NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES P.O.Box 42{90 Wainuiomata Phone (04)564-8578 Fax (04)564-8578 New Zealand Email :
[email protected] Mall order and wholesale stocklets ol the wideet selection ol modern chess literature ln Austsalasla. Chess sets, boards, clocks, statlonery and al! playlng equlpment. Chess Dlstrlbutors ol all leadlng brands of chess computers and software. Send S.A.E. lor brochure and catalogue (state your intereet). P LASTIC CH ESSMEN'STAU NTON' STYLE . CLU B/TOU R NAMENT STANDARD Official magazine of the New Zealand Chess Federation (Inc.) gomm King, solid, exka weighted, wide felt base (ivory & black matt finish)$28.00 95mm King solid, weighted, felt base (black & white semi-gloss finish) $17.50 Vol 24 Number I February 1998 $3.50 (incl. GSQ Plastic container with clip tight lid for above sets $8.00 FOLDI NG CH ESSBOARDS - CLU B/TO U RNAMENT STAN DARD 480 x 48omm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $6.00 45o x 45o mm thick vinyl (dark brown and off white) $14.50 VINYL CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 45o x 47o mm roll-up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (green and white) $8.0o 440 x 44omm semi-flex and non{olding, algebraic symbols as above (dark brown and off-white) $9.00 cHESS MOVE TTMERS (CLOCKS) Turnier German-made popular wind-up club clock, brown plastic $69.00 Standard German-made as above, in imitation wood case $79.00 DGT official FIDE digital chess timer ,. $169.00 SAITEK digital game timer $129.00 CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundle of 2oo loose score sheets, 80