The Newsletter supports Cumbria’s Museum of TheLion& Military Life.

theDragonTheFriendsofCumbria’sMuseumofMilitaryLife Autumn2020 Contents Rebels in the Fells Regimental vehicles - Saxon 'Gentlemen's Cavalry' - Part 1 Book shelf 'History's waiting room' - the Lion and Dragon archive 'Endex' - a military miscellany 'Still serving' news Museum, Friends & Reenactors news Diary Lest we forget sitrep Thank you everyone who commented on the 'The Lion & the Dragon' in our questionnaire. There’s more about the results of the Survey in the News section on page 7. It showed that we need to provide content that interests history enthusiasts as well as former members of the Regiment, or indeed of any regiment. An occasional series on the Regimental Family is in preparation, which will cover men and women, soldiers and non-coms, who form part of the Regimental family that stretcehd back to 1702. RebelsintheFells If you have a candidate, ancient or modern, you'd like Autumn 1715. The white Stuart cockades are much in Lieutenancy, both horse and foot, to be put in such a posture as included please get in touch. evidence in Scotland and the Borders. Supporters of the Old to be in readiness to meet upon the first orders; and also to give We also want to encourage Pretender – James III of England and VIII Scotland have risen the necessary directions to the proper officers of the more people to follow-up against the new Hanoverian King, George. The Borders are forthwith to seize, with the assistance of a constable, the their interest in military threatened by Jacobites, led by a former Northumberland MP, persons and arms of all Papists, Non-Jurors, or other persons history by writing. David 'General' Sir Thomas Forster. that you have reason to suspect to be disaffected to his Majesty Allardice and, in this edition and his Government, and may probably be aiding to such Calling out the Militia Ted Carter, have taken up Insurrection or Invasion." On the 16 September 1715, the Government had that challenge. We’dlike instructed the Lord Lieutenant of Cumberland and The Government instructions, continued, more. Westmorland, Lord Carlisle, who was at Castle " to the Counties whereof you are Lord Lieutenant, Peter Green Howard in Yorkshire, and accordingly it is his Majesty's pleasure that your Editor Lordship should go thither without loss of time to take care " ... to cause the whole Militia within your [email protected] of regulating the Militia." The Earl of Carlisle did not venture out of Yorkshire It was normal for the Deputy Lieutenants to implement militia activity, in this case Lord Lonsdale, was the militia The Militia The 1715 Borlum & his Scot's Jacobites 'General' Forster's Commanding Officer. The job of copying out the government English Jacobites instructions and circulating them fell on the Lieutenancy’s Brougham's Coy Clerk, Hugh Simpson at Penrith. At the end of September he Carlisle Kelso Wooler © Lion & Dragon reported that he and his agents travelled: 24 October Cavalry Troop Kenmuirs' “...three times round both the counties of Cumberland and Dalston Scot's Jacobites Westmorland at times when [the roads in both counties] were Blencow's Coy very bad to travel in”. Penrith Lonsdale's Coy Jedburgh The Militia and Regulars Lamplugh's Coy 'West Ward' Cockermouth Rothbury There were no regulars in Cumberland and Westmorland 19 October just the Militia. These were part-time soldiers, only paid when Flemming's Militia Coy called out – the formal term was 'Embodied'. In Cumberland Stenhouse's Coy Langholm Kendal and Westmorland there were seven infantry companies, Millom 'General' Forster's between 50 and a 100 men strong and a troop of Longtown raises the Jacobite cavalry. Although from the two counties, they were 31 October standard managed as one battalion. Lord Lonsdale reported that Jacobites they were, Wilson's Coy Brigadier Stanwix Cover picture 'East Ward' Dumfries Brougham's Coy & James III of England and James II of " ... almost throughout ill armed, but I don't know how that Blencow's Coy James VIII Scotland, the 'Old England and VII of can be remedied at present, for they can't be provided with Carlisle Castle Lieutenant-General Carpenter Pretender', painted by © Lion & Dragon Hexham Scotland was deposed by in