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FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Average Daily NgtfPress Run The Weather , iKaturh^at?]: lEtt^tting iijeraUi F or The^TVrok Ended 9. 1971 Freezing rain producing poor The confirmation clasi^ of St. Barthotomew's Pariah will driving conditions this afier- About Town Trinity Covenant Church will have its annual dance Saturday, ■ / noon. Clearing hmlgfat; low near meet tomoriew at 9:80 a.m. Jan. SO, at the Manchester Coun­ A 16,095 20. Tomorrow partly cloudy; Hie Couples Club of South try Club, 'ncket returns should Manchester— A City of Village Charm high 85 to 40. United Methodist Church will The Grade 8 Methodist Youth be made as soon as possible meet at 8 p.m. at the church to Fellowship of South United to Mrs. Robert Kenniff, 82 Ken­ go Ice skatipg and sliding. VOL^ LXXXX, NO. §6 Methodist Church will meet to­ nedy Rd. (SIXTEEN PAGES — TV SECmON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. 1971 (Oasstlled Advertiaing on Page 18) Ther^ will be refreshments at night at 7:30 in the youth* i----- ■ -I PRICE TEN CENTS the church afterward. lounge. The Mlastonette girls and ttie Royal Rangers boys of Calvary Ihe executive committee of Mr. and Mrs. BYancia Murray Church, will meet tonight from S1EAK the Ladies Guild of the Assump-. of 88 Porter St. will be host and 7 to 8:80 at the chui^. COD^mTlOKS tion will meet Monday at 8:16 hostess at the Luts Junior U.S. Airlifts Arms Writings of Berrigans p.m. in the school library, . S. Museum Sunday.' Sister Marie B oy Bcovt Thoop 188 o f the O.C. does not remember a ment. That’s why she was chos­ Adams St. Ellen LaGace will be present to Second Congregational Church p6nd where the present en. ,’And stva sure was a good Capitol Hill Reaction Mixed .'gnawer questions about Came­ will conduct a townwide paper Springs Pond la now. He thinks strong akater. Will Remain Censored Manchester Assembly, Order roon and show some <, artifacts drive tomorrow and Sunday. the brook flowed freely through From Rlaley’s Pond the brook To Aid Cambodia of Rainbow for Girls, will have from that African nation. The Those wishing papers and a culvert ui^er the railroad. went through LydallvUle where YOUCAN HARTDX>RD (AP) — A fed- At a two-day hearing In Hart- a service projTOt at the Masonic museum is open to the public magasines picked up may con­ But r many years it was persons were wounded in the I^cember under the military ter. institutions. > Amaranth, will meet at 2:80 Jhe fact that they have tempo­ sentences for destroying Selec­ Congress will ever come p.m. Sunday at the home of The landscape has been forced to carry a heavy load of blast. They said there were no e®s*et®nce program to Cambo- rarily forfeited many of the changed so much that It is not sewage and mill afUuont until It known dead, although it was dia. tive Service records In close to writing into law all Miss Mary Ann jmUer, royal rights associated with free men Maryland. the chief executive askeid in matr(Hi,of 60 Neill Rd., Vernon. easy for O.C. to recognize or lo­ was an awful stinking mess. possible that some bodies might Am Rang said it appears like- during their period of commit­ cate some things precisely. Manchester had numerous be found in the rubble, On Jan. 12, a federal grand the name of a “ new Amer­ Let’s face it -a ft e r dropping eight ment,” U.S. District Court jury in Pennsylvania also ac­ There was no Broad St or St. pretty brooks 80 years ago. Now Two U.S. Air Force C180 (8ee Page Eight) Judge T. Emmet Clarie said in cused PhlUp Berrigan of con­ ican Revolution.” pure vinyl James' Cemetery. After the it would be dangerous to drink transports flew arms, ammuni­ In his second Stdte of toe Union Emanuel Women a 12-page decision. spiring In an alleged plot to kid­ from any stream within the bucks for a steak dinner - who feels tion, spare parts, barbed wire address, toe President outlined brook got beyond where Broad The Berrigans sought a tem­ nap presidential adviser Henry rug protector town boimda without having the and sandbags Into iqux>m Penh a program for a Joint session of Plan Retreat St. Is, it entered a swampy area porary Inunction-pr allowed either to leave the pris­ $16 bilUon in federal funds—in­ l i n i i t a t is 3 p.m. on Saturday. Hilliard’s Fond, the last stop in time to duck under Hartford Ribeye steak dinner^ is yours for a Uttle tinue. Clarie held that ’’restrictive cluding $6 billion In new m oney — The Army has dropped all on to deliver sermons or prison rules are designed to act d a d I The Rev. Richard Pearson of before entering the Hockanum Rd. and rush Into Hop Brook. The Cambodian military com­ —to states smd localities, a huge distribute recorded sermons, as a "physical restraint” on In­ f ri. i Bristol will lead discussion per­ River at HilUardville. It is not so In the nearby farm­ over a buck. mand said Oommunist-led charges against the four re­ Clarie held that the priests had jump over earlier estimates, iods on self-appraisal, scripture ing towns. There have been forces foUowed up on the airport malnlng enlisted men accused mates, as well as ”an effective produced expressions of shock tM 9 P.RI. Down In the woods north of not exhausted thielr recourses deterrent to future criminal c«i- study, and sharing Insights and New 'Bolton Rd. was a small many farm ponds built in the attacks by lobbing mortar shells •_ .u. , i within the prison system. from many Democrats and lA raclecf And to top it all o ff-o u r desserts duct through an expdsure to 'ntow n TMtti concerns. stream and a water hole full of last 15-20 years to canarrve overnight Into toe Cambodian "The prisoners have not some head-shaking among Re­ water fo r IfTlgration, water army’s main fuel storage depot officers the undesirable aspects of pris­ publicans. Mrs. Richard Hlbler is chair­ the finest watercross one could are mouth-watering. Big, luscious made a bona fide attempt to on life .” man of the committee planning wish for. And O.C. has always sportf and fish culture. at Prek Pnoeu, Just outside toe with murder, submit a manuscript for approv­ The ITesldent’s "program to caoltsl Army announcement at He said the Berrigans ”ob- : « 3 the retreat. She will be assisted been fond of it. That water al under the existing bureau of insure that no American fsunlly by Mrs. York Strangfeld, Miss eventually gets to the Manches­ cream pies, real old-fashioned fruit pies IL „p>od«i «,«»t M th . s ; (See Page Eight) wUl be prevented frbm obtain­ hitting any of the dump’s gaso- ^Lloti was taken In toe beat in­ Norma Johnson, Mrs. Walter ter Water Co. Reservoir we Holne Care Plan ing basic medical care by ina- KdHiy soys: "In or Our o f Sooson," Fuss, Mrs. Theodore Chambers, used to know, as Rlsley’s Pond. and lots of frosty cakes. line tanka, a Cambodian mlB- terests of justice.” It came n in e ------:------blUty to pay’’ was better re­ Meeting Topic tary spokesman said. days after toe second man tried Pero*g Pro^Uice Variety f» The Greatest! M rs. BSmest W. Benson and While in South Manchester ceived. High School, we organized a Mrs. Stanley Bates, dinector of Associated Press correspond- In the case was acquitted, Sentimoit for a national OraCBABO IIBESH: Macs, CorUands, Bed, Golden DeU- Mrs. Kenneth Bensen. Tonight, why not try a little Reervatlms may be made by sleigh party and skating ball at the Manchester Public Health ent RoUn Mannock reported Still charged are Lt. William health plan has been growing clons. Russets, Baldwins, Rlnesap Apples—and Fresh Older. from Phnom Penh that about L. Galley Jr., accused for mur- FBEBH: Spinach, Cauliflower, Green Beans, BrocooU, Peas, contacting Mis- Kenneth Ben­ the pond. It was a beautiful Nursing Associatloti; and board tenderness? Consumer-Credit Code Rill among toe lawmakers. But Romalne, Boston Lettuce, Chinese, Savoy Cabbage, Leeks, sen, 287 Ludlow R d., before moonlight night but bitter cold. members Mrs. Clarence Rush 200 persona, including many derlng 102 My Lai villagers dur- some took a wait and see atti­ Shalots, Cranberries, Belgian Endive, Hot Pvpptxm, WUte next Wednesday. We had a rousing bonfire on and Mrs. BMward Plats attended women and children, were Ing an infantry operation March Filed in State Legislature tude, since mxon left details for Sweet Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Egg Plant a ^ Com. shore. Someone found a neigh­ a meeting yesterday to discuss killed or wounded during toe 16, 1668; Capt. Ernest Medina, a future message. La'wmakera who commented generally liked IMiPOiIVrED: Strawberries, Spanish Melons, Honeydews, boring farmer irtio would sell the Blue Cross hoq>ltal coordi­ alrp<^ attack 'vdien exploding chai-gd with murder and over- HARTFORD (AP) — A narrow powers of the bank com- Plneoj^Ies, Watermelons, Bed, White, Blue Grapes, Coco­ his caU for a $100 mlUlon drive, a Jug of hard cider. Then after nated home care plan. It was armarnoits at an ammunition all responsibility for any civil- conaumer-credit code, which mission over specially regulated nuts, Temple Oranges, Limes and Seedless Grapefruit. ‘Attack’ Subject to find a cancer cure. However, the parly, someone must have held at the Coimectlcut Tubercu­ dump wiped out a nearby camp Ian deaths that occurred; and would regulate credit sales and financial Institutions and toe gushed informatlcm because all losis and Respiratory Dlfeases saum housing civilian dependents of Capt. Democrats greeted his endorse­ Of Police Film Eugene Kbtouc, charged cash loons while encouraging jurisdiction of toe consumer- WEEKEND SPECIALS the fellows were called one at Association building. East Hart­ Cambodian troops. with murder and maiming in oompetition among the grantors ment o f m ore aUl to m edical ‘^AttacK” & narrated film, protection commissioner over schools and measures to in­ TOM ATOES ...... pkg. a time into Professor Folsom’s ford. The rocket and commando at- the interrogation of prisoners of consumer credit, has been credit sales, largely through a CALIF. LETTUCE...... head R fM will be presented by a mbmber office for a tete-a-tete. And that The Asaociatlan of Community sntioiHFn. crease toe doctor supply with tack on the airpdrt destroyed at after toe action. filed In the state legislature, of the Connecticut State Police 2B7 WMt Middle Tpke.. MeiiahwOor truto-in-lendlng law adopted In complaints that be has vrtoed TAN G ELO S ...... dozen 7 9 ^ probably didn’t do any good, Health Service Agencies Inc. ar­ least 10 planes and four hellcop- Three other officers are If Connecticut adopts such a 1969. Monday, at a meeting of the legislation alqng these lines.' MAC APPLES ...... peck has: either. ranged the meeting in an at­ Dm. OL/B. M M • RL 1. BMoa fiUfM" ' ters, and damaged a score of charged with dereliction of duty code, it would be toe third state Other new bills on file, listed Women’s Club of Mandieater at tempt to readve unanswered fU gMiMlM 9------gt 72, HMAIt f And there was much* skepti­ ROYAL ICE CREAM ...... ‘/t gal. S 9« To be sure there was a teacher bOWNf(nM,«MtNMliMA« others. in an alleged coverup of civilian tn toe nation to do so. with sponsor, would: President Nixon brushes his hand across his face as he pauses during his 8 p.m. In Saixmd Congregational questions and lay foundatlcais for tm fk b M j Am.( cism that the ramified execu­ — visit Our Imported Basket mqday — along for a chaperone, but O.C. Am Rong said the Cambodian deatha The bill is sponsored by State —^Thotect tenants to organize address to Congress. Vice President Spiro Agnew is Church. was sure she was too good a future planning for home health behind him. (AP Photo) tive agencies could be swept We Carry The Al^chester Evening 'Herald After file film, there will be command had advance warning Announcement that toe David H. Neldltz, who said and bargain collectively with into eight major depeutments, OOBKPLETE U N E OF SUNDAY PAPERS sport to put a fly in the oint­ care. a discussion about sell defense of the attack but "did------not have charges „ had----- been------dropped — — O' primary provision of their landlord under supervision instead of tlie present 12. and related problems facing toe means to strengthen toe against toe four GIs was made ^ ** ®PP®tol>n®nL a state gf state commission. Sen. Wll- Although Nixon said hd will women alone today. There also bases’ defenses.' by Lt. Gen. Albert Connor, who ®rce One. sheds and damaged another as program would put $5 billion of er told newnsmen he wouldn't Hundreds of persons—^young men and equipment from 11 new money directly Into state press for su i^ rt during his con­ and old, black and white—filed \fire compcmles dashed from one and local coffers. It could be versations with party Veaders. less than original post his flag-draped' coffin after fjre to another. used for any lawful purpose. He added that popularity polls The first fire was reported in K was placed In the scariet-car- The special-purpose prog;rams showing him deadlocked with group 1 Sodth Windsor at about 11:80 in peted rotunda of toe Capitol, would co&iMne the $10 billion in President Nixon "generate a two^upchunos Bros, sheds at where RusseU had served as a converted funds with a $l-bllUoil certain climate that Is not unfa­ legislator and as the youngest Dart \jllU and Israrrence Rds. vorable.’ ’ wholesale cost BTremeh from EUlngUm, V er­ sweetener ot new money. Bloc governor In Georgia’s history. grants would be given out for "I’m Just a taxi driver,’’ said non,’ and Broad Brook fought Muskie and Sens. Birch Bayh toe fire that did $85,000 worth of urban development, rural devel­ of Indiana and George Mc­ a (Negro In a tom Uue sweater, opment, education, transix>rta- "but I want my chUdi^ to see dam age. Govern of South Dakota were in tion, job training and law en­ l-ff some history.” Tile fire was still going when Sacramento for toe California An Atlanta woman puUed a call Came from Abbot Rd. In forcem ent. Democratic State Central Com­ from her purse a thank-you note Ellington where a Culbro To­ The only restrictions on toe mittee meeting today. Muskie reg. to 15,98 made to sell for idle had received from the sena­ bacco Division shed was burn­ special-purpose money would be and McGovern were scheduled € € iC h tor many years ago. "ghe -was a ing across from the Ellington that toe grants be used for toe to give speeches. A package of wonderful man and the best sen- Ridge Country Club. ElUngtim broad purposes specified, and sweeping reforms in California tor many years ago. "He was a firemen left toe first scene and that state-local govenunents election laws was on the agenda A. RUSH COATS— Cotton corduroy tholl. $14 and $15 othy Zablotney. were joined by men from Tol­ comply with existing guidelines for study by toe committee’s 922 Orion ocrylic pile lining with cotton Full-fathionod sweatera of pure new wool, An honor guard composed of land and Vernon. on discrimination. Acquire­ delegates bocking. Four bellowi-type pockuti, members of the armed services South Windsor Eire Chief ments for matching state-local Only McGovern has an­ belt with buckle. and made In England for only 5.99? Doetn'f ftoilip C. Cromble said he felt and state legislators stood by dollars with federal money nounced his presidentiti candi­ teem pouiblel Yet here they are-handtome, the black catafalque. A large all toe fires were set. In all B. PEA COATS— Reproceited wool, mite, matculine-looking-looking every bit like the would be abedished. dacy fo r 1972. ^ fibre, melton type cloth. Double American flag made of red, the cases, hydrants were not expentive, quality twedtera they are. S ty M Nixon’s plan represents a A OaUup PoU pubUahed Fri­ breoited novy type jacket. * pullovers In solids and stripes wtaite and blue oam atians 'w u available, -or were so Incon­ sharp departure from the origi­ from Shetland or lambt wool In fine or coorte veniently placed as to demand day diowed Nixon and Muskie placed In the background. nal $900-mlllion starter plan be running even, with 44 pm- cent C. SKI PARKAS— Nylon quilt ihell revertet knitt and full fashioned for perfKt fit. What The principal eulogy at funer­ pump trucks to douse the fires. put forth In 1969, emd which died each, in a presldMitial trial Jo different color nylon quilt thell. a l i<|r\dces S u ^ y wlU be deUv- The Ellington shed bad about more con one soyl You'll wont to tee t h m * V nocks and crow nocks In a stlU-hostUe House Ways and heat. Poiyeiter fill, and backing. Navy, •I ered by Sen. John Stennls, D- burned to toe ground, vdien at bronze, b l^ . sweaters, select several for yourself and for Means Oommlttce without a gifts and save o pocketfuil Big choice cd col­ MIss., a long-time friend and 1 In the morning another shed hearing. "It’s too bad it’s 197l>—ort BINCH WARMUS ^' on Plantation M . In Koad 'it ors. Small, medium, targe. ^ waslnble, shrink-rosbtont coUeogue of RusseU. B\>r one thing toe amount of 1972,” Muskie said. He added, Vice President Spiro T. Ag­ Brook, went up: Aksislance came aid In toe new plan is much "I assume that polls ot this kind Reprocessed wool, mitc. V new wlU head a list of dignitar­ to the Broad Brook firemen fibre, mejtpn^lype ^ thelj. laig;er than the old. generate a certain climate that Orion aciyllc pile llhihg' ies scheduled to attend the fu­ from companies o t toe Eighth Another chang;e Is In toe share la not unfavorable.’’ with cotton bocking. Zip 94SMAINST. MANCHESISR neral. President Nlxoti wlU be District in Manchester, South I:-'- of toe $5-billion genepd-purpoee The voting reform measuree ffont, throe pockets. 6-11. repreeented by a mUitary aide. Windsor, Ellington, and Ware­ 'ple that would go to\each local before the central committee.. In bis State of the Union house B’olnt. government.' The old' plan re­ governing machine of toe party, r e g . 1 1 .9 8 qieech Friday nlf^, the Fresl. AtVle^ twice during toe last Firemen pour water on a blazing tobacco shed be­ there as Ellington’s new tanker, and firemen atop quired that only 80 p er cent c< were imvelled by Loe Angelee dent said, "America.has lost a year,' arsonists have set mul- the aid go directly to localities, City Cbuncllman Tom Bradley longing to Kupchunos Bros. Tobacco C!o. at Dart Hill S^uth Windsor’s snorkel struggled to control the (Bee Page Eight) (S m Page Eight) Rd. in South Windsor. Two sheds were destroyed fire. Arson is suspected. (Photo by Skoglund) (Bee Page Bight) (See Page BlgM) Read Herald AdvertigeinenU

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MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CO N N .. SATURDAY. JANUARY 23. 1971 PAGE THREE PAGE 1*^0 MANCHE^ f e EVENING HERALD. M A H ctelE S, CONN., SATlttlDAY, JANUARY 28, 1971 Should Town Buy Water Company? Market Trading Volume OPEN AU DAY Fine Show .SheiwivoM on Bndije SUNDAY Happenings for Teens Soars to a Near Record 9 A A I. *R 9 P J I . F0RMI1ENI8AND u n u s u a l DISCMID MAlf^ NORTH Business Bodies ♦ 43 / B y Troupe VOUMIPEOPIE STOP A SLAM ,NE3W .YORK (AP) • — Stock Of the 20 most active stocks, Money Necessary Saturday; Jan. 23 Buckley School—roller skat­ By ALFRED MEINWOIJl 854 East Side Rec.—open 1-6 p.m. ing-elem entary students,' 6- 0 7652 • WINS N (m O E market prices shot forward this 18 advanced aita 2 declined. J Everybody knows that an ace West Side Rec.—open 1-6 p.m. 7.*46 p.m .; teens cuid adults At VConn ■Mb 4m m Hr iM M M a Mention was made In the Jan. past week as .more Investors Among the actives, Plttston is higher than a deuce. If you A Q 1083 For Improvements Community Y—open 1-6 p.m.; from 8-9:30 p.m. . . skate 1 issue of “ Marketing News­ By JOHN GRUBER have to dlscand on an oppo­ WEST EAST began pouring In funds. dropped 3% to 42; 6 ity Invest- Teen Center, 8-11 p.m.. Dance rental fee—a quarter. «U M$$ MMITTED letter,” a national trade publica­ nent’s trump, you would nor­ 9 4 8 6 Trading volume on the New Ing climbed 2% to 21%; Sperry If the town were to purchase to “Mustard Family” . . . $1.60 Drug Advisory Center, 81 Rus­ tion, of the promotion of Frank It was a highly colorful and E mally throw the deuce rather C? 63 ^ J972 York Stock Exchange soared to *tend rose 1% to 27% and Oc- the Manchester Water Oom- ^hls Is the l^t In a series of at the door . . . c^n to teens sell St., 8:30-6 p.m. 647-9222— exceptionally fast-paced produc­ than an ace. After this begin­ O KQJ8 0 A 10 9 3 E. Zimmerman Jr., formerly of ,,,, . ^ cidental Petroleum gained % to GOD pany. It would not only have to articles on the proposed pur- only. phone manned from 6 p.m .-8 AU AUl MMTTtS 90.30 mlllian shares, . second ning, you know that you’re A A97642 A KJ5 Manchester, by Ford Motor Co. flnance the purchase price, but chase of the Manchester Water ECHS Auditorium, 8:16' p.m., a.m. tion that graced the stage

