Scenario for a Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake on the Hayward Fault A report produced by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency September 1996 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute HF-96 01996 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), Oakland, California 94612-1934. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means with- out the prior written permission of the publisher, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 499 14th Street, Suite 320, Oakland, CA 94612-1934. Printed in the United States of America ISBN #0-943 198-55-0 EERI Publication No. HF-96 Notice: Publication of this report was partially supported by the Federal Emergency Man- agement Agency under Cooperative Agreement EMW-92-K-395 5. This report is published by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, a nonprofit corporation for the development and dissemination of knowledge on the problems of destruc- tive earthquakes. The symposium on which this report is based was supported by EERI. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the authors’ organizations, or EERI. Managing Editor: Frances M. Christie Development Editor: Sarah K. Nathe Production Editor: Virginia A. Rich Layout and Production: James W. Larimore Design Assistance: Wendy Warren Proofreader: Nancy Riddiough Chapter Opener Maps: Terrance Mark Tape Transcription: Helen B. Harvey Cover Design: Lynne Garell Cover Illustration: Terrance Mark Copies of this publication may be purchased for $1 5 prepaid from EERI, 499-14th Street, Suite 320, Oakland, CA 94612-1934; telephone (510) 451-0905, fax (510) 451-541 1; e-mail
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