■MBiber W call Barbara Halt, 3125 or I^nard Johnson, average of g v i in s course which mittee which will make the fina’ who aided In the preparation and to be given at M.H.8. next year, Where’s your pe^, kIdsT Seem* I Current Affairs Club will' elect and ip the community serviM fea­ Includes English. German, human­ selection. Such recommendation; representative# to go to the con- distribution of the voting sheet*. 1 must be handed In to Mr..Pearson the froa’i-soph volley b«ll teanM —J. Iversen.. ture*. ities, chemistry and biology.. player*. A Rou)und- I ferenea. | L Jean Aapinwall not later than M*y 1. ' need more A-.V! MANCHESTER EVENING HERAl.n. MA.\t ni-.M KK. n).\N . THl'KSPAY. MARCH 21. 1949 PAGE 8E\'E> MAMVtusOAeufc neauujU, MAiHUOAdiA** xavtM i}A i„ m ^u^a. t I shape even If production is be3’ond I you have‘ made vour first mlllkak^ New heafer, new front end. Goof workmanship. Free estimates. AAA certlfliN . lna(ructor. Bat- JOHNSON SEA Horaa outboard BEAVER and MIghty-Mite trae- ' After that they’ll be nice to you. W. Hale Oorp. condition, $360. Phone 2-2428. Farms #nd Ijind for Sal# 71 of an Irritable man who was try- ' the market. Therefore growers Tel. 7594. lord’s Driving school. '5al! $-1946 Motor Sales and .Sendee. We alao tora at apeclal prices. Garden 87S Main Sts^t I li:g to read a newspaper. must be careful that they do not 1947 FORD four-door super repair the others. Capitol Grind­ King 8 and 6 H. P. with reverae. l a r g e Tract of fertile farm land Tcl. 6440 Or 5938 Jdan—Madam. V.’lll you please overp’ant. ' Groover-Do you think yoH: CARPENTRY. Alterations, cabl- ing Co., 38 Main, street Phone Simplicity H. P. UUage toola, Established 1921 luxe. Heater. Very clean, nets, tUe ceilings, Ule baths, or Masieal— Dramatie 29 on main highway. Good develop­ get off my fool. , Itnow all ahotit how to run a gro* ; eytt.T. PERSON who took man’s mechanically. $1,325. Private 7958. lawn mower* and snowplowa. ment possibilities. Madeline Home IJsUnga Wanted Fat Lady - Put yo.ir foot where Kate Why did you .stoji going ’ eery store ? kitchens. Jobbing a specialty. Dublin Tractor Co., WllUmanUc overcoat by mistake at Masonic owner. Telephone 2-1069. Also new construction.. Phone PIANO TUNING, repairs, racen- OUTBOARD Motors, boats, Mar­ Smith, Realtor. 2-1842 or 4879. SIX ROOM colonial, two-car ga­ It belongs. out \.llh th't ciicclcer cliauip? Applicant—No. sir. I do not. Temple. , Wednesday evening ditlonlng, etc John tlockerham. Man--Do.'i’t tempt me madam, .‘^ally He wa.s ah.'.ay.4 trying to Grocer—Well, t’ll try you. You , 1937 PLYMOUTH four-door sedan, 8862. tin 60, $140; Flrestone»7.8, $100; rage. Screen porch, oil heat. Im­ please caU 8418.______28 thgelow atreet Phone 4919. 10 ACRES of grade A land. Bam don't tempt me. I get me in s ccrr.cr. t.-II: like you’ve had experience. in good condition. Good tires and Royal 6.00 ten houra. $100; Wanted—To. Boy 58 mediate occupancy. Owner trans­ CARPENTEh Work of aU klnda and tobacco shed. On Avery ferred. Will sacrifice. 2-9497. • heater. Reasonable. Phone 7684, PIANO ’TUNING and repairing Champion 8.5, $36: Waterwltch street. Madeline Smith, Realtor. Roofs, sidings, additions and al 4.7, $30; Flambeau 2.5, $80. WANTED - Bric-a-brac, furni­ A SK M EP. r . S or 50 Woodbridge street. teratlons Also new construction. Leonard Bccellente, 113 Center 2-1842 or 4679. MICKEY FINN Another Hot Tip! LA.Mi I.LUNAKD Robert McIntosh, 28 Harvard ture, antique). Old Mill Trading Sieffert Phone 2-0253 atreet Tel. 4757. Road. Poet 17 Maple street Phone 2- Suburban for Sal# 75 y AT »«i u.* *m.os- THATSA600PlOEA^'^ VOUSAIDIT/ J n O, w e HAVEN’T WELL, I'VE GOT A 8BWINO Machines expertly re- Anio Acc«s.aorii CONCRETE Contractor, maaon 1089. . Houm* for Sale 72 Y WHICH ONE 010 LIMBUR6ER.' galred or a Justed. Reason^ie Tires work and landscaping. V BelluC' Help Wanted— Female 35 VERNON— For Sale, 9H acre .e------CLANCY* AND I BEEN TO ANY OF SURE WINNER AT ' HE TELL YOU UStoa Work guaranteed. Call cl Phone 2-1601 or 5042. Diamonds— Watrhf chicken farm. Room for 2.000 THAT RAZZMATAZ X YEAH-BUT WETE ^ THINK WE BOTH OUGHT } TELLIN' THE 006 TRACKS'; HOUYWOOD TONIGHT 70 PLAY? WANTF.D—Used 60 Ford block Rooms Without Hoard 59 M71. or evenings 2-9419.______SALESLADIES, full or part time, Jewelry 48 layers. Ebccellent drainage. Or­ ISA GREAT HORSE J POSITIVELY LEAVIN' TO HIT THE HAY -IF YOU WANT 1937 to 1939. Barlow Motor Sales, AL’TERA’nONS and additions to show and write orders for TW'O FAMILY chard. Modem 6-room house, ga­ ANN: Please come home, you’ll no 595 Main stree*. Manchester 5404. beautiful Maisonette dresses. No LEONARD A. VOST. Jeweler. Re­ ROOM AND Board at 91 Cliest- aANCY.' AREN'T < TOMORROW, PHIL ! EARLY/ IT* New ceilings. Also roofing and Mrs. 1 rage. Near achools and stores. lofurev be ashamed of the ruga or aiding A. A nion. Inc. Phone canvassing necessary. Commis­ pairs sB® ^dlusls watches expert­ nut street. Phone 3988. Located near Pinejiurstj YOU 6LAD NOW THAT ) WE'LL STOP FOR 2-1 SNOW Cap Urea Recapping Tracy. I I 'j miles to Wilbur Cross High­ upholstered furniture. I’ve clean­ 4860. 29% Autumn atreet. sion. Write Box F. Herald. ly at reasonebU prices Open GriKcr.i. One of the best built WE OIPI^ LEAVE /GAS NOW - SO WE and vulcanising one da» service way. Tom Minor, Agent. 'Tel. ed them with Mystic Foam, and TburMday even'ng 12# Spruce PLEASANT Rooms, single or dou­ homes in Manchester. 7 rooms, Rockville I187-J2. THIS MORNING?/ CAN GET AWAY TO they’re really beautiful. 1 c e ^ ta - Truck tire service, guaranteed CARPENTER work of all kind.s. ARE YOU a woman who wants to street Phone 2-4387. ble, with twin beds One minute hot water heat, 6 rooms steam AN EARLY START/ ly bleaa that saleslady in J. W. workmaninip New Kelly Spring , Attics finished, cabinet work, al­ make money tc realiie some am­ VERNON--4-room house and ga­ CUUSmtAial b from post office. 8583. heat. Two oil burners, ga­ Halea. Inc., housewarea depart­ Oeld and KIcManc Urea Man terations and also colorful plas­ bition? You can be a coraetlere. rage. Near new highway. $8,500. 7 e ::' ment recommending **ystlc Chester Fire ano Recapping. 395 tic Ule bathrooms and kitchens. have a business oi your own as a Fuel and Feed 49A ROOM For Rent. Centrally locat­ rages. fiood condition. Madeline Smith, Realtor. 2-1643 Foam. She’a an angel! Mother. Broad street Phone 2-4224 Charles Davis. Phone 2-0294. dealer IP Spen/ter Individually de­ ed. Suitable for business couple VACANT^-7 room single near or 4679. I (, signed supports. Profits good SEASONED Hardwood for stove, \ isanAWTNE Spectala — Ladled or buelness woman, with or with­ EpiscojMl^ church. Ideal loca­ Writs or call Mrs Theda Johnson. furnace and fireplace. Delivered. out kitchen prlvllegee. Phone 2- ROCKVILLE~-For Sale. Immedl- Home Journal or Woman’s Homo Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 Florists— Nurseries 15 tion. Ttvo car garage. ale occupancy, 5 rooms, bath. 2- Andover. Conn. Phone Wllllman Phone 8676. 9356. TTY Companion, 30 montha. $5. John BOY’ S 26” bicycle. In excellent! tic 1875J1. car garage. Extra room for work­ Hlnrichs, 140 Summit street POTTED Hyacinth, daffodils and shop. Near bus line. $9,500. Tom condition. New paint, tires, me­ GREEN Section, pleasant heated ''^^RTHUR A. KNOI LA Phone 4 W . chanical ,)arts ant, spokea. Worth I tulips, In bloom, $1.50. Pansies FULL inme clerH. for drug etore. Garden— Farm— Dairy room, continuous hot water. Near Minor. Agent. Tel. > Rockville McNAofht 5>rwlifst#. tnp. and hardy plants. Woodland Oaf' Experience preferred but not es­ 50 Realtor I WANTED— Ride to O. Fo* and all of $20. Make me an offer. CaU | P ro d u cta bus line. Oall 6644, 1187-J2. ______7117 after 7 p. m. dens, 168 Woodland street. Phone sential. State age and qualifica­ 876 Main Street FUNNY HI'SINKKS BY HKRSHIiKRGKR I Blir.R RUNNY BUUTS A M ) HER BD 1)1)1 KS Waiting RY EDGAR MARTltl CO. Houra 9 to 6, from Tanner 8474. tions. Box J. Herald. FOR SALE—Cow manure, $5 and LARGE, Comfortable room, walk­ Tel. 6440 Or 59.38 j NORTH COVENTRY — Seven street CaU 8878 after 7:18 p. m. $10 loads. Also plowing done. ing distance to Cheney’s. Call 2- “Established 1921” I miles from Manchester Center. MIVA, PORKV HOWlMV GIRL Between 18 and 25, un-, COM^<=> 9 0 6 •. BOYS’ Bicycle, 24”. Good condl­ 16 Reasonable rates. Call 7$04. 