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Magic Valley^s Hdm^ Newspaper_ > . ;■

— ...... I......

VOL. 6 7 N O . 311 TW IN FALLS, IDAH O, SU N D A Y , APRIL 11, 1971 t w e n t y c e n t s

Eager scram ble... Easter strikes SAIGON (UPD-Tlie U^S. latest American air strikes Info said the North Vietnamese had way back to Fire Base 6 after Coiiunand Sunday reported new North Vietnam were carried set up such heavy antiaircr.aft 10 harrowing days in the Jungle, -fire, that rasupplvibv- helicoptei ^ U .S^hellcopter -crews-swooped^— Phantom lets against antiair- DMZ, separating t ^ was practically impossible. S x into the hilltop base to pick up ' craft guns in North Vietnamese Vletnams. As in other~»ucli U;S. 'copters trlFd an' early ThackeF^Thad"BSOsted"S iry in thg 71

Robart Hliliard.- ^ le y . looking at picture in old ------newmwpei . . . alx~Buri«y Hgh'"

Mohthiy payinmts begin wiui Uiiit' of yuui‘ ~deuth; yuu th? seventh month of disabUtty. provide at least half of .their R iq>^, running across - ‘ Wimwrti. tfiiti, thfty, miirt ‘apply. Dnrley Question: I am disaUed and fbr benefits and be aide to prove H e ^ Jenkins, Paul, putting on it monthly social security theb: dependency on you within nedctie in office . . . Mrs. Rex ibility t>eneflts. Can I apply 2 years of your.death; In ad­ Weech, Burley, receiving gift'^ for Medicare to help me pay for dition to survivors benefits, “ white elephant” at a social doctor billa?______’ your parents also would be' m ^ i n g . ■. noisy motorcyclists be able to worlc tor som$ time. Answer: No. Only people age eUgible for Medicare n ^ t lT annoying visitors -to the Since.he liad worked for nearly 65 and older are eligible, for insiu'ance at age 65. Shoshone Falls . . . children two j^ars before the accident Medicare. . . taunting motorists on Falls and had paid into social Avenue. . . Darlene Foss, Twin security,‘ can he collect social Questioh: I never married, ------ralbrpalM tlng her house > .. security disability benefits? and I ^upiw rt *my parents I V ' Annie Hi^inbotham pedaling a Answer: Yes. At his age he because they have no income of ___ ^ ______bicycle to work.on a Spring (lay — ^feeas■credlt'for^^nly^%^ears~thelr^Jw^^^have-worked under 13rcrezla~Herbst~tEarfally— o f work in the three years ^ i a l security since I was 18: If ^ates enjoying a movie- scene ... before his accident, If he will I died, could mv parents collect Twin Falls attorney Robert N. not be able tp work for at least monthly social security W. Balleis«p wewing • "hard 12 months because of his benefits on my work record? hat" and helping to remove disability, he should apply for Answer: Yes, they would be meets historic carvings from old monthly disability ,beneHts at eligible for monthly cash tienef- TWIN FALLS - Workman Ford building . . . any social security office. Its at age 62 or later if, at the Congressional reform will be Earl Peck devoting his the topic for the April meetings Saturday to work for the AthedE3aague-t<>rs- Historic Society, by tearing of Twin Falla; arcorriing tn “down a buiIciing~Thste8a ~ o r ~ League President Mrs. Stephen liuirdlng one for a change ... AN RMPIjOVF. at Tnty Ijim ilrv hi Twin Fallii. Identified as .Smith >A ne»«Uownat4».plannadT- Mrs. Robert Balleisen teaslnB -.lamwNwidwihl»er,«n«tafaiedamlnnrJieMlnluryJEriday-when^^^ Sn a li fT elea n -ii p! astheinformationai-ineeting VietiMn heads he was struck by machinery while at work. He was taken to wiU be held Tuesday at 8 p jn . at o v d W jU : "I Just came by to - Maglc-Vall 4h«-*om»^oWkfcB^uWone8r!-^S®J-J®u™y|A after treatment He Js p ictn r^ being loaded into an ambulance 791 Sunrise Blvd, N. Navy-researchers have deve­ By’ CIoyce fedwards, babkgiro»d, 'anti;hU attW daatrPa Bfa^ On Wednesday at 9 a jn ; at mingham, while police officer J. A. 'Mildon assists.' loped an optical sensor so acute 1973. Heritage Manor, the group will (Continued from P. 1) it can detect lightning 100 miles - After receiving the ap­ discuss the alternatives on In Idaho the Idaho Depart­ away, says National Geogra­ plications, the Corps of reform in regard to the ment of Health is in charge of phic. Engineers will issue a public seniority system, ambudsmen, water quality standards. r r r r r Magic Valley Hospitals O b itliariC S Grub said the applicant must notice identifying the nature cloture, and debate im­ furnish Information which fully and location of the’ proposed provem ents. An additional Magic Valley Memorial Gooding County Dave Stanger Hex Thomason identifies ^ e character of the discharge. discussion meeting will be held discharge or deposit and F^bUc hearings may be held April _ 19, at 8:00 p jn . at the Admitted A ^ itte d when eipreMlons of public In- h’ome Onvirs. M.O. Rosker625 Mrs. Dale Babbitt, Mrs,-Lyle Lucille Lohjiian,- Sparks, OAKLEY Dave Stanger. JEROME - Rex B. describes monitoring devices terests warrant, and when a Sunrise N. - F. Frazlw, Mrs. Jerry O. Nev., and Mrs. Leonard Jervik, 87, died Saturday at the Thomason, 43, Jerome, died and procedures which will be hearing may elicit inforriiatidh "Presenting the p-dgram on Fraley, Lewis Brovm, Mrs. Ted Gooding. ■■ Mountain View Nursing home, TTiursday afternoon at Magic used. / . that will help determine Congressional Reform will be Manker, Mrs. Melvin Fischer, Dismissed Kimberly, of a short illness. Valley Memorial Hospital of a Such information will include, whether 'or not the permit Mrs. Richard High, Jr., Mrs. WHUam Nelson and Edith Fletcher Haynes. Hagerman; He was bom May 16. 188g. at brief illness^__ bu^need not be limited to, data -should be issued;------'— chairm an;—and Mrs. -B illy - Bush, aU Twin Falls; Mrs. Randy Bentley, Pocatello, and Ogden, Utah, and attended , He was bom Nov. 10, 1 ^ iii pertatnlng^to'cJremlcalcontent, The EPA, as Uie federal Hughes. Mrs. Roy Slotten and David R. Griggs and G. J. Mills, John McNeeley, Glenns Ferry;, school in Ogden. In 1900 he Wendell. He attended Jerome water temperature dif­ agency with primary respon- Mrs. Walter Noon. Ideas on both Filer; Mrs. Larry Mc­ Mrs. David Nicholson and married Ida Mae Sharp at schools and Utah State ferentials, toxins,' sewage, sibllity and expertise on water reforming the Congress from Combs, Rupert; Clara daughter, Shoshone. Albion. He moved to Oakley in Agricultural College. He amount and frequency of quality, wUl scmU^ze water each loc^ i^^^ue will be for- MAGIC HEALTH TBoffip80n7^1inberlyrfceah-P:“ ISas^OTid restded here“OTce7~ married-Lucile-GarneiM>n-May—discharge-or, deposit and the ------with------quality aspects of eacli permit warded to tiie natlorial League Bohm, iJerorne; Michael D. A son was bom to Mr. and Mr. Stanger belonged to the 16, 1951, in the Salt Lake O ty type of quantity of solids in­ proposal, and its findii£a>4 md office and a national stand will MAGIC MILL Prouty, Hagerman, and Agnes Mrs. Devon Ruhter, Buhl. LDS church. His wif'e preceded LDS Temple. volved. recommendations in this field be publicized, The g re a /0Sf b reakth ro u g h Leser, Buhl. him in death. Since their marriage they had Grub said that if the will be binding. Anyone interested in at- in fhe history of stone ffour — . ■ I —— n Hwii«»m ------— - — Minidoka Mewioninl----- ■- a ui"v i y ora - H n el ude----- ■farnied-itMho Falls City.dijitrict tjljsclMrge or deposit will In- -teimnTg-uiiyuf Uie'iiicetliiBH can eer e a / ngi Larry Neale, Fred McCabe, Admitted daughters, Mrs. Violet Martin, until his death. elude sbDcsbDd»^ of any type the Applications will also be applicant must identify the contact ihe hostesses or Mrs. in your own home. Emilie Thomson, James Idella Cox, and Maria TeUo. ‘ Ogden, and Mrs. TTiora Bouse, He was an active member of reviewed by the Department of proposed method of in­ Steve Smith, president. • High output (ov«r 60 lb«. Erickson, Mrs. Benny Kindred both Rupert. Salina, Kan.; five sons, Parley the First Ward LDS Church in the Inferior and the Department p«r hr.) with tlow tton« served a 2-year strumentation to determine the of Commerce with respect to »pM d< -l72S B.P.M ------Dismissed - , ^ ^ffectrrfiheTlispQsitiomjfsollds- l^ington and son, Mrs. Neil Herman Johnson and Jennie Boise, and Horace Stanger, mission Ui the North-Central the impact dt me proposed m«nt ------GrishamrAlairNormanrFrank- — -fcangley-Ali^Force-BaserVarr -states^He~wa3-an-Explorer—on_lhe-j«raterway,_and. either -discharge-on-fish, wildlife and teidge • SfainiM t it*«t flour drowor Jardine, Mrs. Gordon Gray, Vern danger. Twin Falls, and Scout leader and was a past assume responsibility for the other environmental values (no flour Mck) -Mr9rMa*’Serr-«Kl=aonrHMv^ -president oi the EUdonG Q u oru m ^ BgriedlC rem ovjj-ot sucfejoU ja ■ apa^t-{<: EU c»rewlc ----- Montgomery, John C. Turner, sisters, Mrs.'Mae McBride and '' He was currently executive by dredging or must agree to ^^ter quaUty.’ oporofod Mrs. Olson • 30 day monoy bock James Buckendorf, Mrs.' M rs. Julia Palm er, both secretary of the First Ward. reimburse the government for , costs associated with such The Corps of Engineers will J guorant«« Melvin (Mae) Fischer, Roy TWIN FALLS - Mrs. Lula M. Oakley; 17 grandchildren, and In addition to his widow, he is dredging. make detemUnatlons on the * Prompt dolivory Weatherbee, Paul F. Donnelly, Olson, 76, died Friday night at 24 great-grandchildren. survived by a daughter, EUien nrub..said « htrh navigation aspects of ap- A ~WamerHoward,' Mrs. Garth D. Wood -River; • Gonvalescent- Funeral services Will~tie Kaye’ ThOnraaBn-; two sons-. TWIN* FALLS----- Twin Falls Locally-owned and were built or under construction pUcatlon proposals, ahdT will O p e ra te d Morrill and Scott Woodruff, all , Shoshone, wljere she conducted at 1 pjn. Monday at David Bea Thomason and Rex Manufacturing Concern . , . Twin Falls; Emil Bemardi, had been a patient for two the Oakley LDS stake house by Allen Thomasen, all Jerome; prior to April 3, 1970, are not years. required under the Federal Th'v^e hand crofted portable Earl Llonberger, Scott Bishop R. HUton Critchfield. his mother. Mrs. Phoebe milli ore monufoctured in She was bom July 5, 1894, Water Pollution Act to obtain general's office for prosecuUon W r .T d l ^ ^ J ^ ^ s m y ! Woodruff and Mrs. Don J. Final rites will be held In the Thomason, Jerome; two Our ploni at Filer ond ore of violations. —McRobertfi, all Buhlr Mrs. Leo _near JlfaltervUle,- Kan., and Oakley Cemetery. Friends may brothers, laV em D. ’Hiomason,’ state certification, until Aoril 3, second, and Mrs. George Qvoiloble in birch, walnut or Sentfen and Alvin Todd, both spent most of her life In Smith Boutlful, Utah, and W. Bruce Frazier and Mrs. J. M. m aple finithet Vititori call at the Payne mortuary w e l c o m e Shoshone; Carol Lutz arid baby Center, Wakeeney and Ogala, from 4 to fl pjn. Sunday and at Thomason, Twin Falls. Kingsbury, third. New players boy Jdmstun, both Filer; Rex Kan. She came to Twin Falls in the Oakley church one hour Funeral services will t)e held were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown. for m ore m^ormofiort write or viiif Stanley, Burley; Ricky Cortten, 1941 and lived here until 1969 prior to services Monday- at 2 pjn. Monday in the Jerome There will be no weekly play MAGIC MILL, INC. when she entered the nursing Andrus rapped for Eden; Mrs. Austin Moses and LDS ^-Irst Ward Chapel with next Friday because the Twin - 311 Main RItr, Idaho *3331 daughter, Rupert, and Marie home. Bishop Neal Perkins, of- Falls unit Is holding a sectional P.O. Bo>110 336-5373 Thomas, Wendell. On Aug. 5, 1916, she was Fiineral Services ficiat ■toumamefir -Bfrtte- married to Jotui August Otaor r be in the Jerome Cemetery. iiieasiure Sons were bom to Mr. and at Smith Center, Kan. He died in TWiN FALLS — Graveside’ Friends may call at the Hove services for -Mrsr Sadie R. Mrs. Ted Manker, Twin I^Us, 1944. She worked for Merle Chapel, Jerome', Sunday and TWIN FALLS - Rep. Ray Governor “ had a few words to Levander wtlhbe conducted at 3 and Mr. and Mrs. Larry, Mc­ Stoddard, Twin Falls, for 20 ' until 1:30 p.m. Monday. Lincoln, R-Twin Falls, say about why he vetoed the p.m. Monday in Sunset Combs, Rupert, and a daughter years. She attended the criticized Gov. Cecil D. Andrus bill, but nothing that made was tx)m to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nazarene Church, Twin Falls. Memorial Park by Rev. H.B, Friday for vetoing a measure much sense,” Andrus said Thomas under direction of the -O aveas------Survivors include two sons, designed to control large Idaho , communities have iWiite Ml H R a p rL. ^ Olson, Atlanta, u a „ rtuaiy. Hay fir e crowds such as those tound ai Cassia Memorial and Floyd 0 . Olson, Oklahoma rock festivals. control large assemblies, and City, Okla.; one daughter, Mrs. TWIN FALLS — Funeral The bill, aimed at eliminating that further state controls were Admitted Leroy (Lola) Magoffin, Rich- services for Georgia Pearl - disorderly gatherings of young unneeded. Mrs. Walter Roberts, Deanne field; step^nother, Mrs. John Metcalf will be conducted at injures people by clamping strict Rep. Lincohi said the crowd- -Andersony----- Mrs^------Donald— Benderr—Twin- -FaHs^— one— p jn . Monday a t White controls on any gathering of control legislation '-is badi Thueson, Mrs. William Rice and brother, D.E. Bender, Cor- Mortuary Chapel by Rev. Elam l,00^persons or more who plan needed." It would have Mrs. Hector Gonzales, all vallis, Ore.; eight grand­ Anderson. Final rites will follow driver to remahi In the same area for strengthened present Burley; Mrs. Ben Herbert, children and several great­ at the Twin Falls Cemetery. 22 hours or more, was passed by legislation and would have Rupert; Ruben N. Kraus, Paul. grandchildren. CAREY - A Boise truck both the House and tenate, but given Id^ho communities the Dismissed Funeral services will be driver received severe bums on was vetoed by Andrus. prottetion they needed against Matilda Southern and conducted at 2 p jn . Monday at Rupert his hands Friday when a load of Rep. Lincoln said the unruly crowds. Tamara Warr, twth Buriey; the First Nazarene' church. hay he w m hauling caught fire. Mrs. Dick Anderson, Albion; Twin Falls, by R6v. Joseph Jose Luzar, 27, was hauling Mrs. Eldon Q-ane, Malta; Mrs. Qiastin. Final rites will be held about 20 tons of hay from an Anunett Hernandez, Paul. near Wakeeney, Kan., on o ffic ia l area near Mud Lake, and was,,., U.S. Steel official Births "Ihursday. Friends-may call at traveling on Highway 93-A, A son was bom to Mr. and the Bergin Funeral chapel when he noticed the biaze, Mrs. Hector -.-and^untiL accordingto Don Gr.eeiL.Blain£__ eyes Riihl history 10:30 ajn . Monday. Coimty depUty sheriff. Luzar tumed back toward RUPERT — George Faulkner BUHL — James A. Connelly, over much o/ the tract In­ Lady who wants to' be Mud Lake, hoping to drive Into of Rupert, a- director of the retired vice-president of Unit^ cluding the Shoshone Falls ationymous says that you the lake and extinguish the fire. Wreck hurts Chamber of Commerce, States Steel Co., came to Buhl area, by Lt. Col. Wendell date yourself if you call a Green said. The truck driver frying pan a "spider " director of the Minidoka County this week to talk history and to Gannon (R e t). In addition .to learn" information‘:^f h W i c a . the Falls, now running at great Shinn kin state commander o f the Idaho interest concerning his old level, he was also shown tlnued his frantic trip toward , LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Mike Wing, avU Air Patrol, has been friend, the late Frank H. Buhl, Thousand Springs and the SU«$CRII>TION RATES safety. Glhney, 20, son of Mrs, Prlsdlla promoted to the rank of full founder of this city. Snake River Trout Farm. By the time he arrived at Mud Connelly now lives in Sharon, THETIMES-NEWS ' Shinn Glbney, Las Vegas, and a colonel In the CAP. After whirlwind tours and Lake, eight of the trailer’s tires Penna. Twin f=alli. Idaho grandson of Twin Falls radk> Col. Faulkner has been af­ briefings by various in- By Carrier had been destroyed and the bed announcer Juneau Shinn, P«r Montti filiated with the Civil Air Patrol was ruined by the fire, Luzar dl'vlduals, Connelly said “ I have (tM ly A Sunday) . -suffered a brain concussion for 16 years as squadron was treated for his bums by a found out what I wanted to find By M a ll Friday evening in a traffic commander, a . wing ih- Paid In Advance Fairfield physician, but was not out and It was Interesting.” (Daily 1 Sunday) acddent. formatjon . officer, oommander hospitalized, the deputy said. It was while a young ^ o o l lAtanlti t J .75 He was still unconscious of cadets and In hla curreht IM o n m t %7.7i boy that Connelly became To You and Yours Saturday evening in the in- state position. ~ « M o n ttit * 14. SO friends with Buhl and also Peter 1Y»»r S37.00 tenslve-care unit o f Southern Col. Faulkner flies to Twin AAall lubxTlptlons acctptad only Kimberly, after which the Nevada Memorial Hospital, Falls-weeUy to conduct CAP «*iara carrlar dalivary !• not T.F. woman Kimberly community was RialntakMd.^ _ 9coonung_to_word received in meetings and cwifer with CAP named. All of-them later AT EASTER Twin Falls. cadeta and ofHciais on wing Young Gibney and three other bnstn<»ig. and h aj pBrtinipata>i- » H i > 0 4 » TIMES-NEWS b u ^ essa n d ultimately the sale youths were returning from, a in numerous search and reacue SUBSCRIBERS of their interests resulted in swimming excursion to Warm misriotw as a pilot for the CAP. establishment of the United torsarvlnon Springs, Nev., when they were The promotion waa reported self in leg Paper Ddlvary States Steel Co. Connelly involved in a collision with a by Cadet Staff Sgt. Dennis remained with the new flrin as trudi!- - -PtBa:------T n fT T J F A r r

i n car^repiair

said .G cr^d T. cars like Mustang, multtpb^ the naUon's auto___ dealers ______out____ of. from* the manufacturer aind contend It gWfffi thft.madianiff- iip>t,i» the fiimr -nvpif V nlK^eA Mcrinnniigh,.. a n FedanalF»da>al - Twide~Tfode ■ rem aindww-by by igS.Add boek the , business llUHhiii thd thti iSagFlast i flw inukliil Ifiat much more prohi. an inqentjive to work hard and ,{]e^tii>n In new cat* pricing, Commission (FTC) lawyer who transportation charge and you'll years. NADA says - dealers’ Despite advertisements steer-. perform well. Critics claim the most dealers make more profit qwdalizes in auto pricing and be within 1 per cent of the over-all average profit is only 2 ing consumers to "reliable”- only incentive is for q>eed, and on used cars, parts and service. economics. ■ dealer’s cost. per cent; auto company p a ^ at a the result can be slipshdd And some dread price Iiaggling One reason' for the misunder­ Use the samie approach for Auto dealers, o f c o u i^ , are dealership, some dealers fatten repair. Critics also> <)rgue it as much as you do. standing is the difference intermediates^" the Americtui Inveterate (iomplainers." Like their profits by buying cheaper works to the disadvantage of Confidential figures obtained between ^oss and nei ^ f i t bh Motors Ambassador, and all welfare clients who curse the parts from sources other Ihan both the consumer and the UPI flio^ M that the iff)' a net^rcar- siter T»w |94MH!t - (^ ryale f Corp. full sited- c ars dole, they defend the franc hlae the anto makar -hoM st dealer.— —— r - ’------' -- .. «« Vif_____—L^ .aL _ V t .a I *.> **A aIT' Dodge dealers rated by Chrys- reported by the Dodge dealers, except Dodge Monaco and. the system which sustains them but "A profit o f 50 pw cent on ler Corp., as the nation’s most for example, came from an Chrj^er and Imperial lines. resent their dependency on the parts is not rare," one dealer \The dealer willing to cut successful netted an average of average gross profit of $317. But in their case, multiply by manufacturer and the rules he told UPI. “ It’s becoming a coiners on ^ v ic e , ineluding $94 operating profit on Mch From this, the average dealer .815. For all other full s iz ^ forces them to follow. necessity.” warranjy repairs and prepara­ new car sold last year., paid his salesnien and sales cars, multiply by .78. Dealers intenriewed by U|»I Service formulas are more tion of hew cars, may be more The profit figure for used car managers $96, spent $29 prepar- , With the consum e, atmed said Metropolitan area autO complex. Many dealers pay willing to offer you an lowerlu w c r -sales-by Ihe-same-dealers-was—lng-the_cat,;-$3a advertisingit Trtth this kind of knowledge and dealers pay^ themselves any>^ Jhei^r mechanicson a piecework priceon a new aiijto. J’I r TTT'^ ^ - - . - - - - - $139, vililch represented at least $8 demonstrating it, $S insuring with the dealer equipped with where from $20,000 to $100,000 a rather than hourl}^ basis. For that reason, Consuonsunie’rs £anrl ^' twice as much profit on a it and $47 Interest on the money sales ploys polished by hun­ year. Sales managers make up Typically, the mechanic gets Union sa^s your cholciholce'^ of percentage basis W ee used he borrowed to buy it. dreds of deals, one dealer to $50,000, they said. Many haft the “ labor” charge on your dealers is more Important than l^fatrJ Besiclf ifi cars sell for less. 'Hiat left $94, a net which analyzes the resulting^clash this dealers work six days a week repair bill. But that’s not the your choice of cars. way: and put In e v e n ^ hours to whole story. “ Hie new cars that CU llh ' : The dealers, memt)ers of' dealers maintain 'is furtlier what Chrysler calls its "Char- eroded by expenses such as “ The consumer goes in with accommodate customers. Again, the dealer works from bbught' for testing this year a “ book.” It lists the estimated liglli J'l/!; A ll, m ; . , ger Club,” reported an average utUities, clerical costs and the Idea he’s going to give It to came with, or soon developed, net operating profit of 25 per office bills which are paid the dealer. The dealer is Why do used cars, parts and time required to make each an average of about 25 defects iJ t c m ilififlo u n l.iin ? !ii ’ V rm it ii ? cent on their parts and service partly out of new car profits equally convinced he’s going to service yield more profit? The repair. The common practice is traceable to sloppy assOTbly -gve4t^4&-the=eonsanfier r ~ What- — Intierviews witlrdealers-tmd—used car sales and-service. results ifr«n unhappy af fpir for- cars-flffer—the-consumw—no—bases 6 i>fl -$U $$ A m f r i c a government officials familiar both.” handy pricing formula. “ Kneel rather thM the mechanic’s reported. With tH6 au;aPlSiness'pi^ m M ' iZ uiin ulayajjou iid'wltU ^ *hey -finnljy -agree on a - and Pra y;" advlsedone.------aotual-work-time-...... in thia oltuotloft, -o- dealer ^ ic e $200 over drier’s cost, ^ manufacturer’s ,'^us if a mechanic performs willing to promikly fix the, » » i the same message: consumers the buyer can figure what the frequently overestimate dealer dealer paid for a car. this dealer said, the customer book” retail price , for parts brake jobs In the time flaws i>ecomes more Important IM cw r'iller pro tits on' new cars, and Consumers U n io n . whlch-hTltF-s ti l l - taegrndges- It-w liile - the aUows- the dealer 4«-p er allottod for one, he and the— thBn--a- dealer—fears overhead - wUl- gross profit on mechanical detiler inske twice HSTnutiF^ofiglnal-prteer- NEWLY INSTALLED exalted ruler of the Bhrley Elks Lodge, nore stiff used car prices and zlne, offers this one: absorb It all. parts, 35 per CCTt 6h b o d y nJoney-on htH workr lf'^ -fom ------;------____I ______i Kmw fnlrAo ttwux - . • Charles Shadduck, left, presents a plaque to Ben Sprague, repair bills. Take the ' car’s “sticker” According to the National components and 25 per cent on hour “book” Job Ukes five retiring exalted ruler, at the lodge histaHation ceremony. Four “ If you want to hack it now price. Subtract the transporta­ Automobile Dealers Association 'Vn entire mgine. A dealer hours, however, your biU is Ask any pedestrian: an members received life memberships and were given standing as an auto dealer, you have to tion charge. For subcompacts, (NADA), this profit squeeze buying In bulk gets an based on four hours, not five, airplane has gat~~n' be safer than an auto. ovations. make It on used cars, parts and compacts and smaller specialty forced 8.1 per cent, of the additional 5 per cent discount Proponents of this system This week; Save 15% on made-to- measure draperies. ByFRANKSCHELL From A.D.K., Burley, Idaho: 1 have a coin which. I am Savings like these on clothes like these! wondering about. It is about the size of a nickel. On one side it says United States of America That's what v/e call a real spring clean-up! and has a symbol like a shield with an eagle above It. The date - ly i 941. Oir ttir o tlia side is a f A-SHtQ H ‘ man seated with what looks like GIRLS , a plough. Above him It says Clearance “ Five Centavos” and under him -tbo—word—"EUlpinns” .—What CLOTHING kind ef coin is this? It must be Reduc)^ lo Clear United States but I cannot find WOMENS out nhfuit it. Girls 2 piece da&ESSES-^- Answer: You have a five cent O rig SI I JAMICA SETS piece from the Phllllpine SHOE Islands. UntU 1919 all of their S13 N O W $9 3 6 . I ’ V . 7 U coinage was struck at Ponfdre»\«» & dreiiei Clearance 100% cotto^'Spring coIq/ s • Good velection Philadelphia and San Franr cisco. After 1920 It was struck In G irU . ' ^ jm; Reduced to clear! ManUa, except for 1944 and Big savings on Coordinate Groy.p 1945, which were struck In all SPRING COATS 1 99 051 three United States Mints due to Gfoopi 1088 , GIRLS SHOES BOYS lops I skirt ^ O ng fo 6 99 O QQ the war. Value of the coin is ong 28 00 NO W I O Pon, 2 ’ ’ NO W 3 ® ® Group U O n 8 8 CLOTHING sizes 3 to about face value — collector orig 32 00 NO W / U good selection of sfyles value for a brand new specimen Novy ond Yellow iizet 10-22 1/2 Boys Crewneck Is about 90 Qents. From T.R., Twin Falls:- I R educed KNIT SHIRTS Reduced fo clear have a coin from Guatemala as Womens All Weather WOMENS HEELS Girls Cullote follows: A woman's head on one PC- — ^-----COATS------^ o nfl-te 1*2. ^ Shortsleev« sues 8 - 1 6 DRESSES side, above it “ Un Centavo” and 7 8 8 - 1 0 S 8 Group I 1 4.99 O rig S4 bel6w “ Fray Bartolqme de las Beoutilul Summer

Sunday, April 11, 1971 . TImes-News, Twin Fall», Idaho ' 5 Times-News PuKlic Fqrmri THE W A Y IT W AS

i A j f e a u , U60 Hageihnnan after spending three KING HILL — A fire of un- months a( the Veteran’s determined origin d « ^ y e d the < , Hospital in Boise, r 1.' United Presbyterian Church' TWIN PALLS — New ofBcers OverlThe Fence here shortly tefore services of the Magic Valley COin Qub j ^ d a y . AU furnishings w ere.. were elected T h u r ^ y night; Editor, Times-News: a rfS re of a sexually oriented removed to safety by more than P a u l.B o ^ , Twin Falls, was ■ITiis lellfir.ls In reply 16 thfif nature, it Is also apparent that 200-people wttff-tum^ onrtB elected • president;— JoHFT published over the name Cecil the smut in ’ movlM , books, help. It is estimated that it will Stephens, vice-president; Mrs. Calhbun in the Sunday, April 4, magazines^and art b .not pur^ cost between 425,000 and $30,000 Richard Waite, secretary, and Forum. It is not meant to be a veyed by the young, althou^ to rebuild. Harry Gibbon, treasurer. ’ - defense of the foibles of my many do patronize it. This may KETCHUM — John A. Outgoing president is John generation so articulately be aralyzed along ffie same lines Johnson, 67, prominent Mason, Rogers, Jr. pointed out by M r. C a lh ou n .as____ ^drug„ addiction. . . It is who was a former Twin Falls' TWIN FALLS - Hie annual . ^__Hather it" i.s-written-in-the-in!^—organized—jjlm e —ti^ind and Filer resident died at 4 a jn . Chamber of Commercedriye wlU„ terest of proving a look over the purhser. The pushers may be Where are the other three? Is Monday-Bt-his^hortiB^reTirr ■get ujnderway nexfweek with a fence at Hr. Calhoun’s young and then again they may it not possible that just a few short- illness. Burial will be goal of 100 new members. generation and its contributions not be. But whatever the ages. scattei^ cases occur in people Thursday in Sunset Memorial Vernon Riddle, chairmjui of the to the “ sickness" in America over the age of 30? Park in Twin Falls with The city commission, signed a today. and prudent as would be a Again, let me emphasize that Rev. W. A. ‘Mac Arthur, proclamation designating the member of my generation this letter is not a condemnation Methodist minister, officiating. week of April 17 as Chamber In his letter Mr. Calhoun pointing a finger at the elders of any generation or certain BURLEY Gary Dean, 19, Week. Bill Grange, secretary- charges the younger people in and cursing theip for producing group of people. I do not want Rupert, shot himself accidently manager, and Carl Berg, this generation with being a such wonders as Adolph Hitler, this letter to be construed as a in the calf of the right leg at 7; 30 president, will direct the T»3in°"Sandar"in” 1he^~Kinramg~igaiTiparp corrupted, addicted to narcotita -Stalin. We' cannotcondomn-any— nuLgeneration,andJt_ls not an and nientally “ unsafe.' certain group of people for the attack upon the older ral)blts with a companion, Jim . proposed Sawtooth Park and Turning bach to actions - ■■ ■ —gwier^tioBi Wintwg, IBr^ laa-flf-Rupert..— the multipla- uMt ot-natural.. point, that this, generation is members. in r e je c t . BOISE - A study by the U. S. resources of a national forest sexu^y permissive, I concede Surely a course of reason will Geological Survey, in were shown by Ned Millard, pqnlt:trylnff -cooperation—with-the—Idahor-ftngtnnfh— N nttnmil— Fnrpirt------terest^ in pointing out thatJthe_.eeneration-h«H nn mnnnpnly. on tO lay the blatnejui-anyone and. -He Likes Burley Department of Reclamation Ranger, when the- Clover indlcatea that-nearly twice as Community F^rm Bureau met entire moral' stature of a nation corrupt morals.'I have yet to get about trying to wive our "^W rough^he^tffley^^ool syste Jim Roper has a deep love for much gi uuiiJ~watei could -b e- at the Clover srtioolhoase; is revealed in its predominant meet or hear of a memljer of my problems, took business at the University of literary and art forms. It seems generation who successfully . . . John Hohnhorst, Jr. Burley - and the area around it. developed in the Raft River . BURLEY - Beverly anymore that our literary and established a house of Hazelton Every time'he takes a trip to a Idaho and ended up getting his VMley in Southern Id ^ o as was DalSoglio, Burley, was selected major population center he is masters in business at Stanford in used in the valley in 1955. as Miss Cassia County of 1960 at convinc^ that Burley is the place 1947. In 1946 he was married in RABBIT ■ SPRINGS - the annual pageant held Twin Falls. He was from Burley, Richard A^-HoUabaughf Sanlds Saturday night. She j s the !»• to be. And he is also convinced Springs, Okla., is using a year-old daughter of Mr. and Biu-ley just has to be some sort of his wife-to-be from Rupert but their . bulldozer to mine geodes in this Mrjs. Hugo E. DalSoglio, Open Letter ‘•inspiration’’ center .because of the minister friend was in Twin Falls - ' area^uth-of Twin FallSr Rock Burley;...... — number of famous individuals and — hence the trip away for the hounds are protesting. TWIN FALLS Charles Editor, Times-News: here. for you last electron but If you firms who first started in the area. marriage. He met Bette during TWIN FALLS - Mrs. Mel ^ w e rs , son of Mr. and Mrs. Thp fnllnwing is nn nppn letter Let’s get all our boys and ran for election tomorrow I ___ Cosgrlff was elected president Henry Powers, has been families and our prisdherir would not vole for you on Ibis' — “ Mon^knowwhatritis; ItTjiight high-sehool-days-in-Burleyr-They— oflhe Blue Lakes Country Club initiated into Phi Alpha Delta to President Nixon: have two boys — Jeff, 20, a junior I am writing you in regard to hnrne and keep them here. We account. Idaho is a Republican be the water,” he smiled, “ but women’s golf association. national law honor fraternity at will defend our own borders and the Calley murder trial. I say in state but I dare say that if the what impresses me most is the at Dartmouth who will transfer to Others elected are Mrs. John the University of Idaho. regard to him it is just plain let others do the same. And omit vote came tomorrow you would aggressive attitude of the business the University of Idaho for the next Davis, vice-president; Mrs. (Editor’s Note; The Items In murder that you, as Commander walking hand in glove with Red not get many of the votes. people of this community and how semester, and David, 18, who is a Woody Reed, secretary: Mrs. today’s column were taken China and Russia bemuse you I am a law abiding citizen and Douglas Borlase, secretary; from the Twin Falls Times- in Chief, are having him.stand they have been capable enough to freshman at Florida Presbyterian trial. You draft these boys, or know they are our enemies. not one to jump the gun but Mrs. E. W. McRoberts anfM rs. News on the d a tesT M catearr they know they will be drafted,, Please, oh please, if you had everywhere I go, .even in the take the risk to extend their ac­ College. The family home is at 1931 Charles Coiner, co-toumament ■so they volunteer. They are sons and loved ones over there small grocery stores, people tivities outside the city.” Miller Avenue. chairmen; Mrs. James Sinclair taught to kill while here in boot you would be doing all you could say “ isn’t it terrible about This dates way l>ack, Mr. Roper Jim Roper is niixed up in scores and *Mrs. Uoyd Ihom pson, camp. They are told to kill to get them home. You ask, Calley?” and some say you of conimunity activities and in handicap chairmen, and Mrs. could you make rwm for all of should be impeached.______points out, to the time when M. B. Bert Barlow. Mrs. Harvey hem back here? Yes, say yes, before some crack OKB^^S, lOUnQcr 01 oaiCWay, llau ^ ^mong many— Pierpe and Mrs. Robert Coiner, ^ ^ ~ this is their homeland which you pot makes~for you. his first store in Burley. When the other things he is very active in rules committee...... 1 say free him and give all hU have allowed to be nm over with Please stop this terrible trial Davis Mercantile Cp., owners wen^ Rotary, and is a past president; he APRIL 15,1960 lionors back. He has done no Mexicans who demand big and give him back his honors. broke in Burley in 1924 but were has b€€n a city uuuiicil nieinberfor TWIN FALLS - John Ray R i i l p c more-tliaii tlH3usanil3 uf-others, pi iues fo i-tlieli w otlc and when— W« Still la ve fi eeUuui of i peech iti montbs and "likes it” ; ne serves -P eMoniuB diadatM ogto V d ley ' i U C H I I I only someone wanted to sneak back home they work for little to thb old rountry for which 1 inspired enough that they started' Memorial Hospital where he Forum letters must be con- ill and squeal~orrlrtm. Perhapff or nothing. They come here and thank m y dear G ^ . "again Itr^lorida and now are the urf-Cnmmerce had been undet^ treatment- cerued tapltt rt this someone did it to save his demand elections, bathtubs, Please help all of us and also ' seventh largest food chain in the Board. following a coronary throm­ own hide. refrigerators and so forth when those who are very young but United States. When M. H. King Co. Businesswise, he is vice- bosis. He and his father Had reasonable lengtt. You are sending our men all a lot of them have never seen will soon grow up as a cltlzenr- started out in Burley and now has president of the Roper Clothing Co. • operated the Twin Falls-Wells The editors ol the Time*- over the world to help these the inside of a house of any kind. . . . M rs. Alpha S. corporation and has been in the ^ g e line for 30 years. News reserve the right to refuse nations fight. I say that’s the I am an old lady, 78 years old, Cederburg 30 plus stores; When J. R. Simplot, BURLEY - Wesley Kennedy, publication if, iU' their opinion, way most of the people feel and I am not a crack pot. I voted Twin Falls the industrialist, got going as a retail business ever since he 23, Burley, was dead on arrival the subject matter Is of a youngster in the. Burley-Declo graduated from college, and even at the loc^ hospital and Dave libelous nature, Is not io good area: When the Big-0 Tire concern before that as he earned money for Staker,'28, Rupert, was killed taste or Is repetitious and has school. His father, William Roper, instantly when their car previously been thoroughly started with number one in Burley smashed into the side of a Union covered In the foram. and now the Pohderosa Inn is j is board chairman and a brother, Pacific RailroadTWit<* engine All letters must bear the starting on a nationwide course. John Roper, Twin Falls, is about one^alf mile east of the signature and address of the Thanks The examples, he said, are only a president. Burley business section. The writer. The name of the writer Thoughts few of the reasons he believes Jim Roper also -occurre d -a bout- unless there Is a jiersonal Editor, Times-News: Chamber of Commerce spirit — but pjn . there s something about' Burley no request that it be withheld and Please express our ap­ JEROME — Kenneth Russell other Idaho commtmity has. unlike ^ m e who just talk he can the reason for such a request preciation to Afrs. Sterling and was elected connmander of the Because they do not re­ . Every man will gravitate back up his statements with facts. stated. This request will then'be concerned citizens of Twin Falls Jim Roper is personally ag­ Jerome American Legion post gard the works of the Lord, to his own level, all it takes considered by the editors isnd It who sent clothing, toys, baby gressive and believes if you live in And we might leave you with one Tuesday evening. Joe. Duffek or the work of his hands, is time-. — Alfred Armand will either be granted or the Monlapert, editor. “ Encyclo­ fact he drives home. That is that was - elected— first vicer furniture and other items to the he will break thern . a communfty you should Work for letter will be retun»edTo~llB~ Idaho State School and Hospital and build them up no more. pedia of Distilled Wisdom." . the retail sales in Burley are the commander. its advancement. HAGERMAN - Qaude ButU writer. \ at Nampa. — Psalms 28:5. • * • Evexv one who believes He’s been doing it for a long time. highest per capita of any town or Sk-., has returned to his home in We can use all the items. "ity in the State of Idaho. However, at the present time, To build may have to be that Jesus is the Christ is a He is a native of Burley, went we do not need any more arts ~the“slbvnmd^aborious-task who loves the parent loves and crafts items. of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a the child. By this we know We are wateful for this that we love the children o f support and continue to seek single day, — Sir Winston Churchill. God, when we love God and your support of the State School obey his commandments.— Timely Word From The Governor? ------By M URttTty OtPfiRMjiN- Development Center. a spirit of timiditu _ currence. ( Mrs. M n n Patterson , spirit of power and love and The Ten Commandments Quotes COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho ‘ We’re an agricultural Director Volunteer self-control.— II Tim othy 1:7. and the Sermoft on the Mount —(NEA)—The bars In Idaho state. Many of our legisla­ Services • • • are -still our best guides — close at 1 o'clock In the tors go out to milk cows at Bernard Baruch. Priests no longer want to morning. A half hour to an Nampa 1 believe that anyone can 4 o’clock In the morning. By . conquer fear by^^oin^ the hour Inter, the Honorable 5:30. they’re done and hoyg therefore, putting away people. things he fears to do, pro­ Cecil Andrus, the governor had their second cup of hot falsehood, let every one —The Rev. Frank Bonnike, of ■ Idaho, knows the phone chocolate. Then they call me vided he keeps doing them speak the truth with his resident of the National Concerned until he gets a' record of suc­ will start ringing. Although up to tell m e how to run the neighbor, for we are mem­ fed er a tio n of Priests’ "Cece” A ndrus, as he’s state. Somehow they always cessful experiences behind bers one of another.— Councils, after its adoption know n on the streets of get me while Tin shaving.” Editor, Times-News: him.—Mrs. Eleanor Roose­ Ephesians 4:25. of a resolution asking that velt. • • • Boise, was sworn lii official­ __Andrus-mockingly clutches- When nature calls, it is very, priests be given a choice ly on Jan. 4 of this~year, - vpry friistrnting to find th^ rest ___Tf ynii tpTl thp truth you_ : a/^marrj his jugular. He’s the first rooms locked to the public at don’t have to remenrtber any­ TJEiTt5CTatl?rgovernor In the men becomis wise, but the Boise phone book—34^5570. our beautiful Shoshone Falls. thing.'—Mark Twain, The major preoccupation state In 26 years. He has a companion of fools will suf­ At 1:30 or 2 in the morn­ of a revolutionary is build­ Republican legislature. Both ’ Due to the efforts of our civic fer harm.—Proverbs 13:20. Fgr this.perishable nature ing, with crea tin g, not to ing, Cece is usually in bed congressmen and one U.S. ■ organizations, Sioshone Falls is .in -the governor’s residence, senator from-Idaho-ar*-4*e- highly publicized. Finding the must put on the imperish­ destroy. Endeavor as much as you able and this mortal nature a 63-year-old two-story farm­ publican. Andrus, who won't rest rooms locked must have — Black leader Stokeley Car- can to keep company with rnust nut on immortality. michaeL ______house'. But if the p h o n e be 40 until been~tiuite^a------— “ let down’^ or, if people above you.-^Lord When the perishable puts on “rings, he answers. thfird^yotmgesr-governor in you please “wet down” to the you please “wet down” to the chesterfield, English states- the imperishable, atid the Science is, perhaps, some One wee morning not long the country. He’s a tall, slim, many visitors who embarked on man. mortal puts ori immortality, kind of cosmic apple juice ago, a call came from Cald­ balding man. Uie falls and Its beauty last ------then shall com e to pass the- from the Garden of Eden. well, Idaho. “ Hey, Cece,” “The governor of Califor­ Sunday afternoon as I did. For the word of God is saying that is written: Those who drink of it are the- voice began (the phon­ nia,” he says, "moves in a Quoting the Times-News last living and active, sharper “Death is stoallowed up in doomed to carry the burden etics cam e out “ sheesh” ). circle of six or eight arme j S u n d a y , I must say the falls had than any two-edged sword, victory."— / Cor; 15:53, 54. ‘‘ ain’ t I entitled to the pro­ guards. I drive my own • • • of origfaial.sin. noUiing on me and my famUy piercing to the division of — Leuns M. Branscomb, direc­ tection of the law?” w c a r .” — when it came to "flowing soul and spirit of joinU and What a man does for oth­ tor of the National Bvreau “W hat’s the problem?” He ha; made one conces­ strong” upon our return home. and ducerrimg the ers, not what they do for him, of Standards, on grounng asked the governor. sion- to status. There Is a R Moore thoughts anH^ntentions of gives h i m immortality.— popular suspicion of tech­ “I just got my two front separate phone in the gov­ • ■ ■ ^FiSs • heart.-^rew s 402. Daniel Webster. nology. teeth knocked out in front of on the other side of the state, Samuelson,” recalls Andrys. ernor’s residence for Mt this b u sin e ss establlsh- near the Wyoming border. .“He kept referring to me as three daughten. It'y lij^ ment.” uon :iamuelsdn. Ev<_. ------On May 1, if th e govern­ “I’m trying lo get home, ^ n ’'—so~a call from llud "What does this. l)usiness I corrected him. He kept in­ ment has not stopped the the man wheezed. “ W h y Lake l»«te<&jii( school bw establishment sell at-two in sisting. I finally told him, war by then, we are going to- don't you get someone over service woiddi>-*t b r M v * - the morning?” a s k e d the ‘WhCT you sober up, look it stop the government from here to plow out the road*?” tracked for a teen-age grih functioning. up In the book.’ governor...... The governor niggest^ f e s t —John Froines, peace ac- "Bowte.”* " that the. man get a motel “ He got highly indignant. 'I wanna shay to ya that I’ve And he has m a d * "im Prfiyers For This Time tii)isr

Janet’s new house will be bathes, Janet appUea n o ^ u p , BUlr to the happy housewife'of closer to stores, Bcnools anit' peitmMe anJ dfcaooo in Henry Fqi^ in the new "The One of Janet’s attributes is public transportation. thing feminine. C liic ff ■SSnli ’f'amlly" ^ seriee. ' In Her tigure. Sie^s tdS tHm as.a “ Janet ts- convinced it .1^ -Sire— toatJnar ■arnJ- reality she is the not-sc^appy teen-ager; To keepljersett slim* possible for a woman to be a Hollywood blowout?, <*ut-up access who is going thrbu^ a she eats mostly protein and working’ actress and A full-time ■ Now that Janet is single dlw rce. , avoids sweets. Every day she mother simultaneously. again she finds, herself, wonder- Because"~o'f“ the— changes~does“ body7'bends-Tm d-situpr— ^Hj(^riliildren-like?H riage, Janet is In the p roce^ of Her arduous work wrtk for c o m p ly than anyone else,” ing the harmonious relationship ' vlnea— of - -tho^'c— gfemgc:..ot Marphtng fnr a, nna hnma-fnr - ripmanris that Janet rest on she says. “ You haye them wllh with her t>ffsprinR.— _^______memorobliia, cigar store In­ herself and children, Mandy, 12, weekends. She plays with the you for such a short time, it’s dians, is Gene Delaney, wlio and Andrew, 9. children, does the marketing wise to sp^d as much time as NEW TV SERIES you can with them.’ ^ lives and does his work in It is an emotional, transition­ and shopping." HOLLYWOOD (U P I)-D avid When she's not working, Much of JMet’s wardrobe on Dayton, Tex., near his source of • al time in Janet’s life. The Janssen will play a U.S. the show is her own. She is not Texas pine lojs, carves six-foot- stability of the ABC show is a Janet takes the youngsters to Treasury agent in his new one- of those actresses who tall chiefs, "squaws and totem p-eat source of comfort to her. the beach, plays tennis or goes television series, the pilot of enjoys slopping around the poles and his wUe applies the Meanwhile she is living high . horseback riding.; She Insists on which appeared on the tub^as' house in oddfl and ends. • war (or ceremonial) paint. One in the'Hollywood hlUs where continuing her vocal lessons, a “ CBS Friday Night Movie." three-foot-mlnl-chief was she is awakened every morning too. As soon as she arises and carved by his son, Pat, 12. when the alarm clock rings and (UPI) Charlie, her pet schnauzer, « jumps on the bed. « The hbur Is long liefore dawn. * Janet struggles into the kitchen « to flx herself a pot of coffee, * orange juice mixed with two « faw,Bggs-and pnjJeiB-powdeE™^ ItJs'ehou^to*feet her tTtough th'e morning. _5hfi_inust Tetevisiori Center —15 minutes by freeway SuncUy, April 11, U TI 2s l ,7b .0—National Boating -Test 3—Movie; "The Seven Year Ifch' 10:30 —at 5:30 a.m. to go through the 11—M ovie: '•Hldy ancl.SeoK"______2S L . 7B. a — Johnny Carson - ... on-channeU wd > loTir ritual of hairdo, makeup and »Movie: '*The Treasure of sierra >vie: "The Big Caper" wardrobe. THE.UNITED STATES Madre," the powerful version of the ^ S K L News Special ------' 3 — JHTKre Gleason novel'a'bckit gr^ed for odldTO scars 25l,^Film ------”“--10:40------' 7SL".—~Tt^BV~wwTTharanAray StiQOthig starts'precisely at 8 ‘ went to writer director John Huston 2b .3, n —Animal World 7b~Movie. "Bullet tor a..Ba'dman" n — AAovie: "In Search of A m erica' a.m. every day. 'andsupportino actor Walter Huston. 7b—To ffe‘ Announced • ^ »0i 45 - 10:40 • Humphrey Bogart, Tlnn Holt and ft—Meet the Press 2sl —News. Weather. Sports 5 — Tw ilight. Zone At the noon break Janet Bruce Bennett are the stars. 4:00 2b—Ed Sullivan 11:00 returns to her dressing room, M o rn in g 2s l,5,7b—Comment 11:05 4 — News, Weather, Spoils i'.s i 5—Congressioaal Report 7SL “ • Figuring It Out puts up her feet arid enjoys a ARMY FIELDS ANfi^ 2b ,3. n —CBS News 3—Time for Meditation ft~Easter Fantasy Special 11:10 11:30 roast beef sandwich. She Is 5—Movie "Back to God's Country" ; 7:00 4:30 4 — Dick Cavett back on the set in an hour and . 3, 11—Tom and Jerry Si,7b—NBC News ' I l r l 5 11:40 ‘S—Rex Humbard 2b—Deat^ Valley Days 2sl—Let's Talk Baskefball 5 — Movie, "Chicago Deadline" works until 6 p.m. ■7b—Agriculture USA 3—Hot Dog B—ABC News 12:00 Her schedule requires live-in, ■fr—Sip Pfcture 5—Talent-Showcase 11:30 2SL — A^an tp Woman _ _ 2s i—M ovie:-"Ruggies of Red G ap" "help for the young^ers. By the AND 7:30 U —Seventy ™ ' " 1J: 0J •3—Treehouse Club 5:00 8—News, Weather, Sports 2SL — M ovie: "H is Kind of Wom_an' -tim e Janet gets home she •4Jl>^FaUh for Today 2s l,7b,8.5—World af Disney Monday. April 12. 1971 ' 8—Riflem an 2b.3,t 1—Hogan's Heroes At 8 p.m. on channels 2sl and 8, , 11—Penelope Pitstop Evening ------...... and at 7 on 7 — Movie. The rugged 6;W coBt Ifne 'o? Big S u r.'C a l., sefs'Th*'' ' 2sl—Science in Agriculture 2b .3.4—F B I j'3,7b,11—Rex Humbard scene for "The Other Man." a TV- SOLDIERS'CHORUS n~Ed Sullivan »^8—Jonny Quest movie thriller. Kathy Maitland, the 7sl — Film s neglected wife of a prosperous at­ *5—Cantata Special &.30 torney, is drawn into an affair with a * •:» 2s l.7b,5.8—Bill Cosby playboy that leads to murder. . 2t»—Tabernacle Choir 7:00 Evening M.a—Chattanooga Cats 7b.a.n —Bonanza «;00 1971 SHIPSTADSt^JOHNSON -----. . ..i i O f l ...... ?t>.4, 5—Movler --Walk,-Don't Run" ?5t., 3. 5- — News, Weather. Sports- ■*2SI—Sacred Heart 3—Glen Campbell 2B. 4 — Truth or Consequences ' 2b—Revival Fires 7sl—William F. Buckley Jr 7B — This is Your Life ; 3—Easte r Services Special 8:00 8 — Newlyvk^ed Cam e :.4,8—Bullwlnkle 2sl—Movie. "The Greatest Show on 11 — My Three Sons IICI .5—Day.of Discovery Earth." 6:30 •7b—Easter Services Special 3—Ed Sullivan 2S L, 8 — Bird's Eye View with special guest star ^ *11—Herald of Truth S—Mission Impossible 2B, 3, n — Here's Lucy 9:15 7sl--Jean Shepherd's America 4.5 — Let's Make a Deal ~‘*tet*^Prom ttrc'Cattted raf- ' 7b—MoVid- " r . Tt t t r " ■ 7SL'~ Misterogers" 9.20 ft—Bold Ones 7B — Brady Bunch II ihiiii I'^ li ^ 1.4—Herald of Truth M—Glen Campbell 7:00 i2t>—Oral Roberts 8:30 2S L, 8 — Laugh In •€.ll—Discovery 7sl-*,Easter Special 2B. 3, 11 — Mayberry >—Tabernacle Ctwir 9:00

«asl—This Is the Answer 11—Gunsmoke 7B • Movie "The Other Man" ' Tb—i-aie rne Nation----- ~S—M uvie------5 —Tabernacle Choir 7sl—Masterpiece Theatre 2B. 3 Doris Day .1:—Oral Roberts ft—Movie "W alk. Don't Run" 4,5 — Reel Game PHFORMANCS^ -1^ ly y ^ n t^ -Hm i r ____ J - - - Q•1^______-JJ----- E.»may Altair- ______tO I CHOICI 0«DI» NOW l Y IHMl 7s i—Skyhawks 2b—Mission impossible 7SL — Hatha Yoga B—Death Valley Days n « . ■4—ABC News 1:00 Fit M il M niiuurun^riujcLioos«.wnn^ ~1 11—-Faith for Today 9:30 2S L . e — Movie "The Other Man- S l L f a i l I S^ljkiCit|,MIOI I 10:30 4—News. Weather. Sports 26. 3. U — Carol Burnett UiH>f I { EiKlH*itaiiK4nH-«4*tssc4ank«e { JsI.^Film 9:45 — 4 — M ovie. "24 .Hours to K iir' Sitlbil Tb—To Be Announced 4--Movle "Barabbas". 5 — Movie: "re»cr1ptlon Murder'* I EncloMd it S ______| 3—This is the Life 10:00 ' 7SL — World Press Revew I Amount I 4—Cam eria 4 Reports 3.5, 11-' New^- Weather. Sports 9;00 fo r ...... adult MOft ot S ...... * 11—Face the Nation 7s l— Fanfare 28 — tHawan Five 0 I fo r...... junior Mott at $ ...... | 7b—Hardy Boys 10; 10 3 — Gunsmoke I 1 «t Choice; D o t* ...... Tims of Show . SUNDAY 0—Viewpoint 7b—ABC News 7SL '• Realities iraCtUniSIKrrvtinltrl 12nd Choice: D o t*...... Time of Show 10:45 10: 15 7B. 11 ~ Laugh In Tkin. t n - S i i 10:U ( 2M 2b—Film 2b—News, Weather, Sports . 10:00 11:00 10:25 2S L . 2B . 3. 5. 7B. 8. 2s l.4, 7b—Meet the Press 7b—News. Weather, Sports Weather, Sports 2b ,3.^—Stanley Cup Hockey J0.-30 4 — If Takes a Th*ef APRIL 25 8, 11—Directions 2b—CBS News 7SL — Book Beat 251.4—Easter Services 7b—Bullwlnkle ■"Aiiftrnoon 12:00 7b ,8, 11—NBA PlayoMs Special ilHr^tecGrawHlyaftfftlfal 13:30 2s l.4—Movie "Th e Treasure of Sierra Madre" 3:00 2b ,3.5—Golf Tournament 2:30 4—This is.the Lite 7b—Discovery »—Film ACADEMY 11—Golf TournamenT 3:00 AWARD Bottled note NOMINATIONS COLLEGE OF READING, Mass. (UPI)-In SOUWSRN4BAHO « bottle containing a note with his name, address and the words « "Please write" over the side of a cruise ship. FINE ARTS AUDITORIUM ♦ Recently, Carroll receive a tetter fronv a-young man in the « West Indies, who found the bottle on a beach and « responded to the note. « « SPONSORED BY « ♦ THSAES-NEWS^ « . AND * n « * ASSOCIATED student BODY * « COLLEGE OF ♦ SOUTHERN IDAHO «

ft « This concert is a public service of the Times-News «

and the~CoHecre of Southern ldaho-^tudents~cmd ♦ admission is FREE. Tickets will be required, how­ « ever, and only hall capacity will be distributed. Y q u may obtain your free tickets by dropping into the Times-News office in Twin Falls. If you Wish ft ft your- request- t

IgusTCelker, Edffor~T ^ -- ft - f t : - Tim es-N ew s ft PRESSMAN ibT U C WILLIAMS ft Box 548 ft Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 ft ft ft

* • * « * H t , * i , ********* * * . * * t r * * * * * * * 1 i Sunday, |ftprll 11, 1971 Tlmas-News, Twin Fallt, 7 Prison yiolence 1 ai^ ■Rimi.KY - Four hundred were m id-year awards given extended and the service ulns >nH n » , _ _ . to ^leftist? lawvefs— _o«i>l fittxi rWn-T#lo arwtVlrtvart nwH.Otfi -d »a d —q em ence, 30, ■ a ' 'LiBa were-preaen y resentations forsthe day 'shift' long and faithful service given guards were killed and several The accusations were made The judges began their to attend. Only eight students -iunch-hour . The lund i }wur w m were made at ll g jn.—by its etnpteyen,- others stabbed the past year. Dy Moe Caimactu), a sergeant at toed a |1.8 million fedpal grant newsmen. to-continue-CHtAT-a-publicly funded team -of attorneys who represent'the poor. Camacho, president of the 3,5Oftme0 iber California Cor­ Basque rectional Officers Association, V. said guards have been killed ^ d stabbed by inmates in studies assaults “ which weTiave^good reason to believe were acts I jmotivated by_ or, at least, an ^ K K r S K C i a R outgrowth of t^ks with certain planned attorneys—many of them em­ ployed by CRLA. RENO, Nev. (U PD-'H ie Des- “ We______concur with___ the ^gover-___ ert Research Institute of the r^ggce6ammenaatl(m::fCT'::tmt^WBi«eraits^<>tJievad funds to CRlJv."__ duct a pne-year study of how iftMMiTg III infiyp pflt nil LOVEIY MAPli OR EBONY FRAME CDWPLltl WITIll Reynoso -said the charges Basque people have main- lUlnCll Id llrtlwllllivUullr EASEL BACK FOR STANDING OR RING FOR HANGING. | ------W 4T>m 4ESE------m ore,'those people who have' . . . HURRY' IN TODAY WITH YOUR FAVOrF e COLOR made these preposterous char- NEGATIVE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EASTER I challenged them to produce the National Institute of Men­ OFFERI li evidence at hearings before the tal Health. It will be conducted investigating judges. by program director William' ------“ W h a t In v o lv e m e n t w p have f^uglass and research associate had in California prisons has -JoirBnBaof"—'7... ^...... been entirely constructive,” They will travel to Basque 5" X 7" COLOR Reynoso said in a statement communities in the West. With ENLARGEMENT WITH FRAME issued by his San Francisco particular emphasis to EUko. "Elko is probably the best o ffice.' REG. 89* COMPLETE "Our efforts have focused on place in the United States to W ITHOUT WITH study the Basques because all 7 9 F R A ^ IE _ attempting to establish lines of FRAME communication between the of the dimensions of Basque WITH COUPON prisoners and prison authorities ethnic identity are manifested LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER there,” Douglass said. with a view toward reducing OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 14, 1971 Prison guard Uloe Camacho tensions.” REDEEMABLE CASH VALUE \'r2 0 OF O N E C ENT Asked by newsmen if lie had says codnsel behind stabbings CLIP THIS COUPON AND SAVEI evidence that lawyers consi^lred Force set with convicts to stab guards, . WASHINGTON (UPI) -T h e Camacho said: “I refuse to U.S. Postal Service today Resort plans set answer. announced creation of a securK "We know there is a ty force (o attack the growing connection lietween CRLA at­ 11" X 14" COLOR JACKSON, Wyo. (UPI) - Grand Targhee the “ base com ­ number of thefts of credit ca rd s, securities and other Plans for a $15 million base plex that Is needed for a major torneys and leftist attorneys. ENLARGEMENT WITH FRAME valuables which move by mall. village development for Grand resort." We can prove a connection.” REG. * 4 .9 * Targhee Ski Area have been A spokesman said the force S £ j^ t 9 He said the area will be WITHOUT outlined hy an nffirial of the will grow to 5,000 by mid-1975, geared to year-round recreation But initially will be confined to FRAME Targhee Development Co. Welfare up WITH COUPON because of Its pro^^ ity to Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Oak- Doyle Dickerson of Driggs, Jackson and the national parks. MMIT 1 PER C U S TO MCIT , ldahf>r-s«cr-.About- Ittnd ,—Chlaaga,.. Sprlnaflald ... the corporation,'.^d constroc' — The preliminary plans ap­ 40.5 per—cent of Hong Kong's Mass.; and New York's John F. OFEER-EXeiRES APRIL 14, 1971 tion of the Westem-atmosphere proved by the Teton County fiscal 1971 expenditure of $198 Kennedy Airport. REDEEMABLE CASH VALUE 1 /20 OF ONE CENT "Village-will- ■ soqiai the snow clears.” third acre home sites. Dicker­ services, including education, The United States bought Dickerson said the main ob­ son said sales of the sites will health, housing and social Alaska from Russia on March jective was to provide for be completed April 15. welfare. 30. 1867. for $7.2 million.______

$65,000 of Bedroom Furniture al Liquidation Prices

The enthusiasm of our buyers at'the market has caused an overstock condition that is serious. Shipments have Keen arriving for many weeks . . . we simply have no choice, our sales floor is over-flowing and our warehouse irjammed v/ifh another shipment due . . .

