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SENATE NOVEMBER 30 Robert H 15964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 30 Robert H. Pauli John Sweeny Harry C. White John M. Watson Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ William L. Pack Charles W. Smith, Jr. William E. Wieser~ Max E. E. Woyke day, November 29, 1950, was dispensed Mortimer J. Prince Lowell C. Savage Curtis C. Worley George 0. Wood with. Forrest A. Pease John W. Sulltvan George R. Wells Charles S. Walline Norman L. Paxton Henry B. Somerville John W. Williama Ralph L. Werner MESSAOES FROM THE PRESIDENT Thomas R. Perry, Jr. James E. Shew Hubert P. Wirth Wayne W. Watkins Messages in writing from the President James F. Phelan Stoughton Sterling, Samuel C. Walls Frederick C. Wyse, Jr. William F. Payson Jr. Malcolm E. Wolfe Stanley E. Wagenhals of the United States submitting nomina­ Norman E. Petersen John F. Schrefer John P. Wier, Jr. Joseph A. Wallace III tions were communicated to the Senate Gaylord S. Parrett Herschel V. Sellers, Jr. Robert W. Windsor, William A. Walker III by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. Frank H. Price, Jr. Wilson J. Sweeney Jr. John A. Whitacre LEAVES OF ABSENCE Richard W. Parker Henry E. Surface Roger A. Wolf Raymond V. Welch John E. Plummer John A. Skinner Emmett W. Wood Maurice F. Weisner Mr. LUCAS. I ask unanimous con­ Elbert W. Pate Julian I. Schocken Herbert E. Weyrauch Robert P. Williams sent that the Senator from Rhode Is­ Robert J. Perkinson Bruce T. Simonds Richard M. Wright Ralph V. Wilhelm land [Mr. GREEN] and the Senator from John W. Palm Joseph C. Spitler . John E. Whyte William C. Walsh, Jr. Michigan [Mr. FERGUSON] be excused Ernest R. Peterson Sidney A. Sherwin, Jr. William E. Westhoff Alonzo H. Wellman, David P. Polatty, Jr. David M. Sharer, Jr. Herbert C. Weart Jr. from attending the sessions of the Sen­ George R. Palus Ribert W. Savage James T. Warns Robert A. Weatherup ate,' beginning tomorrow, for an indef­ LeRoy R. Powell John T. Straker Harry W. Wood Frank Welch, Jr. inite period, inasmuch as these Sena- Clarence O. Payne James C. Smith, Jr. Donald G. White Ward W. Witter . tors have been appointed by, the Vice Irvin G. Peters Harvey B. Seim Melvin H. Warner Joseph C. Wheeler, Jr. President to attend the Commonwealth Donald F. Quigley Robert. C. Starkey Thomas B. Wolfe Tom H. Wells · Parliamentary Association meeting in Robert D. Quinn Arthur J. Schultz, Jr. Everleigh D. Willems Justin W. West Australia, as delegates from the Senate. Donald A. Reader Ross B. Spencer Warren Weeks Lloyd V. Young William D. Rosebor- Carl A. Sander, Jr. Hugh Wood, Jr. Milton A. Zimmer- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ ough, Jr. William A. Shryock Clarence C. Wright man out objection. it is so ordered. William E. Rouse Hugh B. Sanders, Jr. Malcolm W. Joseph C. Zirkle, Jr.. Mr. LUCAS. I hope both Senators Robert B. Rueger Harry M. Simpson Whitaker, Jr. Chester V. Zalewski will arrive safely in Australia, after pass­ William T. Roddy Hoke M. Sisk Leigh C. Winters Joseph F. Zawacki, Jr. ing through those troubled waters. William B : Rodman, Bradford G. swonetz William H. Withrow Clarence J. Zurcher Mr. TAFT. And we also hope that 4th Frank M. Sanger, Jr. Robert H. White they will return safely. Max V. Ricketts Charles Smalzel w. For temporary appointment in the Naval Mr. LUCAS. Yes; we also hope that George F. Roe, Jr. George S. H. Sharratt, Reserve: James W. Reed Jr. they will return safely. John W. Roberts Richard G. Sly Elliott H. Glunt John D. Rooney CREDENTIALS William c. Rivers Charles N. Shane Merle MacBain Tad Stanwick Leonard J. Reintjes William W. South Lyle C. Read Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. President, I send Thomas B. Root Thomas P. Smith, Jr. to the desk for filing the credentials of Robert H. Rathbun Howard A. I. Sugg my distinguished colleague the senior Benjamin F. Rowe Vining A. Sherman CONFIRMATION Senator from Georgia [Mr. GEORGE]. Raymond A. RobinsonCharles W. Styer, Jr. Executive nomination confirmed by The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The David B. Rodman Kenneth G. Simmons the Senate November 29 <legislative day credentials will be read. Charles W. Rush, Jr. Richard W. Shafer of November 27), 1950: The credentials were read, as follows: Rex E. Rader Roy C. Smallwood, Jr. John F. Refo Charles A. Skinner Di::PARTMENT OF DEFENSE STATE OF GEORGIA, Edward A. Rodgers Richard G. Shutt Robert A. Lovett, of New York, to be Deputy EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Joseph H. Rayburn Harvey J. Smith, Jr. Secretary of Defense. Atlanta. Frederick J. Ruder Roger F. Smith To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE Eli B. Rogers John E. Tuttle UNITED STATES: Frank T. Ratchford Vernon E. Teig This is to certify that on the 7th day of ·Andrew Ii. Reid Edward