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Page 1 Nanhua Journal of Social Sciences 2015 6 ) ) ( ) : :(05 ࠄ๮ޗ཮ࣽᏢፕᘀ Nanhua Journal of Social Sciences ಃ΋ය 2015ԃ 6 Дрހ วՉΓ ݅ᖃܴ(ࠄ๮εᏢਠߏ) Ьጓ (཮ࣽᏢଣଣߏޗࠄ๮εᏢ)ܴדᗛ ঩ہጓᒠ ௲௤سЦ྆ಹ:ЎϯεᏢε౲໺ኞ ௲௤س཮ᅽճᏢޗЦቺ࿌:ύ҅εᏢ ߏ܌௲௤ঋ܌ز׵ߏਖ:ύᑫεᏢ୯ৎࡹ฼ᆶϦӅ٣୍ࣴ ঩زࣴ܌ଣࡹݯزֆख़ᘶ:ύѧࣴ ௲௤سᛥШֻ:ύ҅εᏢ໺ኞ ঩زୋࣴ܌཮ޗଣزሸ଻Ӄ:ύѧࣴ (ࡪ฽Ⴤ໩ׇ௨ӈ) ୺Չጓᒠ ௲௤س஭ျߝ:ࠄ๮εᏢ໺ኞ շ౛௲௤س൹Ӽ᜽:ࠄ๮εᏢ୯ሞ٣୍ᆶҾ཰Ꮲ շ౛௲௤س཮Ꮲޗഋ࠮⨐:ࠄ๮εᏢᔈҔ ጓᒠշ౛ εᏢ೽س׵ࢅဘ:ࠄ๮εᏢ୯ሞ٣୍ᆶҾ཰Ꮲ εᏢ೽س໳ຐ఼:ࠄ๮εᏢ୯ሞ٣୍ᆶҾ཰Ꮲ วՉ:ࠄ๮εᏢޗ཮ࣽᏢଣ ႝ၉:(05)-2721001-2301 Ӧ֟:჏ကᑜε݅ᙼࠄ๮ၡ΋ࢤ 55 ဦ໺໺੿:(05)2427133 ᆛ֟: ႝηߞጃ:[email protected] ࠾य़೛ी:݅ᘶࣔ ހ៾܌Ԗ.ፎϮᙌӑ ࠄ๮ޗ཮ࣽᏢፕᘀ Nanhua Journal of Social Sciences Ҟᒵ วтຒ………………………………………………………… / 1 ጓޣޑ၉……………………………………………………… / 3 ؇Ҏԣ/ 5……………………………………زቺ୯ੇหលϐࣴ ࿶ᔮว৖ VS.ᕉნߥៈǺѠ᡼҇౲Ȩࡕނ፦Ьကሽॶȩ ޑࠤໂৡຯ……………………………………………ֆख़ᘶ/ 35 ύ୯εഌჹኻࢪ᏾ӝϐ៾ΚᇡޕᄽᡂᆶӢᔈǺ ኻϡǵӅӕѦҬᄤӼӄࡹ฼Ϸ਻ংᡂᎂ……೾ݓѳ/ 63ܭᆫข ѳ฻ၸำᡍ᛾ߐᘖଷᇥ…ഋࡌԀ/ 97ޑձ໔௲ػԋ൩ৡ౦܄а ϐ᠙ნ൨੿……………ഏᑳᛁ/ 121܌ۺǺᒿᢀЈزӧ௶ᇥ္௖ ϦӅࡹ฼ǵቶ֋ᆶ໺൞଄ࡹׯॠ……………………໱ࡌΟ/ 137 ᏢғϐΓ਱੝፦ᆶسவࢃຝ௖૸໺ኞࣽ ፂँᆅ౛ኳԄ………………………………ླྀኀ౛ǵഋܴᙼ/ 177 ዺऊ……………………………………………………………/ 203 204 /………………………………………………………ٯኗዺᡏ Ƞࠄ๮ޗ཮ࣽᏢፕᘀȡ วтຒ Ƞࠄ๮ޗ཮ࣽᏢፕᘀȡࢂ΋ҽаޗ཮ࣽᏢሦୱࣁЬᚒޑ ԃр؂཮ࣽᏢଣԾ 2015 ԃ 6 ДബтǴޗᏢೌයтǴҗҁਠ ᛽Ƕޕᆶ໺ሀـԋ݀ǵҬࢬཀزт 2 යǴаว߄ࣴ ᆶၗҁЬကଯࡋวמᗌΕ 21 ШइǴ໺ኞ൞ϟǵၗૻࣽ ᆶਔॿቚǴΥԜࣣ܄ϕ୏ޑ৖Ǵу΢୯ሞࡹݯǵ࿶ᔮǵЎϯ ᜢ߯Ψޑ཮ᆶԾฅᕉნޗǴΓЎǵ؁ӄౚϯဌזӄБՏӦу ਔж္ǴΓᜪሡाӭϡᆶၠሦޑೲᡂᎂזόᘐׯᡂύǹӧ೭ ჹ၉ǵޑဂሦୱϐ໔ޗሡाӚᏢࣽϷόӕ׳ࡘԵǴکᏢಞޑୱ ࿘ናǵᐟᕏᆶҬࢬǶ דޑԋ൩܌ࠄ๮εᏢࢂࢃ໦εৣ໣ԭ࿤ΓᑫᏢϐᜫΚ Ӛ໨ޑǴਠ༜ۺ཰Ǵаਜଣ௲ػᐋҥΓЎᆒઓࣁЬाᒤᏢ౛ ࡌ೛ᆶว৖ǴࣣࢂΜБε౲ៈ࡭ᆶৣғሸЈոΚޑԋ݀Ƕҁ ໺ሀǴයఈޑ᛽ǵඵችޕ࡭ޚϩ٦ǴޑᏢ᛽ǵ࿶ᡍܭтҥ୷ ༜ӦǴޑឲ෸ک཮ࣽᏢፕᘀȡૈԋࣁᏢࣚӅӕહસޗȠࠄ๮ ᝼زၠୱϷ߻ᘳࣴܗᏢೌፕЎǴ໒ޑـుࡋᆶബڀό໻⽥๧ ᚒǴӕਔҭ࿶җӚࣚޑЍ࡭ǵ࿎ߦǴόᘐගϲҁтޑᏢೌН ሽॶϐႣය౛གྷǶޑё຦׳ӭϡǵ׳཮ޗബ೷ډǴаၲྗ ہᆾӚᏢೌӃ຾ඁ፥εբǴጓᒠᆶቩࢗ܍ҁፕᘀബтဦ ஏǴᙣڬᝄᙣǵ׳Ǵ٬ளҁтـڑፏӭٮ঩ӧጓቩၸำύග ठᖴǶٳԜ΋ ࠄ๮εᏢਠߏ ᙣׇ 1 ጓޣޑ၉ ঩஑཰ቩຑǴہǴᏢೌࣚ଑ៜ዗ਗ਼Ƕ࿶ӭՏຑቩۈҁтബтቻЎҲ ཮Ϸ໺ኞᏢߐΟεሦୱǶޗബтဦӅтฦ 7 ጇፕЎǴ఼ࡴࡹݯǵ ҁβڀӧࡹݯᏢߐǴΟጇтၩፕЎ఼ᇂΑ୯ϣѦϦӅ٣୍᝼ᚒǴঋ ࣁύᑫεᏢޣȥǴբزᜢᚶᆶ୯ሞે୏Ƕಃ΋ጇፕЎȤቺ୯ੇหលϐࣴ ؇Ҏԣ௲௤Ǵ௖૸ቺ୯ੇหលϐว৖ङඳǵ܌ز୯ৎࡹ฼ᆶϦӅ٣୍ࣴ ჹቺ୯ࡹݯ஥ٰϐቹៜǶಃΒጇፕЎȤ࿶ᔮว৖ځЬाࡹ฼Ь஭ǴϷ ٩ᏵȨሽޣࠤໂৡຯȥǴբޑ፦Ьကሽॶȩނvs.