THURS'DAY, FEB "5,1942 II I BACKWARD LOOK I MRS ARTHUR TURNER, EdItor TEN YEARS AGO 203 Boulevard College From Bulloch TImes Feb 11 1932 BULLOCH" 1_�IMES Two Bulloch county g r!s MIsses I ucila Suddath of POI tal and Sarah (STATESBORO NEWS-STA'l'ICSBORO Snuth of Statesboro Were g vcn places in 1932 Who s Who at the Mrs Bates Lovett spent Wednesday 'I'imes Estabhshed 1892 SHORT ORDERS SERVED Teuchers College Bulloch I Consohdated January 17 1917 In Savannah H H Macon of IS now Statesboro News Established 1901 I S,[A'IESnORO GA VOL of Cordele, Among the lovely SOCIal events From 12 O'clock Noon Until We Close Statesboro Estabhshed 1917-Consohduted December 9 1920 Personal Chff Purvis of Atlanta was a VIS manager of the State Theatre havir g Eagle Purely the week was the tea. gIven Tuesday itor here lust week end ussunred charge Monday formeIly _�======;:======:o::======-=;:===:.::=::::=:-:::======:-:::-===:=.: afternoon members of the Delta Anderson Wedne. by Western Steaks Fried Shrimp Bainbridge Mrs Dean spent Robert Groover of Augusta spent found a of ...-nr Tho past week group Lambda Delta of Teachers Vle��s�n'::�datC��d:I�"OSS IRed Makes Mrs intd sorority n f'U} A_ gent. day m Snvannab Thursday with hIS mother high school girls being initiated Milk=Fed Fried Chicken 'DAVIS MADE HEAD SMALL TODN" no ISpe�l I DAYLIGHT SAVING for women of all a IS College sponsors ks Friday NIght Mr and Mrs Horace Smith spent George G roov or new club that being orgamzed An Urgent Appeal Spe I the had to do sororities on the campus aorority hv��;rt!\te�I��la�II����lr�,�tJR�S��S Atllmta and One of the stunts gIrls Mixon constructed crude blow torch .Iohu I C III 111 FrIday In Mr and Mrs R 11 Cowart Oysters (any style) The Bulloch county ehapter A er-r WREAI S Dl\MAGE ,uggloS"1 agunt OPENS WITH EASE was ever North Main street try and wives de BOYS go presidents of all the from disinfectant er and burned COUNTY CLUB Mrs Inman WDS n vtettor in Carmen Cowart Satur SI" a) 01 II c Fedor II Bu .I1U of In Foy MHH5 spent s kit can Red Cross IS the 1'lIge ong to sell Caroline Colson pet Tho • bole of before dIS "slong people partment heads of the faculty Deviled Crab through top cell im Clocks Moved In He IVy P, OpE'! ty D �'e nt 0 I In th" ate I WIll the Forward And Savannah Wednesday day Savannah ten the way has the best JO) ce Riggs and Herman of the for cloth for jam \lsl" be (which by affair was at the home of Mrs coverv couuty ng Lamar Akins of Barnesville was Will of who grven Presidents Reported From Ne\ ils People Fall In Lme With M ISH Carmen Cowart spend of care) Several thc people the I sts for Hendrix Are Vice lies whose 10111eS were II Ronald on avenue Fountain Service Purging regtstratton destroyed Celt for NcU. Zettcrower v N More or Less 8 week end VISitor here I he week end In Cordele as the were approached vel')' sorry I ext s WIll be Fur and Glfls C01l111lUll1( Frtday gilt Alacrity guest Wednesday pt mary Boys Fr d ay S tOl11l1(IO 0"0'"I 0Id fur s who were Guests were MISS Pruella y Phil Bean has returned Cram the gi rl not knowmg they greeted by Saturday two thousand Mrs of MISS Lalane Harr-is completed u It s their was n turo such be lstoads dressers daylight aavmg trme In State,... listen nil' to all the tnne telhng Cromurtie who introduced them to notices have been sent to delin Jan of,; Duvis Stilson elected Il VISIt'" St Fla Mrs B Emerson of Petersburg Mr und H woe Jesse became or thut would these bur 0 nowl l'o bo SUI C It R not tha&; tales of Eletcher M,ss one fourth of those es dent of Bulloch 4 II unythit g help Geraldine Keefe presideqt.. Ilf quents perhaps pi the county u Mae Hooks the MISS Bert spent A tlnnta were dur ng the week vel d sturbed when one thought WIth ov I hel guests y she have rdjuated their taxes approxt I James people get settled 11 lew plncr S way y\\ a-but only 111 .pota. rtlct Delta Lambda Delt I MISS Kutherinn club counc Saturday week end With her parents ut of Mr n HI Mrs A M BI iswcll wns a young gtrl driven througl\ pov vot 000 names arc III the for wm m clothing furn tura and bed 1 hcorcticnlly Statesboro foil in line 8 home Ellison directed lhe to the been \ 4 H club member A and Braswell of the C1 ty WBS trymg to get "good guests Ibert Belton ::te�;st� d some two hours ahoad of schedule fOI her cat Jesse to buy It room where Mrs Neil irs mujorrng 111 hogs and ng 1\ Dan and Mrs Grover w,1I agreqd dining poured Social events of the week �h s ye • Mrs Burney of Gcorgm upend Univorslty s, Sunday nIght Burton Mitchell, and when the gtrl refused, sayon& ;'lhe tea nsaisted M,ss Jul a Odom and F. P 1 osto ss if'tcrnoon cattle He has one of the best steers Lviaitcd those homes und \\�II in Savan the at theIr home here by Josey Frod!l� B,\unnen spent Wednesday week end had deCIded not to It aftel a11 at Grin es .;;ell M ISS who to Tol1v French Knotters Mrs Ar for the Roason that has ever been the need IS urgent un I If you hav JewclCl Jewelry Company stu r Jeanette Walker ser-ved MISS Martha WIlma SImmons became a. !tttle BUSpICIOU� All the nold Anderson entertumed rr angle and long tllnc custodlnn of the P'!I� assorted sandWIches and m111ts The fed out In tho He ratses that \\ II heir these fam clock, IS had a hladen 'ilmh county ,nythmg Mlrs Juhan Brooks spe�dl)1g dent at the Umverslty of GeorgIa tIme these gIrls I Club at hel home ,t Colfax M,ss hud charge of the One tea table lace and IS now pres dent hes \\ til yOll please son I It t.o the IlJUlles personnl change WIth hel mother MIS W B enCe among the other members prettIly appoonted was MELODY MUSIC CLUB entol t tables purebred hogs awhIle the week end at her home here BENNE1T-KEENEY Annie Snuth ned SlY 111 BUl ton IS one on­ � spent I u UPI,"I ed 0 of tI e tllll0 of those of the young ladles however was covered and centered wlth nn nr of hIS club at StIlson Red Cro," 01 call anti let kllo\� county Johnson Mrs Perl und The MUSIC Club composed of piavol s Fr da� m01n ng It her Mr and y Kennedy Mrs Arno Bennett, of Melody 1 lOUt tIme fellons who n not recClvcd With so much cor Mr and were lncl WIll for It net the hnlol!-{ ty lmc It s beheves dOIng q1,1,ItC rangement 01 narCISSi and whlte ta home on North Mum stlcet l\hs Other ofhcers numed MISS \\hlt lOU have I cal1 Odom of spent m MIdVIlle of the grammar gtade pupils of Mrs L,meTick Sylvan," httle son spent Sunday who r 1 U I whutU\ 01 needs He dmhty ns the lady approached announce �he marr18ge of E ul entm tameo With a (' Q 17 to I ('pr1 ft d t h It d unng to the eally dOlllg , Those who called mcluded Mrs State.boro 'McElveen RJO'g� Regl<;tci vice prc�1 lent I nore nIe t\ ch 1.;0" :l�r� tl here With hiS sister MIS mother Mrs Ken She and the cat both pers Veuhe Hllhnrd met at the home of Joyce Tuesday WIth h,s Perry Jesse Fletcher Wlelor roust MI Mts fhad " sus dldn t "unt to be bothered about 111d Hel man Hendnx months and exient of lIel hU[ls $10 000 s - E 1.. Barnes Mrs Walter Downs thmr Martha Sue to Gene fOI tho and 1 elght g11ls age" P G Walker were ordel ed away from the house daughter Mr and Mrs T E Rushmg Monday g11ls nedy Morros hosts to four tables of blldge t tiled B L :"11 up m the clock tower at mar for the four men four women ---.------geUong We are all our bit for the Red Mrs W S Hanner Mrs B L SmIth of Ch,li cothe Mo The We:st Side vice prmndent to 2 years und by Gny MISS Betty DeLoach of Savann Ih E RIchardson of Atlnntu d0111g Keeney evenmg WIth MISS JackIe Rushmg as a1t their home on Grady stl cot MISs Harvey 141 Acc"1 to the t, ir011 t c SO whet he was nbout ta even to an old 111 the sec ALl8N R LANIER ICpu ITIHll11ght C'oss lady Mrs Crouse Mrs Da took 15th at the • a II Tohn M,ss 8fho Brown StIlson Inb was end of Mr ",d Ruby Cynlhla rlUge place January hostess gIven Mrs HII • Cluudle Cannon RIgdon bo,s I the week guest und Waterbury Conn wus the guest Readlrgs by retile £01 the () 0 clock­ com her mghtws how I re 1 I m\n lU\\('l Irt or the the tJ nd IlIDht-at ty way past VIS MISS ecn MIS s Mrs aunt of the wero UnIte I n 111.1 Sund lY 1ft I etal Ed\\' n LewH� Donmark D suster Ch p count.y HaSSle MeElv home of [da Sm ley 11t11 were und othel s rlflgc y Mrs Cohen Andelson of M 55 Martan Thackston the IS Jon d enjoyed takmg APPEAL our TO one of workelA IS'rnONG durmg III cv�r Mary el noon Feb 7th of tl., totnudo see11lS to hnve been he slipped Up tho ton�r and Jump EdIth GIJ111 MISS Turner MISS m Chllhcothe Dudley Dc po tel MI S P F Gtoover Warnock FlIcnds to Jearn of tl c con Johnston who IS do mil' I,mttmg She BIlly groom pOI t on tl c proglam were Fr Lnces regret "eck I cd a cog He steplled up ono hour It Thnmus Pe11 MISS Eula Beth Loach cousm of the brIde acted as tmued Illness of B1ackbUln ut Tillman Atll11 IS so mterested 111 It that she tukes Mary y Putsy Odom and Lane TWENTY YEARS AGO Roy MISS lienr ettll of Rackley GEORGIA STUDENTS and el II muted the 10 0 clock stloke, to school and almost any mOl nmg Jones M,ss Ruth Kammerer and MISS best man MISS Alberta Bachman was s:o�o;�: BIG OPPORTUNITY ,:C�sOt��u��e �:;�'h��: