
Sichas Chullin Shel Talmidei Chachamim Tzricha Talmud —Avoda Zara 19b An Interview with Rabbi Yona Reiss Max and Marion Grill Dean, RIETS

CHAVRUSA: Prior to coming to RIETS director of the Beth Din of America. He asked me CHAVRUSA: As a talmid of the , you had successful careers as a law- to assist him and I readily did; at the end of the who were your rebbeim? How will your yer and the menahel of the Beth Din. year when he returned to Atlanta, I was asked to experience as a talmid here affect Describe what prompted you to make assume the position of director of the Beth Din. your vision for the Yeshiva? these career decisions, of the three For a few years I remained part time with my firm, In high school my rebbeim were Rabbi Cohen which was the most challenging, and but when the Beth Din work became too busy, I ’65R, Rabbi Yaged ’61R and Rabbi Hecht ’64R. if you feel that each position naturally focused exclusively upon the Beth Din. My work I went early admissions to Yeshiva College and led to the next? at the Beth Din was a fulfillment of all of my inter- enrolled in the shiur of Rabbi Willig, who was ests, kept me in avodas hakodesh and allowed me Like many students, I was not really sure what I familiar to me from my summers at Morasha. to use my legal abilities for arbitration and media- wanted to do when I grew up. I attended MTA for After a year in Shaalvim, I wanted to learn on my tion. After engaging in that position, it occurred to high school and Yeshiva College, with summers own; I happened to sit in on Rav Schachter’s ‘67R me that in order to strengthen the influence and in the Morasha . Like many ambivalent shiur. I fell in love with his shiur and ended up vigor of the Beth Din, it was important to develop individuals, I enrolled in law school. I loved learn- transfixed in his shiur until I finishedsemikhah . a stronger affiliation with theYadin Yadin Kollel, ing so I pursued both a rabbinical degree and a I actually would attend shiur during my days off where Rabbi Willig ’71R, who serves as the segan law degree. I wanted to be a Torah scholar and from law school and always sought to obtain tapes av beth din for the Beth Din, is the segan rosh kollel, teach, but also believed in the value of a profes- of his shiurim whenever I could. I grew up in and where Rabbi Broyde and I had studied. I initi- sional degree and I enjoyed the practice of law. Monsey with Rav Tendler ’48R as my mara d’asra, ated conversations with President Joel regarding Along the way, I picked up an interest in dayanus and count him as well as a rebbe of mine. formalizing a relationship between the Beth Din because I felt frustrated that in law school, I was and the The development of Every now and then as a student I would look researching the minutiae of legal texts from a Yadin Yadin Kollel. that proposal led to my having regular conversa- around and say, “I would love to do things this secular context when there was such a wealth of tions with the president; during those conversa- way or that way.” It’s especially exciting for me now material on Jewish law. I wanted to delve at least tions President Joel informed me that Rabbi to be able to actualize those dreams. Of course, as diligently into the tomes of Choshen Mishpat as Charlop ’54R would be assuming a new role and this has always been a wonderful and excellent I did with respect to the law books lining the legal he asked me to consider the position of dean of yeshiva. The proof is how well the yeshiva has libraries. My roommate went on to a dayanus post RIETS. I came to the realization that this position blossomed in terms of students, batei midrashim, studying at Eretz Chemda in . After practic- would be a wonderful opportunity to continue kollelim, shiurim, and programs over the last ing law for a few years, I enrolled in the Yadin Yadin to use my abilities to contribute meaningfully to number of decades. I am privileged to have been program while keeping my job at my law firm. The Klal Yisrael, including the ability to train future mentored by my incredible predecessor, Rabbi law practice became increasingly demanding and rabbonim, poskim and dayanim. During the years Zevulun Charlop. Part of my job is to make sure it was hard to keep up with my dayanus studies. I at the Beth Din I also served for five years as the that we continue to thrive. We have succeeded in took a leave of absence from the firm to study full for a summer YU kollel in Atlanta which adjusting to changing needs and changing times time. During that year I learned with Rabbi Mi- rosh kollel gave me the opportunity to teach YU students for the student body and the Jewish commu- chael Broyde ’93R, who had been recruited from and hone my pedagogical skills. nity in general. It’s important for me to have an his position as a law professor at Emory to be the open, warm and transparent office environment