better in this country, and it will be a long time before new 6 October Dragoons and Foot at Alexis-Simon Belle © The ones can be had from London. We have ordered them to throw Jacobites Newcastle, searches the National Portrait Gallery 1688 and replaced by his away their pikes and get firelocks in their place." Forster's triumph in the Fells Borders for Forster, then returns London Protestant daughter Mary and to Newcastle At Newcastle, there were 750 regular troops, under General On 31 October Forster's army, now about 1,500 strong, Lamplugh's Coy Penrith Fell her husband William of Orange. and the Carpenter. And a force of 2,500 dragoons and infantry was marched south, avoiding Carlisle. On 2 November they were 2 November Map Cumberland posse The roundabout journey of the The 'Old Pretender' also known being assembled at Manchester. Two companies of 'Invalids', near Penrith. Lord Lonsdale had called out all able-bodied Lonsdales Jacobites from that is soldiers no longer fit for active service, had been men, the posse comitatus, to support the militia company in Stenhouse's Militia Coy Penrith as 'The Chevalier' was the son Coy Northumberland through The despatched northwards to garrison Carlisle Castle. blocking the rebels' route. The posse was armed with scythes, Cockermouth of James and Mary Modena. He Appleby Borders to the Battle of clubs and ancient muskets. On first sight of the rebels, the Lord Lonsdale Cumbria threatened Preston. was alleged, by some, to have posse abandoned their positions. Forster’s Chaplin Reverend Lonsdale Castle After 2 November been a foundling smuggled into On the 14 October the Governor of Carlisle Castle, Brigadier Robert Patten described them: her bedchamber in a warming Thomas Stanwix, received notice from Newcastle that the Two companies of 'Invalids' More information "...broke up with their camp in the utmost confusion, to garrison Carlisle pass unseen by the rebels Reid, Stuart 'Sheriffmuir pan. rebels intended to seize the Castle. Two companies of militia were moved to the Castle and the remaining companies were shifting everyone for themselves as well as they could, as he is Flemming's Militia Coy 5 November 1715', Pen and Sword, 2014 generally the case of an armed but undisciplined multitude." Kendal The 'Young Pretender', better dispersed across the Counties, to prevent signs of rebellion. Oates, Jonathan 'Battles of the known as 'Bonnie Prince The Castle already held suspected Jacobite sympathisers. Ferguson in his History of Cumberland is equally blunt: Earl Carlisle, Lord Lieutenant of Jacobite Rebellions', Pen and Cumberland and Westmorland Sword, 2019 Charlie' or 'The Young Chevalier' Taken into custody as a result of an order in Council of 20 "... soon as the Highlanders appeared, the posse comitatus Wilson's Coy was his son. July. This canny move deprived the rebels of the leaders of went away; in plain words, they skedaddled, leaving the two Kirby Lonsdale any potential Cumbrian rebels. The prisoners were well commanders and a few of their servants...It is said the prelate And the last battle Both had to overcome looked after. The Bishop of Carlisle, Nicholson, records dining lost his wig, while shouting from the carriage window to his Lancashire Militia to Wigan on English soil? opposition to their Roman with them and Lord Lonsdale: coachman to stop. " Preston or Clifton Moor, Castle Howard Catholic faith at a time when "... I read ye 2dService in the Cathedral; and din'd (with Ld L Westmorland? Clifton Moor, In his diary Bishop Nicholson recorded only that: Lancaster Lieutenant-General Carpenter Catholicism was seen as the thin & ye popish prisoners) at the Governours. (sic)..." fought on 18 December 1745 "Nov.2. I was eye-witness of our Posse's flight, and ye Rebels and Earl Carlisle and Dragoons York between the rearguard of the edge of autocratic rule by King From Newcastle to Preston Forster and the Scots marching into Penrith." Young Pretender's army and and Pope, and the persecution 13 November Sir Thomas Forster had declared for the Jacobite cause on 6 Government cavalry is of Protestants. The last battle on English soil? October at Hexham. He was joined by around 60 men. His described by some sources as The Jacobites entered Penrith unopposed. The