r , : r . - 'r r - \ \ FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Average Daily NgtfPress Run The Weather , iKaturh^at?]: lEtt^tting iijeraUi F or The^TVrok Ended 9. 1971 Freezing rain producing poor The confirmation clasi^ of St. Barthotomew's Pariah will driving conditions this afier- About Town Trinity Covenant Church will have its annual dance Saturday, ■ / noon. Clearing hmlgfat; low near meet tomoriew at 9:80 a.m. Jan. SO, at the Manchester Coun­ A 16,095 20. Tomorrow partly cloudy; Hie Couples Club of South try Club, 'ncket returns should Manchester— A City of Village Charm high 85 to 40. United Methodist Church will The Grade 8 Methodist Youth be made as soon as possible meet at 8 p.m. at the church to Fellowship of South United to Mrs. Robert Kenniff, 82 Ken­ go Ice skatipg and sliding. VOL^ LXXXX, NO. §6 Methodist Church will meet to­ nedy Rd. (SIXTEEN PAGES — TV SECmON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. 1971 (Oasstlled Advertiaing on Page 18) Ther^ will be refreshments at night at 7:30 in the youth* i----- ■ -I PRICE TEN CENTS the church afterward. lounge. The Mlastonette girls and ttie Royal Rangers boys of Calvary Ihe executive committee of Mr. and Mrs. BYancia Murray Church, will meet tonight from S1EAK the Ladies Guild of the Assump-. of 88 Porter St. will be host and 7 to 8:80 at the chui^. COD^mTlOKS tion will meet Monday at 8:16 hostess at the Luts Junior U.S. Airlifts Arms Writings of Berrigans p.m. in the school library, . S. Museum Sunday.' Sister Marie B oy Bcovt Thoop 188 o f the O.C. does not remember a ment. That’s why she was chos­ Adams St. Ellen LaGace will be present to Second Congregational Church p6nd where the present Center en. ,’And stva sure was a good Capitol Hill Reaction Mixed .'gnawer questions about Came­ will conduct a townwide paper Springs Pond la now. He thinks strong akater. Will Remain Censored Manchester Assembly, Order roon and show some <, artifacts drive tomorrow and Sunday. the brook flowed freely through From Rlaley’s Pond the brook To Aid Cambodia of Rainbow for Girls, will have from that African nation. The Those wishing papers and a culvert ui^er the railroad. went through LydallvUle where YOUCAN HARTDX>RD (AP) — A fed- At a two-day hearing In Hart- a service projTOt at the Masonic museum is open to the public magasines picked up may con­ But <m the west or down there was a needle factory. O.C. SAIGON (AP) — The United States rushed up to 80 refused to grant ford earUer this month, the Ber- Temple tomortow at 9 a.m. Of­ from 2 to 6 every day except tact either the church office or stream aide of the railroad em-' thlnka that sewing needles were tons of war materials to Cambodia today, and a larire aigu ed that pris<m regu- ficers and members are re­ Monday. There is no admission Mrs. James Irvine, 72 Baldwin bankment was a small pool not mada there. Only the knit­ On State of Union Address minded to return rituals. charge. Rd. dammed to provide water to be ting machine needles, probably. pumped into the boilers in the That brook now goes through ' 'niA 1. • writings and tape record- want to hear them, The Rev. Geoigfe F. Nostrand, Mrs. Evelyn Gerard, Manches­ power house. There, was a Saulter’s Pond but O.C. doesn’t the heels of a dAvsirtj.Hntf'iL.?' would have been Inga outside the prison without “A person does not leave his By EDMOND LeBRETON The Grade 7 youth Instruction AFFORD et. mortar a ^ d T ^ u l^ u strengthen the air- ceMorship First Amendment rights behind Aesoclated Frese Writer rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal ter High School librarian, has class of Zion Evangelical Lu­ plank ahute built so that hop­ seem to remember that when he Church, will conduct a service per cars on the top of the fill was a boy. However, the small Friday on the PeXtjr! ^® brothers also unsuccess- when he enters prison,” William WASHINGTON (AP) - - been namCd to a Capitol Regicm theran Church will meet tomor­ oay on me Kinom Penn air- ^.s. Command In Salgmi sought to have their suit Bender, the Berrigans’ attorney, Sunday at 8:15 a.m. .on radio Ubrary Council study commit­ row at 9:80 a.m. could dump the coal which pond next to the mill on the President Nikon’s State of station WENF. Ih e program Is would flow down to the fire- west side of Parker St. was MlUtarv DoUce at the scene of “ “ America transports have certify as a "class action” on told Clarie. tee to investigate possibilities P® K-— —d j-.. ^ v----- e r le. s of. behalf ofof allall 21,000nnn federalfe/iAPoi prls-...