




Editor P. R. BERKELEY, A.M.I.E.E. Produttion P. E. WELCH

The Editor welcomes article suggestions and correspondence with a view to publication, but cannot be responsible for opinions expressed, or statements made by authors from outside the Marconi Organization.

'SOUND azd VISION' broadcasting is published three times a year, in Spring, Summer and Winter by the Broadcasting Division of Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited Chelmsford, Essex, England. SOUND dzd VISION broadrasting VOLUMEl'NUMBER3


Somerset Maugham Stories page I Broadcasting in Argentina page 6 WNTV - Africa's first regular TV Service page 13 Programme Sound page 23 Small Transistorized Sound Mixer page 29 Ankara page 90 Outside Broadcasting page 35 Grid Versus Bar page 99 Translations in Spanish and German page 45

FRoNT covER: Nigeria, which gained her independence in October, has the first regular service in Africa. T'his charming scene was photographed at the Ibadan Studios of WNTV during a school broadcast.

Des$ned and prodund by London Typographical lhsigners Linited- Printed in Great Britain by Johx Wright QE Sons Limitetl oJ Bristol Itlll )l l"1"t-SION \\rs tlr(. lirst Irck:pcndcnt '\SSOC'1,\'11'll) 'l'dcr ision (()rrprr)l t() strrt r_cgLrler_ tr-errsr:rissions in tlrc OtLr [-]nitcrl liirrgdorrr. ,\s llre Lorulon l)r'()grirlrlt conrl)rnl lrirns- nrittirg fionr Mon(ht' to l,'r'ider, thct' h:rvc, bc,crr r_csponsiblc lbr' Corth'ihftors thc nrr.iol pr'()ln)rtinrr ol tllc ph\s tclcviscrl on thc ucclidrt Indcpcndcnt'l'clcr ision nctrvorli.

L It. \'i\ltl)l,l.l\',,\.l.l.l.l'1, r\.M.llrit.l.lt.l-, rlus appointctl ('hicl l.hgilrccr ol Overscas llcclillirsiorr Lt(l i11 1il,l.ll. l)rcvioirslt' hc rras cnr|lo,yccL iD the (irloDial ScIvir.c as r\ssistJnt ('oDtrollcr' 01 'l e|:'corrrtunicatioDs irt \llrla-yu. N'{r' \'arcllc,t, \vh() hls l)ecrr assoriitcd \\itll tlrc dcr( l()l)r) rcl rt of tlrc ll,:'cliflirsiorr (ir'orL1; s 'lclcrisiotr ul(l SoLrrr(l bxrrtlcrstirrg r('tll()rlis ()\'cr-scus \\ticl) Do\\'crtclrds liorrr llrc I,'er l,lust tlrrough .\liica ro tlr'Wcst Indics, lrr:r rcccDtl\r talicn ul) illr cxecutilc ilpp()inlrrrcrrl \\itll Ilcdillirsiori ( \4rlta ) Lirrrired. I'. r\. SI{l'lr\lts, Nl.'\, .\.M.l.l'l.l'1, lns stu(lic(l orsincclinlr rn(l 'l'cleplroncs 1rhikrso1rh1, ilnd utier \rolliing rvith Starclurd lrrcl Cablcs arcl tlrc lJ.ll.C joittc'cl tlrc Ilcclillirsior (;r'()ul) irr 1i155. l'olLrn ing a p( r'i(xl of scr-\ icc ()\'r'r'scirs, Il(' Itrs lcct,ntl.y succccdr(l \{r. Yalcllct,rs ('hicl llrrginccl lo Ovclscrs IlctlilJirsiorr Ltd. .lItrtelo ]lrrIiti

(' ONI \l :\ N I ),\ N'l ll (i IiNl'llt,\ L M;\ lt(ll lLo llAItBI l'lltl, N'l.l.ll.l'1, rticr tlurlilt,ing in lJllj l \v.ls a Ircnrl)cr {)l llrc r\r!l('r) tinc Scicntilic l'ixpcclition to thc Sourh Ollincl Islirrrcls. Hc rras Natioral I)irutor ol lladio ('ontntunicuti()rrs liorn lll-l-1, l(tr l'r'csidcnt ol tlrc -\r-gcltirr lladio ('lub tiorr ltSo 59; \,'icc- l)resident of tlrc ,\r'gcntiDc l r,lcvisiorr ('( r)1rc liolr) I1)5 1, 5{t irrr(l I)ircctor ()1 ( ()nllrrrlications li)r thc N;rtior:rl (icntler-r:rclic liottr Ir. B. flr,llct 1lllJ8 55. llr I)as trit\rllle(l \\i(llll strr(ltirrt 1r'lcr'otrttttttrricrliotts Irrallcrs r (l is a $cll Iitto\\rr lcctul'cI lllrd \\'ritcr-()1r tlrirt srrl)j((1.

W,\L'l'l'llt (;llOlt(;l'l I)()\\''l'lll uas lxrr.u irnrl ctlucrtctl irr Ilcrlin. ln l!l9I) hc ('Dtolcd thc Ilerlir Stu(lios ol tlrc ll.lri-(i as l Lirn 'ol Olliter, arrd laIicll.1' rd\ilnccLl to llt o:ttlc;rsling Housc- Slrifi l'irginecr'. Aller lirrthel cxpericncc in Srvitzcr_lrnd, l rarxr'and l urlie,\', I). .1. Shan; clrring lI)]J:J to 1illl5, hc joircd I1.M (okrrriel Scr-r'itr: us I.)nginccr'-ir-( lrargc ol tltc .lct usulctrr Ilrorttk astirrq HoLrsr'. l)uliug t)rc \\rr \'(ilrs ltc l;ts cngltgrtl on 1hc l)r'()gr rrrrrlr' Nrtsollis ol;r1l \fidtllc llast l'.\\r.ll l"r'ecrlorr Statiotts. joinc

(' I,' (;. Nf A\-\{ LlLLl'llt u:rs lroln irr Lorckrtt ir l9(x). llc joirrccl tlrc ll.ll.(l ls uD assistaDt irr 1hc Outsi(lc li-oadcasls l)cl)illtrrrcut iD lJlli.l. lrr l1)lJi) lrci l)c(ilrrlc l)rttpirc l)r'ogtantt]lc Olganiscr- rith thc Over-scas Scrvice. Altct' rvar sct'r,icc hc rcjoined thc l'i.ll.Cl us (icneral Olcr-seas Scrvicr: Orgattist:r. Il 1l).19 hc \\'as rPpoiDtcd i\ssistaDt H(rd of Orrtsiclc Ilroldcasts (SoirDcl), becorrrinu llcad in 195'2. O. l,'. G. llt.r:-f,IuIlcr Ikrrrsc 'I'crracc, arr arrt-ricklcn bLrrrgalow in tlrc Mula-1'n1l.irrngle, tlte cleck of a l) c\ O lincr, or a firrn Itorrse irr l.)'ant'c--and ol'tor in the saurc pxrduttior. \{rLclr lcsclrrr:h rras leqrrircd, anal rvclr glclltrl' ingor11i11, in Proclucing thc ef}L'ct in a srnall stuclio. lio n lv o r: \'our clesigners ccrtairrl-r: clid a rrragni{i- ccnt.job. I 1bund, ttxr, that thc periocl I rnainl,y dcllt uith tt)2o-19,3O's had a nrost intcrcsting aDd poucrlirl attrtospltere; backgroutrd rrrusit:, costuntcs, al[ sorts oi er-cr-y{n1, things [acl a g-rcat appcal. \\'e \\'cl'c not, I fbrrnd, dcaling u,ith a rrurrrbcr of 1'c1r'. olr titc calcndar brrt a l)eriod in liia. l'l Ir t l o n : Wh1' fl14 yotL trattsrrtit thesc pll-r's livc srrrch' lecording noulc{ har-c intrreasccl -\'orlr s(opc in castirrg and given a valuablc s;rlcablc progrrnunc i 'P & O' Srrt.;ulr,rs: \Vc engincers are aluays a lot hallritr' ulrcn a rccordirrg is being nrade, bccarrsc thcre is rrot \' ,t 'r r.: s : It is thc storics rlith tltclr clillcretrt localcs tlrat t'celing tlrat if a carllcra gocs orrt ol action thc attd t ltaractrrs u'hit'h lrrtcrcst rrrc, I fincl thcrrr anrLrsing, l hrl,:: slrou, nra,y bc lo"1l \\re clo 1ind, tlroLrgh, that -fo t:ynical or rrovirrg sonrctirrrcs cnrcl. read thent sorllc artists tord to flrrfi'lines ancl so orr \\ltclt thc\ bclirrc tlrey arc 'adalrtccl' is ol' consiclcrable hclp to l.iuorv it is a rct ordirrg scssiorr. \Vc have, thcrclbrc, tlre l)csigrrcr. Hc is borrncl to got ii clcalcr picturc rrradc u rrrlirrg tlrat a recording is alrral's trcittcd rs lronr the original tharr frorr l tclcvision strript good a live transurission. tlroug-h it is. l'oulvc,r: I,trr livc irrserts litlr a cltarrgc ol tintc l'l n lr o u : l)oes that l)rcall tl)at it is probably rnrrclr or place I think V.-I'.ll is a nrarvcllous thing. ln tlre tticer to rvork 1r'orrr sorrrctlring irr l lrich ,\'ou ltavc both Lion's Skin rrc had a trarrstirrrrration sccnc rr'hcre short stor1, arrd scriPt, thatr to rlork, sa,1,, fi'orrr a $c n)ct tllc tuo lcading actors irr tltc Soutlr o1 l.)'ant'c thcatrit:al pla]'i 15 I'ears altcr sccing thon rrrcct in hospital. \\'c \\" t t. t. t: s : Out' carrrrot aclapt a thcatrit'al pla,t' lbr V.'I'.ll'cl the carlier sccrre arrd so got rirl o1'a trrakc-rrlr tclevision rrnder eight,v rrrinLrtcs urrlcss it lras a ver,y tlrarrgc arrd a corrplctc sct. Also I clorr't thirrk lou slipllrt stor-1, u,ith sirnple t:\aractcri z atio;r. 1-[c st:ri't nccd losc s|orria.treity but that is ln indiviclLral cditor's .job is casic,r rvlrr:tr hc has a short story to olrittion. \Vltercr.er possiblc \\:c trtr to do inscrts orr aclapt as opposcd to stqrcrvisirrg an origirral series one da-v arrd thc trarrsrrissiol otr tlrc iirllorvirrg tl;rv stLch as Nr., Ililing PlLrca. rcpla,l' hclps the artistcs to bach -thc get into thcir \'^r'r.is: Iilorrr a I)csigrrer''s poirrt of vicrv it is parts urrcl fcg;rin tlrc sanrc atrrrospherc. :ttorc intcrcsting to \\ork 1i'0rrr a stor-1' adaPtcd or t'rittcn 1or tclevisiorr tharr 1l'orrr u staec plat,. 'I'lrc visrral possibilities of tclcvision can bc irrcorporatcd ilr thc r'rlitilrg of arr original scril)t to a 1)r' grcatcr extent than translcrrirrg a pla,V 1:1r1xslyL'cL lirr tlre stag^c to thc dililrerrt dirrrension of tlrc tcl:r'ision scrccn. ljlnou: l)id yoLL rllcct auy spccial problcnrs bccause of tlrc rathcr crotic atlrospherc tlrat \\'as rrsrrally irrrolr.d in tlris sr.r'ir's' \' ,r'r' r, s : 'I'hc nrairr diallerrge l as thc rnar ry clifllrcnt Itralcs in rvhit:h the storics u,crc set. Clonsirlcrablc \.ersatility rvas dcrrrandccl ol a l)esigncr'. ]{c hacl to bc cqLralll, capablc ol ploducing thc clcgurrcc of Carltorr

2 I'lllr on: l)id thc sizc of tlte stuclio ar.'ailablc restrict .1,orrr clroitc o1' Pt'otltrtiotts ut alli Y,r.r r.:s: I clorr't thinl.i so. \\'c sclcctccl tltc best storics available to us and thctt set aboLtt solvirrg thc techuical problors. It is true solrte prodLLttio;rs suliircrl r'isually tlrnrLrglt lack of stLLdio spacc. Str:urgrl1, enoLrgll sonrc lrrodlLctiorts gaincd bv bcing irr a srrrall area a conrl)actncss rutcl ccortortty rvas forced ott thcrr. l"our-rlc r,;: All rly productiotts iIr the sr:ries lcrc .:'t 10 arca f'rankll' prodr.rctions thc conccption rvorrld t:crtainl-1' Itrvc irr Stuclio 2 (24 /. nl playing ) aud - I lbund thc size lirritatiorr urs a ltcatlatltc sontt- been di{lerent. tirrcs. Irr A Casual lfttir lor instance wc hud litcr- Srrrur'r.rx: A big studio norrld certairrlt stop all all.1' e1r1-t' six irrcltes t-leatrartcc to gct the tnotorizecl this busirress of opcning thc sccnc dock ckxrrs to .,-ivc crarrc bctrvecn the two sets orr oyrpositc sidcs of the rrrore tlrrolv lbr tlre back projcction, ancl usuallv studio. Also thc srrrall sl)acc nlcans rvorkirrg to a lctting in all sorts of noiscs as rvell. Alreacly uc arc nruth grcater degree orr l'idc altglc lcnses (e.e-.'!r5o). lincling that Studio 5 (+.t rrX:io r)r) is saving us a -l'his lras its obviorrs clisadvantages. Iot of tinrc. Sonreone in our rranagerrtcllt put it ratl)cl' llorlou: I)o 1'ou f'ccl, tlrcir, tllat you corrlcl have neatlv that thc idca of the big studio is not to havc h',4 becn givetr a biggcr stLrclio i biggcr sets arrd productiorts br.rt to havc nlole sl)aco done bcttcr if -1'1;11 li'ourrr c l: Ir) rctrosl)ect otre lvottld <'ertaitrly ltavc to \\,ork arouncl these sets. lelt halpic'r at lrrvirrg nlorc sl)itcc ancl li'eedottt o1 Y ,r'r' t.: s : A biggcr stuclio at that tintc rvoulcl -l-lrc rx)\'enlolt. storics nlilv not ltale bccrt bcttct' ccrtainl-v lur.c hclpccl thc tcclrnical opcration o1'

This floor plan lor A Casuat Afall in Studio 2 at Wembley shows how the limitations of floor space were ingenjously overcome, There was only 6 inches clearance for the motorized camera crane between the sets on opposite sides of the studio.