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i i < PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1971 MANCHESTiER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEStfiR. CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1971 PAGE FIVE Tolland, iianrl^FHtpr Which Critidsmfi? Hatchet Wielder Forces Tliere’s scant danger that the admin­ istration will escape criticism for its ex­ Feb. 16 Set as Target Date U.S. Jetliner to Havana panded use of American airpoweT in PTTR i .T a m a n b Y TH B HBRAU> PRINTINO CO.. INC. Cambodia; rather the danger is that the lo Begin Student Parking MIAMI (AP) — Forcing his died ax and carrying a brown IS Bluell Street demands with a hatchetj and a briefcase, which he said con- HiaDefaestei\ Conn. really sticking criticisms may be lost in . THOMAS F. FERGUSON The Board of EXhication has Many parents as well as stu- bomb threat, a tall youn^ man talned a bomb, WALTER R. FERGUSON the general static. So it may help to set who never lost his cool hijacked "I saw he had a hatchet and I ' Publlahers tentatively set Feb. id As the dents favor permitting the teen- |Founded, O ctober 1. 1881 out one view of precisely which set of target date tor permitting Um- agers to drive to school, as a Northwest Airlines jetliner went to take it from him,” stew- questions is the most troublesome. ited student parking at Tolland shown on the rMent citizens FYJ^day. He wanted to go to ardess Darlene Luther of Moor- High School. survey initiated by the school Algeria but wound up instead in head, Minn., said lOriday night PtiUtabed Every Evening Except Sundaye We are bothered some, but not desper­ and Hblidaya. Entered at the Poet OUice at The board spent consldecable board. They draw the line at Cuba with a stop In Detroit. after the Jet returned to Miami Manchester, Conn., as Second (Saise Mall ately, by the questicxis Involving the In­ He agreed on Havana alter from the Cuban capital. "He M atter time reviewing a list of rides providing funds to Increase the herent widsom of using helicopter gun- and suggestions to govern stu- parking space at the school, the captain of the three-engined told m e: ‘Just don’t touch. Ev- Boelng 727, on a scheduled flight eryone will be all right. I want SUBSCRIPTION RATES ships and 'B-S2 bombers to help the Cam­ dent parking which had been however. PavaMe in Advance submitted by high school IPrln- Among the reasons moat com- from Milwaukee to Washington go to Algeria.’’’ One Y ea r ...... S^.OO bodians and South Vietnamese reopen •V. Six Months ...... 15.60 clpcd Richard Olson. monly given in favor of stu- -with 69 persons aboard, told the When another stewardess, Three Months ...... 7.80 the highway from Phnom Penh to the The list had been compiled dent parking at the school were hijacker the aircraft could not Caroline Aulwes, relayed the de­ One Month ...... 2.00 sea. This coidd create a precedent, en­ by Olson and the school’s Stu- die work-study program and make the long hop to Algeria. mand by interphone to Capt. couraging the Cambodians to expect ■dent Council. extra-curricular actlviUea, for 'The youth boarded the North- Fred Wolter, Wolter told the hi- west flight in Milwaukee and Jacker the plane was not M E M B E R OF ' ' ' Student parking will be limit- which parents must transport THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. help whenever they get in trouble, shortly after takeoff tri>tted the equipped ,Jor a transatlantic The Associated Press Is exclusively en­ ed to 60 cor^ in the lower park- their children, titled to the use of republlcation of all and thus lead to deepening involvement. ing area / Budget Deficit length of the passenger com- flight. "Wolter suggested that news dispatches credited to it or not other­ partment waving a short-han- they make Havana their desti­ wise credited in this paper and also the • At the same time. It’s obvious that Among the biiard’s maior ™««tlng Wednes- local news published here. ccnce^^were " a ^ k df nation and the hijacker replied: All rights of republlcatktn of special dis­ survival of the Phnom Penh government catlon attempted to whittle patches herein are also reserved. ecUve methods for limiting the "All right.” facilities withdrawal of American down its proposed deficit, but Libya Arrests The plane made a refueling number of drivers .or determin­ found itaeU unable to bring it The Herald Printing Company Inc., as- 'troope from South Vietnam, that open­ ing who could drive." stop in Detroit, but the hijacker sumes no financial• responsL sl^ty____ ■ below a tentative 342,929. Ethiopians In allowed no one to enplane or dis­ graphical errors appearing in advert ing 'the road would be a big prop to that The format drawn up by Ol- The school board will present ments and other reading matter in The r^uires students apply for the revised budget to the Board embark. Gov. William G. Mil- Manchester Evening Herald. government both materialiy and psy­ Plane Skyjack liken of Michigan had been Finance on Feb. 1 and will chologically, and that if it survives the _ scheduled to board the flight Subecriber to Los An^^ee Times-Washlng- The school board repeated its seek permission to call a town ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia ujerg for Washington. ton Post News Service. current dry season further training and position, insisting that some meeting seeking additional Full service client of N. E. A. Service Inc. (AP) — The hijackers of an The plane flew on to Havana, Publishers Hepresentattves — Mathews. supplies may mean less need for U.S. method should be devised po funds. Ethlopl^ Airlln^ p l^ e were Shannon and Cullen Inc., Spectal Agency aid next year. .sefiotd bus. transporta- -Actually the budget was cut arrested early today \^en they — New York, Chicago. I^roit and Boston climbed aboard and escorted tion and parking facUltiea more than the figure indicates, reached their final designation Certainly we do not want the U.S. to would not be provided for the but board members found It in Libya, the Ethiopian news the hijacker from the Jet. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA­ “ He gave them the ax but TIONS. slide down a slope into deep involvement same student on the same day. necessary to add 36,000 to the agency said. kept the briefcase," passenger in Cambodia. But our instinct still is that The delayed effective date of special education account to The plane was taken over Display advertising closing hours the parking approval was set cover costs for a family which wljlle on a domestic flight with Howard Uberty of Essex June- For Monday — 1 p.m. FYiday. the main thrust of American pls Dr. Kenheth Hartford. Armstrong could not posltlve- ARRESTS Eleven on board were Ethio Grant, Wonders of the Universe------permitting student dri'vlng here. MacKenzie axmounced that no fjjg was first discovered ly say what the cause of *:he William L. Blackwell, 20, of the following schedule: plans; the rest were foreigners. pression of pleased conviction that It years. ’Thus, it Is inevitable that Monday through Friday, Another set of questions involves the Connecticut Yankee While the middle school pupils more bus complaints will be ac- by Edward Williams who ar- fire was. A clock behind the 111 Baldwin Rd., charged with The plane was en route from represented a document of the "great­ this approach will become the 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cross Country Care Administration’s respect for Congress, core of any earth-observation were also housed at the high cepted at his office or by the rived to clean Uie building bar which had stopped at 2:05 shoplifting imder 315, yesterday Bahr Dar to Gondar Friday school there waa no room in the est" significance, which, In the noblest and these bother us a good deal less than satellite system. By A .H .O . school board. shortly after 6:30 a.m. He tried indicated that the fire may afternoon at Caldor. Court date A telephone backup ser­ when It was forcibly diverted to PHILADtELiPHIA (AP) — The ERTS Program parking lot for the students’ of spirits, offered Congress and the they did before we took the time to look ’The true potential of this sys­ to enter the building to call the have been the result of an elec- Feb. 8. vice Is available Monday Khartoum, Sudan, tmd then to flight ducks from San FYanclsco cars and the matter was not Manchester Evening Herald through Saturday from closely at the actual llmltaficms Con­ By DR. I. M. Levitt of the tube is them prepared tem Is to provide Information Two years ago at this time to be entering his adventure flre depeutment, but smoke trical failure, according to 6 another refueling stop In Cairo Bay. blackened and weakened American people an opportunity to share pushed although the concept Tolland correspondent Bette p.m. to 3 a.m. gress has passed. TTie Senate once ap­ DIRECTOR for expostire by charging the for the cartographer whose Connecticut’s State Welfare with a healthy respect for the drove him back. He was forced Armstrong. Stoner F. Smith Jr., 17, of before heading for Benghazi. hy a huge oil spill, are here for In the "greatest” of all surges forward waa mentiemed at times. Quatrale, tel. 876-2846. proved restrictions on the use of airpow­ The Fels Planetarium surface. To do this the vidlcon mapping requirements can be Commissioner Bernard Shapiro, complexities he la going to find, to run to a gas station and The heat from the blaze was Rockville, charged with failure For drug advisory Infor­ The Ubyan news agency re- treatment by the PhUadelphla ported that the governments of ^oo. for the great American dream. er in Cambodia, but the House refused Of ’The Franklin Institute target is rapidly scanned four met more rapidly; for the a distinguished career man in and a wary guard against un­ place the call. intense enough to melt another to obey traffic control signals, mation, call: 647-9222. early this morning on Miain St. Sudan and Egypt had helped to Twelve were shipped, but to accept them. After all the compromis­ A revolutionary new syste.m times In about 2.6 seconds and oceanographer, whose knowl­ the welfare field, had Just covering any sweeping or sen­ Flames were confined' to the clock on the opposite side of the (^urt date Feb. . Insure the safety of the passen- .^hen zoo workers opened the Future and more detailed discussion ing was done (and after the press re­ of 'irrdiiclng pictures of the once slowly In about 6 seconds. edge of ocean currents and sea- gotten himself Into trouble with sational intentions or aspira­ Manchester lower floor in an area behind a room, some 40 feet away. That 8 Hospital Phone gers, crew and aircraft. shipping crates 'Friday four the Message and of Its specific recom­ earth from orbiting space ve­ ’The tube face Is then exposed states will be enhanced; and, a proposal that certain teen­ tions on his own part. He baa, bar. Smoke spread throughout clock had stopped at about 5:16. ski of New Britain, and Larry ported a victory for the doves), all that Hospital Notes John V. AUranl, '16, of Coven­ The agency said Ethiopia al- dead, hicles will make possible a new to the scene for 8 to 16 thou­ for the agronomist whose use of agers on welfare status be pro­ so far, been prompt to detect, The telephone number lor the buUding, causing additional K.E. Ryalls, exalted ruler of R. C(X)ley of Glastonbury. mendations will reveal that almost all of remained was a prohibition against us­ try, charged with failure to obey ready has sent messages thank- survivors got an Immedl- satellite to discover and assess sandths o f a secooid. Diuing pictures from space will help vided with a spending allowance and parry, those questions Manchester Memorial Hospi­ damage. the lodge, and Mike Klro, past what It contained represents wrorthy ing funds for "the introduction of United The fire was brought under exalted ruler, placed the dam- a red light, Igst night at E. Ing Sudan. Egypt and Ubya ^te feeding and medication, n-'tural pnd food resources. A this exposiu'e, the image is re­ decrease the $3 billion annual of 36 a week. The surprise and which have sought to bring up tal was changed a few A vehicle which left the scene States gn^xmd com l»t troops into Cam­ Middle Tpke. and Summit St. "tor qieir cooperation in this Griswold, bird curator at aspirations, that some it is almost as new, advanced television tube corded on the tube face and loss due to insects, disease and to the surface those phUoaophl- visrriMo HOURS months ago, but too late to contrbl in about a half an hour, age at $25,000 or $30,(X)0. was involved In a collision last bodia, or to provide United States advis­ horror with which such a liber­ Inteniiedlale Care Semi- m a ^ r. there was a good which can produce pictures can now be "read out.” ’The fire. Because so much of our tine, coddling proposal was re­ cal opinions a typical bustnesa be listed correctly In the new night on Union St. near Jeffer­ sound as It is worthy, and that a still ers to or for Cambodian mlUtaiy forces tube face Is read out with a private, nooB-S p.m., and p.m.- phone books. The hospital AOdDENTS T h e ^ n c y quoted an EtWo- live. nei.rlv times sharper than national economy depends on ceived in the press and In the executive success might be ex­ 4 son St. with a car driven by lesser proportion of it stands some in Cambodia,’’ '<0 scan rate of about 1,260 lines 8 p.m .; private romns, aon.- number is 646-1222. Police issued a summons to plan p ru n e s o fflc ^ ^ saying ..^.^ey are very blackened by home TV and many times sharp­ new technology, this new sys­ Legislature was so great there pected to hold about the state's 10 Tolland County Politics Raymond A. Mazzone of 250 per second. Thus, after 3.3 sec­ 2 pan., and 4 p.m pan. Grace H. Hewitt of 104 C3iestnut that the actions of the three gov- *4. , , __. actual chance of enactment. So the Administration Is clearly 'within er than the highest reaoultion tem of producing terrestrial never was any real attention relationship with those whom he .-8 Union St. onds 4,126 lines are scanned, Pedlatrlos: Pazenta allowed St. charging her with operating emments "In effectively IsSlat- in^ad LIpT" ^ Its Congressional mandate. In fact, the TV cameras used thus far in pictures, many evolve as one paid to Shapiro’s reasoning, has sdready. In a few short and the data is stored on video any time except noon p.m.; stone St.; Robert H. Tozier, 15 a motor vehicle while imder the ^ehijackerowas^^<>ur. sai?^“ som^ are One has to shrink back, however, from letter of the law wxxild seem to permit sppce will help scientists In this of the major contributions, of which was that the proposed days, learned to call the "dlo- -2 a g i^ condemnation of air plra- ^ tape either aboard the satellite ollien, p.m p.m. High St., Rockville; Mrs. M ^ c a influence of liquor, after her car A written warning for follow­ Joining in the President’s own final ver­ even wider actions than have been re­ critical area. the Space Age. spending allowance was sup­ advantaged." 2 .-8 Oswald, 40 Olcott St.; Gesrald A. Houley Still Pushes for later transmission to a M l Sendee: 10 a.m.-2 pan., can into a snow bank on Lenox ing to closely was issued last ported so far. It can be argued that use ’The development of this sys­ Copyright 1971, posed to help keep kids In school His careful selection of Uu>- (Jalve, Twin Hills Dr., Coventry; “"W e hljaekero’ motives were dict, which went as follows: "These are ground station where the signal 4 p.m p.m. St. near E. Center St. early this night to Frank' Goodrich of 76 tem was undertaken by the Gen. Fea.' Corp. Improving their future career guage, to date, has avoided .-8 Joseph J. Peck, East Hartford. unknown, although one Is said to f ^ niv, of airpower violates the spirit of the law can be recorded on video tape Intenstve Gate and Oommary morning. Court date Feb. 8. Pine St. as a result of a colli­ great goals, and they can make the ses­ RCA Astro-Electronics Division capacities Instead of dropping soimdlng that alarm the state’s Vocational Education be from the p r o ^ c e of Eritrea .^h® birds wlU be treated vith or some tadt bargain with dongress. or converted directly to film. Oaie: Immediate family only, Als<>, Mrs. Effie M. Blake, 8 sion on E. Middle Tpke. and as an element in the program out of school in order to earn professional "do-gooders" ex­ By BETTE QUATRALE sons the committee recom­ where separatist Moslems aro cleaniiig solvento and me^ca- sions of this Congress a great moment Each -ot these ERTS space­ anytime, limited to five mlmites. Barry' Rd.; Mrs. Hattie D. Lane, A'summons charging him with Summit St. between his car and But then the Senate Foreign Relations to provide the key space com­ Yesterdays their own pocket money. pect to hear, sooner or later, (Herald Reporter) * mended against construction of figliting the central Ethiopian D>at ^ the subject of re- for America. So let us pledge together to craft will carry three RBV Maternity: Fathers, aon.- 564 Ellington Rd., South Wind­ failure to grant right of way one driven by Elmer W. Committee and the Congress are two dif­ ponents for the NASA Earth This proposal, and the savage and it has likewise saved him 11 Tolland County State Sen. such a facility. government. the zoo.______cameras. The three cameras 12:46 p.m., and 0;N p.m sor; Wilbert C. Howe, Glaston­ was issued yesterday evening to Schneider of Wapping. go forward together — by achieving ferent bodies, bargains nm both ways, Resources Technology Satellite Herald reaction to It, adong with the from making any personal com­ .-8 Robert Houley of Vernon has The bill proposing the study Four of the Americans on the will photograph the same area p.m.; others, p.m.-4 p.m., and bury; Mrs. Caroline Krinjak, 891 Francis A. Marchese, 27, of these goals to give America the founda­ and there is a lot of truth in the argu­ (ER’TS) program. mounting deficits in the State mitment of a crusading nature. 8 C!^nter St.; Walter Matejkowski, not given up hope for the pro­ made during the last Ieg;lslativc plane were listed as a Mr. and on the surface of the earth sim­ ■ :S0pan.-8 p.m. Windsor, after a collision on c o m p l a in t s OPIN A U ment that Congress considered and spe­ The possibilities of remote 25 Years 4go Welfare Department accounts, But as he gets into his task, Stafford Springs; Albert A. Dick- vision of some type of vocation- Mrs. Fierce, a Mr. Losh and a tion today for a new greatness tomorrow ultaneously but each of the Age Umlta: IS In maternity, session. Included the towns of Center St. near Love La. be­ cifically rejected legislation to prohibit sensing from space became ap­ provided the controversy which he Is certain to discover any man, East Hartford; Mrs. Rita technical education program South Windsor and East Wind- Two hundred dollars was stol­ Mr. 'Virgos. SUNDAY and In all the years to come — and In so three pictures will be taken in Manchester Milk Dealers As­ 12 In other areas, no limit In tween his car and one driven by what the Administration has done. parent in the early 1960s when broke the spirit of Shapiro, the number of sltuatlmia and prac­ G. Wandell, 82 Baldwin Rd. and facility for Tolland County. en from the front seat of an un­ There were no details alxxit 9 AJkL f 9 P J I. a different part of the visible sociation elects George Dart as •elf-aervice. in the area to be served Alma S. J(x:hlmsen of 41 Jarvis doing to make this the greatest Congress aclenUats examined photographs hitherto able and redoubtable tices which make his predeces­ Reacting to a report issued |jy the Tolland' Coilnt^sch^r. locked car parked at 717 Main the fifth American. and infrared spectrum. These president; dealers say bottle Also, William Malkenson, 99 Rd. Court date for Marchese Is The other foreigners on the ’Ilie questions that do start to worry returned by the TTROS weather theorist and bureaucrat of pro­ sor’s proposal for a week earlier this week, advising Although he admits St. yesterday afternoon. In the history of this great and good na­ three black and white Images, shortage Is critical, and asks $6 Doe to cxmstniotton, paridng Scott Dr.; Annunziato Sculli, the En- Feb. 8. plane were two Frenchmen, a us involve how the Administration rec­ satellites and found that cer­ fessional welfare, and led to his spending money for teenagers against the construction of a vo- tion.” when recombined through ap­ customers to save all milk bot­ for emergenotoa Is severely re­ Bast Hartford; Mrs. Helen O. j. , » u . , , field vocational school now Briton and a Swede. onciles what It has done with its past tain natural phenomena such as departure, by resignation, from on welfare seem a relatively A vehicle which left the scene battery waa stolen from a propriate spectral filters, will tles and exchange them for full stricted. The pobllc Is urgently Mutty, Glastonbury; Mrs. Eve­ f T under consideration would drain policies and declarations. TV) take but the breakup of winter Ice In the the Connecticut scene. stingy policy. Like that a Tolland County, Houley is con- „ „ students damaged a car belonging to In ® Florence St. To reject the full' sweeping claim of produce a color image of the |6 requested not to psurk near the lyn B. Mott, Willimantic; Mrs. living In the Tol­ one of eeveral public and private ex­ St. La'wrence River could be ob­ Now. two years after that ex­ week propoeal, the things to be Virginia A. Andersoii, 36 Marga­ sidering recommending alterna­ land County towns of Somers John D. Moran of Rockville, as ‘^•’^ve Thursday night, and one area observed by the space­ emergency entrance except to tive proposals. the President’s hypertxile is not to dis­ planations, on June 80 the President list­ served. A careful study'of these perience with what seemed, to uncovered can be made to seem ret Rd.; Mrs. Anna N. Irish, 93 and Stafford, Houley feels more It was parked last night on an Oak St. car the same craft. , • IQ Years Ago discharge emergency or wheel­ He foresees the day of con­ miss offhand the revolutionary^ turn in ed "guidelines", for future pdicy In photographs and others later careless observers at least, a sensationally unreasonable and North St.; Irving Judge, 180 than 160 students would attend Armory ■St. near Main St. night. Patricia Nimocks EJarth resources surveys can Democratic Director Fra&icis chair admissions. To pick up dis­ struction of purely vocational Cambodia. One said "the U.fl. will con­ derived from the Gemini and prime sample of extremism In profligate by quick, popular Porter St.; Wallace Irish Sr., 95 some of his own good intentions. ’The be made from space using Mahoney calls on majority Re­ charged pattonte, please part: in schools as ending anyway, and an area vocational sch(X )l. duct—with the approval of the Cambodi­ Apollo flights disclosed the professional welfare coddling, Judgment, or can be found to North St.; Mrs. Cecelia Ellis, Also at Main and Armory last A gas cap was thrown through hope has to be that he will g^et, in some either manned or unmanned publican board members to the general lota flrat and tiie would favor their replacement "If the facilities are available, DECOUPAGE MATERIAES an government — air Interdiction mis­ enormous value of remote senfc_ aatellltes. In the Gemini and Connecticut is coming Into a have at least some kind and de­ Amston. more students would make use night, a collision Involved cars the front window at the Treat matters at least, the full cooperation sions against the enemy efforts to move build town garage. new era, In which the guiding nurse will instruct yon wdiere to with augmented services at ex­ ing from space. As a conse­ Apollo programs, the orbiting gree of underlying rational Also, William Jr. and Michelle of them,” Houley stated. The driven by Fiancls C. L. Kowal- Shop at 350 Main St. last night. supplies and ' personnel through Cambo­ Portrait of retiring School spirit at the head of the Wel- drive to pick up the patient. isting high schools, similar to and support he needs and implores. But quence. the ERTB program was astronauts pimply filmed the basis. At such a time. It may Penner, M7 F“ t®r St.; S°uto approach used in Rockville’s number of possible students is Ihe litu’sl, most ((impli’to dia toward South Vietnam and to re-es­ Superintendent Arthur H. Illlng are Department is to be that, undertaken. earth on photographic- film at become apparent that the mod- Windsor; Ronald G. TweiBdle, 32 ■^Q.^g program. one of the items Houley wants even the least peat of It Is going to re­ is unveiled. not of some nrofesslon^ welfMe tablish base areas relevant to the war in Current TV systems In the convenient times. ’This iilm was „.em day "welfare men'!. Is as Pattenta Today: 288 Church St.; Cynthia A. Houley is presently seeking to check out with the area super­ s('l('( lion ot \iillnMili( M.ilcri.ils quire long hard work, and ammig those Center Congregational Oiurch theorist, but of a capability Vietnam." weather satellites can distin­ returned, developed and then much a soul-twister for the ef­ East Hartford; Mrs. S®™* copies of the report which he intendents of schools. approves merger of Evangelical which has developed its train­ ADMITTED TEHTERpAY: factors in the situation which wUl truly guish objects as small as 1.6 analyzed. The resolution ob­ ficient, conscientious business­ H()ha, OT Cooper W.; Mra I ^ - jg gtudy and distribute to The development of expanded lor all l\ [U's ol d('( oupaj^c. Kow, If these words mean anyting at and Reformed and Congrega­ ing and experience in the hard- Donqid Anderson, Blast Hart­ r 'i merit the tlUe of "greatest" will be the nautical miles on the ground. tained In this method dep-jnded man as for the professional do- raina A. Pepin, East Haruoro; officials and superintend- vocational-technical programs at all, they mean something quite ditferrat tional Christian Churches. boiled business field. ford; Ftuila C. Ballsleper, 70 /** OO u7a1m if Qr • ^ ...... However, with the new system on the type of photo^aphlc gooder. John G. Tyler, 29 Walnut St.; ents of sch(X)ls throughout the existing high schools could be difficulUes. from sending planes to blast Communist It will be an interesting ex­ Tanner St.; jKlmberly A. Joel 'Villademoros, East Hart­ satellites will be able to re­ camera used. A man or unman­ county’'s 13 towns. developed at cost far under that troops out of a mountain pass the Cam­ Current Quotes periment, to see how far .the Baidello, 884 Center St.; Kath­ ford; Wayne Leitz, 16 Colonial solve objects smaller than 200 ned satellite using film Is limit­ Several of the legislative of constructing entirely new bodians are trying to epen. In Itself, feet across. This will provide "We are fast' approaching a business man may succeed in erine A. Bellefleur, 6 Sterling Rd.; Mrs. Elsie C. Minlcucci, ed in life by the amount of film PI,.l Hiomas^P. B<>Jko Jr., East study committee’s findings have schools, Houley maintains. even this change wrxild not trouble us geologists with a capability to point 'where the demand for en­ ' doing what a business man Resurrrection Flower 443 E. Middle Tpke.; Jaaon P. It can carry. ’The ntost cost-ef­ Hartford; Mrs. Paula J. Bialth- been questioned by Houley, in­ Local communlcatles could Counting Sheep too much. Sltimtions do change. Cambo­ find potential areas for oil and ergy may outstrip our ability to would be supposed to do with According to CSirlstian leg­ Gunas, 714 Llnwood Dr.; Mrs. fective system Is an unmanned waito, Stafford Springs; iMrs. cluding the projected 160-student then have a hand in fashioning tnmxclq of dia does not look like quite the hopeless mineral exploration. Agricul­ make that energy available, the "welfare mess" and to see, end, the resurrection flower Annie L. Sullivan, 396 Hartford enrollment. their own technical programs At this stage of information, all that satellite system using electronic Marie Caron, 84 Butler Rd.; ...... ^ . downtown wancw.xV«.T case it did back In Jime, and a little tural planners w ill. be able to particularly in light of the re­ also, how much he finds him­ sprung up wherever the Holy Rd.; Mrs. CJarmela C. Lankford, fThe low enrollment figure was appears in the story of a new flock of remote-sensing devices. Donalll CTlerke, 182 Laurel St., x (jrant Rd. atf the schools which could be freer use of airpower might by now be a determine the type and vigor straints placed on the use of fos­ self either forced or persuaded Family rested In their fllgtat 4 Unmanned satellites contain­ South Windsor. reportedly one of the major rea- developed with special funding. ^ wlnrtln yam m w Hn ^ eep dead out In Utah is a choice of better investment than It seemed then. of a crop growing In a field sil fuel by air quality stand­ to compromise with what he into Egypt. It la fabled to have Also, Tammy L. Simmons, ing sophisticated sensing instru­ as small as 10 acres. ards."—James T. Ramey, finds. blossomed at the Savior’s Urtb, Also, Mrs. Caroline B. Erick­ South Windham; Mark R. Rich­ possibilities. It may be some new release ments can remain operational f •heart fSM What does concern us deeply is the RCA Engineers are develop­ member of the Atomic Energy Our first compliment to Gov­ closed at the Crucifixion and son, 616 Doming St., South ard, 19 Susan Rd., Vernon; Mrs. ^ of the same nerve gas which killed a Administration’s Insistence that policy ing two key elements which for extended periods of time. Commission, at a hearing of the ernor MesklU’s choice. Welfare opened again at Blaster, whence Windsor; Mrs. Harriett F. Gla- Edith C. Stead, 1744 Ellington k • NoUe saHm • aapUlK i i larger number of sheep in 1968. It may has in no way changed, that when the contribute to the potential of . In the case of the TTROS satel­ California Environmental Quali­ Commissioner Henry C. White its name of Resurrection Flow­ cominl. Blast Hartford; Mrs. Rd., South Windsor; Mrs. Bar­ lites, some have remained Moira E. Goodwin, Martin Rd., be some aftermath of nuclear test ex­ President wrote "air Interdiction" he the ERfS. Tile first elemmt Is ty Study Council. of Bloomfield, is that he seems er. bara L. Smith, Brookfield Rd., had in the bock of Ids mind sending gun- a new two-inch Return Beam Hebron; MlcheUe Gorra, 24 El­ Bolton; Ronald Rickey, 48 Ol­ plosions supposedly contained sef^y un­ ships to pave the way for Cambodian ad­ Vidlcon (RBV) imaging system sie Dr.; Mrs. Angelina !R. Hale, cott St.; Mrs. Mary V. Kawalec, JAE CAR WASH derground. It may be that a thousand vances. Any intelligent eighth grader for the iqxicecraft to provide 69 Benedict Dr., South Windsor; 173 Vernon Ave., Rockville. Mrs. Wendy B. HamUton, WllU- sheep all stmultaneoudy partook of the could see the two are not the same, and t h e high-readutlcn pictures; Also, Mrs. Joseph St'antunas the secpose the body count in such an in­ an electrical signal, the photo- ley I. Uccello, 699 Graham Rd., RAW SUGAR in the light of new circumstances. The medical examiner. Authentic Materials and authoritative stance should, instead of representing conductor Is scanned by a very Wappinjr; Harry WUlams Jr., Administration would reply that the The fire began at about 11:61 fine becun of electrons. The BrooUMd Rd., B<4ton; Mra. NATURAL VITAMINS Instruction Books. Every item — from full colour sheep, be a toll of human beings. change is temporary, that the ttmist d number of electrons that Dorothy R. WiUdns, 117 Bald- a.m., and was discovered by the policy is still toward disengagement, firemen across the street in a prints, to fine craft paints, oriental In that case, what would be the bounce back from each ele­ ^wln Rd. ic V and that it ahould be Judged in the con­ ment of the photoconductor pro­ firehouse. The firemen noticed NO INSECTICIDES lacquer finish and brass hardware — is smoke coming from the building py>portlon of Increase In our concern test <>f performance so far. On the re­ duce a voltage proportional to HIRf^IS 'YESTERDAY: A and dispatched two ccHityonlea. designed and produced specifically / and our horror? cord, tUs would seem to us a pretty the ohaige pattern. This volt­ son to Mr. and Mra. Anthony NO ARTIHCIAL PRESERVATIVES The fire was brought under \ good answer. age Is amplified to produce an Lippo Jr., es iWella St.; a aon to for fine crafts. Come in and see^ control but was not put out com­ In such case, would we ever decide electrical signal representing Mr. and Mra. Jeremy dough, Indeed, it is because we t^UBi the-Ad- pletely until about % hours af­ SAT. Old SUN. ONLY! our large selection. the scMie for video transmis­ .Knfield; a daugfatw to Mr. and 1 —COME AND BROWSE — never. again to test a nerve gas any- ter it was discovered. Mrs. Hen­ ministraUon’s basic pedicles have been sion from the aatdlite to earth. Mra^ Robert IScklng, 89 Park were, or explode a* nuclear weapon any- derson's body was discovered in amaslngiy successful in Vietnam fiiat In taUng pictures, the REV West (Dr., Rockville; a daugh­ IN GHAMBERUm her firat-flOor bedroom. JAE CAR WASH wbereT the new airpower incident bothers us so goes through a sequence of ter to Mr. and Mrs. David La- CAMERA A ART CENTER much. We would hate to see fundamen­ Cbapelle, 146 Phoenix St., Ver­ Tho cause ot the fire was not steps.. First, to prepare for 205 SPRUCE STREET 688 TalcottviUe Rd. How much more - do we really value tally sound policy undermined because non. Immediately determined. - LIGGETT PHARMACY picture - taking, a tungsten The building was owned by —It-ls-explalnad and floodlight erases any residual Route 83 I------muBMrgyarwef lam p^wm r-Do we DISCHAROBX) YESTERDAY: David Meyers, who also Uvea (Near liAono's OokMy) sisbted way. — WAXZi STREET JOUR­ Image on the tube In a small Mrs. Edna A. Hsdiund, Por­ there but was not at home when AT THE PARKADE ROCKVILLE, CONN. TEL. 876-4816 grow too callous about both? NAL. fraction of a second. The face 886 H0\tJ RA$T TH£V CATcH Ok To OUR TtCH hU ^ ER * ter St.; Henry W. TUden, 40 the fire broke out. A