Militia had The Battle of Preston only a 'skirmish'. For some the Jacobites first destination was Wirkworth, perhaps intending to go on Leeds and seize Newcastle. But the Mayor of Newcastle barricaded gone, but at least that denied the rebels their arms. The 12 -13 November 1715 represented the security of the Jacobites continued south. They reached Preston on 11 Preston was certainly no the gaps in the Town's Walls and raised a volunteer regiment. General Wills traditional Royal family as November. The road to Manchester appeared open. But the skirmish. And the Penrith On 15 October the first regular troops arrived in the town. Dragoons, Foot and Lancashire Militia Fells? Not an engagement of opposed to the new next day General Wills' regulars, supported by the Lancashire Thwarted, Forster wandered backwards. Preston any kind. Hanoverians, whilst in Scotland Militia, arrived from Wigan. 12 November At the same time, a detachment of the Earl of Mar's Scots Wigan they were a rallying point for Jacobites under Mackintosh of Borlum had marched south, The Jacobites barricaded themselves in the town. The battle those opposed to joined Lord Kenmuir's lowland Jacobites and attempted to had no elegant manoeuvring. Wills made a frontal attack the Union with seize Dumfries. But learning that the town was strongly through the streets of Preston. A day of street fighting In England Lord Kenmuir was executed, as were equipment that was no disgrace. Pikes? Most armies had defended, he turned east. The Scots and English Jacobites, followed, with Wills' troops suffering heavy casualties. Night England. Government deserters, but most ordinary rebels were spared, abandoned them by the end of the previous century. around 2,000 strong, met at Kelso on 24 October. fell, with the town lit up by the fires of burning buildings. although 600 were transported. In Scotland one man was But the militia had scored some successes. The Rebels rebel The day ended with Forster still holding Preston. executed and none transported. General Forster was taken to Neither group were happy. The next day , the 13th, General Carpenter arrived from Newgate, but escaped. Forster ended his life as Steward of the Carlisle Castle and its potential Jacobite leaders in the Newcastle. Carpenter and Wills fell out over Wills frontal Old Pretender's Household in France. A few days after the counties were secured for the Government. And Cumberland The Highlanders didn't want to leave Scotland: Forster did. attack the previous day. Carpenter called it , "a rash attack, battle, Bishop Nicholson recorded, and Westmorland did not rise for the rebels. He claimed that Lancashire would rise and that 20,000 men highly blameable, by loosing so many men to no purpose." would join them. The Highlanders mutinied: muskets were "Nov.19. At Carlile [sic], making Return to ye letter from ye The Editor But Forster was now surrounded. His line of retreat was loaded. It was agreed that they would make another attempt Council but (chiefly) disbanding our militia..." blocked. He opted for surrender. Wills had lost 145 killed, on Dumfries. They failed. Forster got agreement to advance with 131 wounded. There was no glory on the battlefield for Cumbria's militia, into England. Most of the Highlanders deserted. given the number of men they could field and their poor Page 2 Afterwards Page 3 Bn, notably HQ 19 (Mech) Bde. Many saw it as a wheeled equivalent of a tracked cross-country vehicle. It was not! I was ordered, at one stage, to move the Company into extended-line behind a squadron of Challenger main battle tanks to move across a deeply pitted area of Salisbury Plain Training Area. e Nightmare It was an absolute nightmare! Several vehicles from across the 1st Bn tipped over that day, fortunately without serious injury to the Captions Captions soldiers on-board. 1. A Sergeant, Westmorland 1. Lunch for Burma Company q and Cumberland Yeomanry, on St George's Day, 1847 © The Yeomanry Londonderry 1994 Museum, Dalemain, Penrith Security (IS) variant whilst 2. The formal handover of the Regimental vehicles - Saxon based in Londonderry in r 2. Yeomanry Officers, first Saxons to KORBR, David Allardice reflects on the GKN Sankey Saxon – FV AT- 1994. photographed circa 1860. © Maurice Head Major,the Hon Henry Lowther, 105E (Section Vehicle) and FV AT-105C (Command Vehicle) I have it in mind that it was later the Third Lord Lonsdale 3. 