80 i120 8 0 Sceiic Eack nil

E I 8A t_ v Ou"* 20' ,.-& I G*. v]", 15 0 ,];/ ,=: /N .rl-,t-'

PELLIN GS V DFAW NG 'Flotsam and Jeisam' cilnlcras, sornld and lighting. Canrera r,vork could sar)re tonc as the artiste's face. \\'e design iu colour Irave been nrore intcresting. Lighting rvould have and not in grey becausc rve firrd coloured scenery been even bctter than thc considerable standard it produces a better attnosphere for the players and rcachcd. I would not have advocated larger produc- gives a bctter tone on the screen. tions, but rrrorc delrth in design vr,ould have been ljlrlon: Yes, the grey scenery school has always possiblc. The general visual efli:ct rvould have bccn seenred rathcr an insult to the tube nr anufactLrrcrs ! rrrorc polisl'red. Do you rrrake your ow1) scerrery i Iiun on: l)o you r,r'ork lvith any particular grey- Y ,r,'r'r.; s : No, it is nlade to our desigrrs by a contract scale for sccnery nou'i firnr, but rve do all our o\\'n paintitrg. We have a very Ya'r'rs: Vvre use standard color-rrs u4rich have the fine group of sccnic artists and sccne painters, and nurrrbcrs of the grey-scalc set against tltorr as a guidc. without theln the designcr is quite lost, particr,rlarl,y Using these thcre is norre of this busitress of a designer the fornrer. They arc of the highest possible calibrc puttilig a colour ntir:h hc likcs on a u,all r,vhich is the rttd I arrr vcry proud of ther:r. Ellron; Horv about costtrrrres I 'The Out Station' Wrr-rus: Thcy cotrre lurder Michael Yates. Iirnest Ilervitt, ll'ho is in chargc of costume design, steeped hirnself in the pcriod, alld I think did one of the best pieces of lvork lre has ever done. Ya lls: For'l-V work it is esscntial to knon'what the costurnes rvill look like on the screen, arrd u'e are lucky in liaving very expcrienced people here. DilIi- cultics still can arisc r'vhere an artist insists on rvearing arr unsuitablc costllllte and thc designer has to use a certain delicacy in persuading her (or him!) that it will not look good on the screen, or is likcly to disappear into the background. Eorron: Holv soon does thc lighting layout get discussed ? Do you tell the lighting pcople rvhat you are looking for and leave thcnt to it i Fononc n: No, the designer and lighting rnan discuss this rvith tl.re director carly on, atrtl thcy also come to outside rchearsal. Our tcchnicians are vcry good-they take thc trouble to study the script, and when u'e gct into the studio I ustrally find that they Iravc achieved rrltat s rv:ttttcd. Yarrs: In preparing a studio layout the designer must rvork tloscly with thc Lighting Dircctor frotrr thc beginnirrg. -fhc placing ol scts is :rs inlPortal)t to -I-lte lightin.q as it is fbr t:anrcra and boottt opcration. advice ol thc lighting dircctor should alrvays bc: soLrght on colour as rvel1 as tottc. l"urthcr, tlte size and heiglrt of scenerv arc vcr.y ntuch his cottcern, as is the placing of firnriturc. Contitttral collaboratiotr is required right up to the ertd of calrtera rehcarsals in or(l(.r'trr ;rclr icvc g.rotl resttlts. Eo rron : Did thc lilnrs of Maughartt's stories have any influcncc on you at all ? Wr rll s: Courparison lvitlr thc lilrtt vcrsions ntacle Fonor-c.rr: Nolle at all. I could recall sccing 7-rzo rrre a bit apprehensivc because rve could not rtatch and Quurtet and I renrentbcr sortc of the tral)les but their resourccs either in tirttc or tnaterial. I-Iou,ever, not thc production dctails. I lroulcl have liked to have as thiligs w'orked out I think that we rlrore than got seen tlrc film of Saru aloriult agtntt lrut aftcr I hacl away *,ith it, and the public rcaction has beett so done nry television production. excellent that rvc are attel|Ptillg a secolrtl scries.

New unattended VHF/Flil Sound Broadcasting Station of Hong Kong

NliW VHF/FM Sorurd llroadcasting llay, should atty orrc traustnittcr, conrbin- Station rvas rccently opcncd at irrg unit, f'ccdcr or acrial'lralf dcvelop Hong liong at Mount (iough. lt trotrlrL., tlr"D rLlrJIl, r l,o\\tsr |a.liatiolr i' -l-he has bccn clcsigrletl to opc)'atc contpli'telv corrtinucd witllont iDtcrruption. aerial urrattcnded, and \,as plarucd, crectccl, llnd is a Marcorri quadrant (see Sottnd U l/ision rvill bc serviced by Cable N Wirclcss Ltd. hroatlusting, Vo). t, No. 9, p. l9) whicll is firr Holg liong l'iroadcastirg Sct'vicc. suppo.tecl b,v a 135-f(x)t to\ter specialh It uses lbur Marconi 5 kW FM trars- clcsigncd by British lnsulatccl Callt'ndcr's rnitte,r's in tuo par:rllel pairs, a s-\,stcDr CoDstnrctiol Corrtplrty Ltd, to \\ itl)stand originally clcvclopccl b-v Mlt-coni's to cn- $ ircls of up to about l60 rrtiles an horrr-. sLrrc thc rditbilit,y rcqui:'ccl for unttterldc(l ('loclis arc uscd to su itch on thc 'l rritlr ,1'II' irr r':r., operatiol. lrc' orrtput of one of the trans- I'r\)grirIlrn,s 't:rrrdI'1 nrittels uscd tirr tlrc !)rglis)r prograrrlrrlc oi lailLu'c. 'I\vo Mar.coni F-MQ drivcs arc on Il l Mc/s is i:ornbirrcd $ ith thc output rr:.d lor' ,r,lt l)r grirrrrlrlc r|otkitlg ott ol onc of tlre ('hincsc pr()granrnrc trans- altcrnatc clavs so that any graclrral l'llling rritters, ancl ifcl througlr a cc>axial f'ecder ofl of pclfornrancc caD bc dctected. to onc hrll of thc aer-ia1. Siurilarly thc other t\\'o taarlsnrittcrs arc conrbiltetl attd Lool;ing rcross Hong l{otg harhour.frorn the fed to thc othcr hall of thc acrial- ltr this ,print iitrnf th? n?r lllFll:14 Slnlian. COMMANDANTE GENERAL MARCELO BARBIERI, M.I.R.E


INTRODUCTION Lcgislatiorr at the tin)c las clcrrtctttar-v; tlte Itt direct cuirttst t Mr. l)ierknai s ortick i lh( lttst Mirristrl, of Marinc gratrtecl attnrLal licetlccs to arl\ -I-hc isnrc of " Sounl attl l/ision brottrlcustin.g " , Sr. Bdrbieri person applving lbr pcnnission to broadcast. dtscribes tfu grrnuth of' brotutctslittg itt. tt countr.y ztith-fett requir"crncnts rvere clear and thc proccclttre 1)rol)tpt. 'I-hLrs, dillicttl.ties in shtiort siting. Oth.e r.fuctrrs, lnu'tt'et', htt'e at the outset, cvcr',ything uas silttple, ittclttcl- httl t pxtfbut eftct itL the puttern of'th.is grozt'tlt., atul ing.. thc otlicial rcgtrlations. lJut aftcr 1926, col)l)llcl'ct tlu intlictliotts tu'e tllt stro g )trcisur?s of ctntrt.l contral cliscovcrcd that radio rvas au clilctivc advertising ttPp(dr to be nccessarl lo prodttct: tr strtisftrctory ttttiontl. nrcdiurrr. ltrlitical parties, atrd cducatiorral and rclig-iorrs bror rl ctst irtg s1 slt n. institutions also rcalizccl tlrat it rvas att ellectivc tttcalts of arousing public interest. Iironr that tirnc thc battlt: uli l rusr r"cgtrlar raclio broadcasts bcgarr in lbr lic:cncrcs begarr. "Contntcrcial clcl:rartrttetr ts ' ' Ittaclc the Argcntinc liepLrblic as carly as Augtlst thcir appearance in thc statiurs, togethcr riith their' 192o liorrt a station rr'ltose traltslllitter atld brokcrs selling advertisitrg tittte. Not uttttaturalll', -I-heatre str.rdio rvere locatecl irr thc Coliseo of Buetlos therelbrc, broadr:astirtg tended to grol'in the busiest Aires. -fhis praiscrvortlty elibrt rvas dttc elttirel,l' ttr and urost populatecl tetttrcs. So that by tsSo (rvhen l,rivate ertlrusiasrr ilrd ilril iati\ (. it is estinrated that tltere wcrc abotlt 250,(xx) Dr,rc to lack ol spccifitr regtrlatiorts thc lar'r' refcrring lcceiving scts), of tlte .']'1 tttediLrnt s'avc statiotts itr -fclcpJraphic to lladio Scrvicc, uhidt had bccn passed the lvholc coulltr1', u'itlt I total 1:rorvcr ratittg of -flrcir in 1913, u'as uradc applicable to broadcastiltg, tlle .32 k W, over half r,ct'c itr lluenos Aircs alorre. pertinort autlloritv beirrg thc Ministrl' of Maritlc corrbined l)owcr was 29'r; kW, leavitrg onl.r' t9 of rvhich exercised .jurisdiction ulrtil 1928, rvhclt it rvas statior)s, u'ith z'5 l{\\t total, to scrvc tltc rcst thc transfclred to thc (]cneral Aclrnirristration of l'osts coLnrtry. -l-eleglaphs and ( P.T.-l'). This disparity grcw over Iturn-\' I'ear" tttttil itt Bctrveerr l92O and 1gqaj broadcastine iti Argcrltina Buenos Aircs, with l't) rrrilliolr irrhabitants, thcrc rvas condncted by a lerv pioneers inspircd by thc wcrc 2l stations u'itlt .325 k\\r, r.vhile in tltc rcst of experirrrcntal urge. Lr general thc progratlttltcs colr- the coulrtl'y, rvith an area of 2'8 ntilliott srluarc sistccl ol new's bulletins culled tiotn the press, rc- hilorrrctres and t3 rnillion inhabitants, thcrc \\'erc 9l corded rnnsic trattsfcrrcd liortt thc grantophottc hortr stations rvith a total of only '!o kW. to the nticrophotre, stttall grottps of alllatetlr actors, A fcature of this earl1, pcriod u'as the struegle fbr' opcratic selectiotrs, lecturcrs, ctc. lleceivcrs lverc predonrinanr:e an)ong colllurercial broadcastc'rs ilt sinrple and nrostly hotrte-tttade. Horvever, thc rtovclty 13uenos Aircs, of rvhich there rvcre a vcry largc of radio very sour tttade it pt4lular irr attd arottttcl nrrnrbcl i;r relatiotr to the polrulatiorr. In this thc Bueuos Aires, artd ilrtcrest sprcad to tttatry parts of principal su{lLrer rvas thc ptrblic, l'lto had to tolerate Argentina rvhere experitrtclrters artcl atltatetll's l)ro- cxcessive advcrtising artd, itr gerreral, Irtcdiocrt rrrotcd this arrazing social phetrotnettotr. l)rograrlrllcs.

(r' 3s ;r rcsrrlt, in l r.ljJ:.1, tlrc l).'l'.'l' issiri'ri tlrt' lilst rcgrrlatiOns to control tlrc Ii)catiorr ol stutions; tlrcir tccltttical pcrtirlrrruircr; tltc

' irrsistort dr:rnancls ofstatiorr ourrcrs lirr tlrc hgal and .itrr.l, :t:rli tr. , ir|lt ill ,'tlr|r i r I I r , r t ; r r I t , itir.,. -l'lrc 1 ' arltttirtistrativc rcolgunization of lrnraclcastin.g, irtdrrcccl corrbirrecl service areas o1'thcsc tlrrt:e co1)llner- tltc (]ovelrrrrrent to al)l)oirrt r conrrrrissiorr ulriclr, in cial nctrvolks, plus tlrosc of thc of}icial statiolts at)d the {'erv ildependents u']ric:h existed, co.rered, ou

LA OUIACA nrcdiunr wave, barcll' half thc arca of the country. -l-lre l('rl 'b;,r'--ti' private broadcasting' stations had Irever been \ L)oRAN \. attractcd by thc srnallcr or rurprolitable areas. Olu,ruv \ In 194+ the problennvas stil1 u,ithout atr adequate ( solution, thc broadcasting scrvicc rvas delicient, and $.o,.,o FORN]OSA ELDORAOO the cornplaints o{ the public and statiorr orvncrs t ' 'fhc (iovcrnnrcnt I larucMAN pcrsistcd. again apl)oir)tcd a con- t \7r nrissiotr to study the rvltole tlr.restiolt of broadcasting ,/ cnraulncr6 l*. in the Argentine. 1'heir study \\'as conlpleted ill li)46 EsrERo i O - and, ili definite tenns, Pl"oposed an organization olr the basis of five independent netrvorks, otte ollicial and {bur conrnrercial, rvitli liccnces grantcd by public tender. a\ ()\, For tlre gencral irrrprovcrncnt of l)rogranrnres, v n-ro curnr N NICOLAS this Comnrission reconrnrended the creation of a 6 tNo National llroadcasting Council, rvhose task it rvould be to control the aesthetic, cultural and edrrcatiorral value of broadcast progranlnres. SANTA ROSA -fhc I Iive prolrosed netrvorks irrrrourrtcd in all to 113 t S.DE LA NEUQUEN PLATA stations, of which S l were nediunr rvave rvith a total pou'er rating of 9o+ kW and 32 short rvave rvith a a \-/ NECOCHEA ( zAPALA total power rating of 295 kW. The installations G. ROCA BUENOS AIRES covercd 48 cities ard the profitable service area 1br VlE DNA lLls c. BARTLocHE OFFICIAL - mediuru wave anrounted to 2,o2o,ooo s<1uare kilo- Itil A D RYN r))etrcs, or 88 per cel)t of continental Argentina. 1'he t ( ) ESoUEL -fV granting of liccnces {br FM aud to each ltctrvork I 'r cot\,lr\ilE Rc tA L - T_ u'as also rcconrnretrded. I 6-S.W I r r ordt.r to rr rt t hic rr ittto at tiur, it \\ rs n( ( ('ssa r\ l! 1 l Ila C. RIVADAWA lbr the Govcrnrnent to recover thc tctrtporary pcrntits c OFFICIAL STATION which governed' cornrnercial statiort lit:ertces. lrt PTO. DESEADO ordel" not to penalize orvncrs by this nteasure, cluritrg o CO|\rll\,1ERciAL STATION lg47 to 1.94,9 the Goverlrnler)t negotiatcd thc SAN JULIAN asscts conturercial TWO CHANNELS purchase of the physical of the RIO TIJRBIO C stations. Once ir.r l.rosscssiotr of the greater ltart of 'a TWO WITH TELEVISION them, the Governnrettt issucd a resolutiou in Novent- RIO GALLEGOS o ber 1949, ordering a nerv distributiolt of frcqucncies and of localities for thc cstablishlnent of broadcasting RIO GRANOE stations. The systeni w:rs to be bascd ott four net- e works; one olficial and three cotrtlnercial, r'vith a USHUAIA total of I t mediunr wave stations totalling 1,o94, kW and 13 short wave stations totalling 5so kW. Each colrrmercial network to cotttprise 29 Ml-, 2 HF , and I television stations. It will be remenrbered that the single netu'ork Fig.2. N4ap showing the projected Nationat Broadcasting & Television proposed in 1939 totalled but 36 MI' ar)d 4, Hli System tor Argentina under the 1958 scheme. The number of segments stations. This exparrsion follolved Argeutine's eco- shows the number of stations-ofilcial stations shown black, commerciat stations shown white, nomic and social development. Negotiations with