ᕉნߥៈǺѠ᡼҇౲Ȩࡕ ॶᡂᎂ౛ፕȩޑᢀᗺǴаѠ᡼ࣁঁਢǴ௖૸ൂ΋୯ৎ҇౲வܤ࡭Ȩނ፦ ፦ЬကሽॶȩϐׯᡂำࡋǶނǴᙯԶݙख़ȨࡕޕЬကሽॶȩϐ୷ҁᇡ ಃΟጇፕЎȤύ୯εഌჹኻࢪ᏾ӝϐ៾ΚᇡޕᄽᡂᆶӢᔈǺᆫขܭ ۔၂კ೸ၸჹύ୯εഌޣኻϡǵӅӕѦҬᄤӼӄࡹ฼Ϸ਻ংᡂᎂȥǴբ БᆶᏢޣᢀᗺǴ௖૸ύ୯εഌჹኻࢪ᏾ӝၸำύੋϷ៾ΚӢનޑᇡޕǴ Α؁٠ᒧ᏷ኻϡǵӅӕѦҬᄤӼӄࡹ฼Ϸ਻ংᡂᎂΟঁЬा᝼ᚒǴ຾΋ ڀ៾Κय़ᢀᗺᆶҥ൑Ƕа΢ΟጇፕЎࣣࣁཱུޑ୔ୱ᏾ӝܭှύ୯εഌჹ ᏢೌుࡋᆶബཥϐբࠔǶ ǺᒿزȤӧ௶ᇥ္௖ޑጇፕЎǶഏᑳᛁٿ཮ᏢߐǴҁтӅԏᒵޗӧ ೸ၸঁΓ஑཰Ꭶԋǵ௲Ꮲ࿶ᡍаϷᆶჴ୍ޣϐ᠙ნ൨੿ȥǴբ܌ۺᢀЈ ޗԋࣁزߏයϕ୏ϸࡘǴவӚБय़ឍॊǴගр㯎ᇥՉ୏ࣴޑޣ཮πբޗ ѳ฻ၸޑձ໔௲ػԋ൩ৡ౦܄ȤаޑǶഋࡌԀ܄፾Ҕޑጄڂز཮ࣽᏢࣴ ၮҔ 1990 ԃ~2001 ԃӚයޣǴբزำᡍ᛾ߐᘖଷᇥȥǴ߾ࢂ΋ጇჴ᛾ࣴ ৡޑ௲ػԋ൩ޑձᆶ໘ቫӢન೷ԋѠ᡼Ꮲғ܄཮ᡂᎂၗ਑Ǵϩ݋ޗѠ᡼ ጇЎകٿᖿ༈ǶޑႣය܌཮ᄽ຾ၸำޗ౦Ǵ಄ӝߐᘖଷᇥჹ໒วύ୯ৎ ࡌޑΑᝊ຦ٮሦୱύǴගޑ཮ᏢޗࡋǴӧفޑزჴቻࣴکጄڂزӚவࣴ Ƕق ȤϦӅࡹ฼ǵቶ֋ᆶ໺൞ޑጇፕЎǶ໱ࡌΟٿӧ໺ኞᏢߐǴ߾ԏᒵ നཥፕॊǴௗޑ଄ࡹׯॠȥǴ२ӃឍॊमᇟШࣚύᢕࣴቶ֋ᆶ໺൞ᐕў ቶ֋଄ࡹೕጄځൔરǴຑ՗ޑ๱ᔠຎऩυኻࢪ୯ৎǵВҁǵࠄᗬϷύ୯ ϦӅܺޑᘉεόѸ٩᎞ቶ֋ԏΕ܈ჴ፬ϷԋᕮǴനࡕࡰрബ೛ޑᆶׯॠ Ȥவࢃຝޑࣁख़ाǶླྀኀ౛ǵഋܴᙼ׳൞ᡏǴࢂќ΋ঁᒧ᏷ǴЪёૈ୍ ǴբزᏢғϐΓ਱੝፦ᆶፂँᆅ౛ኳԄȥǴࢂ΋ጇჴ᛾ࣴس௖૸໺ኞࣽ Ꮲғբࣁኬҁ҆ဂǴ၂კவՋࢩسύࠄ೽εᏢϐεѤ໺ኞࣽ܌٩ᏵΎޣ ᏢғϐΓ਱੝፦ᆶፂँᆅ౛سНǵОǵβǵ॥ѤᜪࢃຝǴٰ௖૸໺ኞࣽ ǴளаႣޣόӕΓ਱੝፦ڀᏢғύǴѤᜪࢃຝسኳԄǴ่ፕࡰр໺ኞࣽ ฼ౣǶ܄ৡ౦ޑڗ௦܌ෳӢᔈፂँਔ .཮ 104.7ہ཮ࣽᏢፕᘀጓޗࠄ๮ 3 !زቺ୯ੇหលϐࣴ ! زቺ୯ੇหលϐࣴ A Study on the Pirate Party of Germany ؇Ҏԣ1 ᄔ ा ቺ୯ੇหលܭ 2006 ԃ 9 Д 10 Вܭ࢙݅ѱԋҥǶԋҥϐ߃Ǵѝ೏ຎ ख़ຎǶฅԶӧ࢙݅ 2011ޑϼεډڙ΋ᕉǴ٠҂ޑࣁࢂ୯ሞੇหលၮ୏ ǴӢڋज़ޑள౻౗Ǵँઇ 5ʘచීޑԃ 9 ДᒧᖐϐࡕǴӢᕇளΑ 8.9ʘ ч๲ӢٖǵᙓᅟើٖаϷܭԃ΢ъԃ 2012 ܭᐟᓰǶௗԶޑԶᕇளཱུε ள౻౗Ǵੇหޑϩձᕇள 7.8ʘǵ7.4ʘаϷ 8.2ʘٖڶථӈ࠶Ջ-ᓅᅟථ ೲᚹϲǶᏃᆅӵԜǴזख़ाࡹលϐ΋ǴЍ࡭౗ᆶល঩ΓኧޑលςԋΑӄ୯ ว৖Ƕ2013 ԃ 9 Дቺ୯ᖄٖ౲᝼ޑۓӧ 2012 ԃԃۭϐࡕࠅΞև౜όᛙ ଣᒧᖐǴੇหលѝᕇளΑ 2.2ʘޑள౻౗Ƕ2014 ԃኻࢪ᝼཮ᒧᖐࣗԿѝ ᕇளΑ 1.4ʘޑள౻౗Ƕੇหលޑஙଆ໻ឦᐃ޸΋౜Ƕ ਔжԋҥੇหលǴჴࣁԃᇸᒧ҇ჹ౜Ԗࡹݯǵ࿶ᔮᆶޑӧᆛሞᆛၡ Ӽޑௗ҇Ьǵуமჹᆛၡ٬ҔޔӵуமٯගលᆜǴ܌ࡋϐϸኔǶڋ཮ޗ ӄߥምᆶၷЗԖୢᚒၗૻϐᓯӸᆶᅱ௓೬ᡏǴаϷӧ࿶ᔮǵᕉߥᆶѦҬ ಍໺ሀЎҹǴᙖҗᆛسдࡹលǶੇหលҭ೸ၸᆛၡځܭࡹ฼Бय़฻֡౦ ಍سǴࣗԿᙖҗੇหលࢬ୏Ԅӣ㎸ד٠຾Զ׎༟ࡹݯཀـၡѳѠྎ೯ཀ ჹࡹ฼຾Չ૸ፕᆶᔠຎǴᜬᙟΑ໺಍ࡹលޑၮբኳԄǶԜ΋ၮբኳԄᆶ ᜢݙᆶЍ࡭౗ǴฅԶࠅΨቹៜ၀ޑᐱ੝Ь஭Ǵ΋ࡋЇଆ࣬྽εޑหលੇ ௃༈ΠǴቺ୯ੇޑលϣი่Ƕ৖ఈ҂ٰǴӧεᕉნόճੇหលว৖ޑល ๺ᕭǶ؁หលёૈஒ຾΋ ᜢᗖຒǺੇหលǵ୯ሞੇหၮ୏ǵᆛၡǵඵች଄ౢ៾ǵࢬ୏Ԅӣ㎸ ಍ǵᖄٖ౲᝼ଣǵኻࢪ᝼཮س ௲௤܌زࣁ୯ҥύᑫεᏢ୯ৎࡹ฼ᆶϦӅ٣୍ࣴޣբ 1 5 ޗ཮ࣽᏢፕᘀಃ΋ය! ! ق΋ǵ߻ ቺ୯ੇหលȐPiratenparteiȑܭ 2006 ԃ 9 Д 10 Вܭ࢙݅ѱύ୔ C-Base ҅Ԅԋ ޑ٥ᐕξεቶ൑ (Alexanderplatz) ߕ߈ (Berzirk Mitte) หលԋੇڂҥ(Appelius & Fuhrer 2012: 23)Ƕԋҥϐ߃Ǵѝ೏ຎࣁࢂӧྷ ҥϐࡕޑ୯ሞੇหលၮ୏ޑ΋ᕉǴӕਔΨࢂཥШжၗૻϯޗ཮ ȐInformationsgesellschaftȑΠ܌ౢғޑࡹល(“Piratenpartei Deutschland,” ໵හٖȐHessenȑܭԃ 2008 ܭख़ຎǶฅԶᒿ๱၀លޑϼεډڙǴ٠҂(2012 ள౻౗ϐࡕ(“Piratenparteiޑᒧᖐᕇள 0.3 ʘޑ२ࡋୖуٖቫભ (ᖄٖ᝼཮ (Bundestagޑว৖Ǵ2009 ԃ 9 Дޑೲז Deutschland,” 2012)Ǵ 1.5ʘᆶ 3.4ʘϐ໔Ƕ2ᏃᆅӵԜǴ ܭள౻౗ςϟޑᒧᖐǴੇหលӧӚٖ ܈ǴੇหលϝؒԖҺՖংᒧΓૈ୼຾Εቺ୯ᖄٖ᝼཮ڋज़ޑӢ 5ʘచී ࢂӚٖ᝼཮ǴฅԶ 2011 ԃࣿϺϐࡕ௃༈ЩᡂǶ ࢙݅ѱ3ܭ 2011 ԃ 9 Д 11 ВᖐՉᒧᖐǴੇหលᕇளΑ 8.9ʘޑள౻ ǴԶӅԖ 15 Տੇหលល঩຾Ε࢙݅ѱڋज़ޑ౗Ǵ२ࡋँઇΑ 5ʘచී ᝼཮(“Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin,” 2012)ǶੇหលவԜᕇளཱུεޑᐟᓰǴ ч๲Ӣٖ-࠶ථ੝ݤܭӦБᒧᖐǴੇหលϩձޑௗΠٰӧ 2012 ԃ΢ъԃ উȐNordrhein-WsetfalenǴаΠᙁᆀч๲૜ٖȑǵᙓᅟើٖȐSaarlandȑ ȐSchleswig-Holsteinȑϩձᕇள 7.8ʘǵ7.4ٖڶаϷථӈ࠶Ջ-ᓅᅟථ ڋज़ޑᒧ౻ǴੇหលӧԜΟٖ֡ၠၸ 5 ʘచීޑʘаϷ 8.2 ʘ (“Piratenpartei Deutschland,” 2012)ǶਥᏵ Forsa ҇ፓϦљܭ 2012 ԃ 8 Д ВᖐՉǴ߾ੇหលஒ཮ᕇڬΠঁܭ҇ፓǴऩᖄٖ᝼཮ᒧᖐޑϦթ܌В 8 ள 9ʘޑள౻౗(“Sonntagfrage Bundestagwahl,” 2012)ǶฅԶӧ 2013 ԃ 1 2.1ʘ ډᒧᖐύǴੇหលࠅѝளޑΠᙓլහٖȐNiedersachsenȑޑД (“Landtagswahl in Niedersachsen 2013,” 2012)Ǵ҂ૈँઇၸ 5ʘޑచීǶ ऩӕኬа Forsa ޑ҇ፓኧᏵᢀϐǴੇหលܭ 2013 ԃ 8 Д 14 В܌Ϧթޑ ϐǴੇหលԾ 2012 ԃ 8 Дϐࡕևقள౻౗ǶඤޑኧᏵǴѝૈᕇள 3ʘ ቺ୯ᖄٖ᝼཮ᒧᖐ่݀ё࣮ޑว৖Ƕҗ 2013 ԃ 9 Д 22 Вޑۓ౜ջόᛙ рǴੇหលനࡕ໻ᕇள 2.2ʘޑள౻౗ǴѝКѤԃ߻ቚу 0.2ʘ (“Yahoo Deutschland: Deutschland wählt,” 2013)Ƕӧ࢙݅ѱޑள౻౗ࣗԿѝԖ 3.6 ᒧᖐᕇள 8.9ʘޑʘ (Berliner Morgenpost 2013)Ǵᆶ 2011 ԃ 9 Д࢙ٖ݅ ϐǴੇหលᕵฅӧၸ൳ԃว৖ِೲǴฅԶ٠҂قள౻౗࣬ຯࣗᇻǶඤޑ ᙓլහٖ҂௢рংᒧΓǴӢԶ҂ीΕ಍ीǶፎୖ᎙ǺLandesergebnisse der 2 Bundestagswahl 2009. ၗ਑ٰྍǺ andesergebnisse/index.html ΠၩВයǺ2012ԃ7Д17ВǶ ᗄѱǴӦՏᆶٖ (Land)࣬ӕǶޔ࢙݅ѱࣁቺ୯ϐ 3 6 !