MANCHESTER EVENING H E R .^ , MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1971 PAGE SBVRN PAGE s e t MANCHESTER e v e n i n g HERAI tN C H J^li. CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1971 District f / i Judge Nominated. For Partial Term HARTFOTO (AP) — Circuit PAINTER News for Senior Citizens Area Churches ^Know^ham’ Court Judge Alfred Toscano of New Haven has been nominated NEEDS WORK B ockvlU e United BCathodM C h u r c by Gov. Thomas J. Mes kill for United Methodist Church By WALLY FORTIN United Congregational Church C hurch IsTopreOf Zion Evangelloal L athenui Enuuniel Lutheran Church The Salvation Army Rt. 44A, Bolton another term. PAINTING DIBEOIOR United Church of Christ 142 G rove SL Church Church and Chestnut Sts. 661 Main St. ToUand Rev. David M. CampbeU 'Toecaao will not be able to R ev , Willard B. Oonklln, PAPKING (Missouri Synod) Rev. C. Henry Anderson Capt. and Mrs. Lawrence Hello everybody! Say, how did found that our long-time mem- Rev. Donald O. Miller, M inister PTA P ^ e l serve hll four years of the new you like all that cold weather? ber, Nellie Moran, is recuperat- lO n ia ter term however, because he will Cooper and IQgh Sts. P astor B eadle Minister. | Rev. Charles W. Kufal, Pastor, Bruce J. Evenson Intern O^cer-in-Charge Man, I can’t remember so Ing in the hospital from an eye 10 a.m . , M orning W orriiip. The Marlborough P T A has reach the mandatory retiring many days down in the single (^ratten, and at this time can­ “ A t L ast.’ C h u rch, 9:80 a.m.. Church School, scheastor 2 In Rockville. and guaranteed accurate. except cm holidays, is located 10:30 and noon in school audi- Post, 689. ^ 671; Frances Flke 664; Wilbur 10:30 a.m ., Worship Service, Rev. Mr. Kelsey wlU preach. any time during this school Saturday Mass, 7:80 p.m. Herbert W. Roth, 64, of Staf­ Report to Board Chances are we'll lave 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, at 740 Main St. The hours are toriuin. Tuesday m om ^ we started Messier, 648; Peg Vendrlllo, N ursery and Worship Church topic: “Faith in ’Things year until the five lunches are Sunday Masses, 7:80 9:80 and S^iHULjCttihjL. Police Seek ford was charged with failure to you so much trouble your Church School and Nursery. 11 a .m ., to 4 p .m . M onday out with our fl^ se^on ^ AUce Anderson, 640; S e b o d . Unseen.” Nursery proArlded. used up. Fating since the holidays, ai^ ^ ^ drive a reasonable distance TTie B oa rd o f E d u cation wUl whole future will be bright­ 10:30 a.m.. The Service, through Saturday. 10:46 a,m . The menu at the high school St. John’s FoUsh National elgliteen persons were on hand. ^ Bolton Congregational Church apart after a three-car accident principals of four er. Open the door at Church School and Nursery. Vernon Assembly of God next week will be: T w o M en involving hls car and two other ®l®iuentary schools at Monday BLOCK and let the sun Catholic Church It was good to see all our regu­ Bolton Center Rd. First Coagregattonal Monday: Hamburger on a Trinity Convenant Chnreh lars back, and some “nsw” 1(H W . M ain S t., RockvU le Q ix p iia L cars at WeUs Rd. and Rt. 83. night’s meeting at 8 in the Ben- shine in. Gaivary Chnreh Rev. Walter A. Hysxko, Rev. J. Stanton Conover, United Ctanreh sf Christ roll, oven-fried potato, peas and -3012 Hackmatack St. members anxious to start, and Menus For Week Rev. Earl K. Petti bone, Roth’s court date Is Feb. 16. Junior High School Main OUAKANTIt (Assemblies of God) P a stor A reminder to you folks is • kOnlster Main St, Coventry carrots. In Holdup , We guarantee accurate prepureNou of every tex return. Rev. Norman B. Swensen, it didn’t take them long to get M inister In Coventry, John G. Sprltzler, Building. Rev. James W. MclW de, ’Tuesday: (Breaded veal If we meke eny errors that cost you any penalty or 647, E . M iddle ’Ip k e. P astor started on some real pro-style that we are now serving noon By Sol R. Uohen 24, West Willing^ton, was charged Isidor Wolf of Manchester Rev. K. L. Gustafison, Masses. 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. lunches here at the Center on 10:16 A.m., Church School. M inister steaks . with tomato sauce, Vernon police are seeking two Interest, we wiH poy thet penolty or Interest. paintings. You folks who have 9:46 a.m., Sunday School, yesterday morning by Coventry Green School will report on the P astor Mmidays, ’Ihursdays, and Fri­ 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service. mashed potato, green beans. men in a 1965 D odge In con n ec­ 9:30 a.m,, Sunday Schota been thinking about oil paint­ cla sses to r all ag es. The pronouncement, “To the session and one nightly session police with operating an un- proposed elementary school in Gospel Hall days, as well as our regular Sermon: ‘“nie Church And Its 9:46 a.m.. Church School. WettaMSday: Hamburg gravy, tion with a holdup early this J with classes for all ages plus ing rifould stop down and watch 11 a .m .. W orship S erv ice. ea ch w eek. registered motor vehicle. the Eforest. Hills sectlop;, and io a.m.. Divine Worship. 416 Center St. hot-meal on Wednesdays. Bridges To Eternity.” 11 a.m.. Nursery. Worship elbow noodles, beets, spinach. victors belong the spoils,” had morning of a Rockvllto gas sta­ an InfanMfursery. this group, in action. 6:46 p.m., Christ’s Ambassa­ tion. ------Louis Salm, Edward Hm- 10:66 a.m.. Church Bible So far those attending nave 6:30 p.m., Ecumlnical Pot- S erv ice. Thursday: Virginia baked Its origin in a January 1882 10:60 a.m.. Morning Worship. In the afternoon, the Sen­ dors youth group. The attendant at Gastown, on Happy New Year Robert Heins -of Na- AMERICA'S LARGEST TAX SERVKE WITH OVER SOOO OFFICES School. Classes for all ages and 10 a.m.. Breaking bread. nothing but praise, and satisfac­ luck. 6 p.m.. Junior -Pilgrim Fel­ ham, candled sweet potato, speech before the U.S. Senate. State Trooper David Comp of ’The Rev. Mr. Swensen preach­ ior Bowling League continued 7 pm., Evang^stlc service. the comer of West Rd. and STAINES, England (AP) — ^*®n Hale, Keeny St. and Rob- Nursery for the little ones. 11:46 a,m., Sunday School. tion, for the meals, and can’t low ship. com . 97 Hollister St. Is on permanent MANCHESTER SHOPPINO PARKADE ing on “In ’The Gospel —^The its action at the Parkade Lanes, The speaker was U.S. Sen. Wil­ Union St., said the men ap­ The first Sunday of 1971 marked ®rtson Schools, respectively, on 7 p.m.. Family gospel "meet­ 7 p.m., Go^>el meeting. get over the very reasonable First Congregational Chnreh 7 p.m Senior Pilgrim Fel- Friday: Juice, pizza, potato assignment at the State Capitol. (Bear Lower Levrt) Power of God.” Nursery for and here’s the results. The high liam L. Marcy,' later govemon peared to be Intoxicated. ’They a change for Ricky Taylor, 6— Planning for the use of facilities ing. Hymnsing, gospel music, team triple of 2,094 honors went ^ ‘ce So here’s a chance to A v ery S t O f Vernon low ahip. chips, molded gelatin, fruit pre-school- children. United Pentecostal Oiurch of New York. Hls speech was in escaped with about $60. he didn’t break his right leg. In the additions to and renova- Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. w d Bible message. give the missus a treat, and at Christian Reformed Church Rev. John A. Lacey, Town Manager Robert Weiss ______4:90 p.m., All — Church busl- 187 W oodbridge St. to the Bulls, and the high team Vernon PoUce activity yester­ Ricky broke the leg on the first U°n of the buildings. Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 6HW p.m. hardly any cost. A good chance 661 A v ery St. M inister Second Congregational Chon defense of the patronage meth­ is recommending that Manches­ Soutfa United Methodist Church meeUng with coffee to fol­ Robert Baker, (Pastor sin g le o f 764 w as w on b y the d a y : Sunday of 1969 when a piece of The board will act 46 a .m ., Sunday Schota fo r Kiellquist Gov. Thomas MeskiU appears apartment complexes an englne- Associate Pastor Rev. Earle R. Custer, ice . thing like this: On Monday for at her home. She was released age score of 129.9 was won by a ll ag es. 9:80 and 11 a.m., Wmship 10 a.m.. Worship Service. to be rewriting the prMioimce- erlng and inspection fee equal on a $500 non-surety bond. Her Rev. Gary S. Cornell, P a stor lunch we will have egg and olive 11 a .m .. W orship S ervice. ment to fit the Umee—“To the to three per cent of the project Associate Pastor The Prebyterlan Church Beatrice Mader. sandwich, cream of carrot soup, Service. ’Hie Rev. Mr. Lacey A p p oin ted court date, is Feb. 2 in Rock­ For the men, the high triple N ursery. will preach. Nursery care avail­ Vernon United Methodist losers belong the spoils.” cost. 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship 43 £^;>ruce St. fruit cocktail and cookies. v ille. ^ of 486 and the high single of 7 p.m., Ehenlng Service. Already he has appointed los- He explains, ”We (towns) ^FINALLY the NATURAL solution to 9 and 10:46 a,m.. Worship for service. Sermon: “T ^ Cost of Rev. George W. Smith, Pastor Wednesday’s hot-meal is ham able. C hnreh Jack M. Carr, 24, of 72 Vil­ r------1T8 were both wen by Ivra 9:26 and 10:66 a.m. C2mrch R t 80 PoKce Chief ers to two top spots in the state should provide 100 per cent in- lage St., Rockville weis arrested the whole diiuch. 'YMCA Sun- Bravery.” with raisin sauce, scalloped -;:former State Rep. Barbara spection of the installations that day. Sermon: “Forgiveness,” 9:80 a,m., Sunday Scluxd. Johnswi. The high average of Our Savior Lutheran Chnreh School. Rev. Joe K. Carpenter, on % 12th Circuit Court warrant 9 a,m.. Church School. Nurs­ potatoes, tossed salad, home­ The Town Council this morn­ Dunn of East Hartford to be will be taken over by the towns, The Rev. Dr. Shaw preaching. Classes for all ages. 172.33 was won by Al LaPlant. 239 Graham Road 6 p.m.. Junior High Pilgrim M inister charging him with non-support. ery and Grades 8 through 8. made biscuits, birthday cake and ing ccxifirmed the nomination of commissioner of consumer pro- The cost of such inspections Church School. Infant - toddlers 10:80 a.m.. Worship Service. South Windsor Fellowship, Fellowship Hall. He was held on a $100 txmd to 10:30 a.m.. Church Schoid. ^ a beverage. Vernon Police LA. Richard Kjell- tectlon, and Meriden Mayor should be passed on to the de- through adults. 78 For Lunch Rev. Ronald A. Erbe, Pastor 7 p,m.. Senior P ilgrim 9:80 a.m.. Church Service. await a court appearapee on Nursery, Kindergarten and ’Thursday’s lunch will be gril­ qulst as police chief of Coven­ Donald Dorsey to be commls- veloper, who is operating on a 9 a.m.. Adult Discussion Wednesday was one of our Fellowship, Felk ap H all. " Nursery and Klndeigarten Monday in Manchester^ Grades 1 and 2. ^ P'“ ’ Service. led ham and cheese, chicken try. The lieutenant has turned sloner of community affairs, profit motive, rather to the Class, Susannah Wesley Hall. coldest mornings, and we had soup with noodles, and cake. “ J** 10:46 a.m.. Worship cla sses. Mark Smolin, 23, of 16B Mt. 8 p.m., Mlddl-llnks discussion tn his resignation from the Ver­ Both are Republicans. taxpayers as a wholes’ — ----- — Men’s Christian Literature For Eriday it will be chicken “6*3dce. Holy Oommimlon at the g«caiig 10:46 a.m.. Church School Vemon Dr. was charged with group meets at the home of 16 members show up for our OongregaUotisl. Church non Police Department and will Mrs. Dunn, who lost her bid Weiss is recommending leg- Class in kitchen. arts and crafts program which salad, vegetable beef soup, and 1®*^ service on the first classes Grades 1 thru 6. failure to grant the right of way Quentin Mangim. Prayer Week United Church of Chrlsi assume his new duties Thurs­ tor the $16,000-a-year poet of islaUon which would permit a at an intersectlpli in connection 10 a.m.. Parents of children in was the making of outdoor foot a cherry tart. Sunday of each month, and at Rt. 44A, CJpventry 7:80 p.m.. Junior and Senior Grades 6 and 6 will meet with the 8:80 service on the third day. secretary of the state, will get town to regain possession of all with an accident involving his m ats. Rev. R (^rt K. Bechtold, Youth Fellowriiip. Lt. KjsUqulst was presented about Henry Armrfd in youth lounge. Chnreh of the Nasarene Sunday. $^,000 a year as com- unused cemetery lots that ap- car and one .driven by Lee Gez- Ends Sunday For our delicious hot-meal we ECHS PLA Y M inister 10:30 a.m.. Senior IQghs, 236 Main St the Greater Vernon Jaycees Dls- mlssioner of consumer protec- pear to have been abandoned by lelman of ,27 Pine Knob Circle, ’The final event in Manches­ had 78 attending, and from 'This might be a little late, 9:80 a.m., Sunday Schoed and P rin ce o f P en ce Lolfaeran youth lounge. Rev. William A. ’Taylor, but for you folks who like to tinguiahed Service Awaid on tlon. Dorsey, defeated in hls bid their owners, after a 10-year South lyihdsor. The accident oc- ter’s observance of the World there everyone went upstairs to Adult Bible Class. 10 a.m.. Worship Service. Chnreh P a stor see “live” plays presented by Thursday night. He is now for the $20,000-a-year poet of interval of ownership, Week cf Prayer for Christian enjoy a colored movie on a re­ Church School. Rt. 81 and North River Rd. 1 The Unitarian • Universalist high school students are in for eligible for state tmd national attorney general, will get about ^nU he,uo Eugene Brewer, Minister be the Rev. Gary Cornell and , Sunday School op larger vocabulariea than sibility for state public works best material for waterproofing. Mainly THE , going, you’ll be glad you did, dasses for the K-9 Corps of police dogs the federal or state funds re­ CANDI ES, NOW THE DORFER CORP. the Rev. Joseph Vujs. all ages. girls because they have more commissioner. because it is the only product that can 9 a.m., Bible classes for all and many thanks to East Cath­ 11 a .m .. for the former City of Rock­ le a s e d .)” Members of the committee W orship Service. t7«epal Chu^ Part n Area Churches Sat. perience their freedom gives tions are guaranteed, in writing, for 10 canned goods needed; noecial Speakers: Eric Everson, an intern at Emanuel 12:46 p.m., lunch served; 1 Manchester Community CoUege. Gladstone, who resigned. Agos- luminous, anthracite—and on, It has been THE waterproofing Holton R othw ell B ishop, w ho tandtjMi which means that you can pass it on to Nelson, “iPrejudlce”, Steve Lutheran Church; the Rev. Mr. p.m to 4 p.m pinochle tourna­ He Uves In Tolland with hls Unelli fills the unexjMred term jmtU the mineral graphite ia | material in France and other parts of A RUBSONized surface Vujs of St. James’ Church, and »l«hts beginning Jan. at Slough, near London, wrote the buyer should you sell your home A trend in recent years is Todd, “Friendriiip” Wayne ment. Bus pickup at 8':30 a.m., wife, Helen, and their four chll- to July 1973. The meml^rs of jg^uced, ______. Europe for over 17 years. It Is the only to consider a system of re­ 28 a t 7:80 p .m . Saturday Mass, 6 p.m. In the journal “ Educational Re­ during the guarantee period. Post, “Forgiveness.” the Rev. Mr. Cornell of South return trips at 12:80 p.m. and the" cmtimlislim are 'appointed' ^ ^ — product used to restore and maintain wards and punishments in­ ’Ihls will be the second set of search” of a 12-year-old boy ,.dran. In addition RUBSON is approved for United Methodist Church. 4 p .m . to four-year terms. They serve historic landmarks such as the Louvre effective, even n^;ative. ’Ihe discussions originally offered to ll' I 'I' I 'I' '1' FHA specifications as well as “Interim All Manchester residents are ’Tuesday, 10 a.m. to noon, oil in a day for “train __ without compensation. in Paris. alternative philos^>hy is to St. James’ Church the Advent Study Group during day for “train qwttlng”— Federal” specifications and “American inspire people to do good invited to attend. painting class; 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.. Temple Oasses A report is expected next Msgr. Edward J.’ Reardon, the four weeks before Christ­ watching railroad locoiAotives. Standard Association” specifications. simply because it is good. Senior Bowling League at the Unitarian Guest St. BCargaret Mary Church A girt would not have been al­ week from Agoetinelll on the L O O K ! (Pastor m as. NO manor what your And, finally, no RUBSON installation Parkade Lanes. No bus sched­ W applng lowed to make surti aitrtp,’be Spring Session Obviously this view runs Rev. Joseph E, Vujs A Thought for Today The topic for discussion will Richard H. Jackson, execu­ state’s current deficit figures. is considered finalized by the Dorfer uled. Rev. ’Thomas G. O’NeU, Pastor sa id . ^ The report is expectee State PoUce Department, tight membrane, it does more than just sow lo v e ; ’Ihe series of Informal discus- pickup at 8:80 a.m. providing mental youth counseling ser­ same choice—eternal punish­ First Evangelical Lutheran 10 a.m. to noon. Ctasses wUl la being mentioned as a poesl- seal out water and dampness . . . it AMERICA TO SATISFY CONVENIENT BANK Where there is injury, pardim; siens is being presented due to enough calls are received, other- vice liesigned to hrtp alienated • D O O R S ment or eternal life, Matt. C hurch e i Rockville ECHOES start Feb. 1 aa foUowa: hie successor to State PoUce protects against decay, rust, mildew 26:46. Where there is discord, union; young pecfyle turn away from INDUSTRIAL D^IANDS HNANCINOI credit the decision of the Rt. Rev. J. wise the regular time of noon, Rev. Richard E. Bertram, Monday; Play groupe in the Commissioner Leo J. Mulcahy, and the like. Where there is doubt, faith; the