8 r)ciglrl)ouring (r)untri('s to slrarc t:lrartnt'ls rlttlc it ir rcliviclrral opcla tion sirn ilu l to tlrat l lrit lr rlls in ctlit t possilrlc, u itlr tlrc srrrrc rrrurbcl o1' licrlrrcnt ics Ul' I(' IJ,l-rr/ll. Illi. \\irs ,11 111.i,'rr 1,, il s-\\tr'|l] assignccl to tl)c (ourtr-\', to tliplc tlrr lxrucr irrstallccl ulrir'lr lracl plovccl to bc rrrrsatislirctor-1 1or ull con- and thc nLrrnbcr ()i stations, arrcl to sclvc 90 nc\\'city cerned. Urrdcr this decrec-larv 1;LLblic tcudcrs rverc: lll'c:t s. invitcd f'or 55 MF stations ancl to teler,ision chunnels. 'l'hc (iovcrnrrrent ol)eriltecl tlte tontrrtcrcial ttct- Of thc fbnrrcr', 17 \\,crc al,ardccl, together s itlt 5 -l'he lorks rrntil li)511, \\tcn l)arlllrncrrt lxrsscd a neu tclevision channcls. lc,st rcrrairrccl vucant, uitlr luu lhich cle fined bnrarlt;rstirrv- as a " servit:e of tlte erceptiorr of a li'rv rr hich \\'crc gliir)tc(l to lratiollill pLrblic intcrcst", aucl aLrtlxrrizccl thc participation o1 runivclsitics. privatc partics onl_y throLrgh licclces, uhiclt xorrld bc Various r:onrrncxrial, Political rncl lcgll intc)'ests, lu arclccl b1, priirlic tcnclcr. Thc National Radio atitl as u,cll as th{.' l)ress, o|Posed tlte trerv broadcasting -l'he 'l'elt,r'ision SYstclrl \\'as rron'to bc organized in ont: sJ,sterll. rarrec of criticrisrn u,as rvidc arrd basccl ollicial arrcl tlrrec corrrrrercial Iretuolhs. Licettccs lirr on adrninistratir,c arrcl t:onstitutional principlcs.'I'hcrc tlrc trrrrrrrrcrcill rrctuorks nelc valid tirr 20 lrears and lrs also a good dcal ofcriticisnr ofthc orgarrizutiorr corditions urrc stipulatccl tirr opcrutirrg tltc scrvlcc. o{'the torclcr und the alurcls.'flrc Natiorrul ClonsLrltr- At tllc sirlc tinrc govrrnrrrcnt ( ontrol irr tlre tcc)lrical, tivc lloard tlrelelil'c adviscd lcar.ing tlrc l lrolc rruttcl ttrrnonrit: arrcL crrltr.rlal liclcls l'lts clcfirtccl, rs lus tltc to bc clcciclccl by tltc lirtrrlc I)urliarrrrut, bLrt this -l'clevision constitutiorr oi tlrc Statc llrclio rrrcl servir:c. suggestion \\,!rs rlot acccPtccl l>-t' tlrc Ir'ovisional l)trrsrrant to tltis lul, pLrblir: tcttclet's wcrc callccl itt govcnr))cnt, althorrgh tlre political I)arttr \\'lli(h sub- 1!).i4, ar)(l litenccs granterl lirr tlrc tlrrcc conrrrcrcial sctlrrerrtl-y rvon thc clcctiorrs rcconrnrendccl lcavirrg -l-lre rrtlorks. ttcrv liccrtsccs hud hardl,1, bcgun to thc problcrr lbr tlrc trcrt Natiorral ('ong'ress to cleul rrcct tlrcir obligations n lrgr tltc l)rovisional Govc'nr- rvith. lrort, llriclr clrnrc to poucr rltcr thc r'cvolntiotr oi Irrrrrccliatcly attcr tltc ehctions tlf' Iicbnlrr\' 1t)58, Scptenrbt'r' 1i)iri, ;lssullrccl contnrl of tlrc rctlorks tltere{ort,, tlrc Plcsirlcnt-clcct, l)r. lironclizi, ck:clarrcl ancl, irr 1!)ri7, anrtrllccl thc lal ulrclcl llritlt tlrc that cvcr]'thing t onnectecl rvith broadcasting u,oLrlcl llc liccnces lracl bccrt au ardecl. regulatccl by a ncu'lal to bc subnrittcd to Corrgri'ss. Sr.rbscrlrrortl-r' itt Novcntbcr l1)57 tlrc sanrc SLr bscrlLrcr rtl,1', thc Seuatc rcaUirrrrecl tlrc cxclLrsivc --(x,cnlnl('nt issrtccl a tlt'tt'cc-lau cstlrblislrirrg,r'ct r-ight of l)arliaurent to dcrl n'itlr tllc rrlilttrr, in)(l anotlrcr slstcrr 1or '\t'gcntirtc bxltclt ltstir rg, basccl orr rc-cxatttitrt,cl tlrc licorccs g-r'anted b,1' thc l)r-or-ision;rl Governnrcnt. I,'or thc,ir part, tlte l7' ne\\' prol)rietors ol MIi' Fig. 3. General Pacheco the Transmitter Building o{ the offlcial stations constitLrtecl thenrselves as the Association o1' Argentine Broadcasting Service. l)rivatc Argentinc Ilroaclcastirrq Stations (A.lf,l'.A), ncu' tclcvision t'hanncls u'crc installed, as thosc nlro receivecl tlte arvarcls arc jrr a doubtfirl lcgal position. 'I'hc sirrglc tclcvision tlrannel, ol)elle.l in lt)50, continues in operatiotr. Whcn thc prcscnt Constitrrtiottal Govcrnrrrcnt took olTice in Ma1' 1s)58, it a1>pointccl an Aclrninistra- tive lJoald to ol)cratc the comnrercial broadcasting stations an.l the solitarl' tclcvisiorr station, ou,ncd l)J' thc Statc, rnrtil l)arliarncnt lrasses tlte resl)ective la\\'. In Dcccnrber 1r)58, tl)c (iovct'rttncnt purchascd, tirr al4rror irrratcly 90 nlillion pesos, tJrc strtions olnecl b1, Haylres S.r\ lhich fortrrcd Part of tltc so-callcd " Netu or-k C " Ilaclio I'11 Nlrrrdo, ancl tulned it ovcr -l'hLrs to a govcrnlnolt Board. at prcscrtt, thc bl'orcl- cnsting statiorrs in Argentina arc tht' propcrt-y of tlre Golerurrerrt arrd opcrated by it, cxcept lbr the t7 cessiorrs {or groups of statlons organized in ttetrvorks, stations u'hich arc sti1l opelated by A.ll.P.A rnenrbcrs. and lbr individual stations. Their capital structure I)rlring tsl59, the Parliarncntary Comrnittee re- r'r'ould comprise 6clo/o nornilrative sltares r'vhich u'ould sponsible for dralving up the draft Broadcasting r)ot be trar)sferable withor.rt thc authorization of the -I-lre larv rvas rrrrablc to finisli its rrork until aiter the end Ministry ol Corl rnr.rnication. retraltsrnissiou of of thc parliarrrelrtary sessioll, antl the larv thereforc l)rogranlnes originated by lbreigrr statiorts rvor.rld bc cor.rld not bc dcbated. 'l'he Corrrrnittec proposecl that pcrmittccl rvith the agrecl]rent of tbe originatilg Comnrercial lJroaclcastine should be based on con- station. r\n adrrlltistrative body knou'n as the National Broadcasting Coutrcil rvould be set Lrp. Radio and television ccluipnrent iurportcd b,y station Fig. 4. The new studios ot LBB3-TV are being installed on three floors of period ol]c year aiter thc this 40-storey building. The radio link connecting them to the transmitter operators, during a of will be situated on the roof, and the aerial for the new channel 13 ollicial datc of granting the cotrcessiott, r'oulcl be River Plate area will probably also be covering Buenos Aires and the ducs and surcharges. installed on the roof. free of custorrts import -fhe dralt larv g-ave risc to cursiderablc discttssiou and conrnrent, rrtairtl-y tmlhvourable. When l)arliarrtcttt clebates thc Broadcasting Lar.r'it is cortsidcrcd tltat tlte linal text rvill diller substantialll' ll'onr the draft. At the tirrrc of rvriting thcrc are rather less tharr two llonths o{ thc currcnt l)a rliatttclrtary sessiort 1elt, and therc is no indication that the larv rvill be passed by Congress. (iovernnrent circles justily thc delay b,t' the plior need to solve the problcnr of tltose cortrrttcrcial broadcasting statior)s still retainecl by the Goverrr- ment, and rvhose previous operators have startccl a lan' suit krr the rccovely of their stations. The Governrnent appcars detertrtitred to sell t]iese stations as soon as possible to private interests, attd, in the casc of stations clairned by previous ol)c)"ators, to dcnand the retunr of the price previousl,y paid to therrr itr 1947, )ultiplicd by a co-elficiertt reccntll' ap1;r'oved bv thc (iovcrurtrent lirr thc t'cvalttatiorr ol tixcd as5cts ol ittdttstri;rl (lllol'l,ris( s. A nunrber ol intercsting developtrtclrts took place, horvever, conccming Argcntilrc'l'elevision during 1959. 'I'he Govemnrcnt decided to intPlelreltt con- cessions givcn lbr Clranlrcls g (c,llrlllr), ll (nrcon), arrd tr (nto ll LA I'L^I'A ) in Iluertos Aires, Cliannel 8 ( rr.all.Lz-,t nss atrd lolrz ) in Mar dcl Plata atrd Channel 7 ( cort rz ) in Mendoza. In .fune of 1959 c D r, r'r' D ['cnt oll tlte air rvith a ^ claily progranrnre of bct'"veen five atrd six hours. The transnlitter is an II.C.A 10 k\\' with a high gailr aerial rvhich ultinratcly u'ill give an E.R.P of l50 kW. -l-he next channel to go ott thc ait' iu Buetros Aircs rvill bc No. t9 controllccl by Ilio De La Plata 'l'ele- vision. It is consiclered that by thc corning spring (Southcrn) Channel lg will be tratrsrttittitrg a regular

10 progralnll)e. Att cxperitrtental station LUIH Chan- ne1 1.3-has been rvorking on low porver in Cordoba sincc March of this year '"r'ithotrt advertising. Thc licensees for Chaturel t t in Buenos Aires, Channel 8 in Mar del I'lata and Cltantrel 7 in Mendoza have until March 196 t to put their stations olr the air. Negotiatiorrs for purchasitrg cquipllent attd sottre prelirrinary rvork in connection rvith siting statiolrs and preparing buildings are ktrown to be tutder way. Government anllourccment of the gth Jutle 1960 to hold public tenders for television concessions in the provinces has beerr rvelcorned by the public. It is planned to have 26 stations covering the rrrain centres of population, thc rriajority o{ rvhich rvill have transmitters of rnediunt power (5oo W) alrd tu'cr

Vidicon Camera chains and a filrn projector. It is Fig.5. The studio and administration building of Radio Nacional. estimated that ten television stations would be brought into operation dr"rring te6t. of television irr Argeutina is boulrd up The future Worl. This is orvned by the Muzac organization and country's unresolved to a great extent with the transmissions take place in the 88 1o8 Mc/s band. dues ou inrported equip- policy concerning cllstorns The concession for this service was awarded by networking betu'eeu ment. The difficult question of public tender for lvhich there rvere tlrree bids. the dispersed centres of population is being studied, **ire and until tl.ris is solved vision tape arrd films rvil1 l.rave to:'eplacc Iive l)rogra l rl ll rcs. It is against this unsettled background that broad- ln sorrnd broad(asting:rn itttcrc.littg cvenl in l960 casters in Argentina await the outcollre of the next has been the installatioli iu Buenos Aires of the first parliarnentary session-and hope uo doubt that FM statioll for the transntission of Mzrzc While Tou their worst probletrs r'vill be technical ones !

