Maine State Legislature
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) CALAIS BRANCH RAIL COMMISSION Report to the !19th Legislature on Line Reactivation Laws 1997, Resolves Chapter 104 L.D. 1594 (118th Legislature) Effective Date: July 9, 1998 ~~-··l I Ht 1 2111 i .M2 M254 1998 December 31, 1998 INTRODUCTION L.D. 1594, Laws 1997, Resolves Chapter 104, "Resolve to Create the Commission to Study Establishing a Rail Authority to Develop Rail Service from Calais to Eastport and Brewer" was enacted by the 118th Legislature and signed by Governor King on April 1, 1998. The Commission formed by the resolve was charged with examining "the potential uses of rail service from Calais to Eastport and Brewer along existing railroad rights-of-way owned by the State." The Commission was directed to "make projections as to the volume of traffic along a developed railway, estimate costs of developing the rights-of-way and review methods of funding and implementing the development of the rights-of-way" ,and "if the Commission recommends the use of a public authority, the Commission shall also make recommendations on the membership, powers, administration and other matters related to the operation of the public authority." The Commission (see Appendix "A" for membership) contracted with Stafford Business Advisors to conduct a marketing analysis of the Calais Branch. Stafford's work was done in conjunction with a similar study funded by the Eastern Maine Railroad Development Commission, and was complemented by a Stafford report, funded by the Department of Transportation {MDOT), dated December 31, 1997, entitled "Market Reviews, Eastport Rail Study." Stafford also analyzed rail passenger potential in the Bangor to Mount Desert Island corridor, concurrent with an MDOT study of the Rte.
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