EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 23, 1988 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS INTRODUCTION of the to Increase the Abilities and Self Sufficiency SEC
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15890 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 23, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INTRODUCTION OF THE to increase the abilities and self sufficiency SEC. 4. GATEWAY PROGRAM ESTABLISHED UNDER GATEWAY BILL of young residents of public housing, in GRANT PROGRAM. crease the prospects for employment of (a) MANDATORY TRAINING AND SERVICES. young residents of public housing, and end Any public housing agency that receives a HON. LOUIS STOKES generational dependency on public assist grant under section 3 shall use the grant to OF OHIO ance in public housing, through- establish a gateway program to make avail IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES <1) the provision of literacy training, able to individuals eligible under section 5 Thursday, June 23, 1988 training in basic and employment skills, and all of the following training and services, support services through the public housing subject to the limitations of section 5: Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, I am introducing agencies; and (1) INFORMATION.-The provision of infor the gateway bill today. This bill will provide lit (2) the employment of residents of public mation designed to make individuals aware eracy, job and skills training, and supportive housing and of professional staff to perform of training, employment, education, or the services such as child care to public housing outreach services, including identification of provision of services offered by the public tenants. Unlike other legislative measures and assistance to residents who could pros housing agency, including the training and which attempt to enhance the literacy level of per from education and training programs. services available under this Act. the economically disadvantaged, this bill is SEC. 3. GRANT PROGRAM. (2) LITERACY TRAINING.-Literacy training unique in that it will target assistance to areas and bilingual training. <a> IN GENERAL.-The Secretary of Labor (3) BASIC SKILLS TRAINING.-Remedial edu where large numbers of low- and moderate may, with the advice and participation of cation and training in basic skills. income persons live-our Nation's public the Gateway Task Force established in sec (4) DEVELOPMENT OF WORK HABITs.-Devel housing facilities. tion 7, make grants under this Act to public housing agencies for the utilization of opment of good work habits and other per By creating literacy training programs for sonal management skills to enable individ our Nation's public housing tenants, we will public housing in the provision of training uals to obtain and retain employment. open the way for many persons who have and services to economically disadvantaged residents of public housing through gate <5> CHILD cARE.-Child care services pro been shackled to poverty, generation after way programs. vided free of charge to facilitate the partici generation, because of illiteracy. It is my hope (b) SELECTION OF GRANT RECIPIENTS.-The pation of individuals in other training and that this bill will assist those victims of genera services provided under this section. The Secretary shall select public housing agen child care services shall be designed, to the tional poverty to go on and claim economic in cies to receive grants under subsection <a> dependence for themselves and their children. extent practicable, to employ and train eco and may select only public housing agencies nomically disadvantaged residents of the As our Nation prepares to cross the thresh that meet the following requirements: public housing project involved, and shall old into a highly technological and competitive (1) PROVISION OF FACILITIEs.-The public include- 21st century, illiteracy threatens to close the housing agency shall agree to make avail <A> services to provide daytime care for doors of opportunity for many of our Nation's able suitable facilities in the public housing the child dependents who do not attend young adults and children. The U.S. Depart projects administered by the public housing school and adult dependents of eligible indi ment of Education estimates that 17 to 21 mil agency, or any facilities provided by a State viduals; lion adults are illiterate. Over one-third of or local governmental agency or any private <B> services to provide care after school organization or person, for the provision of hours for the child dependents of eligible these persons are in their twenties and thir training and services under this Act. ties. The numbers are equally alarming when individuals; and (2) NEED AND CAPABILITY TO PROVIDE SERV <C> irregular, periodic, and evening care we take a look at our Nation's youth. Even ICEs.-The public housing agency shall dem though recent studies suggest that more stu for the child dependents of eligible individ onstrate to the Secretary the need and abili uals scheduled to allow the eligible individ dents are graduating from high school, or ty to provide the training and services de uals to pariticipate in the training and serv going on to receive their GED's, related stud scribed in section 4(a) to individuals quali ices provided under this section. ies suggest that many of these students are fied to receive the training and services (b) PERMISSIVE TRAINING AND SERVICES. unable to read their diplomas. under section 5. Public housing agencies that receive grants While illiteracy is a national problem, it is a (3) PROVISION OF SERVICES TO QUALIFIED IN under section 3 may make available as part problem which disproportionately affects our DIVIDUALS.-The public housing agency shall of their gateway programs to individuals Nation's poor. Therefore, if we are to effec demonstrate to the Secretary that any qualified under section 5 literacy training, tively tackle the problem of illitercy, we must training and services to be provided under training in basic and employment skills, and this Act will be provided only to individuals support services, in addition to the training direct our efforts toward those in most need qualified to receive the training and services of assistance-the economically disadvan and services described in subsection <a> and under section 5. subject to the limitations of section 5, in taged. Moreover, as we attempt to draft reme (4) PROVISION OF SERVICES TO YOUNG FA.MI cluding the following: dies for those problems affecting our Nation's LIEs.-The public housing agency shall dem (1) EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE.-Assistance poor, it would be most unwise to ignore the onstrate to the Secretary that the training in acquiring employment. role public housing can play. Consider, for ex and services to be provided under this Act (2) EMPLOYMENT COUNSELING.-Employ ample, that over 18 percent of those families will be provided to residents of public hous ment counseling and vocational exploration living in poverty receive some form of housing ing projects where a significant number of services. benefits. · young families receiving public assistance (3) DEVELOPMENT OF JOBs.-Development For these reasons, I bring to you today, the reside. of employment positions. gateway bill. The text of the bill follows. (5) COOPERATION WITH PRIVATE ENTITIES. (4) PRIVATE JOB TRAINING.-The provision The public housing agency shall demon of training in occupations for which demand H.R. 4899 strate to the Secretary the abilty to create is increasing and training in the course of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of cooperative working relationships with pri employment, by private employers or orga Representatives of the United States of vate entities that are to provide training nizations. America in Congress assembled, and services under this Act and are located (5) OTHER FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT TRAINING SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. in the same community as the public hous OR SERVICES.-Training or services coordinat This Act may be cited as the "Public ing agency. ed with other Federal employment-related Housing Gateway Act of 1988". (C) APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS.-The Secre activities. SEC. 2. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. tary shall prescribe the form and proce (6) HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION.-Assistance in The purpose of this Act is to establish dures for public housing agencies to make the attainment of certificates of high school programs, through public housing agencies, applications for grants under this section. equivalency. e This .. bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 23, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15891 (7) COMPUTER SKILLS TRAINING.-Training ensure that the child care complies with ap Labor, who is an officer of the Department in computer skills for use in education, skills plicable State and local laws. of Labor. training, and employment preparation. (C) LIMITATIONS ON SUPPORT SERVICES.-An ( 2) OTHER DESIGNEE OF SECRETARY OF (8) TRAINING IN APPLICATION OF SKILLS. individual may receive support services LABOR.-An individual, designated by the Services to help individuals receiving train under this Act after the individual termi Secretary of Labor, who is not an officer or ing and educational assistance to utilize nates any participation in training or serv employee of the Federal Government and their acquired skills in the competitive em ices under a gateway program <not including has demonstrated knowledge or experience ployment market. the provision of support services> only if the in the provision of social services or has (9) TRANSITIONAL ACTIVITIES.-Activities individual has completed