
Two-stage rifting of --: Evidence from 40Ar/39Ar thermochronometry of the Sisters shear zone, Stewart ,

Joseph Kula Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4010, USA Andy Tulloch GNS Science, Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, New Zealand Terry L. Spell Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4010, USA Michael L. Wells

ABSTRACT (Fig. 1). At some localities, it is as wide as 5 km The Sisters shear zone is a newly discovered detachment fault system (map view); however, the boundaries are not exposed for 40 km along the southeast coast of Stewart Island, southernmost New Zealand. well constrained due to relatively poor exposure. Footwall rocks consist of variably deformed ca. 310 and 105 Ma granites that range from The shear zone occurs within Carboniferous undeformed to protomylonite, mylonite, and ultramylonite. The hanging wall includes non- and Early Cretaceous granitic rocks that exhibit marine conglomerate and brittley deformed granite. K-feldspar thermochronometry of the varying degrees of deformation from essen- footwall indicates moderately rapid cooling (20–30 C°/m.y.) due to tectonic denudation over tially undeformed to protomylonite, mylonite, the interval ca. 89–82 Ma. Return to slow cooling at 82 Ma coincides with the age of the oldest and ultramylonite, with widespread but gener- seafl oor adjacent to the and refl ects the mechanical transition from conti- ally minor brittle deformation overprints. Shear nental extension to lithospheric rupture and formation of the Pacifi c-Antarctic Ridge. Our bands, oblique-grain-shape fabrics, sigma- and fi ndings support a two-stage model for continental breakup of this part of the delta-type feldspar porphyroclasts, and mica margin. Stage one (ca. 101–88 Ma) is the northward propagation of continental extension and fi sh indicate shear sense. the Tasman Ridge as recorded in mylonite dredged from the and the Paparoa core The Sisters shear zone is divided into two complex. Stage two (ca. 89–82 Ma) is extension between the Campbell Plateau and West Ant- segments based on the nature of ductile fab- leading to formation of the Pacifi c-Antarctic Ridge. rics, predominant kinematics, and along-strike offset of the western boundary of ductile fabric Keywords: New Zealand, extension, thermochronology, Gondwana, rifting, Cretaceous. (Fig. 1). The northern segment of the shear zone typically consists of granite mylonite and proto- INTRODUCTION ing to seafl oor spreading is documented using mylonite with foliations dipping 20–30ºSSE Plate reconstructions of Mesozoic Gondwana 40Ar/39Ar thermochronometry, which indicates and top-to-the-southeast shear sense. Footwall place Zealandia (New Zealand and surround- that this event is 5 to 10 m.y. younger than exten- rocks there are locally overprinted by south- ing , e.g., Mortimer, 2004) at sion documented in the Ross Sea and western east-dipping brittle normal faults, commonly the Pacifi c margin, adjacent to southeast Aus- New Zealand. Our new results and observa- subparallel to the ~060° strike of the foliation. tralia and West Antarctica (e.g., Sutherland, tions, combined with published thermochronol- In the southern segment, foliations are gener- 1999; Eagles et al., 2004). Much attention has ogy data from western New Zealand and West ally less well developed than in the north, and been directed toward extension between west- Antarctica, reveal a sequence of extensional deformation tends to be localized into 5–50-m- ern Zealandia and eastern Australia leading tectonism that can be best explained by a two- thick high-strain zones including ultramylonite. to opening of the (Tulloch and stage model for breakup of the Pacifi c margin Ductile kinematic indicators in the southern Kimbrough, 1989; Etheridge et al., 1989; Spell of Gondwana. portion exhibit both top-to-the-northwest and et al., 2000) and rift-related deformation in top-to-the-southeast downdip shear sense, but Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica, and the SISTERS SHEAR ZONE, STEWART brittle normal faults are consistently top-to-the- adjacent Ross Sea (e.g., Luyendyk et al., 2003; ISLAND southeast. Stretching lineations throughout the Siddoway et al., 2005). These studies have Stewart Island is part of the Median batholith shear zone consistently trend 330/150° ± 15°. outlined the timing and style of extension and and Western Province of New Zealand (Fig. 1). Because of apparent along-strike offset of the breakup between Australia and Zealandia, and The Median batholith represents a magmatic western boundary of ductile fabric and differ- of extension between East and West Antarctica. arc that developed above the paleosubduc- ences in kinematics and foliation attitudes, we This paper focuses on the outstanding prob- tion zone along the Gondwana Pacifi c margin infer that the north and south segments of the lem of the nature and timing of extension in (Tulloch and Kimbrough, 2003). Major struc- shear zone are separated by a transfer fault (e.g., eastern Zealandia leading to Pacifi c-Antarctic tures on Stewart Island include the northwest- Lister et al., 1986) (Fig. 1). Ridge forma tion and separation of the Campbell striking Freshwater fault zone, Escarpment Microstructures in the deformed granites indi- Plateau from West Antarctica. fault, and Gutter shear zone. These structures cate greenschist facies metamorphic conditions Field observations and 40Ar/39Ar data from are related to pre-breakup convergent margin followed by decreasing temperatures during the Sisters shear zone on Stewart Island, south- tectonism and have been described by Allibone shearing. In thin section, quartz exhibits features ernmost New Zealand, are presented here as and Tulloch (1997, 2004). In contrast, the Sis- of plastic deformation including oblique-grain- evidence for a Late Cretaceous detachment fault ters shear zone, located along the southeast shape fabrics in dynamically recrystallized system that accommodated continental exten- coast and oriented obliquely to these structures, grains (regime 2 of Hirth and Tullis, 1992) sion and thinning of the Campbell Plateau and is here interpreted to represent an extensional and ribbons with patchy to undulose extinc- was kinematically linked to formation of the detachment fault system. tion, whereas feldspars exhibit dominantly Pacifi c-Antarctic Ridge. The timing of exten- The Sisters shear zone is exposed along the brittle deformation. The lack of postdeforma- sion and the transition from continental rift- southeast coastline of Stewart Island for ~40 km tional growth in ~30 µm grains of recrystallized

