Thank You! ! To all the health care workers in our community, around the country, and across the world! To all of our amazing customers for their support, care, and encouragement! To everyone who works in the Zingerman’s Community for working to so quickly adapt and still provide great service! To all of our artisan vendors around the world for continuing to craft great food and drink through all of this. We appreciate you all greatly! Here’s to positive things to come. Carry out, and carry on! from evEryone In The zingErman’S coMmunity of businesSes 3723 Plaza Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 3711 Plaza Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 3723 Plaza Dr. #3 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 422 Detroit St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 3723 Plaza Dr. #5 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 734.761.7255 | 734.761.2095 | 734.619.6666 | 734.663.3400 | 734.929.6060 | 8540 Island Lake Rd. Dexter, MI 48130 3723 Plaza Dr. #2 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 422 Detroit St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 620 Phoenix Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 100 N Ashley St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734-619-8100 | 734.929.0500 | 734.663.3354 | 888.316.2736 | 734.230.2300 | 610 Phoenix Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 415 N. Fifth Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 418 Detroit St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 2501 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 3728 Plaza Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 888.636.8162 | 734.275.0099 | 734.663.5282 | 734.663.3663 | zingermansroadhouse 734.930.1919 | thiNGs faLL APART (BUt theY nEveR leave my heaRt)* Over the 38 years we’ve been in business, I’ve worried about, talked through, and planned for hundreds of strange scenarios. I’m a planner, and here at Zingerman’s we’ve been forecasting and budgeting and organizing for probably 30 years now. But, as Mike Tyson once famously said, “Everyone has a plan ’til they get punched in the mouth.” I don’t think anyone I know in the food world has what I imagine living through a war would be. Life, stay as grounded and centered as we could under ever thought about preparing for a pandemic. as we knew it for years, has been drastically altered. the circumstances. If I’d gone to med school like my Having talked to dozens of colleagues around the Stable “successful” organizations all over the coun- grandmother wanted me to, I might be trying to save country, we all seem to be struggling to answer the try were suddenly, sadly, laying people off. The lives in a hospital or doing research in a lab to find a same questions: How do we deal with unexpectedly health care system is overwhelmed. When I read vaccine or a cure to end this crisis. Unfortunately, I having to lay off dozens/hundreds/thousands of about and talk to health care workers, it sounds like have nothing to contribute to either of those. So, I’ll people that we’ve worked with for years? Are we pro- stories of working at the front in a war zone—not continue to work to keep our community and our viding better community service by staying open? enough people, not enough supplies, choices to be organization as healthy as possible. Try to figure Or by closing? Can we figure out what the 900 pages made about who lives and who dies. As in a for- out creative and caring ways through the darkness. of the CARES Act mean? How long will this go on? If eign invasion, we struggle to know who might be Try to listen and be empathic and share struggles as it doesn’t end for a year, how do we handle that? If it an “enemy” agent. We’ve started eyeing everyone best I can. I’ll continue to call colleagues all over the does end, what will happen next? Just writing down we see on the street as a potential “saboteur” who country, hoping that someone else who’s smarter the questions, I can see why I—and probably most of could be carrying the infection. “Curfews” have been has come up with some great solutions. And then us—have felt overwhelmed, pretty much daily, for imposed. We don’t know how long this will go on for. keep my fingers crossed, think positive thoughts, rub the last few weeks. We don’t really know what to do. The craziness of the my rabbit’s feet, and, as with all long walks through On Tuesday, March 11, we had a fundraising din- restaurant world that we all love and have learned darkness, hope like hell we can get through to the ner at Zingerman’s Roadhouse—the closing event to live with, the variability in pretty much every- other side together. in our 5th Annual “Jelly Bean Jump Up” campaign to thing we’ve all worked with and actually kind of Here at Zingerman’s, we’re still doing takeout and raise money for SafeHouse Center, the local shelter enjoy . now seems stable and calm compared to this delivery from our three restaurants—sales are run- for victims of domestic abuse. It was a great event. world where the Coronavirus is calling the shots and ning at about a third or a bit more of what we’d nor- We sold out the 60 or so seats, and it capped a month we hope and pray that we, our colleagues, and our mally be doing. Our Bakehouse isn’t down quite that of fundraising that