PLEASE NOTE This Catalogue only lists the 3,000 most commonly ordered British parts together with sets, accessories and items not found in original Parts Books. We actually carry and supply well over 30,000 part numbers. It is essential that anyone working on one of these bikes first obtains a copy of the original parts book for that bike. A searchable database (including part number, description, price and stock) of the items we carry can be found on our web site. We can supply illustrated Parts Books for most British motorcycles 1900 – 1984. Walridge Motors Limited: Ph: 519-227-4923; Fax: 519-227-4720; E-mail:
[email protected]; Website: 3 Walridge Motors Limited, 33988 Denfield Rd RR2, LuCan, ON, N0M 2J0, Canada Ph: 519-227-4923; Fax: 519-227-4720; E-mail:
[email protected]; Website: MAIL ORDER ONLY—Personal callers by appointment PLEASE READ THIS FIRST This catalogue is not a substitute for original parts books These are inexpensive and absolutely essential for anyone working on a British Bike INTRODUCTION It is hard to believe that it has been 25 years sinCe I opened this business. At that time a couple of my competitors had a conversation and agreed that we wouldn’t last and I’d soon get fed up with it. Well I have to admit it has been a hard learning experienCe but for the most part it has been very enjoyable and we hope to keep going for many more years. I wrote the first Walridge catalogue in 1988, literally cutting and pasting illustrations with sCissors and glue and photocopying the finished product for Customers who were mostly local Callers at the Counter.