زቺ୯ੇหលϐࣴ ! ૈԋࣁ໻ԛܭ୷࿎௲ᖄ࿉ȐCDU/CSUȑǵޗ཮҇ЬលȐSPDȑаϷᆘល ȐGrüneȑϐࡕޑಃѤεលǴдӧ೚ӭӦБᒧᖐຬၸ 5ʘЍ࡭ࡋޑ౜ຝ ໻ࢂᐃ޸΋౜Ƕ ៳หលவ 2006 ԃ 9 ДԋҥϐࡕǴว৖ΜϩِೲǴԿ 2012 ԃ߃ςੇ ᖄٖ౲᝼ଣᒧᖐϐࡕǴޑΑ 2013 ԃ 9 Дډฅςԋࣁቺ୯ಃѤεលǴՠ Ѳើฦൕ (Brandenburg) ǵᙓլහܭচᗺǶ2014 ԃ 8 Дډ΋Ϫ՟ЯΞӣ ᝼཮ٖޑSachen)ᆶკ݅ਥ (Türingen)ǴаϷ 2015 ԃ 2 Д 15 Вӧᅇൕ) ᒧᖐࠅϩձѝᕇள 1.5ʘǵ 1.1ʘǵ 1.0ʘаϷ 1.6ʘޑள౻౗Ǵᇻեܭ (ள౻౗ࣗԿК΢΋ԛᒧᖐ(2009ޑٖঁٿǴӧᅇൕᆶᙓլහڋज़ޑ5ʘ ഖቺ୯ੇหលϐว৖ङزե(“Piratenpartei Deutschland,” 2012)Ƕޑ೿ٰ ࡹ฼Ь஭ࢂࣗሶǻჹቺޑЬाځচӢࣁՖǻޑඳࣁՖǻ೷ԋኪଆኪပ ز৖ఈΞࢂࣗሶǻԜࣁԜ΋ࣴޑࡹݯว৖஥ٰΑব٤ቹៜǻ҂ٰޑ୯ ޑЬाख़ᗺǶ Βǵቺ୯ੇหលϐว৖ङඳ Μϩِޑቺ୯ੇหលࡌҥّϞ҂ᅈ 9 ԃǴՠӧ 2012 ԃϐ߻ࠅว৖ дኻࢪ୯ৎځډڙ .চӢόѦЯǺ1ځว৖ङඳࣁՖǻ ᘜ่ځഖزೲǴ ࡋϐϸኔǹ3. ϸᔈԃߙΓڋ཮ޗหលᑫଆϐቹៜǹ2. ჹ౜Ԗ࿶ᔮǵੇ ᜢϪޑୢᚒ฻Ƕ дኻࢪ୯ৎੇหលᑫଆϐቹៜځډڙ(΋) 1.୯ሞੇหលၮ୏ϐጔଆ Seibert 2012: 13)ǶᏵ՗ीǴ2000)ڂའᝣ೏Ϧᇡࢂӧྷޑหលၮ୏ੇ ྷܭ40ʘ(Neumann 2009: 6)Ǵӧ྽ਔҗ ޑςၲᕴΓαٯКޑ΢ᆛڂԃྷ ݤࡓೕጄϝό୼ֹ๓Ǵ೚ӭၗ਑ё೸ޑ๱բ៾ȐUrheberrechtȑߥምڂ ளǴ೷ԋ೚ӭ൞ᡏϦљǴх ֖ Disneyǵ Foxǵ Sony PicturesǵڗၸᆛၡΠၩ Universalǵ Viacom аϷ Warner Ϧљϐᝄख़ཞѨ(Neumann 2009: 6)Ƕ ՉࣁȩᆶȨੇหՉހȨหޑளᔞਢڗԜ΋೏Ԝ٤ϦљຎࣁߚݤڋࣁΑϸ ԋҥΑȨϸڂԃӧྷ 2001 ܭࣁȩȐPiraterieȑǴ߻ॊӅऊΟΜঁ൞ᡏϦљ หՉࣁᒤϦ࠻ȩȐSvenska Antipiratbyrånȑ(Seibert 2012: 13)Ǵ׆ఈૈੇ ݤࡓа௢୏ඵች଄ౢ៾ϐߥៈǶଞჹԜ΋ၗྍᆶȨЎҹӅۓڋڂߦ٬ྷ ٦ȩȐFilesharingȑՉࣁஒ೏ᗒϯԋࣁȨҍ࿾ȩϐᙯᡂǴЍ࡭ȨၗྍӅ٦ȩ ޣΏܭ 2003 ԃԋҥȨੇหᒤϦ࠻ȩȐPiratbyrånȑǴբࣁჹԜ΋Ь஭ϐȨϸ ၸࡋߥៈǴޑ៾ȩހࣁϸჹȨ؃Ьाນځၮ୏ȩ(Seibert 2012: 13)Ƕڋ ԶЍ࡭Ȩޕ᛽଄ౢȩȐgeistiges EigentumȑϐၗૻҬඤ(Seibert 2012: 13)Ƕ ඵ៶იޑඵች଄ౢ៾ϐԖಔᙃלȨੇหᒤϦ࠻ȩ೏ຎࣁࢂჹ ȐThink-Tankȑ(Neumann 2009: 6)ǴԋҥޑЬाҞޑࣁǺ೸ၸᆛၡૻ৲ Ϧ҇ཀ᛽ޑӅ٦όᔈ೏ຎࣁࢂҍ࿾Չࣁޑ໺ሀǴҾკࡌҥᆛၡၗྍޑ 7 ޗ཮ࣽᏢፕᘀಃ΋ය! ! ԃ 11 2003 ܭԃᇸΓϐ៿߆ǴӢԶډڙSeibert 2012: 13)ǶԜ΋Ь஭ߚத) ೛ҥȨBT ՛ܺᏔȩȐBitTorrent-Trackerȑɡੇห᡼ȐPirate BayȑǴڂྷܭД բࣁᆛၡၗྍӅ٦ϐѳѠ(Seibert 2012: 13)Ƕ หលϐࡌҥੇڂྷ.2 ៿߆Ǵՠӧ୯ሞᓸΚޑޣᆛၡ٬ҔޑቶεډڙᏃᆅȨੇหᒤϦ࠻ȩ ܭݤࡓǴόளόޑᆛၡΠၩό೏ຎࣁߚݤޑচҁೕጄၗૻҬඤڂΠǴྷ ΠၩޑSeibert 2012: 14, 400)ǴԶ٬চҁค࿾)ۓԃ 7 Д 1 Вख़ཥঅ 2005 Չࣁ೏ፐа࿾ೢǶԜ΋ᙯᡂǴЇଆ᛻ฅǶȨੇหᒤϦ࠻ȩޑԋ঩ᇡࣁਔ ԃ 2006 ܭࡼаᓸΚǴԶޣ௢୏ࡹݯၮ୏Ǵჹ୺ࡹ؁ᐒԋዕǴѸ໪຾΋ ሦᏤϐΠԋҥΑ୯ሞ΢ޑ Д 1 Вӧճլ•ݤᅟլЎȐRick Falkvingeȑ 1 ߻܌҂ԖޑȨੇหលȩǴ܈ᆀࣁหހលȐPiratenparteiȑ(Seibert 2012: 14)Ǵ ࡹݯಔᙃǶᏃᆅӵԜǴੇหល࠹ᆀǴޑЬ஭ޣඵች଄ౢ៾ߥៈל଺ࣁჹ ڂᆶಔᙃࠠᄊֹӄόӕ(Neumann 2009: 8)ǶྷޑҞޑ၀លᆶȨੇห᡼ȩ ԃ 2006 ܭምᛖǴԶૈୖᆶޑسႻᡏ۔