© 2007 The Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. GEOLOGYGeology, May, May 2007; 2007 v. 35; no. 5; p. 411–414; doi: 10.1130/G23432A.1; 4 fi gures; Data Repository item 2007099. 411 40 39 167o E pet/). The Ar/ Ar analyses were conducted at Median Batholith the Nevada Isotope Geochronology Laboratory 10000E 5330000N Western 2100000E 21 2120000E 2130000E 1 9 at University of Nevada–Las Vegas (UNLV); Province ca. 305 Ma data tables and descriptions of analytical meth- Knob pluton 1 8 (?) ods are given in appendices DR1 and DR2 in the Alpine FaultEastern GSA Data Repository.1 45o S Province PP 4 9 105 Ma ) Median Stewart (? 4 5 P76106 Footwall Mica Ages 3 8 Batholith Gog pluton Figure 2 5320000N Island 3 5 Muscovite and biotite were collected from 2 0 2 3 PP 2 4 footwall rocks from the Knob pluton in the north- 2 5 5 thern Segment Nor ern segment ~50–100 m below the detachment 2090000E 1 0 1 0 Inferred surface (P76106, Fig. 1). Muscovite yielded a 1 5 1 5 transfer relatively fl at age spectrum with a plateau age 1 4 P67866 5 km 2 9 fault of 93.8 ± 0.4 Ma (uncertainties 2σ), incorporat- 5310000N ing 96% of the gas released (Fig. 3A). Biotite Southern Segment yielded a plateau age of 90.0 ± 0.8 Ma (59% of Paleozoic granite & Hanging-wall Solid-state P62424 the gas released) and an isochron age of 90.6 ± schist breccia mylonitic North Traps 1.2 Ma with a 40Ar/36Ar intercept of 294.5 ± 2.2, Detachment Cretaceous granite fabric (FW) granite 40 fault indicating no excess Ar in the sample.