2613. Home Listings Wanted I New house, four flnislwd rooms, WHERE'D VA Uon. $12. 109 Prospect atreet Kooiing—Siding tnarried, for clerical work In bill­ space for two additional. 'All con­ M O M M V \ I CAM V O A V T TO] AotoaiobilM for Sul# 4 ing department. Typewriting GREEN MounUln poUtocs. Mealy ROOM for rent for working girl ------ROOFING — Spectallalng In veniences. Approximately 88-aere ability and knowledge of short­ good tasting and cooking. Amelia or middle age woman. Call at 195 HAVE Several 4. 5, S, 7. $ room of land. Sale price $9,060. Good Inuinefls Serrtee# Offered 13 pairing roofs of alt klnda alao hand desirable hut not necessary. Jarvis, 872 Parker street Phone Spruce street. • 1940 CHEVROLET 4-DR. new toofe. Gutter work. CSum. single house* at reduced prtcea proposition for G. I. Altoe Apply In person. Manchester 7026. Clampet. Phone 4998 o f 8-0$$0. DE-LONG’B refrigeration service. neye cleaned and repaired. No TWO Furnished rooms, kitchen Mortgagee arranged. Immediate Very clean, $795. Electric Division of ’The Connecti­ occupancy Please call this agen­ Repairs on all makes, commer­ Job too email or larga. Good privileges, no objection to one WEST STAFFORD —Immediate cut Power Oo. cy for quick .-esults if Interested cial and domesUc. 24-hour serv­ work, tair pnea Free eeUmatea Household Goods 51 child, care for child while mother occupancy, 18-room house, furn­ 1948 G. M. C. 1/4 TON in selling oi buying George L. ice. Phons 2-1797. CaU Howley. Manchester SS61. MIDDLE-AGED woman, general works If wanted. Tel. 3-0495. ace, two garrgea. Oould be made ' PICK-UP housework, assist care one child. JUST RETURNED Grasladlo, 109 Henry street Cluttsreflrup cellars and attlca eon-1 Phone 5278 —- Into three family or tourist homo. Low mileage, |1,396. 61,4-room house. Bendix washer, FROM A YOUNG COUPLE BURNISHED Room, heated. Con­ Excellent W’ater supply. At Junc­ atituta a fire hazard. Why take! Heating— Plumbing 17 tinuous hot water. Centrally lo­ dishwssher, mangle. Own room, IN NEW BRITAIN FOUR-ROOM, furnace heat. Im­ tion of Route 30 and 20. Bus serv­ chances, when wo clean either or I bath. $110 month to sUrt. cated. Gentleman preferred. 1948 PONTIAC, 4-DR. both at reasonable ratea. CaU GENORAL Repairs, Jobbing, re 3 ROOMS FURNITURE mediate occupancy, $7,700. ice to HarUord or Springfield. Schumef, 27 Pickwick Terrace, Phone 3129. Charlea Lcsperance. Call 3620. Priced 310,500. Tom Minor. d e l u x e streamliner 8 alther 5305 or 2-2392 for esU-| modeling, water piping, deep and Rockville Centre. Long Island. WHICH HAS BEEN USED ONLY REFERENCES, Gentleman pre­ Agent. Phone Rockville 1187-J3. mates shallow weU pumps, gas and 6 WEEKS RUSSELL Street—Hospital sec An nnusoal car. Fully equip­ electric automaUc water heaters WANTED—Girl or woman for AND IS PRACnCALLY NEW ferred. Double room, comfortable, f u r n a c e s TaUored to flt your; tlon.-6-room single, 3 down, 3 up. 18 ACRE FARM, seven mile# from ped, privately owned. avaUable. Prompt service. Ed general housework. Live in. O wti INCLUDED WITH THESE heated, near Center. Phone 2- Manchester. Has 6-room dwsU- home. Van Camp Bros Phone 8 ROOMS IS A Fully insulated. New roof, oil ALLEY OOP No King! BY V 1. HAMLIN ward W. Johnaon. Phona 6979. room and bath. Call 5682. or Ap­ 2176. ______steam heat, garage Lot 60’xl40’ ing, large bam and chicken coop#. M tV / WMA.T’5^ eflE.* th' s -sweater 5244. FITS SV/BLL NOW.' / THIN© ply 49 Pitkin street. ‘BENGAL” COMBINATION semi­ Immediate occupancy. Elva Immediate occupancy. Oenerou# HAPPENING? See Batch For Bargaina EFFICIENT Plumbing and beat LARGE Studio-bedroom, TW AN<« I RADIO need flxlngT Hava It ra- Ing. Plugged drains machine RANGE private bath. Near bus stop. ’Tyler, Agent. Manchester 2-4469, mortgage avaUable. T. J. t\ oxx-'A/.tJ y / l pairsd by experts. Pick-up seiw- cleaned, lari J. Nygren. Phona “ WESTINGHOUSE” 1948 Furnished or unfurnished. Call (Jrockett Broker Phone 5416. BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. loe, guaranteed work. Seta cheCk- Help Wanted— Male 36 DUPLEX. Completely modem 6497. 7-FT. ELECTRIC BOX 3-1920 after 5. CRYSTAL LAKE—For sale, houa# ad In tha home. Car radkw a ___ APPLIANCE Salesmen. Mont with many excellent features 165 Center Street specialty. Manchester RadlolQtsigEniAL Plumbing and heating ‘SPARTON ’ COMBINATION Double vacancy. Robert O. John 5 rooms and bath. In excellent gomery Ward needs several men RADIO and VICTROLA SETI condition. Large chicken coop. Sarvloa, 78 Birch street. Phone | repairs and new InstallaUona for outside contact work. No cold Apartments. Flats, atone, agent. 6858. Phone 2-4546 2-0840. CaU 3773 after 6 p. m. YOU CAN BUY WHOLE OR Orchard, 1'4 acres land. On hard canvassing. Liberal commissions PART ON EASY TERMS Tenements 5 3 1BUSINESS OR Home, on Spruce road. 1 mile from lake. $6,500. RADIO Servtct&g Depsndabls low PLUMBING, AU satisfied custom­ paid. A greatly accelerated pro­ ’niE ABOVE FURNITURE AND street Four-room house, all Im­ Tom Minor. Agent. Tel. RockvUle JS35 OLDBMOBILB, radio and gram that assures volume bus! RENT Seekere Do you want a «ost and guarantaei,. A.B.O Ap- ers, free esUmates, work guaran­ APPLIANCES ARE VERY provements. Occupancy In 30 1187-J2. healer, $75. Inquire 182 Eldrldga pHanra, 21 Mapls Street t-1576. ness for good men. Apply Mont' REASONABLE rent? See us today Rental Service days. Price 16,.’>00. Terms. Exclu­ street between 4 and 6. teed. Very reasonable rates. Nas- Bureau, 641 Mam street, Man­ ririteisi.*kriMc- setta Plumbing Co.. Glastonbury gomery Ward, 828 Main street Free Storage Until Wanted sive. Burton Flammer, Agent. 17 ELECTRICAL Contracting. U- chester Phone 2-4379 anytime. LATE 1946 Super deluxe tudor 3-3149. WANTED—Pressman for Miehle Free Delivery Anywhere In Conn. Spruce street. Call 2-2494. Wanted— Real BataU 77 censed electrician. House-wiring. ’This Furniture Shown "Why tha apinaeh? I don't wanta grow up to be big Ford, black. Very clean, low mile, Vertical. Steady work. Write oU burner and electric range wir­ bv Appointment Only FTVE-ROOM bungalow. Oil heat, and strong— and then have to diet!" age. Best offer over $1,150 takes Box V, Herald. Bunineita liOcatlons two sunporches. garage, recrea­ CALL MANCHES'TER 8215 for it. Private owner. Call Wllllman- ing. A. Dougela, Fhone 2-2676 or Roof inf— Repairing 17 A Phone ■ 6-0.3.38, Mr. Forte. Mgr. For Rent 64 tion room In basement. Elxcellent competent, courteous, confidential Ut 2-02W8 after 4 p. m. 2-3605. After 6:00 P. M. Phone 4-4626 SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH ROOFING and Repairing of all condition. $11,100, Charles Les- se rv ice ot> real estate, mortgage. r a d io — Electrical Appliance ANTED—Painters. Apply Ray­ FOR RENT OI for sale. Vacant Insurance and notary require­ CARNIVAL BY DICK t u r n e r , n,g R-. kinds. Chimney work, gutter A-L—B—E—R—T—S perance. Call 3620. Groan. Chum! DY MKRKII.I. C. KI.OS»ER 1948 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR. Service, repairs -picked up and mond Fiske. 197 Hollister street. building at 165 School street. m en ts Suburban RsaJty C o, H.. D, 12,000 miles. work. Expert repairs. Honest 4.3 Allyn Street, Hartford /T deUvered promptly 20 years' Modem facilities. Basement In­ SIX-ROOM home. Living room Realtors, 49 Perkins strset.______AWO NOW, A STEAUV LTTLE OtUV CALLED ■n5 :: zt T mE? c / ep '' 5-' Fc’ MY 1947 CHEVROLET FLHaDTUNB workmanship. Satisfaction guar­ Open Thursday ’Till 9:00 P. M. tJCT v : . » experience. John Maloney. Phone Evening Appointments quire Bedard’s Floor Covering. 55 with fireplace, dining room, kitch­ GOTTA YEN FOR YELLOW TO-'|0..... LAtY USED ; ’..CLE->r feclest, a e r o SEDAN. R.. anteed. Ca'i Coughlin. MancheS' Help Wanted— Male ' TOC CF 2-1048. 1 Walnut street Gladly Arranged School street. Phone 2-0866. en, 3 bedrooms, sunporch. Oil CONSIDERING SELLING M'T it, WiESTRO ! ______14,000 tnllM. ter 7707. S7! YOUR PROPERTY i‘-' eui'NEpS Or Female heat. Excellent condition. Made­ V AGAIN' 1940 PL'YMOUTH SEDAN. R.. PETER W. Pantaluk, electric con­ KI’TXJHEN Cabinet G.E. mlx-mss- LARGE ROOM, available Immedi­ WiUiout obligatloD to you. <#o WANTED- Man and wtfe to denv- line Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 or 'V 0 H., D. tractor, maintenance and wiring I ter, bureau, club chair, rocker, ately. Rear. Inquire Modem Tailor 4679 will appraise or make too a easb for Ught and power. 