२ाπբࣁլܺޑหលӧ྽ਔੇ ᝼཮ᒧᖐ(Neumann 2009: 8)ǶȨੇห᡼ȩ߾ᝩុ೸ၸᆛڂྷޑΐДᖐՉ ה৒ޑࡹ۬ڂճ੻аϷྷޑѳѠǴᝩុࡷᏯ߻ॊҾ཰ޑၡȨၗྍҬඤȩ ጌȨੇห᡼ȩǴڗӧ 2006 ԃ 5 Д 31 Вܭࡹ۬ಖڂࡋǶӧ୯ሞᓸΚΠǴྷ ǴՠࠅЇଆЍܫ٠຺ਂΟՏख़ा༸೽(Neumann 2009: 8)Ǵᗨฅᒿջ೏ញ ࡭ޣӧථቺঢᅟነаϷঢ੝ൕȐGöteborgȑޑ຾ՉҢ࠶ၯՉǴԜ΋ࢲ୏ ௢୏(Neumann 2009: 8)Ƕ܌Ȩੇหលȩڂջҗྷ 3.୯ሞੇหលၮ୏॥ଆ໦෢ Ϻ೸؂୯ሞϐख़ຎǴӧ྽ਔǴډڙԋҥੇห᡼Ǵሥޣᆛၡ٬Ҕڂྷ ύǴځഖฅଯၲΟίϖԭ࿤Γԛ(Seibert 2012: 15)Ǵޣ٬ҔޑၸԜ΋ѳѠ Ծύ୯ǵ11.0ʘٰԾऍ୯ǵ 5.5ʘٰԾम୯ǵ 5.4ʘٰٰޣ٬Ҕޑ22.3ʘ ԾՋ੤Уǵ 4.4ʘٰԾݤ୯ǵ 3.9ʘٰԾу৾εǵ 3.5ʘٰԾကεճǵ ύ୯ᆶऍ୯ܭ୯௃ᆶݤࡓǴܭज़ڙ1.9ʘٰԾቺ୯(Seibert 2012: 15)ǶӢ дኻࢪ୯ৎǴ௢୏ჹځหលಔᙃǴฅԶӧੇޑڂྷܭਥҁคݤԋҥᜪ՟ ၮ୏ࠅ॥ଆ໦෢Ƕ2006 ԃ 7 Д 31 ВǴՕࢶޑЬ஭ޣඵች଄ౢ៾ߥៈל ճ • चࡘ୷ (Florian Hufsky) ബҥΑ༫ӦճੇหលȐPiratenpartei ÖsterreichsȑǴ೭ΨࢂಃΒঁԋҥੇหលޑ୯ৎ(“Piratenpartei Österreichs,” ࢙ܭӕԃ 9 Дܭ୯ৎ௢୏ੇหលၮ୏ϐႴᆸǴቺ୯ঁٿԜډڙǶ(2014 ࢂ॥ଆ໦෢ǴȨ୯ሞੇหលȩ(Pirate׳ԋҥੇหលǶԜࡕǵԜ΋ၮ୏݅ Parties International) ܭ 2010 ԃ 4 Д 17 ВܭѲᎹ༞ᅟ҅ԄԋҥǶ ࡋϐϸኔڋ཮ޗΒ)ჹ౜Ԗ࿶ᔮǵ) ᜢ߯В੻ᆙஏǴȨӄޑวၲᆶҬ೯В੻ߡ௘Ǵ୯ᆶ୯ϐ໔מᒿ๱ࣽ ੝ቻǶ ԜޑౚϯȩȐGlobalizationȑΏԋࣁၠШइаٰ୯ሞᜢ߯ύനܴᡉ 8 !زቺ୯ੇหលϐࣴ ! :ࢂࡽుЪᇻ(؇Ҏԣ 2008׳ቹៜځ΋ว৖ᖿ༈ߚՠคݤᏲǴԶЪ 237)Ƕ ว৖ϕࣁӢ݀ǴՠࠅҬΰቹៜǴޑᆶШࣚ࿶ᔮמȨӄౚϯȩᆶ౜жࣽ ᔅޑ܄ڮ஥ٰॠڙ٦ޑ፦ނШࣚԋࣁ΋ঁȨӦౚ׸ȩǴჹΓᜪޑ٬౜Ϟ ࣁ೦൤ৡຯВޑ၎ੰ܌ύനࣁΓځय़ቹៜǴॄޑշǴՠࠅΨ஥ٰ࣬྽ӭ ၮǴаϷ୯ৎЬ៾όܰᕇளᆢڮޑ๊ྐډ੻ᘉεǵ ऩυ໺಍Ўϯஒᎁ ៈ฻(؇Ҏԣ 2008: 245-248)Ƕ ޑдਏ౗ၨৡځΑٳБԄӝޑдځ܈ᖼٳεҾ཰Ǵ೸ၸޑӃ຾୯ৎ ӵࡹݯુٯдЋࢤǴځࢂ܈ ЋݤǴх֖ቶ֋ǵޑҾ཰Ǵӆа୘཰ߦᎍ ࣁǺନΑཱུϿኧε଄იϐѦǴ่݀ځࢂд୯ѱ൑Ǵ܈ॐ฻ЋࢤЬৌҁ୯Ǵ Ꭹ࣬ᜢౢ཰೴ᅌ೏ి؎ǴѨ཰ୢᚒӢԶВ੻ᝄख़Ǵ଄൤೸ၸѱ൑Ǵջځ ౜ຝ(؇ޑཇ೦ޣຫ൤Ǵ೦ޣᒏԾҗѱ൑ϐၮբԶख़ཥ೏ϩଛǴ೷ԋ൤܌ Ҏԣ 2008: 247-248)Ƕ܌ᒏȨMȩࠠޗ཮ޑ౜ຝǴ೦൤ৡຯᘉεޑୢᚒ дᓸΚԶόளځࢂ܈࿶ᔮǵࡹݯܭڋڙӕኬวғӧ୯ሞ໔Ƕ໒วύ୯ৎ ᓬඁǴа࠹ޑளΑեᜢิڗࣁǺд୯ε୯Ҿ཰่݀ځҁ୯ѱ൑Ƕܫό໒ ᝡݾΚޑǴฅࡕӆаᓬ༈܄੃຤ಞޑЋݤׯᡂΑԜ΋୯Γޑ໺ǵ Չᎍ ڙπ୘཰ว৖ֹӄޑ࣬ᜢౢ཰Ѻ௳Ǵ՞ሦΑ၀୯ѱ൑Ǵ٬၀୯ޑஒԜ୯ ୢᚒǶޑ೷ԋ೦൤ৡຯВ੻ᘉεܭΓǴ ߏΦа۳Ǵ ಖܭڋ ᖐǶ൩ݍηόയٯޑࡋΠǴ࿶ᔮࢲ୏১Ժம१ڋ཮ޗӧ౜Ϟ࿶ᔮᆶ ࢂԖ܈ၯᔍೕ߾Ǵ೿ࢂӧεҾ཰ޑǴдॺᇡࣁ౜Չ೚ӭ࿶ᔮࢲ୏قԜԶ ߥៈ฻Ƕՠࢂӧࡽளճ੻ޑӵჹඵች଄ౢ៾ٯǴۓᔕ܌ϐΠדཀޑᒲΓ ໣่ǴԶׯޑ࡭ϐΠǴࠅΞόܰׯᡂǶ ӢԜǴӵՖ೸ၸϸჹ༈Κעޣ ว৖চ୏ΚǶޑၯᔍೕ߾Ǵ՟ЯΨ൩ࢂੇหលനख़ाޑᡂԜ٤όӝ౛ (Ο)ϸᔈԃߙΓᜢϪޑୢᚒ฻ 1.