WINTER 1960 VOLUMEl.NUMBER3 SOUND and VISION broadcasting INFORMATION + pRACT|CE r TECHN|eUE Editor P. R. BERKELEY, A.M.I.E.E. Produttion P. E. WELCH The Editor welcomes article suggestions and correspondence with a view to publication, but cannot be responsible for opinions expressed, or statements made by authors from outside the Marconi Organization. 'SOUND azd VISION' broadcasting is published three times a year, in Spring, Summer and Winter by the Broadcasting Division of Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited Chelmsford, Essex, England. SOUND dzd VISION broadrasting VOLUMEl'NUMBER3 CONTENTS Somerset Maugham Stories page I Broadcasting in Argentina page 6 WNTV - Africa's first regular TV Service page 13 Programme Sound page 23 Small Transistorized Sound Mixer page 29 Radio Ankara page 90 Outside Broadcasting page 35 Grid Versus Bar page 99 Translations in Spanish and German page 45 FRoNT covER: Nigeria, which gained her independence in October, has the first regular television service in Africa. T'his charming scene was photographed at the Ibadan Studios of WNTV during a school broadcast. Des$ned and prodund by London Typographical lhsigners Linited- Printed in Great Britain by Johx Wright QE Sons Limitetl oJ Bristol Itlll )l l"1"t-SION \\rs tlr(. lirst Irck:pcndcnt '\SSOC'1,\'11'll) 'l'dcr ision (()rrprr)l t() strrt r_cgLrler_ tr-errsr:rissions in tlrc OtLr [-]nitcrl liirrgdorrr. ,\s llre Lorulon l)r'()grirlrlt conrl)rnl lrirns- nrittirg fionr Mon(ht' to l,'r'ider, thct' h:rvc, bc,crr r_csponsiblc lbr' Corth'ihftors thc nrr.iol pr'()ln)rtinrr ol tllc ph\s tclcviscrl on thc ucclidrt Indcpcndcnt'l'clcr ision nctrvorli. L It. \'i\ltl)l,l.l\',,\.l.l.l.l'1, r\.M.llrit.l.lt.l-, rlus appointctl ('hicl l.hgilrccr ol Overscas llcclillirsiorr Lt(l i11 1il,l.ll. l)rcvioirslt' hc rras cnr|lo,yccL iD the (irloDial ScIvir.c as r\ssistJnt ('oDtrollcr' 01 'l e|:'corrrtunicatioDs irt \llrla-yu. N'{r' \'arcllc,t, \vh() hls l)ecrr assoriitcd \\itll tlrc dcr( l()l)r) rcl rt of tlrc ll,:'cliflirsiorr (ir'orL1; s 'lclcrisiotr ul(l SoLrrr(l bxrrtlcrstirrg r('tll()rlis ()\'cr-scus \\ticl) Do\\'crtclrds liorrr llrc I,'er l,lust tlrrough .\liica ro tlr'Wcst Indics, lrr:r rcccDtl\r talicn ul) illr cxecutilc ilpp()inlrrrcrrl \\itll Ilcdillirsiori ( \4rlta ) Lirrrired. I'. r\. SI{l'lr\lts, Nl.'\, .\.M.l.l'l.l'1, lns stu(lic(l orsincclinlr rn(l 'l'cleplroncs 1rhikrso1rh1, ilnd utier \rolliing rvith Starclurd lrrcl Cablcs arcl tlrc lJ.ll.C joittc'cl tlrc Ilcclillirsior (;r'()ul) irr 1i155. l'olLrn ing a p( r'i(xl of scr-\ icc ()\'r'r'scirs, Il(' Itrs lcct,ntl.y succccdr(l \{r. Yalcllct,rs ('hicl llrrginccl lo Ovclscrs IlctlilJirsiorr Ltd. .lItrtelo ]lrrIiti (' ONI \l :\ N I ),\ N'l ll (i IiNl'llt,\ L M;\ lt(ll lLo llAItBI l'lltl, N'l.l.ll.l'1, rticr tlurlilt,ing in lJllj l \v.ls a Ircnrl)cr {)l llrc r\r!l('r) tinc Scicntilic l'ixpcclition to thc