Art 125 Short Answer Questions: SECTION #2 These questions will help prepare for questions on the quiz and also in writing your essay for Section II. Answers to these questions can be found in textbook, lecture and Powerpoint files.


Chapter 6: Ritual and Elite Arts: The Neolithic Period to the First Empires

1. Define the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic phases (give a brief description of changes that

occurred culturally?

2. What rivers were early settlement areas for the Chinese?

3. Name the three earliest dynasties and where were they located?

4. Describe the design of early Chinese pottery.

5. Describe coiling and throwing?

6. Why was jade used for early ?

7. How is jade sculpted?

8. Describe the significance of the cloud like design.

9. What is a Bi disk and what does it symbolize?

10. Why were Bi disks and Congs placed together?

11. What types of spirits did the people of the ancient Shang dynasty worship?

12. Define hun and po.

13. Describe the appearance and significance of .

14. Describe the piece mold process.

15. Describe at least 4 types of Shang Dynasty vessels.

16. What types of symbols show up on various ?

17. Describe how the taotie mask design developed during the Shang dynasty.

18. What distinct types of designs show up in the Sanxingdui region?

19. Discuss the design and purpose of the 8’ tall Sanxingdui bronze figure.

20. What else was found in the tomb with the bronze figure? (6-10)

21. What purpose did these bronze figures serve in comparison to the Shang?

22. Who were the Zhou and how did their Dynasty begin?

23. How did the early and middle Zhou designs differ from the Shang?

24. What spiritual belief developed during the Zhou period?

25. Describe the late Zhou “hook”?

26. Describe the mandate of heaven.

27. Describe the lost-wax process.

28. What types of objects were found in Marquis ’s tomb?

29. Why were the bronze bells created?

30. Why did the dragon continue as a powerful symbol?

31. Why were dragon (hybrid) type images carved on various objects?

32. What is patina?

33. What purpose did the Guang pot serve?

34. What is meant by metamorphosis as seen in Guang and other elaborate pots and how is it tied to a religious belief system.

35. Describe the lacquer making process and which region specialized in this medium.

36. What events led to the rise of the Han dynasty?

37. Define fengshui.

38. Define tumulus.

39. Describe the layout of Emperor Qin’s tomb and also why it was created.

40. Define Mingqi.

41. Describe the distinct design elements of the Terracotta warriors and why were each of the warriors


42. What is an Axis Mundi and why was it important in the design of Emperor Qin’s tomb? 43. What other great “wonder of the world” was constructed under Qin’s leadership and what Shang and

Zhou designs are incorporated into its design?

44. Describe the foundation myth of the Han Dynasty and some of the deities worshipped during the

Han dynasty.

45. Describe some of the foundational beliefs of Daoism.

46. What does Dao mean?

47. What are the names of some of the ancient texts that document these early belief systems?

48. Describe the symbolism portrayed on Lady’s Dai’s painted banner and why it was created in such a

manner. (very detailed answer)

49. What is Yin and Yang and how are these ideas typically represented in art objects?

50. What is po and hun?

51. What is the name of the funeral ceremony performed for Lady Dai?

52. Why were censors used and what symbolism is associated with the censer?

53. Why was jade used in the burial process?

54. Describe some of the foundational beliefs of Confucianism and who was the founder?

55. What main themes of Confucianism are demonstrated in the Rubbing of stone relief from the Wu family tomb?

56. Describe the process to create a stone relief.

57. Describe the content of the Wu Family Shrine reliefs.

58. Describe the organization of the subject matter in the Wu family stone slab relief. Recreation of

Wu Family Shrine


59. Who was Xie He?

60. What are his six canons of Chinese painting?

61. What is qi yun?

62. Which traditions influenced Chinese painting?

63. How is Chinese painting judged?

64. Who was Kaizhi?

65. How do Xie He and Gu Kaizhi statements about painting differ?

66. Why are there so few paintings left from the Six Dynasties period?

67. Gu Kaizhi worked for which court?

68. Why is Gu Kaizhi’s “Instructress Writing Down Her Admonitions….” Painting an example of the Confucian painting style?

