. »« . i .C' W lDltESDATi. If ASC^ fS, 1M » Tha Waathar 1 Average Daily Net P re « Ran For tko Moatk st^rsbraarr, 1S48 Fair tUa aftonwon aafi taaigMi to bs buUt M fovsn m sB t p ra ^ 9,713 Frlfiay ooa«l4arabia rliaRaaia ^ by tbs V. a. A m y Ootps sT a ■ • - with UtUa taaiparatara ehaagw tjwne liodge No. 7S, Knights e t Engaged to Wed Bids Opened Engineeta. Mombov St tho A u « t Pythias, wm hold fts repilar i^ t - Apparent low muusi^ . Baroaa of OUealBtlees I^Kniit Town iiV tonight at 8:30 in Orange Hall. w4B L ^ a Bohoolnlck o f Gar­ Manekeiter—'A City o f VUlaite Charm For Garage den atreet, Hartford. Theto were ni4Mitar*dnace win iponsor Members ct-"Dflworth-Cornell- SUITS for a well dressed seven other bids with s high of (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS uUtoMttMk potar tonight at Quey Post, The American L e ri^ tClam lM Afivorttsiag oa Pago 16) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1949 8B5,oiu eubmltted by the Thomas yOL. LXVUL, NO. 147 iB Odd FdQowi tu n . Playing are re«iuMted to tm at the M m - Apparent Low Bid' of Worcester company of B ^on. I and door prlaaa win bo prc. chester ^ r o a d etaUon at 6.M Award o f the contract wUl await this eveimig wearing their $46,255 Is Made by confirmation from Waahlngton, it caps to meet the remains of Wc. Hartford Firm WM StlktAde Spring Struggle on Picket Line Senate’s Rent rue lS3th ftn e k O nnpw y. « • .William T. Anderson which ^ The Hancheoter storago atrue- , wJU meet In the StaU Armory arrive at that Ome under military turo msy be of either brick veneer Housing Plan Sent I Recovery Bids were opened yesterday aft Economic iljh t at 8 o’clock for » « organ- escort. emoon in Hartford on the Job of or concrete block at tha option Curbs Viewed fuon meeting. A large number of candi^tes construction here off A rm ory tha government ^ K la .ona cl street of a 62 by 128 foot motor three almllar bulldlnge to be buln. ■ ‘ipu -J .'or the. new A A P mar- U om Manchester into Rockville Lodge of Elks at the vehicle storage building with 16 in the Btate. the other being in Back to Judiciary • As^GoodJob’ ■ pru M>a^ for 4Ca«t Center reguUr meeting tomorrow mghL Anaonla and Weat Haven. eet are being drafted by -the foot clearance. The structure te to Get A t the same session ofllcera ot t ^ For Europe nv York architect, Herbert Tan- lodge for the ensuing year will be Democratic Leaders Dis­ mbauin, it waa reported today. elected. Chester E. Morgan, of ^ tn ic U o n la acheduled for May. the Manchester post offlce fmce. is Committee Today like Provision Allow­ slated to become Lecturing Knight *^jAt the Mid-week Lenten Service of the lodge. Supper will precede ing ‘Homis Rule’ De- ; m the Second Congregational First Call on Funds the meeting at 6^30. ■ biurch, at 7:30 tonight, Rev. Wil­ House• Democrats Pre-j rr<« ii /Control Any Time lard McLaughlin, pastor of the On Friday evening, March 25 at diet Bowles* Bill W iU |N e W S 1 1U D 118 lUrth Methodist church, _ will ■•SO an entertainment, sponsored HALE’S Bulletin! Had Right-ofsWay Over by the Youth Group of the Buck- ; Fire Destroys Historic Richttiond/I^nilmark ^ a c h the sermon. 1 Not Be Permitted to Any Military Program I land-Oakland club will be held at Culled From (/P) Wlrea WaMilagtoa, March I the Buckland School auditorium. — The Houto refused today to •Hoae Company No. 3 9“ ™- Mlse Abas Patch ‘See Light of Day I To Support Proposed In addition to recitations by local accept Senate amendmeats to answered a atm alarm at 6.55 last Have The Again* in Protest: oeatb pinage of two afford ita MU continuing rent con­ sight at 603 Middle Turnpike East pupils there will be features, in­ Mr. and Mra. Albert J. Patch, I North Atlantic Secur­ cluding tap and acrobatic dancing. ® , A ‘ University atudenU down 620-foot trols. The decision tvlll send exttngulsh a grass Are. of 364 Parker street, snnoimce Over Chamber Action at Yoaemlte la d^loaed the measure to n Senate-House Miss Eleanor Reeves will sing , the engagement of their daughtw, ity Pact, ConnaBy several selections. Miss Evelyn | -------- ! with discovery of their snow-cov­ ronference committee to work Anna Mae Patch, to ' not a compromise. Rrnt con­ Tclld Senate; Opens ’ A t the 7:80 o'clock ser\ice at St. Chalifaux will accompany her at Orren, son of Mr. and Mrs. God- ered bodies. .Eloping young Fabrics State Capitol, Hartford, couple, eelred by MlnaespoHs po­ trols will expire n week from lla ry ’a Episcopal church tonight [the piano. Miss Reeves is the fr$y Ojn'cn, of 30 Monioo $trc®t, the sermon 'Vill be delivered by March 24.