/ n V . I .)• B*U*. Miilia _, _ ip ^ ,. -X. .• •• *'i ..t ; *y-.^^ >» t •■• •', ^ ■ I' Magic Valley^s Hdm^ Newspaper_ > . ;■ — .......... I................................ VOL. 6 7 N O . 311 TW IN FALLS, IDAH O, SU N D A Y , APRIL 11, 1971 t w e n t y c e n t s Eager scram ble... Easter strikes SAIGON (UPD-Tlie U^S. latest American air strikes Info said the North Vietnamese had way back to Fire Base 6 after Coiiunand Sunday reported new North Vietnam were carried set up such heavy antiaircr.aft 10 harrowing days in the Jungle, -fire, that rasupplvibv- helicoptei ^ U .S^hellcopter -crews-swooped^— Phantom lets against antiair- DMZ, separating t ^ was practically impossible. S x into the hilltop base to pick up ' craft guns in North Vietnamese Vletnams. As in other~»ucli U;S. 'copters trlFd an' early ThackeF^Thad"BSOsted"S iry in thg 71<it__ such rflda UiR U.S.,Command called morning s u d d I v run early missing on March 31 when “protective reaction” . raids ■Friday’s fcray “ the inherent Sunday but were f o ^ d to turn North Vietnamese units overran north of the Demilitarized Zone right of self-defense." back by the intense fwk. ~ the outpost oh the first day of a ■this year-.— 1....................... ......... The bombing-tm-by-4h«-F4s~ Jtoo^ ffghtlng rngftd Satur- .see.saw~ hattlp Military sources said South destroyed two North Vietna­ day around Fire Base 6. UPI Thacker, a native of Colum- \^etnamese defenders support-. mese guns anti set- off two cdrre^hdent Robert_E^SuUk .bus^-ObiOr-whofie-latheF-is-an------- ed by U.S. artillery s m ile d a secondary explosions, military van reported about 1,000 Sluth Air Force colonel at Hlckam North Vietnamese ground as­ spokesmen said. The raid was Vietnamese troops were in­ Air. Force Base i).ear Honolulu, sault on Fire Base 6 in the 11th the first Into North Vietnam volved on a battlefield where Hawaii, was reported in "satis­ day of fighting Saturday around since March 30 when four Cl.S. U.S. BS2 bombers had carried factory" condition but de- the outpost near both the Jets bombed and strafed out nine saturation raids. .scribed as “ very weak." He Laotian and Cambodian bor­ Communist gun positions in the A delayed report said one had remained behind at Fire ders. northern half of the DMZ. U.S. artillery officer, Lt. Brian Base 6 to cover the retreat of "Hie U.S. Command said the At Fire Base 6, field reports M. Thacker, 25. had made his other Americans. North Vietnamese forces have made F^e Base 6 the focal point of a Central Faithful I ' 8 Highlands offensive arid the I » Viet Cong Radio said Saturday !y night the campaign would throng in I E aster prayer j; continue.' jS Military sources said the Communist assault on Fire Holy Land Let us leave the din g Base 6 Saturday was “right on" JERUSALEM rU PlT^ou” ^j—thr outpost.T he North-Vietmp- sands of Jews prayed at the a few m.oments today. S mese apparently moved into Walling Wall Saturday for a g attacking positions at the base m odem d*v -Tewi.ih erndiia May me pray to begiUn ^ of the hill during the night after from the Soviet Union while U.S. Army heitcoptws naa Christian pilgrims thronged the in this season o f joy, dropped thousands of pounds of d ty for Easter. napalm jellied gdMline to bum An estimated 50,000 tourists, to find the courage away Jungle foliage. most of them Jewish, flooded Sources said ^ e bodies of II CommunlMs ^ere found Satur­ Easter coincided.- ----- --------to spare day— Hfter“ U.Sr“ and Friday, an estimated 2,000 Vietnamese artillery laid salvos Christian pilgrims wearing the -Mnd the will to repair. —close t o -b ase- d etender«.-and HflCK Of niBufiUng snuMed iJi drove back the attackers. No sorrowful procession aloqg the Sauth Vietnamese,, casualties Way of the Cross, foU ow l^ the were reported. toQtstep^-oLJeaua Chriat.t<> His_ In Cainbc^n.,. goven;imwvt crucifixion on Calvary. troops. report^ biuiitlng tlue*!