Ellsworth American : May 18, 1910
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American. L\ I. €ll@ttwf!) Sob. \TE£’SrZ££SL?£m.m ""1 .»tm«d««oo«,.oi«. um, vt„ on ELLSWORTH. MAINE WEDNESDAY AETRKNOOW MAY IS * * ______ ~___ * AT TBf ai -WOBTI POSTOWIC*. I -<V ADDcrtiftrnunift LOCAL AFFAIRS. that the first draft and profile of Union atmmtitmmt*. river itself will shortly be oat of the hands of the URRILL NATIONAL BAN IX NEW ADVERTISEMENT* THIS WEEK. draughtsman. The original will be sent to the United States geologi- -ELL8WORTH, Admr notice-Est Jennie 8 ME_|\ Kingsley. cal survey at at an Edmond J Walsh, Frank 8 Call—Commis- Washington early date, sioners’ notice. and a limited edition will be available for YOUR BEST FRIEND Admr notice—Est Caroline M Rice. distribution fall. In bankruptcy-Est Allen A Fiske. by early may go back on Probate yon when he Rods yon notice- Est Thomas E Hale et aia. Hon. Sumner P. of ** —Est Mills, Stonington, lack funds. Money cements friend- Eugene 8 Bristol. —Est Janies Barr Ames. will be the Memorial day orator in Ells- and ship helps build your fortune. Admr notice—Est Amos A Bragdon. at book ** worth, the afternoon exercises in the bank —Est Robert Gerry. YOUR DEPOSIT E G Moore—Water glass. hall, following the usual service at th* ACCOUNT Herbert Cousins—Restaurant removed. soldiers' monument. Rev. O. G. IS SOLICITED Bnrriil Nat l Bank. Barnard, of the A car ax. Mb: pastor Methodist church, will de- at this bank. Banking liver the sermon privileges Homer N Chase—Nurserymen. at the union memorial in given return are safest and best Bunny Southern Alberta wheat lands for service in Hancock ball sale. Sunday evening. obtain ble. Your “best friend’’ is 29. The full orders for Millis, Mass: May Memorial day a good bank account. Bank here and are The Club published elsewhere in this issue. j be Clicquot Co—Ginger ale. prosperous. Bixghamto*. N Y: Through the good offices of the Ells- Jones of Binghamton—Scales. worth merchants’ association, arrange- ments have Liberal Interest on cheek account been made for a stop of the SCHEDULE OP MAILS. Maine Central “farming special” at Ells- balances. 4 per cent, on AT SLLSWOBTH TOSTOmCB. savings worth, probably about June 9. A stop at In effect May 4, lUtn. Ellsworth was not included in the origi- mails aaraivao. nal schedule for the train, but during the Psom West—7.1* a m ; 4.28 and 6.08 p m. visit of William T. Billings to the mer- Peqm East—11.67 a m; 12.85, 5.55 and 10.22 p m. chants’ association Monday evening, Sunday mail: From west, 7.20 a m. arrangements were made for a stop here. MAIL CLOSES AT TOSTOFFICk. A description of the train and the ex- TRUST Ooisro West— 10.44,11 JO. a m; 5.30 and 9 KOV4L UNION COMPANY, OF ML pm. ELLSWORTH, hibits it will carry on 5. Goiao East—6JO a in; 4 and 5.90 p m. appears page ... thk only Capital *100,000 mail: Sunday Going west, 5.50 p m. A division of this Catholic has re- Baiuns parish and Undivided Profits PostofBce open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a m. Surplus 72,800 cently been made. For years the Ells- ... worth has included Bar •An^.rssm Deposits 1,280,000 parish Harbor, powderW ^ I)r. J. T. McDonald has purchased an Northeast Harbor, Winter Harbor ar.d ROYAL CRAPE • automobile. CMerryfleld as mission charges. Th j CREAM OF TARTAR AbUOtutoty PUTO Hutson Du ffee was at home from Ban- growth, especially in the summer popula- Conducts a general banking business in both gor over Sunday. tion, has made a division desirable. Fr. J. Savings ami Commercial departments and D. O’Brien, for several years in charge of Rev. J. P. Si monton, of Cherry field, was the Ellsworth parish, is now located at offers its eii-t 'merr every banking facility, in Ellsworth to-day. Bar Harbor, with Northeast Harbor as a i.iberal treatment, and careful at- George H. Grant and wife have gone to prompt mission church. Fr. P. J. Flanagan, who MKKCHAN i S’ ASSOC! VTION. WKST KLES WORTH. Sorrento for the summer. tentim to all business Intrusted. has been located in Ellsworth as curate Colin F. Davis, of Newport, was in Ells^ for a year past, has l»een made pastor of Interesting and Helpful Session Held OBITUARY. Julia worth to-day on business. this parish, which retains Cherrytield and Monday Evening. Estelle, wife of Delmont G. True- worthy, died at th? home of her Mrs. Joseph W. Neailey left Monday for Winter Harbor. Fr. Flsnagan is well The regular meeting of the Ellsworth parents, of the State of of of Ells- William and Tues- Depository Maine, County Hancock, City a visit in Worcester, Mass. liked by the people of his parish, who are merchants’ association Monday evening Henry Higgins wife, Her