'Operation Lionheart', 1984; originally an Alvis private who commanded the regiment 'Claughton', a Saxon from venture to produce an IS r 1870-76 is front row third from Chindit Company negotiates a Saxon was manufactured vehicle to replace the If you considered Saxon as the left. German village. by GKN Sankey, formerly Humber 1 Ton 4x4 ‘Pig’ for an armoured 4t Troop Alvis plc. Designed as a service in Northern Ireland. 3. & 4. Front and rear view of a 4. Loading a Saxon into a Carrying Vehicle, you would cheap, but efficient ‘battle- Full Dress jacket. Hercules © David Israel My Experience be closer to the mark. Saxon taxi’, it was based on the w If not credited the pictures are Bedford M Series 4x4 truck I commanded a Saxon offered speedy tactical 5. 'The Northern Star and from 'Lions and Dragons', by chassis, and powered by a Company and was lucky mobility across theatres of Leeds General Advertiser', Bedford 500 6-cylinder diesel operation, delivering 1846, report on the court case Eastwood, published by Silver and the Ukraine. enough to have the benefit of Link Publishing Ltd. The book is engine that developed 164 a Saxon Command Vehicle. If Infantry soldiers in good that followed the railway navvy order to operate dismounted. riots at Penrith. Unlike available from the Museum bhp giving the vehicle a The 1st Battalion had three memory serves, I had 12 q tours in Saxon. It was one of 'Peterloo' in 1819, the shop. maximum speed of 96 kph Section Variants, my CV and Armoured taxi (60 mph) and an operating the first Infantry Battalions the services of the Company q Westmorland & Cumberland Saxon was designed to t range of some 510 km (320 to be issued with Saxon in REME Recovery Saxon ARV Yeomanry helped bring the deliver formed units from miles). 1984. from the LAD when required, 1846 riots to a peaceful the UK to the of Their own horses There is little doubt that the conclusion. The Section Variant carried Secondly, we joined 19th but good old Cpl Thompson the Rhine by road. With that Each unit was responsible yeomanry was viewed as an 8/10 passengers and 2 crew. Mechanised Brigade in always kept my fleet on the Ted Carter, a former member of the King's Own Royal Border in mind, I believe it met its for supplying their own upper-class organisation. It’s Yeomanry Book The vehicle weighed 10.6 Colchester on completion of road. Regiment casts his eye over Cumbria's cavalry. remit. horses and uniforms, Scarlet officers usually from the There's more about the tonnes, was 5.17 m (17 ft) a two-year Residential Tour The main problem I had upper classes of society and Westmorland and Cumberland It had good ballistic and A Government bill of located in various towns Jacket, Skiddaw grey trews long, 2.49 m (8 ft 2 in) wide in Palace Barracks, Belfast in with Saxon was the lack of manned by freeholders or Yeomanry in 'Better by far a anti-blast protection. The March 1794 authorised the within the counties. In fact it and bell topped shako and 2.63 m (8 ft 8 in) high. 1987. understanding about its tenant farmers. It should be Cumberland Hussar', by Colin Name the names former, better than Warrior raising of troops of volunteer wasn’t until 1843 that the headdress which later As always we'd like to know Saxon was operated by some tactical handling by more noted that at this time Bardgett, Hayloft Publishing, Finally, the 1st Bn used the before it was necessarily up- cavalry, to deal with the name changed to The changed to a short busby as names or stories behind the 15 countries, including Iraq senior officers outside the Yeomanry units could not Paperback £16.95 and Northern Ireland Internal armoured. In the latter case, increasing civil unrest that Westmorland & Cumberland worn by today's Royal Horse pictures we carry in 'The Lion & serve overseas. Regular hardback £26.95 . They are the ‘V’ shaped hull could was sweeping the country Yeomanry. Artillery, some purchased by the Dragon', a quick email to training took place around available mail order from deflect blast and therefore and fears of a French-style the Officers and sometimes is all Although the government the counties