"Must Visit Attractions in "

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35 Ubicaciones indicadas

Madama Lucrezia "A Talking Statue"

This is an example of a "talking statue"; one that used to represent opinions that were counter to the dominant power. This one is unique because it is of a woman, , who was well-known to Alfonso of Aragon, the king of Naples. She came to Rome after the death of the king as a guest of Cardinal Pietro Barbo. The people of Rome by Anthony Majanlahti named the statue in honor of her beauty.

piazza di San Marco, Roma

Victor Emmanuel II National Monument "A Witness to Glory"

Il Vittoriano a fine white marble structure built under the auspices of newly installed King Victor Emmanuel and was inaugurated in 1911, a symbol of Italian unity. It has been the centerpiece for many important processions and moments of glory since Italy's reunification, including the by Richard Clifford parades of Mussolini that took place outside it. The statue of Emmanuel stands tall in front of this magnificent building along with the tomb of the unknown soldier nearby. The whole edifice has a massive and grandiose appearance covered in marble and atop sit two quadrigae of the goddess Victoria. Today, it houses an interesting museum which details the international and domestic intrigue which resulted in the Risorgimento, or the Reunification of the Country. Open hours vary by season. Call before visiting.

+39 06 060 608 (Tourist Information) , Roma

Basilica Parrocchiale di San Marco Evangelista al Campidoglio "The Roman Lion"

The Church of San Marco, together with the Palazzo Venezia with which it is joined, is one of the most interesting early Renaissance buildings in Rome. It dates back to 1336 and was built by Pope Mark in honor of St. Mark the Evangelist, who is celebrated on April 25. The church has a 15th- by Fachdozent century portico attributed to Leon Battisti Albert. The upper open gallery is designed by Giuliano da Maiano, while the beautiful 16th-century portal is credited to Isaia da Pisa. The church contains numerous medieval remains including an ancient well, and the bell tower. This church belongs to the Venetian community in Rome.

+39 06 679 5205 www.sanmarcoevangelist parroco@sanmarcoevangel Piazza di San Marco 48, a.it/ ista.it Palazzo Venezia, Roma Il Tempio di Veio

"Italic Worship"

The basement floors of Palazzo Senatorio contain relics of religions of ancient Italic populations, relating in particular to the cult of the god Veiovis. This god had a preference for unhealthy, marshy locations, and took the form of Jupiter of the underworld. However, in the version created for this temple he takes the form of a beautiful young man without by Anthony M. from Rome, any of the original unpleasant characteristics. The temple, according to an Italy inscription, was erected in 78 BCE and was discovered almost intact in the 1940s. The architecture is reminiscent of the Greek style: this beautiful god is guarding the altar of his own temple.

piazza del Campidoglio, Sotterranei del Palazzo Senatorio, Roma

Capitoline Hill "The Center of the Empire"

Capitoline Hill is located near the Foro Romano and Campus Martius. The hill is one of the seven hills that were located in the ancient city, and was the center of all the activities of the empire. The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the most revered temple at that time stood here, and its ruins are still visible. Housed here are the Musei Capitolini and City Hall.

+39 06 0608 (Tourist Information) Piazza del Campidoglio, Roma

Il Facchino "The Mysterious Barrel Carrier"

Many statues have been used in Rome to represent opinions conflicting opinions, and one of the most famous is that of in the wall of the Palazzo De Carolis and dates from the 16th Century. It shows a man holding a barrel from which a jet of water spurts out. Many hypotheses have been put forward as to who the man is supposed to be: Martin by Anthony Majanlahti Luther, a member of the Università degli Acquaroli or a certain Abbondio Rizzio, a famous and garrulous drinker.