Sourh Ollincl Islirrrcls. Hc rras Natioral I)irutor ol lladio ('ontntunicuti()rrs liorn lll-l-1, l(tr l'r'csidcnt ol tlrc -\r-gcltirr lladio ('lub tiorr ltSo 59; \,'icc- l)resident of tlrc ,\r'gcntiDc l r,lcvisiorr ('( r)1rc liolr) I1)5 1, 5{t irrr(l I)ircctor ()1 ( ()nllrrrlications li)r thc N;rtior:rl (icntler-r:rclic liottr Ir. B. flr,llct 1lllJ8 55. llr I)as trit\rllle(l \\i(llll strr(ltirrt 1r'lcr'otrttttttrricrliotts Irrallcrs r (l is a $cll Iitto\\rr lcctul'cI lllrd \\'ritcr-()1r tlrirt srrl)j((1. W,\L'l'l'llt (;llOlt(;l'l I)()\\''l'lll uas lxrr.u irnrl ctlucrtctl irr Ilcrlin. ln l!l9I) hc ('Dtolcd thc Ilerlir Stu(lios ol tlrc ll.lri-(i as l Lirn 'ol Olliter, arrd laIicll.1' rd\ilnccLl to llt o:ttlc;rsling Housc- Slrifi l'irginecr'. Aller lirrthel cxpericncc in Srvitzcr_lrnd, l rarxr'and l urlie,\', I). .1. Shan; clrring lI)]J:J to 1illl5, hc joircd I1.M (okrrriel Scr-r'itr: us I.)nginccr'-ir-( lrargc ol tltc .lct usulctrr Ilrorttk astirrq HoLrsr'. l)uliug t)rc \\rr \'(ilrs ltc l;ts cngltgrtl on 1hc l)r'()gr rrrrrlr' Nrtsollis ol;r1l \fidtllc llast l'.\\r.ll l"r'ecrlorr Statiotts. joinc<l ln l1)1.$ lre t)rc \Iarcorri Cotrpar.r' irs '\rr(li() l)c\cl()l) rrclrt l.ln{Iirc( r. Ilc is lt l)l(serlt tlrc Scrrior Sourrtl l'lurrrlitrg ulrcl Salcs l)rgirrtc,r iirr llrouclcusting arrcl I'elcvision Sttxlio projects. llitltur Guug Po;ttr ,\. --\. MIIJ,l,llt, l3.Sc.(l'irrg), i\.\l.l.ll.ll, ,\.(.(i.1, nas lxur in Yugoslavie ulrclc he totrrplctccl lris sccorxlal-.r,cclucatiort, totttirrg to LorcLrn irr l1):i8 irIt(l co]rrl)lcting lris t,-r'lrnical tr-uirrirrg a1 tl)c Citv rrrd (irrilds ( olk'gt: itt l1rl.1; Ilc tlrerr joinccl tlrc Signrls lirnclr of tlrc ll..\.1f.\I-ll and alitr lilc lelts' sctlice ctttclccl rlrt: llunli ( )r_gelislt tiotr lts it sottrtrl-rcrrrrclirrg t ltllitrccr at l)trtltrltt Studi()s. Sirx( 11)5o hc ]lirs l)ccrr ir l)l-()icct l')rgirrt:tr irr tlrc l} oacl- casling I)ivisior) of \IarcoDi's. (' I,' (;. Nf A\-\{ LlLLl'llt u:rs lroln irr Lorckrtt ir l9(x). llc joirrccl tlrc ll.ll.(l ls uD assistaDt irr 1hc Outsi(lc li-oadcasls l)cl)illtrrrcut iD lJlli.l. lrr l1)lJi) lrci l)c(ilrrlc l)rttpirc l)r'ogtantt]lc Olganiscr- rith thc Over-scas Scrvice. Altct' rvar sct'r,icc hc rcjoined thc l'i.ll.Cl us (icneral Olcr-seas Scrvicr: Orgattist:r. Il 1l).19 hc \\'as rPpoiDtcd i\ssistaDt H(rd of Orrtsiclc Ilroldcasts (SoirDcl), becorrrinu llcad in 195'2. O. l,'. G. llt.r:-f,IuIlcr Ikrrrsc 'I'crracc, arr arrt-ricklcn bLrrrgalow in tlrc Mula-1'n1l.irrngle, tlte cleck of a l) c\ O lincr, or a firrn Itorrse irr l.)'ant'c--and ol'tor in the saurc pxrduttior. \{rLclr lcsclrrr:h rras leqrrircd, anal rvclr glclltrl' ingor11i11, in Proclucing thc ef}L'ct in a srnall stuclio. lio n lv o r: \'our clesigners ccrtairrl-r: clid a rrragni{i- ccnt.job. I 1bund, ttxr, that thc periocl I rnainl,y dcllt uith tt)2o-19,3O's had a nrost intcrcsting aDd poucrlirl