Ѩ཰ୢᚒ ࢂԃᇸΓځᝄ৚ୢᚒǴЀޑӅӕय़ჹ܌୯ৎঁ؂Ѩ཰ୢᚒࣁҁШइ ѦǶٯѨ཰ୢᚒǴቺ୯ҭόޑ Ѩ཰౗२ޑୢᚒВ੻ൾϯǴ1994 ԃޑቺ಍΋ϐࡕǴѨ཰ٿቺ୯ӧ ޑԿ 2007 ԃǴቺ୯ޔ10.6ʘ(Booth 2010)ǶԜࡕǴ΋ ډࡋँઇ 10%Ǵၲ ϩձଯၲ 13.0ʘ׳ύǴ2005 ԃᆶ 2006 ԃځѨ཰౗೿ᆢ࡭ӧ 10%а΢Ǵ ଯၲ 20.6׳аϷ 12.0ʘ(Booth 2010)Ƕ 2005 ԃǴቺܿӦ୔ѳ֡Ѩ཰౗ ࣁᝄख़Ƕ׳ޑдԃសቫځѨ཰ୢᚒБय़ǴКޑʘ(Booth 2010)Ƕ ӧԃᇸΓ ϩձଯၲ 15.5׳Ѩ཰౗Ǵ2002 ԃਔࣁ 9.3ʘǴ2005 ᆶ 2006 ԃޑаΠྃ 24 ѳ֡Ѩ཰౗ࣁ 13.0ʘޑʘᆶ 13.8ʘ(Eurostat 2013)Ǵ֡Кӕ΋ԃࡋቺ୯ ޑރѨ཰౗ଯǴόᅈࡹ۬аϷགྷׯᡂ౜ܭଯǶӧ྽ਔǴҗޑᆶ 12.0ʘٰ 9 ޗ཮ࣽᏢፕᘀಃ΋ය! ! ໔ǶޜԖճޑΑੇหលว৖ٮӭǴ೭Ψග׳Γ൩ 2.ඵች଄ౢ៾ၸࡋߥៈޑୢᚒ ᛬ೌբࠔǴаکԋ݀Ǵх֖วܴǵЎᏢޑඵች଄ౢ៾ࢂࡰඵΚബ೷ Ѧᢀ೛ी฻Ȩඵች଄ౢ៾ȩ( 2014)Ƕک಄ဦǵӜᆀǵ კႽޑϷ୘཰ύ٬Ҕ ᜪǴπ཰ౢ៾хࡴวܴ஑ճǵ୘ٿ៾ހඵች଄ౢ៾ёаϩࣁπ཰ౢ៾ᆶ ᛬ೌբࠔ(Ȩඵችک៾߾хࡴЎᏢހӦ౛኱ᇞǴک኱ǵπ཰ࠔѦᢀ೛ी ୯ৎᏯډ଄ౢ៾ȩ2014)Ƕ1979 ԃǴऍ୯ಃ΋ԛஒඵች଄ౢ៾Ꮿౣගϲ ಍΋ᏯౣǶޑቫय़ǶԜࡕǴඵች଄ౢ៾Ꮿౣ൩ԋΑऍ୯Ҿ཰ᆶࡹ۬ޑౣ ᘉкǴ೴ᅌ׎ԋΑ΋کঅुޑӈسݤࡓ΢຾ՉΑ΋ޑऍ୯ӧඵች଄ౢ៾ ঺Ԗճܭऍ୯ޑཥޑ୯ሞຩܰೕ߾(Ȩඵች଄ౢ៾ȩ2014)Ƕऍ୯ޑ฼ౣ ᒤݤߥៈඵች଄ౢ៾Ƕुڋд୯ǴԶ઱઱೏ॐډଭ΢ቹៜ ޑ᛽ޕǴࠅ٬่݀ޑߥៈচҁคёࠆߚǴՠၸࡋߥៈޑඵች଄ౢ៾ ቹៜǴѝाัуό཈ǴջԖߟ៾ᆶ᝻ݤڙ٬ҔǴుޑࢂᆛၡځ໺ኞǴЀ ள܌Ƕ ൩аޣ٬Ҕޑࢂჹԃᇸځ၎ੰǴЀ܌௃ݩวғǴӢԶΦࣁΓޑ ǴਥҁคݤॄޣǴࣗԿࢂϝӧᏢޣଯեբࣁ୔ϩǴдॺёૈ೿ࢂ১༈ޑ ٬Ҕ຤Ƕ ՠࢂޑࢂ೛ी܈ࢂਥҁόᜫཀॄᏼдΓวܴǵ ബ೷ޣ܈ᏼǴ ፝ᓭߎǶӢԜǴޑѝाੋϷߟ៾Ǵ൩Ѹ໪೏ፐݤࡓೢҺǴࣗԿࢂᛦҬ႐ᚐ Ҟޑࢂ೚ӭԃᇸΓոΚޔၯᔍೕ߾Ǵ΋ޑЬᏤ܌ӵՖׯᡂҗம୯εҾ཰ ኱Ƕ ୢᚒޑᆛၡ٬ҔӼӄᆶԾҗ.3 ࣁߡ௘Ǵ೚ӭ׳ளڗޑВ੻දаϷᆛၡΠၩᆶၗૻޑᒿ๱ᆛሞᆛၡ หޑԃಔԋȨϸੇหᒤϦ࠻ȩǴᆶߚݤ 2001 ܭεࠠু኷Ҿ཰ޑӚԄӚኬ ޣᆛၡ٬ҔޑڂǴӧྷڋϸ؃Klecha & Hensel 2013: 18)Ƕࣁ)ל࣬ჹހ ԃ೯ၸу 2005 ܭڂߦ٬ྷޣȨੇหᒤϦ࠻ȩǶ ߻ޑᒏ܌ԃԋҥ 2003 ܭ ЍޑԃԋҥੇหលǶ൩ੇหល 2006 ܭޣݤࡓǹࡕޑமჹඵችౢ៾ߥៈ ᛽ᆶЎϯӧᆛޕ ߥៈǵޑ᝼ᚒࣁঁΓၗૻޑǴдॺനࣁᜢϪقԶޣ࡭ ၡѳѠҬඤޑԾҗ(Klecha & Hensel 2013: 19)Ƕ ߥៈǴԶόډڙࢂঁΓ٬ҔᆛၡਔǴঁၗᔈޑࡰ܌ߥៈޑΓၗૻঁ ܈୯ৎډڙ౛җǴԶޑЬက܀୯ሞ৮ڋӵӢٛٯ౛җǴޑᒏӼӄ܌ᔈӢ ޗ཮ޑᅱ࿎(Appelius & Fuhrer 2012: 97)ǶԿܭӧޕ᛽ᆶЎϯӧᆛၡѳѠ ၸࡋߥៈޑԾҗόૈӢඵች଄ౢ៾ޑԾҗБय़Ǵ߾ᇡࣁᆛၡ٬ҔޑҬඤ ǴӵՖዴߥᆛၡ٬قKlecha & Hensel
