Newa Range: 11400–1147F

This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0

This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard. See for an up-to-date list of errata.

See for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 14.0. See for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 14.0.

Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0, online at, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, #45, and #50, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online.

See and

A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation.

Copying characters from the character code tables or list of character names is not recommended, because for production reasons the PDF files for the code charts cannot guarantee that the correct character codes will always be copied.

Fonts The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts.

See for a list.

Terms of Use You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to these charts.

The fonts and font data used in production of these code charts may NOT be extracted, or used in any other way in any product or publication, without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s).

The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of the most recent version of the Unicode Standard, as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site.

See and

Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 11400 Newa 1147F

1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147

0 𑐀 𑐐 𑐠 𑐰 $𑑀 𑑐 𑑠 11400 11410 11420 11430 11440 11450 11460

1 𑐁 𑐑 𑐡 𑐱 $𑑁 𑑑 𑑡 11401 11411 11421 11431 11441 11451 11461

2 𑐂 𑐒 𑐢 𑐲 $𑑂 𑑒 11402 11412 11422 11432 11442 11452

3 𑐃 𑐓 𑐣 𑐳 $𑑃 𑑓 11403 11413 11423 11433 11443 11453

4 𑐄 𑐔 𑐤 𑐴 $𑑄 𑑔 11404 11414 11424 11434 11444 11454

5 𑐅 𑐕 𑐥 $𑐵 $𑑅 𑑕 11405 11415 11425 11435 11445 11455

6 𑐆 𑐖 𑐦 $𑐶 $𑑆 𑑖 11406 11416 11426 11436 11446 11456

7 𑐇 𑐗 𑐧 $𑐷 𑑇 𑑗 11407 11417 11427 11437 11447 11457

8 𑐈 𑐘 𑐨 $𑐸 𑑈 𑑘 11408 11418 11428 11438 11448 11458

9 𑐉 𑐙 𑐩 $𑐹 𑑉 𑑙 11409 11419 11429 11439 11449 11459

A 𑐊 𑐚 𑐪 $𑐺 𑑊 𑑚 1140A 1141A 1142A 1143A 1144A 1145A

B 𑐋 𑐛 𑐫 $𑐻 𑑋 𑑛 1140B 1141B 1142B 1143B 1144B 1145B

C 𑐌 𑐜 𑐬 $𑐼 𑑌 1140C 1141C 1142C 1143C 1144C

D 𑐍 𑐝 𑐭 $𑐽 𑑍 𑑝 1140D 1141D 1142D 1143D 1144D 1145D𑑇 E 𑐎 𑐞 𑐮 $𑐾 𑑎 $ 1140E 1141E 1142E 1143E 1144E 1145E