attrtospltere; backgroutrd rrrusit:, costuntcs, al[ sorts oi er-cr-y{n1, things [acl a g-rcat appcal. \\'e \\'cl'c not, I fbrrnd, dcaling u,ith a rrurrrbcr of 1'c1r'. olr titc calcndar brrt a l)eriod in liia. l'l Ir t l o n : Wh1' fl14 yotL trattsrrtit thesc pll-r's livc srrrch' lecording noulc{ har-c intrreasccl -\'orlr s(opc in castirrg and given a valuablc s;rlcablc progrrnunc i 'P & O' Srrt.;ulr,rs: \Vc engincers are aluays a lot hallritr' ulrcn a rccordirrg is being nrade, bccarrsc thcre is rrot \' ,t 'r r.: s : It is thc storics rlith tltclr clillcretrt localcs tlrat t'celing tlrat if a carllcra gocs orrt ol action thc attd t ltaractrrs u'hit'h lrrtcrcst rrrc, I fincl thcrrr anrLrsing, l hrl,:: slrou, nra,y bc lo"1l \\re clo 1ind, tlroLrgh, that -fo t:ynical or rrovirrg sonrctirrrcs cnrcl. read thent sorllc artists tord to flrrfi'lines ancl so orr \\ltclt thc\ bclirrc tlrey arc 'adalrtccl' is ol' consiclcrable hclp to l.iuorv it is a rct ordirrg scssiorr. \Vc have, thcrclbrc, tlre l)csigrrcr. Hc is borrncl to got ii clcalcr picturc rrradc u rrrlirrg tlrat a recording is alrral's trcittcd rs lronr the original tharr frorr l tclcvision strript good a live transurission. tlroug-h it is. l'oulvc,r: I,trr livc irrserts litlr a cltarrgc ol tintc l'l n lr o u : l)oes that l)rcall tl)at it is probably rnrrclr or place I think V.-I'.ll is a nrarvcllous thing. ln tlre tticer to rvork 1r'orrr sorrrctlring irr l lrich ,\'ou ltavc both Lion's Skin rrc had a trarrstirrrrration sccnc rr'hcre short stor1, arrd scriPt, thatr to rlork, sa,1,, fi'orrr a $c n)ct tllc tuo lcading actors irr tltc Soutlr o1 l.)'ant'c thcatrit:al pla]'i 15 I'ears altcr sccing thon rrrcct in hospital. \\'c \\" t t. t. t: s : Out' carrrrot aclapt a thcatrit'al pla,t' lbr V.'I'.ll'cl the carlier sccrre arrd so got rirl o1'a trrakc-rrlr tclevision rrnder eight,v rrrinLrtcs urrlcss it lras a ver,y tlrarrgc arrd a corrplctc sct. Also I clorr't thirrk lou slipllrt stor-1, u,ith sirnple t:\aractcri z atio;r. 1-[c st:ri't nccd losc s|orria.treity but that is ln indiviclLral cditor's .job is casic,r rvlrr:tr hc has a short story to olrittion. \Vltercr.er possiblc \\:c trtr to do inscrts orr aclapt as opposcd to stqrcrvisirrg an origirral series one da-v arrd thc trarrsrrissiol otr tlrc iirllorvirrg tl;rv stLch as Nr., Ililing PlLrca. rcpla,l' hclps the artistcs to bach -thc get into thcir \'^r'r.is: Iilorrr a I)csigrrer''s poirrt of vicrv it is parts urrcl fcg;rin tlrc sanrc atrrrospherc. :ttorc intcrcsting to \\ork 1i'0rrr a stor-1' adaPtcd or t'rittcn 1or tclevisiorr tharr 1l'orrr u staec plat,. 'I'lrc visrral possibilities of tclcvision can bc irrcorporatcd ilr thc r'rlitilrg of arr original scril)t to a 1)r' grcatcr extent than translcrrirrg a pla,V 1:1r1xslyL'cL lirr tlre stag^c to thc dililrerrt dirrrension of tlrc tcl:r'ision scrccn.
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