Television for New Zealand

.Iypc HOUGH erperirnental tclcvisittD all 5 kW, consist of nvo IlD.gSg and transrnissions havc l)ecn carricd out onc 'l'r'pe BD.3?2; the associatcd sound frorn Auchland lbr sonte tiure past, transmittcrs, all t kW FM, being tNo -fype a full television scrvice ltas not existccl in tsD.3ogB and one 'lype 8D.394. New Zealand. 'I'hc stations rvill operate in Band I to The Nerv Zcaland Broadcasting Servicc CClll standards. has norv drcitlcd to in.titrrtc I'il,rt rnlcr i.iolr Tlrt A rrcli llnd srr r ion lras br-cr r opqt a t ilg services in Ciltristchurdr, Wcllington and \\ith a 5uu W Mrrc,'ri Ilrtrstrittcr -fhe Duredin as ucll as Aucklancl, and these Nerv Zealand Broaclcasting Scrvice arc duc to go into opcration in Octobcr. are supplying tlteir oq,n aerials. The transnlittels and studio cquipnreut Ior these ncw statiors are beilrg supplicd by I/ieu of ll/ell.in.gton, Neut Zedland. 'l'he Marconi's tlrroug)r Arralgarlatc'd Wirelcss telcris nL deriaL ,a.ill fu silel on the hills in (ALrsrralusiu) Lt.l. flrL r isiorr tlatrsrrriLtrrs, the backgrotnd. MARCONT COMPLETE SOUND AND TELEVISION SYSTEMS

MARCONI'S ITIRELES S TELEGRAPH COMPANY LIMITED CHELMSFORD ESSEX ENGLAND F. R. YARDLEY, A.l.E.E, A.M.Brit.l.R.E, Rediffusion (Malta) Limited P. A. SHEARS, M.A, A.M.l.E.E, Overseas Rediffusion Limited


INTRODUCTION (lontracts lirr tltc su1plr' arrtl itrstrrllatiorr of tclc- (\'l {)P|l :ttiltg 'i( r\ i( L s \\'r'l'e \ D r.r.:i Ii NI u r.r u 3oth, 1t58, C)lrict Allt)rorr.r' r isirrtt crIttiIrtrr|tIt JIld tirill linahot'o, Ministcr ot Holttc arrcl Micl \\-tst concltrrlcd u ith thc Marcotti Coltlpattl'. r\t thc sarttc Atlairs to tltc \\'cstcrtr llt'gion Govcrlrlrrcnt tinrc tlrr: artfiitctrts, l'1. 11. Collister & .\ssociates, alld of Nigcria, aruottrtcccl thrt Iris Govcr;llrlcllt l)x)pose(l thc bLrilding col)tractors, Sir Lillclsay Parhirtsoll artcl irr inaugrrrutc a tclcvisiotr scrvic'e itl tlte \\'estcrn Cionrpany Ltd, rverc appoitrtcd. llegiorr, covcrirtg an arca of45,(xx) stlttat'c Irtilcs attd work on sitc begarr ilttnrediatc'I1' altd less than I o Ibadan trattstttittcr colrlll)cilcc(l test $ith a lxrpLrlntiott of ap|roxiltt;rtelv ai,ooo,ooo. rr,ccks latcr tlre l)riot'to this, Marcorri's ltad trtlclertaltcn l stlt-\'('-v transrttissiotts frottt N'lapo IIill. Clorrstrtrctiotl ot' thc \\'as irr tlrc llcgiorr, ancl ret'orttrttctrclctl a tt-atlslltissiott lteacl- stLrdios arrrl thc Aba{crn trattslttittittg statiotr (luartcrs ancl progratttrtrc origitratitlg cortrc in Ibadalt, urrclcrtakcn at thc satrtc titttc. A tcttporarv Itticro- thc cal)ital of tlte \\'cstcrtr llceion (havirrg a popttla- wavc lirrk n,us installccl b1' llcdillirsion ttrrltl a recciv- tiorr of aPProrittratch,(t(X),o()o), \itlr a sccortcl tt'atts- ing stution rt lpara, rcla-r'irrg "olllrrir" sigrrals liont rrrittirg strtiotr at Abalirtr,5o nlilts to tllc sotltl), llcar I bacla rr. Ikcia, r large uc\\, toNlr ilt \Vestcrtr llcgiotl tcl'ritorv On October .'i l st thc scrvicc u as otlicially ope ncd -lhc outsiclc Lagos, thc Ftclcral capital srrn'e1' b-y Chief thc I Iorrottrable Obal'elni Arvolorvo, l)rclllier .jr.rst -felcuraphs recorrttttcnclccl thc ttse of l)osts arrd ol thc Westcrn llcgion of Nigcria, fotlr trtotlths atld of agreetrtent l)clrartrnent circuits firr I)rogral)ttrlc lilths allci ordr:r twcntv-onc clays altcr tlic signirlg thc bctrvccn (iovcrtttrtettt alrd Ovcrscas lleclill'rsiorl l'ire PrLrPoscs; sttrclio ircilitit's \vcrc to cotrryrisc tlte Vidicorr cartcr:t tlrailrs, tt'lct'ittc etlttilrlIlcl)t alxl arl Ltd. O.ll vchitle contaitritrg trvo Ittlagc Orthicort callleras l')arlf in 1959 thcr \Yestcnr lLegion (ioverttltlcnt FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS bc5;an Ireeotiatious u'itlt Ovcrscas llcdiflirsioll Ltd, Whcn cliscLrssiotts begatr carly in M59 one of the u'as tl'c- Londcxr, atrcl otr .lttrrc ath, 1959 al) agrccntellt was princ\ral problcnts u,hich crrrcrged that ol signed lirr tlre fbrrrration of a partlrersltip oll a 50:50 clLrent-y allocations. Orving to thc occtrllaticln of Barrd basis to provide ar)d ol)eratc tlte proposcd netrvorh III by the national tmtrk VHl" telephorle systeut, otlly first legular tc'levisiott sctvite ill A{'rica. This Band I rvas available tbr television. llcarillg in niincl -the CorttPanl. r'as also to colldLrct sottrld broaclcastittg atrcl the frLtnre nccds ol the Federal arlcl Rcgional Govcrtl- greatcr tharl that of rr,ars thus Irattted tlte Wcstcnr Nigerria lladioVisiolr nrents (thc area of Nigeria is to Scrvice sith the stltion idctrtification " \r&'NTV " lbr l.-rance and Gerurany together) an cflbrt rvas tltadc tclevision atrd "WNIIS" lbr sound. obtain tbrir 7 Mc/s channels itr Baud I instcad ol onc -I-he C.(l.l.]t ri95 linc 5u fielcls statrdarcls wr:te o Mc/s and three 7 Mc/s chartncls rvhitlh it cotltailrs 'I'he 'I'elt'gra1l)rs atkrptcrl ancl up;rlicatiort rvrts tttltclt' to thc l)osts ilt l)rcscut. l)osts arrcl [)cparttttcllt -l'elegrrtlrlrs tttovecl Mc/s Lrp arrcl I)cl)llrtrrlc)lt lirr srritlblc 1i-t'clLrcltcl' ploposecl tltrt tltc cltarrttcls sltotrlcl be t positions, thus i hr nnt.ls. in tltc slrcctlLtnr above tllcir stattcllrcl l3 IBA DAN STUDIO CENTRE





VIDICON FILM SLIDE AND CAPTION Fig.'1. Schematic diagram oJ West Nigerian Television Service.

widening the Band lrom 4,1-68 Mc/s to 4l-69 Mc/s. completion was h..year too late, and therefore an However, the dislocation which this non-standard altemative link had to be set up. For a small TV channelling would have caused, by delaying the systerr, links are an economic problern of some magni- delivery of the equipr.rrent and necessitating non- tude, since the rentals customarily charged by Post standard turrets for the television receivers, precluded and Telegraphs Authorities may be beyond the the adoption of the scherne, and eventually agreement means of the station. The alternative solution, the was secured to use the standard C.C.LR channels Eg station setting up its own rnicrowave link, for equiva- and E4. Microwave frequency allocations caused no lent facilities, can be comparable in cost with that of difficulty, there being little use of microwaves in hiring. However, a sirnplified microwave system is Nigeria. now being installed and in the rneantime a tempor- ary link is in use. LINKS This employs a repeater on an intervening hill at Another technical problem was the link between the Ipara, 3r miles from Ibadirn, where a signal strength Ibadan studio centre and thc Abafon transmitter 56 of about t mV is obtained from a Yagi aerial on a rniles away. The P & T had under construction a I oo-ft scaffolding tower receivir.rg the transmission microwave link betlveen Lagos and Ibadan giving from Ibadan. Sound and vision are demodulated in a three channels (each z+o circuits or one TV channel) good quality receiver with autornatic frequency con- in both directions. Hon'ever, the scheduled date of trol and excellent adjacent chamrel rejection, whicli

14 f'eeds into a ttticrou'ave link transtrtittcr ntotttrted on signal in tlte largc tou'ns of Abeokuta and Iiebu-Ode the to$'er to carry the signal on to Abatbn. While :lo ,lo nriles a\!'at'. this temporary link gives surl:rrisingly good resr'r'lts, it is subject to the inherent linritations ol this Irretltod CONSTRUCTION of transnrission. Moreovcr', the lieqr.rcncy of 68oo Mc/s Work conrnrertccd on tlrc Ibadatr trartstnitter site at used for the ruicrolvave link appears to be sottten'llat N{apo Hill, Ibadarr, early in .JLure 1959. DesPitc high for the varyirtg aturospltet"ic cotrditiotrs cIt- hcav-y storrrs, rvhelt att inclr ol railr sotrtetiltles lell ilt countered irt a tlopical clirtratc, so tltat occasiottal a I'erv lrours, the building rvas coustrrtctcd, tlle to$el' severe fades occlrr on the ttticrorvave path cltrc ttl erectccl and thc aerial fitted in ottly sevetlweeks. refractiotr. Meanlvhilc, the translllitter r.vas undergoing tests irl No Posts and Telcgraphs private rvire circuits u'crc an incomplete building and by the planned datc, available at Abalbn so a VHl" link has becn plovided 14th August, the br,rilders rnoved out attd thc " WNTV test card was translritted to the acconl- rvith Ibadan. -Ibadan" I'rniIl )t ,'l pt erccUrdc.l tlttrsic, TRANSMITTER SITES (irncurrently, construction o{' the studios advalrcc'd In a prominent cetttral 1>ositiotr in Ibadan is Maptr rapidly arrd uork rvas started at the Abaforl trans- Hill, and this site rvas chosen fbr the t 5oo rvatt ERI) nritter site; studio cquiptrrcnt irtstallatiou began at transnritter and 25o ft torver. As tbe availablc land the end ol Scptelrber. Wolk progressed so fast that lvas not large enough for the studios and o{1lces these live carrrcra trainilrg of Nigerian programnte and lvere sitcd at Agodi-an area ol tteu' dcvclopltrelrt tcchnical stali rvas able to start onlv tltree rveeks 1ater. -I'he sone 35oo yards arvay. tou,er at Abafon proved a scrious cltallelrgc. -I-hc Abalbn transrnitter site was chosen alongsidc Iirerlucnt bad rveatlter ofteu held up rvork lbr several the rrain Lagos-Ibadan road otr a ridgc of land zeo It days, and at tilrles it looked as if it u'ould be inipos- above sca ieve1. Here an l.lRP of t5 kW rvith a 4Oo lt sible to n)eet the opening date of Slst October. tower provides strong coverage of tlre clcnsclv popu- Hou'ever, rvith barelv a rveek itt hand, the Marconi lated areas around Lagos and Ikeja, and gives a good riggers and their tea,r of Nigerians rvere ready to fit

Fig.2. Transmitter Building al Mapo Hill. Fig. 3. The 15 kW ERP Transmitter at Abaion.

thc aerial, ancl tlris rvas conncctt'cl un



l l- 1 t- lrl I'--r l4 Tr,, I

i ,; l tr -l !11-r

L ,o I | I I

I !_r

Ground Floor. First Floor.

20 nl

1t' WN TV FACILITIES l)rovi.iing sufiicio)t sourrcl absorption lirr tclevision \\'ork, \\llile thc floor (o\:crit)g is liorkoid, laitl on .l'Iaster (bnlrol c()lr(rete. l'Or l]rorc elaborate l)rograltll)les, usc is Stulh I rlladc of thc large soun.l broa cl('a stir rg' Studio II, Itear,y soundprtxrf dor-rblc Sizc lj0' X ,l.t' X li9'x 99' x 3(J' '/. 20' 'l cloors conncctirrll tl)c t\\,o -I-his l5' ht. 90' ht. 15'lrt. stLrdios. strrdio is l)artiallJ' c(luil)ped for tclcvision, tlte renraining ctluiprrrerrt bcirrg broLrclrt ir liorn the ('irt:rlras 9 x lll).rJat.1. 9 x lll).8o8 9 X 16 lltDl+ Viclicorr 'l]" Irlage l6 Dlln+Sli(L( O.B vchit'lc u{rerr required; thc lrigh-lctel control cal)lct its Or-tlricol Viclitrrr roorD tirr this stuclio can also accontrrrodatc tltc Vision 'l'clcciuc cirIlrc].ns fi'()ltl control gcar. O.lJ vun allirDrrcls Adjacent to StLrclio l, rvith clorrblc-glazccl obscna- Visiol s clrauu l 8 charrnrl 8 t hanncl tion u'indows, is thc Nlaster Control l ron (Fig. s), NIixt r- lll).8 t.r irr lJl).it+ I liorl 1lD.(r5(t r'hele the sound and r,isiorr strrdio nriring and srvitch- Maste r- O.ll vln Mastcr ing, canrcra coirtrol, nraster colltrol s\\'itclting, telc- ( orrtrol Srr itclrcr t irrc rnat'hines ancl L.quil)t]tc1rt racks are accor rr nloda tc(1. Sorurcl + chanlcl .l.cllrullcl 'l clrarrncl (lour:cntration of all cquiPrrrellt in a single roorr NI ixcr It l).55,1.B llD.5 54.1] IlD.551.ll ir Mastcr lionr O.ll r';rn lacilitatcs operatiotr by a rrrinirrrunr nurnber of stalI. -fhc Cl(rrtr'()l air-conclitioning plaut firr thc tclcvisiol strrdio, plcviel' thcatrc arrd filrrr proccssing sectjons oi lllc builditrg has a coolittg capa(tit,\r ot l]5 to1s, t5is larqc -I'hc lirnited l)r()granlnlc budgct (urrtil a rcas(xrablc size beittg ltcccssar-\r rrraitrl-\' to coPc witlt Itcat il'orn -l-hc sizcd arrdicncc is cstablishecl) entaile.l rcstrictit)g thc cqrriprrrent an(l studio lighting. plant is studio accollu)rodatior) to thc r r r i r r i : r r r r r r r . Morc thatr accorr rrrroclatcd rvitlrirr thc shell o{' thc studio alea tltrcc-rlrrartcrs ot tlle presetrt l)ro!{ranlntcs arc on filnl, to rrrinirrizc tlre lerrgtlrs tlf'thc air tlutts, rvhich con- so tl)at (nrly tlre srnall l)rcscrltation Studjo I has bccl 1iritt filtLts l,r l)r'(\( 1 r)()iiL 1r'irlrslrissii,t,. l)rovidecl solel-t fbr tclcvlsiorr. Its nrain liurctiotrs arc col)tirltlit\r \vorkit)g, 1c\\'s, talks and sil))ilat pro- LIGHTING EQUIPIVIENT -fhe granrnrcs. u,all trcatrncnt (:onsists oi altenlatc Studio liglrti g tbr tlrc P|esentation sturlio cO tPrises plain and slottcd asbestos tilcs bachccl by ulass rlool, cieht I k\V arld eight 5(x) \\,att slxrtliglrts, toscthc).