II��V�I� fl�'��,�!': on avenue A numher of Were I) ��s:h�,71:I".p"�,��0� hiS home Savannah spe t scveull duung the Johnston songs From Bulloch 1111108 Feh 1922 should struck days Isn m her '" thence ICIOS" the Brlal sto k when tho clock huvc when she t busy studIes McMIllan maId of honor The brtde wus at pulcl Navy IS OlIermg Rare Fred SmIth Jr and SId SmIth week WIth her Irents Mr lind Mrs Roger sung by all those present Damty Mt and Mrs J C th • p the first grade you can fin I het very Hollmgswol se\ el In the ne 10 11111 It Stl uck 11 m"tead-and new m a WIth The counCil 111g qUIte ely ghhor For t.hou tractIve gold crepe gold wele served the celebrated thell fues IN NEW RADIO LINE OPPOI tUllIty High Tech are pal Grnnt Tillman on hel scarf -If rofleshments golden weddmg Georgia V1SItl1lg qmetly knott111g you THREE S CLUB by hood of Blttehton tllnc WltS 11\ vogue two hO�nJ and COl oC 'lalls at their } 0 lie Ileal DoVOI actJ\!ltles n the county rhe regulnr School amI BO)8 officlully Fred SmIth calC to sec two of oUr rna stud tTlmmmg sage mother of the hostess day College ents Mr and Mrs Mrs Lyman Dukes and Mrs Percy popu1ar ah ad of schedule .RabbIts kIlled 111 Ibundance ",II be held first Sat Skilled MechdDlcs Urged The most ellboll te detail of dum tlons m town utterly dIsgusted WIth The Three S club composed of hIgh roses Mrs Keeney attended BRANNEN be111g meetmgs each Chado ton S C Feb n -'lhe U Mr and Mrs Ernest Cook of Sa Blanil a few days the mutt BARBARA ANN spent dU11ng fned rabbIt setved on bIll of fme fat 10 N we h:lve heal d h lS been sent us In bus nCBs Circles It was not the sound of money Just approach school gIrls met at the home of Car Teachers College and the All the olficers of To Eroll IVy For uge announced ul10thm qUite vannah spent the week end as guests week ut H111esvllle WIth lIIr Dukes Georg18 Reporter Statesboro Advel Club last navy hus op Janoe Lee Olhff I rmk) und ttsmg b OUI N eVl I S COl d en t w1\lC I I so Tho cl�rka (Mrs Coalson and elceted the Chllli'cothe Busmess Mr clubs In the eleven 11\ Needed Craft y respon sunple postoffico of mother Mrs Joe Frankhn olyn Saturday College al c m POI tul at 10 Trammg portu11lty rOt GeOlg'Iu youths to serve her und Mr Bland Mrs KItchens new comer) One Monday selhng (a r' are of the IS as follows up one hundred per cent-­ offIcers PreSIdent Vlrg11ua studlCd at the of RETURNED TO DURHAM members nnd ut sante tIme stepped Mr and Mrs Bernard Ann of n the week the followmg Keeney Umverslty cents apiece IstheJr the McDougald MISS Mill Johnston past phone rang heard of radar country garet ght I you have Nevils was halJ h t weI e all on the at Vlce are Mrs L C Mann and Malcolm Mann , Made t IS the nume selected Possluly community by they Job the early Ann and JUnie Lee answered th s very Rushmg preSIdent Vtrgmlll M,SSOUri The young couple spend Rlgi ptopare themselves for future e1V11 and chIldren AI and spent Sun the Un of GeorgIa was the not It IS the de verslty m Durham for the of StutesbOl 0 scream pOSSIbly really bIg u tmnlOd F II d uy ntg ht ub aut 7 00 hour the dehvery Gtt vOIce asked If that were 182, Durden Bea Dot Small awhIle m Savannah and wlth her left today for theLT home product Monday mormng, 10 MIllen WIth her mother Mrs ange secretary mg tan work day week end J:uest of her parents Mr was Vernon Cml m ultra frequency was the next a ery subm tted by ,elopment l11gh 0 docl wh ch cut a about 150 wmdow cd at 8 0 clock 0 clock she tephed It questIon wood treasurer, Betty Gunter Dur parents here N C after montb s VISIt With MIBs path school and students opm (7 Newton and Mrs :r 0 Johnston 15 old 30n of MI a Id Mrs C wh ch war has out HIgh college was f she were Mts Frank Oll,ff and Lester and Lester A year radIO brought wide bel, w NeVIls ulld laId I old tIme) und durIng the next mg the soc181 hour the hostess served Eumce Hamp PRESENT PICTURES yalds 19 m by he received fot tl e bctween the of 17 nnd MI•• Vtrg1111a Groover and FTlends of Mr and Mrs MIlton she sllld then he Immedmtely M Call $5 prize Its blhes for nges Mary yes SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS number mformal pass peace tlnle apph "nste evelY 1111 il 111 Its vuth It hrst houl thtee persons called fOI mall sandWiches ·cookles and coca-colse of partlOs wel'� Mr and Mrs J A Brannen cele now enlIst III n new naval Miss Joyce SmIth WIll spend the week HendrIX WIll be mterested to learn told hel he wus l'utt111g a check m clmnve can LOVELY PARTY catIOns are let to be rcahzcd but entered NeVils dlsLr ct nou De I When th, tlmt for her for 'l he WIll meet each HAS gIven for Mrs Mann during her Btay brated thelt fOI ty first weddmg an WIll called days get longer maybe end m Atlanta and attend AT 0 the postofTlce mght group Saturday DEFENSE Icserve und not be the that they have been tr?nsferted from AIR RAID It certuln that It WIll have a group that here nlVCl:SaI V F lldny ut thell home on appears church a"Heri the Martm fast schedule WIll become more pqp­ $500 She could hardly .Ieell and WIll be entertamed next by Laura Mrs George Lamer entertamed her to actlY' unttl the completIon avenue n embcls of WIll an duty n of the she ZetterowCI only Be 1\ de field und be ellttrely towal lis F H ulat _ many WIlYS Illustrated Picture hellde<: �mty dancc_,_�_t_'r_ec_h -=-_V_a_I'_lo_s_t_u_to_G_u_I_Ip:..o_r_t.:_M_'s_s ght thmkmg Matgaret Brarly at ber home on North school class composed uf of thOlr curront school car If Sunday the fam \HHO prescnt covers were for ) they would spend the money and Frank DEBATE WINNERS ly new OppOI tumty those expe�1 J utch'S Lurm lome wus IllIS:5C Mam Btreet Blxteen of the Explamed To Public At hid.S Sohool hourH were unchanged us tr to year-old gIrls BaptIst for soxten so dm;rre says he has grown weary ps Members of the hIgh aehool debate placed enced m Its of Thursday E, en 109 Pll11Clpics tlmest by mches but ptactlcally de had been announced and In mterme­ party refreshments Conley the Henry Grady Hotel ure m cuse of an air raId purtlcu fiJ1!lnclally each young accepted had dreamed Hollnnd entertamed three t of the PET or CARNATION bIcycle she o� b_uylng Roger the future at the s ,me tIme It IS en remumed and pm pantry fore except the clock face dldn t lb. nc at home With to h of be furnished food and lodgmg and SUGAR, und the defense bonds she wo.uld buy tables of blldge Iier larly reference llldhng be tall cuns work and It IS "hore the happened to show It so At tI e same meetlOg, Reasonable Amount MILK, street new and fnscmatmS' family l111t al un fOI ms whtlc on lctlve duty Any faded WIth the pIle of scrap "9\1 th ,t South Mum ",cendlary bombs Along WIth the Neither Mr hIS WIfe or daUgh a vote was taken on the - hmlted to men and Floyd however t neur come up to par W,ll wh eh WIll be at speCIally quahfied Pay WlII start WIth the base anlount Tender Green dlqn AGO pICture presented and Snap Beans THffiTY YEARS who eomm'111ca ter wet u IrtJured Several hogs of f�turo tllne and 1 0 clock sec you 111 those hold federal and WIll be as subject doz. 29c 8 0 clock 111 the even111g Herm M I for seamen lncr�llsed EGGS, 14 kl11cd and Lb 10e From Bul\och Feb tlons comnuSSlOn l\( enses "ChICkens were injured \\ as llliopted us officlul Rotary dID Inhulsen chIef of 1l1spector of the the man advances III lut ngs n MISS Lena Belle SmIth entm ta One barn Qf corn was left p Irtiy nel hour to 12 0 clock CUPSWELL G th,s '"terests at Enrollment 111 the ClllSB also offel S (equIvalent CAROLE If for of KIN Juniors mqUITe Emma bureau of fire preventIOn SaYan you Fresh Garden Peas cd III honor of hel guest MISS wlnle every other bu Id",g fotmer Originals room 236 standmg of under operatlun) ve a lee the statton the obtummg Lee TTlce nah fire department ",11 g navy reCtUltmg youths opportunIty wus demohshed The CBr churches It IS to 10e luncheons were durmg If completely worth of In any At the planned COFFEE Lovely gIven Cotton pTlces contmue to hold ture on the subject whteh WIll be postoftice bUlldmg Savannah you free $1500 tram,"g, was ",here the barn waS tOO cent observance of fast the week WIth Mr.s Barney ,Averttt shade above 10 cents know of who to be le(t settmg of the �5 trades or vocatIOns A have per Made by House steady, upland very helpful and ,"formatIve Every anyone appears Turnip or Collard was blown from It as WIll obset ve frum tbe I14l1,fW!l11 at her home on Zetter sea Island 25 cents the word to away fitness Wlll develop tIme yOU cntertntnlng person m Bulloch county IS inVIted qunhfled pass along phYSIcal program bunch announcement of J H Don ffic "md on Its way In s Issue New ()ere-II GREENS, ower avenue At each the lunch The The ter swept hOUIS advertised today party to attend and wItness thIS present.