~ WET GRASS certainly dltfat make Saturday's Easter egg The Christians {bund no Commiinist attacks In the Pich hnnt in dowittdwn Twin Falla any eaiier lor thia youngster. He bread or ^ain goods available P a t i s t a n ^ Nil Pass area on Hlgbway 4 found the best way to gather the bunny’s eggs was to assume a in Israeli s t ^ s because of the about 55 ipUes southwest of the I^ew technique position close to tlie ground wliOe father steadies him from traditional Passover ban th^t capital of Phnom Penh. behind. The technique brought bbn two bright eggs. (Tlmes-^ sten u from the bellettheJew s TTiere was no neg_goni-Oil_ News photo by Mike Robertson) fleeing Elgypt had no time to the fate of Gatherina M. (Kate) leaven their bread. Webb, UPI’s Phnom Penh For the Christian pilgrims the army moves bureau manager, who disap> mourning ends at sunrise peared with another correspon­ dent and three assistants in the Sunday with^joyous services NEW DELHf (UPD-PaHs- In an all-out bid to. maintain Chinese admit coounemoratlng Christ's resur­ Pich NU Pas« area last <s tani army troops launched a control over the crucial eastern Wednesday during heavy fight­ rection. major offensive throughout d ty of OomiUa, the Pakistan ing. ■ The Church of the Holy OTbattled Blast Pakistan Satur­ force flew jn in plnnplnnrig ■pulchre -’-ia day, attacking the rebels with of troops’ and supplies' tto ping pong- f u m i n g black arid at sunrise tanks, iiir strikes, artillery and Dhupuria airfieldi Wesf-PaMs- the liturgy of the resurrection foot soldiers. tan’s only link with the army Veto set PEKING (U P I)-T he U.S. The Anierican players will is read. i - - Reports from the border baise which was surrounded table tennis team arrived In the make their debut in Peking in The eight-day Passover holl- indicated that the East Pakista- with Bengal t r e ^ m fighters. doy celcbroting the dc Uveranee- capital of the People's Republic the la.OOO-seat indoor Snorts ni forces ..of Sheikh Mujlbur Reports from the border said of China by plw e Saturday Palace, and the matches are of the tribes of Israel from 210 Rahman, had suffered major the guerrillas had shot down on-party years^ -E gyptlan t>ondage in. night for a weeklong series of expected to draw capacity setbacks. two Pakistan air force planes matches with top players of crowds. 1300 B.C. took on added Friday at Feni, a strategic rail this country's favorite sport. The matches will be covered significance this year with the i s and road town in a ZO^nlle belt tallies --G r^ a m -"B —-Steenhoven—ol- -by-television-and-i arrival of hundreds of ..Soviet -that separates—the—southern BOISE (UPI) — Gov. C ^ 0 . Detroit, Mich., president of the from throughout the nation. Jews and reports of thousands district of Chittagong-i-and the Andrus s^d IMday he would U.S. Table Tennis Association, Steenhoven, chatting-, with more waiting to come. Champ frog vital port—from the rest of led the delegation of 15 reporters and others over a cup Israelis and visitors crow^ veto the Party Regi^ation^Bill f 1 O •) Pakistan, of tea in the airport reception through the gates of the dl_ passed by the 41st Legislature Americans off the plane when it l e a n s l o Radio Pakistan announced aad dted as one reason for his landed at 10 p jn . at the Peking lounge, praised as courteous walled city at sunup to make r 13’ Saturday that its army troops Airport. their way over the ancient action opposition from student and friendly, the manner in had captured two Indian The Americans greeted a which' tlie American'gi'oup had" cobblestones past Arab hawkers - SPRINGHEI^^.G. fUPI)— joldlerOiwrmlleff'lnsldr EasT ^govenunentleaders------- ----- group of Chinese table tennis been welcomed. and hole-in-the-wall shops A “ granddaddy" bullfrog firom pajdstan. Andrus spoke Friday to repi'esentatives gathered* to The Americans, accompanied ablaze with rainbow-colored Bennett's Pond named "Grass­ members of the Idaho Student meet them with ‘,‘hi's,’ ’ they by the Oolomlian table tennis wares. hopper” ^Jumped 13 feet and _________ _ Govermnent Association and, then proceeded into the ca p iti team, flew to Peking from _JT bey proceeded to the el^ t inches -SatardajTTo win -whenhe^asked^forj j Sw w o L for lodging. Canton. Wailing Wall, the western wall the fifth annual Governor’s — ———— — —— — —— hands on the proposal i all bitf of the Temple of Solomon the Frog Jumping Contest. about two of the SO members Homans destroyedTn 70 A.D., Tfie JiflH p'^r^ state record idicated-oppostUaih;^---------------- and Judaism's holiest shrine. jBid certifies “ Grasshopper" The measure, approved by The Israelis captured it from and his owner-trainer, nine- bo thhouses, would haverequired Jordan in the 1967 Middle E^ast year-old Marion Gressette III electors to register in the name Etna spews War and made it the symbol of of the party of their choice, or as to the National Frog Jumping Jewish determination to hold Contest at Angel’s Camp, Calif. independents, before they could what to them has always been —a contest inspired by the ( D etails, Page 13 ) vote in primary or nominating molten rock the promised land. works of Mark Twain.
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