Fig.5. Studio cenire building at Ibadan, This picture clearly shows the louvred construction of the walls. Fig.6. A School quiz programme being broad- cast from Ibadan.

WNTV TRANSIVIITTERS \\'itl) twclve flrrorescent sco()l) lrnlps whiclr ol)rratc satisf'actoril-y \\'ith Vidicor can)eras riithout flitker', arrd produce less lteat tltan filarrrent larrrl:rs of crlui," alurt Ilurlan: lirha I Iill ,lbtr/nt '-l'hc illurrrinrting- l)o\\'cr. so urrd/tclc'" isior r Strrclio Il 5(x) \\r Ill ).lJ5(i :i5a Iras a sinrilar iustallation brrt is cquippecl rvith incal- descerrt scoops sincc lrcre thc Inragc Orthicotr Srrr rrrrl 't r;rrrsrrrittlr 9r;O \\'att lJl).31o :J l.i!V Ill).i09 (ar I txr rratts) (rt I li$r) canlcl'ils f'rorn thc O.B vchicle are rrrostly uscd. Lighting is controlled fi'orrr a sirrrple su'itchboarcl in A cria I :J strcli ll s ta.li Supcr-lLll nstilc Srrlrclturnstilt' a conlrr of cach stuclio. Othcl ancillaries incluile a caption stancl, a liglrt lrcig-lr t lo(,' bor lirr illurrrinatinll transi)arencies ancl a 'l'SCl 4,(x)O Sitc elclati<>l :2:JO' L3ack I'ro.jcction Unit. sr';r Iclol \onrinal Iilll' O.B VEHICLE. -fhis ;s ilhrstratcd in I'-igLrrc 7 ancl corrrprises a 3o-cwt. Srzr ol lrLrild irr{ ;o')i 30')i I (X)' X Jo' X I l' Ircight I t' hciglrt van, littcd lith crluiprrrcnt racking and a produttiol clcsk. 'frvo Marconi 13l).aoA ll-in. Irnage Orthicon Spacc lbr 5 liW Sp:rcc lirr \4\\i canlera cllanlrels are providecl, togethrr xith sourrcl r isior ancl :; li\V lrr-oetlcrsting sourrtl trars- fi'arsurittcr' and vision rnirirrg 1'acilitics, linc t:larr;r arrrplilier, nrillcr-s pr-ovidcrl providecl synclrronizing gcnerator and courrrrr-urications trcilities Itou,cr suP|ly is broLrght iIr through an aLrtorlratic ,\ u r il ie r'-i lll).s7 r Vi(licon Ill).ir7l \Iiclicorl l)

19 Fig. 7. lnterior view of O.B vehicle, showing the control and monitorlng position,

Below: Fig. 8. IVIaster Control Room. The Vislon l\4lxer !ooks down on ihe Picture and Waveform l\,4on - tors. On the right is ihe observation w ndow lookinq inlo Siudio l.

20 FILM EQUIPMENT was only possible by using stock equiprrent, many of -I'he station provides its ou'n Nclvs Scrvice and thus the remaining items ltaving to be scnt by air, adding -fhis operates a F ilnr Unit to cover local events. unit to the installation costs. is eqrripped rvith thrcc Bolcx caneras, trvo Ficord Other disadvantages also follou'ed frorn executing; tape recordcrs for non-synchronous souttd, and tu'o the u'ork at such spccd. The large anrount of overtimc Arriflcx carreras complete rvith magnctic sound head and nightr,vork required increased thc expense of -fhc and transistor amplifier for synchronous rvork. thc buildings, although rnuch credit is due to thc l6 mnr filnr, r,r,hich is supplied leady striped, is building contractors in nrccting their specified cour- developcd on a Larvley Juttior proccssing machinc pletion dates, despite shippir.rg and othcr dilficu1ties. vielding r.rcgativc pictures lvhich, alter u'axing, nray Tlius, the principal lesson to be drarvn liom an be shorvn directly on telecine by operating tlte sense operation o1'this nature is that sulTicient tirne shor.rld reversal slvitch. be allorvcd to takc into account the peculiar problems Picture and sound cditing is carried ollt on a1r of overseas territorics rarrging lronr conmunications, Acnradc nrachine and a llell & Horvell Model o+cl porvcr, supply and transport, to housing atid stalling, projector is uscd lbr previerv. A 35-ttrn high gradc lrot to rler)tiolr thc vagarics of tropical clirnates and carncra and enlargcr arc provided lbr prodrrcing stills. the irrplications of these on the engineering arrd other Besides thc oLrtpllt of the filrn unit, a great deal of arral)gerlrents. lilnr handling is involvcd in preparing the 2 3 hours Nevertheless, the installations as cornpleted repre- of filnr nraterial, including comnrcrcials, shorvn dai1y, sent a considcrable achievement and the authors rvish f'crr rvhich coruprehensivc editing lacilities attd Iruntcr- the staff involved iu runr.ring the new service every ous iterrrs of snial1 equiptttettt arc provided. success lvith their nerv venture.

CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGEIVIENTS The most strihing fcature of the operatiolr is thc speed Achnor,vledgenrents are duc to tlrc I)irectors of the at rvhich it r,vas carried out, thc opening date lbr tlrc Western Nigeria RadioVision Service and of Over- scrvice lbllor'ving less than fivc tnonths froll tlte date seas Rcdifi-usion Ltd, for pcrrrission to publish this of signature of the {inal cor)tracts. This short period article.

Turnkey Projects

T is ofien corn ettient lbr broadcastirtg l\as arvarded by thc Govcrnmcnt ol (ihan:r Tlrc neat Broadcttsting Station Jor Ghana authorities lvho arc corttemplating il the face of intemational colrpetition and nnrler construction. operrirrg up Itetv scrt iccs to Pllt thc is for thc dcsign and crcctiott of the trans- rvlrolc proje

1'llll Iln.'l) of .Jurtc tlrc li-itislt l3r-oadcastittg ('or_lxrtlttion beg;tlt opclrti(nrs fl-ortt thc iirst strrclio in .I'elcvision tlrc'ir ncu ('cntl'c irt Whitc ('ity i]l tlrc \\'cst ol l,oudon. llr.rilt on tlrc site of tlrc llx)iJ lirrrco lSritish I)xhibitioD, this vilst group of stuclios, scenct'y rvorlishclr l lcl stofcs, rttsttturc ancl lr'ol)cfty stolcs, aclrttinistr_etivc lrrtl tct:lrnit:al ltreas rvill lr.rr, ., r' r l:,rg, rrrr,liu. :l11'r.rl,l tll, rrl.ri r r:in:rrlal block. l hc scetrcry blocli lras bcen conrplctcd lbr sourc tirrtc and Itrs ber:n 'l.e/et:ision scrving the nerrby llivelsidc, Litre Glovc I"ig. t. 'l'he eir' 1l . ll.O Ct'ntre ol lf'hitt Cit-t', Lonthn. and 'l elcvisiorr 'l heatre studios. I lt, , it', ul.u ."tt'trhti", t',l,trlt t,t,. 'l lrc 'l'clcvision Ccrtlr: is tltc hlst prrrpose-built television stnclio bloclt tltat tlie B.ll.C lrave had iu London. 'flrc circulal rrrain bloclt of ofliccs arrd clrcssing roonrs is flanked by ladiating .rrr,li,',. rr itlrrr "(.rrlrl W,Jg, ,',rrtrirr irg thc rrriu control r

dllal .ldgl. ,,f tlrc or igirral t r':, t rs t r r i t t c r is itr thc MtLscuur rt C)rclrusford ).

22 WALTER GEORGE POWER, Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited


Sone farsotttrl thrnrghls tboul lhc dnvlolntcnt of' Btlttce art ol placirrg artists, iltstnltl)ents, efii:cts sources iurcl tntl Contral tcchniques in Ilrrnrlarslittg' and.'Ii!tt,ision. the rcst jn ar) internally balanced pattern itl frorrt ol thc single nricrophone. rt o r'r tltc vcr',y bcgirrrrirrg of broaclcastirrg, :\bor-rt this period, scriptrvriters begatr to cxcccd studio progralrrrres prescntcd ulrsidera ble tlte tcchnical thcilitics in a {ast and filriolrs 1va1'1 thev problcrrrs. It lrakes nrc I'eel sorrrervhat aged askcd lbr thc seerningly inrpossiblc fronr the stLrdicr ancl nostalgic to think back sorle thirty odd ycars ancl etrginecr arrd thus brought abor.rt a real rcvolutiorr in visLralize horv u,e actuall_\'rn:uragccl therr rvith a single the rroclest broaclcastiirg centres of those clays. tricrophonc: et'crythirrg happenecl in liont of it I l cll rernetrrber onc of nry first nra.jor productiols tlrart:atic action, rroises ofi, tnood rlusic, narration, in 19"29 of a lirench Revolution 1>7as' Danton by cven thc gol)g at tllc cnd ol thc credit titles. lJr.rer:hncr; lbr three full rehearsal days angry crou,ds In fact, it coulcl not be clotrc any othcr rvav as surged up and dorvn the nrain stairs arourrd the lift

tteitltcr sorrrrcl tading, rxl' nririrrg, nor thr instrtr- shal't ancl scr"earned " 9d. ira" at the tol) ol their voices. rlrcrlts to clo it hacl, as 1,et, becn ilrvcnted. No efl'ects On thc clay of the sho'"v all other trafiic in Broadcasting recorcls cristecl, and so tlteatrical noise rn;rchincs frr Housc sinrply had to cease and Ilobespierrc's noisy u ind, rairr, ntarchitrg f'eet, galloping horscs atrd so on, terror reigned suprerre. TheSe rvere cablcs I'estooning clLrttercd up tlic stuclio, thc top of the piano and thc rvhole bLrilding, uricrophoncs olt each landirrg, ever,yu here elsc. It tvas too good to last arrcl very signal lights for thc cheer leaders o1'thc crorvd ancl soott anrbitior.rs plalr,vriglrts got holcl of radio that a bathroorn arrcl \\'.C acting as a rurirluc echo -l'hcn ncn and cxciting ntccliurrr of tlrr: Ninctcctr Trventies charlber! rvc.just could not hclp it an1' 1611911- thcl' did so gith -arrcl abattclolr! \v(. lrird to lrrrre ;r sorrntl ruixcr. 'I'hcrc rvas rrot a rarlio play n'orthy of its r:heque At that tinre, thc thing u,as not callccl a "rrrixcr" rthiclt rvas sct irt art,t'tltin!{ lcss tlran arr erpress trairr, at all, and I cloubt if an1'boi1, rcally considcrcd this an lcrolllarre, arr occar) lirrer or a subrlarinc. No clevicc as a perlnar)ent fcature father than a tenlporary ttticrolrlrottc actor of tltose cla;,s rl'or,rld dentcan Itirrr- ginrrnick. Little did I knor,v then that it r,vas nry first sell to spcak rvitltout a roarirrg backgrourrcl o{ corn- acquairrtarrt:e rvith a sound-balarrcitrg systctrr. For tltc bLrstiorr engitres, ot:r'arr surl, or Night on t lJure PurPose of this play the laborator'1, had been robbcd fulouttritt, Tfu lliie tl the ltallryrit's, or cvcn /3irr1 of its eight valuable logarithnric potentiometcr boxes 'l-his Song at Ezvnlitle. rrrelodious backg;61n1d 11'21; and, rvith their help and sorrre nratching rcsistors, arr geuelallv procluced in a crarrrpc'cl torner ofthc studio eight channcl Lrr'r'-level netu'ork l,vas sltutg together. b1' a s1i'q21in$- "tea-garderr" cnscrnblc, rrrentbers of Six rrricrophoncs and tr'vo rrragnetic pickrrps lcd rvhiclt also doublccl as EIJ'ects Merr. llalancc-as r,r'e clire.ctly into this unbalanced and vr-rlnerablc circuit, hnorv it toclav u'as rcally born as thc very intricatc and I still rrarvel that it reallt' i,r,orked. BLrt it did- possibly due to a cor)]bination r-l1'good luck and the volunre control rvas used by another enginecr to lairly high level nricrophones thcn il general use. "ride level",-liardly a t'ruitful task. Nevertheless, Therc was nothing left in the laboratory to tnake a all worked lvel1 by our nrodest standards and to ury nrain control and so the output of the inrprovised conternporarics and nryself the basic idca of balance rurixer was led nrany yards ar,r'ay into the one aud and control ecluiptttettt begzur to dawt. We were not only audio arnplifier of thc broadcasting chain. Its given nruch leisure to work out in what lbnn a


Yy!r,W, O tfut Noise +db M.A..T. Inpul Leuel ,Inl)ut Wl IrreEuncy Purfose oJ Unit It Dedance Italtl I ce LeteL I'lpe No. Ma:t. dbnr, 1u::tx rye.la Resfo se Lhr^ JB ' dhnt tlntn 50 15,O0O r/r

