12/06261/R4out Appendix 1

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12/06261/R4out Appendix 1 12/06261/R4OUT APPENDIX 1 Consultations and Notification Responses Ward Councillor Preliminary Comments Councillor L M Clarke No comments received Councillor A Hill No comments received Councillor M Hussain (Bhatti) JP No comments received Parish/Town Council Comments/Internal and External Consultees High Wycombe Town Unparished County Council Archaeological Service The application site is not thought to have archaeological potential. County Council Environmental Service Natural Environment The County Council recommends that if significant harm resulting form the development cannot be avoided or mitigated, then provision should be made through a legal agreement to off set any loss by means of financial contribution towards the conservation, enhancement and restoration of natural features in the vicinity of the site. Green infrastructure The County Council welcomes the documentation that states that provision will be made for open space, ecological areas and SUDS. All of these can contribute positively to green infrastructure networks. The Chilterns AONB Planning Officer The Board does not object to the redevelopment of the Handy Cross site. However, the board remains concerned that the buildings that are on the southern side of the site, closest to the M40, are to be tall and bulky (up to six stories high), because the AONB is located immediately to the south of the M40 and the development may have impacts on its setting and enjoyment. The application contains no real detail about the design, mass, bulk, materials and lighting for the main elements of the proposed development and also fails to provide any details about the wind turbines. All of these elements could affect the setting of the AONB and the tranquillity of the area. The Board considers that great care will be needed in the treatment of the design and materials for this important site. It has previously been shown that the site is visible from some distance and the Board stressed that it would be important to have landscape and visual impact assessments prepared for any planning application. The Board considered that these should also take account of the numerous wind turbines and great care should also be taken with the type, height and number of turbines. The need for them will be negated by the inclusion of other sustainability measures such as district combined heat and power based on wood fuel. Based on assessment of the details submitted in connection with the proposal, the Board objects to the application for the following reasons: 1. The application lacks sufficient detail to enable a proper assessment of the likely impacts on the Chilterns AONB. 2. The submitted landscape and visual assessment fails to take proper account of what is actually proposed and does not fully assess the likely implications. There is confusion between the assessment and the parameter plan. The assessment is based on a 5 storey hotel whilst the parameter plan details a 6 storey hotel. Furthermore, the assessment is based on a single storey sports centre and foodstore which the parameter plan show as being up to 4 storeys. Finally, the proposed wind turbines (11 in number) are not subject to any assessment at all. The Board is particularly concerned about this element as the application claims that these should be visible from the M40 in order to allow advertising somewhere below the hub. 3. Although the visual assessment includes some long distance view points, it has failed to take account of the impacts on one right of way that is within the Chiltern AONB and which is about 800m south of the site. From here, the site is clearly visible. The Board considers that, despite the intervening overhead electricity wires, the development proposed would be clearly visible, would break the skyline and would have a significant detrimental and overbearing impact on this right of way and its users. Being located within the AONB, this visual receptor is therefore highly sensitive to any proposal in the locality, including that at Handy Cross. 4. The Board cannot agree with the landscape and visual assessment’s conclusion (within the summary) that the proposed development will be a ‘significant visual benefit’ in the long term. 5. The Design and Access Statement includes a number of visuals which show the main elements of the proposals as artists’ impressions. This is about the only detail in connection with design and potential materials and does not provide enough information by which to judge the likely impacts. However, from an initial assessment, the designs and materials do not take account of the context of the site and its proximity to the Chilterns AONB. They also fail to take account of the fact that this is an important gateway to High Wycombe. 6. The Board considers that as detailed at present, the proposal would neither conserve nor enhance the natural beauty of the Chilterns AONB and its setting and as a result asks that the application be refused. 7. The Board’s objections could be overcome by the provision of a lot more information (design, materials, lighting and turbines in particular), a full and proper landscape and visual impact assessment and revisions to the bulk, mass, design and materials of the key elements that are on the southern side of the site. We would be happy to comment on any changes that are made to the application. Additional comments following the submission of an amended appendix; 1. The plan on p.11 still shows the inconsistency that the Board mentioned in its response in connection with the proposed heights of the food store and leisure centre buildings. 2. There is still no assessment of the proposed wind turbines. 3. The montage on p.14 clearly shows the majority of the buildings breaking the skyline, albeit in the distance. 4. The montage on p.17 also illustrates this breaking of the skyline. 5. The suggested viewpoint on Monkton Lane has not been included. 6. The Board’s comments remain as in the letter dated 10 th July 2012. Crime Prevention Design Adviser There are no police objections to this application, but there will be the opportunity to design out crime as further details become known. My initial comments are; • This site, with its proposed use, large amount of parking spaces and being located on the motorway roundabout, will be very vulnerable to car crime. Vehicles unattended in this location, adjacent to the motorway, with numerous escape routes, will undoubtedly attract attention from criminals who specialise in car crime. I understand that the intention is to achieve Park Mark accreditation for at least the coachway parking area. I also note the intention to install a barrier and ANPR for this parking area and these measures should go some way in deterring this type of crime. • Hotels are particularly vulnerable to car crime as residents are likely to have valuables in their cars, satellite navigation, laptops etc with the vehicles being left unattended overnight. The basic layout for the hotel shown in the application would appear to make it a simple process to secure the car parking area. This should be designed in from the start and should be reflected in any future applications. • There is a large amount of undercroft parking areas for the proposed offices and these can cause problems, out of hours, during the evenings and weekends. Being large partially enclosed areas with a lack of any natural surveillance, they are spaces that can generate anti-social behaviour and encourage crime. Undercroft areas are easily secured and reasonable security measures should be included in the final design. Development Sustainability Insufficient detail has been given on how much each recommended technology could reasonably expect to generate given the estimated energy demand. The Biomass option should be reassessed WDC Economic Development Service This development is strongly supported by the Economic Development Service as it will help to promote Wycombe and, with the location being adjacent to the M40 motorway, delivers a new and attractive gateway to the town and the District showcasing Wycombe as an attractive place to do business. This development is very welcome as it supports the Council’s Economic Development Strategy (2012-2015) which has an overall aim of the creation of 2,000 new jobs by March 2016. The inclusion of up to 34,791 sq. m. of offices (Class B1) in this development will be a significant contributor to delivering this jobs target. The wider development also has our endorsement as it provides complementary services that businesses will welcome, namely the Sports and Leisure facility, the Park & Ride, the hotel and food store. These services all deliver a well- rounded offer for businesses and their employees. There are some suggestions for consideration as part of this development: a) Supporting local jobs. The office space and the wider development aims to provide opportunities that will offer a good mix of jobs so as to benefit local residents and help reduce the district’s level of unemployment. In May 2012, 2,524 residents claimed unemployment benefit from Jobcentre plus. By encouraging a wide range of jobs, some of these residents will be able to access work. It is also encouraged that this development helps to attract businesses that require higher level skilled jobs. Research from the Department of Business Innovation and Skills shows that these jobs create a greater number of additional local jobs in the local service sector which will help to offer further employment opportunities for Wycombe’s residents; b) Supporting cluster. This development can help to increase the clusters of business sectors already prevalent in the District. The Council’s Economic Development Strategy seeks to build the strengths of businesses in the sectors of Advanced Engineering, Bio Pharma, ICT & software engineering and Food & Drink, while recognising there are other significant global companies in Wycombe like Hyundai, Biffa Dreams etc.
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