All the Newi of SECTION BED BANK and Surrounding Towns Told Feu-lowly and Without BlM RED BANK I«u«d V?%%V]y, tnUrcd as Bee ond-Class Mattir »t tht Foit- Subicriptlnn Price: On* Year 12.00. VOLUME LIX, NO. 4. ofllc* at IUd Bank, N. J-, und «r the Act of March 8, 1B79. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1936. Six Months, $1.00.' Slngl* copy, «o. PAGES 1.TO12.

'ounty Colored Alumni association, Hospital Show deception For Mrs. Mary Reynolds, Mrs. Braxton Back From Dim Miss LeMaistre Fair Haven Wants Merritt, Mrs. Minerva Thompson, New Factory Here Urn, Carrie Corbln, Mrs, Georgia And Distant Past Opens Tomorrow Negro Graduates Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, Named To Replace Conference To Mr. and Mrs. John Hopson, Mr. and The submarine pipe line used in Mrs. Rufus Sydney, Mrs. Eugene Wil- dredging the river at Red Bank foi At Shrewsbury Of This County Board Will Permit It a deeper channel was cleaned out Mrs. Paul B. Dennis Correct Drainage iame, Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Jones, Friday. A great variety of metal Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Handy, Mrs. Mar- Thirteenth Annual Event to be garet Mowgraas, Mr. and Mrs. C. H, was found in It, Including about J12 Appointed Tuesday Night by Shrewsbury Auxiliary Giving Hearing to be Held Tomorrow Night on Application in coins , of various denominations, Council to Se«k Meeting With Held Wednesday Evening at 2obb, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ramsay, Board of Education at High "Y« Old. Shrewsbury Fairo" Mrs. Norman Panned, Mr. and Mrs. dome of which bore dates from 1853 Red Bank and County Offi- the River Street School at Red Sprlguc Williams, Mr. and Mrs. - of John Savage to Build New Structure to 1880. The dredging last week was School Spanish and English , on Sycamore Avenue—Fair done principally in close proximity to cial* to Remedy Condition on Bank. eph Brltto, Mr, and Mrs. William Teacher. Booths Erected. Bailey, Miss Tlllle Holmes, Mr. and on West Front Street. the dock at tho foot of Wharf ave- Lake Avenue. Mrs. I. *.A. Foreman, Mrs, ' George nue. It is believed that many of the coins were dropped by passengers of j The Red Bank board of education The thirteenth annual reception for Heathe, Mr. and Mrs. J, Francis, Mr. A hearing will be held by the Red Mayor Augustus M. Mlnton waa Much Interest Is being created for Monmouth county colored graduates Bank adjustment board at the town the steamboats, Sea Bird and Alber- Tuesday night appointed Mias Cath- "Ye Olde Shrewsbury Fairs" to be if college', normal schools and pub- and Mrs. T. Seward, Mr. and Mrs. tina. directed at Monday nlght'« meeting A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ruffln, hall tomorrow evening on the appli- erine LeMaistre of Sunset avenue as of the Fair Haven mayor and coun- held tomorrow afternoon and even- ic schools will be held next Wednes- cation of the Red Bank Clothing and An old silver watch i/as also un- teacher of Spanish and English at Ing by Shrewsbury auxiliary of Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Silas Taylor, Mrs. Han- cil to arrange a conference with day evening at H o'clock In the audl- Manufacturing company to construct earthed by the dredging. Other things the high Fchool to aucceed Mrs. Paul lied Bank olilciala and members of mouth Memorial hospital on the orlum of the River street school of nah Mallory, Miss Ruth Smith, Mr. factory on the property on the B. Dennis of Nazareth, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. William Johnson, Mr. and brought to light were nuts, bolts, the county board of freeholders rel- ground! of Shrewsbury Manor on led Bank, It will be under the dl- south side of West Front street un- chains, anchors, sinkers and pieces whoao resignation was accepted a Sycamore avenue. John V. La- Mrs. James Boldin, R. J. Boldin, MIBS ative to the drainage problem In tha cctlon of Rev. Charles W. Nelson, til recently rented by Paul Kutsche of steamboat • grates. The men who fe\v minutes previously. Mrs. Den- rear of several properties on Lake) Marche, In the role of Earl of Emma Fox, Miss Nancy Field and for a saloon. John Savage, chief nis was formerly Miss Katharine Shrewsbury, will officiate at the open- lcar of St. Thomas church, and a Mrs. Marcellne Brown. cleaned out the line were permitted avenue, near River road. The mo- lommitteo of citizenB of Red Bank. owner of the company, has arranged to keep everything they wanted. The Biirney and she taught at tho high tion to do this waa made by Coun- to buy the place from Charles Hoff- school the past 11 years. Miss Le- The' Earl and hie CountesB will The graduates aggregate more than dredging contract Is beinR done by cilman Arthur B-. Sickleo, who aub- 1B0, the largest number slnco the re- man, provided that a perrhlt is the H. T. Gerrish company of Bos- ! Malstre is a daughter of Charles Le- mitted a report of his investigation sponsor the first half of the program, granted to him to tear down the coached by Miss Betty Dey, In the :eptlons have been held. The chief Child Drowned ton and the employees are almost. MalstreL_a member of the school following a complaint by Herman ibjeot of those annual events la to wooden building on the premises and entirely residents of Red Bank and board. She graduated from the State Woolley of Lake nvenue. He said theater loaned by the New Mill Flay- erect a concrete and ote'el factory. ers. Each act will be Introduced by jncourage young Negroes Just leav- vicinity. Teachers' college at Montclair and 'something should bo done Immedi- an English squire, opening with Clar- >ng school to make tho best use of After Falling Mr. Savage applied for a permit to studied for a year In Spain. ately to correct the condition. Dr. ence White singing, "Come to the .heir education to become useful cit- Building Inspector Ensley M. White. I Edwin F. Stewart, health inspector, Falre!" The second number by Miss izens. One of the fcaturcB will be Off Public Dock It was not granted because about one East Keansburg jid^Mo drain pipe was clogged with Elliabeih Goodrich from Monmouth ho awarding of prIzeB to those hav- half of the land is not In an Indus- | rubblsA and growth, causing rain Hllle club will be. "Dear, Dear, What ng made tho best scholastic rccordB. trial or factory zone. The land front- water ft back up on several prop- Can the Matter Be?", the verses be- 'he program follows: Six-Year-Old Child Disappears ing on the street is zoned *for busi- Beach Problem Is erties, \. ness and Mr. White lacks authority ing Interspersed with costume chor- .verturo ...... Taylor'* band of Eatontown From Midit of Bathers and M. Floydy Smith, borough olerk, uses. Miss Marllla Waleworth of the invocation Rev, N. C, HnrKrav to grant a permit under such, cir- of Second Baptlit church, Kcyport cumstances. However, the adjust- Again Considered reported that^ the contract for tha Rumson Private school will follow \nthem, "Battle Hymn of the Itepublic" Spectators—Body Recovered new 750-gallon American LaFrance with an Instrumental nolo,*"The Coun- ment board may issue the permit. Assemblage Near End of Float. All persona owning property within pumper haEL been signed and aenfe try Garden." ' Velcome ~ Charlie Alleyno to the factorjKa,r Elmlra, New York. ocal solo ,..- -—.~ I'euil lloblnBOM 200 feet of the proposed new factory Committee Wil! Go Along With The ensuing number will conalstof Mr. Sickles reported the arrival ,'aper ~ - Hazel Livingston Elizabeth Pope, 6-year-old daugh- have been notified of the hearing and Flan to Fence in and Regulate the pantomime of an old English /ocal aolo ... Athelyn Alleyne haye been Invited to express opinions of the new International chesslB for drama, "Fair and Warmor." Tho instrumental aolo . .... Ernest Heath ter of Mrs. Helen Pope of West the garbage truck. The chassis waa Declamation Earl Seruby Front street, was drowned in the for or against complying with the re- Beach if Majority of People cast will be made, up of Harry Blag- duet ..— ...... Johnson Bisters quest. JOHN SAVAGE. bought from Maurice SchwartB of den as the hero, Stowart VanVllet as sall poem - ElizabetElzh Jctter Shrewsbury river Sunday afternoon Show They Want It. Red Bank. the Little Sister, Desmond Miller 'Iano selectioltio n Miss May when she fell from the float of the The land is 60x125 feet. Mr. Hoff- Charles P. Cross, president of the portraying the , Gray Marshall Cox of New York university public dock at the foot of Maple man for a number of yeara conduct- board of education, eubmltted a Addreai Trof. Chnrlcs avenue. Her body was recovered ed a bakery business In the building. owners -within the 200-foot area and At the meeting of the township Interpreting Herplne and George R, Eason of Shorno university that he has seen nearly all of them. committee of Middlet6wn township statistical report of school activities. Mlddleton as the mother. Trumpet aolo George Wllllnma about an hour after she tumbled in. The arrangements for the sale were The gross receipts for the fiscal Remarks Dr. B. 1, Although there were several per- made by. his lawyer, Edward W. He has been unable to get in touch last Thursday considerable time was The scene changes in the second Vanderveer of Elizabeth with a few, but he says that all who devoted to a discussion about fencing year, ending June 30, were $62,098.- sons sitting on the dock and a Wise, and Harry Klatsky, represent- 34, while expenditures were $58,658.- part of the program from England Introduction of fi-raduatea and awarding of number of children swimming about ing Mr. Savage. The Red Bank have talked with'him say they are in tho public-owned beach at/East to present-day America. The Arion prlsee Rev. Charles W. Nolaon in favor of the permit being granted. 25, leaving a balance of $5,440.09. Anthem, "Lift Evsry Voice and Sing".... at tho time, no one apparently saw Clothing and Manufacturing com- Keaneburg and charging admission The total enrollment of pupils In quartet, composed of Mrs, Theresa Assemblage her fall In. A playmate, Corrlne pany operates a factory on White It is pointed out that the construc- for the use of the grounds. Tho mat- McClintock, Mrs. Marjorle Morris, tion of the factory will increase em- the Fair Haven schools and of Fair Benediction Adler, BIBO six years old, discover- street, where about'150 persons aro ter was brought up by Alex Kruger Haven pupils In high schools o\A- Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman and Mr». Dor- ing her disappearance, ran to her employed. The pay roll amounts to ployment; that the larger quarters othy Uzdllla, will open the second Selection by Taylor's band of East Keanaburg, who stated that side the borough was 476. The Social hour homo to tell her rriother, who in several thousand dollars per week. will also create more jobs; that the the bulkheadlnp which was bet up half, Singing, "In the Bhada of the tearing down of the present building avcrnge cost per pupil for the year, Refreshment*! will bo served by tho turn notified Mrs. Pope. The latter Mr. Savage states that the business several years ago to protect the beach figured on the attendance basis, wast Old Apple Tree" and "Sweetest Story ruahed to tho dock and called to Is growing and that his purpose In Ever Told." The Apollo quartet of hospitality commltteo of which Mrs. will do away with a lire hazard; and j i,ad been badi'y"damaged by storms $88.80. tho occupants of a canoe, which building the factory ie to have larger that property values in the vicinity Asbury Park under the leadership of Loroy A. Lane is chairman. The sec- and would eventually be utterly de- BillB amounting to $1,905.84 wer« retary and assistant secretary of tho was a short dlBtance from the dock, and more up-to-date quarters; He will bo increased because this terri- stroyed If It continued to be ne- Eugene Magee of Red Bank will of- to como and look for her child. says the proposed new building w laid. fer "Sweet Adeline." committee are Miss Lillian Scott and tory logically should be zoned for glected. MISS CATHERINE LcMAISTRE be as nearly fireproof as it is pos- factories. Another benefit Is seen in The following number will bo Mrs, Marcellne Brown, For several minutes it was be- Committccman Victor E. Gros- Among those to be -honored at the lieved that the child had run up. on sible to make such a structure. The the fact that the town will derive singer called attention to the .fact Miss Beatrice Spinney of Montclair "Slash Me Alone!" with J. Ritchie walls will be enclosed with concrete larger taxes from the new building was engaged as an art teacher to re- Red Bank Council Smith In the feature role. In appro- reception is Miss May Cox of Red shore. One person stated that he that about three years ago the people Bank, -who graduated from New had actually seen the girl going up and there will be a steel roof so con- than the present one. of East Keansburg rejected a plan place Miss Catherine Tetkowski of priate background a chorus of bath. structed that It can readily be re- Newark, who was appointed at the Ing beauties will display suits from York university with a degree of tho road that leads from tho dock. Tho members of the adjustment to make the U3e of the beach sug- Of Royal Arcanum Tho search in the water was con- moved In the event that more stor board are Raymond Johnson, Willis last meeting, but asked to bo re- the Elizabeth Guerln shop of Linden bachelor of music. Graduates of les are added. ' gested by Mr. Krucger, The plan was leased from her Red Bank contract place, Red Bank. A hospital skit di- Monmouth Junior college of Long tinued, however, and the body was A. Clayton, Ferdinand Wcsscl, El- submitted by a beach commission recovered about 30 feet from the wood Powers and Robert A, to take a position in the Newark pub- rected by Miss Joan Foster will then Branch aro Inei White, Lenora Wal- Mr. Savage states that he has en- Ken- consisting of East Keansburg resi- lic schools. Miss Spinney Is a grad- Charter Night be presented with Miss Ellnoro Swotv ker, Vivian Wanders, Quinetta Grif- end of tho iloat after Police Cap- deavored to interview all property nedy. dents and it was endorsed by the tain Harry VanNote and Russell uate of the State) Teachers' college son, Miss Virginia Finch, Mrs. R, fin, Frank Anderson and Gcorgo Wil- township committee. The beach com- at Newark. and Miss Foster, taking liams. Wallinp, standing in a rowboat, had mission, the members of. which served Only Two ol Original Charter Johnson located It with an oar. Max Beno- Materials for fence extensions at part. February graduates of the Benior without compensation, spent about a tho rear of the Junior high school and Membera Now living—Have A character song will bo Interpret high school of Red Bank aro William wltz of Fair Haven brought the Bright Club Question Of Bus year in studying the manner of oper- body to the surface. at Oakland street sr.bool will be pur- Been Connected With Chap- ed by Mrs. Stewart VanVllet, whll Robinson, Hazel Livingston, Gladys ating public beaches in other munic- chased from the Anchor Post-Fence Miss Elizabeth Ooodrlch and William Taylor, Robert Hallstork and Fred- Tho Red Bank first aid squad Elects Officers Stops Deferred ipalities where „ adm.ssions are company for ?S25.66. A retaining ter Half a Century. Seymour of the Monmouth Hills club erick Dudley. Another srraduato of was notified and artificial respira- charged. Tho commission membera wall will be erected on the Oakland will sing, "A Bicycle Built for Two.1' this class was Geneva Jackson, who tion was attempted. Dr. William visited scores of beaches and gave a Mayor William R. Fowler, Sr., Middletown Township Commit- street school grounds at an approxi- Red Bank council No. 984 of Royal Pupils from Miss Moore's dancing died a short time ago. June gradu- D. Sayre, who was taken to the great deal of time and effort to the mate cost of $150. The work of class will give a variety of Interpre- scene by Deputy Chief Harold Dav- and Recorder Walter J. Swee- tee Again Votes to Hold Re- Arcanum will observe charter night ates of tho eonior high school of Red matter. erecting the fences and wall will be n their rooms In the Odd Fellowa tative numbers Including "La Cuca- Bank aro Emerson Williams, Cas- ison, also sought to administer treat- ney Re-elected Honorary Pres- quest of Public Service Trans- The report recommended charpe3 done under the direction of Frank racha" In song and dance by Mlsi ment and he and Dr. Johh B. Boyd, hall tonight. This will also be fit- sandra Mann, Lawrence Green, Cae- ident and President. port Corp. in Abeyance. of SI for a season ticket, 25 cents for aviland, school mechanic. tingly observed as the 50th anni- Ardlth Gleen, who will also do an sar Marshall, James Parker, Evabello who arrived shortly after, pro- each Saturday, Sunday and holiday The board authorized the purchase Original dance In riding clothes. Th nounced the child dead. The body versary of Red Bank lodge. Green, Myrtle ' Tower, Athelyn At- and 10 cents per day for other days. •cm the Public Seat company of Only two members who joined Red final number will consist of an oli leyne, Ruth Smith. was removed to the funeral home The Men's Democratic club of Sea The matter of permitting Public It was estimated that these charges renton of 174 chairs for the Junior English demonstrated by Mrs, E, of R. R. Mount & Son on West Bright held a reorganization meeting ranaport corporation buses to make Bank council a half-century ago are Other senior high school graduates would yield an anual revenue of $15,- gh school auditorium at a cost of lving and they are still members of Clark, Jr., and Harry Blagden. at tho reception will be: Front street. Friday night at Harry's Lobster house tops in Middletown township was 000. The cost of building the fence ,279J)0. It also authorized the pur- Middletown township—Pearl Robinson, While a search was being made and mado plans for the summer and gain discussed at the meeting of the the organization. They are Joseph Tom Field, Jr., will act as auction- and of hiring life guards, clean-ui> haso*of drawing room and library Hagerman of Wallace street and eer at the various fair boothB. Mlsi Karl Seruby, Waritn Cobb, Thomas DDldin, In the water for tho child, a tele- fall activities. ownahip committee of Mldilletown men, etc., was estimated tit $7,000. qulpment for Meohanic street school Iaalah Ward, Uoselyn Heath. phone call to police headquarters Mayor William R. Fowler, Sr., and Melvin VanBrackla of Hazlet- The Noel Nollflott,; daughter of J. Fred- Matawan—Ralph Mugcc. Munroe Street, ownship last Thursday. The corpor- This money wns to be advanced by nd of art department equipment for ate George O. Waterman of Red erlck Nollson, noted dog fancier an Maud McUce, LUa May McGee, Camilla was mado from Schiponl's grocery Recorder Walter J. Sweeney, who tlon was represented by a spokea- ~,iver street school from Bacon & tiumbs, Nathan Gumba, Otis WathinK. the township and was to be paid back Bank, who died about two weeks ago, judge, will have charge of the cntriei store at West Front street and Riv- have served as honorary president nan who stated that permission to out of receipts. On the baals of the incent of Now York for $902.30. Long Branch—Hnnnabal Moore, James erside avenue. Policeman Benjamin was another charter member. Tha and management of a dog-and-chll Gwothney, Jesse Jotter, Charles Uanka. and president respectively since the .ake stops was sought not to com- eport made by the commission, the A contract for changing electric lodge membera are urging a full at- race. Albury l'ark—Vlvinn Jordan, Esther Pryor, who was on duty, sent the club was organized eight years ago, ete with local bus lines but to ren- roject would have been self liquidat- leters in the Junior high school Mike, Kovena Colca, Dorothy Gee, Laura first aid squad and notified Dr. tendance to do honor to the charter Tomorrow afternoon a special half, McGuire, Marietta Curry, Bcrolcc- Searlght, were re-elected. Other officers chosen er better service for passengers de- within a year, with a substantial uilding was awarded to Harry B. members, who will be present on this hour program for children will bo au Lillian Sweeper, Lawrence Ilartee, William Boyd; He also called Deputy Chief were Edward A. Brown first vice iring to Ret off buses in Middletown ayes of Branch avenue for $136. 1'ickett. Davi&on, who was at the Monmouth ialance left to repair and extend the occasion. pervlsed by Miss Helen Lang o resident, Edward Hess, Sr., second ownship. He said the corporation ulkheading. Extra work at Mechanic street Shrewsbury. Among tho partici- Neptune—Robert West. Waymond Hol- Boat club, and the latter, with Dr. ice president, George H. Krauss :hool, amounting to $1,164.33, was The speaker of the evening will b» ly, Dorothy Brovm. Hazel Pettlcoih, Do. would bo satisfied with one desig- The plan was submitted to the reei- Joseph Hough of Interlaken, grand pants will bo Morgan C. Knapp lorei Clark, Ruth Stevenson. Sayre and Reuben and Ensley White, third vice president, Edmund W. ated stopping place nnd would not uthorized subject to PWA approval, Freehold—Walter Ham. William D. Itcld, were soon on the scene. ents of East Keansburg at a public secretary of tha state of New Jeraey, Franklin Eck and Claudia Riven Cllne recording secretary, Roy Stone akc on passengers desiring to be meeting. It met with almost unani- e work to be done by Carl C. Roll- berg. Miss Margaret Wood will de- William Simmons, Mildred Harrli. Captain VanNote and Policemen financial secretary, John Fichtcr rson. All the members of the board who will give a history of tha lodge. Vialtins graduates—Thelma. Morris, Mar- ransported to points through -which nous disapproval aside from the The officers of Red Bunk council liver a monologue. Gilbert Dahlgren and Sprlgue Wil- treasurer and Walter Covert ser- .ho local buses pass. tended the meeting, Regular rehearsals are being hel garet Morris, Hlghtstown. nembers of the commission. The are James McLean regent, Joseph liams likewise arrived before the geant-at-orms. The corporation operates buses be- In the Presbyterian church, Shrews Junior high school graduates arc body had been found. The dock ownship committee then dropped the Sole vice regent, Waltor McCoach as follows: Plans were made for a series of ween Newark and Asbury Park. The ropoaition, not deeming it wise to go secretary, James R. Smock collector, bury. Mrs. Forrest Smith of Button was cleared of the crowd that had card parties to be held In conjunction Two Plots Sold wood park, Shrewsbury, is In chargi Red Bank—Jessie Richardson, John congregated when reports of the pokesman for the corporation said head with the proposal in the face Clarence Beck chaplain, A. J. Mo- Green, William Coaliy, Alonzo Dotier. Vir- with tho Women's Democratic club hat with the exception of Middle- of the distribution of tickets. Mn ginia Jones, Norma Drltto, Frank Donato, rownlng had been circulated. f so much opposition. Coach treasurer, Charles Senlon past L. Gray Marshall, Mrs. Lawrenci John Lacey, Qeorge Shomo, Curtia HurireBB, of Sea Bright. The first will take own township all the governing These fact3 were reviewed by Mr. At Knollwood regent, George Wilson, Jr., g^iard, Although the child wore a batti- place In the near future at the Surf Hall, Mrs. D. W. Mellor and Mrs. T. Charlei Cosby. Constance Nelson, Jamoa ng suit she had not beon In ths jodies of municlnaliiiies between the Grossinger, wtio stated that to hla George Conk sentry, William Fritz Pulton!, Cathlccn Davis, John Dukea, bathing pavilion. The committee In wo points mentioned had agreed to The plot of ground owned by Al- orator and Lester Scott trustee. W. Osborn are In charge of the pan Roslna Frailer, Elizabeth Uracewcll. water provlous to falling off tha vay of thinking the outcome was vif- try shelf. Attractive floral gifts or, charge consists of Theodore Goode ermit stops to be made and that the ually a refusal by the people of East ei't S. Miller on the corner of Lake Loni Branch—Wllllum Corrin. Leon Wil- float. The tragedy occurred short- venue and Harvard road, Knollwood being promised Mrs. Thomas R liams, Elisabeth Andrews, Daisy Urndhnn, y after 4 o'clock, when the tide chairman, Boy Stone, William Shires, natter would soon be passed upon by veansburg to receive something for Crumley from many of the large ei Arnold Brsdhan, Catherine Mumby, Audrey was extremely high, and the depth J. Armand LaVigne and Edmund W. he public utilities commission. othing. He said tho plan submitted las been sold to George Lane of Fair Flowers, Stuart Flowers, Marie Jameji, Jos- Cllne. iaven, who will Immediately build a Religious Council tates for the flower booth. eph Brlato, Flora WlllU. (iraco PolhcmUR, f the water was about seven feet. The committee adopted a resolution .van tantamount to such an offer in Thelma Johnson, Samuel Slaggti, Joseph At low tide there Is barely a foot No further meetings of the club o postpone action on the request. iew of tho fact that the township evidence of six rooms and bath. The Mrs. J. Ritchie Smith, chairman o lot has a frontage of 75 feet on Har- To Hold Excursion the fair committee, announces adde< Hall. Rather Andrews. of water at that part of the river. will be held In July, but the club will iome of the members said they ^as willing to llnance the project. He Grade school graduates follow: meet on the third Wednesday In Aug- nought tlie wisest course to pursue ard road and 150 feet on Lake avc- gifts from Ruby Lane, Inc., an; Besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. aid he did not feel like re-openinj; Tho Young People's council of Re- Flake, Fair Haven—Florence Laznrus, ust and September. was lo liokl tin? mnttcr in abeyance lie matter without convincing tlem- ue. The sale was effected by Boromnn brothors. Irn Crouse ho Dorothy Jteevey, Muriel Lyons. Icnry Pope, Elizabeth la survived Imrlea 15. Sweeney of Humson. ligious education of Red Bank will donated lumber for building boothi Eatontown—Vivian Shie-ldi, Julia Mvlrm- by two brothera, Albert and Leon ponding the decision of the liti 111ion ristraUon that the people of East commission. During tho past week title* was al- hold Its annual moonlight tall on A decorative poster hns been give ston, Dorothy Johnson, Bessie Adnms, Pope, [Ceansburg, had had a change of Monday, July 27. Tho Steamer Sandy by Elliott R. Bralnard. The priv! Eleanor Taylor. George Wolcott heart. Tho same attitude was shown a passed on a plot of the eame di- Tlnton Falls—Hattle J. llammondi, Ger- The funeral wna held yesterday mensions on Harvard road. This Hook of the Central Railroad line, lege of soloctlng a gift hns been o: trude W. Drake, Milvln German, Elizabeth afternoon at 2:30 o'clock nt the >" the other members of tho commlt- which has been chartered for tho oc- fered by Kathleen B. Schwcers' Re Jetter, JUiter Jordan, Paul Hull. Evallna home of hor grandmother, Mrs. Wins Scholarship Sea Bright Firemen ee. lot, owned by George S. Ingraham Bank gift shop. Williams, Elisabeth William.. f Brooklyn, waa sold by tho same casion, will leave tho Atlantic High- James Klngsbury of Bank street, Mr, Krueger said he had Rood rea- lands pier at 0:45 p. m. Reservations Middletown township—Florence Golden, with Rev. W. Carman Trembath, George Ij. Wolcott, son of Mr. and To Have Annual Ball on to believe that euch a change irokor to Richard G. Tlco, who owni Margaret Chaplin, lUmlrice HarrU, QuetU , very attractive home adjoining the may bo made with Harry Worden of BAR LICENSE RENEWED. Dirrlckson, Robert Dlrricknnn, Kdna pastor of tho Reformed church, of- MrB. Janwa R. Wolcott of Red heart had occurred, He said that llrooki, Sarah Vail, Donnld Laruc, Uav- Oceanic lire company of Sea Bright ilot. Mr. Tice will fence In-the lot Enst Front atreel, whp«e telophone ficiating. Burial, in chnrRo of R. Bank, a (student at the College a nany persons who had been opnoaed Is Red liank 657, with Francis Trtrr ringltorn Back in Iluslness mond Lnrus* Sadie Walling. R. Mount & Son, was In Fair View Physicians and burgeons nt Columbia will hold its annual ball on Wednes- o tho project were now In favor of nd landscape It. Thia Is the fourth or Atlantic Highlands—Thomns Keys, Dor- cemetery. day evening, Aubust 20, nt the Smoke Toperty In knollwood sold by Mr. Huuch of South End avenue, Port Again In Mlddlntnwn Township, othy Kcyl, university, has been awarded a schol- t. He said that as a result of neglect Monmouth, whose telephone Keyport—Oeorgetto Creel, (Scraldlno Mft- arship of $250 by the university. The Shop tavern ut Hhrewflbury. Walter and lack of miimrvlaion the beach had .Sweeney during the pnst yenr utul a Peter Fingltorc ro-opened hla bar Jor, Lewis Jamei, Jr., Josephine Mitchell, J. Sweeney la chairman, nnd Jainen mlf. rg Vi H. Plnm are also bdnfr Amorv Mltch.M. award was In recognition of hia line deteriorated and was not attracting by tho council for a beach party to on the etato highway near Head- KLECTION OF OFFICEH8. record in hie second yenr at Colum- P. Thorsen la trea.surer. Others on den's Corner Friday nftcr It had Mfttawan—Flora Tullla, Ednii Mack, is desirable a an formerly. He be held somotlmo In August. lni> Leater. bia. Ho won a $300 scholarship there the committee urn James F. Milior, suld be believed he could ili'inon.itratc SOLD HIS rilOl'ELMCKS. been closed nine days. At tht last Aabury Park—Anita Jordan, Margaret Kiigeno I.lrnrck Named President of John J. Ilyan, Axel Forsnmn and 1 regular Juno meeting of the town- MontHomery, Elizabeth llurfort. Vaatorln rinyom Boat Club. last year. Mr. Wolcott will return tc within a short time to tin s«tlnfiictioi Columbia In September for his third Harry l'ctermm. Victor Perot ti i 'r('t tlmoc llltlo want mla uljuut sonio Tom Howard of Knollwoocl, prom- liam Woods, Maxwell Hrvant, Asher in Fnlr Haven clubhouse. tho manner In which he conducted Tucker. William Lewis, Irvlnu Hull.. spending tho summer with him, am! rcMltlr.nt Alh 41i Victor IC. Myrtle Williams, Dr. Q. F. Miller, Mr, more than 100 persons enjoyed the Colt and Albert W. Wordon. port as tu tho cunt of repairing nni -.ulhilliul llm'r of Tho UcKlalor'n want ing him to ba the "annel" In back Grosslnger, wlm mndo tho motion dunce. Alfrod P. Boyco acto-d aa ty tonight In the baiictucnt <>f tin At a nrovtoun mooting nf thi' tionn: anil Mra. Loroy A. Lano, Thoman Irv- church on Bhrewnuury avenuo. Prize, rxliMidliiK tho inilkhi'nillliK. roluiiiMS hn;i (toon tho puwer of Tho of thn now slock company which In renew tho llcenso. ing Brown, George C, llanco, Mm. mnator of cernmonles. Another f directors word wn« received frim KlntiT lirlnK H«I1.T and buyer to- >|ion«il at Hhrownbury Monday night. dance will bo held Hatnrday night will bo awarded tho winners nnd ru Myron V. Brown Unit ilui' l<» othri Cuetha Freeman, Dr. nnd Mra. J. W freshmenta will he served. Tho com Ili'iiollt MviHlrnli>. t'.cthor In a- mutual tiaiiiiactlon. Moonlight Hnll. Parker, Dr, and Mrs. U. E. MnrHhnll, Kntertnlnmont wu featured by Kay nmttorH ho dlei not. Imvo time to bi In Tim IUj;l»tor'a Inrgo army of ami Ann, juvenile dance team; Jean mlttee In charge conslntn of Mis: active on tho buurd of dli-rctum ol Tho Wuiidoiint; boyn' qimrtot i 1 Irfonnimith limit Club A moonlight sail from the Atlan- Dr. and Mm. M. C. Dnbnoy, Mrn Mather Cretin, Mro. Axel Ornbcix, ndi'iii thrrt In iiui'i'ly lioiiio ono who np;, acrobat lo tap dancer, anil tho Chamber, and at Tui'mlny morn Jpr.'H'v *'Hy will 111 i-oi'iit H inoKriiiu i IIIUI fur Halo thai miinothl"K you want Tho Moiiinouth Dout club of M»'l tic HlKhlnndfl pier to various places Medellne B. Lucan, Qreon llnxi., Mrn. Henry Bennett and Uflnjamln Hulut Hplrltiinln Thiirndiiy nlKht, July 211, « Hank will hold Ha inlrtnummtr il»nc« up the iluuHnn rtvnr will be held Lillian Scott, Mr. and Mrs, (JoorKO iirf/n dlllnllon, who rendored sev- 'H iii'Wilon William I,. KIIHFIRII WIU nr wnutu to buy tlmt which you havo tl vocnl solentlonn. immrrl to 1111 tho vnranny INUIUIMI 1>J tho Wi'ntsliln Y. M. (!, A. hull on W(i fnr Halo. Hitturiiny night of this week at th* Tuomlay evening, August 4, under Tnylor, Mra. Rebecca Olnvor, Mr. anil Rove .10% Uri'Tn pliiri-. Thn i-ntritultuniMit I clubhotifin. Tlifi dnnflo eomtnltte* the nunplci-n nf the Ladles' auxiliary Mrs. Madison Williams, Mm. Flor Mr. Ilruwii'n n-ulKiiiilUrn. 1 on your automobllo Inmintnrfl fn imlnK nivcn by the Went. Kml ltun Ilnwcll'ii (of N, V.) l/niiclng (llMsnos, raprltK!* JCdifur V. Dunlsa and HJr- of flhroWHbiiiy ponl. of tho American ence Athlll, I '. r>eon llnnla, Mra For Sal*. 1036. Hi)lin\ Whits Book. Benjamin U. Crate, 14 lier It clinlrmnn. Richardson, Mra, Loroy Richards, Mr, 3100.—Advertisement. WlkofT Co., Hod Dank, phono 532.— Ilnoklet nil ri'quont. Ailvcitlainnnt. North Bridge avenue. K«d Bank, Advertisement , I'urni l.lHlliiRa WiuittMl. — -*•*•-«•• • and Mrs, C. Kvana, Mr. and Mm. Jon nhonn 1485—-AdvertlMHient Typewriter Specialist. Havo demand for proportion of Money to I«nd Fatley's For Typewriter* o|ih WllUama, Mm. Henry Winston Any tnaka oleantil, oiled and ail Don't MINB to 2i) ninns with or without building mi (lint moituaKQ on Improved prop- Guaranteed machine! at bga Mr, and Mm. Ned Williams, Mrs Wmtalilo Flromm'a I'ulr. Juated, o«w roller Included, ja.VO McthiHllHt Iliirvoftt Home- nnd Htiznu nlno linger rarms. Hiuid full pnitlr.i ortion In K»"<1 condition. Promiit na- Mary Patrick, Mr, and Mrs. Jaraoa Annual fnlr, ltlvrr ntract ichool, Adding maonlDM repaired. Buperloi on Church lot", lltond ntronl, Align* linn to Allnlto Ik Bon Aiinncy, Inr tion. Allitlro St Bon Avvnoy, Inc., II prlorn. Kxpert repairing. TiUey'a, Hod Bank, July 11 to IS Incluilvf.— Broad itrut. Red B*nk<—AdvtrtUo Avery, Paul Mulligan, MohmoutU Typnrrltar Barvloa, Koyport, N. J 7 and H. Buppor DQ cents.—Adver- 111 Monmnuth stroet. Red Dank.—Ad Mnnmiuilh atritt, Red n«ok.—Ad- nnt, AdvcrUienunU ebon* «ir-A<»"rtrt««in»nt, tlaomcnt. vtrtlaemenU v«rU»«mcut, Page Two RED BANK BEGISTEB, JULY 16,1986. of th» late Robert Collier, and was Barbecue Held On Mother Prioress Of given to the Good Shepherd order by his widow. The community em- THE FLAVOR'S Veneered Brick Preserves Rumson Polo Field Good Shepherd Home brace* 12 nuns and about B0 girls be- THE PAY0FF1 tween the ages of 10 and 20. Th« Hardlng-Johmon polo field at Reverend Mother of the Divine Jacob Stkinbach Dignity of Colonial Design Rumson was the acene Saturday of Heart was officially Installed aa the 1 *^^^^ . r\> DD tMPU a barbecue, oountry dance and fair. prioress or mother superior of Good Now a Secular Header. BROADWAY. LONG BRANCH Mrs. i J. Ford JohnBon was chairman Shepherd convent at Wickatunk Albert B. Hermann of Milltown, Re- of the entertainment committee and Monday afternoon by Rev. Thomia publican candidate for congress In Hugh Rlley, chancellor of the dlocete the third district, la now a regular Drive Tour Car In Oui Free Forking y«il and Shop In Comfort was ualated by Mrs. Edwin Stewart, of Trenton, who was deputlxed by n Mr*. Rube WIHlama, Mrs. Charlca reader of The Register, Mr. Her- Bishop Mosea E. Kiley. She was the Harding and Mra. J. Hartley Mcl- mann had a temporary subscription third mother superior to be lnstallod but found The Register ao Interests «ok, Jr.. since the foundation of the convent Mr. and Mri. J. Ford JohnBon en- Ing he became a yearly subacriper In nine yeara ago. The Register's subscription campaign. tertained at a cocktail dinner beforo Tho ceremony was attended by the barecue. Among thoae entertained Rev. Dr. John B. McCloakey and were Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Oatlna, Father Francla Dwyor of Red Bank; { Out on Forehead. Jir. and Mrs. Alfred Nash Beadles- Rev. John J.;Kucker. of Freehold, Emma Thorpe of Wharf avenue ton, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ackerman. Rev. Louie F. Cogan of Bradevelt, WBB treated at Rlvervlew hospital Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, Mr. Rev. Francis J. Sullivan of Burling- Saturday for a cut on the right side and Mrs. Cbarlea Harding, Mr. and ton and Rev.--John J. Lucltt and of her forehead received when she Mrs. Edwin Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.Father Wagner of Keansburg. was pushed out of a, small express Robert Hartahorne, Mr. and Mra. Tho convent was the, former home wagon by a playmate. Allison Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. JUthbono, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Burden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cush- man, Devereaux MUlburn, Mr. and Mri. J. Wright Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ilsley, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crane, Mr. and Mrs. William Hard- Now Open Ing, Mr. and Mra. Rufus Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Amory Haskell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Field and Miss Hope Another Shipment! Oatln8. ' PETE'S Off For Germany. Mlas Anna Renshler of Philadel- phia, who has been stopping with H0RNUNGS SHIFMAN her Biater, Mrs. Fred Kienert of Campbell's Junction, near New Mon- COUNTRY CLUB BAR AND GRILL WHITE BOCK tnouth, sailed on the Bremen today BIER for Germany. She is a native of that Alto on Drtujht *t Ieudlnj Uproomt oountry and the Intends to make her STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 35 Innerspring Mattresses future home there. Hor parents, who lived In Germany, died a short North of Cooper's Bridge Regularly 19.75 time ago. BENJAMIN H. CRATE 14 N. BRIDGE AVE, RED BANK, N. J. The road to better and bigger busi- WINES LIQUORS TELETHONS MSB. ness leads through The Register's ad- vertising columns.—Advertisement. luob Homuf BriwUg Co, Pkllid»lpKU .75 Calm dignity and balance of tho Though conventional, the plan of- fers one innovation In the small al- early colonial style are preserved in 60 BROAD ST., Phone 1444 this brick house with walls veneered RED BANK, N. J. 14 lotment of space for the breakfast to match the white trim. THREE Positively the Last Available at This Price! nook near the kitchen. Part of tho Placement of the shrubbery helps full basement is converted Into a center interest on the carefully de- BIG DAYS 15c Retcmpercd rustless coll spring construction. one-car garage. tailed doorway, surmounted by a Ship deck oak is used for flooring broken pediment. Inner spring unit completely Incased In quilted sisal the living room and halls, oak In Designed by Edgar W. Archer, ar- pad. the kitchen and bedrooms and hex- chitect, the house was built at Louis- • THURSDAY Icfc Cream Upholstery of long staple cotton felt agon tile in the bathrooms. A com- ville, Kentucky, for $4,750. It Is one position flooring material covers tho of a group of $5,000 houses selected V7> Tailored roll edgA oak in the kitchen. by "The Architectural Forum." • FRIDAY Sodas Ventilators and strap handles In sides. THE REX ALL DRUG STORES Individually box packed and sealed at the factory. INJUNCTION DENIED. Relationship Arid • SATURDAY % for 16c Bine damask ticking. Vice Chancellor Says' Autos Are as AD Rixdfc Noisy as Holler Coaster. Politics Interwoven Vice Chancellor Maja Leon Berry Ernest B. McGilvray of Leonardo, 1 duality Mattress at the Price of an at Newark, dismissing a suit for an ho is engaged in the building and injunction brought by an Asbury ntracting business and who is a Inferior Grade. Limited Quant it 11. Park boardwalk hotel against a rol- ember of the Democratic executive ler coaster concern, opined Tuesday >mmlttea of Middletown, township, THDAY SA —THIRD FLOOR- that he found the automobiles pass- a brother-in-law of Congressman ing by on the street and the pound- ftlUam Lemke of North Dakota, ing of the surf on the beach "Just ho Is running aa a third-party caa- * * • • HOURS OF BUSINESS: A Department Store as loud" ae the rumble of the speed- Idate for President with the back- ing coasters. g of Rev. Charles Coughlin of n- 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. in the o fame. Congressman Lemke has in illinium 11 Smtardayi— Same Location The action was brought by the •een very critical of the admlnlstra- I I 11 Asbury Park Hotel and Realty com- lon of President Roosevelt. Mr. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Since 1873 pany, operators of the Monterey ho- cGilvray formerly lived In the West tel, against Abe Rubin, amusement .nd he is a brother of Mrs. Lemke. mas. Speculation Is rite among Middle- Nationally Advertised Cot Prices wn township residents familiar RUBBING .35 Fletcher's Castoria 22c FILMS ith the situation aB to who Mr. ALCOHOL .65 Kruschen Salts 39c No. I16-NC [cGllvray will support for President, 8erpoturai Even his most Intimate friends A cooling and Invigor- 1.00 Nujol 54c ont profess to know the answer, but ating rubbing prepara- Birthday Sale •hey say they are sure of one thing. tion. Full pint bottle. .65 Dryco 54c Price ["his is that if Mr. McGilvray contln- .60 Jad Salts, Cond 31c les to serve on the Democratic ex- Birthday ©*» .60 Bromo Seltzer 34c GOES SHOPPING icutlve committee it nay safely be Sale Price 7t> 1.00 aken for granted that he will vote .25 Shu-Milk lie r President Roosevelt. However, .50 Barbasol „. 29c PERTINENT POINTS ON BUYING A MODERN GAS RANGE ey dont deny that if Mr. McGllv- MODERNS ay does not choose to follow this BATH .50 Unguentine '. 36c urse there will still be time for OUTING CT MIGHT have kept my old- own oven watching and attends ra in all propriety to resign from SPRAT JL fashioned range; I might to cooking the whole meal prop- he committee and announce his sup- Extraordinary Purchase! 10 Oz* JUG lort of his brother-in-law. Congrest- Green, red and white. have continued to put np with its erly while I am away; My meals an and Mrs. Lemke have occaaion- Fits tight on any faucet ROSE COLORED Gatloa lite. Toasted bother and inconvenience; I are better cooked and more de- ly been visitors at the home of Mr. ... won't (Up off. GLASSES cork Innilatlon. might have kept my eyes closed licious; Full insulation keeps my nd Mrs. McGilvray. Birthday A%C Birthday to its out-of-date unattractive- Modernistic, black optic Sale Price kitchen cooler and saves me Sale Price •)*%» pattern. Excellent {or iced ness; But I went shopping one money on gas bills." tea oc highball). day and saw a Magic Chef gas Mrs; Modern also appreciates Birthday Sale Price range; I was greatly impressed the top burners with a thousand Schwarzkopf Heads PROPHYLACTIC JOHNSON tl JOHNSON with its modern style and beauty. even heats; the high burner tray Trucking company Dozen FIRST AID I became very much interested in and smooth oven linings easy to HAIR its many advanced features; I clean; the handy drawer-type Colonel H. Norman Schwarzkopf, TBAVELKIT realized then that if I ever was to lupcrlntcndent of the slate police for BRUSH broiler, smokeless, trouble-free; Good quality brlittca la metal box. Con- have a really modern kitchen my 15 years until Governor Harold Q. the handy utensil compartments Hoffman refused to reappolxxt him on molded in hard rubber. Household Needs at Birthday Sal* Prices taining all essentials. first step was to replace my old —to mention only a few more ot June 8, Sunday became vice preai- Birthday range with a Magic Chef; Birthday the many Magic Chef features; lent of the Middlesex Transportation Sale Price Aspirin Tablet*, 100'...... *9C Sole Price !'Until I bought my Magic Chef company of New Brunswick, and will No odier range of any type will Witch Hazel, Pint * . - 19C ] never would have believed that have charge of operation* of the give yon more; any modern range offered so firm, which employs 127 persons and Psylllum Seed, Black, 2tf lbs. 590 has 80 truck and trailer units. MODERNE many advantages; Its speed, flex- You can prove this to yourself by Carfrona SHOE KIT Milk of Magnesia, Pint *7C He succeeds Mayor Nellson Ed- visiting our store and inspecting^ , Contains ibility and efficiency are simply wards of Rumson, who has resigned. Carbona Shoe Mercurochrome, yi or. bottle 9* HAIR amazing. It has so many features the many Magic Chef gas range Before entering the state police Mlv- Polish, Dauber. Bicarbonate of Soda, 5 lbs I9C that appeal to a woman and save models on display on our floor; Ico Colonel Schwarzkopf was super- and Lamb's Wool Epsom Salts, 5 lbs. DRYER her time and laborj The top You will find many sizes, styles intendent of the shipping department Polisher. With cord and of I* Bamberger 4 Co,, of Newark. Birthday Sale Peroxide Hydrogen, Pint burners light themselves when I and colors; And among them is Price plug. A. C. only. turn on the gas; The Red Wheel one which will meet exactly all Mineral Oil, Pint . . Birthday Lorain Oven Regulator does its your particular needs; Charmona Cold Cream, Pound . . • . Sale Price Extinguish Fire 24c Castile Shampoo, Pint (Modal Shown) In Gasoline Pump KBAPSXT FLASH- SERIES 2500 Using chemicals, Red Bank flre- VACUUM SWEETIE POPS mon early Friday night extinguished Six Delicious Assorted Fruii Flavors LIGHT flames In a gas tank In the rear of the Peter Pun bakery at West and BOTTLE Rnsoberry — Pineapple — Orange, Complete with batter, $9950 Lemon — time — Wild Cherry let—two cells. Handy Wall streets. Their quick action un-* Keeps liquids hot or doubtcdly prevented a serious flr«. cold. Pint alic. for auto and home use. Other models from Sale Price $40.50 up The tank ignited while Robert Let- Birthday Birthday ter, a mechanic employed by the Sale Price • ompany, was filling one of the cara. Salt Trice MAQIC CHEF FEATURES It )a bollovod that a spark from an electric motor pump started the fire. All 5c Candy.. 5 for MAGIC CHEF TOP BURNER. Choom /rom that IMMIOMIIJI Itnoum braniu MAGIC CHEF AUTOMATIC A general alarm was sounded and NATIONAL DAIRY 1 CASCADE the entire department under ChUf H.t.lteT ., Dr~m B.r, Allen'. ToffM, Kyr'iIBUIIMKOKII. 1W. TOP BURNER LIGHTER. H.h, Huih IW, Munn'i, B.tct'1, 6,ndr Wrnhn. T~"l« R«ll.r SANITARY HIGH BURNER James J. Vaughn responded. MALTED W.ln.lliM. Neitln'i, LlfeSmrs. Merculu P««tiuw, Pynttt B>rf, TRAY. Bctch-Nui, Chid*;. D.ntrno, iWmn'i. Ad«ttu, Wrlsl«T-« Oum. PORTFOLIO RED WHEEL LORAIN OVEN MILK Th«« ar« juil a /mu — 'htrm «M many t"»M 24 SheeU —'24 En- REGULATOR. TIIIUEE I'KItSONH INJURED. FULLY INSULATED. Chocolate flavored. A velope! of good GRID-PAN BROILER. yeir round beverage. 1.25 Petrolagar 77c quality stationery. GRAYSON COOKING Automobile Hits Trailer and Side- swipe* Another Car Near Katontown. Birthday CLOCK. TELECHRON MO- Birthday Atkl* 2 1b. .50 Conti Snampoo 31c TORED /BiUQjUtltee) — Self Sale Price *tjK tin SaU Price Mirt/ns/ . Tuxriio»en Durneron Throe pernonii were injured Thurs- .25 Noxzema 8c txvloumuwtntiicillTiaatsitta. day night In an accident on Neptun* highway, Katontown, whan a ear, 1.25 Absorbine, Jr 79c driven by William Todd of Newark, .50 Phillip. Milk Mag 28c nliiirk a HtAiulaid Oil company trail- er and aldeawlped a car, operated by .50 Iodent Tooth Pa«te 27c Uornnrd Aaromion of N©w York. .25 Feenamint 13c Todd nnd Mlaa Adellna Baur of .50 Kolynoa Tooth Parte 29c Now York, a paaxenger, were Uk«n to Fltkln hospital for treatment of .25 Ex Lax 13c minor brul»«« and nhock. Ml«a A. With tkh <2oupo* With fkli f MISB Mae Asplnal. Georgia Faye of Jersey City, on guests were Mary Devlin, Celeste "It's The Quality in Mlia Geraldlni Loaooe of Jersey Miss Georgia Fay of Jersey City A Verdict of $111.45 In Hit Fa-City In •pending two weekB with her J. Franklin Domlnlck Is enjoying Wednesday evening. Her guests In- Wenzel, Bernice Sanford, Barbara Wo weeka' vacation from bis duties a guest of Miss Hope Lewis for cluded Miss Janet Domlnlcki Miss Donnell, Janet Emmons, Herbert vor and Againit Vincent A. •later and brother-in-law, Mr. and ie week. Sexton and Harold L. Wood- Mr». Harold Smith of Jackson street. with the Globe & Rutgers Fire In- Agnes Price of New Rochelle, Miss Cottrell, Howard Lloyd, Havard Hen- Mlsa Jean Devlin entertained 20 urance company, New York. Mr. Forbes Corbett was given a fare- Faye and Richard Franklin, Forbes derson, Randolph Harris and Jimmy ruff of Rumion. nd Mrs. Domlnlck and daughter ell party by his Matawan friends Corbett, Douglas Ward and William Haines, of her little friends. Saturday after- *anet left Saturday to Bpend two noon at a birthday party. Tho it week at the home of Richard Tollman of Jersey City. FLAGSTAFF A. Judgment for J11US in favor of •eek's at Surf City, where they have franklin. During the evening the Mrs. William Donncnworth of Ab- Cut Foot Chopping Ice. gueits Included Botty Morrell, Con- •ented a cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. O, VanVorlB Warner of Bed stance Carhart, Bill Sutphln, Jr., ruests danced at Asbury Park. Those erdeen road, has returned from a Carl Pettinato nf Bridge avenue Bank, and against Vincent A. Sexton -Toward Garabrant, daughter Ruth resent were Misses Eileen Bush- week's visit with her son-in-law and Susan Sutphln, John Kahn, Susanne md son Howard of Brooklyn will be was ,a patient at Rlvervlew hospital and Harold L. Woodruff of Rumson ell, Jane Burlew,. Nhtu Hatallng, daughter, Mr. Bnrl Mm. Joseph Kresa Friday afternoon for a cut foot re- Donnell, Ann Tlchenor, Peggy 011- heir guests. of Sea Bright. w&i awarded In the New Jersey «u- martln, Peggy O'Donnell, Fred Allen. 'irglnla Hatallng, Elmer Comer of ceived while chopping ice at the FOODS preme oourt before Judge Rullf V. Leola Allen, Joan Roes, Norman The members of tjje Wednesday 'lalnfleld and Conover Burlew, Clyde Miss Celesto Kennedy was a gue3t Smoke Shop tavern. He was treated Lawrence and a jury Monday, The Lftprnoon contract club went to Aa- 'hompson, Leslie Lines, Richard of Miss Winifred GIttcrs for a week. and later released. Bruce, Betty Gostello, Grayce Hlckey, lury Park on Wednesday, where caae grew out of an accident at Fair Billy Craig, Patty McKean, Eliza- Haven, October 20, 1084. hey had luncheon at ths Marine beth Devlin and Foggy Devlin. jirlll and attended a matinee per- Dr. Warner was attending a P&- Mr*. Howard Lloyd and Miss Em- That Satisfies' tlont at the time and hie car «ra» ormance. ma FrancKe attended an executive Mlsa Barbara Todd sailed Satur- parked on tho street In front of the Mard meeting of the United Wom- house. The automobile was run Into lay on the S. S. Vulcanla with 14 en'a Republican club Friday after- friends on a trip to Europe. They and badly damaged by a car operated noon. Plans were made for Gov- by Mr. Sexton. The latter wu ar- will visit the Azores, Algiers, Italy.' Armstrong Inlaid ernor's day at Sea Girt today, and ranee, England and Scotland, and rastcd by Chief Herdon and put In a card party and fashion 'enow, the Featured this Week: the lock-up at Red Bank until the •111 return to America In'August. , latter to be held at the Monmouth Miss EMlth Johnson left last week next morning when he wa« arraigned County Country club. before Recorder KurtU of Fair Ha- for a month's visit with her slater, The member» of the Wednesday Mrs. Herbert Cowles of Amherst, Linoleum Floors ven. A charge of driving while In- Afternoon contract club and their toxicated was made, but It was with- MaHaacliuactts. Miss, Johnson ie her husbands had a picnic at Mantolok- iistcr's gueBt for a month each sum- drawn and a complaint of recklesa lng on Sunday. driving was made. Mr. Sexton plead mer. Have your entire home equipped with Miss Ella Wilson Is spending the There will be a meeting of the guilty and.paid a fine of *10. summer with her cousin, Mrs. Wai The car which Mr. Sexton wa» museum committee of the 250th an- charming, colorful, easy to keep clean ter Zugalla. niversary in the borough hall thlB driving was owned by David VanDU- Misses Jane and Barbara Burlew linoleum floors, now, at tremendous len of Fassaic and loaned to Mr. ovening at 8 o'clock. have returned from a visit to the Mlsa Jean Keatley is substituting Woodruff. Mr. Sexton was employed home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. aa tender of the Oceanic draw bridge. as public healthAnurso for Miss savings and Mrs. Julius Francken of Albany, Katherine Huff, Who is having a It was testified by Mrs. Woodruff New York. that the car was often loaned to him month's vacation.^ When an inlaid floor is installed by Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Munnlng, Mrs. Mrs. Earlo J. Harrington and baby to go on errands of his own but that John Bauer and daughters Marie and on the night of the accident he took daughter Janet arrived home on Armitage & Baynton, Inc., it will give Elizabeth, left Friday for a vacation Wednesday from Rlvervlcw hospital the car without permission. Dr. War- at Klka Park, near Tannersville years of high Quality Service. ner testified that after the aooident t Bed Bank. New York. Mrs. William Tallman of Jersey he called at the Woodruff home and Mrs. Alice Dawe and Miss Alta that Mrs. Woodruff told him to have Jity is visiting her brother and sis- Lewis are spending a week at the ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Du- the car repaired and send in the bill. home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Flfko Dr. Warner further stated that later Bols: CLEARANCE SALE at Haddon Heights. Mrs. Flfko Is In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Wood- Miss Agnes Price of New Ro- the former Mies Alice Dawe. chelle, New York, has returned to In order to make room for new stock we are offering the following ruff called at his office and told him Mrs. John H. Miller and daughter to have the automobile repaired at her homo after having spent a week Joan of Boston Is visiting Mrs. Mil-with Dr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Wallln popular floor coverings at substantial reductions. their expense. The dootor said that ler's mother, MM. John P. Lloyd. while the car was being repaired at Mr. and Mra. Gallos and daughter Armstrong Quaker Rugs, formerly 8.40 ----.- Sale Price Allen Frost's Empire garage, he had Mrs. Carrie Conover spent from Joan Marie are visiting Mr, and Mrs. g.95 ' to hire an automobllo to make calls Friday to Monday as the guest of Schuler of Toronto, Canada. Mrs. her son, daughter-in-law and grand Sehuler Is tho former Miss Margaret on his patlentu. Kastali of Matawan. Pabco 5-Year Guaranteed Rugs, formerly 10.40 - - - Sale Price •9.80 Others who testified besides Dr. daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H, Warner were Recorder Kurtls, Conover and Claire and Carol Con- Judge Henry S. Terhune has rent- FLAGSTAFF Charles H. Barrow, Chief Herdon, Mr. over of Mapiewood. The latter throe ed a collage at Mantoloklng for the Felt Base Floor Covering (by the yard) - - Sale Price c sq. yd. IYo»t and Augustus Hahn. At the di- left Tuesday to spend thrco weeks summer. rection of the court a non-suit was at a cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Davics left Friday for Haw- formerly 59c sq. yd. 39 granted to Mr. VanDlllen because he W. Herrlck. Mr. Conover will Join loy, Pike county, Pennsylvania, where had not given permission to Mr. Hex- them for the last two weeks of thel: ho will spend the summer, High Grade Bird Floor Covering ------Sale Price sq, yd. Mayonnaise ton to use tho car. Edward W. Wlso vacation. Mlas Mary Martin is enjoying formerly 79c sq. yd. represented Dr. Warner and Qulnn, Jean Cartan la having hlfl annual two weeks' vacation from her duties Here is a salad that looks and tastes extravagant. Faraons & Dorcmus represented M, vacation from the Hanson-Van with the Now Jersey Bell Telephoni Winkle Mutmlag company. company at Keyport. A FEW SUMMER RUGS LEFT AT 15% REDUCTION. Why? Because delicious creamy, pure, Flagstaff VanDlllen, Mr. Woodruff and Mr. Sex- 1 ton. _ The Christopher Columbus society Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Hutchln- ODD SIZED RUGS SPECIALLY PRICED. Mayonnaise is used to bring out all the richness, all\ of Matawan held Its annual outing aon and family are spending the the flavor, and all the exquisite taste of the most or- WBRB PROGRAMS. at Camp Brady on Sunday. summer at their cottage at Manto- Miss Mildred MacPherson am loklng. THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW-THE PLACE TO BUY IS dinary salad . . . making of it an extraordinary dish. Now, with the summer season with us, The programs are as follows: Robert Watson of New York visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lewis were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bruce of Jack- (1210 Kilocycles) week-end guests of their son-ln-la- salads will become a dish of major importance in son street several days last week. nd daughter, Mr. and MrB. Lewii your home . . . when Flagstaff Mayonnaise is used P. M. Tburaday, Julr 16. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Doublier H. Blood at their summer home at j:00—when to go, Btalnbuhs, Cislno, . . . salads will become the dish of "Great Antici- Zebler, Music Shop, F«lgenipa.n. are on a motor trip through Canada. Sharlt Hlver Hills. K :S0—Love story Girl. Mr. Doublier la having his vacation Mr. and Mrs. Wright Meloney oi pation" to your entire family! 1:45—Studio Features. from DeCoppot & Doremus of New 1:00—Spring Lake. Rutherford were week-end guests ol 6.01—Muslcile. York, the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, t:H—Smokt Shop. Chief Edwin C. Sloat was the prln W. G. Melonoy. 6:16—News Review. clpal speaker at the Keyport Klwanli Mr. and Mrs. William Bader, ac- 6:80—Felsenspan. 42 MONMOUTH ST. 6:81—Front Page Drama. club Tuesday evening at the Rarita companied by Mr. and Mrs. Jamef "THE RUG STORE" PHONE R. B. 427 jar «:«<—Strand. inn. Chief Sloat spoke on the merits Bedle and daughter Mildred of Key 1 4# 6:<5—Doris and Anna. of the county radio. port are touring the New Englani FEATURING THE PRODUCTS OF A. & M. KARAGHEUSIAN 7:00—Resume. In the 20 years ago column in thi states. "THE MAKERS OF GULISTAN" A. M. Friday, July 17. »:0U—Murnlnii BartmaiU, Asbury Park Short Press Sunda: Miss Mas Asplnal and Elsie Cos- 0:16—{JHopplns tour. Bnydar, Zeb!fjr» C*. •Ino, Muilo a hop, Stelnbaeh, Outer. 9;#5—Houaekeepera Hour. FLAGSTAFF 10:00— 10:01—Children's Hour, 10:44—Felgenspan. 10:15—News Review. 11:00—Resume). P. M. Grapefruit 1:80—Musical Moments. «|00—Fads and Fuhlons. 4,10—Voice of Philosophy. I ASKED FOR PROOF THAT "Whether you serve Flagstaff Orapefruit for break- I lOO—Stnuid. 8:01—-Women'* Forma. fast or as dinner entree or .(^alad, you will enjoy tilO—WPA program. B:4G—To Be Announce. the luscious, juicy goodness of these fancy Florida, 8:00—Front Page: Drams. sun-ripened Grapefruit Hearts. «ll5—Nows Bevlew. j,ao—Where to go, Zebler. Cwlno, Staln- bacl), Snnnyslde, yelganslian. 1:45—Boy Scout Program. 7:00—American Family Robinson. tilS—Phil Lamlg. scoria talk. No. 2 cans 1:80—Smoke Shop. WONDER 7:81—Rhythm Masters. 2 27 1:00—WeJkathon derby. «:1B—Timely Toplca. 1)80—Variety Hour. 6:00—Movie Goaslp. AND I COT IT" SAYS MRS. W. I. TRUSTY, 1405 WOODLOCK AVE., WAMASSA »:15—Home Philosopher. 9:80—Spring Lake Hotel. »:tl—Loult Betancourt'i Marimba band. 10:00—Felgenapan. FLAGSTAFF 10:01—The Radio Stage. 10:80—Casino Dance Muslo, 11.00—Walkathon. Derby. 11:15—Hewitt and Rowland, iketcn. 11:80—Strand and Relume. Smoked Beef P. M. Saturday, July IS. HERE'S THE FAMOUS 5100—Reading tor {Measure. Wheii that unexpected guest crosses your threshold, 6 :ir.—SUInbachs. 5:16—L#ove Story Girl. or you're wondering about those picnic sandwiches t:I0—Spring Lake. 1-2-3 TEST THAT WON HER 5:81—To Be Announced. . . ,. Flagstaff Smoked Beef becomes the "Life 5,45—Where to so, Btelnbaehs, Zenler. Snyiler. Strand, Music Shop, Casino, saver! Convenient .... grand for children . . . FelKcnepan, Smoke Shov. delicious for lunch, dinner or midnight snacks. S:B0—Jungle Jim. 6:44—FolHennpan. B:4T>—Helm llllmer, Bongs. 1 See 7:00—Itaaumo. Yes, you can see how bonder Bread compares with other bread A. M. Monday, July 20. In smoothness : s: in fineness. But go further. Rub your fingers 2V2oz.jars 0;00—Morning Serenade. Q :14—Stcfhbaohe. over • slice. Note that it doesn't crumble; Spreads easily; Note D-lfi—Word Idem. the lack of holes, lumps, imperfections. Note, too, the close-knit w:80—Morning devotions. 10:00—Things You Should Know. texture to keep jelly and spreads from running through. Try all 10:30—Shonplnit Tour, Felgenspan, SUIn. these things with any other bread ;.. then believe what your eyes bnchi, Muilo Shop, Culno. Zebler, 10:4G—News Review. and fingers tell you about slo-bsked Wonder Bread. 11:00—Resume. FLAGSTAFF 7,00—Where to K«i ZeWey, Sunnyslde, Stclnhachs, Casino. Smoke Shop, Hold a tender slice Hnyder, KelBennpan. of Wonder Bread TiSO—Trill I'appe, Talk. 7:44—Km Inn Lake Hotel. close to your nose. Breathe in deeply. Wonder Dread smells Early Garden Peas 7:46—Helen Mllnur, Bongs. clean—fresh—wheaty—tempting, because of the carefully blended at0O—Wnlkathon-Derby. SilK—Strand. ingredient*, each tested to meet our own high standards. .Now try B:10—Wl'A Program, Soienoe and Sunshine's own gift of tlio Undereat, HiSO—Curler. this with any other bread—your nose will tell you which is best; R:31—Casino Danee Music. greenest peas that ever tickled your palate . . „ . 9:00—Resume. P. M. Tuaaday, July 11. Discover their deliciouanesB for yourself. 4,00—Varletlei. Most of us eat bread 4,80—Musicals. rather thoughtlessly. Put B lOO—^Stelnbachs. • bit of Wonder Bread in your mouth. Taste it slowly, carefully; C K :01—-Tea Dance. Bl»0—Fel«enap«n. Get til (he tempting flavor that slo.baklng produces. Do the sam* B:81—Interentlng Piople In iba Newa. 8:45—Slirlng Lake Itotal. with any other bread. Trust your own nood taste—you'll know 2 «„« 29 5 !•«—Dance Hits. which ii best. B:B5—Nat Encyclo, Talk. COO—Whsrei to On. ntelnbaehs, Casino, Carter, Zeblejr, Muahlc Bhop, Hmoke Shop, «:1(—Newa Review. 'T'HIS 1-2-3 test should convince you just as quickly WARM WEATHER SUGGESTIONS e:SO—Felganspan. • ill—Dpimrtunlty WIIUIIM*.. JL as it did Mrs. Trusty—just as surely as it has won 1 »|4«—Strand. -.Esr - 2"°"19o 6>45~-P«ts. Hinging UoormiM. I n. so mnny other women around town. All you have 7:00—Resume. to do is believe your own eyes, nose anil fingers;. i Flagstaff Tomato Juice 2 £ JL 23c r. M. Wednesday, July 2a. your own good taste. You can't po wrong. Wonder BiuO— Tea Dance. , l [,i;,_Whera to liny, Casino, Zebler. Bread is so good because it's made from ingredients nff Fruit Cocktail ','llSc EU.25e HUluliaehe, Mueln Bhop. Velgenepan carefully tested to meet our own high standards ;:: fi.s.0—Juvanlle (')lttiberl. J 5:45—Amerlnan Family Ilobinnon. a reason as simple and honest as the test itself. Then Flagstaff TAT Tea X 19c V".: 35o 6:00—llalwtte, Hungi. »:16— Htrand. each loaf is slo-bakcd to improve its delicious flavor tilO—News review. « and tender texture; For your family's sake, make 6:>0—llatler. VUtgataff Food Products aro told hy all Hill—Wl'A I'roirram. "THIS SIMPLE 1-2-3 TEST WON this test, and stick to the verdict.- And please re- «:46—Mrs. C. lllllrer, talk. member—Wonder Dread is fresh at your grocer's. United Service C,roccrs and other reliable 7 :00—Ooiini-tunlty Hour, Falganspen, ME TO WONDER BREAD" independent grocery »lorc$ and marked. Bmoke Hhop, 7,44—Hpilrm l.aWe Hotel. 7l4lt—Hkalrh, MRS. CHARLES SMITH O 8 100—Ksiume. • BROAD STREET, FREEHOLD A. M. Thursday. July 13. CiMilincnial Haling Company,Inc. B'Ou—MiimiriK teranatle. Clinton MM, Smelt, HolMjtcn.N.J. 9:18—aielnliarhs, 9,16—Word l't"s. FLAGSTAFF 0l»0—Mu»lo Bhon. till—Milslrsl fl«m<. 10 tOft—TMnm you ihmild knew, QUALITY FOOD PUODIK Is 1030—Shopping Tiim, Kelgenspan, Zebler. ASK FOR SLO-BAKED WONDER BREAD . . . WHITE OR WHEAT Ca.lno, Bm-.l.r, SUlnbatbs, Carter. I (IMS—Nswa Jlevlew, ' JPage Four RED BANK REGISTER. JULY 16,1988. prietor of the Union hotel, landed port that they bad to temporarily thatr home on Btone road during July Shark Jumps In two fluke, one weighing IB pounds West Keanaburg. suspend buaineu due to the fact that and August. and tho other 17 pounds. Charles their auppllea were exhausted and all Mr. and Mr*. Charles Hack spent Fishermen's Boat Sampson, John Sitter and Len Char- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Aspo and accomodatlona were taken by guest* Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. pentler, who were Mr. Elfant'a cora- children, Paul and Adelaide., are All record! for traffic through thU Aumack and family of Mstawan. spending two weeks at a lodge In the SftUl White, CO, a deep sea fisher- panluns, did not land a fish. place were broken on Saturday and Mlsa Sue Masavltch, lira. Grace man 08 i*ng Branch for forty years, A drug »tor« was opened on Union Orange mountains. Sunday. The roadside stands did. a Schweltxor, Mrs. Marjorle Myers, had the thrill of his life while blue avenue on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mularchuk thriving: business. Mrs. Anita Walters and Mrs. Marotta, fUhtag Sunday. An olght-foot blue Miss Hilda Nortor of Central ave- aro the parents of a eon, Andrew J., Sunday waa observed as Joaah Sun- all of this vicinity, have secured po- •hark, weighing 500 pounds, hurled] nue Is spending her vacation with Jr., born at their home on Francis day by the Keansburg Methodist sitions with the newly established itself Into his boat, attacked him and relatives at Boston, Massachusetts. place last Monday. This Is the Mul- church. A pageant drama will be Leybro Manufacturing company In for nor* than an hour thrashed Its Mrs. Warren VanCleef Is con- archuk'a second child. The Ilrat child presented by the members of the Sun Fowler's newest factory loft on Creelt tall tgaltut the eldcs of the craft. fined to her home with a broken is a daughter, Mildred Theresa. day-«chool clas«cs at the morning ser- road. Norman Oliver has a position Mr. White was accompanied by toe, sustained when a roll of paper Mrs. Horace O. Fowler haii re- vice. In the receiving department Misses Charles DUUone, 51, nlsn nf r,oni; fell on her foot, while assisting her turned to her home following a so- Mrs. Woodlyne Bowne and children Sophie Kllnsky and Lyda Tankoskl Branch. The day was good for fish- father, Lopls Sooras, In his meat journ in Europe. of Union Beach are also employed market on Union avenue. visited Mre. Bruce Kochler and fam- ing and the men had their boat near- Milton E. Carhart has accepted a ily of Belford last Thursday. here as well as a good many women ly .filled when the unusual Incident Henry Dally and family of Ar- position wlthh Decker'B dairy. from Keyport and Matawan. Louis lington spent the week-end at their Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Clarke of Mad- took place. Mr. White was pulling In John Kornt ifl confined to hta home ison are spending a week as guests Levy, superintendent of the concern, a. ten-pound bluoflsh. The shark came summer home on Henry street. on upper Laurel avenue with a badly la In charge. after the flsh and followed It Into the Mr. and Mrs. John •fipleh'rian, Jr., of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lewis and cut foot due to a fall on a broken family on Tenth street. bout. BV)r several minutes Mr. White of Newark, have boenSflsltlng: Mr. milk bottle. Miss Mae Willlch was a recent dodged tho shark's teeth and tall, and Mrs. Fred Badaml. Mra. Raymond Dubeski spent Sun- Verona visitor. Misses Mary Preston and Katheryn day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arose narrowly escaping Injury. He finally Miss Loretta Klotz of Jersey City Brannlgan spent Wednesday at At- Miss Ju)la Burlett spent the week- thue»«M tire to grflor got atop the engino hour*e where he has ended a stay with Mrs. Charles and children at Everett. end with Miss Vivian Newman, iantic Highlands. Miss Helen L. Grehea of AUantlo was Joined by Us companion. The Dorr. Mary Lou Dzlnane and Eosemarle Miss Dorothy Benson of Keyport men had no weapons with which to Leonard Bell, a member of tho Highlands was guest of honor at a waa a Monday visitor of Miss Nell Deputt of New York are spending linen shower last week at the home kill the shark and could only sit by CCC and stationed at a camp at July with relatives here. Hatalan. 43% MORE until tho blR HBh had pounded itself Ithaca, New York, has been visiting of Mrs. James Fagan of Leonardo, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jones enter- Miss Stephanie. Bonowloh of New Mlse Grehea Is well-known locally, unconscious. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William York Is the guest of Mlsa Katherlne tained Mr. Jones; sister, Mrs. Mad- Bell of East Broadway. having been a teacher the past eleven elyn VanCleef and children, Ruth and Kowal. years at the West Keansburg publio William Craig of Philadelphia Doris Jones is confined to her home Floyd VanCleef and Miss Helen Union Beach. spent the week-end at the I->avin school. Block of Newark on Wednesday and NON-SKID with a ceverely cut foot suffered while house. ' Miss Frances Lipf of New York has Thursday of last week. swimming in the local section of the concluded a two weeks' vacation at

MONTHLY PATMINTS TO HT YOUI PUMII Ask about iht General lAotort initallmtnt "plan. *$765to$1945are the liitpriceioftht neiv Buickt at Flint, Mich., subject to (kangt without notice. Standard and tptcial acceuories groups on all modth attxtra ait. All Buict prices includt safityglaii throughout at standard tquipmtnt.