+39 06 060 608 (Tourist Information) [email protected] Via Lata, Roma

Foro Romano () "Centro del mundo antiguo"

El Foro Romano, fue diseñado para ser el centro de la vida social, política y económica de la ciudad. Los innumerables restos incluyen las bien conservadas arcos triunfales del emperador Septimio Severo, con relieves que representan sus victorias y la base del Templo de Saturno, con sus ocho columnas jónicas y sus espléndidos capiteles. En la tribuna ests la by kirkandmimi famosa plataforma desde la que Marco Antonio pronunció su discurso en la obra de Shakespeare después del asesinato de Julio César. La plataforma se convirtió en el escenario de muchos acontecimientos importantes en la historia de Roma. Se llamó la tribuna por los arcos de las naves que forman el motivo decorativo. El Templo de Vesta era el hogar de las vírgenes vestales, encargadas de mantener encendida la llama sagrada. Los cimientos circulares todavía están, junto a un jardín en el que las huellas de la Cámara de las virgenes vestales aún pueden verse. La Basílica de Constantino fue utilizada como el tribunal Massentius, y las tres restantes naves abovedadas dan una idea de su gigantesca estructura. El Arco de Tito celebra victorias en Judea, y en los relieves se puede ver el botín de guerra, incluido un altar y un candelabro de siete brazos. La entrada es gratuita, llame al número indicado para obtener información sobre visitas guiadas. +39 06 3996 7700 www.turismoroma.it/it/node/1048 Via della Salara Vecchia 5/6, Roma

Theatre of Marcellus "Still Entertaining the Public"

The origins of this theater run back to 23 BCE, when Augustus had it built in honor of Marcus Claudius Marcellus, his nephew and adopted son. The theater had space for 20,000 people, and was used for games and celebrations. The construction fell into ruin during the following centuries due to plunder and fire: in fact it became a sort of quarry from which by FlickreviewR materials were taken for the construction of buildings, churches and so forth. Restoration began in about 1300 when the Savelli family bought the ruins. The same family performed further work two centuries later, and this was continued by the Orsini who acquired the complex in order to enlarge their own building: they restored part of the theater. Today, concerts are organized here, and this is the only way of seeing it from the inside.

Via del Teatro di Marcello, Roma

Villa Aldobrandini "View Over the Gianicolo"

This villa was built in 1500 and later acquired by Pope Clement VIII Aldobrandini. The villa itself is not open to the public, but the recently restored gardens are accessible. During restoration work in this area the gardens have been raised, and now offer a view reaching as far as the Gianicolo. The building forming the backdrop for the garden is baroque in by Wootton King style, and is now used by the Istituto per l'Unificazione del Diritto Privato, a law reform institution. The interiors contain paintings made by the Baroque artists of the Rennaisance which are frequently exhibited.

+39 06 060 608 (Tourist Information) www.villa-aldobrandini.it/ Via Mazzarino 1, Roma

Il Ghetto "The Remains of the Day"

This area has been frequented by the Jewish community since the year 1000, thus the name "ghetto." It is full of archeological remains, dating to the medieval period and earlier. The significant monuments that can be seen include Octavia's Portico, built by Augustus for his sister, now incorporating the church of Sant'Angelo in Pescheria. Cola di Rienzo was by Anthony Majanlahti born in this area, and a plaque marks his birthplace in what was once Via della Fiumara. The Synagogue, with its square dome, is very different from the surrounding Roman city architecture, and on the wall of the riverside street there are slabs with inscriptions commemorating the death of the Jews in the Nazi concentration camps and at the Fosse Ardeatine.

+39 06 060 608 (Tourist Information) Via del Portico d'Ottavia 57, Sant'Angelo, Roma

El Panteón "Una cupula magnifica"

Comisionado por Marco Agripa, restaurado por Domiciano, y posteriormente reconstruido por Adriano (que añado la cúpula), el Panteón se convirtió en una iglesia en el siglo 7 por el Papa Bonifacio IV. La única fuente de luz del edificio es la apertura en el vértice de la cúpula (la Oculus), según la tradición popular, esta constituyó la base para el by waldomiguez cono de bronce de pino que se encuentra ahora en el patio Pigna del Vaticano, donde se utiliza como una fuente. Muchos famosos italianos están enterrados en el Panteón, entre ellos el pintor renacentista Rafael y el Rey Vittorio Emanuele I.

+39 06 6830 0230 Piazza della Rotonda, Roma www.turismoroma.it/it/node/1107

Fuente de Trevi "Tire una moneda en la fuente de agua"

La tradición afirma que arrojar una moneda por encima de su hombro izquierdo en la fuente garantiza un rápido regreso a la ciudad más bella del mundo. Anita Ekberg la inmortalizó en la película de Federico Fellini "La Dolce Vita", y el actor italiano Toto aun la vendió a un americano, y pasó como su dueño. Anteriormente la Fuente Trevi fue el escenario de la by kittyvanrooij216 premiada Tres Monedas en la Fuente, asegurando su popularidad en todo el mundo. Diseñada por Nicola Salvi, para el Papa Clemente XII, se completó en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Las estatuas en el centro representan a Neptuno sostenido por los Tritones a ambos lados mientras que el Palacio Poli de estilo rococó proporciona el perfecto telón de fondo.

