(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Leeds School Forum, 19/11/2020
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Public Document Pack LEEDS SCHOOL FORUM Meeting to be held in on Thursday, 19th November, 2020 at 4.30 pm MEMBERSHIP Andrew Neal, A. Primary Governor - Adel St John Primary Jatinder Ubhi, A. Primary Governor - Swarcliffe Primary Helen Brough, A. Primmary Governor - Primrose Lane Primary Dave Kagai, A. Primary Governors - St Nicholas Primary Sue Tuck, A. Primary Governor - Ireland Wood Primary John Garvani (LSF), A. Primary Governors - Broadgate Primary School John Hutchinson, B. Primary Heads - St Theresa's Catholic Primary Claire Harrison, B. Primary Heads - Wetherby Deighton Gates Primary Barbara Trayer, B. Secondary Governors - Allerton Grange Secondary Helen Stott, B. Primary Heads - Allerton C of E Primary Peter Harris, B. Primary Heads - Farsley Farfield Primary Julie Harkness, B. Primary Heads - Carr Manor Community school - Primary Phase Jo Smithson, B. Primary Heads - Greenhill Primary David Webster, C. Secondary Governors - Pudsey Grangefield Delia Martin, D. Secondary Heads - Benton Park Lucie Lakin, D. Secondary Heads - Wetherby High David Gurney, E. Academy Reps - Cockburn School Neil Miley, E. Academy Reps - Dixons Academy John Thorne, E. Academy Reps - Co-operative Academy Priesthorpe Emma Lester, E. Academy Reps - Woodkirk Academy Ian Goddard, E. Academy Reps - Ebor Gardens/Victoria Primary Ac Siobhan Roberts, E. Academy Reps - Cockburn John Charles Academy Joe Barton, E. Academy Reps - Woodkirk Academy Anna Mackenzie, E. Academy Reps - Richmond Hill Academy Danny Carr, E. Academy Reps - Dixons Academy Russell Trigg, F. SILC Governor East / NW SILC - Special School Governor Diane Reynard, I. Special School Principal - East / NW SILC - SILC Principals Helen Gration, J. Non School PVI - Nursery Provider Angela Hynes, J. Non School PVI - Nursery Provider Patrick Murphy, J. Non School - Schools JCC Angela Cox, J. Non School - Leeds Catholic Diocese Cllr Dan Cohen (Leeds School Forum), J. Jewish Faith Schools A G E N D A Item Tile Lead Time Purpose No 1. APOLOGIES 16:30 For information 2. INTRODUCTIONS 16:35 For information 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 16:40 For decision See attached 5 - 10 4. MATTERS ARISING 16:50 For information 5. SCHOOLS FUNDING PROPOSALS 16:55 For decision See attached 11 - 44 6. EXCESS SCHOOLS SURPLUS 17:20 For information BALANCE - UPDATE 7. DSG MANAGEMENT PLAN 17:30 For information See attached 45 - 48 8. EARLY YEARS REVIEW 17:55 For information See attached 49 - 56 9. SCHOOLS FORUM MEMBERSHIP 18:15 For information Verbal Update 2 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 18:20 For information 11. FORWARD PLAN 18:25 For information See attached 57 - 58 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 Leeds Schools Forum Microsoft Teams Meeting Thursday 8th October 2020 at 16:30 Membership (Apologies in Italics) GOVERNORS HEADTEACHERS Primary (6 seats) Primary (6 seats) Sue Tuck Ireland Wood John Hutchinson St Theresa’s Catholic Primary David Kagai St Nicholas Helen Stott Allerton C of E Primary John Garvani Broadgate Peter Harris Farsley Farfield Primary Three vacancies Julie Harkness Carr Manor Community School Jo Smithson Greenhill Primary Vacancy Secondary (2 seats) Secondary (3 seats) Barbara Trayer Allerton Grange Delia Martin Benton Park David Webster Pudsey Grangefield Lucie Lakin Wetherby High Vacancy Special (1 seat) Special (1 seat) Russell Trigg East SILC, John Jamieson Diane Reynard East SILC Non School Academies – Mainstream (10 seats) Vicky Hallas-Fawcett PVI Providers David Gurney Cockburn School Vacancy PVI Providers Danny Carr Dixons Academy Patrick Murphy Schools JCC Neil Miley Dixons Academy Louise Turner 16-19 Providers John Thorne Co-op Academy Priesthorpe Angela Cox OBE Catholic Diocese Emma Lester Woodkirk Academy Dan Cohen Jewish Faith Schools Ian Goddard Ebor Gardens/Victoria Primary Siobhan Roberts Cockburn John Charles Joe Barton Woodkirk Academy Anna McKenzie Richmond Hill Vacancy Local Authority Reps: Sal Tariq, OBE, Director Academy – Special School (1 seat) Tim Pouncey, Chief Officer Strategy & Resources Vacancy Louise Hornsey, Head of Service, Finance Lucie McAulay, Finance Academy – Alternative Provision (1 Seat) Val Waite, Head of Learning Inclusion Vacancy Shirley Maidens Elizabeth Cook Claire Swift Minutes: Lesley Gregory 1 | P a g e Page 5 Item Title Actions 1 Apologies Barbara Trayer, David Webster, Diane Reynard, Sal Tariq. 2 Introductions The outgoing Chair, John Thorne formally handed over to the new Chair, Peter Harris. Miss W Beesley joined the meeting as an observer and was welcomed by the Chair. 