OOD companion in work or play—first class travel- ic way it 'shortens the long hauls into pleasant jaunts.' G mate on any journey—you'll find the makings of n ^r ^sm- beautiful friendship in this Series 40 Buick SPECIAL. You'll find in its easy, quiet, confident mastery of any condition the road can offer, something of the thrill that You get along plenty quick when you turn on the quiet hasn't been yours since the first day you called a car power of this oil-hushed valve-in-head engine, the ablest your very own. straight-eight of its size to he found the world over. WCO You've wanted a car like Buick—good to look upon, You'll get along gorgeously well with these nicely man- restful to ride in; safe and sure at any speed; tough, nered controls—awheel so easy that a woman's lightest dependable and thrifty in the hardest kind of service. touch is law,' a throttle so instnnt in getting action that You've wanted one —why not have one? The price a wish is almost enough to accomplish the deed. hegins nt $765* list at the factory, Flint, Mich., and You'll like Hiiick's happy faculty for turning rough roads the terms are just a few dollars a week more than the into good ones—you'll discover new delights in the mag- lowest-priced cars.

*Af t

No motor fuel at any price lias ever beaten Blue Sunoco s enviable record of continuous A GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCT satisfaction to motorists H. L. ZOBEL S«ft Bright Red Bank Long Branch RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1936. ere at a premium. It waa by far and George Worth, both of Kean»- DON'T MISS ALSTON BE£KMA_N. Keansburg, burg. The ceremony was performed COUNSELLOB A'l LAW, Card Party For le best week-end In several years. Offices. It Broad St. RED BANK. N, At the conclusion of a meeting of by Mayor William Turner on June Christian Science Methodist Harvest Home (Tha Bad Bank Baflitn ean ba bought JB trustees of the Beacon Beach as-13030. The coucouplp e arc living on Twi- Brookside Inn St. John's Church la ICeanaburr a•t th• e a'tores of' E—. U" , MillerMillar,, and Bazaar QUINN, PARSONS « DOHEMBS. 8. 8TBAU88, Mfr. N. Santa Luela.. Philip ~ Keller. Charla' " a jclatlon Thursday night, Mrs. Vic- |light avenue. Reading Room COUNSELLORS AT LAW r L. Zorn of Lighthouse rosd, Bei- on churcb lots, Broad Street, Vogal anil L Zuckerman.) Mra. Elizabeth M. Decry, » resident Broad Street National Bank Bldi, Buiidini. a,* B^ Home Cooking Ivent to be Held Wednesday at jn Beach, waa presented with »n o? Keansburg for a number of years, John J. Qulnn. Tboodors D. FUMM. For the first time In several months 12 Broad Street, Rod Bank AUGUST 7 - 8th State Highway, tha borough council held a lengthy ingrossed memorlam of the assocla- died recently at thu home of a Thomas P, Dorimui Silverholm, the Residence of lon'« esteem of her late husband, daughter at New York. - 60 CENTS. Shrewsbury Mr. and Mn. V. Parker Wil- meeting at the regular session last ./ho died recently at East Orange. OPEN DAILY DR. L. W. CARLBolT Phone 408 Eatontown, week. Mayor William Turner asked Mr. Zorn waa the flrBt president of Mils Ann Ncvins of Jersey City 11:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. kiniOB. Manager Lone-en what had been done la vifllting Miss fienevieve Helfrisch. SURGEON CIIIHOI'ODIST a association and was a summer Tuesday and Friday Evenlncs: WEST RED BANK 50c Full Course Dinner 50c about the bulkhead at Qranvllle Members of St. Mark's church and 7:30 to 9:30. FOOT MENU. Silverholm, the Little Bllver Faint Park. Replying, the manager said jsldent or Beacon Beach for over St Mary's church, Keyport, plan to CLEANING SHOP Office Houral Dally 10 a. m, to I p. a. Appetisers, , Choice Clams on ths am* of Mr. and Mrs. V. Parker Wll- :S years. He was held In high eo- hold a food fihow nt tho Belvedere Here the Ulble, the Works of Mary ' EvenlDgai Tueaday and Thursday. Hal! SShallh . Fruit Cup. Shrimp the Federal government Is expected eem by the residents of that sec- CCocVtall, Tomato julca •Inson, will be the scene, of a card to contribute BO per cent and the Casino on August fi. Baker Edd?. Discoverer end Founder U. CARELLI, Prop. For appointment phone 2442. jarty next Wednesday afternoon for Ion. of Christian Scenes, and alt other Soupi. Choice Celary or Ohlckatt county 16 per cent and the balance, Mrs. Hclene UKboek has returned authorized Christian Science Litera- 60 BROAD ST. RED BANK. N. I. ' Sherbet the beneflt ol 8t. John's ohapel of Lit- 35 per cent, would have to ba borne Joseph Trllo Is making lmprovo- ture may bo read, borrowed or pur- Choice of Roast Turkay, le Silver. Playing will begin at 2:80 nenta to his shoo repair shop on from a visit at New York. chased. Repairing and Alterations One-Half FrM Chicken, Roaat 'dock and will take place both out- by the borough for the construction Dr. Charles Fromkln was admitted Baaf. Chicken • In Klni, of the proponed bulkhead, and as no Ihurch street. We buy and «ell used garments. JOHN E. DAY Blua Fish, Baat Stalk [oor« and Indoors, weather permit- William Meehan, proprietor ot tha Sunday as a medical jiatlent at Reading Room Maintained by •• tatoas, Vegetables and Salail Ing. Fancy and useful articles will provision had been mads In the bud- Biverview hospital. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Must be In good condition. Pla or Banana Slillt get, the work would, therefore, have unch wagon on Church street, haa SCIENTIST. ' Funeral Home Tat or ColTeo >t given as prizes, bought the controlling Interest In the John Bryan of RHvctlcre Beach to bs held up. The estimated amount 209 BROAD STREET, BED BANK 311 SHREWSBURY AVE., Dally and Sunday The party la under the direction of for this work Is placed at $30,000. A ieyport diner at the six corners at was admitted Satiirilay aflrtrnoon PHONE 332. . committee of which Mrs. Henry R. a medical patient at Illvorvicw hos- Ths Public la Welcome. Beacon Beach citizen addreaaed the ieyport. BED BANK, N. J. Broad St., Red Bask SOc £Ingsley Is chairman, with Mm. Jo- Mrs. Charles Maher Is driving a pital. leph "t1. White and Mr«. Frank G11SS council In regard to the Beacon Beach lighthouse property. He said ,cw automobile. ia co-chairman. Prizes and tlpkeU James McGulness of Brooklyn Have been donated by Mra. VVllkln- the borough should have purchased the property from the Federal gov- lslted his sister, Mrs. Raymond ion. Other contributions are table lalb.ue, last week. lecoratlons and paper cups and ernment. Manager Lohsen then ex- Conservatively plained In detail why the borough Mrs. Fred Nightingale will be hos- ilates by Mrs. Klngsley and Mrs. .ess at a card party next Wednesday Ralph Urban, paper table coven by did not now own the property. Mr. Lohsen said that at the time the afternoon on the lawn of her home MIBB Johanna Mlnnlng and refresh- on Carr avenue as a benefit for St. SMART ments by St. John's guild. Chairs property was to be disposed of by ANALYSIS the government he had requested the Ann's Parent-Teacher association. will be loaned by R. K. Mount & Mra. Thomas Hagcn was hostess at o/ r« w«t )n. property be sold at public auction Hard party to the association's YOUR FAVORITE I The sale of tickets will be under but government officials stated such mcmberB Thursday afternoon. property was sold under sealed bids, ho direction o[ Mrs. Giles and Mn Nearly tho required number have PHOTO Klngsley. Befreshments will Mr, Lohsen then pointed out the bor ENLARGED was In no position to submit a been obtained for the organization iharga of Mrs. Wilkinson a of .a local post of the American QIANT PURCHASE! AND FRAMED crying will be done by girl; and the property was sold to th Aixroit present owner. What the property 'eglon. James Fallon has had 59 efreahments committee, In addf charge of the organization of the HARRIET H.AYRES .0 Mrs. Wilkinson, consists sold for Mr. Lohsen did . A complaint was received post. Edward McClellan, Jr., Mm Horace Whisker left Saturday for DOUiLE COMPACTS KODAK FILMS Dunnell, Mra. R. A. Dorrlll, Mr». JPS- from Mrs. Emma Wcstcrvelt of odori Beautifully 54 Broad Street RedB*m1« coming from the cellar of the prop- his home at Niagara Falls after a M Dttp Cat Pricn sie Spencer, Mra. Fred Ayrca, Mrs. visit nt the home of Mrs. William Enameled In "«. 1H> « 127. 14o Klngsley, Mrs. Ollca and Mian Har- erty formerly occupied by the clut Brodcsscr. Two-Jone Net. 116 er «I5 .. 16o riet Moore. The committee for ta- Monterey at Highland and Bay avo Color Effect* THURSWIY. FRIDAY^SATURDAY bles, chairs and cards comprises Mrs, nues, and unoccupied for some time, The Catholic Daughters of Amer- OTHER FILM] AND VtRI. ica held a sake sale Saturday after- R*t. H.S4 Value CHROME FILMS AT 14« McClellan, Mra. Giles, Mrs. White, Tho complaint was referred to th SAVINGS Mrs. William Borden, Mrs. Edward board of health. That body, througr noon. Worthley, Mrs. Benjamin A. Shoe- a letter, requested badges for each Edward Dubesky has accepted maker and Miss Johanna Mlnnlng. member of the board. The reques position in the fruit store of Bennett was referred to the manager. Amon, brothers. , the reports were: Katherlne Comp Anthony Miele Is a surgical pa- ton, overseer of poor, stated $31.1: tient in the Monmouth Memorial Colt's Neck. was expended for five families dur- hospital at Long Branch. COLLEGE INN ing June. Borough Clerk Richard A Alexander Nort of Jersey City has (Tha Red Bank Jteglster can ba bought Jeasen reported the collection of $12, bought Warren Smith's house on Tomato Juice at the atore of Louis Plotkin.) 800 for liquor licenses and $2,258 i Moran place. 13V: Fluid-Ounce Can MISB Dorothy Hunt of Freehold le other fees. . Collector Ralph O. Wi The C. I. A. group No. t of the spending a week with Miss Margery llama, collections fqr June were $26, Methodist church haa discontinued Conover. 401.65. Building Inspector Jamc; social activities for the summer. The members of Atlantio grange Papa aald building construction an< Mrs. Frank Johnson was hostess will have a lawn party Tuesday alterations for the same petio to the members of the Jolly Eight evening at the home of Mr. andtotaled $2,145. Raymond Trimx, Ed card club last week. Mrs. John Sherman. Arrangements ward Berry, Frank Walters and O Miss Vivian Covert of Newark has are under way for the annual beach land Opdyke were appointed, upecla] ended a stay with her parents, Mr, party of the grange. and Mrs. James Covert. officers. Bills totaling $5,000 wer Miss Dorothy Watts is home from Nmm-Bush The Sewing club of the Reformad ordered paid. CIGARETTESX? Eye^^r~ir flnk&nj church Is holding an all-day qulltr a visit at Roton Point, Connecticut. k&jhL Ing party today at the home of Mra. According to well-informed bus! Frank and Carroll Doran of Spo- 2Wit5 ADMIRAh $1.25 PkgL. VI = -S!Zili!"Er» 38C OxfotdL...FOR MEN Warren Snedeker. nesa men the heat of last wee! kane, Washington, are visiting their Supar-Staal The members of the Sunday- brought thousands of persons i sister, Mrs. John W. Kelly. • :| 5pooners_ii£!S_^ Laboratory Tested The Bond has an especial ap- school of the Reformed church' en- Keansburg who otherwise wou James Fallon han returned from Baby Bunting BLADES BEG, 60c DUPLEX joyed their annual picnlo Tuesday have stayed at home. Over the weel a 8tay at Philadelphia. MiGMFNNB peal for the nan of instinc- at Clark's Landing. The trip waa end every hotel was booked to capai Announcement haa been made of NURSERS SHAVING tive good taste. An excel- made In Joseph Hamernlck'a bus. lty, while rooms in private hom the marriage of Miss Emma Miller •••a. Capacity MIRROR lent fitter. Built-in arch. The newly organized Boys club Tamparad alias With Folding held a "circus" Saturday afternoon Reg. Combination In a building on Mrs. Annie Buck's Hinting or .« place. This event consisted of an Standing IOC Albert S. Miller exhibition of a suit of Japanese ar- l«7 mor, a snake, several varieties of Shoes Fitted by X-Bay turtles, soven frogs and a number and Experienced Salesmen. of natural history pictures. Each person who attended received a 18 Broad St., Red Bank drink of root beer and r cookie. The price of admission was 2 cents but many paid more and the boys took Large tin ATLAS 50c Manhattan In about S6. What use will ba made, SHOE POLISH CHOCOLATE CHARTER NO. 2267 of tho money has not been deter- RESERVE DISTRICT NO. I. mined, but the boys are planning an MALTED REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF outing. The members of the club tha Second National Urink and Truit Com. are Ernest Mitchell, Alex Gravel- cPany of Rod Bank In tha State of New Jarss?, at tha close of business on Jvin* enkl, Wesley Buck. Raymond Ben- 30, 198J. (Published In response to call jamin and Charles Slmmondn. made by Comptroller of the Currency, un- Arthur Soffel has re-opened his der Section 6211, U. S. Revised Btatutas.) ASSETS. roadside stand on the state high- 1. Loam and dtacounts J 1,051,638.«8 way. 2. Ovardrafta -... 185.46 Harold Gunther, who was former- SHOE S. United States Government Former $1.00 obligations, direct and/or ly employed on Frederick Burg- WHITENERS fully euaranteed _ 2,102,643.18 hard's Big Brook Pheasant farm, is 2Se Botlb 4. Othar bonds, stock and now working for C. S. Conover. securities - S,881,004.89 1 Peeche* «. Banking house 1256,436.37 Traftlo through this place was un- Furniture and usually heavy during tho hot spell DUSTING • Griffins All Wite fixtures 8,826.17 205,152. (< last wdok. Frank Crawford counted FREE! •ft.KS*- 7, Real astate owned othar 200 cars that passed his residence SOc and 75c POWDER GIANT LB. JARS • White Ace than banking house 186.852.12 within an hour one day last week. t. Reserve with Federal Re- PEN KNIVES BEAUTY CREAMIEAMS coum sun 871,640.71 Kenneth Decker is home after i Cold Cream serve bank having worked for several weeks at STAG snd SUPER GLASSES •• Gash, balances with othar . Olive Oil Cr. WifheOollzeflortls banks, and cash items in a garage at Freehold. PEARL HANDLES 631,780.28 PABST . Cleans. Cr. CYNTHIA process of collection Mrs. F. Alvln Langwlth, who re- With 2 SlilnliH . Turt Oil Cr. 10. Cash Items not In procena STEEL 23c SINTAM t collection <,686.«5 cently returned home after having ?»I. (1.00 Vein LOTION S . Other aft&ets - 80,461.12 undergone an operation for appen- ROP the old thermometer INSIST ON ORIGINAL Total Assets t 8,107.054.20 dicitis, Is well on tho road to recov- Ddown % couple of inches PABST TAPaCan UAIilUTIES ery. Among those who called on 14. Demand deposits of in- her during tho past week were Mr. with the delicious cool refresh- • Brewery Goodness dividuals, partnerships and and Mrs. Harry Phillips of Eliza- ment that ia waiting for you corporations I 2,144,662.87 Sealed Right In It. Time deposits of Individ- beth, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sin- uals, partnerships, and clair of Hillside, N. A. Apgar and in those famous silver cans that corporations 8,774.646.28 William A. Day of Newark and Mrs. • Protected Flavor 16. State, county and munici- Fred Day of Adelphla. bring you Pabst Export Beer. 60c Check pal ilepo.lts 164.2I7.7S -• Non-reflllable 15c Park Kitchen 17. United States Govern- Mlsa Elizabeth Matthews has reg- The product of ninety-two Insecticide ment and postal savlnns istered to take part In the Young »0O% EFFECTIVE Paper Towels deposits 802,289.65 years of brewing experience. • Flat Top—It Stacks 150 SHEET ROLLS IB. Deposits of othor banks, People's conforonce to be held Sat- Pint Including certified and urday, July 18, to Saturday, July 25, For the most in summer • Saves Half the Space cashiers' checks outstand- at New Brunswick. Can ing 27,301.76 refreshment. At the ball game, Total of Items 14 to 18, Tho sermon toplo at the Re- • No Deposit* to Pay Inclusive: formed church Sunday will oe «t work, at home or at play— (a) Secured "Temptation and Deliverance." This • No Empties' to Return by pledgn of join the millions who enjoy loans tind /or will bo the Innt of a series of dis- Investments t 54B.745.42 course! on "Tha Lord's Prayer." real beer goodness—insist on • Easy to Carry (h) Not se- cure fl by f Charles Boyee of Neptune has been Pab»tTAPaCan. ft I a d Ke of ipendlng several days with Joseph • No Breakage oans and /or Lefferson. . FOUNTAIN investments.. 6,054,312.60 Hay and wheat yields throughout M Tntal Do- .his soctlon are considerably less SYRINGGUARANTEED E . posits » 6,503,05(1.02 han normal because of unfavorable PERFECT. 2.QUART' 2H, Other liabilities 223.84 CAPACITY. COMPLETE 80. Capital account: weather conditions. Tho hot, dry WITH TUBE ANB Class A pre- weather last week had an adverse CRYSTAL GLASS ACCESSORIES Blue Streak ferred mock, effoct on all truck cropa. PABST^BEER - 7,500 shares, SOAP par 1100.00 Arrangements are progressing for BBBWIBT>060D>Blt 8IALSD. RIO lit IB. BEVERAGE sr share, re- the annual harvest home to bo held O 1IM, rreml»t-r«lMt Corp. 6Tall FLAKES rIrsbla at I 1.250,000.0B for the benefit of tho Roformsd •200.00 par T.mWiri Giant share ohurch. Distributed by S. Michelsohn & Company, Common atock, John Rollly has boon laid off as tni lar|i 21-or. 20,000 shares, 16th Ave., Tel. 2700 Belmar, N. J. Box par 126.00 an employee on Frederick Burg- JUQ per ehara hard's Big Brook Pheasant farm, Wmlk l/.»0 Ik 2 it Undivided profUa 41,4,672.114 •Total Capital Account 1,(104,172.54 Headden's Corner. Total Liabilities ...» «, 107,954.10 MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments (Tha Red Bank Register ean be boufht Pledged to Hecure Liabilities in Headden'e Corner from Edward O'Flsh. II. United Oovnrn- arty and Frlta Errata.) KENTUCKY E ment obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed, t 010,500.00 The extreme heat last week cauted Monmouth Tavern COLONEL II. Other bonds, stocks and one part of the highway north of th* TOBACCO COMPANION securities 00,000.00> center to buckle and rain* 14. ToU! Pledied {exclud- about a foot, The uneven portion 72 Monmouth St Phone 3946 ing rediscounts) I 709,500.00 waa closed to use for a short tlm* 15. PleOKdi while highway employee" made re- (a) Against United States (invernment and postal pairs. savings deposits ....I 400,600.00 Mian Anna Kanoy, daughter of Mr. DRAUGHT (r) Ao.ii!n*t deposlta of ABST trust departments 150,000.(10 ruul Mm, Bdward Kaney, la spending $ (d) Alialnst other deposlta 60,000.00 a vocation with her mint nt Atlantio CANS Highland*. Her ulster, Mlas Jean (fl With fllata authorities Knnoy, In making a Btay with her to qualify for the exor- roducts BOTTLES cise of fiduciary powers.. 100,000.00 grandmother at Red Bank, P Minn Margaret Salmon hu a new (h) Total Pledged ..._ I 70O.B00.00 Oldamoblln sedan. 'At Yo Like It" State of Hew Jersey, County of Monmouth, Mies Mary Neville was called to CIGARS I,'William II. Limn, cashier of th_ Nnvoslnk lant w«ek by thn death of 7Bc PfKtmga N.u, "W,.l BRIAR ahove-nained bank, du sotomnly ewear her Rrandmother, Mra. Mary Butler that the ahove statement la true to the Full Line of Wines and Liquors muiiTimr hast of my Itnowledga and hellef. Neville, LANDMARK BOX PIPES WM. fl. t.YMAN. Cashier. Loul» Miller waa nvtrcnm* by the Cut Plug smoking NOUOAT* SW >vu to and nutiscrltied before ma this heat whlls walking home from Canip- Special Room for Ladles Ith day of July, IBM. ball's Junction last w««k. II* was TOBACCO (Heal) KMIIBRINK II. WHITING laid up far a short tlmo, but he has Notary put'lla. WANTS TO 8KB YOU Correct Attesti— •Ince fully recovered. MYRON V. BROWN, Mr, and Mra. Thorns.* Vlnn sptnt CHAR. ALLEN, JU , MARCUS M. DAVIDSON, Saturday and Plunrtay with Mr. tnd oiirwUui. Mrs. O«ori* Bork ol Msrwark. RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1986.

that of his lifelong friend, Alfred E. Smith. He was ss sald, "something that will glvt m« a gatloaa, have, mada It abundantly wall known In sports aa the "Sage of th* Kmplrs State reason to go on living. I want to Rotarians Hear o!«*r that they have not haatltaUd Rumson Wants RED BANK REGISTER building" la in poUtlca, although hla fortun* did not help children and the poor. to promote war scare* to bribe gov- ESTABLISHED UTS "I am giving up everything I have ernment offlolals, to set ana country compare with that of the man of "tak* a walk" fam*. Editorial Views except the talent, personality, pep, or Glenn P. Wishard against another, ajid tt> sell to our County To Take GEORGE ft HANCB, Editor Thla and his unuiua) generosity may be attributed to whatever It was that put ms In the possible anamlas our latest and most hla philosophy, which is contained In th* following st*te- FREDERIC S. HAYES, Managing money as little Elsie, and kept me On World Peace efflcltnt Instruments of destruction. lent by him: "I wouldn't trade places with anybody In (Tha opinions upnuad In ta< Editor!*! there lor thirty yean. It war should coma next week be- Over Ridge Road Vliwi h«r«und«r do not ntcuiarll? carry " THOMAS BBVINQ BBOWN, ie world, I've made a lot of friends, and that'a better "Anyway, I want to b» a rookie twoen tha United Statis and Japan tat •ndors«m«nt of Tht R*8>Ur). again, and as any army guy knows, Former Local Y. M. C. A. Sec- w« should have tha utlitaotlon of Publlaher and Business Manager than making a lot of money." Resolution to be Sent to Free, Joe regarded the Installation by Tex Rlckard of am- Shooting at a Straw Man. the less you carry on a march the knowing that our tons ara better." retary Gave Interesting Talk holders Asking That Ridge THE BED BANK REGISTER illflers for the Dempsey-Carpentier fight as a reflection A large aeotion of American opin- m the power of his voice, a voice which, alone, once Those who know Mies Janis—par- Before Local Civic Club at and moat efficient guns made any- Rd., Harding Rd, and Ward ion, partloularly In the West, is recur- ticularly the doughboys whom she en- Is a member of [uelled a riot that was getting out of the hands of po- rently swept by demands that the Today's Meeting. where In the world—for our mu- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tertained with her wit and mimicry nition makers are selling our latest Ave. be County-Maintained. Ice, a voice which brought 40,000 to their feet In silent Government ahall recapture the during the war—will not doubt her and belt to Japan right now and Th. Associated Press 1« exclusively entitled to the irayer for the safety of Lindbergh on that first night of eople's money "from the control of Th. A io or n0 sincerity when she added:—• The Red Bank Rotary club win with the approval of our War De- The Rumwn mayor and council at «te for ^publication off alll nnewe w.. uch money the Reserve Banks governor of this state to have resist reductions la armaments by arrested and delivered up to the IOW our civilization, as we know it, International agreements. • |80 to S7B. He laid nothing definite IB supposed to do. The explanation was that the society publlo Is that it will take old, unsafe cars off the roads. 'make," the owning banks do not ac- AW survive." quire a cent of it They are restrict- executive authority of any other There is one more legislative meas- had been reached regarding the 100 lacked equipment to catch big dogs. One would judge Maybe it will, but who can doubt that the same amount state of the United States any The greatest folly of all follies Is ure which I strongly advooate, and 125-watt lights. f money spent annually to build sidewalks on roads ed to a fixed return en a fixed lnvest- the attitude of civilized natlona to- from the remarks made that it was not BO handicapped lent. Nobody could say that 6 per person charged In that state with namely, the so-calUd Peace Referen- The council approved the tranB- with regard to small dogs. largely used by pedestrians where there are no walking • • • crime who has fled from ward each other—the war attitude. dum Amendment, stating that tha ference of the retail liquor license of :ent is an excessive return. Equally, War is a great madness whloh will The fact that small canines running at large seem ilaces would prove more effective! lobody could liken the situation to justice and Is found in this state." authority of congress to declara war, Paul Pazloky to James J. Sammon, to be equally as numerous and fully as big a nuisance Of late the grand jury has had an exceptionally But that Isn't all. lestroy our civilization if It cannot except In case of an aotual Invasion and granted a three-day liquor II- irdinary private ownership, whereby be cured. We must end war or it as large ones Indicates that the society is not even mak- arge number of "technical manslaughter" cases to deal he owners' make as much as they Further on the same act reads: of the United States, shall not be- censo for the horse Bhow today, to- will end us. That, it seems to me, morrow and Saturday. ing efficient use of the apparatus for catching the lit- with. Pedestrians were among the chief victims. The in. "The guilt or Innocence of the come effective until confirmed by a the inevitable conclusion when we majority vote cast In a nation-wide Andrew P. Zerr, relief director, re- tle fry. Like a good many other things which have been autolsts who ran down and killed them will not be pun- 2. Under the law the policies of the accused as to the crime of which take a quiet look at our world. 'ederal Reserve System must be di- he is charged may not be in- referendum. Suoh a measure, fol- ported seven families, representing 82 said In extenuation of the manner In which the society ished for manslaughter, judging by past experience. It Is now nearly 18 years since the persons, wore receiving relief. Everybody knows that the autoists did not deliberately ected toward ths publlo welfare and quired into by the govornor * * * lowed up by nation-wide peace edu- has fallen down on the Job it is an explanation which war that was to end war was con- cation, would surely keep the United The Kumson Land and Develop- does not explain. If the society did not have the equip- snuff out the lives of these persons. Everybody knows lot private gain—which Is certainly after the demand for extradition lot the aim of any private business. luded, And what is the situation States out of another war. Such ment company, which haa bscn oper- ment to do the work it should not have taken the con- that the killings and the malmlngs were accidental. • • • except as It may be involved today? It is the universal testimony 3. Under the Banking Act of 1935 In identifying the person held aB legislation would place the respons- ating the sewage disposal system In tract. There Is little reason to believe that such fatalities the President appoints, subject to hat there are more causes for war ibility for the declaration of war In West Park, has been reorganized as the person charged with the oday than In 1014. Some predict "Mr. Kennedy admitted that he was bitten by the will be greatly diminished by the costly semi-annual In Senate approval, all the executive of- crime." the hands of those who- are going to the Rumson Sewage Disposal com- dog," said an esteemed out-of-town contemporary the spection of automobiles. It Is not the old, so-called un- lolals throughout the Federal Re- that the storm will break before suffer most If war comss—the young pany. Application to the mayor and Chapter 42 from which these sen- Christmas; others that it will surely council for permission to continue other day in referring to a canine-Inflicted injury which safe cars that usually figure in these accidents, but lerve System. This applies to the tences are quoted was a product of men who must go Into the front line Robert A. Kennedy sustained while making a visit to a rather the new models, capable of going 80 or 90 miles twelve Reserve Banks no less than to come within four or five years. trenches, and their fathers, mothers, the operation of the system was re- the Crime Conference called by Gov- Before the League of Nations a ferred t» the borough attorney. hoUBe In the performance of his duties as overseer of an hour and with brakes and all other accoutrements In the Integrating board In Washing- ernor Hoffman, who thought some- wives and sweethearts, Personally I the poor. Dogs are roving high, wide and handsome ton. Bach bank has a directorate of ew days ago Leon Blum said, "They don't believe a majority of the Amer- Receipts from tho clork's office perfect working order. Semi-annual Inspections will thing should be done about crime. are shaking the dice of war. Faith without let or hindrance oves Red Bank territory, and line. The board in Washington ap- Chapter 42 became tlie law of Now ican electorate would ever vote for were tS,105.29, of which $2,874.28 was do little to stop such accidents. It is speed, not any de- In peace Is shaken. The final catas- a war outside the borders of the for liquor license fees. it may be some consolation to Mr, Kennedy to know feot in the cars, which is responsible for most of these points three of them. These officials Jersey when Governor Hoffman are, of course, as removed from the rophe seems to be preferred to the United States. that quite a few other people would have to "admit" tragedies. signed it on March SO. agony of waiting." Said Stanley having been bitten If "accused" of having been hurt by day-to-day conduct of the Reserve On July 7, Ignoring the law his Then three legislative measures Stricter tests for Issuing licenses, the prohibition of Bank as any other directorate. The Bruce of Australia, "The hope cf mil- dogs. own algnaturo placed on the statute ions of men has been extinguished." are essential if wa are to keep our Will Review Senate the manufacture of cars capable of going more than 50 chief officers are the governor and country out of war. Others may ba It uaed to be that anyone so injured had justlflabli miles an hour and the construction of sidewalks along books, Governor Hoffman refused to The only woman delegate, Miss the vice governor. Under the new law extradite his good friend, Ellis Park- found advisable. I would like to see Bribe Testimony grounds for complaint. In times gone by the town had country roads, would be much more effective In pro- both officials are appointed by the Hesselgren of Sweden, wailed, "'Why er, Burlington county detective, In- bear children Into a world so hope- the Oriental Excluilon Act repealed a real dog catcher Instead of a society for a dog catch- moting safety and much-lees costly than the inspections directorate, but their appointments dicted in Brooklyn with his son, and immigrants from the Orient ad- The senate, committee Investigat- er; but as has often been pointed out by philosophers must be endorsed by the Federal Re- I and Insecure?" While de Valera ing allegations that a bribe was ao- But whoever dreamed of "statesmen" being Interested Ellis Parker, Jr., for the kidnaping of tha Irish Free State cried, "It la mitted on the same basis as from the human race is very "adaptable, and it may be that in safety and economy when such a course Interfered serve Board. Moreover the governor of Paul H. Wendel. From Weridel all other countries To put Japan llclted by one of its clerks will meet must become chairman of directors as a sacrifice today or a blood bath to- at Sea Girt late this week to review under the tutelage of the S. P. C. A. folks here will In with plans to create new Jobs and strengthen machlna was extracted by torture a confes- lorrow." and China on the quota bails would time become so expert In fending for themselves against well as governor. Also the appointee allow apt more than 300 Oriental the testimony presented at hearings rule. sion that he was the kidnaper of the Yes, It Is truly sheer madness for In Trenton rocently. dogs that no one will ever have to "admit" having been for the vice governorship must ba Lindbergh baby. immigrants a year—so few as not to vice chairman. One cannot Imagine the nations to drift on Into another The charge grew out of tho meas- worsted by a canine adversary. None of Governor Hoffman's argu- be notloed at all. An! such action any private company having its of- war. But what can we do about It? would be a far greater protection ure to provide a referendum on a However, as this state of adaptability has not ye ficials appointed or endorsed by the ments In his statement explaining hi Personally I believe we can do constitutional amendment to permit Safely Through Depression; refusal to sign the extradition papers against trouble from Japan than been fully attained the mayor and council have done Government. something, at least to lessen the many battleships. parl-rautuel betting at horse races, justifies his deliberate violation of dangers of war, possibly to prevent well to summon the society to give an accounting o! Nearing 100th Birthday. In sum, the Federal Reserve Sys- I believe also that we should frank- whloh died In committee on adjourn- Its stewardship. The society not only gets dog licenai tem, to all Intents and purposes, haa law he himself helped to make. war altogether. Somehow I find It ment ot the legislature. Preparations (or the celebration of the 100th anni- The governor dares to do this be- Impossible to believe that the races ly declare to the world that we never money but collects fines Imposed for violations of th< already been nationalized. Thus the intend to go to war to maintain the Senator Clifford R. Powell of Bur- versary f>t the Reformed church of Mtddletown vlllag cause in his official acts he is be- which have made such extraordinary lington, chairman of the committee, dog ordinance. At the time this arrangement was pro- next October have progressed to a point which seems to Coughlln artillery Is shooting at a open door polloy in China, or to pro- posed The Register protested against its adoption oi straw man. This also was true of yond the jurisdiction of the courts. discoveries and advances In the ma- Is "on the field" ea colonel of the Indicate that the event will be a memorable one. Fe- He can be called to account only by tect the Philippines or other Island the grounds that police powers should not be delegate) hla last campaign, viz., his denunci- terial realm are unable to make ad- 114th Infantry, Now Jersey National f licitations are in order for a variety of reasons, not th the cumbersome and politically im- vances in the moral and social realm. possessions In the Far East, or to Guard, at present. to a private society but should be performed by regulai ation of national banknotes as a gl- protect our citizens or investments least of them being the successful manner In which thii gantlo "money-creaUng" privilege practicable method of lmpreachmenL It is unbelievable that men must in He Bald Tuesday that copy of th« publlo officials responsible to the people for their acts But In this case justice is not with tha end be the victims of their own in foreign lands. That would only be transcript of testimony had not yet This paper also stated that it was wrong In principle little place of worship rode out unfavorable economl handed out to the bankers. On these affirming with reference to apeolflo conditions, engendered by the depression, which threat- bank-notes appeared the promise to out an alternative. A kidnaping In genius. Surely for mankind there Is seen received by him, it having been *h«t m™«y illlons of dollars, to say nothing of IssuoB. gold would bo available to every "1". overcame, a pardonable sense of ancestral pride ma 70.2 per cent were milk drinkers. so mosBlvo that It cannot be cracked, to settle our disputes with other na- However, this is not a major consideration. The or build It BO light that there Is prac- the lives of thousands of our splen- tions by peaoeful means. Now la all citizens, no ono having ordinarily be in order. Not self pity or a feeling of being unfor- Surveying milk consumption from any reason to hoard It and It be- most Important thing to be taken Into account is that tically nothing to fall down. The lcl men. the time for ua to make known our tunate but rather a desire to establish new traditions a another angle, direct from the col- If wo refuse absolutely to trade coming Immaterial whether It bs Red Bank has few streets leading to the river and vory gargantuan towers of the Golden firm determination to maintain peace hoarded or not, left In this country glorloua as those of the hardy old forebears should b leges, It was found that college stu. Gate brldgo typify the former, tho with a Europe at war we shall not and our readiness to pay the price little public-owned river front land—much leaa than Is dents drink an average of 1.47 pints or taken abroad. transmuted by the early history of Old Monmouth bamboo-and-paper houses of Japan havo our ships sunk and our citizens of peace. The abandonment of tho rcdomp- needed to provide adequate access to the water highway. a day, or about three glasses, as com- tho latter. rowned. We shall not he urged to Not one Inch of this apace should be rented to carry on tlon" policy Would, to an oxtcnt, re- -o-o-o-o-o-o- pared to the average citizen's con- go to war to protect our rlghti as duce tho purchafllnf? power of gold any business. It Is nil needed (and plenty more besides) sumption of .82 pints. The latest California echoolhouse WATER BATES. plan follows the matchbox idea with neutrals and the freedom-of-the-aeas nd reault In raining commoditoty for the use of the public. Tho small amount of revenue In the Discard The survey shows that the big In- doctrine, for we shall have re- rices, althouRlhh h thth o golld stnndardstnndard— jUBt a little touch of rock. The new Municipalities Where Profile Are Not which would be received by renting out this space would crease In milk drinking In duo to edu- buildings are low and lightly built of >ounced these rights and doctrines tho definite lojral relation botwoen be only a drop In the bucket towards meeting the cost and Rightly So. cation, and tho loading factor in strong materials. Windows, for in- ong before war breaks out. To Uaed to Reduce Taxes. tho dollar unit nnd a cortaln quan- this kind of education has been news- tity ol gold nlno-tonths fine—could of local government. All the people of Red Bank helped Apparently the mayor and council of Red Bank are stance, weigh less than walla, so sacrifice tho high profits of war Editor, Bed Bank Register: be maintained. to pay for this public property In order to gain access paper advertising. That Is one way there Is a maximum of window epaco, trado will bo a large sacrifice, In- Your references to the Red Bank not to be restricted during the eniulng year In the grant- In which big corporations can do a Such a curroncy as Is horo brought to the beautiful Shrewsbury, and the use of the river Ing of liquor licenses us they have been in the paBt. The with Just enough wall to hold It up. deed, but only a drop in the bucket Bystom of charging enough for wa- into vlow could bo fully controlled In much better Job than tho small dlu- ter and aewer service to provide a should not he nlo«td to them through rentals to private rule which they adopted last winter not to license any Roofs and oolllngs are tho moot dan- compared to the sacrifices of a war. quantity by government. Doclslon as penaer. If milk advertising had been gerous, so open-air classes on decks substantial profit In annual contribu- to quantity can vnry, but In genoral Individual. more places than thOBo then In existence became Inop- There Is jUBt one possible objection left to the old-time milkman thcro and in courts are provided as far as which I see to mandatory legislation tions to general fund! can be charac- should be based upon a per capita Tho fact that ono offer hns bocn made by a reput- erative July 1 and no action has been taken to renew It. would havo been no advertising— practical. The Individual units are terized as reasonable conclusions ex- allocation, or upon a calculated re- —It docn not permit us as a nation cept for one consideration, which la lation to required Federal annual nble bUBlneBB owner to lease this river front land is an This Is as It should be. Care should be takon not jUBt milk. They could not afford to small, with a large number of exits; to punish tha aggnsaor and aasiat that If taxes are burdens than their advertise milk, for their business wn puplln can fairly explode out of clnsa- budgets. indication that It might be a good Investment for the to grant an unduly large number of licenses, but there g tho Innocent. But If another war reduction can be spoken of as a ben- The author understands these sug- town to buy more property nf the flame sort Until this Is no need for an ironclad limit rule. Such a rule IB not too small. But the blfir corporations, roonuj If tho building seems endan- brcnkn out In Europe It will not ba efit, but if, on the other hand, taxes gestions challnngo the validity o' Is done no public-owned land on the Shrewsbury should to the best IntoreaU of the community or to tho appli- which own nnd operate big dairies, gered. betwoen two Individual natlona but can b* levied as paymanta for aerv- the gold standard tradition, so far have been ablo to create a much blg- Icoa rendered by government, then as tho abaoluto requirement of "re- be- rented. This property waB purchased by the people cant*. How unfairly It worked out may be judged from Cfillfornlans evidently are looking botween coalitions of natlona; nor they ihould be fully collected. for tho use of nil the people and It is Inadequate. Per- gor demand for milk by allowing tho will It bo any easier than It was In demption" la concerned, but ho holds the experience of the owners of tho Btrand restaurant. straight at their school building prob- Thus, In New Zealand and In the that thin tradition in not altogether haps snmo tlmo In the future, when Red Hank fully They applied for a license soveral months ago, but be- beneflta of milk drinking, thus not lem. Such features ns are Incorpor- 1DH to dotirrnlne which group li the only Increasing tholr buslncia hut oily of Wellington It is proposed to sound. Wo havo standards of time, realizes the vnlue of the river, things will be different. cause of tho limit rule they had to wait until someone ated In this plan promise addltlonnl actual aggressor. I am convinced abolish the law which permits looal volume and oxtonnlon. Thny need no also ronilorlng a great service to the aafoty for school children and ad- that we can serve best the caum of governing bodies to utilise tba profits redemption. Unfortunately that day seems far distant, and not one went out of business. pxibllc—Hudson Dlstpatch. lota of the »pnco which th« public now ha« the right dlonal confldonco for parents.—The I'oaco by nerving nolle* upon Europe of utility service for the reduction Continued COIJHIRO nf Rnld, con Eventually a vacancy occurred and the license was now by suitable legislation that we ot rataa of taxation. In Wellington tlnued Issuance of new coinage, con- to use should be reduced. 1 Christian Monitor. all taxes are levied on tha unim- granted without protest from a single citizen. Logically "Something Swell. , i i m • are determined not only to remain tinued acceptance of a certain quan- there was no reason for delay. The license should have proved values of land—on what may tity of standard sold aa the dollnr "Now when Jesus heard thenn NKW LEGION MEMBK11H. neutral but to forego from the very be called tha around rent, or the been acted on Immediately without regard to a limit measure of value, and the guarantee things he »ald unto him, yet lackost beginning tha hug* profits of war- rentable value of th* land considered and practice of our government In rule. The net result of waiting for someone to go out thou one thing:—Sell all that thou Three Received at Meeting of Red time trade. L"et Europe know now aa b«re—and thoae who favor this keeping all forms of currency at a Joe Humphreys' Death of business was that the town was deprived of revenue ha«t and distribute unto the poor, Bunk I'oat Monday Night. that In caa* of another war no bal- "single tax" do not favor any *x- parity with gold In Its financial which It otherwise wold h e owner. and thou .hnlt have treasure In Heav- 1 m trannnctloiu, the author bellnven, a Lois to the Fight Game. whloh It otherwise would have received and ».„ „„,.„,. Throe new members were received llgor.nt ««n count upon drawing Mia |*mptlon„ New* '° *zShi P"* *d* !J|!tha JElimajwll1I15' y of of the restaurant were unneoe«»arlly required to pont- en: and corns, follow me."—Luke of wnr—food, ammunitions, would fully satisfy nil the require- 18:22. by Shrewsbury post of tho Ameri- ten a«»m to believe that the land ments of a Hound dollar medium of The fight game loit ono of its most colorful figures pona opening a business which has since been officially can legion of fled Bank Monday raw materials and loans, from us. belongvotera s In common to the people, and Friday In the death of Joe Humphreys of Fair Haven, y Who know* hut that that fact alone exchange and menaure of value. recognlied aa legitimate. What the rich young man sorrow- night. They are Edward J. Carnoy, that by charging tha full annuah l rant who for 40 years as announcer of big and little events fully could not bring hlmsalf to do Joim J. MolCleny and Lelghton Lav- may prevent another European con- for pareals and txp»nding J « ""] T. W. Bage. It Is to ba hoped that no such foolish limit rule , funda In providing the s*rvlo*s and nf tha squared circle, was beard by more people than rtll on Judea'a shores twenty centuries doll. flict? „ ) R. D. 1, Asbury Pnrk. populate) this country today. His voice Is described as b TOl d MnM ng places beco ago, a slangy little actreaa at Tarry- There la a second legislative "tap advantages of government •J»» aUn- numerou!?"!£'".s .a. ! '? l'. - ." «* P>w«» "«com. Raymond J, O'nelll, Frederick tlal equality of opportunity of using having had the "pitch of a violin's middle A-aharp, but b. objectionabljble e the met effectiveffective t.m- town on the Hudson haa joyfully an- Badan, Jr., nnd Harold Oner were which I feel we must take If Wa are Holmdelers' edy would b. to increaaincre e thth e «„„« „ „.,, Th,t thB nounced she'll do this fall. In vory to ka*p our country out of annthar U with volume that might b« drawn from a strip of bridge obligated «• new members. An outstanding example of such an The Baptlat and Reformed flnn- rahl» aawad by a cross-cut saw." Ot urf-Blbllcal language •)» wrote a It was reported at the meeting war. We must do something about aovantur* in taxation Is Bydnay New S£t°™ta .IT? 1 .I" "• " •"•"•»« '••»• to beTarrytown editor that she will auc- the tnunltlona bualneas. I grant you South WaUa.Huatralle, whloh haa a day-aohools of Hnlmdel will hold An orphan at 12, hla rise to -fame from the sidewalks Of th""">•»•» wher. devote harsair henceforth to charity. munition makara of bulng tha awl* aiorg* White, I afternoon and evening In the Balva- auoa^hh ai. smal.Z.l «percentag ? *e "ha >" fallel n 'by •>""">•»•tha wayside» w. nuparatlnar at ths home of relatives "I want to do something swtll," she at HawUiotn*. eauae of ware, tat the My* lnveeU- K J. dsre Beach sactlon ol aC*»naburg. \ RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1936. Paee "They hiv* oSartd th» Mrviees at Holmdel. Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Directing Rural brilliant young agriculturist, B. J. Marlboro. Statesir of Washington, D. C, and Veaton, us supervisor. He is at pres- Mrs. Harry Polhemus and son of BOOK NOW mt an assistant in tha government Rev. Marshall Harrington will be Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Hendrlckson, East Orange, who are stopping at FOR VACATION Life Instruction agricultural department of , tbe guest speaker at C.imp Dennis Mia. I. Van'Matcr, Mrs. Walter Hop- the Kingsley Arms hotel. Grand's Shoe Repair Shop laving rendered distinguished serv- near Stlllwater, New Jersey, next jiliiK anil Mm. R. Leonard of' Mid- CRUISES Benjamin F. Grant of Forsyth, ce there and In Bouth Africa. Mr. Sunday. The camp Is mnlntalned by dletown were among the guests at Montana, who la spending some time AU Lines In The Near East iVeeton will corns hare this summer Old First Church of Newark and was the Courtesy House on Sunday. in the East, WDB a visitor at the Call, Writ., I'hon. lor ...Announces... for graduate work in the agricultur- the gift of Alfred L, pennis to the Mis» Murion Symmea of Freehold Charlea Mount home on School street Literature and Reservation! An Interesting Description of the al department of an American col- young people of the chinch. The and Mian A. R. Hajrward spent Tues- on Sunday. lege to perfect bis knowledge of the home farm with Its benutlful upland day nt New York. Walter and Junior VoorheeB of Work Given by H. B. Allen, Helen Lee Getty Removals' 15th Anniversary Specials technique of rural education. The lake makes an ideal 'e.imp for tho MisH Gladya Conover has a pofii- Jersey City are vlaltlng their grand- TRAVEL SERVICE Who i« Spending Vacation government will provide one of Mr. boys and girls. When Rey. Mr. Har- tion at tho Stato hospital. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. King- 18 Mechanic St., Ited Bonk Weston's assistants; another will be rington was on the staff of Ota First Misses Elizabeth and Catherine man. Phono 17-18 I with to announce to my patrons and friend* With Relative*. transferred from our Macedonian Church, ho and hla nnn, Prof. Har- Hayward wore Sunday visitors at Inez Conover returned home Sun- Alt ticket! sold at companies' that I am now located in larger quarters at staff. Also a young woman trained rington of Drow university, prepared tho home of Mr. nml Mrs. E. H. day from a visit at Atlantic High- published rate The eagerness with which the gov- in the treatment and control of tra- the farm for the camp activities and Hmith of Enst Freehold. lands. program. ernments of the Near East welcome choma, which disease Is very bad in Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burke and Mrs. William Cox Is sHH confined 10 West Front St., next to Hesse's American efforts In directing rural 'yprus, and another trained In mid- John B. Harrington, son of Rev. daughter Mary Ann, have returned to her bed by Illness. life education Is being demonstrated wifery, will be added to the staff by and Mrs. Marahall HarrlnKton, will from Roach Haven, where they he government. The district chosen Mrs. Anne Wyckoff, Miss Kathar- at the present time on the Island of preach In the Baptist church .Sundny. spent thfl pant week. ine GrlgRB and Mrs, A. J. Holland In celebration of my fifteen years in busi- lyprun, according to Prof. H. B. Al- for tbe demonstration Is Morphou. His topic will be "They Shall Walk." Prof. William Williams of Port Here the government maintain! an spent Friday at Anbury Park. ness in Red Bank, I am offering special reduced len, educational director of the Nflar John Harrington la a graduate of j Elizabeth waa n visitor hero on Ijlbnrty frranpc held a picnic .it IVORY East Foundation, who Is spending agricultural experiment station which Princeton university. He. spent three Thursday. I will co-operate In our work. This Belvldere Beach on Wednesday prices, for a limited time, on all shoe repairs. part of hla vacation In the home of years In the study of philosophy af- Mr. and Mrs. LoMolne havn re- night. year also a normal school will b« es- ter graduation and Is now studying turned .to their home at Matawan In mother-in-law, Mrs. Fltzroy Wall tablished here, ID which we are able Mr. and Mm. Bailey of Brooklyn ing, of Mew Monmouth. Mrs. Allen, for the ministry in Union theological after a visit with their daughter, SOAP Men's and Women's half soles sewed 1.00 to provide a teacher of agriculture. seminary of New York. Mrs. George Creevy. were guests on Sunday at the- Rtry- (with rubber fcaeli) . who has been In Greeca with her [n this way we shall accomplish a ker home on Main street. husband, is also at the home of Mrs. The hot, dry weather of last week W. V. Broach, Mr. and Mrs. Bert similar service to that In Palestine, had a considerable effect In arrest- Quackpnhush, MrB. R. de la Reus- Rubber Heel. 25c J Leather Top Lifts 15c inasmuch as the Cyprus village Of the 2i national parks In tho LAUNDRY Prof. Allen isiwell known In Ntw ing tha growth of potato plants. nf Prprhnld motored to Afibury school teachers of the future will Many of tho vlnoa have started to Park Friday evening for a call upon Ignited States, only six now are closed Jersey. Previous to going to the start out 'rural-minded'." These prices in effect from July 17th to July 25th Near East ten years ago he taught •wither. Within a short time the Mr. and Mrs. I. C. VanSostrand of to winter travel. inclusive. agriculture at the Mlddletown town' prof. Allen, while hare, Is spending Cobbler variety will be ready to har- •hip high school at Leonardo. A« a •onelderable time at Rutgers and at vest and sell. Some sales have al- member of, the staff of Rutgers unl the headquarters of the Near East ready been made. Last week George verslty he served as assistant In agrl- Foundation, 2 West 46th street, New McKnlght disposed of a truckload of GRAND'S Shoe Repair Shop cutlural education and directed a York. Later he will visit relatives Cobblers at an advantageous price, practice school In vocational agTicul at Albion, New York, before return- Arrangements are being mnde for MAX OBAND, Prop. turo. ing to the Near East in September. the annual Sunday-school picnic to be held In the Belvedero Beach sec- 10 WEST FRONT ST., RED BANK Since 1926 he has directed the ed- tion of Keaneburg. ; L ucational programs of the Near East GIVES TALK TO ROTARIANS. Robert Voorheea has resumed hla Relief and the Near East Foundation studies at Georgia Technical school In Greece, Syria, Palestine, Turkey, Dr. Harry Tloehurst Tells of His Re- at Atlanta. Southern Russia, Albania and Bul- cent Trip to London. garia. His latest project, on the Is- Miss Ruth Hance and Miss Ahna- Our Personal laura Holmes are taking a secretar- land of Cyprus, was undertaken al Dr. Harry Ticehuret was the prin- ial course of instruction at New the Invitation of the British govern- cipal speaker at last Thursday's meet- ment, which had observed successfu Tork. : E Ing of tho Red Bank Rotary club. demonstrations of a four-fold rural Dr. Ticehurst, who is a member of Officers of the Sunday-school have program In the refugee villages of the Red Bank club, recently returned been elected as follows: Macedonia and Jn tho training of vll Loan Plan from s, trip abroad and while over Superintendent—MrB. Flora Holmes. rrs A lane school teachers In Palestine. seas made It his business to attend Assistant superintendent—Mrs. Harold Bennett. In Palestine, tho Near East Foun- as many foreign Rotary dubs as pos- Secretary—NathRnlel Cheek. dation method was to train fifteen etble. He dwelt upon the activities Assistant secretary—Oliver Francli village teachers a year In a school o of the foreign clubs and then told of Treasurer—Miss Ruth Hance. O Librarian—Mrs. Sidney lifny. agriculture, return them to their vll Interesting placea visited by him. The SHELVADOR lages and aid them with expert di- doctor being a veterinarian was in- Most of the farmers have finished harvesting their hay crops and their offers a popular method of borrow- THE WORLDS MOST BEAUTIFUL REFRIGERATOR rection in Instituting farming, health terested most in horses and he gave and sanitation reforms In their vil- the Rotariane an interesting picture first cutting of alfalfa. Pue to un- lages. favorable weather conditions the of several of the prominent races. crops were considerably lesa than ing upon occasion to satisfy present The result of thin work has been The time allotted the doctor was normal. that the government now requires all far too limited for him to tell all N applicants for village teaching posl Igar Presnlkoff, who lived near about his trip and he was asked to Vanderburg, has moved on the needs with the opportunity of repay- tlons to have had two years of train- give a further address at some future Ing in an agricultural school In addi- Planchon farm, which he has rented. date on other matters abroad which This property Is about a mile from tion to their academic training. Thi were enjoyed by him. ing the loan from regular income. program in Macedonia varies con- the village center. It waB formerly siderably fiom that technique. Prof. President Myron V. Brown called owned by Cyrenlus V. Stlllwaggon, Allen states, as it was not possible upon a number of Rotariam to tell It Is near J, Herbert Scbanclt's place; there to make the village school thi about their personal experiences in Mr. Planchon, who at one time occu- center of community life, as was don riding donkeys, which was the out- pied the farm, la now in poor health In Palestine, although tha schools, come of the Lions-notary clubs base- and he Is a patient at a Brooklyn with their model gardens and classes ball game here a week ego last night. hospital. Mr. Presnlkoff is using the in horticulture and hygiene, have The Rotarlana thought that they farm principally for raising chickens. contributed to the general success of had dons their part in carrying out He also has a number of goats. S tho program. The work In Mace- the affair, hut regretted very much James Hammond and John Kelly donia, howver, Is boing accomplished that the hospital received such a acted as bearers at the funeral of The First National Bank with trained native agriculturists, a small percentage of the gross re- Charlea Morrell of Rumson Satur- sanitation engineer, a leader of rec- ceipts'. One Rotarlan was heard to day afternoon. Mr. Morrell was well reation and public health nurses an< Eay, "Let's don't get caught in another known at Holmdel and the last rites SANITONE homo economics teachers. Hoirn racket. If we are to help the hos- were attended by a number of the of Eatontovrn, New Jersey demonstration centers maintained b: pital as a club, let us do it so the residents of this place. the Near East Foundation, from hospital gets a greater return for Duo to the abnormally hot -weather DRY CLEANING which extension work Is conducte our efforts." last Thursday night the attendance by the women workers, have becom was not as large as had been antici- Guaranteed By 1 the centoro of community life in th pated at the play of "An Old Fash- Good Housekeeping Macedonian villages. Civil Service Examinations. ioned Mother" given by the Epworth Member Federal Reserve System Magazine The United States Civil Service league of the Keyport Methodist "There are certain very gratlfyln; church at the Baptist chapel at thiB As Advertised There-ln. elements In our work in Cyprui Commission has announced open competitive examinations as follows: place. Many persons who had bought states Prof. Allen. "Our invitatloi tickets did not attend. However, the to open a project there followed close Extension specialist in parent edu- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Now With cation, $4,600 a year. Department of program was very ably rendered and upon the heels of my recommenda- it was financially successful, about 70-76 WHITE ST. Shelvtdor . . . tbc family Protection Plan. tions to tho governor of the Island Agriculture. Junior home economics,, specialist, $23 being cleared. One part of the Approved Mortgagee pr!d« everywhere! Became 00llp Sir , made after play was supposed to transpire dur- uf Ifi bruih-Ulitnf fciiuty had made a survey of tho Inland, a various optlonals, $2,000 a year. Bu- reau of Home Economics, Depart- ing zero weather and tho-performers • . . iu tfrettly increMed 104 hia request, a year ago. When wi wore heavy winter clothing and made Federal Housing Administration RED BANK were asked to undertake the work ment of Agrioulture. •liable tpice.., i<» extrtor- j. many remarks about an imaginary it was found impossible, as the fundi Fire prevention officer, $3,200 a frigid temperature. The acting was Tel. R. B. 2800 din(ry convenitnect ... It* dcpend