< Inm Tho need IS urgent and the op healthIer men on for re electIon to the office of aids to the home of Mr and Mrs OtiS howe\ er IS understood to be CHEERIOATS con table was covered" Ith a clune"e unusual of enrollment arc two rh,s m thIS Issue There WIll be no charge portull1ty IS The periods Tender Green sheriff appears If seems 2 Cabbage was nor wbICh wus destroyed completely en subJcct to chango occaSIon packages cloth and the central decoratjon Horace Waters age 28 of the P E LARSON th, co and four ye 1[" but those theIr fum not P tcher 6 Ibs 25e r "m m Mr and Mrs ner and Ill' to dem ind Anyhow It ought SylUp red carnatIon and whIte chrysanthe­ l'rlaccdomB commul1lty dlee CBM USN RecrUIter hstmg WIll be requ red to serve only he fell Ask Committeemen at home but no Ie wore Injured d fflcult to have a slid scale mums m a SIlver bowl flanked red Junes sustoll1ed when upon l'Verc the dUI rltlOn of the wal to be ng New Irish by throughout a dmner pall Mt IIcr He WIth the baby at the churches because tbe practIce Pure Lard, lb. 15c cundlcs III SIlVCl holtle! s Attractlve Call For Supplies except Not unless the natIon 5 lluhtary SIt 6 The J B Cone ram Iy met m -e Bulloch County Lad POTATOES, lbs n hI a ms 'was betweeq I hus been to serv cards were n chtnesc �aught necesslt ,tes the of the I the pust udapt plnce pluced umon at the home on NOI th Mal B H Ra 11sey secretal'Y of the uatton calling the bed NClthm the the und settInI' RICE-Cello Bag luncl cons served In and es n C0Id St boards and post now be. en haUlS to rlslng hoiaera The street I,st Thulsoay five sons Bulloch Democtatlc execut"e Go 0 orage men WlU anyone enrolled Old Potafoes, 5 Ibs. 19c county were l(lc l5c 25c 0 othel s of the ("mlly sun COlli 5es cons stcd to tomato Jlhcc two daughters were ptesent of the bllby to (or befote the of the commIttee asks that members A nong the Bulloch count� fun"he" reqUired repott duty new candidates fm county Cli Mr I1er WII" hurt abo�t the now saN clab salad Three 1 IS neded Altogothel dayhght RED Ib 10c cocktaIl soup shrImp from c Ich dlstnct sh"l1 CI nt"buted to the welfal churn school yeu BUTTER BEANS TOMATOES, n s Issue J D COmll1lttce will have offices uppeal today shoulders All otber bUlldmgs C1" has not been as­ II cd oysters m t11nbales potato the Further mfOImu.tlon about ng completely r ochnhonla No 2 22c peas tax receiver M J Bowen Cll! at h,s office prlot to the pnmury of OUt county none have outnumber tmy green. McElveen farm wecO With 1 hete IS a sort of RED SWEET hot Ice cream m cur about hl6 dc�troyed from [e slm I ltcd fe"ha", POTATOES (hIps rolls red S L NeVIls on \Vedncsday On our cluss c� 1 be Obtu100d navy Powhatan small collectot and electIOn to be held ed perhaps the Duughtrys 'lhe green nJury to hIS stock that to nutlOnal Ideals calls 10 natIOn mold cake and coffee to ree cru statlOns In North Carolina loyalty tull can 2 fur 35c Ibs 25c pound sentatlve of next "eek (Febluary 18th) malhng hst at thIS tIme are tl tlllg Laura New t mool Yo as damag�d for on With every Win the Fl covers were for Mrs The mart lUge of Mrs at Churlotte Sahsbury J)I pt step fresh No 2 can day placed reCClve the nccessul election sup bear mg arm s Raleigh Superfine 13\1,c was y young Daughtl ys some man and A A Turner solemn wal movement and Powhatnn medium tOe Lettuce, head lOe Blooks SImmons M,s Waldo Floyd and all Gteen"boro AsheVIlle and New Bern prescribed green Large at the home Voters hsts t cI,ets stamh between other 'l mes read Ized Sunday afternoon phes Ig om however, a 31gue f that standpolllt Mrs Ronald Nell Mrs J P Foy the fa, m Catol,"a at Columb lind fa W W Br annen m the Laston dIS neeossa,y bl'nks fOI makmg CIS aIHI fapall and HItler South 's stalk 10c there IS Ull clement of busmess peo Stokel) Crean Style Corn Large Celery, Mrs Johnston "':Irs officllted Bureau UI at Macon At George trtcL M Y Parr,"h mal electIon returns ,,,II be ready One of the younger of the tr 0 13 Farm Group Charles�on GeorgIa 2 who beheve should for 25c Elhs and M,s EmIt Akms Brooks SUllmons and L C Mann Mon lanta and Savannah and an Flond \ pic adjustments h5tl bulton he says by 8 son of the late Eb Daughtry Clyde Attend Macon Meeting serve of tl e Bloaks SlInmons Company M ami be made \\ hlel most effiCiently 2 Ibs. 15c for Satulday mcluded Mrs nee hIS at Jacksonvil e Tampa and Sweetened Field ONIONS, or Tuesday Portul rn the n iVy s Corn and R SImmons and P E Daven of 1 he officers md several rcprcsen needs Bankel s merchants Bnd Mr, J rCd SmIth Mrs Pel cy local Foy tIle aduatl U [10m 1 enchcrs College Tall ean 10c of the MetCIl1 Company gi Bulloch county chapter to exercise Round or Lom Mrs Mrs port tatlves of the busllless mer arc gOing A\erttt Bruce Olhfl' Ed fOl New YOlk to PUI has left Saturday about seven )ealS ago Cljde attended the Business Girls' League about Forbid ChaIn Letters of the Farm Bureau • marc 01 less Tmy Garden Peas, Petit WIn Mrs Frank Snnmons chase merchandlsc to the IIldOJ;1endence Grq__ovcr been a constant subsertbet m Ma anteen organlzat 0' meet ng C hours of ope"mg and closmg most POlS, 2 No 2 cans 35e STEAK Lb and Mrs Thad MortIS Other frlOnds Defense aJ (! sta�e Sponsoring For Stamps nCR EllS ch of add'ress 11 lngea IIoc I countY to set FORTY YEARS AGO con last week :n,e Bul Bosmess Gltls o[ them al C ,,,Ihng however WIll be luncheon guests of Mrs Aver to rhe Stutesboro a Iccent nollce Issued by the but he nevel forgets ChICf Cut News Feb 14 III ftequent 500 members for \ ahead an hour, Maryland Statesboro the Sn,lp Chuck Itt and of week From plCll}:cd IS b cunteen classes feetlmg pellods Frtday Saturday thIs IS he from one delegatlO'� Club Sllonsorm" the publIC Wl.: te 11!-1 ""hOll moves a f No 2 can m lawn th,s postoiflcc ctepartment mak e th e goaI WIll sorve Beans, l2\1ze STEAK Lb Many thefts repOTted t942 to heIJl up CO,"cctlon W th the defense pro tf that any g09d purpose of to unotbe, 'lhe last Infonl1a Ion week kItchens banks etc warned of the IlIegRhty deposltUlg post II and INFORMAL RECEPTION potato 1 25000 for Georg Mrs Luelle has of A deta led schedule fot openmg IS [-!olleman Field With v s defense we have receIved flom gram Peas, snaps have all been ted 111 the malls lette,s sahcltlng bon Clyde John H been Members of the educatIOnal � Fred G HI tch pI eSldent as fat of VArIOUS Irncs has Pork 111111 (.,0·'U hel servlccs ",stroCtOI closmg Tall can 10e I b. 25c T 0 OVClstleet has sold hIS called en d bit. had hel eWlth Chops, saymgs stamps by the sO I" M M R ushmg com 1011 of the Teachers School re Olhlf vIce euch week worked out by the metchatlt's Tram,"g busmess to IItr Stokes and has �resldent classeH two mornl11�b less cham Naval AIT St .\lOn E LAdn erso n Pod Whole OKRA were entertamed at a Informal to hIS home In Emanuel coun dp 1 ego tel I at to 00 mlttce of the Chamber of Commerce, Baby lovely turned chapter and lb. 15c letterH Seattle W (Tuesday Thursduy) Sausage Meat, The of e"'lle�s cham n!!hmgtol1 \r 0 f d trOC 15e given evenmg sendlllg l1ember of th.. st�te bo d and IS hereWIth Can reception Thur�day by ty Feb" 4 1942 0 clock for five weeks begmnong presented unfounded Seaboa rd has nalure IS '" VIOlatIOn of tbe , Dr and Mrs Walter Downs WIth Rumor of thIS tOtS W H SmIth J W Anderson fur111turc alld )�welry. Del'l \11 1 urner next ,eek If II su.fficlent r umbel of Dry goods can 1M Beef 19c not bought RegIster and GlennVllle f,aud and statutes 1£ Paul PIMIENTOS, large Roast, lb. Mr and Mrs H ... ard Waters, pod IloStal lottery to TImes to 8 C T Honilrox Clu se Snl1th 111d 8 30 close 6 30 of the 'l attnall I want you send my tbe I"dles on Statesboro Ilre onter stores-Open dally, I Small 2 for 19c say� representatIve 111 the been Bulloch can, Mrs Joe as honor A any patron p Irttclpat111g cool (new) addres8 I have N osmlth attehd ed f rom th e close 9 30 Joyner guesta ested rhls IS an opportumty fOI Satulday Palace .Tlmes known It IS to Alask I WIll leave whIte blue color was of Sl heme should become ttan.fell cd 8 00 8 3& red and motif Bruce !Ccmp Emanuel county those who c""not attend the mght n. ug sto s-Open c10.� Hershey's Cocoa, !;I-Ib, 7 V'c Ib to Ie he.r. 111 I. 01 t\\o Gues, they Bacon, run over anrl the duty of the olflctals IllY feels hke used for the party and patrIOtIC wus horllb\y mangled postal MI Olltl1' stated that he 20 hOllr course cbde to 00 Satutday 10e l-lb 19c ate to me on coId s torage cla"OeD�� .� to tal,e the dally Vz-Ib near Metter Wed neB I!'