+39 06 0608 www.turismoroma.it/cosa- Piazza di Trevi, Roma fare/fontana-di-trevi

Isola Tiberina "No es mas una isla"

Isla Tiberina está en la orilla del río por dos puentes, Cestio y Fabricio. Hoy en día, con el fin de proteger el Tiberina de la corriente, los "arcos" se han extendido hasta uno de los pilares del puente de Garibaldi. Algunos edificios antiguos todavía se puede ver, al igual que la torre de Caetani que datan de la Edad Media, y la iglesia de San Bartolomé que fue by pokipsy76 construida en el sitio del templo de Esculapius. Lamentablemente no queda nada de la iglesia del siglo 10 y fue casi totalmente reconstruido en el siglo 17.

+39 06 060 608 (Tourist Information) Isola Tiberina, Southern bend of the River, Roma

Arch of Titus

"Honoring Titus"

The is a historic landmark that is located close to the Foro Romano. The marble arch was built by Emperor Domitian in remembrance of the victories of his deceased brother Titus. Roman inscriptions are on the on several parts of the arch, while intricate sculpturing is on several panels. by Alessio Nastro Siniscalchi

+39 0608 (Tourist Information) , Roma

Piazza delle Coppelle "Domestic Atmosphere"

This lovely square is full of color provided by the fruit market and also by the architecture of the medieval constructions, characterized by the bright paint colors used for decoration. This piazza was created by uniting three squares around the medieval church San Salvatore delle Coppelle. The homes here are not all that large: there is an 18th-century building with by _Pek_ stucco work, and another small house with a balcony in Roman Baroque style and a doorway that seems enormous compared to the rest of the construction. Here, there is still a country town atmosphere, with the market, people shopping with their bags and trolleys, completely different to the nearby streets full of shops and tourists.

+39 06 488 991 Piazza delle Coppelle, Roma Circo Massimo "Arena Antigua"

En 4 AC, el Circo Máximo fue uno de los mayores estadios en Roma, con una capacidad de 250,000 espectadores sentados. Era el lugar de celebración de carreras de caballos, torneos de atletismo y lucha de animales. La última se celebró aquí en 549 AC. Otro deporte muy popular era la lucha marina, la arena se llenaba de agua y se llevaban a cabo lucha by Anna Fox entre barcos. La torre es de época medieval.

+39 06 06 0608 (Tourist Information) Via del Circo Massimo, Roma

Palazzo della Cancelleria "Bureaucracy in Art"

The construction of this palace was financed by the gambling wins of Cardinal Raffaele Riario. The wonderful residence in early Renaissance style is said to have been designed by Bramante. Interior decorations during the 16th Century were carried out by various artists including Giorgio Vasari and Francesco Salviati. The palace was later confiscated by by Peter1936F the Church and turned into a Papal Chancellery. Now it belongs entirely to the Vatican. A part of the palace incorporates the 4th Century CE church of . You are advised to phone before visiting.

+39 06 6988 5318 Piazza della Cancelleria, Roma

Il Ninfeo degli Annibaldi "Underground Garden"

The walls running along Via degli Annibaldi contain a small gate that generally passes unnoticed, but is the entrance to a nymphaeum dating back to the time of Augustus. It is located underground and is dedicated to nymphs, plants and the magical atmosphere typical of woodland mythology. The interior has a stucco apse and a fountain, which was by suju probably taken from a patrician home and is an oasis of tranquillity ideal for meditation. Phone or fax to arrange a visit.

+39 06 6710 3819 via degli Annibaldi, Roma

Monte Palatino

"Las primeras casas en Roma"

Justo al sur del Foro Romano y ofreciendo una impresionante vista de la ciudad antigua, esta área incluye residencias imperiales y patricias incluidas los del emperador Domiciano. Originalmente, la Domus Flavia había muros completamente revestidos con mármol pulido - Domiciano temía un asesinato y de esta manera podía ver el reflejo de alguien by Karelj, reworked Alchemist- viniendo hacia él. El patio tiene fino pavimento de mármol de colores. hp, Cerca, se puede observar una serie de agujeros, hechos para puestos de chozas, posiblemente se remonta al siglo IX. Se cree que se trataba de la primera choza de Roma, atribuido por la leyenda a la mano del mismo Rómulo.