far exceeded our goal of $30,000. businesses can survive. In the food business, we’ve much thanks to wholesale sales to supermarkets and The next morning, Wednesday, March 12, is proba- always worried about food safety and worked with to our Mail Order. Wholesale is hanging in there at bly a day that will live in infamy in at least the food the knowledge that we carry our customers’ lives in our artisan Creamery, Candy, and Coffee businesses. world for a few decades. Almost every restaurant in our hands. But this is at a whole new level. I certainly Our training business, ZingTrain, is of course, deci- the country felt a shock that I can only equate to the never imagined I was going to go through something mated. The bright note for us is that our Mail Order stock market crash on October 29, 1929. For some, like this in the course of my lifetime. And yet, here is very busy. And that we’re still being kind and col- like those in Seattle, it started a bit earlier. For others, we are. I try to imagine what it must have been like laborative and cooking and delivering good food. a little later. But basically, one day things were rela- to own a community-focused restaurant in Paris in For now at least, for us, and for so many others, that’s tively fine—we were dealing with not being able to 1940. Some came out on the other side, some didn’t. our new normal. That fundraiser on the evening hire enough people, performance issues, food-cost How did they survive? What can we learn from them? of March 11 seems like lightyears ago. Eventually, challenges, getting ready to roll out some new The other piece of history in my mind is that, while like WWII and like the Plague, this will start to products . the usual. The next day we were address- none of us have been through this before, humanity end. Every day I wait to hear good news. At some ing problems most of us had never even thought of. has, and many times over. Annalee Newitz wrote a point, there will be some. When it does come, we It’s only been just over four weeks, but it seems great piece in The New York Times recently about the can say something along the lines of what Winston like four years. Who would imagine that we’d history of the bubonic plague in 1666 in London. It Churchill said as the British turned the tide of a very already have adjusted our sales expectations down was the worst plague since the Black Death had struck long war by defeating the Germans in Egypt in 1942. so much that what we’re now celebrating as a “good back in 1348. London lost over 15% of its population “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of day” a month ago would have passed for a so-so over the course of a year. Roughly 100,000 died in the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Monday lunch? London; 750,000 died in England overall. Newitz’s Whatever happens, I feel incredibly fortunate to As a history major, two thoughts play around article reminded me of what I already knew: history have worked with so many great people both here in in my head. One is that it’s generally said that no always repeats. The description of what was happen- our own organization and in the food community war with a foreign power has ever been fought on ing in London in 1666 when the plague struck all now across the country and around the world. To have American soil. The Civil War, of course, was a conflict sounds eerily familiar, equally serious, and at least bought, sold, served, and eaten so much good food, to between American citizens.
News Release Announcement of Executive Officers of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. April 3, 2017, Tokyo, Japan -- Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. (CCBJI) announced Executive Officers who were approved at the Board of Directors meeting held on April 1, 2017. CCBJI will be Asia’s largest and the world’s third largest Coca-Cola bottler in terms of revenue among 250+ Coca-Cola bottlers worldwide, and will deliver approximately 90% of the volume sold by the Coca-Cola system in Japan. CCBJI will reflect the best from community-based Japanese bottlers as well as the global best practices of the Coca-Cola system to lead growth in the NARTD beverage industry and the Coca-Cola system in Japan. CCBJI also will remain focused on conducting its business locally, through the activities of its subsidiaries, CCW and CCEJ. Executive Officers as of April 1, 2017 Name Position Director & Senior Executive Officer, Yasunori Koga Head of Administration Director & Senior Executive Officer, Costin Mandrea Head of Commercial Senior Executive Officer, Shunichi Nasu Head of Integration Management Office Jawahar Solai Kuppuswamy Senior Executive Officer, Head of Finance Bruce Herbert Senior Executive Officer, Head of Supply Chain Kyoichi Takagi Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Planning Executive Officer, Shigeki Okamoto Head of Corporate Communications Haruko Ozeki Executive Officer, Head of Legal Toyoji Okada Executive Officer, Head of Human Resources Raymond Shelton Executive Officer, Head of Investor Relations Maki Kado Executive Officer, Head of Procurement Executive Officer, Yoshiaki Murata Head of Key Account Management 1 【Overview of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.】 Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.