A. Taber, Jr. November 1950, WALTER F. GEORGE was duly Lyle B. Ramsey William G. Thatcher SENATE chosen by the qualified electors of the State Frank J. Reiser, Jr. Stephen R. Towne of Georgia a Senator from said State to Gerald M. Reeves William W. Trice THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1950· represent said State in the Senate of the Albert A. Richards William H. Thornton, United States for the term of 6 years, be­ Edward G. Rifenburgh Jr. (Legislative day of Monday, November ginning on the 3d day of January 1951. John H. Rockwell, Jr, Edwin A. Tucker 27, 1950) Witness: His Excellency our Governor Her­ Joseph E. Reedy Donald C. Tabb man E. Talmadge, and our seal hereto af­ John M. Reade Herman J. Trum 3d The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, fixed at Atlanta, this 24th day of Novem­ Everett E. Roberts, Jr.Forrest A. Todd on the expiration of the...recess. ber, in the year of our Lord 1950. Wesley H. Ruth William Tessin HERMAN E. TALMADGE, The Chaplain, Rey. Frederick Brown Governor. James V. Rowney Thomas H. Taylor Harris, D. D., offered the following William H. Rowen Ray C. Tylutki By the Governor: David M. Rubel Russell F. Trudeau prayer: (SEAL) BEN W. FORTSON, Alan Ray Robert L. Tully Our Father God, turning aside for this Secretary of State. Jack S. Ross William P. Tyler hallowed moment from the violence and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Carl C. Schmuck, Jr. Robert E. Tugend turbulence of these embittered days, we · credentials will be placed on file. Edward C. Svendsen John B. Thro James W. Steidley Charles P. Trumbull would hush the words of the wise and the :Mr. O'MAHONEY. Mr. President, I Ralph C: Smit h, Jr. Leopold R. Tilburne prattle of the foolish. Let not the state think we are all delighted to have pre­ Pemberton Southard James R. Thomson of the world, plunged now into such trag­ sented the certificate of reelection of our Stanley R. Stanul Kenneth M. Tebo edy and confusion, dim our faith in the distinguished and beloved colleague. Kenneth Steen Joseph K. Taussig, Jr. ultimate decencies. May I ask the Senator from Georgia if Frederick W. Snyder Wallace A. Utley May the costly testings of these days it is intended now to ask for additional Julius F. Steuckert Frank G. Vessell proceedings· with respect to it? Raymond J. Schneider Powell P. Vail, Jr. be to us but as the refiner's fire, consum­ Richard J. Selman August V. V. Vornda:rn ing the dross; bringing out the pure gold Mr. RUSSE'LL. No additional pro­ Stewart W. Swacker Arthur E. Vickery of our democracy. Teach us Thy lessons, ceedings can be had until January 3 Burns W. Spore Demetrius J. Vellis show us Thy way, convi~t us of our fol­ next, because of the fact that the new Roy G. Shults Henry L. Vaughan lies, sober us by Thy chastisements, and term of the senior Senator from Geor­ Eugene Sobczyk Hugh B. Vickery make us the instruments of a durable gia will not begin until the new Con­ Marion K. Smith Harvey O. Vogel peace, just to all nations and hopeful for gress convenes. Howard L. Smolin Markeson Varland Mr. O'MAHONEY. I had forgotten Robert M. Strieter William C. Vickery, Jr, all men. In this hour of crisis and ten.. Tony F. Schneider Sam 0. Violett sion, we lift our living Nation a single for the moment that we were not in the Louie W. Strum, Jr. Eugene P. Wil1rinson sword to Thee. Amen. new session of Congress. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Edward C. Sledge Jesse D. Worley THE JOURNAL Weldo W. Simons Horace R. White Chair is in receipt of certificates from Milton 'J. Silverman Frederick c. Wiseman On request of Mr. O'MAHONEY, and by the Governors of ·Idaho and North Charles G. Strum Thomas R. Weschler unanimous consent, the reading of the Carolina certifying the election of new 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 15965 ·Senators from those States. They are Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, will the relating to espionage, sabotage and the pro­ WILLIS SMITH, Senator from North Senator withhold the suggestion of the tection of the internal security of the United Carolina, and HENRY DWORSHAK, Sen­ absence of a quorum? States; and .(3) the extent, nature, and ef­ c. fects of subversive activities in the United ator from Idaho. · The Senators have Mr. O'MAHONEY. I withhold it. States, its Territories and possessions, in­ already taken the oath of office. Mr. BYRD. As in executive session, cluding but not limited to espionage, sabo­ The credentials were read and ordered from the Committee on Armed Services, tage, and infiltration by persons who are or to be placed on file, as follows: · I ask unanimous consent to report favor .. may be under the domination of the foreign STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ably the nomination of Anna M.
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