Figure 1. Generalized geologic map of southern Stewart Island (modifi ed from Allibone and Footwall and Hanging-Wall K-Feldspar Tulloch, 2004) showing dominantly plutonic nature (Median batholith—black in inset). Note Three K-feldspar separates were analyzed distribution of ductile fabric, stretching lineation orientation, and inferred transfer fault (see text). Sample locations are labeled with P-numbers (PETLAB database (http://data.gns.cri. using detailed furnace step-heating, including nz/pet/). North Traps are a set of low-lying rock and reefs consisting of undeformed granite. isothermal duplicates, to determine Ar diffusion Box indicates area of Figure 2. Eastings and northings conform to the New Zealand Map Grid kinetics for application of multiple diffusion (NZMG). PP—Port Pegasus. domain (MDD) thermal modeling (Lovera et al., 1989, 1991). Two samples were collected from footwall rocks: P76106, (discussed previously), quartz, preservation of unrecovered quartz rib- The Sisters Islets, a pair of ~200 × 400 m and P67866 from the western side of the southern bons with undulose extinction, and cataclastic islets ~1 km offshore (Fig. 2), are composed segment of the shear zone (Fig. 1). The footwall “crush zone” overprinting collectively indicate of essentially undeformed conglomerate samples yielded maximum ages of 89–90 Ma, cooling during deformation. (Fleming and Watters, 1974) and represent the and sample P76106 exhibited a prominent age A brittle detachment surface oriented hanging wall of the Sisters shear zone. Con- gradient over the initial gas release that was 061/27°S is exposed in a small bay in the glomerate beds on the Sisters strike ~070°, absent in sample P67866 (Fig. 3A). The third northern segment opposite of Sisters Islets dip 20–25°NNW, and consist of rounded, with sample (P62424) was collected from hanging- (Fig. 2). A 10-cm-thick black fl inty ultracata- lesser subangular, dominantly granitic clasts wall granite of North Traps (ca. 120 Ma, U-Pb clasite underlies the fault surface and separates enclosed in an arkosic sandstone matrix. Many zircon; Allibone and Tulloch, 2004), 35 km mylonite of the footwall from chloritic hydro- clasts exhibit ductile fabric; however, a prove- southeast of the coast (Fig. 1). This sample thermally altered and brecciated granitic rocks nance from the footwall rocks has not yet been yielded maximum ages ca. 25 Ma older than the of the hanging wall. Slickenlines measured on confi rmed. footwall samples. Following an initial age gradi- the detachment surface are of the same trend ent over the fi rst 10% of the gas release, the age as stretching lineations throughout the shear 40Ar/39Ar THERMOCHRONOMETRY spectrum fl attened at 115–116 Ma, close to the zone. The detachment fault surface appears to Samples were collected from granitic out- granite crystallization age. be entirely offshore in the southern segment of crops at locations shown in Figure 1 and detailed the shear zone (Fig. 1). in the PETLAB database (http://data.gns.cri.nz/ Thermal History of the Sisters Shear Zone The muscovite (93 Ma) and biotite (90 Ma) footwall ages and “nominal” closure tempera- A Southern coast of B tures of 400 and 350 °C (cf. McDougall and Har- Stewart Island X- -X' rison, 1999), respectively, yield a crude cooling 15000 E

