LEMBIT OLL 50 MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT IN RAPID CHESS R e g u l a t i o n s 1. ORGANIZER The tournament is organized by the Estonian Chess Federation. 2. TIME AND VENUE The competition will take place on April 24, 2016, beginning at 11.00 in Paul Keres Chess House (Tallinn, 29 Vene Street). Registration and payment of the participation fees on April 24, 2016 until 10.45. 3. ORGANIZATION The competition will be a 7-round Swiss individual tournament. The time control will be 15 minutes for both players for the entire game + an increment of 3 seconds per move starting from move one. 4. PARTICIPANTS Everyone who has paid the participation fee (€10 for men; €7 for players born 1998 or later and senior players born 1956 or earlier) can participate in the tournament. Participants who register after April 21, 2016 will have to pay a participation fee of €15 (€10 for participants who receive a discount). The Estonian Chess Federation license rules will be applicable. If a participant does not have the ECF license, he/she will have to pay additional €1 (fee for calculating ratings) Participation will be free of charge for Grandmasters who register before April 21. Please preregister by e-mail:
[email protected]. Additional information at +372 5251623 5. RANKING If two or more players are tied, they are ranked by the following tie-breaks: 1) M-Buchholz with the worst opponent score discarded; 2) Buchholz with the two worst opponent scores discarded; 3) Direct Encounter; 6. PRIZES The prizes will be money prizes.