69. What 3 elements identify the work as a major achievement in Chinese painting?

70. What connections are made between Gu Kaizhi Instructress painting and the Lady Dai banner?

71. When does the first image of Buddha appear in China?

72. Identify and describe at least 3 symbols associated with the historical Buddha.

73. Why were Buddha’s constructed on a monumental scale?

74. Note the distinct design elements seen in the Yungang Buddha.

75. What is meant by the archaic smile and how is this evidence of orientalism?

76. Why is the Tang Dynasty style called the International Style?

77. Why was the Tang considered a powerful empire (based on geography)?

78. Who was Wu Daozi and why was he an influential artist?

79. What does the Calligraphy printed on paintings signify?

80. Describe the Tang scroll style.

81. Describe the content of the Yan Liben painting and it’s message about kingship.

82. Zhou Fang famous for what type of subject matter?

83. How did Zhou Fang portray the subjects in his paintings?

84. Who accompanies Buddha in the Vairochana Buddha and attendants image?

85. What does Vairochana mean?

86. Who commissioned the Vairochana Buddha in the Fengxian grotto and why?

87. Who is Yakushi and what is his icon?

88. What is significant about Western Paradise?

89. Describe some of the Iconography of the Western paradise image.

90. Describe the formal elements of Western Paradise and how they connect to the Pure Land School of Mahayana Buddhism.

91. What lead to the destruction of many early Buddhist images?

92. Describe the Tang architectural style.

93. Describe how the Tang ceramicists were able to achieve the polychrome effect in the ewer


94. What lead to the rise of the Song Dynasty?

95. Describe Neo-Confucianism.

96. Why were Academies important in the development of painting?

97. List some of the features of the Song painting style.

98. How did the Song artists interpret nature (a continuation of previous philosophy)?

99. What were some of the metaphysical ideas associated with painting nature?

100. What are the 5 painting styles of the Song? (see powerpoint)

101. Describe the characteristics of each of the five styles.

102. Who were literati painters and why were they viewed differently from craftsmen?

103. What are colophons?

104. Describe the stylistic elements and purpose of the hand scroll of Gu Hongzhong, Night Revels…

105. Describe the Dong Ju and Li-Guo traditions.

106. Describe the formal elements of Guo Xi’s Early Spring painting and which of the 5 Song styles it represents.

107. What role did Emperor Huizong play in the art world during the Northern Song Dynasty.

108. Why is the Five-Colored Parakeet significant in Huizong’s painting?

109. Describe the types of ceramics the Song Dynasty was known for.

110. Describe the characteristics of ware.

111. Describe celadon.

112. Where do ceramics typically get their name?

113. Describe glazes?

114. Which academy did Ma Yuan help to organize?

115. What other titles did MaYuan hold that also lead to criticism from his rivals and why?

116. What was the name of the school of landscape painters Ma Yuan was associated with?

117. Where was Ma Yuan’s style most popular?

118. What symbolic meaning is associated with the Plum tree? (2)

119. What are arhats?

120. For each of the paintings in this section, describe the overall purpose of each.

121. What elements of Buddhism and Zen (Chan) are seen key to the spontaneous mode?

122. Describe esoteric Buddhism.

123. What was the purpose of the White Stupa in Beijing?

124. What elements of Hindu architecture appear in the design of the White Stupa?

125. Who were the leading Yuan painters?

126. Describe the literati elements in Qian Xuan’s painting Wang Xizhi Watching Geese.

127. Review the questions on page 192 – noting these elements in the other painters studied in this section as well. Be able to note distinct styles of each.


128. What countries make up the Southeast Asian region?

129. What ancient language connects all of the groups that reside on the islands?

130. What religions did the people of the islands adopt?

131. Why is it necessary to take a non-linear approach to studying Southeast Asian art?

132. What are some reoccurring subjects that are significant in art produced in Southeast Asia?

133. Describe the purpose of the Stone Jars in the Khouang province.

134. What do the terms Ban Chiang, and Dong Son refer to?

135. What different design techniques were used to shape or decorate pots?

136. What purpose did Dong Son drums serve?

137. Describe the types of designs and symbolism that appear on the Dong Son drums.

138. Describe the symbolism and purpose associated with the Pangolin.

139. Describe a ling-ling-o.

140. Which groups wore the jade (nephrite) earrings and what meaning was associated with them?

141. Name the different types of Sulawesi houses.

142. Describe the symbolic meaning of the shape of the house as well as the designs on the outside.

143. Why are the colors red, black, yellow and white used on the houses?

144. Describe the abstract formal elements of the Yene (ancestor figure) and who it is supposed to represent.

145. Describe Tau-Tau figures.

146. Describe the creation and ritual process associated with Tau-Tau figures.

147. Why are Adu Zatua objects tied together (see powerpoint)

148. Compare and contrast the formal elements of the Adu Zatua and Tau Tau figures and why there is a difference in appearance.

149. Define ikat and hinggi.

150. Describe the design of the hinggi cloth. 151. When did Buddhism enter S.E. Asia and why?

152. Who is Avalokiteshavara?

153. When did Buddhism enter S.E. Asia and why?

154. Describe the Hindu and Buddhist elements at Borobodur.

155. Describe the symbolic elements of Borobodur in its placement, levels, pathways and sculpture.

156. Who is Manjushri and what symbolism is shown in his sculpture (fig. 5-16).

157. What form of Buddhism is practiced in Cambodia?

158. Describe the three styles of Angkor.

159. What meaning is associated with the “smile of Angkor”?

160. Describe the basic elements of a Cambodian temple (ass seen in Banteay Shrei (see powerpoint)

161. Describe the Cambodian style seen at Angkor Wat?

162. Who was responsible for the construction of Angkor Wat?

163. What are the major parts of the complex?

164. Who was Angkor Wat dedicated to?

165. How does the main temple design resemble earlier Cambodian design?

166. Describe the The Churning of the Sea of Milk and state why it is a significant story in Hinduism? (see powerpoint)

167. Who are the key characters in the scene and what role do they play (use terms)

168. Which material/medium are artisans of Sukhothai most known for?

169. What story is represented in the Walking Buddha and how is the story enhance via formal elements?

170. When did Islam enter S.E. Asia and how was art transformed?

171. Describe the SE Asian Puppet Theater (Wayang) (content and form – see fib. 5-27) See video

172. Why was Ayutthaya a vibrant city artistically as well as in other areas?