Theh American A n GARDENERGARDENER® The Magazine of the AAmerican Horticultural Societyy January / February 2016 New Plants for 2016 Broadleaved Evergreens for Small Gardens The Dwarf Tomato Project Grow Your Own Gourmet Mushrooms contents Volume 95, Number 1 . January / February 2016 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 5 NOTES FROM RIVER FARM 6 MEMBERS’ FORUM 8 NEWS FROM THE AHS 2016 Seed Exchange catalog now available, upcoming travel destinations, registration open for America in Bloom beautifi cation contest, 70th annual Colonial Williamsburg Garden Symposium in April. 11 AHS MEMBERS MAKING A DIFFERENCE Dale Sievert. 40 HOMEGROWN HARVEST Love those leeks! page 400 42 GARDEN SOLUTIONS Understanding mycorrhizal fungi. BOOK REVIEWS page 18 44 The Seed Garden and Rescuing Eden. Special focus: Wild 12 NEW PLANTS FOR 2016 BY CHARLOTTE GERMANE gardening. From annuals and perennials to shrubs, vines, and vegetables, see which of this year’s introductions are worth trying in your garden. 46 GARDENER’S NOTEBOOK Link discovered between soil fungi and monarch 18 THE DWARF TOMATO PROJECT BY CRAIG LEHOULLIER butterfl y health, stinky A worldwide collaborative breeds diminutive plants that produce seeds trick dung beetles into dispersal role, regular-size, fl avorful tomatoes. Mt. Cuba tickseed trial results, researchers unravel how plants can survive extreme drought, grant for nascent public garden in 24 BEST SMALL BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS Delaware, Lady Bird Johnson Wildfl ower BY ANDREW BUNTING Center selects new president and CEO. These small to mid-size selections make a big impact in modest landscapes. 50 GREEN GARAGE Seed-starting products. 30 WEESIE SMITH BY ALLEN BUSH 52 TRAVELER’S GUIDE TO GARDENS Alabama gardener Weesie Smith championed pagepage 3030 Quarryhill Botanical Garden, California.
VOLUME 5 NO. 51 MARCH 29 − APRIL 4, 2019 SUBMIT STORIES TO: JAPAN@STRIPES.COM STRIPESJAPAN.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE INSIDE INFO Celebrating Month of the Military Child My personality is very interesting By Jayden Cachola, different ways! Sullivans Elementary School My personality is very interesting. I’m very good onnichiwa! I’m Jayden, your average at certain subjects in school, like math, language military child. I’m going to tell you that arts and recess. Though recess isn’t a subject, I’m Kbeing a military child is fun in many still good at it because I’m energetic. Congratulate SEE PERSONALITY ON PAGE 2 a 2019 grad! Our annual Grad Tab highlighting Pacific DODEA high schools and their graduating classes will appear in the May 31 edition of Stripes Japan. Lucky enough For just $19, customize your own message that will appear The countless goodbyes, in this keepsake edition. And the numerous hellos, What you need: • A photo of the graduate The constant feeling of butterflies, • Graduate’s first name Each new school is a different scenario. • Your name, as you want it to The distances we have traveled, appear in print (e.g. “Suzy & Steve” or “Mom & Dad”) Birthdays we’ve missed, • A congratulatory message of The adventures we unraveled, no more than 20 words • The graduate’s high school Every memory to reminisce. Send info by May 20, 5 p.m. to The multitude of friends, And the laughter we shared. and a Stripes representative will follow-up with you right The amount of things we depend, away.