with an annual 'Bookends', Castle Street, reduce damage to the crew revolution. by donations and money it takes to spill the beans. camp held generally in May from mines. supplied arms: sabres, horse raised from within the Carlisle or phone 01228 Discretion guaranteed. Penrith pistols and carbines, and district. or June. 529067 or email The CV was a well thought ammunition. [email protected] Westmorland responded. Throughout the rest of the out vehicle. Radios were Upper crust In 1819 The Carlisle Journal nineteenth century, their accessible. Sloping map reported in October that it role. was to support local boards were easy to use, and was intended to raise a corps government when called it had a great deal of stowage of yeomanry in Penrith. upon to do so by the local space for the crew. The Despite having troops in magistrate, when instances automatic gearbox allowed both Westmorland and of unrest, strikes, riots or the vehicle to move quickly Cumberland originally, they demonstrations took place. and very quietly on roads, were known as the However, dark clouds were particularly motorways. Westmorland Yeomanry. forming on the horizon. But then, I never drove one! Their first Commanding Officer was the Honourable [Tobe continued] w Henry Cecil Lowther, second son of the first Earl of e w Page 4 Lonsdale. The troops were Page 5 Book History's Letters Endex Still serving Museum, 'The Lion & the Cousins in Heritage Diary Dragon' Questionnaire There are several groups of A miscellany of military News from the Duke of Sadly at present, events results reenactors who research our shelf waiting to the history from all periods Lancaster's Regiment, our Friends and are subject to cancellation New books or ones that room Editor and from all countries. successor regiment, and Reenactors The results are in. Our regiments. We hope to build or postponement due to you may have missed. the local Cadet Force readers are roughly half closer links with them – our the Covid-19 situation. They can be ordered from Extracts from original We are always pleased to News from those who history enthusiasts (51%) cousins in heritage. Please check the Museum 'Bookcases', Castle Street, copies of 'The Lion and have comments, proudly support our and half veterans (45%). web site for updates. Carlisle. the Dragon', in this case corrections, brickbats or heritage. 34th Regiment of Foot, 01228 529067 from March 1966. even praise. A third had visited the USA - 1770's Museum more than twice in the last 12 months. The territorial Army More on Bedfords NATO Competition Duke of Lancaster's Coronavirus update Overall you are very happy 21 September, Monday 1230 hrs reorganisation David's piece on Bedfords Nick Gower, former Covid-19 Face Masks The Museum is open. We with the content and with Veterans Lunch Club, the Till the Boys Come Home The focus at present is on at was very informative, but he KORBR, dug out his old are working in partnership the frequency of publication. Roger Foss did not include the work with English Heritage to Museum territorial battalions. The copies of 'The Glider' 93% wanted the newsletter The History Press horse for UK Roled (Home ensure the whole Castle and decisions as to their future or newsletter. 'Glider' was to be published as it is now, £14.99 Defence or Internal Security) Museum is Covid secure. in the Parliamentary melting produced by the battalion quarterly. Ever since the signing of pot and much speculation Battalions both regular and during its 1989 Omagh tour. the Armistice in 1918, and official information have TA, the Bedford TK. You are happy with our theatre has played an Included were such gems as content. Only 'Bookshelf' had The 34th provided advice been digested. This had a similar body important part in reflecting the winner of the a significant number of for women wanting to configuration to the RL but competition for the 'Ugliest the experience of the ‘war to All that can be said for The Regiment is now selling people wanting to see less of represent female followers of 13 October, Tuesday no off-road (4 X 4) capability. man in NATO' and the end all wars’. But on the certain is that a major Regimental face masks for it (10%) , but that was the British Army, as part of 1830 hrs It made any off highway strange event of a cow that Home Front, what role did overhaul of the territorial £3.75 each plus p&p. They balanced by 12% wanting an online session for Talk at the Museum, 'The driving very difficult and dropped dead on sighting a those involved with British Army-its roles, its are reusable and machine more! And 78% who thought loyalists. 