Right N o w we have over 120 suites regularly Many, Many Styles Not Listed priced from $ 2 0 0 to $ 1 2 0 0 all greatly reduced as much os 50%. Some of Americo's most popular names in Early American, Mediter- ronean, Spanish, Contemporary and Provincial.

1 pr. N«nnlr» pulino mrdilrrrunrnn u brauliful light »*urm fini%h tih di*lrrk«.tna. drawrr Irinir Hrr«»»rr. m -----EHI------’ • ■ “ ^ «4on

I p<*. Ilro^hill aniiqup whtir Vlrdilrrranmn. dra««rr 6 6 *' r quern panel bed. Mf({. Ii^< pricc 8499.9.5 . . for

«»ld~»»«rTJ~meJiuinT)rown o A , 0 drawer fi2'*” rrTpTe Jre'kM»r. mirr«»r “and full »r heavy ynke l>pe bed. %TfK. lUl price 83‘39.9S $

Nile Mand available at S5*>.95~

3 pew while A fiold f-rrnrh provineial. 6 drawer- double dre%*er frame

Mfg. lisl price *319.85 .... for *239*^*^ Many other corrulated prices available at sale prices

3 pe. dark Spani»h Oak. 9 drawer dre fully frhmed A decorated landscape m irror. .1 drawer bachelors che«t and full «ize tpindle b ^ .

Nile (land available for S44.00.

2 p4!. Spanitk oak double dretter, framed triple Mrenglh mirror, full or qneen bed, dot! proofed eenler guided, dove tailed drawers of solid oak.

Mfg^.^«rprHart2W;Ofr^ 'fdl- ATslUhlf willi 9 d ra w tr t rip k are 4 drawer d m l avallablFM ..... T' dmw#r c«k csira clm t of drvwrr*. Miieuawl availaltlr M ...... 3 drawer B ad Kkv dteU vraiUblc at * 5 4 “ « Book Im c kaleh avallabfe at . . . . BaakbMltaTailabkat Delay payments ’til July also farm cohtracls ____ ;...... -- — I - ....- ...... • ' - - ■ -H' - ■ 1 ■ ^ ' ■ . ■ • a. T)mM-News, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, April \1, 1971 Lender use

-WASHINGTON-(UPI) ^ H ib- com mercial and ^ p lo y m e n t “ If we opt tor hlRher quality “ Since land use is controlled menta quality can be achieved *»aL.that bend some of ■ our president of aiTjorganlXationi of, landuse»A4houghtful patterns, * o u :^ (r -a n d -tran slate-that Dy-zonlng a n d u n ji^ js a power with land fanning techniques aaviitgs ana ioan-^u»a661atlo»g"tliat create better,, neighbor- d c ^ c - tatp,m o^ a ge..l«ndii>g- at,the localxomihuni*. hooan..I.aague. —quality— of,— our— man-made- ..painful,-*!'- efflclent iise of lapd than the E^ton said aoaring lahd and environment," Eaton sdd in a But, he argiied^ the pain must .traditional single-family neigh- consti'uction costs,are pricing speech to the ^ u a l conference be endured; No longer, he iTwin Falls Cemetery borhood. . ihcreaslng number of American of the American Savings and insisted, can zoning laws be Select a Companion Lot while you ore Io0elhar, ^It-appears that the-rlght^faroiUesoutjiLthejnarket for a Loan Institute in Los Aneeies. used simply to prot^ t single^ offer a choice of~flatTnoric«rrroiigd morkgr— menr -from build more houses per acre, land-use rules which give associations-^the,nation’slar- apartment developments-and. or pr^ute abov«-ground burial. iDix-houses-with apartments preferense tv ringleTfamilyJots J gesLsingle source of mortgage IcpmmerciaLuse. and combine housing with dre no longer adequate to the loans —to tailor lending policies “ Shifts in marfcet demand nation's changing housing to favor real estate develop­ and rising costs are creatiiyg an 2 Adult needs, he said. > ments which incprporate sound unprecedented need for hl^er “ Good la^d planning demands land-use planning. density land use,'' Eaton said. American higher den^ty and newer forms He also urged associations “Also, more and more Compahibn Spaces of neighborhood design," a to encourage builders to hire successful projects are demon- W ITH PERPtTUAi CARE league spokesman said In experienced land planners to stratmg that h i^ er environ- Reds ^dd elaborating_Q the most of the ments. available land. Some cities are adopting Eaton, president of Fresno Servicemen n 90.00 special zoning rules for planned Guarantee Savings and Loan TWIN FALLS - Pvti Vick members community development. This Association in Fresno, Calif., Burgoyne, son of Mrs. William usually c ^ s for a combination said more efficient use of land Twin Falls Cemetery Assn. By VIVIAN C. WILUAMS Vki E^ke, Tvrin Falls is now at of single-family homes, apart- holds the greatest promise for London Financial Tlmes-UPI Ft. Lewis, Wash., taking his -mcnts-and—open—space. ,The._ ■Slowing the «piraling_cflst_Qf- A.W. “ Bill" Modlond, Pret. ond Mgr.___ -Tl>e—Communist -party— el ^rmy-hasic-tJainina.------result is_mpre families per acre housing! America is, according to one of ^ -4 Mike Burgoyne is at Chu but paries and green space are “Here we touch a major 435 Main Avenue E.— Twin Falls its senior officials, “ in good Lai, Vietnam, where he has ik-eserved.______American nerve," he said. served since September. 1970. members are Joining at the rate of 1,000 a year or more. ThlFTnay-Boundlike-a lot of but-with-totahnember- currently at around 14,000 the party seems, to have a long way to go yet before its membership becomes a signifi­ cant proportion of Am erica’s Pillar of flame 200 million people. COMMUNIST rocket explodes on truck as convoy moves The party was virtually along road near Tan Canh, South Vietnam, in vicinity of hotly outlawed in the 19S0's but it always kept an office open in contested Fire Base 8. (UP!) New York, albeit without a nameplate. In the 1950’s, the party lost two-thirds of its prewar peak membership of 80,000. According to'Arnold Johnson, Saddle horse 66, a member of the party's national committee, one reason for the current s m ^ member­ sale scheduled ship is that the preoccupations of dissenting groups in America center on ad hoc matters that TWIN F A U ^ - An open broke horses and those suitable are unconnected with themes of consignment saddle horse ^ e for queen contests will be of­ Communism. will be held at Frontier Field fered for sale. House said. The central concern of the Aoril 25 beeinnine at noon under Persons wishing to li.st con- rK-ara mnvpmcnt fnr nxamnla, -sponsoraniii' Ob' nse" hYontier signmenis may c ^ House, or has not- been to secure Riding-.Xinub. Roy Jesser. American defeat in Vietnam, • Al‘House, sale chairman, said Auctioneers from Messer- but to secure an end to the the event has been held in Twin smitlLAuctioneering Service w ^ , and particularly to the Falls annually for the past 25 will conduct the bidding. Most conscription of young A m e rli^ m ea as a source of good pleasure and field prior to sale time to give The central concern of black work horses. prospective buyers a chance to Americans is not to oust All persons with horses insp^t them. American capitalism, but to'' available for sale dre invited to — Jones' said this iS the first of -win civil riglits for Negroes.------.participate in the event and several events planned at The cwtral w i ^ m of the take advantage of the central Frontier Field this spring. He American Ylpple—the most location for a gathering of urged club members and other extreme expression of dissent­ buyers and consignors. riders to attend and inspect the ing Americn youth—is to evolve Bobby Jones, Filer, sale many Improvements at the field a distinctive conununai life­ -comnilttee member, said this year. style hostile to work and consignments are being ac­ Members of the Frontier worker movements. cepted up to and through sale Riding a u b , CSI Rodeo Dub, The grossest public miscon­ time. He said already there are High School Rodeo Qub, South ceptions on Communist partici­ a number of good horses listed. Side Rodeo d u b and others pation, Johnson says, relate to Tbere will be several registered have been working during the the peace movement and the Quarter Horses and possilily past several weeks to clean and New Mobilization Committee to registered entries of other Improve the facility. Jones said End the War in Vietnam. In the breeds. . new rodeo chutes and other 1204nember steering conmiittee Posse horses, children’s facilities will be added by sale of the New Mobilization Com­ horses, roping horses and green Jlme. mittee, there are, he says, no more than" three Communists, of which he is one. Since 1969, the New Mobilization Commit- News ' News O f tee and America’s peace movement generally have been subject to an intensive investi- Of Record Servicemen gatiuii by tlie House intemaT Security Conmiittee (HISC) in CASSLV COUNTY JEROME - Philip E. Washington, successor to the Magistrate Court Muconery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Un-American Activities Com­ David Mitchell, 17, Burley, Philip E. Mulconery. Jerome, mittee. $29.50, speeding; Clayton has been promoted to airman Christian Nielsen, 72, Lewiston, first class in the U.S. Air Force. $12.50, Improper backing; He is an aircraft m ainten^ce Katherine Gamer, 22. Barley. specialist, assigned to a unit of $12.50, failure to register the Strategic Air Command and . vehicle .annually a n i lioyd L. Ramey ^ Force BaM, Puerto Hacking, 41, Burley, $22.50, Rico, He was gradual^ from speeding. Twin Falls High School In 1970.

1 THOSE AREN'- ^ * EaG S IN YOUR BED . . . /A THOSE ARE LUMPS!! the essential top . you'll love it!

Over 300 prefty shirfs of Pageant crepe, a soh fabric of pure textured

ie x iu re d C e /o n e se (R) Fotirel (R) by Lee M ar.

li's soft. Elegant. A shirt like fine silk crepe. Tucked into knickers, skirts, or worn over pants. Beautifully tailored of pure Celanese Fortrel poly- ~ester.‘^You'H“love-^vir-it-launders-and_dries_in' the machine. Choose your favorite colbr . . . white, beige, navy, camel, orange, red or yellow. SO BUY YOURSELF A NEW Sizes 8-18. -Surv Valley^leeper- MAtTRKS & BOX SPR1W35 JEVERTON MATTRESS CO. S • 326 2ncl-Aver5ootli------—Tww-fqils ------• >-yes7- We Ve open Friday nights . . aniil 9:00 p.mr , I-- Leonid Svnitey. April II, 1971 Tim es-Newt. Twin Falls,. Idaho, t DonoFs^ald youn g PI^AN^G^W*Sal^JPI)"^^ M rlF ^ Sgt Robert _ Ua-wife operates a daTnunory VletnamrW itto»himrs,Am ■^Thanka to military ~ and Jbnea, J2, of Tiirlw*. Calif.; northeast of Saigon, became an d '^ S ia iv d a ii^ Ip Soutt Viet- said today he hait raiaeii "inrtant'luml raiaer" whitt M ______but PKUr imney. nam, a Tnilis brother and " to three days t^ Itelp Hie read aboirt'd^ . Holt, 20, a combtoed IneoiBibi (to not com e - _yt.sa a w l Ukii wikffiN and power slater, suffering from a rare 'Fexans— “ and it’s still pouring, Sophomore at S6utfawest Texaa tiem meeting the' medlcar wasn't lust limited to American M dnw dlipase.wrn receive aid to.*' The goal b ISO,000. SUte University land Ma slater, expenses. G b elmer ," aajd. “ th e to meettog castjy medical 6111s, Jones, stationed at: Phah ftlute.' l T.-'nwy' ary'victtaia of MOSCOW (UPD^-General Se­ ~-‘nw yttgBCTt;■' ■■■ l» a»y . . . ‘ acute nephritis, a rare, hsredi* weapBits spedallst witti the 39th' cretary Leonid I. Brezhnev iiiui.Ak- Force 'Number tw o tarv Mdnev disease whldi Tactical -pellee, dlscuaaed the.c aae with & viet power structure with a week dtannellng their Uood the wtog's public infbrmation ]otoed to.” Premier Atexei Ko^ln HiSkel sets visit through_a macWne. to_stay^ office, who relayed his desire to seCbnd^ln coqmiand at the 24th POCATELLO (UPI) - . union. aUve. help to the base commander. Cpmmuhiat Party Congress Former Secretary o f the In­ ' A jspokesman for ISU said a : The machtoe which processes A marathon radio appeal was DON BROWN’S which-ended Friday, wteran terior Walter J. Hick • Motor Tunirvp • B ltag. iiei Canal are Israel, United States, Brezhnev is the first among 9 8 niliiomatlr nnnrrfa fa J B iw lm i lald llA IS m ME MW pouaurg;" draw tnxipa op to 2S mUes from canal, blocked lince tix^Uy judgtog by his deliverance of to lM7i Israeli military men frill nlyrdnctantly support 18 mile the major keynote report to the 6 -puabaei M ^ f i con gre», uie ovations fie“ received, and the nature, of Ids job as party leader. -If—ther»=wa»=:a=delicatfe=fc balance to the outgotog U-man 'Brother’s keeper ’ Politburo, with ^ m e of tiie men sometimes taktog excep­ tion to Brezhnev’s stance, his position was strongly reinforced asks P W exchange with the addition of four men to the current Politburo. LOS ANGELES (U P I )-A “ I went through the w ar," All of them — Vladimir suburban father of tlu ^ who said Cimino, “ and I was Shcherbitsky of the Ukraine, says he is “ my brother’s wounded but I came out alive. Dzhininuhammed Kurayev. of keeper” flies to Laos next week I’ve been fortunate and I want Kazakiutan, Viktor Grlshto and with five others, to the hopes of to give some other guy a Fedor Kulkov of Moscow— being traded for an equal chance to get married and have have been totlmately assoctoted number of American POWs. kids. with Brezhnev to the past and With $928 round-trip tickets to "I am my brothers’s keeper,” owe their promotion partly to Vientiane already purchased; said the suburban Monterey his sp on soi^ p . ^ the dyiUan, largely middle-age Park salesman, “ and it’s a If it is true, as reported, that group wants to persuade North code I’ve lived with all my sometime the vote for Brezhnev Vietnamese offidals to take life.” to the Politburo was six to five, them as substi&tes for U.S. he is now assured of much servicemen held in Communist Against his wife’s Wishes, heavier______rlmn ramps— ■------Cimino wiU depart Wednesday Next to fireznnev, the con- The group’s .leader,.'Dominic accompanied by a Methodist gress was dominated by Kosy- Camtoo, 45, says the servicemen minister, a retired Los Angeles gto. The important report on could then use the .return fireman, an auto mechanic, a the nMt five-year plan he tickets to fly home. 21-year-old conscientious objec­ delivered, the approval ex­ Omtoo, a Worid War II tor and a retired Alt- Force pressed-^—tha-delegates-ahd Marine, began recruiting for sergeant who joined for Reasons the popular applause came Just the unusual prisoner exchange — rfwrt—of— thust—accorded— to about four.'iHdbths He got; Brezhnev. answers frdmj 56 volunteers convince the North Vietnamese Gbod Eotingl Serve Them Tonight! Agato, theATi . -War n veternBB, of their stocerity and wind up jx>st—prime-minister of the two of them prisoners of war to to a prison camp for “ a year or m i u M v i i w i USSR wiUi special responaiblll- Germany. two at the longest.” ty^for^the economy'wKl foreign ARMOUR STAR. RUh policy—makes him the second most powerful man to the country. Suspect enters plea

TWIN FALLS - Terry Caunty prosecuting attorney, Adopted Hartiey, 24, Boise, entered a said the Idaho attorney plea of innocent Friday when he general’s office will prosecute AUGUSTA, Matoe (UPI)— was arraigned to Fifth District the case. Hartley’s former The Matoe Legislature Friday Court before Judge Ttlerpn attorney, Douglas Kramer, and ratified the proposed U.S. Ward on'a charge of robbery. Smith are assoctoted' to the Lb. constitutional amendment Hartiey is accused of cqm- same law firm. lowering the voting age to all mitting a robbery at the Hartley is now being elections to 18. mltting a robbery flt the Safe­ represented by the p.ublic Matoe became the 17th“ state way grbcery store to ^ L^n- defender iitfa of Rayborn, to approve . the amendment. Falls toAugust, 1970. Raybom, Webb and Pike. He is TVirfy^ight—are needed—fot- SiitiUi, Twin FaMs- trwi ori'tiPiid pendtog trial. —^ ratification.

Skiers die SPRING SPECiALS GAP, France (UPI) — A NATIONAL — ALL METAL GEARS sprtog ayalandie crashed down CINNAMON ROLLS FrMhI country skiers Friday, killing iroadM Bve of them, police said. SPRINKLER 99 iMitonad STRODE ADDED OoodI R«9 . $31.95 Heads HOLLYWOOD (UPI )-W oody W* «to

DANCING PurchoMd dinKtt/ from foctery NIGHTLY Rog. $ 14.95 vol. . soviftg't to cuttofn«r IjiYLON RCWFORCH) TOMATOES PliobU in frt«xing wwtiltw EXCEPT SUNDAY SCOTTS Enjoy the Entertainment 44 BROWNIES ol Well-Known UWN O iocalata. S«rv« TtMm T* OtiMttI Singer-Guitaritt CUE $ 9 -9 ’ •5 AddiCoier PRONCTS AiMinavttr jOHNNYMARTIZU SVEK From 9:00 »o 1:00 TORO For $ 1 TeSolw ll IN THE LOUNGE TmF BIILDER UWttmOWERS O n ly J | Th* b«»t — mott Iowa (•rtnix*r mod*. Ann£CHUIMIN BREAD F M H U fl ALKITSOirSIMEDm GOODS MWER KAMS- w a m u s sAUMorrsoN's. .i^ « T 1 I ' _HI1! jiiu i IflFAwiWwHleimfsl 1 , V

T w in M i s - HOLDAYNI AUWrSOirl'MMTH ISSOMiwibifc— HKlt w m__.J4aydwar€^ Co. I f Charlie Sieber 447 Mail* Avi>.W. • INNKEEPEk P h o m K : ‘ ’

10 TlnnM,r4ws, Twin Faili, Idaho Sund«y, April IV 1^711 > d u iU y ^ BETPIED A m y Ml]. CSea. Carl C. Tunier . Iieei • I peniit^ «l live ye*w _____Itae tor pleadiiig guU(y Friday to tfbUfailaf IM gnu

candle Into which .he had i_.. « *in «>• r a m t a m inserted five-grains of Incense - to- - conunemorate___Jesua!__ . i i k f f j i .j m i FTir;i rt» ? wounds, led a long procession “ V W r ^ o r ’s U c S ' Takes ROLE OF JESUS Is played by Msnrtclo Ub^ldo, 29, in the 96th Color Film sent to us for processing. reinactment o f!t£ ilst’s paiuion and death qn the Cross. The SSi*” "" "S s i bS; Mexico City pageant features lifelike scenes such as this in part which Ubaldo receives a crown of thoms. (UPI)

WUliam A. Wendt, 27, Rupert, $17.50, failure to yield right of Fields aide way. Gloria Joan Wilkey, 45, Rupert, $20.50, speeding in lO O K Viets ready dead at 8 6 school zone; Willlani Michael NEW YORK (UPI)-^Ray- Kerbs, 24, Rupert, $7.50, failure mond S. Harris, who wrote to purchase license; Robert C. 'fH W R V C X l' scripts for Harold Uoyd and Giles, 22, Twin Falls, $27.50, W.C. Fields conunedies during over width load; and Dan D. Processing and Prints national election a career as a screenwriter that Tem ple, 15, Rupert, $17.50, All For O nl^ spanned four decades, died in expired registration. (From your 12 exposure color film) SAIGON (UPI)—North Viet­ country In seven years will fill Dong are among party leaders New York Hospital Saturday Verlee D. HaU, 34, Paul, $7,50, namese voters will elect a new 420 seats in the Assembly but standing for reelection to the after a long illness. He was 86. expired safety inspection; Roll of Color Film legislative National Assembly will not affect leadership of the Assembly. But positions in the Harris began writing for the Charlette Lenore Dupre, 57, Sunday from a list of 522 party, which actually governs party are separate from those silent films In the Vltagrgph Jwln Falls, $21.50, speeding in eaiididatea nominated i b y tiie— the-country. In UiC' legifllatufei-'ondi tho studios on Long Island, ttia ' ^ lCTWI'TaTCT MgTUn'L. MUy, 2(), -0 U S Free BackagB nf 3 i bxpoaure ______CbmmuniA party and seven Le Duan, technical successor party leaders generally hold top spent 20 years In Hollywood Burley, $12.50, expired t o ‘ the late President Ho Chi positions in the assembly as Flash Cubes I roll cl color film and FREE independents. writing movies for Paramount, registration; and Sam D. Ward, ' FUVSH CUBES-Only 84.79. ■ Tbe first- elections in the Minh, and Premier Pham Van well. 20th Century-Fox, Universal 13, Paul, $12.50, under age to If you ne«d ^agicubai ^^Send 50* Extra. Hanoi Radio, In a pre-election and other studios. drive vehicle. James L. Oakes, 17. Paul, $15, broadcast monitored here, said FREE f l a s h c u b e OFFER of the 529 candidates that 522 of failure to wear helmet while PICTURE-TAINER riding motor cycle; Willard J. Enclose check or m oneV^rder with your Film in rrhnm -'-ijrA -hping intrnHllPpH h y New tre e Patented’ , protective contfliner for regular envelope and mall to the address-show n— ] the Vietnamese front of the — yonr phoTosrAttractlve Vettowrpfajr- liefcw Tfifs cOiipoh must accompany order fatherland and the remaining to register vehicle; and Carolyn tic. Exclusive from King Size Photo, -seven-are-independent candi­ for park D, Tolman, 26, Burley, $22.50, NAME. in Fairfield area dates. speeding. NEGA-TAINER SHOSHONE — Another tree Debra S.- Bair. 20, Paul. Attractive plastic filing box affords ADDRESS- FM RFIELD — Runoff water A warm day may cause water protection for your negatives. W ith “ This is a display of free and has been donated to the $12.50, Improper use of dealer’s STATE------2 IP - i-eportedly has been going over problems as there Is plenty of democratic ri^ ts,” the radio Shoshone City park, thte time a plate; Alta J. Butcher, 28, each processing order, you receive one Nega-Tainer coupon,^Send us TF4-71 the curbs in places on the main snow at the west end of the said, “ and the right to vote and Balsam Fir from Mrs. Gladys Rupert, $15.50, speeding; five coupons and street of Fairfield' in the late valley, especially In the high run are fully applied and Dice, Michael W. Hale, 17, Rupert, afternoons. The water is coming prairie area west of Hill City, you receive your manifested by the people.” Mrs, Dice said that her $15, failure to wear helmet Nega-Tainer free. LICENSED UNDEFI KODAK PATENTS from snow covered Belds north husband, the late Frank Dice while riding motorcycle; of town. Mud on county roads has been Under the North Vietnamese had always planned to give a Dennis M. Wldmler, 16, Rupert. So far the cool weather has a problem in some areas but constitution. National Assembly tree to the park and that she Is $22,50 speeding; ., Chris L. r e n te d in a slow melting of thfi recent windv davs havivhplppd delegates are elected every carrying out his wishes in doing Merrigan. 14, Paul, $10, failure K IN G S SIZE PHOTO snow on the prairie. Rivers and dry the surface on most of them, four ye^s for one term. Each so. to display slow moving emUem' streams are open and quite a Streets in the town are having •P jle n l Nol 3,381.850 - 3.489.313 BOX 8828 PORTLAND, OREGON 97208 delegate represents about 50,000 Tbe tree stands three feet on vehicle; and Wilbur W. few are over their banib, but the usual “ mud boils” that persons. The last, election was high and was planted on the east Chrltton.^ 32, ' Rupert, $20.50, this is normal. occur during the spring thaw. In 1964. bank of Little Wood River. s p e e d i n e ' . ______

F R E E C H i P S AIP^^ANOWIGH (7-ELEVENWICH) Monday thru Wednesday il 12-14,1971 TWIN FALLS

Y0 U8 FAVORITE SANDWICHES... Choose from Hoagie, Ham & Cheese, Salami & Cheese and Others!

NOTE: TO ALL TWIN FALLS SANDWICH LOVERS... 'y-mmwm sANowdm arb mak frbsh qahv msnAeK$ mimms' Senior j (<<-«*.*»■ ■ ta.-i •* VD. 31-

^ " i ' 'i*ull - -

readied mm ByQ.A.(GU8 )KELKER b ^ c id ly rests with th e'lah- the consent o f |he owner, Sawtooth .. GOODING - The Dnrt two designate the Time»>News Editor downer or his isucCessors In easements for access to Federal .units o f the eight-unit Senior Mountains, Sawtooth ; VaUey, TWIN FALLS - Piriyate interest.” Pnperty, and lands needed for atizen Housing will be refidy hlte Qoud peaks and Bouldv owners within the p rop ose ' Smith noted! that additionally recreation and administrative ~~for~owupaff(y~6B~'niu« Mountains for use compatible -Sayrtooth Recreation agea-were no provi.sinn nf thp hill wniilri iaeilitifta__ ApqnlsitiOns under according to Dell Taylor/1 with thelr- resnurceg and “the assured. Saturday that the limit a negotiated sale between this provision would W limited desires of administrator for the the majority ^of legislation ^ introduced in the owner'and the United States to Pye per cent of the total Idahoans” which finaneedrthe 190,0 w was cOmplefed governmbnt. The provisions acreage of private lands within w oject. Congress woidd in “no matter” March 28 by all four members limit or prohibit them from discussed relate to limitations the recration areas. ' of Idaho's Congressional » Occupants were originally offering their property for sale on the present authority of the In concluding the letter, to delegation. The proposed sch ed u led to m ove in on to-any person, or from devising United States to acquire lands Senator Jordan, Smith said that legislation is expected to a tu rd a y, but the electricity ■ p r e m i u m FAC the property to their heirs. within National Forests without Cliff'said he “ fully understood” receive early consideration, still has to be connected and The assurance'was given by the consent of the owner. Nicholson’s desire for fair according to a communication refrigerators and sinlts need to A.E. Smith, Ogden, assistant Smith said the Forest Service treatment and added "we received ,by the Tim'es-News be installed. regional forester, division of ^ i e f had told the Senator that believe the provi^pns of S. 853 “ The new^ resident did n o t -f from JBep^ James^^McClure information and education, U.S. one additional land acquisition are specially designed to avoid early this month. want to move over Easter Forest Service, during a provision of S. 857 as passed by grave hardships and harsh weelcend anyway," Taylor said. telephone Interview with the the Senate would have per­ adjustments for present lan­ All eight units should be oc­ mitted - the Secretary of downers.” cupied by the end of May, T^.mes-News. Smith was Agriculture to acquire, without The “ bill proposing to 4 drug Taylor said. quoting from a letter which had been written to Senator Len -by^Edward. Cliff. iten>rtheForest-Servtce.— Design Cliff’s views on the matter wKed by Sgn. Jgrdan aftgr B la in « jecelpt-Of-a-letter from J.G, HJE:NRT'JENIQNSrHgKT,'mtnager' of the AmiOgamated Nicholson, president of the CTannas Sugar Co. in Paul; Dean Hammond, center, chief chemist, and Plaque Sawtooth Valley Association, soughr^ Vaughn BAlr, m aner i C assia iley. Nicholson had writen tbeir plant won for being the firm’s top factory during the 1970-71 E lm ore BURLEY — Warrants for the studied that he had been told by an operating season. ' arrest of four former Burley -attom ey^that "W e hav io o d ln g - residents, for the sale of nar- assurance that we could sell dur J erom e cotics, enumerated and KETCHUM - The 1974 property to anyone other thaiT M agic prescription drugs are still the government or that we can Lincoln Wagon Days set for August now outstanding, according to will it to our children.” The have an official button design, M inidoica Cassia County authorities. Paul sugai^ plant letter, sent to all members of. said Glenn Branen, publicity T w in F a lls Six other adiJts who were Idaho’s Congressional Valley chairman for the Wagon Days arrested in a drug raia in Cassia Coinmittee. delegation, was printed as an . County Wednesday night have Sunday, April 11, 1971 The button, in the shape of a “ open letter” In the Times- made brief appearances before horseshoe, was designed by News Public Forum late in Cassia County Magistrate TTaliOIeT^inlK; TCetehmnrtn gra ^honors "F ebr uary:------Gleason Anderson. conjunction with a contest in the Smith, during the telephone Ralph Sam Evans was art class at Wood River High conversation on Saturday, By JERRY HERRMANN the Lewiston, Utah, plant won it 'niey have done a wonderful job released on his own School.. quoted the Forest Service chief Times-News Correspondent in 1965. In 1906 he was tran- of acquainting themselves with recognizance after requesting Miss Naymik received JIG for as saying that Senate Bill 853 PAyL — The Amalgamated sferredto the Mini-Cassia plant. the equipment and their jobs," the statuatory time before her efforts. Linnie Pyne, also contains a number of provisions Sugar Co.’s premium factory He began his career with ASC he said, Controversy deciding whether to request a Ketehum, received $5 for his which would give special pennant will fly over its Mini- in 1927 when he worked part Bair has been with ASC’s preliminary hearing. He was second place entry, and David protection to the rights of Cassia plant at Paul for the next time for It. In 1936 he went to Mini-Cassia plant since 1936 charged with the selling of Nelson, Hailey, received $2.50 private ow ners, within the year, the first time it has flown work for ASC fulltime In its when he left the American marijuana. for thfrd place. proposed area. over this plant since 1949. Twin Falls plant. Then in 1941 Crystal Sugar Co.’s Grand After being released, Evans Wagpn Days will be held In “Principally. it would This pennant and a bronze he was transferred to the Island, Neb. plant. He began at heart o f WM re-arrested on a diarge of Ketehum Aug. 20 - 22 and has generally limit the authority of plaque is presen ted' to Nampa plant. He moved back to Hdth ASC as chief electrician selling drugs only allowed with already stirred much interest, the Secretary of Apiculture to the IVin Falls plant in 1948, and and has been, in his present a prescription order. Friday "B l'UlltilJ !mlU“. Amaigamated’stopfactory each condemn property by per- “yiar. ------■ Infl thnrm in 1Qfi;» tn manapp thp position for the past 12 years. morning a bond of tl.OOO was set His committee has received ..mltttnp condemnation only of , Alan Parlis, ASC publics*Lewiston, Utah plant. He Dean Hanunorid, Ih e' dhifef by Judge Anderson. He was still numerous inquiries and In- scenic easements, ana not lee relations officer, said the award remained there as manager chemist, hs also been employed school vote ~m juu Sutmday.------digatliins «rK~'thi.s will be the title,” Smith said the Forest ■was— presented— to— HCT»ry- -until he was tranafefred to the—a<-the-ASC’a Mini Cosaia plant 'Ihe judge lowered the bond. biggest year yet for Wagon ■a3ket of Easter treats. The Chamber of Commerce, Secretary of Agriculture, they other nunt, tor -the cash‘ awards to would be subject tO con- a deadly weapon will be the big hurdles you have faced years of age, featured a gold- the winners. demnatlon of. a scenic arraigned Monday in Fifth here with all the technical colored egg worth $10 and a City Girl Scouts colored and easement. Thus the option of District Court in Burley. improvements that have been silver egg worth »5. Boy Scouts hid the 600 Easter whether to be subject to con- Richard A. Barron, 26, made in this plant. Many The $10 prize was won by Tom eggs. demnatiAn of a scenic easement Lampasas, Tex. was arrested in changes have been made in the March in connection with a plant over the past decade,”- he stabbing-inddenMn^Burley. He said. is accused of assaulting Frank “ It is much more complicated C. Mancha, 26, Uvalde, Tex. to run a sugar factory than In s mayor Barron was hospitalized at the past,” he said. Cassia Memorial Hospital Amalgar.iated’s Mlni-Cassla following the incident, but has plant operated for 99 days, hpginning f>rt H, 1970, rtiirtng blind^schoDllransplant ■* A preliminary bearing was the 1970-71 operating season. held in the matter last Wed­ During that time 657,610 tons of By PEGGY CHU more to treat the T.B. [iatients During a question period nesday before Judge Gleason sugar beets were processed. Times-News Correspondent in Spokane thjoritwas here, and following Gov. Cecil - Andrus' Anderson. At close of the These beets produced about 1.6 GOODING - Mayor Harley the money is going out of the speech at the Gooding Jaycee hearing. Judge Anderson ruled million units of sugar, Jenkins V. Crippen, responding to state ijesides.” DSA awards banquet last week; there was reasonable cause to said Friday when contacted by rumors that the State Blind Crippen said he is concerned Andrus answered inquiries into bind Barron over to stand tridl the Times-News. School might be moving from, thrt too much power is already the possible niove sa j^ g he had In the higher court. The capacity of the Minl- Gooding, has blasted the Idaho in th[he hands of larger cities and heard remarks that the Blind The defendant remains in Cassia-plant is 7,000 tons of Department of Education and thal moving the State Blind School might be moved but he custody at the Cassia County beets per day. Doring the Idaho legislatures, saying that School to a larger city wiU has not yet met with the Board Jail in lieu of $1,000 bond. operating season the plant runs moving the school will not worsen the situation, saying of E^lucation concerning the on a 24^ur basis, he said. necessarily help the blind “the smaUer cities an^^rural matter and at this point it is still “ I'd like to express my deep students but wiU “ turn out to areas might just.as weH close Embezzler appreciation for the fine crew I just rumor. help the doctors in the up shop, because the larger Edward Reay, superin­ have here at the Minl-Cassia Education- Department. ” dtles and counties are going to plant,” Jenkins said. tendent o f . the Idaho. State He compared the rumor of the control the state. School fbr the Deaf and Blind, sentenced It was the MafTs overall ef­ blind school moving to the “ These dictatorial, told the Ttaies-News Friday the fort, he said, that enabled them rumor 18 yearn ago that the bureaucratic parasites we have Board of Education plans to to put together the 100 per cent to 14 years tuberculosis hospital might be In the Statdiouse vrant to make make a study very riiortly to effort needed to earn this moved. Last July the h o ^ ta l sure the ta i ittbriey from the determine that the present TWIN FALLS - John Fijgo. adiievement. . patients were taken to Spokane, smaller cKies and rural areas program fOr the blind in the Hansen, who was returned from Jenkins also said he was glad Wash. Crippen said that *it is get there to help t^ m out,” he State Ls adequate and that as Kansas last wedc to (ace an that ASC was Interested In a costing the taxpayers of Idaho said. many blind children as possible cmbesdenient charge in Twin program like this that gives its are being helped. Fans, pleaded gniSy to that emidoyes a chance to compete charge .and FViday was sai- for the efficiency honor. According to Reay the “ study tenced to J4 years in the Idaho “ TMs not only creates in­ 1 rdce contested is more concerned with plans terest among enqdoyes at each ~and programs and how tiiey can- Fifth District Theron plant but gives us goals to at- HAZELTON — Bay Coulson, Harold Grant is diainnan of brtaestiiandled, than with " TaEu” ~ ■ the Zone s trustee in the the l)oard, with Herman BUrtln, HBtarorr^afagiTtnriadtetlon The Mini-Cassia plant Is now Vaney School District, U the John Hohnhorst and Warner facfllties. in Ihe CM br M day*; . ASC’s second largest plant, only candMate fbr election In Crown as the other members. - Rew pointed out, however, Trago” i»*OH5en«B~ef nenii Jtentos sjOd, eoytoying 42i ~Uonday'’a8dED£rboardelecB^ that in Utah, Oregim and oth ff TygJIng money from Oeorgu' people during its factory Coulson3 is aeddng his aecood pjoo. Mdoday at Valley Bigh stetes, fadBUw far the , blind at the Twin Fallf City-Oataty ooiqpletian period. Dating that three-yearir tira as scbooUiaard School. The regular school are located near the centenoT Airport. time there were four crews member, riif is a native of board meeting is sdteduled popolatiaa. He said that "the IBB BKV. ROT Haxettsn, «iod farms north of Monday at S p jn . at .the adiooL importjint l a m is what is best Eats te r riW VlBH M r Miiii"iUdi wmlm m m the oonnty ]all, awaiting . transportatUm to the u n e premimi factorx psnnant flying pankaatlaiy.. U llies la TIm w-New*, Twin Fall*, Idahb Sunday, Aprli 11, IW l i n Ai*ea r Yesterday’s 3 p.m. Prices

^^«^ehous«, : Wheat Barley Oats Mixed Corn Pintos Great Calif. Spnali ■ BUHL G rain (13C.). North Pinks Reds . " Bean Growers 1.36 NQ N (j N Q . NQ NQ NO ‘ ' NQ WASHINGTON - A slight . Ranoen, Inc. . , 1.41 2.*10 2.10 . / lO 2.3DT'...... 7.50 9.25 7.75 S.OO rise in milk production this year Shields \ V NO Nq NQ , n C7 NO NO NQ . NQ T rin id a d NQ • NQ NQ NQ is predicted by A.G. Mathis, BURLEY 6 . U,S .. Department of A yicu l- ... Bean Growers 1731 NQ NQ . NQ NQ - 'NU— . w w ' rtvf lure economic resear^ ser­ 1.11 — a-os— Union Seed 1.31 2.25 .; ‘ 2.25 ■ 2.25 vice expert, at the National OECLO Agricultural Outlook Con­ Atorgan-Llndsdv « NQ NQNQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ FAIRFIELD ference. Camas Prairie Grain 1.33 2.25 2.25 2.25 Itie rise will be slight because EDEN NO NO NQ: NQ and production costs are AAorgan-Lindsay^ NQ NQ NQ FILER NO rising, Mathis said. NQ NQ NO NQ Bean JSrowers 1.31 NQ NQ NQ. , Chester B. Brown NO NQ NO NO He noted the decline in milk 7:50 9.25 8.00 8.00 cow numbers will continue at a O. J. Childs Seed^ i.a i Idaho Bean NU NO NO NQ slow rate this year; with only a Allison Feed M ill NQ NQ- NQ ______qqodino slight decline in cow numbers, Beakon Bean 1.31 milk output is expected to gain HAZELTON 2.20' 2.30 2.20 ^ c e milk output per cow has Bean Growers 1.31 NQ NQ NO NQ NO NO NO Conida Wrhse. NQ NO NQ NQ been increasing 2.4 per cent for 4ER0ME the .last five years. . Bean Growers 1.31 NO NQ NQ NQ NQ NO NQ AAarshall Wrhses. 1.31- 2,16 - 2.20 2.15 7.25 B.SO 8.00 8.00 Farmers sold less milk, but AAorgan-Llndsay NQ NQ NO NU NO N Q • NQ NQ grossed about 30 per cent more KIMBERLY-HANSEN NQ NO NO NQ NQ NO NQ *: income from dahying in 1970 1.31,, r ^ 00- = -HflflKfl gflcmccs^ev^ 1.3V 2.00 ^ ^ :6b ■ -2.00' -7:7S- - B!50^ pl t e ir d -cartyTa g ^ ^ thiri in due ^ to highSr milk —NO -NQ- -HQ- AAaglc V a lle y Bean Co. NQ -PTCT -NO~ N O prices. HOw€V€rrpr^iictt0n~ AAorgan-Lindsay NQ NQ NQ NQ NO NO NO NQ MURTAUOH demoiiBtratlon for better benefits lipm the government. costs have risen substantially -NO- MO­ ...NQ -w “ny In t«m ed BcaiT'Growers------^ ------MQ - nqU --NO.- luhituig gauts in net reiums, “'PAUL out to be it o o s t a hoU ^y atmosphere. Some 11 mfllioii workers A^ganLindsay NO NQ NO ■ NO N Q NO NQ Mathis said. RUPERT are~reported”taktag-part” lin b c“ Btriker^testtag~allegcd^ 'N O NQ NQ NQ Despite rlMng r e t ^ ibices, Chester B.. Brown ^^^a4aq^IflHeg in a new goyemmeilLhOM«ing bHl. (UPIV -highJ^ unemplayment and - > i 6 Vd t . Idle w m s« .— i r ~ n -NO- — ------SM05«ONC^-----^ competition from othef foods, Beakon Bean 2.30 2.20 -daiiy^ eg were alightly-above- TWrWFAttS " Gtobe &'Feed 1.31 1969. Cheese and low-fat dairy Bean Growers 1.31 NQ NO NQ NQ products were the big winners Haney Seed NQ NQ NQ NQ Cow chip throw here while Quid whole milk, Idaho Bean & Elev. NQ NO NO NQ Intermtn Bean NQ NQ NQ NO cream and other high-fat South Side Bean Co. 7.25 9.00 7.50' 8.00 products declined in , com ­ T. F. Feed & Ice 1.31 2.20 WENDELL mercial disappearance. Wendell Elev. 8.Op Farm contest slated HAVDEN AS COP POTATOES JEROME U.5 NO Is U.S. No, BEAVER, OWa. (UPI)—Tlie class,” a special category. HOLLYWOOD (U P I)-5terl- C. J Marshall Produce __ NU Ing Hayden will play the role of KIMBERLY “experts” say if a fellow Other politicians invited Henry's Produce Police Captain Mark M cduskey PAUL Oklahoma’s U.S. Mnators, Re­ in “The Godfather" for Para­ AAagic Valley Produce NQ and shape, preferably fortified RUPERT with a little buffalo grass for publican Henry ^U m on and mount which stars Marlon Rolland Jones Produce NO consistency, he can chuck a Democrat Fred R. Harris, State Brando in the title role. Max Herbold. Inc. NQ Big packing ^ TWIN FALLS cow chip well over 100 feet. Attorney General Larry Der- C a rl G lib Co. NQ NQ That should be good enough 'ryberry. Republican Congress­ E. S. H a rpe r NQ NQ to place in one of the world’s man John N. Happy Camp, QUOTATIONS ARE provided as a service to both farmers and buyers. Quotations are most high-speciali^ athletic State Sen. Leon Field and Rep. given the Times-Newsdaily by each buyer. The newspaper, in addition, re-checks each firm Marvin McKee. AUCTION events. The 2,087 good citizens twice-weekly. R e^ n sibility for the price listed is solely the buyer’s. NQ indicates the buyer plant opens of Beaver expect 5,000 to 6,000 Rules are not yet firm, but CALENDAR does not w i^ to quote a (^ ce . spectators and more than lOO some refinem ent are being Contact lh« Tim«s-N«wi entries for the second annual made. Spectators last year Fdrm Solas dapartmant for irld's only in the Tri-Cities, but largest beef packing plant in the Chip Throwing Contest" on golf gallery with Vice FYesident ago of your farm tola, hand throughout the northwest.” ' northwest, capable of April 24. Spiro Agnew on the tee. billi, i.awtpapar covaroge H.L. Jacobsmuhlen — plant Corn planting may he processing 135.000 head of catUe Dean Starr. 29, a forKanV -4 o »« annually on a one-shift basis, Buncrai m m '&a tor marniy. Magi : Vul|»y) udt a n w L settled in the 1800’s in then- Okla., defending champion in has gone into operation 12 said, “ The new plant represents , , the open division, said he will ing. All at ona ipacial low feel less inhibited rote. Every »ola lilted in biUs Itself as “ Capital of the 111 Karm calen short of estimates SIS Cow Chip Country.” The with the fans seated in the BuUt by Atlantic Richfield enable us to service growing d a y i befqre lala. contest is the highlight event of grandstand at the fairgrounds. Hanford Co., a subsidiary of customer beef requirements in WASHINGTON (U PI) - A Spokesmen for- the refiners the western corn belt. This the three-day Cimarron Territo­ "Last year it was out in the AtlanUc Richfield Co. at a cost ‘ he states of W ashington, recently completed private carefully pointed out another forecaset, however, was based open,” he said. “ The people APRIL 17 Oregon, northern California, ry Celebration. survey of intended com plan­ Important difference between on the department’s March of $5 million, the plant is lO V IN C CREEK RANCH'S Alaska and overseas." Promoters hope for a classic were supposed to stay behind ting id eates acreage seeded in their study and the govern­ planting intentions report — an operated by Cudahy Co. on a these white lines, but they just EQUIPMENT The ARHCO president said, matchup this year between (PON BALDWIN* the heart of the corn belt this ment's report. Thq association acreage estim ate which Is joint project agreement. "Pollution control was a-wat­ Republican former Gov. Dewey kept ci'bwding in and crowding CLEO BAIPW IN) spring may fall short of earlier surveyors interviewed county overstated for five major corn Cudahy, headquartered In Adv«r1lMmftnt; April 15 chw ord in the design and Bartlett and Democratic Gov. In. Quite a few of them got government estimates, agents and local farm officials, belt states if the new corn Phoenix, Ariz., is a national hit." Aua{^ sewage treat­ APRIL 14 per cent of the nation’s qom surveys are made in a scientific, The corn refiners report products, animal feed, leather ment facility have been ap­ “ Some of them threw it crop la produced, by the Corn sample of farmers. ' ‘ made no attempt to predict total and leather substitutes. sidearm, and some tried to . FRANK BAIL£S ESTATE —Thp paplctng plant is part of a proved by the Washington State A(^^*rtiMm«nt: April 13 Refiners Assixrlatlon. State-by-state com plahling U.S. ToTfTacreage^orTjroduc-' throw It like a discus.” he said. -Department-of-EeologyT-Medt- School ^■^£U9nttn: Wert. Fihra, The association report in­ “projections" based on in­ tlon. It. indicated, however, that diversification program offeredT Inspection Division of the “ But I just reared back and Woll A MvsMnmith be lower by AtlanUc Richfield in 1967 in a chunked it like a baseball. Department of Agriculture and APRIL 17 states would expand corn counties in the five states in the than normal in some areas this successful bid to operate the “ You have to throw bare- chemical processing facilities other regulating agencies.” HOYO THORNTON & SONS platings 3.2 per cent this year refiners survey were: year. The report said local slated hand, that’s the only way. You of the Atomic Energy Com­ He^ said, “ The sewage plant Adv«rtlMm*nt: April 15 — less than half the 7.4 per cent niinois, minus 1.1 per cent; experts in 23 of the 50 cdunties dig around in a barrel and pick Auclionwr; Horv.y mission at the huge Hanford has primary and secondary increase forecast in an Indiana, minus 0.8 per cent; studied reported some farmers out what you W£mt, try to find nuclear project near here. treatment and could meet the Agriculture Department survey Iowa plus 6 per c e n t;’ Min­ intended to reduce per-acce one solid enough that it won’t A P R Il 2 0 Adjoining the plant is a 80,000 needs of a city of 17,500 on trees .•“tnade five weeks earlier. nesota, plus 6.6 per cent; plant population, and noted that fly apart. I like t h ^ sort of EAST SIDE MARKET head a -year cattle feedlot, ^ o population. j;ffluent from the STORE EOUIPMENT The association survey was Nebraska, plus 7.1 per cent. In many farmers were using BURLEY — A windbreak round, like a grapefruit. ______„ made possible by the ARHCO plant is virtually potable and ______„ Adv«r1lMtn*nl: April 18 ^ made in late March and early contrast,, the earlier blight-resistant corn seed which school will be held at 1:30 p.m. Starr posted the current AuclionMra; D«lb«r1 AU>and«r --April; ■ the Agriculture Agriculture Department report is not expected to .yield-as high cUversi'ftpation program, which ^ a 37^cre holding pond Monday in the basement of th e---| .ece^ ^f-^7^ t and lyU Department’s ’ planing in­ said fanners reported plans as as susce^ble varieties. has also Wluded a convention- where it evaporates or per- Casj^Counly courthouse herT^i^trie^^ ^ # tentions report was based on toUows: niinois, niinus 2 per Agriculture Department resort hotel, rUk capital in- wtotes into the soil. No effluent "This school is being held to aj J ^ trophy he sdid APRIL 18 farmers’ plans as of March 1. cent; Indiana, plus 4 per cent; economists. In a review of the vestment firm , cultural goes to.any stream or river. Off Instruct farmers how to care for "but it didn't stay together too SHEUEV HOWARD ESTATE com outlook earlier this week, development program, and gassM from rendering equip- 0,5 t^ees they buy from the' AdvartiMmcnt: April 16 ______The refiners group cautioned. Iowa, plus 12 per cent; Min- long. It was a wooden plaque AuctionMft; lyl* MciT©s program, he said, was build an IB-mile sidewalk, one extension forester stationed In Livestock Potatoes Produce Prices developed te help offset the and one half miles of tr o ^ y rail Moscow, to give the farmers effect of the cut back of which automatically conveys Instructions on how to care for OMAHA (UPI )-U v e sto ck : CHICAGO (UPn-'Produc# plutonium production at beef through the process, nearly And Onions Potatoes Total J70, tr«cl» the trees. -Hoga 8,000; barrows nnri gilts 31. dfmao<3_ «Qf beit Qjjrr Hanford In recent years. a mile of conveyor chain, a 1,500 _Coje______aLso .yldheliapfts « large ings Very lloht. demarx} fa ir'fo r otners. ^ I s ulffamodern faciUty Is. galloh-per mrnule unevenly 25-75 lower, weights IDAHO FALLS (UPI) - market'-sbput steady ' giH o?R )er W n u te water. nuixih«r of farmeiTlin over 230 lbs largely 50-75 low­ Upper valley. Twin Falls and ; T«Kk s^les (100‘» US 1A) Idaho our largest single Jnyestment pumping system, and _ ___ russets is SO. MlnncsotalNorIh Oakbfa enough attend the windbreak er. l-2s 200-225 lbs. 17.00-17.50; -Burley districts^ Red River Valley round reds fatr «p and represents the latest in- refrigeration to air condition 240 school which is expected to l^ t peara^e 7 ^. for shl^menT «ivi rorting l-3s 200-240 lbs. 16.25-16.75; 2-3 , Potatoes: u ie r Friday. Wisconsin round reds nat novations and technology in the average size homes. two hours, 240-2701bs 15.50-16.00; 2-425(M00 Demand good, market.about ural color 3.S0 packing industry today," Onions: Total %filpments SK tr«cx.34. lbs 15.00-15.75; M 28(W25 lbs. steady; Russets, washed 2 in., arrivals 6; demand for yellow grano Richards ~ said. "It m«ans bo good. marKet firm ; demand for others - 14.50-15.00. Sows weak to 25 off, or 4 02., min: 100 lb sacks. U. S. fair, market about steady employment for 150 piraple, 3 0 0 ^ lbs. 14.25-15.00. No.'One size A 2.75-3.15, mostly. Tracks sales: Tewas yellow granev adding about $1.2 million in iumbo 3 00. prepacks J.I5. yellow grano Cattle 800, calves 50. Not 2.85-2.10, few 3.25-3.40; 6-14 oz., lumbo 375. lor shipment and rolling payroll to the local economy la in Friday. Texas yellow lumbo grano enough steers or heifers on off­ 3.65-3.80, occasionally higher; 3 8S and will require purchase of $50 er fora market tert, scattered 10 oz., min. 2.90-3.25, mostly million worth of cattle annually. CHICAGO (UPI) - Wholesale leiling sales barely steady ; cows fully 2.90J.15; non size A 2.40-2.75, prices as reported by USDA The economic impact of this BuVter Prices paid delivered to Chi steady. Few choice 975 to 1200 m ostly 2.50-2.65 occasionally cago steady. 93 score'*7 7M; 97 score lb steers 31.7M2.50, good and 2.95; U. S. No. Two 6 oz., min. 47 7M; 90 SCOre dS 7»4 Eggv- Prices paid delivered to Chicago low diolce FeW good 1.55-1.75, occasionally higher; miKed; cents per doien (M per cent A Or lumbo 41 -a; e*tr» larg# For lots tlKni th« cost o f tw o canvtn dam* you can ' and low cfiolce 825-975 lb heif­ 50 lb. cartons CWT basis, 80- wtiite too fewf large wt>lte Ji-15; medi install a concrata hood gata and' it will last ers, good 27.0MO.OO. lOOS. 4.15-4.75, mosUy 4.30-4.60, ums 79 3J: standards too tew. Firm unveils Prices to retailers (grade A. in car foravarl Utility and commercial cows at occasionally 4.00; 10 lb. mesh tons c^jlvered): extra large 20.00-21.50, few 22.00; c«m er sacks, baled, per hun­ large Al'i mediums 41. new tractors i^NOUFTING 18-INCH OPEMMG and cutter 17.S&-20.00. dredweight U. S. No. One size A 6 " — 8"'— 9 ''— 10'' Easily Instollad with . 1. will handla up to Sheep 100. Not enough on 4.00-4.40, few 4.00-4.2S; non size RACINE;, WU. — J I Case Co. Consider some of tlie advantciges ,.con------any-manura looda« - 1*0 ifKhat ------offer for a market. A 3.15^.65, mo»Uy 3.25J.55, o f - today-^mveiled tt new line of -verting frorh “operT^ltcT or 3>point boom . w otac. -occasionally 3.00. ------^raiin irrigation to gat^d DENVER (UPI)—Uvatock: Agri King tractors. AU 6 models pipe. Hofp 200.' Barrows and gilts report-power increases and new SEATTLE (UPI) - Grain, . ste&dy to strong. 1-2 17.50; 1-3 Casfrbuilt cabs. I - Corrugation* do not n*«d to b« shevclacl opan. F.O.B. SeatUe: . 16 JO-17.00; M 15.75. No sows. The new line spans power SaR white 1.77t4 Copper recor4- ranees from 4-5 plow to ikplow. — Ch«tlc-dom«-a -»}p>ron-h»b««w •Kniinafad. ONLY Chicago (UFi)~L»v»*»ock; ■White club 1.77^4 ------— ^ 1.M0; »lau0nt«r ste«rt ttew, unev Borro^g page trom high-' Oiekt ana performa nee automothrfe 3 . Pip* can •atlly b« Imovad from fiald to fiald. AM «eif^ bafow WMK to 2S tommr; ii»vgM»r Httf&n iwodanrtty acthr*. *o 2S W ghest^ n th ly total M o w e r manufactures. Case nqjlr Also ovailaUo in 34 inch opaning t0iwtr; tcsrcm, abeuf tfMdy; sbipmenti on record from 4 . BarauM |rip* eon Mtny !>• movocl, thar* I* a Mr «*Mr» load prim* 1.2M-Ub. No. J-t identifies the new line by cul4c BritUi Oslumbla was made in . inch displacement symbols on minimum of obstruction to Hlios*, A haivasting H IV ; t M K N r loMf ctiotc* ' eparotions. Concralo Front in d Troct-4 S3.M; CMrt June, 1970, accordiag to. the PORTLAND CUPI) — Cash the sides o f the hoods. The wtillty «nd e»mm*rd«l cm- For complar* information on how you can uta gatod 4 0 0 V B i. FOR $ 4 0 .0 0 mr and cyttar cm provtndal government’s mon- ^ain, coast delivery basis: company contends that btg irrigation pipo, togmthor w ith a cost •sMmora . thly tndletln of business activii- ^te'.wheat 1.78 displacement engines are CANNON SIGNEI^ ty.r Part“ of th e' taicreased Soft white no bid ------synonymous with a tractor^ call Bill Mcrtliers HOLLYWOOD (U PI) — Otto sWpmaitsrnrtiljJr-toUled^ZZ .White club no bid actual field performance and fiOGER VINCENI^ IVeniineer has signed Pyan million pounds —was due ,to Hard red winter no bid that this is a more satisfactory 423-5B47 or 423-5942 4 N W W of Asgrow RasMmh Cantar(Mway 3d) fVnnrtn 111 “ Such Good production from two new Oats np bid. index of work aUlity than is . Kimberiy. Idaho— ‘ HW ______. -I ______» a jg s o y » —- ...... -•.... raeppwa' raUiiu. " ■ I Churches putt iug hejat Sunday. April 11/1971 •nmw-NewV, Twin F!bIIi . rdsho 13 Idaho Valley Weathier National on U.S. big' bu&mess Tcm peraiurgs^ Temperatures TDPT5----- ^ Hieir money, but until recently fpr the best return “ w^shall be Boise 49 - 35 ,10 Anchorage 31 19. America’s religiote bodies^ their prindpid scruples were willing to accept less where a Burley 44 34 Tr. Bismarck 82. 47 partly in response tff !:llber cott Copper Corporation post­ Ex-army chief Coal mining plan already exercised some discre­ church, said the new guidelines poned mining operations in draft unit tion about where they Invest meant that instead of looking Puerto Rico. set for Wyoriiing faces charges blocked NEW YORK - N. Y. - Union sidiarv, Eastern Association —ALEXANDRIA. Va. lUPB - -^nlsoed after he pleaded-guilty , RPRKEI.KY. CaliL^ V m Pacific Corp. and Eastern Gas Coal Corp., regards the move Seventeen persons, including Retired Maj. Gen. Carl C. to the one count in U.S. District and Fuel Associates today westward as an opportunity to Dr. Robert McAffee Brown, a Turner, former Army provost Court. announced an Important for­ participate In the substantial well-known theologian, were marshal and chief of U.S. Sentence was postponed until ward step In a plan to mine low long-term westward as an arrested Friday for blocking 'ter-hig income tax-trial. snlphiur-.coal■cnnL thrniighaut_lhfi. to participate In the to illegally obtaining 136 guns Turner, provost marshal trOitt westem United states tor salF aipstamtal lunB4enii BruwUHil— ^ Selective Service office. from Chicago police and 1964 to 1968, was a central in dom estic and foreign electric energy generation In Brown, 56, Is head of the By GEOwGE ABRAHAM -Buy them seed, plants and tools and put some moist peatmoss in retaining them for his own use. figure in a Senate investigation markets. this rapidly developing area of religion department at Stanford Last yeat a lot of com was and encourage each to grow the space between the two pots. Turner, who also ■ faces of noncon^lssioned officers This is lielng done through the the country. University; lost to raccoons, enough to vegetables or flowers, even if in The wet peat moss gives off charges of Income tax evasion, clubs two year$ ago. formation of Rocky Mountain Eastern Associated Coal William L. Leland, another discourage the best of gar­ a four foot by six foot space in enough m oisture to help Is subject to a maximum The hearing was held shortly^ Associated Coal Corp. and will Corp. Is a ' producer of Stanford faculty member, and deners. Any control for this the backyard. overcome stubborness and penalty of five years in prison after he had been named chief Involve an initial Investment of bitiunlnous coal, with U mines G u st^ Schultz, a Berkeley peat? EVERBEARING STRAW­ encourages bloonning. and a $5,000 fme. Eight other U.S. marshal by President |10 mffllnn for thB construction In Pennsylvanla_Bnd_West clergyman, W^e^ among the' Here's a tip sent to me by a BERRIES: A reader writes; charges against him Involving Nixon. Turner then sulimltted and development of ad^tlon^ Vlrglnlai having a rated annuaT group. reader who swears it works: “ I ‘.‘Far too many people shy QUESTION BOX flrearms-^olations were., di.s- his resignation underpressure. coal producing facilities in ° capacity of about 21,000,000 Police sairfihey-were arrest­ read that raccoons do not like away from raising ever- QUESTION OF THE WEEK: W yon^g. Further substantial tons. Other major subsidiaries ed when they refused to clear the smell of paint thinner. So bearing strawberries, mainly D.F. of Twin Falls: "How can investment is contemplated to of Eastern Gas and Fuel the entrance to the offices to when they start raiding my because they think It Is too we shorten a four year old meet the known demand for Associates are engaged in permit employes to enter. They sweet com patch I place a small much work. I have a good -rubber plant which reaches the Wyoming low sulphur coal. natuj'al gas distribution and were booked and released. piece of cloth dipped in paint method, good for limited space ceiling. It’s lost the leaves along Vlind Your Money Rocky Mountain Associated transportation. thinner on stakes spaces 10 feet and good for people who don't the stem, with several leaves at Coal Corp. will acqufre from the top only. What caused the MAIL MESS; this kind of screening through Rocky Mountain Energy Co., a the com. ah area 30 Inches wide and 16 leaves lo drop o i t '” — '-•ratian:- The -O ffiec-of In- -W all Street subsidiary u f' Union PaLlflc Tax hite About every three days I squirt feet long will give the average TTre" rubber...... plant ta ctually regulates Corp. the Reliance Mine near MANILA (UPl)-Under a a little paint thinner on each family all the berries they can it's a member of the fig family, By PETER WEAVER long-distance ~feal_ estate Rock Springs, WyO., WliMi will new HilUppine tax law, taxes cloth. The raccoons do not use between the end of July to not rubber) Is ordinarily a Whenever you mail money off promotions. The' Land Sales 'O ianer be enlarged to 1,^,(W 0 tons per on winnings in horse races or bother the com . The strong frost, plus a few In the spring. tough, durable foliage p.lant. for some product or service and Law was modeled after the NEW YORK (UPI)-"Apart year. Development of severM jai-alal have been increased smell is toe much for their keen Space plants in three rows 12 Ficus (rhym es With "m y- end up empty-handed, it really Scurities and Exchange Law of from short-term fluctuations, additional mines is being from 2^4 to 3 per cent. Owners sense of smell.” Inches apart, with the plants kuss” ) cannot stand over­ makes the blood boil. 1933 which protects investors. the frend of the equity market planned for the production of of winning race horses already - Another reader writes: “ I alxjut 12 Inches apart in the watering or poor drainage. Too This~inHir^;i5i-Th£rtrOTitBr- -Consumers with— qucstions- -is likely-to ^continue-upward; coa l fro m ' Rflclty MOlffitBlir are subject to a 5 per cent tax keep a kerosene lantern burning rows. Cover entire planting much water causes roots to be malpracUce is the, number One about companies selling land in Invemess Counsel Inc. believes. reserves...... oh the horses’ w iin ^ s ; in the com patch at night. For area with a heavy mulch to deprived of oxygen, leaves turn consumer gripe across the sdtne distant ^lace should The company says warning Chairman of the board of some reason the'flickering light control weeds. Best mateiHal Is yeUow. brown and drop off, A country. It's also , the number write: Interstate Land Sales; signs will include return of the directot-s and chief executive scares the 'coons off.” Another exc^lor, a wood packaging g la r^ pot is not satisfactory. one worry for many reputable Washington, D 0720411: Individual investor and astifoirg' officer development will help reader puts an electric farm Item, or wood chips. Black Best saU mixture is equal parts companies that do business Besides hearing testimony on rise In business activity accom­ meet the growing demand for Buiki a Butler fence around thetom patch and plastic interferes with water sand, peat and loam. When through the mall. All agree that the registry of companies doing panied by an Increase in money low sulphur fuel. It represents a once they get tickled by the a b yrption and pools of water leaves drop blame it on poor &me kind of action must "be business through the mail,-Rep. requirements. In the mean major advance in our efforts t o ’ Buikling enthal's s i^ o m i^ tte e will currentintneience, time, the firm urges investors -Union .Pacific’s to stay away from It. Does any holes In to let water penefrate. remains your best bet is to cut consumer conflden,ce from ask the Post Office why it is not "to “ take advantage of Mountain low sulphur coal one elM have a trick for keeping Peat moss, tends to compact the top off, root It In a jug of hirther erosion. doing more for consumers with opportunities" created by reserves, initially In Wyoming, OESIGN-BUILD animals out of the com patch? and also adheres to berries. plain tap water. Next step Is to Rep. Benjamin S. Rosenthal the laws It already has. present “hesitancy.” and we are confident it will Please send them along. Straw is good. An essential part cut the bal-e stem back com­ (D-N.Y.) might provide the In 1968 Congress amended rapidly lead to a siibstantial BRICGSBONNtTTBLDRS of the program is to remove all pletely, leaving about 6 inches mall fraud statutes to enable “ Our technical department BLEEDING MAPLES: necessary fuse to get Congress Increase in our present CAU lOHfJ (iorjru I ! Several readers have written to runners; do not allow any new from the pot. New growth will moving______on the mails. Rep. the Post Office to handle Its isn’t unduly nervous," Spear Wyoming activities.’' H U-. f r, f f A V F tell us that their shade^rees had plants to lorm. Force- the start up from-the base-^ the as -W ith and Staff Inc. npi istun, more precision and speed. ; M ( J i I V.'IN f AH '. broken or cut limbs which were original- plants to t>ear,. which mother plant, and within 2 House government operations company believes the near-term Eastern Gas and Fuel months the top will be nicely Instead of having to spend years bleeding profusely. Some of the they'll do Indefinitely. I have consumer subcommittee, says outlook favors a firming frend Associates, said that its sub- bleeding started in winter, some plants 8 years old, still rooted. After that, put it up in a he will hold hearings to in­ proving fraudulent intent, the around the present stock price leaving Icicles hanglnig from the * b e a ^ g as well as every, loose soil mixture, using a clay vestigate nondelivery or late Post Office can now-act quickly levels. “ In general a cautious branches. This bleeding of sap When cltm ps Ijecome too pot, such as those florists use. delivery'of products-ordered oti proof of “false represen­ and selective investment sfrate- has caused many to be con- thick, usually the spring of the A.C. of Ida; "You asked for through the mail. tations.'.' But, the Post Office to gy is advised," It adds. "cerH? — Hg*5~ lnterested— in—the- --date-has-tjraetleally—Igflored- Is the loss of sap harmful to — roots and all, back to two Here are a few we use: (1) possibility of legislation which this consumer protection “ The brash bull market is the tree? No. It's not like a shoots and you’re back In Kentucky W ond^ beins can be weapon ,designed by Congress. now^ . ...j, ...... finger bleeding when you cut it, business agalp. Sprinkle a littie grown In the com patch. Let tht selling through the mail to Many of the mail-order m'ushy,” according to the Dines and there's no need to worry. plant food on the mulch each beans climb the com stalks, register with the Post Office. companies want the customer Letter. Tlie investment adviser Putting paint, asphalt and other spring and water occasionally, eliminating bean poles. You can Companies m ailing out complaint mess cleaned up. feels there has been “too mudi Tnaterialron the areas-which if you have^ dry^summeivJ^ve plrk hpnim anri m m at the saine pcoducts-“ on approYial” or on B Publisher's CUarlng House^ talks about bull markets” and PRICE are bleeding is useless. So don’t tried a lot of varieties and And time. Kentucky Wonders are ‘‘pax later” plan might not have which sends out^WTninroh ‘siys’wfiaTml^l'Bie worry If your free loses sap Ozard Beauty still one of the tender, even if the bean seeds to register. Only those com­ mailings a year and takes in 9 “a short-term shakeout to from a broken branch or cut best." bulge the pods. Can’t be beat for panies that insist on million orders. Is a good frighten the arrogant back into limb. GLOXINIA CARE; Some flavor. (2) Lettuce, onions and prepayment for goods or ser­ example. According to John silence.’ ’ However, .Dines says, . WHAT’S A FRIABLE LOAM? gloxinias Will grow the year radishes can be started indoors vices "sight unseen” would be Mienlk, PCH vice president for the long-term picture remains Many gardening books tell you round, others rieed a rest in pots l^ winter and you can eat requfred to have a' registration sales; "Registering to sell “rampantly bullish.’’ r to have a garden with a friable period. If yours has finished these in April, or May, and number. through the mail isn't a bad idea loam soil, for best growth. This blossoming, you can start to d r j everytime some are pulled, R oistered c o l o n i e s would ... our industry is Just now Many indicators continue to is useless infbrmaUon since no II' off by witt^Iding water drop in more seed all summer. have to pay'a fM; Part'Wit waking up to this problem." push slowly ahead, E. F... WILL BE one takes the time to explain gradually. Put the pot in a (3) To thin out beets, turnips, would go Into a bonding system The Dfrect Mail Advertising Hutton & Co. says. Hie what a friable loam is. Friable cellar and forget about it until etc., cook the young plants to guarantee refunds if delivery Assn.^ biggest In the Industry, is company says volume indica­ means loose or easily crumbled. next fall when it can be started pulled, as they make good of products or services were not waking up ^ t h a bold move to tions have been “ positive” with OPEN A loam soil is one co r^ tin g of up again. At that tinie you can greens. Do not throw them made within a reasonable “grantee ^Jelivery" for all bM vy trading in strong issues. ■ silt and clay particles. either repot it oir scrape-og-an^gJUC^Cil-JMuatatd^gig 3— periad-af-tt^. Part^of-the-taft^-product> « d e r e d fromUi ^ t h ¥~pirepandawice of sand. inch or so trom the top and chard, etc., are easily grown. would help defray the additional member companies. For a be more aggressive t ^ the Roughly speaking you could call replace with ireab mixture. Ti> harvest, leave root* secure posts of administering the geographic roster listing selling (and) we fe e no ileaaon the upper 8 Inches of your Gloxinias often grow tall and an

