TAYLOR WIMPEY RAF DAWS HILL, HIGH WYCOMBE Interim Summary of Ecological Issues May 2012 ECO2616.InterimSummary.dv1 COPYRIGHT The copyright of this document remains with Aspect Ecology. The contents of this document therefore must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part for any purpose without the written consent of Aspect Ecology. PROTECTED SPECIES This report contains sensitive information relating to protected species. The information contained herein should not be disseminated without the prior consent of Aspect Ecology. LEGAL GUIDANCE The information set out within this report in no way constitutes a legal opinion on the relevant legislation. The opinion of a legal professional should be sought if further advice is required. Aspect Ecology Ltd Hardwick Business Park Noral Way Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 2AF t 01295 276066 f 01295 265072 e
[email protected] w www.aspect-ecology.com RAF Daws Hill, High Wycombe ECO2616.InterimSummary.dv1 Interim Summary of Ecological Issues 1. Background & Proposals 1.1.1. Aspect Ecology has been commissioned by Taylor Wimpey to advise in respect of ecological matters at the site at RAF Daws Hill. 1.1.2. The site is located within the south of High Wycombe and comprises the former RAF Daws Hill Strike Command. The proposals for the site are for the clearance of the existing built form and construction of a new residential development with associated access roads and landscaping. 1.1.3. Ecological survey work at the site has previously been undertaken in 2008 (see Appendix 1). This survey work largely recorded the site to be of low ecological value, with ecological interest limited to the use of the site by bats (including a confirmed bat roost), an adjacent Local Wildlife Site (Keep Hill Wood LWS), and use of the adjacent woodland by Badgers.