All the Newi of SECTION BED BANK and Surrounding Towns Told Feu-lowly and Without BlM RED BANK I«u«d V?%%V]y, tnUrcd as Bee ond-Class Mattir »t tht Foit- Subicriptlnn Price: On* Year 12.00. VOLUME LIX, NO. 4. ofllc* at IUd Bank, N. J-, und «r the Act of March 8, 1B79. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1936. Six Months, $1.00.' Slngl* copy, «o. PAGES 1.TO12. 'ounty Colored Alumni association, Hospital Show deception For Mrs. Mary Reynolds, Mrs. Braxton Back From Dim Miss LeMaistre Fair Haven Wants Merritt, Mrs. Minerva Thompson, New Factory Here If Urn, Carrie Corbln, Mrs, Georgia And Distant Past Opens Tomorrow Negro Graduates Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, Named To Replace Conference To Mr. and Mrs. John Hopson, Mr. and The submarine pipe line used in Mrs. Rufus Sydney, Mrs. Eugene Wil- dredging the river at Red Bank foi At Shrewsbury Of This County Board Will Permit It a deeper channel was cleaned out Mrs. Paul B. Dennis Correct Drainage iame, Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Jones, Friday. A great variety of metal Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Handy, Mrs. Mar- Thirteenth Annual Event to be garet Mowgraas, Mr. and Mrs. C. H, was found in It, Including about J12 Appointed Tuesday Night by Shrewsbury Auxiliary Giving Hearing to be Held Tomorrow Night on Application in coins , of various denominations, Council to Se«k Meeting With Held Wednesday Evening at 2obb, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ramsay, Board of Education at High "Y« Old. Shrewsbury Fairo" Mrs. Norman Panned, Mr. and Mrs. dome of which bore dates from 1853 Red Bank and County Offi- the River Street School at Red Sprlguc Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- of John Savage to Build New Structure to 1880. The dredging last week was School Spanish and English , on Sycamore Avenue—Fair done principally in close proximity to cial* to Remedy Condition on Bank. eph Brltto, Mr, and Mrs. William Teacher. Booths Erected. Bailey, Miss Tlllle Holmes, Mr. and on West Front Street. the dock at tho foot of Wharf ave- Lake Avenue. Mrs. I. *.A. Foreman, Mrs, ' George nue. It is believed that many of the coins were dropped by passengers of j The Red Bank board of education The thirteenth annual reception for Heathe, Mr. and Mrs. J, Francis, Mr. A hearing will be held by the Red Mayor Augustus M. Mlnton waa Much Interest Is being created for Monmouth county colored graduates Bank adjustment board at the town the steamboats, Sea Bird and Alber- Tuesday night appointed Mias Cath- "Ye Olde Shrewsbury Fairs" to be if college', normal schools and pub- and Mrs. T. Seward, Mr. and Mrs. tina. directed at Monday nlght'« meeting A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ruffln, hall tomorrow evening on the appli- erine LeMaistre of Sunset avenue as of the Fair Haven mayor and coun- held tomorrow afternoon and even- ic schools will be held next Wednes- cation of the Red Bank Clothing and An old silver watch i/as also un- teacher of Spanish and English at Ing by Shrewsbury auxiliary of Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Silas Taylor, Mrs. Han- cil to arrange a conference with day evening at H o'clock In the audl- Manufacturing company to construct earthed by the dredging. Other things the high Fchool to aucceed Mrs. Paul lied Bank olilciala and members of mouth Memorial hospital on the orlum of the River street school of nah Mallory, Miss Ruth Smith, Mr. factory on the property on the B. Dennis of Nazareth, Pennsylvania, and Mrs. William Johnson, Mr. and brought to light were nuts, bolts, the county board of freeholders rel- ground! of Shrewsbury Manor on led Bank, It will be under the dl- south side of West Front street un- chains, anchors, sinkers and pieces whoao resignation was accepted a Sycamore avenue. John V. La- Mrs. James Boldin, R. J. Boldin, MIBS ative to the drainage problem In tha cctlon of Rev. Charles W. Nelson, til recently rented by Paul Kutsche of steamboat • grates. The men who fe\v minutes previously. Mrs. Den- rear of several properties on Lake) Marche, In the role of Earl of Emma Fox, Miss Nancy Field and for a saloon. John Savage, chief nis was formerly Miss Katharine Shrewsbury, will officiate at the open- lcar of St. Thomas church, and a Mrs. Marcellne Brown. cleaned out the line were permitted avenue, near River road. The mo- lommitteo of citizenB of Red Bank. owner of the company, has arranged to keep everything they wanted. The Biirney and she taught at tho high tion to do this waa made by Coun- to buy the place from Charles Hoff- school the past 11 years. Miss Le- The' Earl and hie CountesB will The graduates aggregate more than dredging contract Is beinR done by cilman Arthur B-. Sickleo, who aub- 1B0, the largest number slnco the re- man, provided that a perrhlt