down to form a supply of humus browning o f buds is c a a a ^ by oep>ent Mocks. We ptt soil in^ FaOui« to act on «v»npiaiiitT addressed la bd Doom 3aSjiaMhouu.-ablM.JdMM.. forplants. too nmcb water, too much plant ttie boles ip the blocks and MV after-a series of wandntis. H you fad strong about the' mtll: 1:00 pjn . - AjrII It, IWI for Athree crfoiiryearTMTidld" toodrtaclrof-llainldltjrrJtalparTW***. tet*“ ce «KJ“wennptaiii~^^,^ put , out of nonddtvery oTIate deltmy of IM *»ti8winifr R»qonniBm*r."7ar . ■ . „7 . , would put a company out of lor EyM Trouf ta r tn* S*aM can garden if the soil-is-loose watering witli cold ^inter. or onton sets in tne holes. Tnese business — at'-Ueakt, tem - products and services ordered and G«m« mpartiMnf M and easy lo woHc. ’niree easy tgr • will b* puMldy opwiad and r*ad at th* vegetables for a.yaungrter to , a gray ndUrnqgw. When bods ? Inept, otioked or depraved members of Oongress know ■lov* tlm« and Mac*. Formi. try include beans, i^dbto and fsU still” and refoae to badge, during the summer montla." maiUnler— ______can__ set ™up about it. Ask them to support •tatma tti* oofKmmt. muw b« Mcurad b ^ a Mddlna. ThM* art , l^ iataw.—^ . tUs by-inenadng the Got aiv iim LideaLm niM--:;ahop t»«raetiee on ttM4»Uac!sl^tbe iq>c«tnii«^inT«{totiaa intd •vairabM iram TM Slata Pnroiaatn^ i humidity around each plant gardening? Please send them without any Uoene ttiis 9«04>iIUeM-yw Vis&i^ acw m ofnca.------— ------s m 4 t T»q OrariMr __ pnttliiiS or screening whatsoever. Cepjpilettt i m . Log Angdes hnHetin. Mtowiy p t y cdMit tof' Times. i>uBLiSH? TlmM-ltew*, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, April U, 1971 aim

By JAMBS F. KEATING annual intenUve creel checks. Guess who’s in trouble at steelhead smolis from uwor- 'FUh^ReMai^ .Returns of larger, icutthroat Andersiori R a iid Reservoir? shak Hatchery in the river SnpeiNriaor i ptantedT in 1&70 again added ^ua^ish? mght. ‘ below whll6 federal biologists Idaho FlshCame Department little to the cutthroat catch from As shoreline treatments to help explain what happens to BOISE — In January, the Upper Priest Lake. In 19^1, eliminate the wmiial crop of these fish at dams downstream. Idaho Fish and Game Com- biologists will investigate ;8Quavpfi^h' fry cdntiriuei, Biological ' environmental -for”a~ riaturaTpi^ucI^ of cutttooat "fisheries braogist^pe to see a -studiesT>fDworshak“Reservoir^ fisheries projects trout in tributariesAf Priest, and' decline In sqiwwfish m iWl If ilflcu wiu ttcgui m 1W2 ts nap d esig^ to answer questions, Upper Priest lakes. They feir th^ eradication project pays off. solve proldems and put more that, in spite of effoHs, maii 'A big success stoi^ at Anderson .Bsh in the c r < ^ of anglers may not be able to undo damage Ranch is that of kokanee, which throughout Idaho. to cutthroat trout in Priest Lake blossomed to a record high of A task force including seven caused by fires and logging in 50,000' fish., in 1970 foUowing fisheries biologists, three fish spawning tributaries and in­ repeated introductions. Anglers hatchery superintendents and a troduction of competitors — in the know caught many limits kipporting cast of many other kokanee in the lake and brook of these red-meated beauties in cooperating employees, and trout in the spawning 1970 and 1971 also looks like a associates in other agencies v e tributaries. . . bumpier-crop year. already hard at it working on a At Pend Oreille Lake the Department fisheries variety of^jrojects. fortunes^orthestate's' biggest biolo^ts will tum^tjieir at­ A catch-jnd-release fisheries, the kokanee and the tention to a comprehensive restriction has been initiated on . world famous trophy Kamloops, survey of the fishing and Kelly Fork, near Orofino, to are followed by a continued recreational use survey of the determine if cutthroat trout in creel census. Accurate fishing and recreatiotMl use norm Idano streams can ma1ffi~ estimates of catch are needed to picture or the Saiake Kiver

depletion by overfishing next to commercial catches and the Strike Reservoir and in the roads. -All trout taken-muat be returned alive to the stream in ^uawfish, the large mouth. Dam area. Pollution problems this five-year teit. tiony predator and competitor and access limitations will also — A-similarstudy^in-the^rJoe' orgapie fishTnay haveits back - be studied:------r thft~Tgair~tn~^iiegeial^r--irslmtlaOTf^^^^^ on streams and resetvoirs-tf-ini&it- proximately 350,000 chinodk and lim it wUl do the same job — that control programs by depart­ that anglers caught ap^ -SSO^OOO - steelhead win—bOgitt= is, bring back the cutthroat. ment biologists prove out. proximately 51,000 fish in 16,000 their life cycle in the natural Migration of juvenile cutthroat Squoxln, a selective man-days, mostly bass, catfish rearing area of Big Springs from St. Joe tributaries is squawfish killer, will be used to and crappie; while trout and Creek near Salmon, in another s id le d by marking fish and eradicate the lower 30 miles of coho filing’ was very poo.r experimental try at increading watching their movement into the St. Joe River without harm except for a brief flurry ih the production in Idaho waters. traps and the catch of anglers. to trout. Some 110 miles of the late fall when trout drift into the Federal fishery biologists at Biologists on these projects North Fork of the Qearwater reservoir from upstream Lower Monumental Dam wiU will also observe what happens River above Orofino will also be waters. keep an eye out for marked to whitefish, rainbow trout, treated with Squoxln and othtr Brownlee Reservoir water salmoii and steelhead^ smelts Dolly Varden, and other fish in chemicals to rid the river of was found to be stagnant, low in .released in Idaho at the hat­ STEEL these waters under the new souawfish and other trash fish oxygen and not suited for vear- cheries and rearing ponds regulations. prior to the closure of Dworshak round trout production. mentioned, then report how elT Planting of millions of cut­ Dam in August, 1971. Dworshak In addition to the squawfish Idaho fish survive on their throat fry and fingerlings in Reservoir should provide fair to treatment above Dworshak seaward Journey. Continued surveillance by SHELVING these streams have not added to good fishing if squawfish are Dam, department fishery production and the catch eradicated. biologists are beginning their department personnel insures o Adjustable Shelves Scotch restriction and evaluation Squawfish spawners moving third year of a before-and-after that the best available feeds and gard studies m ay show that you can’t into the main tributaries of study program designed to rearing techniques are used and o 5 Tier ‘.‘have your cake and eat it too. ” Cascade Reservoir in late June show just what will happen to that releases are made at the o Reg. S9.99 o FABRIC PROTECTOR At Upper Priest Lake, in and July can also expect a the smallmouch bass fisheries right time to maximize, sur­ o 20 Oz. o Reg. $2.77 Bonner Countv. some 666.000 facetul of Squoxln for the fourth below the dam; the__trout vival. marked ciitthroat trout straight year. Anglers in fisheries of the tributaries fingerlings were planted bet­ Cascade Reservoir alm dy are above; and to Qsh in the Man has consumed more SAVE ween 1964 and 1 ^ . So far, only noting a decline in squawfish reservoir itself. Biologists will, coal, oil and gas in the last 30 four of these have been seen-in numbers while trout, coho and continue to evsijuate the success years than in all previous AY the creels of anglers during perch fishing increases. of plantings of some 3.5 million history. SSSSS Now get all the facts about OSCO; DRY BAN ANTI- PERSPIRANT MUSTARD HOOKS Heat” o NO TANGLE HOOKS P-R EG . 33^____ SUNSHINE CLEAN SUNSHINE QUIET V^yisrSHINE CAREFREE

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.1 i: '••■yiJiJ


Sunday, April 11. 1971 TImM-News; Twin Falli, Idaho IS

AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPI)—A 544iole total of Y-under-par 209, Only one olher golfer ever Jones, who ^ 13 such titles, more pressure than I would be very determined Jack Nlcklaus, which Coody, a 33-year-old won , more “ m ajor" (our- two more th w Nicklaus', when ordinarily,"Nicklaus confessed. bidding to become the first man . Texan, matdied by posting an naments than‘ Jack NicUaus. he retired 41 years ago. “Because of . the slam, of to ever win pro golf's “ ^ and erratic 2-under-par 70. That was aniateur Bobby “ I feel I am playing under course. Ilie next two tour­ slam ," ch a rg e from behind naments in the slant are on wijh a 4-under-par 68 &turday courses’ t like arid wheh ydfl^ to tie Oiarles Coody for the feel you have a chaiice for lead at the end. of the third something, it adds to. the '| round of the Masters. Coody doesn’t worry about pressure." Nicklaus, who already has Nicklaus was referring to the won more major tournaments U.S. open which will be held in than any‘ other professional, blowing 3, 4 stroke leads Merion, Pa., In JUne and the started the day three strokes British Open,—the—fbllowing- month, where he will be the behind but chalked up five AUGUSTA, Ga. (U P I)-H e’s the Masters. stroke lead back into a tie for defending champion. t>irdies in a six-hole span late in tilown a three-stroke lead and^ “ I'm not going to let it bother the lead at the end of the third Coody, who has been playing the round to set the stage for four-stroke lead, but tall Texan m e ," said Coody after bogeying round with favorite Jack teast-or^amine in this'M astys JJicklaas-at a . 54-hole-total .joL ThB^l-year^ld-reigning PGA - got an excellent chance to win" Saturday to-fall^from-a—foup- m - Ttnimamenty^eifc azfoupgtroke^ and British Open champ lost “If anybody had told me lead over Nicklaus and three his chance to move into the before the tournament started others with five holes Ito lead alone when he bogeyed the-. thatJ would be tied for the lead ■SatnraayUnrprinnptly bog 'last holie and had to settle for a Concentration keys at the end of the third roimd, I three of his next four holes i would have been a mighty saw that lead fade away^ln the -foce-of-Qie-Nieklaua’ chargeT- ’ ^ h o p e s ^ Actually, the 33-year-old Coo- Don January, who starteid the dy_ from Abilene, Tex., has third round with a on e-s^ ke surprisM folks at the Augusta lead over then runnerups Coody Birkdale. AUGUSTA, Ga. (U P I)^ “ If I National course twice already and Bob Murphy,.shot a 73 Nicklaus had proldems with concentrate well, I can play in the Masters—first, the guy Saturday after two earlier 69s Augusta National’s par fives well, and that's what I’m trying they remember as blowing the for a 211 that left him 'tw o F R O M r ALL ANGLES the first two rounds, when he to do.” 1969 Masters when he bogeyed strokes behind the co-leaders. It was apparent to anyone in had a 70 and a 71. “ Today was the last three holes surprised Murphy skied to a 76 to finish ByLARBVHOVEY the first day I was able to do the Masters gallery Saturday with an opening-round 66 for a well back in the pack at 1- Time«-News Sports E^tor anything with the par Byes," h^ that Jack Nlcklaus indeed was three-stroke advantage. Then, under-par 215. Bill Miller, Twin Falls’ latest, said following his 68. Augusta concentrating well and playing after falling liehind fellow Tom Weiskopf, who followed greatest and perhaps last — at National has four par fives, and well. Texan Don January in the Nicklaus as an Ohio State least for a while — IM oot pole Winning a fourth Masters Big Jack birdied all four of second round, he cam e storm- University golf star, —Vaulter-rlia8'set4lis.sigbts^0aj&—title-nmiilft_glm» him n ,qp<-nnri them. -ing—back Nicklaus two-putted three of feet this year and his coach, leg on his single-minded goal of Saturday with a 33 and, after 4-under par 212 at the end of Jerry Kleinkopf, believes he’s his seven birdies, on the becoming the first to take pro birdies on the 12th and 13th the third round. Weiskopf, six going to get it done. second, 13th and 15th holes. The golf’s grandslam—the PGA, holes, was five under par for under four holes from the end, other four cam e on putts of 10 Miller, who was featured with which he already has won, the the day, 10 under par for ^ e suffered two straight bogeys feet on No. 8, two feet on No. a full-page picture in the latest Masters, the U.S. Open, and the tournament, and four strokes and had to settle for an even- 12, three feet on No. 16, and 10 high school national magazine British Open in the same year. ahead of everyone. par 72 for the day while Irwin feet on No. 17, "Lettennan," came within an By charging from l>ehind with But then he bogeyed the 14th, shot a 71. eyelash of getting 1&-10 in the a fiAir-under-par 68 to tie His three bogeys cropped up 15«i, and 17th holes and Next, at 213, came 23-year-old on No. 11, when he bounced a ^ rain and wind at Highland last Charles Coody for the third- finished the day with a two- John Millerj. appearing in his iron shot over the green Into week. “ I thought he had it for round lead, Nicklaus demon­ under-par 70, and will start out first Masters. Miller niatchentn wnrlft j m l h - M i at No. 11 to I fallbH fuui■ stretch. ------mile. He took the lead on the’ class. Miller ^ s he’ll do it this MIAMI (U PI)—Hie Miami__ Prpfnntarnp also ran the mile greens. strokes back and then didn’t In disqualifying Fort Marcy, downhill— portion— and— was- year — and we’ve never heard Dolphtairen'tsayinghowmuch Actually, I don't thlnk these ■gJOnT stroke “on Cuody with the stawards detennlnw that In 4:02.6, off his best of 3:57.4. pressed by Try Sheep most of him really predict anything they paid George Mira for a greens are too hard to putt If two straight birdies, it looked the evenrmoney favorite drifted However, it was a cold day the way. — ;------before. But if he doesn't, he will one-year contract to play in his you’re In the right position," he like the man from Abilene was In and forced Try Sheep over with driving rain. Cougar n laid l>ack In sixth next year. In the meantime, old haunt the Orange Bowl, but said. "A couple of my putts a near cinch to hold a fairly on Lonny’s-Secret. Cary Feldmann, Washington, place for most of the race and he's getting lots of letters from any way you l»ok at It the 29- were right into the green commanding lead at the end of Jockey Rudy Rosales, who set a new meet and school ______9ioemaker did not urge hU universities that stress track. year-old quarterback will be (against the grain) and I didn’t the third round. rode the fallen horse, emerged horse until they headed into the - With Scott Oyder-going on to making-$50,OOftper'year-T ------h ^ e n o i g h / ’ Jgut Coody, who has known only with minor cuts from the He heldThe old achool ^ u s e and junior college national ■Hie veteran of the San misfortune hefebefore, couldn’t spiU. ^ ' record,recora, whilewnue theuie uiuold meetlutrvt T 1 Fort Marcy was closer to the titles, there is a form diart of Francisco 49ers, the Philadel­ hold his pace. Cougar U, ridden by Bill record of 243-10 dated back to f ) , ! Q r O p S lead^s and stayed in third sorts to follow. Q yder's best In phia Eagles, and last year the U C h«rlM Coody a-73n^-JO• Shoemakv, laid well back In 1959. Jack Nlcklsut 7Q71 position for most o f the infield high school was 15 feet, taxi squad of the Baltimore 4f-4*71~iU the field o f seven until the final The Oregon 440 yard relay Don January race, moving up between horses although he missed the last two ColU, stlU draws $50,000 each Hala Irwin ♦♦ 73 71-JI2 turn where he closed resolutely team also tied the meet record Tom Wal»kop< 7M3 7J~JIJ around the turn to take the big meets. He has now cleared year through 1973 from 5an A-State John M llltr 72 7a4»~3U on the outside to overhaul Fort of 41.1 set by Washington ^ ftruca P«vlin 73 7a7J'*314 lead. But the horses bundled as 16-9-in^<»mp«tition.------F^■anclseo-■n»i»^neans-whatev­ itten a en^l. ^lraw away, at the 15687 —-xswrormr™ they headed-down tlie-atretcb— er the Dolphins pay Mira, if it's -----Oav Ji< finish:— Bob Murphy W70J*-J15^His winning time for the and the apiU occurred between CSI Coach Jerry Hale hits the shy of fifty grand, San Gary Ptayar 7J « n - i » Kan SHli 73 J1 f l - J U distance of a m tT 3 T fiflI«i~ on the one^Bixteenth-polerand-the-;^ recruiting trail Monday with a Francisco will have to pay the SALT LAKE CITY (U P l) - Frank ftaard ? 4 7 J 4 » -3 U trip back east and a couple of difference. Brigham Young University B illy Caspar 7J 7J 7 I- J U BoM>y M ilcha ii ■ n 7 0 7 *-J '‘ st< ^ in the midwest. “ We're Isaac wins came out oh top of a three-way Arnold Patmar 7J7J.71-JU Mira has never been a 7^**73-J17 starting to get a pretty good line R o M rto da Vicanzo Jerome M/ g v i- u starting S UU U lt ^ quarterback4 U tfl UMWlk Uin l the U lC ppros i US - a l l track ^ meet IllCSatuniay W OOMM.' afternoon Dal« Douglau 70 71 7*-JI7 $LOOK$ R ay Ftoyd^ M 7S71-H 7 o n sev er aL -hoya and are nn h reinilar basis. The Kev f V 1 1 1 6 *>y <•»!>*** ^ nmning 7171.71-317 narrowing our diolcM (town to West native was a hero when w p ------^^^evaita-^to-gate-tljato-the-«dge-ovM— 74.71 70-317 Mr. Oil Jobber • Mr.OHKstributor the ones we think will best fit he played at the University of Arizona SUte and Utah. S's'SvT'l.n,* 73 7^7S~-3U cops _6-wax 79-t*-70-2\t ~ HhTOIfiealer:------— into oir programs," Coach Hale Miami and he is hoping he can 2 0 0 raceThe three Western Athletic 73-73-74—3« reports. Confm ice teams were eadi re- a n c m uwif i«o.i 73 7S-7»-31» get a chance to start In Miami. 7l-7*-n-3!f gol( meet Now you MO longer have to M KT your compoliMon Meanwhile, Urn Bassett, Ron . “ I'm gonna give it all I’Ve aiwnsible for a ^pliildUng . of 73 7S:71*r230_. _ATcto lead the Sfrman QekL . The newest addition to seemed to enjoy the liizuiY of passing pole'^dtter DnM Pear- anc« in tfaa MO-yiird intermcdl* nn-n-m Jeromrt'lotiHiMBrlotidhwas- MHL . M > Lum ' M*. fcnqjwcl by Kimlwly at ^labo’s golf tom am ents, the another vieteran pit) quarter­ son after the ISIfa lap and'ate hurdles. I Ford nto in oxi«ti«a Idaho Cop which win be pUyed coasted, to victory, in. {be race 3S.BoU»,GoQdtag SMI, Filer back on his team. Teamnu|te &far1c Low was A-AIMn MilMr Ti-mi-tM IncrooM your 100% lo 300% ar.nioM Sept. 29 at Blue Lakes Country Shula said Briday after the at the Greenville. - Pickens second in that event with a A -A rU tM T 3S3MVdey419. Qub, Aould ptove one of the contriMrt was annpunced, “ We speedway. :51.4 dod dn g *s Mann set For Iho fint limo this rugged, M fo b w lv M ' ~ the natioaally televised race most interesting. In this-thing, now have three qoartertwcks meet and stadorn marks in bMuty for uwdor or loot Hi m $4M 10 ptXM pUy 10 amateurs in . wiM have all proven they can bad a parse of l^aoo. the U s effort. tolooaol ' m atch win." Anotlwr BtMt r scwd fM l-ia play,.whlrti It tha bas»,tyi>e.of.-^3Bia.«i erandiutiaoilgaait.. . tin stw|tedMMie-jM. golf competttion^1mnr-a tqtec- cam e-early this, week when Isaac took home 11.430^ IMia aotntii ncocd tbe grail- tator a a a 4 > o ^ — nwwtijitioHa with Notre Dame Dsfvid Eteson took sec ins cndnranoe ran in tiaiUL m m m *Tve played in these things h) qnartertMck Joe TUesmsn fMl place in tbe .hwejiUtiulnr OreaMi i d WashhMtca and throogh, lUeamaBrrignlng wiCb only cine amttnn Bag. . are real battles,” says t)w tatnto Argonauts of tfae Hie jreDow Bag Mul IWI ku ftwbl wHh «i|>eciahri^O^ ' ' ' — Dave iQUen. “Itae amateors Csna»ian FbdOwIl Ln^ . tbe eigtaOi lap wh« isMJ and 1:40.6. ' ar» oat to rMlly trim the pros Mira was able Ca Mayne'sUMOMmdleviBoaf AriinBaSWbi^4l»faRlrda3r ' and the pros at«liattliog as Shnlk’s iirtitatiaa 1H1 ki the first tora bat br staled teantaataUMwdaaltNliannc- hsM to prove the amateurs ani league gam bim ponnissioo to •etas.* ftiB* _ m tbe MBilsn.' T < • V . . 16 T im e S 'N e w s* T w in P alls* Idaho S unday, A p V ll 11, 1971 Colonels nab age-iir I>asi IVets lo lami series LOUISVILLE. Ky. (U P I )- win semi-final Darrel Carrier scored 31 points and-Loule ______' A three-point p ^ y by Nell a league playoff record ot Scott broke loose for 19 points quarter. , the ABA Johnson off a feed from Scott assists for the ' Kentucky in the fourth quarter Saturday scoring .champion, had his third less than a minute later put the Colonel^ Saturday night as they night I as the straight sub^ar performance Squires ^ead to stay, 102-99; trounced the Floridians, 118-101, rallied from an lliw in t final for the Colonels and wound up but Scott made sure of the to take a 3-2 lead' in,- their peHod'defidt to defeat the New with 14 points after- sitting out victory by scoring six more A m erica B>asketball Associa-' York_*Jets, IIM M , and win the entire third' quarter with points in a 2 :15_span to give the tlon playoff series. theirEastem Division semifinal four fouls. Squires a llW ll lead with- 35 ■nie Colonels exploded for 36, American Basketl>all Associa­ The series goes back to seconds to play. points in the last quarter to tion playoff, four games to' Miami for a sixth game A three-point field goal by turii the game into a rout and three. Monday • night. Tlie seventh Billy Paultz got the Nets to maintain a jinx for Floridians The Squires, who trailed 91-80 game, if needed, will be in within two, 116-114, with 26 coach Bob Bass, who never has «ith_3a„seconds gone in the won a game in Louisville. His Louisville Tuesday night 'final quarter, went to a four- seconds to go, but Scott fed winless streak of 10 games here Floridl«ns ( loi) Kcflfucky (M l) com er offense and had Scott go Doug Moe for a tusket -with C f O F includes six games when he D sv ii 0 0 0 0 Ligon S 3 6 one-on-one against New York’s two seconds left to lock up the Roblnion 3 7 7 U PowcM n 13 victory. coached th^ Denver Rockets. H « rg e B I I i; lael 6 20 Jpe DePre, and the gamble CahHer and Dampier over­ J o n « ?3 Carrier 11 9 9 _ SeoMJed Jiig=sauires^wj|hja 11 7H 79 Dflmon»fl? 7 3 shadowed their counterparts ui f^ull4r ' -3 0^0 4 S im o n i 0 1 Scott scored 10 points in a points ,and alsp dl2T an L Wright 10 1 3 Munler, 1 1 ) admiraQe defensive job in the the Floridians' backcourt, Mack Waihngtn I 0 0 3 Pratt 0 00 4:14 surge as the Squires RICHIE ALLEN and Maury Wills go for a blooper hit by Dave Tuckef 4 4 7 12 Barry Calvin, and Larry Jones, who T e U lt 37 2 M ) lO i T o U lt iO I I 2« l U - Campbdl-Bflhe PadregiiTiiily nrhav r tt fall betr 51-points. Calvift the score at 96-96 with 7:17 to Barry led all scorers with 45 Ktnluck» H II J1 1*- HI points, 27 of them coming in Allen errors received an error on the play and Campbell scored on the next had 29 and Jones 22. Three poini goiiv None ' Personal louH D a v is S. Robmson ), the first half when the Nets pitch, a hit by Larry Stahl. (UPI|tele^ o to )______wrjgw I. WajhfPfiton ^ Tuchr< 3. L'gon hunt a 62-5S lead: . 4, Powell 4. issel 4. Carrier S. Darr^^'er Mike Barrett chipped in with ^4>dgers 3^ Sirnon_4. Hunief 3. Pr«lt l louTs Fior 18 points and Johnson 17 for Beavers A -. 4,996 Standings Virginia while Manny Leaks Kentucky demands IN. Y. stop ' National Laaflu* Stiwtln«i------had-tS-forthe-NetS:------By U n lttd P r « f f breeze N.Y. offlrack B a it Virginia will meet the winner ~istun WS\] w I p c i. Pittsburgh 3 1 7S0 of the Floridians— Kentucky by Padres bcuing"orrI N tw Y o rk } I M 7 playoff for the Eastern Divisipn offtrack betting on Derby C hicago 7 3 400 . in tra^^k competing with the track.” » i m tiUe. LOUISVILLE., Ky. (UPIJ- Downs." NEW YORK (U P I)-T he A A o n trta l ^ 2 3U Lynn Stone, president of Th6 OTB spokesman said; LOS ANGELES (U PI)-B iU Phifad«lphia I 7 .333 Virginia (M il N e w Y ork ( I l 4 i CORVALLIS. Ore. iVPl) - “ If you persist in this illegal Offtrack Betting Corporation 0 F T O F Sudakis cracked a pair of solo Oregon State used a surprise QiurchiU Downs race track, the- appropriation of property and • “ I told them Churchill Downs w I pet. M oe 4 0 0 I L e a k s 13 12 homers and Willie Davis Saturday did its biggest busi­ 3 J 750 C a rte r t s s 13 B a rry 15 13 17 home o,f the Kentucky Derby, is hundreds and hundreds of San Francisco, victory in the 440-yard relay and -unfair competition. Churchill ness since legalized wagering A tla n ta 3 I 7S0 E a k ln s 3 0 0 6 P a o ltj 6 5 9 demanded Saturday the New miles away from New York knocked in three runs on two H ouston 4 3 .667 • B a rre tt .7 3 5 I I O e P re 3 got an unexpected break in the Downs expects to recover such on horse racing went into effect San D iego 2 3 .iOO C S cotl \6 i t 38 Congdon S 4 4 York City Off-Track Betting damages and have such other City... thejientucky Derby is (ibubles and a single Saturday L M A n geles 3 .400 R T a y lo r 3 I \ 5 D o ve 0 0 0 pole vault to beat Washington in the dty three days ago. B u n lin o 0 0 0 0 A rd 1 0 the most exciting horse racing night as the Los Angeles - C in c h -3 .nOQ___IL -Stat©-82ia-ta^li3 SaturdayJn_a Corp. abandon plans for accept- relief as It may be entitled to TVip tntfll hflnrilp nn OTB bets Saturday's Results R S cott S ~T4 13 0 T a y lo r I 0 ( ing wagers on the Kentucky event ot me year. Dodgers-bombed-t -Bi< New York 3 Cincinnati 3 (t1 Innings) Johnson 7 3 3 17 Pacific-8 meet. against you. the City of New at Roosevelt Raceway was San Francisco 6 St. Louts 4 Irvin# 0 00 0 Derby. York and the State of hjew The spokesman said he told Padres 9-2 behind the three-hit Philadelphia 4 Montreal I T o ta ls 4« ]9<34 11l T o ta ls 43 37-3« 114 Beaver Coach Bemie Wagner $M,670, topping Friday night's V ir g in ia 34 J3 34 30 — t i l In a letter to Howard the Churchill Downs officials, pitching of Gaude Ostepn. Attanta S Pittsburgh 4 (13 innings) used his high jumper Neil York.” Stone said. figure by $3,218. Houston 3 Chicago 1 New Yorh 3S V 37 2S — M4 Samuels, president and chair­ "I cannot conceive as to how Osteen was working on his L.0S Angeles 9 San Oe)go 3 Personal Fouls Moe 4. Carter 4. Ericksen to run anchor in the Copies of the letter were sent The fledgling belting agency Standings E a k ln s 3. B a rre tt 2. C S co it 4. R Scott man of the corporation. Stone buying a ticket in Grand second straight shutout of the 3, Jo h nson L e a k s 3. B a r r y 4. P a u ltz 5. relay. Oregon State took the to New York Mayor John V. By United Press rnternational 6. announced that the handle at D e P re 6. Congdon 1. Ard 2, O.Taylor 4. accused the New York opera­ Central Station can compare C ast event and moved ahead in the Lindsay. New York Gov. Nelson young season when Dave its windows in Grand Central w I pet, Ob • Total Fools Virginia 23. New York 25 tion of "illegal and unfair Rockefeller, and the attorney with the thrill and excitement Campbell and Nate Colbert B a ltim o re 0 I 000 Three point goals Barrett, c S cott, meet. The Cougars had one bad Station &turday was $46,756 C le ve la n d 1 667 B a rry 3, P a u ltt. competition with Churchill of witnessing this race in homered in the ninth inning for A 3,016. pass and sprinter Norb Payton general ot New York. aid the amount bet at its W a sh in g to n 2 500 person at the track itself,” N ew Y o rk 3 333 could not make up a two-yard “It is with great concern that the Padres' runs. It was booths in Forest Hills, Queens, D e tro it 3 3J3 Colbert’s third homer of the Boston 3 J33 deficit running against we have learned of your was $19,296. Bets received at Filipinos Erickseh. announced plan to run a pool year. Campbell had the other I pet. the OTB’s telephone center C hicago aSlI tooit f-hp first two nlaces Phillies find .tflltii!, h eta -ca .the.JZttL. San Dieeo h it-a single to open "■WHWIUKCT'" Ev^ns sets $14,618. -WtH'3irtaiches in the po^e vault when WSU’s running of the Kentucky Derby the game.i. The . brisk w agging was Kansas City 3 3 400 )'3 vauiter. Jack Renst, who has a on May 1 of this year," Stone's SOdHtcts wa5^itless“ in five O a k la n d 3 3 400 1’ j dedicate recorded as the OTB averted C a lllo r n la____ J L J tiJ L _ 2 _____ . MANILA-CUEIl^^JRirge, best ot 16 feet. 4 inches, passed letter said. , 1 4 0 - vard previous trips this season what had apt>eared to be its “ You are hereby notified that -Tiefore- 1118 Tiorirer~got—tho Oakland 5 Kansas City ranking ^Filipino boxers” oUtJ TinlinhrTjar got nn5^=(5rrHe- first crisis when the agency's Milwaukee 4 Callfornta 3 then tried three times at that Churchill powns, Inc., objects Dodgers started in the second Minnesota 5 Chicago 3 classed their foreign opponents S t a d i u m chairman and president, How- Cleveland 11 Boston 10 in a tripleheader Satur^y helpTand missed. “ to the Ncw^York Qty-Off-TVack hurdl e mar inniriB. Baltimore 3 Detroit 1 Manny M ^ also contribut New York 6 Washington 0 night. Keith Munson of OSU ran a PHILADELPHIA (UPl)-A Betting Corporation, the City of with a labor leader who Sunday's Games SAN DIEGO (UPI) - Lee World boxing aasoclatbn’s fine two-mile despite the cold, brave Marine, a courageous New Yorit or the State of New to the 13-hit Dodger attack by threatened to refuse a ll. OTB (All Times EST) catcher and an old pro York directly or indirectly E w ’ “ world record holder and Kansas City al Oakland (430pm) (WBA) sixth-rated flyweight rainy weather to set a new meet knocldng in a pair of runs with bets at Roosevelt. California at Mllwagkee (230pml Oiympii. champion at 400 me­ Minnesota at Chicago (3lSpmi san sacristan, 113 pounds, record of 8;57.2, The old mark highlighted the ceremonies as accepting bets on the Kentucky three singles. Boston at Cleveland New York at -Washington 3 (lyjpm ) decision win over Australian Beavers in 1%5. tiallpark, the $45 million Veter­ He noted In his letter that ■ 440-yard intermediate hurdles who was touched for the first Monday's Oames meet record Saturday night a T h r i p t y Minnesota at Kansas City (night) H a ry Hayes, 115, in the ans Stadium, opened here ‘‘for 97 years. Churchill Downs four runs on eight hits, Oakland at Milwaukee opening match to clinch the today. has expended great effort and when he was timed in 50,2 sec­ absorbed the loss in his first California at Chicaoo T.F. golfers chance of challenging WBA Marine Cpl, I^ank Mastrogio- millions of dollars in develop­ onds during the San Diego Re­ start. Al Santorini ggve up a ptWT-A-CAl, A m *fic» n aatkerttatf A^to Obfaa of Japan. Vietnam iast January, threw ing the Kentucky Derby as the the Dodgers tagged Dick Kelley ^IsiWMiSHfD E a st fri the second match former A film showing of the 1970 out the first ball for the premiere racing event national­ 4.500 witnessed the relays which for four more runs in the $ e r t e r " A " Ltii w I WBA flyweight champion Ber- Masters tournament will inaugural oetween the Philadel-' ly and internationally." was open to athletes from eighth. U i t Per Day -Virginia 4 3 ''^throughout the country. San Diego Los Angeles ew Y o rk 2 nabe Villacampo knocked out highlight the monthly meeting phia Phillies and the Montreal Stone called Uie Kentucky a t>y— ^4he— meet— valua ble — Utah-State Univprsity—frnm - ab r h bl ab r h bl K e n tu c k y campBJir VB i i y i ■Wilis . Dean ss 4 0 0 0 Valentine ss 0 0 0 0 F lo rid ia n s But it took a lot of courage properly and asset" of Church­ Logan, Utah was one of the the third round of their 10- Association. The group meets-at G aston cf r l 5 1 3 3 Th* Lalxt Makat | W est 3 0 0 0 ^^o \a meet’s participants. Colbert 1b Parker ib 4 13 0 S eries “ C** round bout. 7:15 p.m. Wednesday at the on the part of Phils' catcher ill Downs. ■ 3 1 1 1 B ro w n rf 3 0 0 0 A lle n It * 3 0 0 0 A M od*li Fully | In the last topranked light­ municipal course clubhouse. Mike Ryan for him to get the A spokesman for the In an upset, hurdler George Ferrara if Crawford rt 1 2 1 J X In d ia n a 3 0 0 0 C an n itzar c 3 0 0 0 Sudakis c 3 3 3 5 /Equipped 5 M e m p h is weight Rudy Barro stopped bail. OTB said in New York that the Carty beat Erv Hall in the 120- •A nine-hoie sweepstakes S lo cu m 3b 3 0 0 0 Carvey 5b 4 111 * Immadial*. J leading Japaneisei lighfweight tournament will precede the The ball Mastrogiovanni used agency had not as yet received yard highs when he went the Roberts p j 0 0 0 Oavis ct 5 0 13 S a n to rln ip 0 0 0 0 R ussell 3t> 4 I I 0 Airport Sorvics « U tarv I Shigo Kitano ^in the sixth round busmess” meqing. -was dioppej tu Ryan; Stone’s letter, but that he hod -di«tance-in thp—meet__record M u r T en pti ■ r fr- le* _____ Tm m ^ole Pi— J INCLUDE CAS &. INSURANCE Kentucky 111 Floridians I01 challenged Oriental champion winds, some 130 feet over the were set during the day-long Lo. Angeles 010 013 14*— ? Monday's Game Elks Ixjdge, members arc the OTB feels it is in no way e Slocum, Dean DP San Diego 3. Los Angeles 2 LOB San Diego 3, Los Angeles I Kentucky at Ploridlans %inichi Kadota of Japan.' infield. competition. reminded 11 Tb D a v is 3. G a rve y HR S u d a kis (3 i, Campt>eii (ll, Colbert (3) S Osteen SB t 734-2250 J Ip h r er Bb so T^VINTALU^ I Three lasses Inverness R o b e rts i 0 1 5 1 3 8 4 4 3 2 S a n to rin i 1 2 0 3 1 I 1 1 Montana State coach staff accused K e lle y 1 3 4 4 3 0 lOW iw i—n t w -ii^T J dominate meet w ?o 3 3 2 4 5 takes ^cap Ba^kBalk Santorini,' ^ Osteen u N ivE R sm r Pa r k , Pa. a l q a n y , c ^ f . (Up d - of physical, mental cruelty to boys (UPI) — Patti Corrigan of Refusing to give up, R. E. BOZEMAN. Mont. (UPI) - A occasion occurred." 2. “ Tlie the use of certain physical ditions. He said a certain Springfield (Mass.) OUege, Hibbert’s Inverness Drive came faot-finding com m ittee at possibility of serious mental excesses were largely isolated amouiil of 'intimidation cannot Kathy Gleason of New York from behind twice down the HOM ELITE Montana State' University has intimidation in the form of incidents, he would regard them be enlireiy eliminated. State University 0)Uege at stretch to nip Dizzy Babe by a issued a report ^lating^cert^ threats, overt or covert,- tn- as “errors of judgment" to be Buffalo and Barbara flem in g n eck. Saturc^. In the $25.(X)() /f a w n e r s physical exa^esses applied by remove scholarship monies corrected rather than a policy of Fresno fCalif.) City College added Sacrw ento Handicap at MSU coaches on athletes have exists." 3. "It was found that to be changed. You All cops dominated the individual com ­ Golden Gate Fields. occurred on occasion. the definition of contractural McIntosh said he would seek petition Saturday in the finals Jockey Juan Gonzalez pushed The investigation committee rights of athletes aside from an immediate understanding Ashland race of the Women’s National the five-year-old son of Oozier also found that the possibility of those regarding money are that aggressive physical' con­ Intercollegiate Gymnastics to the lead at the start and “ serious ment^ intimidation" obscure." and 4. "There is some tact between coaches and LEXINGTON, Ky. (UPI) - championships. fought off Ctourt Qown on the concerning threats to remove sUght evidence-to^ow that in- ^ayS^T>e^iiTin^~ To" demon-' J o c k ^ ’ Kenny: Knapp failed V • "M iss Ooriigarrwotrtw&of the ftackstrctch. “ In vemeas—drive- athletic scholarships exists; state players are favored over stration instructions with ex­ win a board favored limit to four Olympic events, vaulting appeared beaten when Dizzy ©EP[1@Q^ that contract rights of athletes out^>f-slate players," pressions of disapproval to be reason, a Kentucky Derby and uneven parallel bars. Miss ^ b e ranged up alongside at other than money are obscure, However, the report said the only verbal. hopeful, in the $7,500 Spend­ Gleason won the fioor exercise the head of .the stretch and WORTH OVER $35.00 and that there was "slight investigation has uncovered As for possible mental in­ thrift Purse Saturday but made event, placed second in the inched in front. evidence”'that in-stat;e players “no overt, substantiated acts on timidation, the MSU president up for it by riding you all to balance boam and third in But Gonzalez used his hands, were favored over out-of.6tate the part of the athletic depart­ said he feels! tlifferent levels of victory in the featured $32,150 vaulting. Miss Fleming was boots and whip to coax players. ment that interfered with the apprenehsion exist among Ashland stakes at Keeneland. among the top three in all four Inverness Drive into the lead The report, released Satur- academic functions of the athletes, and, while one in­ Charging up from next to last OTympic events—second in floor again on the iiiside. He lost it ^ ^ y T w a s in reply to charges university.*' TTie report- also dividual naighLfeel intimidated^ place in the field of 12 fillies, exercise, uneven parallel bars- briefly inside the s lx t^ th pole made by two former Montana , stated that where physical in a certain situation, another Yot AFflniihed aTmgth ahead aHd"'vanlting^-and-third-in before-nipping his rl^al Ot th« Sate University players excesses applied by coaches on might not under similar con­ of second-place Deceit. Iwlance beam. - wire. dismissed from the footbaO athletes had • occurred, they team that coaches were using were largely isolated incidents physical abuse, psycological whether arising out of the intimidation and imposition of emotions of the moment or restraint against personal beuig planned part of a freedoms on athletes at the motivation scheme. University. The investigation conrniittee, ifAMlUr SPECIAL) Ttie charges had been leveled following a discussion of its by Leon Preston of Tacoma, findings, recommended that, in Wash., and Kerry Pickett of the interest of the university, Grlffitii, Ind. Preston had been “ steps be taken lo I dismissed from the football coaching staff.. investigate its Ask your nearest participating~Homelite dea-~ team last fall after the fourth motivation methods to ensure RANCH BURGERS^ game of the season with Pickett that physical, excesses and ler for details about this money saving playing all but the final game of ment^ abuse cease and that a i f - offer. He's listed in the Yellow Pages. Kit the season. new athletic commission be MOM., WITH FRIES ^ $ 1 0 0 consists of pseful maintenonce and sharpen- tlAwi>v»r, hoth__a rc still established • containing mem- ino equipment contoined in~a~~hondy molded “^U ed^at the Universlty.- utility biV(. ~ ~ ~ TBe rqiSft^ fact-finding comiqittee athletic director. following interviews with about The commission also qrCTIC CiRCLP athletes, three coadies, two recommended tbst no mm ber HOMELITE trainers, two members of the of the athletic staff be alloived to serve in the dual iiapadtyof financial aid committee and 113 North Highway 9 1 several faculty members. bead football coach and athletic JMfMlE/mS-BUHL-JEROME D R I V E IWT ItM committee’s report said aireclor ^ ; North Sal* Lak«, Utah 84054 Out; !. “ Oertajn phydcal ex­ MSU President, Carl BURLEY-RUPERT-HAILEY All poriicipofing sForvt in Jdoho, Oregon. Utoh cesses iviiUed the coadria Mclntodi said, since the on athletes bive, in fact, on committee’s findings were that