3 Schools Forum Membership The Chair thanked John Thorne for the work he had done as Chair over the last couple of years. Primary Governors There are three vacancies to be filled and following an advertisement there are five nominations. Voting is taking place to fill the three seats and the deadline for voting is Friday 16 October. Headteacher Primary There is one vacancy. Unfortunately following an advert no-one came forward. The seat remains vacant. Academies There were three vacancies, two of which have been filled. Neil Miley, Executive Principal of Dixon’s Academy was welcomed to the Forum. John Thorne successfully reapplied. Action: Canvas academies to fill the remaining seat Dave G SILC Principal Diane Reynard successfully reapplied for the seat. SILC Governor There was one vacancy and Russell Trigg – John Jamieson, East SILC was successful in his application. The Chair welcomed him to the Forum. Early Years Provider Following advert there were two people nominated for one seat. Voting is currently taking place with a deadline of 16 October. Deputy Chair John Thorne was accepted as deputy Chair. Academy Special and Academy Alternative Provision There is one seat for each and both will be advertised. A virtual training session will be offered to new and existing members and will take place at some point this year. 4 Minutes of last meeting 4.1 The minutes of July’s meeting were agreed. 5 Matters Arising 5.1 Page One, Item 4.1 - Early Years Action Plan: To be brought to the November meeting. Page Three, Item 6.2 – De –Delegated Services: This will be covered later in the meeting. 2 | P a g e Page 6 Page Two, Item 5.4 – Schools Admissions Appeals: The meeting between Rebecca McCormack and Angela Cox did take place and the matter was resolved. The service being offered would be a traded option and not statutory. Schools have the option whether to buy in or not. Page Four, Item 6.6 – 2019-2020 Reserves: This will be covered later in the meeting. 6 DSG Budget Monitoring Report 2020-2021 6.1 Overall Position An in year overspend of £2.34m is predicted. As a result the projected figure for 2020-2021 is £6.3m overspend. The greatest areas of pressure in the budget are from the High Needs Bock and SEN with a projected overspend of £3.6m. 6.2 Schools Block 6.2.1 There is a projected overspend of £4,364k, which is due to academisation. This can fluctuate throughout the year as and when schools convert to academies. It is proposed that the underspend of £596k is used to support mainstream maintained schools that have incurred additional Covid-19 related costs not covered by government funding. 6.2.3 Growth funding: the budget was originally set at £3m however the current projection is showing an underspend of £350k. 6.3 Early Years Block 6.3.1 Most of this budget is distributed to providers. This budget is traditionally underspent as it is set according to the January census pupil numbers. January’s numbers are higher than the rest of the year. There is more uncertainty this year however due to Covid-19. The DfE has changed how the funding is allocated by putting more emphasis on the 2020 January census rather than 2021. In order to give some protection to providers Leeds has taken the decision to pay out on either actual children attending or 95% of the Autumn 2019 figures. 6.3.2 The main underspend is around 2, 3 and 4 year olds which get funding on a different basis. There is a small underspend on the early years pupil premium access fund. This is purely on projected demand and could be subject to change depending on the impact of Covid-19. Nurseries that are closed due to unavoidable Covid restrictions or on PHE advice, are eligible to claim FEEE. Nurseries who have chosen to remain closed for other reasons, are not eligible for FEEE payments. Where a member of staff is furloughed, the nursery is obliged to calculate the proportion of their salary which is not funded by FEEE income and they must use this amount when claiming from the CJRS (furlough), so there is no risk of double funding. 6.3.3 Extract from government guidance on furlough is as follows: ‘If a provider’s average monthly income is 40% from DSG and 60% from other income, the provider could claim CJRS support for up to 60% of their salary bill, depending on the amount of parent-paid income that has returned. This would be done by furloughing staff whose usual salary or combined salaries come to no greater than 60% of the provider’s total salary bill. These proportions could change in subsequent furlough applications as a result of DSG income changing. For example, if this provider subsequently receives additional DSG income from a local authority as a result of providing additional hours of childcare, such that its new DSG income would represent 55% of its total income in February, then its maximum use of the furlough scheme should, from that point, be reduced to 45% of its salary bill. ‘ 6.4 High Needs Block 6.4.1 The projected overspend for the High Needs Block is £3.6m. This also takes into account the £3m transfer from the School Services Block. 3 | P a g e Page 7 6.4.2 There are two key areas of overspend: £1.2m for out of area and residential placements and £3.3m to institutions eg special and mainstream schools.