-\ go llg put eentral train at the ViolatIOn The patron now to and were by p and the Farll' Bureau wus leady 01 ccr oml harwuFc stores-Open PICniC songs love songs 'Sung by I got onl! bIg 8�Slg'11111ent and recc \e a Red CIOBS clId Grocery Hams, small, Ib 27c d Itlon lcally lY nIght W lrned thut un tnvcstlg rnay ..... C 10 00 DOG FOOD M,ss Marte Wood accompamed by J I thInk It '''as.... one no one else got \C IHe\ e trne a bJec t ves th otgam1.a least tln 8 00 close q 00 dlHly elose Run, the loafers out of town farm tlficatc p canteen At ty rn forb dd the dellvety of see t on the 3 tall cans 25c Malcolm Patker 111 ISs W,ll and the loaf result ng Maybe some day I .ball tlon Rtood for md th"t he s nce[ely Pork SHOULDERS Ib 1ge M�ry ers are want,"g hands can b c tuug'ltI III th IS CUSSI Saturduys U It of the screen a ld can say ( Wakeford are lfl town In n lj nUll to pOI tl� pn photographed eve B I II och COlin ty 8 00 close and MISS Q4een Eh.abeth mg negroes hVlng up that y j 111 th,,, Bal ber shops-Opon W,.h we could loped Any lady ntereste day SCOCO LARD, lb 14c "fLY AWAY" '�" tunc and at mght scbeme th It get together Skl11less Wieners, Ib 23c Collins aSSisted In serving an attrnct the day steahng \\111 Jotn the olgtnlzatlon btl"!) LUCile Q "0 d, I; close 11 00 Satutdays 'l IS on a of boxes nnd WIth h\olfalmel tIme comsc may contlct And Your Coupon In.. a ftler-thls W G Bluntlcy couple I rally "QUESTION Congressmlln h 5 afternoon Ive party plate on wh ch red henl ts high MARKS" 1 nlves some whIte lH.! boards 19J! to help do put Gamm Close eact Wedne"9 'y. to bIll through !)halp p Hollcn an or MIRS Zula 1ge 'pu.. rayon WIth Is conlro.t­ There, trymg get passed YOU? and were ntl as decorations At th no questIOn WAS THIS could talk up a storm 11 May 6th anged about wb eh WIll pernl t tl e AI ,,� r1 aie urge d t0 d 0 SU ut once at I p beg Imlng bonds wllh congress Rm '"y "'9 gay em· look s rhut '"" t I V(1y bIg stat on I season conclUSIOn of the party the brides it-you)1 fa,h,on WISe tamahu [Iver to be chunged to have '1 ucsd l� morntngbOth� contlllUI11g: u tll tobacco !Ho.dered to I Will h \Ve the lab RotarianS Postpone buller!"e. .n thIS ck Isteod wet C filled With of g10 g'OIOg' l"uess nele p1cscnted a silver spoon match Carole EX. ItS outlet through Bruusw packnges BOOKMOBI LE SCHEDULE 4tl WIll be obsetved Satulday 111 n a. WI)O "nd to do lots of JUly and long Ior'sO blouse elUSIve CCI es You \\ele dlossed hy mysclf hope the I ns WIth '" skirt of Darten Annual Ladles' NIght WEEK Ing pattel by members of the sw"hn" fish IS If I un FOR 'IHE COMING above a full a I e\\ and tweed coat with stl ped hunt111J.( ttl" ng-that poised ("cular paneled With NIck Foss has bu It daISY dress corn dlVIS on queslton [an mto Feb 16--0geech"e S & S No\\: You al C \ 01 talented Two not busy hunt ng Japs I Monday MAKE NO PAYMENTS 10c "",I paneled for ,hmne,s marks More passenger co teh for the effect Y inquIsItiveness ch Idl en are the cook here who IS waItIng to go up Tun 10 to 2 00 In tl e WIll put �ome SPIt of your three ty FACES F ISH! luggage wllh M,ramar accen" 1f company fil st ON DlSCO'�nNUED TEL CLASS MEETIN(. Ihe I1d� pockets tl el e an I he \\ IS tellmg me hIS st I Ie C011l1l1um\) In It tl e passcngels \ same age nd,I Malch 6th Tue day-W' mis' blue With tonns probabl) L a d ICS N Ight t0 F y aqua spice Carole r at rives IS to h m The TEL class oj the Lyn 'pun .n It descubed WIll call at Job fL( he dig 1 30 to BaptIst rayon WIll not SPIt all over If the 1,ldy aU 10 to 100 West Side "chllol ru,t field WIth .... n" of Fr of next week grflen mISSIon blue 11 m of offIce she WIll be self II hole un�er the g Illey (kltch,n) day school held then wheat coral !'. nogto plowong on tl e f the TImes gIven Sundal ,egular SIte, 11-17 hl111 Well ,nned 'lhe change 2 15 gold Sizes II 15 ncar tOWI up two tIckets to the 'i 0" fluol I told shIpmate was formerly pi Ina 1I1d busme::;s WI- M Foy plowed plctuYe to 00 lthly SOCIal mectlllg 11 cau!;e t1:al and better ,ke lt large you v n H'e n Oldel to \Vodne�dny-P( (town) 18 ruttle,nake V\ cdnesday 17 of Bel 109 to Me shOWing today you In datc \� PIO dUllng the "eek n the recleatlonal It find me n aheld of you Portal 1040 $6.50 wer.e In one were at the II Theatle might cnteltall1Cl who to )030 community $7.98 whIch lHle they iFllday Geotg cure In au tstlndlng 100111 at the church With the Please send T,mes to Clyde \ 1 b ones my presl about e ght mches long lS nted among the g fOl the occaSIOn 1 00 Mlddlegrol1nd school only Naval AIr Base PhotJo III �e pI esent dent Mrs J A BI lllan eleal of el edIt all you Watch next week for new clue Daughtry pteRldmg I Steel Thad MOlTIS who mude 1 �O will do fOl The descrtbcd last W't!ek Lab Dutch Hurbor Alaska PreSIdent VISit ng was stI essed by the mem th s yea, The old buggy can! lady 1015 at P S -WIBle eollect111g Bundles lnnouncement Monday Thllsduy-Blooklet (town) another year and tho�e old shoes was Mrs B H Rumsey She the bCl s 1 WIth MI s Joe 'Fletch one ti to 1 00 Group F after (01 Brltam YOll nllght put m Just as .. man til 11 Leefleld comlllU lit)' cun be half soled und It s n", use to tended the pIcture tlday nounces this entertamer er cupta I served hot chocolate and H. of handle XY': s for Alas ()O to I 10 a when II noon and said she enjoyed It very long 'Alcolu I Minkovitz plow m pair of $3 galtors l"I'(aho It a peer n pubhc life CI ackel s the .Sons \ follOWing _� of brogans WIll dt> Just 8' well much l::tr pUlr SlOn THREE can machine is in prooduction troops Malaya took u heavy that in war can us­ unequal-! ton; production they for putting women to work in jobs EMIT ed. Its arms is of an GROVE W. M. S, THKWEEK potential capacity enemy which outnumbered them tonish the world 8S did in NEWS OF just they that used to be done by men than of entirely The Women's greater that all the other terribly and had automobile con­ Missionary Society I virtually complete production." That -dTiving trucks and taxis, perform­ of Emit Baptist church held powers combinnd. But we arc of sky and' sea. A relative I fident attitudu their 1942. NATION mastery extends throughout ali ing minor industriul operations. etc. . THURSDAY, FEB. 12, THE at AND S'rATESBORO NEWS to use this machine ut a late of monthly meeting the home of M .... BULLOCH TIMES (\V� ing very handful American and Filipino 501- industry. Six months from no !lOW the problem Linton Bland National and International date. Our enemies have had a long diers under the General Mac- One of the Wednesday. An in­ great, 1110St difficult jobs for will be how to lind workers. Mrs. W. a curriculum to start-I enough was Frank and develop head stnrt on us. teresting prog-rum Oglesby, -"rranb';ng While the de- Arthur have held off II Japanese army the immediate to 8nanged by Teac1Stiers ud Group Problems Inseparable From future will be This a.rms progrurn will the DR. T. C. BAYLESS, y of behavior that characterize require ·Mrs. J. W. Meeks on B. Punish. cypes mocrncies were giving their energies estimated at more than 200,000 men mobilize "Stewardship" Welfare of smal! factories for wnr use 'of every pail' of CDllUblc hands Dentist I a free help young • Today was rendered. the •• •• people; (2) to busine •• • Mr. appointed the fol- people' fLocal bettering the lot of the people, -and they have dono that with work. It is much easier to During Stilsoa Kicklighter 31-1 produce in the cOl1nLI"Y . wrok u session new OLIVER BUILDING se- make democracy by making an officers were elected tor . to 31 marked the end of the total states were . committee their's most- no of relief or aid. The the � ",;,... lowing nominating January devoting hope peuce-to-wm- transition in I "3 gi­ The all HTOheldBSUIIIocnhtceOrlJneh�tit·en,\cgller� Roberts the Pen!'] the oet,e'dty roport as II more stable civilization. ensuing year' follows: Presi­ Offices formerly occupied by S. 1\. with ruthless. to end with their lect officers JOT another year: era, On that date the great Detroit single purpose the tragedy is that Mac Arthur and other gnntic industries with their Shell of Macon, spent the spend the week pur- group, composed of thc teachers and in great Haber debnclo. whieh showed that Mrs. Dan Dr. Whiteside Brannen, In the administration meeting, creation of dent, R. Groover; vice-pres­ J. H. Griffeth, T. N. Ogles- armies, navies and air lenders wore given so little to work endless and vast re­ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woodward. Driggers, automobile factories turned out their staffs, fucilitics rna week end with his family here. ents, I other school officials of this county, Robert and S. A. the in cause of unpropnrcdueas 1\'11'8. A. J. of Wynn idcnt, Hocker; secretary­ '(22jan2mp) entertntned Miss Sallie Zetterowcr and Miss charge forces. The l�,ost '"alu8.ole com- with. 'Ve delayed, we refused to sources of and Bible class will Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J. Reid by, t.he capital, knowledge there was lack of The Lane's study hold another the curriculum was the Iast cars. The next day marked cc-cpcraticn be­ treasurer, MJ's. Allene meeting DeLoach. Drigb"Crs, in this war is time, and we read the all the wall, we talent. But these Smith; pro­ with Mrs. H. Ulmer with a dinner. Covers were Jeanette modity writing gl'eat plunta canlb tween the meet Fridny Sunday conver ation. motor commanding officCI'S or the g-r-am .J\I11"5. J. boro .. of a new eru, 'l'ho uiust chairman, W. Meeks; afternoon in the S tates topic �of ueginning make the most of stinting practiced business as usual and do the \ -hols are laid for Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bur- �lol1dny Mr. O. E. Gay, Mrs. F. W. Hughes it, job. There thou­ and in Dr. Deal Addresses school su- army navy the Hawailnn de­ purannnl MrM. R. L. Mr. McElveen, county on H. now. service, Cone; Mr. and School Morrison were to plants, working 24-houl'-B-day nothing, tics as usual and strikes as usual, and sands of srnnll in of Jacksonville, F'la., ket.t, of Columbia, S. C.; High building. and Mr. appointed plants this country has much to stir K.n�:��. Brown, his appre- partment. done agi­ mission study chairman, Mrs. G. W. of the M Alder- meet- perintendent, expressed tremendous of Tho series of which so the defeats we have suffered be- which can make needed and Voters County Alderman L . '. for the final the disasters have M rs. M I·S. L.".'