40 Foster j Millinery— Dressmaking 19 onstrate and sell stainless steel table^ studio couch. Phone 2-9692. Shop, 31 Oak street. offer for oropertv. See ua before 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. R.. cookware. Full or part time. H„ D. street Phone 3303. vou sell Write Box Z, Herald WE BUT and aell good n*ed MANCHESTER — 2-tOO square Phone 7728 Or 6373 1938 FORD COUPE. Good. DRESSMAKING. Coata and siiita LINOLEUM — Asphalt tile, wall furniture, combination ranvei, feet floor space, one-stoiy. clear BRAE-BURN REALTY 1939 FORD PANEL. Good covering. Done by reliable, well- done reasonably. Call 3576. ga* ranges and heaters. Jones span, cement floor, 14’ celling OFFFRF.D FOR SALE 1988 OLDS SEDAN. R.. H.. D trained men. All jobs guaranteed. Situalione Wanted— B'urniture Store. 3b Oak Phone clearance. Drlve-ln door and load­ Hall Linoleum Co., 32 Oak atreet dressmaking . Better dresses, 39 on foborn Road. Boautifol 6 “ ■'.J'“ i r i IV . 1888 CHRYSLER COUPE, R , H., suits, coats, wedding gowns and Male 2-1041. ing platform. Near railroad, suit­ $ Phone 2-4022, evenings 6166. able for garage, warehouse or O. alterations, 'lall 2-3909. EXPERIENCED Carpenter wishes CUSTOM Table pads, room 2 '.. story house. F ire-; you reach a sound conclusiM^ all ccUors. manufacturing. Yard space avail­ , , . ! Madeline Smith. Realtor. 843 Body and Fender Work and AtXXlUNTANT to handle books I carpentry work, alterations, re- ‘ have our salesman show you able If desired Will alter to suit modeling, kitchen cabinets and place, oil fired hot water heat, j gtreet 2-1642 or 4679 and tax returns for Individuals or | ALTEKATlONb and dressmaking samples tt vu'ir home Phone En­ tenant on long lease. Call H. General Repairs gen>ral repairing. Telephone small concerns. Call 2-3320. Call 2-4.370 Mrs. C Brunelle. terprise 1.325, Marvel Table Pads Draggot A Sons. Inc., Hartford. lavatory down, tile bath up, i KELLY’S SERVICE Rockville 976J3. 7-4143. ANTIQUES Refinished. Repairing I GOOD USED SEW’ING basement parage, nice land­ iPmSflLLAS POP What Eie^y Girl Shold Know RY AL VKRMKHR CENTER done oi any furniture Tlemann, | B’ULL OR Part time Job. at night MACHINES 189 South Main street Phone | Moving— Trucking— by sober, dependable married scaped lot. Singer Treadle ...... $12.00 r I CARR,TO WHY s h o u l d y o u r PRISCILLA' I 16 Brainard Place 5643. Storage 20 man. Will consider anything. Call Wanted to Rent 68 MDU WOULDN'T ^£0SH, NO.' Singer Treadle ...... $27.50 RICHARD MSNulT V S ' CARRY HIS BOOKS t ) t 8294. 3 OR 4 Unfurnished,-heated apart-1 Linoleum vOu RSEL^ AT A BOY.'^ SUPPOSE Phone 7256 VENETIAN Blinds. All types] MANCHESTER Package delivery New Home Elec. Portable 339.50 SEE B O C K S H O K E FOR HE ment bv young couple. Perma-, i I made to order, also recondition Local light trucking and package EXPERIENCED Meat cutter Singer Electric. Console .. $89.60 Asphalt And Rubbar Tila FROM SCHOOL m i s s e s ' BEE McCLURE Auto Co. for a nent. Write Box T. Herald. STUART J. WASLEY TODAY' Ing. Beat quality Flndell Manu­ delivery. Refrigeratory washers would like ;ull or part time work. .SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. good used car. Cadillacs to Cros- facturing Co., 485 Middle Turn­ and stove moving a specialty Phone 2-057C ley cara, to flt every purse. Free Phone 8883 832 Main St. FAMILY OF Four adults and one J pike Eaat Call 4865. Phone 2t0752. . 755 Main Street Inauranee, no flnance charge for GENERAL Maintenance man with small child would tike a five oi HOLYOKE gas water heater and six room rent. Call Mrs. Msude JONES wie year. Best deals In town. 60 ALL APPLIANITES te'wiced and I IJlV E Ll’S Express light trucking knowledge of oil burner, and fixtures. All brass piping. Inquire Phone 6648 Or 7146 Wells street. Tel. 2-9442. Open repaired, oumers, refnKeraturs, and delivery. Weekly or monthly painting experience, wishes full 1.35 Benton street. Foley. 3790. f u r n it u r e a n d nights *U1 9. ranges, washers, etc All work I rubbish routes invited. Man or part time employment, apart­ guaranteed. Metro Service Co. | ment house or office building. G.E. UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner AGAIN. THE newest of them all! Chester 2-3290. Legal Notice# FLOOR COVERING Tel. Manchestet 2-0883 Write Box N. Herald. with attachments. Practically KERNDALE DHlVV', Pine Acre b on e In—compare -wtet why AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS bo . local I new. .33 Oxford street. Phone ri6-.18 Oak St. Tel. 2-1041 Hudson is today’s best buy. Mc­ LAWN Mowers, hand and power, moving, packing and storage. AT A COURT or PROBATB b»ld Terrace. Attractive well built 67.33. nt Mareheel»r irlthin *n<1 for th*' 6-room single. Hot water heat, Clure Auto, 60 Wells street. Tel. sold, sharpened, repaired. Pick Domestic and overseas crating Doga— Bird*— Prt* 41 I'l.rirli-t nf M «ncheft-r. on the Mrd il-9443. up and del'vtry Keys made. Saws WESTI.NGHOUSE Refrigerator. 7 oil burner, storm windows, gs- and shipping, ebicellenl van serv Boxei day of .Mkrch. A.!)., 1949...... filed., Cajiitol Grinding Co , 38 Ice to West Coast and all parts E.NGLISH Setter pupa, cu. ft, like new, Call 2-4043 or in­ a rr..a*’nt, JOHN J. M ,\Lt.ETT. rage. Imodiate occupancy. Good WE HAVE SOME NICE Mam, Manchestet. Phone 7958. of U S.A. and Canada Peiephone pups. C!ocket pups. Bo* Torriei quire 44 Hamlin. Judge. _ buy at $11,200. Reasonable terms. 32-^ Zimmer- Estate of Bhenrood Alfrec' Cheney or VIC FLI.M Instructions BY MICHAKl. OMAI.I.KY AND RAf.PH LAND CLEAN CARS AT Manchester 5187. or Hartford pups, cross breed pups Wm. Goodchild. Si.. Realtor. Of­ ' MS KSMcs. *« T. o. ssa u a mt. as*. KOGLIO .AND LI’TTLE. Licensed street. 6287 Sherwood A. Cheney, late o f' Manehea- fice 15 Forest street. 7925 or 2- Mirrors, Glass ATTRACTIVE PRICES 1423 man Kennels, take ur. In laid DIMrlct. dereaiwd...... sie. t. a MO. u. X mt sr*. , / >OU DON’T MEAV VIC, THAT FOND WOMAN AkO MET WATCH 3VJtT$MFIF, JMN. OOHY LIT electricians. All type of wiring. THREE-PIECE living room set, On motion of Hartford National 9694. "Here's soma meat loaf left over from last Easter! iCHAHNfi 1$ A Muaocfiai AMS.'VOUD THINK cTHi TAU •Wl RlOf YOU— WHAT Every one carries our lib­ Phone 7287 or .3198, 243 Fern with slip covers. Call 2-2256. Bank and Trust Company, executor: Furnllura Top*, Window UGHT TKIItntlNO Half-ton 1.3 How dots that appeal to you?” "Is this ciosa anough to 5407 Baakman straat. Fuv’nor?" SMS THI ONLY ONC eral guarantee. street. pick-up trjck No ashes.. no Articloa for Sale ORDERED; That alx month* from TWO-FAMILY house, centrally lo­ and Plate Glass. Anto Glass THAT WAS tVta ANOWMICHtOua 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR. Ra­ rubbish Phone 2-1275 or 42U8. (THKST of Drawers, stoves, mis­ the J3rd day' of March. A.D. 19 «. be cated Six and four. Six-room FoanaooK.iAi dio and heater. Low mileage. GUARA,’'!Tl!'EL repair service on TWO-TON of com or potato (er- cellaneous used furniture. Rail­ arid the »fcroe are limited and allowed apartment .scant. Considerable OU'i OCR WAY DY J. R. WILLIA.MS OCR BOARDING HOL'SL with M.NJOK HLHM'LB; for the creditors within which to bring COM,U)VIB. AUr. Extra long trades. washers, irons, toasters, electric RUBBISH and ashes removed In­ tlllxer for sale. Call 2-0216 after road salvage. 167 Middle Turn­ cash required. T. J. Crockett. WA9 CHANNIl LOOKS In their claims against said estate, and MY MOTHEK’LL NEVER e s a o .ga&o.'I.'tco b a d > > __ P A N T S / Free estimates. Pickup and de­ On Premlnaa FROIK IT . W - $1.95-$2.50; for girl’s skirts 75c- Furniture, Oak street. Phone noUce WALLETT. Judge. 6894. 1946 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE. livery. OaU 2T.2313. PAIN'HNG AND Paperhanging. 2-1041. Beautiful dark blue. Long Free estimates. Prompt service. $1.50. Fine rayon linings $1 yariL AUTUMN STREET —Large 6- Colonial Remnant Shoppe, ' 115 at a court o r probate h»li cu. ft. capacity. Good condi­ District of Manchester, on tb«^ 3*rrt two-car garage. Good conolUon, Phone 5696. dav of March. A.D.. 1949. dk) and heater. Good condition. AUTOMOBILE motor for sale. tion. Phone 2-1544. 