i i, . ^

MANCHESTTO EViainNG HERALD M^qHESTER. CQNIW5ATURDAY, JAl^ARY 28, 1271 PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER e v e n i n g HERALD. MAN6HBST?R. C0NN„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 197J P re sid e n t Obituarv Dennison and RothweU Ntimed Trustees Reaction T o O utline John Snlile Watkins Steps Down From Hospital Board Sharing Plan John SidUe, 78, of S3 JKnIchton On Nixon Talk USINESS C^ERVICES ^JIRECTORY C. Elmore Watkins, a St., hoBband of M n. ^ oren ce founder, original incorpo­ (CkHitinDed from Pace One) Gibaon Suhld, dfed yesterday (OMitinned from FiV* Onei to be greater than Out abnady afternoon at Mandiester Memo-' rator and a trustee of M ^- going to thiem.” while the new one mould put an chester Memorial Hospital averace of 48 per cent of the rin.l Hospital. ' ments to a generous diore of Hduse RspuhUoaa loaiOir Oar- moneyoney In ui local looai luuiut,.hands. Mr. Suilie WHS bOZTl Feh. 20, _since its inception^ j in 1920, _ - the tax tevMiuea token in by the r , Ford of Miohigan, pre­ national government dieted "the American people HIGH GRADE Briefers said the formula for 1897 In New Hartford, aon of stepped down ^ m the CANPHIR r W dlvldlnc general-purpose aid Andrew and Anna Walek Suhle, active board Of trustees. H e The plan would provide $5 bU- ^ endorse the bold course JOHN'S among the states remains un- and had lived In Mandieeter for will continue, however, tO Uon a irear to the local unlts^« jsld out by the President" EQUIPMENT BARBER SHOP PRINTING changed, and U based mainly more than 60 years. He was an serve as president emeritus, a formula based on pofiulatlon strongly favor hla piopoaal wr 867 OBEEN ROAD and their own tax efforts, to use ^ QMdto |5 bUMon In Anted Tente, Cota, Slesptag Bags, on populaUon with a small In- Army veteran of World, War I, a post tO which he Was elec- FUNERAL HOME Air Blattrsssss, Stoves, BEANCHE8XBB Job and Commercial centlve (or states with high tax- and had been employed as a ted ■ ‘by the board in 1958. “ as they saw fit. . revenue available to the states Lanterns Sat. 8 AJd. to 6 PJH. Printing es. machine twister at CSiMiey Anotiier $11 hUHoU would M ^ cittea,’’ Ford said, • I WatUns, now 88, had asked provided for local programs^ ^ Senate RepubUoan loader Dally 8 A.M. to 6 PJd. Prompt and Etficieiit Formulas for apportioning Bros, for 46 years before he re- FARR'S (Closed aU day Wed.) Printtag ot AD Kind. | to be relieved of active duties, s i x iwood fleUM--urban^vel^ ^ PemisgrWarda. Wm. J. Lennon, Director speclal-purpose aid are still tired In 1962. He was a member and his request was accepted “The Evsrylliing Store!” being worked out, the briefers of South United Methodist ment Nixon’s proposals overaU rates Gamp • Bike - Sport . Adnito $»M Weekdays at a meeUng of the Trustees cation, tranfl?ortaOon, JA train- ^ oreditabla domoB- GommunHy Press said, but will reflect present Church and Its Men’s Club, earlier this week. 142 E. CENTER ST. 2 BIAIN STREET Chtldrea (under 16) 69A6 patterns of conditional grants. Survivors, besides his wife, A written tribute from the only $1 program a Republican ad- at D^ot Square AD Retired Men |2A6 254 Broad St., Rear imit c f the $11 bUnon, oruy Si “ . 649-7196 Open Dolly to 6i96 PJB. _ -nmough ^ c h ^ r k i ^ ’S ^ ' S ^ r J bUUon would be new federal ”®*^^f***®® preasntad Sat. An Haircuts $6.76 Telephone 643-5727 OTTAiWA (AP) led service to 9ie hospital, was whUe the other $10 bU- to Oongreas. J. FAUl — ett-TlU various forms of revenue Shar­ Mrs. Anna Stahl, Mrs. Susan read into the meeting by Pres- provided out of al- And his Demoeratio oounterw ing, Canada’s federal govern­ Wright and Mrs. Katherine Ident Jacob F. MUIm-. Otie full iH^g made part Sen. Mike ManafMd of, ment will hand over to the coun­ Bensche, all of Manchester. text of the tribute accompanies federal aid pro- Montana, while calling for spe- CUSTOM MADE try’s 10 provinces an estimated Funeral services 'adll be Mon­ LUCA’ S DICK’S thls story. . g r a m s tattrae areas. . clflcs, tsrmod the adihtesa "jm MANCHESTER CANVAS AWNINGS $3.7 billion during the 1870-7H fis­ day at 1:30 p.m. at South Self-Service United Methodist Church. The At the meeting, the board ae- c . Elmore WatUiw Robert C. Dennison Blehard O. Rotfawell House Ways and Moans Com- excellent and hopeful miosoh," Laundromat Answers Printing Needs SHEU cal yeeir. lected Robert Case Dennison of mittee hearings have been ■ The chairman of the two Oov- On the basis of the 1 to 10 Ca- a«v. Dr. J. 'Manley Shaw, pas- } AUe Beweavlng, MEMORIAL GO. 700 Spring St and Richard G. that capacity until 1027. He was marlly with firms In the Mid- laer Polytechnic InMltute’s ui the year ernment Operatkms ocnimlt- Oustom Blade WUl Your Car Be Ready? Perhaps you havs wondered attention is given. Small wonder nadlan-U.S. peculation ratio, will officiate. Burial will be SERVICE RothweU of South Windsor as vice president of the board from west. management development se- ' wUbur D. MlUa. tees, which handle reotsanlsa- Opposite Bast Gemetary why so many business firms that more and more people are this would be the equivalent of F.ost Cemetery, R>a not too late to begin jdan- cent of toe time and some boto tunilng to Oommunlty Press ter 666 CENTER STREET the trustees to fill the vacancies 1930^, served again as presl- He is a member the Tech- ties, Rptfawell has served as an ]ias adamantly tion legislation, ekprsssed niitg motor trtys, and If you are day and night. A good coot of and BO maiw Individuals de­ some $37 billion in the United PrlMids may c^ at mealnlcal-- 1 AasoclatlonAssociationA A#of the DPaperawvaw Ivterfewwvfrve*umruciorinstructor ror mo HflUTtfOPdHOTora revenue sharing, both doubU over Nixon’s pnpcsal to MMiworlab all printing needs. 400- left by the resignations of Wat-_dent. from .-,1948-57, and was QiMlIty one who U going to make a trip wax U an Investment ta toe pend upon toe Oommunlty MEGHANIO ON DUTY States, or more than twice the Holmes Funeral Home,_ kins and of Miss Anna C. named president emeritus in ^d Pulp Ihduj^ and of tte, American Institute o* S^^pleT*" ^ and as an Impossl-____ out the______oxooutlvo machinaty to Press for all of their i^lntlng Oonummity Press is easy to Over so Years' Bxpsrisncs It would be wise to have your preservation of toe finish of $16 bllUon President Nixon pro- and 7 to >9 p.m. * to 4 Sampeon, who had announced lagg. Paper Industry Management .^ 'B a i^ : ^ ‘**P*®' Se tol^'wM e tte requirements. Surely there reach for It la located at reor- AT ALL HOURS poses to give state and local cor tuned iq> before starting, your car, and at Stevenaon’a 2Si Brood at and you can drive The family wggests that any her retirement last month. Watkins Wing soclatlon For maiw y«« f^eTdXoto of $16 bUHon or He w S od la a v a tha dapart- CoH 649-5807 Nothing spolU toe pleasure of Esso they do a fine Job. must be a reason, and toe rea­ Starters, Generators; governmMits memorial contributions may be Trustee appolntmenteappo^me^ ^ ara _ June------of 1962,------as an 80th was on the board of the Man- her of the Institute s national more.____ ments of Mate, Tkoeeury De- son is a 'very good one. Mr. and right up to the door am pant Oarburetors; Chester Heart Association, and executive councU. such a trip more than a car Brakes should be checked Ihi. eliminates .any parking SElS US FOB: No meaningful comparison Memorial Fund of made from the hospital board birthday present for Watkins, The senior Republican mem- fense and Justice Intaot but oon- A. AJMEPn, P^p. MM. Frank Larson,- owners of Domestic - Foreign Cars • Alumtanm Bon Up he also served on the.Connect!- He' has been veiy active in that does not function properly periodically and altoough yobr proUems. m ^ , hwever^ between umted Methodist Church of Incorporators, \riUch Demil- t^e new $8.6 mllUon north wing ber of the committee, Rep. John soUdats the otiMrs Into dapoit- and you can eliminate tola brakes may stop your car tola the business are experts In the 646-7008 Awnings the. Canadian and U.S. cut Association. local civic and service orgam- Harrison B t, Mamtewste^ Perhaps you are not familiar figures ^ Heart Association of eon has served since 1948 and named In hla honor. XI.. I. o ^ .. .. .1 * W. Byrnes of msconsln, has mmta of Human Raoouraaa, troUUe If you have your car does not mean toat they are ta field of printing. Both ors al­ • Door Gsnoples because a substantial part of ways Interested in toe problems .with the proper way to lay out Greater Hartford, 310 OoUlns to vdUch Rotiiwell was named ^ plaque and oil portrait of v .• w *Ud h ^ d * ™ ravenu. -mr- Community Developntont. NO. tuned iq> at Stevenson’s Esso good condition, s Storm Doors Canada’s total payments to the St Hartford. 1" 1W8- him were placed In the wing’s Congregational Church and hu of the Manchester Chamber of of their customers; they take a your printed message. 'Ihe axv,| A n aA««A«Mal TAWW*■■ am fwm _ * ^ __ ing a dangerous Innoyation that tural Roaoureea anti Boohomic 406 Main St. Stevenacn’s Esso Station hM » GoniWnatton Wtedows provinces are -rebaies on Income Gnlding Force main corridor, where they are served several terms on Its Oonunerce In 1988-69. O s t r in s k y very real ami personal interest Larsona will gladly help you. MANCHESTER board of deacons. could lead to more dependence Development Richard and Robert Steven- a repairer’s license and they do in seeing toat e'very printing Job They know bo w it Should be Msaohester Awning Cta taxes levied by the provinces John Carlson Watkina, more than any oth- prominently displayed, He was general chairman of on the federal govenunsnt Ihe House ohainnon. Chat excellent work on all makes and but collected along with federal Dennison is married to the DEALER IN WASTE STEVENSON’S aon, owners of Stevenson’s Esso turned out here la done exact- done so toat toe Import of your 196 WEST GENTEB ST. rteriann 72 of Hartford Individual, has been the Im- A 60th amilversary history of the Manchester United Fhnd in rather than more freedom, for HoUQeld, DOallf., plamlsad Station, take much pride in the models of cars. They r^iack Triepkone 648-9991 levies. former Miss Sara Jane Leavitt ly as toetr rilests specify. ^message gets acroas to toe re- petuB and guiding force behind the hospital made special note 1966 and headed the fund’s In­ the states. hearUgs but said ha starta out MATERIALS toe front vdieel bearing; also • BstabUtobed 1949 Another large amount consists of Cape Elisabeth, Maine. Hfey quality of toe woric turned out Another plw Is the fact that client. S s jo fo o iL Li consisxs ta^ r Manchester M ortal Hospital, «>« Watkins’ many conWbutl^ dustrial Division stdlcltations In But ^m es said he likes the with "a feeling that tha govetn- ESSO here and When you do take a they carry a full line of grease ot matching funds, or have one daughter, Amanda, 18, Oommunlty Press takes enanm- From all of this, you can Nor- which last November celebrat- over the years and said of him 1M9. Idea of grants within broad oat- ment of the Ihilteti Mates oan- car to their station tor any kind seals and wheel bearings for al grants, paid to the an eighth grader at B^inet Jun­ IRON 405 MAIN ST. ous pride ta the fine workman­ see that CXmmumity Press Is CHOICE VARIETY provinces _ ’ ed the 80th anniversary of Ita t*> • ior High Bchool. He has been a finance com- egories. And MUls has aaUI the not be run on a oorporata atnie- of woric, ^you are sure that replacement, nationally known certainly a busy place, but when G A UphobtterY to help finance welfare, hospl- wlch, bom in dedication Armistice Day, Nov. foimative yeara ne TEL. 649-5533 ship, attention to^detaU, and te Mr. Carl Hank Officer mlttee' chairman of the Man- states might be helped by the hire, not with departments on- everything wlU be done to per­ sparkplugs and prints. you walk in you would never tEOization and other social as­ Hart- 11. 1920. with another program was at the hospital daUy, and SCRAP METAL this eiid brings’ a 'vast and Qualify P anO Iwl Shop Sweden and RothwelT Is a vice president Chester Scholarship Foundation government aisumlng more, or ganlsed as. oorporata tubatruc- • Tuiw-Ups fection. Cars that do not start easily varied knowledge of aH piiasea know it tor both Mr. and Mrs. - b e - upholstxbino sistance programs. These are of rededication, to servicemen nightly. If occasion arose . are generally thought to have ford for 40 qrie he aided greatly in setting up of the Connecticut Bank and and had headed numerous Man- even all, of the burden of some hires as In Lyttob IndUsMes." RRi PAPER Unfortunately, many of us of the printli^' buahieas. No Larson always take {denty of Seafood s MODERN FUBNITUBB similar to matching grants IVfid by two and women of ^ ^d m XiSwT sta n S f"^ Trust Go. attached to hraach cherier KIwmUs project. • Eimliw dGonlng neglect a regular tune-iq> of our starter trouble but sometimes Ne is _q4so and Joint programs such as welfare. And he said that If depart- mPABKEB 8T. work goes out of the shop that time to assiat you. ’They' have and ANTMiUBS made by the U.8. government ^ SwiSSi)e^nV. y hi^it^waa orlgin^ly dedlcat- hosnltal admlnlatration. He is in chaiye fund raising' committees. :He is. Houae Majority Lisader Hole ments handling speotilo prob- cars, forgetting toat this is a this comes from toe generator. does not measure up to high a genuine desire to saUsty tfaair 4 3 O A K STREET TeL Mt-67U or 612-6676' •GciMral Rtpoira e Store Stools and Bootks before the $16 billion plan tm- Funeral services wiU W'^lpn- „ ^ to toose who had served In Now as nresldentpresident emeritus.emeritus, ^ branchesoranenes easteosi oIoi theme Oonnect-uonneci- a Mason and a Shriner. Bonner, c and a Boggs cf Louisiana, expressed lems and sometimss pursuing sure way to avoid m all — or At Stevenson’s Esso Station standards of excellence, aadi«8UBtoan«ra — and Gwy______TEL. 649-8967 • Oustom FUralture veiled In Nixon’s State of the day at 10 a.m. at Holmes Fu- World War I. with a large section of the In- River exc^ for eastern vice president of Omar Shrine great reservations, saying the opposing alms—such os Cbm- • Stam ps large — annoyances on a trip. they rebuild starters and gen­ whether toe Job Is a smaU onei. Oonummity preM ta set 19 to Slipoovsrs and Drapertos Union speech Friday nl^it. n ei^ Home, 400 Main St. The Watkins was one of the few stitution honored by bearing hla southeastern Connectiout. c3ub. Nixon plan might actually reouU merce and Labor—are eonaoV- ^lark plugs, worn prints, either erators. Once you have them or a large one, toe same careful I do all kinds of psinUng — Job Made to Order Complete Seleotion sf Rev. C. Henry Anderson, pastor persons present both at the name, he can look back . . . »>«**« to his RothweU laIs currantlvcurrently servliur serving In reduced local nld-*’Weaid—"We don’tdon t dated,dated. somewim« ofU the problmna one will make your car per­ work for you, you will return ...... r=r,:.', ’ ’ - —~—"------.....and conunercial — and If you' of Emanuel Lutheran Church, original program and at the re- form unevenly. If your driving again end again for they do are looking tor a {dace to have Materials with the satisfaction of the current position In 1968, Roth- as treasurer for .the ’Town know that the Preislitont U fob- n ^ iMk attention. ,'(11,- ■ Renben. Pleii’s Ruling Backs wUl officiate. Burial will be hi dedication a half century later. good workman. weUwou had bem manager of “ “ of South Windsor and he has blng programs Jusk to dish It out / HU nonate counterpart, John Is mainly st and go driving fine work and you will find printing dime, this Is toe place' FREE ESTIMATES Lower Level of the. Porkada East Cemetery. Throughout the 60 yeaurs, he miffht Also with the Kanchester oMces c i the bank.^ e been a member’ of the State without any sWnga’’ L. Mcarilmi. D-Art., .aid ha linmuiSUst^lUA,. around town, the ril should be them most accommodating apd to go to. , i ’Ihere are no calling hours, aerved aa' the hospital’s fore- changed more frequently than eager to please you in every More and' more printed ma-i Texaco Sfafion 649-66M fou^er^the^^ Rome; He has been with «T since R-p. Man- to stu^ ^ Mm. A Toes. 94» Sat. 94 Censorship ■------most supporter. say ‘Quorum magna pars ful’ 1987. Ch^her M »mmerce. iunmed *»•*<*• >"« an optnlon on on long driving trips. So before way. terials are using raised prlnt-i A graduate of the Stonier He and his wife h ave^ aon. “« I* Devins of OHIO, nunmea ,------— 88S BUBNSIDB AVE. 381 Main StiwGt Watkins was president erf the (In all these things I had Ellington up doubt, voiced by otbsra wh«i ^ making plans for a trip, make Many motorists still do not tag; they find it more satis-' Andover Manchester Red Cross during p^rt). B u tyls too mod- School of Banking at Rutgera ^ey Uve at 600 he said the theory Is good "but ^ BAST HARTFORD an appointment to have your realize toat worn shock absorb­ factory than regular printing.' Of B e rrig a n s 1.1___s _ o * ______SJ.. ___ W A 4 A ^ ^ . _ . TTUniversitymI.AM andiV of the TTRensse- n n n n a Rd. K F l PhoiM 643-9149 the influenza epidemic of 1918 est to do tills.” how can we share'' revenue * when aoUdOto an estabUsbed ofMcy 2 8 9 -6 3 3 3 car checked and tuned up and ers are a reel danger, especial­ Naturally, Wedding Invltatiaiis (Continued from Page One) when Cheney Hall was set up to Case Deocendent of government, you run Into then really enjoy truly care­ ly on a long trip or under poor and announcements have tak­ Hjrdramatto Traasmtaaion GLASS we’re operating at a dafleltT” trouble.” Power and Hand Tools serve as an emergency hospital Dennison Is former executive However, 6en. Hubert H. I Painting and Decorating free trip. driving conditions. If you find en advantage of raised print­ Bepalrtag # For Auto Wtodslileids lously have no constitutional P rin c ip a l Scott said he thinks tha Idas ing. It la ditfloult to detect toe right to deliver sermons in per­ facility, and out of that experi­ vice president , of Case Bros, H o p e fu ls Humphrey, D-Mtam., tanned TtoU How about the condition of toat your car does not comer ence igrew the suggestion by Duplicate Bridge baa "no more than Just an even properly or toat it seems to difference between raised print­ AH Work Guaranteed e For Store Fronta and son outside the prison,” since paper manufacturing plant at revenue Aarlng “an Idea which Garden and Land Tools your tires? It la foriiah indeed chance” of pasbage. bounce and sway unduly, per. ing and engraving, and toe Texaco Lubrication Service aU sizes ot windows "the free exercise of such a T o Retire him following the war that a Highland Park, now a dlviaion I siqiport’’—adding that *T want Baby, HonashoM, Party to drive on smooth tires atoen community hospital should be Results last night In a dup­ Gather In Others, including Ben. John and Banqnst Supplies you can get Atlas 'Tires, Good­ haps toe shock absorbers ne'ed price Is most resiaonable. Try We Give Orem Stamps • For Table Tops claimed right would be aL con- of the Boise Cascade Corp., and licate bridge game at the Ita- to^ ^ examine ^ the Preeldant’e ^ . M>arkman, D-Ala., aold some tradlction of their legal ststatus built as a suitable memorial to he Is a descendent on his InvaUd Need. year 'Tires and toe Jetson Cut- replacing. Stop in at Stevenson’s to remenober that it is neces­ In June those who had served in the Uan-American Club are; North- budget message to see whether government departments are el- at such reasonable prices Elsso and let them cheric the sary to give at least e l^ days OPEN 8 A.BL to 6 P.M. as inmates." mother’s side of the firm’s South, James Baker and S!d Con- C a lifo rn ia the total amount going to the lo- reedy too big and aiqtardoport- SATURDAY 8 A ’M.-NOON The Judge {q>plled a similar CSiamberlain c^siflict. at Stevoison’s Esso. shocks tor you. notice if you 'wiah raised print­ (Mrs. Doris E. founders. j •L. t way, and Bob Whltesell and caliUee and the states U going manta would bo unmanageable. ing r- more if at all possible. TOURMNE of (Continued fixsn Page One) One Item toat will pay you Stevoiaon’s offers piokiqi and J. A. WHITE SSXr^oT^'^^”' thfbuU^TmlrtS^^'S^ln- stltute.-h^Tolnedf t J***l*^“^/?* Case’s In 1946 MUton Gottlieb, tied for first; YOUR to have done is to have a good delivery service on cars, plus Business firms and profesqlou- and State Sen. George R. Mos- One sermon In question, Andover Elementary School vestigated costs and plans for serving In the UB. .Army COMPLETE waxing Job done on your car. S A H Gre^ Stamps and are ai men have turned to ratsed; GLASS CO.. INC. cone, D-Scui Francisco. ’They printtag — they find it produoM PMNTS Clarie held, "contained a pas- ^ this sch^ year. a 60-bed ho^lt^ Md that raised ^ ^orid War H and . remained East-West Sydney Wyde About Town PET Cl In many cases cars stand out open from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. 81 Btasett-St.— 'TeL 4I9-7S» are co-chairmen of a party re- Legislature MERCURY In toe weather at least 10 per For road service call 649-6688. a more favorable Imprearion. sage urging their Usteners to ^ Havliut completed 86 In $196,000 In funds by pubUc sub- the firm after Ite 1967 mer- FOR BEST RESULTS participate In a lawless action . yp, month scription. ’The committee raised tnto Boise Cascade as oper- Myles Walsh, fi™t. Mrs. fde Offset printing ta moat ]xq>- ° Stop ’r Oo _ _ Manchester Bridge Club„w—^ public subsidy of geiiMal eleC' GHAMB Gar Own Special Blended ular and Oonununlty Press has PAINT SUPPLY M ,- emm ih . orated In 1019, Watkins was offices In Glastonbury. He does through Friday from 4 to 9 p.m. Pet Foods tlon 'campaigns, extending tax (Oonttimed filooi Page One) a platemaster’ mode by the 64S MAIN STREET priests’ sermon:’ "It seems to WhUe she yesterday said that named president of the boeurd consulting and devetopment P*»y^ « « P ™ and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 busbbvations p m Prop: "Rady" DuPont us that the time for resistance ata6 the Alietala cluldiouse, AS* AA 1CK 186 Bldridge credits of up to $10 for Indivi­ MANCHESTER Itek BusineM Products Diyli 1W. 649-0300 she has not as yet submitted a of trustees and he served In work for the paper industry, pri' p.m. Ignition of his car, Rep. Monlsy e H o n a u i 276 Main Street haa come, aa surely as your ^ „ St. Play is open to the public. dual campaign contributions Blgps, D-Enlleld.^v^^ e Am uN K S PET CENTER siotv Photoetat Oorp. of Rodi- lives and ours have been threat- “LIT and eatabliahnient of an "open" e 8TBAM8HIP8 ester, N. Y. This completely tirement to the Board of ESdu- —BUminats munlclMl UabiMy 996 M-iti St. Manchester Phone: 649-6977 ened by senseless obedience to Results in a ’Ihursday morn­ Oregon-atyle Presidential pri­ Friendship Circle of the automatic offset ptate prooee-' catioh, she will dd so shortly. Salvation Army wlU have a for damage dona by mDt)o> H«P- •«RlIalBBt.x j9or produces two {dotes per ing dupUcate bridge game at the mary in California. Featuring a oompleto line at to ns that cmpmunl' She U p r ^ U y w o r ^ ^ de- Manchester Country Club are work program at Its meeting Robert G. Oliver, I>New Hav­ minute ffom. wfalch five to ten NOW IN STOCK! Watkins Resolution WhUe Moscone said he la en. SbeQ Products plus ties must control Selectlye Serv- ^®***'**^_i*^**rtr Mrs. Vemon MltcheU and Mrs. hopeful^ the_ _ __ rafMms______will Im Mcmday at 7:46 p.m. at the -thousand copies can be printed General Automottve Ice; they most enoo-jrage and nient Bureau and arranging the —Empower the oommlsslonsr MEMORIAL ’The quaUty of leadership Is zena of Manchester.’To the high- Scott, first; Mira. ^ change, a OlINLIFFE Ion offset printing presses. |. NEW GUS'rOM TAILOBED Repairing .^harbor mlUtary dese^re; they myriad details neceoaary prior of consumer protection to baa This ta an eiAlrely new oon- SPARK PLUG WIRE SETS given to few men. ’Ihe quality degree he has epitomized ^ ciUmlnat- ^ Thomaa CORNER STORE must refuse taxes that are war- 1® “■ *«>rmal announcement. Blevins the sale of certain toys found MOTOR S U E S • Party Goods, Magaitaes 'cept in making offset plate* Supresacs Radio Intorfermoe related; they m u^ withdraw Mrs. Chamberlain waa bom In _____of Inspired leadenrii^ to even ® modest, sincere, ^ ‘*1 tag for party leodersh^). to be dangerous, Rsp. Ottrar. a»wi through its use Oonummity devout Christian gentleman Mrs. T. J. Crockett, tied Both former Rep. George • Groceries, Cold Cuts wtto No Loss in Engine Per­ from war induany and war Providence, RJ., where she at- —Allow slscton between is lOCPEHT AUTO BODY and Press ta aUe to offer 24-how profiteering. . / tended local schoola and the The abUlty to exercise exemplified the »®co««*i Mrs. Louis Daigle Brown and Charies MSnatt, a A coffee hour wUl he held to- • Fruits—Vegetables formance. D8N W ILLIS the quality of Inqiired leader- precepts of hla faith. Mrs. Charles TureU, fourth. Van Nuys attorney who helped morrow at 8t. James’ School and 21 to uao papor ***ty<*A S*NDBB BEPAIBS service Monday through "Finally, tiw must plan to Pawtucket Senior High School. van nuys auomey wmj neipeu aaawaavw asw. ___ 4___ ^ • Greeting Ciards Wednesday on most forms, if Hot spark arcing is vlrtuaUy brlnit the bustaess^^nati» On movliig to Connwticut she «Wp by rational persuasion. Rut Manchester Memorial game la played each Sen. John V. Timney vanquish cafeteria alter the 9 a.m. Mass KNABOBL and LACQUER We Depend On You . , . )ND - GENERATION toe copy Is ready tor toe cam­ eliminated in the distributor toahalt ■iT^nnthing then att^ed the Windham personal exaihple and unflag- Hospital more than any other nnirsday at 9:80 a.m. at the Brown In the 1970 primary, at St. James’ CSiurch. ’The event miOT^vcting machinBS. Ben. BBroaSHlNOB J*oor R ichard” i i R obert GARAGE Yon Oon Depend On Usl era. Copy toat ta ready for toe and plugs burn cleaner . . « the mandsrins Uke seeing their High SchoiU and the Wllllman- Btag zeal for the common good inatltutiim has been the benefic- Manchester Country Club. Play claimed to be front-runners In Is sponsored by the social ac- RBABONABLE PB10B8 W. SamoH. The RCA chair­ Rek, Monday torouto Wednea- 18 Main St., IM . 649-4531 profits Jeopardized.” tic Teachers OoUege, subae- !■ rarer stiU. Bleosed is the i^ry of his dreams and insplra- open to the public. the race for state party chair- tion committee of the church. ^ ‘isglSSS. S RfT. flS>-VKBNON, GONN. Open 7 Days A Week man ia the 1971 recipient of days, if It ta broug^ ta eartj^ As part of the rising protest quently receiving a Master's community whldi has the good tigns, the object of hl^ bounty Complete Appliance Store Phlladelphla’a Poor Rich­ man. meet with thsir constituents, Jm $ Above the TnUBo tlU Midnight In the morning, can be piriced, SpGckilizing In by Inmides about the conditions degree from the University o f fortune to have In Its midst a ^nd the subject of hla untiring Results in a T social dupli- contestant was the The sale of tickets for the ard gold medal (bottom) NAm HESTER r . . . ______SA aIHvah with th«^u iwav^ /viiQliMAo . • . A th&ti q fflA • — «i J ' UD as a finished order the fal- ^ 5^ectlcutandaccumuiatl^40 cltl«m with t ^ rare qualifies deVoti^. Is we have provlour- cate bridge, game Wednesday at eu^nt^ther^oroda vice th^T a « ^ Wert iia UukS 862 MAIN ST. 646-0298 Beriile’s “TV and Apiriiancea o t , piete radio, TV and stereo de- BRAKE SERVICE Panthers Bobby G. Seale and credits beyond the Masters. ®“® twice’Oieasw u a oommuiu- jy occasion to note, he, more .**0 Community Y are Mrs. gi^irmaa, Leon Cooper. Nlgjit closes Wednesday, and ®' TBI*. o tt-e tis MSnehester located at toe Man- pgrtment. TV’s In black and AUTO PARTS Eidcka Hug^flna hav6 filed a Her first aBsiunment as a *y uistltuuoii ‘wtucti is tne bene- any other individual, haa M aiy WUlhlde and Mrs. Jac- tlcksta may be obtained from -E stablish a stata-ownsd Chester Parkade la a complete ^vtilte or color with either mod-1 Is the flr it ttme a iqn of a reverse side) Is 270 Broad St. Front End AligniMnt suit asserting some o f the rights teacher was Ih Ashford, wheae ficlary of bis leadership. contributed the visiem, the in- Quellne Ifovacs, first; Mrs. Suz- Nick Angelo, 462 Parker St., or matching fund to finance sum- SEE US FOB QUALITY aiq>Uance store that delivers, In- om , colonial or Mediterranean previous winner has r e -, to be used, it requires 46 houra; clalmed In the Berrigans’ suit, she taught for five years before ^ splraOon, the leadership, the Bborta and Mrs. Phyltis Fires Destroy from BIU Pagani, 86 Cooper St mer smidoymant programs for FRONT END TABUMHBIO stalls and aervlcea its products. gtyUng. ’There Is <«e designed eeived the award. Sam offs toe extra time allows toe flnt OPEN SAT. TO l‘ P.M. GnnGral Rnpolr Work Seale, who Is Imprisoned In accepting the principolsh^) of T®*.. ®^®yytara these planning and the sound construe- Pearson, second; and Mrs. Ths dlimeiMlence will be held youths 14 to 18 with smpiiaals AND John Vlgeant, wl)o has been In to fit In any room In your home, father, Gen. David Samoff, side to dry thereugbly. Try the state Jail In Mbhtville, and the Hicks Elementary School, 9®^“ ®® ta the U^fiert degi^ management which over Marylou Canuel and Mrs. Tobacco Sheds next Saturday at 7 p.m. at on conservation and snvhronmsn- ouraoM toe appliance bUataeea for 22 radios and stereos was a recipient In 1939. Oommunlty Press for toe beat Flano’s Restaurant, Bolton. Ths tal cleanup, Sen. Eddy, DYNAMICS years. Is toe owner and man­ Mrs. Huggins, who Is being held ToUand, where she served two “ M a n cte ^ r M em ory years brou ^ t Man- Nonna Harvey, third, MADE in a variety of models are also In printtag. • - / in the state prison for women years. In March 1948, she was whl^ ^ ^en most Memorial Hospital to "nie game U jdSyed each (Continued from Page One) final oommlttee meeting will be —Prorids a pool pf kng-tsnn OU IBIDlin STREET ager. A member of toe Man­ on .display and are -by Motorola, ^ ______A___ ------Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. at the unemployed end wsUare rs o ^ (BaMad DalfJ Q *ee) chester Country Club, he la a RCA, Panasonic and Zenith. In Nlantic, are charged In con- appointed principal of the An- Its “place as an outstanding com- Wednesday from 9 to 11:80 Windsor area I JOHN'S nection with the slaying of an- dover Elementary Sclwl. munlty hospital. Not only has a.m., and those wishing more home of Thomas Conran, 96 ents to provide maigwiwer to m — fw-iAis For Ladles and Qentiemen well known figiire in Manches­ other Panther to May 1969. Always active In community . . rrimnntil **® s®*''^®*! officially as presi- information may contact the Waehtagton St. munlolpalities for ooneervmtioti, flpuTt* •’- ‘ - f la Alterations — Gleaning ter and always Is willing to give j Particularly Interesting ta toe ARCO The last reported blaM came ----- beautification and recreation up- Front Ited Geometry B epoin you Information and advice. new sound in toe iround steieo. STAR GAYEK*^ ^ affalra.JMrs. C^berlalnjiolds ^T^^e «*®"‘ ®*' ^«® President y Biectrigtoonlc. The receiver! 'Vl^dsorviUe Rd. on the South J AtMKwfeera AtllS UIRA MANCHESTER tuck, an authority on clocks —Permit parsons refusing to MANCHESTER Manchester features Kitchen and turntable In smart walnut! AriA 21 X Your Dolly AcHvHy Gunk X sm , 22 HUY’S In d o o r town line. South Wind­ . and Domestic . 'I According fo Iho Start, '• asked for a rovlew of uS"Bu- of the An- reque^ wh^dS^but S^tol^rv^Trorolent'e^*^' I?* I T ’la f- and watches, will give an ’ll- cress picket lines to collect un- TAILOR SHOP Aid, Maytag and Hotpoint dUh- and plexlglas are a great addl- Ati. » ocf. 22 TEL 649-8771 sor, . Warohouse Prtnt, and Fraa iBipeetion waahers. You can choose pwrt- tlon to any modem home. TwOj To develop message for Sunday, * ***”^2edse ri?TSS?* luatrated talk on "Timetelling employment benaflta. KTo OMIgatloii 161 aPBUCM ST. 649-2184 I 2- 4-22EI II?-;k2549L42tf' ss =. Final Tribute Broad Brook fire trucks rushed able models or built-in models Itaii round speakers on either '43J3-77 read words corresponding to numbers 73-74-7al-74-7a W.. Fw AnOeoartoM tance, understanding' and re- ®re the Institution as It exists Through ths Ages” fm: the iEon- —Limit tax rallsf on farm gfWN TBM ZA, Manager Free Farktag o f your Zodioc birth sign. BRAKES. TUNE4JPS as the sermons. 5fan oh ester Evening Herald to the shed and were able to j In smart new decorator coiora'side deliver toe truest sound' TAURUS • 1 grot. WhUe the request cannot to-day is the fruition of his chaster lOstorical Society'to- land providing auppoKt to the 1 Contoct. 31 AttHude 61 About Anna save it. If you dm’t own or are think- available today, and at a ra-'; An. 20 Andover correspondent be denied, neither can it be ac- labors and the result of his in­ P a id R u sse ll morrow at 2 p.m. at Sling Jim- owner. Sen. Edward R Rirnsr 2 Should 32 Export 620mr MINOR REPAIRS BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) — Fiislna, tel. 742-9347. Tobacco is not stored in quan­ tag of replacing one, now taiaUatlc price. If you are a lover MAT 20 3 W ith 3 3 P o « y 63 Pot cepted without some expraoston fectious stimulus and example, lor High School. Jr., R-WUton. 4Bo 34 64Eom od Two CoUiolic priests accusused (Oonttnned from Page One) tityM s j ,in.aaa thea a a v w sheds s w w p at this sea- the time to let Jotm show youUf good music, this ta a quality ^12-28dMS JOHN k e n SEL, Proprietor from his fellow trustees of their We 'who have had the privl 5^2-67-69 SThli 3S'AigumontS Co m in connection with an alleged aon.' Some equipment was de- —Increaos Um Intsraat rata cA M A PaiRtinc ProblMn? We’ll Help! toe advantages of these famous Iptogg ot equipment buUt to last 6B d«i 3 6 M uch continued deep affection for Wm lege to serve with him on the great senator and all of us who stroked. M W o y kidnap {riot to abduct a presi­ luqiald propMTty tax foam 9 to brands. Having a dUhwasher Is ifor many years of mjctyment OIMINI. 7 Should 37 Going 67Mohoy lAOITTAMUS Rec To Expand SChtek 3 8 M o n ty 56 Intorosts dential aid have been given and sincere appreclatton of hla hospital board know best the had the privilege to know him Fire iSaAbni william lAnnlng 12 per cent, Legislattva Finance Service still means something to us—and service Just Uke having a maU In the com e in and let John give you: HAY 11 NOT. 2 2 ^ - ^ life In the community and par- countiess hours he has spent in have, lost a loyal friend.” gf South Windsor said there was Oommlttee, 9Ho(mon®t®d. Oyera wlU be printed Manchester merchants he has . _ * , ^ . ly that Phnom Penh will soon be TO T TT-..* ^ Wsdnsaday at TBO ments returned by a federal distributed through the gratitude and affection seem In San Jose. Califj TSoovas 1 . ■ ' set an example to the biutneas * subjected to\ long-range bom- Pm-fta tiM adioiH audttortum. KrandhirylnSrSxinr.Pa. ■®‘*®®^ and the sendee clubs. . 1 .v ^ .. -r-approriato------as----- we,------as trustees,1 , choosing------Instead------to iwing him .hardments ^ by rockets siuiand *aU»r. W l^ . said, "They Popoltir Tangerine The tamnorarv asslmments commission apt»x)ved a community of the bjgheat stud- occasion. Rattier, by borne to his native Georgia, heavy mortars Just aa Saigon ««““ "^rer have been ccnvlctad After ths Y’~1r— masting, BAIN pmaO, Calif. (AP) — EXPERT REPAIRS OH FOREIRN OARSj aro^ « “l“®»t given bT^rnest ards of ethical conduct ,ud_^- „„onl. let It be known to That had been the senator’a nmmi I has ie n for torse yean. But he under any decent system cf Jus- repressBtattvwi tran the State ’Ihe San Diego County Farm in a year. Tbsy will "Rtreck, pork superlntendait, *••• perso^ intoplty. j„ gonwal and to C. Efanore wish. imWMitod toat an all-out **®® • • • s®ldle« were under ois Dqiartment cf Health will Brow Bureau says tangqr^nee, some- UHITED SPORTS CAR REPAIR. I r c . serve until their trlaL I®*" >®oney to pay personnel for Over the years he has beu a y/gxunm In particular that with ------' timea called toe “atypered” Father ir/»T.niigiiHii was aa- Iree woric. The pressnt park leader in countlM enteiprlses adoption of this reodution , on Phnom Petto does not appear a**®r being instructed they » ajj, .a»**.«. the tonlo, Rt. 83, YenKm, Conn. likely at tola potnt were facing toe Viet Cong.” ..p .^ ______, « theBe- fruit becauae cf a peeling that Phone 646-4485 tigned to St. Martin’s »-<-*' personnel is needed for the rec- undertaken for the general good trustee does solemnly Trundle Bed almost unitipo itsrif, are more and Ehther Wenderoth was as- reaUon programs and the woric of the community a ^ toe en- j^edgs that to the best of bis ' X trundle bed He said a North Vletnameee Sgt Charles Hutto, 22, of TU- havior cf Thsir CUMreo.” plentiful than ever. signed to St. Katherine of Sterna ®** treee has fallen behind In toe rlchment of its e^cational, cul- ccqiaclties he will strive In toe child’s crib. Popular In toe ISto and Vlat Oong artillMy unit with lula^ I a ., w m acquitted Jan. 14 lEsmberahtes will be on sals. ESTIMATES ON ALL MAKES poHah. *ast few years, Tureck said. - tural, religlouB and civic life, image and example cf Elmore and I9to centiirlsa In England Ruastan-bullt 122mm rockets, on cbaigea cf assault with intent After the program nfm b- 'Believed to be a native of Chi­ The chancery spokesman sold “Hie commission re-elected The award of toe Manchester Watkins to nerve Manchester and America, It w m a low which wel|h 100 pounds each to IfiU at least six My Lai nsl- jnmnfm aerVad. and a a FRAMING na, toe tangerine first reached ICASTROL OILS it FOREIGN CAR PARTS | this countty in the I9to cenrary fif til nM n iickK N dinlfs toe prlesto probaWy wlU Uve la Joseph Sylvester, president, "M” to him by toe Chamber of Memorial Hoqiltal whlcb, In- frame bed designed to roO un- and have a range of almost seiv- dents. HU Uwyers argued that opportunity wlU ba pwvlded tor VW FACER I^FORMANCE EQUIPMENT toe rectories of their new par- and Robert Bleller, secretary. Cmnmerce U but one recent ta- animate though It U, U loved der a larger bed when not ta en mUea, hM moved from the the soldiers wore obeying ordeni parents to amiwo aifimlr*- CUSTOM G STOCK vtoen the Italian consul at-N«w- 4 6 W EST CENTER STREET Bnrr Oocaan, Orteans planted tangeitae treaa rather <*««" in a rowUouse R elected Ronald Gates vice dlcation of the high esteem ta by him and whirii truly kwes use. It w m sometimes eaUed aortheastsen front close In to to "kUl every Uvtag tolnT’ la meats with te w to m fp r toadu' "Next to Vittner’s Garden Center” SILVER LANE EXTENSION which be ta held by all toe clU- Um. a trucUe bed. Phnom Penh. the village. on the consulate grounds. where they hod resided. chairman. cusaton of okUdnn’a w w k . B ex lta f

