San Franeisco Dispute Puts 7,000 on Strike
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/ 7 v ^ o i r i e Chance, Of Showers, ☆ ‘ ☆ F i n a l Magic Valley *s Home Newspaper (VOL. 66, N O. 297 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. FRIDAY, MARCH 13. 1970 T E N CENTS San Franeisco Dispute Puts 7,000 On Strike By JAMES 0. CLIFFORD .closed because a slrike misht|Service Commission, The propo- ed a system of Incremental pay o.K, them "unsafe for sal would have cosi the city, increases for newer employes. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) .student.^.” !$9.5 million. i Although the full board of Friday the 13th iH-j’ an a.s the^ xhe wage dispute, resulted> The board of supervisors’ .'.upervisors restored some dif Krimmest__day for San 1-rancis- Alioto threatened to veto le^jislative and personnel ci>m- ferentials and raised the total CO in 3G years as unions. ^ -jy p p , . p^neral wage mittee propo.sed a 5 per -cent to $4,8 million, the unions representing 7,000 of the city s increase■ for- city- employes■ - general increase in a S3.9, demanded full restoration of ■'miscellaneous employes” went recommendrd.,_ hv the Civil million package which eliminat increments. on strike in a wane dispute. The walkout, which began at m idnight, could result in the first city-wide tieup since 1934, when longshoremen brought San Francisco to a standstill in Federal Control O f A ll one of the only successful general strikes in U.S. history. Mayor Joseph I.. Alioto and city supervisors continued nego tiations with lA union leaders in Private ^ensions^sked an effort to settle ihe di.s.pute, affect.t approximately T?y EUGENE V. RISHE R N)Xon said JiT?! proposal_ to bcxly o( federal laws to regulate H.IIWI city employes. protect pension i;ights "furfher pen.sion funds not now covered WASHINGTON (UPI) — Pres- The slrikeriKe was .caMrucalled bvn- f o u r ^ proposed today that expands my program to protect by federal acts such as those represenimg I.OOO-nur-, tha American worker as he relating to union pension funds. aid Ihe propo.'oed act tal workers. l.iiOO janitor'i and |‘/J*,,,, federal after his working larw r is, would sppecificdlly state (hat ii.m clerks and other workers rcfauiation. •• vs regulating banking, jn city dcpartmeni Ni.von told ConRress that the The President's proposals are insurance and securities would Spokesmen for Jhe, city's adniinistraiion would submit the first step toward forming ainot be affecied. other 7.0(H) employes, including^ legislation to allow the federal teiichers, drivers for 'the' government to refjulate the municipal railway, and a few internal workings of sucti plans workers at San Francisco for the first time. Nixon said Funds Needed - Lowering O f International Airport, indicated his plan would affect more than $120 million in benefii plans for The CSI pep band may they may join the strike. about iO million workers. have to stay home while the Police and fire services were In a special message to the (iolden- Eagles go lo Hutchi Voting Age not affected. House and Senate, the Pi^es- son, Kan., for tht- national Superintendent, Robert Jeij"- ident "said most’"pension plans jun io r’C-o liege bu;^ketbi>H—■ kins said the city’s 140 s c h o o ls are "carefully managed h y iBurnflment next week—un Means FigiTlPH would remain open." but teach- responsible^ people," but he .said less funds can be rai.sod to crs union presidtnt Jam es j lepislution is nece.ssary to send the band. WASHINGTON (UPI)— The Ballard asked that they be "make certain that the em - The college can send a proposition of lowering the the table, are four New Yorkers all with the same Idea — voting age to 18 is in deep IT WAS LOTS of riowers and lots o( noses at the Interna plose's money i.** fully protect bus for the band, bul hous tional Flower Show in New York City. Here, sampling the • smelling tor sprlngl (U PI telephoto) ing and food for ihe 30 trouble despite an oyerwhejtiT- e d " aroma of a Freesias blossom which conveniently leaned over The legislation he outlined m.embers comes to about $B0 ing Senate vote in favor of it. would set federal standards for apiece. An urgent fund ap As chairman of the House Opponents Of controlling pension and welfare peal has been issued for do Judiciar\j Committee, Rep. funds; require detailed account nations to send the band— Emanuel Celler, 81, is in a ing similar to that now required and the donations are need powerful position to knock the False Bomb Bones Firemen To Hold Off On Carswell by mutual