80th Anniversary of the organisation and its caused much pushing and KORBR patrol. New normal theatre play during those washable at 30°C. that we had it about right. Battle of Britain: Here, Bullet tumultuous four years and administration-is under way. shoving to keep them going Pre-booked visits by ticket 55th Regiment of Foot, Cheap beer Overall every section scored remembering the Polish Brian Turner three months? By the autumn the since many training areas Order online by email to only - we are offering a joint USA - 1757-1783 90% or above for wanting the contribution, Max Loth-Hill Bloodaxe Books fundamental decisions were accessed via fields or at . ticket to visit the Castle and The 55th have been helping Till the Boys Come Home same or more amount of £9.95 should be firm and the new best cart tracks. They only Please allow 7 days for our Museum - available the Editor in his research into salutes British theatre in content 19 October Monday War Poetry didn't stop with shape of these integral had civilian lights so cab light delivery, you will be sent an through the English Heritage the 55th as one of the earliest wartime, when theatres 1230 hrs the First World War. 'Here, components of the Regiment went on when the driver invoice with details of how to web site. We had one request for British regiments to adopt became powerful generators Veterans Lunch Club, the Bullet' is a first-hand account should have emerged. opened the door, brake lights pay. more articles about family light infantry tactics. of the Iraq Wars by Brian for escapism, for stirring went on when foot brake Friends need to book, life, which is one of the Museum 4 Lancs Awards Turner who served in Bosnia patriotism, for sharing 4th Battalion applied & no convoy lights though of course access is Editors' ambitions too, the Spanish reenactors 24 October, Saturday and Iraq. His poetry is experiences of loss and joy – The Border regiment available when we were WO2 Edmondson 4 free. problem is sources. If you The pandemic has 1 Border, Bremerhaven, Arroyo Weekend powerful and times and for raising vast amounts (TA) expected to move at night off have an idea for any article prevented Spanish Germany 1946, from the We are opening 7 days a Regimental celebration and extremely depressing. of charity money. It brings to In July, Battalion road. A large quantity of please get in touch. reenactors meeting. There Museum's collection. week, 10:00am - 5:00pm veterans reunion. Details to life a Britain where theatre- Headquarters and "HQ" bulbs were therefore used. are two groups with links to If you have never thought (Last Admission 3:00pm) Two readers commented on follow. going peaked in popularity, company marched into They are partially responsible Heroines get happy the 34th Foot.Miquelets de of reading poetry give this the paper we print on. This is yet became full of the curious Carlisle Castle to take for the new stonework in the “... At present, indeed, they John Watts' cafe will open Catalunyawho re-enact the book a try. Like the high quality, which allows us 10 November, Tuesday contradictions bred by war. possession of the newly Carlisle Castle archway ! between 12:00am and militia that fought alongside Museum's 'Blood, sweat and were well supplied both with to use the Newsletter to 1830 hrs renovated Ypres block. LANCS, was awarded the 4:00pm to provide teas and the 34th Foot in Catalonia in tears' exhibition this is helps Richly illustrated with They were exceedingly news and happiness by the promote the Friends, since Talk at the Museum, the General Birkbeck formally Lord-Lieutenant of coffees, with limited indoor the 1700's and the34th The understand what The Duke original programmes, posters uncomfortable and cold to recent arrival of a militia back numbers stay in great accepted the block from the Cumbria’s, ‘Commendation seating, but takeaway Border Regiment 'Hawthorne Crater of Lancaster's