14 Chavrusa • Elul 5769 Interview where the processes are clear and honored. As talmid lunch meetings. In connection with the we expand there are more issues with which to new Glueck Center, every single shiur will be al- It’s vital to inject grapple, including being technologically savvy, located a space in the beis medrash and each rosh and comporting with the professional standards yeshiva will be seated near his shiur, so he can be an appreciation of required in contemporary times. The fact that we more accessible to his talmidim during seder. We unveiled a new and revised RIETS web site has instituted a program this past semester where ev- been applauded by our students. I try to maintain ery attended night seder for an en- how fantastic an an open-door policy in my office, so thetalmidim tire week, a practice that will continue this next can feel comfortable coming to the office any year. Basically we are establishing mechanisms institution we are in time, to share their reflections, thoughts and con- and infrastructure to enable stronger bonds cerns. I’ve also emphasized the need to generate between rebbe and talmid and better resource terms of combining a positive environment. I recollect, unfortunately, systems for talmidim in general to communicate from my student days a certain environment of with their rebbeim and other mentors and coun- Torah erudition and cynicism and defensiveness; there was an insuf- selors so no one is left without assistance. This ficient feeling of appreciation and awareness of is tricky in an institution as big as ours. But our being in what I consider the best yeshiva on earth. burgeoning size is a welcome challenge. sophistication with There was really no reason not to have that energy, spirit, enthusiasm and optimism. I’ve seen much CHAVRUSA: As head of all Judaic an awareness and of that improve under the leadership of President studies, how will you manage RIETS Joel. I feel it’s vital to inject positive feelings and as a makom Torah for those seeking appreciation of the self-esteem and an appreciation of how fantastic a yeshiva atmosphere and simultane- an institution we are in terms of combining Torah ously, cater to our talmidim who see world around us. erudition and sophistication with an awareness Judaic studies as more of an academ- and appreciation of the world around us. ic requirement? office. The presence of college programs, gradu- A variety of undergraduate Judaic studies pro- ates programs, teams, clubs and other cultural CHAVRUSA: In your new position, you grams have always been offered to our diverse realities does not diminish our presence of being will be coordinating the religious life student body. Each program plays a vital and a yeshiva; it enhances the yeshiva environment and culture on campus. What steps important role, be it the Mazer Yeshiva Pro- by accentuating the ideology that one’s entire life are you taking to enhance the rebbe- gram, the traditional yeshiva program; BMP, the experience can and should remain centered in talmid relationship and the warmth of Stone Beis Medrash Program, also a traditional the olam hayeshiva. Even one’s pursuit of secular the environment? yeshiva program for students with greater time studies and professional education is ultimately There were a number of programs I discovered constraints; the Isaac Breuer College, intended to grounded in a Torah environment suffused with when I came to Yeshiva which were all excellent be an academic Jewish studies college program; yirat shamayim. This is what is what makes our ye- and promising, but which were spread out in and finally the Mechina program, intended to shiva unique and the experience here instructive different places and needed to be coordinated. address the needs of our students with less strong for preparing our students to build professional We had a sgan mashgichim program, to enable backgrounds in Jewish studies prior to matricula- careers, families and communities grounded in students to have more of a bond with individuals tion. We made one important change which is Torah values. looking after their spiritual welfare – in addition historic in the history of Yeshiva. We now have all to their rebbeim; we had shoelim umaishivim all four programs coordinated under one centralized CHAVRUSA: How will you divide the around the beis medrash to answer questions. office to create a more cohesive environment responsibilities and talmidim between We had shiur assistants who helped facilitate for the Yeshiva, so all students will feel that they the various batei midrash? connections between rebbe and talmid in shiur; are part of one unified yeshiva. During orienta- The introduction of the Glueckbeis medrash is we had a — big brother program for tion, we now run “Open House” as one yeshiva, hadracha one of the most exciting challenges of my job. I’m each shiur where the older students mentored rather than as separate units. This past year, we looking forward to it and I hope that we anticipate the younger students. None of these initiatives had “In-Shabbos” programs where 500 – 600 all of the challenges. We will have a new two-level truly connected with one another. One of my students remained on campus, some of the largest beis medrash of over 500 seats and new faculty of- first tasks was to identify all of these pieces that numbers in history to participate in the Shab- fices to enable ourroshei yeshiva to meet and coun- were related to the aim of my office and properly bos program. My wife and I were on campus for sel our talmidim. We have B’H enough shiurim and coordinate them. Rabbi Elisha Bacon ’01R was such a Shabbos and looked around the cafeteria talmidim to warrant this new beis medrash facility, coordinating the sgan mashgiach positions and at the multitude of talmidim, from different in addition to the existing four batei medrash (Zys- I expanded his portfolio to also oversee the backgrounds representing different programs and man Hall, Klein Hall, Furst Hall and Morgen- administration of these other programs. This different hashkafos, all singing zemiros together. stern). We have assembled a few committees to way there is a multi-layered mentoring process My wife turned to me and said, “Wow, this really focus on all aspects of integration into the Glueck coordinated through the RIETS office. We’ve is a yeshiva!” I thought this was a very telling com- Center. Naturally, the integration is a work in also established a more regular series of rebbe- ment that captured the perspective of the RIETS progress. We have ordered seforim for the new beis

