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Digitalcommons@WPI Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Newspeak All Issues Newspeak 4-16-1991 Newspeak Volume 19, Issue 11, April 16, 1991 The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Newspeak Volume 19, Issue 11, April 16, 1991" (1991). Newspeak All Issues. Book 415. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspeak at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspeak All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. Homeless: We don't want to know... b.v link Currin thrtl\\ w.ncr hallnc.m' aml M· XII ', Jl .i no:" C\'l.'n m lhc lilJ'Iihll ot tho: ll S doll.1r' a <.h1y lnr a w;1r ami we can't llomch!\\OC'-' " 11 de.. ecruuon of tim t!mup nl 'tudcnt' If) ang ((a help the When ...c•mcc •ne tvld lm tno:nd "Yuu \pl!nd ~COl) Ill fifty 1111lhun 10 help -.ymool: an)onc v.ho " homelc·' ,v,~s{Halc Stoff hom;: II!''· It i, thc1r pWll!'" ul tlcniJI. would lhml.. lhJt rh .. l S ~ould \lo,JOt rhe homcJn," doc,n't ha\'e hhcrty: doc,n't h.l'e II you weren' 1 unpr"oncd 'umc· of nol ~anlmg to lu~:c 11. thai cause' a to nul..e the Capllal dean ol p<l\cn) A repi'C\entali~ot.• lmm the R.un n~hh ~:.m't pur.uc happinC~' He v.herc.: lur Ihe P·"' "ed;, )'OU "111 lew 10 lc.u.l a groupinltl tlomg \111111.'· 'n1ha1 uthcr people "ho c.:ame 10 thi' bow Coahllon 'J"ll.c nc:~:t aboul lm told u' that the !ltutlenl!> are the ray ut thJI there hil' hccn :1 cxhibuum 1h10g run:l) ~tup1tl And don' t 1ell me l'tluntl') and 'ee what 11 n:pri.'O\Cn"." nrg,m11a11on Coali11110 91. thai '' hnpc .a ..ced to c.:hange the :umclltC\ our un 1he Quad to help r.ii'-4: m(lne) II wa~ IU'' a ~i!Jpe Rat I) rc lhiO~ . II" tnend re'J"'nd\.'d. • That ""hat 11 lryin!! 10 n:plac\: -.ome ul the people 111 1h1' c.:uumry perpetrate.. on Lhe poor. lor the homclc'' Th1' "c\hlbllmn" Wedge.: Rat' were ccnaml)' oart ul rhc rc.:prl!'e"'' llr.; tall..\.·d ol ho~ people City Congrc" ""11h people whu ""111 A member for SSA relea_o;ed lhe wa' u reprc\l'nlullon nl J homclc" demon,tration. bu1 'o "ere.: u lot ol hutc 1he hornell?" in\lcad of the change 1h1ng' lm the bcucr l ie urged rec,u h~ of lhc lund m•scr: 1hey ra"ctl 'hunt) 'ommun m b1g litic' Studc:n" Olher -.o<:1ally COn\CIOU\ people And wealthy und ho" 1ha1 the homel~s CVCI')·One 10 fe!'i\ler 10 \Ole and \Up belwc.:-cn 175-1 K5 dollar; and col auually volunrecrctl Ill '"'> out over· 1f the Wedge R.w. "H'TC brave enough nrc the lca\1 lo blame I fe commended ~ Coahuun 'II 10 their goah to ger hxled aboul 10 ba~.. or ~roreric-.. mght 10 lhC\C ~ardboard tilrOC IIIC\, 10 say 'omethmg tt!xaut :.uc.:h a taboo the SSA lor .. ragmgthc dcmon\lrallon ..omcthmg dom:. In an cmpao,luoncd. wh1c.:h w1ll be donated 10 rhe Mu Lard geumgto known bu of wh0111 felt like 'ubjcct. then rhey de,ervc a hnnd. not on 1hc Quod. to mul-e people thinl.. of loud '>IJCCI.h nenr lhc end, he almost Seed a homcles.' ~ h e lt er 10 Worc­ to be a homclc" pc:r..on wmer balloon!>. Would you , Jeep all 'omcthmg rhey ruther nor thin!. about. ' houted. "We un: human be ing~ e~ler . A lol of 1"uc' were l'lii\Cd over 1h1\ nigh1 out Ill Ihe ~.:old on a hard ground He how 11 wu., ugly . ..aying Th1\ " AMERICA. h ' hould be Clcnn Flaherty, pre,ident of SSA, very sunple and bold c'pcrimcnt to help'! ''thai'' how 11 'hould he. The ~tame IMPOSSIBLE to huve homcle". '>poke Ia'> I 10 a thunk-you speech to nil People actually hud to ftlcc lhc fuel Aller tht: n1ghl nuack of warer 1h111g could be found nhno!-1 anywhere Then: shuuld be HUNDREDS of the pt:oplt: who participalcd in lhe thai other people nol ~>o lortunate have balloono;, the SSA (Studenl' lor So­ 10 New York" The bc.'i l p!\11 of the people here. We <,pend n BILLION program. lns1cad of I he expected one to live in the.