"i ' ' * ir •>' Lewis has Suhday, A pril 11. 1971 Times-News, Twin Falls, IdaKo 17 lead in - golden Eagles split twin hhilL M a g n o l i a ^ with ISU, win 7-3, bow 13-3 iiATTiESBORGTHiss. (U P!), —Voung^ Jack Lewia Jt ., of— POCATELlXt on it' for a first two runs in the sixth- lie BengaU to6k tne SIBBd TH IB6 juwalm HArtrlpHiy- POCATELLO Lacking the defensive talent while having happens this type o f' Bengal Cavanaugh emphasized that Florence, 5.C., held.a thrw- Southern idaho Golden Eagles lead on a hit batsmen who speed and quickness of past limited offensive proq>ects. oSase will not be seen in 1971. the possibilities did not end with stroke lead after three rounds dropped Idaho State 7-3 Friday singled, stole second and scored eventually 0 scored on a wild on a Hofer single, years bjit .strengthened Much defensive strength was “WeTl concentrate on the pro the above mentioned names, of the $35,000 M agho% Golf in an extra-inning pitch. defensively, Idaho State’s 1971 garnered from the junior type ^ p back oBense and “This spring we want to Classic Saturday and dtood at game but bowed to the ^ h g a ls CSI 100 101 004-7 9 1 and Kurt Kinehdm 13.3^in the Will Ward's solo homer tie it ISU 200 001 000-3 7 S tor CSI in tne tourth and the when q>ring practice unfolds factor for a team which has it m i^ t not be as spectacular,"' [layers and give them an equ^ The 23-year-old former Wake nightcap. — ITibiripson ( WP afrj PFaiier.' Eagles took a momentary lead Wednesday, ^ r U 14, in the many jlefensive lettermen noted Cavahaughr A pro type opportunity . to start at the Forest All-America . golfer Hie Eagles erupted for four Jensen (L ), Bauman (9) and in the sixth ^ e n Wells lived on Galley. Minidome. ' returning ■ Offensively the oSense means that both a s { ^ position which is best for them toured the 6,731-yard Hatties- runs in the top of the ninth in­ an error and scored on Gene Coach Ed Cavanapgh’s Bengals could be lacking in the, and tight end will action. In and the team. Hie players will • burg Country Club course with ning of the opener to niail down CSI 000 002 1 -3 3 5 Stroebel’s double. The extra ISU 008 005 X -1 3 12 2 footballers have set practices to . backfleld and at end v^ere past years the ,ISU team has go_ „both offensively__and a two-under-par 68. the decision . behind Mike innings were forced when Hanchey (L), Soran (J) and start at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Wed­ there is inadequate or fielded a pair of split ends to defensively during'the spring ' Lewis, who had back-to-back Thompson of Mountain Home. Proneweich homered .for ISU. Hofer. Kinghorn (WP and nesday and Ihursday and 9 depth. make better use o f its q>eed. session." 67s the. first two rounds, But the Bengals took care of the CSI dinched it in the ninth Galley.) “ - Last season offensive stan­ listed among the split end Unless the Bengal mentor dropped a 15-foot putt for an nightcap with an eight-rim third a.m. Saturday. The spring when Stfoeljel"' hit. but wa? douts Jferry Dunne and s^jlit discovers another candidate eagle on number 3 hut three inning that was abetted by three session culminates' with the candidates are Tom-Ud«, Tom erased on Dave Frazier’s receiver C v lis Hairis Enabled Hofmann, Tom Fischer, Louie during spring drills it appears putted from 15 ! 335 on the eight Golden Eagle errors. annua) Intra squad game May fielder’s choice.. Singles by the Bengals to provide an m - Hiirsf, Phil Price, Jim Jones that the four leading contenders hole. He carded four birdies, CSI now looks forward to 15. Meyer and Rodriguez sent the FOR SALE citing sprint out offense which and Dan Halt. John Roman, for quarterback are Dan Halt, two bogies and a double bogie conference play, hosting Ricks Cavanaugh, having a Eagles ahead and after Hofer utilized the speed of quar­ Mike Hancock and Jim V oir'W ffl Lee, Rod Christensen and on his. third round, College in a single game at 2 reputation of being an “ of- was hit by a pitch, Wells plated New 8 ft. X terback Dunne and Hajris. Esdien are included among the Paul S ^ e r o . Halt is the only “ I really played better than p.m. Thursday in Jaycee Park fensiveKJriented" head coach, two more with a safety. has found himself with ample Unless something unforseen possibilities for tight end. senior while all the others, are the score Indicates," Lewis and a doubleheader starting at 16 ft. fla t bed juniors. said. Play ends Sunday with the 11 a.m. Friday. Kinghorn, a Twin Falls J n Jh eflrst graduate, held the Eagles trailer 2 ft. hitless for lourL-and^oneJhlrd' majorproblems-in the Bengah^ prize^moneyr inning of-the opener when-Vice “high, tandem B SC takes NNC inv itational; offensive backfield. . Ron Steve Reid of St. Louis, a Rodriguez and Tom Hofer Inning and held the shutout until Havinear, Mike Davis and first rooQd co-leader, and Roy singled and Vic WeUs plated the sixth, MeanwhlTe, he started v/heels, 8 ply _-ISU-thirAinning-wit i5T7 single. Boyd GaUey hit and returnees and are descril>ed by fired a 68 Saturday and moved But ISU had a-t^ one pitch into tires, lights Hidalgo and Morford lived on CSFs Gunter wins high jump -electric-brokes' players.” Cavanaugh hopes 205. Reid had four birdies and 'errors, Then , cam?, hit ^ m Proneweidi, Braver and An­ NAMPA — Clayton “ Fuzz” thwest Nazarene College in- the javelin at 215-3. that spring drills along with the two bogies while Pace carded Astros nip derson, another error and Gunter ot couege ot soutBeffT 'vltationalT- — Boise State’s''440-yard -lelay- Trew Big LYTLE SIGNS ■another Galley, Idaho won the high jump but the Gunter cleared 6-2 to .win his team o f Chuck Wood, Larry eligibility rule will enable him Four'players were tied at 206 eight runs. Galley stroked a team honors went to Boise State specialty but still hasn’t been Szurgot, George Casanova and to find more depth and a fast while four others, including Cubs on grandslam homer in the .sixth. Idaho and University of Idaho able to get into the 6-6 area he Ken Moore, tied the record of halfback. veteran Pete Fleming of Hot Terry NewUn’s homer, after Saturday in the annual Nor- was leaping earlier this year. 43.6. All Conference center Stan Springs, Ark.—who shared the Ward was hit by a pitch, got the Boise State, getting- either Geyer (230) and tackle Ken second round lead with Lewis— bad throw first or second in all the ru n i^ g were at 207. Fleming, who had Krahn (235) head the Ust for the HOUSTON (UPI)-Cesar Ge- events, piled up 81 points for the consecutive 67s on his first two Braves tip Canadiens offensive line returnees. Guards ronimo scored the winning run team title while Idaho had 62, rounds, had a 73 Saturday. Pat Shorrock (215) and Edgar with two out in the ninth inning Rieka 49, Eastern Oregon 45, B. R. McClendon of Mont­ Malepeai (225) along with Saturday, night when Ferguson Pirates CSI 14, NNC 10, North Idaho 9, hike lead tackle Mike Munger (220) are gom ery. Ala., who won the College of Idaho 8, Blue inaugural classic in 1969, and Jenkins' throw trying to others who are likely to see lots double him off third base ^ n t Mountain 6 and Treasure Valley o f action. eight other golfers were oiuBostojx ■Wnched at 2087 Three -others‘ into-the^^-Gh{cago~-buUpen-

"McCauiey. GS. Thacker, C. Stroud. CC 2-1 triumph over the Tigers. by General Arthur in 1961. Sox theb- first loss after three 10 34 3 Frank .Robinson singled with High hurdles - Coates. CC. Bauscher. Chompion carried 116~pounds,^ ^victQriea.— ' ' ______V Lv^y^^R jy 3 one out in the ninth off loser second high weight to the 119 Pliva’s homer off starter and hurdlei -- Rush, C, Coates. CC. Drown. GS. Baldwin, CC. Geisier. cc 33 S Mickey Lolich and’took third on packed by Snow Sporting which loser Tommy John wrapped up Shotput Hojims. GS. BauKher, CC, a two-out single by Brooks a two-run fifth inning for the Heck. OS. Murdock, C. Marlin, CC 38 4 finished second in this race for Discus — Rush» C; Hollins. OS; Smith. — RoWnson^— Detroit- ^Manager the second y w r in a row. Twins and Powell’s drivrin the ■ ■ . . : .c m ab r h bl ab r h bi Long lump Asnmead. CC VanSkike. Billy Martin elected stay with Chompion’s victory was a eighth off reliever Don Eddy Bonds rf 4 0 10 Alou cf S I 3 0 CC. Hubsmith. R-. L Osborne, CC- Tuf Lolich and Johnson rapped a 2-1 S peler ss 3 1 0 0 S lie m o r* s» 4 0 I 0 n e r. GS 18 8 surprise to the crowd, even furnished an insurance run. Mays cf 4 113 Brock if 4 12 1 High lump Bowers. R. Turner, GS pitch rightfield for a single. Mlftnawta Chicago McCovey lb 4 0 0 0 Torre 3b S 1 1 3 Hofsteftef, C. McCauley. GS. Smith, GS though assistant trainer Frank ab r h M ab r H bl Henderson 114 2 I 0 Melendei pr 0 0 0 0 5 4 Jim Palmer went the route Solimena was quoted two days Tovar If 5 12 0 Richard ii 4 110 DIeti 3 2 12 Cardenal rl 5 Q 1 0 Pole vault Brown. R. w Allred. R ^ for Baltimore, allowing seven Caraw 3b 3 13 0 Johnitona cM 0.0.0 G a lla g h e r 3bS 0 3 \ Hague 1b 4 0 0 0 Stroud, R, Heck. GS, Martin. CC 9 d ago in a Miami newspaper that Klllebrew 3b 3 0 0 0 Andrews 2b 3 0 r 1 Lantcr 3b 4 0 10 Simmons ,c 2 0 0 0 440 yard relay — Carey (Park. Hof hits and stranding nine runners. Thom psn 3t> 0 0 0 0 M a lto n 3b 4 1 1 0 R e b e rg e r p 4 0 2 1 J a v ie r 7b 3 0 0 0 stetter. Murdock, Rush) Richfield,Cama» "Chompion will win as far as Oliva rf 4 111 May 1b 4 0 2 0 JJohnson p 0 0 0 0 Reuss p 10 0 0 County, Goodlr>g Stale 44 3 Lolich allowed six hits and is you can throw a rock.” Poweil cr 3 111 Stelctiardt rf 4 0 1 t T a y io r p 0 0 0 0 880 yard relay Camas County Rees* 1b 4 0 0 0 WWHIIms rf 4 0 0 0' Lee ph 10 0 0 (Osborne, GUI VanSkike, Ashmeadl. Rich now 1-1. Chompion paid $19.80, $9.60 Cardenas ss 4 0 0 0 Herrmann c 3 1 1 1 N o rm a n p 0 0 0 0 field, Carey, Gooding State 1 37 9 O«frott Battlmer* MItterwald c4 0 0 0 John p 3 0 0 0 « L 'n iy p 0 0 0 0 Mile relay Camas County (Bauscher •b r h bt «b r h bi and $7.40 across the hoard. Perry p 3 110 Stroud ph 10 0 0 B urda ph 10 10 GiM. Coates. VanSkike). Richfield. Carey Brinkman ji4 1 1 0 Retln'mnd H 3 0 t 1 Snow Sporting returned $6.20 RenicK ph 1 0 0 0 Eddy p 0 0 0 0 D rabw sK y p.O 0 0 0 3.43.7. AAcAuNffe 2Di 0 2 0 Bdangef %% 3 0 0 ,0 S W IN lsm s p I 0 0 0 Beachmp ph 1 T 1 0 Medley Richfield iCrovirtrter. Brpwn Horton If 4 0 0 1 Pow«ll )b 4 0 0 0 and $4.20. One for all paid $6.40. T o ta ls J3 » r 3 T o la li J1 Totals 3S « 10 * Totalt 3* 4 I I 4 K in g . D ia o n ). G oodm g State> C am as Cou Normrup ID 0 \ O PRqbinsn rf 4 I 2 0 Idle Minds quicRry opened up Mlnntuta Ml OM «!(>- > San Francisco 003 301 100— 4 C ounty C arey 4 0« 5 Kaline r« 4 0 3 0 DIatr cf 4 0 0 0 CMcaso OOlllOOOO-J St. L o u is 000 000 033— 4 Oirls Division F ^ee^«n c 4 0 0 0 O R o b m in 3b 4 0 3 0 a four-length lead in the early e-Rlchard. May. OP—Mlnnasota I. WOt Cbamberlaio battles with E Speier DP San Francisco 2. St Team scorir>g Richheid V. C am as Rodrlgui 3D 4 0 0 0 Johnson 7b 4 0 )1 Chicago 2 LOB -Minnesota S. Chicago 4 L o o ts \ LOB San Frncisco 10. Sf Lou's C ounty 82. C arey 33. G ooding State n St0 ni(>y c f 4 0 1 0 E tcr> «brrn c 2 1 0 0 running, reeling off six furlongs 3B--Carew, ftelchardt 30-Melton. Basketbairs Milwaukee .Bucks Lew Alclndor in the NBA Western division 10 100 yard dash Pridmore. R. Lolicr> p 3 0 0 0 Palff'er p 2 0 0 0 In 1:09 4-5 and the niile in 1:34 Richard HR Oliva (1). Powell Mh 2B Alou HRs -Mays (4), Dietz (3). D row n,G S W o lv e rto n , R , W eeks. CC . Ash Total* 34 ) 7 1 Total* 30 3 • I Herrmann ( 1) S B - T o va r S -C a re w SF playoffs between the Bucks and the Lakers. Milwaukee won 105- T o rre (3) SB H enderson SF B ro ck hmead. CC 13 0 fwvo ouf» when winntng run scored 4-5. “--A n d re w s giants battle Ip h r «r bb so 230 yarddash - Hub\mifh, R, Osborne, D a tro tt W)1 OOP 000— 1 Ip h r a r bb^M 89. (UPr telephoto) R e b e rg e r w 1 0 B 1-3 10 4 4 3 i CC, Kevin. CC, Bauscher, CC 30 8 B a ltlm o ra 001 000 0 0 1 - J Chompion got away from the Perry w 1 1 3 2 JJohnson 3-3 I 0 0 0 0 440 yard dash Hiatt. R, Bauscher, E Palmer. FPobtnson. Brinkman, DP gate quickly but Hole dropped S Williams 0 0 0 Heuvs L 0 1 3 S 4 4 3 3 CC, Canxle. CC. Ralls. R, Clure. CC 78 3 B«il>more ) LOB D.etroll 9. Baltimore John L 1 1 3 3 2 T a y lo r \ 2 0 0 0 0 raOV*Td run Johfrson. R, Oinon. R, him to fourth position. E ddy 1 0 t Norman 1 13 B a ir, R 3 13 5 2B Stanley. McAulttfe S -Belanger. Save wilifams WP 15 A , Liniy I 3 3 SO yard dash K Pridmore, R, Young, P flim e r Turning toward the stretch, 13.409 Drabowsky 2 0 0 0 2 CC. Jensen, R C 'Jensen. R, Strom. CC Ip h r «r bb »o Snow Sporting moved to the Reuss pitched to three b a tte rs i LDliCh L ) 1 B 2 3 6 2 2 2 2 Wounded Bullets still believe t o u r th , >5 yard dash Young. CC. ^f^idmOre, ’ 9 ; f 0 3 3 P a lm e r W ! 0 front. At the top of the Save J Johnson HBP By Reberger R . W eeks, C C . Jensen. R , P a t*. CC « A PB Etcheoar 2 02 A S./2-r iJavier) PB Simmons 100 meter hurdles - Pate. CC, Walker. straightaway, jockey Carlos T - 2 W A. 26841 R . Gelsler, CC. Berron. CC. Peck. C \9 7 . Marquez sent Ihe Argentme- Money-led — iliey caii tup Kuickei'bockers Lee. Kevin, Osborne) Carey. Richfield bred horse in front by two 60 2 Shotput Jones, R. G L Stocking, C lengths. But then Hole turned Bauscher, CC, Rudd, C-G Stocking, C 32 Cleveland Chompion loose and there was The architects who built ries. _2______—— ------' division ctii’nipi’Ohships lOr ui« — conference winners’ sttma to D iscus Jones, R. Barron, GC« Rush nothing anything else in the 14- C, G, S to ckin g , C RaMs. R 62 2 horse field could do to threaten. Milwaukee Bucks and New gain MO,(X)a, with the losing heel, asked for relief when the Long lu m p Your>g, CC D row n. GS club earning $30,000. The pain-killing inje6tion he re­ Pate, CC. Woivert.on. R, Lee, CC 13 10 slips past The victory was worth $63,660 York Knicks are blueprinting High |urr\(3 vanHook. C. Osborn.e lop Expos their meeting in the National survivors go on to the Jatkpot ceived prior to the game wore takes CC Drown, GS, Peck. C, Stultr, R 45 S80 yard relay Richfield (L Prid PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - Basketball Association Playoff round that pays $90,000 to the off and he couldn’t continue. more. Oinon. Hubsmith, H istil, Carey, ^Red Sox vanning tefyn and $60,000 to the John Tresvant took ijp the Camas County 2 119 Oakland Shortstop Don Money drove in Finals. Walworth 160 yard medley Camas County Lew Alcindor, the league’s loser. Should Milwaukee take scoring slack with 20 points and (Kevin, Geisier, Lee, Strorn)). Richfield, ..CLEVELAND (UPl)-Urry two runs vrith a homer and a Carey 2 173 Brown drove in five runs and sacrifice fly to lead Philadel­ leading scorer, tallied 32 points the title, each Buck will collect Fred Carter had 15. ROME (UPI)-Peter Town­ Ray Fosse belted his first home slips past phia to a 4-1 victory over Friday night in leading the $16,300. The share would “ Nobody seemed to want the send rode his third round lead run of the season Saturday to Montreal Saturday before 55,352 Bucks to an easy 106-85 victory Include money Milwaukee ga m e,” said F'razier of the through the final IB holes today pace the Qeveland Indians to spectators at the inaugural over the Los Angeles Lakers earned for finishing with the haphazard third period play. to win the Walworth Ck)lf CRENNA HEADS CAST an 11-10 victory over the Boston Royals of the Phils’ Veterans Stadium. and a 1-0 lead in their Western best won-lost record during the "Then we got a fert steals that tournament with a four round were turned into easy baskets HOLLYWOOD (U P I)-R ich - Red Sox. OAKl^D (UPI) -Tonruny Money’s first homer Just Conference finals. regular season. total of 277 and take home and it proved dem or^zing for ard Crenna will head the cast The game, which lasted three Davis’ pinchhlt two-run double inside the leftfleld foul pole Dick Barnett, "M r. Money- . Actually, Milwaukee had to $4,800 top prize money. Baltimore.’’ of "Catlow,” with Sam Wana; hours, nine minutes, included 20 with two out in the ninth Inning Ignited a three-run rally in the m an" of the Knicks, netted 29 rally from a 44-43 halftime Townsend, member of Bri- Baltimore coach Gene Shue maker directing in Almeria, hits, 10 pitchers, 19 walks and Saturday gave the Oakland A’s sixth inning which routed-loser points with some slick outside deficit to take Los Angeles in ^tainls-Ryder Qip.team, tumed- shooting FriH ny afli»rnn«n—««i also called the third period the ^ a ln . 14 . ____ _a W._victoi!X-pyerJhe_Kflnsaa_ Bill Stoneman. -IhElr’ playoTI opener as the in a flnal round 71 to ed^e 'Boston Cleveland'...... M o n tre a l Phlladelpnia New York routed the Baltimore Lakers attempted a slowdown turning point of the game, fellow Englishman, Malcolm ab r h bl ab r h bl City Royals. a b r h b( ab r h bl „ Aparicio ss S 3 3 * Brown ss 4 0 2 S Trailing 4-3, the A's rallied Day ct 4 0 0 0 Bowa ss 4 13 0 Bullets, 107-88, for a 2-0 margin style of play designed to curtail "It was our Inability to play' Bembridge by two strokes. Smith rf 4 110 Nettles 3b 3 0 0 1 Raymond p 0 0 0 0 Money 3b 3 112 in their Best.of-Seven Eastern the Bucks’ fast break. good basketball that ruined us,” Ystrimsk If 5 0 3 2 PInson rf 4 V 1 0 when Dick Green singled with Reed p 0 0 0 0 Montanez cl 2 1 1 0 Bembrldge covered the final 18 HARNEY BUUMNG SUPPLY Peirocelii 3b 3 I 1 ) Posse c 5 112 Brand ph - 1 0 0 0 .^ohnso^lb 3 » 1 0 ■Conference Playoff Final Se­ Alcindor countered this mea- explained l ^ e . “ When the jh M nnd took hnmp «u»mnd- ^ KIMBEmV. iPAMO Scott lb 4 13 0 Harrelsn 16 5 l 2 0 .-one out in the ninth and Steve ttu n t 3h 1 1 1 Q llrloo ’nann, —' OOWpmuil'L 3 V"T 1 7^0" riovley waiKed. KeUever Jun S la u b rf 4 0 10 Freed rf 3 0 11* sure by scoring 20 points m the, other team is struggling, you place prize of $2,400. 423-5S16 Le« p 0 0 0 0 Leon 2b 4 ] 2 I. BaJley 3b 4 0 11 McCarver c 3 0 1 u. •first half and scored his should be atde to take ad- Lahoud ph 1 0 6 0 Braoiord Cf 2 2 0 0 York then retired Bert Cam- Fairly lb • 2 0 10 Doyle 2b 2 0 0 0 Italians Mario Napoleoni, B oiir 0 0 0 0 M argan p *■ 0 0 0 0 Jones if 4 0 0 0 T a ylo r 2b 2 0 0 0 remaining points in the third vantage'of It.” Albert Croce and Briton Mau­ THE HOME OF THE F io re ph GOOD U h ia ry je r ph I 1 t I paneris but Davis, hitting for •' B a te m a n c 4 0 2 0 Bunning p 2 0 0 0 T atum p 0 0 0 0 Pascuai p i 0 0 0 winning pitcher ^ b Locker, W ine ss 10 0 0 Hoerner p 0 0 0 0 quarter as Milwaukee mounted The Knicks, however, rice Gregson tied for third Conighar c 15 110 Austin p 0 0 0 0 F a ire y ct 10 0 0 Blue Lakes an attack that ripped the Los couldn’t break away until they place three strokes off the G riffin 2d 4 0 0 0 Coiberf p l 0 0 0 lined a double to left center to La b o y ph 10 0 0 2 x 4 - 8 ' Koonce 0 0 ' 0 0 Machemhi p 0 0 0 0 score Green and Hovley with Stoneman p 2 0 0 0 Angeles defense. Jon McGlock- started a 16-2 surge midway in pace. B re ft p 10 0 0 O Oonogh p 0 0 0 0 the fourth quarter that carried Pavlet'Ch, C 2 2 10 the tying and winning runs. Marshall p 0 0 0 0 tourney lin, who finished with 18 points, Ireland's Christy O’Connor IN UNIT OF 150 Totals 17 to 11 10 Totals Sutherlnd ss 2 0 0 0 netted 12 in the third stanza. them from an 81-75 lead to an EACH V------mkinra------T b n m ------n I > I i w a n ------i t e t * was one of three golfers tied Cleveland 230 330 OCX — 11 ab r h b« ab r h bl M o n tre a l 000 001 000— 1 The Bucks completed the job insurmountable 97-77 margin in for fourth at 284 and Australian DP Bstor> 2 C leveland I L O B Boston p « te k s» 4 12 0 Campnrs ss 4 0 0 0 PhlladefpMa M3 lOX— 4 O GOOD SELECTION 9 Cleveland 8 Keough rf 3 1 0 0 R u d i de< rown Scotl. Coniglia Otis c» 4 0 11 Lindbiad p 0 0 0 0 LOB Montreal 10, Philadelphia 7 19, in the final period. Baltimore, which also lost the -ph------? a — -----Baitey.— 40— Bowa.— u a — NeU Coles tied for fifth at 286. LUMBER] > 11 Apancio I 21 SR-'Griff.rt S - rkpatrck C 4 0 0 0 LOCker p 0 0 0 0 AAoney (11 SB --Staub. Bowa. S -Bunning The Blue Lakes Country club "L.A. forced us Into their first two games of the 197ff Lowrostein PascuAi Oliver Ib 4 111 Davis ph 10 12 SF M c C a rv e r. M oney 'P Roias 20 4 12 1 Jackson rt 4 0 0 0 h r t c b|> to women, will continue their slowdown style of play in the playoffs to New York, hosts the Koonce 1 T 3 4 5 5 2 1 Schaal 3b 3 0 0 0- Mii%char .lb 4 0 0 0 Stonem an L 0 1 7 3 3 3 1 spring best ball tournament first half and this can lull you BRUNSWICK A DELTA -B frtt L 0 1 ] 1 3 Dal Car^tn p ] 0 0 0 Bando 3b 3 0 0 0 O 'D onoghue 10 0 0 0 0 0 third game Sunday afternoon. Lee 1 1 3 York p 0 0 0 0 MorxJay Ct 3 110 M a rs h a ll 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 Thursday'morning at the club to sleep." commented Milwauk­ The fourth will be played in B olin ) 1 J D u n ca n c 4 1 2 1 R aym ond 2 3 I I I 2 I Jatum 5 1 0 G reen 2b • 4 2 1 1 Reed 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 course. ee Coach Larry Costello. “ But Baltimore Wednesday night. POOL T A B ilS ond H argan 2 J 5 5 3 0 Se^ui p 1 0 ff 0 B unning ^ I 0 1 1-3 The results of the first round 0CC*M4M4«« Pascwai >V I 0 3 2'J 1 3 3 5 5 Hovley If 2 111 H oerner 1 23 Jon's shooting picked us up in A usi.n (310 0 0 0 Tolalt 13 4 7 4 Totals S3 S M Stoneman pitched to 5 batters >n 6th and pairings for next Thursday the second half and when he 1 7*1 « 7 7 ' Two OuT *Tien j/Tnrnng run wrareo Save* Moerrwr ftr By ©unnino'- M a < h rm « ^ i W.) 0 0 0 1 1 •Kansas City ill 10< OOP- 4 M u rrtl T 7 43 A S4.382 include: got going, the whole team A u itin p l^c^ca to OflMpf ,n O a lila n d 000 02d I0 > - S Mr. Cook and Gail Jones def. started shooting.” Sa»e AAacriernef.i LOB Kansas City 3. Oakiarv] 7 GETS COVETED ROLE P a v irt.c h JB Pin.eii* Duncar. Mowie», Paten Betty Davis and Amy Dodds 4 The Lakers, surviving the T 09 A ^ v i i Oav.s MP Oliyer (I' Roia« (U Greefi ' and 3; Mae Fe^tman and K. first round series with Chicago '11 SB PA*ek 0»'S HOLLYWOOD! U PI)-R obert Ip h r k r bb SO Hiatt drew a bye; Jane Purves despite the absence of injured Dai Car>ion 6 10 5 3 12 2 Bench miss Siaw landed the coveted role of PHONE Y o rii L 0 ' 2 I J 2 2 2 1 < Seoul — 5 A 4 4 I 3 M d Betty M cR oberU det^ ■ Lord Randolph Churchill, father 'T t n o o r a d ...... — - •- - -T—r fr O’ t- 7 3 3 r S 6 0 1 - Brewers LOases loaded when hia 48-48 standoff, but the Knicks andHenryandJoneavs^ Coiner The walk scored Tommy tors. — “ffiird^ d^very o^ssed iqs the then- took ^charge - as— their^ - V ^ ficD L IS S and Christofferson. SHOT USED Harper and gave the victory to Stottlemyre, whose lifetime usually reliable Bench and backcourt duo of Barnett and Consolation; B. Davis and A. Winch««t«f newly-acquired Marcelino Lo- record against Washington is 21 rolled to the screen behind Walt Frazier led a second half 35 Lb. Bag RELOADER Dodds bye; Everton and 1400 S k M t ...... •119” pe2 . who relieved starter Skip wins and nine losses, also drive home plate as Qendenon scored rout. Fr'azler finished with 23 in a run with a single to hlep Claibom vs. Berg and Soran; points. M odal 12 Lockwood in the eighth. easily. Plgoon Grodo Trop •350»® his cause. Brown and Westergren vs. Monroe, held to only 10 points $ 5 3 5 C«ti*orma M^awka* ClfKlfwiati Maw V^» lo fo v o r V *44®* • b f H W >b r h bl •b r h W ab r h bi Carpenter and Skeem, and N e w Y o r k w a u iiA « * * A after a 29^)oint opening game SingU Trap . Alomar 3b 5 0 0 0 Harpe/ 3b 3 1 0 0 a b r ri M \ ^ r h M Rote rl 5 110 Agee $ 0 1 0 •200- Perrine and KrOU bye. P r c o o ti 11 3 0 I 0 S m im II 4 0 1 0 C la r k e 3t3 4 1 3 0 H a r f a h %x 3 0 0 0 Halms 2b S 0 0 0 Harre<»on u4 OJ O effort, limped off the floor with IlKoca .k>hn»on H 4 0 1 0 AAay ct 3 1 0 0 W o o < H r l 3 1 3 0 F lo o d c l 4 0 0 0 Peret lb 'S 0 } 0 Jones If S 0 1 0 Conigiiaro rf< 1 3 ^ Koico ib 3 0 1 0 M o n io n c H o w a r d II 4 0 0 0 BarKh < » 0 I 0 Shamsky rl 4 0 0 0 SingU ftorr*! Trop •300- ' ■ ...... : S 0 0 0 ' Spafxer 1b 3 7 r i Walton if 3 1 1 3 W M t e II S 0 3 1 E p t t e l n lb 4 0 3 0 McR*« cf 4 0 0 0 Singleton rf f 0 I 0 WinchMtor 101 McMulln 0 0 I He«an 1b 0 0 0 0 C a te r ib 3 0 1 0 ■i» r VAim 5 3 3 0 F o v 3t>. Carbo H ' 4 1 T T CT*MO(nn o WADS A UimUt T r5 ^ c 4 0 10 Vost rf 1 0 0 0 E n > « lb 3 1 1 0 A A a O d cn r f 3 0 0 0 Plummer 3t> 4 0 0 0 Boswell Jb i 1 > 1 ^185^ U K TUUK 3 1 1 1 B fc r y c f 4 0 0 0 P ena ss K a n n e v 3b 1 1 1 0 C o M f w v a c 3 0 0 0 Cranoor p 0 0 0 0 Aspromnt 303 0 1 1 1C SmtthMffauhU------WrKihl p ) 0 0 0 Rodriguei <30113 0 1 1 M o r c a r cl 3 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 C u lla n TtJ Duttyu . 3 0 I 0 10 0 0 ftorrdvMlOefM lrib BAMUUIERlCARD r o t r y i-p > i------...... 1 > Scliwwnil 8 0 C i r r g n '^p------O O B b K o o tm a n p m d L C S m ith L o p « t p 0 0 0 0 J»r>c»l(l p 0 0 0 0 Woodwrd 3ti 1 0 0 0 Kranepol ptt 0 0 0 0 ^ K 9 9 S n g h il T r a p •4I50*« U ) 4 2 Tatalt U444 Rk)dl«bcro«rO 0 0 0 Saavar pr 0 0 0 0 McCraw ph 1 0 0 0 Frltalla p 0 0 0 0 ThoTheui. hasteTcimge Pav>« p 0 0 0 0 3^3*1 Tolou Jtsu-a REPAIR SHOP - -DP—Caitfor-- T o ta tr------1J iMretsts-— Jt« > ♦ arnetmm ; ------t- n t0 1. M ilw a u tia * 1. L O B - C a iifo r n ia 7. New Y o n . 1M9MM1-4 N a w V a r t MIKvtfuliM *■ e -O o ta . Aipromota. DP— Cloeloootl 3. Now open at Fairview E Flood. OP-New York 1, W««MnoMn LOB— Cinclfwsjil 5. New York •. S(m % c0r rPT;w*llon (1) S-Ma^, SF- LOB N«w YOfli I , WathH>gfon 4. . 3B-Perez. MR—Corbo I. McMollan SB--Mavr Cenigiiaro 7B foy^rctr. Whitv. SB WNta. ^ u r Rota. S— Orofo. Ip ti rarM M * i# b r o r bb so corner between Buhl SfOttlemvre W e 0 0 J 3 • « 3 3 1 3 j m y s g u n s h o p Wrkom.L 0 2 7 1^ 4 4 4 3 ) I ' 9.3 0 0 0 1 1 Sh«il«nb*ckL OT S 73337 C*rroll . 1 3 0 0 0 0 7% MUUs West of Hotpital Op«n Mcnday thru Saturday S S w O O d 7 4 3 > 3 4 3 l-J 4 ? ) 0 0 Gf»no*rL03 J 1 1 3 0 and Castleford iSoiz W 1-0 2 0 0 0 0 } R»ddlebM-9«r 3 3 I 0 0 0 0 K o e t m a n ‘ ' I i on Highway 30 Oht*dSuntkiY HftP—Sv W rl«hj^(M«y). W P-Lock Pana 1 11110 Frisella W 1 0 » l 0 0 0 0 wood T—2;J*. A T 3 OS A^^13 ■ ■ wP--Crino«*’ THEATER GOERS will be able to choose between two showi at the Cinema Theater after IMay 26. Here workers prepare to set another row of cinder blocks In the exterior walls of a new theater 238-seat theater. A single projection booth wlIl-l«rve^bW i thentera nfferin|( tw i iiiyHratK Hlmii a« Hig «jmi> Hm» Construction begun on new theater auditorium

TWIN FALLS - Walls a re - auditorimn was planned at the button, he said, the prdje« Kluender. a psychology display license {dates; Richard j*rar-oul ^ • For How Lonf: 'II m n u m b e r major, developed a projen(: Kor ttte lifv of m onth* siwcified. uf lh« nriKtnal trr.xl dealing with space and time Wh«C 8«ar« W ill Do: Jn t t ' ' expired saf^ y Inspection; What Will Do: In ri • h.inc« fur (h« lir*. r«^«c« it perception and is using rats S. Wayment, §7, Burley, $12.50, I li.m vr for iKc lirr rt-iijof^* il • Karcinc the current wiiinc MitW fur i)u- |«ro|Mrf - itru-e i>lu« Federal Ktciae Tea under the bifluence of drugs. failure to re^ster trailer; iMHt it f I u r r r n t n r lliiitf |>ri

Batterjr Gnanmtee Free replacement within 90 days o f porchaaa if Batterr prove* defective. After 90 dava, w« replace the battery, if defective and diarge ^ou only for the ^riod of ownenhip, ba«^ tn the corrent p n ce lew trade-in at the tiaae of retnm, pro-rated over nmaber of moatbi of guarantee. ' f t M M ••••♦•*♦» H M » n U » ♦,f M,t I,M 11 M U t M K t'X ~s:4yE$2 *6.99 Sp^ trnm iS-Month Guarantee 12-Volt Battery M otor OU Sizes to Fit Most American Made Cars S a le 9 9 P r l r e Dependable starting for usual “stop 9 9 lO Q tft. and;go" driving in ncMTn^ weather t-on- ...... , ______,______10W-4(» KrjKlc- fur i-xn-IIenr nloderate electrical needs, liillll, tfni|>tV.tlnrt:-lii!»rii.inetf .with fusy coljl AfJk Ahout the DieHard. Start* Your Car When Mott Batttritm Wtm’U sburtinit c-hu’ructfTistics. , ,L CHAHCEIT on Sgi>» i. . 8BN.UNK: jKNm«NclMVlrilllWrb^ fUli C tm itf CiiMlrtw «fc*«aa. — I Pa e A k m , M m M M ie STOKE H01»S: Confer with IHM iM»y«tii<>arilflwaaaaail»glilBniiiCsriB«ii- SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE - -♦‘■ "-"-r-rr* ‘irnrlfHtiii i1"»— f - ‘"T Y rrr'-f-i-T r* TTwannffirf Mm .. Fri.'9>3»-9'rJa. '«mMWiiA««.'W. Scfn. Jordan t t m t f sWIrlito. tkm t m laaaU'IsUMaW^i jiifcy li m e r n lm d 73S-0U1 ...... ‘ ■ ! i — ' JnliM Linf^^ I _2■------Lenten Guidepo9ts Mother \fm th in child steady

By MARION HAYS would dk). She would stay. Ihere Washington, D.C. was not an ounce of quitting - Mood In-Mother . S Years ago, when I was a old Professor Redwlne, the Mnior in high school and county examiner, and told him yearning to go to college, the m y predicaro?»(t. . means forsending.me were not • He sent me to a fdrmhouse readilyapparent. W^livedinan about a block away. The far- old Arkansas farmhouse near mer’swifewouldj^v^meacold Fort Sbiith. and from the time I supper, a room and breakfast, was five years old, my mother and it would be SO cents a day. had been the sole support of me, When I had flnished eating, I my grandmother and my sat out on the viUfrcovered younger sister. potth in the warm summer During m y last year in high dusk, with fireflies for com­ sdiool, the matter of my going pany, and ■ faced my to college was never long out of discouraging situation. DISCOUNT PRICES EVERY DAY Mother’s mind; yet she never Just then, whm I was most tost confidence that God, with done and worried, comfbr^ WHY WAiT FOR A BUSY WEEKEND TO DO YOUR FOOD SHOPPING ? - — whom-flhe--wa8-in—constant—came4o,meJt.^amejuddenly- _____ toiirh, » n pKvi mp >n hnvp H and uneroectedly, in the toiro of college education as much as a hymn I had”siing many times die did, and that HeHe.WQUld.flDgi. would open in Sunday school. w tw AY wrarBTcrosE^ up something just as soon as He '■'Be not dismayed what’er was on to something Himself. betide, God will take care o f . ALL DAY EASTER SUNDAY So she was not really sur- you, ^ neath His wings of love ir i3 « t ^ e n -s h p lenm ed that flhir^p Hp witt take pgre o f tfieFgdeiration of Women’s Club you....’

year (dneto aTjoy). The method ■ of You” ^ W.S. Martin7) of seleiction was by competitive With the speed of magic, this examination. One of those familiar song banished my scholarships, Mother decided, fears, comforted my heart and was for me. strengthened my spirit. In Vain were my pleas that There are two things about taking the examinations would . this little experience that Im­ be useless, a whole lot o f trouble press me even jiow. One Is that I for nothing. did not seek the help I received Ihe examinations were to be — it MUght me. I had not given hy the county examiner at prayed, but God spoke to me. I the little town o f Greenwood, didn’t say to myself, "Let’s see where I would have to go by now. what inspiration does my train. It left early in the mor­ religion have for me at this ning, fortunately, so I could moment?” nothlng like that. It Ground Beef leave home on the day the just popped Into my head, a Fancy Fryers Head Lettuce examination opened, which was spiritual reflex. It had been Boy Any Size Package You Need U.S.D.A. Inspected Large — U.S. No. 1 Iceberg Thursday. stored up in my heart, through At This Low Price Per Pound For Wholesomeness Salad Perfect Mother put me on the train years of home and Sunday- with a round^rip ticket and one school training, against my dollar in m y pocketbook. The need. W h o le dollar was insurance against The second thing of interest to m e Is that 1 never for a moment lb. Each catastrophe. Mother expected 5 8 lb. 3 2 me back that night in time for interpreted this experience as a talisman of success. It did not C udohy 1.1b. C h o lc f em oonl prom ise that Sliced Bncon Pka Fish Sticks TT 44 as planned, thereby or later. The .message I Cfiuck Roast Lb. 69^ Fryer Breasts White Meal . 76" Red Radishes b3 Eoch 5" obeyihg Mothfer’s Instructions received was simply, ‘ ‘Be not Fomily Pack —Fif»t H o rm e l or but at the same time aban- dismayed” — and 1 wasn't. Pork Chops and Center Cu) Lb. 680 Canned Hams M o fre ll'* 54.78 Fresh Italian Squash lb. 28" ------donlng—all Tiopes—for—the- —It-wa»on alwtJuly-day-when sdiolarship? Or should I throw Mother called to me, ex- Chlinir Bologna By ' The Piece 59* Turbot Fish Fillets . 59" Oranges 8 98" caution to the winds and stay dcement In her voice, and I rM mtll the job was done? downstairs to find a long ot- Another disturbing factor was velope addressed to me from SHOP ANY DAY the economic one. ^ r e , too, the the University of Arkansas DISCOUNT PRICES conditions of that cuiy, 1915, are Registrar's Office. Salad Dressing Bake Shop hard to realize now. The money “ We take pleasure in In­ M u fii 1-lb. Piedmont — Fresh 'n Tart Mother had spent on m y ticket forming you....” My sister came Skylark Breacf G ro in Loa f 33" would almost have bought a running, my grandmother S kylark .8 *< e u n t week’s groceries for our listened in alarm at the clatter, Hot Dog Buns Sliced Pock 330 manless fiimily. If I gave up and and then evwyone whooped and Buiy l.tb. Q u a rt 361 ------J a r the m o n e y ^ th e r had spent for mother. Ruiy Baker Ginger, 2-lb. r- my ticket, She was calm throughout. It Lamoo, Vonillo or Cocoa Snapi Bog 56" . On the other hand, should t was news she had been ex­ 9^ 1. throw good money after bad? I pecting. "I knew you could do King Vitaman Cereal Pkg. 56" SHOP ANY DAY was more convinced than ever it.” she said. that I was not going to win the Copyright 1970 by SHOP ANY DAY DISCOUNT PRICES sdiolarship; I had forgotten too Guldeposts magazine, Carmel, much. N.Y. litter Green r'inl •tr; 1.58 DISCOUNT PRICES Sugar or 1 finally solved my problem (Distributed by The Register B rocade 4-ro lI on the l)asis of what Mother and Tribune Syndicate. 1971) Batnroom Tissue A ll C o lo n Pack 41" Litter Green r::. 74" G la ze d T ru l y F7tSe~ ~300.<*r Facial Tissue A ll C o lo ri Box 7 T Purina Puppy Chow 56"'. -Trxrtarvwr t « - i r r c Paper Towels B rand Roll 29" DfylXog Food T:.. 'V:; 1.78 "Each Son successor O ia rk Charcoal Briquets H ordw crod 86" Dog Biscuits t'". 31" CoHee Cakes Each 76" Calo Cat & Dog Food ‘ ct: 17" to ‘Papa Doc’ SHOP ANY DAY Cinnamon Rolls rji'C 1 2 ,. 68" Gainesburgers w 55" I*lb- DISCOUNT PRICES Bountiful Bfefld^ nroT loof 38*^ PORT-AU-PRINCE. Haiti The tourist industry is Recipe Dog Food Cl',.,.. t-in. (UPD—In poverty-stricken, lar­ showing glimmerings of im­ ‘ r.: 28" Bright Side Shampoo 96" Boston Cream Pie pio 79" provement. Business is looking gely illiterate Haiti, a picture Sp«cial Pooch Dog Food X ' 1.62 can, as the Chinese proverb has belter. Traffic in teeming Port- Close-Up Toothpaste Pack Tube 79" SHOP ANY DAY . it, speak 10,000 words. Au-Prince is thicker than ever. 100^' 1 7P Pooch Doq Food ...... Excedrin'Tablets' Bottle l*XO ’^ 1 0 1 lowest In the hemisphere at $70 U O i.U U n i KKiVO shows a frail Dr. Francois T5« 1 10 Liquid Sweetener “ Papa D oc" Duvalier, Haitian a year, the situation is hardly 13-01. Visine Eye Drops Bottfe l**^ B -o i. president- for4ife. He is placing good. Furniture Polish Can 1.14 OQ0 Superoie — Artificial Bottle 68" the hand that still rules this Ban Roll-On Deodorant TuW 07 4-roM Uack republic with an iron grip Often referred to as the Bathroom Tissue xirc'.*:. Pock 46" on the M u ld er of his 20-year- forgott^ country, Haiti has Prell Shampoo 4S-OZ. old son. Jean-Claude, a big been cut off ■ from any ■ SUPER SAVERS ■ 5 -0 1. Miracle Whip Jar 92" Concentrote — Fomily Site Tube strapping lad who looks like an substantial U.S. aid since John 1.19 l-lb . outK>f.«hape football tackle. Kennedy decided to demon­ Bel-air Apricot Pies 44" Kraft Velveeta P k, 76" What better way to tell' and strate U.S. displeasure with Lilt Special W yler* rwi. Spoghetti Sauce M il keep telling 4.S million Haitians Papa Doc’s strongman tactics. Bel-air Sausage Pizza 75" Pfcg 12" —of whom only 10 per cent Yet Haiti is probably the Home Permanent toch 1.19 Kitchen IlHnxaS-ft. over the age of 10 cAn read-that most fascinating country In the French Fries 92" Aluminum Foil Croft I#U 26" Papa Doc has chosen his Caribbean. Its squalor Is ij-i Tame Creme Rinse successor?-All over the,land, relieved by extravagant reds, Richs Coffee Rich CortOR i»Q Wx. scores of thousands of the large blues and yellows, of flower and W ith Body ft«ttt(ji«n hTi-TirPapa-n«yafM«i6v«rtt f m «nt ---- rioo. average Haitim are good 1 ^2 4 - Next Sunday, April IStti _ In tbe meantime, the natured and full of humor. -8:0 1 .! Visitors usually Eeel welcome Meirt BflU Stew 58- *Tfiese Stores Open Sunday . naUoDdlf prodaimed accep- Pie although some are iqtset at the i a t«C* however COrrUOMf l*M SAKWAY STOtCt INCOWOIAnD ondi'It has b tm wrought squalor. Itiose wtM like Haiti PotfodMeflfe 15- OnMHtfi Urn: at F v « Doc, has best are those hardy souls who of ■bhor the: beaten-pathT^the SMART SAVERS SHOP AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT ______iHiiin ir tM tM ■ ------p «ckag»d-to>BV--— :------

i . t Sunday,.Aprtn).-|971 Vlm w-Njiw*, Twin Falls, Idaho'' 21

Play slated . . .

AMONG THE CAST members are Susan Faitig, news leh, y/ho plays Viola, sister to Sebastian, and Marcia Lickley, a countess, Olivia. ab o u t the peopliB Valley you k n o w

^Hxabetf^n style . \ :— —7-

SIR ANDREW AGUECHEEK left, will be phyed by D avid Bolster, and Sir Toby Belch Iby Phillip B. Rayher in the forthcoming production of "Twelfth N ig h t," to be presented by the CSI Drama De- porfmehTSprTrilS, T7T23 (All photos b y Dan Johnson, CSI photographer)

CSI plans on Fairft

TWIN FALLS — Want to will be featured .along with "Eliminated" in the final act of pickpocket Fagin in “ Oliver" celebrate the coming of spring tumblers and clowns — all the musical, “Oliver," returns as Malvolio in "Twelfth Hlzabethan style — as well as during the Intermission and presented not so long ago by the Night." the 400-and-some-odd birthday before and after the presen­ Magic Valley Dilettantes, will Other performers include of WUliani Shakespeare? Then tation of "Twelfth Night,” or as return to life as the bearded Sir Susan Fattig as Viola; Ron join play-goers al arT ijhaKespeare subtitled It, "What Toby Belch. Speyer, a sea capiaih; Sieve Elizabethan Fair at the College You WiU:” Phillip Rayher of the CSI Webb, Orsino, Duke of Illyria; Veteran performs . . . orSoutRernTaafiif. — m e — plajT T v n r TTso Be~ ■Drama~UeparInient is pOf- Jtm"tangley, Valentine; JoAnn As part of the gala prisent,ed pizabethan style in traying the humorous character Stuhlberg, Maria; David celebration, Elizabethan ser­ the small “ Theater 119,’' in­ of Sir Belch, with the same Bolster, Sir Andrew FAMED VETERAN OF Magic ValUy drama, H. ving wenches will be serving stead of the auditorium, by the expertise with which he trod the Aguecheek; Tim Bryson, Paul Kliss, plays the part of Malvolio. Shown from tasty goodies, ' Elizabethan CSI Drama Department April boards as wild Bill Sykes. Feste; Marcia-Uckley, Olivia: top to bottom, Phillip Rayher, Sir Toby Belch; Madrigals will be sung by the 16, 17, 23 and 24. Another famed veteran of Robert Speyer, Antonio; Blue CSI Vocal Ensemble and Backed by a great cast, the Magic Valley .drama, H. Paul Winthrow, Sebastian; J^ren David Bolster, Sir Andrew Aguecheek; J,oAnn Stuhl- original insffumenlal music evil Bill Sykes who w ai” TUiss,"who starred ailhe' busy 'NSsbh. Tablan; Tim’“K ow h, 'a berg, MaftaT'i priest; Doug Brovmfleld and Rocky Metis, monkd and Jess Olavarria and Ron Speyer, officers. Dancers, Gail Young, Bunnie — KfHenr-Vicki Raybomr^im Soran, Dave Bolster and Loren Nelson, will be under the direction of Beverly Hackney. Hie Madrigal singers are tmder the direction of Eugene Mildon, head of the CSI Music Depart- meint. They include Terry Becker, ValeU Burke, Wayne Corey, Larry Crookham, Steve Johnson, Terry Klimcs, Faria McKinney, Larry Peterson, Debbie Robbins, Kerry Sch­ midt, Becky Shelby, Vicki Shobe, Connie S^clair, Jim Soran and Carol Watson. Rayher is director of scenery and costuincdesigning; MUtkm, musical director; Glen Newmaker, lighting technician; Nelson, sound technician; James Langley, properties master; Tim Brown, state manager; Vennessa Ryall, Nancy DelesU, Elena AUdritt,' Rebecca Sielbey and DebUe Robbins, costume mistresses, and Tim BryaonrLoren Nelspn, Doug Brownfield and Tim

Only'’ 90 play-gom can be 68Cfa 90

Roytiersaid. THE VETERANS ^ r n , o$ M. P cju iK liss, h fi. n e Klixabetim Fair wiO ^ ^ PRESS REHEARSAL f in ^ T m irytm phyjOQ^ porfraying Maholio, tr'ms fo *vath fhm prying eyes start at I pjn.,-.wlth cvtain part of f*sta; anef toren'^N«6)ri;~®5Btbn>tfiPrae __time at l;^30 pjn.„T1dEet ar« n of Sir- Toby B»lch,-portToymd^by- Phillip Raynf.- Back again I6r an, and n te m O o m cm te. I I Elizabelhan Fair at the College of Souf/*ww fctolS?*' The pair will appmar in thm forthcomiitp- C SI ''pro-' ------TrtaAi.hyjMiniti{[ fS I at ' ducfion, returning after a fhrilling appearance in the ' ' TfjMwtnn 2S8, C^eO ratlO fH — Jtm p/ay wiH-bm-prmmOed^ i» Pileftanies' "Olhfer” re^^yeqr-old survives c e re m o n y Speakers set for Bridal seven heart operations 1 Xnini©-outgoing-worti>y matron;—I— - Ctattei »larting April, 14, 15, i - necessary to attach stitching to Mrs. Nelson, gave her farewell | 16lh. Hurry! Call Today! In just *1-^ — —* _^11 __ . v^UlL IIBAII VfBlI IICIQ pililClA UWCty*^ in—vef3C7 y it h -Mry.- a ,: Y o ii fa n h>i nn B u perl This was corrected and the Dean and Homer ftoberts were secretary; Mrs. George Harriet —McDaniel -ac—I in maiUnO--yQUJ' JSwnJtniLUiitL surgery completed onl^ to find~ elected -w o^y—matron- and McGregor... treasurer: Mca,. companjdng her on the piano. | stretch pants, sweaters, knit tops, tests indicating another hole w orthy, patron^^ntxHolllster DQndd PjUTott, conductress, Mrs. Nelson g w e each of her swim siJlTj;'and"1tngerle fo :ii:^slated.=.'nie=ihfist=Ka Chapter No. 47, Order of the and Mrs. George Wells," “officersragtft.^------— I . ' . plete your-wordroba^ mediately reopened and a hole, Eastern Star, at the regular associate conductress, Mrs. C)ean announced the hidden deep in the heart, was I Afternoon and Evening meeting Thursday night. ■ Installation for the new of- May meeting is at 8 p jn ., with -Classes Available closed. Mrs. Dean and Roberts were Beers will be April 17 at 8 p jn . the DeM oiay.boys giving the I ■■■ "during tHs second opening. honored with'a floral ceremony, at the Masonic Temple, Mother’s Degree. Bon Mauldin, father of the ‘ “niis Is Your Light," by Mr. Members and friends are In- Refresliments were served by ♦ patient, said one lung collapsed SKINNER'S SSSS!^ and Mrs. Lloyd Nelson, with vited. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parrott and doctors feared the second ^ ■ ■ , Mrs. Ray Clark, Mrs. Barbara Mrs. Dean, with officers and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Qark. might weaken and result in loss S n iile S Q D ie n t V . . . Nelson, Mrs. Clarence Stanley, of the Uttle girl. However, the Mrs. Lester McGregor, Mrs. heart-lung machine kept the SEVEN HEART OPERATIONS in six years \us! Homer Roberts, Mrs. Bill second lung, functioning and about sums up the story Ihus far for Shari Mauldirj Matney, Mrs. Joe Miller and recovery followed. but she should know in about six weeks if the la t^ fl Mrs. Goldie Clute assisting H » father checks Shari three them. times each day with stethscbpe repair work is holding and she can resume the full Other Officers elected Include and she makes frequent visits to active schedule of a 6-year-old girl. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark, .. tnonday the local doctor to keep watch associate matron and associate - on the recent surgery. If it Other operations were per­ costs, those wix) need costly holds, it should mean the end of formed in Salt Lake City at care but cannot afford it would her long siege of hospital visits either the LDS Hospital or the have to be by-passed," he said. Honor and 'a normal active life ahead. Primary Children's Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Mauldin say 9 :3 0 - 5 :3 0 Her mother, Donna Mauldin, Mauldin said. they are especially grateful to is a dance instructor, and Shari The condition of little Shari is the community for donating Society has been dancing as long as she a fam ily concern for the blood for Shari during local can remember. TWs is one of Mauldins and everyone helps drawings, and for the many the reasons, her father believes, out. While Mr. and Mrs. prayers and good wishes ex­ selects she has been able to make rapid Mauldin were in Rochester, tended on her behalf.' recoverv from the heart HAGERMAN - Five Junior O n e grO U p: i f r , iX j. thRlc.. lS-VR«r-old dflUKtlto. Inonedriwinaabout^intiu Kem,andMauldin^sigryMr-ild of l^lood were donated' and her general phy^cal condition selected ior tne Hagerman sister kept 'Donna’s dance pledged to Shari. This will price strong, he says. Chapter of the National Honor smm school going. probably cover not only the Bon and Donna Mauldin can Society, 'according to “ We may all have to pitch in earlier surgeiry but both Polyester - wool. Sizes 8 through 18. Regular S50 to S 130, now only discuss hospital procedure, Superintendent'Kenneth Black. and work a'bit harder,” Bon operations in Rochester, Mrs. The Incoming members are technical heart conditions and says, “ but so far, except for Mauldin believes. They have functions in . medical terms Lorna Butters, Roberta Dalton, One group: insurance coverage, we have not yet received, a report on the wtiich are almost a foreign Shari Koopman, Lijida Phillips been able to pay our own way two oiveratlons there, she said. and Marla Waite, Juniors, and language to the average person. and we intend'to do so.” $ 0 9 9 Tom.Bennett, sophomore. The It all started when Shari was 9 Without such help and the fact DRESSES ~ Even while Shari was being girls are daughters of Mr. and months old and underwent her Mauldin’s employers have cared for at the LDS Primary Mrs. Jerry Brown, Mr. and Regularly lo *25.95 ...... first heart catheterization given him necessary time away Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake Mrs. Richard Dalton, Mr. and operation. from his work, problems might a ty , the family met its own Mrs. Louis Koopman and Mr. “ We think Donna probably be insurmountable, Mauldin One group: expenses. and Mrs. Roliin Phillips. had a light case of rubella feels. He is employed at the “ If those of us who can did not Bennett is the son of Mr. and before S h ^ was bom and this make an all-out effort to pay the local television station, 15MVT. 9 9 caused the defective heart Mrs. Jim Bennett DRESSES $ condition,” Bon Mauldin says. The firet ^iirgety was to Regularly ta®42.95 . remdve ah ex^a blood vessel on 15 the heart. This was external Large selection of 167 heart surgery but the last tnree operations have all been open m heart surgery including two After-Easter SPRINGljOATS performed in immediate sequence during the past month Rfjjulir ind put Itntthj. Pliins tnd twffds. SIzfs 8 throujih 18. Rf{ui>r lo S40. now only taJtocheater. M in n...... Group of 86 12 students SPRING COA TS $ 0 0 receive S i z e s 8 t h r o u g h 1 8 . Regular to *9 .S.OO 44 all A's One group: ^ -m A A JEROME — Twelve students SPRING TOPS & PANTS received straight A's at the Jerome Junior High School Regular to *11.95 ...... Now diMng the last gradfiig^riod^ One large group: It was announced today by Ray TOP OF THE STAIR Baker, principal. Those receiving straight A’s CASUALS Group of 48 Include Richard Larson, Regular to *20 seventh grade; Rick Hoskin, 9 9 -M o. JZmORDRESSES * 1 4 Cord, Brooks Mencher, Melanie Stein and Valerie Van Patten, Broken sizes. Regular lo *34.95 .. all eighth grade; and Kevin Johnson, ^errl Muir and Anthony Nutsch, all ninth One group: ^ 41|4|| grade. Students also on the honor roll Our entire stock: with a majority of A's are ACTIVE JR. SPOR TSW EA R ^ Ramona A^piasu, Melody Regularo ______lo *12.95 Barlow, Jody Oraig, Martha o HIGH-BKOWS Dyer, Rex Hanling, Alison Rose and Grayden Stanley; all One group: seventh grade; Leann Alftin, o SENIOR DANIELLO Becky Baisch. Becky Leininger, $ ^ 9 9 Dawna Mogenaen and Jai>e o HAPPY-GO-ilGHTlEYS SUBrTEEN SPORTSWEAR Reed; all eighth grade, and Wade Diehl, Paul Foote, Karla R eg u larly to * 1 0 .0 0 ----,...... Now HoUifield, Jack, Nelson and Kerry Newman, all ningh graders. _ Students who received A's Shop 9i304o 5:30 , and B ’s include Oiu-k, Steven Dials, Denise Fritxler, D iana' Greenawalt, Kathleen Hancock, Kay HoUifield, Tammy tlalooe, Kelly M c^y, Jonnie Nelaon, Kim Olson, -AleiMefiteeWon, Lynn ,St

. / Thij week . . . .■i' Sunday, April U,.l971 Tlm*s-N«wi, Twin F«l|i. jdaho ' J3 Where to go irmsho- 7^“^-Cl^rogram set- Mo n d dy xa t Y* »y P rim iS X H D F F M A N ; sldewalk show in g and cla ssu ' Nampa; Northwest Naiarene : TWIN. FALLS ^ The Twin . • iOabo Dept, of Commerce elMted and members are urged througHout the downtown area Science Lecture Hall. Trto' Falls National Federated Miisic and Development to attend w d bring a guest. with ^ v era l stated involved in afternoon performancesr2 and 8 Qub will hold its April meeting BOISE -T follow the urge to' Reseryatlons can be obtained exKibits^ ^ o w concludes May 2. — childrentickets only and luncheon program at 12:30 get away from home for a little by contacting Mrs. Emmett E. limited seating is available in cents (also playing April 23;24), pjtn. Monday at the YM-YWCA while with some of these H arrison,;733-8394, or M rs; Rexburg for Ricks College Check with North Sl^re L o ^ e building; . Gordon Edgar, 73MU1. suggestions: T , annual opera production^ ‘ "nie for more , information on the The program will feature a MONDAY.--Pro-Aro— CoU- -d‘ Alene- g iam - book re^^ew and the music 6I~ Ttoumament on lush.greens of Kirkham Auditorium — caUj pagne BaU. High School Piano Debussy’s “aalre de Lune.” Scotch Hnes Course in Payette; Feet Hurt? 2212 for reiservations. Festival, University of Idaho Mr^. James S. Kinney be Two displays including April Buhl baritone, Gary Heidel, Recital Hall, Moscow — all day. giving the review in place of Try 24: f'Human . Intelligence,” gives his graduate recital in Gonzaga at Moscow University Mrs; Roger Thomas who Is ill. Idaho State University library, Moscow, University of Idaho for college baseball, 1:30 pjn. Mrs. Kinney Is well'Jmown for and “ Prints by Betty LaDuke Recital Hall, 8 p jn . Special Regular W.I.R.A.. naces, her abilities in the music world Westlgard,” Liberal Arts fishing, season for giant Meridian Speedway for of Twin Falls. Building, j^ ise State College. MacUnaw trout - opens today modifields, super stocks, hob­ Music for the program will be College baseball — -Yakima (closing December 15th). Priegt bies, and figure 8. Time trials presented by Linda Slaughter Junijr College against Lake celebrates opening day 6:30 pjn,, races at'T;? and Mrs. Uoyd A. Hamilton. University of Idaho, 1:30 p jn ., with their annual Spring SUNDAY. Senior^ flutist. Miss Slaughter Is concert mist­ Moscow. Fishing Derby — categories for Susan Kindred, in recital, 8:15 ress for Twin Falls High School TUESDAY. Violinist, Jack largest Mackinaw, . Dolly p jn ., Goranson Hall, Idaho Orchestra and has been Glatzer, in concert, 8:15 pjn., Varden, Cutthroat, and State University, Pocatello. 'Selected to go to All-Northwest McCall Community Kokanee. Contest closes June Twin Falls trumpeter, Thomas Music ainic. She will play Congregational Church. O M ICRON CHAPTER o f Beta Sigma Phi officers 30. White, performs in Moscow, Debussy’s "First Arabe^ue.” Sorerlty W)Ofner«ofws— -College of Southern University - o f ^Idaho-‘■Recital' ‘TVtrs. ‘Himlltbn. a ~cbnciert~ ponding stcretary; Marsha GieUuii, president, and p j ii. OpenH ouse and~tea~~ pianist and music teacher, will performs 8:15 pjn ., Goransori 407th birthday of Shakespeare is today’s way of viewing art. play the “ Second Arabesque.’ ’ Annie Swope, vice president, and bacl< row. Rose Hall. Idaho State Unlversit; leaders- .W ord,"lift, recording' secretary, and Linda Dey, Pocatello. Idaho Federate ------' - ectr Falls. sans I’eau." all by Debussy. treasurer. Helen Thorne is adviser for the group Music Clubs SponsorsTnusic Efflibit , y ‘Foik“ Toys=-frDm^ Mrs. C. L. Fisher Is pro^am -Clatr-d ».Lun»,-12;30p jn ., Twin M O E S z= - -J—which - meets the second and fourth “Wednesdays of ■week >—April— 33-34-;— Public Japan" opens at- University of chairman, uittcers will be each monlb. Falls Turf Club. Band and program in the Dance Studio, Idaho Museum, MqscoW, ParriiM lnn Cnhpprt. g p jn ., University of Idaho, Moscow. showlAg until May 9. Education Building Klva, Boise'dolfege Invitational tennis . . . just thought you might be University of Idaho, Moscow and golf today and Saturday. Interested. Those Mackinaw L& t AUTOMAY Fairway Shopping CenU^Uar (jio-charge). Ciillege tennis — SATURDAY - First annual trout in northern Idaho often Junior-senior banquet held Not juil another cor wath but Ihi b»t in M o^cV oll.y S.oi.ng d««ice> i^kane Community College "Frost-Bite Refeatta" at Lake weight over 50 p bruthei lo mov» to lh« cor lor mor, w a ih m g playing University of Idaho, Lowell, near Caldwell, this W« wath pickups, Low-Boy comptn, foreign cofi, von, ai wall bi all HAGERMAN - Ap­ The banquet is an annual Special guests introduced Moscow. weekend. No entry fee and two pail«ngir cor*. WARNER AT COLUMBIA proximately 40 persons at­ event where the Junior class were Wayne Bis, senior class WEDNESDAY. An informal races eachTlay — 10 ajn . and 2 tended the Junior-Senior honors the graduating seniors. adviser; Mrs. Bis, Superin­ evening without charge (and p.m., Lower Embankment. HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-Jack $1.00 WASH & WAX ONLY banquet held at the Oxbow Cafe, The welcome was given by tendent and Mrs. Kenneth that Includes coffee), Boise Bring picnic lunches (no rWlpg L„Warner, no longer affiliated Bliss, according to Greg Lj^n Lindsay. He also read an Black; Mrs. Uoyd Brown and G^lklft of Art pre^ntlng craft If weather too bad). Hospital with the studio that bears his FREE W A fH A WAX w..K,ooo,oo.p„„ho» Lir.isay, (^o-advisers for the name, will film the mdvle Nicholas, senior class original humorous poem about demonstratioi^J7l30 pin. Auxjlitu^y ^ r in g Form'd, H. $.SOWAfH&WAX w llh S gallon got purchoM president. the class rivalry. Junior class, Uoyd Brown and THURSDAV^-^’Showcase of p^m:, Grangevllle Elks Temple. version of his stage hit, "1776,” A FIKSr IN m agic VAIU'T - Two "You Do'i ' iho. will wo.h S wo. Mrs. Lindsay. the Arts” In Wallace features “ Robin Hood” comes to life In at Columbia Pictures. Footuring Phillipl 66 productt ol com ptllliv* prictt. m Today — 1 ;00 to 8:00 p.m. — You are invited t W L r A b h r O R I I C U O E top o f his class last June. He was .offered a scholarship to a very fine Eastern University, but ‘he turned It dovin> to go to a local college. Everybody thought he was crazy. He admit­ ted to me he didn’t want to go away to college because be gets “ homesick.” We sent Sidney to Summcr camp-when 'he was I2,~and~ he c a m e ^ c k after one w ^ so tWn jMd pale, he dldD ^ look like the same boy. He said he got so homesick he couldn't even sleep or eat. - Sidney is not an only child. But he is my youngest and has always stayed very close to me. ^ He doesn't have many friends and has never asked a ^ MiaisTiaio girl for a date on his own, but he has dated girls when someone fixes him up. He reads a lot and doesn’t mind being by himself all the time. ____ 1. want-SidneyOo go^away-to college~oext fall, -but-every— time I bring it up be begs me not to talk about It. I think tt would be good for him to go away, but how can a iA ban e/ ' \ push heT'son out of the house when he begs to stay? —SIDNEY’S MOTHER

DEAR MOTHER: U’l not wtcommon for a tZ-year-old U> become so homesick he can't eat or sleep, hat when he reaches coUege-age-he- shoaM have-matwed lufflcieBtly t* overcom: it. If Sidney haa not been evalnat^id hy an expert, he ought to be. To pash him oat of the bouse woold be traamatlc, bat do jnsist be have a frank talk with a doctor.