Think Outside the Box with Wolfgang Puck Catering Better Meetings Begin with Wolfgang
THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX WITH WOLFGANG PUCK CATERING BETTER MEETINGS BEGIN WITH WOLFGANG TAKE YOUR MEETING OUTSIDE THE BOX! Eliminate the “bored” room. Our unique spaces inspire creativity and cultivate collaboration. We’re on your team: Free yourself up to concentrate on the big picture. Our expert planners will handle all the details. Redefine the usual meeting break and delight guests with hands-on culinary activities, creative themes designed around your team, and educational interaction with our world-class chefs. YOUR ONE-STOP-SHOP Wolfgang Puck Catering will support you with team building ideas, audio-visual needs, and logistics to fit your agenda. Set the stage for success: with diverse event spaces, expert service and innovative seasonal menus, your meeting will motivate participation. SUPER. FOOD. Fuel your body and brain, with meeting packages focused on superfoods and healthier choices that can increase your team’s effectiveness and productivity. Get inspired by our menus, or allow our talented chefs to create custom selections to meet your needs. LIVE. LOVE. EAT! - WOLFGANG PUCK GEORGIA AQUARIUM FEATURING WOLFGANG PUCK CATERING Sea life drifts behind thousands of square feet of viewing windows while guests discover a variety of sea creatures. From tiny clownfish and Australian weedy sea dragons to giant Japanese spider crabs and awe-inspiring whale sharks, your guests will relish the diverse floating worlds within the ten million gallons of fresh and marine water. Georgia Aquarium delights with several animal interactive programs
hibachi teppanyaki defining tradition since 1972 appetizers sushi rolls EDAMAME 6 BAGEL ROLL 12 KING SHRIMP ROLL 14 boiled soy beans in a pod inside: cream cheese, crabstick, masago inside: shrimp tempura and avocado GARLIC EDAMAME 7 caviar, and avocado outside: shrimp with spicy aioli and outside: smoked salmon sesame seeds GYOZA 10 six deep fried or pan fried pork dumplings SHRIMP TEMPURA ROLL 12 KISS OF DEATH 16 SHUMAI 8 inside: shrimp tempura, crabstick, inside: tuna, masago caviar, sesame oil, three fried or steamed shrimp dumplings cucumber, and avocado sriracha, and cucumber outside: masago caviar outside: spicy tempura flakes, topped YAKITORI SKEWER 7 with wasabi cucumber sauce chicken skewers with teriyaki sauce or sea salt CALIFORNIA ROLL 7 JAPANESE MUSHROOMS 11 inside: cucumber, avocado, and DRAGON ROLL 20 sautéed with spinach in light soy sauce and butter crabstick outside: masago caviar inside: amaebi shrimp tempura and avocado BEEF NEGIMAKI 15 outside: eel, avocado, dressed with spicy green onions wrapped with sirloin beef topped with RAINBOW ROLL* 14 teriyaki sauce inside: crabstick, avocado, and aioli and eel sauce cucumber outside: yellowtail, salmon, SHRIMP TEMPURA 12 tuna, and avocado SEAFOOD ROLL 8 VEGETABLE TEMPURA 10.50 inside: seafood mixed with Japanese SOFT SHELL CRAB TEMPURA 14 SPICY SALMON ROLL* 10 aioli and avocado LOBSTER TEMPURA full tail 31 inside: minced salmon and green onion outside: sesame seeds AGEDASHI TOFU 8 with spicy aioli KING KONG ROLL* 16 SALAD TRIO 12 outside: sesame seeds boiled spinach goma-ae
Pantry Pride Recipes From Georgia 4-H Members From Our Pantry to Yours This cookbook’s purpose is to serve as a resource to families across the state of Georgia. Contained within, you will find recipes submitted through a contest jointly sponsored and conducted by the Arby’s Foundation, the Georgia Food Bank Association, and the University of Georgia Extension’s Georgia 4-H Program. 4-H members from around the state submitted recipes containing ingredients commonly found amongst all food banks in the Georgia Food Bank Association network. All entries are included. All resources in this book are perfect for helping you manage a busy schedule. In addition to containing widely available ingredients, each recipe is categorized as either a “No Cook Snack/Dish” or “Cooked Dish/Entree.” “No Cook recipes are denoted by an asterisk (*) in the table of contents. We hope you enjoy these offerings created by the youth of our state, and that you find something fun and nutritional to serve yourself or your family. Table of Contents Cloverleaf Senior 4) Apple Slice Delight * 18) Chicken Pepper Bake 5) Fruit Icy Pops * 19) Sassy Chicken Pizza 20) Honey Bear Bars 6) Avocado Boats filled with Tuna 21) A Leaf of Faith Casserole Salad * 22) Rotisserie Chicken Pot Pie 7) Honey Nut Banana Slices * 23) Hearty Fiesta Chicken Wrap 24) Clucking Creamy Chicken with 8) Fruit Chicken Salad * Rice 9) Tuna Delight * 25) Tuna Casserole 10) PB&J Sushi Rolls * 26) Mandarine Pepper 11) Peanut Butter Balls of Goodness Chicken * 27) Sweet Potato Casserole 12) Black Eyed Pea Hummus * 28) Beef and Cheese Junior Stroganoff 29) A Taste of Mexico 13) Pantry Fried Rice Vegetarian 30) 30 Minute Chicken 14) Sausage, Egg Veggie Chili and Potato Scramble 31) Ally’s Southwest Fiesta 15) Easy Peazy Corn and Onion of Flavor Casserole 32) Kai’s Kickin’ Chicken 16) Chicken Macaroni Tacos Casserole 33) Four Bean Turkey Chili 17) Chicken Vegetable Rice 34) Tuna Melt Casserole Casserole 35) Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake 3 6) Participants and Winners 3 Apple Slice Delight Prep Time: 10-15 min.