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    Romanian Political Science Review vol. XXI, no. 1 2021 The end of the Cold War, and the extinction of communism both as an ideology and a practice of government, not only have made possible an unparalleled experiment in building a democratic order in Central and Eastern Europe, but have opened up a most extraordinary intellectual opportunity: to understand, compare and eventually appraise what had previously been neither understandable nor comparable. Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review was established in the realization that the problems and concerns of both new and old democracies are beginning to converge. The journal fosters the work of the first generations of Romanian political scientists permeated by a sense of critical engagement with European and American intellectual and political traditions that inspired and explained the modern notions of democracy, pluralism, political liberty, individual freedom, and civil rights. Believing that ideas do matter, the Editors share a common commitment as intellectuals and scholars to try to shed light on the major political problems facing Romania, a country that has recently undergone unprecedented political and social changes. They think of Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review as a challenge and a mandate to be involved in scholarly issues of fundamental importance, related not only to the democratization of Romanian polity and politics, to the “great transformation” that is taking place in Central and Eastern Europe, but also to the make-over of the assumptions and prospects of their discipline. They hope to be joined in by those scholars in other countries who feel that the demise of communism calls for a new political science able to reassess the very foundations of democratic ideals and procedures.
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    Revisiting The Purpose Of The Copyright Monopoly: Science And The Useful Arts Rick Falkvinge December 2, 2012 If there’s one thing that needs constant reminding, it’s the explicit purpose of the copyright monopoly. Its purpose is to promote the progress of human knowledge. Nothing less. Nothing more. While the copyright monopoly has many different origins that have come together under this umbrella of hodgepodge different monopolies, few copyright monopoly laws are as clear on its purpose as the one in the United States of America. In its Constitution, we read the following: [Congress has the power] to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. This passage is notable for a number of different things. We begin by noting it says that Congress has the power, and not the obligation, to create this monopoly. Thus, the US Congress could abolish the monopoly tomorrow if there was political will. Those who claim that the copyright monopoly is “constitutionally guaranteed” are simply wrong. One hundred percent, 180 degrees wrong. Second, we should make careful note of its language. This passage enables the US Congress to make two kinds of monopolies: copyright monopolies and patent monopolies, respectively. Science and the useful arts. The “science” part refers to the copyright monopoly, and the “useful arts” has nothing to do with creative works – it is “arts” in the same sense as “artisan”, that is, craftsmanship. So let’s start looking at what is not in this passage.
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