DEAR ABBY: Suddenly after 32 years of marriage In which my husband never went grocery shopping with me.

He picks up every item I put in the cart and will frequently tell me I don't “need it." [Abby, I do the cook­ ing, and I know what I need.] When we get to the checker he yeUs at her about how expensive everything is nowadays, and he even tells her we can buy the same item cheaper at a different store. The ■ poor chwlccrT AH sh^ can say Is “ Well,'’ why don’t you gd shop at the other store?” JOIN THE SWING TO ELECTRIC LIVING ' My husband has heW up a whole line of people, demand­ ing to see the store manager so be can give him a piece of his mind about the outrageous prices. It 's embarraasingt WITH A NEW TOTAL ELECTRIC MOBILE HOME Don't tell me to shop without him. He won’t stay home. rttavew also .a - <|uit -- goings _ he bawls out the waitresses on account of the pricM on the Come se^om e outstca r\d] ng e^ampTeTof mo^em,”" menus being so high. I can’t take much more of this. Help total ele^rk mobile home living . . . beautiful hew m er HRsre: mobile homes beautifuliy furnished and decoratedT . . DEAR MRS. H.: bon’t dlimlts U i ndden c h u fe ol penonalUy at "raeanBen” wUboat first having him checked big, roomy,~spacious, comfortable. All have flame- thoroly ^ a phyilctaB. Maay men, like women, mmderge m ’’•change of life" to later year*.” ^ess-eleetf-tc4reatr-t^&tF>§~-t+>e-

DE:AR ABBY: lU s is an open letter to ttoae parent* electric cooking, refrigeration and water heating. If lucky enough to be able to have chUdren, but who don’t have love enough In their hearts to give them. you have never been inside ,a truly modern mobile —Abbyr^yHnuband and-f-haw-beeo-on tbe'iraiting Utt ' home, corhe take a tour!' Everyone is invited to^attend to adopt a baby for a year and a half, and they are hard to this exciting showing! Many people keep babies they don’t really want becaidw ol outside pressure from friends and relatives. Theae chil­ dren grow up without knowing k>ve and a good family life. Isn’t It m o A better to give the dilld to Mine adoptlva " parenU wlKn teiperatd y want a cMM tlan to ralag tt lB iB atmospbere where it is neither wanted nor lovedT Maybe this letter will show people that everytmp i n ’t cut out to be a parent, even If tb^ are able to bear ch U dr^ And it is much more honiMM, to giro than to keep It a n d ja lir It m low d . - — ------r------WATTING IN ANCHOHAGK -DgAk-WAIITNG^TVw fentdr aM afM«lMM. Ttejr m al fMk

av«aaM«.tMrtca>—m . ____ DEAR ABBy: *DUBI(^* adud rn U » ■ » been swiagtng tor M yean can « w settle ddmt BraOtar, can tfaqr e««r! a married a 47-]FM>'«ld “wild ■■■.” Ha and drank and and played. Ha*< now ghre an Us b«l habits. Be mideotljr lud tda fill, m t am att 1m wanta to do ia tt«]r hHM and watch TV. FLAMELESS ELECTRfC LIVING FOR A ______1 ______-jBiwuen -m tikatw ERCHANTS

T H E W E ^ ^ H E - « R E ' V • .ry • ‘-vr-rf/

:' _^^ ■ ,4 ■'

^ Hair Care BLUE LAKES MONDAY NIGHT 3 HOURS ONLY ON SALE AT 6 P.M. i Sandat 3 Shopping Center I-.;';*' SPECIALS MONDAY 6 -9 P.M Bedroom Bonanza Satin Pillow Cases Sellabration 4 Drawer, Oak Chest of Drawers >-* hL P A ] \ T Y i All from our "s^rrn 6P.M. TO 9 P.M. ONLY ONEGROUP i;r r EXTERIOR WHITE m . _i^\' ntii**ntot-Styl.-wifh-4h*- "A. J i a s £ 1 4 inch flap to hold the pil- ^.TJITARS i V - -low. 3QQ Denier Sotin llh« f , ' ' V If' :*tj FAMOUS BRAND-SIZE P,M,T M a n y o t h e r hair does not cling) White, 1 Pink', Gold, Blue, Avocado. *;'•.'?' “apislif«rit n —^^-^ed-brNight J lELQE^AND_I-IQMEY^. US' ■ "*'■ fv;..: y m m t i Qualify Sofa by Day Save Over 50% Construction EXCELLENT VALUE " Out standing Va lues one coat coverage Open Monday Nite 'til 9 P.M. Reg. ^8.49 I BED D AVEN O OFF! i,;' Bankards Welcome $1 3 9 . "Shoes for Open Monday Night *4.19 - - * ^ 8 9 ’* ^ the Entire Fam ily" STORE HOURS MASONER Open Mondgy Night WILSON-BATES ' Z V E L L S H«f>PINESS 'til 9 P.M. APPLIANCE SrO RES INC. In The 9 . o 9 I 137 Shoshone 702 Main Ave. North Lynwood DOWNTOWN & LYNWOOD MON. THRU SATURB/IY Twin Falls, Idaho Sfreet North

ON SALE AT 6 P.l>t7 "t3N SALE AlW r/A r TsimnTmuPTONcn: our r GOLF BRANDI ij OFFER! MiuSmS NATURAL BRAS i i y LAWN FOOD I 18th BAR virm m rraim m m m 'r ------" with Iron r BY BALI 20 Lb. Bag ^ 5 ^ C R E D IT Sizes 32-36 Reg. S 5.45 Set of 6 or 8 with tray LAMP SHADES Cups A B C D aWNFO'QD OM AW Y I f ATCH iOO^------V V / ~ s r . I K v\ K I - l\'i Cloth $ ^ 3 3 SEW&SAVE ? 137 Shoshone 48"x84"-48"x63" Street: Narrti DOWNTOWN Twin Falls R e g . 5 3 . 9 9 .106 Main No.


SPRING.and SUMMER STYLES 1/3OFF OFF 25% TO 60% OFF Foam Filled^ Includes some co-ordinated 1/3 DRESSES, COORDINATES Selectiori of coat & dress groups, odd lot skirls, pants Floral Ticking COATS, SillTS, PANT SUITS knit-tops, blouses, some ensembles abo some 2 pc. Includes one piece, 2 -FIFTH r.ARPET CLOSE-OUT pc., some suits, f-rom 18"X25r Bed our early spring ' selec­ T ^ E D - HiLo PILE -SHOP! tions. Sixes 8 -2 0 ; . . 100% Continuous Filament Nylon 89'-99* some jiitiior sizes 5-15 PILLOW > Rag. $ 1 .3 9 Valus ^ ROLLS 0 Several Styles & Patterns Op«n Mofi. arid Fri. C SL S q .Yd . “ T I F n d a y Only VARIETY Y o u r A T - r - ....------o m m m A t r - M »li*yW eiM iiiy-r: Wtoy Nljliu store I ‘ T i U 9 P : M . 1^ Falls Downtown Twin Falls S t o r e Xa2ndlAv«^^W. 7 S S ^ 1 4 2 1 . 26 T1mes-N«ws, Twin FqIIs,' Idaho Sunday, AprfI 11, 1971 Openings August ' a r i e f i oo evtew announced wedding ' MOSCOW - :MrsT~Ruth By ROBERT R.BRUCE; . animal trails'’ along the TWIN FALLS - 1^‘nie Amoma nesday atlhte iiome of Mrs. L F. who have recelyisd PTA life- Shane, Moscow, delegation -Twin Falls Ubrarlan Moimtaio sides at'othei' times. gass of the. First Baptist Sweet, ■with Mrs. M. > • R . membersWps are invited to the Mordinator, has announced TnjnFSr-ffiBfP^itiae planned TWIN FALLS — stra n g e lslt TKejT taiui'd i will m eet A y il- H^at » - u.nA..wi»in aregiMgste^ pjn lliur^y; m the may seem, in this automobile Crossinge looseli sci-ee-and shale p m at thi. OiinT.h parini- TWIN FALLS— Mrs. Maxine age there are stljl a few people slop^.and stumbling across - TWIN FA L iS "nje Women building. Anyone, in ^ I c years.tp participate In the 197T Peckardt, Twin Falls; anr tussock prairies. A mysterious TWIN FALLS — The Zenobia Of the Moose will hold.their^ Valley with, a life membership People-to-People Citizen nounces ffie'engagement and wlw liketo walk. There are even some who like to take very long sickness, probably due to bad club No. 2 will have a luncheon regular formal meeting at 8 is asked to call either 733-|338 or Ambassador Program. ' walks. In “ The Thousand Mile water stopped the party for at 12:30 p jn . Wednesday at the pjn. Tuesday at the Moose .733-2945. For the Fifth year.^ n-agers Summer”/ and “ The Man Who three days. “ Rain ftnd ipiow home of Mrs. Paul uetweiler. ■ Home. Tnere~«in—bif will tour Europe living with host ■ Hammond, Pocatello, soiju of Walked Tttfough Tinje” Colin plagued them in the higher Members are asked to bring enroUment. Members are asked TWIN FALLS - Twin Falls fam ilies and visiting- youth Mrs. Henrietta Hammond, Fletcher wrote of the joys of altitudes. They suHered from sandwiches. to bring a cake for a cake walk. 'Chapter No. 29, Order of groups. This year, as a special Pocatello. severe cold at times, all this in Hie Loyal Order of Moose will Eastern Star, will hold election highlight, Russia will be In­ Miss Peckardt is the dau^ter long.I)-Seating ca­ SHELIA PECKAREVT America.' It Is told in John P. trees. The photographs and from 5 to 8 p jn . April 17-at the Neighbors meeting will be held Luxembourg and Denmark. be graduated May 28 with a B.S. pacity of all Philippine movie (Henderson photo) Milton's new book, “ Nameless drawings recording their ob­ Jefferson School Cafeteria, at 8 p jij. Tuesday at the lodge Departing June 13 on this 41-day degree in nursing. She is a houses totals 424,000, say Valleys, ^Shining Mountains." servations are unusual, at­ according to Mrs. Betty Otto, hall. Mrs. Wayne-Smlth and tour, the group will experience member of the Student Nurses motion picture industry sour­ Three young men, all deeply mospheric, and add much to the hot lunch program supervisor. Lydia Pyron are hostesses. contrasts in living on both sides Association and a member of ces. The average capacity In Interested i n the outdoors and in book’s interest. The supper and cooked food sale Members are reminded to bring of the Iron Curtain, as well as Alpha Omicron Pi social Mi^lti-faceted ManUa film theaters is 1,480 the preseiVatidn of unspoiled The final emergence from the are sponsored by the school their "old clothes bundles" for observe many historical and sorority. seats. wilderness areas, are flown to mountains onto the tundra lunch personnel to help finance exchwge. '• cultural scenes studied about in Hammond was graduated Las( Lake, an exceedingly comes at a time of decision. their trip to a workshop Aug. 9- school. from Idaho State University in wedding gifts spot- in -northeastern Fnnd siipplie.*; were getting 16w. xhmpass that varred. 'con- 12 In Boise. — “ ■BUHt^^^^e-lSSB graduating------Mrs; Shane and her husband, 1 ^ with a B.S. degree In ' NEW YORK (UPI)-Larger Alaska. Directly to the north is It was doubtful they could get siderably because of the class' of Buhl High 'SchOsTls- wmiam, will be ihe 1971 group“ zoology and will be graduated silver holloware pieces have the unexplored' mass of the back through the mountains to nearness of the Magnetic Pole, TWIN FALLS — Robert plannlng a 3&-year class reunion leaders for Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. May 28 with an M.S. degree in multi-faceted-charms- .th^>-hlt-th«ir-tarKet„“ r' ‘ ie_ MeJormeLresidents of- biology. He is a past president ding gifts, says the Jewelry -Beyond the mountain lies a ' out. The only alternative was to the nose. meet at 4 p jn . Tuesday at the meeting has been set for 8 pjn. Magic Valley, having resided In of Circle K International of the Industry■ Council. ______great - stretch_____ of tundra.______As- - continue north across the An exciting adventure told in school. Five of the students will Monday at the R and R Cafe, Gooding, where Shane was high ~ISU~qrariterr^ A water pitcher (KiuhlRS na a planned; -the thrpe were tn Tundra t O arftr ls la n O H to ff a re.stfnfned, mntter^ f-fa ct -play their festival entries and. Buhl. Any class member in­ school principal iind Mrs. a a n e An Aug. 14 wedding is planned cocktail shaker or flower-vase. tramp through the gorges of the the Arctic Coast and two hun­ fashion, the book is also a strong refreshments will be served. terested is asked to come anff was Gooding County Extension In Twin Falls. Wine cooler converts to pu h^ lE^ooks Range, then turn around dred miles distant. At Barter plea for the preservation of a help with the planning. home economics agent. ______I EostXalt^y lsland“ there“was a DEW-Une^ great wUdemess^area^It—is" r=TTte~Addison^ Informatio'n about the HOLLYWOOD (UPlT^-Slnger large, decorative arrangement a different route. It did not work station and an Eskimo village. highly recommended to any Avenue (3ub will meet at 8 p jn . TWIN FALLS - "niere will be summer 'p'rogram can be ob- of flowers, fruit. H urricane Michele Triola Marvin returns out that way. _ TTiere was no other settlement reader who enjoys the out-of- Wednesday at the home of Mrs. a dance at the Odd Fellows H ^ t ^ e d by writing Mrs. Shane, to her acting career after a lamps can be expressions of the ' Each mkn carried a 90-pound for three hundred miles. They doors and to the numerous A1 Peters. at 8 p jn . Wednesday. Oldtime Citizen Ambassador Program, long absence playing a nurse In season If filled with flowers, pack. They followed river chose the Journey to Barter readers who are Interested in i fiddlin’ music will be featured Box 2236, C.S., Pullman, Wash. “ Lalyrlnth.” fruit, CJu-istmM greenei7 - channels where they could and Island. Guided only by a Alaska. TWIN FALLS - Ali persons and the public is welcome. 99163.

SPECIAt PORGtASE! SPKCIAI. DIAMOND dividend NO. 7 rom MONDAY NIGHT V A L U E S TO $ 1 0 0.00 Rubberized Flannel 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. $4050

CHORE FREE! Beacon Hill Bremen Crystal Tali handblown crystal pit­ cher and 6 heavy based 15 0 2 . Ice Tea Olasses .

PERSONALIZED Handcrafted and handcut w jfh your ow n inifiaJ efc^e d on the Pitcher and Glasses

ONE MORE THING; You can even use this fine crystal in the Radarange oven if you want Yours free when you buy a

j 4 m o n c i



FURNITURE BubI miss, Gajl Adams; Sass plan June rites Sunday, April lli IWI tlm « i News, Twin FMItrtdfho 27 TWIN FALLS— Mira. William Mountain Bell Telephone OOr majoring in business ad­ fo r two ^Kiayon-plan L. Adams announces the. ' Sass, a 1968 graduate of Twin ministration. , NEWYORK(UPI)-iaiopping engagement and forthcoming Falls High School, coqipleted A June II wedding is p l ^ e d . cheese and crackers, cold cuts for a silver tray to give fhe maiTiage of her daughter, Gail, twpryears at" the jCbllfige of and salads on the buffet.l)oai:d. new .couple as a wedding August ddte to Stephen R. Saas, son-of Mr. Southem Idaho. He a ^ d e d the .CONNIE’S PLANS ■At table, a. bread*' tray -rregent7-H>»r thia; Mrs. Robert Sass, Twin' BUHlii -r* Mr. Ulkd '.Mta. Albuquerque last a ^ e s tc r . He Stevens will spend the summer Largish trays ' can . hpld gus, radishes, celery, carrot ■Hwl'ded ' Donald R. Hicks, Buhl, an­ Miss. Adams is a 1968 is eirtployed at Farm Service, in England co-starr^g with t?AHay-frwn~^ cocktaiftra^ oi* cake [dates. A . the U U e, it bolds letters with nounce th« engagement and graduate of Twin Falls High Kimberly, And plans to continue Britain,’s Des O’Connor in thp sandwich tray |s ide^ for aplomb on his or her desk. fbrthcoining marriage of their School .and is employ^ by his education at ISU thU f^ l, Kraft Music HaU for NBC-TV. dam ^ter, Connite I^a, to AUm R.'IOnyon, soirof Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kioyon, Castl^ord. Miss Hicks was graduated from Buhl High School in 1969. She is currwtly enrolled as a sophomore at the University of Idaho, Moscow, where she is affiliated with Alpha Oii Omega Sorority. CONNIE LEA HICKS r.An.ADAM.S Kinyon was graduated from Castleford High School in 1969 and is currently enrolled as a sophomore at the Xollege of Diamond care Southern Idaho. together in a Jewel box since An early August wedding is NEW YORK ( UPD-Although diamonds have the power to planned. diamond is the hardest sul> stance in nature, the bride scratch one another, even though no other jewel - can ____ 1___ DANLSHTV ought to be careful not to drop "or hang hers against,a hard ~~scratcli tlieiii. And don't subject— | COPENHAGEN (UPI)-Da- them to the risk of extreme I nish television reports that surface. It can crack and chip. -Other tips.. na-Jhe rarp nf heat and cold. Internal flaws 1,358,962 television ’ setsrsBTVT" diamonds: you have never seen may be the 4.9 million population. 0 1 . enlarged and com e to light those, 28,731 are ln| Mli)r. ' Don't ]umble diamond pieces tmder-^xtremesotjeniperatUEfi.

EASTER BUNNY, Lori Elsing of Girl Scout - Troo^ No. 462, Twin Fdtls, presents an Easier lily lo Easter Mary Carroll at ■ Sky View Manor, while several other members of the troop look on. The girls present made 250 lilies and -presented them lo women in yhe local nursing homes. The troop is led by Mrs. Charles Farmer,

a collection of over 300 Pant Suits to go on

S a l e at the Pnrts^ Vlonday, April 12„at 9 :3 0 a*m. $ 190 0 Lean lengths of jacketing odd a smashing new proportion to pants. Pockoble, woshable polyester knits that move so free­ ly, look so smart,- Always looking Spring fresh and fitting so beautifully. Just two o f the many styles in a group of over 300. Sizes 8 through 18. a Filer-eouple obset^es^ivejTw^eddTn^ qniriveTsary FILER — Mr. and. Mrs. family prior to the reception Pittsburg, Kan., until 1957 when empfoyed at the m e r Utizen- Lauren Butts ,wenre honored this - and served a sma|U decorated they moved to Idaho. They have Record and the Times-News week with a surprise an- anniversary cake for dessert. U v^ In the same house in Filer and Is now working at ^ 'i.niversary party In honor of- their M o and . Mrs. .Putt? were since their move here. They, are Printing Company. Silver Wedding Anniversary, m a fri^ Aj[irU/7, 1946, In Fort members of the First BapUst The couple has four daughters “ — " femitrly- « ^ - onc grandaftn;.------— daughters, assisted by,R ev.«hd MTS. ROy WfltMIT------The Butts family'attended a . prayer meeting and on their » return home, were greeted by guesta-who gave, them a rarri a ^ te f shower and extended their best wishes. The open house lasted from 9 to 11 p jn . The refreshment table ■ was covered with a tatdecloth from Germany, sent by a daughter. Mrs. David (Dolors Ann) Humphrey, EteMe Air Force Base,'Calif.-Mrs. Humphrey was unable to attend the event . Amalfi Italian MAKING FINAL plans for fhe forthcoming bridge- but had %nt the cloth and the guest book at which Laura Suits tournament in Twin Falls are, seated from left, Butts, another daughter, Mrs. Ken Brown, tournament chairman, Mrs. Mau­ registered the guests. Pant Suits OFF Tournam ent set rice Hartruft, Mrs. L. J. "Bud" Robertson, unit Mrs. Butts greeted her guests Dresses 1 / 3 1 / 2 president, and Mrs. Herbert Burgess, and standing, wearing a maroon-colored '^fr6W~Teff~ 'M rs. Robert Watson^ Mrs. Richard J. dress, with an orfiud corsajge. and a sweetheart pin, gifts from ‘1. Cork and Mrs. Hamon Munyon. her husband. A four-tie.red anniversary ' •cake was served T5y Mrs. 'Watson. The‘^ cake was ^00 fournament ^idge players -dec-orated with blue flowers, OFF white bells and a “ blue bird-of happiness" and topped _snth_ Pant formats white bells and silver numbers. expevte^d^orTwrn The cake stood on a large milk glass stand and was flanked by TWIN FALLS - This coming fmally when they have ac­ players trade places with East- in a side game. Or kibitz in one blue tapers in milk glass D resses weekend, about 200 tournament cumulated 300 points, 50 of West players at another table. holders. of the main events. But, a in d bridge players from Salt Lake which must have been won at Both tables play the same hands kibitzer must sit perfectly Grace Butts, a daughter, OFF City, Boise, Idaho Falls, national or regional tour­ and after seven hands have straight faced and watch only . served coffee and tea, and Mrs. Pocatello, Montana and Nevada naments in main events against been played, the East-West one hand at a time or he might Bill Urie served punch. Pant Suits 1 / 3 1 / 2 will gather at the Holiday Inn, top players, then they have players return to their home inadvertently influence the play Marguerite Butts, a daughter, Twin Falls, to test their skill at scaled the Mount Everest of table to compare their scores of a hand and cost somebody the assisted with arrangements. a game which is considered by Bridge and h a v e e ^ e d the title with their partners. Whichever match. Mrs. Watson-had prepared a many Jo be the mpst highly of Life Meters. team totals the most points wins This tournament is being dinner for the couplc^ and their- competitive game ever in­ In Magic Valley there are six the match and goes On to play sponsored by the Twin Falls Rack Dresses 00 vented. Life Masters. First to receive another winning team. The Unit of the American Contract Why these people with varied this honor was Mrs. H, Miller team which wins the most Bridge League. There are eight Busy Bees Values to $89.95 ...... backgrounds siiare this com­ Proctor, who went "over the matches .out of the eight played n o clubs in Magic Valley under the mon interest is a source of top” in 1963. Mrs. Richard J. becomes the winner for the day. Jurisdiction of the Twin Falls meeting set amazement to those unfamiliar Cook received her Gold Card in The Open Pairs will be played Unit, which has, about 170 the summer of 1964. Next to to duplicate bridge. What drives Sunday. This event is open to playing members. There are TWIN FALLS - The April 15 earn this title were Dr. and Mrs. Table of . these bridge nuts to sit in smoke anyone regardless of how many four clubs in Twin Falls meeting of the Shamrock Busy H. E. Burgess, with Mr. and filled rooms on a lovely spring points he-has. The first round is meeting Monday and Wed­ Bees was announced today by 00 JCOO Mrs. Rex Wood following hot on odds and ends weekend, struggling to make a qualifying round so that only nesday afternoons and Monday the leader, Mrs. lo)uise Koontz. their heels. the correct decisions on 52 the top two-thfrds of ^ e field go qnd Friripy nlghtq In Riidfy Mombof g will meet at Hie hBme - ______Vqlues.lo------*3 IS Touinairniiil pluy wUl Uti^lii —=------bridg« mmas 'aurmg' afternoon intoI the(he final session in tn

Doctor advises women to have family before age 40

BOISE — Women ^iMOuId ■plan" TKiT^en?tR'‘ Kboratory ‘OTrers to have their families before invaluable services; Tests they reach their 40’s in order to should be made to determihe if decrease the likelihood of the child has a type of having a mentally defective hereditary mongolism known a.s child, according to Dr. Paul translocation mongolism. Blattler.of the Idaho Depart­ The family physician can ment of Health’s genetic and arrange to send samples to the metabolic laboratory. lab for chromosome analysis. If For those women 45 or older, the child has this her^itary the risk is greatly increased. type mongolism, chromosome White Patent One out of every 50 babies born studies are made of the mother to this age group is mongoloid. to see if she is a carrier of p 14.95 This compares to a rate of. one defective gene. mongoloid in every 1,850 births If this is the case, counseling to mothers 20-25 years old. is offered the parents regarding Of the residents at Idaho State the risk they run of producing School and Hospital, Nampa, another child with the same m ongoloids com prise the defect. largest single group — 16 per Counseling also is available tor And after oil, isn't cent of the school’s population. families with children having It Is estimated about 20 are bom other diseases of a hereditary that what summer’s eadi year in Idaho and Dr. nature. Several hundred all about! Bright looks White Patent Blattltf feels this number can hereditary diseases that cause in ready-fo-wear end open­ ed up Itolion imports. Unbeof- be decreased if citizens take mental retardation can be 8.95 advantage of counseling and detected, and some of these can ;able combination. These are the testing services available be prevented through genetic sOndols you'll live in from sun-up to through the state school lab. counseling, according to Dr. sun-down. All of this fun fashion for o tiny price. In a ^ d a n to the suffering by Blattler. -tte-cfa&Hafld-ids-tenily^-the——^EarlydiagnosiaiaassantiaLso— financial burden is tremendous, that parents can be advised of be points out. It Is estimated thefr genetic risk before other tfaaL_each institutionalized children are bomtothe coup|i. mongoloid cfaOd costs more Prevention of' mental, OperrMonday Night ttian 1100,000 in tax funds to retardation is the goal of mucH* r i l l 9 p.m . mpport during his lifetime. Tbe of Dr. Blattler's work. He urges aVferage I.Q. la 50 and roost are women to be awarife of the role YOUR ~~iii»riMe~Cr learn a akill that they~ Can"play"inin preventing preventuif~ B A N K C A « D 5 would enatenable them to lead a future retardationion in som e / :w IN THE LYNWOOD productiveI 1life. cases by planning; to have tbelr I WELCOMED For the y«wnger woman ^ho children during thehe most ideal I V« - givesWrth to a nxinealoidcfaild, cfaUdbeuing years•s —— 20 to, 30. Sunday, April 11, 1971 TlmM-Newt, Twin Falls, Idaho 29 Bob Black S^w & 'Save use announces F A B R . C ^ P _ QUJI speaks at nO. plans for 'V. B/' producffpn lodge fete

HAUKKMAN - A cbm - moat"unoBUUl diHiiias--e^ plimentary talk, given in honor attempted by high scbiml of the young pM ple/o{ today students, “ J.B ." by Archibald praisihg them for their a?n- MacLeish, will be presented by structive deeds and anions, the Twin Falla High School was given by Bpb Black, “ Twin High PUvhouse" April 22,23 and 24 at Vera C. O’Leary annual Father and Son banquet junior High. School, beginning of the Hagerman Masonic at 8:15 pan. each night. Lodge No. 57 it was announced Stephen Thompson, the Twin today. Falls High School exchange' The banquet wds held at the student from Australia, plays local Masonic Temple. the title role of J. B., a modem Black is the present district counterpart of the Biblicial Job. deputy Grand Master, District Joyce Guyer, a veteran No. 12, of the Masons of Idaho musician and actress, takes the and is a past master of the part of Sarah, J. B.’s wife. Mark Kayrlor Lodge No. 94. Golay as Zuss, and Bill Braun The banquet was prepared as Nickels play symbolic roles and served by the Hagerman as counterparts of God and the Chapter No. 78, Order of Devil. Eastern Stars, and featured TTie play retells the story of special “candlelight" services Job set in the present time. God -due-to-citcumstances^beyond- and Satan argue whether Job, their control (power failure) while the banquet was bemg all his faith if he were to lose ^ Krved. After the banquet, group ------J ;—B. loses his w ife, his~ singit^ was led by Bob -ehHdr^n,— his—wealth,— his- A ■ I^wrason. Shari Koopman was business and his health, and accompanist and also, ac- almost loses his sanity when he companired Jo Ann Berry, past t^ies to figure out his fate. honored queen of Job’s The play is very relevant to Duaghters, Bethel No. 45. who today's problems of mistreatment of the innoc^t., sang several selections. according to Bradford T. Joy Standall, honored queen Hickerson, drama coach for the for Bethel No. 45, played two high school. Hickerson and accordion selections. A reading student director Larry Hodge was given by Sam Bishop. are co-directors of the play. Each Mason and his guest Fabulous once-o-year special sav­ Supporting characters, who were introduced and they ings on fine spring and summer fab­ play J. B.'s friends, much as related their special hobbies or rics, You can't afford to miss it! ^ Joh’a Jrienda^tried ia ismfart interests. him, in the Biblical story, in-^ distinctive and unusual fobrics dude Jeff Davis, Ralph Pond, th ro u g h o u t the store. Lots of sun­ ^ c h e l Guillen, John Bailey, shine *y colors. We have everything Richard Arrington, Rick Easter eggs for your sew-at-home v/hirl, all Vanderdoes, Brooke Call, priced for big savings. Laurie Wright, Brooke Haney, will keep Mary Ann Carter, Jackie Kasel, Tresa Skinner, Lori Thompson, Maureen Wilcox, Meg &ow, MOSCOW (UPI) - Hard- Sherry Machamer, Suzanne A TABLEAU OF "STARS" in the Twin Falls cooked Easter eggs will "keep" H p H rlp lfc P p a f v M p a d V ,q ln rip Hinh.Schnnl., JJ-fl.,'' whhduled .2 2 .2 3 and for several days at room Starts Monday! Horejs and John Reed. ismjj^l'ature — so iney aon r 24, includes, in foreground, Stephen Thompson as O ptH u n til 9:00'Mondoy niQht"Op«n 9:30-3:30 Tu«tday fhru Solufdoy Tickets for J. B. can be ob­ Unusual •have to go right froni the basket J.B., and his wife Sarah, portrayed by Joyce Guyer, tained by calling the high school to the refrigerator. at 733-6551. fearing the w rath of Zuss, a type of Zeus or the That's the word from Gordon drama heavenly deify, oj) left in background, as played by Meyer, extension poultry CLOUD PUFF PRINTS specialist at' !he University of Mark Golay, arid Nickels, archfield of the Idwer 100% polyester Idaho, crepe. 45 mches regions, in the person of Bill Braun. The eggs will be safe to eat wide. Regular Officials for several days as long as the ■1 ^ 4 9 values to $2.29 $ shells remain whole and u n -' Specially priced, cracked, said Meyer. y d . attend Filer Some other pointers from the Book reviewed egg. scientist;, eggs that have- OES meet been stored for at>out a week BURLEY - The Burley during the April meeting at shrine for her Madonna in the peel easily when hard-cooked; PRINTED LEINO FILER — Mrs. Duane Study Qub heard a book review home of Mrs. &phronia Bandy, Ijondon houe where she works. fresh eggs do not. However, Permanent press Dacron blend. 4 5 inches Ramseyer, Grand Esther of the given by Mrs. Norma Curtis on it was announced tbday. A short business meeting was adding one teaspoon baking wide. Regularly S1.39 yard. Grand Chapter of Idaho Order "The Kitchen Madonna" TTie book tells the attempts of conducted by Mrs, Mae Hanks, soda pef quart of water Will help Anniversary Special . . . yd. of the Eastern Star, and Mrs. written by Rumer Godden, an Ukranian maid to find a president. fresh eggs pw l better. Raymond Reichert, grand representative of the grand jurisdiction of the District of Columbia in Idaho, were in­ BURIINGTON troduced at the April meeting of tlie OES at the Masonic Temple. Cupioni cotton ond^ Shantung officials announced today. udingtnn's cott'oo-^d ihontung Mrs. Rex Reed, worthy Solids 8 Stripes 45 inches wide. Regular $1.69 matron, also presented Mrs. All o( tpring'i newest colors. 62 yard. Special . . . Don Albin, hospitality com­ a n d 77 incites wide. Regularly mittee and Mrs. B, J. Hawkins, to $4.49 per yard. Anniversary chairman of interest and $1 19 sale-priced, j^st benevolent fund. Reports of J'd-_ —special and standing—eetn— mittees were giyen -and reports made on the recent grand KINIT AND TUCK masters dinner by Mrs. Ray yd. Fobulously washable acetate Williams and the junior-senior high school banquet by Mrs. After Easter Fashion and nylon. 54 inches wide. Richard Tucker. Star Social Club will meet $ < ^ 9 8 ApriI22 at the home of Mrs. Loren Anderson: The district Past Matrons' meeting will be CLEARA]\CE held at 12;30 p,m. April 17 in I’ermanenl-PreM Wendell. DENHVl - Balloting was held for new Spring and Summer Styles O a r ro n A T r ito n members and the chapter el­ DAN RIVER Solids, plaids, multi-stripes ected new officers for the end ticking stripes. 45 inches coming year .'"Installation will TERRY VELOUR wide. Anniversary Sole be held April 17. Proceeds from SA V IJV C S Thirsty, heovy, 100% cotton. Drip the silver drill, 8® to the diy, solid colorv All 45 inches $ » 4 9 intsresr'HtrdTJwevmBrtr-ronir: wide. Regularly ^ An addenda was presented to Mr. and Mrs. R e ^ , outgoing worthy patron and worthy PRINTED TEXTURED matron, by Mr. and. Mrs. TO LINEN Everett Bonnichsen. Greeters were Mrs. Luther 60% Ooc^on bt«nd 45 inch«t Pierce '-and Mrs. Ralph wide Anntwrtory tp^ciol Cedarholm. Mrs. Lewis Hack 98e R*guior SI .79 yd. . yd. was chairman of the serving committee, assisted by Mrs. Dresses, Coordinates, Doris , Stradley, Mrs. Mary Touchette, Mrs. Howard Annis REMNANT TABLE and Mrs. Dorothy Porter. Coats, Suits — Ifxiud*!: DoubU-Knif poly««tari, and BETTER ■ mony oiKer wonted.fobrkt.______

Breakfast Pant Suits POLYESTER fSAVE up lo 50% KNITS and More! slated by E d so n ’s DOWNTOWN AND LYNWOOD OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS ’TILL 9 :0 0 P.M No iron 58"-60",wtde Anniver- Credit Women s a ry ’s)>ecial SHOP Cdfson’s W ill M ever K niw ingly B f i/m Voluet to Yd. -TWIN F A L U — Plans for the On The E xact Same M erehdndime $6.98 . . TIL forthcoming Bosses’ B re^a^, ^nsft^bylhe Wotw" International, were formulated 9 P .M . during the regular breakfast YOUR BANK CARDS ARE AIWAYS WEICOME MONDAY C^. Dottie Rowe, Gem State Paper Co, 8nd_chairman o t tbe_ LVNWOOD breakfast, announced the event DOWNTOWN is set Ibr April 22, with L s r t y ON THE MALL SHOPPINOCENTER Kessler of Norco Welding as fu tn r^ spealiw. iEABiU£USHMMP — ^'Gaeata-wcfc Aan- Raeola Cook, Marian Kay ^fDUadu; PatMorps a nd K u ^ iO( Mill Ntrtk ObW NtOW N^ Twh Fills .R o se. I ' 10 students G\eat-g»'andpqrents rr receive V ber seveg

.TWIN - Little' and. William Steingraber, -Katherine KayN^narTis. Cynthia Pool, Jamie AFTER EASTER Teater, Dee Tarbet and Lisa Wells. Cindy Schwarz is the only w _30phomore receiving all A's. A and B honors went to Kenneth Bailey. Kathy Black. Denny Bloxham , John Bruns, Pfit CLEARANCE BuUers, David Grant, Scott Grant, Janet Hammond, Ondy L is te n T o Johnson, Dianne Kearby, Susan Louder.- Jere Nelson. Joe Rit­ ® “DecoraH^gTun”‘Decorating Fun - ^ chie, Mark Skeen-, Kevin I E Kvery ve ry Mod.M o d . 10:30 over KLIX | | I Sorensen, Linda Volkers and Bette WUl. Freshmen receiving all A's and B's are Tim-Bruiotte, Carol