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Try it I Mechanic Street and Globe Court Red Bank OPEN EVENINGS THI JOHN IICHtBR BRIWINO COMPANY^ HIW YORK CITYf Member «*VJi« lr«w«M'.*tMC'j0UI#''*' '•* PHONE 3130 I'M. held in MaoDonald's auditorium. Paul 28 barrels of porgles In one day, word just received by William C. Hunter, John Covert, Jr., Walter Con- which was considered a record at Tomaini Guilty Patterson of Ardent, th* association MONEY LOANED Items of Yesteryears roy, George Oberlander, E\ H. Tled- Belford and Port Monmouth. secretary. It was fo have expired an Jewelry, SUrar, Music*) Instruments. erman and yv\ H. C. Lee composed Misa'Stella Heyer, daughter of Mra. In Hobart Murder on June 30 this y«ar, Binoculars, ate, ^ the committee In charge of the affair. ames Heyer of Matawan, and Lester Extension of the temporary low __ "•""* •»* BOMW b» Suta *l N. J. Arthur L. PhllllDS, who lived on the W. Patterson of Keyport were mar- John Tomaini, 31, of Long Branch, rate was mado possible by action of Vm PAY CASH FOB OLD GOLD AND Sn,\ From Register Files Arrowsmlth farm In Mlddletown ied by Rev. Samuel Bowers. They was convicted Friday of the murder Congress approved on June 25, 1936, township, died at the Long Branch 'lanned to make their home at of William Hobart, Avon butcher, and covers all Interest that comes hospital as the result of an attack Eastern, Maryland. who was shot In an unsuccessful due beforo June 80, 1037, on some Broadway Loan Co. holdup last July. Tomalnl was de- $1,100,000 of Land Bank loans now of appendicitis. Ills* Elliabeth Schanck, young clared guilty of having aided, nbettpd 201 Broadway. (Opp. J«cob Sulnbuh'o Long rjr Happenings of 50 and 25 Years Ago Culled From The Mrs. Fred Luthor of Red Bank sold outetundin&r through the local asso- daughter of Luther Schanck of Holnv and planned the holdup. The verdict clution. For tho a whole, her farm at Colt's Neck to John Sher- del, celebrated the Fourth of July was rendered by a Jury of Bevcn News and Editorial Columns for Entertainment rlU for *3,000. some two billions of loans are af- with a birthday lawn party. A tea- women and five men after deliberat- fected. The Red Bank lodge of Elks char- ture of the refreshments was a large ing four hours and 20 minutes. Tho of Today's Reader*. tered I special train to take part In cake covered with red, white and The contract rate of 4%, at which "I'M THE MOST CAREFUL verdict carried with It ft recommen- now Land Bnnk loans are now be- the big demonstrations of Elkdom to luc frosting. dation for mercy, which will mean Fifty Years Ago. be held at Atlantic City. Tho lodge Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mathloaon enter- ing made through National Farm ho will receive a life sentence Instead Loan associations, Is not changed Mrs R. M. Hurley of Lccdsville petent drug clerk wai to slcop In the purchased a fine silk banner for par- alned the Keyport Literary club at of death. " ado purposes. The name and num- heir residence. A feature of the In- by the temporary interest reduction DRIVER IN TOWN bought a Mason-& Hmnlin organ tore and the pressure on the elec- provided by Congress, It was point- from John Lloyd, Jr., of Red Bank. tric bi>H knob would be a signal to ber of the lodge and a large Elk's trumontal and musical program was Tomaini has a long record of trou- head was displayed on a background a solo rendered by Mr. Moller of ble with police authorities but had ed out. Farmers who are getting John D. and S. M. Gaunt were awaken him. loans now at the i% contract rate awarded the, contract to build Rev. Samuel A, Conover of Bl*ck Point of royal purple. The banner waa Copenhagen, Denmark. never been convicted on ahy of tho trimmed with heavy sold lace. According to school records, one- charges. He was employed BS a will hnvo tho benefit of the SH% Henry Belting's new dwelling on Irv- died from lockjaw caused from & fall rate, however, for all Interest In- from his wagon a ehort time pre- Mrs. Anne McMahon, mother of lalf of the pupils -who entered the part-time worker In Hobart's butcher ine street. lublio schools In Mlddletown town- shop. The case against him wns con- stallments payable before June 30, John P. Combe, a clerk in Sickles viously. Frank McMahon of Rumnison, died 1037, nnd after thnt date will paV William G. Denlse, one of the old- ,t the home of her daughter, Mrs. hip in the first grade continued ducted by Charles Frankel and Ed- & Parkers grocery store, stepped on through to graduation In the granv ward Juska, assistant prosecutors. 4 for tho entire duration of their a rusty nail and the Injury caused •st residents of Freehold, died In his Daniel Dean of Little Silver. She was loans. him to be off duty several days. 8fith year. 79 years old and death was due to ar 'school. In the Red Bank public He was defended by Joseph Mattice Mrs. Elizabeth D. Mlcheau died at general debility, hastened by Injuries schools leu than one-fifth of the pu- of Asbury Park. Tomaini will be Surrogate David S. Crater and fam- lls continued through the same sentenced tomorrow by Judge J. Ed- DIUCDGINO CONTRACT. ily were spending the summer at the the residence of John West in Middle- suffered In a. fall a ehort time pre- ward Knight, Globe hotel. own township In her 8lBt year. vious, :ourse. j\ \ ^—^ 'The United States army engineers CharleB S. Goff of Ked Bank was Forty members of the Pavonla Harry Content, president of the James WMJacejfeslgned as a police- • • m have recommended that the Hill Yacht club of Jersey City visited At- man In Rumsbo^oorough and John L. Dredging company of Ventnor be engaged as nighn t clerk at the Hotel Monmouth County Horse Show asso- Shrewsbury i Sea Bright. lantic Highlands In their respect IS/e ciation, announced that over $7,000 In Murphy waa appointed to fill the va- Low Interest Rate awarded the contract for dredging Miss Jane Strong of Colt's Neck, boats. Whilo at the Jersoy shore a prizes would be distributed at the ancy. Mr. Wallace took a better no- tho South Shrewsbury river. Their who had recently graduated from the clambake was eerved at Hilton's annual horeo show at the Hollywood litlon on Thomas McCarter's place. Extended One Year bid was 13.78 cents a' yard. There Trenton Normal school, wa6 engaged dock. grounds. Elmer and Latham Pearsall put are two projects, one for dredging a to teach at the Hillside school, near There were 386 telephone calls re- The Monmouth County Postmas- heir pleasure launch Daisy T., Into The temporary %M% Interest rate channel from a point 000 feet south Colt's Neck, for the eneuinK year. ceived at the central office of the ;ers association met at Neptune iommifision and were enjoying them- on all Federal Land Bank farm of the Highlands bridge through' to -HIS CAR IS NOW A WRECK / Elija Conk gave up his Job at Ben- telephone company In Sea Bright on selves during moonlght nights taking mortgage loans held by members of deep wnter off Sandy Hook and the Heights for their annual banquet. the Monmouth County National HA* happened T This oareful nett's livery stable and took a po- July 4. Louis Y. Manning, Red Bank's post- heir friends out on the river. other from tho starting point of the can enjoy rco! blow-out protection jsRIon as traveling; salesman for John Mre. Annie Duffy of the Mansion Farm Loan association has been first project south to the Brangh- Wdriver was Bafcty-minded, of —at no extra cost? master, was a member of the Execu- Otis Matthews of Tinton Falls was extended for one year, according to Bailey, Red Bank tdbacconist. House In Red Bank offered a reward tive committee ot the association. licked while milking a cow and his port bridgo. course. That Is, ha was when It That's becauso Sllvcrtownu are The net receipts of the Reform for tho return of a bright red cow, Search Light council of Junior houlder was knocked out of place. came to having his engine over- the only tires built with tho Life- club fair were slightly over S500. Misa which she advertised as being either American Mechanics of the Highlands Mlsa Hilda T. Scott of Red Bank hauled periodically —his brakes, Savcr Golden Ply-a layer of spe- Gussie Morton and Miss Edith Spin- lost or stolen. elected A. T. Derby councillor and nd Charles H. Cupples of Long steering gear and lights checked cial rubber and full-flouting cords, ning were contestants for a watch, The City of Long Branch, plying Henry Parker vice councillor. ranch were married on Saturday, regularly. But he never gave the scientifically treated to resist tha which was won by Miss Morton. between New York and points on the J. Lyle Klnmonth, editor of the As- une 24, at Red Bank by Rev. Al- tires a second thought until EANCl! heat generated tiistdo tho tire by Elwood Minuprh of Sea Bright was South' Shrewsbury river, with Branch- honse Dare. ... A blow-out! He couldn't steer! port as the terminus, was soliciting bury Park Press, returned from an today's high speeds. By resisting; exhibiting a four-leRged chicken auto ride with Mrs. Kinmonth to find Ted Evans, a champion chowder He couldn't stop. Another accident heat, this amazing Golden Ply keep's which had recently been hatched by freight at low rates. Flour, potatoes, that their home had been robbed of master of Fair Haven, had charge of that might have been prevented. his prize hen. apples, etc., were carried at eight he first clambake of the season con- rubber and fabric from separating. Jewelry taken' from a second floor Luckily, this motoriBt was not It keeps blisters from forming. And William H. Walling of Centerville :ents a barrel, canned goods at five bedroom. lucted by the Players Boat Club. The had a pig with six ears. Five were centa per 300 pounds and hay and lake was held at Sandy Hook. hurt. But does It pay to gambla when you prevent the blister, you on one side of the head and were straw at six centa per 100 pounds. Oliver Morton was awarded a sil- Chester Minton took John Meager, when blow-outa kill or injure thou- prevent tho high-speed blow-out. sands every year? Doea it pay to bo hanging in a cluster. The Red Bank Register was ar- ver loving cup as a prize in a bicycle rvlng VanBrunt, Howard Jeffrey and Isn't it better to bo safe than race for boys under 15 years of age upconcerned about tires, when, by Misa Annie Applegate of Riverside ranging to move its equipment to 2orneliU3 Marcellus on an outing sorry i Especially when Golden Ply held at Eatontown. equipping your car with the now a.venue gave a party In honor of Miss the first floor of the Hendrickson lown the river in his father's motor Silvortowjis coat no more than other Grace Saunders, one of her class- building on East Front street, ad- Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tetley re- boat. The boys spent their time bath- Goodrich Safety Silvertowns, you mates at Vassar. Music for dancing Joining the postofflce. turned home from attending the re- Ing and fishing. standard tires. Come in today. was furnished by Craig & Fisher. County Collector John T. Haight union of veterans of the old Mozart The Atlantic Highlands Gas com- Two Red Bank canoeists named made a report of expenditures of the regiment, of which Mr. Tetley was any put up'a gas light at the foot BUY THESt GlQLDEN PLY SILVERTOWNS AT their respective boats. Telegraph Op- county and stated that with all bills a member. Hendrlckson'a hill, near Middle- erator James iKeough named his craft paid there was over $11,000 still in Miss Bessie Mosher, daughter of awn village, for the benefit of trol- Anti-monopoly and Ed Soffel named the treasury. Mrs. William II. Mosher of Oneonta, ey patrons using the waiting room bis boat the Turtle Dove. New York, and Ralph Orvllle Wil- t that place. ' Edward Steele of Little Silver was guss, son of Delancy W. Wilguss of HAROLD STOUT Tire Stores accidentally shot In the breast during Twenty-Five Years Ago. Red Bank, were married at the , Bills of Sfi,»27.S2. some careless target shooting. The There was a lively time at the bride's home. Mrs. Wilguss was a Bills to the amount of $5,927.32 US W«»t Front St., Red pank bullet lodged In his breast bone and meeting of the town officials. Borough teacher In the Mechanic street school ere paid by the township the wound was not considered ser- Recorder James H. Sickles and Po- at Red Bank and also superintend- ee of Mlddletown township last 130 Broadway, Long Branch ious. ce Superintendent James Norman ent of the Methodist Junior Epworth league. huraday. OBRE'S SEBVICE STATIOK KUTEB & HAIXANAN Philip Rohror, a hard character of had a verbal scrap which grew out of A report by Dr. F. C. Woodruff, the this vicinity, broke out of the town an assault and battery eerap between Miss Mary Lovett, daughter of John ownship physician, was received and Broad 8t, Shrewsbury niver Road, Eumson fock-up. Mechanio street residents and they T. Lovett of Little Silver, was ac- ied. ' tlAROLD KAUFTMAW John W. Stout was installing ad- called each other names not fit to cepted as. a Presbyterian missionary flitlonal machinery at his Red Bank print. and planned to sail in the early fall The United States office of educa- Church St., Keansburg; on reports a decrease of about SO canning factory and he was. arrang- Because he lost his pocketbook, for Northern India, where she was ALL GULF REFINING COMPANY AND TIDEWATBB STATIONS ing to give employment to 165 hands. eorge Vanderwerth, employed by to be engaged in religious work. ler cent in the number of one-room Samuel Walling defeated Luther Harry Langendorf of Lineroft, had to The Woman's club of Keansburg chools during the last 10 years. and Thomas Walling In the glass ball walk home from Long Branch, where netted $500 at their annual fair held shoot conducted by the Port Mon- he had gone on a trolley ride. In the Keansburg Beach grove. Jnouth Gun Club. Richard HacKenzio of Herbert Mlas Sarah Child, a former school Pack Brothers opened photo- street lost the end of one of hi* teacher at Red Bank, died very sud- graphic studios for the ecason at fingers in a piece of moving machin- denly at a New York health Institu- , Long Branch and Ocean Grove. ery at Eisner's factory. The finger tion. She had taught school many Dr.' T. A. Curtis installed a private was cut off at the first joint and the years at Red Bank and was one of wire between his office and that of flesh below the Joint waa so badly the town's first teachers. She was 66 the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph rhashod that amputation of the finger years old and was a daughter of the company's Bed Bank headquarters. at the second Joint was necessary. late William Child. She had taught Druggist Fred D. Wikoff put an The Keansburg Co-operative assooi school on Mechanic street In the first electric bell and a speaking tube in atlon claimed an active membership building erected for school purposes his drug store. The place was to be of 70, and arrangementa were being In the town. kept onen day and night, A com- njade tor a nubile entertainment to be Georsre C.Henry of Eelfurd caught LOOKING AT And youll see savings in ALL 3" LDS MOBILE Is a Better BUY RWIS 1LS ClEMtS TOP-CYLINDERS CUTS DOWN CNRB9N

"V7OO don't taue to take an Okksmobtte *- on faith. You can got proof and You get "All 3",.. at the regular gas price doufafe proof that OMaroobile giws yon more for your money. First, pot OMsmobae through its paces. Yaat own experience wOl convince yoa that QktemobUe performs, handles and rides "Eke a miffion." Second, check OJda- OME FOLKS tell us they don't believe any gaso- cant... PLUS an effective carbon->8olvent! mob0e*a complete Hst of fine-car fe»- S line can drive a motor ... oil top-cylinders 11 is those extra ingredient*, blended into Tydol, tntos against what other cats have to ... and cut down carbon. And they're rlghtl No 'at no extra coat to you; that give this modern oflet Yoo wffl find that OUamobile gasoline, by itself, can do all 3 of those jobs. Rkes you everything you want, from motor-fuel its "triple-action". Tydol assures you Knee-Action Wheels and Super-Hy- But Tydol is not an ordinary gasoline. It is of triple savings through a more powerful, a drnaHc Brakes to Bodyi>y Fialier, with more than a gasoline. It is the finest motor-fuel smoother, a cleaner motor. And it gives you those SoUd-Stcel "Tnrnat--Itap.- And in OM»- you ever used, selling at the price of regular extra features and extra eavings at no extra costl •MU MX* mobilo, runitanberval} ttoeBO-edvtmto&m •flu worn- gasoline...PLUS a patented top-cylinder lubri- are yoor» at a price hot o ttllc abowv • A PRODUCT Or TN« TIDI WATUI OIL COMPANY the lowest That is why, when yon 665 • '810 drims and oompans, yon will quickly discover that OJdsmobile is a better bay. IMSTAlttINT FUN HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. xipleAction 36 MAPLE AVENUE, RED BANK, NEW JERSEY ' •>!• RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1936;

Auxiliary Plans TintQn FalU. raetor, etlafcrated a high mass of street, Red Bank, and John Eustaos WEDDED 34 TEARS. Among those present wara Mr. and raqultm. Ssvsral residents of this of New York were Sunday visitors Mrs. William Crawford and daugh- place attended the services. of Mrs. Mary Carton and daughter Moonlight Sail (Th. lad But Bulittr ssa I* bought Anniversary Celebration Held by Mr. ter Virginia. Mrs. Crawford Is the ID Tlnton Will Iroa Un. tank gaottj Mr, and Mrs. John Harvey of Patricia May. and Mrs. J. A. VanScholck. daughter of the eeUbrants, and Vir- Trenton, lira, Dorita Peak and Dr. CARL DIETZ An election of office™ for ths ert- Mr. and Mrs. John Paarnon and Counollman and Mra. J, Albert ginia is their granddaughter. Other sulng year took place at the meeting their daughter Joyce of England George E. Haynes of New York ware Baptized on Sunday. guestt Included Mils Nora Thorpe 123 West Front St., Red Bank Sunday visitors at Foreman's board- Robert James Leltenberger, son of VanScholck, Jr., of Newman Springs and Mrs. Margaret Thorpe Hurle of of Shrewsbury unit, No. 1B8, auxil- are making a stay of seven weeks road entertained a number of friends iary of tho Amorloon Legion post of with Mrs. Fsarion'i brother, Joteph Ing school. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Leltenberger Newark, who returned home on the ICE CREAM SODA CANDY of Riverside Heights, was baptized at their homo Friday evening in same day of the party from a trip Red Banlt, last Thursday at tho Poet Deeley. The English visitors war* Dorothy and Walter Peek have re- celebration of their 34th wedding an- STATIONERY CIGARETTES TOBACCO rooms on Broad ctrcota. Mrs. Ott- here two years ago. when tha tem- turned to New York, where they will Sunday afternoon at St. James's to Norway. Others present besides perature was equable, and they war* church by Rev. Francis J. Dwyer. niversary. The festivities took place those mentioned wart Mr. and Mrs. NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES msr Phillips was elected president, spend tho summer. They are stu- outdoors principally, and cooling Mm, Thomas H. Mead first vice presi- astonished by the torrldity of tha dents at Foreman's boarding school. The sponsors were Mrs. Rose M. Albert Wymbs and their daughter dent, Mm. Charles Bklllmnn second weather last week. RocheUa «nd her son, Bertram A. breezes from tho river contributed Peggy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves, A nice cool place to enjoy a y2-pint of John Dzltsyc of Brooklyn spent largely to the comfort of the guests vice president, Hru. Carl E. Bremer A fresh air camp for Naw York Rochelle. • Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seals, the week-end visiting his mother, and the success of the party. Re- Mlises Ellen and Marian Braney, Twin Brook Ice Cream served at our table for secretary, Mrs. John Phelffenberger children haa been started on tha Mrs, William Dzleiyo of this place. Boys can make extra pocket money freshments were Berved and games Mrs. Viola Misters, Itisi Christine only 10c. treasurer, Mrs. Walter Boyd chap- Blum farm at Pine Brook. Tha Mrs. Joseph Eustace of Oakland lain, Mrs. John Day historian and children ar« occupying tents. selling The Register.—Advertisement. were played on the lawn. Hurle and Nicholas Pewathy. lira. William Chandler uergcant-at- Louis Kline and family and Mur- arm». ray Kline and family of Brooklyn Reports were read by the chairmen have moved to their summer resi- of the various standing committees dences at this place. on the work of the past year. Delo- John Delanay haa Inortued tha ffctes for the coming year are Mrs. Blze of nil Dreamland farm on the Philips, Mrs. Mead, Mrs. Phelffen- county road by buying a traet of berger and Mrs. Chandler. Altern- three acres from Joseph Deeley. Ha ates appointed are Mrs. Dudley Shaf- Is having Improvementa made to hi* fer, Mrs. Winifred Williams, Mrs. housa and outbuilding!. Walter Boyd and Miss Gladys Shrop- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manning havo •htra. moved from Anthony Cslll's housa Now is Best Time to A Fldao tea will be held at the and they are now living with Mm. home of Mrs. Carl Bremer, 6S Lake Manning's father, George Wantorff. avenue, tomorrow afternoon at 2:80 Mr. and Mrs. William MoManamy p. m.. A number of dolls, represent- of Far Rookaway spent part of last ing the various countries allied with week with Mr. McMenam/s mother, the United States, were dressed by Mr». Laura McMenamy. tha members of Shrewsbury unit a The improvements which have few years ago, and these dolls will been under way for soma time past be on display at the Fldac tea. The to Warren M. Drew's house and TURN IN SUBSCRIPTIONS public Is Invited to view this dlspaly grounds on the ScobeyvllJe road ara and those who care to do BO mayalmost completed. play cards. Prizes will be provided The firemen cleared 185 last weak to be awarded the winners of the by disposing of a radio outfit on tha games. co-operative plan. Tha winner was A moonlight Ball on the steamer Miss Gladys Dwyer of Red Bank. IN RED BANK REGISTER CASH BONUS CAMPAIGN Bandy Hook Is being planned by the Mrs. Pauline Christiansen and her auxiliary members to be held on son of New York are spending the Tuesday night, August 4. Tickets summer at the PHUs farm. will be on sale to the general public, Mrs. Allen E. Crawford and her AH concerned are guaranteed that every dollar turned in on subscriptions on or before with Mrs. John Fhelffenberger as the new-born daughter Ruth returned 1 chairman In charge.^ home last week from the Perth 9:00 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, July 21, will count more points or credits than if turned in at Amboy hospital. The mother and PERMANENT QUARTERS. babe are in good health. The hot weather last week caused any later time in the campaign. Biggest and Best extra point offer of the entire cam- State Employment Service Now at lots of extra work at Ernest Wad- 421 Bond Street, Anbury Fork. ley's Ice cream factory at Twin Brook farm. Employees at the paign in effect only until 9:00 P. M. Tuesday, July 21. The Aebury Park office of the New place worked overtime day and Jersey State Employment Service Is night to supply the demand for now operating In permanent quarters frozen dainties. Extra help was at 421 Bond street, telephone 2210 employed. and 2217. This central business loca- Albert Kelsey is a new member of tion near the railroad station and the fire company. Ha moved to poitofflce la Ideal for both employers Tlnton Falls from New York a short and people seeking employment. tlmo ago. HOW BONUSES WILL State officials of the Employment About twenty residents of this 14-CASH BONUSES OFFERED-14 Service rate the now office as perhaps place, mostly children, enjoyed an BE AWARDED the most attractive and efficiently outing at Shark River last Thurs- sssssWMsjsjsjMpssjsjHBsjHiSMHBMpapMgggpil planned of all tho twenty-five free, day. They made the trip in auto- Fourteen Cash Bonuses are offered, at public employment offices operated by mobiles provided by Mrs. Harry the New Jersey State Employment Mayberry, Mrs. John Lemmon and follows t Service. Mrc Pauline Christiansen, Thomas Fi Costello Is the new man- Most of the farmers have finished $400 in Cash • - First Bonus ager of the Aabury Park office. He harvesting their hay crops. The has also supervision over the Toms yield is considerably less than last FIRST BONUS SECOND BONUS $200 in Cash - * Second Bonus River branch ofnee. Both Ocean and year. The wheat crop Is also less $100 in Cash * - Third Bonus Monmouth counties are served by the than normal. two offices. The hot weather last week caused $50 in Cash - • Fourth Bonus an unusually large amount of traf- 10 Cash Bonuses of $25 each MEETING OF D. M. C. CLUB. flo through this place. Automobiles by tho score passed through the vil- Miss Marlon Barrett Entertained lage In search of surcease from the 400 Bonuses are in addition to Commissions. Members Last Week. heat at the seashore. $200 Miss Margaret Dean entertained The solicitor retains 20 per cent cash The members of the D. M. C. club a number of relatives and friend* of Red Bank were entertained last from Bclmar last week. in Cash in Cash commissions daily on all collections. The Thursday at the homo of Miss Mar- fourteen cash bonuses will be awarded at ion Barrett of Maple avenue. Prizes were won by Mrs. Stanloy Havllanii, Everett. the end of the campaign to the fourteen Mrs. Philip Walnright and Mrs. Grit- solicitors who secure the fourteen highest fln.l Nicholas Spano and, Joseph VIs- point standings. Commissions will not be Others present besides thOB'e men- cuso and families of New York are tioned were Mr. and Mrs. Walter spending two weeks at Miss Amelia THIRD BONUS deducted from bonuses. Hlgglnbotham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Carton's home. FOURTH BONUS mond Strickland and Miss Edna Nicholas Pctruzelll entartalned a Price and Point Schedule: Strickland of Asbury Park; Mrs. number of friends Sunday from N«w . Samuel..Picat of.Florida,, and ..Mrs. York. New Benewal Edgar Donlao, Mrs., Lester Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vlscuso and 1 Year—; S3.00 5,000 1,000 Points Miss Nan Mahon, Charles Allaire, family of New York have taken pos- Mr. and Mrs. James K. Wolcott, session of their summer home here. 2 Tears _— 4.00 20,000 5,000 Points Stanley Havlland, Mrs. Edward P. Stanley Stllwoll and family spent 100 3 Tears 5.00 60,000 15,000 Points Magee, Wallace Jcffroy, Miss Agnes Saturday visiting their son Jimmy $50 Kruse and Milton Holler. at Camp Ockanlckon at Madford, Nothing less than one year or for long- ' Services for Mrs. Mary Neville of in Cash in Cash er than three years in advance will count. The pcdotala supporting tho col- Naveslnk, formerly of this place, umns of tho Theodore Roosevelt mo- were held Monday morning at her morial In New York city are deco- home on Locust Point road and at rated In bas-relief with figures of St. Agnes's church at Atlantlo High- anlmalB native to Amotica and Africa. lands. Rev. Michael H. Callahan, 10 Cash Bonuses $25 each Campaign Rules Any man or woman, boy or girl, living in Northern Monmouth County may enter I CASH Commissions Paid Daily the campaign. It is not necessary to be a subscriber to The Red Bank Register in on All New and Old order to be eligible. Fill in and bring, send or mail the En- Subscriptions trance Coupon at the bottom of this ad- vertisement and the Campaign Manager will furnish full information and supplies. Or phone the Campaign Manager to enter your name, giving full name and address. Only spare time is needed No employe of this newspaper or mem- ber of his or her immediate family is eli- gible to enter. An audit of the points polled by the to earn several dollars different workers will be made by a com- mittee of well known business men at the end of the drive, and the fourteen solici- tors finishing with the highest point totals daily will receive the fourteen cash bonuses, in addition to any commission already drawn. And also have an opportunity to This is a clean-cut butiness proposition, and a fair and square deal is guaranteed all win a big cash prize at the end who enter. of the Campaign

ENTRANCE COUPON When a car haa plenty of leg room ;deep-oishkwcd seats that cradle you like nn armchair; the extra length and weight you Good for 5,000 Free Points in The Red Bank Register most have for itcadincM; and m Knee-Action ride, you can't RED BANK Circulation Campaign do better for comfort and luxury. And that's an exact description of Pontloc — America's lowest-priced fine Car, NAME ...., .,:..... *On* ot 11,000 PantUa rrwiieri who taomntlr harm wrttHn volun- tary /altars ot pr*l*m lioul ih*ir car*. No puid fawfiowiuajtl REGISTER STREET or R. D. ..-.• i ., TOWN _...,..<-!...... ,.,.... - .,„.• ..,..

Mall, »«nd or bilng this Coupon to THE RED BANK RI PONTIAC Campaign Telephone Campaign Office Office at once. Only ona of thono. coupons will ha accepted from tach entrant SIXES AND EIGHTS Red Bank 13 J. S. LACKEY Room 7, Second Floor Extension 9 Campaign Manager Register Bldg. RASSAS BROTHERS 19 Mechanic St., Red Bank, N.J. RED BANK REGISTER JULY 16,1986. Lamb Least RICE ICE CREAM 8IDWE7 BNOW Will le glad. Food, of course, must he well 1 quart milk seasoned to be worthy of I Hot Off the Griddle 1 scant cup rice to answer any questions By ; Heat Giving 2 teaspoons gelatine on food Three Meals a Day its piquancy 1 quart whipped cream ESTHEB DONLAN ' 2 teaspoons vanilla Vol. 2, No. X. Copyright BY SIDNEY SNOW Edited by WILMA E. DEUTE Qf Any Meat 1 cup sugar Scald the milk, and add the rko If the finger nails have become dis- 'eople Fond of Lamb Don't which has been washed Put In colored In any -way they should be double boiler and cook for two soaked In a pint of warm water to Mind Eating It Three hours. While the rice is still hot add Old New England BoHed which a tablespoon of lemon Juice the gelatine dissolved In a little cold has been added. Times a Week water. Stir In the sugar and vanilla! and when the mixture Is cool add th» whipped cream. Place half In a larc« Dinner-Its Modern Version If moths should get into your car- Some like It hot, some llko It bold, pet while it Is put away, the beat mold and half In refrigerator tray plan is to spread a heavy dump tow- some like it in the pot nine days old." which has boon rubbed lightly with Greal Pleasure to Receive Fine Food Ideal From Original Sources el over tho affected part and press It Figuratively speaking of course and olive oil, and leave on Ice for 3 to { with a hot iron until dry. It is not using lamb as a good example, be- hours. —Definite School of Cookery Hoped For necessary to press harcFas the steam cause those people who are fond of and heat will destroy both moths and lamb don't In the least mind eating Boys can make extra pocket money eggs- it three, times In one week. Espe- selling The Register.—Advertisement. BY SIDNEiT SNf English Shepherd's Pie: may well clip the following as "orig- birthday week, but that would be im- it slightly heaping, and level it by inal source" material, since it traces possible. However, If the sender of SHEPHERD'S PIE right back into tho early days when tho recipe states no objections, w« sliding the side of a knife acrosa the New England was • provincial and are perfectly willing to send any rec- top of the spoon, . Mi pound cold lamb New England cooking was to be ipe desired. 1 pound mashed potatoes found only In New England. Miss Mrs John Cadwaliader of Babylon, Allow two level teaspoons of bak- 1 tablespoon butter Harrison writes: L. I., and a reader of the Babylon, L. ing powder to each cup of Hour when H pint gravy I., Leader, writes that she finds that no eggs are used. 1 teaspoon parboiled, finely chop- Dear Mr. Snow—I am sending you children seem to believe that des- ped onion a "modern version" of the old time serts from the icebox are the best, Wallpaper which Is soiled merely Salt and pepper Yankee Boiled Dinner. It Is amus- she therefore submits a recipe for an by smoko or dust can bo cleaned with Cut the meat into small thin slices. ing to read accounts of what that icebox cake for which she will re- oatmeal. Molt half the butter In a pan, add tho dinner consists of and more amus- ceive a Seceni Hand-Made,. Hand- potatoes, salt and pepper and stir ing to me to dine at a hotel or res-Painted Salad Bowl. over the flre until thoroughly mixed. taurant at which R supposed to be ICE BOX DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE Pineapples Make Grease a deep pie dish, line the bot- New England Boiled Dinner Is 1 cup butter tom thinly with potato, put in the served. 2 cups white sugar meat, sprinkle each layer with onion, Courtetit Modern Science Inttitutt salt and pepper, pour in the gravy, 8 eggs, beaten separately Marmalade That and cover with potatoes. The pota- When I was live years old I went 3 squares bitter chocolate toes can either be scored with a fork to live with my grandmother who 1 cup sweet milk REAKFAST CAKE RECIPE Gets Top Rating to make a rough surface or smoothed taught me her art of Yankee cook- V, cake yeast Foreign Dishes Perfects Disguise with a knife giving it a crust-like ap- Ing. Grandmother lived to be 96 % teaspoon salt FROM THE ENGLISH - • with • • • years old and I was with her during 1 teaspoon soda Recipe Found on Tour of Inspec- pearance. Dot remaining but- the last two years of her life. She 1 teaspoon vanilla Require Patience, ter and bake In moderate oven from was Just as "set" about her food 2% cups cake flour The English are noted for their For Parsnips That tion by Writer—Hostess 30 to 40 minutes until the potates are :rand cakes whether for tea or well browned. then as she was in ,her childhood Cream butter thoroughly, add sug- Had Many Others days—so I consider that I am an ar, melted chocolate and mix well. Time To Prepare Teakfast. Here Is a recipe of Eng- Defies Discovery authority of what Is New England Add egg yolks and beat mixture well. Ish Breakfast Cake that truly makes old time food. Sift flour and salt together, add alter- reakfast a delightful meal. We aro coming to realize more and New Arrivals to This Country The Ethel Mount Mozar School of Dancing nately to the mixture with the milk. BREAKFAST CAKE Serve to Those Who Eat Any-more Just how that little trick dog 43-45 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. The genuine old time New England Add vanilla, then yeast dissolved In Find Our Food Lacking 1 pound flour thing But "Parsnips" and feels after he has performed and gets boiled dinner consists of corned beef, Vt cup warm water, fold in stiffly H teaspoon baking powder a nice pat for it. For example, a PHONE RED BANK 2210 cabbage, turnips, potatoes, beets and beaten egg whits. Place in Icebox or in Flavor Va teaspoon salt See the Result woman wrote that she had read an BEGISTBATION NOW BEING SIADE FOB SUMMEE CLASSES carrots. These vegetables were al- refrigerator for about 12 hours. article about canning on our page Then add soda dissolved in % cup % pint milk and would bo delighted If we would Morning ClaiHi In Tap, Ballet and Intsrprat&tlv* Dancing ways on hand in the fanner's cellar, There probably isn't a person liv- 1 tablespoon sugar By Wllma E. Deute Ex*rc!t« Clatlei for Women Evening CUsae* In All Typea of Dandn* as was tho corned beef. cup warm water. Bake in moderate ing who hasn't read the adage-stat- Isn't it a pity that one can't real- stop by for tea on a certain after- oven for about Vt hour. 2 eggs . . • noon and inspect her closet. Noth- (VISITORS WELCOMED AT ALL CLASSES) " ing that In timo anyone can get used These cakes are made in the same ize in early years what one's Ufa Now to adapt this old time com- Mrs. A. M. Hodgson of New Ca-to anything! but, if everyone could work is to fee and prepare accord* ing was said in the letter about sam- bination to modern cookery, I cook naan, Conn., a reader of the Now Ca- lanner, as bread with.-the addition ples but knowing us we went all pre- hear foreigners discussing their first eggs and sugar. Mix the flour, lngly. I am a very good example of It today like this: naan, Conn., Adve>tiser, is the win-meal in America they would begin that very same unknowtngnass. >ared to sample, and sample we did. ner of a case of Ruppert's Beer. iaking powder and salt together, and Ihe had several jars of this and that I take the six-pound end of a farm to doubt that saying. The argument dd sifted sugar. Add the milk and There I was, for several years at cured ham with skin on; 2 large Mrs. H. Gustafson of Summit, N. Is nearly always the same, "the food Nortbfleld Seminary In Massachu- left from last year's canning and was J., a subscriber of the Summit, N. J., ggs, which have been well beaten, in the middle of canning blackber- turnips, 3 large carrots, 6 large pota- Is too lacking In flavor!" And well nd with this liquid work the flour, setts, an Ideal spot, not only for RICH-BIG-JUICY toes, 1 large cabbage, 4 large beets. Herald, has been awarded an apron they might say so considering tho scenery and wonderful teaching, but ries when we arrived. and a box of Cox's Gelatine. c, into a light dough. Divide into Soak ham over-night in cold wa- time used in preparation Ind the nail cakes, put them into the oven also the heart of that great New Tea was served a few minutes la- ter. Bring to boil in large kettle, A case of Trommer's White Label grand results foreigners obtain. A England cookeryt belt. Only in a ter with hot biscuits and a jar of Beer has been won by Mrs. William imediately and bake about ?0 min- turning that water off. Cover ham good example of this is in the cook- es. Serve Immediately. small way I gathered recipes. home-made pineapple marmalade with fresh water and boil four* or Doppel of Center Moriches, L. I., a ing of common vegetables, for ex- I remember, that during my first which was only one of the assort- five hours. Turn a little of the broth reader of the Fatchogue, L, L. Ar-ample: year as a student at that grandest of ment of preserves served. W» off into two small kettles for cooking gus. schools, .seven of us were quaran- thought It the best and so acquired the beets and the carrots, neither of Mrs. E. P. Neumann of Hasbrouck FRENCH STYXE PEAS ACK TO NATURE URGE tined for measles and most thought- another grand recipe for our collec- Heights, N. J., a subscriber of the 1^ plnt3 peas tion to pass on to the other readers. TRUBLU BERRIES which should be pared until after Hasbrouck Heights, N. J., Observer, SWEEPS ENTIRE COUNTRY fully stowed away for that period of cooking. Pare turnips and potatoes; 1 tablespoon butter ten days at the honie of a woman PINEAPPLE MARMALADE has won a metal recipe holder with 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley quarter the cabbage and remove numerous recipes and a can of Pom- who had lived with her doctor hus- Plnoapplo core. Put cabbage on top of ham, Mint Since so-called civilization, it has band for some thirty or more years DISTINCTLY SUPERIOR QUALITY eian Olive Oil. Salt and pepper 14 ounces sugar to eaoh pound o: then add turnips, cut Into eighths, A Rice Ball and a box of All Com- ieen the fad each year to "go back In Turkey. pineapple pulp then the potatoes on top; cover et Rice Products has been awarded Boil the peas in salted water to o nature." Many years ago it was As a whole It was a very nice ten Peel, core and gllce the pineapples, closely and boll half an hour, or un- to Mrs. Daisy Miller ,of Stephen- which a few leaves of mint have hardship enjoyed by only a few, but days—no school, no home-work, no and either pound or grate them fine- til all the vegetables are tender. The town, N. Y., a reader of the Chatham, been added. Drain off the water and owtdays with the splendid equip- particular routine and plenty of good ly, preferably the latter. Boll the beets and carrots which were cooked N. Y., Courier. shake tho pah over tho flro until tho ent for sale in so many stores It's food. We ate New England thlB and pulp and sugar together until thick separately, must now be peeled. Mrs. T. H. Mulch of Westwood, N. greater part of the water has evap- pleasure enjoyed by many. Turkish that and visa versa, and be- and clear, then pour Into Jars, seal For serving, the potatoes and tur-J., a subscriber of the Westwood, N. orated. Add the butter and parsley, In California in the last year or lieve it or not, wo even ate parsnips. well and store In a cool, dry place. nips may be mashed or not, as de- J., News has won a cheese tray with, season with pepper, hold over flre :v/o tho smart thing has been to own Now there Is probably nothing that This requires but from two to thre sired, and seasoned to taste with an assortment of seven kinds of Bor- lor a few minutes shaking continual- a trailer and Bmart it was In more will make the average youngster hours. INDEPENDENCE DAY:— salt and pepper. den's Cheese. ly, and serve as quickly as possible. ways than one. Not only in pleasure squirm more than Just the name of Using: a large platter, the meat and If you have a recipe that Is novel GERMAN STYLE CARROTS but so oconomlcal. Many people pur- parsnips.. Ah! hut this wnraan.wai a all the vegetables are arranged, the or original or that Is Just too good hase house trailers and equipment genius, she didn't tell us what we NO MEAT NEEDED WHEN Is the dny when baby cries out for a to keep to yourself, send It to Sidney 6 carrots, sliced nd away they go fop weeks at a were eating until after the meal. I carrots and beets eet on end, stand- 1 tablespoon butter me. Maybe to the shore or maybe must admit however, that since she PEPPERS STUFFED WITH Ing up, and sliced as served. Dump- Snow, in care of this paper. It might I tablespoon, onion, finely chopped richer food. Ask your doctor. He knows lings may be served, if desired. be a prize winner and many other :o the mountains and them they'd craw them In her garden we ate FISH FLAKES SERVED women will enjoy trying It. 1 teaspoon parsley, finely chopped »ark the trailer all fixed with beds them many times during our ten With" this, serve first a tomato juice 1 pint stock .nd kitchenettes, set up temporary days' outcast and really enjoyed that our pasteurized milk is SAFE and eocktall, bean soup and celery and Nutmeg, salt and pepper ousekeeping and enjoy a grand in- them. I serve them at home often Comes Friday and what'* to do onion salad, -with pumpkin pie Xor MAPLE CARAMELS For the sauce: expensive Vacation. now and watch with a smug expres- about It? Well, here's a grand SANE for your baby. dessert. luncheon dish and pretty as the well A bonoflde newspaper circulation 1 tablespoon butter For other places where trailers are- sion my guests who eat anything but known picture—and eaoy too to —tho kind The Register has—Is tho 2 cups maple sugar 1 tablespoon flour 't so popular there are tents and all "parsnips." The preparation Is Blm- make. only kind that counts with the ad- Vt cup butter Stock he equipment needed to make a plo: Wash and scrape the parsnips vertiser. No premiums or other In- H cup milk Heat butter In a pan and add car- iomfortable abode. One thing about and parboil in salted water. Then FISH FLAKE8 IN PEPPERS ducements have ever been offered to ^h cup walnut meats «•• .. rots, onion, parsley and a pinch of ho equipment, it is usable year after slice In thin slices, roll In fine corn For four servings you need: Drink Your Quart of Milk a Day secure circulation.—Advertisement 1 teaspoon vanilla nutmeg, and shake over the flre for and in the end Is such an ex- meal and fry in deep fat. Deep fat 1 tin of fish flakes or 2 cups of left- Put sugar, butter and milk in _ a few minutes. Add the stock, sea- 'tnse saver. isn't necessary but I have found that over fish eueh as halibut or had- double boiler and cook until the sug- son to taste, cover tightly, and sim- they will be more crisp if fried In dock DON'T MISS ar is melted, stirring constantly. mer gently until nearly cooked. that manner then drained on un- i nice bell peppers Then put over the flre and cook to Meanwhile heat the other tablespoon glazed brown paper. 1 cup rich milk or light cream Methodist Harvest Home tho medium ball stage when tried in of butter in another pan, add the GRILLED GRAPEFRUIT 1 or 2 chopped hard boiled eggi cold water, (240-255 F.), still stirring flour, and stir over flro until nicely 2 tablespoons butter SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., INC. to prevent burning. Add the vanilla, browned. When ready, strain the WITH SHERRY WINE and Bazaar chopped walnuts, pour Into a but- stock from the carrots, add sufficient Bacon and Cheese 2 tablespoons catsup on church lots. Brood Street, tered pan. Mark in squares when stock or water to make % of a pint, 2 tablespoons flour cool, and when cold cut and wrap in If you enjoy grapefruit as a break- Sandwiches 1 cup bread crumbi Serving You 16 Year* With Milk Produced Solely waxed paper. pour It over the browned flour, and ast dish or as an appetizer for dln- Wash the peppers and remove etnm AUGUST 7 - 8th Btir mixture until It boils. Add sea-ler you will experience a new taste ends and clean out the seeds. Soak SCPFEIt - BO CENTS. sonings, if necessary, add partially :hrlll if you grill the grapefruit us- You need for six sandwiches: In cold water and then parboil for in Monmouth County. cooked carrots and continue cooking ng either domestic Sherry or Port fl slices Boston Brown Bread fifteen minutes In salted water. until quite tender, Serve immedi- IVfne to give It a subtly different and Vi pound soft grated cheese Drain and then stuff with thl» mix- ately. lellclous flavor. The method of prep- 2 eggs ture: Bed Bank MM. Broad Street, Shrewsbury, N, 3. iratlon for grilled jjrapcfrult Is as 6 slices bacon Melt butter, blend In the flouran d oliows: % teaspoon Worcestershire sauce milk. When well thickened and Biscuit Beating To a half grapefruit which has 1 pinch Bait the fish flakes, the catsup and at the A )een cored and sectioned, add one 1 smidge (dash) of paprika very last tlio hard boiled eggs chop- ablespoon brown sugar and two ta- wBeat the eggs well, add the cheese, ped fine. Placo this mixture in the Alarm Clock For ilespoons of domestic sherry orchestershlre, sait and paprika, peppers, cover with browned bread 3roll the grapefruit halves utnu spread this mixture on the slices of crumbs, dot with butter and place In thoroughly heated and seasoned. This brown bread, cut bncon into one-inch medium oven for ten minutes. GOOD Many Southerners bits and set upright on the sand- mny also be prepared by baking the Sliced pickles, olcklcd beets or oole fruit in a moderate oven (350 de-wiches and bake about eight minutes slaw go well with this. under the broiler flame until mixture Half Hour of Solid Beating Turns -ees) for 20 minutes. Garnish with maraschino cherries Serve hot or Is browned golden. Garnish with LILLY WHITE COOKS SERVE Out Delicious Biscuits for sold. pickles, olives and radishes. Morning Meal FRIED CHICKEN Dear Miss Wllma:— In novels dealing with the old To1 all wants to know how I fixes South, beaten biscuits were what the fried chicken, BO here Is how I does folks ate of a morning and in lieu of Menus for the Week It. Mr. White gets the chicken flmt alarm clocks, they were usually BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER When they aro to' de Misses he pay "rousted out" by the noisy "beating" for dem and when for jes us, some- of the dough as administered by the MONDAY Umes he fohclt, but I treats them the colored conk. Raapberrlei and Stuffed KKX Salnd Calvfli Over and Bacon flnmo way all do time, like dis: To make beaten biscuits, there are Cream Hot Mumre Creameit Potatoes I cuts up chicken and rolls In flour. necessary, in addition to the ingredl firlddl. Cikei Fruit Celntlnt Buttered Spinach Melt lard and butter halt and half snts, a firm nnd solid block on which Strawberry Jiim Te> or Milk WnUrcrenB Salad and put about * tablespoons In a :o do tho pounding nnd a sturdy mal- Coffee or Milk Chocolate Cream Pla nklllol and let get hot. Den I drap In et or club. Provided with these \m Coffee de pieces ob chloken, one by one, and elements, tho rest Is easy, unless one TUESDAY put on popper and Bolt and fry alow shys away from half an hour's steady Honey Dew Melon Frizzled Ham Pot ttoait of Batt till yollow brown. Now den here beating. However, here Is how It was Waffles .Scalloped Ett Flant Potato PancikaB comes de real trick. I hub a Iron pot done nnd Btlll is done throughout the M»t>l« Syrup III.cults Freih (iraen Beam ready in a sort of hot oven and In Coffee or Milk SUned llhutmrb Cabbage and Carrot 8*1 ft4 South: CofTea Strawberry Shortens de bottom ob de pot I have a little The Ingredients: Cookle» Coffee or Beer frrnto and under de erato I put a half 3 pints hard wheat flour Tea or Milk cup or so ob hot water and on that I ',4 pound bent laid WEDNESDAY puts de chicken when It come yellow Enough lco wntnr and milk mlxc Coir] Cereal with TUUan Spaghetti Roast Shoulder of L*mh brown out ob de frying pan and I 'S\ to work into n firm dough—rca Bllced BAtmnM tirated Cheeia Now Pea* let It roost In de Iron kettle for may- stiff Broiled fUcon Creen 6a[ad Pan Roasted Potatoti I'onched EEBI on Amortecl Okei Jellied Mint Saliul bo a half hour or no. An' when you1 ••#ip 1 lfivel tnblcnponn Halt Toast Tea or Milk Rhubarb H« eat chicken llko dat, yo' know yo The mothod: Mix all Ingredients Coffe* or Milk Coffee Lilly hab cook It. Hoping yo' are Into a dough. Lny on a solid block TinmsDAY the same, your humble sorvant, Lilly MADE IN ftMERICA'S LARGEST BREWERY \ and bent hard nnd well for half an Cftntfttoup* Cream Cli«e«» and Meat Loaf White. lour. Make Into smnll biscuits and Piraley Omelet Pnnio Hslrid linked Mararonl and Che«B« bake in a hot oven until light brown Pop-ov«rl Hftni KolU Hmoth»red CarroU (JofTea or Milk niReliharrT Cobbler Co)« 61 aw •WMMMMM* " " " Te» or Milk Pineapple Whip SWEETBREAD SALADS Co (Tea NO MEAL IS COMPLETE W1THOVT A GLASS OF GAINING IN POPULARITY FIUDAY Mixed niuelierrlee Assorted Bftndwichca Cream of Auriarajrin Soup ami lMBrkhnrrU I'rtttttft Hnlftti llakett S«a Trout A wnrnnn vlnltlnj; us tin our arrlvn Bo't Ilolltil ]:««. Creola Hire to Baltimore told u« llmt Innt nun IlUttvred Tu»»t Cucumber Hnlnrl RUPPERT'S BEER mcr nwcetbrnad salnda woio lntrr Coffe* Chocolate Bavarian dream fluccd to tho women of tlilH tow Coffee with such Bront nucrcnB that nlu SATURDAY It Aids Digestion thought It would lin a good Idon 1 Bllctd r«nrhnd llaked VlrulnU Rim we irlod It jmd if coimldorlng I Cream Damn ttalnln flaure Huron ami KL'KI Cnmlterf flweet Potatoie worthy, pans It on to othor wumei Tonatad Hl.rull. Hot MufTim Muttered New Cabbage who miiy linvo niilnd troublr*. A, Collet or Milk [jflttuce with Koquefort the renull. of our trying, hero It In: Te> or Milk Chefli« Dreining H. G. DEGENRING 3 aweolbronds, dined Lemon Snow Pudding 1 cuiV Hennoimfl titock Coffee DISTRIBUTOR for RUPPERT'S BEER 1 tftjinnpoon golntlnn SUNDAY TETLEY 1 ianlfiHpoon lfiinon Julco BUPPKR Chiliad M.lon , and Manufacturer of Anpnrngun tlpn t In Alple KftlRft linnet niht ni n«tf Llttla Dauiajret Mot nie (Irowimil Pnt*to«i Bpak Kdatln In coir! wator ml: rltimmhled RKBI Watermelon ('*\tn tin th* Cob CLUB ROYAL CARBONATED BEVERAGES wild lomon Juice. Dinnolvo In hr Fried I'nt«toe« : Tea or G'ofT»« Komslna anil flrtr>«fnilt Majpnod Block. Arrnngo HWectbrend Toa.t in ring mnlei and pniir over aelatln Ciffaa Ira Cmm Rhnrtrik* mixture Wh,n Him, turn oufon Inl PHONE 1051 Red Bank N. J. TEA Ill fUtlpsa , for mny dlahee In thtie mRnua m*r bt hid fr*a by wrltlnf Rear 18 Wett Frdnt St. '' ll?C ""P" g"« In center »n Sidney Snow, eare »! Hale p«per, with nuiyonnnlit. »»»>»»••««••••»< *•< RED BANK RECftSTEB, JULY 16,1936- Page Eleven Germany, Too. Improving 16 Roads NEW HOSPITAL MACHINE. Boston Brown Lady Commuters Germany ti another cocntry of Eur- ope for which a largo part, if not all In Ocean Township New Device Already Credited Wltb of the stamps it has Issued alnce 1872, Saving Two Persons' Legs. Bread Base For Enjoyed Bridge as empire and republic, are not dlffl- WPA crews began Tuesday on tho Tho Monmouth Memorial hospital cut to obtain. .More, than half of the second half of a project to grade, 1,000 or more types of stamps it has at Long Branch has placed In serv- Delicious Snacks Friday Night gravel and Improve 16 roads In ice a vasculator, commonly .known STA printed are available in packet form. Ocean township, Joseph H. Gehrlng, Only here and there, as with Italy, as the "glass boot." The device is If You Don't Bake Thii Bread, Alu Agnes Brennan, President of By Qutnton Jamea. district director, said. a suction pressure machine which are there Items with a cost rating The township committee; sponsors, operates by an electric motor pump above (1, Try Buying It In Cant Club, Chairlufcr of the Affair Celebrating tho alxth annlveraary chose gravel roads because of low with two-way action. The machine France also can be added to thl« maintenance and construction costs. has already been credited -with Bav- —Louis Aronson Made Hon- >f King Carol's accession to tho "ewy" group if only th« issues after It you bak« your own Boston throne of Bumanla and appearing Natural gravel Is found In tho west- Ing the legs of two persons from Brown Bread, well and good, II not, orary Member. »lmultaneou»ly with the annual na- 1862 are considered. Even before that ern part of the township, and Is cart- amputation. One of these patients you can Ret maybo even better Eos- tional sports meeting, seven modern date,, many of the stamps are obtain- ed to the worksite by WPA crews. was Walter J. Mills of Red Bank. CLOSE OUTS Ion Brown Bread In ctins—And ut a examples of the stamp art have been able at not too great an outlay, al- The project also Includes removal The device first came into public big saving In tlmo. Now, UHlng Bllccs The Ladles' Jersey Bhora Com- though there is the 1-frano of 1849 muters club gathered at the Troca- added to the rooter of that Balkan of undergrowth, opening of drainage attention when It WBB used to save ON SALE STARTING FRIDAY, JULY 17th. of Boston Brown Bread tax an ex- which is catalogued at $500 used and tho legs of Charles A., one cuse, horo aro Home dulnt.y, nourish- ero at Went End Friday night ana lountry. ditches, and repair of walks along tha While They Last—No Credits or Exchanges. $1,000 unused. Expansion Is possible roads. of the three men entombed In a ing and "different" luncheon novel- njoyed bridge. Loula Aronson, pres- The designs show native costumes ties: by including the colonial after most Federal funds are $17,209; sponsor's Canadian mine last April. dont of the Art Metal Works of 'rom various parts of the land, worn of tho 750 or so stamps printed by HOT CREAMED EGG AND AS- Newark, contributed cigarette light- 117B tor the most part by girls. In the France have been located. The following roads will be Im- Fruit of the Loom, Spreads, Drapes PARAGUS SANDWICH TB, which were awarded aa prizes backgroundi) are scenes from these Among some of the other coun- HOPPING VVM A ACCY. o the high scorers. In appreciation proved: You need (for four generous serv- lections. Each stamp bears a sur- tries that fill up an album quickly Indian Springs road, from Asbury REAL ESTATE Glazed Chintz Spreads, Drapes ...... lng«): >f his gift he was made an honor- tax, apparently to helD defray Uie aro Poland with ita approximately ary member of the organization, avenue to Bowne road, 8,200 feet; 8 Untbn PI Rid B»nk-307 4 Bllcofl of Boaton Drown Bread ixpensea of the sports meeting. 550 varieties since 1918, Estonia -with and from Peal road to top of Indian i thin ellcoa of cooked or baked which at present has nearly ISO mem- The young women Illustrated, to- LOANS-INSURANCE 72x86 Real India Prints ham around 300 and Llchteneteln with Springs hill, 900 feet. lers, who tommute dally between gether' with the attire and headdress about the same number. COUNTRY HOMES 1 small can of asparagus tips or 'olnt Pleasant and Jersey City. Roller road, from Deal road south, Bar Harbor Sets, Sunfast bundle of fresh usparasua which peculiar to their divisions of the But the quickest and simplest to one-half mile. GEORGE S. SCHANCK, Mir. MIBS Agnes Brennan of Long S LJnd.n PL R.d Bank-387 98 has been cooked :ountry are; girl from Oltenla onthe collect Is White Russian. Only 10 Branch, president of the club, had Allaire avenue from Oakhurat road 53x68 Pure Linen Cloths B*K. I.SO to Ms 1 cup of -while Bauce 50 plus 50 banl brown; girl of Banat, stamps were lliued for this World to State Highway, Route 36, 2,900 4 hard boiled oBgs hargo of the arangementa and she division and they are worth today but was complimented upon the success- feet. Toast tho brown bread 'and on it a penny aplecs, unused. Grassmere avenue at Chestnut ave- place the slices of ham, omMo each u! affair. She vu assisted by Miss piece or bread. Pluco the hari Collod nue and Deal lake, Installation of two Margaret Neatler of Shrewsbury and catch basins. Printed Voiles, Batistes, Others yd. «ggB, sliced, In tho whlto sauce and Miss Myrtle Macklln of Bumson Governor's Letter h«at. Now lay tho hot asparagus on The proceodB from the affair will Jersey avenue, from Roselle ave- top of tho ham, pour over all that, » Is Made Public nue northward, 700 feet. Colored Border Bath Towels tho cream suuee and egg ana garnish be used to purchase fans for the Carol avenue from State Highway with parsley. Left over peas may be ;lub car. 45x36 Fine Pillow Cases Correspondence between Governor Route 35, eastward 2,600 feet. lined Instead of asparaRus. Those attending beside those men- Melville avenue, from Carol avenue loned were Mr. and Mrs. William Harold G. Hoffman and Councilman Pure Linen Large Dish Towels Harry B. White of Asbury Park con- northward, 450 feet, COUNTY OFFICEBS INSTALLED. Hanlon, Miss Elale Worth, Bradley Holbrook street, from Carol ave- | fc? 19 on 1 plus 1-lel violet; girl ol Slllstrla cerning'the law which was rushed 36 In. Cretonnes, Crashes, Jaspes yd. Reg. 2So to see Beach; Mr. and Mra. Seeley Tuthlll, through the legislature In Its closing nue to south end of Dow avenue, American Legion County Auxiliary's Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ballln and on 2 plus 1-1 dark gray green; girl minutes to take control of Asbury 1,700 feet. New Officials Take Seat*. MrB. Joseph Knight of Fair Haven; from Hatcg on 3 plus 1-1 carmine Park beaches and city-owned beach Fanwood street, from Dow avenue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Worthington, and girl form Neamtu on 6 plus 3-1 front property from the city author- to West Park avenue, 600 feet. Installation of county ofllcers for Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Groff, Mr. and gray brown. tho American Legion auxiliary was ities was made public Monday by tb-e Waverly street, from Dow avenue 9 Pc. Oilcloth Luncheon Set Mrs. Richard Hackstaff, Mr. and For GorJ, a 4 plus 2-1 vermlmllon, councilman. to Carol avenue, 1,000 feet held last Friday afternoon at the le- Mrs. William R. Strode, Mr. and Mrs, gion home' at Asbury Park. Mrs the motif is changed and a native Vernon street, from Dow avenue to 6 Pc. Cottage Curtain Sets Paul Sprulll, Miss Jeaelo Frost, Miss youth Is shown. In the highest value, White took this action despite the Carol avenue, 1,000 feet. John W. Watson of Asbury Park fact that Hoffman's letter Was was Installed aa president, and tho Kathryn Lukln, Miss Nancy Mix, 10 plus 5-1 blue, a man and a wom- Pitney street, from Dow avenue to Bath Mat, Seat Cover Set | Miss Muriel Llnsey, Mian Frances an are standing side by Bide. Thej marked "confidential," and explained Carol avenue, 100 feet. other oliicora were Mrs. Dorothye that the matter was "beyond the Bremer of Red Bank first vice presi- Koch, David Dudlelner, Miss Viola represent Bukovlna. Elizabeth street, from Whale Pond Fancy Linens, Scarfs, Luncheon Sets McHugh, Miss Katherlne Houghton, itage of personal confidences." dent, Mre. Joseph Hardlman of The atampa are dated June 8, 1936, The Beach Control Law vests con- road to Ampere avenue, 1,000 feet 69 Freohold second vico president, Mrs Miss Beatrlco. Biorden, Mrs. Arthur and the total printing Is reported to trol of the .beaches in a five-mani Bergemerger avenueavenue, froiromm jNorwood ave- 54 In. White Coatings yd. values to LOO Charles Sklllman of Long Branch Echchclbach, Mrs. Holmar Hollaran, be 100,000 sets. cDmmlBBlon named by the Governor. | "uo WCBt to. Larghwood avenue, 4,800 treasurer, Mra. Joseph. WoBkowaky Mrs. William Rqpewojl, Mrs. Mabo Stamp Concentration, No sooner had Hoffman appointed „ . „. . ... , Lindsay, Mrs, Gordon R. Ryno, Mr, D w venu of Atlantic Highlands scrgeant-at Starting a etamp collection Is a the commission than the city brought „ ° ^ ,!, from State Highway and Mrs. Kenneth Woodruff, Red oute 35 arms, and Mra. Elllo Lelsch of Deal simple process; lt'a merely a matter action in the court, and an order re- f to.Whale Pond road, 2,000 chaplain. Tho installing offlcoro Bank; ,Mlss Eva W. Kraemcr, Nep- straining the commission was Issued *eeti Rayon Prints, Also Plains, Plaids yd. tune City; Miss Lillian Clark, North of getting some stamps together and •were Mra. Gertrado Giithrio of WcBt segregating them by countries In by Supreme Court JUBtice Joseph B. | Englewood, state president, and Mrs Asbury Park; MrB. Harry Postel, Perakle pending a ruling on Its con-j 36x36 Pure Linen Printed Cloths Helen Howcll, ututo historian. Mrs. Stuart Manlon, Oceanport. some sort of an alDum. Generally the beginner has tho ambition, now al- atitutlonality. I Curtains, One or Two Pairs of Kind Mrs. Ethel Brldon, cx-presldent of Mcadames L. W. de la Motte, Louis most impossible to realize, of getting White charged that Hoffman had I Smart Place to Dine th« county auxiliary -was endorsed by West, James Crean, Frank Brazo, a comprehensive group of alhesiveB admitted the principal purpose be- 50 In. Furniture Coverings yd.., th8 members for nergeant-aUarms at Mary Tlndall, Anthony Doerlng, Jo- from all over the world. hind the bll! was "purely political" 39 the Joint convention of tho American seph Carroll, Charles Wymb», Nagle and was to be used by State Senator As a rule, this plan can be carried 3 or 5 P*c. Hot Plate Sets Values BOo to 88o legion and American Legion auxili- O'Brlon, Daniel Sherman, Harold out just so far. Then it strikes a Frank C. Durand of Monmouth and ary, which will bo held in Asbury Nagle, D. p. Nolan, Michael Nastaslo Highway Commissioner E. Donald. —STRAND— Bnag. Stamps become more difficult Sterner, both Hoffman men, to "get" Park September 9 to Septembor 12 In Julian H. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs to obtain; they either are beyond tho the Convention hall. A motion was Herbert El. Edwards, Misses Mabo' Mayor Clarence E. Hetrlck, who also made that%lrs. Brlden bo elect average pocketbook or they cannot be staged a political comeback here a RESTAURANT and Gladys Thompson, Marie Kelly located because of their scarcity. ed as delegate to the national con Frances Harllng, Frances Richards, year ago. Part Linen Toweling, Col'red Border That leaves the collector only one 66 BROAD ST., Phone 1498 RED BANK ventlon to bo held at Cleveland In Margaret Noonan, Roaelyn Huhbard, White wrote that Hoffman's let- Bath or Huck Towels the fall. She woo also presented with Louise V, Hebllch, Marguerite Beat thing to do If the hobby Is not to ter "indicates that you approved and a wrist watch by Mrs. Fanny Cyph- ty, Catherine Mullen, Mlnette Brit- become top heavy. He generally falls sanctioned legislation for political Enjoy Your Food in Our Remnants New Wash Goods yd. ers as a gift from tho county ailxll ton, Gertrude and Jane Qunn, als back upon Btamp concentration, that methods by methods of political chic- Modern Air Conditioned Dining Room Jary, Charles Hebllch ot Long Branch. Is he confines his collection to a par- anery." Short Lengths Drapery Fabrics ticular division of the world or oven Following the business meeting re- Miss Carmen,Gonsalves, Brooklyn; to a single country. .FRIENDLY SERVICE 39 In. Marquisette, Cream, Ecru Keg. i9e to soo freshments -woro served, with tho As Mrs. C. Edward Sweeney, Monmoutl Hit Telegmph Pole. bury Park unit acting aB hostesses. From the standpoint of avallabllit> J. L, OrmBrod of Monroo avenue, MEALS SERVED Beach; Miss Gertrude Speck Mrs. of the stamps, probably one of the eas- ^*-«~«» Carlton War-wick, Deal; Mrs. Albert Aabury Park, was palntully Injured Cocktail Hour iest countries to collect Is Italy, Alto- early Sunday morning when he lost AT ALL HOURS from LIST OF LAWS. Cohen, Shark River Hills; MISB Mar gether thla country has Issued approxi- Ion Herring, Wanamassa; D, A. Mu! control of his vehicle while riding Luncheons 50c & 60c mately 1,200 stamps of various clas- along Neptune highway, Eatontown, 2 to 6 P. M. Chenile Rugs, Round, Oval; 36 In. State Library Issues Descriptive Ll»i hearn, Point Pleasant;.Miss Fannie slflcatlons such as postal, semi-postal, MANHATTAN _20o of LawB of 1036. Walker, Orange; Miss Elsie Hughes, and his car struck a telegraph pole Dinners 75c & $1.00 airmail, postage due and the like. near Chummy's Inn. The Eatontown MARTINI, Dry _.20o Bed Spreads, 81x108 Rayon or Cot'n ^he Logislatlvo Rcforonco Depart- South Orange; Miss Patricia A. Sul- Including the earliest issues, it Is MABTINI, Sweet SOc livan, Maplewood; Miss Mildrod Van- First Aid squad responded and took Linen Sets, 6 Napkins, 55 to 70 In. .. ment of the Now Jorsey State LI possible to assemble practically Mr. Ormerod to Hazard hospital. Dinners A Specialty BEONX 20o Brary has just isuuod a doscrlptlvi Brunt, Portaupeck; Miss Ray Mc- complete layout of this country at not Orange Blossom ..20c Carthy, Miss Marjorie McCarthy, m i m Bath Mats and Seat Cover Set list of the Laws and Joint Resolu- too great an outlay of cash If the Cries of critics that movie money Old-Fashioned 28o 1 Mrs, Ethel Watklns, Mrs. Carl E. tions onnctod by tho 193(1 I-egiRlntlire, collection Is confined to ueod varlo- Is spoiling ths:'New York theater ara JACK BOSK 25o Shower Curtains, White, Colored .... Reg. i.ea to tM -which adjourned sine die June 18. Bremer, Mrs. Herbert Blalcher, Bel- tles, Later on colonies may be added Sea Food in Season mar. disproved this year by the fact that This list, prepared by John P. Du as the main country approaches com- Broadway has had one of the test FINEST WINES AND LIQUORS lard, assistant stato librarian, give Also William S. Stewart, Inter- pletion. eeasons In recent history. the bill and chapter number at oacl Ink (in: Mrs. Bose Hlgglns, Mri. measure enacted, together with th James J. W. Mahoney, South Amboy name of the introducer, and a brio: and Mrs. Thomas Skelley, Peabody, synopsis of the purpose of each bll Massachusetts, Copies may bo had gratia upon appll cation to the State Library at Tren Boys can make extra pocket money ton. selling The Register.—Advertisement

Why Gulf is the Gas for July BEWARE OF "RICHNESS that comes from fillers

When you buy ice cream—don't be deceived by mere appearance of richness. This may come from gums, gelatines and other fillers — and NOT from rich, fresh dairy cream. CASTLES brought The richness you enjoy in Castles Ice Cream increased sales is genuine richness. It conies from rich, fresh I didn't think It possible that changing brandi of cream, blended with pure cane sugar and ice cream in my store could meet with such a favorable response as Ml "DM DAYI" jtlrt la July. the finest of fruits, nuts, chocolate or vanilla. when I put In Castles. My Hot, sticky days thst play bob ice cream Bales have with yout ctr's mileage shown a decided increase lea you era a fuel tatlond to — and I am delighted at No fillers—no cream substitutes—no artifi- the service and coopera- the wcMbin If you don't want There's a Castles Dealer near you. Buy your tion your company is part of your gss to go oat the cial flavorings — ever find their way into giving me. exhuuit ttnbumtJ, wms/nf—gtt ice cream from him—and sec that your chil- HOWARD F1SIH* Thu Good Gulf la Julrj It'* 2 37 UouUvard specially refined for summer this quality ice cream of New Jersey. dren do the same. He has your favorite flavors. llubrnuck llclahii. N.J. drMng—"Kopi !a Sup with You can prove this real richness in the Calendar," And that's why P. S. Have you tasted Castles Fresh Peach all of it gen to work, nmt of It Enter The Sealtest Contest I goti to trnat; Try It; Castles by the taste. It has a natural Ice Cream ? It's made with ripe, juicy peaches $6,000 IN PRIZES THIS MONTH smoothness and delicacy of flavor not found — and lots of them — smothered in fresh Ask your Castles Dealer for an entry blank in ice creams made of substitute ingredients. cream. Why not give the family a real treat ?