went through and ephemera, author and travel in the back. To regiment in the condition. But in any case chairman of the Territorial for Reserves’ 2019/20. options. Arroyomolinos who reenact uncovered', Fiona Graham in Afghanistan critic Roger Foss reveals a maintain numbers for winter neighbourhood...” our print run is so small that Association, Colonel J D the 2nd Battalion 34th Foot and Paul Ottey theatrical powerhouse, where training we used to hire LCpl Turner of A Coy 4 The main gallery will be to make any substantial It describes the devastating Hopkinson DSO,TD.This Jane Austin, 'Pride and at the time of what we call all sections of the profession coaches when we could LANCS, was awarded the open with social distancing savings we would have to go and surreal reality of ended many years of arguing Prejudice' the battle of Arroyo dos 16 November, Monday – from grand Shakespearian because several hours travel Deputy Commander Field in operation for light-weight paper that everyday life and death for for which we thank our Molinos. 1230 hrs knights to lowly concert after a full day or shift at Army’s coin by Maj Gen Celia would not reproduce images. soldiers and civilians through protagonists Unlikeliest If you have any special Veterans Lunch Club, the party artistes – were doing work would give even the Quotations Harvey. The award, was for Twentieth Century the eyes of a man who requirements or something Finally, thank you for the Museum their bit, both at home and The Border Regiment toughest soldier second LCpl Turner’s outstanding reenactors served. "One of the most beautiful specific to the museum very supportive messages on the front line. Museum thoughts. Remember we performance over the past 4 things about Britain, apart please phone 01228 532774, that were included in the 14 December, Monday The poems in 'Here, Bullet' didn't have the luxury of foul years 1230 hrs In September RHQ (I) from the NHS and the free email [email protected] replies. are full of pity for the received a visit from a Mr R J weather gear. Or even Veterans Lunch Club, the education, is the British New Cadet RSM or contact us on social media. occupants of Iraq, while at Carruthers whose waterproofs until much later. Our friendly team are ready Join the Friends Museum the same time remaining on Army." grandfather, Pte. J Hopelessly under powered, to help! There are a range of options full alert to the likely Carruthers, took the Russian even with a diesel engine, John Lydon aka 'Johnny to becoming a supporter of moment "when a twelve- Scan this to access Double-headed eagle trophy carrying a platoon, they Rotten', 'The Sex Pistols', BBC Cumbria's Museum of year-old rolls a grenade into the booking site Unable to meet due to the now in the museum, on the belched out black foul Question Time, 6 July 2012. Military Life. You can join at the room." virus, both Border evacuation of Sevastopol in smelling fumes which were Scan this with a QR scanner the Museum or online at the 1855. " two years of National on your mobile phone to go Regiment Great War drawn into the back of the Lucy Charlton is the new Museum site. Service has done me far more directly to the English Living group (2 Border Bedford adding to the Cadet RSM of Cumbria ACF. The Long Service and Good good than my three as an Heritage web site at Carlisle 1914-18) in the USA and 5 June, Saturday, The Conduct Medal and the unpleasantness of the Lucy is at Nelson Tomlinson Museum and 'Bookends', undergraduate, my eight at Castle for tickets. History Border Regiment Frontier Medal and Clasp for journey. School, Wigton is currently Castle Street school and 20 on my knees in Living History (1 Border Bhootan of the late Pte. John I wonder if the MAN is any doing her A levels . She hopes 1944) in The Netherlands, The first 'Carlisle Military Kelly were presented in church." to join her brothers in the better? have been sharing pictures of Festival'. Talks by authors, December last... He enlisted army after she finishes her Brian Sewel, art critic and past events, see above. displays and evening on February 7 1859 in spite Major Nigel Lewis (Rtd) 2nd Lieutenant RASC Nursing training. of the fact that he was only 4th Bn Kings Own Royal reception. Details to follow. 