15 Chavrusa • Elul 5769 Interview medrash and are in the process of cataloging them. fessional rabbinic training program, the requisite CHAVRUSA: How do you regard the The new RIETS administrative offices will be on professional skills to serve as community leaders. competition to RIETS from both the the sixth (top) floor of the building; we will have Our emphasis has to be outward and community- right and the left? satellite beth din space where talmidim training in oriented because the world is dependant upon No competition. There is a general aphorism that the kollel l’horaah will have hands on training for us. We also have to pay more attention to our kinas sofrim tarbeh chochmah. We welcome Torah dayanut. Determining the appropriate use of all leadership role and responsibility in Eretz Yisrael learning from all quarters and all sections. of the differentbatei midrash and related facilities which is becoming the demographic center for will obviously be a major and exciting focus of our world Jewry; there is a tremendous need for the planning for this upcoming semester. Yeshiva University ideology and vision there. We CHAVRUSA: What are your feelings need to continue to discharge our role in terms of when you sign a klaff? Only a small elite group of rabbonim with last CHAVRUSA: This coming academic community development and reinforcement in names such as Revel, Belkin, Soloveit- year is a big one for RIETS: opening a all the Jewish communities in North America and chik, Lamm and Charlop have had the new beis medrash, a RIETS dinner and elsewhere in the Diaspora. In that sense, maintain- privilege to do so. a Chag Hasemikhah. Obviously, RIETS ing the connection with our rabbinic graduates, will be on a platform this year. How do giving them continued programming, and making This is part of the task of being the Dean of the you see the semikhah program chang- them a part of the conversation with our current Yeshiva, it is part of the mesorah of the position. It ing in the next five years? What are students is a vital part of our mission moving is my job to discharge the responsibilities of the your goals for Rabbinic Alumni? forward. One of the first mandates I discussed position to the best of my ability, including the with the Glueck planning committee heads was to signing of the klaff and everything that entails. I We successfully set up two committees ofroshei set aside at least one table for the members of the take these responsibilities seriously and I’m cer- yeshiva this past year. First, the machzor committee, Rabbinic Alumni to be able to learn in the Glueck tainly awed by the significance of the task. n which devised the seder halimud for the coming beis medrash, to feel welcome at all times and to be years, including some exciting innovations such as able to interact with our talmidim. a yeshiva-wide study of Maseches Yevamos, which is slated for two years from now. The second CHAVRUSA: What are your thoughts committee is theSemikhah Curriculum Review on encouraging more talmidim to go committee, which has performed a wholesale re- into vocations of avodat hakodesh and view of the semikhah curriculum, canvassing ideas the YU kollelim? from both talmidim and roshei yeshiva. Our goal is to create responsive approaches to the various We have so many kollelim, that for the uninitiated challenges that have confronted us over the years it can be difficult to keep track. Think about it. including making the program a more cohesive We have the Katz Kollel for RIETS students, the experience, with the articulation of yearly expecta- Wexner and Beren Kollelei Elyon, the Gruss Kollel tions during the program. We also resurrected in Yerushalayim, the Rabbi Norman Lamm Kollel the RIETS component of the YU press. We L’horaah, kollelim off-campus at schools and shuls appointed R. Daniel Feldman to coordinate the on Long Island and the Upper West Side. We have Yeshiva press to take advantage of all the talent community kollelim in Chicago and Toronto in that we have here – roshei yeshiva and other Torah conjunction with the CJF, and a host of summer personalities – so it will have a more lasting im- kollelim. It’s a way to maintain a presence and a pact on the community, who thirst for the Torah vibrancy, and to contribute to the communities we of our faculty. We are in the process of finalizing a serve. It’s a way for our talmidim to be able to flour- revised YU Hagaddah, a Tanach project, and other ish in different learning and teaching environments seforim of , hashkafa and chidushei Torah of even after they leave the confines of our yeshiva. our roshei yeshiva. We are becoming a yeshiva without borders. Just as There is such an important role for our alumni is heard by countless listeners around the world, so too, our physical presence does not to play, be they in the pulpit, chinuch, chaplaincy, outreach, communal positions, and even our well- need to be confined to Washington Heights. There is a desire for our , and trained and learned lay people. Our semikhah pro- musmakhim talmidim roshei gram represents the gold standard of excellence. yeshiva to have a presence in different communities I am not only referring to erudition and scholar- on a regular basis. Baruch Hashem, we are now big ship, which remain the most important emphasis enough to send out older talmidim and graduates to different communities. I see the community of our semikha program. We are also producing professionally qualified, sensitive and decent kollel trend as one that will probably be met with individuals who have received, through our pro- continued success and will be desired by more and more communities.

16 Chavrusa • Elul 5769