·1 , of the make job POli_j parts. Sunday with his ruether, T'he first, thirty minutes phms May basis, began tution fOI" greater unification of the Bragg; White spent ciation' to the teachers of the Bul- Cross chairman, Mrs. A. D. the tcuch - taken in are a carne inevitable. which possess tools and oth­ Voters of Bulloch Brown. man Jr., MT. and Mrs. F'rycr, ing and submit the plans to to war There place the Pacific, grim machine three To the County: Olive meeting was used for an entertain- for theik- un- switching production. fi.ghting services. .Willie chair­ loch cosnty schools er Gerrald; publication war of Garden at the next meet- testimonial to more than 20 of NO\v there hU8 been some ruor- equipment which must be utilized. In dreadful year of and H. Woodward Sun- MiHS Joyce Fryer, City; rnm and for ers for approval yearS In the German of­ this MI'S. J. spent ing pt-og business session in the Red Cross an­ is a striking symbolism of that finny, ranking man, Mrs. Floyd steward­ selfish response Pust to Hulsey; Mr. Mrs. Jake Reid and Larry on March 9th. and wishful in efforts do this was ineff'ect­ nnd personal suffering of with her Mrs. C. B. WiI- and Prominent on the enter- ing' blindness, inefficiency ganizution government, designed fleers are trained in all of com­ suffering, day sister, the group. nual roll in the Christmas sale The automobile is fielda hip chairman, Ml's. Ben H. Smith; cnll, change. industry ua!. Now a new the officials of Bulloch of Mr. and and Mrs. thinking on the port of this country, to give it flexibility and speed. Don- division hus been bat. .ur people, Iiams, in Savannah. Reid, Savannah; tninmcnt part of the program were During the next hour the group An infantry officer understands news reporter, 1.\'1 ,·S. Ethan of T.B. stumps, in the emergency a magnificent example of frce enter­ Proctor; would and Bill Reid and Miss Reid. wit.h and other democracies. So .I� Nelson is the vast powers established by Mr. Nelson to denl hac! hoped that there Mr and Mrs. Homer Pope Marjorie severn) vocal solos Ronald J. in special assemblies England using air wnrfnre and vice versa. In our county by gathered Red Cross roll call, in the polio drive, at work to improve the standard hospitnlity chairman. Mrs. A. L Febl'uarv of the P.-T. prise fa I' as the of the confcrrud him to cut out -dead with the problem, and much is ex­ Dot hnve to be a race, nnd that tbe Linda, of Savannah, have The meeting of Teachers dift'erent chainnen. The primary 110- fighting qunlity upon army, tho commands have been jeal­ Turner. ,",lighter, Neil, ColI�e. and in the sale of DeIense Stamps. of living, and to give the IJublic • wa' held in the United Nations arc concerned, wood and clenr the for swift pectcd. Some think that even one­ time nnd expense of a race might be moved here to make their home. A. Wednesday Log the business session the wit.h Hollis Cannon trrops WHy OilS of their own nnd Aiter the Dllring pnrtmcnt teachers prerogatives, pl'ogrnm and business I Tht! Bulloch county study better products for less money. But mun cause of Bland and Cabin in oI the president, we neeu have no It is a fact and decisive action. is con- ships will be drawn into the vast «ivcn to t.he great winning Mr. and Mrs. James charge R. E. and the qualms. Industry have often resisted efforts to M,'•. Rockel' president, Kicklighter, appoint- leader, intermcdi'l.le is a unit of the Georgia Edu­ arts of must tuke II back bring mooting llsked for vol­ Martin. It was voted to depa.rt- ,,-roup "tbe peace that in those 110 plan of total WHr the war. of spent Sun- M". P. }'.' McCormIck , every im�t8ncf" where fident of its ability to do the job, production. the thl'ee to unteers to ].,avlIl Bland, Sylvania, ed the :following delegates to the ment with Miss Ethel an branches closer gether. take some home cation Association and is indeed seat now, and the arts of dostruc­ sewing officials Dan Lee. the Rcd Cross $25. Mrs. toops have met Axis on any- matter how and al'duous it There will be no In aU the county except with Mr. nnd Mrs. give Martin, to convene in Savannah im each presenting interesting t troops long proves unemployment Gencral l\'lst'shull, who is no ro­ with thom .for tbe Red All day GEA, lender, aS5et to the edu�ational system ()f tion the centor of the stage. Cross. of materialized. Mrs. H. J. and Mrs. E. L. li?ld thing even terms, they to be. As r soon,' save for .n un­ representative this hope of the University Findley W. E. demonstrations of school work with resembling Rnymond Clapper �cently scattering of specter of sterile belie""s 1;hose who eould sew Clifford Martin, April: County Supt. McElveen, the county. f; trnditions, res]londed. Dur­ 011(' were to run the What is in Detl'Oit is ,,�ictol'iollS. Th "I tnlkl�d with J am the only of Proctor appointed and social taking place have emerged tiny wrote, huvt! executives emploY8blc�. The will be in unificution. al'c the IUnfol'tunutcly, of Georgia, was the week-end g' J. H. 'Morrison, of Statesboroj S. E. children. The English .:...,.__=,;-=...... __======llrmy Chungcs being ing sociul hOllr Mrs. Bland serv­ in indus­ who has The booth for February. Plans were dis- taking plnce all the other Dutch and air fOT'ce has in� of the chief automobile doubled in and that will mean the group opposition. f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Goble, of Brooklet; Rupert Parrish, science department, with Miss Jcnn- FARMS WANTED-Would like ex­ " navy companies size, made whose result. will be an Al�Ori­ ed hot coffee, sllndwiches "lid cake. areas in a 1 wiB not be able to cussed fol' the district toul'nament trial of this country, flicted blow after blow aguinst a and [ buvol\'t heard a defeatist word. that 0" more American cnn time is so short MUl'tin. of Portnl; B. P. Womack, of ReJ!:is- etto DeLoach leader, had as their elusive listings on several good BuI­ 4,000,000 ''''my which will bo vestly dif­ - astern division to be a num- thousand-and-one kinds of men in WANTED 200 sec all the votef'S of the county, but of the south loch c01lnty farms, as I have different Japan which is !infinitely stronger The)' HI'e muking it a matter of pcr- the prime of life will be serv­ ferent from tho lightwood fenco re­ R. E. � of ancl "uest Dr. Mildred old, nnd will he renl­ MI' . J. O. Akins ha\'e tar', Kickli�hter, Nevils, � speaker English, Rev. and if interest- tlOstS. Wl'ile or see Il. A. HEN­ is held here the last of A bel' of prospective buyers; • and business. The A:meri- in evel'y sonul and firm to demonstra.te in unifonn. Plans are on of impoJ'� February. ,du96.·y milital'Y Empire pride foot for . th otTice representative after Harris Hnrvill, of Teachers College. of G.S.C.W. In her discussion on b�'allch. ing Iy geared modern globnl wa,-{m·e Rte. turned to Thomasville advise me and I will call and dis- DRIX, 3, Statesboro. (6febltp) that the oI the Founders' was pre- ed, tant and_ I hope people R. L. Day program The nre alternates: S. A. she told the tbat two theil' pH rents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jollowing reading group cuss the matter personally. R. L. will realize that the pI'CSCn'3- sented. Mrs. D. L. Deal, English in- county Graham. Driggers, Miltnn Findley, Robert mnjor problem were now in the hllnds COOPER, Realtor, Citizens Trust ticn of your democratic rights d(!­ of 'Miss Marion Driggers, GSC"", an talk on pends " great deal upon the ofricinIs School, gave inspiring will the week ]'.I illedgeville, spend Altcrwal'd a sociul whom you elect to represent you at uDemocrucy." end with her parents, Supt. and Mrs. the council tnble of your state. ��ofthe���H��w���n�'�R�.�W�.�S�b���n�g���'�M���S�.�T�.��N,�o�f�le�n�C�h�r�s�:��(I�)�R�a�p�O�n�"�ili�i�1�',cy��o�f�I�B�I�d���.,�s�a�v�a�rm���'�G���.