-.e 'h:mtie~ everyday. Not cial Awarcnes..') had a number of whole rhing. he '>llld, wu, the emp:uhy dollars m other counlrtC\ u.nd we can't cardboard box With live people, lhey many people wnn1 10 deal wuh rhat. I <i pcaker.. come to speak aboul lhc 1hc \tudcnl\ gained. to a<:tunlly feel a help the home le~ ' We need gol 6 bo~e-. up "ith nn overage or for one d1dn'1 un til I saw rhis Home homeleso; ~i 1ua1ion . On Thursday \m1dgen ofrhe plighl of the homelc!t\. CIIANGE!'' lie urged pt.'Ople to band twenty people '1ay1ng oul to make ll les!> USA. But I handled 11 well. I mght. they had four outside 'peakel'\ Reverend Brown \poke nex1 He j, 1ogether 10 prumolc 1h1' change, point. donated. and made my!-elf teel beucr and two ~ tudenr <t dehver 'peeche<; a peace 3CIIV"' who ~ork., a lor wuh "Togerher "e can do anylhmg . ~ It wa.' kind of appropriate how they for at least an hour Sull, I can pic lure concerning the problem. Clark and Worce\ler Slate. He tailed Drew A\toffe, an acuv"t al Clark. broke down the l>hruny at the cod 1h111 ugly cardboard and pllbiiC phan­ The f1rs1 speaker of the n1ght waJ> of the theological '>lnlcment rhe '>lu· llpoke about ~oymbol \ 10 do~ ou1 the rogc1her It 'Yrnbohled for Glen a tom of heher and I fei!ln,hamed 1ha1 Scou Schaefer-Duffy who ha ~ bcc:n dents made. beo,1des lhe pohucal out\lde 1.peakel'\. He rold u' 1hat a preccdcntlhat by "breaking down thi ~ I am 1n a country thai could let th:ll worktng wnh the homel~ mce ~ tatemenl He 'Bid rhat wnh the civ1l 'ymbol could be very pov.c.:rlul and a 'hanty togcthcr. ma)'be all ~hanties happen I thtnk thai '' exactly whal 1982 He is involved w11h Catholic rehg1on oltnumphlll'>m \hO"-n by the medium of change Look at the em-.,, "111 be broken down \Orne da)' they wanted 10 a'compli,h. to l'lii~C Houo;e!\ , places ~here homeless and p.uadc' and part1e~ afrer rhe war. for e ~ampl e. a 'iymbol of peace and Maybe noone w1ll have 10 hve in m~ and awarcne~ 10 aile' iate an poverty Mrid.en people can lind \hel­ \omcone needed to make a :o~atcmenr rcligton for Chr"uan11y The 'ame cardboard and pla,uc.~ Is lhl\ a goal ugly O,IIWI.IIon lcr. He d1d th1'i ~ork in Wa'>hmgton. hke 1h1~ Someone needed 10 ' 'and up \)mbol. lhe nag. \talld~ lor hfe. lib· 10 laugh al'1 Or" 1h1\ J goal all people Oth<r people d1d noc react so rna D.C. for a v.-hile. and he ~Ill> nghtly and \lly · We \pent O\ler four million erty Jnd rhc pul'\uit of happinc\\. 'hould lhml.. about e\tl) day? IUI'CI) 10 the eXhlhiiiOn. They chO\e 10 appalled by the amoun1 of homeles!i- The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Volume 19, Number ll Tue day, April 16, 1991 WPI students help the needy over spring break In the m•<bt of Spring Brcal\ '91, of dthc.renl background returning to Scrv1c.:e in the.: Cuy, Pcmcr ulhc•als "lim'h up ... By 1:<XI P.M. on Fnday, For lhi-. year, .. umce 10 \lly 1ha1 ~v~ral WPl tudeot'i vacauomn@ al Worce,ter "to belp". "ere overjoyed "111\ lhc offer and in Mardt 15. I QCJ I, rhey were:- ready to becau'e men and women of WPI Daytona Beach otnnounced to their 1lle abo\e JLuauon came 111 be Lhi .. nutime. c.:•ume up ~ ilh the .. ,deal'" pre~nt then hn\lh.."'d pmjccl - a cho\C tn "~1\'C up" 11 portiOn of 1hc1r fn~nd' that the)' were ~omg back to )car bccau-.e of the llllll.ahvc ut" Jell SIIUJIIOO - ll mo~r and fhe} Olin£· tlxlfi>U!!!hly fl."fiO~lllcd Up; Spnn11 sre.,~l.. , they made 11 'omc\\hJt campu' early to be pan of the "Ap· Le-.esquc, a WPl Junior and llle"man .. u.•r,ju,l mu\lmg lrom .a 'hcher lurrhc Fund-. for the pam I 'Uf'PI ie' J"l' 1blc for .1 'omcwhat h!31'Y-e)'I.'O, paluchia m Worcester" Proje't. Clubmem~r who la't year lru~o-clcd to homcle" 1010 then PV..n .tpanmenr - fr{lltl the 1'\l.'v. man {'lull, the IC'Ital' grarcful mother und her yu unr,tc" to Needle'' 10 \:ly, lhe n.a"tun in Day­ Appalachta to "on. ~•Lh Lh" need)' of ;a home in need ul f'h)'iLal 'pru"1ng nccdc.·d came I rum 1hc Cuthullc O un· re.tlly he "al home" for th1' J>-.t,,O\·cr/ tona was one nl MYou ~oua be k•d · trutl urea.
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