I I 'I 1 v.; •Hr ■» f< 1



THE Herald Angle Eagles Need Overtime Session ABA Arms Itself for Hoop War,

EAR L YOST Colonels Hope to Sign Gilmore . BpoiU Bdltor

Notes from the Little Black Book To Defeat Saered Heart, 80-75 CREENSBORO N C General Manager Mike Storen surrendered John Ro more, this year’s multi-mil- new owners vrtio were willing to considered tee second best cen- pick acquired from Indiana to draft to be completed later in Boxing Guild -Will salute BUiy FVxmdation on Jan. 80 point performance, the most once again vrtio saved the day and White as Bast scored flye F^ranks, adip was simply stanza. J rw.w. 7 4-7 lion dollar baby. loosen the purse strings, the ter behind Gilmore in tee col- chootse GUmoro; Texas, with a the year. Taylor as Its Man-of-th^z wr services to American even scored against an Eagle for the Hearts, hitting from points, aU. via fouls, four by amazing, pumping in 26 and 80- Ck»ch Stan Ogrondnik was ^ IKmienld------* 4"f Wlte Gilmore reportedly talk- (Jolonels signed AU-Amerioan Mge ranks. pick acquired from Utah, select- In other action, commissioner at Us annual meeting, April 27, ^e honored at quintet, wasn’t quite enough. 4 Connors HANDY MAN — Emmette Bryant .of Buffalo, a whiz on defense, often, appears 4 Tomczuk. to opponents to have four hands. This time, with the aid of Nipk Jones of the tag ta terms of a record |2.7 for $1.4 million, Mike CaroUna teen choee Elmore ed Stan Love, 6-7, of 6regon, Jack Dolph said tee owners de- In Hartford. Taylor is a former ^innAr u Jim Plunkett, Stan- Clutch foul shooting by CS^taln 4 FUsferaU mllli(m to sign, it was learned Pratt for |400,(XX) and Bobby Smith, 7-1, from Kentucky State and Virginia, with Its own first elder to cemtinue their moral a Tletiisy San Francisco Warriors, the Braves’ Bryant does his thing again this way. boxer and top-fUght referee. . . All-American and ptayer- Ed Fitzgerald in the extra pc- tee successful and ambitious Croft for 8100,000 last year. and Pittsburgh foUowed with round pick, chose Dana Lewis, - end financial suppwt of tee Speaklng of oftlclals, ktoches- Coogan ta rotlrod ^od lifted the Eagles to their 0 Plnnecsn 19 oWalB 90 Colonels were tee only team IsseTs c(mtract was the big^- Howard Porter, 6-7, of VUlano- 6-10, who was red-shirted at Tul- Denver Rockets ta the Spencer ter’s Chick Toomey wlU be 11th straight victory before a willing to gamble teq-t they est at tee time, later surpassed va. Denver, (vhich had its own sa. HayWe^ case. Haywood, tee saluted by the Nation^ Pool- J^en’s™iSertatendent“ p * ^ ciw d of 1,400 at the local gym SaM«4 Heart <7») could satisfy him as the ABA by Bob Lanier and Pete Marav- ftrot round pick taken away for In tee second ttxmd, it was re- league's, rookie of tee year and ball Foundation Hall of Fame, Pitzgerald, whose clutch per­ P and recreatlcn. 4 IVMiks S 14-K once again beat tee rival Na- ich, who signed for close to 82 signing Ralph Simpson as a ported Texas decided on Roger most valuable player last sea- Northern Chapter, Peb. 8 at the formance in overtime was the Prize Pupil Teaches tlonal BasketbaU Assr Rattle of tee It was 25 years ago—1946—that O ff the Luif charity attempts and accounted s^22sr I « draft prior to today’s fourth an- tiled imtil later ta the year, tee other |Uck ta an earUer trade Denver, Marv Roberts of Utah NBA. Manchester’s Joe McCluskey for six of the nine points 3 callalian 0 Just Wondering: How the OCrooetto 9 ” nual All-Star game. Colonels mid tee r^st of tee ABA wlte tee FToridians and chose State; FTttsburgh, Levi Wyatt, Federal court has' ruled teat was awarded a Gold Key by the Rockville High footbaU players scored in the extra session. 0 Ckrataun 0 14’ At tee outset of tee draft it have a good heml start again in Ken Durrott, 6-6 of LaSalle. Alcorn AftM; FToridians, WllUe he can stay with tee SeatUe Connecticut Sports Writers’ Al­ took It when they saw mem­ Franks accounted for all four OB 1940 76 was learned teat Gilmore’s tee declared war for this year’s However, tee Rockets turned Long, New Mexico; New York, team imtU several suits oh . the Heart tallies in the three-min­ 36 ‘KUIa Lesson to Ex-Mentor liance. McCluskey, an all-time bers of the Simsbury High name was put up for any team college crop. around and traded him to VIr- CtearUe Davis, Wake Ftoregt an(l matter are brought to trial in track great, was honored the squad decked out in new Jack­ ute bonus stanza. willing to pay tee price, and However, tee ABA apparonUy gtala, tee next selector, for the Bob Klsaane, Holy Cross; Indl- March. first year after his release from ets which bore the Inscription, Bast, which led by as many Hall Swimmers NEW YORK (AP) FYanclsco 100-110 and SeatUe Buffalo watched Its 10-point as 10 points In t^te third period, the Navy In World War II CVe Champions 1970—Unde­ When Bill van Breda Kolff edged CanclnnaU 182-1S1 in over- lead ta tee closing minutes where he served as a lieutenant saw FVanks single handily Dunk Indians feated? RockviUe and Simsbury bring his team roaring bcusk to was wrapping up his coach- U*"®- dwindle to just throe l^fore commander. tied for the honor with identi­ The American Basketball As- scoring five potato ta Just 84 ,sec- pull within two, 60-67 with 1:28 Manchester High’s swimming ing career at Princeton, he iBOWUNGy UCLA Moves into South Bend cal 9-1 won-lost reebrds. . . . left. soclaUon was Idle. “i*!® 'l°wn tee Rockets. Paul Martin, BUlngfom Ridge team led by two points going recruited Geoff Petrie for Petrie’s performance enabled *^29 for tee Braves Here ’n There Franks then netted a 26-foot- Into the last two events but a the Tigers., Perhaps he (Country Club manager, reports tee Blazers to break a three- ,!^y®“ ^PP®<^ ANO The Savlno brothers, Peter that the base for the three new strong HaU High showinf CM>- wishes he could have done , , , . 4 Diego with 30. In Big Test With Notre Dame i v tured the events to sink the In­ Paul and Perry, are all mem­ tennis courts has beenen laidlaia andana 1 the same for the Detroit trait’s five-gome winning string ArcMe Clark stole an tabounds bers of the Bast CathoUc High diana, 66-40. ’The local’s record SOUTH BEND, I n d . away and otherwise committing doubleheader, Ctactanati rallied RADI( the contractor has iliast irranby Pistons. /. aa well. They stretched a 68-61 P“®« “ ?^®“ *®*‘ wrestling team. Peter and Paul that the courts can now stands at 4-2. APetrie 4.444= is.a now4.4,0. a« nxikle4 44441440 withwiui hnifUme leod to OB msnv as 20 ***® ^*^l*“**"tf basket with 10 bec- (API TnT\.iH>nli-4»/l TTPI A “ flTOt-half turnovers, from an 11-potat first-half defl- n — lop-ranxea (j u l a trailed 81-27 Ixrfore clt to d^eat Iowa 78-69 for tee are twins. . . ’Hianks to Don and ready for use in 16 ^ys RESULTS; Portland in tee National Basket- _.,_4_ ®n ®P 6:00 (8) Wide World of ford Armory, A1 Unser of In- during the off-season where he' front, 84-18, 51-26 and 77-86 at It was Sports dlanapolis fame moves in next teaches archery and billiards, 1:08.6 ^ouls, was ej^ted for tee torife " ta »>1U. ^ ^krtb^ fo^S^v^ T was a quiet night else- .the quarter breaks. MO free—Walden (M), Olosek- fifth...4W time____ _ this______season._ H®** Dandridge had 22 for tee overtime gave tee SuperSonica RdUle Masse 82-600, Prank *„ tee t Bruins>>..i— xa-jo..headed for DaaxetbaU lor nine years. where. ** (18) Hockey weekend for the Internatioiial _ , , Boston Red Sox have slgn- Bucks. (30) Sports .Year 1970 All 12 East players got into ler (H), Zaalow (H) 88.0 In other NBA action ADlwaui. teelr vdetory. Don Smite’s bas- Pitts 214-697, Jim L a ^ ^ e Bend and this afternoon’s .*^® ^ Temple beat American U. 61- AutomobUe Show. Unser won '^d Lee Stange as .a minor the sooting act with Brian 400 free—Pastel (M), Jacks SUNDAY the BOO last May. . . Bob Scott, league pitching instructor. Roeenberg setting the pace with kee beat AUmte 117-110, Balti- 29 points for Baltimore in the in regulation tied It for tee Son- city 206-22^618. reb^dlng Umt tum^ tee fide ^ Oklahoma «ty tripped Ml- 1:00 (3) Hockey: Minnesota (H), Wiggln (M) 4:63.2 more bombed Bdeton 136-117, fjrst haJf as tee BuUets shot to a Ics at 123. Spencer Haywd _ Irish, Wooden said: head lacrosse cocudi at Johns stange was traded last Jtme to ^4 points. 100 breastr-Hogan (H), Andsr- a g ^ t Loyota which faded ^ vs. New York Buffalo belted San Diego 101-94, 21-polnt lead. Gus Johnson add- topped Seattle wlte SO points. "I’ll be quite surprised if my HopUns University, will be the the Chicago White Sox after The defeat was the 16th this son (M) 1:09d HAPPT HOUDAV8 — Klttv b®y" tlng La- ooUlns led Temple with 2:00 (8) NBA; Bucks vs. featured lecturer at the New four years with the Red S<»c. . . Philadelphia nipped Phoenix ed 26 for tee winners while JoJo ’Tom Van Arsdale had 89 for tee Hawks season for Cheney and 88rd in 400 free relay—Oloeckler, Zas- rynes 127-846, Olga MlkoK^ best game of tee season at Notre t h f ^ ^ d ^ England Lacrosse League’s an- [)on Lock, ex-Red Sox outtleld- 117-116, Lns Angeles ripped San 'White had 26 for tee Celtics. Royals. Brynes ^ 4:00 (8) NPL; All-Pro Foot­ a row in two years. East Gran­ low, Maekay, ’Thompaco (H) skyrv 186,IBB Edith TraevTracy 183.138, Sarah Dame.” ,^®5_4_ ton Of American U. viras high nual cUnlc at UConn Peb. 7. . . er, has been named manager ing ta points. scorer for tee game with 24. baU by is 10-8. 3:46.9 Lupacchino 841. The game will be televised na­ 20 UConn baseball team will pass of the vnnston-Salem entry, in Oiily bright qpots for Cheney tionally beginning at 3 p.m. EST. Noting the IKJLA-Notro Dome Oklahoma City broke loose 4:80 (8) Skiing up a Southern trip this year but the Carolina League and Dar-- were Ken Lorrlmore and Jim Sidney Wicks was up to snuff clash will be teleylsed national- front a 87-87 tie to trim Miami (18) Bciwltag will engage in a 21 game slate rell Johnsem will manage Louis- Poole who tallied 14 and 10 Photo by KMIck National Conference Pick OOUNITBY CLUB — Vic wlte 26 points and big Stove Pat- ly. Wooden said he felt certain behind John Nelson’s 28 potato. including five games-four at vllle in the American Assn, points respectively. Abraltis 144-48J-401, Don Benoit terson picked up considerable the Bruins would atone for teelr Ken Wetaa led Oornell over home-the first week In April Johnson is a former Red Sox Eagles’ Ken Tomczuk Lays in Two Points Ed Fitzgerald Adds to Eagle Scoring LO& ANGELAS (AP) -— Jo addition to teelr salaries, teat’s made for more serious- 186-867, Bert Davis 186-143-400, slack ta tee sometimes sputter- ragged showing against Loyola. Bucknell wlte 22 potato. starting April 6 against the pitching coach. . . . Ibe Red Km I anubr (M^ P Pto. The National Conference fbe throe have already pocketed ness among tee players.” Ding Parr 164-809, Paul Hunt tag Bruin attack against a Loy- ‘‘If fbey don’t, I’ll have some in other games San Pranctoco A B A Stars Coast Guard. . . American Box will open their sixth spring G«yec 4 a 10 AIl*St&rs have l^n in- °"® fourteenth of their 1970 sal- Elach squad will have 41 play- 144-367, Paul Jesaids 186-S86, ola club whlcte had a feeble 2-11 things to tell them when we re- rtpped San FYanclsco State, 64- League baseball starts April 6 training season at Winter Ha­ Grover 8 0 6 LsBure 7 5 19 stalled aa isliirht favorites “*‘*®® f®^ playing in tee division ers, running back Mel Parr of jack Kelley 137, Ed Pagan! 874, record. Patterson pumped ta 21 sume our conference race,” said ei^ Pepperdtae beat Chico State ter the earliest opening ever, yen, Pla., Peb. 10 with official HosentMTg 9 6 2i ovar Hin ATnorienn Confar playoffs, |8,600 for winning tee Detroit having previously been Earie Rohan , 141-891, CharUe potato, 16 ta tee tough first half, the Bruin coach. 79.^ and San Diego State In Telecast Included -on that date la a meet- workouts starting Peb. 19. . . . Sartor 1 1 8 Central 4.n /.44 6/4,. « ! ^ 4io ^ o AlPC aue game, 116,000 for win- added to the NFC squad and Whelan 187. TTie Bruins, teronring tee baU In tee finale of tee stadium whipped Louisiana ’Tech 88-78. Oonieau 6 0 10 Indians Roll Over ence leain lOr OUnaay S rro ______receiver Pred BUetnlkoff------— ------Ing, New York at Boston. Over- Tickets are on sale for UOmn’s Baretow 6 1 U B o w l - the final flourish 8® ,^ Bowl. Ar^teey^e^®-^^^ , , T o d iy at 2 coats and gloves will be a must final three home basketball ZawaMd 0 4 4 Stevens _ . ® a a P Pte f i_4. «44c ta4> AWT All Htarn beeln- baU League. as his starting running bcmka It s tee eighth annual Pca first year varsity shooter, Rob- grab tee last two, and tee West ICansas was the star of the Examiner All-American 6-4 overall while Central r Fta tag for tee APC AU Stars begin- ______„ rw r«4... „r,.\ nut Butter All-American, a scons dropped to 0-0 and 0-11 overall. game.” wiUette nintf ai 1 Dm PST In the irame "There Is me unimown nere, wim Fioya L «u e oi i^envcr *uwa ^ ert Chaves, with a fine 181 and wlU be favored ta this one be- Gam es. thougti,” Ryim said. "When MIDGET LEAGUE Jim Balesano paced all scor- se i^ Mlke Pterro with 177. cause ot its advantage in' size A1 Feuerbach, a year out of you’re concentrating, you’re In Ken______wouenberg^ _ (8)______and Tim_ lo ^ 'to ^ '^ w tL ir 'KuightsContinue Unbeaten ers as he dumped In 14 pointa, Manchester’s record is 8-8 oad mqierlence. Emporia S ^ e CoUege in Ito- your own UtUe world out there. Bychbtokl (4) led the Elks to chesteT ln'a"or*for thlM place all coming on field goals. Oo- Deane (3BS. of 8- to 12-yearold sandwlcte ex- vriiUe Windham is l-l. Htiwever, bote teams have ^ saw a lot of tee crowd at their second win in two out- with Maloney, bote at 6-3. Captain Dave Wooley and Jim pJSJJS* perts under tee direction of tee A mu(te better performance been reshuffled from last year McGee each added 10 points to 'MUrphy Peter Pan Peanut ..Etuttor Co. by the veterans on tee squad ® reaUShment of divisions, we^^^tl^to w ^ ■ K I ** V, Community Y last oraiard and Windham, both 7-2, The team, composed former ® 18-12- Vallentine and t(g> tee OCIL standings. Rockville Now Third tee local attack. Sehoo ot wUl be needed ta the next t^® « and players Jumping be- ^ Unlveralty groduate Jim moustachioed 246-pounder, beat Brian Charlebols netted four At 7 86 of tee OD^iiur el«tet No Central player was in Novak Patriots in Draft Spotlight coUege AU-Americans who have match against powerful Avon tee ABA and double figures but Skip Scalla tfardini Just comideted teelr first sea- Old Fhrma Prep Scho(U Wednes. most controversial and well netted eight points, six coming Totals s(»i in the pro ranks, features known of those are Joe CaldweU Feuerbach’s put of 68 feet 11 ot-10^ which Ued tee world In- the second game sank a short Jumper and tee In Central Standing Wimiar (M) day If the team is to avenge via tee foul line. r Pla. 12 sterters—^teroe tackles, two an eeirUer loss. of CaroUna, Zelmo Beaty of Due to Likes of Jim Plunkett ends, two guards, a center and Manchester returns to home Manoherter (877) Utah and Rick Barry of tee New think I can°do C a T v I j f ° w n e « h ip o f th ird York Nets ta the ABA. ’Tuesday evening SaOdberc dozen general manager, ta tee quarterbacks. There wlU be ?® Chaves 46-49-44-42—181 Moadale By SHIRLEY POVICH However, tee ABA lost Spenc­ And Ryun didn’t disappoint tor tee AAU outdoor champion defense was too toujrh. neaviiy on me leaaers as mey turned Dack Windsor High of Meridan. NPL wUl be trying to persuade some dissent on this point, with Plerro 49-47-40-41—177 Glen Cooke (6) and Brian Beggs With Glass 00-46-89-41-176 er Haywood to tee NBA after he the Cow Palace crowd of 18,816. ships this summer,” said Peuer- ith only 83 seconds remain- High last night on the latter’s court, 86-54, The Rams D^xSla WASHINGTONWASmJNU'iUXS — For ror BlUy BlUy SuUlvan, SuUlvan, tee P a t^ ’ a roferonce_t^pp’s ^f teelr fworite peMUt butter was named Rookie of tee Year (6) led tee Auto Parts. imr in tee first canto Bobrutu S'®------the------CVC------and 9-6 over- —— —---- — ------t**® ^ will start at 6 +1 . 4 4 n 44<.f»i4 Pntriotn who President, that they can offer take tee Patriots any higher AgoettaelU 46-48-41-87—172 ”I felt very good and wasn’t bach, whose best outdoor marie ... V all aa.1 4ka loaaaa -..-.a .4 K « sod Mocksd s 110X60 shots. T6r- sod the varsltvvarsity hAffffminflrbeBtamhur UiSODonUuldDoa and Most Valuable Player ta the P^.r- -o^^^ week: Brian Kslazklewlc attempted B^itol’s all^and tee loeers even at 6-6 ^ ““ the Boston ° him tee beat deal. last season, but Kapp w m i^e squad Is back . Peretto 48-40-48-36—172 fatigued at all when I finished,” is 66 feet, ry Stoddard hooped in 13 points around 7:30. " * Balooevich ABA last, season and MVP in said Rytm, who started Ms Matson, the world’s only 70- first shot at the hoop and . It HuRifihrey have proved incontestaDiy sulUvan wUl have tee instant scarcely Integrated Into the Tannen of tee New York Windham (888) and John Mason added 10 HuoheiteT (M) this game'. comeback with an easy victory foot shot putter, went over tee Standings nilssed its mark. Tills was tee In other scholastic court ac- p B F Pts Totals 23 8 (.koi- fk o v a ro the worst advantage. The bidders for Patriot team after a late start. . 4 whnaA twiertion of Soan- Labeau 49-42-44-46—181 Uon, South Windsor High regls- ®*^ j -a . a HenUc Schofield 47-46-44-42—178 in tee mile. old indoor record three times a Wooley 7 Geveatry (U) tSSi in Driffessional foot- Plunkett know that tee price Also, ta the case of the Patriots. ^Land IsCd ‘^® 7^® ||*®" A®*’ ’Bie world record holder in tee Cow Palace meet—^wlte Manchester ’Travel tered win No. 13 defeating in 6 10 & - i ^ t arrth e^ its of will be very high. Plunkett Kapp had Uttle to work with. hu, peanut butter ®«®r» P««ut butter, JeUy tuce to make his poaimt butter Schanek 48-48-41-41—178 losing cause. J MeSoe' F Pta. pulled away from an outclassed a best of 68-8. Boland Oil KMbe High of Bridgeport, 62- 10 Fnpanoa m«e “P “ "‘®“‘ «>® Patriots would hardly overwhelmed the 'y® t®®** “® ‘I'® ®®"“- ®®*«>’^®>* ® " ‘®®1 ®“ «* ® ' MqckO 48-48-4040—176 RockviUe Skiers Gene L ittler Unbelievable but true. South a BcUesono 14 Stsvenaon btaatton. Owens leans to tee American field of collegians and won In “I ’ve worked hard for the Nasslff Arms 36 in Bridgeport. EUlngton 4 SemUt la iiu re . h i ®!*- me Uable No. 1 draft choice ta a be so quick to admit they gave judges. Thnnen did his coUege. Bucctao 48-47-48-88—176 4:04.4, with a 86.7 time for tee money I saved. I’ve thrown a EUu Se,“ pic.;sr'uri.ir , u « » s a s - a 0 Perraohlo His eye-opening contribution favorite—peanut butter and JeUy Other MHS Shooters: Plan Sch ed u le 4 Morse tones in tne ■ decade, even including O. J. up too much to Minnesota for footballing (and eating) at Flor- final quarter mile. lot of bales of hay,” said the Comm. ” Y” In Deadlock tory against no defeats over ,.4,, i 1 Kolodziel son_ landed _ the t'atriois in giu,pgon, ^ who as a running back ^Kapp last season. y to tee breakfast table earns —but teen adds banana aUces McKenzie 49-44-46-88—172, He hadn’t competed since brawny blond from Preston, Pagan! Caterers Granby Iflgb. 90-64 in NOCXJ GRANBY—Offering UtUe re­ _ Green West 47-47-44-32—170, KeUey 49- The RockviUe Alpine Ski play; Coventry High kept pace BlUngton High re- la iWale ai 14-32 66 Trescliuk the right place—last place ^ot command teT high “^e Patriots’ good fortune is BquaUy impressive as tee ho v June, 1909, when he dropped Iowa. VPW BrUlol Central (S3) Toomey — at the right tune, ^ven price of a sUckout quarterback that it is a seUer’a market for top contender for the center 47-46-26—169, Hubbard 47-47-41- Club’s trip committee has plan­ out of the mile at tee AAU Ryun will take at least two Man. Auto Parte For Top Spot In t h e (XX3 dumping Vlnal malned undefeated and tee p B F Ptn. Loefce ned an extensive schedule for Tech, 8842 and Cromwell High l®aders in the NOCX3 ^ t e a 8-0 3 SUge days hence at the NFL in footbaU’s maritet place. No. 1 draft choice quarterbacks, position is Kansas Oty’s Sid w!, w «.«kM ****? ** Ohio States T ^ 28—108, R ice 47-41-48-19—160. champkmsMps at kflami. ’Ihe weeks off, moving his family PHOE3NIX, Arlz. (AP) — 6 Totals IS 9 U draft mseting they have ------and teat they could get as many |^th. formerly of Southern Cal. P®®^‘ ®? “ “ ®®>‘«® ^ost, currenUy a Mtane«aa club members. On Jan. 31 they sellout crowd here cheered him to Oregon, before deciding iene Little 4 Tiaal Tech (49) uriu.1/ iiiTOnii* cuiu uic-~~ ___ f-V J^ Vhiniv wsttles. The oteerv end. Viking. ’The aimpU(dty of his are going to Berkshire East, Gene UtUer shot an eight-un- t®PP®<» *<»■ 3 r Pta loudly on Ms final laps. whether to enter any more In- East Wrestlers «ter-par r .p 4 , 63 i OU14, , r ? . . Z S' ■'« ‘XWu P «. « » p u , « . 1 EMtey 6 IS first shpt at the most pre- The Patriots’ president is, aa fwr ^ t^ Raymond Chester, ex-Moigan re^ ^ Uber^ppUeation of and tee weekend ay.■y- were tested empirically by tee the National Hockey League, Mt. Washington VaUey from — -4. 4 ^ ^ - piers yesterday aftemotm at The veteran Uttler, winner of Rams Were never threatened PoGits. K 1 n ire FlAfanatswl ’Ticketo are scarce but speak- alve end for tee Boston Pa- the______Clarke Arena ^ 33-21 The ^ *®“*’ ®'’®*’t®> including tee after this. Roger McCord was Granby’s IV 111 g 8 l J 6 t 6 a t e C l excludes none of tee ^er 26 w a S fto would be prime possibilities State, first draft choice of tee ^5A®_ “second and third back- Judges, a proceeding which ell. upset the up-anid-comtag ’Foitm- March 7-18. There are five ers are plentiful for tee SOtt an- trlot*: t><» Ruck, vlce-presl- Eagles upped teelr mark to 8-6 °P®"’ “ 86-hole to- WlUette netted 22 potato with hl«^ man wlte 18 and Bob Ber- t * l l « „ _ S!SSSS teams. In tee league, it is an every quar«jru«:« wowuer u* ------g Boston Patriots last year, and Weldors are tl)e Cowboys’ mtaated five of tee contenders to Maple Leafs 6-2 ta tee only areas with interchangeable nual Gold Key Dinner of tee **®”* ®* National Hockey jjjg Indiana are now 2-7 ^ ®* ^ —^®<1 'wite JflUer Bar- Jim Aceto, Tom Oamiteers and Hnian tote^ 14 points. '^ y ICCm CH article of faith that Boshm wUl the pro league, plus teelr. com- next to remm year if they ^had only sweet-toothed Bob Asher of the CharUe Waters and tee Detodt and two of the Judges. However, NHL game Friday night. tickets Involved: Cramnore. I ------4-.44- — REgfjLTS' her and Paul Harney—for tee Bob Deane contributing 12, 11 COVENTRY — Keeping pace grab off Plunkett as Its No. 1 putor scouting systems. minrterbacktae. They Dallas Cowboys via Vanderbilt. according to Noman Camit, The have a breather Black, TVrol, WUdeat, and 100 G r ^ lir ^ r a j) Dinned 1®“ * ^ «»e and 10 potato. vrite CromweU High, Coventry S ^ G F ^ , Maas. (AP) 2SSS“ choice, tee reward of tee last- As a verging star ta the most Olsen adds salad aresstag, let- “lan ’Trdphy winner whUe wind- president of Peter Pan, tee 1970- t- Redskins; Roger Schools for- ^ Sptaella Lltug^.g gg eight-under-par on Bud Jones was a point b e ^ ”*ght picking iq> teelr Mte win "iSht and tee Bears Totsta 88 9 74 cause they already have an ex- drawing board, both iteyslcaUy P*ay®*^ ______er prefers “ sUghtly toasted’ taste by adding'grape JeUy and ever picked. les, Chicago at Boston, Buffalo Maine. Gold Keys will be presented mer Detroit Uon lineman and (EC) 7-2 . 4 tee flat Uttle Arirnna Mmi in starts. coasted to a 4-1 victory over tee Brttwt (U) pensive quarterback to Joe and as tee classic, drop-back „ - teams in *>W6d with peanut butter, honey at St. Louis, Vancouver at Pitts- Day trips wUl meet at the to Moe Drabowsky, veteran ma- fast talking sports orator, Hal Sa^o^to^04 ®®«™®- was tee best of ^ RockviUe irieets tough »'rank Horse scored 22 points Sprln^eld K l^ In an Amerl- giatanoh^ K^p. quarterback. He is tee model - and sugar. n i I rr rw i n * .burgh and Philadelphia at Min- RockvUle Savings Bank park- J<»- league pitcher; Nick Pietro- Goodnough. yea*-- Bloomfield. High Thesday In an a point over Vlnal total aa a can Hockey League game. By every blandishment known size at 6-foot;8, 210 pounds; He ***® ____t_.e..av. ‘The extra sante, former Detroit Lion and Bart Guida. mayor of New 121 ManganeUo (EC) pinned » ^ registered team for Coventry with Chuck Harvey deflected In defense- M^ to the footbaU trade at least a has proved bis poise In three «*«««"*«» «a* High Praise 5.. S Wiggln (M) 0:56 any Notre Dame offensive back. Haven, wUl^ve a formal ta- just three over the aU-te^ tour “ «^-«2 victory eariter ta tee Papanos connected for 10 mark- ^ ^ an Spencer and Paul Hender­ and to J. Walter Kennedy, NBA vitatlon from tee city, and tee 128 O’Connor (EC) pinned son. of the described trips should record for 86 holes “™®season. ® «- ; ^wfnrni the blue line to give LaFiaixii ST’cSl.“.r”£fS,cS‘® “*® trying to play slow down baU first quarter margin, high-fly- Bears to a twp-goal lead ta tee Hoy tee ice, scoring umissisteiL or by writing the RockviUe winntag tralutioa of tee Dart- bleriaatic of footbaU supremacy Alpine SU Club, p.O. Box 64, ees, catcher Thurman Mun- humorist, wUl also speak. ett (M) 8 :M two rounds Sat- „ South Wtadsor High CromweU Ugh didn’t look second period, Harvey fired In a tSSif*’* U ha. been a respected ad- ^ and covers it with peanut ^t- sMt’ The latter wUl Jota at the A special award wUl be givrti 147 Egak (EC) pinned Clarke ui^y and Sunday. succesafuUy. back as they blasted Bolton of another Edestrand SSSIgS- from S2217. RockvUle. I monition that you don’t pas. *®*: Hargan Signs head table, Yankee Manager to former Wealeyan University (M) 6:60 ' “ was, by three strokes, tee Rcrfbe High, 9-4 considered a High ta a Charter Oak Confer- drive for a 8-0 lead at 6:60 of tee against Ohio State, but ^ Another peanut butter ^ on the future and Jake Grout- not a question S^Mting Ralph Hbuk and President Mike footbaU coach, Don RuaseU 167 Bortone (M) dec. Thurs- lowest cut ever on the PGA tour class M power nttempt®'* to ence tUt, 74-41. Anal period.” j——. CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) —. SEAT BELT COACHES at 10 88 kett did, and he completed 20 "*2I=f*M«J^nri#uins Saints are '’a®®**®® Yl' hamei is gotag to do an out- to leave. It was more that It was Burke, from tee basabaU com- from tee ^Uance.. ton (EC) 8-2 and IndicUve of tee way the ^ontrxi tee game but tee tatim- Hlgh-icoetag A1 Weston, only Gary Dtaeen scored Spring- ™®*® MORIARTY for perceniSS X eS wS tlS? guard J^ He^ Ward, standing Job.” an approprtato time, Cleveland idtcher Steve Haigan, miaatoners office, Monte Iiyta;. Pred- PPst, sports editor of 169 WMte (EC) pinned Gey touring pros responded to tee idattag South Windsor defense a Junior, popped ta 88. paints, Raid’s lone goal Just six seconds (M) rim DURHAM, N.C. (AP) — V’Pom Seaver, Now York Mete; tee Middletown Press, wlU be (M) 6:12 warm, windless weather and a rose to tee occasian again as on 16 field goals and three later to thwart rookie gpalten- BROTHERS pro footbaU retmTta the^ Blacknum, , - - Alex Wehster, head coach of tee toastmaster. There wlU be 187 Leahy (BXJ) dec. Roman short,- generaUy trouMe free the Bobcats buUt iq> quarter charity toeses. der'Dan Bouchard’s bid for a w left to skUvate wlte the nosed out for the ^ New -Ycek) CHants; Weeb a limited number of tlcketa ^d (M) 20-8 course. ' leads of 10-6, 14-9, (>»«) 80-18. For the BuUdogs, Ken Bavler shutout. Bob Lelter ftalshed'the __ .'51.'> (’enter .''-I.. .Manchester of signing this feUow. .choice byBoeton’t oc me oonana auring rrauung University of niinni. returned chance ux uk> - i-- ___» utu=>- — ------•______^ Bwbank, ooarti of the New at the door. Dinner is slated to Uni. Duffy (M) pinned In all, 117 jUayers broke tee' TV>m Roy netted only 17 and Eric Geer managed to ecortag with the Bears’ fburth Birocy As it happens,- - Boston, with would be to the advantaged - w*g, w^ great “energy i»oducer” here to pay tribute to his iw » ent approach at times. I felt this *be Indians for the coming sea- York Jets; Ron Bezger defsn- start a2 6:80. Rickter (EC) 3:49. Usted par 71 ta Friday’s play. points but grabbed 10 rebounds score eight points apiece. teUy at 16:10. - .w. . - I’ hone (i h') 4 1 16 8 Plunkett, would be the only position of claiming Plunkett ,ron him his “AU P-B” nom- team, wsa the right Mwim toe a ctumge "“u ®u estimated $80,000 sal- ^ram be and asslrtant Bubie team overset with proficient for their very own on Jan. 28. tbe other guard Is the Dartmouth won the Ivy for me.” ^ ary.. Brosna wear seed belts.