Literary Art -n Guild hears EXCELLENT VALUES book review TWIN FALLS - Mrs. E. J. DAIE BASHAW Morgan reviewed "Nicholas GIGANTIC SAVINGS and Alexandra” by Robert K. Massie at a meeting of the Literary Art GuUd Thursday night at the home of Mrs. John Coleman. a e had large charts showing During our Spring the famUy tree of both Nicholas SEARS INTERIOR n and Empress Alexandra. In the author’s sketch, Mrs. DECORATORS COVER T«E -dem ance o f - Marion Tanner told bow Massie and his wife did research for tNTIRE MAGIC VALLEY five years before writing this book------\ During the business meeting FASHION MERCHANDISE tt^^was a e a a s r io " add D i r ^ reeEjlimites____ _ members to the group. Mrs. * Draperin • Valance* —L«onard— — Mauss ^—^vica JSJSomand-ShadeLVjFabricShailea president, welcomed members * Autlrian* • Sheers • UpboUlery and two guests, Mrs. LaMar lfhalE t*r Your Decora{injf ProbUiA, —AndenBnr'tjogMi; Otrii,- and ~ L irS iiiiri Save Von Mo'niry, Today . 77 Mrs.James Whitehead, Salt SAtr6TmTS 9:30 P. UJteOty.- : SEARS AND 8AVB P n g p u n at the May meeting S n H m a im OwMlMVor ITor wUl be under the dtrectioa of 405 TwisFalb Mrs. Tanner. Ha- Reader 733.0821 Theatre grtmp win perform and T»in F, Bw Ict of membefB will be IW V- J,- ■. I , BRIDGE GASOLINE ALLEY Sunday, April 11,' 1971 Tlm«»-N«ws, Twin Fall*, l^ h o 31 ^\MflMtto«eehow l^y Jacoby it-feels to 6 lt in a,racgr,Clovia?- Players with No ^Finesse We are -sorry for our NORTH (D ) 10 reader. He would nave made, 4>Q95 his contract'i( any one of "AMbNG“ E U R O P ^ N WCJMEN, iiV the tady o f EngUnd ¥ K 6 5 2 . , three cards had b^en right who UMi the inott f«ce powder. By f»r the mo»t. Cosmetic . ♦ AQ? for him,'but we aren't too sellers here' report that. However, the Swedish ^ 1 , they lay, ♦ K J7 sprry because he should^have starts applyins makeup at the earUest age. Oftentimes at WEST EAST made his contract in spiter of 12------^ S O _ y O U 'R E g e ttin g a ll revved u p ih o u t e c o ln ty , -«re -A-g-rz TTT— all "tlie~T5aa bf^alts. ~ ~ ' you? Likewise. Be sure your napkins,.pape^tawcls, bathroom V Q J j) ▼ A.IU O 4 Remember that he ruffed tiisuea are white. The papers dissolve, sooner or later, but the #J98 - «K1063 the third heart and that East dyes in them don't. 4^10 843 4kQ952 ■was left with the ace. South SOUTH was correct to play three ML ABNER ♦ AKJ10G4 rounds of Wumps. but he AM TOLD ONLV five states outlaw hitchhiking. That's V 73 , . should Ra#H»on the third odd. Police records indicate 'about 80 per cent o f ‘ all ♦ 754_^ trump in dum m y and leJ out hitchhikers have criminal records. Something's gone wrong. 4k A6 dummy’s king of hearts. East Hitchhiked rides bade and forth across, the country several' Both vulnerable would cover with the ace and times as a-^ad, but now I would not pick-up a mitK.by the side West North East Soulli South should simply discard o f the road. T oo snqoty. You know what they say, there’s J « Pass 1 A a low diamond and show nothing worse than a reformed, hitchhike. Pass 1 N T. Pass 4 A East his hand. Pass Pass Pass It wouldn't matter a bit IF YOU WANT the room to look bigger, paint the Openinfi lead— V Q where the king of diamonds baseboards the same color as the carpet. Did our Household and queen of elubs were lo­ cated. East would have to Hints specialist mention'that? .... MARKETING MEN report By Oswald & James Jacoby lead one of those si;its and 55 per cent of Ireland's families serve instant mashed potatoes. This at o ia sad, though not very .... A BABY'^HEAD is__ - A -((lamtive-letter from a makfr.South's .fin e s_^ e f p j. about its'weightTT^ol AU Washington reader asks, him. on'eMthiicd surprised? ri(0it7its fiver Why do iinesses always ------(WEWSPXPER EWTtRPKISl *!SN.)------about onB^hint-ltr welghtrtoo', how about that? '— — ------work for exDerts in your col­ umn and never work for us — CUSTOMER- SHRVICE; QT 'Tn Big League basebaU, which ‘ ordinary rubber bridge play- W IZ A tO OP ID o f the three DiMaggio brothers was the best player?" A. Are. rfaiddfat South ~ ~ r " - .s h a w s today's West North East ■4>jcp r ■rc?ypu— A ' ^ m e say Dom w u the best fielder. And Vince, sure enough, Pass AM AZW 6 hand and explain.s that West I V — l:onVldTec> M C-\BCU**STM-r\Ai, SV^TB/M--- was'the best-^lngBf^m-^Q— You said^hanees^onlyLtua-onej{i___ Pass 3 + Pass 3 A opened the queen of hearts evtiPBHCef T H 4T S VMAT Pass 3 N T Pass 5 4 . 30,000 an aspuing actreu in Hollywood will rum into a and continued the suit while Pass 5 ♦ Puss U P f o r ! full-fledged star. What are the chances a well-trained dog, like he ducked in the hope that You, South, hold: the canines that, play Lasaie, will get. its own TV show?” A. East's ace would drop. Any­ A A 2 yA J4 463 +K Q J 7 5 3 One in six million. w ay. he ruffed the third What do you do now? . J _ . . - . ■ heart, drew trumps and tried A—Bid six clubs only. Your STUDENTS at the Univeridty of the Philippines catch far the club finesse. East led partner is showing first round more colds than students at the University o f Wiaconain. Hold back the fourth heart and diamond control but there must on, that’s significant. It disproves the ancient claim that chilly now South tried the diamond be a weakness in his hand. aodngn finesse Me was down one be­ TODAYS QUESTION climate brings on cokls while tropical weather bums them cause two out of two finesses What do you bid as dealer out . . . . HOW FRAGILE a m$n! Least destructible substance had lost and the ace of hearts .with' in the body is dental enamek' Yet the most common human had also been in the wron^ AAKQJ54 VKJ32 ♦BS * 2 ailment is tooth cavities. The strongest part is the part under place Answer Monday moit heavy attack. That's notation No. 18764^ in our , Profound Insights file. . KERRY DRAKE “ Y O U R LO VE A N D WAR MAN said the worst matrimonial match would be a marriage between the youngest brother in a family o f brothers to the youngest dster in a OUT OUR WAY family o f sisters. Relatively speaking then, what would be the best match?" So inquires a Xubbock, Texas, reader. Our L. f FOR MEAVEUS SAKE.WHy D O Y O U \ ^ L E E P 5 0 LATE WHEW >DU tCWOW j and W. man says that would be a marriage between an oldest . y o u HAVE A APPdkJT- \ brother to a youngest sister or an oldest sister to a youngest MEKJT w ith th e DEKJTISt r PKIKJK J THAT JUICE AKIP SET VOUR brother. JACKET OKJ WHILE I aET THE CAR OUT--AWC> NURRV/ WHV^ Your queiiiohi dnd commints are welcomtd and w ill b* XX> YCVJDOTVII&... used In PASS IT ON whtrever pouiblt. Pltate addrtss your Ittttrs to L.M. Boyd, P.O. Boic nO'^6, Fon Worth, Ttxai ~7$IV7r 32 Tim«t-New», Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, April II, J97.1 50 Hama* For Sola 50 Empleyinciit Agwiciat 17 Haljp W «nl*d IS ISqmTWerk Wanla23 Hamat For Sola SINGLE BEDROOM homo piu» 2 STORY HOUSE to be moved^. CAREER OPPORTUNITY: Fuller F A R M E U U I P M E N T CUSTOM MANURE HAULIMO, -OEEKAIOi^3iraar.rountf. pnocl I aoi.rtttnrti F«;mlna. flltri , thraa amali clean rentals, all Hardwood flooring throuahout. C l-ASSm EB- —Bruth ■ Campany apootal-loc.al- -fuiiillln a: A» a paekaga ... . l liOOBi Tefma-ll-Paa ln a . And tr son route.' Start S5M guaranteed lu ll working condltlant with op- laparafaiy. Owner llnandns. H. L. Enterprises. 17373rd Avenue East, • time. -Atairled, car and plione .portunlty lor Incraatad m pon- WANT ED; Custom plowing Ground (Had)' aark, 1071 and Avenue Twin Falls. - INtiEX necessary. Cair 733-7405. tlblllty and advancamant. Phona 43M41I day*; Mr. Edwards at «7I- working equipment. Art Paterion; West. ■ . r’Twne 534-2253,' Wendill. COZVabedroom, 11nbasamentixi -N EEP W.-CA» OB NPW HQMEZ^ Si7i ar M r: Graenweil at S33-4ljW f o r SALE.by owner: 3 bedrooms. morning or avenlngi. ■ m m tr^jo t__ SmaiU-equll -rTdge Custom Farm ing^ Exceptionally clean 2 be(lroaniLOlder -poieftiiai. *i'2,gDii.uu------— ^------: Autat forSal*~ Barget- Malison Auto "Salvage, DISHWASHER WANTED: Apply In 733-S343 home, excellent n*ighborhood, gas Baby c h lc k i Addison Av^ue West. < '6 5 V W person at KOTO'S CAFE. furnace. S1l,500. GEM STATE REALTY •abr SItttrt-ChlldOr* A i R CUSTOM FARMING for all FELDTMAN.REALTORS 7330984 Comper speed 63 3 -Biu« ioke> N o n ii . . 733-5336 ■aaaty Salons types of farm work. Phone 324-405* Dicli M euerim ith. Broker . "733-9069 ff r an tmistion, rodio. a IMMEDIATE OPENINGS: full- JOLE' ORIGINALS. Custom arid or 334-4US. '68 MERCURY ■llcM a M otor Scootors original m illine ry. Pt>one 733-6139. .BERRY BUSHES, garden space Hri 0;3O'6;OO Sot 9 00 4 00 ^reol nice comper unit time cooK «nd experienced day with this beautiful 4 bedroom Monf«go MX 4 : d o o r . ^ 1 ■ aojrtf lorSala waitreMor walfer. Top wages. 733- Ccmpore & Save . $ 9 9 0 home. AAahynlce features. W/OOO. tedan, V*8 engine, ooto- BoatiWanitd 7576. 733-9719. NEEOEDr Mechanic and W arkW antad 24 FELtfTMANREALTORS 733-1988 motic Irqntmiiiion. power BuHdlnaMrMrlalt me.charilc's helper. Full time iteering. radio. Butlnou-ONICO Rm tali CAREER OPPORTUNITY: Fuller position. Apply at Western GARDEN PLOWING and truch "YOUR HEART'S D '& 6>ftt^ K's Specials Compare & Sove 'S I 2 5 0 autlnou OpportunittM Brust) Company special local Heatih0; 138 3rd Ave. South, Twin. patches. f>hcne 324-4431, Denver Beautiful all brick, 3 bedroom, 2 ■'68 FORD Buiinou Proporfy route. Start (560 guaratneed full Fine, Filer. baths, fireplace, large family IMMEDIATE OPENING for full­ MORNINGSIDE AREA. Cute 3 Long wheeIbo*e 1/2 Cam tra-Ptioto Supply tim e. AAarrlvd. car and phone room , finest location. *32,000. bedroom. Assume large low necessary. Call 733 7^05.______time office girl in Twin Falls. Must FELDTMAN-REALTORS 733-1988 pickup, V-0 engine. outo-’^ J ^ Cam pon be able to type. 40-hour week w ith l a d y WOULD like work In a home interest loan. S16,400 moftc fran*aii*i»on, ra d io , ' Card d r tia n k i paid vacation. Reply to Box I-9rC-o taking core of elderly people. LADIES: 6am M.OO per hour for as Experlenfed. 543-4S59 before 9:30 FOR SALE: 2 bedroom, 7C0 Idaho VACANT, unique floor plan. 3 hitch. nf\irror». Cattle many hours as you work. Phone 2 Times-News. p.m. Street, Flier, phone 733-5444. bedroom, $23,900. fom pore & Sove $ 1 6 8 0 Comoltry Lots to 5 D.m. for interview , 733 S541. CutFlowors EXPERIENCED. RELIABLE man REAL NICE two bedroom Mobile for dairy. 438-2931, Paul. BUTTONHOLING ahd alterations, BRAND NEW. move right in 3 Eartti MoyUia Equlpmont h e l p WANTED — FEMALE ~ Home and large garage with store bedroom, split level S31,530. '66 DODGE 'OijT Housewives golden opportunity to« placement of zippers. Phone 733- Employment Agencies 7B10. rooms,on two iots with nice shade 1/2 Ton pickup, outomotic make good money selling NEED SERVICE man to service trees In Hagerman. Oave .rJrontmiuioQ. 6 ,cyiinder Farm Work Wanted _ nationaliy known product for equipm ent on fa rm s. Rocky >DO^IRONIMG&4n441 — — gamtly ■ r n n m . V >uel aha Wood ..rJb p o iIn g In T w in F a lls lor" i f r \^athemat]cs and Mechanical I lU l w . ^Cdtnpore & Sove ‘$ 4 3 6 ^ fireplace, double garage, covered 1374Lawndale Drive Twin Falls Ft(rnlture and HH Ooot^ outstanding man desiring a career Drawlrtg; Biology and General _ ^64 eHEVRQiET_ in responsible work. Prefer college Science; Social Worker; any Business Opportunitiat 30 patio, basement.- college area^' Beautiful Home barege Sales combined with Asst. Football Phone Smallwood, 733 33W) or 733 4 Bedrooms Ponel. 6 cylinder engine. - a ood Tilin g s T o Co f grMuMe **'fcoe*f- 6058. ttondord tronim iiiion. Loacn. APpVy SumJ., O oodrtdoarj^j^N IT-moiel plu^lltfThg-i^mrters. 3 Baths Hay, G rain, and Feed residenl 3 years. Three year on- M inn. 56725. doing Oood business. N ice lo ca tio n , -UVtfSfl Room wftn Fireplace good tires. '70 MERCURY O.K. G.l,'s THIS 2 bedroom Heavy Equipment Ihe-lob training program with near restaurant and laundramat. masonry home on an attractive Kitchen with built In appliances Monterey 4-door hardtop. Incentive compensation plan. Send Compore & Save . $ 68 0 Help Wanted Priced to sell by owner. Write corner lot with a dining rpom, part Carpeted throughput V-8 engine, automatic Heating equipm ent resum e to Box H 22, c-o Tim es HELP .Delbert Heiken, Uptown Motel. basement and built in garage Is Large family rooni with fireplace transmission, power steer­ Homes lo r Sale N ew s.______Highway 24, Rupert, IdatK). or call empty. Ready to move in AND it in basement. ing. power broket, oir WANTED 436 4036, You Must See To Appreciate House s-Furnished FASHION WAGON advisers for has all been newly redecorated iw S rV lJ^ai. conditioning, remainder T w in Fails area Phone 434-4776. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG . and is sharpi Already G.l ap HouseS'UnfurnlslMd praise d at S9.500. This makes BAILEY-ROBERTS new cor worronty. T re v a W eeks, 125 E a st 4 lh , COUPLES OR SINGLES GOING BUSINESS desires to Insurance _ Rupert. Idaho. refinance. Private capital renting ridiculous. Cali on this Inc. Compore fi. Save SAVE SS Investmonte-^'-'- V " , OVER 21! 'p re fe rre d . Call 733-8633o r 326-4680 cutlenow. TWIN FALLS REALTY I Llgtit Industrial Equlpm’em j OPENING IN warehouse for young after 5 p.m. weekdays or anytime 733 3662. Evenings George Haney REALTORS LIvestock-Accessorles [ man or woman. Experience Wanting to moonlight Sotur- weeker^ds 733-4609, Esther Boyle 7.33 5406 733-4242 U uestodt Wanted I preferred Out will train right _ doy night and Sunday PM STATION POR LEASE in Twin NEW LISTING. Exceptioneiiy Lost and Found I person. Must type/ run adding making change, dealing, etc. Agents tor Regat Homes Bill Workman FORD machine. Contact Cactus Pete's I Falls. eKcellent location. 3 service clean, 2 bedrooms on main floor. C. Harley W illiams. Eves 7J4 ?M2 Lots in i Acreages I Business Office. Phone 733 1214.1 HOUSING AVAIIABIE base r 733 0172. Full basement partly finished. Miscellaneous for Sale P lu i Carpeted and draped. A really J^243 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. Miscellaneous Wanted MAN TO help on dairy farm with [ RARE OPPORTUNITY, sharp home for only $)4,500. Call Miscellaneous Service milking and general term work. GROUP INSURANCE Established Auction & Second N a d in e K o e p n lc k 733 7297 or ACREAGE OPEN WEEK DAYS 'TIL 7 P.M. 7 3 3 -5 1 1 0 Mobile Hemes 1 Ceil Charles Peterson at 478-2802. Hand business. 20,000 sq. (t. LAND OFFICE OF IDAHO 3‘ j ACRES, full water right, 3 MoaileHome Parking J ...... ------I CALL 733-5163 COLLECT building on 6 lots. Kimberly R E A LT O R S 733 0716. bedroom home. Double garage. Domestic well and city water, 'j Money To Loan : "I LOVE SELLING AVON, it Auction Center, West, Monroe changed my whole life.’'Thai's the S treet, K im b e rly. Phone 423 5560 GI'S we still submit VA applications mile from Kimberly t2l.900 HERE’S W H ^ E Money Wanted feeling shared by thousands of or 423 5773, to r 100per cent loans topurchase*a Motorcycles Avon Representatives. You, loo, ______I hom e fo r you. M uch free In NICE 4 bedroom, carpeted, family 'Musical Instruments can get more out of life this way. EXCELLENT BUSINESS op­ formation tor just a call. Frank ’ room — fireplace, excellent \F W £ COLltXi SO^T THE ACTION IS! Music Latsons You'll earn good money, win portunity in famous Sawtooth 733 5974 Mountain States Realty location S17.9X. Otiier Instruction prIW simeet people, have fun. Call Valley. For information call tR'Aim ,him t o now 733-7413 or write Phyllis Country Living 4 bedrooms family , L O V E LY 4 bedroom brick. 2 Other Roai Estate Wayne Pat Patterson. Realtor. ! ^ o r k . f o r o i - , Mcinturl. Route No. 2, Kimberly, LYNW O O D R E A L T Y , 774-3328. room w ith fire p lic e 116,500. Should baths. 2 fireplaces. Big tamilv SPRING SWINGER OHmt Manta Is Idaho. Your Avon District Stanley. Shown by appointment go Farm Home. MOUNTAIN room. On Fremont 138.000 UJt't KAY£. Ottier Livestock I l l ! Representative. STATES REALTY MLS 733 5974. only. r " EnCX)&H eWiT TO 1971 12'Wide . Outof Tmm flames SI , YOUNG MOTHER needs live-in Personal * EXPERIENCED FARMER to Fillmore Street, bath & ^4 double Beth Wtckham 733-5476 P 16 H Ai_l .______Students, Farmers, or Anyone can F ra n k 733 5974. naiEM M Liuii ------s r e r ^ W l a ie irta Tiftp ' u g rt R g A - t T O f f s a la ry Call 536-2328. Terms Arranged Real Estate For Trade f) CAN YOU QUALIFY business For particulars call 734 Busy Drive Inn complete with ^ 2 0 8 ) 733 4 fixtures, operating in Magic 1839 Kim berly Rd. Real E s ta te W anted B E S T L IN E distributors Need woman to assist in my 3143. Veronica Detweiler •'AAember of M ultiple Listlr>g'' 734-3440—Twin Falls business 2hoursada^y< 5day week. V a lle y . C a ll 733 3974 W2.500 Resorts 8 [ needed, Yellow Pages under MOUNTAIN STATES REALTY Open 7 Days 9 To 9 Room%;Board A Room 75 ' housewares, retail, part or full­ S50a week. For inter,view cal^ M rs. Ashcraft 733 2958 between 2 and 4 MLS MUST SELL to settle estate 2 Schools 44 tim e 733 1 6 8 3 . ______apartments close in on 6th Avenue E ve ry e ffo rt Is m ade to p.m. Mon., Tues., and Wed. Sheep IM FOR LEASE ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroorps. family East. New gas furnace Can be 4 eliminate false and misleadir>g I/VAITRESS WANTED. All shifts. rpom, aluminum siding, fenced i ■ bedrocjm home with 2 baths Only •tlvenfs^ngr Shruhbery.PtairtS’Bulb* tU ______U,S, Civil Service Tests._____ - ' -^ookT-wented,^ %hUtv--,Applv-in— •XO RIGHT PARTY vara; stoewatics. tt 2;ft00. *9,800. O p p o rtu n ity knocK s‘ ‘ ...... conrenienee or diaappoiM readers Special Classes 42 ; person Cindy's Restaurant, AAen-women 18 and over. Secure Special Notices 3 lobs. High starting pay. Short No* M ultiple Listeo ^ have no place in ttiese columns. Jerom e. HOMER REED • BRICK BEAUTY This distinctive In the event of error, notify the Sporting Oo(^f isv hours. Advancement. Preparatory training as long as required. PAINT 8. BODY SHOP home is on a quiet street m an Classified Department at once. Snowmoblfes 140 .HELP WANTED, Male, day Shlff A C E REALTY / tnfluenflal neighborhood 4 Advertisers are expected to check Swine 103 and afternoon shift. To apply in Thousands of lobs 'O p e n . E x ­ perience usually unnecessary long titobliiHied N o ia n V - r 3 521 ^ ^ J bedroom, recreation room and full the first insertlor>. Newspaper will Transportatlon-Car Pools 10 person, phone 543 4358 basement There are many more FREE booklet on jobs, salaries, C ia yn e Adg AMBITIOUS COUPLE who like DeETTA CAMPBELL ACTIVE full basement. 2*.^ baths, fireplace, ttssssssttss (Classifications, the omission of HYPNOSIS working together Who want to distributors fa m ily room . C learbrooks Sub 733-0931 copy (partially or completely) or own your own busir>ess. Per Owner and Manager d iv is io n . *29,500. BUHLER REALTY complete omission of tfie total ad For welgtSt. smoking and rnemory. manent financial security, under NEEDED 507 West Addison Twin Falls in either the classified or display -! ■ * PtH>ne 733-p420 SSO*" investment (secured) No Call RAY SABALA 733 *340 i’rjon n crvn € ■•HUNT SNACKPACK'’ new multi We have a good variety of homes advertising sections of the paper la y o ffs No slack seasons No f-^erion n r ( S < Liability for errors or omission million dollar advertised snack and acreages, also income and , ceiling on income potential Can pack product. Need Now! Reliable GEM5TATE REALTY shall rwf exceed the cost to the SPECIAL SERVICES. Bethel 1 Ousiness property 11 work full or-part time. ANYONE men or women in this area to advert/ser of that portion of space Temple Church, 450 )'d Avenue 674 Biu« lakei Nonh considering going g coin operated occupied by such error ' West. Twin Falls, gives you a SEE our 2 bedroom m H ag erm an . special Invitation to hear- the yourself INVESTIGATE this products In company secured LET'STHADE C^etms-4or j j L . BEFORE YOU i n v e s t . W rite to a ste a l a t 14,500 Classified Ads cost of the ad must be made wit ishop fa m ily. M inister in song locations. Commefcial and fac LISTINGS uracntiy needed We 10 days of publication. Credit md wo^d^ Tuesday thru Friday, Box 1-3. CO Times News. EARN $7,000—$10,000 tory, part or full time. 10 to 12 have buyers. Lei us talk i l over LARGE 2 3 bedroom, huge living WORK!! aliow^ for first Insertion only April 6th thru Sunday 11th. at 8 00 hours per week, with you now. Call 733 2A33. 733 room, dining room, and natural ■ Receipts must be preserited for each evening and Sunday 11:00 MAN ON Social Security to help NO S E LLIN G S4S7, 73H340, -733 5M5. fireplace, only 1)5^800 _ cash refunds a.m. arvd 7:» p.m. J.L Tanker irrigate and part-time work. Must FULL-TIME SALES CASH REQUIRtO ------MOO- to . sley. Pastor. • hAve good relerencea. House »2,995. Fpr more information . 2 BE.DROOM. owner w iii take car, a vailab le. 536-2038. OPPCJRTLTNITIES IN write: Distributorship Division 51. pickup, or frailer on equity iCord of Thonki MU W. Rob/nhood Dr Stockton. GENERAL FARM hand for tractor Kitchen-Bathroom Remodel CA. 95207. G ive nam e, address, 160 ACRE dairy farm, all equip and phone number. we WISH to exprew our sincere operator and syphon tube Heating-Air Conditioning LOBE ment and stock included^ in sale gratitude to all who helped by irrigation. AAedical coverage and Plumblillf^ financing land sympathy, kindness ar)d fTovi^rs to ■ vacation ptart. Call 432-4472. Roofing Siding Hoin«« For SaU REALTY ■ lighten.our grtwtduring the 4Hne4» Fencing l e a s e —SALE—RENT ar\d death of our dear wife and Furniture Carpet NEAT 3 bedroom house in choice^ m oth em . MECHANIC location. EASY FINANCING!, BUY—TRADE 733-5045-733-5035— 733 S457 stitstssssss Mr Vaun Probasco Paid vacation, holidays and B 6 NE F ITS P ric e 116,950. R E A L ES TA TE Mr and Mrs. A L Heinrich and hospital Insurance. S2.90 per hout S E R V IC E . 733 1 416. Life insurance - fa m ily Apply at Troy -National Linen TWIN FALLS Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Keith and Supply, Twin Falls, Idaho Hospitalization Profit Sharing t h r e e BEDROOM home, car 3 BEDROOM brick Gold Medallion INVESTORS, m a te ria ls la b o r fa m ily ^ peted, on small acreage close to - .home. Quiet Twin Falls location Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Probasco Jerome. Call 324 2145 ' Two baths, large living room. CAKE! , and family OPPORTUNITY -S E A R S , dining room. Cute built in kitchen* r^nr..--:exp«rreirc«edroom brick. 3 baths, full Starting rate S3.29 an hour with for Immediate work. Ptione 543 basement. Attached double LYNWOOD REALTY THE TWIN FALLS Department of advancement in the m ill and mine garage, fireplace, recreation 531^ Buhl. BY OWNER, 3 bedroom home ont 410 Blue Lakes Norm Public Assistance Is in need of a department. President Street. Completely! room. Choice Nortt>east location, io»tic-hom« lof_An.ilghryfar-Qlfl— __ ^ .. 733 9211 m entally handlcappw) boy. This T lie buvaT CbrporatKin u seeWno CUSTOM ' MANURE HAULING.- rm o d e le d . 733-0069. a fte r 4 p .m .j AFTER HOURS' ct^iid It able to care tor hl» own men to w rk at its open pit copper Hambey & Erickson. Phone 423 CALL: R /“itfhweodiman 733 7100 physical needs and It In Bood I mine and mill near Battle 5492. RANCH STYLE, all masonry, gold Harley Mathers ' 7338473 capp health. He It badly In need ot ! Mountain, Nevada. medallion home on acreage. 1'^ Laan. 733-1360 ttablllty, love, and security Oor employeet enjoy top wages, GARDEN ROTO TILLING. John miles North Klml>erly. W. W. Foggy. 733-40151 however. The Department It year-round employment, and McDonald phone 733 2452. Golay. 423-4008. Tony. 423-5<8« IMMEDIATE H o m e s retpontlble for the child's outstanding benefits; Including E arl, 423-S65( . A D iv is io n O f Ev a n s p r o d u c t s CO ' clothing, medical and dental needs paid vacations, holidays, com- Bu»in*» Opportunititt* 30 Business Opportunities 30 1043 Blue Lakes>4orth POSSESSION as well at paying for h it room and pany,pald-mBllcal.-arKl lift. !n ~teard. Any^e Infaretted in giving surance plan, disability leave CUTE 3 bedrooms, fireplace, car j care to th it type ctilld, contact the tseneflts. ar>d retirem ent plan. Oeparfmant of Public AttlstarKe EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP pet. garage. Northwest area.i *17.300. I at T33 M23 or come to *34 M d lio n For personal interview, contact “ DEI MONTE FRUIT CUP S, PUDDING CUP DESSERTS" Avenua West to learti ,trwr»-»boul the No* Mutl«pU' i. it. DUVAL DOi you waIcK T.V.? You should b« fam ilior wiih the tr.m endout od- A C E R E A L T Y Building costs sky high? Not if you build the LEO CRAMPS? Try Suppllcal with veriiting that il «ow being ‘done by this company concerning ftiei, new Cepp- Homes way now I .. calcium, only »t.»l lor M tablett. CORPORATION, N olan V icto r 733 5217 OWNER TRANSFERRED. 3 At Otco nrm t, ______ond omoiing product thot ii sweeping lh« notion. We ore now offering bedroom, brick, 2 baths', fireplace, ^?pp-Homes gives you ttie opportunrty to save ■ -B O X -4 S V - Claync A d.im s j(33 8 I46 BATTLE MOUNTAIN, NEVADA the; tXCLUSIVE nghrt of dittributK>n in this or*o. lor iTie '-DEL MONIfc -nawly-carpetad and radecorated- lot of money by doing soma of ttie finishing Pallo. Your own well. Northeast PRIVATE Investigator. — M Hour "A n equal opportunity employer" FRUIT CUP & PUDDING CUP DESSERTS" thot you see on T.V. touches yourself- You can also save with our Service. All confidential. Phone location. Owner wantt action. Igw cost financing plan— — ninh t 7M-5773. J W ' s right — only OI.IE OUAIIFIED person w ill be selected IMMEDIATELY CALVES, horses, 3 acret, neat 3- No hidden points ot ^aati^harga*. w *i«tE n: TW Htran-ltTTun'body new pro«h.c»«CtU*tVttY^»iF»»^weg.— ------a t trftfS F BaBtrt‘*“ * HMta p a ttu re . c o r r a lt. >13,500. W ill only 3 years old. On an acre where G>t starjad NOW—at a firm piic*. CHRISTIAN HOUSE HOTLINE. 1«7 shop. Need references. Phone 5U- Yoy con cosh in on the tremendws omouni of money that is being Blue Lake* North. Phone 7XI-WM. }4M. Wendell. trade for Twin Fallt home. Y«u can have the pony. Terrific spent odvertising "DEL MONTE FRUIT CUP & PUDDING CUP DESSERtS" view. This you must seal on T.V. a n d -turn o portrtirne business opportunity in to . financiol slo. SPACIOUS 3-bedroom borne. ■■mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Vmt eAP^-HOMM Mby Cor* 1* FARM EQUIPMENT mechanli: to repceewitillve is: w o rk on A llli O ta lm a rt and New M!ty-f»l>»*:^------' ..... ;------■ thrtng-rt>om.-flrep*a«»fWrTDom, BRAND ' ^ E W . - a l l ' eleetrlCr "j lovely Idtchen, many cablnett. 1 bedroom. baths, larae comer JACK a. J IL L N u n a ry. LIcanaed Hofland hayWig equipment. Ex- You rmis# be o succeu, . or tlw entire DISTRIf^TORSHIP H I be re- -Pwtlaai. Or««M 17211 0«ft.lll S p«rl«fice necattary. Dealerthip baftit.Scrvlcaroom.garaga, large lot.'Vai) tm /H ivt right In. iMaka ctUW cara. Q illd ra n -lW i — pr»- purchoted. lot. Sia9». otter; ..nuri.T sur*" - — Royol G arn td io o l. 1W4 K)tt> Ave. East, 7JJ- i^alM l'In Ataglc vatley. Submit ra tu m e to Box H-20, c-o T im et- Requiremeflls: 4 to 4 hours a week ond o cosh deposit o f S3I47.00. ■ □'■I*****. QlMMTlMW.lMMMMiM...* gm M47. FOR THESE- AND OTHER 130 N. MwnlfvBtb. N aw i. which is completely protected. WESTERN LISTINGS, CALL For further information pleose write; R EA LTY CO. ■ U a h * M k . M atw tM O l OPENING NEW UNITS. Ex. Owsert OtHgM Compony - parlaftcad txld needed. Interview! DivtsMin of Centrol Dynomio CHARLES P. HAWKeV. REAL 731-aMS , TOR. ( Harold't). 4M Main Avenue P ES R R S S dN a N N ^CB L ISERVICE of /Magic Tuesday 11:00 to 3:00. No phone 12)3! E. 13th A*eriU 444 Main Soutti V allav. 404 Mu* Uikat North ca lls (Haas*. Fairways Atotal. Nortti. PAene 7J3.S53}. o r evenings phoM mssa. Avrora. Cohrodo 80010 733-7»«>, tJ r SfSS. A t. h r*. Oao. Gould 7»-»*4a

1 ~ ■ f .

-M- Sugday. A pril 11. 1971 Tlmw-New*. Twin Fall*, Idaho 33 H o i t i m F o r S a l* 50 «’Fanns Far Sal* 5 2 F^rmt'FerSol* 52 Campan 63 ButlhMi*-Offlc« RantoU ^0 Fam Implamanlt 90 Farm S*«d .BUILDING to be moyaoUovcr <00 40ACRES,40SHARESof T«Vln Falls . FOR SALE approxtmafely 30 acrM. RESERt/E YOUR' modem rental 1949 M A R LE TTf 12 x 40 expando. toFPICE SPACE, J desk) plus 1,900•S974, w.ell, excellent location, very well 4heast of G ooding. Caih oi* share w a te r.. Phona 423-5700. *ANT to TBiADE; 15- baat bad lor . MOUNTAIN STATES REALTY. crop. Lease.. Phone 536^2274 'or service bur salesi Kit, Prowler. »pud bulK bW. Ptiona 3]4-] m < POTATOES, Improved. Priced right. Call Joan EXCELLENT CONDITION 19M12X Schwaci 815-5M« or LAND OF. • W efidail R E A L T Y , 534 2274o r 536- ' WILKINS TRAILER SALES, HORSE'* PASTURE for rent. 6 to 8 • hiBh altitude, Darlington, IdaHo, 2448. . Gooding. . M Buddy mobile home, lully head hprses. Edge of Twin. 793-. WE BUY, *all or >atl lor vou all Ttuuat, U4 3343 or sjfi.nar Out of Town Hom'vs' . 5 1 F IC E O P ID A H O R E ALTO R S 733. skirted, two liedroom, Aew carpets 0714. 7334. kind* ol u*ad lartn maclilnary. and drapes. CaHJ^44l1. 160 ACRES of Southslde land . Rock N E E e - A SERVICE M A N ? See MOLYNEUX MACHINERY, l«n ASHTON Certllled Saad Potato**. R E A L F I n £ brick home In Buhl. today* Want Ads for the service 1.9U ACRES, 300 head ca p a city] free.' Lays .Well. Good, state of APPROXIMATELY 260 acres, 166 Floral Ava., 733 /547. Plant til* Beit — Will *ort totult Lots of unique leaturts 'In this ■you' w a n t. — hnme Jir f tnapprrflatf Cilll Rme room for expansion; Irrlaaflon. c u lfiv a tto n . 884,000. Also 80 A cras acres beet or potafo tfround. Three you. Call Steve McNae^.Ashton tS i- -TCaad ftrtfle: T>i:^re cTrlcnniBTOO _ lanaTTuirwgrw.- vwv M ----- BROCKAAAN'S ' ------~H7T35S*7~ ------— Hopkins. or LAND OF­ NrnnJtuppU*! " 9 T FICE OF IDAftO REALTORS 733- plus Inventory of cattle . and' tractive 3 bedroom home^iout Mobil* H«mM 64 TRAILER SALES 0714. machlneryr-Art JohnsonrBox J3«, buildings. Ready to go. 8M,000. •^EiyLlf '.EO SEED POTATOES. AIL. F A R M E R 'S R E A L T Y , B uhl, 543 Your Great Lakes Dealer W an U d To Rant 88 LIKE NEW, barbed wlra lencewith . W illiams Lake,. B.C. Canada. 1967 MARLETTE mobile home, Steel posts to be taken down. Also, lotVWuble m. Oceanside reading. 4650 o r 543-4180, Buhl. Volume hand cut (treated), and Form* For Sal* 52 Skirted, storage shed. Excellent SEE THIS IN THE MOBILE 3 to 4 bedroom home within 10 miles 6'* by lO*’ c u lv e rt tile . 839 50Q7. 320 ACRES, with over..400 Inches of , M n d itlo n . Call 436 6065, R u pert. HOME SHOW AT THE LAZY J wr)Ole seed In bulk. Financing o f .T w in F a lls, ^ y M a y 25 733-3698. available to qualified grow *. . 140 ACRE farirC. 79 water shares. No water from 14 springs. Excellent 60 ACRES Southwest of Jeromev 2 MOBILE HOME PARK APRIL 8 E x t. 36. stock set-up. Come and let me THROUGH 11. Earth Movi|ig Equipment 93 Call Beaver Creek Ranch, Idaho Im provem ents. Only $25,000 w ith bedroom home, other buildings, MUST SELL 11968 Sky V illa Deluxe. Falls, Idaho, sa usir show It to you. Dave Nicholson, 12 X 60 with tip out 2 bedroom. 1971 GREAT LAKES 14 X 64 two terms. STOCKMEN'S REALTY, mllkbarn, plent/of water, wquld CATERPILLAR, pull type grader South Lincoln, Jerome. 324- B roker. Phone 837-4731, H e gen make an ideal little stock setup, E xce lle nt condition. 678;2513. bedroom. Farm lmpl«m«ntt 90 too with live power controls. S600. h a v e ' SPUDNIK, equipment to 4a4S, evenings 324 2i20 o r 825 5573. ■ "m an, Idaho. S30,000. All electric, modern decor, nyion carpet, front utility, storm win- SELLING 2 terracer blades; 1 Phone 829-5007. Eden. load, haul your spuds. Also cut NEW 1971 BILTMORE 12 x 60 2or 3 your seed. George Clark 543 SM3, 153 ACRES of heavy soil, lays good, . dows, double insulation. Massey Ferguson and 1 Armco. 3 80 ACRES, first lime listed, ex- U& N REAL ESTATE bedrooms. Many extras. Will O tn n is C lark V.3.S473. ce lle n t c a ttle set up, Real good extra water lovely brick home, 324-4800 221 So. Lincoln deliver. 14895. Low down payment. DELIVERED AND SET UP. po in t h itc h . 733-6059. Hay, Grain ond N#d 94 MANY OTHER OPTIONS, hom e. Also, 2 • 40's close to Buhl. 40 plus excellent tennant home. A Bank financing. R 8. R MOBILE t ON SALE FROM April 6 through CURL 6 row beet incorporator with FOR SALE: Allalla seed, clean, , acres and SO acres In Melon real good Improved farm. For all Jerome, Idaho HOMES, Blackfoot, Idaho. 785- CUSTOM STEAM grain rolling V a lle y. C all Gene .H opkins 543- your real estate needs In the Eden ; 11 for S8905. G ra n d y u n its. 432-2713. mobile molasses. Al Haskell,^ tagged, sacks. Bee board. Roger 1998. Great Lakes finer quality at lower Ward. U3U38, Rupert. i 4445, or LAND OFFICE OF Hazelton area call Joan Swartz 40 ACRES. 40 shares ol northslde 423-5660. K im b e rly . 825 5606 or LAND OFFICE OF prices. 2 JOHN DEERE 2-row potato IDAHJ) REALT^S to 0716. canal water, all In pasture. 3 NEW 1971 BiLTMORE 12 x 50 2 ID A H O R E A L T O R S 733 0716 Closed Sundays planters, 1 with gandy applicator. A reliable market for your baled FIRST YEAR OUT of Certified on bedroom home, pressure system bedrooms. S3995. R & V MOBILE across from Sears. A member o# Phone 733-2176. hay. IDAHO ALFALFA* PROD desert soil. Isolated area. Phone 440 ACRES. 240 larrp, remainder and o th e r Im provem ents. »16,000. H O M E . Blackfoot. Idaho. 765-1998. virgin soil. Located in Bruneau, Multiple Listing Service BROCKMAN'S UCTS. INC. ^ust north of the Sugar 543 4740, Buhl. ' Idaho. T erm s. Phone 845 2413. DRYDENAGENCY [ TEX FLOW aiuminum pipe, ga^ed Factory. Phone 7339187, Twin 1970 MOBILE home, x 50. two Falls. A - I ----- » m------11___ 32<-523i 40J S. Lincoln;) f bedroom fcenter trailerT.^See at -TRAfL^R SALES- 1 0 0 = 120 ACRES Eveninas: H4-WW or ^ u t h _ .7]4-3l67 320 ACRE-tiirm. sprlntlefjjtrlgnlert. —Tony^Trailer ^ o rt, F.tf«rrtd»ho. ------sprlnkirr ^vMrm^ Phone 471 V147 — SALE-.— 200 tons -aitaifa co m p le te ly fenced. $74,000. Ad lUh and Overland. Burley, 678 7574 423 5942. 120 a c re fa rm Close to Jerome. Full JEROME, IDAHO haylage. C all 324-2263. SELECT sires Incorporated . AH ditlonal land available. 825-5573 water rights, 2 bedroom home. All breeds, dairy, b m i. Walter Leltch, -_£vcnln as------FO R S A LE OR T R A D E . 1969 -irrcxcetterrrronrnttorr- — M a rt» jr e 1 i X'8B 3 BeU iu o m r Phone ■ OATS tor s«le,.24Q.loaded .c^your ^ 4 A 5 M ______2500 acre cattle setup, all deeded, I N Y £ R N A TTQN A L CO 0 734-3573. tru c k . Call 324 2166, J e ro m r.- 2 BEDROOM home with IS acres. plus some'BLM. Lots of water. 1 W it h p lo w . tV>ower. blade, and GEMSTATE REALTY WE HAVE: ARTIFICIAL Bre«dlng to A BS great AM N orth------7.13 ___ arly new home olus 2 oo«i>r^n^Hh. H rnkgf 733 9069 L hav, bushel 3-way mixed iroduction sires. Alto all bre«dt of , Hr$. 8:30-6;W _ SaT9 :00-4 :06~ ELS W ESTERN., UP TO GRAIN DRILL. Oliver Superior. 20 "gfafiv PhonenniTTTff/ AVAiiAbi*.' b u m ; " 5 i y n oa; T H E H O M E S IT E S l ,x 6. double disc openers, grass Jerome. 324 2 ^ ; Shoshone, U i- REALTY CO. , ' $1000 OFF ARE YOU: Getting Married? seeder a tta ch m e n t. 1420. R o ta ry WILL HAVE SUMMER and fall 7587. B urley. 678-9253; Hazelton, 444 M ain South ijtetlring? Paying rent? Spending hoe. John Deere. 4 sections. %425. pasture for 100head of cattle. 543 829 5302. 733 2365 r« rm t A rra n g e d too m uch lim e and m oney on home 655-4275 before 7 a.m .'D r a fte r 7 5694, a fte r 8 p.m . ) 1B39 Kim-berly Rd maintenance and taxes? SEE US p .m . D o nW allace ' .733 7616. now for the finest In luxury living CoHla BUSINESS (LSv^y 734-344© Twin Folli HAY FOR SALE by truckload. loa In a new SCHULT mobile home. WANTED: Used hay conditioner to O p e n 7 d o y i, 9 t o '9 We have a com ple te selection in Phone 487-2445, Stubbs T ru c k in g , fll 900or901 New Holland swather. Richfield. Will buy hav also REGISTERED ANGUS bulls, 21 to 160 ACRES ne.ar Buhl Large stock. AND the choice mobile 655-4236.______28 m o n th s o ld . C a ll ^433 5884 * * DIRECTORY * * fields, adequate out buildings.'* home sites in the new LAZY ’J' evenings. $600. per acre. Mobile Home Park. SEE . . . 660 INTERNATIONAL diesel Farm S««d 9« Below you will find many services ovailqble from CHAMPION tractor. 4 wheel drive with cab. REGISTERED ANGUS cows with M a g ic Volley' Businesses. Check with o u r Business NEW Holt Nichols, 8ox'42. Rupert. 426 FOR SALE: Certllled seed potatoes calf by side, or wilt freshen soon. 3629 from Beaver Creek Ranch, 423 5884 evenings. Directory when you're in need of service. The firms m AGIC VAILEY Dubois. Clean California reading.. LOBE MOTOR HOMES SURGE 4 milker setup. 2 new Field, run. or sorted. Plant the below offer the finest in service and quality products. FOR SALE: 32 head of Wisconsin “ Powered by Dodge OtllE HOMES buckets. 16 cans and 2 • 6 can best. Call 522-4248 o r 523 2552. Holstein springer heifers. Call 436- C heck w ith one a n d seej^ ^ REALTY coolers, all Accessories. 536-21M. Idaho Falls. “ LOWEST PRICED IN ~rh*DMW^ Inrlixled. SUj n>r ------forces sale, Call '"K Eunice n tc e Cooper “ T 733 4960, or LLAND A N D OOFFICE F F IC E OF month. 733 8261. Bill’s tree and lawn^rvice. Prune, ROTO TILLING, Small gardens. IDAHO REALTORS 733 0716. ♦ : i o \ " top, and remove trees. Trim Phone 9:00a.m, to 8:00 p.m. Chris BAKER’S LOOKING FOR an apartment or shrubs. Mow, trim, and clean Ja n clk, 733-9109. FINE HOMES and house? Call Q u llld . 733-2940. ^BONNIE’S WIGS, J35 MalnjELSIE The POTTER. Ceramic yards. Seventeen years ex 56 ------1 OAvBiue West, all types o*wlos a n d oreenware and siyplles. *halr Oleces “P*" Monday through Friday, 10 perlence. No job too small or too SHAKLEE PRODUCTS PLEASURE CRAFT TWO ROOMS, carpeted bedroom 1 « nair pieces.______^ W o rk s h o p . . lar«e_CAlj_«UU394i.______a .m . to - - - --Comm«Mi«l-Pr-op«ny-. — - . "Perrfi--5vpphor^-Serrnr"* — ------llv4ng-^m>om^lc«'4Utcnen,-U(Ultles |.♦ 'DRESSMSKINOAND Tuesday and Friday evenings,Ings, 7 / ;30 j ORGANIC, blodegradeable ASPECIALTY I furnished except electricity. i p.m.etthd Saturday,2p.m. P o lla rd i REPAIR 15 V£A«S S5«VING i * ALTERATIONS PLASTIC products. Basic H. others. Call Feldtman Realtors 733 1988 S42.50, D e p o s it, re fe re n c e s * Buildir>g, Kimberly. Idaho. Shaklee Distributor. Ruth Taylor, MAG>C v a lle y required. Close downtown. Men f HOME, OFFICE, AUTO |Plastlc ^^M sm aklno ant) alterations. 733 W endell, 536-2360. RALPH'S UPHOLSTERY building.. only. 733-8701. weld, color bond p>rocess.AII work SEWINOMACHINEi 363 2nd Avenue South, available. g u a ra n te e d ^ Llvir>06ton Plastics. SHEET HOCKING Call 733 4782 S im p s o n s RENTING BACHELOR apartment, I ^Oressmaklno, button holes 617 H Ave K , 324TO41, Jerom e See the machlnV made especially fenced yard, air conditioning. | *alteratlons and zipperil| repairs. All INVIVIDUAL LOT private entrance, 1645 2nd Avenue ' for knit and lingerie sewing. It EXEECISIMO KOUIPMBMT SHEET ROCKING, Taping, 'HtyRM ol labrlcs . 734-2391. feeds the material through the BUTCHERING APARTMENTS. 13 units, downtown East.______plastering and acoustics. Phone Jocaf/on. 160,000 W ill trade. MOVING machine with a top feed as well as * s e w in 6 l e s s o H s ______WALTON'S l« 733 0879 o r 733 1409, CLEAN, 1 bedroom. Adults only, no a bottom pne. It has 4 other Prescott AAoblle Butchering N o t M u lt ip k - L 'S U tJ Pa r t s * Sewing classes are s la rtin o neWi features also that are exclusive Cattle and Sheep pets. 734 2209 *vvaek on Knit S. S-t r e t c h SICK ROOM EQUIPMENT with RFAFF machines. « Phone 733 7191 or 423 4921 A C E REALTY S a i,e s Fabrics and Let's SevM J.lnoerle. Universal Zig-Zag S89.00 BELT TWO ROOMS and. private bath. * C o s l Is J12.50 for each S.week -O lO ESt DEALER- — No pet s . VIBRATORS “ HDTipiTAL Deds, wheel chair'AV ' ••‘Npi;iTT v it tor r m i u -e fe *aiurse; Classei in ■»IIim winnd' REASE ROMAN'S Mobile BuT Utilities furnished. 733 1980. -HENDRICKSON''S cherlng. Prompt Service. Clean, exercising equipment con­ Adv»ms 73JJJ-16 M ew & uied Mobile Homet 4 Comperi ' evening. Register now at e x p e rie n c e d . 423 5994, 423-4708, valescent aids Buy me or rent SEWINGCENTER me. Cholottomy appliances for W f W o r k - Se r v ic e & repair A^rtmanta—Unfum. 71 * SKINNER'S l}3 East /Main 5«r58»------— burv's Medical Center. _ Where pncei ore born ond Jerom e, Idatw 324-2792 For »ho»e hofd lo loie incK«t.. try t :>r^ 733-9114; K ln g s b u ry s T n re c rtp tto n - * SEWING SHOPPE EVERGREEN SERVICE TigcOMb r'OTEnTiAi Rnnmv,,______roit«deii«wh.,e . STUDIO APARTMENT, nicely Our b«lt vibrotor lote w«ight and Center, 733 6574 A tm r M ta . Excellent-locatlon. All j Save-On popping Center 733-5542 AT BERNINA'S^EW LOCATION home on acreage near college- , inch** votily. , , AAlin Evergreens, trimming, fruit trees, SIMPSON Mobile Homes utllftle s p*IU BALBp I l l B h l l 'ftlluln . 1 In the CAROLE-NOet., 157 trees and roses. Floyd Swan, 733 733 9531 ff^m fhm >hi» ond* &'lhef Wollon •«. HOSPITAL BEDS HARRISON. 436-4744 W E D b lN G S Or(meum Theater', D e m o n - 9353. Free estimates. •rcit* tqu«pm«nf o f . Wheel choin. Commod«», REALTY Rupert. Idaho UNFURNISHED 2bedroom, bujU In i strators and classroom machines, ■ p - Crulchei, Etc K stove, garage, water furnished. It Wedding and bridesmaids dresses, all 730 Top Models, SlOOoff regular DOLL HOSPITAL Rent or Sole 733-2322 Adults. No pets. 733 6715 ^vells and hats. Call for ap- price. 734-2312. B u rle y & R u p e rt. BANNER FURNITURE ^p o in tm e n t, 733 7697. 678 2496. 127 2nd Ave, Repair Dress all dolls. AAagic V a lle y Dorottiy Kolar 733-6848 Dean Fensttrmaker't Doll Clinic, 360 Blue Lakes North, Gene Conner 733-4019 HouMt— Unlurnithod 74 734 1804. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom house Sew and Crochet Shoe repair shop including with stove and re frig e ra to r 633'/j HOME MAjINTENANCE building and equipment. The only shop-in town Owner will train tor Buchanan, T w in , 733-2039. Roofing, painting and home repair. 30 days Doing a oood business. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath home, carpets, ------Com p let e hem e m eintenanee-. Ptif - - a ? e W t E Y PHARMACT yourself in good hands. Prompt WESTERN kitchen appliances -furnished. reliable service. 543 5&SA. 733-9971 Occupancy available May 10. 1639 R E A LTY CO. Heyburn Avenue Cast or call 733 444 M a in South 3127______MEAT CUTTING SPRAYING 733 2365 Bloke At Addison - Twin Falls FOR RENT: 3 bedroom home, D o n W a lla ce 733 7616 KIMBERLY CUSTOM MEAT DORMANT SPRAYING, lawn Partly , furnished. Carpeted .CUTTING. Cutting, wrapped, reiuvenatlon and fartlllzation,.root throughout. 602 A d ell S treet, Filer feeding, systemic feeding and VALUE CORNER cooling, freezing. 6 cents pound. LOCAL BAR. Operation consist\of 195 m onth. Phone 733-9222 days, sp ra yin g . O a rre t M u r r r y . 423 5994i 423-5708.-^ beer sales and billiard area. ' 326 S040, a fte r 6 p.m . GEMSPRAYING SERVICE Assum e lease. S6.000 includes all KENSKILL 733-^4206 MOBILE HOME TRANSPORTINO .inventory and l>eer license. Three 3' X 35' Mobile Home 7 BEDROOM; Brick. Carpeted bedroom house included with living room, par>elled basement HU G H ES. M obile Homes, Loca lly RASH 4 OARBAOE SERVICE le*se. THIS WEEK ONLY recreation room. Stoker, enclosed owned. Insured carrier. Local and GEMSTATE REALTY backyard. Garage. $115. Lease, long distance. 733-3773. £ RKS A N D SONS — 733-4441. references, deposit required. 733 CommercL>l and residential 633 Blue Lakes North . n3-S33« 8701. haulino — containers — special H750 PAINTING hauls — inside or oirtslde city Doug Vbllm er 733^3455 ,

f»ETiC0At‘ PAlNTER$ (gals who Morl«n* • Ctntufy • tomorock -Sh«lby need a job) Custom work a t low TREE SERVICE low prices interior and exterior Vocation TRAVEL JRAILERS 733 0512 KONICEK TREE "SERVICE, Trimming, Topping antf NICE RECREATJONAL home In. IfaYtkze Ttrry R^drvnoer EXPERT Painting . interior or R em oving. Free estinrrates. Pt«one Sawtooth Valley. Beautiful olto Rentol Unift exterior. Free estimates. Phone 733-4548 o r 324 4108 fire p la c e , 1'/^ acres. 3 m odern 734 2746. . ■ trailer spots, over 300' frontage on ’ EVERYTHING IN SERVICE FOR - VALLEV-TREe-SeRVtC'E ------— Highway--93- Priced right. For; lAQRIlP HOMP*; AMn TBAVgL Dangerous trees. Give Oft A Call, Information call Wayne Patterson, TRAILERS Painting Decorating (Interior- 733-3331 Lynw ood R e a lty Branch, 774-3328, , M A X f yOU« flW TS T O P E x te rio r). Call Dean AAays, 733- Stanley, or write Star Route, < Ketct^um, Idaho. THS LA S m t 6760. ^ j FOR experienced tree servlceT topping, trimming, removal and SEWER SERVICE Shrubbery work call DALE'S) C«fn«t«ry Loft t r e e s e r v i c e , 734-2387. Free. ROTO ROOTER sewer lervlce. . estimates. FOUR lots In Lakevlew area ol SIZE Sewer iinet and tepMc tank ; Sunset MetTwrlal -Perk-near ttie ' c'waning. Also, all typ^ of ex- Bronze Bible. S150 each Includes • c ^ M to n . 733-3541 or 73^-2509. V A C U U M C L E A N E R I______Perpetual Care. Will sell PRICE v a c u u m 'SERVICE Canter, part's, separatelv or'as a family group. CRAVEN'S Sewer Service: Septic repairs on Kirby compfct. AAott Call 733-J713 anytime except tank • sewer line cleaning. Power others. Twin Falls, 733^1. equipment, free Inspection. 733- Sa turday. 3053. Rfvrlng/ disking, corn ar>d~beef large epuip#nent. Gerry apd Wally Financino availtBi* Fw^THora- Iniormatlon call planting. Make arrangements P ic k e tt, 026-5307, F ile r. now . 324-5141. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for eoch pattern — add 25 «nt* for «ach p«rtf»rn for — BA t LE y - ROBERTS; ------^—Ah-MoU ottd ST»ciomondl>HOr S»nd to Morion Mor ’ INC. REALTORS Ttm®$-Newj 395, Pattern bept. WE OFFER Starting at' *8495 J ------733-4262 ELLiOTT'S 232 W «t iath St.. New York. N. Y. 10011. Print NAME. ADDRESS witft ZIP. n i C^Mond A ^.; Suclty. Maha SIZE ond ^ 24 HOUR Service Aroantt'fw Regal'Homes. ?S7».33«3r ^C.Hanay Williams, Evat, 7)4.2111 Swing into SprinQl.New, New Pottem Catalog Iwt separotM, jumpwHs, Coll oor 24 hour onswaring sarvic*. Tha odv»rti«ar'vrnIt~ BobNovtton- : 1 V : Sotm RepmenKith^ — ------slimmtn0 »hap«», free pattern coupon ^ . ba.nolifivd to coll you. If tha talaphona of any ad- Com pm v«rtis«r in thii DIRECTORY, is not answered, DIAL 733- . HoMarhane733-l4«0 INSTANT SEWIN3 BOOK »ew todoy, wOttF-tomorrow. $1. INSTANT iMibaeMblMUM 2386, TalaphoiM Aniwaring Sarvka in Twip Fo|l(^ Doyi, BUY THE BEST. All nwiM* v m /M O B ILE PH O N E fa s h io n BOOK-;;Hundred*of lathlonloct*.SI. _ T ra v e l Queen camper*. No«r-ln or Ntaht.' Bunay Ara»' TMn Fall* ArM . stock. M rtam an La^a, 1CMM rnwsi*- ?s4.» i s v r v tg i. Haoannan, idain. r K M M I unit a v f Unit SW T 34, Times-Newsj Twin Fall*, Idaho' Sunday, April 11, 1971