ICECREAM CASTLES MOOUCID UNllU Otecum Sptm efUhortter, PflnHtH mi»M»*nih tStJHtuulntliU Bm* Page Twelve BED BANK REGISTER JULY 16,1936. Bids Submitted For Given Party On Matawan P. O. Site 21st Birthday A surprise party was tendered Eleven Choice Location* Are Miss Rose liaacaruso of Herbert street on her 21st birthday last Offered as Site§ for New Fed- Thursday night by Miss Jane Coloil- STEINBACH eral Building to be Erected mo at the latter's home on Lelghton avenue. The house was decorated In There. pink and blue. Games and dancing were enjoyed and refreshments were Eleven bids were received Monday served. Miss Mancaruso received ly Postmaster Raphael C. Devlin for many useful gifts. iltea upon which to erect a new Those present were Misses Laura DRUG STORES lostoffleo building at Matawan. In- Fazzone, Teresa Mancaruso, Jane iluded in the bids are some pf the Collsimo, Rose Mancaruso, Phyllis KRESGAsbury Park E CO WHERE QUALITY COUNTS iholceat locations in town. The Figaro, Antoinette Figaro, Concetta ipeclflcatlons set forth by the gov- Sharabba, Adeline Binaco, Sophie irnment call for corner plota 120x 'oloslmo, Margaret Scottl and Min- .70 feet and Inside or middle of the nie Coloslmo, Andrea S, DeLuca, Jo- BROAD and WHITE STS. Hock lots 145x170 feet. The bids re- seph LoPrestl, Tony DeStephano, vived are as follows: Alex Binaco. Pat Binaco, William To Be Cooly At Ease Wo Reserve tho Bight to limit Quantity. Joseph Angelo and Joseph Bana- Canavo, Samuel Montlno, ' Samuel 'ato, property located at 63-65 Main Binaco, Louis Conte, Nick Romano. itreot. Amount of bid $36,000. Site Thomas Binaco, Pat Cicero, Frank las a frontage of 100 feet on Main Coloslmo and Louis Soden. During These High Degrees! treet, is 192 feet deep on the north S.- ide and 218 feet deep on the south CUT PRICE lde. STOCKING SHOWER. Mount-Barrett company,' property Pleasant Surprise For Miss Cecelia ocated at Main stroet and Terhune Conover of Middletown. itreet. Bid $48,875. Two hundred ten eet footage on Main street; 200 feet Mre. Carlisle L. Howard of Middle- SPECIALS in Terhune street town village was hostess at a surprise Robert G. Thlxton, property at 110 stocking shower Friday evening for .THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY! Main street. Bid $20,000; 122.6 feet Miss Cecelia Conover, of Middletown, Dress Yourself on Main street; 316 feet deep, 625 who will become the bride of Her- 12Ounce eet width at rear. bert A. Frank of Bloomfleld. Miss DlIkA***• Helen T. Schock, property located Conover is the daughter of Mrj. it southwest corner of Main and Cecil E. Conover. KUIVI Bottle,ONLY High streets. Bid, $8,000; 120 feet on The dining room was beautifully GUARANTEED QUALITY Main street, 170 feet on High street decorated with cut flowers and va- to Bank street. rious pastel shades representing a Spafford W. Schanck, property lo- ainbow at the tyd of which was a n Gool Cotton ASPIRIN TABLETS :ated on Broad street between Church pot of gold. 5 GRAINS-GUARANTEED FRESH ind Clinton streets and running Those present besides Miss Conover hrough to Orchard street. Bid $16,-and Mrs. Howard were Miss May BOTTLE OF 100 ONLY iOO; 167.87 feet on Broad street, Hendrlckson, Mrs. Charles Tindall, lepth on north side 255.12 feet and Mrs. Donald Oakley of Red Bank; m south side 251.37. Frontage on Miss Nlta Crate of River Plaza; Miss FOUNTAIN )rchard street 171.83 feet. Elsie Dreyer of Tlnton Falls and Miss Charles C. Schock, property at Emma Knight, Miss Marie Conover, southwest corner of Main street and Mrs. C. E. Conover, Mrs. Thomas TUBBABLES Fountain, avenue. Bid $10,000; 74 foot Ridgway and Mrs. William A. Truex, frontage on Main street and 240 feet 3rd, of Middletown. [BICARBONATE OF leep to Jackson street. The guests spent an enjoyable Helen T. Schock, property at south- evening playlnjr bridge after which SODA five Pounds W Onli est corner of Main and Spring refreshments were served. The prize itreets. Bid $20,000; 125 feet front- winners were Misses Emma Knight, ige on Main street, 170 feet deep on Cecelia Conover, Marie Conover and ipring street. Elsie Dreyer. FACIAL TISSUES Charles C. and Helen T. Schock, Vory Special Value — Choice of Colors , c 'hole block on Main street to Jack- Hand Cut With Saw. 200 SHEETS Only Dn street from Spring street to Nelson RaUb of Bast Keansburg 3.98 'ountaln avenue. Bid $30,000; 199.5 was cut on his left hand Friday 'eet frontage on Main street, 245 while sawing wood. His wound was 'eet deep to Jackson street. treated at Rlverview hospital. SAVE AT WHELAN'S Olols and Anna Shaaf, property on ast side of Main street, between It's getting fairer and warmer all the time BO Dark avenue and Little street. Bid 134,000; 66.32 feet frontage on Main you'd better snatch yourself an armful of these IPANA VSR LSI ••26c treet, 182.5 feet deep. cool but cosmopolitan looking cottons . . . the Mary L. Devlin, property on west ilde of Main street between New pride of our bright little "Cotton Shop". Well WITCH HAZEL Si* •• 7c 3runswick avenue and Sutphln ave- styled dresses that will require just an accent of lue. Bid $8,335; 265 feet frontage lipstick to make them acceptable anywhere on a m Main street, 380 feet deep on lorthside, 300 feet deep on South side summer's day. KOLYNOS BBS jjgi * ind 294 feet frontage at rear on Sut- ihln avenue. H. A. Elgard and John A. Tasslnl, Alophen Pills III • iroperty on Broad street, 175 feet Sunback Styles rom corner of Little street Bid 14.500. Eigard's bid for his lot was ;l,400 and Tasslni's $3,100. Sleeveless Dresses o WHJEf SHAMPOO £• •29c Postmaster Devlin could not say when the government would report Tailored Suits m its acceptance or rejection of any NOXZEMA^r or all bids. •97c With dozens of Lincroft. PRINTS in just about all the kinds other Marts and , . of patterns and colors you can. think 1 (TIIB Red Bank Regliter e«H lit bouchi FREEZONEs ,;, 21c .t Llncroft from George loop, who hu of. Dots, florals, geometries ... large delivery route.) Merchants... CALOX Mrs. Wilfred V. Mullln gave birth and small. Or plain colors and white. S 29c o a daughter Friday night at Rlver- All agog with bright trimming at ABSORBENT COTTON 'iew hospital. Both are reported to Kridel's are seh STERILIZED 1 POUND its doing well. The newcomer weighed neckline, waist, sleeve, or buttoned ;ix pounds, ten ounces. Sheers, dimities, organdies, and Miss Mildred McComb of Jersey ling the cool suits and bowed with tricky charm. ALL STYPTIC PENCIL viS !ity has taken possession of her crashes in plain colors; and mngalow on Swimming River road lawns, sheer seersuckers and PAST COLOR and as tubbable as t.oo or the summer. Do you realize piques in prints. Sizes 12 to 20; your, own two hands. VITALIS SIZE 59c The Lincroft SundayTschool joined that every cus- and 38 to 44 in styles to suit he Red Bank Sunday-schools today . every type and taste. !or an outing at Metedeconk. The tomer of ours Second Floor rroup left Lincroft chapel at 4) could, if he want- 'clock to enjoy the day swimming SAL HEPATICA Si 33c nd boating. ed to, be in a 20cSIZE The Young People's society met New York store MI POL 14c Friday night at Rhea Walling's home, in two hours? where a frankfurter roast was en- UNGUENTINE ;; • 29c joyed. Games were played. Those Samples and attending were Mr. and Mrs. Stan- And that there ley Stilwell and children Shirley, Discontinued Models MUM &. • • -<34c Barbara and Edward; Rev. and Mrs. are dozens of David Povey, Misa Ann Mauser, Miss other good cloth- Dorothy Thompson, Robert and ing stores within J. &J. TALC , lie Stewart Goddard, Julia McCarron, Howard and Raymond Hubbs and 5 gallons of gas- POIRETTE Fletcher's Castorla S,ZE 21C Rhca Walling. The next meeting will oline? be held Friday, August 7, at Rev. Povey's hume in Everett, and will be ENOS SALTS Iff. 67c corn roast. We're selling the Miss Juno Schofleld la spending the summer in the Pocono mountains. cool suits of Red Girdles, FEENAMINT 2?. 15c Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ward and son Bank first, be- ieroy of Trenton were Sunday visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fcnton. cause we have the David Soffcl, who has been a pa- cool suits to sell lent at Monmouth Memorial hos- pital for several weeks. Is reported and next, because Foundations Milk of Magnesia Bft 16c to be seriously 111. our prices sound Walter W. Walbel of the Main like a letter from road has purchased a new Plymouth sedan. home to the man LAVORIS sizl' Jack Kelly, Jr., has returned to who is between his homo here after spending two the devil of ex- 25c weclts at Camp Ockanlckon at Med- !, CORN PLASTERS SIZE foril. pense and the 750 Hans Bergc and Ethel Bennett are deep blue sea of icw mcmbci'H of tho klntergarden Vohiei 10.00 to 25.00 :la;m at Lincroft Sunday-school. a vacation. EPSOM SALTS A. Hie Charles .Soffol hns been admitted to Marlboro State hospital. MIHH Irmn Schofleld, who Is Inhor senior yrnr nt Rutgers unlcrslty, Don't let yourself 'go' this summer Z.B.T. TALC ifi •-17* where she In studying lo lie a tench- er, spent the week-end at her homo Gabardine Suits ... enjoy the beauty of a trim figure horn. in the comfort of Poirettcs like theRe The summer vacation club met on 25.00 at price savings. Saturday at the homo of Pauline, Wherever You 're Headed You 're Smartly Hatted In DEEP CUT PRICES! Kvn. and Dorothy Patterson. Games Foundations with low backs and up- were played and refreshment!! wcro Palm Beach Suits T nerved. Tho next meeting will bo lift lace bust sections. Sizes 86 to 42. Semi step-in girdles with nipped 40.51,. PEROXIDE ™ 9c hold at the home of Loin nnd Jean 16.75 U.S.P. Milnlojih, in waists and long narrow hips. In KNOX VAGABOND Mlsn I.ucllo Hammcrbackor of Tropical Worsted Suits brocades, satins, and batiste with MINERAL OIL Illonmllclri returned to her homo elastic inserts. Sizes 27 to 82. {HEAVY) PINT Pond's Creams 29© Sunday after unending tho week with 85c SIZC Mm. Jemio Hcholleld. 15.00 The M. and S. club held a picnic Second Moor RUBBING PINT 2 IKHI week at tho Hwlmmlng River Imported Linen Suits 5.00 ALCOHOL SHU-MILK» &'lle lain. Ti'iinU and rowing were on- Ji.yrd. 'J'lioon Attending -were Mrs. f 13.50 l.miln V'"«' l nnd daughter Cmol, Mrs. Here's tho good classic that you cnn wear tho year 'round, the clock J'riink McCarron nnd dntiKhter Julia, MEAD'S 48c Petroleum Jelly Doris Lnytcm, Elizabeth nnd Kdlth 'round .. .and nil arounde. It's every woman's hat,.. yet a different POUHp Ragular 10c Sli* Moimer and Lillian Sprung. hat on overy woman. You can roll it, shapo it into about nlno lives. Th« proKr«m next Hundsy morn- In fine fur felt: white, navy, brown, pink, dawn blue, yellow, beige, '"« nt Llnorofl chapel will be In Frtth Peach! geranium, and starboard green. Hcadshes 21 % to 23. Colgate's elmiKO „( S11M|, /r()m Cam()ljn wh0 Yes, delicious Berkeley - Carterot will ho accompanied by n group from riiillo ntnllnn WIP, r-hlladnlphla. J.KRIDEL frenh peach ice cream, served in our Second floor RESERVL THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITItS —Red Bank — AIR CONDITIONED Marine Foun- 2"k.* Mtr« Pocket mon«y tain Room ... , Re«tat»r^-A(lvirtls.m«iit. A nUEHDtV VISITOB Bringing flood Newi Every We>k for 57 Ye»r» to AU the- ITamUr, SECTION In the Home* of Bed Bank and Vicinity—About Local Event* and Local People. RED BANE REGISTER Iiauad W««Vlr, antinil >i Saeond-CUia Matter it tha Poit- Subscription Price: One Year $2.00, VOLUME LIX, NO. 4. offlc* at Bed Bank, N. J.. undar tha Act of March >, 1878. RED BANK, N. I, {THURSDAY, JULY 16,1936. Six Months, $1.00. Singh copy, 4c* PAGES 1 £0

44 years ago by John W, Stout, Jr., Sheridan Bar on land which he bought from his Big Increase In Incidents Gay New House For father, John W. Stout, Sr. Tn» lat- Woman, 87, Five Others ter owned tomato canning factories Policeman Twice Carl R. Englund Opens In Old- at Red Bank, Brldgeton, Burlington Victim of Thieves Building Permits And Grave About and Dunkirk, New York. He owned Hurt In Head-on Crash On Holmdel Farm Time Setting all the property fronting on Front Policeman Otto Herden of In This Borough Last Week's Heat street and the river between the Shrewsbury ban twice been the Hesse store and the Weaver store. Six persons, one a woman 87 years Mr. Ayrea was the driver of one New Red Bank Tavern Estab- old, were Injured last night in a head- of tho cara, and the other machine victim of a thief or thieved, Red Bank Reiident Building • After the hotel was built John W. on automobile collision on Cooper's was, operated by Archibald Scott of who havo a strange weakness New Construction So Far Thu Everybody is Glad That This Ab- Stout, Jr., built an addition to the Fine Dwelling for Hii Own lished by Louis P. Prate in bridge. The injured persona arc Mrs. Rahway. Officer Otto Krueger of for the large umbrellas he us<« Year is Valued at $86,046, or normal Weather is Behind Occupancy on Land Which He roar of the building for bowling al- Margaret Aumack, 87, Mr. and Mrs. Middletown towrmhip and Sergeant at his traflic stand at the cor- Surroundings Reminiscent of leys on land which lie leased from James Shcedy of Red Bank arrived Almost Three Times as Much Bought from William H. Ely- James B. Ayern and two children, ner of Sycamore avenue and Them Instead of Ahead of Old Sheridan Hotel. hia father. In 1885 he rented the ho- shortly after tho accident. The In- Broad street. With a record for Carl H. Englund of Bllverwhlta tel to Fred Frick under an arrange- Joycetta and Barbark/ all of Now- as for the Whole of 1935. Them—Heavy Poultry Lotse*. man Springs road, and Mrs. Ella jured persons were taken to tho hos- efficiency recently commended Gardens, Bed Bank, Is having a With the Installation of hln now ment whereby Mr. Stout was man- pital by Sergeant Sheedy, by Governor Hoffman, the 8tnl- ager of the place. Subsequently Mr. White of Rahway. All were treated Records at the office of Building houoe built near Holmdel tor his Brunswlck-Balke bar Monday in the at Rlvervlew hospital for cuts and Owing to tho fact that the accident wart policeman is very much The moat blistering weather this Frick ran the business under his own happened on tho Middletown side of concerned over tho chances of Inspector Ensley M. White of Bed section has experienced in years oc- own occupancy on the south Bide of former Sheridan hotel building on management. In 1898 the hotel wnn bruises. No one was seriously In- Front street, Red Bank, Louis P. the bridge the Middletown township having this record marred by Bank are in line with widespread re- curred the latter part of last week. the Holmdel-Bradevelt road. It 1» leased to J. Edgar Brower and Mr. jured, although hospital authorities pollen aro handling the investigation. ports throughout the nation that the The heat wave waa broken Saturday Prate la now fairly launched In hl9 Frlck, who conducted it under the are holding Mrs. Aumack for obser- potty thieves or practical jok- being constructed on 142V6 acres of No charges aa yet have been made ers. A short time ago the celebrated hiding place of prosperity night when a drenching rain fell In new business amid surroundings name of Brower & Frlck. vation. Und which the owner of the new reminiscent of pre-Prohibltlon daya against either driver. first umbrella van taken from "just around the corner" has been some parts of the county, although found. Permits issued so .far thlB house bought some time ago from when tho hostelry was one of tho Several years later Mr. Brower sold his booth and an intense In- at Ked Bank there was not enough most famous and largely patronized his interest in the business to Mr. vestigation wns of no avalL The year show a grand total of $86,046 moisture to wet tha dust and In William H. Ely of Reckless place, Frlck and the latter again conducted for new construction of all kinds, in- places farther south there was no In Monmouth county. The bar is tho Firemen's Fair extreme hent forced him to pur- cluding new houses, new business Bed Bank. lsst word in modernistic inn fixtures the business alone. In 1008 Mr. Frlck Board Investigates chase another, and Tuesday rainfall at all. However, on Tues- Mr. Englund In a member of th« eold the business to Andrew J. Kee- places and alterations and repairs. day night tho parched land waa thor- and tho only one of its kind at Red night, during the rain storm, it This Is almost three times more than technical staff of tho Bell labora- Bank. Without the u«e of coils it ley, proprietor of the Ocean House was stolen. He" is taking con- oughly soaked hereabouts by a se- tories experimental station at Holm- at Toms River. Mr. Keeley,, a few At Sea Bright Fatal Accident the value of all such work done dur- vere thunder storm. The beginnings provides facilities for drawing five solation In the fact that the ing the entire year of 1935. During del, and he Is associated with the years later, Bold the business to the heat wave has broken, and be of a drought were under way, but radio research engineering depart- kinds of draught beer. It Is equipped late William J. Poulson, who after- Opens Saturday In Middletown the last mentioned year Mr. White's the rain came in time to prevent ment. Tho house 19 well under way with the Kooler-Keg syatem, where- wards became proprietor of the still has big badge and gun. records Bhow that the total value of serious crop damage. Poultry fann- and Mr. and Mrs. Englund expect by the brew is extracted direct from Globe hotel. Mr. Poulson subsequent- such work was $31,863. ers Buffered larger losses than tillers tho wood. to move In It In Octobor. It Is be- ly served for a number of years as Annual Event to be Held on Special Meeting of Middletown July ig the best month so far this of the soil. Many fowls died from ing erected by Mr. Englund'a bro- recorder of Red Bank. Ocean Avenue from July 18 Township School Trustees year. With the month only slightly the heat: thers, Alfred and Theodora Eng- In 1912 the Sheridan hotel was tak- more than half spent, permits have lund of Elk Point, North Dakota, Held Tuesday Ni>ht With Re- Rumson Council One authentic case of a human en over by Peter Dlbb, who conducted to 26, Inclusive—New At- been issued far new construction cost- death from heat prostration was re- who are staying with the owner it until the advent of prohibition in ing $37,080, or considerably more while the work IB under way. tractions This Year. gard to Lester Thome's Bus. corded. The victim was John Bllsa 1920. Later proprietors were Joseph Suspends Karinja than the value of all such work done of Hastlngs-on-Hudson and ho was Tho house la of the New England F.': Pryor and James and Michael in 1935. May was a good month due A special meeting of the Middle- found dead on Vermont avenue, Port type, 30.8x44 feet, with seven rooms, Malonls, the latter two being part- The firemen's fair at Sea Bright largely to work done on property Monmouth. So far as known be had two bathrooms and an oil burning ners.' John W. Stout, Jr., died in 1906 will open Saturday night of this week town township board of education Liquor License owned by St. James church. The esti- was called Tuesday evening by the no relatives or friends at Port Mon- syatem. The roof will bo enclosed and the property was Inherited by hiB and will close Sunday night, July 26. mated coat ot this work was $16,000 mouth and how he came to be there) with copper shingles. A basement eon, R. V. R. H. Stout, who sold it The fair grounds are on Ocean ave- president, Wardwell G. Thomas, Jr., and the total value of construction at the request of the recently ap- Five-Day Suspension Imposed on Is a mystery. It was not until some) will be under the entire house. in 1929 to Mr. Prate. nue, near the Sea Brlgh'. drawbridge, started during that month waa $20,- time after hia dead body waB dlscov^- The land Is in Atlantic township, No expense has been spared to make pointed board of bus control. The Tavern Keeper for Violation 325. July's great showing results last named board consists of three ered in a clump of bushes on th« It has not been tilled for a number the event the most successful ever principally from the work being dpne I side of the road, near the homo of of years, but it was formerly very members of the board of education, of Liquor Mayor Neil- held by the firemen. and the purpose of the meeting was by the Pinckney corporation at Lake- Harry Goldsmith, that hia Identity . productive. Slxty-flve acrcB are In Roosevelt Minute The borough's two companies are son Edwards Warns Licensees. woodland. Recently Mr. Englund to discuss the accident last week in side Park. The cornoratlon is build- was discovered. The body waa taken combining their efforts this year, and which a bus owned by Lester Thorne e six houses at a- coat of $30,180. to Bedle's funeral parlor and pre- tried tho experiment of planting 75 the fair Is being operated by the fire- hairy ChlncBO chestnut trees In the Men Get Together of Newark collided with an automo- The Rumson mayor and council So far this year '39 permits have pared for burial. Mr. Bliss was 40 men themselves, Two years ago the bile owned and driven by Leonard last night suspended the liquor li- been issued, which is only 19 less years old and a World war veteran. woodland tract and he is awaiting firemen abandoned the policy of hav- The burial certificate ascribes heat the outcome with much Interest. Organization Meeting of New Lorentowlcz of Newark. cense of Samuel Karinja, who oper- than the total of .58 granted during Thus far most of the trees seem to ing out-of-town concerns run the fair. The bus ates a tavern, for five days for vio- the whole of 1935. The foregoing fig- prostration aa the cause of death. They find the change has- met with In question is used to be In very ..Rood condition. They Middletown Township Club transport Middletown township lation of the state liquor laws. The ures do not take into account fed- Various factories and other places are reputed to be blight resistant. Held Tuesday Night—Demo- popular approval. school children, but at the time of suspension went into effect immedi- eral projects such as new school- kept open only part time. They vir- Permanent booths were constructed tually had to shut down because «m- Three brooks traverse the farm and crats Donate Use of Rooms. the accident it was transporting ber- ately after Mayor Ncilson Edwards houses and the addition to the arm- one of them has a waterfalls about thle year. The purchasing committee ry pickers to Mr. Thome's farm. announced the decision of the coun- ory. Municipal building permits are ployees fainted from heat prostra- four feet high. has bought a large quantity of mer- Mr. Thome's son, Howard M. Thorne, cil and will remain in effect until not required for Buch work. Further tion. Women were tho chief suffer- The organization meeting of the chandise and has paid particular at- was driving the bus. Mr. Lorento- midnight Monday. Droof of Increased building opera- erB. In every instance the stricken Franklin D. Roosevelt Minute Men tention to the quality ot the articles. wicz died as a result of the collision. Mr. Karinja was charged by ABC tions is furnished by contractors who persons Boon revived after receiving first aid treatment Among those LOUIS PRATE of Middletown township wai held New amusements and attractions The bus Is not under contract for agents -with pouring the contents of state that they are experiencing dif- Annual Woodland Tuesday evening at the Democratic have been added and the fair will be school transportation purposes dur- a bottle of one brand of whiskey in- ficulty In finding unemployed skilled overcome by the heat was Louis Miller ot Headden's Corner. He was The Sheridan Bar Is the name club rooms, which had been donated at least twice as big as other yeare. Ing the summer vacation. to the bottle of a different brand. labor. which Mr, Prate has chosen for his for the purpose by the Middletown One of the fair features will be a Analysis made by state agents stricken while walking home) from Farm Invitation It was brought out at the meeting Campbell's Junction. business, "Like old times come back" Township Democratic league. James free drawing for a orlze every night. Tuesday evening that several parents showed the proof of several un- and other similar remarks have fre- A. Grodeska of Leonardo 1B presi- "Bingo Night" will be another fea- of children who travel to and from opened bottles taken from the tavern Committees For It was hot enough to fry eggs with- Show On Sunday quently been made by customers and dent of the new organization and A. ture. On this night certain games school on this bus had expressed to be of lower proof than the per- out fuel as was demonstrated by Al- visitors at the bar, who find mem- Lawrence Weatwood of East Keans- will be designated as special bingo themselves as being reluctant to al- :entage printed on the bottles. bert Dorkus, Irving Targov and Lew- burg is secretary. Other officers will games and the winner will have the low their children to ride with a driv- Mr. Karinja was represented by j Fair Haven Fair la Levlne with a frying pan on a ories revived of tho old Sheridan be selected later. Mr. and Mr«. Amory L. Haikell hotel by the appearance of the new privilege of selecting an article in ad- er Involved in such an accident. It Miss Florence Forgotson, who en- i Broad street sidewalk. The tar Frank J. Garriel, prominent In la- dition to the regular bingo prize. waa learned, however, that the young tered a plea of guilty for him. Miss ' which was put on the street last falf Entertain Contestant* and offi place. This similarity between the Annual Event of Fire Company to cover the trolley tracks was BO new and the old will become even bor and veterans' circles, spoke up- man involved in the collision does Forgotson said Mr. Karinja had no ciali at Tea—Several Hundred on the Works Progress Administra- not drive the bus- when it Is used to intention to defraud and she asked Opens Saturday, July 25, and sott that It bore the Indentations of more marked, according to plans footprints. , • which Mr. Prate has made. He Is tion. He gave a brief history of the Elks Auxiliary Plans transport school children. Although for leniency. Closes the Following Saturday Attend. WPA and said many useful projects he holds a license to operate* a mo- Mayor Edwards In announcing the When Charles Kertsner,.a,i arranging to lease a portion of the had been completed during the past —Nightly Shows. floor space for a lunch counter and Card, Beach Parties tor vehicle, the state law requires decision stated the council had tak- ^^B ^on Several hundred persons attended seven months in MpBm.o,utb. county, a school bus driver to be 21 yearsof n into «r«tteRi4MIMJ ... JVldfiy ha the elahth annual Wco#l»ff»M«H«»l» • **>i«8te*the bowling alloys in the Ho said tha-work.dow..)ey~th«»WPA. frankness in adinlttlngnis guilt and Preparations for the Annual fair found 40" of" Els 'laying pulleta rear of Hft'VKK H8 'expects to have • • Plans' ior" a beach party next Mon- age. Mr. Thome's son; Tre1Mg"lS* vltatlon junior horse show Sunday. ' '— "— "•—--- -•'- was of a useful nature and pointed day at Applegate's pavilion at Sea years old, Is barred by law from his willingness to make the case as of the Fair Haven fire company are stretched out as though dead on the Mrs. James A. Hewlett was Judge. these new features of the place in out many example". He ntated that Bright and a card party Tuesday transporting school children. simple as possible. He said it was in their final stage. Predictions are ground. However, they bad not Mr. and Mrs. Amory L. HaBkell, own- operation In the fall. To many this similar work was going on through- August 11, at the summer home of the second time the council has been that with good weather the fair will "passed out" In each of them a ers of Woodland farm, entertained will seem like a return to days of All the school board members pres- out the nation and he paid tribute Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jacobs, for- ent at the meeting agreed that the called upon to act on a violation of be the most successful ever hold. spark of life remained. Mr. Kerts- the contestants and officials at tea yore before Volateadlsm, when the to President Roosevelt for the fore- merly the home of the late Maggie utmost care should be taken in see- Ithe "9«or laws, and he warned Mr. Last year the proceeds came close to ner put them in a cool place in his, lolloWlng the show. late J. Edgar Brower for many years sight which had been ohown in lay ICUue, wuio niadt) last night ul u sO- Ing that school busses are ptopei-Iy I Karlnjp. and othoc linsnsocs thnt thn Rt»hllshin(j a nfiw rfirnrii fnr tha en- cellar and all except seven revived. Mrs. Haskell and Rufus C. Finch operated- the Sheridan lunch counter ing out tho program. Mr, Garriel did cial and business meeting of the La- equlpped and carefully operated so borough will not stand for auch vio- tire fair, while new one-night Norman Roberts of New Monmouth, comprised the executive committee and Fred WHman ran the bowling not mention politics in his talk. At dies' auxiliary of the Elks club. Mrs. that there would bo no anxiety lations. mark was made when over $4,000 son of Sheriff George H. Roberts, lost The Jiinl* show committee consisted alleys. Itha conclusion of his remarks he an- Jacobs, wife of the well-known box- caused for parents. At the conclu- "Yours Is a light sentence," Mr. was taken in the final night The 40 laying pullets because of the heat. of Miss Louise Pinch, Miss Harriet Both the Prate family and the swered a number of questions which* ing promoter, will lie hostess at tho sion of the meeting Mr. Thomas Edwards said to Mr. Karinja, "and fair openB Saturday night, July 23, Jesse Schofleld, proprietor of «, Crane, Miss Anne T. Haskoll and Sheridan hotel have notable records wero put to him from the floor. card party, Mrs. Harry Robertson is •we want you to co-operate with us chicken farm on the Llncroft road, John W. Straus: The ring committee called attention to the fact that a and closes Saturday night, August 1. Interwoven with an Interesting Theodore Labrecque, chairman of chairman of the beach party com- recent law subjects all motor vehicles and obey the laws. It Is not a pleas- A floor show every night at 9 lost 200 full-grown chickens in th» •was made up of Miss Audrey HoBler, period of the history of Red Bank. the Middletown township Democratic mittee. ant duty for the officials of this bor- extreme heat of Thursday. Louis Bourne Ruthrauff and W. Strother to inspection. He said this in con- o'clock is one of the new attractions A few years after the Civil wur a club, spoke briefly. He stated that After the business meeting 15 mem- junction with the periodic Inspections ough to rebuke you or any other this year for the public. There will Stelnmuller, who conducts a poultry Jones, Jr. Edward Feakes is super- young Italian, encouraged by the suc- the trustees of the Democratic club bers of the auxiliary adjourned to liquor licensee, but we insist on com- farm at Tlnton Falls, lost 89 year-old intendent of tho farm, and his eon by the board of bus control would be numerous new games and added cess of somo of his fellow country- were.always glad to donate the use the Strand restaurant on Broad prove a further safeguard. Mr. pliance with the laws." amusements and the dance music chickens the same day. Others whoso Edward was bugler. men In America, the land of oppor- of their hall to anyj^worthwhlle or- street. Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Thomas suggested that the board chickens died of heat prostration and The classes and winners of the nrst ganization and cited the fact that the and bingo games will be broadcast tunity, immigrated from tho little Harry Quinn were hostesses. The keep informed as to the action of the over the address system. the ^number of chickens, they lost three ribbons are: village of Piacenza to this country. hall had been loaned on previous oc- next meeting will be held on Wed- court when the Thorne case comes Woman's Club Card were Willgerodt Brother* of tdncxoftt Fnnlas on a lead rein—Stiner Glraliel casions to churches' and charitable Officers of the fair Arthur B. 26, John Daly of Everett 100 baby This youthful Immigrant, still In nesday, August 5. up. Sickles chairman, Charles P. Cross Drat; Hohert Ililey, accondi Mlna Edith his teens, was the lato Louis Prato, organizations for various affairs. Party on August 4 chicks, Horton L. Roach of Llncroft Mr. Labrecque congratulated the vice chairman, Percy D. Bennett sec- 40, Harry Johnson of Llncroft 20, Hol-aeman'jhln lor rhlldnn under 10- father of the owner of the new busi- FREE MOVIES LAST NIGHT. retary, William B. Little, Jr., treas- •Wllllam liar. (Irat; Junle'Il.ley, Mcond ness In tho old Sheridan hotel. Be- new club. He stated that such a Fritz Ewald of Everett 15, Harry Amory L. Ha.kell. Jr., third. Fair Haven Artist The ways and means committee of urer and cashier, and Raymond Sprung of Llncroft 15, Harry Rich- fore leaving tho old country he told group was necessary In that many the Woman's club met yesterday Fonla. under 14.! hand., for chUdren people did not care to belong to a po- Sea Bright Folks Treated To Fine Jones and Mrs. Viola Sickles assist- dale of Phalanx 14, and Frank Toop Mndor U—Margaret Ha.kall, flnt: Rufiu hla sweetheart, Maria Zanl, that If Entertainment at Surf Lodge. morning at the home of Mrs. E. H. ant cashiers. C Finch, 2di Amory I,. Haikell, third. all wont well with him in the New litical group but they are willing to Forming Classes of Lincroft 13. Boynton, president of the'organiza- The other committees are as fol- Horaemanihln 'or children 10 and under World ho.would return to his native associate themselves with a prlncl- Free movies in Sea Bright last Last Thursday night, while all-time 13—Harriet Crane, flrat', Anna Haikell plo or with an Individual who ia light- William- Goadby Lawrence, Fair tion, to complete plans for a card lows: •econd: Margaret Hankell, third. heath, marry, and return to the night proved to be a great attrac- party to be held Tuesday, August 4, records were being made both for Horsemanihtn for children IS and under ing for a principle. He said that tion. Tho management of tho Surf Haven artist, whose portrait "Dig- AilvcrtisInK—H. H. Kurlls chnirman. Eil- United States with his bride. nity" was shipped on the Queen at the Boynton residence. wnrcl Little, Oncnr Ucrker. Jesso MoIIray. heat and humidity, the Epworth 18—Mariorla Hnnliir. flriit; Jane Guptll. under the banner of President Roose- refreshment lodVo permitted an op- league of the Keyport Methodist a.cond: Dorothy F««ler, third. Not endowed with much of this velt, everyone, he or she, Republi- Mury for exhibit abroad, is now or- Prizes will be awarded to winners j William Anderson, Robert Snyder, A. Hornca or ponies to be ridden by a boy world's goods but rich in tho pos- erator with his portable camera out at each table and there will be prizes church gave a play entitled "An Old- or (rlrl undar IS—Manton 13. Metcnlf, can, Democrat or Independent, can fit the use of the pavilion and a group ganizing classes locally for art stu- K—RuBBell Minton chairman, session of excellent health and de- dents and beginners. He will be at for non-players. A door prize has I Charles fashioned Mother" at tho Holmdel first; MnrBnmt Haakell, lecondi Jan« Uup- get together on a common footing of several hundred, both children and Baptist church. The show was BUP- termination to win through, the and join In tho coming contest. He 3t> South street at 7;30 Wednesday been donated by MIB. Boyton. Re- I Automobile—GeorHe Curchln chairman. "jumplnK, open io all horBei owned by youth aoon made good. Ho found adults, was entertained until nearly i Robert Amendt, Wllllnm Miller. posed to occur In the winter nnd the of tha stated that tho coming presidential evenings for registration until en- freshments will be served. Music nnil entertainment—Vercy Ben- •ctlvo or aub«erlMn» member! employment at Newark and laid midnight with a series of pictures, Members of the committee who at actors and actresses were swathed in Monmouth County hunt^Mlm Louiae election was a contest between Pres- rollment is completed. Thereafter nett chairman, Tony Hunting, Charlea heavy overcoats and other cold Finch, flrit; Minn Audray Hailer, aeeondj aside every cent that he could pro- principally cornice, much to the en tended yesterday's meeting are Mrs. M ident Roosevelt and tho forces of re- joyment of all. classes will be held at sketching lo- weather clothing. Their talk was Mm. CieorBa F. Hodman, third. cure through frugality and thrift, action. He cited facts and figures cations or at the studio on the Law- HarrH y Morfnrd chairman Mrs. Her- j u^t'nL"" WnnnTA^n™" L" Jumping for hornea or ponlea to be The reason for the free pictures 11: very largely about the coolness of ridden by bora or slrla IB yearn or under with tho Idea of establishing a fruit to show that during tho past three rence estate, Driftway, Fair Haven. man AsendorfAscndorf, Mrs.. Willia"' -—m "—Penn- ' Special K»nie—Geortso Hawkins chair- and vegetable business of his own. was a Bales feature endorsing a prom- the weather and about snow, ico and —Anne Hialnll. flrntj Ann Huber, second; years the conditions of labor and ot The scries of angling paintings ex- Strode, Mrs. John Boyland, Mrs. John man, Chnrlca I*. (TO»I, Lynwood Minton, sleigh bells. The play was very ably Marjorla Hauler, third. The happy day camo at length inent mako of ladles' hosiery whlcli John Wapner. Hntry Minton. Herbert business had each been improved. hibited last spring by Mr. Lawrence Ivlns, Mrri. J. T. Heekman, Mrs, How- Hnwklns, Ilnny Ilerold, Robert Amend t. rendered, but tho weathor conditions when ho realized this ambition. In Is being handled by ono of the So ard Manning, Mis. Frank Ganter, Both talkB were well received and Bright stores. won him wide acclaim, nnd he has Lestor Knirlnntl. Jnmea Uraney, James Tol- protrayed were so exactly the re- a modest way he began business at at tho conclusion of the meeting an just returned from Blmlni, British Mrs. Howard HigKinson, Mrs. Myron y. Jc»»c Dennett. verso of reality that tho audience ROt Bowling Club Rod Bank In 1870 In a building which An added feature of tho progran soda—Jatr Chad- Invitation wnn extended to tho speak- West Indies, where he be^an work Brown, Miss Elizabeth Scowcroft and -irk chairman',kf» , Itoy Klnir, Joneph Parker, 03 much fun out of this part of tho ocoupied part of tho Broad street ers to return at an early date. was a scries of questions asked o Mn?. Hodca Chark. Lawn Card Party several ladles present, which brough on ji new series for a famous pub- Theodore I'arker, Si-., GeorRe Moxley. performance as some of tho humor- site of the present drygoods store of Ilf4iin£ house. Ho is also engaged Candy anil clears—Charles Minton. ous features. forth much merriment. The ladies Dam-o floor—Jncob Grimm chairman, An afternoon lawn card party will Straus and company. From tho out- on a Kroup of sportlnjr oils for a MOVING TO HIGGliK STOKE. set tho buolneBs prospered. It grow wero brought before tho mlko and Milnti Siiydcr. James Lannii. Jr.. Charlen Tuesday night lightning hit a tree b» hold by tho Lady Elka bowling Bishop To Preach their nnswers were amplified so thi\ fall exhibit in New York, and is DmiKhty. Austin Harvey. D, 11. Mount. on the E. M. Crane eatato In Mliiillo- with Red Bank, At that particular generally recognized in tho art world Grand'* Shoo lif'imirln^ ISits to Cliiirlos Mn»t. Club of Rod Bnnk Friday, July 24, they could be heard over n large por- niplillei—Henry Frledlander. William town townnhip and glanced off and at tho homo of Mrs. Wilbur Syming- time this community wna emerging to be on the way to renown. IIuvo New Quarters. from tho status ot a sleepy little vil- At Middletown tion of tho Sea Bright territory ail Anderson, Elmer Clove. .it ruck « chimney on tho hou.sii oc- ton, Lincoln Circle East, on the Illnuo—HiiaRell llonnett, Stephen tie. lage Into that of n town. True to jaccnt to the Surl pavilion property. flriMid's slioo repairing bustno.ia cupied by John O'Brien, superintend- Country Club Estates. Mrs. Thoma» Rev. Irving P. Johnson, D. D., K|,_ will ho moved tomorrow .^irom tho dsli, William. ApiileKnte. Leslie- Homier- ent of the eatiito. Tho bolt made a King la ohalrman, assisted by Mra. his promlso the young merchant re- in, Wlllard Emmon*, llarncy KKf'find, holn through thn living room wall turned to Me native village, married copal bishop of Colorado, la to be the Wlllctt—Lulnl. Rumson Sewer Plant Chnmberit building on West Front I.loytl Ilcnse. Robert Graham and Mra. Symington. street, Red Hank, to Ilnrry Bttnina Aim ounce r—Chnrle* Wesson. nnd knocked some chairs about tlu> Maria Zanl and came to Hcil Bank*. preacher at Christ church, Middle- Announcement in imuic of the There will bo prizes and refresh- town village, Sunday evening at o:30 Has New Owners building ut 10 \Vrst Front street, It-u cit'nin—Ladles' auxiliary. room, but the damago wtis not largt. ments. with his bride. wedding of Miss Mabel A. Wlllett, next to IU'Hse's ice cream store. Tilt1 I1O0T1IS. Conditions wero normal at tho Red o'clock. Bishop Johnson, genorally daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mrs. King and Mrs. Graham are Mr. Prato was ono of tho flrnt. uf recognized as one of tho most out- The ni?wly-ortfnnb.iMl RumuM Sow- ehnnfro will be matle in oi-dc-r to Novelties—Jcsso Mrllrny. Klmer Clevo. Dank wutnr plant HO far as the sup- his countrymen to reskio Itcd Wlllett, 'and John Evann Laird, both have larger ciuartcrs for tho grow- Crorery—-Joneiih lloyle. Kiln-aril IJIMn. ply of wati-r nt tho reservoir was con- In chargo of tho arrangements for a standing preachers of tho Episcopal of Scobeyvllle. Tho wedding took npe Disposal company waa granted K|>erlal—Arthur Crozltr, Thomas Welsh. beach party to bo held Monday Bank, and hiB lino record bugl- church, lo the special preacher during pormlHr.lon laat night hy the Humaon ing InisincsH. Tomorrow Mnx (irand, Jewelry—Vernon Little, Frank Knylt-'r. lerncil. tio much more water yran and as a citizen holped to pave placo several months ngo In Vir- tlte proprietor, will havo been cn- Crab ban—Ladles' aiiKlllnry. UMi'd I linn In normally tho case thtit evening, July 27, at Monmouth July SlrUca ihalrmnn, i.v.-itiMii wi'ie put into service and rW- hore later. His business continued to one of the chief ownern of Laird & Ihisi h<> will offer nMluml nnnlvcr- Tliumua Kmiiioiis, Hnrvoy Little. Jr.. Kd- ploytTH worked overtime. Except at earner Bandy Hook will be held tho neivico at tho cathedral on Bun- company, manufacturers of appln- ciiinpnny, Tlio Byntem taken in homes prosper and ho moved it to larger in tho Wost I'ark flection of tho bor- tmry mill romnvnl intrn on sihon re- ward Tortcr, John Keener, O*rni- Ilerker, liming hot, dry epnlla on« well i« Btif- Wednesday night, August ». Tho day afternoon to be the gucflt of Rev. Jfick. Tho bride Is secretary for Harry Voronenu. Ld Hidden. Vlaient I'l- llcli'iit to koon the reservoir Illlcd. boat loaves the Atlsntlo Highlands quartnra In tho Finch building on anil Mrs, William B. Hpoffoid, the ough nnd the enstern end of Uuinson pairing from July 17 to July ffi, In- •iiiii, Wllllnm Ceiner. Broad street. Mr. Prate died In 11)14. tho company. Mr. and Mrs. Lnlrd IIIBIVC. Mr. firnnd stntr.'i Hint nt Wrtter for ji^rlnkllng lawns ami uat- pier at 10 o'clock. Mra. Emily John- new rector of ChrlBt church, Is asso- are living at tho Laird homentcad. mail. I'ony IVIIMI—First nld .ijunil. For tha next flvo years tho business Tho reorganization committee of Ills now plnci' he. will liavc tho lat- ileii.i IM sold at half the ununl ral« ion IB chairman. ciated with Hlshop Johnson In ot _ at Scoboyvillo. e»t and moiit approved facilities for nnd eonnunlptlon Ittfll week was nl)Otlt MrB. Joseph Layton of Rod Bank was carried on by tho Louis Pinto ( Tho Witness, a wcokly magazlni. tlio new company coniiluts of ,Iohn- estate, tho owners of which ware the Frll7, Achella, Ncwcombe C. linker, time ami lnlior Biiving. An Innovn- (inuhln the usual amount, was elected a member ot the club of llio lllplficopal church. Bishop Evangelistic Hervlcra. ilon will bo Htrennvllm'd booths flt- First Aid Fair At Monday night. widow and the children. In 1910 Johnson Is known throughout tho 1). J. Harry, Sheldon T. Colcnmn, J. Thn heat mused tho Mpannlon of Mrs, Prate died. For anvornl years The pastors of the North Whore LOWIH Hay and Bernon H. Prontico. lort with every accoutrement fur the country for hki pungent Btylo and comfort find convenience of piltrond Atlantic Highlands i ntoel grating over the nldowulk thereafter the business wns conduct- with, both an a preacher nnd a wrlt- churches will hold evangelistic serv- Tho now company will Hpi'nd a con- tlraln in front of Htrnun company'! Charles H. Read's Sale. ed by Louis P. Prato, hia nlntcr Mar- ices from Sunday, July ID, to Hun- nlilniablo num In rehabilitating the who dOiilio work dime while they wait. Amontf othi'i- thlitKH llfiwnpn- ricpuiiitlonii all' about completed drygoods jtoro and a portion of tin A vcndtio of tho furniture anil oth- gnret, wife of Charles Clay, and his flay, July 20. Pastors of tho church- newer for tlli\ annual fair of the Atlantic doncrota sidewalk WIIH ralHtid never*.! es at Cetiar Beach, KeanHburp;, New pi'rH and magazines will ho placed er personal property of Charles B, brother William. In. 1020 Louis I". llJMinlou l'ontponed. Illchlnnilti llrat nlil fuiuad Tliuriiday, lnr.he» by this frtmk of nature. Bead, who lives In Atlantic township, Prate bought tho Sherldn.ii hoti'l Monmouth, Bclfoid, Leonardo and for tl"' UHO of Hiich customers. Friday und Kiittmluy, July 'A 24 A reunion for the Fctiniury clana Atlantic Highland" aro oo-operiiling, NKW IIOMK OWN Kit. Tim thorniomoter In Tin IleglnUr'l near Colt's Neck, wan held Saturday, building and tho business waft movod and A on avenue, niljolninn press room last Friday huvsred with Walter D. Fields as auotloneer. there, Mr. Prate la a grndunln or of 1D33 of tho Hod Bank high school, pollen lumililiinrliiiB. Them will bo which w«» lo have beon Imld tomor- .IIIIH.S Culutro Will Omipy HollHi' NKW WKSTMIIIK round in il««ree« at 2 o'clock and Mr. Iload's farm wan bought recent- the 1017 clans of the Hod Hank high Card I'arCy nt Illfrhlnmln. He Hought on Clifford flare. a ground in-lzn iiwunleil every night thn foreman rtealiled that It wa< too ly by Mrs. Inez Hmlth Johnston of school and he Is a World win vet- row night nt. tho Montnroy grill, An- The Highland* unit of the National llt-li llitlldlni; Iti'slilnicn on fn-i. unit on thn llnal night $50 will bury Talk, linn been Indefinitely pout- Alfnil 1' hot to work and "h« M»w th« Liircrhnnmt, New York, who will oc- eran. Organization for Hoi'lnt Justice will Thn linuiii! lit HI Clifford place, Kml I,oniBt Avt'iiue. Im dl«po»i'il »f on tho co-operative whlutln" anil the plant Ml «hUi llanli, han been bought from tho Kf'd tfupy it. ___^_ . With the opening of thn now Hher- hold a combination pinochle-, brldfio, plan. _ down until Monday murnlng, p, y evoti- Hunk tiulltlliiK und loan iiiwiuclntinn Alfred 1'. Ilch In having n hotiim of Idan Har the partnership oxlutlng ho- MurtxgMi. bunco and bingo party Tuesda TftlKia Over Oat Htatlor.. tween Louis nnd his sinter and k Inillil hy .lami'H (Itilullo, wllu will u«n it for thn Cupn Cod colonlnl type built on Rlulilor's Tavern, foot of Cooper'* T can plnco nny m»rtKHKe that l» ing, July'2a, in tho Fralork'l Ihn north iildo of Looiint uvenuv, Itt'd br-ldtti', Red Hunk. Delicious noft. l)i>n'l Mlw Harry U. Harrison of Monmouth brother was ondeil. Louis la tho uolo good. HHVO plenty of mortgage hla homo. Tho !mh> WIUI made by K Ingi . A cooker will bo illsponeil of on V. It. It. Htout. Tho property In on Hunk, near the river. Tho contrac- crab Biindwlclica 2n>, «hore dinner Msthodlst Hurvffit Home and Haaasr street htm taken over the Blnclalr owner of the bar buslnean. The fruit money • conducted by Mrs. Clay and Wll j Uiugnln: -1030 Dodge* fnunloor Firemen'* Stir. rruWirt let TfP Klsncr fsctoiy hnlit nn all day out- ducts; on automobile service utatlon modn ti improveinontH and an *t- Annual f«lr, Iilver atreet «chool, r«nui> and H«w machinery, Including a n«w ««t Hum Pr«tI r»t««, 1 1 9K the word "realtor." I think It would when they present "It's a Wise eagerly for the published atandlngs Branch: be well to Impress upon our news- Child.' This play will Inaugurate) The names of workers who have re- PlMldant—John T. Lawler ot Mlddlt paper brethern that tho uae of theseveral of the best-known comedies ported at least one subscription are Cop's Motorcycle Hits Young town to*nahlp. word "realtor" to Indicate Indiscrim- of recant yean, such as "The Fam- published today, and the Hrt will be Vlea pr««W»nU—.Thtodor* I'. of inately all real estate men Is wrong. Woman and Train Almost Atbury P*i«. Wllllus H. Hintilmaon of ily Upstaln," "Why Men Leave published each week until the end Aumion. IAW Tumenbaum ot Freehold, I want to Imprest the fact that the Home," "Kind Lady," "Personal Ap- of the drive. Runt Over Man—Neighbor* Tr*aaarar—Harold Snyd«r of Avon. term "realtor" can be used legally B«nt*r]r—Alfred J. Entile of Long only by members of the National As- pearance," "Petticoat Fever" and The management of the campaign Get Into Argument. Braneh. sociation of Real Eatate Boarda. others equally as good. The curtain desires to publish only the najneB Governor—Albert Robblni of Aiburr will rlaa at 8:30 o'clock. of per»on« who lutdud taking on ac- Park. And ao, as I said before, you art There was plenty of excitement at The above slate was chosen unani- now "rsaUorsV' but with tha privil- The story revolves around a lovely tive part, and who Intend sttoklng to Sea Bright on Sunday. There were ege of using this -word also goes a young girl who flnda herself engaged it, and nameo of Inactive entrants will mously as recommended by the nom- two motor accidents, a near tragedy inating committee, of which the responsibility. This responsibility la to marry a man that happens to ba be dropped from the lists as soon as on the railroad, tho first aid squad to io conduct your business that In- many year, her senior, and when possible. chairman Wa« Theodore F. Appleby dividually and oollecUvely we ahall answered several calls, two neigh- of Atbury Park, who acted as tem- have tho confldenoe of the public romance cornea to her and she Entries are still open In the cam-bors got Into an argument, a car seeks to release herself from an en- paign, and any one reporting a sub- porary chairman. President Lawley JOHN T. LAWLEY Tho publlo must bo educated that caught flre and the recorder's court ppolnted the following committee for efficiency and honesty In the real gagement that is hateful to her she icriptlon on or before next Tuesday deliberately destroys her own repu- evening will still be credited with 20.- was kept busy fining traffic violators. chairmen: estate business they should consult Miss Marjorle Hill of Red Bank a "realtor." And It should be ourtation In order to get herself free 000 extra points, in addition to the Constitution and br-!awi—Harold Wai- as was detrimental both to the In-ambition to Include among our mem- 5,000 entrance coupon and also In ad- was hit by Police Chief Andrew An- ren. Aeburr Park. terests of the public and to them- to marry tho man of her choice. As derson's motorcycle as she ind Appralial—Randolph Roes, Aibury Park. bers all the many honest and efficient the result of her desperate action, a dition to the points the subscription Publicity—Marie Cox, Fortaupeck. selves, real estate men and women of Mon- will earn under the regular Bchedule. Misses Catherine Kennedy and Mar- Memherehlp—Hubert Farrow, Before auch laws were enacted the mouth county. We have but one pur- series of complications arise that are But this offer is only good until next ;aret Bevens, also of rteu i>anK. Lefllltttoo—William Kltich. Long roker who was unethical enough to pose, and that Is to further the In-hilariously funny and Involve almost Tuesday evening. were crossing Ocean avenue. Mias Branch. scutate Jn hla client's property, for torosts of the real estate profession. everyone In hor homo and In the Management—Fred Beegle, Aibury Park. stance, could not be eliminated aa Hill was thrown several feet and suf- Arbitration—8. H. Calvert, Aabury Park. Wo are non-political. I hope that town where sho resides. Just before Every dollar turned In on subscrip- competitor to the honest brokers. the final curtain, love finds a way. tions from the first of the campaign ered from bruises and shock. After Tax—William Dennett, Highland.. we can conduct tha affairs of this Com'miision echedule—Joseph MoCue, *rlor to the license laws an action board durlntr my regime so that The oast li composed entirely of until the evening of Tuesday, July 21. receiving treatment at the Sea Bumion. ouM bo brought against a broker Bright first aid headquarters she there will ba complete understanding professional actors belonging to the li guaranteed to count considerably Meeting*—Louli R. Bronion, Ocean >r such practices by the client, but among all members and that there was taken home. Grove. 5 here was no way of keeping the Theater project of the Works Prog- inore points than if turned In at any - Finance—Robert MacDonald, Red Dank. shall be no favoritism shown to any- later date In the campaign. Chief Anderson was bruised on the roker out of the real eatate busl- one or to any group. raai Administration, and 'Is said to Chairmen for the forms, beach ero- be exceptionally olever. Lillian In effect until Tuesday, July 21, g and cut on the face. Opening of isa. Tho honest broker had no re- We pledge to you a, slnoore effort the drawbridge had blocked traffic sion and state convention committees urse against such a competitor. Young will be soon as Joycs Stan- 12,000 extra points, In addition to the JOE HUMPHREYS The constitutionality of brokers' to place this board upon a firm regular point schedule, will be given n Ocean avenue and Mr. Anderson will be appointed later. Remarks foundation. We will probably make ton, tho young girl who causes all was on his way to the bridge to were made by Mr. Lawley, who Is cense legislation and its justlnoa- the trouble and gets all the other for each and every $1 on subscrip- Joe Humphreys, a resident of Fair ized. For 40 years he made his living lon In publlo opinion and legislative mtitakes. It may be that among tions. In other words, immediately direct traffic when the three young Haven the past 20 years, died Friday by his voice. lso president of the Red Bank Real the officer! of your board, or thaoharaotera Into so much trouble. Two lanctlons are based upon the theory members of the various committees Rafter the evening of Tuesday, July women stepped from behind a row afternoon at his Kemp avenue home Ho made his first appearanc_rr e as Estate board, and by the other new- hat, such legislation protects the parts that should add to the mirth f cars. He swerved his machine to there would be an Individual whom of the evening: are Bertha, the maid, 31, tho campaign manager will total of a complication of ailments, hard- an announcer at a benefit show for ' ly elected officers. Another speaker >wnera and purchasers of real es- you probably did not like. If It so the amount of cash reported by each ne side but WAS unable to avoid ening of the arteries, apoplexy and a Nigger Tom Welch, a white fighter, was Samuel Walker ot Keansburg, ate from the Incompetenoy and ua-happens that this Is the case, wo and Cool Kelly, the Iceman, played solicitor and will issue and place to itting Miss Hill. weak heart, all aggravated by thewho had to pay $250 for breaking vice president of the New Jersey ithlcal practices of dishonest brok- must subordinate our private likes respectively by Jewel Johnson and the credit of each worker 12,000 ex- A car driven by David Blermann Intense heat. Although in poor health the jaw of a fighter named Peterson. Real Estate board, who outlined the 'a. and dlallkoa to the general welfare. Frank Rakostraw. purpose of the organization and the Any business which Is of such a tra points for each }1 worth. f Asbury Park backed Into a carsince he waB stricken with apoplexy The regular announcer didn't show I may not like the color of a man's "Others to be seen are Minnie Lan- driven by William R. Richardson of threo years ago, he had been active adverse conditions caused for realtors ature and extent that tho Interests hair or the way he wears hla tie, but Subscription count two ways un- up and others called upon declined by "outside questionable agents or lai'Ko number of people are If ho Is efficient and a sincere mem- caster as Mrs. Btanton, Alice Chad- der this offer, and every one inter* Wllllamstown, Massachusetts, at theuntil Friday morning, when he wasto substitute. Humphroya opened the eopardited to the advantage of a wlok as Mrs. Peabody and Robert gates on the drawbridge. The dam- their temporary representatives." It ber of our real estate board that Is cited has the personal guarantee of unable to get up. The previous af- show by singing "Dad's Dinner Pall," was decided to hold the next meeting w Individuals Is subject to regu- the only qualification that I ask for.Long as Otho Peabody, her much- th« management that this Is the bl|5- age to both cars was slight, and Mr.ternoon he had tea with his neigh- 'Maggie Murphy's Home," ami at Red Bank early in September. tlon in so far as lta purpose and abused batter half, who Is quite de- Blermann agreed to pay for the dam- bor, Mrs. Mary Sparling. He said fleet la to protect the publlo in- Wo pledge the co-operation of this gMt and best extra point offer that 'Pitcher of Beer." Mr. Lawley's speech was as follows: board In all clvlo enterprises and tocided that when people marry thsy will be made during the entire cam- age to the other machine. No com- then: "This heat Js getting me. I In forminjr the Monmouth County marry for tho worst. Joseph McCal- After that he went to Connecticut A business In order to be properly all olvlo groupi, suoh as tha Cham- paign. 'lalnts were made. feel dizzy and I think I'll go home where ho announced under the name Real Estate board, you ladles and ber ot Commerce, Rotary, Lions, llon will be seen as lovable, delight- GUB Peterson, 74 years old, of Mon- ubieoted to regulatory legislation No big leads have been secured as ,nd rest." of, "Jos the Beaut." a nickname ho gentlemen have taken a step In the nust be peculiarly susceptible to acts Klwanla, etc. We hope to be In- ful , Jim Stovena, with Orandin K, yet, and any one entered Btlll has an mouth Beach, had a close call while Traveling from coast to coast since acquired when he worked In the right direction, which will have far rtilch are generally considered antl- terested In the advancement of theHammell, a local player, playing Interests of our various communities. excellent chance of winning one ofwalking along the railroad tracks. 1890, ho announced 30,000 sporting White Light saloon on Seventh ave- reaching effects upon the real estate oclal, conduct and in addition the young Bill Stanton, and Robert The train was pulling away from tho business in Monmouth county for icope of the business must bt large We believe that In order to justify the cash bonuses to be awarded at events and his famous "Quiet, nue. New York. His first big job as our existence we must aerve. This Henry as Roger Baldwin, who loves tlie end of the drive. Telephone, call lea Bright station and the engineer please" was heard by millions Of por- many years. "In unity there Is mough to endanger a considerabl' " e a girl but Is so fearful of losing his announcer waa at the Corbett-Mc- strength" and In disorganization lies Is not an organization of after-din- or write for any Information desired. aw Peterson some distance along eons at the ringsldes and in theaters, Govern fight in 1891. lumber of people. ner speakers. Thlt Is an organiza- Job. the tracks. The engineer blew the weakness. If we are to persist In the A champion in his own line he was a He was an honorary member of If a business fits within the above tion of business men and business The Theater'project has In propar rain whistle but Peterson paid no close friend of such champions of fls- real estate business In this state as equlrements It la then the proper women with only one thought In heed to the warning. The train was the Fair Haven flre department well u others, It Is absolutely neces- iubject of restriction or regulation mind; to safeguard and. Improve tha ration for Monday, July 27, the play tlana. as John L. Sullivan, Bob Fltz- About seven years ago during the sary that w« have a strong organ- ind this regardless of whether or entitled, "The Family Upstairs." Finegan Signs His topped a few yards away from him. simmons, James J. Corbett, Joe Wal- Interests of the real estate profes- 'eterson turned around, gave the reign of Mayor Charles P. Cross of isation to further our mutual In- tot the public has a right to demand sion. Band For Long Tour cott, Jack Dempsey, Gene Tunney, Fair Haven, Jos donated a largo terests. he services offered by the business, mgineer a defiant look and conJimm- y Braddock, Max Schmellng Some of the businesses which the Slnoe you have eleotsd me to be A RED BANK BOOSTER. Inucd on his way down the tracks. American flag to the borough on When I entered the real estate Billy Finegan of Xtumoon, leader >nd Tony Canzonerl. Mothor'a day in memory of his moth- Bglslatures hive aeen At to regulate your president for this year It will Police Chief Anderson took Peter- business In Red -Bank about ten >y legislation are businesses which be my ambition to help everyone of Former Telephone Foreman Says of Billy Flnegan's band, has signed Joe's friends were not confined to er. When the original owners of the years ago, I believe at that tlmo ion Into custody and locked him uptho sporting crowd. He knew almost re thought to be peculiarly auacen- you In some way. I look upon this "Them's No Place Like B«d Bank." up his band with Major Bowes for Molly Pitcher hotel were deciding on there was about 180 licensed real position as an opportunity to help a 40 weeks' professional vaudeville iver night. He was released In theeverybody of any prominence. Al estate brokers In that town alone. lble to these Improper Influences be- morning after receiving a reprimand a name for the hostelry, It was Mr. :auso a "fiduciary relatlonahlp" la and I will be gratified If you will Mr. and Mrs. John Weir of Bridge- tour of tho United States and Can- Smith waB one of his beBt friends Humphreys who suggested Molly Several of them were more primarily Involved, as for example, commission uaa this office to Its fullest extent I ton, former Red Bank realdents, spent "rom Recorder Walter J. Sweeney. and the former governor of New engaged In other branches of trade know that with fair and honest ada, beginning this coming fall, Peterson promised to keep off the Pitcher. with the real estate, as they said, "on merchants and auctioneers; again In a few days last week with friends The band will" bo enlarged to 14 York attended the only three fights some professions and businesses tho treatment among our own members In town. While here Mr. Weir, a railroad tracks in the future. he ever saw in New York with Joe. In 1894 ho married Teresa Wil- the side." One, I recall, was a shoe and the good will and fellowship en- pieces by an addition of »lx new repair expert. Several had speak- eglelators have seen fit to regulatu former foreman of the Red Bank members. Rehearsals will begin In Two East Church street neighbors, Georgo M. Cohan was another of liams, an acquaintance of his boy- hem because one party In the trans- gendered thereby, we will make this hood days on the East Side of Neweasies, with signs outside- denoting re&l estate board a real force In thoTelephone company, visited his farm New Tork during August. Peter Murray and Edward V. Camp, Joe's favorites. Lillian Leltzel, tho that the business carried o~h' there ictlon holds himself out as having real estate b at Colt's Neck. circus queen, was another. He once York. She died in 1D18. Surviving special knowledge or experience, as community, The band recently completed a 40 got into an argument over the park- was real estate, and others were In In (peaking with friends hers Mr. w«ekn' tour with the Major Bowes Ing of cars on that street. They said: "I wouldn't trade places with are his eon George, with whom he various lines of business with real lawyers, physicians, dentists and ac- anybody in the world. I've made a lived; two brotherB, dliarles and Wil- estate on the aide. I think it would countants; again, In some businesses Weir stated that In his estimation unit No. 4. The coming season's aired their grievances before Re- :ho legislature has seen fit to regu- One ef the quickest ways to find a there was no plaoo like Red Bank. corder Sweeney, who warned them lot of friendB, and that's hotter than liam, bpth of New York; a sister, be more appropriate to say "real Job Is to advertise In The Regis- new contract will be a muoh larger estate on Its back," because the real ate thorn because the business has Mr. Weir Is now foreman at Bridge- financial return. Billy does all thathat If thers Is any further disturb- making a lot of money." Mrs. Marguerite White of Staten Is- ter'* Want Department.—Advertise- eaUt.a nrafeigton at that time had seen the medium of considerable ment, ton. music arranging for hisband ance over parking he would impose A master o£ mob jisyuliology, he lnndiand two grandchildren, Thomas certainly received many a body blow raud, ao brokers, bankers, commlB- Edward Humphreys, son of the late well as leading It. I the full penalty of 90 days In thereached the heights of emotional ap- from the various crooks and shys- ilon men, food manufacturers, paclt- county Jail. It was the sixth tlma peal the night of tho Shirkey-Ma- Joseph Humphreys, Jr., and Thereia ters who had Invaded the business. Ing industries, auctioneers and ped complaints of thia kind have been loney light at Yankee stadium, when Norma Humphreys, who Is tho It Is, as you know, only a very few dlers. Hebrew Society To brought before Mr. Sweeney, he told the crowd that Charles A. daughter of George, and whom the years ago that the real eatate license The principles of state regulation Traffic violators and the Bnes Im- Lindbergh was 300 miles from Paris. late announcer nicknamed Torry af- law in New Jersey was Instituted. pplied to the businesses referred to ter his close friend, Torry McGovern. ibove has been applied to the real MONMOUTH ST. Hold Card Party posed were Fred W. Tlpton of Fair There was a delay before the box- While real eatate brokers' license istato business. It was submitted: Haven JB, John Heiney of Newark ers entered the ring and the crowd William Humphreys is a Christian laws are primarily Intended for the Tho. Ladles' Hebrew society will $3, Fasquaje Morteuseelli of Neptune verged on a riot. There was a stamp- Brother, associated with West Farms, regulation of the right to act as a (1) That real estate broken and RED BANK hold a card party Tuesday evening, $2, William A. Poll of New Bruns- ing of feot, an undercurrent of rest- a Catholic home for wayward boys real estate broker they are not sosalesmen In their capacity as agents 36 named. The general public frequent- are fiduciaries. NEXT TO THE NATIONAL GROCERY CO. July 28, at the Scarboro hotel. Ocean wick, L. Gandoir of Hoboken, lessness that ran through the thron? at New York. ly gets a misconception of the pur- like an electric current, and a feel- (2) That the real estate buslneu avenue, Lang Branch. There will be John Rowan of Jersty City, He was a member of tho Redpose of the act, thinking that It Is a tas suffered tremendously by in- attractive. prizes at each table and a Stephen Dulock of Oarwood and Injr that at any moment an explosion Bank Elks lodge, and at their re- tax measure or an attempt to limit lompetency of its members. door prize and refreshments. Harry Seropin of Passalc *1 each, j tnlfjht come. quest New York lodge No. 1 conth- e number entering the real estate (3) That countless frauds have business. The whole purpose of this PRICES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SAT. Mrs. Harry SachB Is chairman and and Paul Beler of Atlantic High- ] joe st0(Ki in the center of the ducted the Elks service Sunday night ioon perpetrated by Irresponsible Is being assisted by MrB. Harry Meis- legislative regulation Is to require 'eal estate msn. lands suspended eentenca. and lifted his gnarled and knobby at the Collier funoral home at Newthat those who wish to enter the trlch, Mrs. Samuel Grecnblatt, Mrs, —- ..*...,*.,...-.._ •.-..!.....,«, I anu mteu mu ^oiiriuu una ituuuujf York. More w Real estate brokers and salesmen EVERY ITEM SOLD AS ADVERTISED. The first aid squad answered «ev-!h Hence. He got it, and then than 100 persons at- business should have certain' quali- Harry Madansky, Mrs. Leon Reuck- and for s tended. fications, observe certain ethical In order to aot efficiently In tha pre- eral calls on the publlo beaoh and with a few -words he stilled tho liminary negotiation must have a haus, Mi'B. Louis Yonks, Mrs. Louis treated persons for cuts. No cases practices, and be responsible. Llpack, Mrs. Morris Becker, Mrs. .,.„..... ^*.™. »„ - XT crowd, taking their minds off the fight The funeral was hold Monday ;ood working knowledge of financing were serious. and turning their attention toward morning at St. Malachy's Catholic A real estate brokers' license law tnd conveyancing though, ot course Bernard Katsln, Mrs. Samuel Berkc- Someone threw a lighted cigarette hey are not expected to have tho wllz, Mrs. Max (..and, Mrs. Benja- the flight of Lindbergh, who at that church, New York, and was attended Is an act passed by the state for the ARMOUR'S STAR BEEF Into a parked car at the Surf bath- moment was wlnglnpr his way across purpose of regulating the practices egal training of a lawyer. Tho pur- min Adlcr, Mrs. Samuel Cohen, Mrs. by prominent persons in business, of real estate brokers and real es- :haser always should consult with Ing pavilion. The upholstery caught the lonely Atlantic, making history. sports and on the stage. On the way Harry Feldt, Mrs. Morris Westerman flre and the blaze was put out with tate salesmen as such In the In- ils lawyer as to his transaction be- PRIME 4% ffl MrB. Samuel Swartz and Mrs. Wil- In a moment ho bad the pcoplo to Moravian cemetery, Staten Island, terests of the public. Control is ex- 'oro signing his contract and should liam Ostrov. extinguishers by the Sea Bright standing with bared and bowed heads where the body was interred, the ercised through tho requirement be advised or represented by his department, The damage was saying words of prayer for the safety cortege paused In front of Madison that all persons desiring to engage lawyer at the closing of the real es- slight. of the Lone Eagle. Where only an In the real estate business as brokers tate transfer, Engagement Announced. Square Garden. Instant before there had been chao9, or salesmen must Beoure a certifi- It Is absolutely necessary that the Rib Roast- 21 Mr. and Mra. Jaeon C. Knight of Highlands Man Rescued. there was complete order; Instead ot Among those present, most of cate of registration or license from •eal estate man have special train- •Mlddletown vlllnf?e announce the en- . Lange of Shrewsbury Impatient jeers, there were cheers whom served as honorary pallbear- a duly appointed public authority be- Ing. However, tho average real ea- ers, were former Governor Alfred E. fore actively engaging In the busl- tate man or layman should not at- gagement of their daughter, Miss Mil- avenue, HlfrhlandB, waB rescued from echoing through tho night; instead of only to ARMOUR'S STAR BEEF dred Knight, to Melvin Layton, son the river at that place Saturday af- Smith, Jarnea J. Braddock, heavy. Licenses are Issued tempt to pasi upon title, title papers Impatience there was placidity. The certain or papers used in financing the deal, of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Layton of ternoon. He was saved by a manmagic voico of Joe Humphreys waa weight champion; William Brown, a those person! possessing revoked Long Branch. The announcement member of tho New York State Box- qualifications and may be but should Insist In protecting him- who was a visitor In the borougi reeponslbje. upon the failure of the recipient to self r.,id customer by having a com- CHUCK LB. was made to friends of the couple and who saw Mr. Lango In distress The last time Joo appeared In puh- Ing commission; John F. Curry, De- >etont lawyer attend to those mat tective Johnny Broderlck, General exerclae the privilege granted In ao- :&t an informal R-atherlng Sunday Tho Highlands first aid squad revived llo wan at the light between Jimmy cordance with the terms of tho law. era, evening. No date has been not for John J, Phclan, chairman of the box- License lawa were not enacted as 17 Mr. Lange and afterward he wasMcLnrnln and Tony Canzonerl at Most certainly the real estate man ROAST the wedding. ing commission; James S. Bolan, taken to his home. Madison Square Qarden last May. a result of public demand In the first doesn't preoumo to be a lawyer. We There -was a hum of excitement be- former police commlsloner; Edward Instance, but were promoted by thebelieve that the lawyer has hla par- P. Mulrooney, commissioner of cor-united efforts of man in the real es- tlculnr field. We also believe that SWIFTS fore the battlers came Into the rinjj. tate builness. The Idea of license the lawyer should stay within that But when a little round man, bald, rection; former Mayor John P, , ENTRIES IN RED BANK REGISTER O'Brien and Jack Dempsey. laws originated with the National Held. We have recently holped to GOLDEN toothless and -with weary eyes Association of Real Estate Boarda, defeat the notorious lawyer's grab FOWL SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN climbed up through tho ropes and Also Sam Harris, Mike Jacobs, Al and It was the National Association bill In the legislature, which If WEST ntood In the center of the square, hln Singer. Joe Gould, Nat Flolochor, of Real Eatate Boards that directed paused would have moant tho throt- Names of entrants will be published weekly. Entries Invited arms upraised for silence, for once he Michael Dclohanty, Benny Loonard, Its general counsel to prepare the tling of every real eatate man. If failed to get It. Jnaa McMnhon, Paul Borlenbach, Bid "model -act" known as the "MaeChes- pasted this law would have oom- Armour*. "Star" or Swift's "Premium" in tho campaign. Subncrlptlora may bo turned In until 900 ney Aot for if lied every real estate man to call V. M next Tuesday for next week's Register. It is necessary to Instead of a hush falling over the Mercer, Dan McKetrlck, Billy Roche, State Real Estat /Iccnso Law"upon which all t.h in a lawyer for the most minor tran«- report only one subscription to be listed aa an active worker crowd a great cheer of recognition, Jack Curley, Fred Gelaol, Joe Lynch, actlons In his office; the drawing of William S. Farnsworth, Jack Adler, ntate real estate license laws are welcome and encouragement arose. based. a leaae, the signing of a ront receipt SLICED BACON* £ It£D HANK Tho fight fans knew that Joo hadClem McCarthy, Leo Pardello, Jimmy or anything of the hundreda ot dally BYRNE, MISS MARY The local real estate boarda, how- — 15,000 been nick and suffering for three Kelly, Benny-Bennett, Charles Ho- ever, have been the active force In raiuactlons that the average real CARHART, CALVIN, 238 Spring St. -103,000 years. They knew that ho had fought den, Jar.k Curley, Jr., Dan Skllllng, neourlng such legislation. The local estate man has to do In his office. CHAMBERLAIN, J. E., 178 Branch Av«. _ 71,000 off death half a dozen tlmon. Ho hadArthur Donovan, Joo Woodman, Jack real estate boarda have In many In- Tho term "realtor" Is a word CUDAHY BROS. DIRHAN, MISS VICIIA, 15 Drummond PI -.128,000 come out of tho shadows once In &I.nwrenco, Francis Albertantl, Harold stances conducted extensive educa- which was coined and Invented by PEACOCK DURHAM, WILLIAM F., 229 Maple Avc. _ — .17.000 while to stand before them. Ho hadDlblee, Tox Sullivan, Damon Runyon, tional campaigns to asaure the pat-C. N. Chadbourn, a Minneapolis reil GILSKY, MKfl. O., Hudson Home —100,000 Ham Taub, Morrlo Koae, Mickey »*e of the bill. estate broker, and hy him donated appeared at tho fights betwoon Joe The National Association of Real to the Minneapolis Real Estate FEDDERSON, JOHN H., 40 Petors PI -111,000 Louis nnd Camera, Louis nnd Baer, Walker, Jack Pfeffor, Holdler Bart, HARVEY, MRS. FRANK, U'A Worlhloy at . field and Jeff McMalion. Estate Boards hu also been active Board and by the Minneapolis Real - 60,000 Louis nnd Paulino, hut each tlmn ho In the pausing of such laws. It hasEstate Board to the National Asao- HARVEY, MRS. 8., 211 Bergen PI. -11)5,000 Alno Qcorgo Walsh, John P. Fln- latlon of Real Estate Exchanges, LINTON, M, Rod Bank _ appeared the fans feared It would served chiefly In an advisory capac- SMOKED HAMS -120,000 be tho lust Bight they would have of nerty, Oucar Fulden, Dennla Dowd ity. It has collected, classified and now known as* the National Associa- MASTER. MRH. V., Newman Springs RoanT"'!__ him. Tom McArdle, Eddie Forbes, Charles distributed among the real eatate tion of Real Estate Boarda. WHOLE NITTINfJER, MISS DOROTHY, 08 Harding IM. _ _ aH 000 Harvey, Johnny Dundee, Jackie Far- boards and the publlo Information The term waa adopted In 1016 by RHAMER. MISS KATHRYN, 16 Wallace fit "Woon Joo wao associated wllh Ham II. as to the progress of license- lawa. the National Association of Real Es- rcll, Potor Llanuza,, Murray LLowln, or SHERIDAN, DAVID J., 856 Broad Bt L ' llarrla In managing Terry McGovern. It hn» through lta general counsel tate Boards as and for a "distinc- Pound VAN NEBS. MRH. ALIDA, 55 Linden PI. who outranked ull of tho puglllatli John LooLoonn , JoseJosephh MNlMoNultt y of Perth furnished legal advice to the «Ln!< tive name to ba applied solely to per- SHANK WILTSHIRE, MRS. HARRY, 72 Sunset Dr. greats In Humphrey's opinion. He Amboy, Tim Mara, Joo Miller, wh-whoo associations and has actively assist sona who are numbers of a consti- was almj nn ndmlror of (Jcno Tun- reprenontod tho Tough club; former «d In defending the laws In varloui tuent board of, and aa suoh having HALF, Alderman John McCann, Dan Park- itatei. membership In, the National Asso- OUTSIDE HKI> HANK noy and Jnek Dempsey. Ho regarded ciation of Real Entnto Boards. BAICRMAN, MRS, M., Atlantic Highlands ._ er, Harry A. Bhen, Manay fleamon, There are 1 several reasons wb; — 85,000 Tunney «« "ono of tfm groatent fight- legislation came about In this man The definition of "realtor" given BAKER, MRB. MURIEL, Mstawan _ . —100,000 ers of modern times, better nvon Waller Ht. Denis, Harry Balough, In tho Addenda of Webstar's New Hypo Igoo, Horgeunt Michael Donald- nor. Th« nature of the real estat) BAR.NKH, WILLIAM, Jr., Keyport — 40,000 than Corbett used to bo, Home bu«lne«« made It difficult and costly International Dictionary (1020), In SMALL COVERT. JOHN, Sea Bright »0,000 (lay Tummy will Kot full «rodlt foi mm nnd John J, Ryan. far th« publlo to organise for an ef- follows: DENNETT, MISH MAD1ELINE, Highland' _ -103,000 111" victories over 1 Jcmpiioy," hn nnlil. fective campaign. On the other "Realtor—a real eatate broker who LEGS , ELLISON, MISS MARGARET. Mlddletown hand, lha responsible brokers wen '• a member of a looal boird having LAMB 25 _ S1.0O0 He IIIIKI liked Ju * fow pennies singing In policy would have baan In cnnfll ing Itn 6B7 local member boards and BTBVBNS, MIBS JBAK, Rum«on . IM.OOO couple will hn nmrried in th* near BUOWDB, MXBB ALIDA, Hul«t ln« streets and alley,. That was thefuture «nd will m»ho thalr homo at with publlo Interest and would hav 32 afllllated atate aaaoolatlona, hav< 37 ruulrsd In the law belna; deolarad used the term "realtor" to deslgnat COTTAGE HAMS — Oral time his voice, which wan |o e*rry h|m to tw*t wa* commercial- Coleraiiie, where Mr. etrana li unconstitutional. They merely In- their bu«In«as and the term ha* bain mlnin engineer. u«ui«l in rutritt auok MBUWUtlo UM4 tar yum m •»»«»• RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1988. Pacr*