ENCORP PACIFIC (CANADA) Registered Brands 1 7 10 Cal Aquafina Plus Vitamins 7 select 10 YEARS OIL PATCH TOUGH LONGHORN 7 Select Café 100 Plus 7 UP 100PLUS 7 up Lemon 1181 7-Select 1818 Alberni 7-SELECT 7-Up 2 7-Up 2 Guys With Knives 7D Mango Nectar 2% 7SELECT 24 Hour Collision Center 7Select 24 Mantra Mango Juice 7SELECT Natural Spring Water 24K 7UP 27 North 7up 28 Black 7up Lemon Lemon Sparkling Lemonade 3 8 3 The Terraces Three 80 Degrees 33 Acres Of Heart 80 Degrees North 33 Acres of Mineral 33 Acres of Pacific 9 33 Acres of Sunrise 9 MM Energy Drink 365 A 365 Everyday Value A & W 365 Organic Lemonade A (Futura) 365 Organic Limeade A&W 365 Whole Foods Market A&W Apple Juice 4 A&W Orange Juice 49th Parallel Cascara A-Team Mortgages 49th Parallel Cold Brew A2Z Capital 49th Parallel Grocery Abbott Wealth Management 49th Parallel Iced Tea Aberfoyle Springs 49th Parallel Sparkling Green Tea Abhishek Mehta-MarforiGroup, Mr Home Inspector ABK Restoration Services 5 Abstract Creating Iconic Spaces 5 Hour Energy Abstract Developments 5 Hour Energy Acapulcoco 5 Hour Energy Extra Strength Accelerade 5-hour Energy Extra Strength Access Roadside Assistance 5-HOUR EXTRA STRENGTH Accompass 52 North Beverages Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. 52° North Acqua Di Aritzia 59th Street Food Co. Acqua Filette 6 Acqua Italia 6 Hour Power Acqua Panna 601 West Hastings ACTIVATE BALANCE - Fruit Punch ACTIVATE BEAUTY - Exotic Berry ACTIVATE CHARGED - Lemon Lime Wednesday, September 01, 2021 The General Identification Guidelines should be read along with this brand registry listing.
VANITY FAIR AND ATHLETICS MISS HOWARD UNIVERSITY Miss Mazie Hubbard QUEEN OF THE BISON Miss Cozette Walker MISS ZERITA STEPTEAU—MOST CHARMING The Class cf 192' HOWARD-LINCOLN F From the year 1925 through the year 1928, each "H'' member on the squad from the Class of '29 has been on the first All-American team during the period, one or more times. AA'inners of the "H." Edgar Ross, '^'apt a.i n Dan Broxvn Dennis .Siini)son Harry AAebb, Capt ain-bTlect Joe Drexv John Alarshall Jack Coles Harry Payne Sales Aloore. Shelton Hayes Young Haxvkins Sallie in relation to )OTBALL CLASSIC 1928 RECORD Hoxx-ard . 32 Livingstone --. 0 Hoxvard . 19 Smith . 6 LToxvard . 7 Aloorehouse --- 0 Hoxvard - 7 Fisk 0 AA'. A'irginia... 21 incoln Howard 7 Bluefield 0 'come Hoxvard . 0 Howard . 12 Lincoln . 0 Original '29 "II" Alembers of the S(piad Edgar Ross, ca])tain, 4 years Dan Pjroxvn, 4 }ears Jack Coles, 3 years Harry AAebb, ca])tain-elect, 2 years "Fats" Hall, 1 year "L'ete" T}-son, 3 years Ben Brown, 1 year Alanager Theodus Connor, 1 yeai N O N ^ B I S O N °/ I 9 1~9 Howard 32—Livingstone 0 On October f)th the Howard University Bisons opened their season by defeating the Livingstone College team in Salisbury, N. C, by the tune of 32 to 0. For an o])ening game away from home the game was one of the most interesting of the year. Coach AA'est changed his entire method of a])])roach and for the entire afternoon ])ri()r to the game the Bisons w-ere made to learn nexv ])lays and succeeded in doing so to a remarkable extent.