312,000, terms. Wm. Goodchild, MOVING? Motor overhauled. GENERAL Repairing, light car­ Present JOHN J. WALLETT. WASH The Bad News ______BY UI8UB TimNMI ALL KINDS of chairs recaned, Good for saw mill. Inquire 35 8r. Realtor. Office 15 Forest Exoaoe FEmtobtaitet n DBS IM# PLYMOUTH COUPE. Radio pentry, painting Floors sanded, 50-GALLON gas, fully automaUc ^*B*uit* of Archie H. Hayes. Ute of street. Phone 7926 or 2-9694. repaired and refinished. Edward Dover read or call 5505. Oelerasn hot water heater with Wo Bay. Or Orb PAtDOW to AM t RIGTIr I He f aad heater. Low mileage. Guar' refinished. Reasonable Call 2- Manchester In said dlstricL dweased. Me. MA’M.. iCKlPPeO OUT IMTWKK. WHun »ut Tjgsf’JSJ'a ■ #nte#d Mia owner. Clelsa ear. E. Fish, 104 Chestnut Phone 4291 after 4 p. m. magnesium rod. Five year guar­ Upon the application of Franklyn J NINE-ROOM single on Bast Cen­ HflKtiffwxwa* tSow^Tiiiff^i 3688. MEN'S Rebuilt anr relasted shoes. AT AUCTION r » LOOKING 1987 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR 8E antee. $64.95 deUvered. Watkins Cnfin. admlalstrator. praying for an ter atreet. Ideal location for pro­ tRlNGlUG ms *«WLL/^riOR $12.00 REIPAPERS ordinary room High aad low Better than cheap order of sal* of certain real estate J^r- OR a eemmlaate# basla. Om * FOR MR DAIf. Good all over. new ones. Sam Yules. Shoe Re­ Bros. Phone 6171. fessional building or other bust- WIUTV/ OAUSMTCR FROM /vnQIJJguif ttculariy described In said application modem fnnrttni*. •*!••• 1987 PLYMOUTH 3-DOOR SE­ Honaehold Services Including paper. Window screens pair Shop 701 Mall, street. it is neaa. Large comer lot. Immediate eNOLAHDl X / GO Mo DAN. d ean and good trana- painted Interior and exterior A COMPLETE deluxe Universal ORDERED: That the foregoing ap-, occupancy. T. J. CrocketL broker. ^ a o , Bnewa. asrtWae#. brie-#- CAfllfO HIM—^ caiTT HOLD A X>« ^oitaUbn. Offered 13A painting. Reaaonable. Raymond ONE HORSE iron axle farm oorobination stove, coal or oU and nllcatloe b* beard ant' determined fct 5416. bme, athrer. OpsB MHMay aad Thnraday electric. Chrome pipe, two oil the Probate office in ManchestM In SAVE ON your laundry bUU. In Flake. Phime 2-9237. wagon, pole for two horses. Good said OlstHct. on the 31«t day of M^h. Any OealmMe Hems EvenlngB. as new. Phone 867L barrels. Call 8211. flEVEN-ROOM ralionial. attached dividual service In Manchester' SPEX7IAL Price for April only. A.D.. 1949. at ten o’clock in the fore­ Coll Oe aad Well CaU BBOWN-BEAUPRE, Inc only automatic, self-service taun noon. and that notice be given to ^1 garage, fireplace, lavatory down, 80 BlaaaB Btraat T d e p h m 7191 Save now on painting, Inside and ROYAL PorUDle typewriters and WANTED Complete household SS^nalateraated la said estate of ^ oil hot water beaL Lot 91'xl50'. dry. You load your wash into our outside. Ceilings and paperhqnK- adding mactalaea. Used typewrtt- furniture, appliances and ebU- pendency of aald appUeaUra aad tha ROBERT M. REID A SUNS new Bendix machine* and we do Owner aaeriflclng. Elvn Tyler, f 1941 .FORD Datna kualBou coupe. Ing. Workmanship guaranteed. ars and addtag ntacblnea aoM or dren'a fumitura. Chamber's time and place of hearing theiwoB, by Agaat 3-4469. M l Ualb St. Fboite fliflfl N#w ttne; vailov haater. May ha the reat. Wash done In 30 mm- Free catimates. C#U Burk, 5346. rentad. Repairs «n ali make# Warehouse Sales, 801 Middle publishing a copy of this order in utas whUa you wait or ahop. 30c aMS newspaper having a elrcuUti^ In MR at TS.',lkwfcWrtd atreet. Manow*a. ’Turnpike East Tal. 61$7. said district, at lasst #va days bafora TOLLAND TURNPIKE— Four- par svaaher load (up to 9 Iba.) We INTERIOR AND Bxtartor palnt- the day of said hearing, to appear It room Cape Ood. Garage In baee- ..\NB ala# damp dry and fluff dry. lag, paperbanging, celUnga r#- FOR SALE —fl pracUeally new WHITE Enamel Quality combina­ lh#y pep c*u*p »t said tliD« and plac^ ment. Price reduced for- quick RpHfl Hpmifl AH y *. BORN thirty years TOO SOON i**. * J? NMAblT IS wo9&f sBA n o n Laundennat. 48 Purnell Place, flntahed. B3illy tnaured. Expert Anderson house window assem tion gas and coal range.-ExceUent bp bF*rf> pF!allT« tb^rpto, ana salt. T J Crockett. Broker Call ■' ■ I ■ I an T H t Y&ST* condition, good h<*ater and baker, ^ .aalad wenatty. rsama ifurmerly Montgomery Ward work. New 194p wallpapet books. bile* 2'4” X XT’ and 2'4 •i.rio make return to tbia oourt. i 641A ---- — iagUand,a*iife«t. orphoac i Farm StoN). Phnae 2-4274. Edward SL Pries. Pboaa a-ioOA with arrsstia Apobr Marlow a laautra 13 Wiatar street dajps.

1 — - ■ I

TaVJfUSOAT. MARCH 14, 194»

Average Dolly Nat Pratt Run T h a Roman Sis'BICHTEEN _. Ucensad floga. aiaea the Mtmato Far the MMth of Fekrttry, ia.1 had Jxuit paeseil toe six month isailiiiss two altor- last ijfflng by the nchi ooso aofl toolghtf' eimMerohio Pack E7 to looklngftwward to lU mark, pnly warnings wera tososd The Mid-week Stblo study and Takes C of C. Post Workshop. to toe ownerai Chief Scbaadel 9,713 eloaaioeoo. oeotterea hght ihowsm monthly «n««ttog When approached for ntw works diaeuaaioa at the at 7:80 to SL M ^ * **•£‘ ^1 haJ^ eUtod, howevOr. that In toa future Member of the Aefllt Sohnfloy aaotolog. to p r ^ e r on lastto j^ s g r y ram. D o g O w ners any unUcensed dogs wlU mean ar­ About Towii gaUonal church tonight at 8 With games and ______coo- BorttO of dUttloMeos Doellner nns rest and prosecution ot their ewq- o'clock wlU be theme of the month, the hlghU^t trasttog hut unrelated composl- MmteheUer— 'A City of Village Charm Christ** as taken from the gospei of the meeting will *>«„,®?"*f*** era. ' E A mmmt a m mOUtA - » • f w - tlona o ia t had been reaUng since All Dogs Six Months of Warden Fracchla polntod out Jr OoA" wm b« #M»w» »t ^ o f 8t Jiuke. «mnng the dens. Den 4 w ill feature Robert Doellner’s Com­ 1939 amid other manuscripts on a (EIGHTEEN PAJ3ES) PRICE FOUR CENTS an invention contest. Family games that ieny dog alx moatoo of ago or MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, MARCH 25,1949 L a UBllMna d iu id i on Sunday shelf at hto home. A g e , O P O l d e r M u s t VOL. LXVIll., NO. 148 (CUaalflod AdvortMog eo Pago IS) E t o g r t 7:»e tfdoat. Tl»e film Any members made by the Cube will be played positions Played by older must be licensed rmidleaB aembly. Catholic liadles <>* ••Inv6 »tlon." the of toe of whether it is kept tied la toe ^ S S m pawnwa and ekplataed to the parento. ^ Have a License bus, InUreSted to lay games planned will, provide Symphony Orchestra two pieces to be presented had dig­ yard or a ^ He aMed that ifain- k V ? M - t o ^ ■toty of what h v Glee club, are m u e»t*d to meet nity and reverent feeling predomi­ togs Were 'given yeeterday and Ltually happoooS In Uiou«wda ^ sport and entertainment as the nant. It wae an achievement of If your dog le elx months of ags Mississippi River Levee Breaks at the K. of C. Homo Frl^y at dens compete. ParenU and famil­ The Hartford School of M w ic will also be issued today, but after KI 5S . towSaand cl^^throug^ broad depth, with «<> ^ * or over, bo sure It le Uconsod or 5it Awetlcar-'The p»*U« -4 «-*»- ■7:30 p. m. Rev. Father Carroll ies are cordially Invited to Join to Symphony Orchestra Included two this time offenders will bo pros­ Atlantic Pact Seen cacy and unbroken fluidity. In­ you're likely to find yourself to Anti-Red Pickets « i l l d&ect. ecuted litcd. the fun. of Robert DoeUneFa compoMtUms dian W ar Dance" was vivid, flUed police court. Cblef Schendel also announced to its program at the Bushnell Me­ with precise phrases end much too ■u There wiU be a meetiny tonight The March meeUng o f 3 « Mis­ The thlr* to a series of Bible morial last night, before a large That was the warning Issued to­ toe reappointment of Frscchia for sionary Circle of the brief. It was truly a program day by Chief of Police Herman O. another year. Thla ipill be ^at O e VFW home o f the • Army studies on the life of 8L Paul wUl and appreciative audience; ^ piece, easily understood, and gave Lutheran church will be -at be held at the. Salvation Army Mr. Doellner, who resides at W Schendel. The chief added that Fracchla’e third term ae dog ward­ Sing, Pray Today av committee. Fred Baker, chair- the audience the feel of too color the church Friday “ 18^ at 8 Park street, Manchester, to head Hector Brown of toe Depaytment en, having succeeded Albert Kiss- As American Moral vm i, urgea aU veterans organlxa- Citadel tonight at 8 o’clock. and