For Governor

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For Governor G. FOR GOVERNOR OFFICIAL 1986 STATE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM PREAMBLE The Republican Party Council declares con­ tinued allegiance to the principles of the Re­ publican party, pride in its achievements and confidence in its future. The Council unquali­ fiedly reaffirms and endorses the Republican National Platform adopted at Cleveland, Ohio, June 11, 1936. ENDORSEMENTS The homely story of the past three years in Kansas has furnished us an opportunity to car- ~ ry the torch of progress to lighten the way out of the calamity that has fallen upon the world in a major economic depression. And so be­ cause we have developed in Kansas a leader who has embodied the Kansas spirit in his deeds and words we are presenting to the na­ tion today a statesman of whom we are proud. Governor Alf M. Landon in his private and in his public life as a man, as a citizen, as a leader, as a great Kansan is taking to the world in his three years achievement as Governor of this OFFICIAL 1986 STATE state a message eloquent with glorified com­ REPUBLICAN PLATFORM mon sense. The thing he and we have done though commonplace and part of the daily routine of a modest, diligent, wise and cour­ ageous man are still more inspiring than words. We have done in Kansas aU that our state government may do in times like these to bring order out of chaos. We stand as taxpay­ ers of Kansas under Landon's leadership in the front rank of those who have matched their doUars with federal do11ars to relieve the mis­ fortunes of our citizens. We have conducted our state government in a period of economic catastrophe with a wise economy that never was parsimonious. Under Governor Landon's banner we have gone forward with an under­ standing sympathy that never is maudlin, with a foresight that has the high genius of common honesty. This we have done following Gover­ nor Landon as our leader. He has made no boasts, has given few pledges but has redeemed every ·one. His political courage has never needed bluster to reveal it. His wisdom has been justified by events and that he is now leading our party in the nation gives every Kansan an exultant moment, for he embodies the Kansas ideal. We present him to the nation 1 - ··-·-· --- -----------~-- and ask America to follow him as we have fol­ lowed him, knovving that when his great stew­ ardship is ended his country and the world will share with us its faith and pride in him, his work well done. We strongly endorse the record of faithful and efficient service of Senator Arthur Capper during his eighteen years in the Senate of the United States. He has been loyal to the people of Kansas and to the nation. \V e urge his re­ election. We endorse and urge the reelection of Wm. P. Lambertson, U. S. Guyer, Frank Carlson and Clifford R. Hope, the present Republican Delegation in the National House of Repre­ sentatives. We commend Harold McGugin, Ed H. Rees and J. B. Patterson, Republican nominees for the National House of Representatives, and urge the voters of their respective districts to elect them. ENDORSEMENT OF STATE CANDIDATES We present with confidence and pride to the people of Kansas, our candidates for Governor and other state offices. By reason of his char­ acter, experience, and ability, by reason of his understanding of agriculture, labor, and indus­ try, and particularly by reason of his broad understanding of, and deep sympathy for dis­ tressed humanity, Will G. West is especially fitted in these uncertain times to head our State Government. The other candidates for state offices are of similar caliber. We commend them all to the citizens of our beloved State. RELIEF The Republican Party in Kansas has since statehood established a tradilion that no man, woman or child within its borders should suf­ fer or be in distress. This tradition shall be carried on and full cooperation shall be given the federal government to accomplish this end. Every cent raised for relief should be expend­ ed for that purpose only, absolutely free from politics and administrative costs kept at a min­ imum. I and ask America to follow him as we have fol­ SOCIAL SECURITY lowed him, knovving that when his great stew­ Security must be provided in the form of ardship is ended his country and the world will old age pensions that are not just a substitute share with us its faith and pride in him, his for the poor house. Our present economic de­ work well done. pression has brought to the forefront the ne­ We strongly endorse the record of faithful cessity for some form of unemployment insur­ and efficient service of Senator Arthur Capper ance. The legislature has submitted to the during his eighteen years in the Senate of the people two constitutional amendments which, United States. He has been loyal to the people if adopted, will enable the state to undertake of Kansas and to the nation. \V e urge his re­ this humanitarian work. We commend these election. amendments to the people and urge their adop­ We endorse and urge the reelection of Wm. tion. If adopted, we pledge our governor and P. Lambertson, U. S. Guyer, Frank Carlson the Republican members of the legislature to and Clifford R. Hope, the present Republican the adoption of the most practical legislation Delegation in the National House of Repre­ .• carrying out these amendments. Vv e recognize sentatives. that a program of social security is a new ven­ We commend Harold McGugin, Ed H. Rees ture into a broad field requiring constructive and J. B. Patterson, Republican nominees for thought and careful consideration to produce the National House of Representatives, and adequate and just security under a system urge the voters of their respective districts to which will be just and fair to all our people. elect them. CRIPPLED CHILDREN ENDORSEMENT OF STATE Surgical rehabilitation has been furnished to CANDIDATES thousands of Kansas children through a fund. raised for that purpose, and administered by a We present with confidence and pride to the commission. Kansas pioneered this type legis­ people of Kansas, our candidates for Governor lation which other states have used as a model. and other state offices. By reason of his char­ We favor a broadened application of this acter, experience, and ability, by reason of his service. understanding of agriculture, labor, and indus­ try, and particularly by reason of his broad AGRICULTURE understanding of, and deep sympathy for dis­ tressed humanity, Will G. West is especially We reaffirm the traditional position of fitted in these uncertain times to head our Kansas Republicanism that a solution of the State Government. The other candidates for farm problem is the most important economic state offices are of similar caliber. issue before the country. Agriculture as a group must be placed on an income parity with We commend them all to the citizens of our beloved State. industry and industrial workers. We pledge ourselves aggressively to holding the National Republican Party to its full responsibility in RELIEF the solution of this problem which is preemi­ The Republican Party in Kansas has since nently important to the social and business life statehood established a tradilion that no man, of Kansas, and the other farm states compris­ woman or child within its borders should suf­ ing the most advanced farm production area in fer or be in distress. This tradition shall be the world. carried on and full cooperation shall be given We believe that the American market should the federal government to accomplish this end. be preserved for the American farmer. A Every cent raised for relief should be expend­ parity price for farm products is the best pro­ ed for that purpose only, absolutely free from tection • for consumers by insuring adequate politics and administrative costs kept at a min­ supplies at all times regardless of adverse crop imum. yields and conditioni. I I Low interest rates are essential to any solu­ tion of the farm problem. We pledge our Con­ gressional nominees to aid in a plan of farm financing at the lowest practicable interest rates. We advocate the Republican program of soil conservation, the prevention of soil erosion and the control of flood waters as dominating fac­ tors in a sound, long range farm program. We assert that state and national agricultural plans should be farmer controlled. We condemn the present policy of withhold­ ing land from crop production on the one hand, and on the other hand of spending millions of dollars to promote projects for the purpose of increasing production in the same crops. We urge immediate action and a comprehen­ sive program by the national, state and local governments for the control and eradication of bindweed, grasshoppers, and other similar in­ festation on Kansas farms. The state govern­ ment should at all times be alert to meet the needs of its citizens in times of emergency and distress. We believe that a comprehensive study of agricultural and livestock marketing conditions should be made for the purpose of eliminating existing evils. We oppose any reduction of the present statutory period of mortgage redemption. FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION We favor a comprehensive flood control program which is adapted to Kansas, and urge our delegation in Congress to assist in provid­ ing sufficient flood protection along the rivers of this state. The building of additional farm ponds, lakes and reservoirs is a necessary. fac­ tor in flood control and water conservation. We pledge cooperation with the national gov· ernment in such a program.
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