is the H. T. Gerrish company of Bos- ! Malstre is a daughter of Charles Le- mitted a report of his investigation sponsor the first half of the program, granted to him to tear down the coached by Miss Betty Dey, In the :eptlons have been held. The chief Child Drowned ton and the employees are almost. MalstreL_a member of the school following a complaint by Herman ibjeot of those annual events la to wooden building on the premises and entirely residents of Red Bank and board. She graduated from the State Woolley of Lake nvenue. He said theater loaned by the New Mill Flay- erect a concrete and ote'el factory. ers. Each act will be Introduced by jncourage young Negroes Just leav- vicinity. Teachers' college at Montclair and 'something should bo done Immedi- an English squire, opening with Clar- >ng school to make tho best use of After Falling Mr. Savage applied for a permit to studied for a year In Spain. ately to correct the condition. Dr. ence White singing, "Come to the .heir education to become useful cit- Building Inspector Ensley M. White. I Edwin F. Stewart, health inspector, Falre!" The second number by Miss izens. One of the fcaturcB will be Off Public Dock It was not granted because about one East Keansburg jid^Mo drain pipe was clogged with Elliabeih Goodrich from Monmouth ho awarding of prIzeB to those hav- half of the land is not In an Indus- | rubblsA and growth, causing rain Hllle club will be. "Dear, Dear, What ng made tho best scholastic rccordB. trial or factory zone. The land front- water ft back up on several prop- Can the Matter Be?", the verses be- 'he program follows: Six-Year-Old Child Disappears ing on the street is zoned *for busi- Beach Problem Is erties, \. ness and Mr. White lacks authority ing Interspersed with costume chor- .verturo ........ Taylor'* band of Eatontown From Midit of Bathers and M. Floydy Smith, borough olerk, uses. Miss Marllla Waleworth of the invocation Rev, N. C, HnrKrav to grant a permit under such, cir- of Second Baptlit church, Kcyport cumstances. However, the adjust- Again Considered reported that^ the contract for tha Rumson Private school will follow \nthem, "Battle Hymn of the Itepublic" Spectators—Body Recovered new 750-gallon American LaFrance with an Instrumental nolo,*"The Coun- ment board may issue the permit. Assemblage Near End of Float. All persona owning property within pumper haEL been signed and aenfe try Garden." ' Velcome ~ Charlie Alleyno to the factorjKa,r Elmlra, New York. ocal solo ,..- -—.~ I'euil lloblnBOM 200 feet of the proposed new factory Committee Wil! Go Along With The ensuing number will conalstof Mr. Sickles reported the arrival ,'aper ~ - Hazel Livingston Elizabeth Pope, 6-year-old daugh- have been notified of the hearing and Flan to Fence in and Regulate the pantomime of an old English /ocal aolo ... Athelyn Alleyne haye been Invited to express opinions of the new International chesslB for drama, "Fair and Warmor." Tho instrumental aolo . .... Ernest Heath ter of Mrs. Helen Pope of West the garbage truck. The chassis waa Declamation Earl Seruby Front street, was drowned in the for or against complying with the re- Beach if Majority of People cast will be made, up of Harry Blag- duet ..— ............ Johnson Bisters quest. JOHN SAVAGE. bought from Maurice SchwartB of den as the hero, Stowart VanVllet as sall poem - ElizabetElzh Jctter Shrewsbury river Sunday afternoon Show They Want It. Red Bank. the Little Sister, Desmond Miller 'Iano selectioltio n Miss May when she fell from the float of the The land is 60x125 feet. Mr. Hoff- Charles P. Cross, president of the portraying the villain, Gray Marshall Cox of New York university public dock at the foot of Maple man for a number of yeara conduct- board of education, eubmltted a Addreai Trof. Chnrlcs avenue. Her body was recovered ed a bakery business In the building. owners -within the 200-foot area and At the meeting of the township Interpreting Herplne and George R, Eason of Shorno university that he has seen nearly all of them. committee of Middlet6wn township statistical report of school activities. Mlddleton as the mother. Trumpet aolo George Wllllnma about an hour after she tumbled in. The arrangements for the sale were The gross receipts for the fiscal Remarks Dr. B. 1, Although there were several per- made by. his lawyer, Edward W. He has been unable to get in touch last Thursday considerable time was The scene changes in the second Vanderveer of Elizabeth with a few, but he says that all who devoted to a discussion about fencing year, ending June 30, were $62,098.- sons sitting on the dock and a Wise, and Harry Klatsky, represent- 34, while expenditures were $58,658.- part of the program from England Introduction of fi-raduatea and awarding of number of children swimming about ing Mr.
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