10 years old. Border Regiment Page 6 Page 7 several Russians who were Our Lest we plundering Lieutenant Contacts Heritage Colonel Carpenter of the forget 41st Regt who was lying Cumbria’s Museum of Cumbria’s military Events, distinctions and wounded on the ground. He Military Life heritage includes ‘Trained memorials of our local Alma Block Bands’, Militia, the killed two of the Russians regiments and their men. Carlisle Castle Yeomanry, Volunteers and protected Lieutenant and Territorials, as well as Colonel Carpenter until the Carlisle the regular battalions. 12 September, 1943 arrival of some of the 41st CA3 8UR Taranto, Italy 'Operation Regt.” 01228 532774 Slapstick' [email protected] 1 Border land at Taranto, 10 November 1813, Our modern regiments are with the rest of 1 Airborne Nivelle, France, 34th Foot linked to the past through Division. Their task is to Wellington defeated Soult Check web site for opening times due to the virus. Carlisle Castle. In 1782 it secure ports on the Adriatic who was trying to protect the became the home of the 34th coast of Italy. The battalion French border with Spain. Foot or ‘Cumberland are later attached to 4th After the battle Wellington Regiment’ and retained its Armoured Brigade and seize established his army in regimental connections until the airfield sites at Foggia. France. 2019. The regiment that became the 34th Foot was raised in Friends of Essex in 1702, as Robert, Cumbria’s Museum of Lord Lucas’s Regiment. It 25 September – 13 Military Life served in Spain and Flanders October 1915, Loos, Membership Secretary during the War of Spanish France, Border Regiment c/o Alma Block Succession Loos was at the time the Carlisle Castle 'Sweetheart badge' largest British offensive of From the mid 18C the War. It was the first time home‐made by the wife of an regiments ceased being the British Army had used Duke of Lancaster’s officer, with a safety pin known by their colonel's gas. The initial attack secured Regiment sewn on the reverse, 1 name, and became known by their objectives, but supply Fulwood Barracks Border, 1943-45 their number. and communications Watling Street Road The 55th Foot were raised problems prevented the Preston in 1755 by Charles Perry breakthrough from being PR2 8AA 20 November 2, 1917, Esquire. They were originally exploited. Sergeant Charles Edward the 57th Foot, but when two Cumbria Army Cadet Force Spackman, 1st Border, lower numbered regiments HQ Marcoing, France were disbanded in the Carlisle Castle “For most conspicuous summer of 1756, they Cumbria bravery when in action. The became the 55th Foot. CA3 8UR leading company was In 1782, the 55th Foot checked by heavy fire of a were given the territorial title machine gun mounted in a 34th Foot button, late 18C 'Westmorland Regiment'. position which covered the approaches. The ground was The 34th were combined absolutely devoid of cover of with the 55th in 1881 to any description. form ‘The Border Regiment’. The Cumberland and Sergeant Spackman realizing Westmorland Militia and the the situation, and seeing it Volunteers were re-organised was impossible for troops to as the Special Reserve and advance, went through the Territorial Force battalions of 29 October 1914, fire to attack the gun. the Border Regiment in Rest in Peace Working forward gradually, 1908. Private Christopher John he succeeded in killing all but one of the gun crew. He then The King’s Own Royal Rivers 2nd Battalion Border rushed the gun and captured Regiment (Lancaster) joined Regiment, 486430, aged 23, it single handed, thereby the Border Regiment to from Southend-on-Sea. enabling the company to King's Own Royal Border become the King’s Own Mentioned in despatches. advance. He set a fine Regiment, Officer's cap Royal Border Regiment in Buried in Harlebeke New example of courage and badge, Number 2 Uniform, 1959. British Cemetery, Belgium. Picture © 2020 Find a Grave devotion to his men.” 1959-2006 In 2006 the King’s Own Royal Border Regiment were merged with other regiments to create ‘The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment’. 5 November 1854, Private Thomas Beach, 55th Foot, Inkerman, Crimea “For conspicuous gallantry in Printed by Stramongate the battle of Inkerman when Press, Kendal on picket, in attacking 01539 720448