high emotional stress of toe o'clock instead of at the home of Recruit Robert J. Stedman, of of the violin and theory dePfrt- of Farms and Markets now to man two years ago. ! flona to have repreaentaUw at Misses Esther and Ann Johnson ot Indian ceremonials. ' Bile meeting which w ill start at 8 74 Cottage street, will leave for menU of the Hartford School of town and will be working with CUnton street as orglnally Pp®* The last half of too program ^ e Dog Warden Lebro Fracchla for a Manchester Grange memberR Camp Lee, Va., on March 29 to Music. He has composed to many devoted to the Rachmaninoff ■ eTclock. ned. A "Lenten Program will be few days. Brown travels through­ who have made reservations on the Outside of Hotel take an eight week course in flelda and is best k n o ^ for We “ Concerto fo r Piano and Orchestra presented after a short dim n « « out the eUto working w ith various buses for toe trip to South Wind­ th e Community l « n ^ on Norto Quartermaster school. The local priee-winntog String Quartet No. in C Minor. No. 2. C^us 18 and meeting. The ‘>®atossM ^ 1 1 ^ wardens and checking for un­ ham tomorrow night are reminded Pledge of War Aid man plans to attend a more ad­ 1 . Of orchestra worke his ‘'Sym­ lla in street has instaOed a tele- Ward Devenny. too piano rolm^ to meet promptly at 7 o’clock in Miss Ulllan Larson and Mrs. isisa vanced school to the subject in phony for Strings” wae premiered licensed dogs. Hundreds March in Pro- j Walkout End vUion s e t . ______kept hie listeners spellbound with front of Orange hall on Center Olson. which he is moat proficient. Re­ to Rochester, N. Y., by Howard his masterful and stirring rendi- A check by Fracchl* and Brown test Against Cultur*; yesterday turned up two un- street. cruit StedHian enlisted in Com­ Hanson to the 1947 Symposium of Uon of this difficult concerto. U ttle Rosensary Diana, ago 7 American Music. His Opera, Els- Senator Donnell Says jlMBIJliANCE pany A. 169th Infantry Regiment al and Scientific Story Turns in Slabbing was picked by Hartford ju ^ e s as ‘ on February 17. * Kari I. OoMenthal J New Members Attitude Taken by winner of the Best Hat C u test Conference for W orld SERVICE last Saturday afternoon. Rose­ The third service to the Lenten Karl I. Goldenthal has recenOy ] Peace; Crowd En­ Leaders of European Pfomipl rs^pouan lo mary's pretty green velvet bonnet series on the theme "Discipleshlp” accepted toe Asslatant Chairman­ Into Enigma May Be Given ! caught the eyes of the JudgM and will be held at the Salvation Army ship of the local Retail Merchants’ c o u r a g e s M a r c h e r s Nations; Talk Slows e d k at any hour. she was presented with a ^*uU- CiUdel tonight at 8 o'clock. The Bureau of the Chamber of Com­ ful white orchid corsage and a *10 Expected Senate Ap« picture "Grace of Forgiveness" merce. A graduate of William Hall Bid to Party cerUfleate lor a hat for her father. New York. M.«h 25.-(fl, Surround, ••vUl be presented and there will be High school in West Hartford, and proval of Foreign Aid She is the daughter of Mr. and a dlecuaelon period. The public Is -Hundreds of pickets sang | livery of Letters to Mrs. .Anthony Diana, of 104 Park the f^’harton School Of Finance cordially invited. and Commerce with a B.S. to patriotic songs and prayed Antliorization Bill; Re­ street. ‘ Three News Services Truman May Play Hosi Economics, Mr. Goldenthal started as they marched at the Wal­ BURKE © There will be a meeting tomor­ Next -Month aa Part peats Earlier Demands Monthly lAeettog of the Man- his business career with a Urge In Plain Envelopes P l | ^ u r . ‘ row night at 8 o’clock for aU New York department store. F o r , dorf-Astoria hotel today in cheatbr Insurance Agents will be Of (^nipaign to Get members of Manchester Lodge the past year he has been asso­ protest against the Cultural . \\'a':hington. March 25.— held Friday night at 6^0 at Pittsburgh, March 25.—(5')—The Thla alrvlew ahowa the break la the levee aa the west hank o f the Mississippi river about tour miles 1477, Loyal Order of Moose at the ciated with Burton’s, Inc., as aa- and Scientific Conference for Cavey’s. Following a short busi­ story of the end of the two-week north o f Baton Rouge. La. The nrea around the levee la flooded and persons living in the area were G h u m n iv W ith S o lo n a i/P)— Senator Donnell (R.t ■ Lithuanian Club on Oolway street. eletant manager. ' ness meeting. Edward J, Stenla- World Peace. A crowd esti­ coal walkout apparently had turn­ evacuated. (AP wirephoto from U, 8 . Navy.) . I ■ ----- ! •Mo.), told the Senate today ford. chief underwriter of the Results of toe recent variety show A most enthusiastic booster for will be i^ven. AU members ere mated by police at 8,000 per- ed into a cloak and dagger opus Washington, March 26 ■ — tliat leader., of European na­ Automobile Department of the Manchester, which he feeU le a urged to attend thU meeting. Re­ aoM encouraged the demonstra- Pre.sident Truman may play host prescriptions Aetna Casualty Insurance ^ m very progrpsalve community, the today—without the bloodshed. tion., regard the North At­ freshments and a social hour will tora, who at Umea numbered psny will speak. His topic wlU be RetaU Merchants Bureau U in­ Tile burning issue was: Who next month at an informal party lantic pact as a moral— if not C A L L E D F O R foUow. The Woman’s Chaptcri of about 800. Try to Block “Automobile'Insurance Problems deed fortunate to securing Mr. Internationale Leader for new members of the House and automatic— pledge by the the lO M w ill hold its regular Cnny Draped Flaga mailed toe mysterious papers? and Classiflcation of Insurance. Goldenthal to serve with The plcketa carried draped flaga Senate, as pait of his campaign to AND meeting at the same time and Announcement that John L. United Slatc.s to go to war if H. Marlow, who is chairman of the place. Plans and preparations will of Soviet-dominated countriea In Levee Break get chummy with (?ongre.si. j any of are attacked. DELIVERED Bureau, in promoting the interests front o f the fashionable Park ave­ Lewis had ordered his miners be made for the initiation to be back to work next Monday came Ordered Policy Switch Plans for such a party are being 1 DiacdSae* Drfnise Pact of the business men to town. ¥ith Confidence For AU Your Food nue hotel. discussed by some of the preai- 1 held Sunday. The demonstration started vlto in special delivery lettcra in plain Donnell slowed expected Senate CAPONS AND white envelopes bearing Mtta- Only Fact Mississippi dent's advisers, it Was disclosed I approval of a $5,580,000,000 for- PINE Members and friends of the. only 25 to line at the moment for­ today. The latchstring was hung j A eon was born yesterday to eign delegates to the conference burgh postmarks. Budenz Asserts Eisler ^ " ! eign aid authorization bill for a ROASTERS North MethodUt parish are invited At Low Level Prevent­ out at his White Hou.se office for 1 PHARMACY Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Custer of arsslona began a news conference They were delivered yesterday ' lengthy discussion of the defena* to attend a supper Friday evening j lawmakers who want to talk over 1 Bellingham. Washington. Thla is In the hotel. The three-day "W orld to the three news servlcea in ed Big Disaster Helped Change Amer-[VeWS ricllHlS pact. It is not yet before toe San- R64 Center Street the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. starting at 6 o’clock at the church I Pittsburgh but—so far as can be their problems with the president. 1 .1 ate. HALE'S SELF SERVE Peace" seaaions which begin to­ Will See Many Legislatore ' Te!. 2 9814 In deep frees* for yoar coa- L. H. Custer, of 32 Strong street hall. Each family is asked to bring | learned—nowhere else in the coun­ lean Reds to Vio' Colled From (/'P) Wires He repeated earlier demanda night have been described by the Baton Rouge, La.. March 25— Mr. Truman diaclo.sed at his | vealsBce, No waiting. one dish o f food to share as weU State department as "a sounding try. Class Warfare I every senator be allowed to os twenty-five cents. The program No United Mine Workers offi­ — Bulldozers, laborers and National lent newi conference yesterday that I participate fully in both open and Debverv In Manchester board for Communist propagan- w1 U include a community sing and | cials can be found who is willing AdmiMlon p r i c e reductions during the rest of March and all I closed sessiona ot the Senate For- Friday Evealage ila." Guardsmen are battling to block a a colored film, "The Last Supper.” to admit he had anytliing to do New York, March 25.