21 (?) Sisters Stewart rate estimate of ~17 °C/m.y. The two footwall 49 North Traps Islets Island P76106 3 0 Sea K-feldspars (P76106 and P67866) (Fig. 3) yield 45 level 13 similar MDD modeling results (Fig. 3B). Both X' show moderately rapid cooling (20–30 °C/m.y.) Lower-plate rocks Campbell Upper-plate rocks 2023000 N Plateau Ductile fabric Sisters 25 South 1GSA Data Repository item 2007099, Table DR1 Detachment fault Islets Pacific (40Ar/39Ar data tables), Appendix DR2, (textural Breccia Ocean Conglomerate 1 km X (to N. Traps) documentation of shear zone samples), and Appen- dix DR3 (analytical procedures for 40Ar/39Ar analy- ses and summary of K-feldspar MDD modeling), is Figure 2. A: Stewart Island coast opposite Sisters Islets showing outcrop relationships of available online at www.geosociety.org/pubs/ft2007. ductile fabrics, chloritic breccia, and conglomerate of Sisters Islets. X-X′ line marks section htm, or on request from [email protected] or line for B. B: Schematic cross section depicting upper- and lower-plate relationship between Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, Sisters Islets, North Traps, and Stewart Island coast. CO 80301, USA.

412 GEOLOGY, May 2007 130 500 rupture and formation of the Pacifi c-Antarctic 120 A B P76106 footwall P62424 K-feldspar P67866} P76106 spreading ridge between the Campbell Plateau 110 400 musc C) and West Antarctica.

P76106 P76106 o 100 muscovite biotite biot The discovery of the Sisters shear zone has 90 300 5 oC/m.y. at least three important implications for south- 10oC/m.y. o P67866 80 20 C/m.y. 50oC/m.y.

west Pacifi c Cretaceous tectonics. First, the Sis- P76106 70 P67866 K-feldspar 200 ters shear zone lies along strike from the fault- 60 bounded northwest margin of the Great South

Apparent age (Ma) P76106 K-feldspar P62424- hanging

50 Temperature ( 100 wall Basin (Cook et al., 1999). Lineations in footwall 40 rocks are coincident with the extension direction 30 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 inferred for the basin based on dip directions of % 39Ar released Time (Ma) seismically identifi ed normal faults, which indi- cates a major role for the Sisters shear zone in the Figure 3. A: Age spectra from samples P76106, P67866 (footwall), and P62424 (hanging wall) formation of this large hydrocarbon-prospective (Fig. 1) (uncertainties 1σ). B: Comparison of thermal histories from footwall and hanging-wall samples (see text). Outer envelope of curves indicates 90% confi dence interval for distribution basin. Second, the Sisters shear zone cuts across of obtained thermal histories; inner envelope indicates 90% confi dence interval for median. the trend of thickened arc crust of the Median Batholith (Tulloch and Kimbrough, 2003), which indicates that it is unlikely that gravita- beginning at ca. 89 Ma, followed by a transition upper crust ~25 m.y. earlier. From Figure 3B, it tional collapse was the driving mechanism for to very slow cooling at ca. 82–78 Ma (Fig. 3). can be seen that the currently exposed footwall Sisters shear zone extension (cf. Dewey, 1988; Hanging-wall sample P62424 yields a dis- rocks were ~200 °C hotter than the hanging-wall Rey et al., 2001). Third, 40Ar/39Ar thermochro- tinctly different thermal history from those rocks at 89 Ma. Assuming a pre-extensional geo- nometry data from the Sisters shear zone sup- of the footwall samples. Rapid cooling from thermal gradient of 20–30 °C/km (Rothstein and port a two-stage rifting model for the Gondwana 116 to 105 Ma following emplacement at ca. Manning, 2003), the thermal histories refl ect 7– Pacifi c margin (discussed next). 120 Ma likely refl ects conductive thermal 10 km of crustal excision along the Sisters shear re-equilibration with the surrounding shal- zone. Using these constraints and the dip angle TWO-STAGE ZEALANDIA low crust. At 105 Ma, a decrease to very slow of the ultracataclasite described previously (27°, RIFTING MODEL cooling (nearly isothermal) (Fig. 3B) indicates assuming no rotation), a range of 15–22 km of The timing of cooling recorded by K-feldspar prolonged residence in the upper crust for over slip is estimated along the detachment fault. of the Sisters shear zone (ca. 89–82 Ma) is 40 m.y. following cessation of Median batho- The transition to slow cooling observed in younger than that in both the Ross Sea (ca. 100– lith arc magmatism. footwall K-feldspar at ca. 82 Ma corresponds 92 Ma; Siddoway et al., 2004) and the Paparoa with the age of the oldest seafl oor (chron 33r, metamorphic core complex (ca. 92–88 Ma; Spell DISCUSSION 83.0–79.1 Ma) along the southeast margin of et al. 2000) (Fig. 4A). This discrepancy may be Our fi eld observations indicate that Sisters shear the Campbell Plateau (Larter et al., 2002) and explained by a two-stage rift model that incor- zone contains all the elements of a conti nental is consistent with the tectonic model of Suther- porates the model of detachment fault control extensional detachment fault system, including land and Hollis (2001). Therefore, the decrease on the formation of asymmetric continental mar- a footwall of variably mylonitic gran itoids with in cooling rate may refl ect the timing of transi- gins of Lister et al. (1986). In this model, stage 1 localized brittle overprint, and a brittley deformed tion from continental extension to lithosphere (101–88 Ma) is asymmetric extension between a hanging wall of unfoliated granite and conglom- erate (Fig. 2B). Brittle overprinting of ductile fab- rics is consistent with exhumation of the footwall 500 B Median Batholith A ChronChron Paparoa SNR during deformation. Juxtaposition of mid-crustal C) MCC SLHR o 400 333r3r plutonic (lower-plate) rocks against tilted sedi- West AustraliaAustralia ET 2 Chall1a Sisters SZ mentary (upper-plate) rocks is typical of large- 300 SistersSisters SSZZ 1a 1 Antarctica STR P67866P67866 FutureFuture magnitude detachment faults such as those of the IB 2 HP 200 Youngest Future PacificPacific Basin and Range Province of the western United Median Tasman Camp CR ridgeridge States (Wernicke, 1992). 100 Batholith ridge HiSY 1 W