-lo. „ot immediately known the Union address has met sponsored by the Manchester room. That power house orig­ there. BYom here on to the for cooperative processing of The officers and members of if the priests would appeal the a mixed Capitol Hill reac­ Council of Churches and the library materials for schools, the ways and means committee inally supplied the electricity Union Pond and the Hochanum servlcTofflce"L^” S S X arms ammunlUoo. spare parts tion, leaving string doubts for the Hartford, ACanchester this brook has been much port of the capital said about 10 ®***®'' equipment since early prisoners rights, judge’s ruling. Clergy Association of Manches­ colleges, and ' other Interested of Chapman Court, Order of DESSERT ON “These plaintiffs must face The Berrigans are serving the Democratic-controlled and Rockville trollies. abused. BV>r many years it was persons were wounded in the I^cember under the military ter. institutions. > Amaranth, will meet at 2:80 Jhe fact that they have tempo­ sentences for destroying Selec­ Congress will ever come p.m. Sunday at the home of The landscape has been forced to carry a heavy load of blast. They said there were no e®s*et®nce program to Cambo- rarily forfeited many of the changed so much that It is not sewage and mill afUuont until It known dead, although it was dia. tive Service records In close to writing into law all Miss Mary Ann jmUer, royal rights associated with free men Maryland. the chief executive askeid in matr(Hi,of 60 Neill Rd., Vernon. easy for O.C. to recognize or lo­ was an awful stinking mess. possible that some bodies might Am Rang said it appears like- during their period of commit­ cate some things precisely. Manchester had numerous be found in the rubble, On Jan. 12, a federal grand the name of a “ new Amer­ Let’s face it -a ft e r dropping eight ment,” U.S. District Court jury in Pennsylvania also ac­ There was no Broad St or St. pretty brooks 80 years ago. Now Two U.S. Air Force C180 (8ee Page Eight) Judge T. Emmet Clarie said in cused PhlUp Berrigan of con­ ican Revolution.” pure vinyl James' Cemetery. After the it would be dangerous to drink transports flew arms, ammuni­ In his second Stdte of toe Union Emanuel Women a 12-page decision. spiring In an alleged plot to kid­ from any stream within the bucks for a steak dinner - who feels tion, spare parts, barbed wire address, toe President outlined brook got beyond where Broad The Berrigans sought a tem­ nap presidential adviser Henry rug protector town boimda without having the and sandbags Into iqux>m Penh a program for a Joint session of Plan Retreat St. Is, it entered a swampy area porary Inunction-pr<rfilblting of­ Kissinger and blow up heating buy Just what yoa need 9 2 . n where we used to go to get water treated to render it safe.. like dessert? to help the capital recover from Congress Friday night calling The Emanuel Church Women Army Clears ficials of the Federal Correc­ ducts connecting federal build­ pitcher plants to take home and Ponds scattered all over town the attack on the airport and to tional Institution In Danbury, w for a surprisingly costly feder­ ings in Washington, D.C. • transparent of Emanuel Lutheran Church to school to see how they have been ^ed and graded No problem at Bonanza. Our provide war materials for Cam­ al-state revenue sharing plan, are planning a retreat to be where they are being held, from Daniel Berrigan was named • clear green • clear gold caught and digested Insects. over. Can you imagine a pond bodian troops trying to secure Foursome In censoring or blocking their com­ guaranteed medical ca/re fo r the held Jan. 29-30 at the Ingraham Near where the United Artlsta and ice house north of Hartford Highway 4, Phnom Penh’s life­ in the Pennsylvania indictment poor and a aweeplng reorganiza­ best steak dinner (a delicious T-Bone) munications with the outside as a co-consplrator but was not ■ House in Bristol. Theatre is now was the re­ Rd. a short distance west of line to the sea. world. tion of toe government’s execu­ charged as a defendant. Both Arrival time la scheduled for mains of a small pond and dam. McKee St? Yep! Cari Seaman costs you je ^ than $3. Our tender Officials said the airlift, halt­ My Lai Case In rejecting the Berrigans’ tive branch. 6 p.m. on Friday in time for The brook turned north, crossed had one there with ice houas. ed Friday because of the at­ brothers have denied any part The offer to make available contention that Uiey should be in such a scheme.
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