— (/P) ranging from 10 to 35 cents made of April he will be seeing many Sheriff Harlen 8. Callahan, In eign Relations committee on to* d HEALTH MARKET The number of demonstrators levee break where the swift, muddy legi.^lators. ' Friday’s supper will he open to grew rapidly and reached 800 with mailing the stories out. by SIX first-iun Broadway movie Heattle, Mash, said i.orett* Jean post-war defense treaty aimed a t Mississippi is churning through. — A government witne.ss at ' In this connection the president Multiple H. A. FRINK THE OFFICE OF everyone of CSirlstlan fellowship I ahortly after noon. klany wore Denies Any Connection houses to help bolster sagging ' MInnekrr (above), 17-year-old | Soviet Ru.ssia. Only the fact the mighty stream the Communist . conspiracy inorning and matinee attendance. said he had cancelled two New Sullivan Are. ^ a p ^ n g and U to keeping with the Lenten ] the colorful native costumes of John P. Busarello, prerident of high school atudent, made a state-1 Donnell’s discussion raised a is at low level prevented disaster, trial testified today that the . . . Editor of London Daily Mirror York talks. One was to have been Electrolysi»^ Tel. Man. 7158 .%fter 4 P. M. DR. season. | S u n lig h t European countriea. UMW Pittsburgh District 5, indig­ at the cornerstone dedication of ment admitting stabbed h er, poasihiltty that Senate leaders Hi- 1 HEALTH MARKET said residents in the flood zone. representative of the Com­ is sentenced to three months in may be unable to complete passage Snperflunus Hair Rem«»vcd ' Woman Leada Singing nantly denied any connection with Nicholas Balovich, superinten­ the United Nations building April ' RALPH LECHAUSSE Thera will he a 7:80 meeting on A woman led the pickets In the whole business. munist Internationale in this pi ison and paper fined $40,000 for stabbing took plaoe, the nheriff todey of the big ECA autoorlxa- dent of U. S. ■ dietrict engineers, 10 and the other at a testimonial Safely. Quickly and the Evangellet and Meraberahlp Singing “The Star Spangled Ban- "Those letters absolutely were Contempt of Court in connection said, following a quarrel between tion bill. WILL BE CLOSED Eastern Dressed said,the swift flowing gap should' counto’ helped switch the dinner for Dr. fTiaim Weizmann. | Permanently committee tonight at toe South j CVttCKOVS 1 n ci" and then chanted a prayer. not mailed from my office," he with Mirror stories on highly pub­ the girl's parents. She is shown Democratic Leader Lucas at II- BUTTER be closed sometime today. i American party to a policy of , head of the neis- state of Israel. Appolntinente »trliil.v ptlvale Methodist church. ROASTING The men voiced the supplications said. "W e don’t know who mailed licized murder case. . . . Three ; in the hoapital where she ia being linoia railed the Senate to work FROM MARCH 29 Slowly spreading waters seeped ; vio len t claSS W arfare. armed forces to pool their medical j April 23. ' Free CtinsultatlnD Bf a litany calling for freedom for them. We don’t do business that The president said he will be held for abser\'ation. an hour early with an announce­ Office Hours: »:S » a m. lo 5 p.m. HALE'S _ _ BROILERS Mople in “ enslaved countriea of way. [over the thinly populated sugar Identlfled aa Eisler specialists and concentrate them working from daylight to dark ' ment they may work tonight to Closed Wednesdov Afternoons TO APRIL 11 CHICKENS cane countiy- after the break yes-1 Gerhardt Eisler was identlfled in various military hospitals. ' complete the ECA bill. But before Europe,” and the women gave the "When the newspapers started having interviews and getting his ^ responses. terday morning. , py the witness as the Internation- Peiping becomes de facto capital the session started he aaid eonae Mary Crossen. R.N.. Prop. Headquarters WE GIVE SERVICE calling our office,’’ Busarello con­ desk cleaned of the things th a t' As though at a signal, at 12:25 I The section affected is on the i ejp'g u_ 3 representative. He pre­ of Communist China. . . . Dr. Al- ' piled up while he was vacationing ' Prison Term senators sought instead to flx a 869 Main St., Tel. 2-266 < lb. tinued, “ the girls didn't even know west side of the river aero-ss from | viously had been named before a time for voting Monday to order FOR y. m. (e. B. t.), the men and wom­ what the reporters were talking bert Einstein, world renowned ' to Florida. I Over Marlow's VIA en placed their banners on the Baton Rouge. A low section of ; congressional committee as Amer- physicist who said last week he | to avoid seasiona tonight or SatOr- Decialoa Pleaaee Leaders | ^ lb . about. I would like to know how about 10 square miles wae under dsy. ei&ii ^ Q c Sidewalk, knelt and said the Uiose letters got from Washington lea’s No. 1 Communist. was "ignoring” hla 70th birthday, The president’s decision to stick Given ^Sally’ ' ’Lord’s Prayer” and the “ Hall two to three foet of water. The witness, Louis F. Budenz, I recants slightly after receiving let- close to home for a while pleased Dsnaacrata Tighten Ranfea M i r n r lc ^BTliin _ 6 5 * " ’’ to Pittsburgh. None of our people Port AUeti ResMenta Uo-Worried H.O N a b is c o 1 " Mary." were down there yeaterday." former Communist party official, I ters, telegrams and gifts from all his legislative leaders. Democratic leadera tiflhtMBafl Resounding through toe area About 1,500 residents of the said Eisler used the name "Hans parts of the world. . . . New York Senator Lucas o f Rlinois. the The fam ily o f Joseph Yablonskl, little town of Port Allen, directly Ten to 30 Year* .Sen- their ranka to block any mom to Gauge Railroads FUl Lean, Boneless Were shouts of "W e want peace UMW international representative Burger.” city police under new orders to Democratic leader, told reporters J rut the authorirjition for EurepOM Slid freedom.” in the flood path, appeared un­ I'nder que.stloning by Federal fence Impoaed: .-ainw I Laud O’ ’ Lakes • Airplanes of nearby Fredericktown, report­ give members of U. X. diplomatic he thinks it "an excellent move," S h re d d e d 1 Sh^'^Half The demonstrators marched to worried. A railroad roadbed, bol­ Judge Harold R. Medina, he said corps full immunity in cases of adding: "M y opinion is that the ed he had been in Harrisburg the stered by a hastily mounted dirt Grt. Kinr of * 10,000| • B o a t s CORNED tw o separate lines in front of the last two days. That eliminated that Eugene Dennis, a defendant traffic law violations. closer the chief executive is to the BUTTER X ' dike on a plantation, spared the St the trial had told him "Hims Your telephone order win hotel, leaving the main entrance him from the running. Prices slide little further in Congress, the better it is for hia I Taft iR., Ohloi, who think want- open. They had been permitted town for the moment. Burger was the representative of b. Seventy s C a r s Dressing .HAM It also eliminated the last high wide variety of products...... program and the rountr>- aa a Washington. March 25 — | ern Europe cam get along nrlth receive immediate atten­ W h e a t BEEF to picket in ,'iOth street along the No damage estimates were made the Communist Internationale in UMW official., in the Pittsburgh Political squabble over Greek gov­ whole." .Mildred E. 1 Axis Sa.lv) Gil’.ars to­ from one to three bllliona la Bead **Hebbykig" Every north side of the hoted, but later but canefields suffered the most. the United States." tion. Oiir tank trucks will area who might have been respon­ ernments's gift of diamond brace­ As a part of this new chummy the administration haa aak tt fo r Bainflay Night Voluntary restricted their march Residents guessed damage might Budenz said also that Jacob day was sentenced to 10 to 80 sible for mailing the letters. let to wife of former American attitutf!^ the president's friends > the Marshall plan's second year. make clean delivery. And to Park avenue. run into hundreds of thou.sands of Stachel. another def^ndant.