AFWA Technical Report on Best Management Practices For
AFWA Technical Report on Best Management Practices for Prevention, Surveillance, and Management of Chronic Wasting Disease Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Washington, D. C. AFWA Technical Report on Best Management Practices for Prevention, Surveillance, and Management of Chronic Wasting Disease Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Washington, D. C. Report Editors: Colin Gillin, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Jonathan Mawdsley, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Editorial Review Team: Colin Gillin, Lou Cornicelli, Mark Drew, John Fischer, Jonathan Mawdsley, Kelly Straka, Margaret Wild, Rachel Boswell Contributors and Reviewers: Jen Ballard, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Lou Cornicelli, Minnesota Division of Fish and Wildlife Melinda Cosgrove, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Mark Cunningham, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bob Dittmar, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Mark Drew, Idaho Department of Fish and Game Hank Edwards, Wyoming Game and Fish Department Heather Fenton, Northwest Territories Department of Environment and Natural Resources John Fischer, Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study Colin Gillin, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Daniel Grove, North Dakota Game and Fish Department Anne Justice-Allen, Arizona Game and Fish Department Megan Kirchgessner, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Lane Kisonak, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Wayne Laroche, Pennsylvania Game Commission Mitch Lockwood, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
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