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Project Arad

Aharoni, Yohanan 1967 “Excavations at Tel Arad: Preliminary Report on the Second Season, 1963.” Exploration Journal 17: 233-49. 1968 “Arad: Its Inscriptions and Temple.” Biblical Archaeologist 31 (Fall): 2-32. 1981 Arad Inscriptions (in collaboration with Joseph Naveh). : Israel Exploration Society. Aharoni, Yohanan, and Ruth Amiran 1964 “Excavations at Tel Arad: Preliminary Report on the First Season, 1962.” Israel Exploration Journal 14: 131-47. Amiran, Ruth 1965 “A Preliminary Note on the Synchronisms Between the Early Bronze Strata of Arad and the First Dynasty. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 179: 30-33. 1969 “A Second Note on the Synchronism Between Early Bronze Arad and the First Dynasty.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 195: 50-53. 1970 “The Beginnings of Urbanization in Canaan.” Pp. 83-100 in Near Eastern Archaeology in the Twentieth Century. Edited by J. A. Sanders. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 1974 “An Egyptian Jar Fragment with the Name of from Arad.” Israel Exploration Journal 24: 4-12. Amiran, Ruth, et al. 1978 Early Arad I: The Chalcolithic Settlement and Early Bronze Age City, First-Fifth Seasons of Excavations, 1962-1966. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society. Amiran, Ruth, and Ornit Ilan 1992 Arad: Eine 5000 Jahre alte Stadt in der Wuste , Israel. Neumunster. 1996 Early Arad II: The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze IB Settlements and the Early Bronze II City - Architecture and Town Planning, Sixth to Eighteenth Seasons of Excavations, 1971-1978, 1980-1984. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society. Cross, Frank Moore, Jr. 1979 “Two Offering Dishes with Phoenician Inscriptions from the Sanctuary of ‘Arad.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 235: 75-78. Herzog, Ze’ev 1987 “The Stratigraphy of Israelite Arad: A Rejoiner.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 267: 77-79. 2001 “The Date of the Temple at Arad: Reassessment of the Stratigraphy and the Implications for the History of Religion in Judah.” Pp. 156-78 in Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan. Edited by A. Mazar. JSOT Supplement Series 331. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 2002 “The Fortress Mound at Tel Arad: An Interim Report.” Tel Aviv 29: 3-109. Herzog, Ze’ev, et al. 1984 “The Israelite Fortress at Arad.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 254: 1-34. Mazar, Amihai, and Ehud Netzer 1986 “On the Israelite Fortress at Arad.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 263: 87-91. Rainey, Anson F. 1994 “Hezekiah’s Reform and the Altars at Beer-sheba and Arad.” Pp. 333-54 in Scripture and Other Artifacts. Edited by M. D. Coogan, J. C. Exum, and L. E. Stager. Louisville: Westminster John Knox. Singer-Avitz, Lily 2002 “Arad: The Iron Age Pottery Assemblages.” Tel Aviv 29: 110- 214. Ussishkin, 1988 “The Date of the Judean Shrine at Arad.” Israel Exploration Journal 38: 142-57. Yadin, Yigael 1965 “A Note on the Stratigraphy of Arad.” Israelite Exploration Society 15: 180.