3086 Microphone aud Pro- -95 30 or 600 '15 +9o 60o -75 o.7 grarnnrc Amplifie r, fixed gain 5l 10 Microphonc and l'ro- 4:5 to 95 30 or' 600 .15 to 65 +20 -i5 to -55 gramme An4rlificr, variable gain 3087 Booster Amplifier lbl use -9O to + 10 600 10 to 40 +9O -i5 o,1 with line Equalizers, variablc gain 4585 Isolation Anplilier for O to +9O IO,OOO 0 to 20 +2O 600 15 i).7 sound distribution to lines, variable gain 3088 Trap valve Amplifier lbr o to +9o IO,OOO O to 20 +2O i5 15 o.? sound distribution to lines, ring main etc., variable gain BD.e6T Audio Distribrrtion + 11 to +24 600 or -4 to +2O lO outputs -65 Amplifier lbr rnax. ten lO,OOO +4 (each 600 lines, variable gain outPut) 5ofi7 Monitoring Amplifier, o to +20 10,00o 9w O 6 ol' 2.+ 2 watts 4619 l,imiting Amplilicr', -10 to +1O ri(x) .90 O to 60(} 70 variablc +20 8D.529 Standard VU-Meter +,1 max. 'i,soo (for "VU' - reading) BD.520 Standard Peak Prog. +8 max. r0,OOO Meter and Anplifier ( for half- scale reading) 6289 VU-Meter and Amplifier -1O to +10 9O,OOO Unit, variable (lbr "VU'- reading) 6288 Peali Prog. Mctcr ancl lO to +lO 3O,OOO Anrplificr Unit, (for half- variable scale reading)

24 (b) Covlnol- is thc cortitrttotts aclittsttttent of l)l-ograullne sound lcvcls rvitlrin the pcrmissible lirlits of the broaclcastirtg clrain. 'I'he rttaxitttt'tttt is gcrrcrallv dctcrrrined [rt, thc overload tltrcslxrld of tltc trarrs- nrission systcrt; tlte Irtirrirttttnt lottdttcss rrttrst bc kcpt substautiallt'alxrvc thc irthercltt background uoise o1 all elcurents crrrploycd, arnplifiers, lirres, trartsrtrittcrs arrd rct civcrs. (c) Mo:.r rronrN(; by car and eye serves lbr thc srrpervision of thc progratttntc modulation artd, rvithout it, rrcitlter balancc nor control l'ould bc possiblc. Aural rtottitoring by a good lotrcl-spcaker at thc cnd ol a rlLralitl' lrrrplilicl chairt is rrsuallt, thc dccisive iursrver to all tluestiolts of baliutcc and ficlclity. Visual nronitorirrg by Irteans of a progrartrrttc nretcr nrust srrppletrtettt listcttittg as rcgards tlte control of' sor.rnd voluntc, bccausc lturttatr ltearirrq is Fig. 1.An early B.B.C drama production ol The Passing of the Thitd quitc rurreliablc rvheu critically applicd to tlte Floor Back iA 1926, showing the actors grouped round a single micro- phone. pl'essure l)aralneter of sotttrcl (volurrrc, level or loudness ) . (d) Con lrNL; i'r'v o1'progranrrrtc trtaterial is ittt- flcrible systenr could be desigrrcd to copc u'ith tltc perativc ftrr anv sulucncc of itcrtts in televisiotr or -l-heir ever-r'isirrg dcnrands o1' the playu'riglrts. Ilalttt- broadcastiug. It applies equally to a chairt of short scripts again mshcd lar ahcad of the facilities, rttulti- and vcry short contributions, rvithin a pla1, fl1 studio and ruulti-nicropholrc tecltniques l'cre called irlstan(re, as rvcll as to irtclependelrt pt'ogrartrttc itcttts for and, I think, broadcastirrg irr the trid-ttincteen- Iikc ncu,s, talhs, tinie signals, sPorts evcnts, conccrts thirties had thorotrglily ctrlrteshed itself in an itrtricatc maze of its or'vn nraking Irot trnlike that in rvhiclt oLrr Fig.2. lvlodern sound control equipment in use in Hong Kong, prescnt-day televisiotr soLtlrd engirtecrs arc strugglinu. While the rcasons fcrr so ttruch sc4rltisticatiolr u'ere vastly dilli:rent thcn aud rtorr', thc engilrccrirrg ability to dcal u'ith thcsc contplicatiotts grcrv apace over the vears. Botlt broadcasting and television sound are toclav chanrrcllcd tlrrouglt firtrrl-1t ctrtretrched crpipnrent syster))s, cttdeavourittg to cater ftrr tllc rnany varictics ol jobs irr the sta!lL' t))at)agcltlr:lrt of' thc air. IJefbrc one catr rcalll' artalyse cotttrol etlttiprttcttt arrd get arr iclca horv to tacklc its desigu, it ttray scrve a uselirl purpose to rcvierv the contttron liutctiorrs of sLrdr crprilrrrrent. Moclern studio apparattts is t'sseu- tiall-y dcsigned artd crttPlol'e{ lirr five Ittaitr tasks: (a) B,rr.,rxcr r.; iuvolvcs tlte pru'ess of creatitrg att artistic and drarrratit: volutttc relatiort bctu'een all voices and otlter sound sortrt:cs itr the strrdio. 'fhe ideal ainr is, of cottrse, a balanced sottnd picture rcflecting as faith{ir'lly as possiblc thc creative idcas of thc corrrposcr or authot'. ar)d the whole box ofjigsaw puzzles rvhich tnake tq:r consequence, the desigr.rer u'ho keeps just abreast with the daily prograrrtne picture. Signal liehts atrd crtes- today's production technique rli11, of necessity, be sound or vision-are the usual trteatts fbr securing sevcral years behind currclrt studio rcquiretlents when continuity. his finished equipment eventually goes on tlle air. (e) OlErrarIoNAI- AUXILI^ltlLs cover a very Today's design must, thcrefore, be a long ternt -fo r,vide range of devices iIi the ar-rdio field. Ilaute only plar.r tryirrg to anticipate derrands and developlnents a lerr orr this evcr-groiring li:t: in tcchnique some three to {ivc vcars heuce a very Ilcho, I,-oldback (Loudspeakcr rcplay to studio), risky nranufactrrring progranrnre indeed. The tailor- prc-fade listening, public address (to studio audience ) , making of such gear to individual users' specifications effects distortion, etc. In addition talhback, loud- is a costly business and naturally enough thc industry speaker uruting, and cueiug circuits. Most of thcse tries to solve the problerns of design, Irtaltufacture production aids are no\v corlrnon ground but the and stoch-holding by adopting sntall-uItit apparatus. application o{'them varies widely frour stttdio to While this is technically succcssful and holds sorne studio. hope {br the future, it is a relativcly expensive Norv one u'ould think that col.ting with the full set rnethod of rnauuf'acture, asscnrblv and l,iring. of five functions (a) to (e) and all their colrtplex Horvcvcr, at tlte tinre of r'r'riting, the requiretttetrts variations u,ould be a major task for any designcr, of televisior.r sound engineers are substantially rising but they are the urere basis of sound equiptnetrt all the tirnc. More and rnore " building bricks " are constructions. Against this backgror.urd, television called for to cater for ncrv deur;rnds. Abovc all, of and broadcasting are ever-growing branches of the coursc, all along the nrodulatiolr thain the dcsigner entertainlnel)t u'orld and, as such, tend to sprout, rlreets the need to raise studio lcvcls to a rvorkable dcvelop and change rapidly likc living orgatrisrtts. In avcrage. IIere again, thc living charactcr of pro-





Fig.3. Typical layout plan-of a small studio console, showing the application of unit amplifiers. 26 A typical -fV Str-rdio consolc r'vill norv recluire lacilities iucluding:

Up to 26 individual Iricrophone chanuels. Up to to high-level input channels. Grouping of input chanuels in u1.r to 4, grorps. Echo I Trvin I'-oldback I 1,u' .uch (lhannel. Public Address l Multiple Output Distribution up to lo isolated Fig.4. A typical plug-in amplifrer- lines. a Trap Valve Amplifier Type 3088. " Clean !-eed " outputs to satellite stuclios. Cornprehensive aural artd visuarl Inotritoring. Talkback, Cr-re and o{ien rnonitor switching. gramrnc sonnd, its dynalnic range, liequeltcy spectlulrt -I-o etc., present a fornridable task. Arnplifier paranreters cope u"ith this sort of specification artd thc other are undergoing perce])tiblc changes all the tirnc. lior r)Llnlerous variations of str"rdio cquipllent, Marcotti's instance, the close-microphonc tcchniclue nou' itr have devised and rnarketed over the last f'elv years a vogue lnay producc " lorv level peahs " as high as range ofunit aurplifiers (I"ig. +), details of ivliich are rvhetr ttticrophones are practically tabulated. 'I-he diagranr (I''ig. 3) shorvs a typical -30 to 25 dbnr, thrust ilrto the throats of brasses and r,voodr,vinds. exanrple of their use. This rvas rluite unlteard of a fcu' years ago n'hetr We have corne a long way from our collection of microphone arrplificrs generally had to cope with a logarithrnic potetrtiollrcter boxes but Robcspierre's grid swing sonre .3o clb krwcr. noisy terror lurks in the studios still !

Colour Television Demonstration in Australia

WO YliAItS AGO Snrirb l{linc 'l-he two colorrl canreras arc Marcorti ald !'rcm:h conrtttissioued frolrr 3-tube In)age C)rthicons, lype BD.8+u Marconi's a nrobilc colour tcle- sinrilar to those supplied to thc ll.B.Cl lbr vision turit rvhiclr tltey havc placccl at tlre tlr, ir . r1u.r'itrt, ttt:rl .oli'rrl Irarrsrlii.si,'rr.. lrcc disposal of nrcdical authorities for use 'l'hc rnain display urit is a Marcotri -fypc at dcnrollstrations, collvcntiolls, etc. It has Colour 'l-clcvisiolr l)rojectiou Llnit bceu uscd to televise, in l'ull colour, clinical tll).h;ri, \\Iri, lr gi\l.. ! lillg, :, r(r'Il I,i, t,rr\' procedures and intricate o1:lerations beitrg capablc of bcing vieued conrlortabll' by ulr can'icd out by spccialist surgeons in ordcr to 3oo l)eoPlc. to clellrolrstrirte their nrcthods k) { large llris , ',1,'ur rcletirion trnit t,'rrrittg bocly of surgcons or studcnts in a nearlty i\ustralia has been givirrg dcnronstril- hall. Not onlv can thcse dentotrstlatiolrs l)e tions at various nrcdi( al ccntres througllout seen by a large audieucc but also the addi- the country. rinr)al bLrrcfit rs grr.rr,.l ul sccirg it ntt a largc screen. 'lhe unit is lrousecl itr au 8-ton vclticle divicled ilrto u, thc rcar corllprrtrlrcllt cor- 'l'he Colour Telerision O.l) I/an nttntrfactural taining tlrc apparatus radrs, tlre ruiclcllc b1 Marconi's.lor Snitlt Kline ant! Fretch compartmcnt the coirtrol rooms and tlte Laboratories being loatled on the S.S l)unertin front compa)'tmcnt a small servicing area. Stdr on the start oJ its toar oJ lustralia. SMALL TRANSISTORIZtrD SOLTND MIXtrR

Tlte IJD.gir,; is o.;fbur-channcl sotmd ni.t'er.frn' noitts Al'ter trials in tltis countly, an ofl'cr fronr the or futtery su!p|1, iesignei u r port tle unit.for sounl l'cdcral Broadcastirrg Corporatiorr of' Ilhodesia '"vas ontside bnnlctsts 01' rts 0 tru.tiliar1 tmit.fbr sttdio usc. received to give field trials at Lusaka, Northcnr llhodcsia-thc journcy itsclf proving an efI'ective rr rrrr.:vr.rn possrBr.r it is dcsirlblc to havc' part ol the trial in tltat it shovr,ed r,rp a wiring wcakncss. field trials of rreu' e

{28 Fig.2. An ouiside Broadcast recording at I-long Konq employing ihe 8D.956.

Fig. 3. The prototype of the 8D.956 Transistorized lvlixer in use at -lhc problorr of nrcctiug rll tlrc rctluircrrrcnts of Entebbe Airport on the occasion of the visit to Uganda by H.M the Queen IVlother. clilllrcnt types o1'scrvicc is probably insolLrblc t a sirtgle etluiPrrrcrrt l)ut the Ill).1)5(t is il \,or-v usclul littlc nrixer. As it stancls it proviclcs lbrrr lou-lcvcl inprrts of (ioo :lO or oluns at -lJOdBrrr to -4Odllnl lcvcl lncl a single zcro to +20 dlJnl (iOO ohrn high ltvcl inpLrt. Trvo outl)Llt lines are srritchccl fl'orr tlre f)'orrt ltatrcl, olle a(tir)g as a cuc lirrt'. ' 'l'hc {'aclers ltrvc tlrc t artron track rnorrlclecl into tirc brsc, yrroviding a long lilc and high stabilit-y. l)1111,r1- is takcrr ll"orrr the rnains or' 1'rorrr built-in battcr,l: cells rvhich autorrraticallv conre itrto actiorr il thc -fltc nrains f'lil. t ase is .3o cin b.y l5 crrr by 22 cnt iul(l rleighs ruxlcr 7 kgs, rrrcl a totrvuricnt llrrrdlc also acts as a sLll)port to tilt the rrnit to a corriirrtablc slope. A total of lo tlansistors are rrsed arrcl rlitlt no sper:ial selcttiorr, thc noisc outl)ut at tirll gain is -l-his approrirrratcly - 9ri dl}rr. ligLrrc catr bc int- provccl ifthc ilrl)Llt stalle is littccl u ith rnore cxpcnsivc tl'ansistors.'fltc ft'cclLrclrcl' resl)oltsc is t,r?it:all-r' - 1 dll at ztl c/s, risiug srrrxrthl.v to zclo at I lit/s, arrcl firllin.q.. srnoothll' again to o.8 .lB at t5 Kc/s *lrit,h slroLrlcl bc goocl erroLrgh lirr nrost O.ll uork! l)istoltiorr is lcss than l.o% ilt I Iif/s at I20 (lllt]) orrtprrt 1t'vel. A. A. MILLER, B.Sc. (Eng) A.M.l.E.E, A.C.G.l, Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited


A large programme of rebuilding and modernization is (a) Broadcasting Housc with its Studios in the now being carried out at Radio Ankarn whiclt, zahen centre of the torvn. complete, will giae Turkey a most comprehensiaely ( b) The long ."vave and short wave station at equipped broadcasting centre. Iitinres$ut. (c) Thc nrain short $'ave station at Qakirlar. uRI{Ey straddling the Bosphorus, stands in The first two centres are being provided u,ith the alnost unique position of being a country rten' equiprnents, the existing installations having in both Er-rrope and in Asia. bccn in constant nse for a littie over twer)ty ycars. Before the great rcforrner Kenral Ataturk rtrade Ankara the capital of nrodern Turkey, the town rvas ETIM ES6UT TRANSIVIITTING STATION the provincial capital of Anatolia. Geographically it A ne\a' t20 kW long u'ave air-cooled transnritter has is in the centre of the rvhole country rvhile the ancient just been installcd and rvill shortly be comrected in capital, Istanbul, stal)ds in the very rnuch srnaller parallel rvith the existing twenty-year-old water- European part of Turkey. Asia Minor has been thc cooled transmitter, also of l2o kW aerial output seat of many ancient civilizations and within less than por'ver (I.-ig. I ), thus giving a total por,r'er or-rtput of a hundred rrriles of Ankara therc are the mins of 24o kW. hi addition thc station houscs a Marcoui Gordium, the town which, according to legend (or is zo kW short rvave transmitter. The ancillary facili- it history l) was the seat of King Midas and *'here ties, such as tlie. emergency studio, progranlnre Alexander the Great cut thc "knot". Nearby are irpnt e

Ttu'key's rnain broadcasting station is Radio schedLrled transmissions ! Ankara rvhosc facilities are in the process of being greatly expanded and nrodcrnized, a very conU)rc- BROADCASTING HOUSE, AN KA RA hensive contract having been awardcd to the Marconi Tliis is rrolv urdergoing a vast prograrr.rrte of Cotnpany in 1957. Apart frour adrninistration and expansion and rnodernization. The "old studios" organization, Radio Ankara can be divided into tlrree rvere built just over twenty years ago. Tno neu centres : studio blocks have already bccn added, and when 30 they are comnrissioncd, tlre existirrg stLrdios r.vill be In addition ancillary facilities rvill be provided on a equippcd rvith ncrv control erlrriprncnt of thc sarne gclrerous scale. 'fhe test equipment bay u'ill allovr design as that in the nerv studios. a rvide rangc of nreasurcrnents and tests to be carried When the rvholc irrstallatiorr is conrplcted, thcrc out for nraitrtcnance and routinc nronitoritrg. A rvill be the follorving progranune gl.or.ll)s: receiver ba-1' cpu"r;r* all the AM and FM bands is (a) Largc conccrt and drarna studios, cat.h rrith also to be installcd. The idortification bav rvill housc its olitr announccr's studio and rccorditrg roorrr, ancl three tapc rcproduccrs for thc three station identi- each suite liaving its orvn control xronr. fication signals. All control telephonc lines u,ill be (b) Drauta and gcncral put-posc studios, nherc connected to a rnanual srvitchboard locatcd in the each studio is

Fig. 1, The original 120 kW Marconi Transmitter at Eiimesdut.

31 Fig. 2. The new Studio building under construc- tion in Ankara alongside the original building.

I I I It :.:! itiid i ; t!i n I I t\tl ilii*B ,,. tr.r.$[ tt \rir$[ rilt . ,,. '*

is l lirst csscntial ttf a corttplcr broaclcastirrg s1'stcltr characteristics of caclt sttrtlio to sLtit tltc l)artictllar ancl thcrc lill bc installcd a secottcls irrrl;Lrlse clock I)l'ogtainnlc rcr;uirctrcrtts and thc clcqt'cc of acottstic s.t,sterr rvitlr all thc control etlttipttrctrt installcd ilt a isolation bets,ccn studios, corrtrol rootrts atrd tllc -l-ltc roonr acljnccnt to tllo rrlirirr ctllttrol loottt. nrain structurc ofthc btrilding. Iiach studio thcrclbrc slrecial feattrrcs ot this st'stenl arc: has a rcvcrbcratiort characteristic lrlost suitcd to thc (a) -furr Ittaster clocks, thc sccotrd of l'hiclt tvpc of prograttttttc lurdertaltctt. -l'lte takcs ovr:r a trtolrtaticall v in the cvctrt of lailurc of stuclio control dcsks arc o1 a ttcu' Marcotli thc first. range bascd ort r.nit colrstructiolr rvhich pertttits dcsks (b) At:cLrlacy ol tintc is rttaitttaittcd autol lra t icall)r. to bc asscrrrbled to 11leet individtral specilicatiotts A rcccivcr turrcd to tltc Ilttcntatiotral l-iIrrc Sigllal utile stjll bcing rrraclc up ol statrdard units. Thc 1'rarrsrrissions u,ill "Pull-irr" thc l1last('r clocks ttr irdvantagcs arc that nlainteltauce is sitttplificd; sparcs tl)c corrcot tirttc u'lrctlter thc,l' at'c llst or slorv. can be ledut'cd; tlte Partcl lat'utt is vcrl sittrilrrr Autil.itrt' F;cilitiet. In adclition to tltc tttaitr sLtitcs regardlcss of tlte sizc of tlrc tnntrol dcsh atttl therc- thcrc will bc tapc cclitirrg toottts nltcl tape attd clistr lirrc lurri[iarization of opcratiort of tltc var]oLrs listcning roottts lirr tltc ttsc ol ptodtttrtittn stafi'atld c

32 re(:ordcls ), tllis outl)ut bcirrs 1cd back to tltc stLrdicr Dacl.r ot thcsc thrcc nrcthods of routing utilizcs a coutrol dcslr ar)d otr to tltc traitr corttrttl rurnt. difll'r'cnt nrrtltod to givc ittttrecliate visLral identifica- Irrciclcntal11,, tlrc nrairr rctortling suitc tan sclctt tlrc tiorr of tlrc lilrctiorr ol cach partitullr lorrtirrg lxrint. -l'ltt orrtPuts of all Plttgturttnre sour(cs rtot ortl,1, iirr' orrtpr,rts ot rll strrtlio t'ontrol, rcurrtling t'otttrol, rcurrcling l)lrrlx)rics bLtt also, shotrlcl it Llc I'crt;trircd, corrtirrrrit,l, urrtrol arrcl rccorclcd l)folltalllnlc collttol as a continLritv control poittt. dcsks as rlell as tltc int:orttittg O.13 lincs (alicr Cttln Control lfoon. ln tlrc rnairr control loor: "lrroccssirrg" irr inconring l)rogl'arlr)rc lines ba,y) uhit'h is capablc of hrrrdling ftrur s it n LLltatrcotts ser- ale courrcctecl to a distribution .jacklirlcl irr tlrc prc> vices, therc alc threc plat:cs ti.lr routirtu pnrgrattttttc granlnlc sorrrcc sclcctiorr bar'. All tltcsc inconring rratcrial. lincs urc routctl tlrrough to .jacks to tllc t\\1) contilr- (a ) I'rocrarrrrc sour(cs to coutjttrrit-t control Lrit-t'contlol clcsks, tltc rrlrirr rctorclirrg torrtrol tksl

N4A[.] ( Q[]ltoL DtsIRrulI 0N a slllrrlS lloot!]S llcotll)No |oo&1s IRANII E E a !) Et_ lurrr: ITO TRAN5




NaoMiN ai


TAPE E FDTN., lwz I Roou5 -l ALKS tr,



Fig.3. Diagram showing the facilities in the new Studio being instalied at Ankara. 'I'he inconring lines are extended to a nratrix, the output lines of rvhicli are cor.ncctcd to the various control corrsoles as high level prograrnrne inpLrts. -l'he rnatrix consists of a bank of rnulti-rvav sockets; connection beiug nrade at the appropriate inter- scction bctu,ccn horizontal and vcrtical rorvs by nreans o1' a plug. 1'he outputs of thc stuclio and continuity control roorns arc firrthcr conncctcd to tlie outgoing pro- {rlrrn.- lirrts ba1 rrlrer. tlte varioLrs l>rogrurrrrrr,'s are switched to the outgoir)g lines - rvhich are eitlrer radio link tral)snritters bearned to the tn'o trans- rrritting statiorrs, thc nrr.rsic lincs to thcsc stations, or long distance |rograrnnre lines.

Fig. 4. Equipment being loaded lor the new 120kW transmitter at ttimesgut. lhe masts and buildings ol the station can be seen in lhe backqround. Fig, 5, A typical broadcasting sludio console desk for installation in the smaller studios at the new Ankara Broadcasting Centre.

S."vitching of outgoing lines is cflLctcd by nrcarrs of self-cancelling push-button strips, the use ol which saleguards against rlore than one source being con- nected to the sanre destination. A trvelve circuit nronitoring ring-lnain is also fed front the outgoinpi programmes lines bay. The out- puts of thc four clreck receivers. t\4o (or)linuity controls (Ko and K8), trvo studio controls (l{to and Ktz) as u,ell a's four su'itchable circuits comprise this ring-nrain. Though not spcci{ically rncntioned in this article, all the other l'acilities, such as talk-back, cr-rcing and signalling, lvere naturally cnrbodied in the scheure. Thc cntirc projcct, fi"onr nricrophones to acrials, u.as engineered to a detailed alrd stringent specifir:a- tion issued by the 1'urkish l{adio Adnrinistration, and is a good crarnple of the large " tLrrnkcy " project in n'hich thc Marconi Conrpanl, spccializes. In addition to designing, supplying :rnd supervising thc irrstalla- tiorr of tll(' studio arrrl trarrsrrrilt"r' erlrriprrrcrrt, Marconi's have also been responsible to thc Adrnirri- stration tirr the building rvork, rvhich has bcen carried oLrt bt' I"azil I. Verdi ve Mahdurrr'lari. 'l'he bulk of the building l'ork in Broadcasting Housc u'ill bc complcted by the end of t960, rcadt' {br the installation r.vork to conurence.

34 C. F. G. MAX-MULLER Head of Outside Sound Broadcasts, British Broadcasting Corporation


rrr.i rrrrts-r' Bnor\r)cAs'r' {iom the original Although technical advances have, of coursc, bccrr 2LO statiorr at Marconi Housc, London, responsible for a great deal of this irrrprovernerrt, the apar-t {i'onr test transn)iss ior rs, rvas u''hat rvas standard of col)rl)rentary has also playcd a ntajor thcn called a 'running (iornnlentary' on the Lervis- part. Up to the nliddle thirtics sr-rllicier.rt u,eiglrt rvas Carperrtier figlrt at Olynqria on l lth May 1922. It not placed on the ability of the person concerned to was evellts like this that stinrr.rlated as much as any- broadcast 'o{l the cr-rff', although hc rnight be tlte thing thc interest itr broadcasting that rvas to grow greatest living erpert on the subject. In l99r; thc so rapidly through thc ncxt decades. first professional conlllentators bcgan to be heard OLrtsicle broadcasts, as thesc occasiorrs have come on thc air, alllongst whorrr rvere such rvell-knorvn to be called, still retain this poplrlarity, and thc sense pioneers as 'l-ornnry Woodroo{ll, Bob Bou rrrarr and -foday, ,rl' lir ing histor-r' or ,rl trrkirrg l,:r'1 in s.rle err iting Stelvart MacPherson. the ll.ts.C h;rs a corps cvcnt, n'ltich they can bring rvith thenr, shorvs horv far of well-knou,n comlnelltators on ccrcrnonial, public thc tccllrique of prescntatiorr has advauced. bccasions and sport, sonle on the pernranent stali,

Fig. 1. Lip microphone in use by Fiench com- mentators at the Coronation of H.N4 Queen Elizabeth ll.

s5 c'xclLrtling us lur rts;xrssiblc c\trilll('ouri roiscs. 'l'hc oligirral lip rrricrtlrltorrcs letc rranulirctured by

Marconi ancl '"r crc knorvn as B.B.C/Malconi Mark I nritrophoncs (l,'ill'. 1). I{rving bcor rrsccl at lirst onlr, at ra(c rlrcctings, its gcrrcral valLrc lbl othcr oltsidt: bt'oadt:asts \\'as soon appreciatecl. At sporting cvcnts thc c()nurlelrtator could be in tlre open, sLrrroundcd b\r ,'1r"","r,* t'rorrtls and l,ct tllc c\trarlcorrs noises 1l'ortt tltcse tlrcers rlcre t'orrtrollri ble. Olr big crrc- trronial ot't'lsiorls ( ()nuncr ltir tol's spealiirrq irr rrarr-1' languagcs corrl

3ai Fig.3. The sound control position for regulat- ing the conmentaries on the State Opening of Parliament in 1958. Note the television monitor above the control desk. The auLhor is seen in the loreqround.

-lhe to I Itl) Sq)tcrllbcl'. As irl)l)lics ()lt l1t()st ()tltsiclc l)roacl- as n'ell as tltc nrajor Atttcrit'rtr Nctu'orks. Il.B.C's casts, but rttttlt lt't'ctttttittcd orr big ttct ltsiotts, lixtenral Scrviccs lvcrc also transnlitting recorded broadcastirrg plrns tlcpctrtl largcl.l' ott rrltat arratrgc- clcscriptions in nrarry languages, irrcludilrg llussian, -l\rrkish, 1r(nts tlrc olg'lrrrizcrs o1'tltc t'r, t'rtts ltrc tttakitttf, ltttcl Spurris)r, Burnresc, N{alay, }IaLrsa, Sr,a)rili rrlrat iufirrrlttiorr is avlilablc bclirlcltatrcl. runtl Sorrali. In thc crsc ol l)rittccss Margarct's \\'cdcling, sorrrt: lironr the tetlrnical point of vierv, this opcration tlu'cc rrrorrths only rvcrc available iix rrrakirrg u ls tlrc bigecst Outside Ilroadcast sincc thc Corona- clabolate tct:llrical arrang-crrlcnts. IIr all, sornt' {itty tiorr, ancl rrcccssitatcd considcrablc liaisorr between co lr r r('r) tar'.\, positiorrs wcrc pt'ovitlcd, rr itlt pt'o- thc Il.ll.C arrd l)ost O*i<:c l')nginccrs; the latter gl'ill)llllcs being broadcast sitrrLrltatrcottsly, ttrlttrrally )raving a particularly diflicrrlt problcrrr .luc to thc in ling-.lish, as ucll as lircnt'lt, ()cnrart, Italian ancl rclativcly short tirrrc irr r,hit'h to install tlte rrranv (ircck, rvith n)ost parts of tlre ('ortttttottl'ca ltlt r:ilcuits lccluirccl. lior tlre first tirrrc on this occasion, lclayirg tlrc ll.l].(l l)roqranlntc in lirrqlislr ttr Iirortlt, lirr the rrairr l)rogmrlunc in l')nglislr, corrsidelable

Fig.4. Overseas commentators' positions af the Coronation Ceremony in 1953. Each position is provided with a television monitor to enable scenes to be described which could not other-

3? happcning at othcr vant:rge poitrts and cuc the appropriate Sound conrttelttzrtor, rvhen for exautple, l)rincess Malgaret's plocessiotr lcft Clalcncc IIouse. On snch or:casions tlic B.B.C pays particLrlar attcr)tidl to elrsllre that its u,orld arrdierrce ttot otrl-y is able to hcar u hat the conurlentator is saying- but catr l'ccl that thcy are part of thc occasiou by bloadcasting tlte rniurl cflicts of bands, thccring, ltorses' hoovcs, etc. -l'his necds considerable plartlrirrg atrcl co-ordinatiort bctrvccn producers artd cngiueers. Why is it that stafl'rvorking in oLrtsiclc broaclcasts find thc job so interesting i I tlrinh orle calr sa)l first tltere is aluays sontctlting tte'"v tltrtritrg rqr, urd conscqucntly the diversity of problerrrs and cvcnts lhich rl'e covcr rnake the u,orh sotne ol the lltost thrilling in tlre lrroadcasting field. Or)e nroment one is considering plans lirr a big ro1,al ccremonial, ttcxt Fig, 5. The B.B.C Reception Studio for ihe Olympic Games sound a football rrratch, a rclal' of tlancc tnusic fi'om sotrte commentaries. ballroonr champiotrships, ol' :I stturt prollanrnle. When talking to stuclcuts at thc Il.lJ.C Statl"Ii'aining ouc of tlte nrairr rvhidr Llse was madc of Teler,isio:r nrottitors by the productr Conrsc about our l ork, Poittts stress is tirat tlre oLrtsitlc broadcastirtg in Broadcastirrg Holrsc. I Ie rvas providcd Irot onll' I alrvays in encl, alc rvith u'hat the vierver l as sccirtg, but had :r uuutber of ficld, frorn thc begirrling to tltc votr previelv rnonitors so tltat lte rvas able to scc rvhat rvas depenclcnt on othct pcople's plans.