+39 06 3996 7700 Piazza Santa Maria Nova 53, Roma Coliseo "Símbolo de Roma"

Ninguna visita a Roma sea complete sin ver el magnífico coliseo, una vasta anfiteatro con asientos para 55,000 que fue diseñado como una pista de carreras de caballo y una arena para luchas de animales y batallas de gladiadores. Después de su finalización, celebraciones espectaculares de 100 días fueron organizados como parte de la by TreptowerAlex ceremonia de inauguración en 72 ANE. Se cree que su nombre viene de la enorme estatua de Coloso de Nero.

+39 06 699841 parcocolosseo.it/area/colosseo/ Piazza del Colosseo 1, Roma

Plaza de España "El lugar de encuentro mas popular de roma"

La Plaza de España fueron diseñados por Alessandro Specchi y Francesco de Sanctis. Conectan la Plaza de España a la iglesia francésa de Trinità dei Monti. En la primavera las escaleras están decoradas con cientos de colores azaleas. Siendo un hermoso, centro y el tráfico esta prohibido, las escaleras son un lugar de encuentro por los jóvenes y por los turistas. by Martin Lopatka +39 06 06 0608 (Tourist Information) , Roma

Via del "Between Art & Fashion"

Leaving Piazza di Spagna behind you and heading towards , you will find yourself on Via del Babuino, a trendy city-center street lined with antique dealers, art galleries and exclusive boutiques. The designer shops are worth a dekko for their latest trends and fashion statements. The road is named after the famous Il Babuino statue which by Livioandronico2013 was a symbol of the people's voice thorugh the various graffitti written around it.. A walk down the street is a must to soak in the architecture and cultural ethos of the city, of which this street is a testament.

+39 06 060 608 (Tourist Information) Via del Babuino, Roma

Piazza del Popolo "The Tip of the Trident"

During the Middle Ages, Piazza del Popolo formed the main entrance to the city for pilgrims and travelers arriving on the Via Flaminia (from the north). It was only when Pope Sixtus V placed the Egyptian obelisk of Ramses II in the center of the square that Piazza del Popolo took on its current function. The obelisk is the tip of the trident formed by the three by Allie_Caulfield streets that begin in the square: , Via di Ripetta and Via del Babuino. Valadier was the architect who gave the square its present elliptical appearance by building the two ramps that lead to the Pincio. Two shell-shaped fountains overlooked by groups of statues stand in two hemicycles.

+39 06 0608 (Tourist Information) Piazza del Popolo, Roma Villa Lante "Cultural Ground"

Villa Lante, located on the slopes of the Gianicolo, offers a splendid view of the city of Rome. The villa was built by a rich Tuscan merchant between 1518 and 1531. Villa Lante was used by its owner for literary meetings and parties, but on his death it was sold to the Lante family from whom it takes its name. This family remained its owners for almost 250 years until they by zak mc sold it to the Borghese family who made substantial changes. At the end of the 19th century the archaeologist Wolfgang Helbig lived there with his wife, a cultured Russian princess. In 1950 the Helbig family sold the property to the Finnish state, which made it their embassy to the Vatican and the center of the Roman Institute of Finland, which is dedicated to archaeological research.

+39 06 6880 1674 www.irfrome.org/ei/index. [email protected] Passeggiata del Gianicolo 10, php?option=com_content& Institutum Romanum view=article&id=137&Itemi Finlandiae, Roma d=71&lang=en

Terme di Caracalla "Musica en las ruinas"

Estos baños fueron construidos en el siglo III ANE por el emperador Caracalla, y funcionaron durante unos doscientos años, antes de las invasiones bárbaras y la posterior interrupción del suministro de agua. La zona fue abandonada durante un cierto tiempo y luego, en 1400, comenzaron las primeras excavaciones, el descubrimiento de obras que by decaf, se pueden encontrar en el y los museos Vaticanos. Así como las ruinas de los baños, se encuentran los restos de un templo dedicado al dios Mitra, la conservación de los bancos utilizados por la mística comidas por los seguidores, el suelo de mosaico en color blanco con rayas negras y el hueco donde se recogía la sangre vertida de los sacrificios. En agosto, los baños proporcionan el telón de fondo para la presentación de óperas.