An extensional setting for the shear zone is Temperature ( 2? 2? magmatism East West further supported by contrasting thermal histo- 0 Ross 70 80 90 100 110 Antarctica Antarctica Sea ries from footwall and hanging-wall samples. Time (Ma) The 40Ar/39Ar mica ages from footwall rocks indicate slow cooling from ca. 93 to 89 Ma. Figure 4. Two-stage rift model for breakup of Gondwana margin. A: Comparison with regional This interval was followed by a period of mod- thermochronometry data from Western Province, New Zealand (Spell et al., 2000) and erately rapid cooling (20–30 °C/m.y.) from ca. Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (Siddoway et al., 2004). Onset of footwall cooling occurs 89 to 82 Ma, as determined from K-feldspar ~15 m.y. after fi nal phase of Median batholith HiSY magmatism (Tulloch and Kimbrough, 2003), indicating tectonic origin rather than conductive cooling. B: Rigid plate reconstruction thermal modeling (Fig. 3B), which is attributed (ca. 95 Ma) of Gondwana margin—fragments of New Zealand represent the arc/forearc to extensional exhumation along the detachment (from Mortimer et al. 2005). Thermal histories in A correspond to numbered arrows in B rep- fault. At ca. 82 Ma, the cooling rate decreased resenting two distinct stages of margin rifting: stage 1—northward propagation of T asman substantially to nearly isothermal conditions Ridge (thick gray line); stage 2—Sisters shear zone (SZ) extension leading to opening of the Pacifi c-Antarctic Ridge (thick black line; see discussion). Abbreviations: Camp—Camp- and thermal equilibrium with the hanging wall bell Plateau; CR—; HP—; W—Wishbone Ridge; Chall—Chal- (Fig. 3B). The hanging-wall K-feldspar indi- lenger Plateau; SLHR—South ; STR—South Tasman Rise; ET—East Tasman cates thermal equilibration with the surrounding Rise; SNR—South ; IB—Iselin Bank; MCC—metamorphic core complex.

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414 GEOLOGY, May 2007