Film Recording not yet Dead

N 'I'EltMS lhir:h n'oulcL brirrg t 'l'hc bcrrcfits ol NIarcorti's rrc\\ s,\'stcrrl blusl) to orlr outr eclveltisitlg coPl to slxtrsors, as Iiostet sccs t]tctl, at-c t)rrce- rvritcls, Liraarlirra .\'/o/1.\o/- for August, lirkl. Irirst, it ollcrs thc agcn(y sccurit\ rrrcl 11xjo, hails thc N{!rcolli Irrst l'ullclo$rt li-ilnr pclcc ol tnincl, bccattsc tlrct,catt lrla1'bacli Iiecordel r-eccnth' instrllcd at IIcr-icliatr thc resLllts of tlrcit' clJot'ts irrrrrtecliatcll. l.'ilrns,'lirrrrnto Studios. Sccord eliicit nc-t , l ith no rvastcd tirrtt ; f)rc tcc)rnirlrc bcirg uscd bv Mcr-icliltt firislrtcl cournrcrcill filrr)s irr 9 L holrrs. .\nd lirr lraliirrg '-[V (irrrrtercials is to r-ccolcL third suPc,rior clLralitl, to cxistirtg Lirrc .ir.rr.ltrrr.orr.lr ^lt rjtl\' .lrJ lilrrr.,r.irrg nlrltlrods. thc tapc for irrDrediatc pla\'bacli to chcclr 'l'lris thilci bcncfit rlrralitl is thc ottc rlr.rr rlrc .lr,,r' ..rti:15 rlr' i,l\clti.rr. tlrat \,i11 receivc conccntratcd attentiolr bt' -l'\rent-v-four hor.r's latcr thr couplctccl V, ri,lirrr :,rr,l l,.r .rll ol l,rrlrrr,,. .rF' rr, i'. ,L,r'Irr(rriiil ir.rtrril.rr,l, li'r Ji.lr;l,Uri,,lr nlr usilg 'l'V. lf prcsi'rrt rcsttlts continuc ls lilur. prcdicted, lml thc rlualitl contiDucs to Wc can do littlc bctter than quotc fiotrt itr11 r, 'r " r irlr itrr t ' rr., tl rr. .rrr,l, xlr ri, rr, r, Oanatlian Sponsor " lblph lrostcr (l'rcsi- llalPh liostr:r's Irctliction that "it \\ill clcnt of Meliclian ) is cnrphatic iD llis statc- r_evolutiorizc thc irrdLlstr\, " n)a\- \vcll cotltc rrrcrrl llr:rt tlr" filnt tc,r,ttl, t .,fli r' rrtti,lrr,' trLlc. r(llantagcs r'lrich rttean clollars and tinrc Nr;r|cr-to our lictory, thc ll.ll.C ha|c savecl lbr sponsors. 'lndccd, ts shou'n by .just dccidetl to irtcrcase thc nunrltr o1' tlle irrtclest we ve lracl lionr the U.S, tvc Marcoli t6 lrnr, l''ast l)ullclourr llccordcls 'I-here 16-t n F iln Rtcortlitg Cltttnncl, hopc to rcvcrse tlre usual trcud, and bring thcl opcrate 1l'om t\\'o to four. ntust 'I'y e llD.67e. U.S busincss to (lanada', lrc s;tys." Irc sonrctbirrg in tlris lilnr busincss alter alll CORRESPONDENCE ON STUDIO LIGHTING SUSPENSION TECHNIQUES Grid Versus Bar

l,l r Ilttnnrns'arlrilr ra SoLrrrd artcl Visiol tlrc use of a spr'ing r'orrntcr--balattct'cl partto- diHLls 1l'onr orc br'oirdcasting organizatlott brortlcasting ,\ir. I /rar ftuluctl d tlllI glil'lr ,'' :rr' :r,l rr't.rl,l, r'.rl sr'sl' tr.iolr. k) an()tllcr. Ilorvclo', \ith electric lroists ,r {ru, 11, ,1.l,rn,.u, ' ltu ll.lt.( . Th,:" , c Ilrrr. rl', ,r.t' , r,l:,ils'ro, utrrl,t,'n i., ilr tllr', rr,'rr'.lr, g:' trr:r.ior .hurr in:r1'1'rori TIl Centre Slulias s? lhc nntori:ul hr.tist tlrt: positioning of light sour-ccs. rniltcly two hour-s, rv)rerc old-llshionccl ltar ststent .fot' ttrsl,tnling stulh liyhLing l,)xpcr-icncc \\jtlr the systcnr hes sltoun rigging *ith blocli ancl taclilc tooli live trttits ('lunindiret" in telu'isin .jtrgon, or tlut at lcast I)i)% of the Icqui|cd light rrr. rr , gl r lr,,rrr.. It rrurrltl L" iIrl, r'( rrr'rg " ldnterns" in th.e theah-e). soulces c:ul bc placcd on tlrc ttortnal bals, to linon thc conrparativc figures lirr tlrc and in rrry vicr tlrc placing of inclividrral gricl s_r,stenr. FROI\4 MR K. R. ACKERMAN lunriDaires bclo\\, or bctrr cert hoists catt l)c Neithcr of thcsc s1'stcnrs r-cpr-L'sel)ts I)cal Sir, aclric.,ecl nrrlt' ralridl,v tlran can a tclescope thi: trltirnate dcsign iu the solution of l'lcasc acccpt rrl.f conglntLrkti(tls (tr a bc rnolcrl fi.rrr onc slot to anothcl'ill tlr( thc r-iggint problcnr, as I rrrr sulc NIt' nrost stinnllating Iirst rrLtrrrbcr- rtl .\'ottr' grid systcDr. Hauurans rvill agrcc. Ncu idcas rvill iourn:r1, uhich rnlrst l)avc beeti ol absorlr lIrlt.tt rr. t.rhc Vt H.rrrrrrr:r'r- u1'lri,ir li uncloubtedl,v bc lbrtlrconring uhich mar, ing intcrcst t() i1D\rnrc irssociatcd \\'itll conparisorr :urd eliurinatc thc ligurc lirr l)r-()\'c sLll)cfiof to citlrcf and talic rnofe broadcasting. adtlitional lLrnrinaircs, thc calculation l ottld cogllizancc of t)rc problcnrs tll- sccnely Mal I clainr thc lrospitality of rorrr shorv verl' srnall difii:rcnccs in thc costs crl lrardling, btrt lrntil tlre-v do, rve f'er:l that pagcs k) discuss N.Ir ll- H- llelttntittls' thc two systcrns. ollf l)rcsort s]'stcDr is \'cf\' goo(1. intert,sting rrticli' t'ltitltLl I Gr i l Light i ng llLlt rrhen oDc conlpirres \\llut lras brcrr Ii. R. ,4Ll,et n,tt 51'lt? t.ft '[elerisht Shdios. NIr I{anrrreus obtainecl fclt' a sinrilar capital crpendi- lras draun a corrrparison bctlccrt lhat hc tLuc, tlrcn sigrilicant tliilirctrt cs lxtortc tcrms thc " srtLlration s\.stcrn " anc[ tlru gricl apparcnt. ligl)ting s!stcnr as installcd b.1 (irauatla in t. In the casc ol thc !il'i(l systern Nlanclrtstcr. I rroulcl likc to (ha\\' I cont clcscribccl by Nfr Llatnmans therc illc 1(X) parison bctuecrt thc {ticl systcnr arrcl a 1>oint strspensiotrs raiscd b-r, ()tlu lltitlt, sj'stern usillg clcctr-icall.r, Iloisted bals as qoing liorl tclcscopc to tcicscopc, i'ithcr installccl in a nLrrrbel of studios in this by rnanual or powel assisted ol)cration of countrl' by tlre B.B.C. the lvinch. In tl)e systern Lrsing elcctri

.99 rirl)i(ll-y tltan lt t('lc\( ol)c c:ln Lxr rlovccl lill il lur)rinair-c hlrs bccrr rtr:tovccl lirr rigging (rrc slot t() illrotllcr iD tlrc glirl s1'stcDt. It "l', rrlr, r' I't.rtlr,rll', r 'lr,,l, r :rrrrri lrlir\ l( Ir,'f, n,:ltl\' l|u, lr li,t' :,, 1, t-\ tr colrcltrr'1ot, No nlltttcf ltot lotr ntove tlrc set, l)llt itftcr sceltcr\' llils bctn sct [ $rrrrlcl Irolc arrrurrd it hrs to lrr'lillcrl irr tlrr,r,rxl lrv slt, that tllc casc lirr- tlrc rrrl)rill)lc trlc tlte last larrtctn lt'li ovcr'l scopc is bet'olcL dislrutc. li. \\'e itrc cortvirtctl irr (irrnatllr tlrut u NIr r\clicl'lltiul d()cs l()t clcll rritlr stuclio dosillric(l iirr ruriver.sal proilrrl.1ion sccttcrl, fiying. ;\ balrcl s,ystcrrr sccrtrs tcr rc(lrlilcs r rljrrrnlt'r iirl c!crl ]ilntc ) cDcr- iDrposc sevcrc tcstrictiolls, iD tl)at stlcll {Iizccl. ID otlrcf rror.ds, it r tr)till ()l t(]o Hvitrg rrrust bc corrlinccL to sl)accti l)rit\\'ccl lalrtclus lrrc rrsetl in r stlr(lio oi, sa-\,, barrcls ancl cannot bc ur)dcrtlllcn at lO,OO0 s(1. li (or t,tXrt s(1. ll]ctr-cs) oD tltc t-arrdot:r urrgles tlld positions suclt ils are hrgest conYcniclrt J'.ocltrc.tioD, llren tlrc corr- , n,,rllll' r' 'l rr I'r:r,rr,ul .lr,li,r.,' linq. solc rnrrst lrc crlrri|1rt'cl \\jtlt lJoo diI cl.s. -\s lirl tltc ccononli(s, ii it is acccptctl \\''ith tlrc tricl s\'stcrrr, tllis nrcrrs ir totirl tlrat lrtrrtirraircs rrr'1o lrc ltortd fi-onr brr {)l ()rlt, :J(X) sr(licls lrlx^c tltc gricl irrto t() brr ()r n() srrall scalc, or'cltalqcd liolr l'hiclr strspotclccl larrtcr-ns ar.c l)lLlqgcd. \_o 'l pr-odut tion to lr1)ducti(n, tlrcrr indccd tltc patch lrarel is involrccl. lrc lroist unrl brr. tlrc trunrbcr of occasiolls \r,hen I lillt(:nl clfitirl ilncstnlcrrt in ltrrtirrair'cs lirr_ tlre sJstcDl a:innot be *or.iicd r!itltoLrt lr lllttch has kr bc nrovccl alorrg its bar-or-changcd t\to s]rstellls \\1)(rld rl()t bc rastl.l clillir-r'Dt, prnc1, sincc it is clcrr tlrrt considcr.ubl,t, fbr (tlc ol alotlrcr typc lchearsal tluling l,rrt irrr, ',l llr, ltr.rj',r l.,l"rrr-s.rrir{ rrr,rtir,. t)rorc tl)llll:JO0 lill[cr s r|orrld Itavc to Lc arc so negligible tlrrt llc c{n tolelrtc tirc iirr thc blI arrcl hoist s),stcl1r tlrcrcl)1, arrilablc ibr con c(.ti()lt. 'l ltis is bccrusr: inconvelicnt and tir)c-\\'asting fl'(x css of disrppcln s. tlrc rrir\illLll)l lrrD)l)cr.s (rl ull typcs ol' ( r'ccting stcplirddcls to cope lith th<: Nor lirr tlrc cliflircuccs, rrlriclr \.I r Iunrirrailcs rrc r)l(nlrtc(l akrlt. tlrLrs, tltc changc.-fhe IJ.B.C urust sur-cly lrr blrssecl ,\(kcrr)ran rrtrrlrbcrs l, ,f, li iin(l l- I lts(l clirir)rs nlr(lc li)r' lllr grolrl)inll ol tlirrrrucr- rvith ver v lirr'-sightcd plauuels and singlc- tlrc sanrc nLrnrhcls irr lt'pl-y: (r()rlt11)lli \Jtifll u|c l]ratI possilrlc b1.patr.lt Itrinded clirectols! L ll Vrrtr, lr".r, r, rlr, 1.'i. ,tr.1" rrsi,,rrr lraDeJs $0Lrld lrt(orrrc tttort: it ntilttcr of Ar:lrrrcy of positioring rritlrin tlrc ltrc raise


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