fete co»tume with acetuorltf to Michael Cleffl, and Charles Ferraro, W«4dings. match and a cordage of pink rows son of Mr. and Mrs. Sovterlo Fer- Social Justice Woman's Exchange and baby breath. attendants raro, both of Monmouth road, Eaton- DeVito Farm Home Cooking Open ttiO A. M. U> tlOO F. U. Bryan—McCormlck. were the groom'* liter Mrs. Fred town. Mr. and Mrs. John Rose ot Unit to Hold Dance NEW MONMOUTH, N. J., BETWEEN BEP BANK AND Children', and Infant* Clothln», ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BEACH. knitted wear, assortment of ntoifr Cecelia McCorralck, daughter Elkln* of Leonardo, and Anthony West Long Branch were the attend- The Atlantic Highlands unit of and Mrs Michael McCormlck O'Hngt of Leonardo. ints. Try Our Delicious Chicken Dinner—$1.00 sary and lovely article!; alia cakea, the National Organization for Social BEST ITALIAN SPECIALTY. cookies and rolls. York, and Theodore Bryan, A reception was held at the home Justice will hold a dance Saturday son of Mr. and Mra. Edward Bryan of the bride, at which about 35 rel- COME TO VISIT US AND BE CONVINCED. Something for everybody. Little Silver. night, July 25, In the hall over the Strictly Freeh Food — Open All Seagon. 15 UNDEN PLACE 04 Leonardo, were married Saturday atives anil friends were present, tyr, postomce building at that place. July 4, at St. James church of New and Mrs. Konowitz left for a motor I There will be Irish dances as well York by Hev, Father Casey and Fath- trio t.o. Canad- a and on their return The regular meeting of the mayor and council was not held Tuesday •as modern dances, erPlnnegan. The bride wore a white'will live et Atlantic Highlands, Mrs. Michael Callaghan, president Every Woman f lace gown over white Batjn. She had night owing to the lack of a quor- Sloeunv—Morris. um. Steps will be taken shortly by of the Atlantic Highlands unit, and AUCTION SALE a. long veil and carried a bouquet of the officials to file with two bonding Daniel Llnchan of Locust Point, Wanta I Madonna lilies and lilies of the val- Mlaa Eleanor Sloeum. daughter ot companies claims tor the shortages vice president, attended R meeting to look her beat at all time*,;, ley with baby breath. She was giv- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sloeum of Sea In the accounts of the former col- of- the units of the third congres- en In marriage by her brother, John Bright, became the bride of Donald SATURDAY, JULY 18th to feel nt «M« and perfectly lector, Mrs. Elizabeth Hobbs, who is | slonal district at New Brunswick polned. McCormlck. The bride's sister, Miss Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sunday, at which time the unit now In the state reformatory for MIS-SIMFLICITX* Mary McCormlck, was maid of honor Morris of North Long Branch, Sun- women at Clinton In Hunterdon presidents were Instructed to send and wore a gown of blue lace over day afternoon at the Sea Bright STARTING 1 P. M. ounty. This institution is of cot- telegrams to Governor Hoffman re- Created by blue satin and carried a bouquet of Methodist church. Hev. Howard N. tage type of construction and is not questing that special legislation be pink roaca and delephlnlum. The Amer performed the ceremony. urrounded by walls. nacted to permit the nameH of the Gossard bridesmaids wero the groom's sister, The bride was attired in a long tandldates of the National Union At 52 Monmouth St., Red Bank The Little Silver fire department In the answer. Miss Dorothy Bryan and a cousin of white organdie dress, with a. white or Social Justice on the official The pull of the the bride, Mlas Marie Murphy. They turban and small veil. Attending her baseball team will play the Long •allots for the November election. Branch firemen tomorrow evening at back straps •wore gowns of pink lace over pink was Mrs. Vivian Emmons of Sea All Hardware, Auto Supplies, Bicycle flattens the ab- aattn and carried bouquets of pink Bright, who was dresBed in a white 6:30 o'clock on the Branch avenue roses and delphinium. The little flow- Held. Shrewsbury In Darkness. Supplies, Dog Collars, etc., Key Blanks, domen, uplifts organdie gown with red dots. She H. B. ALLEN the bust, and er girl, Catherlno Johnson, daughter wore a picture hat. Theodore Attl- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carhart, Mr. The borough'of Shrewsbury wae in larkness Tuesday evening for more Shot Guns, Gun Parts, Key Machines, controls the ot Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson, son. of North Long Branch was best nil Mrs. William Skldmore, Mrs. (Article on Page 7, First Section) hips. was attired In pink. The groom was man. William H. Carhart, Jr.. and Doug- .nan 15 minutes as the result of a Sporting Goods, Cases, Shelving, Draw- attended by Raymond Batters of las and Stanley Parker spent Sunday jlgh tension wire being struck by Let our expert Leonardo. James Deegan and Pat- Mrs. Morris Is a graduate of Sea on an island in the South Shrews- ightnlng near the Shrewsbury dairy ers, Cash Register, Safe, Letter Cabinet, fitters show rick Murphy of New York acted as Bright grammar school and Long bury river, near Monmouth Beach. Navesink. ;ompany. The Jereey Central Power you what uaheri. The bride's mother wore a Branch high school. Mr. Morris is a fc Light company Immediately re- Electrical Supplies and Fishing Tackle, Mis - Simplicity mason. He is also a musician and Councilman Frederick E. Hasler blue ensemble with a corsage of J>lnk has a new Bufck sedan. Richard (The Red Bank Kegliter can b« bought sponded to a call made by Officer Ot- can do. roses and the groom's mother wore Is a member of the HlUcrest club Naveiink from William Swat) and o Herdcn. etc. orchestra at Oeeanport. Morris, Jr., Is driving a new Chev- Uouldln's Grocery.) a gown of flowered Bilk and a cor- rolet 3.50 to 10.00 «af?o of pink roses, The church was Miss Sally Hanson returned home Dog Bltea Man. Hughes—Doyle. Wlllard Ivlns is serving his second last week from a motor trip to Cali- handsomely decorated with palms, summer at the Citizen's Military George H. Miles of Rumson was EST. OF C. HL ENNIS ferns, roses and wedding bolls. Miss Florence Hughes, daughter fornia and Mexico. Training camp at Camp Dlx. Miss Eva Ingllng and Miss Elea- reated at Rivervlew hospital yester- V AUCTIONEER, WAI/TEH FIELDS of. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hughes of day for a dog bite on hla right thigh. A reception was held at the bride's Keyport, was married to Harold I. John Foster, Jr., son of John Fos- nor Ingling are visiting relatives In 17 Broad Street, fted Bank, N. J. home at which 2B0 persons were pres- ter of Parker avenuo, fell and broke North Jersey. He was released following treatment. Doyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Doyle his arm last week. The broken bone ent. Among the guests, In addition of Matawan, on Sunday afternoon A special meeting of the Nave- to' those mentioned were Clifford was reset at Monmouth Memorial at the parsonage of St. John's Meth- hoBpltal. sink library trustees will be held Bryan, Misses Dorothy, Lola and odist church at South Koyport by Tuesday evening, July 21, at 8:15 Oeorglanna Bryan, Mrs. Elizabeth Rev. C. E. Hlckman. The ceremony Mrs. Annie Tilton of Red Bank Newark "One of America's* Melllck and granddaughter Gertrude, o'clock, at the library. was witnessed by only the immedi- has been visiting her sister, Mrs. The Navealnk Women's Republi- New Jersey Mr. and Mrs, Howard Mallon, Mr. and ate families. Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Laura Allaire. L. BAMBERGER & CO. Great Stores" Mrs, John Sheehan and son, Mr. and can club met Tuesday night at the Dolson wero the attendants, Mr, Councilman and Mrs Victor Satter fire house. Routine matters were Mrs. William Ast and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Doyle will mako thol are spending a week at Manaequan. John Koop of Leonardo, Mr. and Mrs. discussed. Mrs. Howard Maxson pre- home in the Mott house on the Rock Leslie B. Hill is having a two Blded. Arthur Nelmeler of Port Monmouth; Creek road at Hazlet. Mr. Doyle Is weeks' vacation from hla position Miss Katherlne Bryan and Edward Over $500 wag cleared at the re- the proprietor of a trucking busl- with the Home Insurance company cent carnival held for the benefit of Daun of Newark; Mr. and Mrs. LeonT ness. of New, .York ard Johnson of Brooklyn and Mr. and All Saints church. th Mrs. Edward Malonoy, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Pearce Is visiting relatives Mae Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Borell—Bourdln. at Saugertles. New York. OF JULY James McNamara and Mr. and MTB. Mrs. Morris Walsh, has recovered 0 OF A John McCormlck of New York. MlBs Ellen Borell of Nice, Franca Recorder and Mrs. Daniel S. Wei- from an operation for the removal and Dr. Rene Bourdln of Paris gand left yesterday on a two weeks of, her tonsils. Mm. Bryan and her family have Franco, wore married Saturday by motor trip to Maine and New Hamp- SERIES been summer residents of Leonardo Recorder Waiter J. Sweeney at his shire the past eight yearB. She Is a grad- home at Sea Bright. Mrs. Marie Jul- A shower was given Saturday by Sprains Left Ankle, uate of fit. James school of New York llens and Thomas Irwln of Sea Miss Lola Wilkinson for MIsa Phyl- SALES Edward Addison of Dlckman's boat and has taught the second grade In Bright were the attendants. The lis MacKay, who is engaged to wed St. James school for several years. basin was treated at Rivervlew hos- couple are stopping at the Peninsuli John Mount. pital yesterday for a sprained left Mr. Bryan Is an electrician and Is hotel at Sea Bright for a few days employed by a Woodbrldgc concern. ankle received when a metal tank and will then leave on a tour of the New River Plaxa Resident. fell on him. He was released follow- country, before returning to France. Fahy—Finn. Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Burr of Man- ing treatment. ning street are the parents of A REALLY thrilling SALE Miss Cecelia Finn, daughter of Wil- ArwntJ—Feiraro. daughter born Monday morning Grass Fire. liam A. Finn and the late Mrs. Char- Rivervlew hospital. lotte Finn of Brooklyn, summer res- Recorder Elmer 0. Walnwrlght Shrewsbury officiated Sunday after- The . Eatontown fire department idents of Leonardo, and Ensign E. J. 1 The road to better and bigger bus! was called out yesterday afternoon of successful fashions in Fahy were married in the Holy Ip- noon at the wedding ot Miss Hen- nesB loads through The Register's ad to extinguish a grass flro on Parker nocente church of Brooklyn by Rev. rietta Arzenti, daughter ot Mrs vertlslng columns.—Advertisement. road. . Father Dillon and Rev. Father Ryan on Saturday, June 27. The bride wore a gown of white Ivory tatlnand lace with a coronet and tulle veil and carried a bouquet of Madonna lilies and lilies of the valley. She was iy so Jn marriage, by her fathor. The Summer Dresses brjde'a stater, Mm. Charlotte R. But- SERVE A tler, served as matron of honor amj waa gowned in mussellne do sole and carried a bouquet ot yellow roses and delphinium. The groom was attend- ed by his brother, John Fahy of New York. Jack and Jill Finn, ring boarer and flower girl; are nephew and niece of the bride. They are children of Pro- fessor John F. X. Finn of Fordham and New York universities, brother DESSERT TONIGHT! of the bride. The reception wliiuh fulluwsd waa held at tho Knlghta of Columbus club house, Ensign and Mr;. Fahy left BLUE RIBBON Brooklyn by motor for Long Beach, California. They expect to remain for aome time on the coast. Ensign Fahy GELATIN DESSERTS is stationed on the U. S, S, S. Turn- calooea. He graduated with honors from the naval academy at AnnapoliB with the class ot 1934. The bride's lather Is deputy fire marshal of Brooklyn. Leonardo jruesU at the wedding In addition to the bride's father were Mr. and Mrs. William J. Finn, Mr. and Mra. William A. But- tier, Mr. and Mrs. John F. X. Finn, Mrs. Mary Whlttaker, Mrs. Geraldlne ^ __. Marrln, and Jack and Jill Finn. The bride IB a graduate of St. Joseph's col- GOLDEN TIPS lege of Brooklyn, She has been a RICEFLAKES 3n, 25* summer resident of Leonardo all of her life. Itrtler Country 6«ntl«m«n

Lorang—Lange. CORN Mrs. Marlon Johnaton-Lorang of Keansburg and Arthur F. Lange ot DEL MONTE New Tork, wero married this noon KRISPY at -Presbyterian church of Shrews- TOMATOES bury by Rev. G. H. Mlkach. Mrs. Lorang is the daughter of the late PILLSBURY'S BEST Aaron Johnston and Sarah D. John- CRACKERS ston of Freehold. Mrs. George A, Roman, a cousin of the bride, was. matron of honor and George H. Lew- SUTLER Is of Valley Stream, Now York, mi ZEAL NORWEGIAN ft 4 £* Mr. Lango's beat man. Dr. Charles CORN FLAKES Palmer of Keansburg, uncle of the bride, gave the bride away. A luncheon was given at the Blue Clatnl a Door tea room at Shrewsbury for tho SARDINESZ 15 OAKITE Million Thing.. Immediate relatives and friends of the couple. These included Mrs. Cor- 5.9a alle Lange, mother of the groom; BOLE Hkelele Brand-Sliced Mrs. A. Judson Palmer of Keans- TOILET SOAP 3ca- 20* burg,, Mr. and Mis. Frank Tyler For Misses For Women Reeves of Irvlngton, Madame Isollno No. 2'/, arlffeau of Now York, Rev, and Mr*. Can O. H. Mlkoch, Mrs. Henry Ford of PINEAPPLE Large Pig. For Shorter Women Valley Stream, Mm. Bensle WCIIB of LUX 22* New York, Mr. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roman of Keansburg. Women—B 1 a e k in • For Misses—B lack in The couple ltfft on a wedding trip RHE1N60LD CANNED •pun rayon ia featured in tlio , to the WeBt coaHt and expect to be JUICE Boti Bet. Can •pan rayon, and washables In Plui Deposit. BEER 10* group rrat there are charming at home about October IB. They'will (UTLER FRESH FRUIT <|; Oi. make their homn at Newport, Now 8 BUTLER SALAD ,-O«. AHEINGOLD CANNED white and pastels. Also printed •tylea in lighter colors, in BEVERAGES 3 Boh. „ J.r Hampshire. Plui. Depot It. Dressing J SCOTCH ALE c nhecrs in ilnrk backgrounds, blithe prints, tender pnstcls RUTLER —Aliin« Iwrstld In Iktnud .torts orl^.- Ferrlno—Iloellc. IcVOz. «Bd WHITE in wnnhnhles, CLUB SODA FLY SPRAT Ci effect*. Miss Lillian Hocllo ot Leonardo and —Plua Dtpoilt. 2S* -Plua Deposit. crepes and printed nherrs. HIRE'S NOXON Edward Ferrlno of Jersey City were V V t-Ot. Every atem cool, pretty, You'll find it fun to choose, Bol, 9 Bo«. 1U Boi. married at St. Fetor's ohuroh, Jersey RootB««r _Plul POLISH 19* SCOTCHALE3BO° 25* City, July 1, Tho bride woro a white .Plus Deposit. coming and completely up rmt you'll haro a hard orepe-de-chlne gown with accessories BUTLER'S Fr«»h Prodno* Spool*]* deciding helwern so many lo match and sho carried a bouquet SELECTED RIPE CAROLINA the moment. Siiea of white roses. MIBB Marge DoCJcorjfo TENDER CALIFORNIA winners. Siwa 14-20. of Jersey City was maid of honor. She 43'/. and 3rt to 44. woro a grnon onsomblo and carried « bouquet of yollow roiien. The groom Cantaloupes was attended by John Bplno of Jer- PEAS 219* . iev City. Mr. and Mrs. Fcrrlno NEW GREEN 4* SWEET JERSEY went to Atlantic City. Thoy. will mako tholr homo at Jersey City. Tho bride Is a wodimtn of thn Iieonardo COOKING APPLES 3 WHITE CORN high nchnol with tho cUmn of 1033. CALIFORNIA Koiiowltx—Fowler. Bartlatt PEARS Ruth Fowler, daughter ot Jamea BViwler ami tlin Inl" Mrs. JWIer of 3 I0< JAMES BUTLER Irtnw#rr-mvnnu<\ Atlantic Highlands and Aljx Konnwlli, aon of Mr. u Mr«. fjlrUn KonowllB of Leonardo, GROCERY STORES w«r« nViarrlfd by Rev, M. II. Callahah Hunday." aftirnnnn In HI.. Agnet Ghurah, AtUntlo Highland*, The brjff 1 a whit* —tff #». adilm and u/< REP BANK PROSPECT AVE. „ RED BANK KEGH&TER,

April. H» m bora at PHanx M EaUrmaat, Is eharn at Fua- Fleccia Beats Old Melodrama Obituary. y«*tn sjro, t ion of Gbriatlan and •ral Director Oharlw Bretta of Heat Blamed For New Serial Open* Actress Produces Carotin* Bofftl. Ta« faintly moved Eatontown, was In W**t Lonj Larry Mahoney Well Received JohnCUlr. to LJnoroft when ha waa a young Branch cemetery. Death of Woman On WBRB on Friday Her Own Tragedy John Olsir ot Shrewsbury died 1st man and hi bad Uvsd th«t* oa a Bell«v»d to have txea atteoUd by Saturday afternoon at bit home on farm on toe Uala road avtr iln#e, Mrs. Adella A. White. th* extreme heat on Friday, Ills* "Muappa," an origins?' story by For Third Time Miss Boslyn Ijuie of Now On First Night Thomas »venu« after a long lllnus. Dairy farming was his sp»c|i]ty. Tit* funeral of Mrs. Adella A. AfnM B. MeOroarty, Tl, of Bridge Jone O. Hawltt, will b* broa«t*»teth 35 years and was a communl- Mrs. Marlon Norman. was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. and be named her as executrix of the Franklin Stillman ot Elizabeth and building suitable for the company ant of St Michael's Catholic church. The funeral of Mrs. Marlon Nor- Red Bank Airport must be one story high and of mod-win. His parents were the late John and as In hta 62d year. He leavei two man, former resident of Red Bank, liters and a brother, they being Miss ,m construction. The company stat- John P. Dickson of Oceanport left Mary Lane. Surviving are his wife, 'ho died on June 29 at Loi Angeles, ed that it employs between TS and 100 all of his estate to his wife, Minnie Mrs. Mary Frank Lane; a>id three Marjorle Stillman, with whom he One Hundred WPA Workers Be- California, was held Tuesday morn- made his home and Miss Florence persons. No action was taken by the K. Dickson. He made his will in 1926 irothers, John of Hillside, James ot ing of last week at 0 o'clock at the gan the Job Thit Morning— council. and appointed his wife as executrix. Red Bank and William of Newark. Stillman and Philip Stillman of New Economy ome of her parents, Mr. and Mm. York. Runway on the East Side Has H. Delford Little, overseer of the Chester E. H. Garrison of Long The funeral was held Thursday, July 'atrick Hackett of Locust avenue, poor, reported expenditures of $129. 90 Branch left all of his estate to his Been Inspected and Approved wife, Pearl J. Garrison, In a will .nd at 10 o'clock at St Jamei' Stephen Aumack. • . . Because our same high typ* of service and. 'or June. The borough paid ?1,500 ihurch, where the rector, Rev. Dr. on tax revenue notes, $464 In scrip which was executed In 193S. Ho Miss Mary Ii Bennett Stephen Aumack, aged 84, died equipment ta maintained regardless of the expendi- One hundred Works Progress Ad- named his wife a3 executrix. ohn B. McCloskey, celebrated a Saturday at hU home at Keyport. :o the county, $230 to the library, and lolemn high mass of requiem. Rev. ture, whloh Is always a matter of strict confidence, ministration workers began construc- bills amounting to $3,700. William H. N, Gordon of Ocean Miss Mary L. Bennett, who lived Mr. Aumack had lived at Keyport tion today of the second half of the with her brother, Michael Bennett, of 'homas Carney was deacon and Rev. economy Is not evident Cornelius Vermuele, acting state township named his wife as sola ben- many years and was a house palnt- south runway at Red Bank airport. eficiary In a will which was executed Reckless place, died 'of a complica- rancls Dwyer was sub-deacon, and ir by trade having been retired for Joseph Gehrlng, district director, es- director of PWA projects, told the lon of diseases recently at the agoMichael Bergin waa soloist. The officials the government would be last April and it named MrB. Gordon a number of years. He Is survived timated that the Job will be com- as executrix. of 81. She was born at Little Silver, iearers were Joseph Bray, Henry F. by two sons, Jesse, with whom he pleted by August, 15. Workers are willing to make a grant toward the daughter ot Michael and Susan Jylln, Leroy Snyder, Charles Scott, cost of a new nitration system, pro- The will of Mary A. Welsh of West made his home, and Alvln Aumack, R.R.Moiint &Son alao painting the storage hangar, Englewood was probated at Freehold Bennett, and bad been a resident of Thomas Mertz and Thomas Brock. also of Keyport Funeral services which waa rusting. Directional ar- vided the borough obtained a loan It- Burial, in charge of R. B. Mount & FREDBRIO K.ADAM8,MGH. self for the balance. last week. She left all of her estate Red Bank the paflb25 yearB. She was were held Monday afternoon. Rev. rows will be painted on the roof. to her sister, Ever a J. Haddon, and one of the oldest members of St.Son, was In ount Olivet cemetery. Herman Wenzell, the doff catcher, W. R. Rossell, pastor of the First The runway on tht^.east aide of the named her as executrix. James' church. Baptist church, officiated. FUNERAL DIRECTORS reported 54 dogs had been destroyed Susan Themel, who died recently Surviving: besides the brother men- Mrs, Eleanor P. Applegate. ld has been completed, Inspected from April 1 to June 1. td approved by W. H. Hooker, dis- at the rectory of St. Peter's church toned Is another brother, John Ben- The funeral of Mrs. Eleanor P. Boys can make extra pocket money 13B ft. mONT STREET trict advlsui of' the Department of Recorder William P. Irwln turned at Freehold, where she had been em- nett, of Little Silver. The funeral Applegate of Chapel Hill, widow ot idling The Register.—Advertisement. Commerce. The runways are graded, In fines amounting tu *SS.~- ployed several years, mada hep will held Monday morning-, July fl. at the John H. Applegate, who died on graveled and tarred. Each is 800 feet in 1933. All of her estate was left ite home and at St. James' church, Friday of last week at Blvervlew long. One runs e." .t and west and Lincroft Fire o Rev. John H. Schwacke and he where a solemn high mass ot requiem hospital, was held Monday after- the other, north and south. The was named as executor of the will. was celebrated by Rev. Dr. John B. noon at 3 o'clock at the horn* of rough turf was dangerous to army John Denlse Conover of Matawan McCloskey, assisted bv Rev. Thomas her sister, Mrs. John M. Dennis of Free Phone and private aviators. Reviewing the Damages Barn left all his estate to his wife, Nancy E. Carn»y and Rev. Francis Dwyer. Reckless place, with Rev. Albert L. project, Gill Robb Wilson, director of Conover. He executed his will In Baner, pastor of the Methodist OWLER The Lincroft fire company was Mrs. Raymond Phillips played and 3334 the etate department of aviation, 1908 and named his wife as execu- Michael Bergin sang. The previous church, officiating. The services Delivery said: ailed out Saturday shortly after noon rix. were private. Burial, In charge of o extinguish a fire of unknown or- night Father Carney with members 333S "It Is a very important field, and of the St Vincent de Paul society r«r R. R. Mount A Son of Red Bank, MARKET igin in a barn on the Daniel MeCor- has served many important emer- Dairy Farm at Lincroft :lted the rosary at the residence. was In Fair View cemetery. Mrs. mick farm at Phalanx. The room -was Applegate was 82 years old. She Is gency operations. It has great po- badly burned and the damage was es- A small dairy farm will be in op- Burial was in Mt. Olivet cemetery. P tential military use, being In close eration on the Louis Kaiser estate- In The bearers were Raymond Hounl- survived only by her sister, Mrs. 7 Broad Street Red Bansk Imated at $250. The barn was in- proximity to Fort Monmouth, Fort sured. a few weeks. New sheds are being han, John McNeil, Charles Erricltson Dennis. Hancock, and the United States gov- SPECIALS 1 Thursday, July 16th, to Saturday, July 18th. Efficient work of the Lincroft flre-j constructed by Harold A. Hendrlck- and Edward Coyne. ernment reservations on Sandy Hook. son of Ked Bank, and several cows William 3. Spellman. It Is an important unit of our coastal .en eaved a nearby poultry house The HIGHEST QUALITY Prime Aged Beef and the main residence. The Lincroft will be shipped here from the Kaiser Mrs). Mary B. Neville. Services for William J. Bptltman of facilities, both for civil and military istate at Bethel, Connecticut Butter Wyckoff road, Eatontown, who died 1st Cuts aeronautics." company was under supervision of The funeral of Mrs. Mary Butler Norman Scattergood, fourth assistant will be churned on the Lincroft farm. Seville of Locust Point, one of Mon- suddenly at his borne Wednesday chief of Middletown and Captain mouth county's oldest residents, who evening, July 8, were held Friday at C Round or NELSON D, BOSE INJURED. Frank McCarron of Lincroft The led on Friday of last week, was St. Dorothea'* ohurch. Rev. Charlea Colt's Neck company waa also called. leld Monday morning at 8 o'clock J. Farron, rector, officiated. Mr. RIB 27 Local Advertising Man Receives Cuts Spellman waa 69 years old. 32S, FOOD FACTS at her late home and at 9 o'clock Sirloin Steak About Face and Forehead. Did You Know That: ,t St Agnes'a church, Atlantic Interment, under supervision of ROAST lb NelBon D. Rose of Markham place. Airport Manager Has At least 27 different sizes ot Highlands, where the rector, Rev. John W. Flock of Long Branch, was Little Silver, was badly cut about cans are common. The trick- Michael H. Callahan, celebrated a In Woodbine cemetery, West Long Lamb Liver 25S, Bacon 7,000 Flying Hours ilgh mass of requiem. Burial In Branch. The bearers were Joaeph the face, forehead and chin as the iest can to watch for Is CROSS BIB result of a very peculiar accident known as No. 303, an un- harge of John E. Day of Red Bank Purcell, Joseph jpurcell, Jr., Edward Bottom Bound CHUCK that happened Tuesday. John P. Casey, manager and head dersized can often used In was In Mount Olivst cemetery. Pearsall and Harry Glllaudeau, While driving his car In the vi- pilot at Red Bank airport, passed place of, and easily confnsed Mrs. Neville, who was 07 year* Roast 27k Roast 16^1 Roast 27S> cinity of Aabury Parlc the "wind pres- the 7,000 flying hour mark Friday. with, a No. 2. ild, was born In Ireland and came Hose. He first learned to fly in the army sure against the windshield shat- It Is generally agreed that ;o this country at an early age. Sur- Lewla Ross of Shrewsbury died Fri- JERSEY FRESH NEW CROP POULTRY I tered the glass and fragments were at Rockwell, California, In 1918. Ho America has the finest milk viving are a son, Frank Neville, with i3 one of a Belect few In this sec- day night at Monmouth Memorial forced against his fuce, forehead and supply of any country in the whom she lived, and two grandchil- hospital where he had been a. sur- chin, causing several cut3 and minor tion of tho state who have amassed world. to t-n>.) 7,000 or more flying houra. Vernon dren, Francis and Mary Neville. gical patient two weeks. H» was scratches. In southern Russia sweet po- born at Matawan, the son of the lat* Treat of Freehold, another veteran tatoes are called "pears of 261lb Although several of the wounda James and Mary Ann Rose. He Wai BROILERS 33S, FOWL flyer, has 5,400 houra to his credit. are quite deep it is thought that they the earth." David B. Soffel. 72 years old. will heal without leaving any scars. It all the offspring of > sin- David B. Soffel of Lincroft died Surviving besides his wife, Marlon SATURDAY ONLY ! Mr. Rose told a Register repre- PERMIT NOT GRANTED. gle female codflBh grew and Tuesday night at Monmouth Memor- L. RON, IS a sister, Mrs. Thomsj BOLOGNAS bred to the fifth generation, CHOPPED BEEF -|g< »entativc that ho thought his wind- ial hospital, Long Branch, where he Nelson ot Asbury Park. Service* FRANKFURTERS shield was of non-shattcriible glnss to Bo Held on Application tho family would fill any one For Two-Family House, of the Great Lakes solid had been » surgical patient «ince wore. held Tuesday from his late but now he knows different. The with fish. broken windshield will be replaced FRESH SEA FOOD 1 Application haa been made by tho These "food facts" are compiled with glass of the non-shatternblo Fidelity Union Trust and Mortgage by the Division of Consumer In- Jersey 4 flrf I FRESH kind. Guarantee company /or a permit to formation, Now Jersey State De- 25ib I CRAB MEAT 89ft convert Ita houu at the southwest partment of Agxlcnlture. FUNERflL BLUES 15F A I SHRIMP nmiisr, CAUSES INFKCTION. corner of Broad street and Bergen FOWJ.EJt'B SWEET, JUIOV SUNHIST place, Red Bank, Into a two-fflmtly HOME 10 Mian Minnie Kongo Nursing n. Very house Building Inspector lCnelcy M. COFFEE 18c Bore Thumb From Minor Injury. White has refused to grant the per- dor. 39c mit becauso the property in question ORANGES . . ... Miss Minnie Rongo of Long is zoned to restrict construction of Dole Pineapple Juice Branch, who In employed In the other than one-family houses. The No. 1 Cans No. SH Tina Ijarge Blp* Alligator • mrg* Persian ureeo luncheonette department ot tho company has appealed to the adjust- t0 tot Whelm drug Btoro at Broad and ment board for a permit and i\ hear- 2 * 23c 2 35c do*. White strceti. Is nursing a very soro PEARS 2 «or 25c [ HMES 35c ing will b« hold. All persons owning NATURAL left thumb. property within 200 feet of the hounc WHITE, SWEET. A bruise sustained several days have been notified of the hearing. YOUR SENSIBILITIES Grapefruit Juice »|fo became Infoetod and profes- -— •» • «» 3 «•»• 25c sional eurglcal attention has slnco 'Credit li\e a looking zkts, broken ARE RESPECTED JERSEY TO INSPFX3T KOADB. b«»n necessary. Tho Injury, nlthouKh ones, is gonr, iilajl" quite p&lnful, is not thought to ho JULY Awkward tact and over-ex- CORN extremely nerloun. Mldillotown Township Official* Will 3 9-Surt of tht bilif United GRAPE JUICE Mnko Tour This Kvenlng. Euui-French iuv*l nr, pressiveness have never had a 2 Ft bottle. 25c Inhalator For 8m Ilrlght Hquad. Charlea A. Suffer of Eint Kuans LIMA BEANS .2 tbt. 23c hurg, In a letter to tho township com- part in Worden service. Every oUNSWEET The Boa Bright first nld miuad nna 10—6,000 French troop« Join addod «n Inhnlntor to Its equipment. mittee of Middletown township last detail of service here Is gauged CELERY HEARTS ...2 for 25c Thurmlny afternoon, complained lh« Colonial Army. l;«0. Prune Juice *•• 21c It *u bought with donations from KHABDATJJ several bunlnena men awl aummer about tho hiul condition of Fort Mon- to the finer sensibilities. When BOSTON LETTUCE ...2 for l&V realdeuta through the offortu of Ito- moulhroml and requested that watei H-nurrkllllAlt*inderH«r». Orange Juice eorder Walter J. Bwrnnoy and Jo- «8rvlce bo extended to Include hit lllonindutl.JKH. making arrangements, and at houac and adjoining residences. With 2 No. I Uns 25c WATER CRESS ...2 for 15c »ph A. Mlilicll. Mr. Michel!, a. the Memorial, you may be Brooklyn attorney, him been ri nuin- roR«rd to wstor tho committo* stated —Onehuniir«d dla in wrious Hint Mr. Baffer -would hnvo to tnkr New York Clly Or*ng« certain of modern taste. BUN-BAY CUCUMBERS ...3 for 10c mar roalflent here n number of ycara. this matter up win tho water com- Diyriotlnf,l»7t. pany. With regard to the road th« Tornnto Juice IJ-Sir Witter R«l

AMUSEMENTS, within 12 feet of him. When bs saw Perionali. Engineer Gives , Party For Ann Falvo Barba On Trial the man had a gun he said hs Carlton Theater. ducked behind a car. P. J. Glileion, a member of th« On First Birthday "The Princess Comes Acro»s," with Underpass His O. K. At the opening of the trial Barba DRY CLEANED fore* at the Red Bank postofflce, Is In Hobart Murder Carole Lombard and Fred MacMur- Engineer Harry Bobbins of Tren- Ann Leslie Falvo, daughter of Mr. was represented by Joseph Fuerst- on i hi* annual vacation, which he man of Newark as chief counsel, as- U.iptndlng on a mid-Western trip. ray in the main roles, will be the ton, who Is connected with the state and Mrs. William Falvo of Spring Last of Three Long Branch Men CLOTHES , sisted by Leslie S. Kohn, also of AND PRESSED feature attraction today arid tomor- hih ii atreet, Red Bank, had a party In Postal cardB received Monday showed highway commission, made an Newark. Before the first session row at the Carlton theater. p celebration of her first birthday Indicted for Murder Faces ha had passed through the Niagara spection of the northern end Jury—Two Witnesses Saw closed Joseph Mattlce of Asbury Falls and Chicago districts and that ShShrewsburb y avenue, Red Bank, Tues- Tuesday afternoon at Flchtcr's pa- Park entered tho picture as chief he was enjoying himself very much. day with relation to the proposal to vilion, Sea Bright, owned by the Him Flee Scene With Gun. counsel for Barba. This followed a Mrs. E. E. Rose and Raymond Rose build an undarpass so that the fall- child's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. short? conference between Barba and of Flnckney road returned homo Bun- road ggrade crossing on that ppart of iohn A. Flchter. The place was at- the lawyer In the court room. Mat- tthh e streett t wililll bbe eliminatedliitd . HHe tractively decorated with crepe Paul Barba, one of the three Long day aftsr (pending a week touring p by Freeholder Branch men indicted for the holdup ticc defended Tomainl. tha Mew England states. While In waa accompanied and one of the features of the party James B. ParkesPk , who took a lead- was a largo cake with one candle.' murder of .William Hobert, Avon The jury is composed of Henry Maine they visited Mrs. Rose's daugh- butcher, last July, went on trial at Graham, Keyport, Insurance agent, ter, Mm. William Parsons of Pitts- Ing part In having Shrewsbury ave- Children present were Paula Co- nue and Rector place taken over as vert, Shirley and Charles Dlllione Freehold Monday. Charleu Dover re- foreman; Percy Hicks, Rumson, fleld. r.ivmond Is enjoying a three cently pleaded nonvult to the charge. manager of the Bertram H. Borden weeks' vacation from his duties with county roads. and Charles Ellenberficr, Jr., of Sea Mr. Robbins, after concluding his Bright, and Barbara Hubbard of Red John Tomainl, the other member of estate; Mrs. Clara B. Stille, West the American Surety company, New Long Branch, housewife; Mrs. Grace York. inspection, stated that the underpass Bank. Adults present were Mra. the trio, was convicted of first de- proposal waB feasible. It !B not prob- gree murder Friday night. The jury L. Wood, West Long Branch, house- Raymond "Buster" Hill of Jersey Frank Covert, Sr., who is the child's able that Jt will be started this year. great-grandmother; Mrs. Frank Co- recommended mercy, which will wife; Edgar Reid, Engllshtown, City visited friends here Sunday, His The first Btep In this accomplishment mean Tomainl will get a life sen- farmer; Matthew Barrah, Oakhurst, many friends In this locality have rt, Jr., Mrs. Charles Eilenbergcr, will be for the board of freeholders [ra. Henry Slocum, Mrs. -Herbert F. tence. Dover also faces a life sen- gardener; Emanuel Roscnbaum, Sea conferred on him the title of the to apply to the state highway com- Bright, proprietor of Downsea Beach; "Summer Mayor of Sea Bright," and 'oung and Mrs. John A. Flchter of tence. Both will be sentenced to- mission for aid. As Shrewsbury ave- ea Bright; Mrs, Harry Bradley of morrow by Judge J. Edward Knight. Jean Hunter, South Belmar, house- fee spent part of the day enjoying a nue is not part of a state highway wife; Helen M. Voge, Oakhurst, swim In the surf there. Lumson, Mra. Julia Hampton and Practically all of Monday was Cash and Cash and the highway commission will In turn rs. Edward Hubbard of Red Bank, taken up In selecting a jury to try stenographer; Mrs. Caroline Gibbons, Mr. and Mra. P. Ranler of Willow have to ask for federal funds. A Belmar, housewife, and Mrs. Sadie street recently registered as gueats [rs. Stephen Schmidt of Long Barba. Two witnesses testified to Carry Only Carry Onlj; great deal of red tape will have to ranch and Miss Dorothy Bennett of seeing Barba run from Hobart's Cochran, Allenhurst, housewife; Mrs. at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlan- r Anna Wauser, Neptune, housewife. b« cut before the project can be un- ew York, store with a gun In hia hand. Mrs. tic City. dertaken. You take no chanee with your valuable clothes here. W<* Marjorle and Janet Kinsman of Ella Stults testified she was looking The jury contains seven women from a window when she saw Barba nnd five men, the same ratio the the are reliable, having been In the Dry Cleaning business over to Malverne, Long Island, are visiting years In Red Bank. their grandparent!, Mr. and Mrs. Verdict of $5,000 Visitors From Michigan. enter the store. After a shot waa jury that tried Tomalni. Benjamin H. Ford of East Front Mrs. William Kane and Mr. and fired the man fled and escaped atreet. For Matthew Greig /ITS. John and children of through a vacant lot. Mrs. Stults New Airport Instructor. AND MIBS Ruth Nlttenger of Harding )earborn, Michigan, have returned was positive In her identification. William Parrlsh of Durham, North road Is spending the summer at Matthew W. Grelg of Shrewsbury, ome after having spent a week Alfred Rooney, attendant at a gas- Carolina, has been hired as a new Red Bank Cleaners DYERS superintendent of manufacturing for vith Mr. and Mrs. William Kane oline station five doorH from Hobart's Ocean Grove, where she has secured instructor and pilot at Red Bank air- 38 MONMOCTH STREET (Opposite Town a position. Slgmund Eisner company, was f Mlddletown township, near Hrad- store, also identified Barba. He said port. He was formerly employed by Miss Mildred Goff of John atreet, awarded (5,000 damages in a suit len'B Corner. They mado tho trip when the man ran from the store the Curtis-Wright flying service of w superintendent of the accident and against Andrew J. Tilton, Jr., of >y automobile. after the shot was fired he came North Carolina. Phone Red Bank 1956 and '°"Deliver. admittance department of the Muh- Woodbrldge, tried last week at lenberR hospital, Plalnfleld, is enj ly- Freehold before Supreme Court Ru- ing a month's vacation. • > III V. Lawrence. The suit was the outcome of an accident on January SHOP HERE Mlsa Bertha Schwartz of Chicago, 1, 1034, In which Mr. Greig was AND SAVE Illinois, la spending two weeks with struck and injured by an automo- Mrs. Fannlo Houtkln of Mount street. bile, owned and driven by Mr. Til- John Lartaud of William street, a kOBERT TAYLOR 'and ton. A previous jury at a trial in machinist In tho radio laboratories the early spring could not agree. Tha very finest mayonnaise at Fort Monmouth, returned to work ibRETTAYOUNGfojmanew Mr. Grelg was represented by Theo- sifter enjoying a 16-day vacation. Your money can buy. Try a jar! jcreeniromanliclearninKteen t romantic, learn J. in "Private"Private dora D. ParBona and Mr. Tilton by Miss Margaret Tornoc, daughter of .<•-.. . •••*•••„ »i. Lester C. Leonard. • liouls Tornee of Brooklyn, formerly dumber," the of Red Bank, will spend part of tho summer vacation with relatives here. "Private Numhor," with Robert Hazlet. Mayonnaise Mra. Timothy O'Toole of Baltimore Taylor nnd Lorctta YounR, will be and Miss Kathryn Kelly of Haddon shown on Saturday, Sunday and Mon- (The Red Bank R«giiter can b« bought Hom-d«-Lite Creamy Smooth Heights were recent gueats of Miss day, in Hlllet from Mn. Edna II. W. Fettux.) Mary McCloBkoy of Broad street. Hazlet fire company will hold Its pint jar quart jar Jacob Halperin of McLaren street Strand Theater, annual fair this year on Thursday, !o a patient at Monmouth Memorial "Show Boat," which played recent- Friday and Saturday, August 13, 14 hospital. ly at tho Carlton theater, will bo and 15, on the grounds near Mon- :39c Misa Elsie Doy of Wallace street Is Bhown for the last times today at tho ahan's restaurant on the state high- •lowly recuperating from ft minor op- Strand theator. Tho picture Is being way. Made with the finest vine- eration. brought back to Red Bank by pop- gar, r.romatlc spices, fresh- Freehold 1B The quota for Hazlet In the an- Every day we offer outstanding specials that are the "Talk of the Fredericrderic k Carey of ular reqegt. The stars aro Irene nual Boy Scout drive was $55 and ly opened eggs. Rotary the newfybar tender of the Globe^ Town." Come in today and let us prove it pays to shop in. the stores Dunno and-Allan Jones. $87.00 was raised. The committee whipping rives It a fine • Jiote). Mr. Carey was previously em- Two features, "Tho First Baby' was Ernest E. Peseux and P. Otto "Where Quality Counts And Your Money Goes Furthest" ployed in a similar capacity at Long with Shirley Dban'o and Johnny texture. Branch. Welgand. Downes, and "JDcaert Gold," with Lar- The regular meeting of Hazlet Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mills of Wai- ry (Buster) Crabbe, will be shown on Boy Scout troop was held at Camp Carefully Check These lace street spent Sunday with rela- Friday and Saturday. tives at Eagle Rock In North Jersey. Leroy Clark Friday evening, where Mr. and Mrs. William Maddux are the boys camped over the week-end. visiting at the homa of Mrs. Mad- A tenderfoot pin was awarded to FATTED FOWL Daniel Oaldterla. dux's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gold Medal c Vetterl of John street. Mrs. Mad- Mr. and Mrs. George Tiebout en- Wheaties Ready' to Eat 2 pkgs. 19c dux was formerly Mlsa Margaret joyed an automobile trip to Tan- . Fresh Killed Vetterl. nersvllle and East Stroudoburg, "T size cansatii^V Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Edwardo Pennsylvania, on Thursday, where Tender Milkfed lb. Canned Fruits have returned from a wedding trip to they visited Edward Tiebout. They No 2 wer« accompanied by Edward Treg- 1936 Pack Provlncetown, Massachusetts, ojid All Sizes Farmdale - 25r other summer resorta Jn New Eng- gls of Park Ridge, also Charles String Beans 3 cans AJt land. They have started housekeep- Walsh of Woodhaven, New York No- 2 AB. ing at Riverside Heights In Middle- who has been spending a few days Sugar Corn 2 cans afi%9C town township. at the Tiebout home on Hazlet ave- Cut from Prime Steer Beef — Fancy Mr. and Mra. C. H. Walker and son nue. Sea Food Specials Sc have moved from Bogota to Lincoln A card and bingo party was held King Dog Food cans 25c Fresh Boston avenue, Fair Haven. Mr. Walker la at the home of Mrs. Emma T. lb. 18c tall credit manager for A. & M. Karag- Rudiger on the Bethany road Mon- Kettle Roast Mackerel . . Best Pink Salmon can hmifllan company of Now York an.d day evening for the benefit of the lb. 8c 10c is secretary and treasurer of the United Spanish War Veterans aux- Legs or Rumps Veal lb. 25c Fresh Jersey lge. Armitage & Baynton. firm, which op- iliary. Tomatoes "«? W cans 25c erates a retail rug store on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and sons Weakfish . . lb. 10c mouth street. Halves or i lge. of Woodlmv«n, N«w YnrW, jpent the Prime Rib Roas Fillet of Genuine &SCQ Peaches Sliced Miss Dorothy Gerlty of Sunset ave- week-end at the home of Mr. and 2c1n,27C pue has taken a position in the office Mrs. Qeorge W. Tiebout of Hazlet lb. Haddock . . lb. 19c of the Scars-Roebuck store on Mon- avenue. Assorted Loaf Cheese 9c &SCO Corn Flakes mouth street. Mrs. Howard Walling of Bethany "Headquarters" foe Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! 14 oz. Mlsa Bertha K. Rolas of Washing- road is serving on the petit jury at Tomato Juice can ton, D. Ci an employee In the reg- Freehold. 5c istrar's office «t Catholic university, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Welgand Is spending two weeks' vacation with of the Holmdel turnpike spent the 25c her mother on Linden place. eek-end In North Jersey. William Costollo of Borgon place Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Morris have • __„."_ _JL_ Choice California « lge. AA. 1» now employed In the roofing bus- The fcaturo attraction on Sunday, rented an apartment In the Mrs. A. ApriCOIS in Sugar Syrup 2 cans 29C iness by Ottmar Phillips. Monday and Tuesday of next week B. Huylar home at Keyport. MIsaes Helen and Frances Kosak of will bo "Hearts Divided," with Dlok Tha Sunday-school of St. John'i • Freshly Duff Myle's Table Salt 3 %£• 10c Reading, Pennsylvania, were week- Powell and Marlon Davles. Methodist held an excursion at As- V. S. No. 1 end guests of John S. Lackey of West bury Park on Thursday. New Potatoes 10 29 Front street. Steal $5 From Freshly Pulled Jersey Beets or Sweet Southern Big Values In Candy- m , m River Plaza. for Fair Haven Home Carrots 3 10c Cantaloupes 2 15c Orange Slices lb. 10c Church Notes. Richard Ashwell and her daugh- Full Poddod Luscious California Two young men entered the home ter Grace of Newark will spend the Creamy Caramels lb. 19c First Church of Christ, Scientist. of Luko Karin of Fnir Haven Sat- week-end with John Ashwell. ** urday morning about 11 o'clock. Mrs. Hand and her daughters | Lima Beans 2 **- 15c Oranges 1225c for Services In First Church of Christ, On the way upstairs they struck hla All 5c Candies 3 Bclentlst, at 209 Broad street, Red Margery and Ruth of Irvlngton are 10c thrce-yenr-old daughter Edna, They spending several days with Mrs. Bank, are held on Sundays at 11 a. rnnsackod one of the bedrooms find nest m. and 8 p. m., and on Wednesdays Hand's father, Eb Scott found $5. A maid working In an- The 600 club will meet at the & W£c&3? fi granulated § lb cotton sack at 8 p. m. other room heard them and inves home of Mrs. Benjamin H, Crate, S HOUSEHOLD NEEDS — SPECIALLY PRICEDpk£. 19! C "Life" will be tho subject of tho tlgnted. When tho young men saw Jr., Thursday, July 23. leson-sermon In all Churches of her coming they jumped out of tho The Misses Brand have a nev Palmolivl THEe SPEE SoaD SOApP 32 cake£ , J4c Dhrlot, Scientist, on Sunday, July 10. window and escaped. MrsM . Kariin automobile. Tho Golden Text Is: "This is life was working In the kitchen and Mrs. George Voorhls and child™ Crisco I9c: : =» 1.07 Octagon Soap eternal, that they might know thee didn't know of tho robbery until aro making a stay with relatives a1 4 ^ 10c tho only true God, and Jesus Christ, Informed by tho mnld. A descrip- Hampton. whom thou hast sent" (John 17:8). tion of tho young men was given Mr, and Mrs. Crate have their Our Teas and Coffees Among the citations which com- to Pollen Chief Joseph Herdcn, who daughter and grandson of Irvlngton Best Pure Lard 2 > 25c prise the lesson sermon Is the fol Is making an investigation. with them for a stay. Are Delicious for Serving Iced! lowing from tho Bible: "Preserve me, Saturday the River Plaza basebal' India Ceylon O God; for In Thee do I put my COMPLAINT AnOUT HOADS. team dofeated the Methodist Blbl Orange Pekoe pkg. *9V trust. Thou wilt show mo the path nine of Red Bank by tho score o: OSCO Tea of life; in Thy presence Is fulness Mlddlctown Association Sends 9 to 1. Margarine ^^ '&. nc Hoastfd lb. J, 7C of joy; at Thy right hand there are to Committee Mr. and Mrs. Calconlnnl of 1 Victor Coffee pleasures for evermore" (PsalmB York have rented part of the Mltle* 16:1, 11). Tho Independent American aflno- eatate bouse at the corner of Wca Coffee •heat flo" Roasted lb. The lesson-sermon also Includes clatlon of Mlddletown township has Front street and Hubbard avenut. 19C released for publication the follow- Rich Creamy Cheese 23c • and remember for best results always make the Infusion the following panago from the Chrls- Shadow Lake Is almost filled. Not little stronger to allow for the dilution by the Ice. tlon Science textbook, "Science and ing letter which wan sent yesterday many more dayn will havo to elapsi Health with Koy to tho Scriptures" to tho township commlttco of Mid bofore water will be tumbling ove 18c by Mary Baker ICddy: "The under- dletown township: the new dam. Tha youngstorB have 12 oz. Jersey's Greatest Bread Values! standing, even In a degree, of tho Many complaints were brought he- boen having great sport swlmmln Corned Beef can 15c Baked in our modern sunlit Bakery divlna all-power destroys fear and fore our last mooting nbout tho de- nnd bathing In the water. plants the feet In tho true path—the plorable condltlonn of tho roads. A Soft crnbs are very scarce In th Delivered oven-fresh daily to our stores. motion wnn mndo ami carried order- river. Last year at this tlmo the' In Tomato Sauce oval patwithouh whict hhand loads s t'eternno the lhounIno builthot Ing me to notify you that tho follow- California Domestic cans heavens'" (p. 454). ing roads nro unnnfo for travel: were plentiful. Sardines 3 19c Ocean Rvonuo, Tlrny avonuo. Port Methodist. Monmouth road nnd Thompson nvc- Koyporl Personals. MILK BREAD nuo. "Thn Energy of Faith," another In Dr. and Mrs. Van B. Walker will Broken Slices large larg?Ce 18-071R-O7,,. loaf Wo sUKfceitt that'Immediate atten- spend several weeks this month and an ideal dessert cans the sorlon on tho topic, "Christian tion bo glvon thctto rondn nnd that next at Tupper Lake, New York, Pineapple 2 Faith," will bo the nubjeot of tho 29c itamn be repaired to Insuro bafo and with Judge and Mrs. Henry JD. Ao •ermon to ba given Sunday morn- comfortablo travel. Mnny other ronds nro In bud condition, but I kemon at. the latter'n camp thore, Ing at 11 a. m. at the Methodist Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Cadoo, Jr., o church by the pnntor, Rev. Albert hnvo not benn authorized to mention them. Hoping you will Rlvo thin Summit are spending several week 9 L. Bnnor At the evening ««rvlco tho matter your Immediate attention, wo with Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Hen pastor will preach on the theme, "Re- will ho wntchfully awaiting tho re- drlckflon. Desserts Beverages demption." Tho service will begin loaf pairing of thoRO roadn. The residence of Charles Bailee 03 Pure Gelatine 10c (ISCQ Assorted With a hymn nlng. Mm. Theresa Yomn truly, at West Keyport was struck b Bread Supreme largo 7c Wllley, organist and choir director James Harry llnnnett, lightning on Saturday. Mr. Bailey Will Imve chargo of thn mualcal pro Hocrelary. was thrown off the couch whnre he Full 8 In. gram. Tho church school will meet was lying. A number of boards Quart Victor Bread loaf 6c at 0;* 12c I'rraliylcrlan. Choose from Ginger Ale, Tho Ited Itiuilt Y. M, nnd Y. W. Ml«s Muriel VanBrunt of Madlsnn r r y, Raspberry. Frankfurter or Bar-B-Que "Tho Oratory of Jonim" will bo nvenue, I'asquala DeLlsa of 1C«_ CI e it m Hods, Lemon-Lime, the mibjoct to bo given Hunday Hebrew association will hold a dln- ner-dnnro In the bull room of the Front street and Leon Cuje of West Cherry, O r a n % e, Harsaparllla, Orange. Plus bot- Order this week-end enko special today! fa at the PresbyteriaPbti n church h Front street were treatad this weok by the pastor, R«v. John A. Hayei Hcarbnrn hotel, long iirnnnh, Hun i.rnion and I, I in c. tle deposit. Freshly linked IUnln day evening. OiientH nf honor In- at Rlvervlew hospital for minor cuts clude Rnbbl nnd Mm, Arthur H, Her- Mlw' Joan Korb of Newark, who ! I Contract. shon and tho momhorn of the Y. M. visiting at Fair Haven, wn« treate Angel Cake '^".^"1!" •«* 21c Tuesday for it out hand reonlvod wh« HMwIn Z Burdge, proprietor of II. A. hnnketbulf team. Grocery prices prevail Produce, Meat and Sea Food prkm nm fl rv fl she caught her hand In a washln Burrige's ;Op ' R$ ^ station on Murray Hiintlilit In chiilrninn »nd machine. !Whlt« »lr««t, tins received a contract la being anointed by Mlsson Oeitruiln through Wednesday, Juty 22nd effective unfit Saturday «||*». and Rylvlt L*v|n»ky, Wl||lam Klat- ot servicing Red Bank Boyi oan malt* »xtra pooket true** fix a jrw.. 0kyt and Io«apb. Bsokar, RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1986.

boken spent Sunday at Washington the) tenth anniversary of Ant Holy The regular meeting of the Wom- Rlvervlew hospital WM fM.fO and h» bo p Communion at the church will be en's Republican club waa held ltit Hawaiian Quintet divided the amount equally between Nurses Enjoy Statte FarkFk> week at the Methodist chuich. Clinton Casltr of Ruouon has celebrated by Rev. Edward Helm of At Lions Meeting tha Ltoni club and tht Rotary club. Moonlight Sail been spending three weeks with his Long Island, who will be assisted by Twelve new members were accepted. Tha Llonn immediately endoned their grandparente, Mr. and Mr.. Charles other clergymen. Following the meeting bunco was check In favor of tha hospital. SPANISH Beauty Sale** Mr. and Mrs. Bowne and children played and IS tables were in play. Th« Walklkl enterUinem, of New Student nursei of the Claas of 1889 easier. Past President Leon RcuselUe, Jr., of West Keansburg spent Sunday The next meeting will be August 4. Brunswick presented a program of stated the local Lions will be repre- of Monmouth Memorial hospital en- Mrs. Joseph Havens, Mre. Gusale with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Kochlor. Bunco will be played following the Hawaiian miujlc Tuesday night at the 86 Broad Street Tel. R. B. 2342. Joyed a moonlight sail Monday night Dennis, Miss Claire Lingo and Ray- sented at the International associ- Jielvln Schenck of Keansburg meeting. regular weekly meeting ot the Lions ation's annual convention at Prov- on tha steamer Sandy Hook. Among mond Smith spent Sunday at Sea spent Monday with his sister, Mrs. club. The quintet, consisting of Ki- thow making the trip were Ml«»es Bright. Unit No. 1 of the Methodist chuich idence, Rhodo Island, next week by Fred Smith. held a bunco party Tuesday night ward Stone, Edward Bochert and himself. President Edwards, Past M»ry Audley, Ouida Blano, Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Compton of David Schnoor is painting his George, Nicholas and Joseph DlPaola, July Permanent Wave Specials BlMJohard, Ada Devey, VivUn Hen- Massachusetts arc visiting Mr. and at the church. Eighteon dollars was District Governor George W. Bray, house on Campbell avenue. cleared. There were refreshments was brought to Red Hank by N. B. Directors Willis A. Clayton and Past n«B»ey, Avalon Jones, Angla Leddy, Mrs. Chris Jaeger. David Crotty of Bayonne spent last Stone, manBRor of Postal telegraph OROCQUIONOLE ENDS Ruth Phillip, Carrie McCue, Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon Rudolph and prizes. President Albert W. Worden. They week with his sister and brother. at New Brunswick, as a favor to G. will be accompanied by Mrs. Edwards, Formerly Mclia, Theresa Peroilollo, Ruth Sbln- and daughter Verta Mae of Free- Miss Margaret Crotty and Edward Howard Llpplncott, local Postal tele- ISO to 8.80 olt, Elizabeth Williams and Dorothy hold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr«. Mrs. Bray and Mrs. Worden and son. Crottyl East Keansburg. graph manager, who is a member of Robert F. Wordon. Zlegler. Chris Jaeger. tho Red Bank club. Crocqulsmolo or Spiral Wave« Accompanying the party were Mlsa Mra. James Bartholomew spent Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kennedy of Ar- lington visited relatives hero Sun- (Th« Red Bank Heglater can be bought Guests included Joseph Honlgman, Complete Head Lillian M. Thompton, superintend- Tuesday with Mrs. Anna Voege and Formerly Mrs. Amanda Bartholomew of Jer- day. In East Kcanaburs from Iiador. Wailing.) Oeorge E. Gilbert, William Mack, ent of the school of nursing, Dr. and Hector S. Downo and Sidney Y. Skill- Fashion Show For 8.00 Mrs. Paul Smith of the hospital Btaff, Boy City. Mr. and Mrs. John Lcntz and Hon The township committee of Middle- 2.95 and Miss Anna Hahn of the school M L town township will make an inspec- man. They were Riiests respectively Mrs. ,Lester Walling, Mrs. Rufus|John and Mr. an,i Mrs.'Harold of Councilman Kennoth M. Wyckoff, Republican Women Duart Volzor Combination ' faculty. Eastmond and Mrs. Pauline Linden- j Woodward and children motored to tion of the roada of thia locality thin Formerly bury conducted tho food sale for Washington's Crossing Sunday. evening. This action was decided on Seely B. Tuthlll, Warren D. Fowlor. A fashion show and card party un- the Methodist church Saturday. Tho Mr. and Mrs. Homer Culley and following a complaint made by Ed- Theodore J. Labrccquc and John E. der the aunplcea of the United Wom- Belford. sale netted $40.35. Assisting Mrs. daughter Phyllis of Roselle passed ward Saffor about the condition of Biillly. en's Republican club of Monmouth MACHINKLESS WAVE Walling, Mrs. Eastmond and Mra. Port Monmouth rond. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, C. Tho attendance prize was offered county will be held at the Mon Paris Formerly M *VI" (Tht Rti Bunk Register cin b. bought Llndcbury were Mrs. John Broandcr, B. Roche. Masses aro held' every Sunday by President Herbort E. Edwards room, Monmouth County Country In B.lford from H. Clay Uiir. Vincent Mrs. Haiel Woodward and Mrs. Cor- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mabb and morning at Shore Acre Barn. . Rev. and was awarded to Mr. Gilbert. Jos- club, Tuesday afternoon, July 21, at ' Walling. H.rrj WaBaerman »nd John nell Lyke. children of Eatontown were at the J. J. Lucltt, rector of St. Ann's church eph Bennett, who wae tho promoter 2 o'ejoch. O'N.IH'i .tore). FBEE PARKING FINGEIt WAVING, Mrs. Joseph VanBrunt and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koeh- of Keansburg, Is in charge. This of tho donkey baseball Rnmo last Mrs. E. Donald Sterner ot Belmar SHAMrOOINO, Etc. Mr. and Mrs. Elol Grimard have Wilbur Rockafellow of Kcansburg ler Saturday and Sunday. community has a very large summer SPACE returned from a trip to Boston, Wednesday night at the Trojan base- Is chairman and Mrs. HMna Phillips 35c spent Thursday wlU} Mrs. Irving Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Compton and resident Catholic population, and ball park, was present find stated the of Bergen placo, jfced Bank, Is assist- where they appeared in a grand children and Mr. and Mrs. Lange holding the masses here Is a great opera performance. Hoop. amount set aside for the benefit of ant. Mrs. John Cohen and daughter and children were visitors at Lava- convenience for them. A card party Mr. and Mrs. Jcsso Vreeland of Hilda of Brooklyn have returned lette Sunday. was held last night to raise money Nutley were week-end guests of Mr. home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wermert of to buy benches for the use of the and Mrs. William Sutherland. Mrs. Cohen's sister, Mrs. Marc Belford and Mrs. Mae McHenry of worshippers. Mrs. Arthur Compton and gTand- Atlantic Highlands spent the week- The C....I. E. club will hold a card son, Bruce VonEssen of Hoboken, Krohn. Albert Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. end at Culver Lake. party at the home of Mrs. Margaret have returned home after spending John Tlechman, Sr., of Passaic was Berry tomorrow afternoon. PREVUE PREVUE a week with Robert Crane. Stanley Cook, celebrated his seventh birthday last week by having a lawn a guest last week of Charles' D. Charles Rupp is having a new Elmer Compton, who Is employed party at the home of his grandpar- , Brown. foundation made for his residence on by the Southern Paciflo Steamship 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook.! Melvln Leek hns enclosed his front Hudson avenue. TUESDAY TUESDAY company, la spendinpnding a week with His guests were Mary Rose Morvan, porch with screens. The Ladles' auxiliary of the Port hla family. Anna Mae and Frances Lange, Olive Misses Elizabeth and Tcss Hagger- Monmouth fire ' company gave a NIGHT NIGHT Miss Doris Conroy, daughter of nd Grace Hyers, Grace Baratta, ty of Brooklyn are spending two kitchen shower Tuesday evening for Senator William Conroy of Fall Rita and Bernlce MacDermott, Irene woeks with Mrs. Katharine AhDarn. Miss Mary Paxton of this place, River, Massachusetts, 18 visiting her and Barbara Koehler, Ethel Luker, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrett Wilson^ en- whose engagement to Theodore Rich- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Theresa Cook, Jack Baratta, James tertained relatives from New York mond of Belford was recently an- Conroy. " Luker, Teddy Crawford, Charles over the week-end. nounced. Air-Conditioned — Always Cool and Comfortable Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanNote of Gowers, Millard Koehler, Jerry Rich- Bradley Beach returned home Fri- mond, Frank Wilson, David Foster, day after spending a few days with Frances MacDermott, Melvln and Al- TODAY and FRIDAY Mr. nnd Mrs. William Helrmith. bert Stewart, Mrs. Baratta, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Halzll of Smith, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. A. E. Lang- Perth Amboy spent Sunday with Mr. ord, Miss Marlon Langford and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles D. Brown. Stanley Cook, Games were played CAROLE LOMBARD - FRED MacMURRAY Mrs. R. H. Green and son Ken- and refreshments were served. Al- ATLANTIC neth of Shrewsbury are spending bert received a number of fine gifts. THEATRE -IN— several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry lange suffered a pain- Douglas Cook. ful Injury one day last week when 5 Mrs. Arthur Ewlng and family of his car started to roll from the ga- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Philadelphia, who has been spend- rage. The door of the car being open "The Princess Comes Across ing a weok with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-Mrs. Lange tried to hold the car back Phone A. H. 148. bur MacConnell, returned home Sat- so that it would not be damaged. Last Tunes Today With DOUGLASS DUMBRILLE, ALISON SKIPWORTH, GEORGE BARBIER urday. Her arm got caught between the car THURS., JULY 16 "TOO MANY PARENTS" A party was tendered Tuesday door and the garage. The arm was Harker Hot-Ovenware Free to the Ladies! evening to Arthur Ewlng of Phila- badly bruised, but no bones were DOUBLE FEATURE delphia, who is spending the sum- broken. FRIDAY,, mer with his aunt and uncle, Mr. Mrs. Fred Smith spent Thursday "FLORIDA SPECIAL" and Mrs. Wilbur MacConnell. The with Mrs. Gorman of Asbury Park. Saturday, With JACK OAKIE—SALLY EILERS 4 DAYS SAT., SUN., MON., TUES. 4 DAYS guests were Miss Mabel Kaufman Mrs. Fred Dreher and daughter —AND— of Baltimore, Miss Alma Lee, Miss Marilyn of Newark spent a few days JULY 17 - 18 "THREE ON A TRAIL" Doris Balback, Mrs. Harry Gilbert last week with Mr. and Mra. Henry and Mrs. MacCloud of Keansburg, Volkland. With WM. BOYD—HOPALONG CASSIDY Mrs. Arthur Ewlng and sons Vin- Mr. and Mm. Raymond Powell and SUN., MON., TUES., JULY 19 -20-21 cent, Thomas and William of Phil- children Raymond and Robert of adelphia and Mrs. John Helns, Mrs. 3 1HQ FEATURES William Sutherland, Miss Mabel West KeanBburg were recent guests Luker of Belford. Several selections of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook. were sung by guests and instru- Mrs. Pauline Smith and Mrs. Rol- mental numbers were played. Inghoff visited friends at New York Charlie Chaplin in "Modern Times" last Thursday. -AND— Miss Marie MacConnell returned Mrs. John Baratta and children home Sunday after spending a few have returned to their home at Jer- days with Miss Doris Balback of sey City after spending a week with "COUNTRY BEYOND" Keansburg. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Leek. The Methodist Sunday-school will with ROCHELLE HUDSON—PAUL KELLY go on their annual excursion to As- Mrs. Stanley Cook had a card par- rjury Park next Tuesday. Robert ty at her home for the benefit of St. Wed. - Thurs. "BULLETS OR BALLOTS" Mary's church of New Monmouth JULY 2!1 . 23 Seeley's buses and Russell Walllng's Friday afternoon. Those who at- with Ed. G. Robinson truck will be used to make the tended were Mrs. Bontrock, Mrs. trip. Smith, Mrs. SwIUer, Mrs. Klrwan, EVERY WED.—"LUCKY" and "JACK POT" Mr. and Mrs. William Jardln of Mrs. John H. Wermert, Mrs. Walsh, Little Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-Mrs. James Hubbs, Mrs. Klnney, Every FRL—"Prosperity" $25.00 Cash Free. liam Ellison of Brooklyn spent Sun- Mrs. Freibott, Mrs. MacConnell, Mrs. day with Mr. and Mrs. William Huelng, Mrs. Craig Flnnegan, Mrs, Schweitzer. Koehler, Mre. C. H. Lohsen, Mrs. A. The members of the Girls Friend- E. Langford, Mm. C, B. Hocho and ly society are going on a trip to Mrs. Smith. Coney Island Thursday, August 6. RED Unit No. 3 of the Methodist church Mr. and Mrs. James Cullen and will hold a silver tea social In the daughter Jacqueline of Neptune church annex Tuesday afternoon. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- BANK July 28. ,, ter Stone. STRAND John Telchman of Passalc re- Miss Jacqueline Cullen of Neptune turned home Sunday after spending: s spending this week with her grand- LAST TIMES TODAY ! mother, Mrs. Stone. a week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles RETIRN ENGAGEMENT OF THE MOST D. Brown. The following officers of Belford BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL ROMANCE EVER FILMED Miss Jacquillne Cullen of Neptune council, Sons and Daughters of Lib- Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. erty, were Installed Friday night by "SHOW BOAT" Deputy Councilor Sadie Westcott of Walter Stone. WITH Mrs. Walsh and son of Red Bank Oakhurst: spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Councilor—Ida Bailey. IRENE DUNNE — ALLAN JONES thur Walling. Annoci&ta councilor—Frances Andrews. Ralph Pollnp returnod homo Sun- Vice councilor—Anna Luker. REGULAR STRAND PRICES Associate vice councilor—Msrgsret Hy- day after ppendlnp; two weeks with erp. FREE CHINA TO THE LADIES ! William Gorman of Asbury Park. Recording Becretary—Mary E. Wnlllns. Mifis Mabel TAlkcr nnd Miss Mahol Associate secretary—Le«t«r Walllns?. Financial secretary—Lllilan Cia>lon. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Kauffman spent Sunday at Sea Girt. Treasurer—Lulu Eastmond. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carroll en- (•tilde—Ida Compton. DOUBLE FEATURE tertained on Kumlav Mr. and Mr3. Inside guard—Emmor Clayton. Outfiida guard—Mary Brown. Earl Stewart, Mrs. John Collins and Junior ei-councllor—Sadl« Hlnei. SHIRLEY DEANE — JOHNNY DOWNES family and Mr. and Mra. Jnhn Far- Associate junior vice councilor—Fannifl rell of Brooklyn. llynra. —IN— Mr. nnd Mis. Harold Woodward Trustee 18 months—Clifford Compton. and daughter Mae. Mrs. Charles At St. Clement's church Sunday "THE FIRST BABY" Casler. Mr. nnrt Mrs. John Lentz morning Holy Communion will be and son and Mr. anil Mrs Mllfor 1 celebrated at 8 o'clock and service VanRrunt and pnn of Bclfoicl ami will be held at 10 o'clock. Saturday, LARRY BUSTER CRABBE in Mr. and Mrs. William Bade or Ho- July 25, which will be St. James day, ZANE GREY'S THRILL-PACKED ROMANCE "DESERT GOLD" It Costs No More to Buy the Best at SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY FBEVIEW SAT. NIGHT AT 11:15.