, J


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1971 PAGE TWELVE THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW BY SHOI^N and WHH>PLE H«lp W flnf d -Mote 36 H«l{n « i p W unf d Contractinq 14 M ow or Fomolo 37 BUG6S BUNNT OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOft HOOPLE t F ilibusta i« mot o n e t d e e led bv -imb ON NER UeyCTsMPP»i& eOtREE WE SEE CARPBNTRT — concrete steps, So O IL B U R N E R CLASSIFIED 'NOee6ME>S 00114010 DO HER OWN THIMG- HER OOiNO NER OWN THINO I SAIP 1 3 E T YA I BET YA FEEL YtXl'BG EXEPTTCAl. Amwtr l« yrerlws hiri* floors, hatchways, remodeling THIS JOSSIN'S GieEAT FEEL BETTER ALREADY SERVICEMAN INHALA-nON FER BUILPINS UP YER B E T T E R a b o u t t h e RULE, porches,'-garages, closets, ceil­ TNAT^ 1HE NEW OAUCM O LO O R < ALRBAPY, HMAAM OP COUnCE MV MIOA' MDU OOULO LOOK Music Minded ings, attics finished, rec 'THERAPIST HUH, POBKY.» 3UMPIMS«9<)LL AAAX96 rrup iNTHw^ ITS ASEOLUTELV ClOtCUOUE ON ADVERTISING rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ NERf 1 DON’T CARE WNAT Potter’s Oil Burner Service /lAC A PCAPLY C & tTBa/ B O O K / I------A N P t er related work. No Job too I OFTEN CTUAAP6P ABCYC —'^IMv/ENTEP THE ij ACROSS 55ftepast CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 1NE 5TA.E SAf/S tfl has an immediate opening Sufficient Inhalation therapy THE NET ANP BUOa«®C> ABPIANE.' (F VOU 56 Surrender small, ijan - Moran, Builder, DON'T UNE IT X DON'T for a licensed oil burner in­ experience a requisite, must THE CHOT VUnH M Y CHEffT/ POOBT NIE, rUL EHOA/ IK ln dof Evenings, 649-8880. concert 57 Enclosure for 8 AJg. to 4:30 PJg. W f A R l T ! have the ability and interest EYBNTUAl-lJ/ THEY OUT- ypUONS AfTTHS swine stallation and serviceman. LA\NEP tfOALTENOiNG AaiaPDPT/ 4Dueta to keep current with ad­ 8 Sacred musie SAVE MONET! Fast service. We offer a guaranteed an­ BECAUSE OFTHtC/ DOWN COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVt. Dormers, room additions, ga­ vanced methods , and tech­ cndinB 1 Cooking nual wage, commissions, niques. Maturity and ag­ 12 Lincoln’! 4:8t PJH. DAY BEFORE PVBUOA'nON rages, porches, roofing and nickname utensils siding. (Compare prices. Add- bmuses. Blue Cross, CHS gressiveness also essential 2 Musical wood DeadUne for Saturday and Monday la 4;8t p.m. Friday qualifications. 13Be borne • wind A-LevSl Dormer Corp. 289- and a profit sharing plan. 14 “Make----- 3 Had reference inrtanqe 33Fence 0449. (Tall 428-1684 ccNlect, fo r in­ This is a permanent full­ e mikir Www Im. he. Music” 23 Accumulate openings PLEASE READ YOUR AD time position, (1 until 9:30 15 Correlative of to terview. [ t i l 4 Warble 24 Asian sea 38 Near by^ LEON dESZTNSKI builder — p.m.), with good startinlr neither 25 Son of Jacob , Olaaallied or “Want Ada” are taken over the phone as a 16 Dreamers of 5 Broad convenience. The adverUaer abonld reiad hb ad the FIRST new homes custom built, re­ salary and excellent per­ BY V. T. HAMLIN 6 Black sea (Bib.) Billiard shot modeling, adOltions, rec sonal and family benefits. ALLEY OOP a sort 26Swiftin DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in time tor the port POTTER'S OIL BURNER Aimual aind length of serv­ 18 Colonizes 7 Body of water motion 43 Syrian next Insertion. The Herald la responsible tor only ONE in- rooms, garages, kitchens re­ 'TURN ...SHOUU> BE 20 Poker stakes 8 Chemical 27 “Human oorreot or omitted Insertion tor any mlvertlsement and then modeled, bath tile, cement ice increases...... THAT VWIMINT R E ^ A AN O U T P ^ a Be sick compound wrecks" 44 Continent only to the extent of a “ make good” inaerUon. Errora which work. - Steps, dormers. Resi­ SERVICE Please contact Mr. L. F. HEADINS IN THIS DIRECTION, V UPAHEAR. 22 Identical 9 Light fog 28Canadian . 46 HabiUt plant do not lessen the. value, ol the advertisement wfl] not ht Clapper, Director of Per­ HEIX RUN RISHT INTO 24Diimounted province (mb.) form1UA8U oorreoted by “make good” Inaertlon. ■ dential an 31 Disregard . CONN. 30 Fasten with 19 Cronus, for wlUfully 5 0 Sinbadsbird (RoekvUe, Toll Free) N.J. L A F IiA A di^ — Caurpenter brads anew contractor. Additions, remod­ 32 Feminine TT II WILLIAM W. BACKUS iScnAUIMS TVS T” F" 3 4 r - 6 7 1 643-2711 875-3136 eling and repairs.' Call any­ JANITORS — Experienced. BUtSB OF »/ID «N CS* appellation time for free estlniate. 875- HOSPITAL S tlU e 12 i3“ u “ Part-time evenings, Rockville- 326 Washington Bt. vengeance for 1642. Vem on area. Call 643-6691, 3 Norwich. Otwin. r 'h } 3SBegtna I& iT" 17 Tracks— tractors 5 38 Cover HALLMARK Building Ck>. to 6' p.m . 25” 1961 FORD Van for sale, rea­ BY NfiG COCHRAN 37 Pen pointa 18 19^ home improvement, additions, OUT OUR WAY 39 Afternoon HERALD sonable offer, good running WANTED ambitious men to " „ ------— ----- — ------— tmmmmmm5T w 23 rec rooms, garatges, roofing, learn famllv shoe business THREE hours/day, 3 days/week, social events condition. 649-7612, between 8- gutters. Free estimates. All learn family shoe business. interested, call l-aa 40 Ballot “ 25 2S 21 a Many company teneflts, sala­ e 1WI tt MU. h», TM UA M. OR. HEy.WHATHAPPENEPTOAU. X SORRY/15H0ULP HAVE KNOWN 41 Vocalist r m BOX LETTERS 3 p.m . work guarainteed. 646-2527. Pointing— Papering 21 Help Wonted—• Help Wanted—Mole 36 876-1619 after 6 p.m . MV SADOETSANSTUFF?! S . BETTER THAW TD MESS UP Torme 33 ry plus com m ission. Apply In s r NEWTON lir8M ITH & SONS— CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex- Female 35 ^ iu CKERS Harumge, Set-up BY PHIL KROHN HAP TWO WASHERS IN TH'BACK XXOUR MESS WITHSOMBKIWD 42 Series of steps, Fnr Y «or person, Hiom McAn Shoe, TELEPHONE Solicitors —^Mra GUMMER STREET > OF TH> DRAWER, UWDER SOME J OF ORDER/yOULLFNO^tXJR 45 Land w Remodeling, repairing, addi­ terior painting, paper hanging, _ loo^ w fo r a All benefits. If you can talk 1 Infonnatioii Mo»orcycl«»“— Manchester Parkade, Man- and -women. STRIWe, AN’ THERE WERE XFLOTSAM ANP JETSAM IM bordering the 1 tions, rec rooms, porches and Discount on wallpaper. Call Dean Machine Products, Inc., 36" 38 HT Bicycles 11 position in Manchester? Doc­ Chester. on the i^Mie, you can earn up THREE THUMBTACKSSTUCK THAT BOX, SO SO AHEAP- oc^an i■ l i THE HERALD will not roofing. No job too small. Call Oscar Hebert, 646-3048. 102 O>lonlal Rd., Manchester. wowHei?^-^ I PDM'r UkrBTD^ .JO Jusr SORT IN A HAAAMER HANDLE, AN*. FEEL FREE TO RESTORE 49 Fit of tors office needs an experi­ to $160 com m issions per week. 40 4I| dlsclnae the identity of 649-3144. FUEL OIL driver wanted for wHepg A(?e I JU5T C/WIB WALK WWAgBroU OF por THAT DTVWER TD ITS R3R- uncontrolled ■ WALLPAPER hanger, exper­ enced, mature person, to work TURRET Lathe Set-up and op- Work right In your own home, YOU 60/M&? plN6Bf2 B/6KT laughter “ any advertiser using box Now Showins: ------night work. Apply at Moriarty C>OTrO follow ‘hla ters or lay away till spring. cabinets, formica, built-ins, public. Please reply Box "B”, CAR wa^ attendant, Monday- seraglioa procedure; PAINTING — paperhanging, RESPONSIBLE man with driv­ 56 M Large stock of new and used bathroom s, kitchens, 649-3446, Manchester Herald. Saturday, 9-6. AM>ly at 1044 54 Scatter, as -S small carpentry jobs. Excel- er’s license to work at eg^g hay — cycles and parts, accessories. Burnside Ave., East Hartford. Elnolose your reply to CARPBNTRT and remodeling, lent workmanship, reasonable NURSES AIDES — 3 to 11 p.m., plant, inside and outside du­ (Nmnpaptt Inivptif AtuJ tho box in an envelope — & rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, prices, free estimates. Call 646- shift. Apply Laurel Manor, 01 ties. Contact Miller Farms, 289-0847, 643-0160. ✓ address to tha Classified HARLEY DAVIDSON OFFICIAL Manager, Maaohaater additions and garages. Call 1899. Chestnut St., Monday through Route 31, North Coventry, 643- ^mu'PTnicw a 'ftokt service man Tom Corbitt, 648-0086. Friday, 12 - 3 p.m. 8021. • ______^ jj.j license required, Blvenlng Herald, together SALES B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, NOTICE with a memo listb^ Uu good pay and working condi­ companies you do NOT 45-49. Park St. “ near Main’ ’ REC ROOMS, kitchens,, doors, interior and exterior painting, KARN 8s and free wardrobe ONE apprentice opening in the TOWN OF BOLTON paper hanging. Thirty■ ■ years plumbing, heating, and cooling tions. plus full benefits. Call F2? j s ; want to sea yoiar latter. Hartford, CTonn. paneling, vanities, all type fin­ In your, spare tim e. Becom e a BOARD OF TAX REVIEW CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER. Tour letter win be de­ ish work, formica work. Ex­ experience, four generations. Beeline Fashion Stylist. Call trade. Two-years minimum ex­ 289-2276. The Roard of Tax Review of 247-9774 perience necessary. Veteran stroyed if the advertiser pert craftsman. Patrick Carr, Free estimates, fully insured. 742-9117 for m ore inform ation. EXPERIE3NCED gas station at­ the Town of Bolton, Connecti­ Is one you’ve mentlaoed. ' evenings, 648-7926. 643-7861. preferred. Call H.G. Schulze, PLAIN JANE BY FRANK BAGINSKI tendant, part-time, nights and cut, wUl be In session in the Xf not It wUl be handled AN EXPERIENCED clerk — In c., 876-9707. Bolton Town Hall on the follow­ in the usual manner. Busiiwss SorvicM RICHARD E. MARTIN, paint­ weekends. Over 21, A -l Gas f 1*71 WOMENS LIB IS ^ typist with clerical aptitude. Station, Route 83, Vernon, ing days during the mrnith of HERE COME& THAT S TA P TIN & TO SINK Offnrad 13 RUSSELL E. MILLER ing contractor. Full profession­ Full-time, 8 to 4:30. Salary MACHINIST — part-time, days. f c >en cH P o o d l e t h a t F**4Eal,, tar. IN'I al painting service, interior - Am erbelle Ctorp., 104 East February 1971. L-IVES DOWN THE ST R E E T ! builder 8100 weekly. Call 663-7422. RETmRETO gentlem an to do AU persons claim ing to be ag­ j f e s a WHYAAOTHERS SET SRAY LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also exterior. Free estimates, fully Main St., RockvlUe. An equal part - time custodial wofk, Lott and Foond 1 moving large appliances. insured. 649-4411, 649-9286. opportunity employer. Apply grieved by the Assessor of the Complete renovations and addi- mornings, 6-9 a.m. Please call Town of Bolton must appear Burning barrels delivered, 84. tlons including designing and NURSES AIDES between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. FOUND — The best place to 649-7738 for perbonal Interview. and fUe their complaint at ^ Forest and CSieatnut St. 643- rotary blades. Quick service. CENTER with bookkeeping experience. opportunity. Hutchins Agency, CREATIVE Catering — offer­ 7 p.m.-9 p.m. 6840. after 4. C!apltol Equipment Oo., 88 333 BIDWBLL ST. Apply In person. Gaef Broth­ 649-8824. \ \ ing formed dining, modem buf­ Bonds— Stocks— February 6, 1971 Main St., Manchester. Hours MAN<3HESTEJR, CONN. ers, 140 R ye St., South LOST — 'Siberian husky, fe­ fets, cookouts, stag parties Mortgoges 27 WANTED — Aggressive Man­ 9 a.m .-12 noon BY ROY CRANE dally 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:80-9. 646-2321 Windsor. BUZZ SAWYER male, black and silver, gray ager for women’s shoe store. Dated at Bolton, Connecticut, Saturday, 7:80-4. 643-7968. crerted e^claU y for yw 24 MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec- An equal opportunity employer. r kxig hair, on Center St. An- Leggett St., East Hartford. ______p u b l i c Healthstaff nurse, For confidential interview, 1 WAS BOtJN IN LONPON. /WTHER NO. 1 HAVE NO TIES t o January 19, 1971. ANY MORE. I'M ALONE, swora to nam© Sockl, child's SNOW plowing, driveways, etc. 528-5S48. combined program, qualified contact, Mr. Pimental, at Bur­ Board of Tax Review WAS POLISH, WY father FRENCH. statewide. Credit rating unnec­ MONET, NEW FRIENDS CSial- X'M FREE to COME supervision, salary compar­ ton’s Shoe Store, 649-6861. Allan Hoffman, NW STEPFATHER WAS A BRATIUAN. pet Reward. CaU 648-4438 af- Rearona^ rates Will Mcept gia RENTALS, by the day. essary. Reasonable. Confiden­ lenges, Recognition, Achieve­ WHY SHOULPM'T 1 HAYE AN ACCENT? AND SO AS I PLEASE. ter 8:30. M aster (A arge. Call 643-6776. ^ eek, or season. Repairs — able. 11 paid hoUdays, 36- WELL established Manchester Chairman tial, quick arrangements. Al­ ment, Importance, Belonging, hour week, 3-weeks vacation. ....I'VE LIVED ALLOVERTHE WORLD, vin Lundy Agency, 627-7971. realtor has openings for U- Bhigene GagUardone FOUND Black and brown -TREE SERVICE (Soucier) — sharpening done by experts. the Glamour of the Beauty (3all The Columbia, Hebron, 988 Main St., Hartford, Eve­ Harold Webb UARtXY ANNONEDOVVN mongrel, female dog. Call Dog Trees cut, building lots clear­ The Alpine Haus, Route 30 Business. All reasons why peo­ Andover, Public Health Nurs­ censed sales people. WUl train, 1WEPE BEue/eS IN US nings, 238-6879. Warden, 646-4666. ed, trees topped. Got a tree Vernon, 872-6647. ple enjoy selling AVON. Tou ing A gency office, 228-3926 or fuU or part-time. Meyer, Real­ a n y m o r e .' tors, 648-0609. problem! Well worth phone MORTGAGES — 1st. and 2nd., can to o ! Chll 289-49l)!2. Mrs.. Andrew F. Gasper, 742- 7064. Ponoiials call, 742-8262. Roofing— Siding 16 mortgages— interim financing p a R t -TIME cleaning woman — expedient and confidential Apply 91 Chestnut St., Monday PORTER INCOME TAX nniDaraUon Call YOUNG married men will g u t t e r s and roofs, all types Evening porter TAA preparauon. can jodo amall sm all repairranAlr job s andnnH pstint-nalnt. ______’ J ^ service. J. D. Real Estate thrwigh Friday, 12 noon - 3 needed six nights weekly. Year repaired and replaced. EX' Assoc. 643-6129. p eun on. Dan Mosler, 649-8829 or 247- ing, also cellar cleaning and ’round employment. Insurance 3116. cellent workmanship, reason­ i r light trucking. CaU 646-2692, able prices, free estimates. and vacation benefits. Apply to WANTED TO RENT OR LEA3E *My Dad worrits an awful lot about th# futurt 646-2047. experienced Saleslady, for Manager, Parkade Bowling . . . taptoially mint!" WITNESS to a fatal auto acci­ Call 646-1899. Business Ppportunity 28 drapery department. For In­ dent on Decem ber 20th, 1970, Lanes, Manchester Parkade Family of 5 needs larger home to lease or rent, MANCHESTER Tree Service — BIDWBLL Home Improvement VERNON—Package store with terview, see Mr. McCarthy, Shopping Center. Route 84, exit 98, Vernon, Specializing in tree removal, P ilgrim MUls, 434 Oakland St., please call 638-9861, ext. 243, Co. Expert installation ot adu- real estate, good volume, pric­ preferably with purchase option. Prefer Manches- pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. Manchester. ELECTRICIAN — with mlnl- 'MKSEY FINN st^LANK tiBOmSD or 266. minum siding, gutters and ed to seU. Paul W. Dougan, B^lUy insured. CaU 649-6422. trim.. Roofing installation and mum of five-years experience. ter-'Vemon area but will consider other areas. R ealtor, 649-4636. B(X)KKEEPER — know books IT'S FOR YOU, repairs. 649-6496, 878-9109. Will also consider part-time el­ ' yep.' the law yer TMS IS DR. STROZIERAT THE PARK of account to trial balance, 9- SAID ITS PRACTICALLY MICKEY' HOSPITAL! JOLLV JIMBO HAS STEVE CANYON BY BOLI^N CANI^ INCX>ME TAXES prepared, by SNOW PLOWING — Tired of LAUNDROMAT for sale, sev­ ectrician, weekdays. CaU H.G. 8, 6-day week. Pilgrim Mills, HAVE you TOLD OSCAR'S , A CONFESSION OF SUFFERED A MASSH/E CORONARV M arvin Baker. C;aU 648-0267. waiting?' Reliable Manchester eral new machines, none over Schulze, In c., 876-9707. Plwm coB 1643-7064 anytima. LAWYER THAT JOLLY .GUILT ON JOLLYS PARTI — AND HES ASKING FOR YOU, I CA/V\E X LET T AND business has new radio equip­ Rooftng and 99 Loomis St., Manchester, AND OSCAR IS BEING ...dNP NO WOAXAN WHEN DAN KRACKLE APPEARS AT THE AUDITORIUM ^D LETM e Y 1!4 years old. 816,000. Package PLUMBER — with minimum of JIMBO IS DROPPING THE TO TELLBITSV] HIAA IN.I.' I don’ t A INCOME TAXES prepared In ped trucks. Dependable ser- 646-1414. RELEASED TOQAV.' NEEDS To BE TOLD ENTRANCE... Chimneys 16«A store for sale, by appointment five years experience. WUl also CHARGES AGAINST HIM? I'M SORRYIN.' jwANTTDMISS ccnvenlence of your home. tdee. Call anytim e. 643-8246 or WHY SHE NEEDS TO only. Phllbrick Agency, Real­ consider part-time plumber, J-2J\ POTEET IS JUST BE LIBERATED.' THE KICKOFF.' CaU RusseU Burnett for ap­ 649-8797. INSURANCE WOMAN ROOFING — Specializing re­ tors, 646-42(W. weekdays. CaU H.G. Schulze, CONaUDING HER SOON w e'll know , pointment, 643-6838. pairing roofs of all kinds, new CHALLENGING POSITION SPEECH AS SUBSn- TIMBERLAND Tree Service, roofs, gutter work, cHlmneys MANCHESTER — Imm^^ate Inc., 876-9707. >«y »aasiOU GET A KICK mission, fairly low mileage, Plowi^j dependable calls, quick service, try us. clude high school education Passenger Liners b e s t a v b a n t u q u o b f e b h it EXCELLENT BENEFITS ' service at reasonable _J ___ NOTICE OF APPLICATION J I LLOVeiD O v e iD Yil'il/ ,,, ^ E R ... BECAUSE I .J eXTOF efOILING PEOPLES' clean, very good condltlMi. *'utes. Bathroom and' kitchen re­ and speedy accurate typing P O R T 'cvH '.IrfITJDYina, F la . This la to sive notice that I. WALK ' '' WHY? SIMPLE PLEASURES,' CaU 6498272. 643-2064. r Aakliig 81,960. 876-0172. m odeling our sjieclaUty. CaU for transcDption and other (A P ) — TlieTSw flnnlnnM A mIM erican rica n KENNETH FTXIOZIK Hartford, of 33 Conn., Cot- IN TH E varied duties. ExceUent RAIN,'' 1968 CADILLAC Sedan DeVUle, JUNK cars removed, 810 per J'’®®. . p o r t^ oaU of the last UB. pas- have filed apidicatioo dated Jaau- car. Call 876-6389, ask for Dave plumblhg or heating problems workih^ conditions and' lib­ senMr abto on the East Coast wU" the Uquor control APPLY 81,600. CaU 649-2120 days, 648- BMsy 1 J ^ Ccramlflsloii for a Restaurant Liquor or jobs. 649-3871. )) 0118 evenings, and weekends. or leave message. eral employe benefits. For tuts D6GH CftnCGl6Cl DGC&U06 GK Permit for the sale of alcoholic appointment caU Mrs. Pet­ expected union picketbur. liqufn* on the premises, 10 Bast HEIATTNG, Cooling, sheet metal 1968 RAMBLER, 2-door sedan, erson, 628-9861. Tile uracerinu*m unesTJtiAa* ».».5Lii pantaftititn busfciesa Manchester, will beConn. owned by iEhanltt^ ifaraJUi 1-23 6 cylinder, automatic. Good Hoiusuhgld SuSarvteos and ventilation work. Gas An equal opportunity employer. Rosa, now on a fareweU CUib- k A p. lo E^ Center st.. I electric (dl fired furnaces. bea n cru ise , w a s sch sd u lod to ^ Oyn.^, wui ^ 5 *^ o - condition. Best otter. CaU 647- o i m « d 13-A 13 BIS8ELL STREET 1171. Humidifier and electronic air -^Ist - diverifl^ iTSTe h^Tfinid American stop o W (S&e^ge PRISCILLA’S POP 6Y AL VERBiBfiR cleaners. At your local Trane- clerical duties at a private mHU A w 8:3(«, aU ^ d hoUday^ m ^ "c'oislsten^y. p.m. 8S1B Ann- 0762. com pany benefits. 8100. Con- ^ AMERICAN LEGION HAU ALL,«?eB-. vice, carpets, floors, walls, tact Mrs. Matthews, Eastco, 08 Ze AMERICAN LEGION ROAD C^N-r R6AP/ 1968 RED, SEDAN VoUui- windows, waUpaper and paint­ Leggett St., East Hartford, MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT wagen, fo o d condition. 81,8*6- ing. Throughout day or night. 40,000 m iles. CaU 648-7449 af­ Painting— Papwrifig 21 Conn., 838-6881. TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 — 8:00 P.M. LITTLE SPORTS BY BOUSON Also office cleaning services. EXHIBITION FROM 6 PJd. UNTIL TM E OF HAI.E Caa> 71 0«ai ^eS^ ter 8 p.m ; OaU 64SJ1849. R N e r L f N ■«« U 8. Pw. Ot '.TOStePH P. LEWIS — Custom WOMAN wanted fo r fuU o r port- Included are: Sin>ER KIRMANS, IMPERIAL KESHANS, CONTRACT 8AROUK8, Painting, Interior and exterior, time retaU work. ExceUent fi­ 8 to 11, One day p er Week $ 5 0 N . i a i , , 0 1969 BUICK station wagon, Sky­ ROYAL PALACE QUMES, ROYAL BOKHARA. Also, HUNTINa CARPETS, VASE 1 7 ^ lark, power steering and paperhanging, fuUy Insured. nancial future. CaU M r. Os­ AND GARDEN OF FLOWERS CiARPETS, PRAYER RUGS, KAZVIN, HAMEDAN, brakes, 84,000 mUes. »3,800. ' BMMkng— For free estimates caU 649- borne, 742-6682 fo r interview. Manchaifr Manor INDO CHINESE. INDO SOVANNERIE, BORJALOO, BEL0UCHB8TAN, LURISTAN, 14 9658. If no answer 648-6362. oom SHIRAZ, AFGHANS. SADDLS^AGS, MESHED, TURKISH,. ANATOLIAN, KURDI­ OaU 649M93: Contraering ______SEVERAL assembly women for Nurring H 888 W ; C en ter SL I STAN, ABADEH, NAIN, HjlDO IMPERIAL. Also Included are unique antlquea. 199T CXJIVnNA OT, low mile- ALL TYPES of stone and con- INSIDE—outside painting. light bench work needed at AGENTS A BROKERS: Globe Trading Exchange Oo., Inc. \ age cftliv white with black In- crete work. AU work guaran- clal rates for people on over ce. 68. P lease e^iplY lu person. Manchester AUCTIONEER: Arthur Bennett with cooperation of Mahonuned Mlzanl terlOT 4-speed transmlsslan. teed. Out of season rates. CaU ' CaU my competiton,Engineered then McaU etals, 10 HUUard 646JH39 TERMS; Cash or Check i-xt - f CaU irnTrm after 8 p.m , after 8, 648-1870 or 644-3978. m e. Estlm atea given.St. 649-7868.