+39 06 3996 7700 www.operaroma.it/en/locations/car Via delle Terme di Caracalla, Roma acalla-2/

San Giovanni in Laterano "La iglesia mas antigua del mundo"

San Giovanni in Laterano es la iglesia más antigua del mundo. Fue fundada por el papa Melquíades al inicio del siglo IV sobre las ruinas de la villa de la familia romana, la Laterani. El aspecto actual de la iglesia fue creada por Borromini para el jubileo de 1650. Aunque ha conservado el techo y los pisos del siglo 16, el arquitecto alteró la apariencia, uniendo by Fernando Nunes pares de columnas de la nave central para hacer un único pilar adentro. En éste, él construyó nichos de mármol de color y colocó estatuas de los apóstoles. En 1735, Alessandro Galilei renovó en su totalidad la fachada en piedra de travertino y la coronó con 15 estatuas, y al final del siglo 19 el ábside fue reconstruido también.

+39 06 6988 6452 www.vatican.va/various/basiliche/s Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 4, an_giovanni/vr_tour/index-en.html Roma

St. Peter's Square "Holy Roman Square"

Enclosed by Bernini's magnificent colonnade, this square has the largest number of visitors in the world. Millions of tourists wait here either for the Pope's Sunday blessing or to enter the Basilica. More than a square, the colonnade gives it the atmosphere of a courtyard, inviting people to enter the church. The obelisk in the heart of the square has been standing there by Diliff since 1586. When a new pope is being chosen, it is at St. Peter's Square that thousands gather keenly to see the black smoke turn white and find out who the next pope is going to be. During Christmas, a nativity scene and a Christmas tree are installed, and there is a remarkable atmosphere of celebration, with the majestic dome dominating the scene behind.

+39 06 06 0608 (Tourist Information) www.vatican.va/various/basiliche/s Piazza San Pietro, an_pietro/index_it.htm

L'Ipogeo di Via Livenza "A Mystery for Scholars"

Walking down a long staircase, you will find a deep but small vat. Around you, there are the colors of the frescoed and mosaic-covered walls and ceilings. You can see Diana, surrounded by deer and the nymphs of her court, while in a bright yellow niche, there are doves drinking from a spring. Near the vat, small children play and fish. The mosaic on the by donvikro ceiling is not entirely visible due to the ravages of time, but some details can still be seen, such as two figures, one kneeling, and a spring gushing from a rock. This has caused some debate among scholars: Do the woodland scenes and the vat filled with water mean it was a nymphaeum? Was it an ancient place of baptism? An unusual feature is the presence of pagan figures alongside Christian symbols. The mystery has not yet been solved.

+39 06 0608 Via Livenza 4, Roma

Colombario di Pomponio Hylas "A Couple's Last Residence"

The vault, widely used from the time of Augustus, was highly suited for mass burials. The name is derived from the shape of these sepulchres, whose walls had niches capable of holding hundreds of urns containing the ashes of the deceased. The vault of Pomponius Hylas is one of the most interesting, reached by a small staircase with statues of two griffins by donvikro on each side to protect the sepulcher from the evil eye. The interior contains brightly colored mosaics depicting birds, vines and dancers in a garden. There are also portrayals of mythological figures like Achilles, Ochus, and Orpheus.

+39 06 6710 3819 Via di 9, Roma

Sistine Chapel "Michelangelo's Masterpiece at the Vatican"

Some of the world's foremost examples of Renaissance art grace the ceiling of the spectacular . Originally built in 1479 under the direction of Pope Sixtus IV, the chapel forms a part of the Vatican City's Apostolic Palace. It is here that the College of Cardinals gather to elect a new Pope and has been the host of such gatherings and other Papal by Prof. Mortel functions since it was first conceived of. At the time of its construction, while the walls of the chapel were painted with frescoes by artists like Sandro Botticelli, Pinturicchio and Cosimo Roselli, the ceiling was rendered a simple, solid blue with stars. It was not until 1508 that Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Many considered this an odd choice as Michelangelo, at that time, was not known as a skilled painter. This led to speculations that Michelangelo's lofty commission was a ploy devised by rival artists Raphael and Bramante to ensure his fall from grace. Not to be deterred, Michelangelo envisioned and achieved a series of frescoes that depict scenes from the Old Testament, beginning with Creation and ending at Noah's voyage aboard his ark. Each a masterpiece in its own right, together they form a vision of unmatched artistry that draws millions of visitors to the Pope's residence each year.