���(�����n�3�t�p�)hour WIIS enjoyed, with Mrs. H. C. S. A. Driggers. ... �: have rcprcnestcd you only oncc. McElveen and Mrs. A. E. Nesmith as Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Martin and rrhe next will I am proud of my rccord in the affairs hosi-esscs. meeting Ileau­ of t.he slute. J tried desperately to Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph Martin, of t<> be held March 4, at 8:30 �'clock in of renUy represent the will of the peo­ fOI·t, S. C., were guests Sunday the evening, when "Father's Day" LITILESTAR Deal. p1e and 1.0 maint.ain t.heir democl'atic Mr. and Mrs. A. B. will be observed with Mrs. S. A. PULLMAN right.c�, and, if elected, will rIo so GilbeJ't Woodward, oI the Univel'­ Driggers, MTs. C. S. Proctor, Mrs. LONG '� nnd Miss Edna Wood­ L. Proctol' and Mrs. H. G. Lee us BREAD 91C2, i og.lli·n. sit,y of Georgia, E. ( � I was born and reared a Bulloch ward, of GSCW, Milledgeville, vlill hostesses. .county form boy, educated in t.he Uni­ OUR PRIDE versicy o.f Georgia Medical School. I . in France in the BREAD !crvcd my country •• Deama�" Doings •• a Soldier last world war and have ofrered my Making 6firvices in this one should my coun­ Enrl Ginn, of Cnmp GOTdon, wns at. Ginn, Margaret Ginn, Rudolph Cinn try need me. home for the week end. and Rev. Rooks. of r have given n good portion of my Sugar Henry Zetterower spent F"idny Mr. and Mrs. Hugoh Tarte, of Au· liIe to the furtherance of privileges for VVORLD WAR I with Zetlel'ower. spent the week end with their men abroad to fIght .1 of education of the rurul and night Bis� gusta, f we h!ve sent boys ) we Lamb were bus­ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Zetter· we ha\'c scot i and to the Mr. and Mrs. J. L. parents, America-as monc.y.-a� Cirls of BullOCh county, fANCY Bulloch BEEf mto ha� viRitoJ"s in Savannah the ower. Mrs. Tarte will remain here steel, with other commod'tles.. of the cdllcational system inesR during drafted , upbllilding County whe.t and other f,ghtlng·loofit­ I week with her for a or ealisted week . this -parents •f Gc'tlrgia. 'nll-service 1917 a soldier of sugar. Emerald of Gordon, visit. we must make I do not hold. myself up a n person Lanier, Camp � •• is ten days with his parents, Mr. Zcttcl'ower •• war is as vital I .. but 1 ask confi­ �pending Prices at . _ ithout faults, your �nd Mr.s, Lehm?n At NutdmentAor the nat·\0118 .• Mr. nnel Mrs. Houston Lnnie.r. With dinner Sunday. Bargain feeds race for d nce nnl support in this ente.rtnmcd a. ·out�"in. 3. -the 'powder- th�t to" . th� . . th." and I Then' guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh war a \�b:; United representativve with a solemn pledge Mr and Mrs. Linton Bland I 01 peace-to The States Government restrict, Mr. and Mrs. great h(:roic to end with Mr. Tarte, oI August.a; C. ft; upon to playa to, if choscn, represent you honorably fum spent the week sinew-sugarnutrl�n��:� ��I�d part. 11� Round IS ours. ed the use of in World War I. A. Zetterowel' and son, Edsel; Mr. 0f our Allies-whose strength sugar and democratically in all matlers con­ and Mrs. W. W. Jones, at Hazelhurst. supply the peopI.'es and Mrs. Colon Rushmg and famIly. lb. 2Sc in the stntc , The of cerning your welfare leg­ M r. and Mrs. H. H. ZetteroweT's or Loin so response The Coca-Cola Com­ STEAK, ,------the American flag, in and Mr. and IItrs. J. C. Buie and Eu­ T° wraP up sugar islature. The election is next 'Vednes­ t· for Sunday were Rev. and Mrs. a duty of guo lit it into the fIght becomes was in gene Buie. d pany expressed the day, February 18th. Go to the polls F. H. Rooks and family and J. C. chL'Cr[ully by every newspaper Mr. and Mrs. Lee de­ be borne vote. American Hugh Hagin :0 sr.'�'k. i�nwilf and It is your Tight Bui e Jr. indltrv. advertisement at the left. dealer.• reproduced lightfully entertained last S,mday 19c co:c� �d �very on"::,� and Sincerely, CHUCK lb. duty. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mal'tin, Mrs. ROAST, �rtain induSlries It (ailsiA�ividu����a����I� with u uinner. COy rs were .hca.vl�y h Yet the DR. D. L. DEAL. turkey derive .helr from Colon Rushing, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. workers who hYing. ten:" laid Ior Mr. 'lI1d Mrs. C. A. Zetter­ . Amcr- civilian i. in this war the Zet;Lerower were in Snvunnah last Amc Wlt�' Wall ower and son, Edsel; Mr. and Mrs. snla!l. American sold'��. Man ic CIS great and Register Young Ttlesclay. Mar­ 1':"'1,1 bank. .cn��h ��� Gov­ Colon Rushing and family, Miss Presh lb. the rcmotest country Ground MEA 19c Us. �ir. and Mrs. F. II. Anderson's 1\ the The 'V S means Enlists in Marines garet. Lonier, Lc1.vant Proctor, Aubrey I every step of way. ... wc h'ave. for the week end were Mr. and the with cverythtng gue st.s Barnhill, Miss Wildred Hagin, Mr. II of us, are in fight ]�cnry E. Anderson, Bon of Mr. and we Mrs. W. E. McElveen, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. J. R. Griffin and Joseph Ha­ of cverything 8 Hrs. of ha ,- . ell. Ivy Anderson, Register, Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ht>rold gin, of 'Vays Station. 19c to .com- Skinless lb. a volunteered in the U. S. marine corps it rivilege Purv-is. PRANKS, Ha TTY The W.M.S. oI Harville church held arly to and has been sent to Parris Island, S Miss Mal'gaJ"'Ct Ginn entel'tained II at the home 0., for rccurit training. their regular meeting of eve­ lbs. nu mber of young folks Saturday ·M I·S. McDonald aIt­ a 0f Garey Monday Young Anderson is graduate • nin with an old-fashion pound a 1 tile Register High School and attended g ernoon. We had very interesting Smoked 2 for 2Sc Prom and games were the Sausage under the University oi Goorgia. He is wel I party. lesson on tithing the leadership main feuturc of the evening. of Mrs. Rooks. About fifteen mem­ known in the community. He left far f"om this attcnd­ bel'S were The hostess serv­ Parris Island with nine other recruits Those community present. in the B.T.U. conference nt Olive ed refreshments during the Slicfd lb. 17c who volunteered at the same time g dainty BOLOGNA, were and hour. will There he will learn rille and pistoI Branch Fridny night Mr. social The next meeting JI'Iarksmanship, drill, military disci- M rs. H. H. Zetterower and fnmily, be held at the home of Mrs. J. L. Mrs. A. E. Mrs. J. H. Lnmb. .line and the responsibilities of a Woodward, Pork HAMS, lb. 23c Pork Shoulders, lb. 18c ----�------I marine.

his Mrs .•1ohn Upon cempletion of the Parris Is - Runt, Saunders, dm'ing the week. )aDd course young Anderson will be I PORTAL POINTS Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Rushing and Ga. Pork ,_ assigned to active dut.y or to advance d I CHOPS, Ib.�21c I son visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tur· traming. FREEMAN-HENDRIX ner Sunday. ·PORK RIB SIDES, lb. 16c NECK BONES, 4 Ibs. for 25c Of interest to thei;' many friends The Baptist W.M.S. will meet at home Turner Your is t.he announcement made by Mr. nnd thl! of Mrs. George Hotel Choice the Pork 23c Pure Pork lb. M I·S. A. B. Freeman, of Porlul, oI Monday aflemoon. Country Style Sausage Sausage�Meat, 19c t­ IN ATLANTA engagemcnt of their daughter, Mar­ John Davis has returned t<1 A tha Kate, to Beaufort J. Hendrix, son lnnta after hav·ing spent sevcral I of Mr. and Mrs. Charli� H. Hendrix, doys with relatives here. ..I. Brisket lb. ISc William Jr. will 0<­ nlso of Portul. The marriage will Rev. Kitchens STEW, �ORLD�AR II ta'ke plnce in the neal' futul'e. .cupy the Baptist ·pulpit Sunday at Portnl School 11 :30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Lamar Tn,pnell, of Ft. Moultrie, 4.Sc week end with his OYSTERS, l"OWRIMORE-FINCH S. C., spent t.he quart 1942 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lowl'imore all­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex l'rapnell. nounce t.he marriage of their daugh­ The Methodist Woman's Society of ter, Loill:, to }�rnest Finch, of Camp Christian Service met. at the home of PORK 19c J \. Wheeler, Macon. The mal'Tinge t.ook Mrs. W. E. Parsons aItel'- LIVER,,·lb. Monday itself in Worid War II. has been called to in Statesboro repeats Sugar l'lace .Januarj' 31 .. noon. 7�i�F�ary Astor !tIl'S. Finch was " member of the Fresh The first quarterly' con1erence 01 Strawberries, pint 19c war OUf has restricted the use' of class Portnl Black box 5c government for alL 1 940 graduating of High tilC Metler district met at the Meth­ PEPPER, i-lb. agall1. sugar Fresh Juicy Sweet (216's) School. Mr. Finch is the son of Mr. odi:t church in Portal Thursday aft­ Van Camp that' includes Coca-Cola. a nd IIlrs. Bill Finch, of Rocky Ford. Pineapple oranges, � doz. 29c Naturally, ANSLEY ernoon. PORK & can 9c THE At the pre.ent he is stationed at BEANS, 19e. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesmith and Frfsh Hea:vy ./ where he in the You'll continue to find Coca-Cola around the corner ..