^ had DAISY Yet they were mailed. mission official apparently ends. . . . hope he snd Vice President Bark­ years in prison for trea.aon. ' Majority Leader Lucaa (Di, BA)' HOBBY SHOI^E you’ll find our fueloil saves Lg- B C c p t. j 9 « ib. Cannot Visit Factories dollars. changed his mind on the post-war ley can get together with many Federal Judge Edward M. (3ur- I was confident the leadership W ttM A. A. Fadeyev, of the Soviet del­ Ciyptlr Side Remark Engineers discounted immediate role of the Communist party in Gen. Lucius D. Clay commutes to I HAMS 6 Griswold street Phoaa 8283 you time and money in the life ijnpri.sonnient death sentence of the 117 new members of the ran a’.so fined her $10,000 ' be able to defeat any redaction Ranges, Refrigeralopfl Pkg- * ^ egation, told the news conference A query to UMW lieadquasters I danger of further cave-ins. America with the permission of House and 19 new senators early Open 10 A. M. to 7 F. M. of second German defendant In Loss of citizerahip is sutomatic move in a final vote today, Lb. S 2\cnty long run I that the World Peace session plans in Washington brought back a "no A 200-feet wide segment near Burger. in April. on conviction of treason. "I don't think there will ba a *y W a s h e r s a n d A U comment" along with the cryptic Malmedy massacre. . . Trree radio Would prevent the Russians from the original break, however, was Stacbel, the party educational Hardly a ccizy party at best, Miss GUiars. 48-yesr-old Maine- amendments adopted.” Lucas BBIOHTWOOD SKINLESS side remark that the whole matter networks, two o f them saving that accepting an invitation of the Na­ crumbling alightly. "Pie crevasse director, .said specifically that . such a gathering probably would horn woman, 'wsa convicted March! reporters. " I think the Senate Other Appliances was being handled in Pittsburgh. itself is the first levee cracking on Burger had authorized him to al- relief is not a controversial , American 17e tional Association of Manufactur­ 10. Sentence was delayed until her \ PURE LARD . A closer Inspection was made of the lower Mia.sisslppi river since subject, refuse religious group’s FRANKFURTS ers to visit American Industrial ter hia po.sition on "Browderism." (Continned on Page Fourteea) attorneys could argue motions for (ConUnned on Pag* I CHEESE ' plants. the envelopes inclosing the an- I 1927. the witners testified. request for equal time to answer ' th.JW.IUU COM CAKNATION, «JBBY OB NESTLE The N.\M invitation had been nouncements — copies of a letter j "Browderism" refers to a policy radio program featuring President a hew trial. | I Lb. Forty FOOD SALE ATLANTIC 1 SHOULDER from John L. Lewis, dater March ' of Earl Browder, top-ranking Tniman and movie stars. Just before passing sentence. Judge Curran denied these mo­ Tall Cans (Continued oo Page Foarteen) 23 and apparently mimeographed ' American Communist during the A ir Force plane.s criss-cross cen­ Sponsored By. Range and Fuel Oil MILK 2 in Washington. ^ j war. He fa%'ored cooperation be­ tral Massachusetts in search of See Pensions tions. Reds to Close LAMB CHOPS Living Costs Gives Notice of .appeal I White Meat This gave little help. | tween the party and other group.s decorated Navy flight officer who Wesleyan Service Guild BEECHNUT STRAINED The envelopes had no return ad­ after the war but his program was vanished Wednesday night after ' James J. Laughiin. attorney for Move Revival Miss Oiilars. served notice of an Iran Offices TUNA dresses. They had been mailed Back rejected. He wa.s ousted from the reporting his gas was tunning low. j North Methodist Church 4 Jars 39c I Sandwich Special Epecial delivery and were post­ party, and s policy of violent class . . . . Arturo Toscanini celebrates 1 appeal. He told reporter* the case | 1 Can Forty BABY FOOD marked at 9 a. m. (e. a. t.) in warfare won out. 82nd birthday without party. . . . ! would be fought up to the Supreme At Broadcast pick-up order is out for Some LaHinakprfl Still Flashes! Pittsburgh. .\lnio8t at Level Where C'AUse of Sharp Debate court. Tentative Deeiflion Re- 1. T. WOOD CO. BEECHNUT CHOPPED ^ MINCED HAM u. 39c One possible clue was found in Budenz said the i.saue of "Brow- srch-criminal Lloyd E. Sampsell Derline to Pronounce Miss Gillare broadcast the "Axis Grate and Weigel HALES STORE (LsU BoUUtnt of tb. (^, Wire) a note at the bottom of the letter They Were at Start derism" caused sharp debate on In $.5,000 daylight robbery of Bank Sally ' procram for the Nazi rad;o ported on Consu- itself. It said the letter was "not the staff of The Daily Worker. of America branch. . . . Thirtv- Saturday 9 To 12 51 Biasell St., Phone 4496 J a « ■ w e e k e n d y o u c a n b u y 11 T O 12 LB . Final Rites Over Bill latefl at Three Citie* FRANKS ^ BABY FOOD 2 29c Of i9-48. Report Says Communist newspaper, which the seven-yeai -old University of Penn­ (Continued on Page Fourteen) Winds Cause Heavy Damage sylvania instructor, who .says he Lb. Fifty ^ (Continued on Page Fourleen) witness edited. Dallas, Te*., March 25v—(Al— Washington, March 25—i;P)— The paper’s former foreign edi­ mi.stook cop for robber, held on B u lle tin ! Lake Succe.sa. March 25— — Twisting tvinda wrought heavy hit-run charge. m e a t s Living co.sta have slipped back al-1 tor. James Alien, insisted the Washington. March 25.— PI Informed sources reported today WALNUT ;. Lb 45c CANNED COOKED damage here and at Seymour to­ Possible American use of 3.000- most to where they were at the t United States was "a hopelessly — Representative Rankin Farmer Held the Soviet government haa decided day at hall and rainstorms hit capitalistic state’’ and tliat capi­ milc rocket range In .\ustralla (D., 5flss.), today Introduced tentatively to close three of its many Texas areas. Greenville also Tension Halts start of 1948. LAMB The Bureau of Labor statistics: talism could be overthrown "only • may be discussed when defense a new veterans pension bin consulates in neighboring IrM . reported a windstorm. A whirl­ ■ which has been under frequtot DOMINOGINGER HAM_ reported last night that a 1.1 per! by the use of the Red Army," the chiefs of two nations get together limited to ex-serviremen of For Murder wind, swirling In n funnel shaped I verbal attack by Moscow. 'There LEGS When You Buy SLICED—TOP OR.4DE In Coal Fields cent drop in its consumers price | witness said. in Washington next month . . . . • World war I. He told the sixty A m m ‘ O I SLICW cloud, damaged six buildings In n Eisler has attended many tria l. Drive is under way in V>'estport. to House he hopes to bring it to still is a chance the situation will Lb. easy to at Toiv to the C'edsr Crest area of index between Jan. 15 and Feb. ; S IsArgc SottlM (Conteats) - " ' BACON 15 brought the cost of living lo i sessions. He was convicted of raise $7,000 with which to provide the floor "In a short lime." ArrestPil in Torch Death be ironed out without closing of the Venetian Blinds Dallas. Flat roofs of the buildings contempt of Congress in Washing­ 8vc-months-o!d baby girl with The measure rails for 8*2 a ■ consulatea, it was aaid. Mere Mftrd up and hurled across Also Off in Industries within 0.9 per cent of the figure 12 OZ. C.\N D EL M ONTE ton, D. C.. in 1947 but the verdict artificial hand . . . Breeding ex­ month pensions to veterans of Of Neighhor . A f t e r The three Russian c.or5Ulate# ir Rib Roast the street. for a year ago. Iran are at Tabriz, Meshed, and I FRESH BEEF (Not Frozen) r • 'Which Depend on It marked the fifth month in a . is being appealed. He also is out | periment in which scrub cows the 1917-18 «var when they Be Sure They’re on bail on deportation chaives would produce high quality calves reach age S-l provided their in­ Vi O m a n Tellis S t o r y Ahwaz. The Ru-'sians are said to PORK J i • • • easy on your Tornado Kills Four row during which there was a i.ave aaked the Iranians to close PINEAPPLE 11 ivER Coal for Operations drop in the price of (.htoga. people brought against him by the Fed­ is reported In Texas to be ap- come does not exeeed 82iOOO a Greenville,'SIlss., 51areh 23.—(A’l eral government. He recently de- , their consulate^ in Baku. Russia. Lb. Forty buy. And it was one of the ! p!'oachinc practical stage .. . City year if unMhrried or $3,000 if Scaiborough Me., March 25— i.Ti Made pf —A tornado smacked througii a tiled he is America’s No. 1 Com­ married, or with dependents. Strict • ensorship at Tehran h tt JUICE 2c™21cri^ ulanUtlon mca late last night, PitUburgh, March 25----- The sharpest drops for one month | of Philadelphia issues permits for Robert B. Curlew. 