Compiled Under the Orders of the Government of India
HANDBOOKS FOR THE INDIAN ARMY GURKHAS. 1 Compiled under the orders of the Government of India BY Lffiyjf.--QQL.QNEL EDEN VANSITTART, ,2nd Bn. 10th Gurkha Rifles. REVISED BY MAJOR B. U. NICOLAY, 1st Bn, 4th GurJcha Rifles. ' in«iM - * B A LC U TT A SUFERIIVi, "Y : GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA 1913 . {Reprint 19 IS.) * / /£>•/&, / su ) ^ „ PERSONAL LIBRARY OP PRO " SHFP SINGH "SHHW GURKHAS tw ^v* • ' * •- ' ^ ( \. <* » FBOFESSOR SHER SINGH AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE Superintendent Government Printing, India, Calcutta, In Europe, Constable & Co., 10, Orange Street, Leicester W. Thacker & Co., 2, Creed Lane, London, Square, London, W. C. E.C. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 68-74, T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., 1, Adelphi Terrace, Carter Lane, E. C, and 2?, Museum Street, London, W. C. London, W. C. Wm. Wesley & Son, 28, Essex St., Strand, Bernard Quaritch, 11, Grafton Street, New London. Bond Street, London, W. B. H. Black well, SO & 51, Broad Street, P. S. King & Sons, 2 & 4, Great Smith Street, Oxford. Westminster, London, S.W. Deighton Bell & Co., Ltd., Cambridge. H. S. King & Co., 65, Cornhill, E. C, and 9, Oliver & Boyd, Tweedale Court, Edinburgh. Pall Mall, London, W. E. Ponsonby, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Grindlay & Co., 54, Parliament Street, Dublin. London, S. W. Ernest Leroux, 28, Rue Bonaparte, Paris. Luzac & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, Lon Martiuus Nijhoff, The Hague, Holland. don, W. C. \ » ^* »- In India and Ceylon, Thacker,. Spink & Co./Calcutta and Simla. Ram Chandra Govind & Son, Kalbadevi, Tsewmah &''Co>, Calcutta. Bombay. R.wQamb.ray & Co., Calcutta. A. H. Wheeler & Co., Allahabad, Calcuttaand S.
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