349 D.R. Laub Jr. (Ed.), Congenital Anomalies of the Upper
Index A dermatological anomalies , 182 Abductor digiti minimi (ADM) transfer , 102–103 skeletal abnormalities , 182 Abductor pollicis brevis (APB) , 186–187 upper extremity anomalies , 182, 183 ABS. See Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) visceral anomalies , 182 Achondroplasia defi nition of , 179 classifi cation/characterization , 338 description , 32, 33 defi nition of , 337–338 epidemiology of , 181 genetics , 338 genetics and embryology management , 338 molecular etiology , 180 Acrocephalosyndactyly syndrome , 32, 33, 179 prenatal diagnosis , 180–181 Acrosyndactyly repair, ABS , 300–302 molecular basis of , 180 Adactylic group IV symbrachydactyly , 129, 131 postoperative care and complications , 187 Al-Awadi syndrome , 154 treatment Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) APB release , 186–187 acrosyndactyly repair , 300–302 border digits syndactylies , 184 anesthesia concerns of fi rst web space release , 186 induction and maintenance of anesthesia , 43 patient age , 183 postoperative concerns , 43 secondary revisions , 187 preoperative preparation , 42–43 symphalangism , 184 classifi cation , 298 syndactyly ( see Syndactyly) clinical presentation thumb radial clinodactyly , 186–187 acrosyndactyly , 297–298 type II apert hand , 187–188 digital malformation , 297 Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) , 3–5 distal skeletal bones tapering , 297–298 Arthrogryposis , 210 hand deformity , 297 classic arthrogryposis , 305–306, 308 complications , 302 classifi cation , 305, 306 constriction band release defi nition of , 229, 230, 305 Upton’s technique , 299, 301 de-rotation osteotomy, shoulder , 308, 309 z-plasty , 299–300 distal , 230–231 ( see Distal arthrogryposis) diagnosis of , 296 elbow treatment digital hypoplasia reconstruction , 302 muscle transfers , 310–311 etiology of , 295–296 nonoperative management , 308 preoperative considerations , 299 posterior elbow capsular release , 309 treatment , 299 radial head dislocations , 311 Amniotic constriction band syndrome.
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