—(i<P)—The Repub­ lice after intensive four-day today, unless -m compromise Debate on S5,580,- daughter of the former Agnes Hartford. Rev. Percy Unwood Urban, Jr., of lican-controlled House today j search, tell authoriUes they i ran be reached and the bill put Wuskell, well known in Manches­ The wedding will be held ^ the 000,000 Aid Program S r t s t Church Cathedral and St. sen,t Governor Bowles’ hous­ offer no help In solving mysterious I on President Truman’s desk ter. Covenant Congregational <*urcb You W ant slaying of Patricia Birmingham. at that time. Jlndrew's in Hartford. Hartford, on Saturday, May 7. ing bill back to its judiciary T ie Salvation Army Young Peo­ .Calling for strong national Washington, March 24.— •4- ple will go to Springfield tonight committee which. Democrats defense, James F. Byrnes lays Waahlngton, March 24. f/Pi— . |i/P)— Kurope’s economic re­ at 6:16 to participate in a meeting s predicted, would not permit world’s unrest at Russia’s door­ Democratic leaders today called ' covery has the right-of-way step. .John L. Lewis orders Moriarty Brothers conducted by the Training CoUege SOUTH METHODIST For Spring tlie measure to “ see the light the Senate-approved bill to ex- over any military progi'am to CadatB. his 483,000 Idle coal miners to re­ ^ tend rent control^ 12 to 15 months CHURCH o f day again.” turn to work Monday. , .support th^ propo.sed North Democrats, calling for Ipiiuedl- Aa nicketa try to stop a baok-to-work moveiBent at the Fawick _\|f. “a pretty good job." However, H ie total amount of taxaa rep­ Soviet press cocks wary eye they didn't like a provlsioi. allow­ .Atlantic .security pact, Sena- ate debate, protested futllely Hex Co« Cleveland, Patrolman Mllna Nnperto (le ft) nnd Police f.blef resented on the 16,646 local llsto at Flaalsli w olf hunt. hlnUng pos­ ing "home rule" decontrol any Rummage Sewing! against the ruling o f Speaker sible ulterior motives. New Roger JonHM. of Brooklyn Village, block Norris Storom. chief shop I tor Connally (D „ Tex.), said compUed by the aaaeaaor’a office, John R. Thlm (R., Hamden) who U R. 8 time. I today. “ I should like to make is $1,767,239.94. Town taxea bo- government appraisal of living stoward af the CIO-Ualt«d Electrical Workers. At right The Senate passed the bill la.st 'l aald that the bill must go to the eoata ia expected to show decline HuxtoMe, compaay general manager. (A P vrtrephoto). it clear,” Connally told the como payable on first InstsUmsnt Sole committee because the committee night. 68 to 10. It permits some for fifth straight month. .Sec- rent increases up to 10 per cent. ■ Senate, "the ba.sic policy o f tire ;coAte next month. - — baa not made a report on it. reUry of Defense ForresUI, urg­ The measure, authorising a Senate action sent the bill back j United States government la to Sponsored By ing tighter unification of armed ! accord economic recovery a clear 8100,000,000 bond issue to finance to the House, which already has THE GLEANERS 39" services, says that Congress approved a measure to continue : priority." construction of 10,000 homes and should ^ v e his successor more au­ Violent Destruction’ rent controls 15 months beyond { Opens Debate on Program ^nmrs, March 31.9:S0 A. M. Wamsotta Permanent pay rent aubsldles on aoma of thority. .Nationalist China’s them, waa paaaed laat week by the March 31, when the present rent I The veteran chairman o f the In The Churdi cabinet names peace delegation, law expires. Senate Foreign Relations com- ' Finish Pastel Colored Demoeratlc-controUed Senate, aft- but Red troop movements Indicate Basement ar having been given a favorable • Statement by Stalin The House bill differs in sev­ miltce opened debate on the 85.- Communists may be loading pistol report by the Senate Judiciary eral respects from the Senate's, so ’ Firemen pour streams of water on the blazing Dixie Portland Flour .’iSO.000.000 program to aid west­ to hold at conference table. ern Europe in the next 15 months. commute. conferees from the two branches mills at Richmond, Va., historic landmark, destroyed with a loss e*- ORGANDY Two little old ladies appear In of Congress have to work out a .Some senators have suggested House Dcmocrata made a vlgor- Elizabeth, N. J.,x court to plead tlmated by the management at,JI.UOO.OOO. (.%P wirephoto).
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