B«at< For Sdio , 169 AwrM ForSdIo Catri* 1 M P*t( and 1^1 Sup|tll«» 110 Radio and TV S«t» 125 MUK*tlan«»u«FerSn. ' f o r sSV-E: 35 • 3 year«lds and IS • ' products. Pred Voder, 215 Lenora partially ti'alned, excellent watch TV'S, black and white and color, U horsepower motor, phone 733- tandem drive and' brownie. Call sedan, *100. 2-wheeled tra ile r, *50. Call *29.5229, Haieltoo. U monttii .old Rmlitor«d Angui all guaranteed, convenient term*, Street, 733-1545. 4144 after 4. 537-4445, Castleford. - Bulls. Good Icngttiy built. Raised dogs. All vaccinated. Will ex- Phone 733-2102 after 4 p.m. chanoe one for w ork. 326-47M. WH.SON-BATES 702 AAaIn Avenue 1971 VW sedan, 3,00(f miles, tx>ught ~ :uii u fn i »ll»>«i-aiid hay— Uta. North, TT1,61. and home. New and u«ij.- T.tf's -liill canop»rand-»lde-curtali»s,->uU- 1 MtlSTrSEL-felVW cnw irTT un with " o a ^ i Lyon, 543- ■ Excellent , buys’. c a m e r a V x 11 C tM O LE uM I'ugs, a is o r tt^ tarp cover, ^val g^s tanks, guide CENTER. patterns,' «4.«S BANNERlANNE" FUR;------ride steering, llfe preservers, etc. stock rack. S2S00or bestoHer. 324; . 5W4 or s a s t u . , , ■ TOY POODLES for sale; White ■ NITURE, Twin Falls, 733-1421. 2413. DAVE MUNROE’S BI{Kk. Apricot. Phone Glenn Excellent condition, very few 23 YOUNG Angus cows wltTi calves. _pagley, 43«-<027, Rupert. ZENITH 23 inch-hlack and white TV hours, 324-4224. ' I«4« DODGE I.Ton truck with or console, ‘ reconditioned />-ton pickup, 4 Discount." 1" per cent nylon or 733-9601. terior. Auto- SO Q O ^ ; a ll tron\ local dairies. Call 543i speed. 6 cylinder very good con­ S e d q n '550 covers; ct>olce of colors. Regular moti( trantmiiiion f ,>J AP*RIL 12-13-14. M iscellaneous dition. one owner. $895. terms 4715.______I k A-MAR KENNELS, poodle p«rl^< •S99.95. Now S79.95. BANNER WANT TO RENT y o o r apartm ent? furniture, clothing, dishes, antique avaUabie. caM Les H a ze n 7 3 3 -7 )1 ) ■)964 IMPAIA 2 dr $ 0 0 ^ hoarding, stud service, 733-1195. FURNITURF. 7n M*)! Place a Want Ad today. 1969 IMPALA Sedan. Air. V-8. Au­ m irror, many miscellaneous o r 733 9601. H I . V-8, outo. irons. / y - J CHA^ROLAiS* bulls for sale, tomatic tronsm ittion Power item s. 733-7496. 208 Heyburn. . purebred and percentage bolls. I POODLE GROOMING, stud ser 1971 NEW ARRIVALS. Flberform 1966 BEIAIR Sedan Also 25 head of race .horses. Call j- vice, puppies. Cheri M iller. 1967 "Little Joe" Ford ranger APRIL 14. Furniture, lots of and Sidewinder boats. Evlnrude *2095 ( I o w n e r) . 543-4715. I Kennels, West Redcap corner, pickup. Short , wtieel base, good '695 miscellaneous. '/• m ile south ol i and M ercury motors. BUD AND ! Kim berly, 423-5104. NEW STEEL! MARK'S. Your ‘Evlnrude and tires, dual exhaust. 36,000 actual 1969 IMPALA 4 dr H T Air. V-8, Good baby and pasture calves for Army Reserve Center on Kim | 1967 CYCLONE M i l l E n d s M ercury Dealer. 1163 Blue Lakes. miles. EXCELLENT CON sale. Ail kinds. Ptione 324-4162 or berly Road. Vaughn's. ' | Auto. Vanj.. Power $ Q O Q |T G T 'A K C REGISTERED gotden N orth, 733-1194. D lTiO N .C ail 7^.7467 after 6 p.m . '995 324 4 0 n , J e r o m e . iteering & brakei ^ ^ / O ' R etriever pups. 3'/7 months old. S3S 10Mb. 1 96 5 IM P A L A SS for m ales. S20 for females. Phone 1»oed Thingt To Eot 133 CHRYSLER boett and’ motors. 1957 GMC ton, 6 cylinder engine, 4 1968 OIDS 88, 2 dr H T Air. V-8, 100 to ISO H olstein heifers on hand. 4 spd . 327 V 8 , 536 2118. ' H y d ra u lic R o m i speed transm ission, runs $300 — '995 W eight 1.000 to 1,350 pounds. Two- Starcraft boats. Camper trailers Auto tront.. Power ^ r \ T O C RED POTATOES. Bodenstab's. 2, Harley-Davldson m otorcyclis. 733-1975. ways to finance. One to four years. ' Steel Coble (teering & broket ^ I Z O 196A OLDS 442 Cows Insured against death. AH EASTER SPECIAL; SomoHe m iles North. 1 m i l e West of West 5 ^ Surplus landing MaU JEROME IMPLEMENT & 1964 FO R D */3 ton. V 8. 4-speed, long 4 spd , V 8 '1295 heifers guaranteed. EUGENE puppies, pure v,^ite, registered p o in ts . MARINA. ' Cham Cutterj wheel base, stock rack. Good HUGHES, 324-2415, Jerom e. parents. SIC and $15 733 8524. 1968 CAMARC3 »pd . < r \ i c • Du»t G oggiVi condition. $900. 537 6545. 1 9 6 0 FORD 13W FOOT BOAT, 25 horse electric 327 V-B, Aircor>d Z I V O ’ G t G as C o n ^ S e d o n ONE CANAJ^Y with cage and cover. FartiliiM’ and 135 '195 ------RC(»ST£aBO-Angi».Bul(»<-AMdy Evlnrude motor and trailer. AM Can The P ^ Ts 733-1506: ^ « Hylon Tow^trop*- • 1954 FORD ^i4on. 8 foot -bed, 4------^ ■ " ■ — safet y equrpm w t? ttoo: Ca^ '536- . 196ft-CATAUNA 4 dr HT . AV, 19 68 C H 6V M»-ion ^ "TCTOK VALLEY Certified seed * P ip e ' • nQOd _bPdy. i* r t > m e . I 2791. ------:...... — ------V - f t - r r r n n r potatoes. Clean California Dependable transportation. V-B, 4 ip d W 9 5 - ’ Clothei Line Polei Power ileenng FOR SALE; Sliver Poodle, 7 weeks Reading. See Ned H Ibbert, Driggs. cash’ Can be seen at 1514 Prin s old. t40, 324 4119, ceton Drive o r’call 733-1399. (W O W o n ly ) 1969 CHEV W tor' V 8, Autofno»*c pHnoer cows or i u t i t e r i ;____I d a h o o r P h o n e (3 0 7 ) 3 53 2556,______1888 Suaranteed. Buy or trade’^lors d e " fo f springers or beef. Hap or Clyde lAKC REGISTERED Gbrman 1951 C H E V R O L E T P I C K U P . in ' Low miiej 1966 IMPALA 2 dr H T„ V-8. Auto - ^ 5 9 5 - H ughev Buhl. 543 5825 o r 543 5969. ' Shorthairs and Wire Haired I Shrubbery, Pfantt, Bulbs 136 spected, 6 ply tires. $)45, 286 tron^.. Low mUei. • Pointrng Griffons. l a r r y ^S Jackson Sfreet. | (9 6 2 CH6V V, ton ; yRNNEt ghnna ______R e o lv h o rp ^ I ZVO FOR SAL'C T'eO stw.n tuw s att wrHH •FOR BLACKCAPS. »ed respberfW r - 4 i p d ...... 1970 1100 • INTERNATlbN^nr^ '595 calf by side. Phone 862 J489, currents, gooseberrhes. grapes and choice of colors! See your NEW BEAGLE D0G6. male and female. .Iravelall. 4-wheel j drive, power-! 0 # » k li/y . strawberry plants WESTERN Open Mon. thru Sot 8:30 - 5;30 I Johnson Outboard and Glastron $20 for pair. Also, puppies $15. Vtea,rlng|‘ ' bower-brakes. air- ' ALL.CARS INSPECTED — BACKED BY WARRANTY NURSERY. 540 Filer Avenue. rH £ FUN SPOT TO SHOP t Boat Dealer, Century Auto apiece. 655-1223. conditk)Tiit,d. clean, like new. W ill IRRfGATED CAtTLE posture (or ■'Twin Foils. 1 52 Second Av«T 5 Twin folU I Machine In Century City. Wtfit consider iate model car or pickup, ^ rent, by head or acre. 16 acres,— ' Addison. 733-5070, _____ 3 2 4 :2 0 0 4 -______1 ______COME IN and SEE orXALL good. 336-4735. AKC GREAT” DANES. POOdfe Norwegian Elk Hounds. *39 MlK«llanMui WanUd 141 SPRING CLEANING tTm E* DAVE MUNROE 543-4951 - 543-5335 32 HOLSTEIN m ilk cows. 1 guern Samoyeds. German 'Shepherj^. ALL TYPES antique furniture. WILL SELL ON consignment or wlH is W ant Ad tim e. ____ ' sey. 1 red holsteln. All 1st and 2nd German St>orthalrs. will have clocks. some glassware^ anything of value. Kimberly calf heifers. Phone 436-4078. Brittanys and Beagles. MAC'S Molorcyclet 180 APRIL SPECIAL KEN N ELS, W endell. 536 2317. SALLY S Auction Center. West Monroe ANTIQUES. 438 5950. Street, 4?3 5568 i 1970 SUZUKI 90 Ehduro. 5 speed, YEARLING HEREFORD bulls AKC REGISTERED Norwegian Elk Edward C. Eakln & Sons. Jerome excellent condition. $345 , 733 4799 1971 GMC Hound puppies for sale, 4 months A CHANGING STOCK: Glass, china W I L L B U Y d ir e c i o r A u c t io n yo u r 3 2 4 .^ 6 8 . after 5 p.m. old. 543-4461. KNIGHT'S ANTIQ UITIES. 241 furniture appliance-odds ^ ends Polk Street East. Kim berly. 423 Snake R iver Auction. 733-7754. 2'/2 Ton Truck , 1970 KAWASAKI 175 F 3 Bush * WANT TO TRADE'California cattle 5 3 4 3 ______wacker. Will trade for 16 iqch for Idaho cattle. Prefer Large . Livestock Wanted 114 POWDER RIVER call table. Phone • 350 V-8 eng*r\e, 5 ipeed iroriimii- • LIVE RECKLESSLY Come look. cam p tra ile r. 734-2466. Angus or sm iill Holstein Springer Wendell S36-22B8 after 8:00 p.m . . iion, 2 speed rear o*te. 825 « 20 heifers, 53^2U3. j DEAD ANIM AL pickup. We service Pete Johnston. 304 South 10 ply tirti. 20 X 6'. Budd stud N orthslde. James Scott, 934-5189. Washington (Airport Road). 733 HONDA CL450. 1970. 4200 miles OLD COINS — Bought and sold. Box wheels, spore tachomeler, West WANTED.' HHRD of 25 HoJstein 2345.______I Candy Apple-Orange color. Call 803. Twin Falls, Idaho. cows. Call 733 9235. 733 8693. Coosf Mirrors, full foom seot, fow I ------ANTIQUES sold on consignment. hooks. 8,000 pound front springs. Your price guaranteed. See our CASH FOR SCRAP M ETAL 1969 D .T.IB Enduro 250 cc- RE'GiSTERED ANGUS bulls, long 2 FOR PROMPT PICKUP 20.800 pound r e a r springs, aux­ large collection. Hayes Furniture. Copper. Brass. Alum inum . Yamaha. 1968 80 cc Yamaha year olds, rugged and ready to go iliary reor springs list price $608^40 to work. Dick Howard. 543 4915. OF DEAD AND USELESS Radiators. Batteries. Etc. trallblke, electric starter. Call 324 ANIMALS CALL *««c»llon»ou» For SoU 140 H. KOPPEL CO 2094. Jerome. 153 ^ d A v e n u e S o u th M995 BEEF SHORTHORN BULLS. Floyd WORLD BOOK Erfcyclopedls^ »nd 1966 TRIUM PH 650cc, T120. Good V. AAorrlson, M urfaugh. Phone 432- 733-6835 Other instructional m aterials. P O Heating Equipment 144 condition. Phone 733 7606 evenings 2852. Box 916. 733-3323 after 7 p .m . 733 3557 days. C O L L E C T 65.000 BTU deluxe wall furnace, JOHN CHRIS WEANED WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN FREE PICKUP SERVICE STOW a way bed for rent $3.00 a natural gas, complete with 1969 HONDA CL350* good condition calves or Holstein angus cross week. Banner Furniture, phone shipped on approval. All ages. GOODING 934-5414 chimney Give reasonable offer. M o to r s 1970 CHEVROLET 733 1421. ' ^ 543 4683 Buhl, or after 6 P M 733 Write for free price list. Van- 601 Mom Avenue East 7331823 Nowo 2 door »edon, V-8 engine 1969 PLYMOUTH derburg Cattle. North Prairie. 2313. FOR SALE: 3-300 HP Mag Motor S r r a m h U r i ; < UUOJ tlltni'l? 'T~B tn g in f WJs. 53153. iriA M nm nF AMn S ta rte t^ »oodcfdndiNon. $275, Two portable Auto* For Sola tteering. Foclory oir conditioning a u to n ia tic tfantmivi-on rod>o lladder, a d d e r , Two 15 ton King Zero ice Snowm oDiles 1 6 0 Panosonic speakers, like new $25 200 FOR SALE: 95 head stock Vows heoter power vteenng power Banks; One 30.000. 40,000, 65,000 734-3424. calving now. ' j calved out. Phone TALLO W CO. 1964 CAPRICE ] V i ‘ a owner JOoor See This O ne . . '2775 dive broiiev gal. fuel tanks, Steel steps w 1968 PO LAR IS long Col). 396^^iinglne. — 334-5141.------ratting; Assort, double acting • tuned exhaust, runs Uke new. hardtop Delu«e Interior 733 3943or M ILLER HONDA SALES 733 9JJ1 N o w • hydraulic rams; Lrg. quantity W h o le s a le $ 3 9 5 , 733 1735. H296 m il/ing shorthorns, buij__;Appllance» 8t HH Eqoip^^l2_0__ intr^djicing the all new Trail 90! 1965 CHEVROLET c a lv e s oT R id g e w o o d v a l i a n t . 5 ------Cofvoir convertible, 4 »peed tron\ approx. 200 ton ; lots good useable 1971 S K I O O O 6 4 0 B liz z a r d , $1350. red, 1 roan. April and May 1970 DELUXE .FRIGlDAIRE range Honda generators, also W O W LOOK mmion, Rodio. end many other e» angle iron. One ton assort Call Fred M ackey, Fairfield, 764 calves. Herbert Hahn. Pingree, avocado green, excellent con autom oblfes. pickups, sales, parts, , 1966 PONTIAC stainless steel bolts, Misc gear 2222 troi See and drive fhn beout<^u( dition. Still under guarantee Call s e r v ic e . HUNTER'S HARDTOPS IS door \edon radio healer Idaho 684 4894 reducers. Var. sz^le c. fuel, water eitro cleon cot. 4 334 4520 8« sump pumps, Fluorescent 'JNDER5ELLING AS itondord tronvmivnon NOW AVAILABLE M ILLE R HOh4>OA.SALES lights; 3 elec 75 HP motor UOO USUAL! Very Cleon C A L V E S . NEW AND USED apf^lances. Hall SNOW MOBILE STORAGE. $30 for Hansen 423 5179 Now Only .... '668 ....ftRAA^_i,000: Vl3" g.alw-cable. 150' —& rr>onths, in c lo d e v -s e ra n d — .'Bab'V and grass'cawes, all kinds. o f'M usic arid Appliance.‘733-'4971, ■ tW O Chrvv P.elr conditioning ' CALVES wood and coal range. Pt>one 734 rifle , good condition 536 2130 1967 INTERNATIONAL 4 x 4 Troveloll, 1967 Buick Qrand Sport S995 '^1486 V -8 aotof^otic, powee ifeerg,ne outom o’ic 2 n d Avenue W eit 733 1421 speed tranirniwion Residence. 715 723 9158 and pickups. ABBOTT'S AUTO 3 '1895 lu«ury cof e*lrem ly well kept tcQovmnMon fodio Keote» powe' S U P P L Y . Shoshone St South 1967 Mustang S995 5(» 1965 FORD 14 Ton. • ite e 'in g bOt,c OOwe* I'e erc ng 104 V 8 e n g in e 4 \peed tronimi ,ion Cu>t( '1295 Eri|Oy lunury '2390 LADiES TOTE BAGS, assorted Save S C H I N A C U P B Q A f f D & . 1966 Mustang S995 - F 0 R - 8 M n r t ?64 CHEVROLET % Ton. vano^us sizes and models. Banner now only $9 99 at PENNYWISE V 8 automatic power iteenng Rebuilt engine Arabian gelding Bay witrt bia 2 e F u r n i t u r e . 733 1431 DRUGS. LynwoOd Shopping M095 tace. Very stylish, has ridden with C e n te r 1965 INTERNATIONAl Vi Ton 1966 Chev. Sport Von , S995 riding club Phone 733 i<888 LIVING ROOM set Phone 733 4857 evenings and weekends V 8 engine, 4 vpeed Irontm niion. long wheeiboso ^995 WAYMENT'.S HOBBY SHOP Automotic, e*lfo leoti windows NYLON FRIEZE platform rocker, Control line, radio control, tree 1962 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 4 x 4 TWO JOCKEY club mares, well good condition, S39 95 at Cain's 733 flights, engines, kits, accessories, LOTS MORE AT bred, good producers Must sen 7111 Pull top hubt. bucket leats ^895 rockets. 669 M aurice Street, Twin UNDERSELLING PRICES 543 4178. F a lls . 1966 TOYOTA 4X 4 Flat B«d Pickup WALNUT SECRETARY glass top ON THE LOT. EXPERIENCED HORSE training. desk, 3draw ers below the desk. S79 FISHING POLES, reels, large Mechanicolly good M395 breaKina* ahqeino. Oood ngrse at Cam s 733 7) 11 selection, low prices, RED'S HUNTER'S HARDTOPS QUALITY facilities Bill Mangum. 88A 2593 TRADING POST, 315 5h&shohie TV56TORD STATION WAGON OEALCR AQUA NYLON frieze studio sola, Uud Cart 254 4lh A v « evenings, or John P tililios 886 »87 Street South 6 poitenger wagon with power iteeriftg 522 Addison Ave. West perfect condition. 169 at Cain's 733 Phon. 733-7365 1971 S h o s h o n e 390 V 8 engine, outomatic trontm iition 7111 TWIN FALLS 30 8, 55 GALLON drums tor sale, and air conditioning Cleon M 295 FOR SALE Sorrel Mustang, Very orlced at S3.50 each C^n 703 96^9 EXCELLENT oak rolled top desk gentle, good children's and . Round oak dining table and chairs begir>ner^ horse Phone 733 8315 GOLF CLUBS, complete set, Haig : dSe d t r u c k s Beautiful • brass bed Recon Uttra, used very Httte S)SO 734 ditioned walnut organ Sectional J9A4 INTERNATIONAU600 3431 evenings, weekends - HOU4E&HOE46tC, trim m ing, And. foctor^f tog q*l«, 345 V B engtne. 5 ipeed^jrantm m ion ___ ACE HANSEN CHEVROLET — CTDommir A iiffrB fifikjrtft. . P h fifte ...jju flftti. !fuAki..6Ak Jiht‘a7v table/ rwn-r . . J3A-4A31, Denver Fine. Ftter • ■ C urtts M athes TV stereo radio, ftO VAL EUECrTRITTTVpewrlfer. ^2595 ^ WHERE YOU GET THE # 1 BUYS PRGArm ETrGUYS“ : I like new. M edltteranean bedroori;^ 'pica type. Exe^lent condition, 1<>62 INTERNATIONAL B-160 pHced right 733^00 after 10 a m BUY OR se4l your horses where suite with 6’'xoam mattress. 3i 304 V'8 «ngin«. 5 »p#«d trontm iition LEASE A M E R IC A 'S CAR OR TRUCK BY THE DAY, MONTH or YEAR you're treated right Phone 336 chests, t)unk beds, baby furniture, 3 i.p««d r»ar «nd. tag o il* M695 SU 2 . evenings. • desks 7 piece solid maple dtnlng 17 foot sett contatned cam p trailer, 1961 CHEVROirr?Ton. suite Stoves.'refrigerators, deep like new, many extras Call 733 V-8 cngin*. 5 (p«ed trontm ution. 2 ipeed reor end 1969 CHEVROLET 1968 MERCURY 1970 IMPAIA ALL TYPESof horses, bought, u id , tr««2e Furniture repairing, 0973. M295 Brookwood 4 door »»a»ion wogon. MONTEREY Hordtop »pori coupe, Hordtop sport coupe, v s engine, traded. Plenty ot ranch geldings rH InishIng, upholstering. HAYES 1957 CHEVROLET 2 Ton. V 8 engine, automatic tron* V-B engine. Qutortiotic ir a n tm it outomotic lronsnnn»on, power Ren Haley, 733 6055. FURNITURE- 1964 FO R D truck, 3 Ton, new m otor, 6 cylind««-^gin«. 4 tp««d tronsmistion. 2 tpeed rear end V95 mitiion. power steering, foctory tior). power steering, power Steering, power brakes, foctory new 900 tires. Also 1 4 ,./0Dt Curl 1959 FORD F-600 UNFINISHED FURNITURE, spud bed. 1965 B^TTl^t trailer a ir broket, eatremely thorp o ir W ANTED:' Good gentle saddle V-8 engine. 4*ip«ed Iranim itiion. 2 tp««d rear end '695 horses. W rite Box 566 Sun Valley. highest quality, good selection. Kou&e 10 X 55. Broadway 'Brownie $2195 SI 695 $2995 Give description and orice. M ary Carter Paints, 1936, Kim Over-and Under trap gun. 433 1965 INTERNATIONAL DF-405 Tandem Diejel b«rlv Road 7333493. 5369. N H 2 S 0 Cu m m m i. power storing. 5 ond 4, Jolte HORSE PASTURE rental. Kim Broke, SOHD'%. N«w 22 inch tire* EVERY make electric carpet berty Road in Twin Capacity BUY — S«ll — Trade. Camera sham pooeriJoeT'8’ t>etter job w*th- 1970 FORD TORINO 1970 OLDS 442 several head Phone 543 61S1, Center, Halt ot Music. BUY FROM famous Blue Lustre. Hardtop coupe. V-8 engine, outo- Hordtop iport coupe. V-0 engtn*,- B u h l. MAGtC VALLEY PREMIUMS PAID for rourKt dining KRENGEL'S. mottc tronim itiion, power (te«r- outomotic trantm ittion. power ■ ng. power broket, wide Oval steering, power broket, oir con­ THE NO. 1. REGISTERED ALL Arabian, tables — rolt top desks — Brass* INTERNATIONAL, INC. M s — Otina closets ~ baby FOR "A lob well done feeling", t ir e t ditioning. like new one service U5, call after i:30 p.m. clean carpets with Blue Lustre Truck Lone. Twin Falls 733-4266 733 -6 T 9 f. mings. HAYES FURNITURE. . GUYS Rent electric shampooer Si S2795 „ $3250 ------GREENAWALT'S. PACK HORSES and equipment Musical Initrumsnts Phone W4-5330, Gooding, Autot For Sal* 200 Autot For SaU 200 CUSTOM PAINTING. Cara, trotks. JUST RECEIVED. Large lhipm«nt 1971 PINTO COUPE 1961 FORD 4 Door 1970 CHEVROLET FRONTIER R40«NG dub w ill hold pickups, dents removed Stotion wagon, V-8 Long wheel base Fleettide 4 F ^ d e r -guitars, basses and am- tea'sonably. Tractors, trailer 4 tpe«d tronirnittion, never b*«n annual uivi&ignmvni~ tro n e —salfrT- ^—pTm FfS "TnHiKi mu new ad d llior>%-r whe-l drive pickup, 350 V-8 4 7 B6Uia. PRsrtrra-sm. — regiitered, onfy 170 miUs. Thi» •rtgine. A pril 25, 1:00 p.m . Frontier Field. • CLAUDE BROWN MUSIC AND ttafydord trontmittion. en 4 tpeed trorttmittion. con>ionmer>?» to Alfred FU R W iTU RE.______> p « c io lr------1 House, 733-7367or John G lister 733 ’ iJSED STEAM ciMnars for sale, WRLS SPECIAL $1860 S295 — ------$3595 NEW Yamaha pianos: Usad pianos; high, pressure washers« call ______VoK guitars ar>d amplifiers. KLH Spaclaiized Equipment. 733-39a« REGISTERED QUARTER HORSE days or evmlnoft- stereo racord players. Warner JLSZOMERCURX- StaUlon. Enchanted Earl sire -W J-6HEVROtEf^ - K W DODGE- Mosicr M l Shatfiaoe Nortt»,------4 wheel pickup, mobile chantT Dan Diana U»ed Kltclien Cabinet! SI5.00 s*i CYCLONE GT Sport coup#, V-8 4 door station wagon, 348 V-8 V-8 4 Casement. Top running and GOOD selection of UI»d Ideal for garage storage engine. .4 tpeed tranimiiiion, engine, chariot prospect. Outstanding Hammond Orp»n» —^Xm»i Irodt- remodeling or cabini. power tteering. automatic tronirnittion tpeed trontmittion conformation. Must sell. Also. 3 inJ. AAASOMER'S M uSIC. Twin Steel WIndowi t}.00 I. up $2695 $2795 r-ft»ona 73X4KMI qt.4 ------FWH-:------$295 7B-aW l, DMn Earl. small SI.25 ea ' Kitchen Sinks $3.75 ea WALNUT ELECTRIC organ. Ex­ Cali 73}->t9landasklor 111 4 door hordtop. Rcc»iv* th« bolonca o l 5 y*o r 60.000 1970 JEEP 4 Wheel Drive 1969 DATUSN PICKUP 1970 FURY 1959 Jeep ' Sh*«p 1 0 « cellent condition, asiumt low. BobWIIisor HarryiBrow W ith cob monthly paymenti.-Al>0 -0ani0le : m»l« worronty. foctory Air Condittoning — Rodro — Whit»-tid«woll hr*t 4 Wheel Dfive Stot»oo_j w o^ri, -Pickup, V-8 engine, automatic pav>0r ‘ V-8 — Auto«notk tronim iiwon. tranim iiiion, power itAvring. . h ig h foctory 70 EWE lambs, weaned, ^ to full- - jia o o . Ptione 20«-CH3.9270or w rite lockout hubs, 6 cyTindlvr engine. oir conditioning. comper. blood S M M k . Excellent’breeding O'Mtt'AVanagir, «7 S.W. I53rd, Left fo r R epair S p e c i a l ...... *2993 $795 slock. 139-SSU, Hazelton. Seattle, WasMngton, M1M. $2995 ST595 , Beautiful Magnavox full-size fWt* Pol Suppli** 110 Radio and TV Soil 125 stereo console. O ^am lc speaker system. Deluxe Mlcrcmatlc 4 USED CARS 2S4 4th Ave. w. AKC REGISTERED cocker pups. W H ILE TH E Y LASTI Console and speed ctienoef. W ill acctpt S9$.56 MOTOR ' Ornm* ctiilOren's ponies. Western portatMe used TV's, your cftoice cash. Must have good credit If NEW CARS ' ACE HANSEN CHEVROLET .PMMira Mddi* hors**. Westfall, t » . M Service Co. i a 2nd Avenue terms are desired. For ln« 23«Sh<»lK». form atldn calJ 733-3U?. COMPANY St. W. . 4 X M > 4 r . N orth. 313 Main Avenue East \ Open Evenings ; 733-3033 f S u n d a y , J-__ Id a h o 3 5 AutM For tel* 300 Auto* For Sal* 200 Autot For SaU ' 200 Auto* For SaU 200 ’ Auto* For Salo 200 AulotForSol*' 200 IMS CHEVIE Impala 4^K>or tK la n , >9« LINCOLN CONtlNENTAL, 4- 1970. FORD Torino GT.' Re*. HAPPINESS IS ownlnO>thls.*kira 19«1 CHEVROLEt V a n . New paint, 1971 BRAND NEW Volkswagen, two . vary good condition, Sc» It, make door, all power,,split (t«nt seat. A utom atic, power steering, powlH' sharp I9«6 9 passenger Oapi'^e gooA-motor. *395. 1941 Ford Calaxle owar. 4»S»^ U,2S0. 3M-«r2}. brakn. Must sell. 714-3545. '.394' Oievy wagon. Only S),493. *t45. 32<^5384. ______■ Phone 543-4770. , 1» « SS 396 automatic^ GTX 19M OLOSm6 6 ilE 98. Factory air. 1967 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER. 4 1970 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, JSO FOR SALE: 19«il Volkswagen BUG. wheel d riv e , w ith hubs', steel top, automatic, air. IMS CorveHe 477, Excellent condition. L. G. Harris, SHARP I9«2 -C hevrolet 2-door 1 owner. Excedent. condition.' standard. 733,03M. ■ .V-8 'engine, with 4 speed, 5,900 , *2350. Phone 324-2283, Jerome. nice anglne, naw tires, 724-589*. miles, 733-26»4 evenings. . Heritage Homes, Apt. 45, Jerome; hardtop. '32T i^orst 4-spee:i, ntw "i»57 cHEvrtiSnn v'.B,7doorrrar tires, new custom paint Call a ltrr floor.', Cood tires, 423-Set4 FOR SALE: -19f« Ford, 4^1oor "FOR SALE v194i Oiavy Iwpala SS; 'kvenlngs. Falrlane. Mevy tires, brakes .'327' 4-speed, .bucket seats. 733- rellned, state Inspection, oil 0033.' G IMMICKS! >9« PONTIAC Grand Prix* lima changed and grease job. Full of graan, white Interior. Priced to oan^^Mtlfreeie. Full price $300. sell. SlUO. 733 S440. 52 clean cars in top condition. 4 speed. 050 Tuesday thru — ^ Saturday,'8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PRICED TO SELLU- . 1970 OPEL R ALLYE 1969 BUICK RIVIERA 19M DATSUN, 4.door wagon. Good KADETTE Completely looded, foctory oir 1965 M EBCURY V-«, automatic, condition, 1700.. 324-2440, 326 East pow*r steering. s«0. n3-1WS. 2nd, Jerome. HARBAUGH MOTORS 2'door ipon coupe with bucket I conditioning, vinyl top. DRIVE A LITTLEI SAV£ A LOTI teott, 4 tpeed; trontmittion. jutt I9M DATSUN,.1944CHEVY Impala. 1949 CHEVIELLE 307. Good con­ 934-4112, GOODING 10,000 octuol milet« - IM395 ^3460 Both In fa ir condition. 733 1725, ask dition, reasonably priced. Call 734- / for Mr. Baird or Mr. Garrison. 2779. DIRECT FACTORY DEALER!! ^2295 H867 , I . 1969 PONTIAC ■ GRAND PRIX 1970 OIDSMOBILE ROY ALE I All power and fully, equipped. TRUCK 2-door hardtop, all power, ond factory ou conditioning, vinyl Ace Hansen Chevrolet fully equipped including vinyl I lop and mag wheelt HEADQUARTERS lop.top. .Only vjniy /j.uuu23.000 actual miiet.milet. i SPECIAL! WHY WAIT? M395 >3687 '3795 >3188 You want a newer, dependoble automobile for your family vocation, don t you? Why woit? Boy your vocotion-reody tor now while our inventory it I 1969 OIDSMOBILE '67 OIDSMOBILE . $1695 '65 CHRYSLER .... $1250 1970 BUICK 4-4-2 coup«. V-8 engine. 4 speed 300 4 door hordfop, V-8 engine. heavy and we mutt move oted cortl Enjoy carefree driving pleoture right I TORONADO '■ now‘ And moke no poymentt until you return from your vocotion! We ELECTRA CUSTOM trontmiision, power iteering, - automatic trantmi»iion. power I The w o rld t fin e tt fro m wheel 4'door hordtop, completely Run» e xtro aood. tteering and bfokev cleon. hpve o big %election of thorp, one-owner cort thotV® don'i wont to give drive, fully equipped, foctory oir op’ To whole*af«~buy0 rs-~“r^ ’\^e“ wonr you to hcu/e ihe opportur»ity“ to '67Ci^EVRQLFT : S119S '6 9 d o d g e ' ~clirrdITr6nrn1^''‘ond’' itife o ' to p r*' choote yourt from mu hijg'e'ttodk di fonTottlc tovlngt!' tQ crory crrr—T tm tM rm m rg T — player Molibu 4 door ledon, V-8 engine, C h orgcr RT, V-8 engine, outomol- 12.000 actual milet Thit outomotic tran»mi$tion. lu-lone ic trontmiition, power jteenng told new for over $6700 p o in t. Reel nice ond bfoket, ^oe p o in t E xtra good battery checked broket, tiir condHioning, 1 locol DELTA B8 1964 FORD ...... $ 8 9 5 and wheel*, equipped for comper. Owner, you con expect a thorp cor ' 2-door hardtop, outomatic tront- Theiten Priced S 1 1 50 !'2495 '1977 Long wide box. 6 cylinder engine, 4 speed, transmission, '69 CHEVROLET . . SAVE $$ when yoy tee ihit, vocation reody. mtttion, power tteering. power br oket, rodk), low mileoge. ' rear bumper. long wide pickup, 350 V-8 engine, full ol got. terviced. oil changed, '64 CHEVROLET 3 /4 Ton 1965 CHEVROlET 4 Door Sedan 1967 OLDSMOBILE lonO-Wjde_pKkup, V-8 gngipe, 4 cujtom cob, tu-tone red and whit*. new lilter. lube, iiret. ond bottery Very, very deon. 6 cyhnder-engme, • ------D E L T A ^ S — . ------1961 FORD ...... v . . $ 5 9 5 Vpeed trontmittion, trailer hitch Shgrp. changed '3395, '2770 | PrekjprtOtrgVldB boxr6-cytmder~engine, 4 speed tronimtt—- -AlQndord Itiafuffiu 4-door iedon; botomotic tmni-— '69 INTERNATIONAL ready, full of got. terviced. oil Theiten Priced . -5 1 3 9 0 ’ mitnon. power ttetring, power sion, radio, excellent rubber, rear bumper. '66 Chevrolet H Ton SI 295 Long './ide box. 4 wheel drive pick­ changed, new filler, lube. Iiret ond 1967 B.UICKJLaSABRE I broket, tinted glott and foctory Long wide boK, 6 cylinder engine up. V-8 engine, automatic tront- bottery checked 1967 MERCURY m O n TCLAIH 4 2-doof hordlop, outomotic tront- I ’ conditioning mittion. power tieering power . 1967 D O D G E ...... $ 1 5 9 5 4 \peed trontmittion. 6 ply tiret mtttion, lock-out hub*. 23,000 Door Hordtop, beautiful blue ond Theiten Priced broket, foctory oir conditioning, | Pickup, long wide box, reor bumper, good tires, rodio, V*8 Run» ond look* oood actuol milei. Extro nice $500 white new cor trade in, fully equip­ ped. power tteering, power broket, '2195 1580 engine, outomatic tronsmission. 1966 CHEVROlET Vi Ton Pickup _4 oir conditioning, woll to wall cor- tpeed lrontrT\iition. runt good, good '2195 '1550 I 1967 BUICK ELECTRA 1968 FORD Gdaxie r ...... -. . . $1895' peting, rodio, tinted glott. etc , a IBUSED TRUCKS thope, thorp point job Vocotion 4-door hardtop, completely 500 4 door, V-8 engine, outomotic transmission, power, air mutt on your thopping litl, voca­ reocfy. full of got. terviced. oil 1967 MERCURY .1 Iboded inducting factory oir WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF 2 TON • IVi TON . AND 3 rON tion reody, full of got, terviced. oil conditioning. changed, new filter, lube. Itret and COMET CALIENTE JI conditioning ^ TRUCKS, V -B 'i A N p 4 '., 4 SPEED A N D 5 SPEED TRANSM ISSIO NS. A lt changed, new filte r, lub,e, tire i ond battery checked. 2-door hardtop, bucket teott. HAVE J SPEED REAR A XlES HERE'S JUST 4 EXAMPLES OF THE 16 WE 1964 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL ...... $ 9 9 5 boHery checked power tteering, power broket, HAVE to CHOOSE FROMI Theiten Priced $1095 I '2495 'T977 4 door, full power, oir conditioning, excellent rubber. Theiten Priced _ S 1 4 8 5 factory oir conditioning '6 7 DODGE '69 CHEVROLET 1969 VOLKSWAGEN Fastback ...... $ 1 8 9 5 1967 FORD RANCHERO Pickup, } 1967 MUSTANG 3 Ton. tilt cab, 36J V-8 engine. 5 2 Ton, long wh««l bo«. 350 V S 1966 FORD GALAXIE 500 Sport Beautiful little blue job, V-8 engine, '1995 '1473 I Automatic Irantmittion. power 1 owner, radio, chrome hub cops, many other extras, rear *p«ed trantmitiion. 2 ipeed reor «ngin«, 4 ipead tronimiition. 2 automatic trontmittion. power iteer- Hordlop. thorp I owner, excelleni, . I •^tteering, ppwer broket, air con­ axle, power tteering, 900x20 tiret. ipeed rear oxie, power tteering and ing, 38,000 actuol milet, thit ii fully equipped, lookt brand new, window defroster. 1966 OLDSMOBILE ditioning. Excellent condition. 8 2 5 k 20 tirei. , vocotion ready, full of got, terviced. reolly a nice unit Vocotion reody. TORONADO 1968 VOLKSWAGEN ...... $ 1 6 9 5 full of got. terviced. oil changed, oil chonged, new filter, lube, tiret '6 8 CHEVROLET '64 CHEVROLET Front wt>eel drive ond completely I Square back, excellent condition, radio, chrome hub cops, new filter, lube, tiret and bottery and battery checked '1895 '1488 2 Ton. big 6 engine. 4 tpeed tront- 2 Ton, long whi^el bo»e. V-8 en- loaded including factory oir con­ I many other extras. rnittion. 2 tpeed reor oxIe. 900x20 0 *ne. 4 tpeed trantmittion, 2 tpeed checked, Theiten Priced \ $ 9 7 5 d ition in g . 1 .1964 OLDSMOBILE F-85 riret. motor recently rebuilt. oxie, 825x20 tiret. Extra Thei»«n Priced $1500 1966 CHEVROLET IMPALA ...... $ 1 2 9 5 clean. 4-door tedon. rodio. heottr. Sport coupe, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power '2195 '1666 I power tleermg. steering. 1966CADAUAC I '1095 '687 DODGE CfTY 4-doQr tedon DftViUa. Full)r__i BOB REESE’S -I- Theisen Motcxr^ ped, oil power, factory oir con­ I 1964 INTERNATIONAL YOUREE MOTOR € ® r d itio n in g . SOO Block' 2 n (U lv i Soiiflr The Easiest Place In The World To Buy'A Car SCOUT 644 Main Avenue South Twin Falls * Kenny M oon .* Joe Butler • W inn Ellis j 4 wheel drive, lQck-ou4 hubt. o Kelly Hook o Jack Cox o Dale Sorenson' Op^n Eveningt 'lil 7 p.m. 701 Main Avenue East '733-7700 '2695 '2100 - | — ------1966 PONTIAC I '1395 '955 BONNEVILLE 2-door hordtop. automatic tront­ I 1964 FORD 1/2 TON mittion. power tteering, power j 3 tpeed trontmittion. r^nt eicel- '642=° I il295 '750

1966 DODGE POLARA I 1964 DODGE PpLARA 6 pottenger ttotion wogort. outo- 1 6 pottenger ifotion 'wagon, with motic trontmittion. power tteer­ I outomotic tranimiition. power ing. power broket, rodio. I tteering. power brokei. a locot '1295 =890 I or>e owner cor. 1 '1095 '575 1966 BUICK WILDCAT 4-door tedon. outomolic tront* 1964 BUICK million, power tteering^ power Stot^n w a g ^t 9 poM«ng«f> broket, foctory oir conditioning Vitto dome top, runt eaception- M595 '1140 1 o lly good. r n ^ — -^887-^ 1967 BUICK RIVIERA Complettly loaded, oil power j 1964 PONTIAC TEMPEST I 4-door tedon, outomotic from- '25’5 '2000 I million, power ite^ring.

/1 965 FORD P595 *275 COUNTRY SQUIRE .S!otion^«oa9''.. Jo' b'o 1?M,CHJEVEILEMAIIBU tengeri. hot outomoiic iront* 'I pottertger ttotion wo^on with mittion. power taring; power I ttondord fronim iitibn, rodk). I ' 7 9 5 ‘500. '770 r • ■ I > { ------1963 CHEVROlET------1965 MERCURY PARKLANE I , IMPAU S5 4-door tedon. thit cor hoi every I 3.iio<>r hardtop, b u d u l woH. 4 ovoilabte optior^, irvcluding o ir I Irommuion, powM iM«f- cortd it toning. I ing. rodto. il3 9 5 '850 ! '995 ‘690 1961 CADALLAC 4 -d a o r w d o n C>«V-.n>, k x b l t 1962 OIDSMOBILE own*r cor, 63,000 octuol miWi, SUPER 88 lUty (quippxl, alt pow*r, loc- \ AuW«i6Ke-|rOM- to fy o if M295 ------1 — ------^ * 5 9 5 ------I 1963 GHEVROlir I • • CpRVAIIi 3-dooripert ce«p«. ABBtE “^595^

■t^MAGIC V A LLErSIIN B ST . V. lDAHO%lMCi^ OLDSMOBILE — BUICK ^ y^ M lers welcome 712 MAIN a v e n u e S f e 36 Tlmes-News, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, Aprlt 1\, I97I Eagle recognition dinner action on set April 16 at Burley

River Area Council, Boy Scouts and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis DUle, , and Mrs, Ivan Skinner, Twin i^asiire ■.of--.Amfxtca;..will honnr. more all Hurley: Mr. and Mrs. Don Falls. ------than 70 young men from Kramer, Castleford; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grifflmnd Mr. and. Gleed-s^idi>prentsrsc0utersr which might not be a tiad id- He said he understood reap;- jUiroughout Magic Valley who BOISE (U PI)-C ov. CecU D. possible court test on the mnnths Mr. an^j Mrs. Wllev Dodds. Mr. years and others interested are ' Looking back, the goyempr vjsion comai turn mto poUlicaT decide next week what action noted, however, it would be at the Council’s annual ^ g l e to take on the reapportion- possible for someone to bring said, he found the regular and issues, but wid he felt fuiiding sp ecif sessions of the legida- for health and education recognition banquet at 7 pjn. ment bill approved by the leg­ a test case, on the present ap­ Friday in the I^nderosa Inn, islature, but added only a portionment if he should'veto ture “ time consuming!’ "sWuldn’t be partisan, in my “ I know that this is a neces­ opinion.” Burley. “ dire emergency” would bring the reapportionment bill. Dari S. Gleed, Twin Falls, him to call another special-ses­ ■He said he had had telephone sary part, but the frustrating In addition, he said-, the Re­ LEGLESSTABLE part of it was that ■ getting publican lawmakers were faced council scout executive,' said sion, calls from legislators from both guest speaker at this annual Indicating he felt health, edu­ parties and both houses ^ d this new administration off the with the “tramatic experience” PR. DONALD F. KLINE ground and acting as legislative of dealing with a Democratic event will be Dr. Donald' F. cation, aftd the environmental felt “ certainly assured that it Kline, Idaho’s executive areas were not adequately fund­ (the plan)will be challeneed. advisory took up a lot of my governor. He said such a situa­ time and I wasn’t able to get tion had existed before in Idaho director for higher education. ed by the lawmakers, Andrus In addition, he said, he spoke He served as director of said, ‘‘If we do not have enough down to do what the people but “these fellows aren’t old Merger ui Idaho Falls Thursday night development and institutional money for those things then hired me to do.” enough to remember that.” and while there was contacjed research at Idaho State we do not have enough money That, he said, was to "get Andrus indicated he felt his by residents "of the area who complete University and acting dean of .for legislative expenses.” the state government off dead- program did well in the ses­ wondered "how they could ISU's college of education prior The reapportionment bill ap­ center.” sion.He said aD items he men­ possibly be tied across M miles ______tioned in__ his state ___ of____ the state BATTLE CREEK, Mich. to becoming head of the state's proved by the-speciai'sessioh of- —jl‘I .hav£-no complaint.s, biit_ - dopar4ment-----oi---- liigh£r TAB1J MOVES IH, O U f, TURM8 nf desertTSIHaEO'alls.’*...... I’d be less -than-honest—if- I me.isagp wprp~aneast consider^ (UPlT'^ Offtcials~of~I^derate^' ~the list legislature after i() days ■^education. didn't say I was glad it was ed by the legislature and said Publications, Inc., and Gannett -Custom had a disparity of 19.3 per cent Andrus said if he allows the Gleed said sponsoring the new over so I could get down to the his losses "were basically fund- Co., Inc., have announced Nothing to move when you clea^<^v/Q x. b e t w ^ the highest and lowest measure to become law with- Eagle Scouts will be leading nuts ahaTSJlts of populated legislative districts. out his signature, and if » test business ”ahd~^ToIessf5iiarTSren EW cBsiwieieREAKFASIUNOOKS ------— !! ment,” he added. Andrus said his four major the two. Tlie governor said he had not case is brought, “ then it will in the council. Each sponsor I P;0. Box 16066 ' ' The governor said he was disappointments in the session The armouncement was made seen the bill himself, but said be determined by a Judicial hosts the young man to a pre­ I Portland, Ore. 97216 1 body and not a political body, surprised at the partisan dis­ were the “ continued disburse­ by Robert B. Miller, executive that choice would rule out a dinner reception and to the I Q Please tend me Iree mtormofion I putes in the legislature, especi­ ment of an unfair share of the chairman, and Louis A. Weil J r ' banquet. I □ Pleaie give me o FREE eiiimale ally towards the end of the spe­ sales tax revenue away from President of Federated, head­ Chairman of the event is Earl I Nam e , . cial session. education,” inadequate funding quartered in Battle Creek, and HaroWsen, Tvnn Falls. Helping "If the welfare of the people for health, inadequate funding by Paul Miller, chairman, and I Address him will be Mr. and Mrs. John of this state is to be deter­ for public education and the leg­ Allen Neuharth, president of j City State Andrus raps Woodbury, Hailey; Mr. and mined by £artisansljip then' islature's failure to enact public Gannett, headquartered in Ro­ • Beittime to coll , . Phone Mrs. Gerry Gehrke, Wendell; legislature we ,’ve go? prbble^. ” school kindergartens. chester, N.Y. IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (UPIl been prevented,” he added, —Gov..Cecil D. Andrus address-- "had the legislature seen fit to ed a gathering of over 350 freeze the iilventofy tax .phase Democrats at the Southeastern out at 15 pcr-ccm ."’ IdahoDemocrat’sregional meet- Idaho’s public schoolsf could ■ ing here "niursday night. have received an additional $2.3 - Andrus criticized the Repub­ million if the extra rivenue lican-controlled Idaho Legisla­ were channelled through, the ture for failing to increase fund­ school distribution formula An­ ing for health and education drus stated. during the, special session over "The phase out tax vote fail­ ' w l l a t the figures that came out of the ed on a party4ine vote,” he | regular term. charged. "If a partisan vote is T^e'4lst Legislature approved to determine what is best for' DMiiiy.iAfieFDM i H4.6 million for education and Idaho there must be change to $9.1 million for health prior to a Democratic majority in both the special session. houses.” Andrus said this means the The governor did express SO NY m akes “ impact of public education will pleasure that the legislature fi- "6e~once again~retumed to the “ nallyyadjoumed ’Thuryiay, ^ d pro^rty tax base at the local he said he was particularly glad -4he tim e as^ ^FQday,^ateh— level out of the necessity to pro­ to see such a strong Democrat­ vide additional funds.” ic response in eastern Idaho for clear as th e ftomorrow^ colojp- “ This is wrong and could have the gathering on Sony TV. Oil firms asked to s o u n d . Model halt explorations 1200U PRESTO VERTICAL BROILER WASHINGTON (UPI) -T he Communist China's warnings government has requested all the department has advised U.S. oil companies to halt American oil companies that An exGlfing new broiler that exploration in disputed parts of "we consider it inadvisable for works like a toaster. ., the China Sea claimed by them to undertake operations in $ 2 9 9 9 5 ■ Communist China,' the State these disputed areas.” O) broils both sides at once! D^artment said Friday. He said that Japan, Nationa--- I When you press the "Autobutton Department spokesman list China and South Korea I ypu never have to re-set the alarm before you go to bed; Model Vyi/r that the Gulf Oil Company has the U.S. position.' been advised to suspend oil A.sked if Communist China 95 HOOXMON! explorations by a ship under also had been informed, he Model8RC2iS contract to Nationalist China. replied that his announcement *35 THIS'LL N o w a Bray told newsmen that today was regarded as inform­ s m r “over the past years a number ing Peking. of companies have obtained The development came to YOU Fam ily-S ize contracts for oil exploration light when a Gulf Oil Company / and exploitation from the ship, the Gulf Rex, halted S O N Y MONEY.' Republic of China and the research activities in the East SONY RepuMic of Korea in the Yellow China Sea and headed for a Town & Country PRESTO'S With an 1 r and East China Seas based on Japanese port. Company offi­ diagonal screen the claims of those govern­ cials in Japan told UPI the ments to the continental shelf.” Slate Department advised them AM Portable it's sized for Ihe Bray noted, however,- that to halt operations fearing that whole family and lx)th Japan and Communist the ship's presence and use of a real light- weight China also have asserted claims electronic equipment off the in its class. in the area. mainland of China might ! He said Peking "has asserted prompt the Chinese Commu­ a claim to a large and nists Jo seize the ship Model nOU imprecisely defined ose of the continental shelf under the Yellow and Elast China Seas. IM ( H »{K KK V M IM , — ^nieTfterf-C IrtrrescTlstr'havB' strongly warned other countries , I '1 (h j against exploring for oil in the ( IIK IS T I VN S U M 'L L area. r(>_> M n in V>r V 7:1:1 .1(,77 M ITU »f«TUUlS Alto KfTCNIN UTtH UU WIU MOT bAMA«f TMis nrKTlI UltFACI Bray said in view of STOCK NO. XFPT12 95 Aluminum finish, black handles * 1 7 ” Complete with High Dome Cover, *19 Control Master, and Presto's tpew KOHLER & CAMPBELL Model 6R33 LHard Surface Teflon’ HEIRLOOM QUAUTY PIANOS 77/(’ 7'crv arc at PRESTO AUTOMATIC FONDUE SPECIAL Phmsc


with new hard-surfacie DuPont TEFLON* Opert 9 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdays 9 a .m .-7 p.m. Gundays Bench --- lotLiiM jKttfa M ta l ______kitclim utontlls LYNWOOD W i r G t v r Included . . Discover the fun of fondue cooking... Senior SHOPPING GHz*n I Mesf preparation Is eisster.' tieia056"= •Tiiiied • Guaranteed • Defvered CENTER DhKoutih: [ each person cooks hJs own, Model Tight at the table. ~ : x m r Ooii^eBROWM’S 5 H B MUSIC — FURNITURE *16" 143 Main Av«. E. Twin Falls Model FCIP . < ■ ..-r

" 7 V 7 "


SUNDAY, A PR Itll, 1971

BX7G& BXJI4'Z4’ir by Stof fe l & l Z e i 3a 1 .d a .h l HlVA. FUODS'V^/ 1 GOT A \WWOLe STeP“lNStOe/ THIS IS I I'LL wave. VA JLIMPIN AROUND NEW UNE 0 'OlWWlCV» T 'S H ^ yVPTi e k . l LUC.KV u c k y PPAV A V / / . ^ ' UKB A B fiH & X E tM HO 'rA.~HEV/WHV TM‘ CAM E?^ TIME/ 3 7 %MiT

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A-ONE.« A-TWO*-A-THREE/ THAT^S TM* t h a n k s Y A -< ^ ' ‘ ------I N f

P E O ^ E /

______C r "x* jm j t b "by Xia.x*ar:y

DEAR POLLY—T om 9 yBonj gu'far DEAR POLLY—!f * n-^iU fo n t *«»> player who is always losing my pick. handy, I think a rough edge on a cla/ N ow I make my own by c u ttin g the flower pot does a good job when some* shape of fhe pick out of the plastic lid thing needs sharpening.— ^VIRGINIA POINTERS from a cottage cheese c o n ta in e r^ ^ (Polly's note; Trying ihiycaused me to CATHERINE find that the edge of a concrete pot or step works even better.) - e - —DEAR-POLLY-^seon ongel food coke DEAR POLLY— Every time ^cllange tfi*^ -^TcuTTRErpoT pan as an outside water dish for your bog in my vacuum cleaner I insert in i t dog^O rive a stoke through-4«ol«-in-th*- four cloves. When I finish vacuujning, middle and into the ground and the pan the rooms hove o clcon, fresh scent that v ill not tip over or ba blown away.— RUTH is very pleasant. Much cheaper, too, tha n buying on o ir freshener!— DORA-* THE \ ^^e.

DEAR POLLY—Fasten a fong piece of ribbon or string across one end of a r-'Tr dresser and hang hair bands or scarves over it. This will keep them from gettina w rinkled, and also close at hoodw— LORJ DEAR POLLY—My fararlfe woy ef re- o noving whita rings left on furnitur* after liquids have been spilled is to D e a r PO LLY— I liv® m on apartmenf- apply warm linseed oil. I have even used with little storage space for bath mots, this on spills left for a Inng period of HOTO-GUIDEi,.J4Vl (buit SiM 35 buit, book markers is to cut the corners off fer for 2 designs; color chort; full direc­ 3 !« yordj of 45-inch, he has finished reoding. When Mom envelopes and slip one of thesfc over the tions. sees a magazine with oil our names on corner of the page to be marked.—~ the front, she knows it is safe to throw ~Dlliai PATTIKHI JU Mth -V-//- t f r f «:a T f l 50c with name, © 1971 br NEA, Inc. ■ r owoy. If onyone wants to save a mnStatlan^Ngm York. N.Y, t0018 «itb itr-«AK£N I ...... XXUM p y ^ j x i i i x

l^iVNCElLOT 1 » 3 r Oolcez* & Pexxix

. / irttrA\N0 3M Bf% \ ' Y CHicKmN.LAMq^ A I ANP HQg&gM^ ir.» y

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.../su ^ a ve<5erAei.e^, e^c5<^^ fg|g C>FLAVtNju?<9N cixipe;AN[TlV4qC W H A Ti NO ^ - aULFATS/ I------APTeK-PINNEK MINTS'? €bBBl£> WM CVR»

WZN’XKBOP bS^ X> ic|s C a.T O ^ li


iVe H^0 A fAMTASTiC HOW I>P1H^ pA<^e op^He ^ NVK f K S t KO0^iP, ANP I'\/g.Ji)&T K a / — K^ep KOOf^ H^AP $tiLV — 0f?iN5( PUT W APPi^OACH SH(X m a u 0 p/vJK sU)iUL‘{ - RgMgMeeR to^ sri^oKe — FOUR p e e r fV?oiv\ t u e -ii CLICK t f i i s /5 / r — f s O N r f S MM'IOKav- floLP C D O i^ '. PiK OM I&. IP I (VIAKE frt»5fOTT, nuMfiNtrie u/Ar To rne ‘ . ‘iftis vs TK^ ei&aie. HEH/.. giOioK£»f - toUf?KAMeNT. m HAve I f MAt7g> IV^GfOftO LOOKtKls' 0 A e f o v ^ K Cf\fSfO.W — CH0CK AN<3»tg. jrSKOOUP p*^g^^

vowA-r t^iD-rne CsoClOR SAW?

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we vjanjis me ^£J6AR, M1LK./^nJC5 Burtf/?/ ^OUts)DS'rod6M \aJUAT •lb QO\-T ^A-riMa ARE VOd r^OlM^ -TO 66(3f,CME^Sg..-


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FRXSCXI.I.A’S FO P 'b ’y / L I l^srxtteear

I "The KE5CUF SHOWEP SnLL-WOIf&5tOWEPrriNi, OX7X OXJR WA.V bsr Pau l G rin sle


© © © e 0 o o o © □ t m v m f^j □ WU mJl.I?^UN0UI?N 5^7 TifAe<& B E3 am m Di a n m a a \ fJA^tgRjPNTHg MdJ^PNtHAN {JN-TMg BRraHHPJQHn] 6ARTM 0 g au$ g 1M0?e l6 NO A ll?. • 53 a H ' 1& W itgR TH& &UN5 iwy$. -

N^^KKKJwrwe jBSfflSfsyufflsl WKg M Atty AWMA1J&, •MgXlCAH F^eWtlKfi' ______MiftUta6fM^£S ^^''' fil^AkV W ltK MCL4JS7lN6^ Ht?iF2605^ 0UUU CHAR&g^ A 1*1MPM0U6B^V4^ MgS<1Nfir O ^ g c r, OCANINdf 11$ .6UCHA^1WB^37- rtA iib'ftJP V ’ vdlNfr^iieu05 ir$ i w e c A i ^ 6ivecouoR“roiVe e4Kh««f>ioPi AlMOHtrc fori , , ^lb«r '6^;-SaM '’4«i»'j ftjuuPBPfl^ iv w a aP^------IR-^"------

. WWAt-Vl^S^ < :< 3U ^. A SPECIAL SURVEY: What Today's Mao And Wife Expect Of Each Other

CAMHWG ONlTOTra-- Newest Way to Get Away From It All

ANGIE DICKINSON: Pushing 40 and Prettier Than Ever

Fam ily W eekly Coloring Contest ~ For Boys and Gjrls

. 4 KIDS AND PETS: How to Make Them Both Happy FOR ARTHUR GODFREY A b a man active in the antipollu­ tion campaign for many years, pened many years »go. There are several FOR ERICH SEGAL. excellent books on this murder rase ^ th o r of “Love Story*' : do you feel the public is general­ that you can obtain from your local fa your b ook , “ Lovtt ly apathetic about this subject? libraries. Story” bated on your -R. Dunn, Green Bay, Wis. personal life or the • Just to show you how apathetic people FOR JEANE L. DIXON, seer^ life of someone you arc: General Motors came out with a gadget D o you see any early fcnew?— C. L. Marsala, solution to the prob­ Colorado Springs, Colo. that cuts the pollutants 50 percent. It cost $ 10 to have it put on a car, and ■ they tried lem of hlfacking air­ • “ Love Story” is actually based on the it out in Phoenix which has a tremendous planes?— Mary Moore. true experience of one of my students at Big Rapids, Mich. Yale. When f heard the story of the pollution problen). You know how many they sold? Five hundred death of the student's wife, 1 was so in one year. People just don’t seem to care. • 1 get psychically tb^t greater security grief-stricken that I s4t down to write a fictional work that would commemorate measures by the airlines plus more severe their love. The result is now well-known FOR BOBBV ORR, ! veraity), and other dalii banks through punishment will help lessen this problem throughout the world. - Boston Bruins Hockey Star computer terminals which may be lo­ in the future. Some of your team- cated hundreds of miles from ihc com- FOR GRAHAM KERR, 'FOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, uitiis think you thould.. nuter which rnntains iht; dnin file. ■ tu*t ",(iailniviag Gaurmrt” ^ecretary'bl the Interior '' cut down on your work Do you pick the peo­ W hat and where is with charities. They FOR MONTY HALL. p le who taste your spe­ the shortest pittance say it 'Is “too much.” o / Iti'i "Lel'i Make a D e a r cialty fo r Ifcdl day. and across the United H ow flo you answer them?— John What method It used if so, are they people Slates not including Rogers, OUahomaJlityfJtMit^______-in selecting—the 42 on you r staff?— Martin Alaska or Hatoaii?---- • Okay, I’m lucky, right? I've been playert used daily in Thaler, Ridgefield, IS.J. .Mrs. W . K. Harrison^ Sumner. Wash. ^fted, right?--But-thc world-i»-f«ll~of— ^ -yourshoui “Letlt Make • The shorlesti distance in the 48 states D ea ir’— 1>. A. Hot- people who've not been gifted. Not only dish, but these arc people in the audi­ connecting extreme points is 2,088 miles, tick. Lewiston, Idaho haven’t been gifted, but have had things ence and not part of our staff or crew. which is the distance between a point taken away from them. All I have to do # The 42 traders selected for "Let’s Also, these are picked at random and about .10 miles south of Brunswick, Ga., is see one of them—some little girl who Make a Deal” ore chosen from the ticket and a point about 12 miles south of San not selected ahead of time. can’t walk and yet keeps on smiling at lines outside the studio prior to each Diego, Calif. me. some lady like Deanna Deleidi who show. Selections are made on the basis FOR THOMAS MCHVGH, goes home to an iron lung every night of their unique trading objects or a/i Chief, Income, Finance FOR SOPHIA LOREN. actrcst and still gives me a kiss and a hug after the way they are dressed. and Wealth Dept., Internal r read Ihht you r ion , -«very hockcy game. All I have to do is Revenue Service see someone like that; then I don’t although a toddler, is FOR DR. JAMES A. BRVSSEL. 0OSO mutny teix returits think I’m auch a big hero any more. I being taught French author of “Casebook of a are received yearly T think that compared to those people I’m and English, besides Crime Psychiatrist*’ How many of the re­ a very small article! A very small, lucky Italian. Why?----T . R . You have helped iden­ turns regim e corrections?— Bernice article. It knocks me down pretty bloody Allen, Green Bay, Wis. tify the criminal in Anderson^ Devils Lmke, NJ>. fast. It cuta deep into me, and I’d rather teveral cases. Did you • When I made my first film in Holly­ • During the 1970 individual income not talk-about it. It’s very personal. ever study the mur­ wood, I had so much trouble with English. tax filing period. 76.8 .mill'" " Fnrmi— It made me nervous. I don’t want my ders o f Andrew Bordt^n mJ! hi. FOR LILLI-tN M. RKAnSHAI^ 1040 were filed »rilh the IRS. Of that hshy tn gmw lip faring m «imil» f pfol>- wifeY If so. what conclusion did you President of the American number, '8.5 lAlllion contained taxpayer lem. 1 want him to be able to communi­ draw? Was Luuiy guilty?----Ann May- Library Association errors. I d addition, during the fiscal year cate with people in other countries. coek. Vtica, N.Y. There has been some- 1969, 2J. million individual income-ia* • «iudied the Linie Borden -Ihitig said oh out oom— returns underwent audit to determine I he FOR- cuucrinid have been unable to reach a puterimed telecom m u­ taxpayer’s correct taxkUe income and Postmaster Genera! defioite conclusion. A* you know, it hap­ W h y tire chktin letters nication between his correct tax liability. against the law?----Mri. libraries. To what extent has this been implemented?— Mrs. F. N. George R. Booth, Mer­ Want to n«k m 1m Jacobsen,' Salem. Ore. - • Yo« can tiuwasb tki* bmI well ced. Calif. the ^ prmifkcnt per»ofi yam Scad pref«nblr ■ • An oustanding example is the Oregon *” Voai«lf, F.mllr W«»kly. 641 Lexinsto. Av... New York, N.Y. 10022. We emnmot b.l »S .10 be pmU for tmd, ow. « « ) . Chain letters, per sc. are not illegal, Total Information System (OTIS) in and the qhain-)etter form may be used to Eugene, Ore., which operates the Library stimulate the distribution of various types Experimental Automated Demonstration Fam ifyW sekfy The Newspaper Magazine A p r i l I I , 1971 of campaign material. As a general state- System (LEIADS), through which mem­ UOMAilD S.' DAVIOQWPr»U<«i , m'eilt, chain' tetters which solicit- money ber librtHes query aii" extensive file of JMM* <-au> MORTON MAMK IVUUUr UVNOUM OOOfON SttUor Kditor or any other thing of value, and which bibliographic records stored in the OTIS W. MOC TNOMfMN MAHIH N. mMOUlHrtlNrxrfor contain a promise of a return dependent computer by using remote typewriter *OZ AMHVAYA r m tm r , A d „rU ^ M«r_- M. HirfM, U.rk^,ta upon, the activities o f those who follow terminals and regular telephone lines. D>V«et«r. lU leyihhTi y«r* Wvr_- 0~.U MClANIf Of nOrtF»^K*tt»r S. Wr>«7 Mgr-IbibM «. ehriMta; *U h *l . in the Chain, are regarded as non-mall- Similar systems are BALLOX3 Stan­ WtttrH Ain. Mgr-- t llllli I. t.ilt l; CUmm StUm I H i l t n . | i, ¥ lin »r.7itlA.r< T. ford University, and LISTS from the Wyiw aw tfiU r. Aim, y g r- - J . >),..■»> "frsijrf'- lawg.- Tbe TO^:alled-“€ood-itnck'- Synem “ Dwetspereiir^Corp.^ Speclal-ln-' ---chain-4eJie>»M *]|iiclvdBtejneli>jM «t«i^^ at datairctrieTal^systans—scorch and Ifortune to those who continue the chain retrieve treaty information (Uni­ mSU^Hrnl » Btmitusrfrm; *4 1 i V : e i«n. rMuiv w nav, imc ab and threaten bad luck to thoie who don’t, versity of Washington), legal citations are mailable, unless >eiit on poetal cards (Ohio Btu- Case and Statute Law among You are qu««loi» or comments about my.artitdo or idvertiutment that or otherwise on the outside o f mail, in several others), engineering .materials which cose they would be non-mailable. (Lehigh University and Stanford Uni- Every page of our FREE Canada yacatlon fct la pMlcecTwHh colour/phot*»; and Jnfonifiailon f*K you entertalnmont and events, coaat-to-coast Canadlwt vac«tli^_,w«iw, hWorloal i^nd^olfMM‘,^ip•OW You get a detailed highway rrtap of Oana^ and rwthemi ^ ^ ^ to th is page. (If sOme<>r>e FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK

Feathery-coated shrimp and S h r i i scallops are deep fried to a golden brown and served ------hat~wtth—the-accarrfpanyti By Melanie De Proft tartar sauce for dip'n'dunk. Food Editor

I yi Iba. fresh shrinip, ■ Shrimp, freshly cook­ shelled and ed, frozen, or canned' deveined m «y be used , in prepar­ I teaspoon seaBonrd ing any of these appetiz­ salt Vi teaspoon lemon ers. These recipes include pepper marinade shrimp as hors d’oeuvres I cut> dairy sour cream and as the appetizer Toast rounds, course to a luncheon or buttered lightly dinner. 1. Heat butter or margarine and olive oil in blaz<;r of chafing dish over direct Eleerant French heat. Mix in scallions and Fried Shrimp cook 2 min. Add mush­ 2 Iba. fresh shrimp in rooms and cook S min., the shell stirring occasionally. Mix in Vi cup all-purpose flour the parsley and Madeira, I oon seasoned ring occasionally, until pepper shrimp turn pink. iip-wat«r— _ - - " fc-'f lprlnfcle o itli leasuired- 3 to 4 cups fine fresh salt and lemon pepper mar- bread erumlM' inadcr Bltnd^ tn the sour Oil for deep frylnit. cream. Heat thoroughly; do heated to 350°F. not boil. Drizzle with 2 tea­ 1. Shell shrimp leaving on spoons Madeira. Placc blaz­ tails. Remove black vein, er over the hot water in rinsing frequently under cold Boots that oreift as lower pan of chafing dish to running ^vatcr; drain- w£ll— comffoitabieand durable keep warm during serving. Being careful not to remove Serve mixture over toast tail, split along back curvc as Wolverine boots rounds on small plates. of each shrimp all the way About 12 servings through. Set aside. areiff fit to be tied. 2. Blend flour, 1 teaspoon of After all, you only have one pair of feet. Hot Marinated the seasoned salt, and Vi So you owe it to yourself to choose boots Shrimp that give you the best fit and comfort teaspoon o f the seasoned 2 Iba. cooked shrimp. pepper in a shallow bowl. A. RPSSible, ...... deTcined ■ That's whafVou’fj-fTnd in Wolverine Set aside. t cup dry white wine Vt cup jpcanut oil 3.~ Beat the^ eggs, water, re- and value. Durables are rugged. That’s 1 tablespoon minced maiiwg 8casoni;d ,salt an d. why they stand up to the toughest job. onion pepper in a bowl uhtil Wolverine Durables are many things, 1 tablespoon minced frothy. and comfortable too. Any Ixjots that offer scallion tops you less, aren't fit to be tied. 1 teaspoon rosemary 4. Coat each shrimp with 2 teaspoooa sugar the seasoned flour, then dip V4 teaspoon salt into the egg mixture and 'A teaspoon lemon pepper marinade drain well. Vt cup butter ■. 5. Using a small amount of WOLITERINE’ 1 tableapoon lime bread crumbs at a time and Boots you can l | ^ comfort in. Juice ----- adding more as needed, coat 1. Spread out cooked shrimp each shrimp very lightly in a large shallow baking with the crumbs. (Using a dish. Pour over a mixture of small amount of bread the remaining ingredients, crumbs with each coatitig except butter and lime juicc. prevents crumbs from-stick- A p r o d u c t o1 >r*st---- . you. -call ------thU------loll------tn ------SOO---2 « 3 - 6 0 0 0 In CoiiwctKul^ ... 14 . I a0 0 -M 2 .0 6 SS Refrigerate about 5 hrs.. ing together and making a \ J ^ o I \ # B m M B < 197 I VMOl VCPiNC w o m o w io c >NC R o c n ro n o UiChiC.AN 49J4 1 rutiv • • Poivsnrti "Sfciv VWrrfvefirwv K.liy^prM fciii tiuulk glOWV (U tm f V * M< . ' turning shrimp occasionally Wl»« r.^Mris urvlalk hrxm. [»rr< u O f ^ ty Wr>lv^-

V^vecome a long way, baby.