THEY'RE SCREEN LOVERS AGAINI ton ovd personal maid •—•. Warnar Bret, splaih th» icrttn with splendour- to , .<. what ehonta hot fove? bring you th« gallant MARKET ttory of HM bmrtiful Bal- EST. 19O2 «' timore balls whot* lov* 123 WEST FRONT STREET turnd Ih* lid. of «oiplr.l PHONE: Red Bank 678. FREE DELIVERY. FREE TARRING IN HEAR. OF MARKET. \ \ PATSY KELLY SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI. & SAT. ! BASIL RATHBONE Maxwell House Coffee JOE LEWIS MARJORIE GATESON FULL CREAM Roll Butter a FOX picture COMING WEDS., THURS., FRI. GENUINR Hl'HINO Legs Lamb Special Prevue Tuesday Night at 11 P. M. (Bll lltM) CHUCK ROAST W. C. FIELDS in "POPPY" Fresh Chopped BEEF 1b WITH WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ROCHELLE HUDSON FBESII-KIM.KI) Herbert Marsliall — Gertrude Michael IN RICHARD CROMWELL Fancy Fowl 'FORGOTTEN FACES' H - B - « It).) LYNNS OVERMAN RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1936. TO HOMOB ICIAir B. AOTHOHY. Eugene Adams Eatontown. Shrewsbury. SPORT DANCE TOMORROW. EARLY AMERICAN i to Bo tamed By Footal Department "JaJt*r eaawn J«•„)>»* bou*M (Th« Rtd Bank Regliter can. hi bought Royal A. C. to Have Social Affair at Refused Permit Xatmtowa at tie ttora a* William O. la Shrewsbury from Richard Beaka at thi Riverside Casino. M»pl« la rwponu to ntuntraui request! lavUU , OO. Xdft ••)«• sad YeUm't.) postoffice and tha Sbrtwiburr Market.) Week ELKS The Royal Athletic club will give to* federal fti»»rnm«nt will luu* a The Ladles' auxiliary of the First Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Manifold ol HIGHBOY thra-etnt eommtmoratlvt »Ump hon- Hit Application for the Right to a sport dance tomorrow night at the lid squad donated two unbreakable Hollywood, California, former resi- Riverside Casino on West Bergen oring SUMS B, Anthony on th« annl- Build Factory on West Front thermos bottles to the squad laat dents here, have been spendingia few July 20 THEATRE 40c vemry of toa aqual aoffrac* amend- place. Herb Carman and his Bell- Street Turned Down by Ad-Thursday following the auxiliary days with friends In town. They are tonlana will furnish the music. Mahogany mint Xu|iut M. Bach atamp will meeting. Mrs, Fred Beal, president, making a trans-continental motor bear a llknua o( Susan B. Anthony, juitment Board. made the presentation. trip and while In town visited with The club's annual election was held — RED BANK FIDDLE BACK CHAIRS Who ltd this and other movemsntf lust week and tho new officers were Lester WhltfleW wti guest speaker Mr. and Mrs, Stewart VanVIIct, Mr. Installed Tuesday night The officers SET or row (or womtn'i rifott. The, Buaan B. The Red Bank adjustment board Sunday night at the Methodist and Mrs. G. H. Nevlus and Mr. and Every Evening Except Sunday at 8:30 Anthony Mamorlal aaaoelatlon, of oted laat weak not to grant the re- are James Galnes president, Arthur hurch. The program was In charge Mrs. Matthew Grelg. vice president, James Nixon which lit*. Kobtrt Adaamton, wtio quest of Eugene Adams for a permit if the Epworth league. Ml» Helen Police Commissioner Harold Me- Irvu near MiddUtown village, li to construct a clothing factory on treasurer, Ruben Anthoney record- ANTIQUES Peterson of Brooklyn, who ia visiting Cormlck Is confined to his home with Ing secretary, James Hlgglns corre- chairman, wa< ytrj aotlvt la advo- property which he owns on the north Mrs. Carmlchael, if a new member acute indigestion. DON'T MISS cating th» lMuano* of the comment-aide of West Front street, near Rao- of the society. sponding secretary and Edward Wal- or»tlr« stamp*. She tUtca that the Mrs. Patrick Ahem and daughter don sergeant-at-arms. CHAS. T. SMITH tor place. The land in question le Thirty-five members and guests Peggy of White street are visiting aatoolatlon la very grateful for thepartly in the Dullness zone and part- ere present at the Sons and Daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glrard at Og- After tho .installation ceremonies AT large M«l«tanee they received from ly In the Industrial zone, Factories ers of Liberty meeting Monday night densburg, New York. the club enjoyed refreshments and Senator W. Warren Barbour and Con- re not permitted In the business a social hour. GLOBE HOTEL BLDG., it Orescent hall. Mrs. Roy Jollne, Dr, Harry Tlcehurst of Sycamore gressman William H. Bulphln andcone, and on this account the request leputy, was present. Following a avenue and son, Dr. Robert L. Tlce- RED BANK that eha datlrei to express) her thank- for the permit was not granted by fulness to them. ihort business meeting bingo was hurst of Red Bank, will act at veter- Building Inspector Ensley M. White. played and refreshments were served, inarians today, tomorrow and Satur- Making Scenery For Shows. THE The application was then referred to Mrs. Esther Fieldner of this place day at the Monmouth County horso- Franklin Carmine. Moyan of Red the adjuatment board for a hearing. and Mrs. Robert Heyer of Red Bank show at Rumson. Bank is engaged in making 14 Bets FUNNIEST All persons owning property within ere price winners. A moving pic- Louis Dorlck, superintendent on of BPfnery for the Federal theater Enjoy YouneU at One of th* Flnett Beat^tt 200 feet of the proposed factory site ture will be shown next Monday by the Judge Brown estate, Riverside project shows to be given at tha PLAY were notified and many of them at- the Chevrolet motor company. drive, and former resident here, suf- Elks home. Mr. Moyan made the Along Oit Jtney Cwut > tended the hearing, as well as a con- fered a painful foot injury Friday. scenery for the show, "Smiling YOU siderable number of property owners Walter Kauh of Long Branch has taken Kenneth VanBrunt's place a* He waa treated at Fort Hancock Through," which was recently given EVER beyond the area In question. Borne hospital. at St. James' auditorium. SHIP KIN'S BEACH imposition to the factory was voloed clerk at the Atlantic * Pacific etora, A Comedy Loaded by property owners wltlil* the 200- Kenneth Is acting manager for two Miss Deborah Buchanan of Irving SAW North Long Branch, New Jersey 'oot area, but most of It was from eeks at Lakehurst. place has returned to her duties at With Laughter property owners at more distant Mrs. J. Wesley Wainwrlght of P. W. Woolworth's store at Red points. The adjustment board will li- Broad street is entertaining her Bank after, enjoying two weeks' va- A Federal Theater Production Season Beach Privileges ne a statement setting forth Its rea- .ughter, Mrs. Warren Hayes of Au- cation. sons for not ((ranting the application. lubon. Mrs. Richard Moran returned to OF THE Mrs. Frank Manns of Long Branch, Empire City, near Yonkers, New $2.00 Per Person 'ormer resident of this place, gavs York, yesterday, after spending two Works Progress Administration weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 75 BRIDGE LAWN PARTY, >lrth to a daughter Sunday at Mon- nouth Memorial hospital. Edward Hounlhan of Broad street. The Daughters of America will The Young People's Home Mission- Event to Bo Held at MJddletown for ary socioty will meet In the Sunday- Never Bought Health Association. meet tomorrow night at Crescent hall. school room of tho Presbyterian A bridge lawn party for the beneflt church tomorrow evening at 8 A More ALPHONSO DEMARL* of the Publlo Health Nursing associ- Ruth DleU, daughter of Mr. ando'clock. Mrs. Dwlght L. Parsons will Mrs. John Dletz, is a patient at Mon- e in charge of the program. ation of Mtddletown township will be mouth Memorial hospital. held Tuesday afternoon, July 28, at Miss Louise McCue of Broad street DELICIOUS Let Yourself Qo! Mrs. Charles Rogan of Freehold, eft today by boat for a trip to West 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William daughter of Mrs. Emily Brown, re- announces* M. Greenwood of Mlddletown village. Indies. turned* to her home Saturday after Miss Josephine Murphy of RJch- APPETIZIN6 the debut Thursday night of new artists brought Prizes will be awarded at each table having been a patient at Monmouth Hurrah—Hiss—Whistle and refreshments will be served. Mrs. Memorial hospital. fleld, Connecticut, Is spending the to Red Bank direct from some of the smarter Albert Llndenstruth of River Plata Is cek with James Bly and family o Rev. and Mrs. Michael Davis of and for night-spots that" are to be found in the Metro-, chairman ol the committee directing Jenklntown, Pennsylvania, were visi- road street Miss Murphy recently the party and Mrs. Greenwood le co- tors last week of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- returned from a trip to Texas and politan area, who will continue with the Pleas, chairman. The other members of the Virginia Beach. ant Inn policy of offering you continuous enter- liam Davis. SATISFYING committee are Mrs. Robert Hart- Mr. and Mnr. Walter Bennett and . -» >» . tainment throughout the entire evening— shorne of Portland farm, Mrs. Jane children of Oarden City, Long Island, Johnson, Mrs. William Swan and Middletown Village. New Mill Players Dancing to the swingy rhythm of Charlie spent a few days last week with Mrs. FISH Gottschalk's Orchestra in our main dining- Mrs. Howard Maxion of Naveslnk, Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- (Tht Rid Bank Regliter c&n ba bought In Mrs. J. Q. Timolat and Mrs. Walter iel S. Morria. Middletown from J. C Knight and William D. Watera.) room. Huber of Riverside drive, Mrs. Ward- The Monmouth County Sub-Dis- DINNER Our Cocktail Bar, as usual, is the fashionable well G. Thomas, Jr., end Mrs, E trict Epworth league will hold a Andrew Carson, manager of E. D. bert Bwackhamer of Mlddletown vil- beach party next Monday evening at Lentllhon's Deepdale farm, sailed for "Conrad You Dastard" rendezvous for those who prefer their drinks lage, Mrs. Thomaa Robert* of New Sweden Saturday. He will spend mixed to their liking—and served properly. North Long Branch. Several from (Thrilling Melodrama of Gay Nineties) Monmouth, Mrs. H. Lawrence Scott here are expected to attend, about six weeks abroad with rela- Regular Dinner * In fourth night at Impromptu entertainment in the Continental of Belford, Mrs. Walter Hamilton of The Ladles' Aid society of th» tives. Mr. Carson' Is a veteran of manner and grill-room dancing. Leonardo, Mrs. Evelyn Clyssier of Methodiit church met last Thursday :he World war. East Keansburg and Mrs. Throck- with Mrs. Frank Kenna and planned Mrs. Tllton, who has been living We urge you to try one of our very delicious morton of Atlantic Highlands. for a beach party to be held at North with Miss Margaret Landmann, has full-course dinners at only one dollar per plate Long Braneh, July SO. moved to Colt'a Neck. $1.00 Old Mill Playhouse —We serve spaghetti and ravioli dinners at Blind Mer. t Cruise. About 345 pereonB were examined Miss Elizabeth Casler,. a teacher BTOAMOEB AVENUE, SHBEWSBURT, N. A any time—ana a la.carte service. Twenty-flve members of the New at the borough hall Monday morn- at Rutherford, is spending the sum- Drop in the Pleasant Inn tonight or any night Jersey Blind Men's club at Leonardo Ing by Sheriff George Roberts to mer vacation at her home here. were guests of Clifford Hemphlll on serve on the petty Jury at Freehold Miss Vera McKnlght of Red Bank One Performance Nightly TTnttl July Mth. and see all we offer you at our very moderate a crulco off Sandy Hook on his yacht In September. spent part of last week with Mro. JOHNSON'S prices. It will amaze you what a good time Pegasus Sunday afternoon. Captain Several from the Woman's Chris- Lydia M. Smlth._ Curtain—9 F. M. Sharp. you really can have at this resort. Lester I. Wheeler escorted the mentian Temperance Union of this place to the pilot house and other parta are attending the Interstate W. C. Hospital Workers' Meeting. Sycamore Avenue, We suggest week-end reservations by telephon- BAR and GRILL ADMISSIONi of the ship and explained the oper- T. U. conference being held this A meeting of James F. Aekerman Between Buttonwood and ing Red Bank 1-1-0-8. ation ol the compaes and other nav- week at Ocean Grove Temple. federation of Ann May-Fitkln Me- OCEAN AVENUE igating instruments. Edwin Duffy, Mrs. William G. Davis Is having Byoamore Court 75c & 55c May we have the pleasure of your patronage? morial hospital will be held Monday Monmouth. Beach, N. J. Fred Kleferdort and Frank J. Hal her store repainted. afternoon at DeCoppett hall on the assisted In transferring the men to The fire department was called out hospital grounds. and from the boat. The cmlse lasted Tuesday night to extinguish a smaV THE PLEASANT INN four hours. forest flre near Whale Pond road. Won FHze of $6. ON SHREWSBURY AVENUE The Ladies' auxiliary of the Rive Keyport. Plaza fire company disposed of $5 on the co-operative plan last we resented. All colors, including plen- Long Island hoapltal at Brooklyn. Sizes 12 to 20. Ml«a Edith White has a position Size ty of white. with tht Lawyers' Mortgage Guaran- Guaranteed not to shrink ! Formerly to 10.85 tee company at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Krncat Heeren and Fancy children of Brooklyn are apendlng the summer at tha Manlon cottage Freih on Front atreet Ml«a Marian Sagurton haa h«en en- joying a trip through New York stato with friends. California Juice Oranges 13 for 25c Libby's Tomato Juice 4 •»». 29c Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Bwartzal and CLEARANCE aon are visiting relatives In Indiana. Mrs. Horace 8. Burrowce, Mrs. Fancy Bartlett Pears 10 *,, 23c Royal Scarlet Shrimp C, CM* 25c Herbert Burrowes and son nro en- w to 1085 joying a vacation In Ocean drove. White Coats ™ * 5.95 Abram Morris has been a surgical Soft Shell Crabs *<*. 1.10 Jello O pkgs 16c patient In to» Long Branch hospitnl. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Eelthnrt nnd aon of Moorestown, N. J., hnvo bcon Fresh Boston Mackerel >,. 12c Wheaties L |>kgs 21c White Suits Rnuunow 7# operates Potatoes Tender th. diner on Main atrest, Keans- Jersey Byron & Knox Felts JS^X. 3.85 bur|r. Mm. Raymond Crammer and Telephone Peas 2» 19' dtughtar apant Uat week at Wash- Fancy Celery 6c each 49 ington, N, J., the giieais of the for. Cotton Dresses /,„*, 1.95 m.r". mother, Mre, John Heldlems.n. ttn. Walter B«wn« nulled ynstir- day for Germany nn tha steamer Extra Fancy Sunkist Lemons dox 49e p«utoh»a]and. Bhe will vJ«U her •!»- t«r tgt Mr*ra] month*, BSB S£KR HE6I8TEK, JULY 13, 1986, whue preparations war* mad* for .ippincott And Kaisers Win At entry la the MoftkuthXoiM«Tdi**r Out To Repeat -By Pap •how, which opened today at Bum- Monmouth Horse Show Westchester Show son. Mr. and Mrs. Kake* are «3m- Allaire Victors pl*tlng plans for the CAMjfVmlw Mr. and Mn. Louis Kainr of Llo- show on their estate Saturday *«d Opens This Afternoon A SAMPLE QFJ- v In Sailing Races croft and Connecticut, took honors Sunday, July 2g and 26. T|"f 6 STORE ftafc)) Saturday at tha Westchestsr Coun- MCCARTHY M try club horn show at Ryo, Now Annual Sporting and Social Event to Be Held Today, ineakbox Pilot* Share Honor* York. Winning Way* took a first place In the three-galted aaddle bora* in Contest! at. Red Bjtnk and claai for park type and a second Tomorrow and Saturday on Thornton Fair Haven Sunday — New place la the three-galted aaddls Regulation* at Fair Haven. horn class for horse* over 14.3 and GOLF Estate on Runuon Road. not exceeding IS hands. Their en- tries took thrae other place*. The attention of lovers of horse- Keen rivalry between Charlie Al- 1 Llttlo Sport took a second place In Bejh will be focussod for the next Mrs. K. K. Strauss, Mr. and Mn. Au- alre and "Red' Llpplncott featured the combination horeej and Ring OLD ORCHARD three days on tha Thornton farm on gustus S. Hutchina, Mr. and Mra. J. ineakbox races at Red Bank and Leader a second place in the flve- . Rum.on road, where the annual Frederick Talbott, Mr. and Mra. P. fair Haven on Sunday. Llpplncott galted saddle horse class for atal- CODNTRYCLDB Sanford Rosa, Mr. and Mra. C. Maury Cff/MM SCfTA GQBATKlOZ\ Monmouth county horse show la to the race at Rod Bank with Al- llom or geldings. Dangerous Lady be ushered in this afternoon.- Jones, Mr. and Mra. Gurdon M. OUT OF IBAPMS1UEMA710HM- airo second, while the latter finished Low Daily F... Maynard. Mr. and Mra. Harry I. took a fourth place In tha three- ' ThlB (reason's affair promises to be VICTOR* In tho contest at Fair Haven galted horse class under 16.2 hands. cwenure SUIAJVAM, P.O.*"* one of the largest and best In years. Caesar, Mra. Julian McCarthy Little, AU-S7AR GAME - MAIA/LY ator In the afternoon. Llpplncott The ehow Is one of the oldest and Mr. and Mrs. David Wagstaff, L. M. :ame In fourth In this event Two horde vans returned to the 8SCAUSE fc Llncroft stables Monday morning, test known in the country, and IsSlckel, Mr. and Mra. W. B. Harding Llpplncott crossed the line 20 aec- known far and wide us a great sport- and Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Hasler. •HtS FOKMEtS. 3059. LED mds ahead of Allaire In the Dlckman ing and social event. It attracts ex- Those who have contributed to the ikooter fleet contest. Burden Hance hibitors from all parts of the East prize fund are Nelson I Aslel, New- ,vaa third and a group of boata, led and visitors from leading aummer combe C. Baker, Hon. W. Warren jjr Edwards Bullman, followed In resorts from Newport to Virginia Barbour, Bartholomew B. Barry, lose order. The summary: Beach. Dexter Blagden, George Bodman, J. Start—3:tS p. ra. Marshall Booker, Bertram H. Bor- Scotti s & Sal's All during tho show there is a con- den, Louis J. Boury, E. D. Bran- tinual round of luncheons, dinners Hot Time. some, J. Wright Brown, Mr. and ted Llppincott 8:19 and dances. Tomorow right Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Bush, Henry E. But- ;harlea Allaire . 8il0:80 GENERAL MARKET Mm. Amory L. Haskell will give ler, Henry A. Caesar, George V. Co«, lorilen Hance 8:22 their annual luncheon. Mr. and Mrs.Hubert K. Dalton, C. L. Despard, Edwards Rullman ..._...... 3:24 "THE' NEW WEST SIDE FOOD CENTER" Hufus C. Finch will entertain the I. Schwarti 8:24:10 Nellson Edwards, Hon. Abram I. El- Vnrthley Broa. 8:24:80 140442 Shrewsbury Ave., Cor. Herbert St. judges, while J. Ford Johnson, Jr., kus, Sidney Erlanger, Dr. Ernest Sdward Davli . 8:24:10 •will give a party. Others will en- Fahnestock, Mr. and Mrs. Bufua C. torbara Snyre , ; 8:26)80 Quality and Quantity at Lowest Prices. tertain more or less privately. Isborn Droa. ..._.._.._,.»_....._„... 8:27 Finch, William V. Flndley, Charles nckey Mottd . _ „ 8;2T:10 JFree Delivery. Tel. 995. Unlimited Parking Space Rufus C. Finch, for many years B. Harding, Barclay Harding, Fred- obcrt Bedle 8:28 M. F. H. of the Monmouth county erick E. Hasler, Mra. J. Amory Has- Tho races at Fair Haven were con- hounds, is president and chairman kell, Mrs. Amory L. Haskell, Amory 1 ucted under new regulations on Sun- of the horse show, taking the place L. Haakell, J. Lewis Hay, Colonel W. lay afternoon. Towing service wa» Meat Specials of tho late W. Strother Jones, Sr., H. Henderson, Walter Huber, John (& SOT furnished the Red Bank sneakboxee, one of the best-known horsemen in L. Kemmerer, William H. LaBoy- which otherwise would not nave b«en Legs of Rib Lamb horse show, steeplechase and polo teaux, Mrs. Julian McCarthy Little, USACK INTO circles. In his memory tho mem- able to compete In races at both Red Hon. and Mrs. Calypso Llddell, THE LINE-UP Bank and Fair Haven. Three of the bers of the horse show are giving a Thomas N. McCarter, Gurdon May- nard, J. Hartley Mellick, Jesse Met- FORA PEW boats were towed by Commodore J. LAMB CHOPS memorial cup, known as the W. '. Hitchcock of the Fair Haven Yacht Strother Jones memorial champion calf, H. H. Neuberger, E. Gaddls WEEKS 1M? P/TCt//fJSSTAFF- A1AY Plum, Bernon S. Prentice, John King club, which Is sponsoring tha re- hunter stake. It must be won three WROUGtf gattas; three were towed by Dr. Wal- times by the same exhibitor before Rackford, Samuel Biker, Joseph N. Roebllng, Sanford P. Ross, W. B. ter A. Rullman, and three were towed becoming his or her permanent prop- iy Mortimer VanSauter. All were erty. It will be presented Saturday Ruthrauff, Samuel Schiffer, Edward W. Scudder, Ernest A, Smith, Ed- Red Bank boata. Another was towed Prime Rib Veal afternoon by several of his old win Stewart, Lorlllard S. Taller, J. to Oceanic by William Little, 9r. friends. Frederick Talcott, Mrs. Frederick Harry L. McMahon won the rsca Then thero Is the Billy Brook Tatum, Mrs. L. S. Thompson and for knockabouts, leading Lloyd E. ROAST CUTLET trophy presented by Mrs. L. L. White Mra. Charles Wimpfhelmer. Ladies Course Fuller over the line by about a min- In memory of her. famous hunter. It ute, Sid Wain,- finishing last In a is for hunters that have regularly ROD AND GUN Off The Fairways field of three, came In about 6 min- hunted with the Monmouth county Record Broken utes behind Fuller. MoMahon started »23c. hounds. The H. L. Herbert cup isNew Trojan Team at 2:19, or 14 minutes after the other for the best polo pony. The feature By Mrs. Halper two boats. His time for the course Dixie Fancy Friday morning will be the breeding Pheasants raised at the State Game BY NIBLICK. was 1 hour 16 minutes and 62 sec- classes. There is also a new out- Scores First Win 'arms at Forked River i.nd Rock- Swimming River. onds. Fuller's time was 1 hour 17 side course which haa caused much ort and liberated throughout NewScores 82 at Swimming River to minutes and 17 seconds. Wain's time BACON favorable comment by those who Over Norwich Nine ersey will furnish much sport for Records broken! First the heat. was 1 hour 23 minutes and 9 seconds. FOWL have seen it. Break Record Formerly Held It *ure was hot, and then Allco Irving Rlker won the snipeboat censed hunters next fall when the comes along and breaks the course The entry list is eaid to be very Strong Woodbridge American pland game season opens on Novcm- by Mrs. J. Joseph Connor-— event; beating John S. Poor, John Ige size lb large. Among those who will ex- jer 10. record for ladles, cutting a strok Mulhorn and "Irving Jackson. Poor, hibit are Mrs. W. Warren Barbour, Legion Team Represent* Red Commissioner Lewis Spinks, of Has 3 Birdies and 7 Par Holes. off Millie's previous record. Expect however, entered a protest, claiming wife of the senior senator from New to see one of our ladles break 80 that he had been fouled by Rlker. Bank at Trojan Field—Win ilghland Park, chairman of the soon. Wonder,who? . Jersey; Miss Jean Altschul, Miss Opener, 10 to 6. jame Farm Committee of the State Week-end golf at Swimming River Donald Asay, sailing his Teal, was Grocery Specials Doris Aslel, Miss Mildred Beckmann, ish and Game Commission, today Country club was resumed thte week the only entrant in the bird class. He Mrs. Helen R. Benson, Mrs. George announced that 25,000 pheasants when Mrs. Samuel Halper, who came Understand Bill tried to steal Sam- sailed the course for points, crossing 36c lb. The Woodbridge American Legion son Johnnie's stuff Sunday, but the June Dairy Tub Butter . M. Bodman.'Miss Pamela H. Book- nine, representing Red Bank at Tro- aised at the game farms, will be setwithin one stroke of tying the course ho starting line at 4:30 and finishing 93 Score man, Harry G. Borden, Mrs. J. Wright ree between. July and September in record for ladies a week ago, broke tree withstood hii efforts and is stil! tho one lap at 5:08:32. jan field, in their first local appear- standing erect. - Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. Walter ance Sunday afternoon defeated a all sections of tho state. Game war- the record held by Mrs. J. Joseph Allaire had llttlo trouble In winning Campbell's Baked Beans 2 can..** lie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Norwich, Connecticut, club, 10 to 6. It [ens will begin actual distribution Connor by 1 stroke. She scored an the sneakbox claBs. The most excit- Quinn, Miss Muriel Cleland, Martin .bout July 15. 82. Playing with her were Mrs. Cdn- Better wait until the weather cools ing finish of tho day was between 4 was the flret victory at Red Bank for ; for your next wrestling match, Bob, L. Cohn, 3d, Mrs. Martin L. ,.Cohn, Joe "Toby" Bartos, who last year New methods of breeding pheas- nor, William Leddy and Edwin Mc- boata for second place In this event Green Circle Peaches cans for 29c Mrs. Arthur Cowen, Major C. E. ,nta through electrical incubation in Dermott. and then you won't have to buy The Worthley brothers finished 8 tea- pitched the Woodbridge team to 18 Johnnie a new shirt. SLICED or HALVES Davis, Miss Medeleina Eager, Miss straight victories. Ever} Trojan nat- the recently constructed brooder Mrs. Connor played steady golf and onds In front of Rullman, who wa* Mary Eager, Essex Troop horse show ter got 1 or more hits and all scoredhouse at the Forked River State turned in 7 pars, 3 birdies and played 5 seconds across the Una before Llp- SPECIAL ! team, MoseS' W. Faltout, Miss Doro- runs except George Bandies. In theGame Farm has enhanced the local Just can't keep Bowler Joe out o plncott. The latter breezed In fourth. 8 holes 1 over par. She had 32 putts, this column. Sunday he and CharlU Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only thy Fessler, Mrs. M. Robert Guggen- fourth inning 10 men came to bat and supply of the game birds at reduced Including 4 one-put greene and 14 just 3 seconds ahead of Hance. Th* heim, Ferdinand Flelschmann, W, H. tallied 5 runs with the aid of a 5-oi; costs to •portamen, CommlBsloner played in the a. m. and Charlie won. summaries: two-put greens. Her score is as fol-After lunch I saw him Instructing Foales, Mrs. Harry Frank, Jr., Miss barrage. Spinks said.. The new system of ows: KNOCKABOUTS. SUGAR ...... 5cu,. Elaine Joan Freldberg, Miss June Charlie in that famous cut shot iroedlng pheasants was placed irf-ef- Tar out - Illlfill 4—<2 Start—2:05 p. m. Goldman, Miss Jean Guptll, Andrew Frankie Jost, former Pennington 'ect last year. his. After that—well its a long story Pilot • Finleh Tlma Full Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Prep school star, now attending Man- Mr«. Hnlper 56.5«566« 4—45 Hurry T.. McMahon _ 8:8n:o3 W. Stout, Mr«. Herbert N. Straus, Like other branches of the State —Joe won In the p. m. round. hattan college, led his teammates Par In 44434364 S—84—76 Lloyd E. Fuller - 8:22:17 Open Until Noon on Sundays. Edward K. Straus, Mr. and Mrswit. h 3 hite out of 4 tries, his tripleFish and Game Department, the Sidney J. Wain 8:28:09 Louis Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln game farms are conducted without Mra. Hnlper.... 51348455 4—37—82 Did you notice Frank sitting I SNIPES. ' Unlermeyei, His.; Woodward Victor, In the seventh Inning, orje at the long- The second round for the Dr. the earner of the cluhhouse- all b Start—2:23 p. m. est hits of tile game, scoring Zilal cost to the taxpayers, being supported IrTlEj - Itlkcr .-»..:. ;...'....:. ai&BiflO Mrs. Raymond G. Woolfe, Miss Cor- solely by income from sportsmen's James VanNontrand trophy- woo himself with all that paper on th John S. Poor .: 4:2»:00 nelia Park Woolley, MIsa Cynthia Frank Mokojraki, heavy-hitting cen- played with the following men turn- floor? Did you know what he wa: John Mulhorn —.. 4:86:811 terflelder, and Bartos are the only licenses. Malcolmn Dunn, superin- Irving Jackjon 4:42:48 Clews Wrightson and Master Wil- tendent of the State Game Farms, is Ing in totals for two rounds: William figuring? No. Well, I'll tell you. H former Trojan player* on the new Halleran 125, Joseph Menzzopane 13S, BIRD BOATS. liam Ylvlsaker, Master Amory L. team. Art Manuel of Keyport, for- considered one of the outstanding was figuring what Junior's share o: Start—4i30 p. m. AGAIN! Haskell, Jr., Miss Anne T. Haskell, game experts in the country. The Guy Rlcndale, Sr., 138, W. S. Chap- the public debt would be when h Donald Anay ..... 8:08:82 mer Keyport A. A star, has been man 138, Howard Haik 140, J. Joseph SNEAKDOXES. Miss Hope Haskell, Miss Isabelle posted at short. game farm at Forked River com- reaches the age of six months, am Start—4:30 p. m. Haskoll and Ml3s Margaret Haskell, The box score: Tisee 537 acres while the Rockport Connor 142, Alex Wilde 143, Charles the answer 1B, according to Frank'i Chnrlen Allairo .— 8:08:86 The equine smash hit of last year Miss Audrey Hasler, Miss Marjory Farm contains 369 acres. Schneider 145, Allan Huntlngton 15*, figures, $753.63. Worthley Bron. 6:08:80 RED BANE. Edwards Rullman . . 6:08:88 Hasler, Bryant Henderson, Miss The pheasant has become a large Guy Rlchdale, Jr., 156, Pete Burns ABS H PO A 156. Rod Lipplncott 5iO8l4« Mary Hilson, Miss Anno Huber, Miss Mitroka,, 2b. 6 111 [actor in supplying sport for licensed Ask Johnnie how he likes the trap; Borden Hnncs ...... 5:08:46 Catherine Hubcr, Howland B. Jones, GGerekk , rf. -.._..f. .... 2 1 1 2 Mew Jersey hunters each year. The The ladies' tournament for the at Forsgate. Edward Davla 5:10:08 J. h. Kemmerer, Miss Helene ZilZilall , lbb . .... 6 2 2 2 Schneider trophy continued with the Iluckey Mend 6:11:18 JoBt lb. .... « 9 eason is closed on the female pheas- Donald Hubbard 6:18:10 THE SECOND ANNUAL Keuncke, Miss Muriel Leopold, James Mokowskl, cf. I int in order to insure continued nat- following taking part: Mrs. Samuel You fellas want to look out. Taki Onborn Ilroi 5:18:S0 W. Mahoney, Mrs. Robert Mertens, Manuel. ». "~ « 1 ural propagation of the beautiful Halper, Mrs. J. Joseph Connor, Mra. a peep at the results of the drivln Barbara Sayre _ 6:17:55 Bandici, II. 6 1 Jack Rohrey, Mrs. Chester Alberts, Master Robert Morton, Miss Susan Kinncy, c. 1 birds. Augmented each year by a contest the ladies had Tuesdaj The sneakbox class did not atart 4 Mrs. Drusella Baird, Mrs. Alice Rob- (Neuberger, E. Gaddls Plum, Miss Ilnrtoj, p. :._...... t 0 steadily increasing output of gamo There to one not listed because th< according to schedule due to the de- Leela Qulnn, Miss Deborah G. Rood, inson, Mrs. Jack Casey and Mrs. Pete layed races at Red Bank. Owing to IS 10 II 27 1 birds from the game farms, the sup- last one rolled out of bounds. Hai Mr. and, Mrs. W. B. Ruthrauff, Jo- ply of pheasants in the state this year Burns. Mrs. Casey and Mrs. BurnB this one counted, Allco R. woulc the late start, the course was cut to seph 1 Saks, Mrs, M. Robert Gug- NORWICHI.. had scores of minua 2',i while tho one lap, Instead of two. AB R II FO Ala expected to surpass that of pre- have averaged three drives 192. Sorm genheim, Miss Phyllis Saks, Mrs. K.Buchrcr, If...... 6 0 0 leaders turned In plus scores. Lincroft Charity vious open seasons. hitting, eh! The judges were aboard Commo- B. Schlcy, Theodore Seltzer, S. M. Stritnl, > 8 2 10 Charles Schneider and William dore Hitchcock's boat. Mortimer Van- Wahl, lb. p. > a i « Halleran wcro tied at 1 up in tho Stewart, Alexander Stokes and W.Kreppeln. . ,- c( . 8 0 2 t Stewart VanVllet and hie son Here's one for the books, Sautor patroled the course. Standley Stokes. match play against par. Joseph Won. c. a i i » Stewart, Jr., cf Shrewsbury fished president, Joe, hit one off the During tho balance of the season, Unit, 3b. ..._ 4 0 0 2 the surf near Belmar over the Menzzopane, J. Joseph Connor and a warning gun for races will be fired Rufus C. Finch, for many years M. MullinB, rf. lb. p. 4 0 2 4 Edwin McDcrmott were tied for sec-and it landed In the tee box on th Rltdlinier, 2b. 6 0 13 week-end and caught 30 weakllah at 1:55 p. m. Tho now schedule, a* F. H. of the Monmouth county ond honors. Mrs. Alice Robinson won 16th. Whon Joe found his ball there hounds, and one of tho founders of Oehme. p. 2 0 0-*' and one fine striper. Of course, were two turtles In the pall, and be-described by Edward O. Walder, sec- HORSE SHOW Kinling, r( 2 0 11 the ladles' medal play with handicap the horse show, is tho new president both father and son used light fresh retary of the club, will be as follows: water tackle, they never having tak- when she turned In a card of 103lieve it or not they were having a and chairman. Amory L. Haskell the 14 • t 24 1 game of water polo with tho presi- Warning gun for race* at 1:55 p. Summary: Errora—Manual. Btritxel en to the more heavier tacklo used with a 33 handicap for a net score m. First 4 minutes after prepara- (Licensed by the American Horse Show Ass'nX present M. F. H., and also a well- of 70. ' dent's ball. known horsemen in America, re- Lang. Kuna batted In—Manuel 2, Joit by the majority of surf anplers. tory gun for each class, a red flag Kinney, Bandici, Mokonakl, ZUai, Kre A driving contest was held as a will bo flown; this flag to be lowered mains secretary and treasurer. Her- pein 8. Rledllnsrcr 2. Earned rani—R< Ah! Its too d hot. I think I Hank 8, Norwich 6. Three-hue hita—Jor Joe Mori of Red Bank took a party feature for the afternoon with 8 as tho last minute befora starting bert E. Ingram la tho new recording balls. The clnes A con .eat was wonclose this column. See you subse- secretary, while William S. Blitz re- Two-baie tilti—Mokow«kl. Manuel. Bandlei of fishermen out with him In his boat gun la recorded In a 60-sccond startr at LINCROFT FARM Kreppein. Stolen baiea—Gerek and Joal by MrB. Connor with drives that quently. mains the aslstant secretary. Double pluyi—Birtot to Manuel to Joal Sunday and they returned with more ing class. Starting gun for one class Left on bates—Bed Bank 12, Norwich 11. than 200 porglc3 and fluke. One of totaled 403 feet, Mrs. Arthur Breslln Is also preparatory gun for next Those who have taken boxes are Strike-on:.—nj Wahl 2. Baaei on balls— tho latter weighed five pounds and was second with 451 feet and Mrs. class. MT. and Mrs. John L. Kemmerer, O(T BartDS 10, off Oehras 4, off Wahl Rumson Again off Mulllm 1. Hit.—Oft Bartoe 9. _ they also caught a four-pound blut- Halper third with 445 feet. Mrs. First class, knockabouts, prepara- Lincroft. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Butler, Mr. flsb. Mori's guests included Sam and Balrd won the class B contest with and Mrs. George \V. Bodman, Mr. Oehme 6. off Wahl 6. Wild pitehea—Ba: tory gun 2 p. m., starting gun 2:06 toe 2, Oehme 1. Umplree—Phelan Patsy Colosslmo, Tom de Palma and drives that totaled 370 feet. Downs Byrons p. ,m.; second clasB, blrdboats, pre- and Mrs. Nowcombe C. Baker, Mrs. Bennett _ George Ross. Bertram H. Borden, Mr. and Mrs.- In the two-ball at-ball club cham- paratory gun 2:05 p. m., starting gun the E»tnte of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaiser William E. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. pionship tournament Mrs. Robinson 2:10 p. m.; third class, sneakboxes, Pier fishing at Long Branch is get- and Mrs. Balrd defeated Mrs. ConSecon- d of Four-Game Series preparatory gun, 2:10 p. m., starting Dexter BlnRdcn, Hon. Abram I. El- WPA Ping Pong Team ting much better, with many more Won by Rumion A. C, 8 to Run 2:15 p. m.; fourth class, inldgets kus, Francln J. Arend, Mr. and Mrs. nor and Mrs. Cilndys Eichcle, 2 and Defeats Union Beach weakflsh being caught. A few por-1, In the semi-finals. S—Vidnanski and Rankin comets, preparatory gun 2:15 p. J. Lewis Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin gies but a great many klngflsh are starting gun 2:20; fifth class, Stewart, Mr. and Mm. Snmuol Rikcr, Lead in Hitting. A ping pong team, representing the being caught at this favorite spot for nipes, preparatory gun 2:20 p. m., Saturday and Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ford Johnson, Mrs. salt water anglers. tnrUng gun 2:25 p. m. L. L. White, Mr. and Mrs. Amory Red Bank WPA Community Center, Bergenites Lose The second In the scries between Thursday defeated a Union Beach It was also announced that tae L. Hnnkcll, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus C. Capt Lewis Mount took the fishing the Rumson A. C. and tho OllvorIOW cock-of-the-walk pennants, will Finch, Mr. rind Mrs. George. V. Coe,team at tho old Shrewsbury avenue To Amboy Tigers Byron A. A. of Long Branch, llko Bchool, 4 to 2, The matches were boat, Big Dipper, out from Bennett's the first, was won by tho former ready for the winners of next JULY 25th and 26th, 1936 Mrs. L. 8. Thompson, Mrs. J. Amory played under the supervision of Pat Service station In Highlands Satur- wcek'n events. Thero will bo five In HaRkell, Mr. ami Mra. Manton B. day and brought back 1,200 pounds of The West Bergen baseball clflb Sunday afternoon at Rumaon. Tho all, nil different In color, nnd the win- Vaccarelll, and tho scorekeeper and played n nlp-and-tuck gamo Sunday score was 8 to 8. Hits were plen- Metcalf, Mr. anil Mn. F. C. Tatum, refereo was Dan Palone. A return blue fish caught off Asbury Park. ners In each clnss will have tho right for the benefit of charities Mr. and Mrn. Wilbur E. Ruthrautt, with the South Amboy Tigers on thetiful, the Rumsonltes making 10 off o fly thorn until defeated. At the match will be played today at Union Hod Bank field on Newman Springs Bauer and McHugh, who alternated Mr. iind Mrn. J. Wright Firown, Mr. Beach. The first striped basa to he caught nd of tho season, tho owner* of th« anil Mrs. Kilwaro C. Fiedler, Mr. nnd n the Naveslnk river this season, an road and lost, 4 to 3. Parislil,, pltch on the mound for Long Brunch, find xmtn hnvlnu tho greatest number ot Mrs. Krn«»t A. Smith, Mr, nnd Mrs. Tho summaries: far aa tho records show, In ono IriK for r Hnl l BaBankk, allowell d the vlsl- the latter collecting 11 orT Wally points will win permanent poiseailon Honry A. Cacmir, MIR. H. I. Rlker, Jack Stubbi of Red Bank defeated Vic- hooked Sunday by Earl Bnttcrsby of torn ID himI.I, . TiFTII m bo• x Bcoro: ••M«J Koneskl, who went tho full routo of them. The colors will be as fol- tor Rroii, 21-18, 10-21. 21-ls. for Rumnon. PARKING SPACES or SEATING BOXES Mr. nnd MIH. 1J. J. Barry, Kmlllo SummonU of R«d Bank defeated Red Bank. He wna fblilng nimr the IlKD DANK. lows: new Highlands bridge nnd brought An n "Shorty" Vidnanski and Rankin John S. Applcgutn, Mrn. W. D. Victor Levlne, 21-11, 18-21, 21-12. m, rf Jack Hill of Union Beach deflated k\ In a nix-pounder. 4 0 were batting stars for Rtimson, eacV Dlrd bo«t»—HhiB (laid with whlta eook- NOW ON SALE Itcllly, Mm. J. 0. Tlmnlnt, Dr. Er-Ion«e Ti.malne. 21-16, 11-10. oMIio-wnlk. neut KuhiiFHtock, Mr. and Mrs. Thom- I'ftlnmlrn 'I. i-b...... _,...._.. 4 making three hits In four trips to :inc»khnx«i—Tied fl»Id wllh whlt« coc*. John Natala of Ited Hank defeated Vle- l'niilnt!ri>, n, 3 b, ... • a the plate. Rnnkln connected for n as K. Mef!firler, Mr. and Mra. An-lor Durnor. 21-18. 18-J1. Sl-B. I.. Karli'y ,1 % Pit Murauikoa of Union Beach defeat- Mahoney To Pitch if...... L™!~'. 4 home run and a triple, The scoro: Knockabout!—White fl«lr1 with r«d cock. y drew V. Stout and Mrs, Kdward IC. "ran. i;- of-tlin-wBlk. . , , ed Pat Vaccarelll. 21-11. lf-21, 21-1 A. Start at The Swimming River Country elub PRODUCE ichool atar, allowatf tiw rl»|tori only feat! Washed Away by Victory the Los Aagalei youth, who recently Bat With 4 Hits. took three games from Ith» Shrews- Victory in Eastern Polo hits ID tk* flnmea's Uafus (am*. conquered him In the finals ot the bury Dairy and the Smoke Shop Ths bos teora: national day court championship, 8-3, won two out of three from the Rec- LMSIM — Monmouth County Pete Simpson's two-base blow In M, 7-C. The Fair Haven Koblns blanked LRTLS OLVSat. the Rumson V. C, e to 0, Sunday reation team. GROCERIES Country Team Lo*ei. the eighth Inning, searing Conk and On Tuesday of next week the At* nrp A - Peterson, broke a 6-6 deadlock and Detpit* thi fact that Parker nad afternoon at Fair Havea. "Bed" I. Aaiteltlno, Ib. ..—.. been decisively trounced by Illggs 3 Kerr, toeing the rubber for Fair Smoke Shop tavern bowlers will op- enabled the Leonardo Field club to pose the AcerraBakery.Leddy & Bon A ons-polnt handicap given tb« iamnumd, M. -~—- score lt* first victory of the season weeks ago, the match wu alwayo well Haven, allowed but 1 hit, a single Tort Hamilton pololiti sptllad dfr- Sweat, p. In favor ot Parker, except In the will bowl the Swimming River Coun- •oobe, rf. —• bv*r the Naveslnk Field club Bunday by Soden, Rumson backstop. Only .Scree thU tlellclout lea—ICED! fs«t for tfa* Monmouth County Weaver, Ik. at Leonardo. It was a bitterly fought third set when the California lad led,two Rumsonltes were able to reach try club and the Shrewsbury Dairy Country olub trio Sunday aftarnooa •M4t, lb. contest from start tb finish, many H before Parker rallied towi n at third. The Fair Haven hurler also will clash with the Recreations. whan they dropped their Ont (anw HI, «. •N5. had a perfect day at bat, getting 4 CEYLON TEA nalder, cf. close decisions being argued at STANDING OF THB TEAMS. In the EuUrn Polo league. Wblls hits In 4 trips to the plate. IIS * it I length, Leonardo, previously humbled Throughout the match Parker W L PA the Batontown team wu bilng de- tl chose to outstetdy his opponent and The Robins got off to & flying Acerra Bakery ., !2 5 <7(.17 1,097 OL bv ^favasink Jumped Into a two-run finoka Shop Ta.varn.22 E X8.2S 1,078 feated on their home Held the Ever' H TO A lead In the first frame, Egidlo led force him Into countless errors, rath- start when in the opening, frame Shrewsbury Dalry....ll 14 884.21 1,077 green Farms team, also r»pre«ent- HIIDaMlsjfJ, If« •••• off with a double. Redden was thrown er than play a brilliant, smashing, all- they scored 8 runs on 3 hits, a walk gwlmmlns River ....12 15 8BS.S 1.6 IS Ing Katontown, wai winning over IcOuhln, 3b. and an error. They also sent men Manual, aa* ...- out by Simpson, but Lohsen got a court game. :..::. :...: :..•....'.. . JI- the Flnt Division quartet at ^" pane, «. ...-..- home-run into deep center field. Two Parker's victory made it his 1th aoross the rubber In the second, Bed Bank Ktcrei... 5 22 8tt.ll Hamilton, 7 to 4. The Eatontown Javsananl. ap. more runs In the fifth Inning, one Inconsecutive win In the annual tourna- third and seventh Innings. Three TEN LIADINd BOWLERS. IDEAL BRAND-New England StyU 0 AVE KS loore was 9 to 8. rettar, •'. .— the seventh and two in the eighth ment. As a result, he has gained the double plays, two of them unasslst- 204.18 2(7 Cmihlon, lb.' ,....»-... Dllllone .' 27 202.t 247 Captain Robert DuUney led the latthtwa, yi ...-— gave the winning margin by a soore first leg on the new bowl, which was ed, were fielding features of the L. Acerra. —_.— , •• IS game. The score: 201.18 2S1 BAKED BEANS Army pololita throughout the six Taylor, rf. ...—«.... of 7 to 0. given by Clifford Kemphill, and must Taylor „_. 200.( 240 cbukkers when he scored 4 of the 8 D«fsn, rf, ...—..•. be won S years for permanent pos- FAIR HAVEN. TutUt 196,11 Z<» Augustine, pitching for Leonardo session. AB R H PO A itryker 193.18 2«7 goal*. The Fort took the lead In the 4 it ia • Qropma, aa 6 0 0 0 4 231 opening chukker by pushing through had the visitors shut out with only 2 J. A«erra , 192.22 hits for the first 1 Innings, but In Rifgs, however, returned to the 4a4fe. 8b. B 1 8 0 Horrla .... 242 i goala and hit a scoring spres In B. Igeland, lb. . 6 12 8 Decker ...... 189.14* 28S the fifth frame a hit batsman, court, and pairing with hit California A. Eieltnd, c. S 1 1 8 169.13 246 the third obukker when they got 4 Towners Beaten partner, Wayne SablD, defeated' an- Roberta more and held the Katontown team singles a.nd an error gave Naveslnk Hratr, ef. 5 10 2 4 runs. Na.VMlnk picked up another other pair of CalKomtans, Robert Un- Ktracnner, Jfc. » 1 1 e to only 1. derwood and William Heward, who P. Zrclsnd, rf. . 10 10 BEECH-NUT COFFEE .,,,„„„ By Atlas Club In the seventh, but In the last two Arnone, If, 10 10 24c It wai George Oliver who tied the Augustine set them down In order. hold the Eastern Intercollegiate Croat, rf. 4 0 0 0 0Boys' Tennis Finals •core In the last chukker and mad* doubles crown, 10-S, 4-«, 8-4, 7-9. Un-Kerr, » * 1 4 2 1 Red Bankm Bow to Long Egidlo of Leonardo w&* the lead- derwood and Reward had previously Here Saturday IDEAL BRAND PEAS wSB 2 ?29« the game one of the moat entertain- Ins; batsman with two singles and a <0 C 18 !7 10 ing thii year. The team wofk, of Branch Colored Nine, 10 to 7 upset Parker and Hall In the semi- double. Anderson with two safe hits finals. RUMSON. FRANCO-AMERICAN Oliver, Charlie Cuahman and T. A. —Two Attempted Rod Bank at four times at bat led the visitors. ABB H PO A The finals of a boys' tennis tour, SPAGHETTI Bradley, with Adam Glmbel playing The summary: Thoiaen, p. .... : 4 0 0 0 1nament on the municipal courtB are In the baok petition, won 8 goals In Rallies Fail. 8»d.U, 0, 2 0 15 0 expected to be played Saturday morn- \AI14EATIFC WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES the laat ohukker. It wu the Fort's NAVESINK. Little Silver Nine Parmly, II. ,— 4 0 0 1 SIng at 10 o'clock. IV n CaTt I IE«7 7H£ BSEMFASr OF CMMPIONS 2Pl,21c AB R H PO A LlBlonda, of. 4 0 O 9 0 1 goal handicap that gave them the Tbt B«d Bank Townera m«t their Mohr, If > 0. a Sealio, If 0 0 0 0 0 In the second round Billy Hager- ASSORTED viotory. Waterloo Sunday afUrnonn wbenthe Anthony, ai 4 0 0 Second In League Soule, rf. . 0 0 0 2 man defeated Edward Klslln, 6-2, 6-2; HEINZ SOUPS 2C.25C Atlas elub of long Branch emerged Anderaon, e. .. 4 0 6 Sttvana, lb. 4 0 0 e 0 10 i"r«no««, rf, It. 2 0 O 1 0Julian Hexter defeated Fred Corn- Sunday, July 26, the Monmouth vlotcrlous, 10 to 7, in a hard-fought Cittiralla. lb. 4 0 Charlie Crawford, pitching for the stock, 6-0, 8-8, 6-2; Gordon Forbes de- THE GRANULATED SOAP County Country club pololuU wll Smith, !b 2 0 2 MeLauihlln, «b. 4 0 0 2 1 RINSO U» it lor DJihet-aml Brighter, Whiter clothes! 1 content on McOaskav field. Ths col- K. Tully, it. ....= 11 0 0 Little Silver firemen, shut out Wana- Emnoni, tb. 8 ,0 O 4 2feated Richard Matthews, 6-2, 6-2, and meet the Governor ! Island team at ored olub gathered IB hits off Augus- J. Tully, cf 4 111 massa Tuesday night on the latter's 27 0 1 24 1 Alex Hamrnell defeated Ernest Bosky, 'f If* AQETTCC cHEsranEij),c«iEu cartoo of Governor's Island, while Fort Jay tine, Bad Bank hurler, while being Slmpion, 8b 4 218 4 diamond to move Into second place 6-1, 6-L will play the Evergreen Farms four Poat, p „ _ 4 1 10 0 S«ore by lnnlnsi: ^IwnKE I I Ed LUCKY STRIKE, OLD COID Upadu held to 9 blows by Jaok Trost, who In the County Firemen's baseball Rumson OOO000OD 0—0 In a semi-final match, Forbes de- at Eatontown. unlike his name, was as "Hot" as the !i I III 1 league. Crawford allowed the Wana- feated Hammell, 6-2, 6-1. Hagerman IDEAL PEACHES aourmi NO'%.,23C The line-ups: Fair Haven 3 110 0 0 10 x—I rOMBluY BEVERAGES ( day. LEONARDO. maesa firemen only i hlta. Fort Mon- Errors -Qrooma, McLaugblln 2, Farmly, and Hexter will play the other semi- JAMS or JELLIE5 «MKS. ,„• ,.,1OC Ft. Hamilton Mon. Co. C. C. The Townsrs Jumped to the front AB B H PO A mouth has withdrawn from the Bt«vene. Rune battad In—A. Effeland, P. final match today. BEVERAGES "SSS? , te'lOc No. 1.. Capt R. Vulinty 0. Cuibmnn Ejrldlo, Jf 18 0 0 league; Egeland, Madge, Arnone, Kerr. Three^baae TOMATO JUICE mri in uru TV.HMt. No. 2 Oipt. 0. Waatlund .T. Bradley In the Initial frame, soorinjr 3 runs. R*4den, lb. 0 hit—Arnone. Sacrifice—fioden. Double SPARKLING WATER HT'IO* No. I Lt. John Wtll«c«..,.O. OUver.Jr. The Alia* team struck back In \he Lohaen, c. ... 2 The score: playi—Emmona to Stevena, McLaughlln MIOCO i%i FREEZE ««.,.. ,IA,... ,,.12c Back Lt. W. Saekman A. Olmbal Conovor, cf. 0 23c top-seeded entrant, Bunday mottiln N. Aackettlno, lt>. Atlas Field club. W. Glaiaford, Ib. ._ 2 defeated Harold Potter In the finals Oentll., rf. H. Glut ford, ». ... STANDING OF THE TEAMS FRANKFURTERS or BOLOGNAS am ,25c of the much postponed VanVliet Ju!L (reel, «. ... 4 tennla tourney, after an hour's Jaooba, rf* 0 » 15 7 1Community Center Ms.ri, If. Men's Tourney Wait Barges A. C. . struggle under a broiling aim, 8-2,Oentll., If. Texiia A. C. ..._ ^Community j WEAKFISH 12c HADDOCK 17c M, M. Hammond, ef, "N^w Student Pilots. Garruto'a Clothiers „. Augustine, p. To Start Monday Blv«r Street A. O. .. This gives the Major a second ]ej Several new student pilots are re-Galatro & Oalatro . on the cup, which must be won WeiUld. J Barber Shop] SWEET CALIF. PLUMS ceiving Instructions at Bed Bank air- A times for permanent posseialon. Joh The Red Bank men's singles and port under the supervision ot Jack Globe Petroleum ...... _.—...n,.—..•.. 5 Z61 SHREWSBURY AVE., Hlgglns also holds two legs on thi doubles tournaments will open on F. Casey, head pilot, and William f RED BANK cup. Lewie the municipal tennla courts Monday Parrish, Instructor. The new students Awarded Flying Licenses. ORANGES'. 13 25cCELERY X. Brown, »b. evening under the supervision of While Potter played a steady match, Golden. Ik. ..._, Include William Casey, nephew of the Percy West of Rumson made a trip £ Hair cut and shave 50c' Major VanVliet was superior from Dantldfe. ss, Harold Potter. Entries are being airport manager, and youngest stud- last week to Garden City, Long Is- Jeflrt.i, Jb. ... celved by Mr. Potter at the tennla I Men's and Ladies' LEHUCE susetrassnas each* the back court, and hie frequent sal- Wilnrlfht, it. ent in this vicinity, and E)«ro David' land, where he passed a teet for lies to the net many times caught Ludlow, ef. . courts. son of Deal, Henry Carr of Keyport transport pilot's Iloense. Stanley Her- Meat, FUh, Fruit & Vegetable Prices Effective July 16th, 17th and 18th, Only Potter out of position. w. Brown, e. „. 5 Hair cut 35c Froit, p. ._ So far 20 single entries have been Royse Kalelgh of Asbury Park, Ben- bert of Harbertsvllla also made tile Potter was at his beat In the thin received. About 10 doubles teams jamin and Bertram Tapper of Aebujy trip and was awarded a commercial Children's 25c set, In which he won 3 games. 4« 1* lt 17 If are expected to participate. Park and Peter Kahn ef OeaL pilot's license. 95 ^ROAD STREET, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE

Guido Monmouth County announces Horse Show JT, i&ht p Member of American Horse Show Association, Inc. TO BE HELD ON Friday Evening, July 17th * The Thornton Farm ^j Adjacent to the In tht RUMSON COUNTRY CLUB MON PARIS ROOM RUMSON, N. J. of tht Thursday, Friday and Saturday Monmouth County Country Club July 16th, 17th and 18th at Eatontown, N. J. Classes include Three-Gaited Saddle Horses and Ponies, Five-Gaited Saddle Horses, Hunters Barry Wintori and His Orchestra and Jumpers and Polo Ponies. PRIVATE BOXES Benny Hano's Hawaiian Ensemble Boxes, seating six, for three days - $45.00 Daily Admission $1-00 \ Seat in Stand $1-00 Be Sure Not To Miss This Amusing PARKING SPACES For the three days, including admission of four occupants of Entertaining and Novel Program automobile • - - - - - $25.00 # ______FOR LOCAL CHARITIES TELEPHONE i EATONTOWN 300 RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1986. and Mrs, J. S. Hoffman. OB Satur- her mother, Mr«. Benjamin Outtornv Nature." The Mrmoo. topio, Buaday Port Monmouth. Leonardo. sen, have returned home alter »p»n,d- evontof will be "Maday WaMn." The IN CHAHCt|lV'Vr%w JUttElf; "1 Commuters' Case Atlantic Highlands. day the visitors, accompanied by- JOHH I. ailiUJ. HOWARD X, 1U«rt Jir«ntaa.) Mr. and Mrs. Tony Moeller and meeting will be held Wednesday J. L.mbnrf and k. Kata.) children ot Hlghtatown have been evening at 8 o'clock. The Woman's RUBBER SHOE COMPAMr. hutpin-l The fight between North Jersey Canneld hotel. Mr. and Mr». George Fowler and Mr. and Mm. Clarence it Mowen Sirs. Edith liulck left Friday on a An electric sign has been Installed visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard. Missionary society will m«et Tours- shore commuters and the Pennsyl- trip to California. their daughter*, Evelyn and Carol, of have attended the Centennial Expo- Mrs. Wallace Macintosh le enjoy- day afternoon, July 23, at 3:30 GharlM Kaplan, d«e«a«adi IHB PKfl.- . vania rallroed over payment of sup- oy William Lee in front of the Ital- Flemington were recent gueata of sition at Dallas, Texas, and witnessed SYLVA.NIA COMPANY VOti IN8UB- Mr. and Mrs. C. Well« of New an-American restaurant owned by ing a vacation of two weeks from o'clock. ANCB ON LIVES AND ANNUITIES,! plemental fares between Manhattan York have reopened their dimmer Mrs. Josephine Mills. a real cowboy rodeo at Stamford, her position at New York. body corporate, Substituted TrutUa i transfer and the Pensylvanla station..home, "Bridge House," on upper Mrs. Bessie De'Rosa. Mrs. Kathleen Cullen of Brooklyn Texas, on their trip West to Cali- Mlsa Marie Olvony of New York dir tha Will of Oharlea Kaplan: »£...,„ New York, was In the federal courts Tho Blind Men's home &t Leon- has moved ID bar summer bungalow fornia. They will probably, bo gone VDON'T MISS (IRIFl'IN and WILUAM 8. GBimN.i Mount avenue. rdo was decorated for the annual on Mills avenue for the season. most of the summer, Both Mr. andspent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. lior hmband, and THEIR HEIRS, 1>BJ| yesterday. ._ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dundore of Arthur Rieman. Methodist Harvest Home The railroad eued two men In Jcnlc last week by J. S. Hoffman. Mm. William Hamberger ot Bay-lira. Mowen are teachers In Mon- VISEES and PERSONAL REPRISES-! Jackson Heights were week-end The committee Is progressing with onna entertained relatives from Bay- mouth county, Mr. Mowen at the Mr. and Mre. Louis Hawley of New and Bazaar TA1IVK8I JOHN S. HILLS. HIS HBIIU3.1 United States District Court at Tren- guests of Miss Eunice Rogers. lans for tha mardi gras and bazar onne Sunday. Leonardo high school^ and Mrs. York spent Saturday and Sunday at ton asking J22.85 from Jacob Harris Edwin Banfleld has taken » po- o be given Thursday,1 Friday and Mrs. Cait Lee bad relatives from Mowen at Freehold. their Brevent Park home. on church lots, Brand Street, i)y vlrtune of an prtler of th* Court of of Deal andd New York, ononee of thesition as clerk in the Atlantic phar- Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien of Jersey ...iBiicery of New Jeney, mud* on the day loaders of the "no pay" drive, and $.27 laturday, August 6, 7 and 8. for theTeaneck at her home Saturday and Mrs. Dorothy Bltwlnskl entertained AUGUST 7 - 8th of the date hereof, In a CIUH wherem froloaderm Murras o: y Orenstein of West End macy. enent of the Church of Our Lady Sunday. the Garden Apartment Bridge club City have rented the Guttormsen cot- Catharine VanZee, Sole Executrix of th* James Perkins of Hillside was over- r Perpetual Help. There will be Mrs. Harry Mason has friends tage on Viola avenue for the rest of SUPPER . M CENTS. Utt Will and Testament ot Aart VanZee. The railroad charges an extra ID come from the heat while working o< Bayonne with a luncheon and the summer, deceased, la complainant, and Sena Grif- nts for each trip between Manhat- lumerous attractions for young and from Jersey City visiting her. bridge at her home on Chamone ave- fin and others are defendants, you are re* cents for each tridp th Pennsylvania last week at Leonardo. After receiv- •Id. Two special entertainment fea- The members of the Ladles' auxil- nue Wednesday afternoon, July 8. Mrs. Mary Hughes is confined to Quired to appear and answer the hill of tan transfer and the Pennsylvania ing treatment he was taken home In ures will be an amateur program for iary ot the flre company gave a There were three tablet. the house with Ulr.eea. en Id complainant, on or before the S4ta station. A few weeks ago Harris, a :he ambulance of the Atlantic High- irizea and "The Auction Block." On kitchen shower for Miss Mary Fax- Mrs. Thomas of Jersey City Is Expert Repairing day of August, next, or the aald bill will refused lands first aid squad. Mfadamoa George Patterson, B. A. be taken at confessed agahut you. Newpa yYnr ank drea otherl estats aooe man joinen d hihimm. he ftna.1 night J20O will be awarded ton ot East Keansburg Tuesday night Saclaon, Sylvester Bltwlnskl, Harry spending the summer with her daugh- or Tiiu said bill 1« Aled, a mo nit other things, to Herman Weniell has bought a new m the co-operative plan, as follows: at Gibson's beach. The engagement Hughes, Rosemary Moran, Irving ter, Mrs. William Meyer. to foreclose A mortgage made by 0ena .wie only Immediate response of th Buick sedan from the Naylor agency. ;vo prizes of $50 each, two of $25of Hiss Faxton to Theodore Rich- John Oberle of Jersey City spent WATCHES, CLOCKS Griffin and William S. Griffin, her hus« companThe y was to have the conductors Jamea McNulty and family of New sach and 6 of $10 each. mond of Belford was announced a Teeple, M, Demarest and J. Greene the week-end with his mother, Mrs. band, to Aart VanZee, dated March 2«, note the names of those refusing and enjoyed their drat club game of 1904, on lands In the City of Long Branch, York have their yacht moored at The Monmouth Sportsmen's, club of ihort time ago. bridge for the summer at the home Louise Oberle. and JEWELRY New Jeraay, which mortgage la recorded to send bills at the end of each Sea Bright. Mrs. McNulty was for-this place won a shoot at Llncroft The Ladles' Aid society of Corn- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goertner, In Uook 294 of Mortgages, page 408, etc., month. These bills have been ig- of Mrs. Patterson on Thompson ave- Accuracy, skill and experi- and you, John S. Sills, Howard L, Bills. merly Miss Marlon Smith of Locust iunday. Harry Rubley and Nat unity'church will meet at the home nue, Thursday, July 8. who have been visiting Mrs. Edith Hanry J. Sills end J. Stanley Sllli, part- noroa. Point. rawley eacli broke 24 out of 2S, In f Mrs. Albert Courter next Tues- PJilllppI, have returned to their home ence enable us to do the ners trading aa John S. Sills ft Soni, art The Interstate Commerce commis- Mrs. Jameg Mulrenan of Brooklyn 50-blrd match Rubley broke '45, Don Mocksley the noted filer, and at Washington. made defendanta because you are the omn* ay. A quilt will be disposed of at Eddie Schneider, both ot New York, most delicate repairing. We era ot roctrd of a mortgage made by San- sion has been asked by counsel for is visiting her sister, Mrs, Ellen Mc- rawley 47, Dr. Wipf 40, William that time for the benefit of the James F. Hyllnd is seriously HI at guarantee satisfaction. Our dor Stein to Sena Orimn. dated January • . Harris to abrogate the supplemental Vey of First avenue. 'erry 36 and Fred Bedle 34. Mem-hurch. were visitors of Misa Helen Ruhnke his home. 20, 1008 In the sum of 1500 and akiiffneil ; j Jack McLaughlln, who is employed iers of the Highlands club will shoot at her home on Washington avenue prices will please you. to you by Bon a QrJffln by alignment re- j fare. Miss Sophie Kohler of New Tork Saturday, July 1. Arthur Ruhnke, who Is employed corded In Book 6B of Assignment* of ' I by the borough street department, .t South Amboy next Sunday, and lslted Mrs. John E. Bennett yester- at Liberty, New York, spent the Mortgagea at Freehold, page «Bj and you. M J BARBER SHOP AT LINCROFT. njured his arm last week at work. n Sunday, July 26, the Lincroft and ay. William A. Stelnlc, formerly dis- week-end with hla family here. Silverware Repaired I John S. Hills, your hefrs, devlaeea and •< An X-ray showed no broken bones, trict clerk of Mlddletovvn township personal representatives, are mad* cartlaa ', : louth Amboy clubs will shoot here. The township committee of Middle- Miss Mary Grey has returned home defendant because'1 you are the owners «' < Former Summit Man Rents Mrs. but the injury has been painful and Mr. and Mrs. R. Lukas of Eliza- .own township will make an inspec- school board, now of New York, after spending a few days with and Replated Like New record of a ahare of said Itut mentioned ", Sarah Boughton's Building. he has been unable to work. jeth are spending several weeks with tion of the roads of this locality this spent the week-end at his home on friends at Saratoga. mortgage 1 and you. The Beacon Faili • The walkathon has been closed and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mohr of Valley Center avenue. Rubber BhQb Company, body corporate. ' . EIo Monetti, formerly of Summit, evening. Mr. Muriel Bardewyck of Now REUSSILLES' aro made a party defendant because yi?u • Is now operating at Linden. itreet. Mrs. John E. Bennett will slog a Joseph J. Hyland Is seriously 111 York passed tho week-end with Mrs. hold a judgment of record against laador'[ will open a barber shop In the Lln- St. Agnes's carnival last week was olo at the New Monmouth Baptist 36 Broad St., Red Bank StoiX which moy be a Hen on the mort- • croft store owned by Mrs. Sarah at his home on Washington avonuo Frank H. Behrle. KAged landRi and you, John J. Towbln, are largely attended and the profits hurch Sunday morning. with arterlo sclerosis. ToL 1831. .Boughton and formerly occupied by amounted to $750. The awarding of Sea Bright. Mrs. Stevensen Is the owner of a mado a party defendant because you hold • Billy's Tavern . on Saturday. Mr. Miss Allda Grlflln of this place was Mrs. Margaret Hughes suffered a new Dodge sedan, ja Judgment of record against Louis I* ?50 on the co-operative plan took dmltted Saturday as a surgical pa- heat prostration during the extreme Stern, which may ba a Hen on th* mort- Monettl, a brother-in-law of Dan place Monday night Paul Weiss of (The Red Bink ReKliter can bt bougbt Sherman Ford left for Oklahoma gaged lands: and you, David Levlnaon* In Sea Bright from Morrii Weisman and lent at Rlverview hospital. hot weather but Is recuperating Friday to spend tho inmmcr, Executor under the Will of Charles Kip- ! Daverio, proprietor of Llncroft Inn, Bay avenue, Atlantic Highlands, won arry Werner.l Ian, deoeased, are mi do a party defandant formerly conducted a shop at Sum-$25; P. J. Mulroy of Maple avenue, Sunday the Port Monmouth Aces nicely for one at her advanced age Capt. Charles Mlelo had fishing becRUse you hold a judgment o< reeorA Assessor Walter J. Sweeney is mak- jlayed their fifteenth game of the She Is over B0. parties out Saturday and Sunday i|\ agatnat Jacob Stern which may be a lien- mit. . He has been in the business Leonardo, $10; "M. L. Wetzel of Leon- ng a rcsurvey of the borough, check- many years. ardo, }10, and D. Bergin of Bay ave- leason and won their eleventh vlc- Arthur Ruhnke, Jr., surprised.his hiB launch, Lady Luck. Good catchi. on tho piortgaged lands: and you, Penn- ng up on the ownership and lot ory by defeating a Red Bank nine, mother by a hurried visit of a few of porgles woro made both days. sylvania Company for Insurance on XJT*B Mr. Monetti and family are mak-nue, Atlantic Highlands $5. lumbers, in accordance with a mo- and Annuities, body corporate, Substituted to 5. Next Sunday the Aces will hours last week. He Is the official A daughter was born to Mrs. Rob-SAVE $lO.oo Trustee under the Will of Charles Kaplan, ing their permanent residence here John Ryan and George McVey are on passed at the last meeting of .lay the Leonardo Junior Field club photographer for Grosslngers at aro made & party defendant b»cat»* you on the top floor of Mrs. Boughton's having vacations from their positions he mayor and council. Mr. Swee- ert Holdsworth at Monmouth Memor- hold a judgment of record against Jaoob at Port Monmouth. Ferndale, New York, and came to ial hospital, Long Branch, last week. Stern which may be a lien on the mort- building? with the banking firm of Lehman .ey Btates that the check-up does Mrs. Harry Lockwood of Jersey New York to purchase a new camera BURod londa: and you, Sena Grlflln and m i » • Bros, of New York. iot affect in any way the ratablas, The subject of the sermon Sunday A MINUTE! Wllllnm 8. CrlfTln, her husband, and youf nd that tho work will necessitate _ity have beon spending a few daye but took time out to get his sister morning at tho Baptist church will reapoctlvo holrs, devisees and penontl rtp- with Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Lockwood, Helen'and motor from New York resontatlveB, are rondo partial defendant Oceanport. he making of a new tax map. be "The Tenderness of Jesus." The More than $80 to one Highlands. Ralph Mulford, Jr., injured his to see their mother here. theme of the Christian Endeavor becauRO you executed on* of the bonds a«- meeting will bo "Tho Divine Voice In hundred dollari can be oompanylng on* of th* mortgages belnf ^ lose last week when he was thrown Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith of High- Mlsa Catherine Guttormsen and saved later by spending foreoloaed and because of th* afortiaH (The Red Bank Regtaler can be bousM (The Red Bank Begliter can bo bought iff an aquaplane board while being mortgage made by Sandor Stern to Sena Highlands from 1 Greens&ao, Mr. ands were recent visitors at the 8 minutes MOW reading Orimn, dated January 29. 1908, 1» the In Oceanport at.the store of Callo Mails.) lowed In the river. home of Mr. and Mrs, William H. turn of (fiOO. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Worthley of Mulitor, Bedle'a drag ator* and Joaepb tRmen). Plenty of bluefish and big ones, Willett. Pemberton avenue have had as their The refunding bond Issue of :oo. The first big hauls of the sea- Mrs. Helen Kllcain of Swan Lake, guests Mr. and Mrs. Edward Worth- $580,000 has been approved by the New York, Mrs. Gertrude Kolb of Ta- ^^ ion were made Monday. Richard Special at THE Solicitor o mmXrf Gomnlalnant _ •ley and Mia3 Jean Worthley of New- mayor and council.-. On Tuesday, Rodney had high boat, with 1,430 coma, Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. one, 10 Broad Strott. E«d Bank, N. ti ark. Grandin V. Johnson, borough collec- pounds of bluefish. Tho smallest Norman Kolb of South Orange were ' Mrs. Joseph Withers of Main street tor, U. Grant Johnson, cl«rk, and haul of the day was over 900 pounds. recent gueflta of Mr. and Mrs. Roy RIGHT WAY TO IM CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY 13 visiting her sister, Mrs. John Kolb !harles Lomas, auditor, went to New Most of the fish weighed seven and Kolb. H. B. HARRISON'S To EDWIN FLOYD BORDEN, FLOJUCHCm of Newark. Mrs. Lloyd N. Sickles,York to sign the bonds. light pounds each. Miss Barbara Kemp of New York HEAT YOUR HOME" EORDEN and FANNY ELLSWORTH. Misses Ruth Sickles and Shirley Rid- By virtue of an order of the Court el- Ralph Sanborn was appointed a. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Schwartz and spent Sunday with Miss Edna Till. Chttncery of New Jereey. made on tb« day dleewar ankd Jw. Orrip n Sickles motored to ipecial officer without pay at Mon-son Robert of Newark were week- Edward Blancoe ot New York has Sinclair Service Station An amaxbiff modern of the date hereof* In a cati» wherein NewarAn antiquk wpe teMrsa whic. Withcroh wa. s sched- day night's meeting of the mayor method that gives you John V. Growell, substitution a ry adminis- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John been making a stay with his daugh- trator with the will annelid of William 0. uleAd to tbi e heltd Wednesday at the nd council. The application of Flchter. • . ter, Mrs. Joseph Till. MONMODTH and WEST STS., Tel. 642 BED BANK the lowest possible fuel Borden, deceased, li complainant and Ed- Oceanport church hall for the bene- Roger Bills for membership in the A special week of prayer at the Mrs. Henry Slover and daughter of cost, with every advant- win Floyd Borden, and others are defend- fit of the Ladies' Aid society of thBflre department was referred to the age of tt&fety, comfort, ants, you are required to appear and an* Methodist church will begin Sunday, CUffwood visited Mrs. William "" swer the bill of said complainant, on or church has been postponed. The date flre committee. Bills amounting to July 19. and will continue until Sun- Willett Friday. cleanliness and com- before the 2Eth day of August, next, or will be announced later. $5,856 were paid.' day, July 26. The purpose of the Mr. and Mrs. John Gross of New- ' Wash Job, Coat of Top Dressing, Touching up of pletely automatic opera- the said bill will be taken aa confessed Mrs. David Jones of Gooseneck The mayor and council will have week of prayer is to prepare the ark epent Sunday with Mr. Gross's tion. against you. . / Point was hostess at a lawn party hearing Wednesday, July 22, In all Rusty Spots, Door Handles, Radiator and The said bill Is filed to foreclose a cer- church for the grand mass meeting mother, Mrs. Amelia Gross. L FREE COPY IS YOUBS FOBtain mortgage given by George Edwin at her home Thursday afternoon. references to the licenses of the Bor- to be held July 26 when the matter Mr. and Mrs. David Sellarj of Jer- Bonlan to William H. Borden, dated Sep- Mrs. Jones's guests were members den and Tilton milk dairies. Tho of keeping open or closing the Nickel Work Polishing and First Class Simoniz- THE ASKING 1 tember 21st, 1604, on lands In the Bor- of the Oceanport auxiliary of the hearing of Policeman Howard A. sey City are spending the summer ough of Little Silver, formerly Townihtp church will be brought before the at their bungalow here. of Shrewsbury, In the County of Mon- Klverviow hospital and their friends. Johnson on charges made by Mayor church goers. ing Job on Coupes all for $4.00—Roadsters $3.50 mouth nnd State of New Jeney; and you, The lawn was gaily decorated with George W. Hardy will be held Fri- Miss Jewel Burke It visiting Mr. Edwin Floyd Borden, are made defendant bunting and colored lanterns and day, July 24. A party was given Tuesday night and Mrs. Thomas Burke. because you were the devlaee under the preceding bridge refreshments were In celebration of the 13th birthday At dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Last Wilt and Testament of Sarah Borden, Dr. Elbert M. Conover of the Meth. of William Doyle. It was held at Merritt Machine Shop deceased, and you have an Interest In said served. A special prize was won byodlst home mission, broad preached Kolb had for guests Mr. and Mrs. lnndfl and premises: and you, Fiorenct Mrs. Albert Woolley and table prizes, the home of hla grandmothers, Mrs. Thomas Campino, Mrs. O. A. Kolb, 24 MECHANIC ST. Rot den, are made defendant, because yon Sunday morning at the Methodlsl Frank Covert, Sr., of Beach street are the wife of George Edwin Horden, de- which were miscellaneous, were won church. He Is spending a vacation Mr. and Mts. John Gillette, Jr., and TEL. R, B, 322, BED BANK ceased, and you have a riant of dower In by Mrs. John Morrow*. Mrs. Clifford r Those present were Carl Pierce, Rob- Nowton Mallett. at Navesink. "Charting Our Course' ert Dllllone, Harry Betz, David John' said lands and premises, and you, Fannr Spoerl, Mrs. Edward Worthley, Jr., will be the sermon topic next Sundaj Sunday, July 5, the Crescent base- Ellsworth, ar* made defendant becausi son, Warren Fary, Harold Estelle ball team defeated the Aces, 14 to 5, you hold a judgment against Edwin Floyd Mrs. Charles Prothero, Mrs. John S. {morning. In the evening there'wli; Raymond Brown, Viola Doyle, Elsie BIDS WANTED. liorden which la a Hen on the lands de- Slivers, Miss Ella King, Mrs. George be a brief message and song service. on the diamond of the Aces. The scribed In- nnld mortgage. confined to his home with Illness. Pierce and Billy, George and Jack Crescents want to book more con- The Board of Education of Rumson Ivins and Mrs. J. L. Herbert Others Doyle. tests. Frank Grant Is their manager. wants bide on 1G0 tone rice coal anthracite Dated Juno 21, 1986. present were Mrs. J. W. Ivins, Mrs. Mrs. J. Crawford of Newark Is vis- and on 75 tone stova coat anthracite. Rico RXATSKY & KLATSKY, coal to be d alive red to the new high nchool Solicitors of Complainant, Henry C. Tilton, Mrs. W. L. Ben- iting her sister, Mrs. Harry Smith oi on Ridge road, ttove coal to the Lafayette 8 East Front Street, Red Bank, N. i. ning, Miss Marie Wilby, Mrs. E. W. Second street. Btreat school. Bidi to b* In the hand* nf Wilhy, Mrs. George MHlward, Mre. Mra. Julia Tomford and har daugh- tha secretary by August II, lOSfl. Tho ter Lillian of Richmond Hill, and board reserves the right to reject any or IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Perley Riddle, Mrs. John B. Hulse, all bids. To MAttIB COMISKEY, "JOHN" COMI8- Mrs. Elizabeth A. Loper, Mrs. Ralph Robert Compltello of Flatbush, speni KEY. {first name being fictitious and Thursday at the Hoffman cottage on CARBURETORS RAtPH LONGSTBEET, unknown), being tha hushand of Maria Mauriell, Mrs. Theodore G. Rowe. District Clerk, Comlnltoy, and HELEN WALLACE. Mrs. Henry L. Renne, Miss Caroline Bay avenue. Official, Stromberg, Carter and Zenith Service. Carburetors for SEALED PROPOSALS By virtue of an order of the Court *4 Turton, Mrs. Edward Worthley, St., The dirigible Hlndenburg flewove : Chnnccry mad* on the date hereof, In t all cars. Big stock of New and Re-bullt Carburetors. Gas mile- for the furnishing of material and labor Mrs. William Mallard, Mrs. Joseph this place Monday morning on it: cnuga wherein Josephine Acker la torn- way to Lakehurst. It passed ove: age checked by Zenith Factory Tester. I for painting hereinafter set forth, will he plain ant and Helen lllo and others ar* da- Carroll, Miss Elsie Gregory, Mrs. W. I received by the Board of Education at fend&nts, yoM are required to appear and T. Parker, Mrs. David Jones, Mrs. about 7 o'clock at a low altitude an< Estimates Gladly Given and AD Work Guaranteed. Town Hall, Colt'a Neck. N. J,, on Thurs- answer the BUI of said complainant on or j day evening, July S3d, «t 8 o'clock, day- George T. Llnton, Mrs. John A. Bid, the Nazi Insignia and name were before the 10th day of August next er th* plainly visible. Commuters and oth- , light saving time, at which ttma they will aid bill may b* taken as confess*! Mrs. Charles" Guillaudeau, Mrs. ers had a good view of the big air- DOUGLAS AUTO ELECTRIC CO. i be publicly opened and rend. agnlnnt you. George C. D. Hurley, Mrs. Lloyd N. Painting of Atlantic Township School, The aald bill WAS filed to set asld* » ship. Colt'* N«ck, N. J. Sickles, Mrs. Gertrude Davis, Misses DOUGLAS A. JEROLMON certain conveyance of lands In the Towi- Mrs. George Stivers and her daugh (1) All outside wood work, trim, doors, nhlp of Mlddlotown by Helen lllo to Maria Fanny Davis, Lorraine Silvers, Mar- ter, MISB Dorothy Stivers, of Brook- 18 MECHANIC ST, , BED BANK, N. J. TEL. 128. Indo/wa, gutters, etc. Comtnkey by deed dnted January 12, 1984. jorie Carroll and Jean Parker. The (2)' Interior class rooms, halt*, radiators lyn, were week-end guests of Mr. d pipes. Find recorded In the Monmouth County lawn party, which is an annual af- Clerk's ofilee In Book 1C35 of Deeds, page Specifications mny be obtained upon 177 and to cancel a certain mortgage on fair, replaced the regular monthly rplleatton to the School Clerk oi Atlan- nnld premlnes made by Frank lllo and meeting of the auxiliary. The next c Township, Geome 3. P. Hunt. The fight to reject any or all bids Is Helen lllo on April 6, 1981, and assigned meeting will be held August 13 at The fi on November IB, 103B. to Helen Wallacs. served. and to make discovery of property, real the home of Mia. William Mallard Dd f 13, 1980. or personal belonging to the defendants,, of Main street. GEORGE 8. P. HUNT, T>. C-, Frank lib and Helen lllo, and to apply Mrs. Ed-waTd M. Bsrry of Main Freehold. R. D. 1. N. J laid property to the payment of complain" ant's judgment; and you, Marie Comlsk*rl street Is a surgical pal lent at the DOREMUS BROS. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. are made defendant because aald property Monmouth Memorial hospital. Her the matter of the estate of Martin I* was conveyed to you by utd Helen Xl'« condition Is reported t-xcellent. Larsen, deceased. without consideration on January H« 10Si; and you, "John1' Comtskey,' (ftipt Mr. fiml Mis.. Everett Hudloff of COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1877 [otlce to creditors to present claims against aatat*. name being fiotlolous and unknown), hus- Main street had as tin Ir week-end Foriuant to the ordar of Joatph I* Don< band of Mario Com In key, ar* made a de- guest Mrs. Rudlnff's father, Frank 3 PHONES—1560 • 1561 - 1562 hay. Burro irate of the County of Moit fend nnt herein because you ar* entitUJ to Harncd of Kewark. iouth, made on the thirteenth day of an Inchoate right of courtesy In aald .une, 1986. on the application of The lands; and you, Helen Wallace, an maoe Mr. and Mrs. Perley Riddle and 11 & 13 BROAD ST. -.- FREE DELIVERY Merchants Truit Company of Red Bank, a defendant herein, because you ara M* Misg Shirley Riddle of Kridgewaters administrator of the estate of Martin L. BIRIIDB of and holder of said mortgage. Larsen, deceased, notice la hereby given DAted June 23, 1096. and Miss Betty Ann Berry of Main QUINN, PAItSONS AND DOREMU8, street motored to Allentown Sunday o the creditors of "eld dtcenned to ex- itblt to the subscriber, admlstrator aa Solicitors of Complainant where they visited Misses Harriet SPECIALS—THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY forefUala1 their deMs and demanda agalnnt 78 Broad Street, lied Dank, N. I. ana Bertha Wemplc. the said estate, under oath, within nix Douglas Berry, -who has been nonths from the date of the aforesaid Monmouth County Orphan's Court, >rder, or they will be forever barred of spending his vacation, with his par- In the matter of the eatat* of Cecelia heir notions therefor against th* said Holme", deceased. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Berry Lamb"* mbierlber. On tiBiiLlon for sale of lands to pay debt** of Main atieet, lias ri'tuvneU to his Oat«. 10 A. M., to nhow cause why BO much of eolllng Ihe Register.—Advertisement. Donah ay. Sttrtofat* ot the County of Mon- the inlil Until, tenements, hereditaments mouth, mad* on the eighth day of June, and real estate of the aald Cecelia Holmea FROSTED FROSTED FROSTED I986, on the application of Joseph II. docoanetl, nhould not he sold u will b* FROSTED jfolmaa, sole exeoutor of the aatat* of sufTlclent to pay her dobta. William PUrce, deceaaed. notice la hereby LIMAS Corn on Cob given to the creditors of aMd dsreaaed to It la further ordered that thla ord*r b* Blackberries Loganberric: •xhlbtt to tha subscriber, aol* executor aa publlnhed In The Red Bank Register, one aforesaid, their debte and demand! agalnat of the newapajnare of this atate, for six plcg. pi'it. the said estate. und*r oath, within six w*ekn at teast onre In each week. months from to* date of the afortsald or- J. EDWARD KNI 3 ™ 23 der, or th*y will I)* foraver barred of their acttoni thtrefor against the ilk) JO&&F1! !>. DONAtlAY, BurrogaU. •ubscrlban 108B .tea irreen > „ iioiJdES, Man mouth County Surrogate'* ORce> SILVER DUST GOOD-LUCK mmg In th* mutter of tne estate of Charlei F* Holmdel* K. 1. Ellert, deceased. , pk SWwarfl fl. Forman, Nutlc* to oretlltor* to present Freehold. N. J., agalnet estate. 2 *"- 23 "" 17 Proctor. I'urnuant to the order of Joeeph L, De&« Qlwuunrgarlnn nhay, UnrrottBte of the County of Menen- Monmouth County Sun-ogaU'a Offle*. mouth, in ml a on the seventh day of Julyl, In th* matter of th* *atat* of Thomas 111399,, on th* applicatiopp n of Morgan f %\\\ CKatU \V Kltat Old W £l f). Camay Soap FORCE Carton, d«cea*fd. . , \V. Kltart, W. £ll*rt Crab Orchard and Myr_,, I EHor_ t_ llA . executors of onkei pl i> Notin* to oredltoiri «• preaant clalma ththe estatte of ChCharlel s V. Ellert, deceased, Ifclivoen IIK1> HANK mid Pursuant to the order vt Joseph r* I)on- nutloa la hereby «lvan to the creditor! Of nalil deceased to exhibit to the lubsei MOW YOU It la only 80o 2 * ah ay. Burrogat* *f th* County of Mon- moutij. made on the twantr-thlrd day of •rs, executors aa aforesaid, their debta demands *Haln«t Die nald *«tate, undir It'n im (>"i [•n-cplns' uloii-j In trftflir Unwi. No oath, within RIX iminths from th* daletWf din - m> uirl Not wlii-n yon r«u enjoy * iwlft, the aforesaid «rd»r, or they will be forever •*(« trip In motlrnt, sll-nl'il conrlici for only DOG FOOD Green Peppers barred of their Motlone therefor ageliial Sir n inII^ or lie ti mile In I'iillniarm plui rcguUr BANANAS the said imhanrlhttrH. I'UIIIDUII rttlt) (mi (mil Gordon's Gin 16 Monmouth Street. Red Bank ml ftfevMatd. their dtbti and demamla Pnted Vreelmld, N. J, Typlrnl ntitt-wajr roach f < •gainst the aald *st»te. tinner oath, with- MOIKiAN II. tUnlt nnd N«wnrk 70s; KlUMxjtli fin STOniO OPKN KVKRV NIGHT in six month, from the tUt* of (he afore- t\ Maple Ave.. RtWilank. N 2, K'lUully low ten* to <.0n>r point*. 9 3 *" 10 «A1« order. «t Uw* will be rar*«r barred 4 ""• 23 of (h«lr Mtlona thar*for afalnat !*• Mid CHAIH.KH W. KJM1IU'. h'or injormition comult ticket ogenh neii luhk, N. j., n, v. n., N0. I, ACME FURNITURE CO. syutteffMber* rji.Anyn w. VJUKHT, Dll.d fr..linM. H. I., Jim* II. ltlt. 7» M«i,|* Avt., tM Hank, H. 1. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL 135 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. MARV T. BUOAN, MYUL EII.KUT LAWItKNCK, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS I«T Willow AY,., loin Ur.nrh, N. 1 , Ta.Mh'li* Av«.. Hed Bank, N |, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD JMward W. Wi... «•-!. •Qtilnn, parenii* A D'urmue, Eaus., IM BMV, N, J,, Ked nariW, N. J,t .. .. „, ,.tnstt<» - .. RfiD BANK REGISTER, JtLY 16,1936. Page Eleven

elebratcd her S6tb Urthday on Sun- daughter, Mrs. Adrlanne Freldberg, da/. She Is extremely active In her and a son, Leroy, Shower Tendered .« KUOII JULY CLEARANCE SALE JIVUNE ROSE . Here And There In home, In the winter she makes patch H^ti Road A Forut Av«» Death of Aged Woman. Miss Helen Grehea ork qullti and Is a fine gardener in Mrs. Amelia A. Lefferson of Ocean Reduced Prices on Dresses, Millinery, Coats lEUNSBURG, N. J. he summer, ruUV Thufi, it H3O F. M. Grove died Saturday at the age of Mrs. Louis Desprenux of Riverside ffl,. Sun., • P. M. Monmouth County 95. She was the widow of Conover Heights gave a miscellaneous Bhow- > • - i ? !uit Support Daughter. T»}.>K«JwilMir* 774-J for appointment. Frank Conkllo ot Farmingdale has fferson, and Is survived by two er Friday afternoon for Miss Helen CoopermaU nMONMOtJT FurK STShop. , Ine, . .' • t • REV. PHOEBE DAIUnt Men ordered to contribute 20 per daughters. Grehea of Atlantic Highlimls. She RED BANK, N. J. TEL. lflJO. Personal Note*, Sales of Property, Building Operations, :ent of his earnings toward the oup- Lived to Be Ninety. received many gifts, which were iort of bis four-year-old daughter, piled under an umbrella decorated John H. Wesch of Oakhuret died In pink, white and! silver. Lodge Doingi, Births, Marriage*, Deaths • lary, who la living with Conklln's last Friday at the age of 90. He was lfe at Glendolo. a native of Germany and had lived Those present were Mrs. Mary Rowland and Miss Evelyn Maloney and Other Notes of Interest. Ioy*s Leg Broken. In this country 30 years. He Is sur- vived by nine children. of lied Bank, Miss Anne Grehea of Jack Mytinger, IB, of Avon, suf- Atlantlo Highlands, Mrs. S. H. Edw&rd T. If. Our of Long Branch fered a. broken left leg and body Bus Contract Awarded. wat on* ot 21 persons to be honored ranch many years. She leaves two Thorne and Miss Rita Tliorne of irulseg Friday night when he fell Tho Matawan board of education *VeBt Keansburg, Mlas Mary Wnol- by receiving * medal from the Mex- augtiters and two sons. rom bis bicycle and wan struck by ican government at a service com- has awarded the contract for trans- ey of Keyport, Mlaa Lilllnn Maran hower ror Keyport OlrL car. The car was driven by Miss porting pupils to and from the f Asbury Park, Mrs. Helen Mul- BOKI , . . BURNING memoratlrg th« eighth anniversary irglnla Raymond of Avon. SUMMIR MIT ot tho death of Capt. Bmllio Car* Miss Doris Armotronft of Keyport ichools to the Rollo Transit corpor- lern of Now Brunswick, Mrs, Mar- ranca, goodwill flyer who- orMhod to as given a miscellaneous shower by Jpposed to Boiler Coaster. ation. guerite Mulhern of Newark and Mrs. i hi* death In South Jer«»y. Mr. Carr embera of her bridge club at the The Monterey hotel at Asbury Park War Veterans Hold Beunion. Jharles McEntiro of Atlanta, helped rail* fundi to erect a memor- one of Mrs. James Wilson of Union has secured a restraining order World war veterans of the 114th In- Georgia. SOLD BY All ial for him. . each last week. Miss Armstrong Is [gainst further construction on a rol fantry, 29th division, held a reunion DRUO STORIS Want » Vmr Bridge. gcd to James Pappas. er coaster near the hotel. The hotel at Bea Girt laat week. Th«y re- Birthday Tarty Sunday, loltna operation of this amusement •VBL-FEET COMPANY Tbe Brlella borpugh council took edow—rearson. viewed a parado of the present 114th Mr. and Mrs. William McKnight of [ - % go. Front St., Philadelphia would disturb gueste. utep» Monday night to secure a new Misa Ursula Setlow of New Haven, regiment on Sunday. Freehold entertained at a birthday irWga across th« Mansaquan river, tonnectlcut, and Dr. Julius E. Pear- Horses Sent to Goshen. Asbury Park Woman Dead. party Sunday for their son Wlliinm hey claim that the present bridge m of Keyport wore married at As- Joeeph Carr, owner of the largest Mrs. Ella Emmons of Asbury Park of Newman Springs road, Red Bank. not ot nufflolont height to allow ury Park Sunday of last week by stable In training at the Freehold died Sunday night In the Fltkln hoa Among those present were Mr. and -e paiiage of boat* without open- abbl N, Hershon. Dr. Pearson prac- rack, has shipped seven of his horses pltal. She fell and broke her hip Mra. Matthow Connors, Mrs. William L. W. Lancaster ng the draw and that the bridge la ces medicine at Miami Beach, to Goshen, New York, to prepare tome time ago and never recovered MeKnlght, Jr., Paul Menck and ot large enough tor tho traffic that Choose Frencau'a Emblem. .hem for tbe next meet opening en from the effects. Thomas McKnight of Red Bank; Mr. , Cjyil Engineer and isei It. The committee In charge of Mat- •uly.S. end Mrs. William Baker and daugh- : k Surveyor .wan's 250th anniversary celebration Gets Government Job. ter, Miss Mary Smith, and George ft»to» New Jqfc Married In Maryland. Herman Swerdlofl of Freehold, James Yard Lawrence, eon of chosen an emblem bearing the ear of New Brunswick; Mr. and Surveys • Flans - Estimates ortralt of Philip Fr«neau, the Rev- Mlas Evelyn Havens, daughter of veteran Alaska wireless operator, Mrs. William Maclntyre, Mrs. Mai- udge and Mrs. Rullf V. liawronce of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy T. HavenB ot Point has been appointed assistant airways Engineering Construction freehold, baa accepted the position ilutlonary post, who !« burled In the garet Estelle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'rcnoau section of tbe borough. 'leaaant, and Leroy T, Fish, manual keeper, junior radio operator and Btelle, Mrs. Wlpsgon and William 3t publicity dirootor In the ofllce ot weather observer at Perry, Ohio. itrlcken on Train. raining teacher at the Manasquan Burger of Neptune; Mr, and Mrs. TOPOGHAnnO MAPPING Vllllam L. Dill, administrator ot the il security act. Mr. Lawrence Michael VelX of Newark was high school, were married June SO at Engagement Announced. Fred Pearl and daughter, Mr. and Elkton, Maryland, Mrs. C. Maher and eon, Mrs. N. Pearl 20 Bnttln Bond ,_ been employed as staff correa- itrlcken with a heart attack while MrB. Horace W. Sherman of Long har e iondent ipr the Associated Frees at m a train going from Keansburg Attempted Suicide. Branch has announced the engage- Y ' s Pearl of Asbury Park; Fair Haven, N. J. Trenton. o Matawan. He was removed from Mrs. Minnie Kassens, 44, of ment of her sister, MISB Armenia V. Mies Worth of Freehold and Mr. and he train at Matawan but was dead York, attempted suicide at "Keana- Cloughly to Dr. Fred S. Westwood, a Mrs. Jillchael Scanlon. Pin Betoned. hen taken' to a doctor. burg laat week by jumping from dentist at Morrlsvllle, Fa. A year ago this month Adrian E. lead* After I-ong Sickness. he steamboat pier. She was res- One of the Quickest ways to find a Moreau Ot Freehold lost a diamond cued by bystanders and placed Died In Hospital. job is to advertise in The Regis- bar pin\ belonging to bis wife. Laat George Evana of Long Branch died Monday at the Hazard hospital aftei ho boat to be returned to her home. Mrs. Sarah HUrley died Monday In ter's Want Department.—Advertise- week It wan returned to him. The he Monmouth Memorial hospital at It Pays to Advertise in The Register * long sickness, Ha was a native o. Engagement Announced. ment. lln had been found by Frank Bog- Announcement has been made of Long Branch at the age of 75 years. lck, who gave It to a girl, who did ngland and came to this country In She leaves two daughters and two SOS. He had lived at Long Branch he engagement ot Mlaa Barbara J. ot appreciate Its value. When tho Todd, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Van- ions. lOllce learned of the missing pin they icven years. He Is survived by i rldow, two daughters and a son. Winkle Todd of Matawan, to Barry B. Bradley Beach Man Dead. ;ot it and returned lt't$ its owner Townsend of Washington. The wed- Freehold Woman Dead. Charles H. Thomas of Bradley Highwaymen kind Hearted.' ding will take place In the fall. Beach died Monday morning in the Mra. Mary E. Stllwell died at thu Dr. H. W. IngUng ot Freehold waB Pole Vaulting Champion, Fltkln hospital a -few hours after be- a hold-up victim of two highwaymen tome of her daughter, Mts. Helen ing admitted as a surgical patient. He near TInton Falls one night laat Brown of Freehold Monday. She Richard Ganslen of Farmtngdal6, wa/j 50 yeara old find leaves a widow week.- He was on hU way to the lurvlved by another daughter, Mrs, former-Freehold high school athlete, Monmouth Memorial hospital May Gibson of Philadelphia, and - captured first place In the polo vault Ill-lit KlUs 250 Fowl. i Long Branch, When the men learned rothcr, Charles Adams o! Highlands, n the national A. A. U. Junior track The heat last Thursday killed 250 and field meet. Ho cleared the bar 1 if this they allowed him to go with- Hawk Drops an Eel. owl on the S. R. Sprlggs farm a at 12 feet one Inch. Wayside, Mr. Spriggs said Ihe fowl iut taking any money, Charles Britten of Long Branch Divorce Recommended. all died within an hour atter he bad wont deling In the South Bhrewsbur; made an inspection at 1 o'clock. Fined For Cruelty. river near Ocoanport Monday. Hi A divorce has been recommended Joseph Mlele ot KeansDurg was didn't catch any eels, but as ho land, for Mrs. Blanche Bennett of Neptune Fined For Dumping Garbage. fined {26 last week for cruelty to anl d his boat a flehhawk dropped a City. Tho action was agaihat Wal- John B. Glfford and William F. main. It was charged that he forced .wo-pound eel at his feet. ter H. Bennett and the proceedings Oeborn of Wall township were fined 77 BROAD STREET FREE DELIVERY PHONE 1353 - 2613. at) Iron pipe down a dog's throat bo- I^ngUshtown Wedding. were brought on the grounds of $50 last week for UBlng their prop- cause the dog had killed oomo ohick- Announcement has been made .. adultery. erties for dumping garbage In vio- STORE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P. M. .__. The dog wa» »o badly Injured ho marriage of Miss Elsie Vandetv lation of an ordinance. it'had to be destroyed. Died at Hotel. nerg, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Nel Thomas W. Williams, vice presi- GROCERY SPECIALS FOR ENTIRE WEEK ! Dog Hero Killed. son Vandenberg of Engllshtown, t, Died In Hospital. dent of the Blesol carpet sweeper Mrs. Edna Hayes, widow of Wil- Margo, the Dobatman-Plnncher dog John Lewis ot that place. The wed company, died suddenly Tuesday of that was awarded a medal for sav- ding took place on July 2. liam Hayes of Long Branch, died a' B 5-ft. laat week at the Stockton hotel at Sea tha Fltkln hospital last. Thursday. ing the lite Ot her master, Albert Leon Girt. He was 82 years old. AnWican bag 23c of Keyport by arousing him wher Arrants—Wardell. Sho was 56 years old and leaves five GRANULATED SUGAR gas was leaking hi his home, wai Announcement Is made of the mar- Attempted Suicide In Jail. sisters and three brothers. killed last week, by an riage of Miss Evelyn Arants Thomas Buane, 52, of Philadelphia, 1-lb.can Matawan Girl Weds. ASTOR COFFEE 17c along the shore hlgh'.vay. Kenneth Wardell, both of Lou, attempted suicide In thB Keansburg Branch. Tho wedding took plac Jail Saturday by cutting hla throat Announcement has been made o Fancy Reg. Tall Jailed For Hlttlflg Offloer. June 4. The couple ara living He had been arrested earlier In the the marriage of Miss Nellie Stultz, Al Polan, 31, a chef at Ajfoury Park, Now York. daughter ot Mr. and MrB. Alexander ICY POINT SALMON 10c day for shoplifting. Pink Can T. Stultz of Matawan, and John W. was,sentenced to the county jail tot Relief Costs Low. a year last week atter he had struck Signal Battalion Goes to Michigan. Jackson ol Lebanon, N. H. Crosse and Quart policeman Peter Masco la tho Jaw. The Slst signal battalion of Fo: Katherlne Compton, overseer of the TOMATO JUICE Blackwell's Jug 14c ® Thousands are killed or in- Masco had been detailed to Ret Fola: Monmouth left Monday by a 20 truol poor at Keansburg, reported Road Supervisor Resigns. jured every year when blow- for atealing some, clothing from th motor convoy for their summer man week that relief costs In tho borough Frank B. Conover of Adelphia has Fancy Largest outs throw cars out of control Abordoon hotel. ouvera at Camp Custer, Michigan. for June were .$31.12 for the care of 'resigned as supervisor of Howell CUT Can 7c because at 40, 50, 60 miks^nn Slloam House Burned. They are In command of Major Step Avo families. township roads and hao takon a po- Quality hour the heat inside the tircaS* hen Merrill. sition as superintendent of Fairlawn Fire caused1, by a detective flu Awarded Scholarship. Desserts terrific—as hot as boiling water. Thirty Days For Panhandling.' farms. ' destroyed Mrs. Jane CattroH'a bous< Mlsa Roberta Berrnlngham of All Flavors at Slloam Tuesday of laat week. Ni Fred Bond, who said he had _ Keansburg has been awarded a schol- Home from Auto Trip. Tomato Sauce 3 "•'» 10'My-T-Fine one was in the house when the Sr< home, was picked up at Long Brand arship at the* New Jersey college for Max Garhart end family of Farm- 1. Tuesday for being drunk, and dio women at New Brunswick, where ingdale have returned from an auto- started and it had gained such head- Bog;. Heavy Thla best way before being discovered that ef- orly and for panhandling. He wai she Is a member of the Junior class, mobilo trip to Canton, Ohio. On tho WAX causes rubber forts to save It were^futlle. eontenced to thirty days In tho coun- way out they visited Washington, rug. rAPEK 40-ft. roll and fabric to •y Jan. Starting a Legion Post. Puffed Wheat T Cut Rite Bipartite. Asbury Park Woman Bead. Plans have been completed by vet- Married By Recorder. Sudden Death In Hotel. V Mra. Kathryn M. Hendrlckaon ol erans at Keansburg for an American M1SB Kathryn Oetry and Joseph A. Large KERNEL Vacuum Joseph Lenard dlod suddenly In h. Asbury Park died last Wednesi Legion post. After the required num- Feldmon of StlllwelVs Corner were No. 2 Can CORN Can at her home after a long illness, room at James BOVH'B hoUl at Loni ber of members have bden signed, ap- married at Freehold last week by Re- Stringless Beans 6 Whole Sho was 40 years old and was thi Branch Friday night, apparent! plication will bo made for a charter. corder W. S. Holmes. 2. from heart trouble. He was betwee: Freehold Woman Gets Divorce. A tiny blla- wife of Harry Hendrlckaon, a mem- Death ot Widow. California Tall SNACKS ber of the Asbury Park board of 40 and 4S yoara old. Police are seel t«r forms— Mrs. Leonora Strassbucger of Long Mrs. Ada C. Woolley of Freehold Blrnliclra Can Norwegian grows bigger education. mf? relatives or friends.. Branch died at her homo Monday has secured a divorce from Arthur Apricots Kippered 3-10' and BIQOBR Fell (row Second Cory. Celebrates 85th Birthday. Sho was the widow of Alvln L. T. Woolley. The couple were married Lavcrne, the three-year-old daugh Mrs. Joanna Stlllwell of Frpehpl Strassburger and is survived by In 1919. They had no children. White %-Vb. Can WHITE 88-fll. € ter of Mr. and Mra. L. M. Applegati Meat Flakes HOUSE Jar of West, Freehold, suffered a concus Tuna Fish 11' Apple Butter 14 Sooner or clon ot the brain last week when slu tell from a second storv window an< or Macaroni later—Bang! landed In a rock garden. She was It'a a blow- Wrapped rk out.Youcan't taken to the Fltkln hospital. Spaghetti Salad Dressing .•*' 10 atop — you Long Branch Wedding. can't oUerl Miss Anna MorelU, daughter c SANDERS CO. or Reg. Mr. and Mrs, Frank C. Morelli o: GUMPERT'S DESSERTS 2= Pkg. 10c NO OTHER TIRE HAS THIS Long Branch, wag married last 8a Butterscotch BLOW-OUT PROTECTION urday week to Joseph A. Clambrone, WINES AND LIQUORS But built into every Gcjodrich also ot Long Branch. Mr, Ciambrom BUvertown is tho Life-Saver la employed by the Newark Evenlni 1 BROAD ST., Cor. Wallace St., RED BANK Dairy Dept. \ Fruit Dept. Gojden Ply. This amating In- News. Police Itadlo Efficient. vention resUU heat IO that rub- THE MOST COMPLETE LIQUOR STORE IN THE COIMTY ber «nd fabric da not separate— Policeman Jamea Martin of Mat Ulsters do not form—thus this .wan last week demonstrated thi TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SPECIALS! Butter Oranges 7^10' efficiency ot the new pollco radl ireatumeen cause of high-speed SWNKIST UoW-outs is checked before it A car stolen at New Brunswick was recovered by the policemen attoi GIN SCOTCH geto started. the theft had been broadcast. Hi .19 arrested the two men In It Burnett's White Satin FIFTH WHITE ii Bread "THE SAFEST TIRE Injured In Auto Accident. .59 Pineapples Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Pitman am Biru MONEY CAN BUY" Sidney Bromley, all of Adelphia, wen SCHENLEY'S ' -| no C Injured In, an automobile accident at HORSEZ FIFTH ruyere Bayhead Sunday of laat week. Mr Silver Wedding If SCOTCH 25 and Mrs. Pitman were io serlausl; 8WISS KNIGHT (1 Portions injured that they were taken to thi Cucumbers Lakewood hospital. White Rose Bellows SCOTTISH JERSEY Big Catoh ot FUh. 1.39 1.39 CHIEF Dr. C. M. Murphy, Clarence Shaft. GIN FINE CLUB Yellow Full Quart FIFTH lllnim Wallie* FIFTH Loaf Cheese »>25< Sr., Oeorge Meglll and Warren Megi: I LJUUUiUl Importation. AMKItU AN Squash ™ 2 ^ 5 ot Farmingdale and L. Oonway Freehold caught Id tuna flsh ranglni SILVER Robert Green from 25 to 77 pound* each, one da; .29 TAstyeatt Product We Sell One Grade of Meats and That Is the Best i last week. The total poundage wo' SHIELD Conqueror Bellows 3.29 Genuine Swift Premium Armour Star BEST BRAND about 600. • 1 cum FIFTH Died of Heart Trouble. GIN County Fair 1936 B«nby Stamped Beef Shankless Full Quart BOILED Wilson T. Clayton, a retired farmoi SPRING Cala Style idled last Wednesday at the homo o WHISKEY CHUCK 'William DuBola of Freehold whero h BONDED WHISKEY Shoulders had boen spending the evening Green River HAM 4S* .SAFETY Heart trouble waa the cause ot p ROAST HAMS death. He wg« 76 yoar« of age an* Wilken Family LAMB U-WJ. Silvertowst i» survived by «. daughter. CANADIAN CLUB Old Quaker JITH UH-WW BOLDiH «J Pardon for Monmouth Han. Old Drum 15c ib lb OLD OVERHOLT 791MN-T The Court of Pardons laat Royal Oak 12 granted a pardon to Charles J. Cor tea, who entered prison from Mon CKNTIMt OUTS 1«<; Ih. 7 Year* Old mouth county. He was Royal Flush California HAROLD STOUT September 11, 1038, to 12 to 13 yean WNT l'INICST (,'IIUKU Armour Htnr Slumped owEn for breaking and entering. Dinner Wine FIW.HII KI.U'Kl* SLICED TIRE STORES Boy Catches Big,Bam, Claret DRIED SIRLOIN Wllllttm Ryan,'a 12-year-old B&G .69 Bacardi Burgundy OOO TITHES and Ilranoh boy, landed a utrlped bass .69 GAL. STEAKS BACON weighing 28 pound* While nshlni Snuterne RUM Sauterne BEEF 15' 32Ib 15' at Went End lant week. It took him nrrii 1 FIFTH Rcinlintr, Etc. A Trent Kat yz.\h. Pkg. about an hour to land the flsh BIV 2 Yz Pound HOIWfiiff' ha waa completely exhausted Extra Special J WBBK8KBVII1 RIGHT to tIMIT QIIANTITIKH. Strictly Fresh Caught FRESH 116 Weit Front St., Ixtng »mneh Wom&n »«*d. Mrs. MaryRelaner of I*ng Brand ALL BRANDS OF BEER ON ICE Red Bank, N, J. died Tuesday of lout w««h at th Hundred* of SpMhtb Too,Numerous tn AdvrrMitf). BLUE FISH 15|b HHet of HADDOGfC age of 80 year*. She mi a natl Free Delivery. ISO Broadway) t*»l of Oermany and had Ilm at bong Open Evenings Until 11 P. M. Phone 3340 RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1986. THOUGHTS ON THE DBOUGBT. NO ADULTS AIXOWED. on iha front page of the B. B. R. necessary in apy city Se a group of KNTXRTAINKD AT CABML Stanton Whitney, Jr. Reporter. Fifteen cUiieni volun- public-spirited person* to furnish a Some Information From EUwood Condensed From The RoUrlan by teer. The transfusion la made, and small amount of cash and then itep Mayan* Bfl»4 dob AaiQlMy H Married In Paris Douglass, County Agent. Webb Waldron. "SnlpeV life saved. back and keep, their hands pff. Card PMty at Attaptfo HIIBIHHU Cittern* of the New York repub- . m • m • '" '' Mr*. Bugan* Xttaurak wa» hbrtjs* MiM Florence Candler Cobb, It doesn't help much to -think of "They told me there wa» a club Uo discover gambling in the back those periods of several inches of over here that the kids ran them- ENJOYING NORTHERN TOUR. at a card party yoatwdajr afttrnoo* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Candler room of the grocery near the City on the laws of her home la Atlan- Cobb of Now York and Paris, won rainfall In less than an hour, when selves," said an excited, black-eyed Hall. Neighborhood boys are par- the present weather conditions aro Chicago youngster, "I didn't be- Word Received Here From tic Highland* for the benefit of tli* married yesterday in the American 1 ticipating. A committee interviews Girls Touring Canada. ladles' auxiliary of the Player*' church in Paris to Stanton Whit- drawing: moisture from the soil and lieve it. I came over to find ou the proprietor, tells him the gam- the plant at a very rapid rate. and, by gosh, it was true"' Word has been received Here from boat elub. Aanlrtlng Mn. Uenaok ney, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- bling must stop or they will notify were her two daughter*, lira. J. ton Whitney of Naveslnk river road, Many other youngster* in New the police. The gambling stops, * Misses Marie Hamm and Emily Sag- The county agents have told you York and in Chicago have described urton of Shrewsbury and Miss Cath- Joseph Hennessey and Mr*. Augua- Locust Point. The ceremony was A boy named Jalco, Chicago cit- tua Wulflng. , followed by a reception at tho Cobb that an abundance of organic mat- to me in almost exactly these words izen, got a night job In the Loop, erine Curloy of Elm place, who are ter in the soil Is necessary to handle their first knowledge of the Boya' spending two wooks touring New Bunco and brldga were played. residence In the Avenue Henri-Mar- drifted away front his fellow citi- The. door prit« was a cigarette nt tin. " The bridegroom's parents and both surplus moisture as well as Brotherhood Republic. zens, fell In with a gang that staged England and Canada. aclc of moisture. Your agents are Doy3 who have been taking or- and was won by Mra. Florence their other sons, M. Dunne and Ed- a holdup. Juke was sentomeil to Thoy viewed Niagara Falls from Corse. The table prises were tea ward F. Whitney were present at uho willing to iulmit that It Is.pos- dcrs (since babyhood from parents, six years at Jollot When Ihn new* both sides arid aro visiting several sible for condttione to pull to hard elsteru, uunts, cops, and boys' pots. Ico cream, cake and iced tea the wedding and reception. reached the IJ. B. It. City Hall, a points of later.!it in tho North, in- wero served. Miss Hermanco Uovtrs of The on tho moisture content of ihe soil club supervisors con scarcely be cluding Lhe vicinity of the homo of Miss Herman "love their eors when they encoun- committee rushed to see the juuri, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hague, Holland, was maid orr honor. ur.d plant that evisn under tho b an appeal for tha ening citl tiio Liloline yuinuipieta. They spent of conditions a crop can bo ruined. ter an Important boys' organization Alfred Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. Ausnu- The bridesmaids were tho Mlsres zen. The Judge changed the sen- a night at Ontario. tus Wulflng, Mm. Edward ©'Flaher- May Duane Jones of Locust Point, They still contend that land high In with a substantial home of its own tence to six months in the reforma- organic matter and well tilled will entirely controlled by boya. Then ty, Mrs. Harry Herold, Mra. Charles a cousin of tho bridegroom; Pamela tory. When Jake came out, his Democratic Curd Party. Hawkins, Mrs. Harry J. Qulnn, Mrs. Wickham, Diana Korr. Susan Hoath- ake care of the growing crop for a they disoover that it Is not only fellow citizens landed him a Job as .onger period than poorly farmed controlled by boys, but is utterly Tho Fair Haven Women's Demo- Herman. SplUe, Mrs, Edward Mesock, eoto and Diana Eovome of London, helper on a milk truck. At the Mrs. Elsie Graham, Mm, Walter A. and Julia Pcthcrick, daughter of land low In organic matter. different in all other way*. It Is cratlo club entertained Tuesday af- next election, Jake was elected ternoon at a desstrt-brldgo on tha Hamilton, Mrs. Arnold Btelnhardt, Captain Ronald Petherlck and Lady city-state in miniature, involving council member, on« of the most Jeano Petherlck of the Mill House, ivory "citizen" in unexpected and lawn of Mrs. Michael S. Jacobs' Mrs. Milton Krauae, Mra. John S3. 'Mr. Douglass, considerable has .mportant posts In the republic. home on Hance road. A cuckoo Throckmorton, Mra. William B>. St. Cross, Winchester, England. xcltlng responsibilities. Now he has risen to an office job in been said about the effect of drought Twenty years ago a young to- clock was won by Mrs. Jacobs and Smith, Mrs. Florence Hojmea, Mr*. M. Duane Whitney was his bro- conditions due to forest destruction the milk company; this spring he Is a chromium-plated cigarette set was Michael S. Jacobs, Mra. Joseph Tom- ther's best man. The ushers were bacco salesman named Jack Rob- ,n the South and West. Does tho bins, happening Into a juvenile court getting married. woh by Mrs. J. E. Balnes. Miscel- Unson, Mrs. Ernest Otto, Mra. Hugh Edward F. Whitney, Joseph H. same thing hold true Now Jcr- Recently the Chicago repuublll c Dcady, Mrs. Mary Curl, Mrs. lien Choate, 3d, Acosta Nichols, Jr., andlsai"Q lni"K ""«« irm m *<„„ „„,- n Chicago, observed a gang of sev- laneous prizes were awarded to the Bey Jt 3 m learned that conditions at the State Heyman, Mrs. William I* Weber, Chhd, Chase i ' > y understanding that n young boys up before the judge high scorers at each table. Theodore Chase. ! forests have not been destroyed go 'or some minor offense. Jack Rob- School for Boya at St Charles were Mrs. George Harm was chairman, Mrs. Ray Emerson, Mrs. James Tbe «bo>o I* if picture of the new St. Janus' oonvent, which is rapidly Mr. and Mrs. Whitney will travel leneral h In New Jersey andd tho bad. Instead of helping the boya Welsh, Mrs. J. H. Hagerty, Mm. H. >lns was Interested In boys, knew a and her assistants were Mrs. John neaulng completion. Tin cost of tho addition and alteration* will b« en the Continent this summer nnd Sast." The county agent's thought good deal about them—especially the committed to it toward a better fu- Chaunzy, Mrs. J. Joseph Hennessey, A. Stockton, Mra. Charles Chlnnock, In the fall will return to the United ,B that while the destruction of the *>oy of tho slums. He had been a ture, the school was creating crooks Mrs. Elizabeth Morriman, Mrs. Alice Mrs. Charles Glblln.' Mrg, James 128,400. Vincent J. Eok la the archlteot and Charles p. Soott the general States, They will reside In Massa- forests have not been destroyed so valf on Chicago streets himself. Ex- and degenrates. A B. B. R. com- Hascall and Mrs. Jacobs. Hughes, Mra. Jamei Bray, Mrs. Jo- chusetts, where Mr. Whitney will Jersey, may not bo as severe as in loring tho depths of American ind mittee investigated, sent a scorch- seph Banflold, Mr*. Emily Johnson, continue hla work as a master at some other areas, thousands of acres European cities with his pa-, Jack -ng report to Governor Homer. IJe- Mrs. Samuel C. Corse, Mra. Lester iult: a drastic change of personnel The Sinister Subconscious.- the Groton school. n New Jersey and actually hundreds London, ho had seen the evil Im- McKenna, Mr*. J. Young, Mrs. La- Phantom Organ. receiving sets In Chicago or San The bride has been residing with at St Charles. When the present Anne Lindbergh mar Baker, Mrs. W, K. Woodward, Franolsoo could enjoy hla organ con- n Monmouth county have had the iact of poverty and Idleness on was a little girl, J. P. Morgan, the The odd thing about the two new her parents in Paris for the last forests taken from tho hills and the rowing boys. He knew that these At council meetings In Chicago Mrs. Allan Hascall, Mrs. Alice Has- cert I /. / five years. She was presented at and New York, I was delighted by elder, was comingto tea at . the call, Mrs. Vlah Smith, Mrs. Lottls electrlo pipe organ* installed recent- knolls which Is bound to have some even boyg were not "bad." They ly by NBC In its Rockefeller Center The iseorat Is that the keyboard of the Court of St. James's on June 26, ere merely bewildered and frlght- the sharp vigor of the proceedings. Dwlght Morrows'. Fearing the frank- Wesson; Mrs. Warren OHara, Mrs, Ujo organ is really a series ot Jster of Mrs. Alex- effect upon the severity of the A bit hectlo at times, but never out less of childhood, Mrs. Mofrow Studios is that they have no pipes 1036. She Is a drought ncd by their first conflict with the Herman Bernstein, Mrs. M. Joslin, switches which actuate *tone ander Ijouden, wife of the Dutch mpersonal power of the state. One 3f control. The mayor and council alked lo the littlo girl beforehand. Mra. Embury McLean, Mr*. J. Jo- and are not strictly speaking, organs Lwha.elB." Thoao croato vibration! minister to Portugal, and o grand- if ten at a table up In front, the "I need not tell you," she said, seph Hennessey, Miss E. McCann, at all. which ore fed directly into a loud, Mr. Clark, assistant county agent, ong move, however, and they Itlzens massed on the benches. daughter of Mrs. Henry Ivea Cobb might be turned Into enemies of 'that It Is rude to comment on any- Miss A. Slsslon, Mia* .Madeline' Den- The organlBt seem*, to he playing speaker and are there transformed of New York. Mr. Whitney was tells us that well-managed pastures Mayor and council proposing and .hing peculiar about people you nett, and Lester Lleneck, Junior have not only given considerable In- society. Robbins asked the judge muilc, but he Isn't. He la simply Into sound waves. Tho strange in- graduated from Harvard In 1934 rating on laws, all the citizens join- meet. So, of course. If you notice Heron and Jean and Carolyn Lle- pressing switches which create eloc- strument can reproduce the ton* crease In yield up to date, over those f he might have custody of the ing in the debate. and studied for a year at Cam- loys for a while to see what he t that Mr. Morgan's nose Is different, neck. _ trlcal vibrations. Ho himself could quality of a flute, trumpet; oboe, vio- bridge university, England. not treated, but are holding up in The Chicago mooting was singu- you won't say anything about It." far better condition during the dry ould do for them. The magistrate not hear what he plays If It were not lin, or any musical Instrument BVar [greed. Rpbblns' first riiov« was to larly dramatic. The first amend- Upon meeting the famous guest Card of Thanks. for ft loudspeaker. Vet listeners a't made. weather than the untreated areas. ment to the constitution of the re- Anne fixed her eyes relentlessly on It Is our guess that If the drought ake the seven kids to his home for I wish to thank all the friends and iTwo Injured As a square meal. public, recently passed, set up a ho celebrated nose. Her mother neighbors, those who donated cars, continues for two weeks longer and Supreme Court, to which citizens lotlced this with trepidation, and sent floral tributes; also Rev. Mr. • Car Overturns the treated areas look as burned as He discovered to his astonishment might appeal cases if dissatisfied by Mlkflch and Charles Brease, who as- hat several of them belonged to ried, not too obviously, to speed hor the untreated when moisture does ledslons of the city court The departure. At last the child was sisted me during my gad bereavement What Do You Know Aboit Health? Two Eatontown persons were appear, the treated area having philanthropic boys' clubs. What was ourt was to be composed of three Mrs. Marlon Rose. :be matter with boys' clubs, he ;one^—safely gone. —Advertisement. By FISHER BROWN and NAT PAjX •lightly Injured last night when a car plants with larger root systems will lembers, B. B. R. graduates, ap- Mrs. Morrow breathed a sigh of re- come back more quickly. asked himself that a boy could be Mlnted by the mayor with the ap- driven by Anthony Rattl of Main a member and yet get into trouble? lef and, pouring a cup of tea, she Card of Thank*. street, Eatontown, overturned In a proval oft the council. The. Supreme isked her visitor with a new com- I wlah to thank all friends who Out of that question was born the Court justices had been chosen and loaned cars and assisted In any way Held on the Neptune highway after The vegetable grower probably Boys' Brotherhood Republic. placence, "And now, Mr. Morgan, avoiding a headon collision with a feels the drought as quickly as most this was Inauguration night. The during my sad bereavement. "I found out," Jack told me, "that :hree men who came forward to be will you have cream or lemon In Mn. Chas. Morroll. car traveling in the opposite direc- any of our farmers, due to tho shal- these boys' clubs were organised, your nose?"—O. O. Mclntyre. —Advertisement. low rooted plants, with the impossi- worn in were all prominent mem- tion. ' ruled, and run entirely by grown- ers - of the Chicago bar. Two of According to Chief of Police Harry bility of seeding successive crops. ups. Belonging to a boys' club IN MEMOKIAM. The man with irrigation has It over hem had been members of that British Explore For Ore at World's Klrkegard, who covered the accident, meant obeying rules the kid had no rlglnal gang of seven whom Jack Highest Lake. Xn loving numory of jTallun, beloved ion Ratti and MIBB Bally Fate, 22, of the one without. Tour extension of William W. *na XJUBX J. Sharapanon, part In making. I made up my Robbins had rescued from the law died July IT, 1909. aged 14 >iin. Route 36, Eatontown, were taken to agents have recommended for a mind to start a new boys' club with Lake Titicaca in South America, 20 years ago! And the presiding In which, legend says, was dumped Monmouth Memorial hospital by the number of years at least small blocks verything turned upside down." mayor, a handsome lad of 18, who •.SHOULD Eatontown ambulance. Miss Fate Is of Irrigation, properly constructed $250,000,00p oflnca treasurer to save It was some weeks later that the tad just appointed to the Supreme t from Spanish invaders, is to ba EVERYONE being held for observation. Rattl and managed, on a larger number of gang, which bad Increased from Court, was employed In a down- WANT ADVERTISEMENTS TAKE was treated for cuts on his fingers farms town advertising company whose the objective of a British sclentlflo seven to 32, met and organized the expedition next year. OUTDO and legs received following the crash B. B. R. Mayor, common council, •resident was another mombcr of Too Late foe Clasatfication. when be was forced to break win- Sod In the orchard should be mowed prosecuting attorney, city judge, hat original gang. Search for mineral deposits and EXERCISES dows to get out of the car. rather closely during the extrcmo business manager, treasurer were There is something about citizen- not treasure hunting will be.the pur- WANTED, younff woman between u* of — • m dry weather If such orchards were to be selected by popular vote. De- ship in the B. B. R. that gives pose, however, of the British scien- 21 and 15 to work In store and help In tists. kitchen i 18 and board. Cull Atlantic HOMECOMING TARTS. properly fertilized In addition to the partments of education, publlo wel- hese hoys a surprising dignity. Last Highlands 784. Wno w« EDWAUD JENNEft ? sod practice they should feel the »are, police, employment, citizenship .ear, as a climax to Boys' Week In They also will seek ways and Chicago, a parade of 27 boys' or- mfeans of bringing a measure of pros- SHELTER for anlmali wanted. Alia . teetivitlea at Home of Sir. and Mrs. drought less than the cultivated or- were set up, and taxes amounted to small farm with ontbultdlnss, mar Sad John Doran of Leonardo, chard, where the soil becomes so 25 cents a month. And the slogan anizatlons went down Michigan perity to what Is considered one of Bank, for moderate rant. Fbona ZUd Bank hot that it Is not only impossible for was: "Not Members of a Club, but venue. As the parade passed the the poorest areas In the world. 878. Mr. and Mrs. John Doran of Leon- Citizens of a Republic!" Vrt Institute, people on the steps Lake Titicaca, said to be the high- a man to tread on the soil but the :CE BOX for «al. cheap. Mn, Q. A., ardo gave a homecoming party last heat will also burn any roots near iegan throwing dimes and quarters est lake In the world, and one of the Vreek for their son, James Doran, The aim of the republic was (1) M In ton, 58 Bait Front street. Call Bed. the top of the ground to work for a fair chance for every it the boys, probably In tho hope largest, lies partly in Peru and part- Dank 21. who had just returned from a trip to f seeing the boys scramble. But ly In Northern Bolivia, probably was Cuba, Games, singing and dancing boy, (2) to change conditions In- 1 WE CONCENTRATE oar effort* on Htli Hundreds of laying birls, by Fri- he B. B. R. boys marched con- formed by a shift In the formation factory aervlee pln> quality. For eco- were enjoyed after which a supper jurious to boys In work or play, (8) day morning, July 10, had passed Into to bring about a better understand- emptuously over tho rolling coins, of tho Andes and feeds Into an lm: nomical mUaagv and greater motor pro* was served, the guests who attended the next world due io excessive heat, ing between boya and parents, hough most of them came from mense area of desolate marsh land. tectlon, look for tli* Bed Triangle. were Mr. and Mrs. William Hogan, Butdgo'ii Conoco Service -Station, 18*16 A few of this number might have teachers, cops and courts, (4) to 'amilies to whom dimes are precious. White itroet. Bed Bank.* the Misses Margaret O'Dwyor, Elea- There was nothing goody-goody been saved with better ventilation In protest against charity as a sub- No Charge Tor Movies. nor Roche, Eleanor Hogan, Jane and the poultry house and fresh, cool stitute for self-help. To qualify for tbout It. It was juBt their sense o[ WOMAN watital for cooking and genarit Yts> unleM Agnes Doran, Eleanor and Constance he dignity of citizenship. In Epaln thero Is no charge for housework: aleaD out. Apnlyi Florence '"' an end to one of the greatest acourge* water frequently during the day. Do citizenship a boy must be between Holmes, 21iKen)p avenue, Fair Haven, N. Answers-. BeM pr;ven,t Out. Jlulwy, BMraM Muller. Morris Joa- U and 10, rnnst understand tha outdoor movies, but the people In tho or telephone Sad B»k 8»B. of humanity. I hear an answer that "there 5Is no Why are there not more B. B. R.'s 1 audience aro expected to buy drinks, doc* exercue, coupled with adequate «phs, Sol Shapiro, Thomas Gorman, ventilation In the back of my poul- aims of the B. B. R., and pledge 3. There are three ways! (1) by Joseph and Thomas Boche, William, n the United States? What Is as I A cup of coffee, a glaa of hot milk CROCHETEBS (famale) experlanced on In- diet based on roiilc, leafy vegetable! try house and I cannot afford to cut himself to work with It. No ques- fants' hand-made bootees, eacqttee and feeding the cow foods rich in the BBjonaa and Laurence O'Dwyer, and tions are asked about his past Important as the development In | with two lumbs of sugar, or a sweet iboulderattaa. Write Cn»«., Wit. and (mitt, keepi healthy people vitamin, (2) by exposing the milk to a window." My answer Is, for the growing boys of the sense of re-1 chocolate, any of which cost about a Blowing with vigor. William Hogan. cost of two good laying birds, a To start with, the B. B. R. haa Sixth etreet, Philadelphia, Pa. the action of ultra*violet rays, and iponslblllty to themselves nnd the j nickel, is tho usual choice, and for (3) by adding vitamin-rich fish-oil window, complete with wire for sum-only a bare room rented out of WANTED, olrl'i full alxed blurele; limit 2. English phyiidan who, toward Mrs. William Vivian. icmmunlty that leads to good cltl- this the buyer Is allowed to sit at be reaionabla. Mn. O. DaMar, 8» State- the end oi the 1700V introduced extracts to the milk. Vitamin D milk mer and glass for winter, could be Jack Robbins' pocket. It grew by enstyp? "We need at least.three Mr* Elizabeth Vivian, wife of Wll- virtue of Its shrewd central Idea. a table and lounge back at ease for sir place, Bivsnlds Helsrhtt, phone Red vaccination (gabut »mallpox, putting helps prevent rickets. made. more B. B. R.'s right here In this the entire show. ' Dank 1400-J. 8am Vivian of Port Monmouth, died There was the excitement of cam- Ity," said Edward J. Kelly, mayor Saturday after a lingering Illness. paigns and elections for B. B. R. SUMMER SOWN ALFALFA. f Chicago, emphatically. "It's the She was 61 years old and had lived offices that paralleled tho great up- >est training for citizenship I know." Tho Ked Bank Register travels at Port Monmouth about ten years, per world of government and power ovor every street in town and every This Crop One of the Most Valuable which these boys had hitherto re- Robbins and Slonaker have trained road in the county. Lot it carry your moving there from Jersey City, Bi lome dozens of leaders capable of fore her marriage to Mr, Vivian she to Dairymen. garded as an enemy. Through the message to those who live on these leading new republics. All that Is thoroughfares.—Advertisement was Mls« Elizabeth Theobold. Be- Alfalfa Is not an easy crop to administration of* laws, arrests, JUST THE HOUSE sides her husband she Is survived by :row successfully. It is so valuable, trials, convictions, the reasons for five children. however, that it amply repays dairy- paying taxes and obeying laws were The funeral was held at her lato men to study its needs and to satis- learned. Use More Milk And Dairy Foods YOU ARE LOOKING borne Tuesday afternoon in charge fy its requirements. Only too often This remarkable boy-republic of Rev. C. E. Poensgen, pastor of a we see alfalfa sown -without sufficient moved out of its rented room into Lutheran church at Jersey City. The preparation, and failure, or only par- a rented house and finally, through During The Hot Summer Months FOR .. .CAN BE interment was In Fair View cemetery tial success 13 the result. It is none bitter adversity and self-sacrifice, under tha direction of- Harvey S. too early to start making the neces- into a "City Hall" of its own, with Supply of Favorite Hot Weather Food and Beverage Bedle. sary preparations for alfalfa to be mayor's office, council chamber, po- FOUND IN...... «• i a» sown this August, according to , M. lice station, courtroom, newspaper Requires Extra Care Lcive For Panama. A. Clark, assistant county agricul- ofllce, public library, gym. It has grown to 1,100 citizens and has By FRED W. JACKSON Mies Ella McGarity of Shrewsbury tural agent. aduated over 8,000 boys. Jack Director, Division of Consumer Information Bnd MIBS Grace Ward of Little Sil- Llmo well worked into the soil Is Department of Agriculture, Trenton, N. J. ver left Saturday on the S. S. Princa necessary to get a successful nlfalfa Bobbins devotes all his time to It now, but stays la the background. Henry for a 13-day trip to Panama, crop. Where this crop is to be -sown UMMER food Havana and Cuba. Miss McGarity on land which has strong ucitlity it Ho see3 himself as a contact-man with the outer world, raiser of S and BQinnier la enjoying two weeks' vacation from Is often best to plow down a part drinks for Jaded her duties at tho Prudential Life In- money, counselor In time of doubt of the llmo and apply the rest after and trouble. appetites are hot eurance office and Miss Ward ha'j plowing. On soils which are only weather problems two weeks' vacation from her duties moderately acid the spreading of the Tho greatest menace to the enter- prise at tho start was not lack of tn every homo. at the office of Hugh Getty. llmo after plowing and working it In Selections must ( n cash but the mistaken ministrations •VPU v/i h a ( !sk har-ow fhili'd 1': ~'' a gioui> of woU-v/j.-iherf!, who not only bs linn- Northwuy—Jlun nine. :»t.sfi.:tory. i'! to lo"k It over and decide! It . (jer.'^-tlafylng but Mr. and Mra. Hugh PaikH A good te'dbed I' lii ;1 ly f --sirabli t h.ive a biaid of Bdpervikor*. ;'lr--> ralatilile and way of San Antonio, Texan, have for su'nrri'r now'o..' If 'he '• ml I V- ho c;if hea-'l of n hnj-u' club cooling. Kortun- announced the 'marriage their i*° *" Viewer! thl:- :-':< 'lu oo •'•<•• e n1 1 atrly, Nature nt lcaat tnro withou . a 1 at.:•, are the t Is before sowing. When alfalfa in Now York. Someone suggested immediately follows potatoes or protective foods Postponed Bench Tarty. a drive for funds to build a "City which,are recom- The Eatontown chapter, Order of ither heavily fertilized cropu, no fer- Hall." Illzer would Boom to bo ry. mended for more jFCaotcrn Star, has indefinitely post- "No!" Jack Robbins votoed In- general use br poned their beach party which was Whero tho land hat! been manured In Bluntly. . "You cant start a B. R. R, nutrition author- 4o have been hold Sunday. Tho date ;ho hint year or two, nupcrphnsphate that wny!" ilono, 300 to C00 pounds to the acre, ities. Cool and Comfortabls, Ready for Feeding. will bo announced later. Mrs. Harry Ho knew that any B. R. R. must lit' tho case of Klrkegard of Rtlllman parkway will .a probably all that Is needed. If, start nt tho bottom, with the boy* pharna. Carbonated bevei-egm &rs however, tho Held has been neither B drinks, many mother* aro •ntertaln at a card party August 4 •homselve.H, and that a hand- constantly aeoklng drink* for chil- rcfrcihltift hut iiucur is usually the instead of July 28 as orlKinally manured nor fertilized recently, frnin omo clubhnusR, a big endowment 300 to 500 pounds per of an an- dren which are not only cooling bmt only food contained tn them, planned. ______would kill it at tho beginning. And also nourishing and safe. Similarly, U«e of Fruit Juloe* ulysls similar to 3-12-0, or 4-12-t no Harry Hlonukcr, a young furrier should bo a gond liiveMimont. aaulta must chooan wisely lu tha Chocolate milk nhnken and malted Townsend Meeting. who hncl boon mayor of the Chicago matter of their own drinks In hot IJeskles having good germination -cpublic, came to Now York to get milks, Borvcd cold/Tiro extremely Mrs. Elizabeth Hullook of Ijikc- weather. Milk romblnatlon» offer palntablo. Fruit juices and fruit wood, district TowriHond organizer, and purity, alfalfa need should be of I'lngH going, Blonaker, wandering ' a wide cholco of various- type* and a dofilrablo source. For South Jersey, mo evening through the East Bide, syrup* ot all kinds are called for, will be the chief gpeakor at a meet- flavor* which ar» ideal for both in tnaa-y ot the rodpon nngnoited common acod from KfuinaH or atutca mailo frlenda with a group of boy* fining and old. (URING the yisar our Want-Ad page covers ing of the Red Hank Townsend club farther north ficermj to be, qulto milt- playing crnpo on the sidewalk and for milk drlnkn. Home, like to en- D«t Tuesday night at tho town hall. nblo. lntereiitod them In starting "a new Milk Drink* Arc Idaal rloh a milk nhako b? adding a fre«n D ', «v^ry conceivable, desirable type of home. A special effort in being miule to Imvo kind of club." From that sidewalk Many find that a glass of fold egg or porhapH Junt the «gg whlu. all elub members prencnt. If tho Boll and all other conditions sweet milk In always refreshing. Other* ipny add Ice cream or UM aro favorablo to alfalfa It In often conference, tho Now York B. B. B. vanilla or coffee as flavoring In- Tils) house you are looking for may be waiting for him grown from a little room with Buttermilk la a eumnier favorite of bint to aaw thlfi crop alone. On the other* who enjoy the tang ot Its grodlenti). Heeling Postponed. othor hand, If conditions are not no borrowed benche* to It* own City you now, in this very edition: if it isn't, advertise Iinll, converted Am an abandoned slightly ftcld flavor. With moot of To milk dnftlnra, hot weather The meatlng of the drama de- favorablo to tho alfalfa orop It mny the butterfat romovnd. It offer* an tneans a demand from many hornet partmont. ot the Woman's club of ho boat to sow It In mixtures con- n a CUV Oltl!!Bn Y Of Ideal choice which can bn eoniftnned for extra milk anil conncqutnltr your specifications, and you will be amazed at the Had Bank, which was to havo boon taining some timothy nnd clovor. A 400 "" " "" * * ' While other boys' club* In *.„„ ErMly br any who may be waddling they find It nooraimry tnjucreaaa held Monday, July 20, at lClllott's mixture of 12 pounds of alfalfa, Y W li tbolr BUiipllon rludng mien porioila. Immediate response and quick action you will get! beach at flea Bright linn been post- three pounds nf timothy and llvo «rlt nnd Chicago ar» lnoessantly a Children ar* fond of flavored milk A lMflftt, "flnappy Milk I)>lnk« for poned to Monday, July 27. poundn of red clover would bo suit- lieeldni; now members, these t th« flood 01' Hummer Trine," cpn- able under many cliT.uniHtuneeti. liny-ropuliilc* have been obliged for drink*. They help out In making mm that the (iuart.a>day allowance talnliiK 20 recipes for milk drlnki, Molt Club Award. It pays to Inoculate the Heed ii inck ,,r npneo to clone tfielr cltlztn- baa been prepared. Thl* will hi ol "lilp Until. •a consumed. They are Ia«rpeii»l»6 3i Applegate of Neptune received the crop wan ultcne.hHfully urow •Bid healthful as well a* cooling. particular n«o to tho»o Making Now lot us nee hnw the word hmUUifti) Rumtnnr drinks for chil- tha Moond award lait week ot th tho field In recent yoarn. Tho Bcd Th*r tnrpasa In true food' value RED BANK REGISTER nnd-»oll mothod or better yd, n com- •brotherhood" la Interpreted by dren. A copy c*n bo obtained Dy Monmouth Mon'a nhop suit club. any other Rammer trnvernga, tor bination of thin method with immo tlieno youngster*, "flnlpe" Aronc- Uer furnish nil of the Important writing to the DUlnlon at Comumer i Kin j . witz, Nnw York cltlsMi, a** U, ty Information, Now Jermy Huts »*> «an ma-ka extra pocket money commercial Inoculant,' should IHS ewMUtntnta ot mi pecUy th' e given an Inoculated crop. Ing ileaperataly 111 In hospital, need* . —*»tl«l mineral* >• and phot- partment ot Arrlcuturo, Trenton. a blood tracifuilon. New* I* flaahad RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1936. CLASSIFIED RED BAHK REGISTER WANT ADS |