Aparfm nk— Flats—• Housos For Rant 68 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sole 72 For Sale 72. Out of Town ' MANCHESTER For Sale 75 Tanomonts 63 c o Ve NTRY — Five - room Ranch, two' bedrooms. $176 BEBRrSlRLD ' n e w l y w e d o r Offered by the VERNON CLASSIFIED THREE • ROOM Apartment, Manchester RETIRED heat, stove and refriger^dr, meadllne lor Saturday and Monday !• 4:80 p.m. Frlda;i Estate Associates, 643-6129. e e • • W n a r r o w s and WAUACE Co. amendment when it came to his tion by the men. ISs second ROCKVILLE, Nice 8 • room 4-4 Built 1961, good condl- B & W on first floor. Three large bed- Manchester Paricade desk, someone gently pointed meeting this week had a much DELiTlXE one-bedroom apart­ apartment, heat, hot water, dltion. $29,900. BARROWS and WALLACE C3o. rooms up. targe screened M anchester 649-6306 out that* unlike bills, constitu- more conciliatory tone, POUR COOPERATION W IIX m A I AA9 Manchester Parkade ^ porch. Beautiful grounds. Sled BE APPRECIATED l # I A L I I ment, wall - to - wall carpet­ stove and refrigerator. $126. tional amendments can be neith- MeanwhUe, Meskill is wlden- ing throughout, complete ap­ Adults CHily, no pets, security 4-4 V ery large, good Income. Manchester 649-6806 traU for diU'dren. Stone walls, COVENTRY Summer cot­ er signed nor vetoed by a gov- ing his control over the state pliances, vanity bath. Central­ deposit required. 643-9678. Newer. $33,900. etc. Part o< land is extra tage, unique log cabin styling. emor. bureaucracy, putting his own NINE-ROOM custom built Gar­ buUdliig lot of record, 102x600’. High wooded lot. Four rooms, ly located. $176 monthly. R. D. 6-6 Duplex — Cream puff. rison” Colonial 2400 sq. feet, 4- When the governor expressed people—some of them inexpe- Conrinuad From Precading P090 M urdock, 643-2692. ROCKVILLE — 8 Regan St., carpeting. Some finniw»itig Must be seen. $42,900. bedrooms, office, 2% baths, NEW LISTING Overslsed the intMition of taking an Air rienced to their fields—to charge new 4-room, 2-bedrodm, first available. $9,900. Hayes Agen­ double garage, carpeting. National Guard irfane down to of the various departments and Situations Wontod— Gardan- LUXURIOUS 6-room Town- floor unit, in brick building, Garrison Colonial, less than cy , 6464)181. , . . 38 Dairy Products 50 house, sunken living room, total electric, built-in oven FRECHETTE REALTORS Hayes Agency, _ 646-0181. one year old. ciwner trans- Washington for a meeting 'with agencies. ferrsd. Eight romna, 2% baths, VERNON -- Seven-room mod- the secretary of transportation. Hie MesklU style of govern- shag carpeting, private base­ range, refrigerator, disposal, MANCHESTER AND VICINITY WILXi care for children in my APPLES for sale—Courtlands, ment and one-car garage. One basement laundry and storage. 647-9993 first-floor famUy room .with em Colonial, like new, IH someone else notified him that ance appears to be a personal I' licensed ^ome days, Hebnm- Delicious and McIntosh. Voipe 6-6 duplex, 2-car garage. fireplace, formal dlidng room, the plane could be used only for rather than a formal one. You of Manchester’s most exclu­ Adults only, no pets, $146 per Separate heating systems. baths, large lot. Attached ga­ < ‘*1 Bolton area, 646-0089. Farms off Birch .Mountain Rd. sive. $230 monthly. Call War­ month rent, $146 lease secur­ 4 bedrooms, aluminum sldtog, rage. Priced right. CiaU the miUtary-related trips. don’t apptont people primarily Only $2,900 down. to VoIpe Rd. Bolton. ren E. Howland, Realtor, 643- ity. Call James J. Qessay, at LUDLOW RD. — Contemporary 2-car garage. ExceUeht neigh­ Mitten Agency, R ealtors, 648- They were Just a couple oT because of their professional BABYSITTING in my licensed 1108. 876-0184. Redwood. Builder's home. IMMACULATE — 6-room borhood. $48,600. minor incidents recently that c'redentlEds; you ap^nt people home. South l^dsor area. Three bedrooms (space two Cape. Garage. Close to pointed up the fact that Gov. you know and trust, and assume Call 644-2846. Household Goods 51 Ma n c h e s t e r — nie car- h e b r o n — Five room apart- RAISED RANCH—7 rooms, 8 BOLTON — Custom 6-room additional), 2% baths, ca^et- churches, shoK>lng and bus. Hiomas J. MeskUl is really not that they wlU soon become con- riage House, 3H-room apart­ ment available immediately, or 4 bedrooms, 2H baths, fam­ brick Ranch on two parkUke SEWING machine. Singer rig Ing, all appliances. Heavily ment, with all appliances and heat, and stove fumiriied. Call ily room, 2-car garage, large acres, 2-car garage, 2 baths, very fsmiUsr with state govern- versant with their agency and sag, in cabinet, slightly used, wooded lot. $67,600. Peter A. ASSUMABLE mortgage of in a beautiful residential area. 228-9300. lot 176x800’ central air-condi­ finished famUy room. The best ment. its problems. Situations Wanted— monograms, button holes, Thom e, 640-6281. > $164 monthly on this 6%- MeskUl has served as a may- It’s a different style from $180 monthly. Call Warren E. (D 1*71 nea. Im . room Ranch with 18’ mas­ tioning. of everything. CaU to see. hems, etc. Originally over $300 HEBRON — 4-room apartment or of New Britain. MeskiU has that of former Gov. John N. M ole 39 Howland, Realtor, 643-1108. MANCHESTER — Keeney St. ter bedroom. Immaculate Hayes A gency, 646-0181. now only $62. Easy term s. 622- available, heat and stove fur­ CIRCA 1848—Federal Colonial— served as a congressman. Now Dempsey, who had a tendency. HUSBAND and wife team will area. Immaculate 6 year old, throughout. 0931. Dealer. THREE-ROOM, first floor, re­ nished. Call 228-9300. "Frankly, Richard, I'm relieved, your budget shows o big Six large rooms, fuU walk-up COVENTRY — Six-room-over- he’s occupying an office to the to promote people from within do Janitorial work part time 7-room Colonial. 1^ baths, ga­ stored Colonial. - Heat, hot ------deficit—/ want to talk to you about my budget!" ONLY $2,200 down on this attic, handy location. $26,900. size Cape. FuU shed dormer. State Oapitol that he had ne'ver the ranks. Dempsey had a great nights. Ebcperienced. Call 646- REETtIQERATOR — apart­ water,’ parking. Quiet profes- EAST Hartford — One and two- rage. Large lot., Assumable . (HeraM photo by Pinto) m ortgage. Asking $34,900. older 6-room Colonial. Ga­ BuUt-tos, baths, large even seen before he was elected appreciation of how the bureauc- 4167. ment sized, like new, $76. 30” slonal woman, _ preferred, bedroom apartments. Rental RANCH—7 rooms, fireplace to Frechette Realtors, 647-9993. rage. roonu, walk-out basement. last November, racy could protect him if he gas stove, $36. Aluminum References. 643-2171 until 6 includes heat, hot water, fiiM floor paneled famUy room, ECHS Players Perform Tonight, Tomorrow doors, 32x80, 36x80, $10. each. M id 20’s. Hayes Agency, 649 Unlike many previous gover- protected It. p.m . f range, refrigerator and many m anc h t e r off kitchen with sUdtog glass Marian Humphrey, cast as Sheriff Battleaxe Annie, wrongfully accused "will be revealed in the East 643-2466 evenings or 643-1442. Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sole 72 ^ ^ Vernon St. 0181. nors, MeskiU has no service to MeskUl, who is not so dlffer- Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 other extras. 289-3730, 289-4002. area, new custom built 7-room doors to patio, two fuU baths, breaks the news to Sarah and Hiram Abernathy, Catholic High School Players’ performances of the LUXURIOUS 6-room . town- WEST Middle Turnpike. . ."C” SEVEN-ROOM Raised Ranch, PASEK the state legislature under his ont from Dempsey to many oth- CLEAN, USED refrigerators, four- Raised Ranch, 3 or 4 bed­ one off master bedroom, mod­ VERNON — New listing ’’ 8- played by Vanessa Hagenow and Steve Packard, old-fashioned melodrama, “The Curse of an Aching AKC regristered silver minia­ house, sunken living room, ROCKVILLE — Large zone. Large six and six duplex with two-car g:arage, three em kitchen, formal dining room SpUt Level, 8 bedroom s, belt. He is now presiding over er ways, is feeling his way into ranges, automatic washers room apartment, available rooms, large cathedral ceiling 289-7476 Realtors 646-4678 that the masked bandit is in town. Lucius Good- Heart” or “Trapped in a Spider’s Web,” tonight and ture poodles, innoculated and shag carpeting, private base­ on comer lot. One side vacant. large bedrooms, 1% baths, room . kitchen with buUt-tos, fire­ that level of government—the the Job of governor. No eburses with guarantees. See them at March 1st. Stove, refrigera­ living room, floor to celling tomorrow night in the school auditoium at 8:15. wormed, bred for tempera­ ment. One of Manchester’s Garages. Tremendous location fireplace and carpeted living place, finished den, one-car ga­ enough, portrayed by Patrick Farrell, is immedi­ state level—with which hi is are available to qualify a person B. D. Pearl's Appliances, 649 tor, large yard. $130. Utilities fireplace, 2 large baths, glass EAST CENTER ST. — Excel- ment. 623-3829. most exclusive, $226 monthly. for home-office, etc. T. J. room, formal dining room. FIVE - BEIDROOM — Garriaon rage. Minimum down to quaU- ately suspect. \^ether he is 'the outlaw or has been Tickets may be obtained at the door. least familiar. for that Job. Hie only way any- Main St. Call 643-2171. not Included. 872-0369. sliding doors, 2-car garage, lent large 11-room home. Call Warren E. Howland, Real­ Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, com plete city utilities. $42,- Three baths, two fireplaces, Colonial, two years old. Fam­ fled buyer. $24,000. U & R Hils is not to say that MeskUl o*ie ever learned it—^no matter AKC registered wirehaired Ter- sm oBR touch and sew with tor, 643-1108. 649-2813. Uy room with fireplace, mod­ wlU not make a good governor, how much experience he might COLONIAL Modem kitchen. 000. U & R Realty, Inc. Rob­ oil heat, two large porches, Realty Inc., Robert D. Mur­ rier puppies, Innoculated, cabinet, ert D. Murdock, Realtor, 643- two-car garage. Approximate­ em kitchen, 8 baths, formal dock, R ealtor, 648-2602. Hiat depends on a lot of factors have had as a state legislator, wormed. 647-9039. ^TOOgr^s^ hei^, MANCHESTER — Half of two- dining room, ” living WOODBRIDGE ST. — vacant Wood-Carving Being Shown Bonds Rally embrolders, etc. Used, excel Wanted To Rent 68 24 2692 ly half-acre lot, C-zone. Shown dining room, 2-car garage, other than experience. But It Is or a governor’s aide, or a Ueu- family duplex, two bedrooms. room with fireplace and wall- -7-room Colonial- ...... with- 2-car ga- __ _ lent condition. Guaranteed. J______by appointment only. Charles aluminum sl:Ung. $89,960. BOLTON — Immaculate 2 tnie that MeskiU is going to re- tenant governor—the only way appliances included, $186 per to-wall carpeting. TTu-ee bed­ rage being offered for sale, on- IMMACULATE Ranch — seven bedroom Ranch, qyerzlzed ga­ Keeps P a ^ AKC registered male. Cocker Full price now $66 or 7 montt- p , ^ jjo^gan. Real- WANTED - Home to rent in room s, 1% baths, basement Lesperance, Realtor, 649-7620. IN-LAW APARTMENT — At­ In Netv York State Exhibit / quire some time to become ac- anyone ever learned, 'was hy ly1v paymentsnnviriAnta ofrtf $8.tfi 622-0476, **■''«** « ______n ly $24,900. Present owner will rooms, three bedrooms, car- rage, half-acre lot. Asking $19,- Spaniel puppies. Call 643-6640. tor, 649-4636. South W indsor,' 2 or 3 bed­ completely finished off, TV tached to this comfortable five- qualnted 'with the manifold On the Job Training, dealer. consider taking your house in peted living room and dining 4.6 ACRES, Colonial Cape, 8 600. Veterans, no money down. rooms, Flease c^ 668-63$0 -room,, large hobby and office room Ranch. Large lot. Fire- By MILES A. SMITH on cUpper ships, schooners and workings of the state bureaucra- And that’s the 'way MeskUl is STUD services — Tiny Chihua- trade. T.J. Crockett, Realtors, room. Professionally finished rooms, family room, fireplace CaU the kOtten A gency, 643- W ith Rates ------— . . ------u-AiTTritr- MANCHESTER — Nice one- anytime. room, plus laundry and work­ jdace in Uvtog room, eat-in Associated Press' Arts Editor frigates, but 'when a decline hit cy. having to ieam. "Hiere are tiiose hua, also pedigreed Toy Fox bedroom apartment, first 643-1677. family room. Attached garage 2-car attached garage, trees, 6980, or 6499890.' NEW YORK (AP) — Wood New York’s shipbuilding todus- Washer and dryer, excellent shop area. $29,900. Philbrick kitchan, garage, extra carport NEW YORK (AP) _The ral- Meridll made it clear during who say that when he does Terrier. Call after 4 p.m ., 872- floor, private entrance. $160 WANTED — Three - bedroom on . approximately one acre beautiful land, pond. Hutchins CCIVENTRY — Three-bedroom carving, one of the nostalgicaUy try shortly before the OvU War condition. No installation need­ Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. COUNTRY CLUB area . . . and etorage shed. $20,000. ly to the bond market continued his campaign last year that he learn the Job thoroughly, he 6729. monthly, including heat and house, for family of five plus large nine room colonial near­ wooded lot. Merritt Agency, A gency, 640-6324. Raised Ranch under one-year charming aspects of 19th Cen- the carvers turned their talents ed. Reasonable. Call 628-8507. Realtor, 646-1180. during the past week as both the had mli«lvtogs about the way may be as difficult to dido(^ appliances. Paul W. Dougan, dog. References available. Call MANCHESTER — Four-bed- ing completion. Now is the ______^ ______$24,900. BUS LINE, 6-room THE UlATMATE to a Ram­ old 1% baths, flreplaced Uvtog tury folk art, is being shown this to show figures, discount and prime rates were the state bureaucracy was do- as Dempsey, whp retired unde- DACHSHUND puppies, nine Realtor, 649-4636. 668-2214. weeks, innoculated, mahogany, SOFA BEK>, two matching room home in forgotten price time to select your colors, etc. PRIVATE SALE‘, vastly land- Ranch, acre lot, waU-wall'car- bling Ranch home, abounding room, cathedral ceilings to winter at the small galleries of Hie exhibit also contains sev- lowered again by a quarter of a h « its Job. And .he has matjp feated after 10 years to office, 2 m ales, AKC, 876-6126. chairs, two-end tables. Excel- MANCHESTEIR — Newer two- range. $18,500. Imm ediate oc­ T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- scaped, 4 large bedrooms, 2 pet, plastered walls, screened with charm and perfection, nes­ both Uvtog and lining rooms, the Museum of American Folk eral eiiop signs, such as a bar- point each, according to the to- tt clear Mnce his inauguration ' cupancy. Wolverton Agency, tled high on a hlU with three fuUy carpeted, buUt-to kitchen. Art, under the tlUe erf "Carving her pole, scissors, a fish and a lent condition, two-years old. bedroom Garden type apart­ SPACE for studio lor artist, 1577. baths, in Manchester Green porch, garage, trees. Hutchins vestment banking firm of Balo- that he does not ffeel very com­ PluKlNGESE pupides — AKC, Realtors, 649-2813. acres. 2,800 square feet of Uvtog Bpariou" pcmeled flreplaced for Commerce.” two-foot molar advertising a Danish modem walnut stereo, ment. Available now. $196 heated, reasonable 643-2621. section. Spacious draped, car- Agency, 649-6^. mon Brothers. fortable 'with the leftover Demo- 11 weeks, paper trained, rea­ MANCHESTER — Oversized 7- area, 8H baths, swimming pool, famUy room Mid 80’s. 742- On display here through Feb. dentist’s skUIs. Blaze Destroys AM-FM radio, record player, monthly, including heat and MANCHESTER — Young Im­ room Cape in one of Manches­ peted dining room, sun filled ■ ^____ ^------IT. The terms of the Treasury cratic commissioners. He wants sonable. Call 649-4624. tw o-years old. 643-7449, moving carpeted kitchen, draped llv- EIGHT-ROOM Colonial, family garages. 9366 owner. 20, this show later wlU travel to A carver’s advertisement of appliances. Paul W. Dougan, maculate 2 family. Ceramic ter’s finer aresls. Spacious liv­ '______!- upstate New York, to Bingham- 1871 promoted show figures for prerefunding were weU re- to reidace every man, and he Fairfield Home, m ust sell. R ealtor, 649-4636. ing room with fireplace, huge thick wall-waU caipet- Investment Property baths, aluminum siding, sep­ ing room, dining room and paneled recreation room, stor- 2-car garage, beautiful MAJB8TIC new Garrison <3o- COVENTRY — Seven - room Syracuse, Ofloperstown, AI- “Segar stores. Wine A Liquors, ceived. Hie two new-notes is- wants to do it fairly soon, Articles For Sale 45 TWO - PIECE contemporary THREE—Large rooms, deluxe arate furnaces. $32,900. Own­ kitchen, 3 bedrooms, screened age space galore in full attic, wooded acre lot, $89,900. lonial to executive neighbor- oversized Cape. 1% baths, ga- and Yonkers, with the aid Druggists, Yankee notions. Urn- sued, the 4%-year bonds at 6% Hie trouble la that the bu- 170 Years Old For Sale 70-A er will finance. Helen D. Cole, porch, central fireplace, finish­ hood, family room with fire­ rage. Immaculate. Must be of a grant from the New York breUa, Clothing, Tea stores, per cent and the 7 year bonds at reaucracy can, if it widies, COFIEL’S ARCTIC Cat, Route walnut hutch, Uke new, $200. apartment, carpeting, air-con­ basement, cedar closet, Hutchins Agency, 649-6324. A six- Come look and see. Call 647- Realtor, 643-6666. ed rec room , 2-car g^arage, % place and- beamed celling on the seen. Upper 20’s. Frechette state CouncU for the Arts. Theatres, Gardens, Banks, In- 6% per cent, rose to premiums make a governor look alUy on FAIBEIEID (AP) 83, East Glastonbury, 638-6622. ditioner, appUances, heated. Screened porch patio, outside a VERY Street. . .Custom built 1016. VL\NCHESTBR — bus'Jiess acre lot. Asldng $42,000. U & first floor, large flreplaced Uv­ R ealtors, 647-9993. Most of us have heard * **bam Hl^ School and a Euro-doUar rates declined. In appeared to them that'MeskiU caUed the fire department from ed radiators, (blower type) ca brick-a-brac, locks, frames, system, five garages plus. Ex­ Only $39,900. Hayes Agency, the Mitten Agency, Realtors, ity construction, 10% down or financing available. CaU 7 :30- York City_ ____ alone, and others<»U>ers r^ectsreflecte the tiie Influenceli^uence theytoey had 1 ^ graduate of Manchester glassware. We buy estates. Eldridge Co. dock Realtor, 643-2692. the ' last three weeks, most was aUowtog no exception to the a neighbor’s telephcme. pable of heating warehouse, cellent income opportunity. 646-0131. 643-6930 or 649-9890. any other type financing avail- 8:16 a.m. and 6:804 p.m. 742- bam or garage, etc. Contact Village Peddler, Auctioneer, CoUege, is em- The house was located at 3661 7-ROOM DUPLEX, two chil­ Wolverton Agency, Realtors, EXCELLENT 6619. 420 Lake St., Bolton. 649-8247. MANCHESTER — Nice older BUCKLEY School area —large value — Large able. T. J. Crockett Realtor, PHILBRICK Olenders Body Shop, 704 Tal- 649-2813. living room, dining room, hnmnd ol tli.m WL OrUlmlly the century they tied Mien Into SoM ie^l^ » to US ttoolo ptdnte. ReddtogJM dren, no pets. Security deposit. home, first-floor family room, 8*/4-room Ranch. Three or four 643-1577 or our Tolland office. cott'vUle R d., R ockville, 876- kitchen, sunporch, three bed­ ______1. __1 B a t a t a 77 they coet perhaps $26 or $60 and oblivion. Hartford FoUowtog a strong opwitog, it was, did 2617. WANTEH) — antique furniture, Call 649-2130. TWO, yes, two brick profession­ three bedrooms, garage. Ex­ bedrooms, two baths, paneled difficult rooms, walk-in closets, one 875-6279. Wanted— Real Estate 77 coUectore have The exhibit was dir^t^ by the U. S. Coast the raUy to the corporate bond ***®*,® glass, pewter, oil paintings or tra B-zoned lot included. Total family room with fireplace, AGENCY Badge Burglar FIVE-ROOM apartment, avail­ al buildings op large tract. cedar lined. Two-car garage. ALL CASH for your property paid 60 to 100 times those fig-/two experte-^ertert W. Hem- stationed at Governor’s market slowed when a $609mU- tar their boas, ey want to. FREE WHEBLB — buy new other antique items. Any quan­ Room for another building pos­ price, $32,000. Paul W. Dou­ separate children’s playroom, tity. The Harrison’s, 643-8709, able February 1st. One small Centrally located. Only $24,600 within 24 hours. Avoid red ures for specimens in good con-/ phill, one of the first tp^ees or y jg ^ 1937 uon American Telephone deben- MeskUl has apparently been ROANOKE, Va. (AP) — snow tires, get new wheels sible. Ask for Mr. Belflore, gan, Realtor, 649-4636. laundry off kitchen, many ex­ NOTICE free. Cole’s Discount Station, 166 Oakland Street. child acceptable. $110 monthly, Philbrick Agency, Realtors, REALTORS tape, instant service. Hayes dltlon.tion. ' inethe Museum, miuand ^FredertcK » v* graduate o f Glastonbury High tore issue was aimounced . for becoming more keenly aware Hilevee sUpped into a banquet Realtor, 647-1413. tras. Short walk to school and Board of Tax Review for 461 West Center St., Manches­ plus security depict. Call 646- MANCHESTER — New 8-room 646-4200. Agency, 646-0181, The tobacconlats w ere not the Fried, teacher and researcher. , n n±t«nded Cbn- irsninniiirv Yields on new that the state government is haU Friday night and made off WANTED — Fieldstone, wUl 4366. Hartford bus. $32,600. Call Town of Andover will be in ter, 643-6832. Colonial, 4 bedrooms, first Warren E. Howland, Realtor, gy FOOT RANCH, beamed celT- session on the following dates buy by load or whole wall. We floor family room, formal liv­ ' 8ELLINQ your home or acre­ adjoining FRANKLIN Fireplaces easy to pick up. Call after 6 p.m., 643- MANGH^’IER j —^Flve ^large H ouses Sale 72 643-1108. ing. fireplace, paneling, bay P ” “ =« B u lld ^ to 646-4200 ing room, large dining room, age? For prompt friendly ser- ______- _____ *1*® install, many models to choose 1870 o r 644-2976. rooms, on second floor. Range vice, caU Louis Dlmook Real- tera. The'exWWt contains two This is a show that teUs us and refrigerator. Excellent lo- MAIN Street. . . Business zon- roomy kitchen with built-ins, M a n c h e s t e r - w ■ '“‘."r' 'T "’ years. 1 ^ se^^ed discount meeting with repreeentatives of Fraternal Order of PoUce. from. Also prefab chinmeys. 2^i baths, stone fireplace, 2- ty. Realtors, 6499828. aozen figures, including braves that years ago there were prim- -cation. Adults. $166 No lease. ed. Two family flat where MANCHESTER — If you miss and recent corporate IsAies ral- ______— ______—Hie Brick Oven Country Store, ■ downstairs has been convert­ car garage. Asking $46,000. U home. $7,200 assumes 6 p e r ______“ ” ______P-m this one, you miss a real value, ------^ and squaws, an acrobat. Punch, itlve sculptors exerciring a Call 628-6762. Saturday, Feb. 6, 10 a.m . - BZZZZ in and see our busy Bea. racetrack dandies. trade that would surface again lied 1 to 2 points more for the Route 6, Andover, Conn. 228- R o o m S W it h o u t B o a r d 5 9 ed to doctor’s office. Prime lo­ & R Realty, Inc., Robert D. cent mortgage. $116 pajrments LAST:Chance — to buy a new beautiful aluminum sided Rai-^ 2 p.m . We’re ready, wiUtag and able carvings Include four in the 1960’s under the label of third consecutive week. 0036. ______THREE rooms and tile bath, cation, many uses. Priced to Murdock, Realtor, 643-2602. include principle Interest, tax- home at South Farms, effec­ sed Ranch with all erf the THE THOMPSON House —Cot­ Monday, Feb. 8, 7:30 p.m. - 9 to assist . ..— ------occu r to Offspring Offers Next week’s calendsur will be Packable second floor, refrigerator and sell at under $30,000. T. J. — ___ — ::------es. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. tive February I, 1971, $1,000 amenities for gracious family you m uie sale or flgur^eads-the largest a “Pop Art." It may 8 2 5 6 ^ 26 W(X>DEN store display tage St., centrally located, MANCHESTER, 9 - room re­ p.m . purchase of your property. - . ^ armor, 8% feet tall— some visitors that the Pop art- heavy—about $600 mlUlon. H ie range, heat and hot water in­ Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. price increase on all models. Uvtog. 8 bedrooms, baths, 1911 counters, 6’, 6’, and 8’, with large pleasantly furnished stored authentic colonial Cape, $27,900 — SIX-ROOM Raised George Munson Make a Bea Une our way and eagles that were dls- iste of the 1960’s need not have Wig For Father February calandBu: now stands cluded. Adults, no pets. Refer­ Merritt Agency, Realtor, 646- base shelves, ideal for work rooms, parking. Call 649-2868 3% tiled baths, country kitch­ Ranch. Fireplace, built-ins, 2- Chairman family room with fireplace, at almost $1.8 blUlon. ences, security; ' parking, MANCHESTER — Center of 1180. C. B. Home we’U give you Immediate cash jayed over pilot houses, a God- been so cynically sure they • benches, display coimters, gift, for overnight and permanent en with fireplace and all car garage. Hutchins _ Agency, carpeted Uvtog room and din­ for your property. Keith Real ^ Uberty and the portrait were making fun of commercial MIAMI (AP) — Hie three TTie m unicipal m arket contin­ Across from East Side Rec, town, ideal starter home. Im- S. Gasper ing room, fuUy equipped Ut- children of William E. MOore, hardware and discount stores. guest rates. maculate condition inside and built-ins. Acre lot. Exquisite - R ealtors, 649-6324. Estate, 6491922, 646-4126. of a shipowner. art. It has been around for a ued to raUy. Bidding for new Is­ 1 5 ^ School St. ' '______M cben; 2-car garage. Priced to who has been bald for 13 of his $15 each and up. 649-9963. out. LOW, low 20’s. Wolverton must be seen. Hayes Agency, Hie riiip carvingrs were used long time, sues was again aiggreasive. New FURHISHED rooms,, color TV, RANCH — in town with sever­ seU to today’s market at $39,- SELLING your home or prop­ Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. 646-0131. THE PROVEN carpet cletmer continental breakfast includ­ al fine features including cen­ 900. F or an appointment to erty? CaU Fred Tongren Real Blue Lustre is easy on the ed, weekly and monthly sea­ Furnished 406 KEENEY ST. —Beautiful DUNCAN RD., new 6-room Co- tral air-conditioning and a fine FOR RENT inspect caU Doris Smith, Jar­ Estate, 638-0488. munlcaUons to show that to opt for the life (rf a nun is to make a ^,g^,y gituii decUnlng to the lowest yield lev- budget. Restores forgotten sonal rates. Fiano’s Motor lonial, large breezeway 2-car landscaped lot. Heritage vis Realty Ck>. Realtors, 648- Apartments 63-A Ipcation, 8 rooms, 2 unfinished, IP you are thinking of buying British Nuns colors. Rent electric sham- Inn, 646-2803. $32,000. Call 643-0669. garage. Tile bath, buUt-ins, House, 646-2482. 1121. decision for Hfelong Involve- Khthy, BUly and Steidien 1" «>v®*' “■ Y®®** “***^ *• BRICK AND BLOCK BUILDING or selling a home, give Jarvis ment with the problems beset- M^ore took their dad to a hfiaml Hie volume for aU of February pooer $1. Paul’s Paint & Wall- ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, ANDOVER fireplace, plastered walls, city _ 4^-room furnirfi- RANCH — Brand new utiUties, large lot. Built by ASSUMABLE mortgage — De- MANCHESTER Industrial zone Realty a call. One of our com­ T oT eU W orld ting the society of the day. Beach wigmaker BHday and now stands at $6.6 bilUoa. paper Supply. Up'to 3,700 square feet, Will subdivide square footage to petent associates wlU be gentleman, private entrance, ed apartment, heat, hot water ^nd waiting for decoration. Ansaldi. Charles Lesperance, slrable 3-bedroom Ranch. 2-car lesser lots to suit tenant. Industrial and business zoned. 9temUy house, exceUent busi- "Today’s nuns are free to go matched while he got his first ------ROYAL portable typewriter, shower bath, free parking, included. 742-9117. Six weU planned rooms, to 649-7620. garage. Wooded lot. JoUy large Close to Parkade, Banks, Poet Office and Shopping Center. nesa oppertunlty. High traffic pleased to asslat you. CaU Bea out, to Uve in a mnall house or ntung. excellent ccmdltion, $86. CaU Apply 196 Spruce St., Man- -— ------eluding three bedrooms, for------—----- _ __— ______kitchen, flreplaced living count, good condition. CnH MlUette, or Doris Smith, at 643- O f Order flat. Nuns are no longer cut off Katiiy, a tenth grader, BiUy, C h e ste r. STAFFORD — four rooms, $140 Breed of Crocs 643-2466. mal dining room and kitchen »17,900 2-BEDROOM RANCH, room , 14x21, screened porch now. $81,600. Hayes Agency, 1121. from the worid. an eighth grader, and cBxth- ______!______monthly. Call between 7:30- By DONALD M. MoNIOOLL With buUt-tos, two baths, two- large lot, large shade tree, as­ fuU width o f house. All for Francis E. Boland Agency 6490U1. "Old-style uniforms have been grader Stephen referred to the Revives in Pool WlGB — Falls Hairpieces, ROOM FOR girls, kitchen prlv- 8:16 a.m. and 6:30-6 p.m. 742- sume m ortgage, $116.47 per less than $20,000. Keith Real Associated Press Writer largely abandoned In^avor of toupee only as "It,” and ex­ car garage. Wolverton Agen­ 316 BROAD STREET ° wlg cases, stands, etc. Limited lieges, 467 Forbes St., East 6619. month. Hutchins Agency Real­ Estate, 172 East Center St„ LONDON (AP) — Twenty Ro- contemporary dress. The short plained 'What “It” was aU about. EVERtJLADES NATIONAL HarUord, 668-7068. cy, Realtors, 649-2813. 643-1663 MANCHESTER Five Injured • quantity. Very reascHiably tors, 649-6324. 649-1922, 646-4126. — man Catholic nuns in Britain yell and ring remain to signify "He wouldn’t buy it for Wm- p ia r K, FlA. (A!P) — A rare priced. 646-1442. FOREST HILL AREA!! are to become "communicatiens the sister’s consecration, FURNISHED Ug^t housekeep­ 36 TIMROD RD. —Seven-room "Clean as a vdilsUe" 9bed- self, because he's not so vain, so breed of crocodUes vanldilng ing room, for middle-aged or Business Locations Colonial, 2 fireplaces, screen­ In S ik orsk y sisters.” “But the old image takes a we had to buy it for him,” Ka- from southern Florida are being room Ranch new to the mar­ Hiey 'wlU remain nuns, but long time to disappear. Just as thy said. "We dem’t 'want him shrimp and bugs and nursed CLOTHINQ, furniture and mis- working lady. Call Mm . For Rent 64 ed porch with carpeting, large ket. 2 baths, waU-to-waU ’ M orse, 648-6388. family room, extra large their main duty wlU be to teU the Church today is considered looking old, that’s why.” in a pTartc wadii^pool by a re- ceUaneous. CaU 6 4 6 -0 7 2 4 . ______MAIN STREET office space, carpeting, buUt-tos and ga­ Copter Crash the public—qnd other nuns—a- by many to be totally Irrele- Kathy admitted she first gearoh biologist who hes to kitchen with appliances, waU- Last Chance at Today's rage. Job transfer dictates SORRY SAL is now a merry RUUM to private- home, free 100 per cent location near bout the 260 religious orders of yant, so are the reli^ous «w- thought W9-1972. Marlow’s, 867 Main St. professionally landscaped, BEL-CON LAUNDERMAT ! crash landing in a residential with newspapers, magazines, will try to bridge the great in- dad needed "It” more. / American crocodiles and now Variety Store. many other extras. Priced low Manchester area- street intersecQmi here radio and television. Hiey plan f*«** handling preas and related between the nuns and the mass LA (PUEINTE, CalU. (A P ) — No one______knows how many of BUILDINa MATERIALS, suit- Donald’s restaurant, 2 offices, MANCHESTER — Three-bed- •k Year Round Comfort-air k Lots of Free Mother and daughter 'will ” ’°*** Townhouse. IH tiled each approximately 400 square room Ranch on a deep and QUALITY BUHVT HOMES IN A DOUBLE ”AA” LAND — Coventry treed one- nicked the roof of the home of htform®*!**^ the Soclefy of media. Things Just weren’t get- Lawson Heacock, the dog-loving thi»"poli^-8^t r o a r s ' are 5465 able for cottage or additions. SUBURBAN SETTING WITH ALL CITY UTILITIES Parking k L a rg e Folding Counters k Stereo the Holy ChUd Jesus at Harro- ting th ro u ^ 'wtn compliments when half acre. Lake 'view. $8>BOO. gnd Mrs. Edgar Harper mailman who hid Brigetto, the pjyg including an 11-foot wearing these match- . r^to*’*. vanW ?***• Newly carpeted including wooded lot. Large Uvtog room. Music Light, Bright Motif Lovely Lounge gate, Yorkshire. She is a history toy poddle, in his bag when the female, were found in the lengths; 6’ high 'windows, mul- two alr-c(siditioners, private heat, electricity and air-cmidi- dining room and attached ■ ga- Choose from: RANCHES, CAPES, RAISED RANCHES, k k ToUand — acre treed, $8,000. ,.g^i«ing minor damage to the mates! No. 8266 with This soft slipper in easy- basement. Washer and dryer graduate, and has comirieted dog catcher patroUed the neigh- Everglades, Klukas said. One Uons and stogies. 1-429-8106 af­ tioning. New building. Rent rage. Buckley School. Low COLONIALS, with many different variatims. Area k Completely Carpeted Ve:riian high scenic acre, house. PHOTO-GUIDE is in Sizes knit is made in a jiffy hookup. G.E. appUances and courses in press relations, radio (AP )—Medi- borhood, has made peace with gm-ygy revealed about 100 in 10 to 18 (bust S2Vi-40). and so easy to carry ter 6 p.m . $176 monthly fcH* each office. 20’s. Wolverton Agency, Real- $6,900. Hayes Agency, 6490181. Harpers ^ d three of their LOB ANGl gas heat. CSiarles Lesperance, Come see our models or {dans, to choose the home that and Revision techniques. unable to *1*® P®®* Office Department. ______Size 10, 32% bust . . . 3 when travelling . ; . one Call o r write owner, Stoddard to r s ,'049-2818. DOUBLE LOAD WASHERS five children were in the house cal authorities are their former habitat areas from 649-7620. fits your family needs. \ MANCHESTER — ExceUent hut "Even nuns themselves did not cope With the “absolutely epl- Finnan Blscayne Bay south. yards of 45-ineh. No. slipper packs inside ^ e Investment Inc. 740 - North AA zone lot, half acre phiz, ***■**• •*** know what was going on in oth­ _ __ 8267 w ith FBOT04UIDB is other. No. 6466 has knit BUY AT TODAY’S PRICES FOR SPRING DBLpiERY BIG BOY WASHERS Fuel and Feed 49-A I^JOI^DIQ for anything to real- Jlaln St., IVest Hartford, 232 ooia .—* Da—ni. Lakewood Cbrcla. area, city w^ Injured. g,er religious orders,” riieshe ob-ob­ state •** concentrate on maU in Sizes 3 to 8 years. directions for one size to Raised Ranch. Two fireplaces, eases In California, the state Size 4 . . . 1% yards. fit all. estate rental - apartments, 4867. B nA ers protected, utUiUes, CaU ' Mr. Zlimner, persona were idoitlfi- served.ggryed. "W ”We e hope hope this this 'wlU wlU ^ uvn deUvery in the future in ex- two garages, gorgeous private SUPER QUICK DRYERS TWO 8EPABATE PATTERNS. H M 10$ Is sdsc fw I homes, multiple dwellings, no J D Real Estate Associates. ®^ by the Slkdndcy ^Aircraft Do. change now. One basic problem P**bUc health director »y s. djgnge for an agreement by CJonvict Drives O ff lot. Ebcecutive area. Exclusive PRICES START AT *31.900 Pattern* avaHabla