investment funds, ed immediately.. Senate's action out of the voting banks and insurance compa Call Jim Babcock at 733- rights bill when the measure MOUNTAIN HOME (UP!) nies. and give the labor 9469 in the eveninfis; or returns to the House. "M y —Six Mountain Home AFB ^ c rfitary___more investigative Merwin Helmbolt at 733-3713 opposition' will be’ very, very T lu’eats airmen went rabbit hunting Wage Drive Until Fall and tiiifmcemein powerv. -■dnnng- i,jyu llie TOnBi’t.;aiiiaii. -Jn_.tha..P.lm nrA-j<aiM rt ■‘T u BB. .WASHINGTON (UPI) —Sen Nixon observed that theft, 733-OOQ7 in the evenings. ‘ I’xnI xn not going' to swallow it," r day I evening. and found th» Twin .Fall*'" firemen said Ihom as said, *‘Is that the bill ale liberals, seeking to defeat embezzlement. btibery. ,-»nd Twin Falls business firms he said. "Come helf or. high F la ^ e skeleton of_a small per.son, Thursday night they waiit more signed by Gov. Samuelson does the Su^ireme Court nomination Idckbacks in connection with ^ a r e asked to give genero.s- water. I ’m not to"«t^ccdeed< according to Deputy Sheri/f money but added they won’t at not contain a-m>. strike clause. of G. Harrold Carswell, feel employe benefit plans for some ly: some have pledged $50. to it and I'm quite sure that my By U n iM Press Jnteniptlonal Merrill .Telley. tempt to jiegotiate for a wage Firemen can strike at anytime, they can win-^but not without time have been federal crimes others $25 and $12.50. fellow conferees Trom " the Bombings in New York and' Telley said the bones were hike until later this fall. — until a contract has been sign- the support of about a dozen but "conduct that reaches House are not going to accede Maryland precipitalcd a rash of found about 12 miles cast of "It's too close to budget time “ i ” ^ Regublicans. establi.shed principles of trus to it likewise." false bomb threats throughout Mountain Home on Hot now and the city is not pre-' He added, however, It has Celler. who ha.s been In the nation Thursday and forced teeship has not been adequately SPY REJECTED Creek. pared to negotiate with us at < policy of the Interna- "We have a chance of dealt with.'' Congress 47 years, think.s young thousands of workers into ' the this time." George Thomas, a ‘ional Assoctation of Firefight- winning,” Sen. Birch Bayh, D- The President gave no details STOCKHOLM (UPI) — The people are too immature to streets. Some got the rest of A doctor and a dentist - Twin Falls fireman and a mem ers, of which local firemen ars Ind. said;^ "Don't write us off." of the standards the adminis vote. He feels a Constitutional the day off. who examined the bones members, not to strike. It is passible the Senate, Swedish Supreme Court Thurs ber of the Idaho Council of Fire tration will propose. amendment is required to set a Explosions ripped offices in said they were those of a fighters, said. "There is no_strike planned which has .^Jjgcn tied up on Nixon said he has sent to day rejected an appeal for a nationwide voting age of 18, not three skyscrapers in New York C a u c a s ia n person and had The city budget has to be in Twin Falls or in any other voting rights legislation for Congress previouiily- three other reduction in the life prison the simple act of legislation to City early Thursday morning. A been exposed for several city in Idaho that I know of,” days, may turn to Ihe Carswell years. approved by the end of this proposals dealing with the well sentence given in 1963 to Col. which the Senate attached the group identifying itself as month and a public hearing has Mr. Thomas said. "What will nomination today. proiMsal by a vote of 64 to 17. "Revolutionary Force" claimed happen when it comcs time to being of the working m aa which Stig Wennerstroem, who was Telley said the person had been set for March 30. The have not yet been acted on—r The Constitution specifies credit in a letter to United negotiate for a contract with If a recent head count among convicted of spying against been wearing khaki clothing. budget does include a slight In Republicans holds fast, the manpower training, unemploy^ what age a person must be to Press International. Sheriff's officers are con crease in wages to firemen, in the cit}« is something that will liberal.s appear to faca an ment insurance and occupation Sweden and the North Atlantic run for President or Congress, From then until early today. tinuing their investigation. addition to increases t o . other have to be determined at that exceedingly difficult task. al .safety and health.