I Court To Review LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED I REAL ESTATE FOR .RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ©ST. rowfcoat with oen. 8»w«rd If KOH SAMS, locust Posts, cord wood and MAURICE SCHWARTZ, Chriller, Ply- TEUBLN'B for typewriter bargains: rent- THOROUGHLY experienced cookl down- FOB RENT, atoru, office*. ftaU. houaea, ARM of 23 acres, six rooms, bath, all return to Dr. Xnllnun, 88 West Front top soil for sal,. B«[ore you buy any of „ mouth andInternational truck Balesi end ml* tod upsrt repairing. Id Broad stalra work; no laundry; sleep out. On- anarUnenU i improved; all location*. kinds of outbuilding*; facing concrete :h..e see m.. Frank J. Mannlno. Laurel Servic°—'e " ""HeadquartersJ —. Phon"•—e" IU"-'d ""'Bank- itreet, Red Bint. ly experienced cooks need apply. Call ln Juit off Droed Btreet.- Land ft Loan Co- ad, three-quarters mile to etatloo 1 Beach Front Law •eeU ' 1 __ e me. Frank J. Mannlno. Laurel »venue. Mlddlttown. phono Mldllatowo DANCING-^Mabel Coleman studio. 16 Ike- person' Thursday afternoon, 1Z Caro 12 Mechanic etreet. Rid Bank^ 8,600, part cash) one and a half miles M' 1 chicken fill, Iron iu5'»ank to Rum. MAURICE SCHWARTZ'S Used Car Lot Is tor place, phone 2011, Red Bank. ClaBs- Court, Red Bank. • RIVER FRONT home at 911 River road, athlng. Luker'a Realty, Del ford. N. J.« justice Perskies Grant* Request l-oad. Bryan, Port-atJ-Psck, Long USED TRACfOB, Oliver How-Crop; alio the place to get high grade recommended ti for children and adults; social danc- SALES assocl>t« (female). Maisonette Fair Hev«n, nine rooraeII, all rear b 0E SA US, _bo nt /our acr$», p,c»I« ranch. ,. . power mower for Oliver. Conover Drol., used cars at a low down rirlee, on liberal ng. Summer is the time for serious study Home Shopping- Service; a dignified garage; exceptionai l fo" r partrty with grove, woodland; near Route 86, Eatcq- : termsi lts« Fords and Studebakeri, 1933- business, no canvassing; opportunity for refarancfli. Inquire at 007 River road. wn. Choice parcel t want caih offer< of Lester C. Leonard, Counsel ULOVA watch, souetr. with a leather •alea and service. Wlckatunk, N. J., phone p !or stage. Holmdel ' •«2. al-'S0 Chevrolets, 1082 Chevrolet 'AINTINQ. decorating, Paper Tianiiln^ advancement to supervisor If capable. phone Red Bank 817. rank White, Deal,-phone 679-W-l. band, lost between Fennljrlvanla rsll- Write nil Raroona avenue, Philadelphia, for Newly Appointed Beach oad station suid Broad street. Reward GARDEN THACTOKS, planet Jr. and Big •port roadster 1160. Msrmon sport phae- estimates •uppliiaupplsd on Urge o_r .ima SMALL FARM eitatei remodeled Colonial ON MOUTH COUNT! farms fen eeleat Bolens, rebuilt. Conover Bros.. Sales ft ton 176, 1081 Pierce Arrow deluxe seven- obab ; interioii r and exterior painting; ex- Pa. residence; eight room*, three bathe; oil list of aU alsvs and types, fotu hi- ; Commission. »r return to J. H. S. gooUsnd. 6B1 Elver passenver sedan with Phllco radio, attrac- siad, Bed Bank. <_ Service, Wkkatunk, U. J., phone Holmdal cellent wall paper service. Arthur E- WANTED, live wire salesman to work ln hcati attached garage, modern boree barn. ilriss will b« siren personaJ ' 9. tive price. Bulcks, Olds, Hupmobllts and Boyce. painting contractor, pbone Rumaon up-to-dat* well established retail liquor Rent fully fumtsbed. Allaire * Son Agon- Howard Uppincott, II ' OSTVT blue pooketbook. shiny finish. K». plenty of other real buys from ISO up, 1 cy, Inc., 19 Monmouth atreet, Red Bank. UA8H (or your old typnrntw, adding ma- Ml. -tore. Apply by letter giving full qual- rwl, phone Red Bank 111. An order calling (or review by the ward; Call Ked Bank Ifti-J. 1982 M C ten-foot panel body truck, iflcations to Salesman, box 511, Red Bank. SEVEN-ROOM house, hot water beat, all HITE poodl* do July 4th. Call chln«. check writer or other office equip- Chevrolet rack body truck 176. For a T 88 CATHERINE street, eight-room •upreme court ot a law placing An- ment! will call. Joseph R. Serplco. Key- real buy see your frl.nd L«e it Maurice BED BUG B, roacbe*. BCM, toy Jit, •to, fio»r|i7S MONTH; work for Uncle Sam. Improvements i centrally located; Ha rug*. house and bath; email two-room buna*a- bury Park's beach front properties Rad Bank »«»• port, N. J, phone «84. parmanentlj •xttrmlnaud (ifuaran- Men, women. Try next examlnattona. Rent |J>5. Inquire 88 Esit River road, w and a /our-room hout* In th« rear} !chw«rt»'s Uied Car Lot, West Front at LJit Jobs and particulars free. Write to- Rumaon, phone 679. under control of a atato commission 0 REWARD for U» ntum at tiger cat, CJTTLK WUlTbi HOUSE Antiaue Shop, Pearl street. Red Bank. Phone 537. Oneri teed). B*l* caught with UneU (not 198x01; no reasonable offer refused. torn, takan from Blka horn*. No <]iiei> day sure. Franklin Institute, Dept. 20D-S. FOR RENT or lease, large etore with gae rs. M. 3o cur ton. Broad street. Sbrews- was Issued by Justice Joseph B. Per- Ueadden'a Comer. IUd Bank, Antiquaa evcnlnm and Sunday mornings, poUonad). Phoa* 2843 /uburj. Jkck on. will bt aiktd, You will do ma a h and eold. Rochester, N. Y. itatlon. Broad street. En ton town, op- y. phone Red Dank 8058-W, •kle;at Atlantic City yooterday after r«at juitlct, Waltar B. Connor, 20* USED CARS bought, sold and excbangedi Kendriek, nUrmlnator. •atabtlxhad poalte achoolhome. Phone 416 Eatontown. ORNER property, rout* 86, houie of •!* ad itrait. B«d Bank.* FOR SALE, sod, top coil, oil dirt, olndera couHsel for the new commission con- and gravel; prices reasonable. Claud* Fontiao ealls and strvicei terms O. M. 86 ycmri. ROOMS FOR RENT SIX-ROOM houiei, all Improvement*, $80 rooms; 180-foot road frontage; eulUble ieottd to It "OB a moans of expediting Wright, Markham place. Uttle .' t ?*"*!«?."•<*•"• "-'I Mechanic p*r month; flvt-room bungalowe, all Im- r any business. The location U flue. Slim. atreet, phone 8016. THE HIGHEST prices paid for live chick. FURNISHED room for rent with private provements; f 20, $26 per month, John Inly $2,000.00. Terms. Fosseialon a* the test." ARTICLES FOR SALE phone Red Bank U»»-J. . JLknl Belford, N. J» ™. VAN 8ICKLB. Dodge auiu Pl . •aa. Jo« Baker, X80 Mechanic streat family; ideal location on Eumaon road; H. Cook, Jr., phone Red Bank B42B.J, FOR BALE, riding hone, reslstered thor- y suited for penon with cart garage; board ' Ward Kremer, counioj for A»bury 'taking oughbred mare, twelve years, sound! mouth automoblleeTnodee "nicks, Good. phone Had Bank »809. uited fr pnon with cart garage; board DOUBLE HOUSE, 14 rooms, for rent or ARM, near Uncroft. 106 acres, *xdeil*nt ASKETS, al•IIl typett-yvwl Ham.linen, ccap.i , packl r If dld CalClll fof r particulartil ! KKumaon soil, brook and woodland i colonial Park officials who charged the law I lok At 'okflon suitable for polo or road riding. Pbona fie' & *\ ff* f™t-o-UU battarl.s. U«. EE CUOW MEIN mvtry Wsdneada? *nd If deilred. •ale. at 18-20 Lelghton avenue i newly "• ""-J..'?. •«>«*• At HmdrldM. 1287. decorated; reasonable rent. Inquire of welve-room residence, located vail hawk teas designed as "a iilap" at their ad- lupplr Co, ItlddUtown, phone lit, Opon Eatontown 146. Engol. Saturday night at Atlantlo hotel. 121 rom road and shaded by numerous tree*. 1 Fair Haven road, fair Haven. FURNISHED or unfurnished roomi, with Mrs. C. VanNeas, 1 Lei ah ton place, or cull ministration, came prepared for a enings. MANURE for sale at Beyer. . Stables, aa *rge bam, wagon boose, eow stall, pack- AINTKIt and payer Unuyv «od d D4Uit t FOR RENT, three-room house in High- md lend themselves readily to any desired ard, counsel for the commUslon, an- oom coi 18.60 and up; all work inmtm* 18B-J." __^__ iterations. Price 110,800} terma. Al- Towcaia $9.50, tbr««-burnir oil range NEW wall utxtura coating, is very deo> Cadillac, up to and Including 1S25. Arn- lands, furnished: grounds 200x200; river nounced, "We are anxious to consent tt; hanging1 o» lampi. Town Furniture old Hanisn. » New .treet. Sea Bright. teed. Jo«ph Hoffman. 21 DiummGnd ATTRACTIVELY furnished room with eun lffhts. Rent tram June to November ii re & Son Agency, foe. 19 Won moot* oratlve for renovating and modernizing place, B«d Bank, phona 88*8>W. porch and private bath; suitable for 100. Sales price, $1,200; will take mort- ttreet. Red Bank, phone 84B0. to this review and get the question Exchange, 86 UonmouUl etrtet, Red ..alls: easily applied. So low In price that 1931 NASH sedan In very good condition gage. For particulars call Red Bank k/ every home owner can afford to ueo It: 40 BUY and MU a»cond'baUi(l cloth«», am two. In private borne; convenient to town 'OR SALE, vacant lot. Mlddletown villa™, of constitutionality settled quickly." a pound, direct from factory. Comes in C V U C bt In good ooudltlon. L. Kerber, 34 and etation. Summer months or longer. 1179-J. ANUKACTUEER'8 lamplaa of wicker .020 O^ 'ob",t. cS. c .n'd tSE; ^ufc B«en by appointment. Phone Red Bank 60x600 feet, on old cement State hlgft- Leonard Indicated members of part eight colors, ready for use. Just mix with m n Starswibury * venue. Red Bank. PboB* HALF of double houie, six rooms, alt im- •--• high and dry; tCOU, Aliton Beek- furniture, pottarr. atudfo couches, rugi cold wator. Call for samples. Atlantlo sedan. AppletrtU-a 17sraB., V»ll«y Drive, 3662-W. Iwo of the supreme court, Including ind ateel cabinete at one-tblrd off. Also provement*: itearn heat; $28 per month- ian, attorney, 10 Broad itreet, Red Bank* Paint & Wall Texture Co.. 110 West Front UCICNSED PLUMBER—Phone 2817 B«d TWO ROOMS located on river bank; tares One block from center of town. Henry Justices Ralph W. E. Dongea, Frank nany lummer ineclale. Town Furniture strset, phone Red Bank 2261-W. becbange, 86 Monmouth atreet, Red (EO CASH will buy seven-i Bank, (or your plumbitie. heating and private home: very desirable neighbor- F. Hylln. realtor. Register buHdlns. Red t. Llovd and Charles W. Parker, had type of piano rk sedan In good running a ov r ilnnlns. Advice and estimatei free. Jo- hood and location, 108 East Front street. Bank, phone 7 48. JEW HOM E, location fine, for sale ink, phona 628.* WE) DO the hhighesg t type of piano work « UK $4,500, $500 canh, $20.41 monthly payi Ihown willingness to hear arguments and sellll piaianoi n s rightih. t Dlrhan'Dlhan'a Piano worth of tools and extras hall. Mld- seph W. Fox. 114 Plnckney road, Red MODERN seven-room house, newly dec- XL BIZS8 of UleUlede Una and tubes for Shop. 15 Drummond place. Hod Bank. dletown village ( B»"pti»t"ch"ur"c*hK Bank, ;axes. Interest; nothing to worry about 1 lit an early date. Justice Ferekie salle att bargaibi n 'pricesi . BrooksldBkld e InnI , t h orated, .hardwood floors throughout ear ^ depot. Luker's Realty, Belford. phonal} 3 8. ^ ^ rnone^Mlddletown 63-J;" WILLIAM V, DIETRICH, plum tin if, D«at- PLEASANT rooms, furnished, with or large plot; three-car garage. Reason- made yesterday's order returnable be- .tlantio Highland!, mar Btono Chureh.* -without light housekeeping; all Improve- FIREWOOD. It per load, 110 per cord) BUICK roaditer In A-l condition, at bar- ina and tinning. Pumpi and windmill, able rent. Any broker or owner, phone fore them August 1, but the Justlcos WO white walled tlrai, >iie 7.60x17, like boat ribs, oak timbers, locust poste; , bar repaired. Agent Cor Master carburetor ments, near station and bus line. 180 Red Bank 2S9. iLD COLONIAL cottaKe, eight rooma, Im- new) very reaionabU. Brookslde Inn, P r Qlk P h provementa; outbuildtnBS; 266 feet are not bound to hear It that early. electrlo planing mill and sawmill for cue. Ban'k Phone Erovements, fireplace, 80 shad* trees t Y tha »»?">• original owS.r took out Ited Bank 2040-R.* Red Bank, phone 74S. ______hree acres. Mrs. A. P. Slmmondi, Main to wan'.e any time." 1.19, sareen door eprlngi Be, Holland N. J. Abco, Inc.. Monmouth Beach 1429, or oad, Colt's Keck. N. J. rlndow shades 29c, papsr shades 0c, You will have the .am. feeling of „„ O rangejy, 177. SERVICE station and garage lor rent, sep- Kremer objected there waa "no real 8FRA¥EItS— New and used sprayers for fldence as we have when you s.e and drlv ashable shades >6c, Venetian blinds farm, estate, golf courie, and shade tree GRANDMOTHER FIELDS' dining room; APARTMENTS arate or together; West Bersen place, 'OR SALE or rent, furnished] nlne-roonv need for haBte," 8.98, swinging eurtajn cranes 10c pair, »ny one of the listed below: '82 Butek corner of Bridge avenue, fully equipped. house with all Improvements] city wa- spraying. Call or write Hendrlckson Sup- nve-pa,,,nger town coupe. '82 Bulck moi meela, week day 40c, Sunday, chicken HEATED apartment, four rooms and 1 Irsch rods 10c. lawn seed lBo lb, Vlfforo ply Company.Mlddletown, or phone W^ epa,, dinner 60c. Also rooms and board. 78 Kent reasonable. Irving Lentlnl, 268 ,er, acreened porch and garage; plenty of Justice Perakie observed Leonard ! el 66-66-00 convertible '32 LSli bathj ail improvements; $25. Land & Shrewsbury avenue, phone Red Bank 1756. ihnde trees. Price reasonable. Mrs. F, lb. Most everyhneverything you want att one FACTORY special on paint; a good linseed vertlbl., -32 LaS.lle town Wallace street, Red Bank.' Loan Co., 12 Mechanic street. Bed Bank, move waB tantamount to admission toreore.. Call us up. WWe deliver. National oil paint 11.60. lead and line ti.OOl HBenueri '32 Cadillac rumble FOR RENT, eight-room house. Improve- tfGovern, Compton street, Belford, N, J. REMOVER of dead animals. Dead ant- TWO apartment* for rent, at 23-26 West ot belief the law was unconstitutional, c, 10c andd II SStoret . Spar varnish »1.60, high grade flat 11.50; coupe. 31 Nash S-HO sodnn, ments; lots shade trees., shrubbery and FOR SALE, Railroad avenue, Bel ford, six bent enamels S2.00 per gallon, any colors. 3SPontl»c !Onvortlble, '81 Cadillac con mals removed free of charge. Phone Front street; five rooms, bath, electri- flowers; two acres ground; on River road but .the lawyer replied ho held no 8-30 MoCORHACK-DEERlNQ tractor for vertlble, 'M Chevrolet convertible, '8» Red Dank 8301-J. Paul IMtaau. city and wat«r; $5 per week. Inquire at rooms, gas, electricity; one-car garage 1 such belief. sale, with law rig complete In excellent Atlantlo Paint and Wall Texture Co.. 119 Dr. Lovett's, 110 East Front street. Red Fair Haven. Write, call oi phone Re< 2,300; small cash payment, balance) :ondltlon; priced reasonable. Can be aean West Front strcot, pbone 2251-W. Red uxe s.dan with factory built-in Bank 1596-W. ^_____ monthly. Luker'a Realty, Belford. N. J.* The law under attack was passed radio. convertible. Remember. Bank. it Jerry's Garage, Elver road. Rumson Bank. "•"1'""»' drives a used earl Corns ln SORENSON & BAHRS, bulkheads and FOR RENT, office room* on second am SMALL FARM of six seres with modern shortly before the legislature ad- APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and third floors of Hanttlll Company build PUNTS, rowboats, sallboati, 10 to 1«and browse around. Many others from dock building contractors. High* bath. Hanson building, comer Drum- brick bungalow, flv« rooms and bath f journed at dawn June 10. It waa ITUDIO couch, opene Into day bed, cheap. feet.. t10.50 up. Thompson Boat Which to choose. Our reputation In youi In?, corner Wallace and Broad streets. In ilectrlclty, steam heat, two-car garage* lands, N. J., phone Hisbtands 124S. mond place and Monmouth street. Apply quire of John S. Applegate. 3t Broad sponsored by Senator Frank C. Duj- Telephone Bad Bank »»6<. Works, 2 Center street, S V M? °uth County dls- Estimates given, phone Red Bank 2288. cashier, and Georgo Smock, II, a lum- el 11.39 liallon, while gloas paint 06c an - 119 Monmouth street, Red- Bank.* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Walter Brada, 1405 York avenue, Nt* .ENITH radio, cabinet type, »2 6; new Oscar Becker. 47 Second atraeU Fair Ha- York._ ber dealer, to the commission. hair ntftttreu |8, four dreiaer, S4 each, Dn, flat white paint 06c gallon. Glldden, BUICKS. Chavrolet, Fordi, O]d«mobl! ven, N. J. THREE-ROOM apartment for rent, bath, b!(T neleetlon on hand from 125 up: , furnished; hot water; summer rental, HOUSE, four bedroomi. bath, kitchen, Anbury Park officials would have davenport bed couch $12. SxlO rug, used arnlsh for all uses »1.98 gallon, steel dining, living room, fireplace; fine con- ATTRACTIVE home In suburban eoetton. six week,, 187: new studio couchei 125, LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. $30 per month. Apply Daly, 110 Mon- living room, dining room, kitchen, three) no authority over the beach front 1 Orders called for and delivered. Recon- uth street. Had Bank.* dition; school, bus, Red Bank; garage BxlO trru, rug it, new thru-plecc over- ditioned used mowers for sale. $1.60 and large shade trees. Price $6,300, Franl bedrooms and bath; lot SOxfllB; garage* under th* new law.. They contend, tuffed living* room suite $74. L. E. up. John Hansen, 82 Hudson avenue. Red FIVE-ROOM apartment, furnished, In fine B. Lawes, 47 Shrewsbury avenue, phon> Bam with accommodations for tiro riding therefore, It Is In violation of the Irown, 117 rroipect avenut, Phone Red Bank, phono 1929. residential section; rent M0. Thompson 2876. Red Bank. men. Price $5,000. Hopping Agency* Agency. 81 Etat Front street, phone Red Red Bank, phone 397.* ^__ borne rule provisions of the state con- lank 67. METAL WEATHEUSTRIP8 for doore and ; BEAUTIFUL lot, 50x166, on Branch a *ub wax 20c pt, Old English No-Rub wax Bank 700. n¥ SIX-ROOM house, large frontage on high* stltutlon. ENGLISH stylo baby coach In good con- 19c qt. Call ua for your needn. We de- windows; save 26% of fuel costs. H. nue. near school; shade trees and dition, reasonable price! also one full A. Hendrlckson ft. Co., pbone Red Bank FOR RENT, four-room heated apartment; rage. Sacrifice. Owner, -174 Branch a way, $2,000; six-room house, hett, eleei Wer. May we be of service to you 7 Na- FARM PRODUCE. «iAA AA IT n.. . * _*. * D. Barlow Burko of tho Philadel- •Is* bed spring. 857 River road, Fair 1400. 62 Newman Suriags road. Bed garage. For sale, bungalow ln Rumson. nue, phone Red Bank 1460. trlcity. gaa; plot 50x250, 11.200, part Haven. K. J/| tional Be, 10c and $1 Stores (formerly Bank. with two lots and two-car garag*. Bar- cash, cash $1,000. Luker Realty, Belford* phia bar, representing a group of Prown-Coopor Co.) . FARMERS and truck srowers will and Rain for quick buyer. Shrewsbury River FOR SALE on Route 85. three acres, sev HOT - AIR furnace, complete, new last IF IT'S MUSICAL we can «upply It. In- en-room house, also stand, only S&.OQO H. J-* m Philadelphia holders of Asbury Park 'WO AWNINC.S~: inHitt~ Ilko newnew. . Fifteen read* market for their Droflucs tiy ad Agency, phone Jardlne, Red Bank 7<.* year; very chsap. Maple Spring Farm, vertlalnrtll p I The R«gl»t«rps alasslSed r. ) atructlon on any wind or string Instru- suitable for gai; five rooms and bath; Por bonds, was present of record In thoChapel Hill road, Atlantic Highlands, feet Itmtr, fmlo yin of. Telephone Long o ment Including accordion. Arrangements TWO very nn« apartments, good central Monmouth, near school and depot. Luke IN RTVEUSIDB drive section, Middle- \* proceedings. jhona Red Bank 8529-).* Branch 2477. can be made to purchase Instruments. Al- locality, five rooms and bath; one has Realty, Belford, N. J." town, thoroughly modern eight* large rooms, other smaller; oil burner, hot "If you have any argument In FOR SALE, set of 4.60x11 tires. For HORSES for iale, buy K«M.nB. chunky, 42 ACHES ot .tandlnff rye for sale. Mea- to impairing- Anneee, 47 Washington COUNTRY ESTATE; five acres of Ii room house, surrounded by beautiful powerfuli rldaa, drive* and works; two dowedgo Form. Tort Monmouth, phone street, phone Red Bank IT 61. water. Inquire 1 Allen place (just off favor of tl)ls law," said Justice Per- further Information tall 117 West Front Riverside avenue). Phone Red Bank overlooking New York bay. Five mai estates; ground nicely landscaped; ex- treet, Red Bank, aft«r « p. m.* ay marea, ride or drive. All Kentle and e 863 R THE HOME Service Shop, 36 Bay avenue, tcr bedrooms, two baths, two tervan1 akie to Leonard, "It seems now 1B >rieed very low. HaBtumor Stock Farm, l'™t": - ' « *ed Ban* U-R cellent view down Shrewsbury ; priva- wire haired fox terriers, mnle Atlantic Highlands, phone 763. Speclal- rooms; screened porches; large garag< the time to make It." Mnin street, next to lumber yard, Belford, Ixlng In electrical washer repairs. Farts oil heat, HOURB ln A-l shape. Owner wl cy. Owner leaving area; $10, B00* and female: 128 esch. Portable dog N. J. and ffU&ranteed labor for any make of Leonard said such arguments would lungalows $15 each. Hermes, Clinton ave- gacrifice for $15,000. Rolaton Waterbur; Charles E. Sweeney. Monrnouth ave- washer._ Freo estimates, ESTATE WANTED 107 Monmouth atreet, phone 3G0O.* bo made before the supreme court nuo, Belford, at Camnbell'a Junction, P. ENGLISH SPRINGER spaniels for sale; nue, phone Rumson 1402. 0. Box IB.' • Tunnies Hired by Int. Chsmplon Button DAD DEBTS "an aeset~when we "handle W£ D£SIR£. lUUngs of properties avail- SIX-ROOM bungalow, in Red Bank j later and "for practical reasons we Recorder: ready for Bhow ring or trolnlne. your delinquent accounts. We areable for summer rental. Send full par- AXMINSTER rue; 9x13 $)1E: Axmln.Ur Improvements; good location, $B,76 ARTIST'S HOME—Quaint old farmhouse want to hurry th« matter on." - rug Il',ixl2 135. Double folding bed 11 EoBt Highland avenue, Atlantic High- bonded. General Collection Agency of tioulars. Also listings ot farms for sale $500 cash. Many other bargains. Rolut lands, i>liono 17.* New Jersey, 172A Monmouth street. Red or rent Allaire & Son Agency, Inc. 19 on inlet, Shrewsbury; needi renovatingj The commissioners' munBel nrl mnttrenn, bureau and odd chairs. Ap- Bank. W.aterbury, 107 Monmouth street, pho eight rooms, bath; trees, picket itmcej ily Red Bank 2O2-R.1 Monmouth street. Red Bank. Red Bank 3500.* Asbury Park was "a cauldron of dis- CESSPOOLS clennflfi. rollnni dun, droop- half acre; $3,000, terms. Hay H. Stlll- sension and we don't want It to re-HOUSEHOLD furntlure for tals. Can be WANTED, listings for small and large SMALL FARM for Hale, nine-acre farm man, State Highway 4-N, Eatontown, Ne seen between 10 a. m. and 12 noon on ing and grading; at reasonable rates. farms, from three acres up. Please give the late Km 11 Flmpar Is olfered at J., phone 7. _ main that way. Pamphlets have been 'rldsy at Anderson's Storage, Mechanic Howard Maxson. phone Atlantic Highlands all Informationormation.. Have cascah buyersyrs, ,wait a- 77 6. all sacrifice to help settle estate; consists FARMS—Large, up-to-date list mailed OB Issued containing this and that and itreet. t «a«h cord 3Bo for 100 ft.. Hot Point nBY CHICKS 10c. Uated Burred Rock. ingi , AlsAlo hhousehu s and lotlts In MonmoutMth well built comfortable six-room houst electric Irons $2.08, electric toasters ««c, h l0 I ll nd request; many bargains. Ray H. Stlll- the bed way to clear the" air Is to >V ,'" v ' , R«ds. EnKll»h LeBhorns TUTORING by experienced teacher. R. Co. TThh e SaunderSd s AAgency , 1312 Sprlng with all conveniences, surrounded by fin 8-plece set dishes S4-9B, trollls EOt, rabbits, bunnies, chillis snd whites. Mueil. T. Blxler, 31 Drummond place. Red wood avenue. Asbury Park. shade trees: garage, barns and full work man, State -Highway, Eatontown, K. J. have the courts decide tho Issue." Jtchen closets S2.00, bench umbrellas er. east side of Routi Bank.' . Phone 7. SEotabllahed 21 year* ln the Tuesday night The flaih icarcd a * one mile north Ing equipment. Located In borough, nea Perskle said he didn't want to "Hi 12.60, bird CHUBS $1.2r,, water tumblers 8c, of Kfd Bunk brldie. high aehool. For further Information ai location. group of young men standing ln a Oriental throw ruas J1.39, hnsnocks 98c. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT to attractive terms and profit poaalbllltl FOR SALE in Belford. six-room house, cel- ten to any argument from either sld. doorway nearby and all left the SITUATIONS WANTED consult at ones J. H. Hendrlckson of thi lar, electricity, hot water heati only — -•—-.-.i... urn. mtcr v that might bs characterized as polit- scene in a hurry. Home and Btreet m»e" nut's 12.88, Z«-lnch hnll runner 29c SIX-ROOM house for rent; all conveni- Keyport Banking Co...administrators. $1,500 i email cash, balance monthly. Bbt- ical. What I want to know Is wheth- •ard. Lots of otbor good values. Call us den's Corner." Chspel HIM road, Head- WHITE WOMAN, wiihe. day's work to ences ; enclosed and open porches; ea- ATTRACTiVE bungalow irontlng~on~rlv»»: room bungalow, rent $15 per month. Csv* lights were put out of commission ip nnd wo will deliver to you. National er there are any debatable legal queer do, or would do laundry, ln or out. Call ___ Rent reasonable, B. Adler. . living' room, dining room, kitchen, flr leb Luker, Belford, N. J." [or a short time. 5c. 10c and $1 Store. Phone 2680 (for- FOR SALE, loo Leshorn pullets, four at 276 Mechanici atreet, after 6:00 P. U., Washington etreet. Red Bank, phone place; steam heat, two bedrooms, bath COLONIAL HOUSE, four bedrooms, bath, ttons that can bo argued." Fifty periona bought tlokets for merly Prown Cooper^Co^ ^ montho old, 50 Rhode Island Red pul- phone Red Bank 1274. 22S8. lot 60x805; twoBt floor lavatory; automatic h William Hower, aged 78, of Wash- phono 528. ReferencesRf . Add H S A b 611 Brown, Z4 Whart avenue, Red Bank, phone water heat; two-car garage; lot 100x165. other buildings; houie oi eight rooau : Mrs. J. Hartley Melllck and he irm hones; cheap. Also wheat and I HAVE first bond and mortgage money Red Bank.' Address H. S. A., box 611,27. Easily«d. Price $14,000. Wrtle E. •Uctrfclty, beautiful shtdei S0.QO0. DM ington street, wai overcome by the hont straw. W. H. Potter, phono Mld- amo ulH E3GHT-R00M house, bath, lavatory, fire- H. W., box 511, Red Bank.* cash. Luker Realty. Belford, N. J.* :«on Waring have left for a two weeks dletown 5T0-W." M , 'J "P t<> *'.50O to place on HIGH SCHOOL «lrl wishea part time "motor trip to Narraganeett and Ed- heat- Saturday afternoon and was ™»ld.nUal and business prop.rty. place, porch, oil heat: garage, shade taken to Monmouth Memorial hos- ELF/CTRIC stove, three burners, oven, ^jpplnjr^AyncjrpplnirAMncjr , ReRd BanliBk , phonh e 307!* work as mother's helper, or caring for treei and shrubbery. Fine location. Red rgartown. kitchen site: Oenernl Electric mnke. MONKX TO LOAJ* " ' small child. Addresd s Alva, 215 Mechanic Bank. Price $60. Frank B. Lawes, 47 pital ln the Rumxm ambulance. atreettt , Hd BkBank.' Shrewsbury avenue, Red JJank, phone ; Miss Martha Rutgers Is spending StelnschuB, Swnn avenue. Ijocust. N. J.' _c -z .j- .unprofed raaJ eetat«. the week in Jericho, Long Island, aa MIBB Ruth Nary, daughter of Coun- FISHERMAN'S opert Sea Bright (lory. 22- worth double the amount loaned. Al. COLORED COUPLE, refined, trustworthy, 2876. __ , M mai1 wish positions an chauffeur-butler; wom- Hhe guest of Miss Katherlne Nloleon cilman and Mrs, Frank Nary, and a foot, for off-shore flnhlriii: Ford mailne, S°Jf J? > - atlorn«T. 10 Broad street, 9IX ROOMS and bath: newly decorated J100. Stlllman, Eatontown, N. J., phone it eg Bank. & an chamber mold-laundress or plain cook- throughout i one block from station. ; Miss Elizabeth Hills of Bethlehem recent graduate of the Ked Bank Inn. Cun furnish the best of references Ideal for commuter- Rent very reason- 1. Inspect Shelter Cove, Ccdnr Grove. AUTOMOBILB loant, car. financed and for Ions services. 307 ShreWahury ave- Be Persistent, For [pa, formerly of Rumson, wfla th< Business Institute, hai accepted a po- able. T^phoneim-R,RedBank1*_ Tom« Rlvtr, N. J. reHnancedi larseit and oldeit company. nue. Red Bank. "guest of Miss Honora Knapp las sition ai secretary to Daniel Mahcr G FOR RENT, flve-room bungalow and ga- OH SALE, four 6.50x10 used tires In ^5* t ««•••rate.. « .Centra«»«!l Discount &rp.Corp... WANTED, electilcnl work, all lines; $1.60 •week. • of Long Branch, president of the good condition, Blx-ply J two coal ranged, Bectrlo BldB, Asbary Park, phone rsge: all Improvements: ready 1st of 4558. Evening! bEy appointmentit . per outlet. Write Da ran, electrician. August; at 42 East Westslde avenue. In- Persistence Wins " George Smith has gone to Nan Recreation Pier and Amusement cor- one with water hack and boiler: stnnll Kas Poro t Monmnutl)), NN. J.o, orpn phonee KeenKeenss - quire on premises or call Rumson 1491. : hot air furnace In good condition. FUIINITURB winUd. old fashioned an- b RefrigeratRf o and oiil burnerb s Ask for Russell Scott.* Many a man who haa a small business gets dl»- tucket for two weoks to be the guca poration. __. Comhl'natlon coal and B«s range.; three burn 4fi. tique furniture. In any condlffon: also reimircd, FIVE-ROOM home for rent, all Improve- couraged when things dont come his way aa fust as *of Edward Harris. kitchen sinks, one lavatory. M. V. Ilrown, Klasiware. Write and I will call at once housework nnntcd; sleep In. .' Peter Behr, who has Just returnc 24 Wharf avenue. Red Bank, phone 27. I Pay cash. Addreee AnUqu«s. is Me GliNKIlAL ments; SO Mechanic street. Inquire of he thinks they should. Fair Haven. RACING Johnson, 16-Bteli plnno, *U0. Oll l'i(mi>cpt iivemic, lied Bank.* Samuel Gardner, 82 Mechanic street. Bed ^from a naval R. O. T. C. cruise, wl Mny be se*n at Pillion's boat workn at position RR genora] house- Bank. Rent_ IjM^per month.* Many a small business man Btarta advertising and "spend the rest of the summer on th HIGHEST prices paid for antique (urn!- orker or i-linmbeimnld. Anna Tkach, SIX-ROOM house for rent," with aaraaie. gets dlBcouraged because the advertising does not 1 the ^not of First street, Riimwon. N. J." turej anything In the antique line. Ad- Teo ranch In Wyoming. Mr. Behr (The Red Bank Regllter ean be bought Ne Mon Ih. N. J." •t 50 Bridge avanu*. al) Improvements; bring Immediate results. in Fair Uaven from Harry Kortle and Mr. MUSt~SBLL this week I Atwaler Kent ra- dreai P. Q. Box 271. Avon. priced right. Inquire at Peter Talerico's, brother, Karl, han gone with the Yale Blppe.) dio, electric, |3: secretary (22. Ice box Y0UN(i GIRL wishes to take care of child 1 duitriK the Bummer. Address (ilrl, box fll Nerth Bridge avenue. Red Bank.* :Glee club to tour and give concorts $4, walnut dining room sulta S20. Hus- WANTED. Blnger sewing machlneB, any condition! cash reflate™, typewriter. 611. Ite^Bank." SIX-KOOM house for rent reasonably 1 all A man who Is building a foundation for a pier drops :ln England, France, Germany and Magazines have been donated to ell's Auction Uailerlei, 27 En»t Front street, : •ddlng machines, furniture, hooks snd YO'UNO nest caiTnbi**lil|th~ school "jradu- improvements; centrally located to bus- a pood many stones ln the river beforo there Is :Scandlnavla. ho Fair Haven public library for store fixture*. Frlerlmtn, 35 South MsJn nto wnntn work In ofllre or a» dental iness center and commuters. Apply at 84 the picture collection by Mrs. IMgar SAILBOAT for mile, nt reasonable prlci, slfejU Asbury p« k. phono Asbury Turk Drum'mond place, Red Bank. anything to show above the surface. : Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Coloman hav 28-foot Hum no n knnrknboutl good con- r aHHiHtant. Address Graduate, box 511, N. McClees ot Fair Haven and Mil DUY. BUILD or rent In Belford, b«lng de- A man who Is going to walk to Fair Haven tnkes "returned to Rumson with their younj dition: gsiT rlgRlng with IUtey sails. Can tired and Laura Covant of Brooklyn. be usod for CIBIH rRrlntr or pleasuvo Ball- WANTED, bathroom eaulpmint for wmatl _ veloptd by J. Crawford Compton, This only one. stop at a time, but If h» keeps going ho .daughter, Caroline, after having spen Ing. Call Atlantic Highland^ 814. room; cheap for cash. Address B. E., THOROUGHLY"" experienced" "cVok, A-l,town has every convenience a home owner John P. Mulvlhlll Is building a box flll, Redgink.* winheii position. Will cook for dinners, could expect, plus common sense govern- "gets there." •a month in Morrlstown with Mrr ELKCTRIO beer com prim nor motor, good sun porch on his home on Church luiu'lioonn or fill In. Call Rums on 516 ment and low taxes. It la Ideally iltuated It fa persistence ln each of these cases wlilch won "Coloman's parents, Mr, and Mr rondltlnn, uned only elaht months. Will HAVE you any old meerschaum or antique between 10 and 12 a. m.' between Sandy Hook bay and the RhrewH- Clarence P. Morrell. atroet. sell for 185. For pnrtlrulnrs nee Angelo Pipes around the home T I will buy TUTORiNO In rcndinti for beglnnere or bury river and Is easily accessible via rail- tho day. . . them. Juit call Red Bsnk 3616 and I will * ,M1BS Verna Torbcs of Morrlstow Mr. and Mrs. Bashan of New York Hcottl, Shrewsbury avenue, corner Herbert for those who have hud difficulty In pri- road, busses, good toads and leveral boat ntreiit, Ha<._B«nk^ cull. mmy K>n. Hal Ward. four-cylinder marine engine. $05. Can mBklng of a will on September 20, 1890, 212. particularly gratifying and we want to ; Mr, and Mr«. Inglls Uppercu an The Fair Haven Yacht olub cleared be ipen at Monmouth Iluit rhib. Dions by MurKaret Reevy. at Reevaytown, thi 01)1) JOHK, anything and everything. 1>IK (MK-nuriLrCe this clnas of ptorile to mak« Hank 15HO-J." or Hmnll : we do them all, at lenuonnhlc Belford their home by offering* the fullent What has this got to do with mlvertl.slnR In th« ithelr daughter Isabel, who have bee $100 at the recent "shipwreck" party will having besn written and wltnesseil by prlron. Satlsfnctlon Buarantecil. Tele- co-operation of thU romplete, reputable KOH HALK. Wehater uprldht 'i>tauo, IUIU Cyrus W. Shlifton, B. phynlclan, andl wiitt Want Department of The Register? you may ftnk. •In Now York for the Iant two weak at the Molly Pltoher hotel. nemed by John Lane. Reward I phone Red Hank M*iy^_ _ real estnte oraanlsstlon. J. Crawford Ahl* tor H-nr*. h.ll: B«U for $10. Call ofTsred Compton, 14 ytsrs' exparUnCe as a real JtlBt this. 'left Thursday to drive out to Mon ffldward Little has resumed his lied Rank 681-3.*_ __ for valuable Information. A.Ur enn Ilox WOltK vv«nlfld an general hou»ewoiker or "tana to spend six weeks on the Up 800, Wayside, Asbury Park U. 1> tiiklnir rare of hnliy ; experienced. Mar- entitle developer and builder. An advertisement for a girl to do homwwork, or for former Job as pilot on the excursion MofbltnOAT, open runabout, SI fs*t Jong lon tinliuntl, d6 Mndeu plnce. Iteil Hunk.* •percu ranch.. Mlsa Virginia Uppercu 8 feet, ilx Inch beam i copper and brais HOUSE for"~rent~flve~foompi1 2To~Mon^ a Job of painting, or to rent a hoo«\ or to supply boat Osalnlng on the Hudson river. WANT to buy for caih any old noitaae mouth attest. Alston Heekman, atlor- 'another daughter, and Mlsa Honon fnHtfliieil, bottom rnpper nheathed, ropper stamps, United Btsto or for«l»n: nn or any other similar want, may bilng and uaunlly does* -Knapp will leave Monday to drive ou Joseph Boyle has been on the sick iian tank, Ford marine motor. Joe's re- off .nvelones. Submit to m« (or Insnec HELP WANTED bring an Immediate response. Sometimes, tlio ad- list. verso Kenr; Uunriied thin wesk j new, A.tlon. I!. V. It H, Stout, 2 Llnilon |ila«. 'UAUF "d(7u^ie~hVu~i'e~it i«~No"rth~ Bridge •to Join them. ninehofT, Mlilfllotnwn, plione lfiR. Phone JUS Hunk illl. avenue. Red Bank i ail Improvements; vertisement lina to bo repented Boveral tlmeu beforo The Bons and Daughters ot Lib- WAN'N'li, mnl.l for general honrcw. renftonshle rent. WlUWm Kane, Middle- u.l plain coitklnu;. ln West 1'iuk, V.n the object Is ncoomplhiliftd. - Mr. and Mrs. J, Wright Drown gav erty will hold Its regular meeting WB OlTKIt henutlfully hanil-carvsd en airs (Chlnene) ntsnclR, tables (Empire _ iy i 1 In advertliilnK i\ minim™, whether It Is a ntmo or a. « farewell party last woek for M next Tuesday night. motif). innh bottom chulrn, Currier and BUSINESS NOTICES. HAIJ' of double house for rent, •(jTroom Wll(TB WOMAN'to help with hoiiRuwork". ami 1) nth; \nrga y«rd and «ar*m; all In m vc 'and Mrs. Edwin Stuart at Ben Ma Daniel Allaire of tllver road Is Xves prlniri, fltnail oval mirror*, engravlnrt, ] t*1 S)ji«wabury nyenue^llpd ilnnk.' pnlnt nliop or a bicycle r**i lrliij{; l»l' o. It In por*- etc. ItiiHrll'fi Auction Callerieii. 27 Knst ESTBLLE PAINTINa. decorating and pa- ( nxmllent roti.lltlnn. A. T. Dorsmus, 44 slstenco wlilch counts morn I linn nny other fnctor. •din's Mvlera. Mr. and Mrs. Btua critically 111, per hanging,! save the eurface anil you WANTED, wlillV VomiTii .01 "KL>*i.«rn1 Kerklenn plmd, IUd I!«nk,_or sir«nts.__ __^ Frpnt slreet,_jiho_ne Red Dank_!«£», hoiiiiowovk; ndults: munt 1m Korllrntor, HIKII link- ei'M. cimi'li"". tionka. nurnen; Rot»ton Waterhiiry, 107 Monmouth street, lh« Humiion ambulance. ndo lliiitiKi Foril, Vhnviolet, I'lymoutn. k',\ PerHlntonce win*. Thin In limt an trun of ndvorH/nn" Fair Haven first aid ambulance. Ha en, m Hlnir desk. etc.. for f251). Will UH. Went Knd Kmplnymenl phone SROO.* Qoorgo Miles, Jr., was bitten ye « two or thr«« d«ys with buy.: . In- nM HV.M!,;., WflHt Kiwi, ).hm>ert,. nr*|ilftr«; newly built; nlr« a rounds; terday by a dog owned by Harold reiislm. llrake ami Mattery Station, "lift As my covers sevsrnl (Miinitlos It Uitiiuli flfiV. Also "pirn Huiulay*.* There will be no service at th a MAN WANTKH to work at ro« lit«nil; ex- 150.00. Hal • ton Watvrbury, 107 Mon- Paters. He raosived medical trea Wfl.t fi««t «tr«»t. 1U<\ !t«rik. !. dest suited for two iienpta. My Inulnaii ( Chapel ot the Holy Communion on litnU'iwtt flfi-t tfooil teferemrvs. Ap|))y fll moutl) klraat, phone Red Hunk _ . ' jnsnt at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. Pi AUCTION (iAI.LKHY, bargain lutToieTris^ ralla for * hustler, not afraid of lour COLONIAJJ house of ten rooms i three Runday. er fir, silver PolUh 10c, furniture pollih hour,, and a most tiaraful automobile flodnn'H Slate IIiRhway 85, Mldilietown.' ters told th«g polio* he would get r ilrlv.r. rhnne Mlddletown «H-J. or ad-WANTICH, ynuntt nian milt»l>U for rna>1< »cr«s of land; all Imprnvamenti, Owner 12c, 1-oof r«ment Bio per gsllon. paint will irinke repnlri wlieie necssaarr* Hoi- of the dog. i • A rummage sale will be held Mon •mniil II H»t!on. ilUb*« Ac. Itimctl'i Btiuid; mom nnd bonrd. ('lien)'* Farm c. Itcllii Aiio Mmket, onn mile north of Kenmj iw iisliing the big transformer on th In the Methodist church basement un smith tiros,, repair «nd »h«r|i»n laxt WK NFIKiVnrsV'cUi'ii help" foVi»i»sTflona"fi. HIJC'HOOM"(UIUMTOH lms"llnei stism he«T corner of Btv«r road and LafayetU der the direction of the missionary D1N1NU ItooM ««t nd d'o^bln l.e-1 mowers II. We fix ..w. «nd aelesnrs. Wi Isriie porch ami sun parlor t |S8 per pi H uuniity srnd flnn'tltlon.flnn'tltlon. Fo the bn»t. houHfhold*. Ap]>ty «t once at •trsst. wblob wu struck by lightning society, For Bill l.rnn.l hand lawn movers, US Oak. Monmouth Kniplnym«nt Ageiw-y, 107 Moti- month. Rnlslon Wntntbury, 107 Mon pale, resionabli. Phone IUdd BanBkk 2Sail. land sUett, ajul Btldn KVUU*. Bed. mouUi street* k«il Uank. i'hooe 8600/ mouth street, phone Red Bank II00,' RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 16,1986. mmm7 Senat* President Frank Durind. o£ New Jerwy for a thorough mental Relief Problem Mon mouth. and physical checkup. He found Bayshore Tennis Bell Laboratory : Ernest R. Shaw, general manager that outside of being 59 pounds over- of the Horse Racing Amendment as- weight there were no defects, and Get the Habit—Shop Here and Save at the StfflA Puzzle sociation, charged at the hearings pronounced me to be mentally and Tourneys Held Up DefeateJf.M.RA. that Charles Rlghter of Boonton, law physically sound. I have a certifi- State Financial Auiitance Com revision committee clerk, which hel cate to that effect." Rejuvenated Poitoffice Team possession of ths resolution, askei By Intense Heat million Hai $6,000,000 t him /or $5,000 to obtain its release. Defeat* Y. M. C. A. Softball- Dutribule—State Fire Wardei Rlghter denied this and said he had Regatta Plans To Miw Harriet Kyer Defeat* Mi»s en, 13 to 11—Quad* and Bell to Present Case. never spoken to Shaw and was eat* Roberta Parker in Women's Telephone Game Rained Out. Molly Pitcher Food Market Ing In a Trenton restaurant at the Be Made Tonight Diviiion—Comwell Loses in inio Shaw said the alleged bribe of- The Bell Laboratory eoftball team Trenton, July 15 (AP)—The prob- rer was made. Third Round. lem of relief financing still remained Plans for a campaign to raise funds defeated the Y. M. H. A. last night 18 Monmouth St. Phone Red Bank 3144 a puzzle today despite a conference The New Jersey Taxpayers asso- with which to linance the annual Na- at the Red Bank high school athletlo •between members of the State Fi- ciation announced its support ot tional Sweepetakes regatfa to be held The Intense heat over the week-end Hold, 6 to 3. Tuesday night's game WE DON'T KNOCK OUR COMPETITORS BUT WE STILL INSIST nancial Assistance commission, the movement to provide for a consti- next month on the Shrewsbury river caused postponement of many between the Quadrangle club and Bell new agency to handle state relief tutional amendment establishing bl will bo made tomorrow nlffht by the matches in 6 tournaments being held Telephone team was rained out, and funds, and a oommlttco ol the ennial sessions of the legislature, regatta committee at a dlnnor-mee_t- by the Atlantic Highlands Tennis on Monday night a rejuvenated Po»t- WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS ! League of Municipalities. with two-year terms for assembly- lng to be held in tho Elks club. club. olllce team defeated the Y. M. C. A., William H. Albright, state treas- men and four-year terms for sena- About 35 members are expected to In the women's division there was 13 to 11. On Thursday night of last SWIFT'S urer and a member of the State Fi- tors. The group salV »• 25c 1 lb. LOBSTERS 4Bc The hearings transcript has already your disposal." n been mailed to the members by the The publisher said Hoffman had n Native Eels 25c - k C C C Mackerel ..• 15c - re stenographer, Miss Jane Brown. "swell personality, but I think re- m Crab Meat 70c - Senator Clifford R. Powell of Bur- cently you have gone 'nuts'." In re- Butter Fish 16c 3 " 25 2 19 4" 25 lington, committee chairman, said he ply the governor said "only two CLAMS on Vx Shell 2Bcdoi. expected the report to be completed weeks ago I went to one of tho best-, BLUE FISH SEA BASS = 20?b Steamer Clams 35c •within two weeks and. forwarded to known psychlarlsts In the state of a hundred JELL-0 TOMATOES PEAS CORN ICE CREAM MIX Chocolate, Vnnllln, Strawberry, Fancy Hand-Faoked Tuttl Fruttl and Orange rine- Sweet Dykland Brand Fancy White Crushed , apple. JERSEY DAVIDSON BROS. S""29° 3canB29° 3^35• ° 3^25° National Biscuit Co. SARDINES SALMON Prune Juice FAMOUS CHOCOLATE LIQUOR DEPARTMENT WAFERS Imported Norwcglnn FANCY CHINOOK In Furo Olive Oil M flat cam Full Qt. Bottla Make the Best Ice Box Cake. ' , 4 M125° 2 """ 29° Special! A QC Special! A HO a tin SALE 97/Kraft's Miracle Whip MANHATTAN Kemp's Sun-Rayed SALAD DRESSING GINGER ALE Tomato Juice Falo Dry Club Roda or Llnu IUckey. VERY SrEOIAI. WINE IMPORTED Bordeaux French Dinner Wine C No Deposit on Bottles. CHIANTI RED Bordeaux Blanc 23 3? d0 C TT. FULL QUART 1020 Vintage Bordeaux Rouge IX QT. 89° * 6 *"•" 55° 4 - 29 97 Largcat IiotUea 12-oz. Ijottla PORT INVALID FIFTH Medoc Chateau UICMI'LAH JI.40 $1.40 97 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Specials for Friday and Saturday Only AMERICAN RYE FIFTH 1H MONTHS OLD California FANCY I.AIIGK FANCY FANCY GOLD STREAM 8QVF,K7iING CALIFORNIA SUNKIST JERHISY Straight Pennsylvania APPLE BRANDY ORANGES VAI-WNOIA Vlne-IUpcned 97 KVKIIY miov Bartlett Pears Cantaloupes Huckleberries RYE—100 Proof Medium Size ORANGES TINT 28 MONTHS OLD. Large Slie I'lNTH ONLY. 97 C AfiBC o doz. r qt IlfXlULAH fl.19 TINT 15'" 25 10' 25° 2' 25° 23° California Dry Wine, Davidson's Davidson's Brandy FANCV CUIIAN JF.RHRY FANCY mm FANCY FANCY Made by Fruit Barbera Alicanti AVOCADOS OOtUKN I1ANTAM JEllflKY LIMA BEANS CALIFORNIA Industries, California 97 Barberona Chianti CORN TOMATOES Full I'odB PEAS S YF.A11H OLII TINT Zinfandel Snuterne a doz. l Claret Reisling 2' 25 2 " 29° 3 "• 29" GIN SPECIAL GAt.I.ON JKKNKY JKK8KY l'ANCY Distilled by Fleischmann Port CALIFORNIA SWEET Carrots or Beeta FANCY SCALLIONS Celery Hearts 85 Proof Sherry WINE for Muscatel Port I-arfO niini'hm CUCUMBERS Ijirgn BunchfM £ar(» Bunches BUY BY Till! CAHi; 97 97c Sherry n hikt, btin c g% bundle* QAO IS qt*. AND HAV'I'. TINT Tokay H Ual. Mimcatel 97c Tokay 3 10 4 10: 3 ~ 10° 7 I.I1H. 3ta