SATURDAY, JAITOARY 28, 1871 PA^E SirrEEN iianrl?P0tpr .^iitmins 1|pralii . The Junior, mgh Class Of the Nutmeg Forest, Tall CedMS Boys To Conduct Vernon, will discuss "Friend­ About Town Second Congregational Church of Lebanon, will initiate candi­ ship"; Wayne Post, Marll sa v e o n OOVQH -will meet Monday at 3 p.m. at dates at its hieetlng Mkmday at borough will deal with "For- ] AMD OOU) BnflDDnill C O C O Church Service CJ) UJ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long, the church. 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Tem­ glvqness." msoDUNT m o m i ^ P ill p l p p p The Baby Has forlnerty of Jordt St., are ple. During the meeting, Fhrest Eight teen-age boys of the Greg Post of Marlborough | X <1. spending the winter in Arizona. Community Baptist Churcb activities for the year will be Church of Christ, at Lydall and will offer the benediction. They will return in the spring Junior Choir will rehearse to­ announced. After refreshments, Vernon Sts. will conduct the 6 . The boys suggested and re­ ARTMUII m M i morrow at 4:30 p.m.; the Youth a film, sponsored by the Mw- quested this arrangement. The | I to their home at Crystal Lake. p.m. worship service tomor­ ^ CO Been Named Over Now Year’s, they took a Choir will rehearse at 5 :46. chester branch of Southern New row. service is < ^ n to the public. r-T-^ trip to Califomla and danced to England Telephone Co., will be Leading the congregational - 1 - ^ ’ the Lawrence Welk Orchestra. Campbell Council, K of C, will shown. singing will be Bruce Risley ot i ' i p I It They obtained Welk’s, autograph observe Lecturers night Mon­ 18 Woodland St., Alan Kopp of as well as autographs from day at 8 p.m. at the K o ^ Home. * 1 ! !l' < iliil'iir I ill- ^ 1 Ss-SS BJ'S « sl'? Philip' Woodrow ol the Com­ 21 UndSn PI., Rockville will other musicians in the band. Slides of the Coming Glass Co. SsmpwHi, SaniJMM Madeleine, daughter ol Clayton Jr. munity Baptist Church will con­ give the scripture reading and OPEN and Nancy McFarland Sampson, IH Sheridan Rd., Ehifleld. will be shown with a commen­ duct a service at the Green Mike Freeman erf 1 McNall St. She was bom Dec. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her The mgh School Group for tary by Hugh Ward, lecturer. Lodge Home tomorrow at ' 2 will lead the prayer. WESTOWlf maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McFarland. Gradeitrades 9 -1 2 of St. Mary's p.m. Kenneth Cusson of 45 Hamlin 92 Barry Rd., Manchester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. Episcopal Church will meet to­ The VFW Auxiliary will con- St. will assist with the com- ALL DAY PHARMACY and Mrs. Clayton O. Sampson Sr., Brooklyyn, N. T. Her ma­ morrow at 7 p.m. to ccHitlnue uct a recreational program The High School Coffee Break mtmi<« service. •s '.iiiisiiJ !i) \§\: ternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harpt, St. plana for a Saturday Night pro­ Monday for about 75 patients of St. Mary's Episcopal Church Three of the young men will v l l Petersburg, Fla. gram. at the Connecticut Valley Hospi­ will meet tomorrow after the 9 present t h e sermon built « «4 « * tal in Middletown. Those plan­ a.m. service to begin "What is around the theme "Christian SUNDAY Vaohon, Laurence Paul, sire Owen, 20 Grove St, Rockville. He was bom Jan. 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital, m s maternal gmndparents are ★ Men’s Sweaters Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gregolre Sr., East Hartford. His paternal ^★ ladies Dresses grandparents are Mrs. Mildred Tharret, 118 Cooper S t, Man­ X chester, and Marvin Owen Sr., Paterson, N. J. He has two brothers, Marvin HI, 5H, and Brett, 4. «i *1 *< *1 « 3 g |Fjfii*||§s8s pg|g J§s§g| OUson, David James, son of IKdlUam J, Jr. and Barbara Sisstm Gilscn, 41 Glenn Rd., East Hartford. He was bom Dec. Men's and Big Boys' b 1 . I I S f l l - . * * s | I I I 1 C i> ^ g < 1 5 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal gran^or- "iSY M.i I 'T' 2 ? o ents are Mr. and Mrs. James Sisson, Braintree, Mass. His pa­ KRINKLE PATENT t:; c n ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Gilson Sr., Yar­ A P if I mouth, Mass. STEP-INS 4. H y,i li! UJ g QQ Rankin, Daniel Cbiistoplier, son of Theodore and Ann !ii| fi Morran Rankin, 235 Benedict Dr., South Windsor. He was bom Reg. if Jan. 6 at Manchester Memorial Hospital, m s maternal grand- 3.97 raother-ls Mrs. Alice Morran of Hartford. His paternal grand­ I ^3.00 lifill lilii ililiiiinf II lillslli iiiljei 3i5SisF§il lillll !§I§ll§ss -•'Handsome ralaea loe ana match­ aa parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gerard RanMn, Newington. He has ing decorative straps and buckles s ct Rss a two brothers, Teddy, 11, and Jimmy, 6; and a sister, Maryann, on the comfort-gored vamp. Sizes •a asa .a 9. 7-12. ^

MEN'S % c o n o N PLAZA DEPT. STORE 10 0 "BAR-ZIM" (We Have A Notion To Please) THERMAL THERMAL BOUNCE BOWL MATCHBOX CARS "Models of YesteryMur" E. MIDDU: TPKE. (Next to Popular MaAet) 4a sa!i(iij^ii|»!! "IE OPEN WED., THURS., FBI. till • UNDERWEAR DLANKETS GAME Hi lillllllillfllllllll aSlaaa^FSao i&i R o g . t o $ fssassssasassssu^sus assassaessasssssss^Rss RR 31 NEED A ZIPPER? *1.00 CR• ★ s^ R^ I« R «D ROk “•S3saaaa*"’^"“***aaa a a 2 .2 7 Authentic scale models! Each a coHec- 1.00 "S t ’* ^3s0 0 “S J - * 1 . 0 0 tor’s treasure from days gone by! So 6 SeS ToSoSSSSgSSeSSTSSS S o.S S5S Find Go4or and Siza at Plaza! Warm, wovoi fabric tops land bottom. Warmth without weight! Full size in All the thrills of real bowling! Player §g g gggfggg g§g gggglggg gg g gggggT Sizes sm, med, Ig, xl. assorted colors. shoots rubber bcOl to knock do«vn pins. iiy.iii .jgj h [I Eegnlar 70c Each Regular SBo Bag / Regular 59c Each ■ RugulBr 19e Box 1 1^^^ M ISS BRECK CHOCOLATE COVERED Hey, Amigo AQUA-VELVA msRc «a2 scR^g^^gR^saSgHfgsRRagSRaSR § liil ilil SNOWY BLEACH r r f a R R R R RR RR i a a s a a |S S 8 8S8S88 Ilf 8 SffRfaiasiKfiEff^^^ HAIR SPRAY CANDIES by Lewis After Shave Lotion R R R R R RR iRR RR M M M MMM«« - MM MMtjMMtj Dm *! Miss h2 for * 1 .0 0 bags 8 boxes ^1.00 ‘‘idlTlil!!'! 3 1.00 8-oz. box contains no chlorine or en­ 1 Assorted types in laige 18-os. size. zymes. Safe for permanent-press cloth- 3 fo r* 1 .0 0 Choose from lb. bag of covered raisins, fa^. Four popular fragrances in bandy travel ii bridge mix, E i n d 14-oz. bag of peanuts. size. the >.S ; i ? l i ! ill!] Tacerral . J Si Weekend S im i' iiliS loMili Rugular 49c Eodi aaa s asasaaRsaaaas 18888 88888 8 8R88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Rugular 2.97 Sut Vahifs to $1. Each! i h U l ‘B ?SMa:g - Rugukw 34c Eodi 7" PAINT ROLLER IIyI li sI ••a a a-M'f^f;M"*»«aaa TACO SPECIAL "SHUR4.0K" BED SPRING > EYE CATCHING /SI CMiTY n r GM COVERS m ii ■ I 2 5 ® e a A WOVEN IHnER I SUPPORTS a ■ V B or in A ling room or 'Toko-out S forU .O O 4 for * 1 .0 0 * 1 .0 0 a set Prevents fud line freese-tq>, prevents For latex, oil base, dripless flat, semi- 3 fo r* 1 .0 0 corrosion and gives instant winter power. Holds up to 1,000 lbs. For box or esU gloos or i^oss paints. A basket aiqiroprlate for any table ac­ a Beg. aSe — V « s e ... .3 for «l. ting, beautifully st^ed in blahk and spring. I white trim. \a m e o u e m t food 888888s RRRRS 8g8 8 pSf8f88s fR RRR S R sa a sR » MMMMgg^ MMMIMV^ '^Sa 9 Mf^MaiiMM*]^ MM t^IMM MA2 4 0 IROAOIR O A I STREET 'a ill M Lr (JMt af flte PawfeaOe) MANCHESTER NEWINGTON! WETHERSFIELD! BLOOMFIELD! MANCHESTER! Daya a Week - 3375 BERLIN TPKE! 11 30 SILAS DEANE H WAY 1051 BLUE HILLS AVE PARKADE SHOPPING CTR

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S m m»» •«•** ^ m ' 6 B » « i i c:.~< s i i i t t ( i « B tlB Bloodmobile Visits Concordia Lutheran Chur

Average Daily Net Press ]Run TheWentlier Fot The Weeli Ended Clear tonight tnit cEoudEng up Jnimery », 1911 by dawn; low near 20. Tomor­ row chance ot light anow-rain mixture late In day; high about It m 16,095 36. , ifm mm- ijlPlif’ W -isii. ii-i..; --rJ.!U' Manchester— A City of Vittage Charm |SSsS o q III^SSS |s S jf3p|S‘SS S«| Iglla-^^SpISfoS ffS 29 I?Ib 799§9 999*99999999 9999099999 99i9 ^ 99 f§19999*^9 I •ao»9» 8 8 • • ' ■ X 8 t i » VOL. LXXXX, NO. 97 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1971 (ClaMifled AdvertWag on Bage 11) PRICE TEN CENTS S8B Pw 5S£,S’ ‘ P 'TJ

| | ® | 2 | b « S 3 | ® b‘ s 1 j ! ^ i r Appeal to Public I L'O a ^ A 5 3. TOS i i l 's i Countdown Starts New Blasts in Phnom Penh 9U < . ’ o § l ? “ ff| 5-at fiS." I i =2 l^^C -°0 9 m <3^3? ? i i o il r ^ < s - ibj For Moon Flight I f t * *■ ' i ”* I® ’* I” “ I ^ Planned by Nixon §119 a 9‘'|’| i99 9 !§ . 5llll? ‘ a IfSi 9? ft 9 9I 999 | | | | | § 9 * |fl^990§E, 9§9 ^9 i-?i^9999 ? By HOWABD BENBDIOT the pilots are phyrically fit and Cause Dusfc-to-Dawn Curfew AP Amroivaoe Writer it to provide medical data for In­ 8 S <8 8 » O CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) flight and posb-fiight compari­ PHNOM PENH, Cam­ 3|5^|5 »|g j| | a p gS| i|| On His Proposals — Electrical' power auiged into son. bodia (AP) — The govern­ I m m m m ^ the Saturn 6 rocket and qiace- It was after a similar exam ment ordered a dusk-to- ^ W Affim aTO N (AP) — Preai-. kick off aa much momentum In ^ilp today aa the launch team last April that doctors an­ dawn curfew today for all ? dent Hlxoa has reacted to the Congreaa aa he can before began the alx-day countdown for nounced all thm Apollo 18 of Phnom Penh following t It lollop IF crewmen had been expoaed to coogrenkmal skeptlclam over" inaUng anticipated Democratic the Apollo 14 moon-landing 1*^ new enemy attacks on the '4 "arJS2^ '^ flight. German measten. Tests re­ Jag?®? |! Ella aix point dealgn “to give resistance a jiolltlcal issue. vealed that one of ttiem, Ihom- airport and positions on the ; Sh" n America the foundation for a That,, evidently, was the motive As the lengthy count got. un­ capital’s defense jierimeter. b | § i r S l „ _ « t i i # der way aiming for a Sunday as K. MatUntfy, was not im­ PigS f ^ O new greatneu" l>y preparing a lieliind Nixon’s meeting today mune, and he was replaced on An attempt to bomb the I ' I "E pubHc ^;>peal for atqiport that with the traders from Capitol liftoff, the three astronauts who South Vietnamese Embassy will fly the mission underwent the flight crew by backup com­ §'as a ■1ana aren’t enacted Although criticism already Cong aoEdlers were mpoctea ! l w n R has been leveled at his plan for —whatever the reason. taUng iq> poslttoas In villages " T h e people want It," the revenue sharing and remganlsa- tlon at Uie executive brandi. Victory in Uganda north of the airfield. Chunbodlan • C/) Kansas senator said. ‘ "nM larob- troopa started clearing opera­ r ...... J l lem la getting through tbs Con- House minority leader Gerald * Ford of Mldilgan, said “ ttie KAMPALA. Uganda (AP) — interfere “in Uganda’s internal tions In the area, vUlagem re­ n greaa. U Congress turns It down ported. 9 9I09 9 9 E9999 9 99 099I0 999 9^9099 999| 999 9 99 —well it’s a DemocraUo Clon- President considers the total Army Insurgents claimed today affairs will be crushed.” Obote orginally has been lA. Ool. Am Rang, the Cambo­ greaa and the people will have package of rix proposals all to have ousted Prerident Milton t f i equaUy important." Obote of Ugpnda after 12 hours scheduled to return to Kampala dian mlUtary spokesman, said :5> S i to Judge." Tuesday alter stt^ing over in enemy gunners slammed mor­ The President, however, will Nixon is e9q>ected to make of bloody fighting with a rival J E $ e § f | 3 s ' New D ^ il and Nairobi en route tars and rockets Into the mlU- i | vlaita across the natlcn in the faction of the armed forces, near future to explain his |ut>- x broadcast over Radio Ugan- home from Singapore. tary aectton of tee airport : r N - i posals and hopefuUy gain siq>- da at 4 p.m. local time—the first UgaftdP'’s borders were closed through most of the night, and »1* today and. planes were being several mortars fell clone to ^ ETilS m port for them. announcement broadcast since Rescuers carry a victim of the blast at elei^ric power plant at Phnbm Penh S ' - O f t Senate minority leader Scott the fighting began In the eariy turned back.' civilian terndn^ 3 The ref>el broadcast said all from the scene Sunday. Terrorista blew up half the power plant. (AP Photo) Jury Ready ^ .cftUad,, ttiq.. proposals«-iiichiiWng hours this morning—claimed was no damage . ~ ' « I ® llll the' controversial Family Assist­ ]^Utlcal prisoners would be re­ R was the second attack on 2 • that Obote had been deposed In leased and promised to hold s ^ u t H Is ance Plan—bold and daring. his absence by the military. tee airport In four days. On PM- ■ ' Z i/ I "This Is a new American rev­ electtons as soon as possible to day, sap{>ers moving under cov­ m ? s With Verdict The broadcast—nuule by an choose a clvUlian government. • 11 *i olution in Its concept," he said. army officer—said power would er of a mortar and rocket bar^ ■ ■ Nixon has sriieduled regular Uganda has been operating Senators Criticize Role rage virtually wiped out Cambo­ QQC 99 § 59 9 9 9|999?l be handed over "to the sol­ QnMansoii meetings throughout tfas week diers." under emergency regulations dia’s tiny air force, killed <9 since December 1969 when a with Republican members cf Obote, who had not yet re­ {Mreone and wounded 170. l a t ­ r s t « K LOB ANOBUDS (AP) — The the House and Senate and key turned from the Commonwealth gunman shot Obote In the hetid est reports said 90 aircraft were Jury In the Sharon Thte murder committee chairmen and rank­ during a pctetlcal rally. U.S. Plays in Cambodia destroyed or damaged; however l\ ing minority members. summit oonference in Singa­ Obote, 45, became prime min­ 08e a plan to give ternal affairs. ) a o « o m , » K W toe over tee threshold. Before ate Foreign Affairs Committee, The amendment—named for One Charge > e I« 9 | 9 9 9 ? | f ? ? cials had 4S minutes to reach funds to the states under the Radio reports said MaJ. Gen. in London in November 1969. we know It, tee whole foot and itstrlpped in his assess­ the oourtroom after the verdict revenue sliarlng plan. Ford Idl Amin, commander of Ugan­ Uganda, a country ot nine spmisoring Sens. J. B B B S rowMit 8 i i 8 i il "AU itiHiAsHwM are teat it’s Conviction of F ather Groppi lighter than yesterday when It ?sf|i|iifl|EI was reported near BraiStord and r I ff S®fiS5«if!l|pE?|S m m i ^ \ WASHINOTON (AP) — The Judge would place him In douUe S!! drifting out' Into Long Island Supreme Court set aside today uncoo^ltu- .vs S' Bound." lu said. tional. P *'We don’t anticipate ony tee conviction of tee Rev. I- ^ a tr « E I —Agreed to hear tee case of 2 « 5 ^ g S u ffS problem with tee slick out in James E. Gron;rf for resisting an tiuneia father denied custody tee Bound,” said a spokesman arrest during tee civU rights of his two children because be Ilf III Set for Humble OU Oo., “And we’ve march In Milwaukee in 1967. never legally married their 9 got tee ioU around the vessel ^ th the 8-1 decisian tee court mother. E I {iretty weU contained ." established the {>rlnclple that —Decided to review the merg­ lit E i!iP |j: The Coast Guard said Mon­ trial Judges should not automat­ er of Greyhound Oorp., and Ar­ day It liaa teams along tee Ocn- ically reject a defendant’s plea . \ h . mour A Oo., tee nation’s second §f0E999? LS.-999 '§|9E§ ifsilii necticut coastline checking for ^for different trial locale slmi>ly largest meatpacker. any damage to beanhes from ■'because the crime Involved la a —Ruled that the Internal the oil, which qxirted from mlsdemeanor,^\ Revenue Service la tree! to S I ’S 58 B >8 8 •• • « -a* ••• gashes In the side of^the tanker I In other ^actions today, the i ' i - i i i i i i i i i i i i l subpoena an employer's records S-t Beso Gettyabutg wlwn it ran court: / In Investigating criminal UahUi- o ! aground at the entranee to New m 5 1 1 !p 8. s|||SigS$|i83||S9|8|SSs|938|§98 —Ruled that employers can­ ty of individual taxpayers. Havra Harbor Saturday. At mid- not refuse to hire women with Father Groppi, a white priest moming, none of ttie light. No. small children while taking on who thnist lilmsrif Into the civil € 4 fsii t h 2 home »««^M"g oil bad been nxen in tee same sltuatloa. How­ •yi rights movement, claimed he s i»«ipp,psw<"w spotted on the shpree. ever, It said wommi could Em could not receive a fair trial in The damaged vessel was barred from Jolis in plants if tee Milwaukee County because of towed to tee wyatt Oo. oU dock, \enH>ioyer shows "conflicting ^ tr;iS ffipS I *; and a spokesman tbsrs said “a potential for prejudice" family obligations" present a among prtNgwctii^ Jurors stem­ O B ii f that finmms have Iwen problem ,______3 removing oil with q^eoial air- ming from his acttvtUaa. * f ifiTl'III —Held teat ietiying a defend­ The W isconsin Supreme I driven pumps from the-top of ant wliose first trial ended liy 9S^0§0 00 S0 § (Bee Page » Workmen in New Haven Harbor use 'skimmers’ to clean oU off the water as a barge takes oil from the tanker. (A P Photo) dismissal of tee Jury Eqr the (8 «e Page Nfaw)

• I •, A i