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aUlT CIGARETTES! How to M ake B o t h K id s K ick the habit . . S m o k e t h e A n d P e ts Safer Sm oke. By E. A. Carey H a p p y — This new kind of pipe makes it easy! Smoke it for 30 W ith Each Other days at our risk! You have nothing to lose. By Felicia Ames, subtle— part sprite and part animal Here's w hat'j difTcrent about this pipe. tive that it made smoking a pipe an entirely l t ’« the first pipe in the world to use an new and exciting smoking experience. By author of "Th* Dog You Cor* For, They arc more fragile, too. Espe­ entirely new principle for givins un- harnessing four great natural laws this — TK# Cot You Cora For" cially kittens, who are so loosely pul . adultered pleastire to smokers. I t’s so dif- invention gives you everything you want together th^t the youngster fccls_ king Quality that ^ t g n t in a sadsfying smpke. It doesn’t require l ^ t s and children are a tempted to hug him to daalh.------by the U N i l l =Miiy-U£ik1ng^Tn, iiisfpflfn t happy mix. Under the right M ENT under patent number 3267941. smokes cool— it smokes mild— it smokes If Jane brings home a kitten, show lt*s difTerent than any pipe ever in­ right down to the last bit of tobaceo with­ conditions, theirs is a com ­ vented. |,t smokes COOLER— M EL­ out bite. It never has to be rested, and it her how to handle him, how to pick LOWER— SWEETER— and DRIER. it never has to be cleaned; yet it is utterly panionship of wordless him up (not by the nape of the neck, Even dyed in the wool cigarette smokers impossible for goo or sludge to reach your but with both hands as descrit>cd And it easier to smoke and enjoy than any tongue, because this invefition does not magic and Understanding. pipe, or any cigar they*ve ever tried. Some allow the goo to form. Pets can teach children re­ above). He should be stroked with say it's as easy as switching from one In appearance and in quality, the Carey the fur, not against it. Hold him brand o f cigarettes to. another. Pipe is like any o f the' two or three leading sponsibility; even more im­ GIVE IT 30 DAYS— youni never go World brands. The bowl is made of the lightly; don’t restrain him. When he back to cigarettes again. No cigarette, no finest selected premium briar, imported portant, they can give and wants to get down, let him. He loves cigar, nor any other' pipe can give you the especially for this use. The bit is conven­ to be played with, but he must not be full rich flavor, aroma, deep down satis­ tional in appearance— made of molded receive love. faction. enjoyment, and peace of mind that nylon— the newest and finest material for But be sure (hat your child is old (cased or shouted at or spanked. you get from a Carey Pipe. pipe bits. The color and finish are what you enough to have a pet. Unless there Some o f (he same rules apply to Here is the way of it; The haxards of would expect in any o f the best pipes on cigarette smoking are not new. Long be­ the market. It is. in every respect, a pipe are older children in the family to a child with a cat as with a dog: fore the Surgeon Ger>eral iasged his ocrye you will be proud to smoke. It is entirely take the responsibility, most young­ leave him alone when he is eating shattering report on SMOKING AND free of the outlandish contraptions that sters under >ix or seven arc not ma- pr sleeping; don’t play with him HEALTH, evidence-that-cigarctte-mok. have been seen on 9 0 many so-called 'Hm- ing was associated with Pancer. coronary proved" pipes in the past. T n r e e n o u g h :------:------wh«n-hg -is- tir>d- artery disease, chronic bronchitis, and Discover the thrill o f this new kind of DOGS h im ^ lot. -Any child over six can emphysema, was mounting rapidly. It was smokin]g. Accept our offer to L E N D Y O U Car^y:_Pipe for 30 davs’ ttidl use^ A t the If your little Jimmy's first dog is a learn to clean a cat’s litter pan, feed That was over 30 years ago. end o f the trial period, if you say the Care;^ puppy; child and Like most other cigarette smokers 1 Pipe has given you the greatest smoking together." happy 4nd inseparable Com­ him daily. just cx>uldn*t tolerate the goo, the bitter­ pleasure o f your life, you may keep it. But ness. the tongue bite, and that stale, foiil. if you are willing to go back to your old panions— provided they get off to a OTHER PETS after-taste that results from smoking an smoking habit, break the Carey into bits, good start. Show Jimmy how to pick In general, hamsters, guinea pigs ordinary pipe. As a result I dedicated return the pieces and the trial will have hundreds o f hours searching for the ideal cost you nothing. up the puppy— one hand under his and rabbits need much the same kind pipe— buying all the disappointing god- Before we send you your pipe we would front legs, the other supporting his of consideration as dogs and cats, gets. and never finding a single, solitary like to know the style you prefer so send rear. Never let an animal dangle - except that they are not usually al­ pipe that would smoke hour after hour, us your name T O D A Y and we’ll send you day after day. without bitterness, bite or absolutely free our complete trial offer This undermines "his security. If lowed the run o f the house. They sludge. In disgust I gave up and went including descriptive literature and pipe Jimmy must drag something around, cannot stand too much handling. back to cigarette*-~and of course bark tb styles so you can decide for yourself give him a.stuffed animal, not a real Birds can adjust to children, pro­ COUGHING, WHEEZING. CHOKING. whether or not thousands of Carey smokers It was then 1 decided to try to work are right when they say the Carey Pipe is one. Show him how to cuddle the vided loud voices and sudden move- somettungout~on~my own. something that TTIF grca lcat n r n r t r t r T t t puppy wiiRoui "4que«{iiff tR 1 I 1 C ity S tate Z ip I —I F am ilv Weekly, A p ril 11,1971 M fntA fT U ftrrLi

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What Today’s Man and Wife Expect of Each Other

A noted columnist and lecturer examines current sexual roles and what effect change is having on the "typical” moc^em couple

By Jean Adams

Last year I attended the All-Amer­ people who usually receive it! worked for; others, like Ihc iatriguing For example, I found that "mutual ican Family Search at' Lehigh A cres, Not because these All-Amer­ young family that had adopted four respect" between husband and wife is Fla. It afforded a fascinating oppor­ young Indian children to rear, were and probably will continue to be the tunity to study the family relationships ican Families had turned a living the causes they advocated. most important element in the main­ of today. We hear so much these days big company around or were The family-to-family relationships tenance o f a compatible relationship. about the changing roles of family flying off to Paris. These hus­ were quite imprcs-sive to watch. Hus- From a list o f 21 factors that were members— and w e are constantly re­ bands and wives were beau­ "band-and-wife-teams not only showed rated by both fathers and mothers, minded of the ever-increasing rates of concern for each other's comfort and "mutual respect" emerged as the most divorce and family breakups of every tiful pHJople because o f their welfare, they also knew how to "have itnportant factor bearing on a happy disturbing kind.' obvious and'-sincere interest a ball" socially. I think these families family life. In fact, it turned out to be The All-Amerifon Family candi­ in each other and their chil­ from all over America (with rural twice as important as any other factor. dates are special cases, to he sure; America strongly represented) consti­ What is meant by “mutual respect"? but they are not what I would call dren, and in bettering the tute the solid “where it’s at,” and reas- As I Ulked with respondents I found ------simpfy-^^stands^^n-our society. For world aronnd them,______l:such_ideas as: families tike this do exist. A nd there For example,' IKalT beautiful family af IiFe-sfylc.~QuaIity sTiowiidT ■ TrM ting (^ h othS^ like civil hil“ are many, many like them that are with seven children. She, an attr^tivc, man beings. far from hostile to the family way of soft-spoken dedicated mother; he, a ^Vlthough I’m a hearty exponent of — Respect for each other's ideas, de­ lifer^o-maHer-wfiat we hrat^------handsome.' succcssful man who finds the “ emerging woman" as a new force sires, aspirations, needs. / did everything I could to take ad- time outside his carecr and home life ~ui American—life;—i—have—mmctimes — 1 reating varitage of m y opportunity to find out to better his community. This succcss­ wondered about the effects this and gentleness, understand|iig. about these families, for I presumed ful mother-father relationship and rap­ other changes in our society may be — Not “ boxing in” another human that what I found would he represen­ port were obvious during the seated 35- having on families— particularly on the being— i.e., “ You are a woman, tative of a large segment of America. minute interview. Their children not beleaguered American husband. As thus you must do only thc.se spcti- And, after examining the results of only displayed perfect conduct but came woman’s aspirations change at an ever- fled things. . . .” my research, I am convinced that / forth with beautiful philosophies and accelerating rate, the man of the family ~uu a sea ot- can- was right perceptions ot mankind. hTactically all er all. It we This is the first of a series o f re­ o f the families projected strong religjous fusion. He is expected to continue to respcct in our relationships with each ports, based on that research and writ­ backgrounds. We saw very few families be the breadwinner and to educate his other, the other im portant factors to a ten.exclusively for readers of F a m i l y with acquired sophistication and status- children and to do all those other things happy fam ily naturally w ill follow. In W e e k l y . This report focuses on hu.s- seeking traits. TTiey were, for the most that have historically be^n his responsi­ other words, it is reasonable to expect band-wife relationships; another re­ part, natural and very much themselves, bility. Sure, he may wear a shirt and tic that good com m unications can be main­ port, to appear in a future issue, will even to the extent o f healthy family en­ now instead o f buckskin pants and tained and that a basis for a dorapatiblc boots. He might even carry a fancy seek to encompass the entire web of counter. For example, one father sex life w ill exist fcijfttly relationships. strongly disagreed with his son’s long title such as corporate ^ executive or Interestingly, in another piece of f?- hair, but be and his wife adjusted to budget administrator; but his basic role search I recently conducted among teen­ W e read a lot about the this problem on the scene, just as they is sbir pretty much the same as it al­ agers, I found that mutual respect was had no doubt adjusted to past family ways was. at the top of their list, too. It stood out so-called “beautiful people” problems. head and shoulders above all other these days. The husband-wife Many o f the families, including the T h e findings of my study led to factors in boy-girl relationships. Ihe -teams^-met^in Florida deserve^" one just mentioned, had a special inter-__ I o f fac-._ -ithis -title more than some of ~6srt«"hum^tiistic pursuits thattnvolved - changes currcndy taking place in Bsale- tors listed by teen 6bys and adult mar- “helping and understanding our-fellow — femalc-relatiotwhips. I also found what -fied-men-a>"to-what in «kes"^or-«^ happy- the wealthy, much-publicized man. Some discussed causes they was TToi changing. male-female relationship; g e n e ra tio n TEEN BOYS 11. Knowing when not to talk. should avoid drilling endlessly on the Used to be everything yoi> heard Rcspect 12. Wearing flattering clothes (aware­ point and distorting its importance out from the older girls was //. They Appearancc (including good fashion ness of fashion). of proportion. knew where music was going. and grooming) When given a similar questionnaire 'j It is true that we can try to improve Wore the kinkiest clothes. And . Sen<^ o f humor asking what made men fascinating, upon our mate's qualities, but we should had the latest haircut before It Mani^rs j women rated enthusiasm and physical do so cortslriictively and not destruc­ was in. Used to be! Honesty appcarance lower: but fashion, surpris­ tively. We can look at our mates' unique But now, it's your turn, you've Personality *■ ingly, they rated higher! qualities in two different ways— dther grown up. Got your own ideas. A D U L T m a r r i e d MEN There were many other revealing acccptance (which is a sign of mutual Know what to do about lots of Respcct characteristics about these families, and respcct) or rejection (using points of things. Like your monthly period. Communication we’ll be taking a closer look at them in uniqueness as clubs with which to beat No fuss Right (rom the start, you Compatible sex life a future issue o f F a m i l y W e e i u -Y . But your spouse over the head). manage it quickly, easily with Religious belief bccause the single quality o f "mutual As a woman, my professional career Tampax tampons. Uonesty-intcgrity rcspcct" Joomed so important in this is an integral part o f my life, along with Tampax tampons are the mod- Sharing“child-reaHng chores study, r a 'lik c lb ldolc"a“Bit more deeply my other naturar roles, Tticluding wife ern, sanitary protection devel­ TbeJdea o f mutual rcspcct embraces into the real meaning of that phrase. and mother. Respect for me permits oped toy a-doctor, 90 you know both groups ia its importance. my husband to accept me comfortably they're better. Safe, comfortable J ust what is "mutual respect,” and Note that among male teens, physical in my professional role without feeling Tampax tampons are worn In- why do these couples conceive of it as that his mitsculinity is in any way ternally. S6 there's no bother being so sacred? [ ^ “ to adult married men. This is not to threatened. This makes our lives more with bulky belts and pins. To these people, mutual respect say that husbands enjoy sloppiness; it fun and adds another fulfilling dimen­ Tampax tampons come seems to mean that there are certain is simply that other things seem to be­ sion to our relationship with each in “a silken-smooth con- definite limits beyond which we do not come more important as one grows" other. tainer-applicator that helps you press because we respect the other per­ older. Beauty and appcarance of one’s place it in the proper p>osilion. son's feelings. For example, a husband W /ly requirement for 'career freedom mate, for example, were more import- And only Tampax Incorporated have something in his background" could have met witl^, strong opposition bsorbarwy- as a child which a wife knows abouf, frorn. my husbaii'd— if we hid nol dC- the wife. size, especially for your young but about which he is terribly sensitive. veloped a sufTicient measure of "'mutu- Here is what I found men think make generation. Of course, they also One way of living out "mutual respect” a? respect.” In this ca.se, I might have a wooaan- fascinating, in the o/der of come in Regular and Super with is to avoid pressing such points beyond been forced to make choices between importance: a folder that explains exactly their limit. A wife should know where unhappy alternatives. Mutual respect 1. Enthusiasm. how lo uSe them. protects us from having to make such 2. Aji obvious and sincerc interest in the limits are in the first place^ and she others. ' should have enough respect to avoid choices. 3. Willingness to listen to a man and pushing loo far, even in times o f anger. Right from thm tta it. .. encourage him to be himself. Mutual respect is also discovering 4. Ability to be natural. what is uniquc—about the other person 5. Smiling disposition. and learning to live -^ith these charac­ In a future issue: “Is Our 6. Being.in the know about the world teristics. You might not like it that your around her. .husband bites his fingernails, but you Family Way of Life Still ------7.r-Having a-pleasant toac.^^ v o ic e . — -.lovc— h'* »>»rTiMy |pt^r<^

Boaters can beat the crowds by tenting on or beside The New “Escape” the nation's lakes and rivers

By James Joseph “Sorry, Campground Full.” W on’t signs like that turn away thousands o f families this sunmier? Yes, but not for those who’ve taken to camping on water. For every lake, river and shore line is an imcrowded, no-cost tent- ihi? place. They're taking full advantage o f our 48,000, miles of inland beaches, more than 12,000 miles o f ocean shore and ffndlfM.milft of, itrcami and jivrrt ■ Check this: you can camp from a canoe on Minnesota’s Quetjco-Supcrior. land o f lakes (rental cande. tent and food, about seven dollat^ per person per Beating crowits and costs of landlubber campgrounds, this group is boat-camping in tented craft with side curtains fa» sleeping. day). Or Water-safari the Missouri in a family-sized inflatable boat (rental: about six dollars a day), camping over­ Typically, Larson's 18-foot Shark, a hardy.marine canvas, by years. • By All Means, Preplan. You can't night ashore. Quick-convcrting your sleek family powerboat, converts handi­ • If Yon Camp Aboard. . . Space ‘ count— as in land-camping— on finding runabout or mini>cruiscr for camping ‘ ly for overnighting. Its two seats make is at a premium aboard a small boat, so a store or gas pump just around the ( “tenting" it with a fabric top and zip- up into adult-sized bunks, while a cou­ conserve it. Lacking a galley, try a next bend. Make a menu for every tight side curtains) lets you cruisc and ple of youngsters can spread sleeping space-saving "outboard barbecue." The meal, ingredient by ingredient. Know camp Puget Sound or the balmy Gulf bags in the bow. unit hangs over the side, and it is out your engine's average hourly fuel con­ coast with equal ease. The camp-boat Crafts shorter than 17 feet are usual­ of the way. sumption. Take enough fuel to get you bug has bitten even the purists— sail skip­ ly best used os "day boats": at night, you Whether it's your own or a rented where you're going plus 20% more for pers who make their sailcraft campable beach them and camp ashore. camp-boat, look at the seats before set­ safety's sake. G ood sense also demands by fashioning a tent over the boom. • Comrcrt It— for Camping . Avail­ ting out. Some standard boat seats, billed that you take emergency equipment, in­ Many boats nowadays are designed able from most boat makers or marine as making up easily into berths, "don't." cluding life preservers for every mem­ for camping. For example, Glastron's “ top shops" are ready-made or custom Either they don't lie flat-out for com- ber of the family, a first-aid kit, paddle S-$95 for the fortable sleeping, or they're tooTiarrpw------or oars, a bilge pump and anchors and water camper deeps _fpur in rubber average 18-foot boat) a^d sjde and rear — some being only 18-to-20-inches wide rope enough lo secure your boat for the foam^mattressed. bunks. Aquasport’s fast "curtains" (another $65-$90) which tent- rather than a single bed's usual 30 night. camp-boats are equipped in_auch a in the boat__foi__snug.__slecp-ahQard... inches. Eaticiit ticcping so lution is to------— Finally;— yottHl—need—a—navigatio n -- way that they can be converted to cabin camping. An optional “ bow tent" ($35- lay an inflatable stowable air mattress chart— the boat-camper's “ road niap." crafts in only minutes. Perhaps O’Day, $50) encloses the open bow where the over both seats. This will give you a Charts, priced from one dollar to one the sailboat maker, tops them all. One kids usually sleep. (Fancier and more roomy double bed rather than two snug dollar and fifty cents, are available from of its modehf has a crank-up cabin, the cojtly are "stern rooms"— tent-boat en­ singles. local marinas, marine stores or by writ­ roof o f which can be raised 21 inches closures that allow stand-up headroom • If You Camp Ashore . . . Com­ ing the ij.S. (ioast and Geodetic Survey, to give you six feet, four inches head­ of six feet or-more.) pactness still counts. Try one o f the Distribution Center C44, Washington, room for camping. For the budget-minded, doing-it-your- new nylon backpack shelters with fiber- D.C.'^0235. self (with an assist from the handy sew- g l ^ supports (such as Sears, Roebuck's • Camp wHb the Crowd? Even vet- '^ ^ ^ e t h e r you rent it, buy it or con­ ing macliine) halves the cost o f the aver­ fOur-maw^tent, -whirfr-snog^-into ait eran th*- vert it yourself, a camp-boat offers most age camp-aboard shelter. If you make eight-and-a-)nflf x 28-inch tote case and camaraderie o f fellow boaters. A num-* o f the conveniences of a landbound it yourself, stick to relatively lightweight weighs just 15pounds.) Handy for chilly ber of “ family cruises" invite boaters trailer, plus such bonuses as untrampled (nine or 10-ounce) fabrics. Most home nights ashore or aboard is Coleman's to cruise and camp together. The an­ campsites, undiscovered fun places machines can handle this weight. Be­ new catalytic heater. It's flameless and nual Colorado River Cruise, an early (sometimes reachable only by water) sides fabric, zippers (best are the dou­ gives off no carbon monoxide. October camp-together event, draws up­ and unfettered freedom. "Where the ble-pull kind, zipperabic from inside or To be forewarned of approaching wards of 1,500 boat-campcrs from five ---roa

Fam ily W eakly. A pril i t , 197. II fheiadies^

Dear Family Weekly reader: 1. Your reali-sfic, permanent weight goal as de­ termined by your sex. age, weight history, your Your good health, looks and vigor are not only body build and your life style. your own moat valuable assets; they’re ours, too. 2. Your Personal Menu Planner with five ample And since overweight is one of America’s No. 1 food lists so you can select for yourself the food.s public health problems, we have decided to you prefer, yet restrict your caloric intake to a attack it with an entirely new, exciting program: sensible Jevel. The variety from which you the Ladies' Home Journal Diet Club. It is poten­ choose will allow you to satisfy your craving for tially the jmp^t massive, promising step ever food and minimize the monotony that so often aimed at one of the key risk factors contribut­ turns dietlfng into torture. Your food selection ing to our No. 1 killer, heart disease, and other list is designed to insure an adequate level of chronic diseases associated with overweight. If nutrition, which is most important in any weight -----yoM aro ■«>«« m.-boflin()t ,\ W KKiirrCd VI 6. Your progreas report Every two weeks you will receive a simple form which you are asked The Ladies' Home Journal food editors and to return to us with your new weight recorded. kitchens will supplement this scientific counsel^ We’ll keep a steady record of your progress, ihg with a cdfiStaht flo w o f diet recipes, men'us^ matching it with reports from -other members and kitchen tips. And because of the unique sci­ to determine how well you are achieving your entific design of the Club program, you will con­ ideal Weight goal. tribute to medical research, without extra effort or disclosure of your confidential records, by MOW SrcCKSS IS Hi;iLT INTO THIS PLAN voluntarily furnishing information to our Diet Data Bank. We hope and expect that this accu­ We won’t pretend that what you’re trying to mulated experience will Kelp many other people do T8 easy. But we won't aslrypu to go hungry, to achieve their weight goals, as you can. or frazzle your nerves, or feed you drugs, or try your patience with complicated put-and-takes, W HATTH K (TJ I5 W il l, IK) F'OR Yu^-wiH~ "week;’grschlevement“may be dramatic. I'hen'ft^” ' ireceive from the Club; or three pounds a week is the realistWi^nd- healthy goal. Of course, two pounds a week YOU ( AN OO IT. than the wonderful feeling of accomplish­ for 25 weeks... well, think about it! As you go WK (U i AUA.VI'KK VO(J CAN ! ment, the satisfaction o f knowing you’ve suc­ along, we’ll ask you to do a few minutes a day Follow the rules and you’ll lose weight. If ceeded where others have failed, and the of intelligent exercise that’ll help tone i;our you conscientiously remain on the diet and admiring glances and sincere compliments muscles, make you feel in command of your it does not work for you, your entire Journal you’ll enjoy. To symbolize your success, we'll body. Diet Club Membership costs will be refund­ send our own form of a Gold Medal -thegold­ We won’t treat you like an immature neu­ ed. You have nothing to lose-but unwanted en circle pin that proclaims proudly,"Never rotic who needs to be fooled, pampered, or weight! underestimate the power of a woman.” Wear sweet- talked. By filling out and mailing the it as a constant reminder of all you can ac­ application, you indicate that you are a re­ A KKWAUI) VOI K SIC C K .S S complish when you really want to. sponsible adult who realizes you need help. The best possible reward for reaching So, fill in your Membership Application Our help is reliable, practical, educational, your goal lies in the changes it will make in and mail it to us today. A new slimmer you is a n d nvimaathat.ic -With 't, y n n ’ ll g r n d in fllv yniir life nnd v'our outlook. You'll find your as near as your mail box ! establish a pleasurable new way of llfe-thn- -■'aMlf iii.l nnlv -liaihipr in wciirht but llght- kind niQst slender, attractive people lead. henrted, too. There is iio better Spring-tonic •~^in c cr^tyr- T7.VDIES’ HOME .lom N ^virnrirrcti^ir

(Mrs.) Dorothy Holmes

I'i,i:a .sk i; i-;a i ) i iiis < Ai;i-:i ri.i.N' i:kk o i; i; I'ii.i,in i: o r i ' iiii-; ,\i’I'l.k a t k ).\ i-oit-M 'W;

If you are prtignnnt or nursiriK, we w ill not accept your appli­ before >ou .send in your application. No men—ladien only! cation because you must be in a doctor'-s care; for the same Follow direction.^ below w ith care. We need your w'rist mea.s- reason, Hee him, if you becomc pregnant while a member. urement to calculate your over-all build. W ith finKers spread, If you have some medical problem ; please consult your doctor pull tape HnuK below the wristbone (see draw ing).

Achieve Your Own Weight Goal. Help Many pthers. Mail This Membership Application TODATT

CONFIDENTIAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION We Guuvntoe Renilte You mo»t •chi«v« • omt, moc* ilw w ltr fUrur* LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL DIET CLUH, INC. —0t your «otlr* D i^ Qub M «iib«nriiip ooafai you QOt WM pMwy. Any ram ittaae* m*db w fll Box 507j Garden City, N.Y. II530 bcLinmMdUUly rafuadadif thb phyakaui aiH pcw «d. «nBi(|ht>rKluctioa‘ reductioa plan doem’e woric Dear Mrs. Holmes: Please consider me for membership in the Ladies’ Home Journal Diet Club.

My Age is „ Height (without shoes) . I am Married □ Single □ Divorced My present weight (without clothes) is - pounds. Ideally, I think 1 should weigh poundsrRTvnowest weigtrtnfOrarraduttrwai? pounds in the year . My highest weight as an adult was.^ ixjunds in the year . My exact wrist measurement (see instructions above) is_____ inches. My body build is Heavy-boned O Medium-boned □ Light-boned Q Dpring a typical day, my physical activity is slight □ moderate □ heavy Q . I have recently been examined by my doctor; he approved my enrolling in a s e n s jh lp wpight reduction program, and it is my intention to keep in toijch with him regarding my weight. I am in good health and physically able to follow this program. I am not pregnant. 1 understand that if I am mSre than 80% over my ideal weight, thi.«i nrotrram may not ^ effective and that closer medical supervision is desirable.If under 18, paren­ tal signature necessary. YOUR SIGNATURE Pleg.se enroll me for mBnii>^bhip for: Q 3 months at $12 D 1 year at $36 ' NAME (pTease print) □ Enclosed is checiror money order foF f_:il- APDRESS- □ .flease bi Star Profile/By Peer J. Oppenheimer

Angie Dickinson: Pushing 40 and

Roger Vadim says she has more sex appeal Prettier Than Ever than anyone he has met.

I^oger Vadim, well-known dreamt that someday I would do nude likes me to be sexy," says Angie, “ and Initially she helped him with his work sccnes in a picturc! But times have he doesn’t mind the love scene I do. as well. When they were first married j French director, ex-husband changed." She went rcrpfffJSchial school either.” ‘ ~ and Burt wa.s” as1cc3 To score films— Fiis_ of Brigitte Bardot and pre- from seventh grade through high school, Angie’s fi(jt brush with Burt came credits include "Alfie". ‘‘What's New,' sently part-time hmband~of and 'her grades were good enough to ~wnile 5He~wu!i in Ntrw'Vuik publiui^iug - Eintwrtit?" nnH “ Riitch Tassidv and the Jane Fonda, insists that A n­ , get her a scholarship to college, where her picture. "Captain Newman." She was Sundance Kid"— he would ask Angie to she concentrated on 'Sociology and biol­ irtterviewed by Burt’s father. Bert Bach­ read the scripl^s. “ He felt that as an gie Dickinson “ has more sex ogy. After graduation, she became a arach. While they were talking, he said, actress. I might be able to evalui^te appeal than anyone I ever di­ secretary in an aircraft plant. "Y ou might have heard of my son. He's them better than he could. He would rected. I’ve never met anyone One day some o f the other girls in the greatest musician." Angie, who had ask me whether 1 thought a certain pas­ the plant urged Angie to enter her pic­ no idea who he was, said, “Sure . sage would fit a particular sequence, or like her!” ture in a beauty contest. “ I accepted be­ sure. . if it were needed at all, and I would tell He rccenlly fini.-ihcd "Pretty Maids cause I was intrigued by the prizes. him what I thought." A lt' in a Row” in which Angie costnrs They were offering a beautiful wrist kzSefore they parted, ^the older Bach­ Angie may be getting competition with Rock Hudson. "I had eight beauti­ walch. a trip to Ijis Vegas and a lot of arach asked whether it was all right for from Burt in the acting field and isn’t ful young girls in the cast, all trying to other silly little things that sounded nice, his son to call her when he visited Los too happy about it. "A lot o f parts were prove something. But when Angie and I couldn’t afford at the time. Also, Angeles. Angie agreed. Burt did call, offered to him already, including the walked on the set, the other girls simply quite incidentally, they offered a small and in tvlay of 1965 they eloped. lead in 'The Love Machine,’ I think if didn’t exist. She's totally honest, vulner­ part in a movie." She won, got one line A year after they were married, their the right part came along, he would ac­ able and lOO-percent feminine." in a film which, she recalls, “was enough daughter was born. “She was three cept it. But I hope he won’t. There’s al­ What about her age? Offhand I to give me the movie bug.” “ months premature, and Burt and 1 didn‘t ready too much going on for us.” couldn't remember a sex symbol who From the v c^ beginning, Angie got even want to name her because she shrugs, off any serious intention was pushing 40. — the big beauty build-up, like having her wasn’t expected to live. We waited and of bqtTQming an actor— while reading Vadim smiled. “ American men wilU legs insured by 1Kb"sTiiar6 for one mil- ' wailed- bccause wc didn‘t“.WUrtt •fiT'CTy" all the^ scripts submitted to him. *But- leam to appreciate what Frenchmen lion dollars. And she resented it. She every time wc heard her name if she hc's more outspoken when it comes to have appreciated for generations; older wouldn’t even pose for pin-ups. died. But the nurses were marvelous, so his wife: "Angie is the best thing that women_ are far sexier.” optimistic. They said, 'She’s going to be ever happened to me. You can have one I told Angie of Roger Vadim's reac­ * * I I didn't want to be a sex symbol. I all right, and if you won't give her a succes.s after another and cam thou- — tion when 1 joined her at^Harrah’s Club wanted to be a great actress!" She name, we will!' Without either Burt or sands of dollars, but if you don't have at Lake Tahoe, where her husband, laughed. "I was so stupid. I would have my knowing about it, they named her •someone— the right someone— to share composer-conductor Burt Bacharach been much better off if 1 had concen­ Nikki. We.liked the name so much, we it with, it all becomes pointless.” was performing. ‘That's loVely!" she ex­ trated on being a sex symbol. And right just kept it. She not only lived but is claimed wholeheartedly. now if you asked me, ‘Do you mind perfectly all right nbw.” How docs Angie feci about directors being i sex symbol?’ I'd say,‘I hope I Angie tries hard to make her mar­ ^ ^ tw a r d ly it seems that Angie’s life thinking of her this way? am!’ " ^ riage work. When she first got married. is complete, but a remark she made I Idve iVi£ lucu^ Bui I mil nut ruatiy It seemed to me it was one thing for “ sRe traveled with' Burt wherevcr^he -a t—I Icti made me—wonder -iust_Jiow the same to all people. Some think 1 an audience to think of someone as a “ went. She turned down numerous roles complete. For years she ^las not been am really sexy and some say, ‘Are you a sex symbol, but quite ^another to be to be with him. When I saw her at Har- anxious to accept a part that would take kidding?' When they think o f a sexy married to one. Particularly if the hus­ rah's In Tahoe, she toldTmrshc~gocs^to her away from her husband. But when__ girl, they think o f Tfie'Jane RUsiSlt" band in question is the highly success­ every one of his performances, usually I asked her what her professional situa­ Marilyn Monroe type.” ful musician, Bgrt Bocharach. “ But he watching him from the wings. tion was now. she said, "I am totally ____ Today Angie is delighted with bcr ■ free and willing to go anyw here to do image, but she resented being pushed in a good film. I wish Burt weren’t such a that direction by studio publicists when big star. He’s away so much and has so she started her career. Partly, she thinks, much to do. That’s why I feel I might this was due to her upbringing— the first According to her husband Burt Bacharach, as well go back to concentrating on my eight years in Kulm, North Dakota, then “Angie is the best thing that ever happened own career again. It’s pointless for me —in-SciuihAm-Califomia. My parcnts-wc^c^ to just-T5tay—al-1iome^'andTJve“Tip my " strict^'*! was never allowed to go to to me.” Legions of movie fans can see why. work if he’s rtot with me. And if I can _ an>^hing but ‘children’s movies. Disney, be a sex symbol at my age, so much —4hat-iort-o f-thing, 1 woultl ncvei:-have the bcTter!"^

1 4 Fam Uy W tekly/A pril It, 1971 50 G rand P rizes in the Ken^ C astle C ontest! Win a Kent Castle Trip for two. Enjoy a lavish one-week stay at London’s elegant Churchill Hotel. Including a fabulous Castle tour and medieval banquet. Round trip transportation via Pan Am 747Jet Clipper.And *500 spending money! 1 ,0 0 0 S e c o n d P r iz e s ! Exquisitely-designed, golden toned sets of Kent Castle Brooches and Tie Tacs. An original creation by world-famous Trifari.


Now the.words Kent are worth eyeh more than great smoking pleasure. OtlUXIUNaTH - All prizes will be awarded^

•t »-Ona thousand Second Pf'iz Pfiz* Winn*rs will Official RuIm Km t CmU« Contosl also show total numtMr of words mad*', plus In casa of tlas among potential Grand 6 Priz* Winners, a new phrase will b* deval- each racalv* an attractive' (old*n tonad sat of 4 Using only th« l«tUr« from th« wordt your nama, addrass and lip coda. Ttiia is youranlry.' ' opad and will ba supplied as needed to break Kent Cast!* ladles' brooch and man's ti* tac ■ *‘K«IT MiCHOMITC FitT M CtQAMCTTCS/' OfkB the ties. TIa-breakIng phrases will b* ^ n t by specially created, by famous Trifari. all m iz c s aft many Cnglith words m you can consisting A Include with your entry tha lx>ttoin flap* June 15, 1971 and must be returned by July WILL a t AwAaocK, No su b*tltutlo n s o r cash ex­ of four l«Uars or more. Ex.: ncnt. sccnt. Usa ^ from any two packages of-Km r or Kcht 5. 1971. In case of lies among Second Prize changes of prizes. A Grand Prize winner ^ o letters appearing In the phrase '*KaiT Micmon- M c n t h o i . cigarettes. Mall your entry and bot­ Winners, duplicata prizes will tie awarded. cannot lake the trip may transfer It to another ire FiiTca CioAKcrrcs’' as oftan as you wish. tom flaps to Kcht Contcst, P.O. Box 1,.Murray Individual of his choice. Ex.: MINIMAL, knock. Winners will be iudged by H ill Station. N.Y., N.Y. 10016. Enter as often as Moti: In the event of tie-breaking runoff fur­ highest total of eligible words made. you like; each entry must be mailed separately ther proof o< purchase is not requiredT O Contest open to all residents of U.S. over O You may not use proper nouns, abbrevia- with two tK>ttom flaps enCloxad and post­ 21 years of age, except employees of ^ tions. contractions, words w^th a hyphen marked by May 15. 1971. and received no y Tha fifty Grand P ria Winners w ill each re- LoaiLLAffo and their families, its advertising »nd' later than May 25. 1971. Entries become prop- Pr apostrophe. Decisions on word eligibility ' celv« a on* week stay for two *t ttia ele- promotion agencies. Winners may be required will be made by an Ihdefwi'dehTludgmg'or- arfvof I on'llarrt Winners wilt be notified by mail. -g»n«-rjuirrhlll Hnfat in-iondon Including a to execute a ffl^ lts of eligibility and raleasas' ganizatlon whose decisions are final. Only e Entries for this 'tontest of skill must be fabulous Castle tour and me<^val feast In for the sponsors putMicity pQ rpoui: Only < words appearing in the main body of Websters' ^ wtrally the work of the person In whose Kent, England- Trips will commence on August prize to a family. Liability for taxes is sola re- Seventh NewCo»eg/ate Dictionarv are eligible. nama-tha-antrles^re submltted_and_»dnD«au_ a. 1971 and run through September 5, 1971. sponslblllty of the individual iMrirat'ri.'CArtIMt O Word lists must be legibly typed or printed will tw determined on tha basis of the highest Each Grand Prize Include* round trip air trans­ subject to all Federal. SUte and Local laws and ^ t>y hand on paper of your choice. You must totals of eligible words. portation for.two and spending money of *500. void wtterever prohibited or restricted by law. Kant 100 Si 19 mg."tafT1.2 mgl nicotine av. pef cigaretie. FTC Repon Nov.70. av. per cigtnma by FTCfltethod. owerpay Today? I f y o u j u s t b o u g h t .this nationally proven way that puts an end to the padded prices you’ve . fantastically low factory prices are available to you at all advertised portable sewing machine been paying for almost everything you buy. A way that is so times . . . yours to enjoy 3<5 days a year! t for $99.95. yon ovcipaid by $64.95! successful, it can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars ~ ProvaH Yourself! 30-OayNo-Riafc Trial! Bc&iuse you can actually feuy the a year for each of the more than 400,000 people who have already joined us in our fight. TWs b yoar iavitalioa to joia. At this point, you may still And it difiicult to believe that a very same sewing machine direct Factory Buying Club such as ours can really function ex­ from America’s largest factory buy­ You Ahways Buy At TIm Factory Pric* actly the wav we say it docs-and save yoa huadrtda, evea ing club-Unity Buying Service—aad The way Unity Buying Service works is really quite simple. Ihoosaaiis of dollars each year. That'ss why we urgeurg you to yoa pay oaly tbc rock-boMon factory price d $35.00. As a new memlier, you receive our 420-page, full-color accept a trial membership wilhont risksU m a sln^ pSey. >^:W^t’s- more, you can buy IhousaaA of everyday- items current catalog of first quality, name branid m«rchandise. ..Simply mail application. By return mail, we’ll rush the direct from this reniarfcablw. Aad cam aa Encyclopadlaa Sawing Machlnaa Watcbaa averafc 25% prolt for jrourseK. For example let’s suppo« FurnHura Shavara WIga a friend wants lo buy a nationally advertised AM/FM solid If you just bought this beautiful bone state multiplex tuner with 8-track cattridge player and china dinnerware service for speaker system. The unit carries a suggest^ list price of THE GREATER THE INFLATION, THE GREATER YOUR NEED FOR UNITY. $ 1 7 1 .9 5 , yoa overpaid by $91.95! $ 199.95. Regufar dealer cost is $ 169.95-biil yoa pay oaly Ike factory price, $122.20. Your friend pays the dealer Unity Buying S*rvic«, Inc. price and saves $30.00, while you make a clear profit of »«p l-8 5 a Mt. Vamon. N.Y. 10551 $47.75 on this one sale alonel Before long, the word vriH gel around, and you could be 30-DAY NO-RISK TRIAL! MAIL APPLICATION NOW If you just bought this famous handling orders for thousands of dollairs worth of merchan­ Unity Buying Sarvic*. Iitc. name blender for $3&OT^ dise. Your substantial profits mount quickly into a sizable Oapt.852 ML Varnon, N.Y. 10551 >oa by $ ! '« • ! year-round income-aad all yon lavest is a few boars of yoar spare tiaw! Yes, please enroll me as a member of yoor Factory Buying Whether you use your Unity membership for your own Club for one full year and rush my giant 420-page current orders, for your customers’ orders-or both—you can save catalog and confidential Factory Price Book for my per­ If you just bought this nationally a ^ many times the low membership fee of $6 with just your sonal use. I will ab o receive Ihe 420-paBe 1971-72 caulog first purchase. ------...... plus special ckiwout^mlktina as Ihey are issued. I under- vertised tape recorder for $399.50, sland there is no obligation lo purchase anything. However, yoa OTcrpaU by $249,751 j E ^ GrMrtar Bargalnsl any merchandise I do decide to buy will ahvays be shipped As a Unity member, you ahvays share in our tremendous lo me at rock-boilom factory prices. If not absolutely de­ F ob obvious reasons, we are not permitted lo reveal brand buying power. For example, our cloteout buyers continually lighted, I may return the membership material within 30 names in this announcement. (One look at our priccs tells comb the markets lo bring you recently discontinued, top days for prompt refund of membership fee. you why.) But the names are clearly staled in our catalog— quality merchandise al a bm k fraclioa ol the aiaaafac- I cnclo« $6.00 □ check □ cash Q nwmey order and th ^ itKlude tlie most famous and respected manufac- . lanT*i coat! These incredible values are described and oTr lo cover one full year’s memberehip.. — iwets-in-Ameiica-r-rT brands-you'iiTerognOT^nstmtlyr-— - lo Club mcmbcra, of course. Print Name Th* Inllatlon-nghtar Of All! But remember-whcthcr you select from our C lo ^ u t Today, inflation is iHe constant worry of every wage-earoer. Bulletins or our huget 420-page catalog you are under no A ddress PeopM like you who see their hard-earned dollars buying obligation to buy any minimum quan'tity. In fact, you are less and lest as viilually everything costs more and more. undn no obli^lion to buy anything at all. You order as City State For the past 10 years. Unity Buying Service has been little or as inik^ as you want, wkta you want it. No need -H e - battling inil^ion. Aw l foaad the way lo wla. A simple. to wait around for seasonal salaat your local stores. Unity’s The^Most Treacherous

D rivin g Hazard=of=AH?=- rtongT»iTOrywi-.r-7-'; iww to iwy ejw»niitl«h!ny.y<8ur hwbMid for granted. Ctood iw d*y dawaed od'me tfiat 1 'was tMulna my hudMuad to deadt. It WM baid for nie ta admit It-but it wa* trae. It It was as if my automobile had suddenly wwn*t tbiit I didn't love Jim, bot. often by tiie Ume he e most part, a mercifully "uncrowded, wet freeway, the land- like 1 wasp’t even there. And I wasn't I dedM Aat 1 bid to do scaf>e revolving and moving closer. Basic •omething. I had leen an advertiie- rules remembered, I tried to turn the wheels ment for a tablet ca ll^ Vivaiin: It ■aid that Vlyarin was a lioo-habit in the direction o f the skid and pi^ssed the forming stimulant tablet that would givemeaquldcIift.taM«i!Bek' . accelerator gently in search of controlling pow- there were a couple of-evenings er. Byit the steering wheel spun loosely, as if when 1 felt that I needed Vivarin. -S<>,-e«>tho«»dlB«rI-tWf:nrtiriilar ti> thr o pnosing lanes home to a more exciting woinan, o f traffic. Unbuckling the seat belt— bless it— I stepped out meu W e talk to each otMr a lot n than we have years—like w e onto the sodden turf. It was not until several years later, as I was watching a NASA film, that I finally knew what had happened on that rain-soaked freeway. What 1 had experienced was something aeronautic and automotive engineers call "hydroplaning." Researched for years by NASA in connection with the problems of aircraft tires operating on ,wet runways, hydro­ planing takes place when water penetrates between a tire and the pavement on which it is revolving. This surface water WAKE UP Fonmila for raief o f BnueMal Cragestioa, Bronchial Astkma. can build up a pressure which literally lifts the tire from the road surface. When this happens, the vehicle actually skims RARIN'TOGO Without Nagging Backache Helps Rid Lungs over a film of water. N « n in v baekachc. headache and m«i»* ctilar acnn and palna may romr on with uver-«>xcrtlon, cmotiunal upneta, or •vvryilay atrvaa and strain. If ihla nag* H vlydroplaning tends to noak^ itself known at the vety mo­ irintr backach«. with rectleaa, aleepleaa of Excess Phlegm ment when -control it-inost-unpid'rilanf— inTenteTihg a leurve; "TntFerabto'aTtd'Irrhiblrrdnn^t'wwitrtnrnlirhtj. la wearing you out, m aktns you or while seeking to pass another car. Even a sudden gust oC Doan** I*Ula ~ an analrmile. a pain re. lievtT, puan*« paln-r«lievlnff action on wind'can throw a hydroplaning vchlcic into a sickctiing and ha^m s backache irbfun relieve distress...coughing and wheezing. G«C D-RJ|U mit a hablt> furm m c This clinic-teste

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I IMII 'IM M H HI I I NI>HI k I VMM -l^OR M )nH | s y C'Sci Cip ilt, Junt JU. l‘l : ______ll S ^ i>nU ) in w hiih lh<^ i>fTrr t «>rm IN .»J«cilivctl V o h J m hm.ted D lJ IM l( A II. K( (Jt I'M S ^ 11 I NO I HI M()N<)K» l> M ill I l>l V t Usi< is M fPHODl'i I ION. N M I OK ri'M ( HAS! CU f HIS ( ()l PON IS PR O H IK III 1) Doctors’ Tests Show How You CsffifActually BfelplSfiniJc Swelling bf Hemorrhoidal Tissues TTTDue to InlTiutnmatioiri^ ^ Also Get Prompt, Temporary Relief in Many Cases from Rectal Itching and Pain in Such Tissues.

When inflammation, infcclion ce.sH/ul results in mony cases. And Wavy! By Rosalyn Abrevaya and swelling axiat in h em o r­ And it was all done without the rhoidal tissues —it can be very use of narcotics, aQestheticsiq^st or puinful for the sufferer. But stinKin^,stinKinj;. smismarting astrinfcents there’s an exclusive formulation of a n j’ kind. which in many cases gives hours You can obtain this same medi­ of relief from the burning itch cation used in these tests at any und pain in hemorrhoidal tissues. drug counter. Its name is Prepa­ It also helps shrink the swellinK: ration H. l*rcfiaiation //-K also ^V ll Jbe world’s women of such tissues. Sufferers are de­ lubricates to protect the in­ lighted at the way it acts so flamed, irritated surface area to declare they won’t be >rently and is ro soothinK to sen- help make bowel movements .'^itivc tissues. mori' com fortable. Re sure and sla\’es to fashion, and Tests by doctors on hundreds try Preparation H. In ointment more and more they are of patient.s reported similar suc- or suppository form. carving their own T m m M U u n m THOSE HORRID Futd buned cold. Ulv«r. independent niches. But coma. (rv«saire» 5 Pou-T/yi m iM U U AGE SPOTS thirties’ revival (with a hint of the forties in our wake), both in the new softer, less construc^ted

silhouettes being worn and •ytfliit and bodr modtlt. N«« sp«cc af* .modtit •ra so tiny aiiJ wall co j- in a return to waves in caaledycHir clotait friandt may fttvar rran notict. *We«thered brown[i the hair. F R « HOME THIAL. « 0 srots on the surface (km n of your hands__ and- __face tell the Are we going back to th^ bach arid you're getting oldold—perhaps - before you really are.>. FadeFa them days when Marcel, the away with ESOTKRICA. that med- rrCMYT PIOOETYT icated cream that bre«ks up masses of pigment on the skin, helps make hair permanent king, YOU MAY HAVE hahds look white and young again. ^ u s lly effective on the face, neck wielded metal contrap­ and arms. Not a cover-iip. Acts in the skin->not on it. Fragrant,' tions on willing female nHWORMS gresaeless base for softening* lubri­ Fidcetinf, Qow-pfekinc. « tomMnt^ cating skin sui it clears up those victims? Not a chance. inc r«ctmT itch are oCtan telltala algna blemishes. If you have these age- T u t TuiRTili?: romantic face-hugging cascade o f waves. of Pin-Womu, u«ly parmsitM that revealing brown spots, blotches, or Hair stylists are not medical experts say Infest 1 out of if you want clearer^ lighter skin, every3per»oa«ex»mined. Entirefam> use KSOnaUCA. A t your favorite going extremist, just iUes mrny be victims and not know it. dnig and toUetry counter. $2.50. T o get rid of Pin* Worroa. they must borrowintg^rom-the past, b»kJlI^in.thAjiarieJnt«iinn9 whera they live and multiply.That'a exactly suggesting evolution not what Jayne's P-W t^ le ts do . . . and here’s h o w th ^ do it: -----;— VIOBINrOIL . First— a scieoUfic coatiiw carriea revolution. the UbIeU lnti> the boweU before they dissolve. Then— Jayne’s mod­ '‘t j u s t m T M i m And the results are qqite em . medfarally-approved inffredieot V fotin O a attractive; Hair is still------goiee right to work—kills Ptp-Worms Don't tske chsnces «ith dangvr- _____ a n d being worn shoulder-or- oua, highly contagious Pin-Worms which mfect entire families. When n lie m lm a rti» n s $ \ chin-length, but now it one member is infected, h ^lth au­ thorities strotigly advise that the en­ tire family be treated at the same ripples in a cascade of time. Get Jayne's P-W Vermifuge. . . ■mslU easy-to-toke Ublets. . . special waves that is more sixes for childrao snd adults flattering to the face than the reed-straight hairdos T O i g i r FLUSHES UP eit fBOO/tm am sr that have been popular t o MTwer or septic Lank for so long. no digging up floors w a t r r , . . INC. REFUSE SUBSTITUnS: - Oalr Vlalla Oil •lUclUtI They’re easy to maintain •OX 15133 TAMPA. FLA 33614 too. After getting a Cev«fi Bob WJIIevohby^ Lee O r o u . comp>etent layered, cut, all PHOTO CREDITS: Page 2: Horp«r ft Rtfw. you need is some, setting PoQ« 23: Pis Inc; Pictofiel Porod*. lotion and hairclips in a When You Onler By Mail From Family Weekly . . . -JjiE f e nTiFS- Wflvri. with a side part, and fluffiness. JongerilengthJTh^ fage__ Piease allow up lo four weeks for delays happen only infrequently. ^delivery.' J’V." —..~3 (js i- j[f—I5 _piac“u-ujf ^ rep*- wnen incy ji---- ov,-A ^ -tufimy—faiHttii _ the world witli a whole uiable companies. The items and trT s s U t‘ you aTTHOCtvas lioirible v HohxIo « by Pi*rr« StyU D»r««of of »*»• Sok* FiW» Av*m«« copy are checked by Family Weekly H you've any question

f o r o n l y

OIL PASTELS TVew Professional Duslless Type

B9VS-QIRLS, e O U H H W f Color the balloons! Win prizes! Fifty prizes in all— 25 for girls, 25 for boys! First prize in each category, $20; sccond prize, 36 votutnes of the World‘s Greatest Treasury-of-Besi— Loved Children's Classics; third prize- SIO: fnnrth pri-yp Thff six ncxl— Dcst entries will each receive a hardbound copy of The Bible in Pictures. A huge assortment of pastels with no do not require fixing and can be Entries which place 11th through 25th will each receive a copy of Ann Jwp colors the sarne. These profes­ framed like a water color painting. Davidow's book. Let's Draw Animals. Winners will be informed by mail. sional dustless pastels can be miyed Non-toxic composition makes them The contest is open to all children age 12 or under. Neatness and color and blended but never make a mess. perfect for adults or young “ Picas­ combinations will count heavily in the judging. Decision of judges will be They are as convenient as pastels yet sos"! Great for pojrtr^^lar^dscap.es* , final. No iintries-returned. Cut out the- picturc wUh-coupon-and send to: _iiave-^ho brillianco and-cotor-depttrxff' " "anytJlmg"aTanrA'’great gift and a great FAMILY WEEKLY, P. O. BOX 4080, Grand Central Station, New York. oil paints. Sticks will not crumble or buy for only $2.98. N. Y. 10017. Entries must be mailed by April 23, 1971. break easily and can be used on paper, OFFER WILL NOT BE board, cloth, stone or plaster. They REPEATED THIS SEASON PLEASE PRINT: are excellent for quick sketches as Supplies are limited and orders will well as finished drawings and paint­ be filled first come, first served so we N A M E - ings. You may also use turpentine to urge you to order right now to avoid AGE___ -BOY OR GIRL btend colors and heighten the oil disappointment. The price Is right and effect. Completed oil pastel paiqtjngs offer will not be repeated this season. ADDRESS-

I------AAAIL 10 DAY NO-RISK COUPON TODAY) — ------, CITY______-STATE- I PALM CO., Dapt.4416, 4500 N.W. 135th St., Miami. Fla. 33054 I • % ZIP______I Pte«s« send me if9760 0

S c ie n c e has ma3e some True or False: fascinating discoveries te- cently about clothing and Worrien who are the leasi personality. .And this true- extravagant when it comes false quiz will clue you in to buying clothes have the on the extent to which what highest' IQ’s. you-wear teHs-whafryou-areT— 1. You can’t judge a man’s char­ acter by his appearance. ent person. Lawrencc Langner, who 2. ilie more confident and self- has -made an extensive study o f (he assured a person is. the more pains |:clalionship between clothes and per­ he takes to look his best. sonality, finds that not only a per­ 3. A change of clothes can change son’s behavior, but his whole attitude your personality. and outlook can be completely al­ 4. If you habitually have trouble tered just by switching to a difTcrent finding clothes that suit you, it's an suit or a difTerent dress. indication o f neurotic tendencies. 4 . True. Psychological studies show 5. Friends often judge us by the that people who arc so choosy about way we dress. what they wear that they have diffi­ 6. Children behave better when culty in finding clothes they can feel they are dressed up. comfortable' in, are also likely to T r 'W o m cir who are the least tx=— - have-a-difficult-tinw-adjusting-to-Hfc----- travagant when it comes to buying in other areas, such as personal re- clothes have the highest IP ’s.______latjonstit^ and ToBs. ANSWERS 5 . False. As one leading researcher 1. False. Psychologists have found observes in summing up the findings that a man’s character is revealed to o f studies on the subject; our percep­ a remarkable extent by the clothes tion o f personality traits in people is he wears. A person’s clothing— par­ influenced by clothing when we don't ticularly if it’s something he chooses know them, but not when we are , of his own free will and is comfort­ well acquainted with (hem. able in—js a reflection o f his per­ 6 . True. Studies show children are sonality. example, a flamboyant much more prone to mischief-mak­ dresser is lilcfel)' to have an outgoing, ing and other fonns o f objectionable extroverted hail-fellow-well-met per­ behavior when dtessed in sloppy or ' sonality; while a person whose ward­ nondescript clothes.. But when a child robe is on the colorless side is likely is dressed in his best .attire, he’s like­ to be repressed, inclined to bottle ly to be on his best behavior. up his feelings, seldom given to re­ 7 . True. In studies conducted at the laxing his inhibitions and letting University of North Carolina, inves­ hrmself go. . tigators -tnierviewed -hundreds- pf-.- 2 . Fabe. Extreme preoccupation womeri on their attitude about with clothes is likely to indicate that clothes. Each was then subjected to the person is unsure o f liimself and a battery o f personality tests. Find­ lacking in self-cOnfidence. The more ings' (he women who were tte most self-assured a man is. the lesS' likely economy-minded in the sele<^on o f ---- doth e«-«yei»ge -the—hi^>cst—intclli — gwice-Bcoret- They also scoredJiigh^ 3 . True. A change in clothing can ratings oa tests of alertness, respon­ make one feel and act like a differ- sibility and efficiency. ^

FamUv W**kly. April 11,1971 'Si

I I u ' ity ';t r e c '? t

' I' ■' y \ h ( .‘Y V V ' i: II •c. 1 Vvi!t'i color.

!! 1' 'ii eiqnrottc. V v'lceruy i 11< y w( )i v't ' -ttie for less, t's M niv it*' -I (jf laste.

Vk (‘fov ciivr,‘s voi i aii the tastcj, oil the timf

King Size. 17 mg. "tar," 1 2 mg. nicotine; long ^iis. 19 mg."tar." 1 4 mg. nicotine bv. per cigarette. FTC flepon Nov. 70. Above the Montana border, up In Al­ same league with him. I’m not capabler berta, Canada, there’s a river which just of being a war hero myself. I’m not keeps rolling along. Although far from very brave." Brave or'not, the film star the American Southland—and no Jcio did serve with an anti-aircraft unit dur­ to the ' Mississippi’ River—its oflRcial ing the 1967 war. name is Oldman River. And, in the in­ terests of equality—Ontario, Canada, u , DATES: Today is Easter. Tuesday, the locale of Old Woman River. American Society of Newspaper Editors mee& in Washington. Thursday is the 4 The United States is the world’s larg­ deadline for filing 1970 income tax. , NEW CUMM est manufacturer of automobiles. It That's a girl under the paint may also be the world’s largnt dis- ANNIVERSARIES: 26 years ago Mon­ carder of cars. More motor vehicles day, Franklin D. Roosevelt died at ' Maudie Hippen, 24, U the fint female are junked each year than are in use Warm Springs, Ga. Abraham Lincoln graduate of the circiis-run Clown Col­ in Greece, India, Norway, Spain, Den- was assassinated 106 years ago Wednes­ lege in Venice, Fla. She’i also the nuuic, Turkey, Finland, Israel, Poland day. The Titanic sank, with 1,500 fa­ niece of the late character actor. Jay and Panama, all together. talities, 59 years ago Tbunday. Flippen. “I've always wanted to do -somethingi in show business " she says. A baby can't get too much love. THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAYS: Ethel “My uncle was my idol.” While Maudie Stroking, fondling, bathing, powdering, Kennedy, 43 today; Harold Stassen, 64 was serving in the Woman's Air Force, hugging are the ways an infant under­ Tuesday, Rod Steiger, 46 Wednesday; “Rip" (her nickname) joined aq ama- stands love, according to a Los Angela Charlie Cb^plin. 82 Friday; Alcin- teur theatrical group and found «he psychologist. “Meaningful sensory stim- ASSAF OAYAN WITH WIFE ARONA dor, 24 Friday; Nikiu Khrushctev, 77 "Tilrrtl T—iH ‘T ...... "n girl , ulation must pass almost exclusively "Father Is ttm-rmal^tUr,". Saturday. from Westland City, Mich., is some- across the skm," Bays. Pr. Sidney Con- —tiling of a rarity. “I haven’t heard o f a hen. In the first few months of life. Mbshe Dayan, ism ls lieiu uf.jH : ' female clown in 2 0 years—and they these touching activities “constitute th^ nSix Day War, has 1^ sOrt Who were always wiv» of performers,” says sole means of communicating love and and heartthrob to millions of Can*.' Maudie's boss. Bill Ballantine,-Ringling security, a need as great or even more Dayan, romantic film star, has efi^t'..^. Brothers anid Bamum- and Bailey's important than the feeding process . . . movies to his credit. Including clown chief. “She’ll be on the receiving viul to the well-being and future emo­ AnMrican-made "A Walk with Love and . end o f thrown water and custard pies, tional growth of an infant." (That spare De«th,” and “Promise M'Dawn," with j^ l& e the gujrs.” (No, Maudie doesn’t the rod and spoil the child stuff comes Melina Mercouri. “My father is thfc ftai ' BlfrTHDAY PEOPLE: Ethef Kennedy, itiiod—she learned to take it in college.) later.) ' star.’^' Assaf protests. "I’m ncA,'i((it|liii(. Rod Steiger and Nikita Khrushchev Qiiips & Quoted

A Rom Qrowr* “Am I related to Harry, the little boy L in r U K n W IL Y A rose U ■ neat for Inaects, next door7" a six-year-old asked his An ineubator for mtlea, parenU. A filling; station for aphis “No, you’re a friend but not a rela­ And aimllar parasites; tion. Why do you ask?" A home for fqn^^ diaeasea. •Well, yesterday,” said the boy; "the . Where ieafapot and mildevr' show one mailman delivered a letter market) ’Oc­ That whoever thinha a roae U a rose^ cupant’ to Harry’s house. Then he de^ Has never endeavoreblM>r It. Next day he returned and said. ing for a

Family Weekly, April It, 197t SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR READERS

America's Kodacolor FViUures credited - FILM No. 126 Biie— Highest 20 expocor developed «rith US ■l 2 per5 roil «2^0 ^ ■ w . t h K=3 jumbo color prints ■ t}ii» offer good Quality 12 EXPOSURE ROLLS ■I ceniftcaU 60 days only U »4M . IMm , I


^'Kodacolor \ Failures credited No. 126 sise— t 1 5 0 20 exposures— UMP a per roM -?TSO------jumbo color prints ^ ■ w K h ■ t h i« offer ends 12 EXPOSURE ROLLS ■ ccrtiflcat* Dec. 31. 1971 S M M rM*. IMna, IH. MOM

i s 2 FOR SYI.V \ M \ Type X Don't confu.se SKRUDLANP QUALITY with cut-rate k=3 M \r.ICl HKS Vo> Sylvania » 1 9 8 inferior film processing. SKRUDLAND has been process­ Blue Dot w i t h $1.35 t h l i per package ing film for over 40 years. Skrudland labs are new and FLASH C UBES ceniflcata 2 for $2.60 I with this certificate modern. 100% continuous air treatment removes dust and Offer irood Stowit— i rtMto. N«krw. IN. iW M 1 FOR $1.25 . 90 da vs only lint, so your pictures come put cleaner and sharper. Chem- _____ icalg and pap>er are the freshest and finest Eastmtui Kodak o.flKRUDLAND makcs. Top Skrudland technicians have been trained at Eastman Kodak. SPECIAL OrrER Your films are developed and printed with new e.quipment so sensi­ X 7 FK.AMKD KiMlno.ii: n»*i:ati\ »*s•s

□ Here are . roll* of exposed Kodacolor film. 1 am encJoaing $. and the special offer irarti6cate . $. □ Please send me ______^----- packages of So eesy to send - Syivama D DIhb Dot FU shr»a>gt-d . $ PHOTO □ Please send me my 5 x 7 framed color I Hafaron. lUinou enlargement (s): I am enclosing Enclose order form. film, money and spe- I 60034 □ 59c for 1 framed color enlargement. cial-offer money-^ving certificates in a Dept. 1 ' ' ,^□31.00 for 2 framed color enlargements $ I REGULAR envelope. I 1 «m

a t y S u te Mail 5»ur envelope to Skrudland Photo Service. Dept. 1. Hebron. 111. 60034.