+39 06 6988 4676 mv.vatican.va/ visiteguidategruppi.musei Via delle Fondamenta, @scv.va Vatican City Basilica di San Pietro "Asiento del catolicismo"

La gente viene de a millones cada año para recibir la bendición del Papa, tradicionalmente dado los domingos al mediodía. San Pedro ha experimentado muchas transformaciones desde la basílica de Constantino en 320 CE. La parte superior de su majestuosa cúpula (diseñado por Miguel Ángel), es el mejor punto de vista para maravillarse ante la by Alvesgaspar magnífica columnata de Bernini que rodean la plaza, el bronce dorado dosel sobre el altar y la Piedad de Miguel Angel (1499). Bramante, Pietro da Cortona y Canova son sólo un puñado de los muchos otros artistas que han trabajado juntos en esta monumental basílica en cuanto a la decoración y diseño.

+39 06 6988 3731 www.vatican.va/various/basiliche/s Piazza San Pietro, Vatican City an_pietro/index_it.htm

El Vaticano "Seat of the Catholic Church"

Vatican City is amongst the most important historical and religious sites in the world; it is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church and the home of the Pope. The smallest state in the world, it occupies only about 0.44 square kilometers (0.17 square miles) near the center of Rome and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Vatican has figured in key events by nimrodins throughout history and is further significant because of its superlative architectural, religious, and artistic attractions. It was Pope Julius II della Rovere in the 16th Century who commissioned Michelangelo to paint the history of creation on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel - just one of the Vatican's world-renown cultural and artistic jewels. Others include St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums. Among countless other notable events, the Vatican also hosts the convening of the College of Cardinals upon the death of a reigning Pontiff, to elect a new Pope. No visit to Rome is complete without an excursion to this magnificent location, a place steeped in history and tradition.

www.vaticanstate.va/ [email protected] Viale Vaticano, Vatican City

Villa Torlonia "Mussolini's Former Residence"

Construction of this villa began in the early 19th Century, and the architect entrusted with the commission was Valadier, whose other works include the Piazza del Popolo. As years passed by, other portions of land were purchased in order to extend the park, which was landscaped by garden architect Augusto Jappelli. The villa was the private residence of Benito by _Pek_ Mussolini from 1925 to 1943 when he was ruling the country. After World War II, it was used as the headquarters of the Allied High Command in Rome.

+39 06 060 608 (Tourist Information) Via Nomentana 70, Roma

Stadio dei Marmi "60 Statues for a Stadium"

The Stadio dei Marmi that stands beside the larger and better-known Olympic stadium is one of the loveliest sporting complexes in the Foro Italico. Like the entire complex, this stadium was designed by Enrico Del Debbio and built in 1932. Part of its beauty is its surroundings with the Monte Mario and the banks of the Tiber, but most of its attraction is by Anthony Majanlahti derived from its architectural elegance; in particular the enormous tiers topped by 60 white marble statues that were gifts from Italian cities in commemoration of 60 athletes. Viale Paolo Boselli, Foro Italico, Roma

Le Tombe di Via Latina "When Death is Not Gloomy"

This archaeological park was created in the second half of the 19th Century when a series of excavations uncovered various sepulchers and tombs along Via Latina. The tombs are very well-preserved. The "Barberini" sepulcher is simple but elegant and is where Barberini sarcophagus was discovered, now on display in the Vatican Museums. In by Matthew Folley the second tomb, there is a white, stucco-covered interior, with depictions of an underwater world with Britons, Nereid and dancing semi-gods. Another tomb has many bright colors and elaborate pictures of mythological episodes featuring Apollo, Diana, Paris and Hercules.

+39 06 3996 7700 www.coopculture.it/herita SSBA- Via dell'Arco di Travertino ge.cfm?id=89 [email protected] 151, Roma

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