• A LANDMARK Cump Whctllel": is Octagon from cI,.ughtcrs, J"ck and' Mary, of Au­ GRAPEFRlUT 5 for 19c any­ s ervi�c, (64's) \'l::!lted relatives hel"e during Soap or Po-wders, 4 sm. size 9c gusta, we that won't be able to the the Washington Delicious where, though regret In' thi.,., in all other Dinkier SPARKS-LARISCY week. Nifty Salad you enjoy pause interest is the an- "fr. and Mrs. Clarellce Reeder, of 25c dozen 23c Hotell, the fine.. in .f;eom­ Of widcHpl'end DRESSING, pt. 15c qt. APPLES, (163's) that often as like, Our volume has been re­ '. refreshes you IlOuneement mude Mr. and MrR. Augusta, visited her father, W. J. as. might ..odationo and the highelt hy KELLOGG'S Regular Ai",e 5e California AvO'cados 2 for 13c , of the of their Willinms, who i. quite ill at the home in leryice is Jim Sparks marriage duced. But this we the Coca-Cola will eHiciency sup­ Ml'. and Mrs. Walt S\1I1- CORN size 9c character of be (laughler, Edith, to Roscoe Lllri9cy, oj' Wooda, FLAKES, Ig. Cri!orgia Kiln Dried pledge: plemented by a warm COr­ which took place on !lnturday, Jan'.l- day. Red Label POrto Rican 5 Ibs. 19c diality and an air of lincere Yams, The American can continue to trust its , "'Y 31, in Statesboro. Mrs. Luriscy Mrs. John Woods anoi little daulfh­ Macaroni or box 3c uni�paired. people quality. friendline... Spaghetti, i IS the youngeT daughter of }tIr. l1nd ter, Carolyn, spent the wack end in Fresh CARROTS, bunch 5c .... As in we count dealers L JR M1'8. Sparks. She was a. outstanding Savannah as b ,ests of M,·. and Mr9. Gallon VINEGAR 23c i917, the of L TUCKER, •• Ma...,er Jug Fresh upon patience everywhere. stUtlent and member of the 1941 grad- H. W. Womnck aad Mr. and Mrs. -School. I Pure 2 lbs. 27c 4 Ibs. Mc Blea�hed CELERY, stalk 9c ., is OTHER DINKLER HOTELS uuting class of Porlul High Ben Mincey. Lard, sugar another toward Whatever of I j, Conserving step Victory. any T_i'.... BIRMINGHAM, ALA Mr. Lnriscy is the son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parsons and For Dessert-Asrorled �'Iavors FTeslt J""e"o" "..i. of Portal. He us lItrs. Rufus Lariscy, little daughter, of Macon, and· Mr. LOVELY 3 for 13c Whitehead lb. lOc may have, or not have, we must have above all else! .•••• MONTGOMERY, ALA JELL, Cauliflower, may Victory wali; a member of the 1£)40 graduating' Mrs. Parsons and .. and L},nnn son, :; Sf. C".,,�, HEW ORLEANS, LA iFresh Fresh of Portal School. Double Cri.,1' And,." J.clMJn clllss High of Rome, were week-end guests of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY . • • • • NASHVILLE. TENN ')lhf' hnve taken an Silver Label 21bs. 39c head 6c yotmg couple their pilrents, Mr. and Ml·S. W. E . COFFEE, Iceberg LE',l'TUCE, O. ... N. C Hen" GREENSBORO, in where Mr. apartment St.atesboro, Parsons. UNDER AUTHOIITY 0' THf COCA .. COLA COMPANY IY S....nn." •.•. SAVANNAH, GA You its 10rTlfO Lnriscy holds a responsible position trust. ST.�TESBRO COC A-COLA BOTTL COMPA NY - quality with the S'ntesb�ro Groc«)' Com- FOR RENT Two-room apartuclllt ING. I "nd breakfa9t bath p:my. nook; private DINKLER HOTELS wilh hot water; private entrance; l furnished or unfunlisbed; convenient DINKI.E;'. , Mrs. Berbert �',anl:lin spent last J�)'IlINC PRE.S,. to town and coUege; immediate p<,s- woek in Atlanta. 3000 RDOm5 In SOUTHERn HOlE lS ·session. AI1ply for information at . . Enrl DeMach, of August.', ,.isited Bulloch Times office. (29janltp) I..� �iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii� FEB. 12,.1942. ,. FEB. 1942. BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS AND STATESBORO NEW!! 'THURSDAY, THURSDAY. 12, ,"OUR BULLOCH TIMES ��------��__...u the AFrERNOON BRIDGE ,·+"1'"1-+11111 t+tttU II 1111 I I·oj++.l-+++++++-I-++++-Jo++++++++++++-HH+.H -i-;:-:-;:-:-:-:-:-:-:::::::::-:-:-:-:-:-:-:�--�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::� ter bUbincSrl_nlcll will .change n�lnd lcials believe I IF YOUR NOSE 01 t.he ruhroud 011 ; We I A delightful afternoon bridge party BULLOCH TIMES II In Statesboro will rccogmze thut tho \\ with Mrs. Le­ AND they e,n"o., was given Wednesday �(\»(cll�iL -l' JP>l���(\»�A\IL truck rury elimination of computitton, CLOSES UP Hayes and Mrs. Andrew Her­ " �, roy THE STATESBORO NEWS en- .. which uoes not need La b� lurt.her .. Churches metOD' enterlainioe- at the home of '��T?u��"R�", and to be H a r e- mo­ New D. B. TURNER, Editor lnrgcd upon rucoguizud The Valentine I Owntl� TONIGHT • Herringtun. ..,.-..... r I I I I I j :Hr�: H-++-Inl· I'H'I I I I I •• ++++++++i"H-I+z.++-H-++++++++++++++of.i at lonst temporary Arrivals/ YEAH IIIIf)�1 JlI'omISCS fNOTICE��T;R'�t���s + and the hostesses served UBSCRIPTION PER tif was used Daily $150 S Hcrc's PllESBYTERlAN CHUllCH i. for the railroads. If the mighty 'liahalion on mints news . . . ice cream cake, nuts, Mrs. Fred good If H. L. Pastor pound Willie WIlkerson, of Atlanta, Bensley is " will COIl­ SNEED, HEARTS HIGH CLUB spending ... ��,��rC.�� rsilroad men are wise thc'y your nose "closes Defense for E�eri�as a.�C���d-��::�tn�:-l�C{ and coffee. stamps prizes were a week-end visitor here. few dRYS lit Crescent on the coast. or Coug'resa and 10:15. school. A. B. Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hook .• under the ACl up" tonight Sunday b�ro. G� tinue their serV1CC to Metter as long for .March 1879. make. ;:� ....ere given Mrs. John Bargeron Dub Lovett. of is ""'tmg W. S. of S. of dJlllcult, put a-pur­ ��A:��:�, Augsta S, F�ORI�t:�T�:�S Thurs- breathing Dougald, Supt. hosts to the Hearts Club Roger", Charleston, C., In I High of dOlllg 'as there is promise profit pose Vicks vn-tro-not up each nosLliI. sermon -1- Mrs. J. C. low, and and Mrs Lov-was, 11 :30. Morning worship; b, high score, Kirby his parents, Mr. Bates spent the week end hIS evemng. Nurcissi were arranged with fumily (JAUUS OM TUAN"S if the of Meller-and the Vn-tro-uol does 3 tmpo. tant things. If fail to make your Tax Returns and your name day �so; people pastor; special music by the choir. you sign Mrs. E. B. cut. Othel' guests ott. here. swollen membranes, (2) Rushing their and the Valen- ! and other Gcor­ It (1) shrInks White.ide. �: about apartment cards or people of Statesboro tran­ conducted by Miss Aline ... Phil Hats The ror-;;bilsbiLIl relieves not were Mesdames Cohen Mr. E. Mount Mrs. ch&rge soothes Irrttatton. (3) you will get your Exemption.T�:M�I:N��i Anderson, course and Mrs M. spent Fred Smith spent in STILSON JIAPEL tine motif was used. A salad Tuesday ecmmunities-c-are wise they will slent nasal congestion. It bJ'1I1gs more :t I ", o:cmci����: gia �. J. D. S. Harris, Fred the week end With relatives III Cor- Savannah with her :'I�g �It���::s �: thus 3:30. Bean, J. Folk, was served. Defense parents, Mr. and ��:��a wor-de and send at the comfort, makes breathing easier, Sunday school. and dessert cbArge. Count your remember the 10380n taught Jt + invites ... And rem.ember, helps .Terome KItchings, Fleming nelia, .Mrs, SId sleep Abbott, scores went to Char- Parrish. lesson that you stamps for high cboi�UbrrShedu�ll���� t�� hearing Friday-the METHODlS� CHURCH Rufus Girardeau and Hal MI'. and Mrs. Smith and . Miss Carman Cowart ���r)'w��11 �g3l;�J�Gif;ri!°f�1}�1�e�ed Pruitt, lie Joe Mathews and Mrs. Juhan Barry spent the cub Ie advance. have no morral rigHt to d mand serv- I�Ct�e� For 7 L. E. Pastor. J. L. ZETTEROWER :Hneon. little were week week end In Cordele us the of FRU:-SEEDS WORTH 51.001 WILLIAMS, ! as prize was daughter, Lynn, guest which floating Coats at a loss from institutlons -to Hodges. Candy of ZInnias , Marl- packages Petunias. 10:15 a. m. Church a class who visitors in Atlanta. Miss Lalnne Harris. lice Morn­ school: T won MISS Mary Sue Akins, have neglected or refused 1,;t11ds, Sweet Peas, Candy-tuft, AX COMMISSIONER TO SEE "HELLZAPOPPIN" by Here .to pat: for every one, cut. Mr. and Mrs. Olliff Everett have as Miss Mary of It Could Happen 01 Ing Glories and t nlso won a defense stamp for Fulcher, Wllynes- , ronize at n profit In their time �� Dr. will teach the col­ John JIIooney those from Statesboro go­ their her Mrs. D. wus i· (5feb4tc) '. AmOJlg Mr. and Mrs. Jake guest mother, R. bora, the week-end guest of Mr. BLAME-FIXING is the least profit- IYOU ����n�I��J;� cluss Sunday morning. Guests included atrugglc. VlelS�'" lege to Savannah last for the of Reidsville. and Mrs. Frank Hook. could en­ "H-+++++++++-l'+++++++-l.++++++++ t I I I Pi I n I Ii ing evening Jones, one � i Mr. and 1111'S. Kennedy, Comrnun­ L Bill. able employment 11:30. Morlllng worship. ... Smith, -.� were Mr. g, YA-1RO·HOL " Mrs. Bill of was the Husmith of Suits house is afire. �r.;;;;;.�g�'l.t ion on the first In .. stage show, ',ellzapoppin/' Charlie Joe Wuy, Albany, Marsh, Atlanta, spent gage 111 when one's Sunday mornrng Miss Mary Sue Akins, month. James Miss LIZ the week of her the week' end man who each Mr�. Johnston, Chat- guest during mother, with his parents, Mr. It's a waste of time for the Rpd Mathews, MISS Bobbie Smith, ICt 6:30 p. m. Young people's service. 'Mrs. Louise Addison Smith, Mrs. J. W. Gunter. and Mrs. Herbert Marsh. struck the match to point, hi, finger Fan Dance V· ory "Sweat of the Face" Smith, ham Alderman, MISS Sara Remington, 7 :30 m. service. p. Evening Horace McDougald, of 18 MISS Ruth match m a Wlllian'i and Mrs. George Groover, Atlanta, Seligman, of Hinesville, at the man who car-ried the WAR would lose m. Mid-week Smith/ Horace McDougn.ld, Mr. TBE PRESENT PERSONALLY we arc sorry (or any­ 7 :30 p. Wednesday. :Hiss Sue Akins, Dub Lovett, spending awhile WIth t is mother, spent the week end with her or at the man who Jailed to be services. M;ary Julian Mr. and Mrs. Buford parents, the house, g-runt deal of Its charm, sure, who must sweat to avert Hodges, and body Chatham Al­ sec Miss Dot Remington, Mrs. George Groover. Mr. and Mrs.'L. bef'ore the man who now The pastor will be glad to any and Beb Morris. Seligmlln. to curry it out if those old grooches BIblical dealing Knight tradltion, one at any about th problems Bobbie Smith, Miss Sara Miss DeLoach, of Savnnnau, Miss MaTgaret of At.