F 𑐏 𑐟 𑐯 $𑐿 𑑏 𑑟 1140F 1141F 1142F 1143F 1144F 1145F

The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 11400 Newa 11454

This script is also known as Nepaalalipi, Nepalakshar, Newah 1142E 𑐮 NEWA LETTER Akhah, Pachumol, Prachalit, and other names. 1142F 𑐯 NEWA LETTER LHA Independent vowels • murmured lateral for Nepal Bhasa language 11430 𑐰 NEWA LETTER Some of the vowels are only used for Sanskrit, and are not 11431 NEWA LETTER SHA needed for Nepal Bhasa. 𑐱 11432 NEWA LETTER SSA NEWA LETTER A 𑐲 11400 𑐀 11433 NEWA LETTER NEWA LETTER AA 𑐳 11401 𑐁 11434 𑐴 NEWA LETTER 11402 𑐂 NEWA LETTER I 11403 𑐃 NEWA LETTER II Dependent vowel signs 11404 𑐄 NEWA LETTER U Some of the vowel signs are only used for Sanskrit, and are 11405 𑐅 NEWA LETTER UU not needed for Nepal Bhasa. 11406 𑐆 NEWA LETTER VOCALIC R 11435 $𑐵 NEWA VOWEL SIGN AA 11407 𑐇 NEWA LETTER VOCALIC RR 11436 $𑐶 NEWA VOWEL SIGN I 11408 𑐈 NEWA LETTER VOCALIC L 11437 $𑐷 NEWA VOWEL SIGN II 11409 𑐉 NEWA LETTER VOCALIC LL 11438 $𑐸 NEWA VOWEL SIGN U 1140A 𑐊 NEWA LETTER E 11439 $𑐹 NEWA VOWEL SIGN UU 1140B 𑐋 NEWA LETTER AI 1143A $𑐺 NEWA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R 1140C 𑐌 NEWA LETTER O 1143B $𑐻 NEWA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR 1140D 𑐍 NEWA LETTER AU 1143C $𑐼 NEWA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L NEWA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL Consonants 1143D $𑐽 1143E $𑐾 NEWA VOWEL SIGN E Six consonant letters involving ha are encoded for the 1143F $ NEWA VOWEL SIGN AI representation of murmured resonants in Nepal Bhasa, a 𑐿 11440 $𑑀 NEWA VOWEL SIGN O Tibeto-Burman language. Those letters are not used for the NEWA VOWEL SIGN AU representation of Sanskrit in the Newa script. 11441 $𑑁 1140E 𑐎 NEWA LETTER Various signs 1140F 𑐏 NEWA LETTER KHA 11442 $𑑂 NEWA SIGN VIRAMA 11410 𑐐 NEWA LETTER = tutisaalaa 11411 𑐑 NEWA LETTER GHA 11443 $𑑃 NEWA SIGN CANDRABINDU 11412 𑐒 NEWA LETTER = milaaphuti NEWA SIGN ANUSVARA 11413 𑐓 NEWA LETTER NGHA 11444 $𑑄 murmured nasal for Nepal Bhasa language = sinhaphuti • NEWA SIGN VISARGA 11414 𑐔 NEWA LETTER 11445 $𑑅 = liphuti 11415 𑐕 NEWA LETTER CHA NEWA LETTER 11446 $𑑆 NEWA SIGN NUKTA 11416 𑐖 NEWA SIGN AVAGRAHA 11417 𑐗 NEWA LETTER JHA 11447 𑑇 NEWA LETTER NYA = sulaa 11418 𑐘 NEWA SIGN FINAL ANUSVARA NEWA LETTER NYHA 11448 𑑈 11419 𑐙 = baadipu • murmured nasal for Nepal Bhasa language 1141A 𑐚 NEWA LETTER TTA Invocation signs 1141B 𑐛 NEWA LETTER TTHA 11449 𑑉 NEWA OM 1141C 𑐜 NEWA LETTER DDA 1144A 𑑊 NEWA SIDDHI 1141D 𑐝 NEWA LETTER DDHA Punctuation NEWA LETTER NNA 1141E 𑐞 1144B 𑑋 NEWA DANDA 1141F 𑐟 NEWA LETTER = dipu 11420 𑐠 NEWA LETTER 1144C 𑑌 NEWA DOUBLE DANDA 11421 𑐡 NEWA LETTER 1144D 𑑍 NEWA COMMA 11422 𑐢 NEWA LETTER = jhaasu 11423 𑐣 NEWA LETTER 1144E 𑑎 NEWA GAP FILLER 11424 𑐤 NEWA LETTER NHA = thaayjaayekaa • murmured nasal for Nepal Bhasa language 1144F 𑑏 NEWA ABBREVIATION SIGN NEWA LETTER 11425 𑐥 Digits NEWA LETTER PHA 11426 𑐦 NEWA DIGIT ZERO NEWA LETTER 11450 𑑐 11427 𑐧 = guli 11428 𑐨 NEWA LETTER BHA NEWA DIGIT ONE NEWA LETTER 11451 𑑑 11429 𑐩 = chi NEWA LETTER MHA 1142A 𑐪 11452 𑑒 NEWA DIGIT TWO • murmured nasal for Nepal Bhasa language = nasi 1142B 𑐫 NEWA LETTER 11453 𑑓 NEWA DIGIT THREE 1142C 𑐬 NEWA LETTER = swa 1142D 𑐭 NEWA LETTER RHA 11454 𑑔 NEWA DIGIT FOUR • murmured tap for Nepal Bhasa language = pi The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 11455 Newa 11461

11455 𑑕 NEWA DIGIT FIVE = njaa 11456 𑑖 NEWA DIGIT SIX = khu 11457 𑑗 NEWA DIGIT SEVEN = nhasa 11458 𑑘 NEWA DIGIT EIGHT = cyaa 11459 𑑙 NEWA DIGIT NINE = gu Punctuation 1145A 𑑚 NEWA DOUBLE COMMA Various signs 1145B 𑑛 NEWA PLACEHOLDER MARK = jaayekaa 1145C " 1145D 𑑝 NEWA INSERTION SIGN = tansaa 1145E $𑑇 NEWA SANDHI MARK • indicates external sandhi in Sanskrit documents ঽ → 09FE $ bengali sandhi mark 1145F 𑑟 NEWA LETTER VEDIC ANUSVARA 11460 𑑠 NEWA SIGN JIHVAMULIYA → 1CF5 ᳵ vedic sign jihvamuliya 11461 𑑡 NEWA SIGN UPADHMANIYA → 1CF6 ᳶ vedic sign upadhmaniya

The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.