30-year-old tension was off in the coal field* munist. I ■ peace rally" April 4 at which pig farmer, was held today on a i prevented any transmission abroad klUbv loue Negroes and Injuring since the war. Budenz said that just before | of the facts. Tlie version reportod [Heavy Beef 20 others. Two ot the Injured were today*; Average Earnings Gain Russian Composer Dmitri Shos­ Washington, March 25.• ,p.— murder charge tn the torcii death 4> OZ. CAN BURT OLNEY "Browderism” was rejected by the ■ here is Ih.ot there has been no reported by hospital authorities It was off, too, to industries— On the other liand, a BLS re­ takovich will be speaker Some lawmakers declined today of a Vinegar road nelghlior. Y / m FEET Lesthet unned w ith Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Buch as steel— which depend on party in 1945. William Z. Fo.ster. British Medical Journal says The charge was based. County break in diplomatic relations and STEAKS ftc here to be In critical condition. port today showed a gain over tho party national chairman, urged an ' to pronounce final rites over vet­ coal for their operations. It was "the biggjst advance in cancer erans pensions, de.spi'te the death Attorney Daniel C. McDonald said, that the tlto countriea are retain­ iLb. Seventy Such clean Venetian blinds! consummste skill.. shoes TOMATOJUICE The Mg wind thundered Into the j pa.st year in the average earnings intensification of strikes in pro- ing their embassies in Moscow and Is le - Jackson nrea flrst, skipped { off among employes of coal-car­ research for many years" may' re­ blow administered yesterday to on accusations by tho widow of Dust skids ri|ht off this Mtin- LABOE FRESH of the 12.600.000 production work­ gress in various American indus­ Tehran, respectively. csiefuUy constnicted with two miles across the water and ; rying railroads, among river work­ ers in manufacturing plants. sult from new experiments indi­ the mutti-billion dollar Rankin George Ciukey, 27. smooth plasuc-finisbed alum­ 15 OZ. CAN H U N T'S tries. Iranians accredited to toa United hit again nround Lake Unshtog-| ers who transport coal In barges. In mid-February, the weekly Foster originally was a defen- i cating definitely that virus causes bill. Marjorie, 25. mother of Clukey’a iRotad inum. Bends for r rings" to atomic secrets alone. Afraid for her life. Mrs. Ciukey I Iran as part of a war-time occupa* Don*t Forget Flexalum name on each slat! WHERE YOUR tentatively htentlfled the dead wo­ UMW leadera, that the etrilce baaed on a comparison between ! Democrats and 57 Republicans NO. 2 CAN BURT OLNEY accompanied Curlew to police, tion by the Alliee, withdrew, front Ciutom-mode only. Briiu win­ man as Mrs. Madeline McIntosh would not end at the close of toe present ^^rlces and those of the teamed up against the bill. For it u . telling them her buaband had set the couDtrj’. dow measureinents, choose FOOT BENDS" MUSHROOMS 49e Lardigaa. The fire-seared body two week period, called as n me­ 1935-39 period in .’56 cities. t were 100 Democrats, 106 Republi­ Our cu27c cans. and one Amcrican-Laborite. the blaze in a drunken rage. A closing o f the Ruaalan can- decorator colors. So SUCCOTASH was found today althongh the was morial to men killed and injured The latest index was 169 per McDonald said she also obtained sulates to Iran would follow m o t f l . Come In snd try on s pair in the mines last year. Tobacco Village Is Winher Total: 208 against, 207 for. Inexpensive! FRESH LARGE reported to haro perished last cent of the average for those pre­ warrant charging her husband the aame pattern os toa C o ld Mean! The fear has become pronounced Administration leaders, who had snd ^ou'U walk away NO. 8 CAN PBEMIER Bight. Deputy Sheriff Llewelyn I. war years—27 per cent higher ihan union adopted last year as a t t - ; after the U. 8 . Senate confirmed opposed the bill as being too ex­ with arson. Welch aald Louto H. O’BrIon, 84, June, 1946, when price controls Denies W onea'e Story priaal move in tha Lornakto-Kflm in style snd comfort! TOMATOES Lb. 19c a woodsman, owner o f the cabin, appointment of Dr. James Boyd at were lifted, and 71 per cent high­ In Beautification Contest pensive, were delighted with their slender victorj'. President Truman O irlev denied the woman’s eaktoa case., Moocotr etoflOfiJUfl . RED KIDNEY ropertod the death today . director of the U. S. Bureau of er than the figure for August, ronsulatee to New York luMI Mines, since Lewis had announced told hia news conference the’ ; atory. the prosecutor said. He told 1 FEESH NATIVE 1939. House vote was a constructive, official*: Francisco, and aaked toa BmiUi Resigns Moscow Post the strike also was a protest Big Drop In Food Prims Des Moines, hfarch 25— (F)— A « '.Award Given Norwleh. Cans 27C 1 . J « 1 torward looking step, which made "You can’t trust a woman. She Statea to close its coimulate' BEANS W'nshlngtoa, March 25—(lO— against Dr. Boyd’s nomination to The bid drop eanie In. food North Carolina tobacco village of Award* of $1,000 each went to 1 ,xccedinglv happv. Vladivostok. 'i KLE1N*S StccL Aluminum and DANDELIONS ^ i.b. 15c the post. 367 population was announc^ to­ ;B.AIES President Tramsn today accepted prices, whose index went down the Norwich. Conn., Rotary rlub | (t'eeHaned ee Page Fourteea) 28-Yoar-OM TnMjr the resignation of Walter Bedell Now the fear was lifted. 2.5 per cent during the month. day as the sweepstakes winner in Iran baa a 28-yaar>eld Wood BUiida ( 10,000 to 100,000 class) ami the t ure sliding toward a committee I FOOD STORE AN d ] Can Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales HmltS os ambassador to hloseow. Renetlon Almost Immediate ' That was still 190.7 per cent of a nationwide community beautifi- . with Moocow whtcti pen fl NIBLETCORN The reaction was almost imnie- cation contesL : Cleveland, O., Rose society (over i shelf was himself a much-decorat- Repairing Tbs White House hnnouaced the the 1035-1939 average, but it was Treasury Balance Soviet union to prealdent's acUeu ahortly after dlste. The Chesapeake A OUo. a eight points below the peak hit in The liacclesfleld. N . C.. W orn-. 100,00 clasa) for their flrat place ed combat veteran of World war to# nalghboring countiY i LOCKER PLANT II, Representative Teague (D,, s OZ. CAN BURT OLNEY , Smith called on toe president to coal-carrying railroad, announcad July, 1948—or just where It was en'a club, which has 35 membera, acldeveinents vieU fael ooeb action M l Tex.). Teague, who holds 11 dec­ Washlngtoiv March 25—(F)— I roqoiv Wp Mw-pondltt roqttM to that 7,000 to 8.000 employes now a year ago. will rocaiva $1,000 aa oweepotakes The Uacclesfleld club won toe to toeir [laOmtorBl > M. EMfl orations. was elected to IM 6 while The position of toe. Treasury own ssIf-flaM I rtow n to. A tn y ^ u ly T V footdeutlal on furlough would return to work fata, oUs and dairy prod- award and an additional $1,00 as' sweepstakes award by carrying Reeantty Moaeanr I Findell Mfg. Co. PEAS and ^ , t h . winner to toe 10,000 and under out a alx-potot program which In­ he tvas a patient at toe Army** March 23: JW.HAM Prooo Secretary fkeriea O. Roes by April 2. end o f the first week ucta hit tosir lowest point In at Net budget receipt*. $527,220,- charging that IttR '■WHEBE MOM .BAVEb ’ said Mr. Truman accepted Smith's of resumed work In the mines. population clasa in the 1947-1948 volved debris removal, home im­ Walter Reed hospital here. 485 Middle Turnpike Ea|rt least a year and a half. W ear­ to ! 853.00: budget expendlturee. 337,- up os an Amarlcoa ' C £ H O U S E 8 ^ Cans yegue$| “ with grnit rehictanc*" “More Beautiful America” con­ provement, tree planting, removal The measure was sent back r o r a m o n e t . ; i I M CARROTS 2 21c 1 MAMCHISTM COMIf The C. A O. had furloughed a total ing apparel dropped 0.7 per cent 0S9.313.92; cash balanca, $3,638,- TeL 4865 niad that ha did so ta petnrit him test sponsored to’ Better Homes of shack dwelling-^ and establish- WE GIVE JWf OREEW STAMPS t * returq t* a field command. (Uoatinuad oo Paae Twahro) (Caattanad aa fagaj^walva) A Gardena mogi ‘ ment ot a ooaxnunitr bouaa. (UaattoiMfl oa twatoa> . I n i .03S.31. I T t. ■ / M.