- started. the fire had opportunity to do to control the tijne lerman,'Miss Betty Remington, Iault arc permitted with the Garden of Eden, testifies -life. of Hall, Miss Zula Gammage, Miss Car­ LOVELY LUNCHEONS was the week-end guest of MI'. and lanta, was the week-end guest of 80, Situation. --- that originally it was not incumbent Mc­ the week There is an unlimited demand for ALL class­ men Cowart and Mrs. WaiteI' Lovely luncheons during Mrs. Cohen Anderson. and Mrs. C. 11. Remington. court house a days ago old Democraticfindlng/, to sweat. Falher FIRST BAPTIST CHUllCH with the upon Adam, In few. Now, there's Faddis, I Dougald. end concluded 8 series given Cad Collins, of Newnan, visited hIS Miss Effielyn Waters, of Atlunta,Mr'l Dresses es of was a which might, from who says the story, Ills right C. M. COALSON, Minister HOGS and CATTLE-Feeder at her ! there hearing congressman Pennsylvania, e�erclsl�g Cattle, Mrs. J. Barney Averitt hOstess parents, Mr. and Mrs. B V. Collins, spent the week end With her parents, a_,ended I of Ireedom of did school. H. F. have been profitnbly by uttered a in congress. action, something 10:15. Sunday Dr. APPENDIX OPERATION avenue, silver , last week growl Fat Cattle, Feeder Hogs and butcher Hogs home on Zcttcrower A during the week end. 1111'. and 1111'S. CCCII Waters. man in CIVIlian which down a which Hook, superintendent, " every business declared that the OffICe of brought penalty Mrs. John H. Morrison returned red carnutions Bud GMC student, spent Miss Mllrtha Wilma of' ... 11:30. sermon are wanted all centerpiece holding Tillman, Simmons, come to S h I d I IVO Worship service; by by buyers Our friends from had Defense prostituted to boon- was thut he particularly. a few after having and red JIIette� "IS being heneefo�th ,ou the minis"'r; subject, "You Mnke It 110me days ago and white chrysanthemums the week end with his parents, Mr. the University of GeO! gin, spent the! pro- Interests of a sweat face. F rom that 10 protest agalllst and to tlw by the of hIs more than a week in AtlantA were used appear the. dogglmg So Hard." SELL spent tapers in Silver caldelabrn and Mrs. Grant Tillman. week end at her home here. to Industrious YOUR STOCK WITH US AND BE 1 of ... to of the Central GeorglU class oI whose loyalty" the present many 6.30. In- with her Miss Ruth Mor­ was covered With posal people day Training Union; Junior, daughter, on the table, which Roger Holland, of Atlanta, was' the Mr. and Mrs. Bnrney Lee Ken- Visit Statesboro's between • • t nbundon the line of roudStateSborO'/'He was Speclflculty and nmbltious men have poured out termedlate story hour. nn saul who underwent 11l)pcndix Place. cal'ds he questionable. ASSURED OF THE BEST TOP PRICES rison, a cut work chinese cloth. week-end guest of his purents, Mr, nedy, of Atlunta, welc the wCtJk-end 7:30. sermon sub- Statesboro und Metter, whIch hearing that Douglns IS floods of sweat (more elegantly Wor.hip services; "Morrison has sutrl­ holders. he objected Melvyn operation. Miss were in attractive Rnd Mrs. Holland. guests of Mrs, HOiace . arranged Roger Hagin. I - HGood Forgive Me," e fare a ta a sa I I·'crreu to as Ion m mentre-I ject, Lord, ON ALL was belllg held b represen pcrnlltted to drnw nry presplT:l t') pay GRADES. recovered to resume her work luncheons were senred Ladies' being' Spec lui music by the choir, Mrs. �ient1y The sea food MISS Annette Franklm, of Atlanta, Mrs. James Edmunds and littlo, Newest Commerce C�m- tive of the Interstute to that of Gen. Douglas Mac. for that penall-y. Many, also, have recreational in Fulton covers were equal :. C. Moore, dJrector and organist. as SUPUVlSOI 111 fiVe courses, On Friday spent the week end with her parents, 80n, are spenchng the week 111 Su- It was the second motIOn of the clone of In an effort to We have plenty·of local and out-of-state mission. I Arthur, in charge PhlllPPll1e lots sweating Prayer meeting Wednesday even- and Dekalb counlles. for Mrs. E. L. Barnes, Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. P. G. Franklin. vannah with Mrs. J. D. Williams. placed that mude the raIlway ofnclUls to lslund and thal MISS Chancy, find some 0'[ evasion. fng at 7:30. to Mrs. i by defense, ";"y buyers gi\l-e you a good sale for your Hogs Horace Smith, Mrs. Olin SmIth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Temples and Miss Mary Frallces G,oover will Department a Let all our 10 mind thaf AIR CORPS u. prevIous movement. begun a dancinrr of Mrs. Roosevelt, people keep WITH McDou­ end, b protegee we Mrs. Walter Miss McN. ir the week spend the week end in Personally, have hoped there the church services of the arc and Cattle. W. H. Blitch, Mary spent MilledgevIlle been With d rawn upon t.he re- city of James Aldl ed WIll be year ago havmg IS being paid twice snlrH'Y Friends Mamie Joe lIlrs. relatIves formal ... might sometmle come 8 i1.llry who nil on thc new tl1ne ("war timelJ). gald, MISS Jones, end with in Wrens. and attend the dunce at GMC. of the Metter com- the Amelienn interested to learn that he has been earnest appcal celved by Cnpt. Kelley, You can be on for services and Averitt. Sat­ Miss of IS Miss would tell liS we could lay down the time the SALE EVERY TUESDAY Arthul Turner Uts. Callie Clurk, Eastman, Gortie Seligman returned that there would be a change his life STARTING AT to the air corps, nnd he asks (Florida) soldIer who gave simply by noting the above stated assigned were 'Mrs. E. C. Oliver, Mrs. from munity tools with whIch We labor, and hence- urday's guests spending several days with John JIIonday a week's viSIt m Way-I , serv- haUlS wrIte him at the fol­ in the attitude toward fl'C1ght in an exhibition of heroism whieh set I and then gomg by your clock. 2:00 P. that his friends forth sit life through The fear M., EASTERN WAR TIME. Ml's. Rogel' Hollnnd, Mrs. Dan Lester, Willcox and Mrs. Allan Mikell. cross os the guest of Mr. and JIll's. DEPARTMENT STORE Idly That means that our will bc ice which would inure to the profit American natIOn ablaze with en- I services "Private James Al­ the so far lowing'taddress: Mrs. Binton Mrs. J. K. Folk, Mr. and Mrs. Hinton Booth B. J. Bennett. of the future has goaded us, in an houl' earlier the but the Booth, spent BRA0 S Ladies' Wear Second Feoor I by sun, Y of the railroad. thu8lasm at Manila. F,lddlS' simple dred, School Squadron, Flight C, H J. 1 �10 Mrs. m as of a9 we have been goaded, all these, same hours by the clock. T"et's all Mrs. Cordon Franklin, Sunday SwaInsboro guest.' A. M. Seligman left Monday for, words: up was m theRe on for Biloxi, At the figures summlflg we and be tIme �iss." Jones and Mrs. Averitt. Mr und Mrs. Gibson Johnston. from where he will the FTlday meetmg long years. Maybe haven't been co-oppl'a�e :ully Atlnntu, repol't IS t.lme for Jun-dancers and t.he services. movants amounted Mr. Mrs. W. H. to III presented by the HThl,S 1.10 able to do our best In the exercise Bulloch Stock Yard. and Temples spent BilOXI, Miss., to enter traming we need MATllONS CLUB ;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; thut conditions had moving pictures mOlley ;smTH the week end In with Mrs. air to an admission of our capabilities of good Citizenship - of Soperton the corps. ,�hen "nONES Mr. and Mrs.•1. D. entertamed the I to bombers. "'/,"'::::�-;;;:;:::;::;;:::::::;;;:;:::::::::::::::::� 32� O. I.. McLEMORE. f'rop. 32..1 W.,lllams, IIII·s. A. J. Mooney but that there buy . Mrs. H. G. Parl·lsh. Beltun Braswell and III been greatly improved, because of thiS goadmg; maybe we PHON� Templcs' mother, Robert La- 'I Savannah, formerly of Statesboro, members of the Matrons Club and and Income Tax Procedure I General eXIsted a substuntial operating th .. old Penn- would altai of I on Mrs. Bill Brannen and little do.ugh- mer huve ret.urned to the Accounting still Calmly conSIdered, hnvc ned grcat heights (CIassi.·.Ied Ad�s Located G. & F. North;west of of a University: llailway Statesboro announce the birth daughter, a several other guests at lovely I wel't.! of S. of after n week-end VIsit Procedure with La loss. These figureH I)I'CBcnteci I sylvanlll Democrat (we know he IS cificlCncy and integl'lty 11 thiS goad at the ter, Diane, Allendale, C., spent Georgia Having completed a course in Income Tax the Linda Jane, February 4th, luncheon ThuJ at the Jaeckel which ON1/! VENT A WORD I'ER ISS{)l� sday Don Bl'8n- Extension I will be to make retum In more or less intricate terms, clse would not think as bru- hud not been n constant We Tuesday WIth Mr and Mrs. at tholl' homes here. Salle University, pleased your old, he threat. Mrs. Williams was a I Telfair Hospltul. Hotel, WIth Mrs. M. S. PIttman, for and u.sist in records for such retom. For yOIl you room for dllforence of opinIOn fnct we nell. Sid Smith has returned to compiling gave tully as he speaks) ovel'looI