worth. and over 5,000 individuals, firms with his was there some day, May 17. death, coming so sud- corporations. partnershipsand H. B. has sold the trotter pleased appointment. largely attended, being Philips Early as it was a shock to the OFFICERS: fifty members of the association and busi- denly did, great Dawn to P. H. McNamara, of Bangor. ness men community, in which all her life had been John A. Peter*. President. Leonard M. Moore. Treasurer. Prof. Allinson Going to Athens. present. W. Vice-President. County-Attorney Wiley C. Conary, of spent, and where she was so loved. Herjry Cushman. Henry H. Higgins. Ass't Treasurer. Dr. Francis Green lea! Allinson, David The meeting was an interesting on?, dearly Bucksport, is in Ellsworth to-day on busi- Mrs. True worthy had been in EXECUTIVE BOARD: Benedict professor of classical and boosted along the spirit of optimism poor ness. philology health for A. A. W. John O. on some time, suffering from dia- John Peter*. King. Whitney, at Brown university, has been chosen to which the future of Ellsworth so A. II. W. Cushman. M. Gallert. W. but this she had seemed L. Emery. J. Clark, jr., has purchased the fill the chair of Greek literature for the largely depends. betes, spring bouse of Grant on Water much better, and up to the before her O..H. street, and year 1910-1911 at the American school of Hollis B. Estey, president of the asso- day The Constant Growth of this Bank is evidence of the has moved death, was and around the into it. classical studies at Athens. This institu- ciation, presided. up house, Esteem In which It ie Held by the Public. thongh not feeling as well as usual. Twenty-five thousand salmon fry from tion is supported by several American C. L. Morang, of the committee to she was Sunday night went to her parents7 Green Lake hatchery were planted in Pat- universities and colleges, including Cor- which referred the matter of trying home in, the upper settlement, bat re- ten’s pond to-day. nell, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, to induce Hoyt’s express company to turned to her own home morn- establish an office that Monday returned from a Wisconsin, Johns Hopkins and Brown, here, reported Percy Higgins Monday she went to and these with water with Ells- ing. Monday evening again to Branch with a ten- institutions select each year a conynunication fishing trip pond, her and soon arriv- worth so uncertain as the the parents’ home, after German trout. professor of Greek from their faculties as present, pound ing there complained of shortness of the incumbent of the lectureship at company could not profiably establish an Charles U. Leland and Charles J. Brown breath. A physician was summoned, and Athens. The subject of Prof. Allinson's office here. With regular water com- A Bank of ! are attending the convention of Knights when he arrived he found Mrs. Trueworthy Deposit—>For You course of lectures will probably be “Greek munication established, they would take of Pythias in Bangor. sinking into a coma, in which she re- Being a legal depository for guardians, holders of trust funds, Literature and Greek Topography”. the matter under consideration. E. Rice and have moved The the mained until her death Tuesday afternoon. executors, administrators and assignees, this institution Harry family Prof. Allinson has had a very successful secretary of association. Boy C. Mrs. was of from the Files bouse on Oak street to the was then called Trueworthy thirty-two years especially solicits accounts from these sources. Our bank is career as a teacher of classical languages. Haines, upon to introduce Dorr bouse on Pine street. William T. of the industrial de- age. She was of a bright, happy disposi- conveniently located; our management conservative; our He was graduated from Haverfurd in 1876, Billings, of the Maine Central tion, loved and esteemed by all who knew proffered protection ample, including, as it does, our fl75,000 Charles I. Welch and wife, of Somer- and received his doctorate from Johns partment railroad, her. She was a loyal member of Harvest capita! and $433,159.57 surplus and profits. We invite YOUR ville, Mass., are spending a few weeks at Hopuins in 1880. Before coming to Brown who was present to address the meeting. Home grange. Her husband, who was request for details. the Call cottage. Shady Nook. in 1895, Doctor Allinson was assistant Mr. Haines prefaced the introduction with most a few remarks devoted in his care of her, as well as The ladies’ aid of the Methodist church professor of Greek and Latin at Williams regar ling the industrial established her parents and a brother by adoption, Eastern Trust & Will meet to-morrow afternoon with Mrs.