Tuggeranong Community Council Newsletter July 2013 Media inquiry as WIN downgrades News

In a letter to WIN TV management in ACT Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher, said she strongly disagreed with the decision.

“I just can’t believe in taking the deci- sion to broadcast from Wollongong, that the WIN News team in will be able to deliver the standard of news bulletins that have been broad- cast from the Kingston studio.” Ms Gallagher said.

“The relationship between WIN staff and Canberra runs deeper than just the delivery of news. The anchors, in particular, get very involved in local community life and have been WIN TV Studios at Kingston ( Photo Canberra Times) warmly embraced by local commu- nity organisations and the commu- The Community Coun- nity in general,” she said. cil (TCC) has launched an online The TCC and many other local com- petition calling on WIN TV manage- munity organisations and leaders “I would urge WIN Network manage- ment in Wollongong to reverse the believe the actions of WIN TV man- ment to reconsider this decision,” Ms decision to downgrade its Can- agement will have a negative impact Gallagher added. berra and region news service. on local news gathering, news cov-

erage and the overall quality of local Federal Member for Canberra, Gai The TCC campaign comes as the news and information in the Can- Brodtmann, has added her voice to Australian Communications and Me- berra WIN TV viewing area. the campaign. In a letter to WIN TV dia Authority (ACMA) launches an management Ms Brodtmann said investigation into local television “I would urge she was particularly concerned to content. learn that the decision had already WIN Network resulted in job losses for some Can- The TCC is encouraging all resi- management to berra based production staff. dents in the Canberra WIN TV view- ing area to sign the petition and to reconsider this Ms Brodtmann said the national circulate it to family and friends via decision.” capital deserves a local commercial email and online social media. news service that is produced and The TCC is also concerned this may presented here. She said Canberra The petition calls on WIN TV man- be the first step in WIN TV reducing has a proud history of producing agement in Wollongong to reinstate the number of journalists it employs quality journalists who go on to work its Canberra based produced and in Canberra altogether, and its deci- nationally and internationally, and presented local news service and to sion will have a serious impact on WIN has played an important role in assure loyal Canberra and regional the training and development of nurturing this talent. WIN TV viewers their local news ser- young future journalists and commu- Continued on page 4 vice will be retained. nications degree graduates.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 1 Tralee Community groups merge agreement community needs in the Tugger- anong region and elsewhere at any The Tuggeranong Community Coun- particular time,” explained Lynne cil (TCC) remains opposed to resi- Harwood, CEO of C@W. dential development at Tralee de- spite and Village “In addition, the merger will create Building Company reaching an opportunities for the development of agreement over the development. complementary programs that pro- vide a continuum of care for all cli- In a statement released after the ents and provide greater career agreement was announced by the pathways and opportunities for all two parties, the TCC said it will L to R: Mick Gentleman MLA, Frank staff. It will also augment our capac- monitor the development closely and Vrins, TCC Treasurer, Lynne Harwood ity to undertake research and de- will vigorously oppose any attempts CEO Communities@Work and TCC velop innovative program models to President, Nick Tsoulias. by the new residents of Tralee to address unmet community needs,” relocate flight paths over Tugger- Tuggeranong Community Council Ms Harwood added. anong. (TCC) President, Nick Tsoulias, and TCC Treasurer, Frank Vrins, were With over 35 years experience, The TCC said it had received advice among guests at the recent official C@W is a local organisation that that an individual Tuggeranong resi- merger of Communities@Work understands local needs. With over dent or resident groups can take (C@W) and the Regional 100 programs, 700 staff and 300 legal action if they find their lives, Community Service. volunteers, the organisation already health and property values nega- delivers services to more than tively impacted by the relocation of C@W Chair of the Board, Archie 20,000 people annually. flight paths over the Valley in the Tsirimokos, said C@W merged with future. the Gungahlin Regional Community In particular, C@W has a strong Service to expand the scope of its track record in: available resources and enhance the Providing quality and depend- CONTENTS PAGE range and quality of community ser- able child care and foster care vices available to the broader Can- services. Media inquiry as WIN downgrades 1/4 Helping vulnerable and at-risk News berra community. He said all Gun- gahlin Regional Community Service youth overcome challenges. Tralee agreement 2 Providing support to families programs now sit proudly under the Community groups merge 2 C@W banner. and individuals experiencing hardship. TCC takes Myna action 3 “The residents of Tuggeranong, and Assisting the frail aged and New medical centre opens 4 the Canberra community generally, people with disabilities to lead

Wood heater buyback program 5 will benefit significantly from the independent lives. reignited merger as the resulting economies Delivering nationally accred-

Isabella Gardens opens 5 of scale will increase our capacity to ited training for children ser- manage cost pressures and deploy vices staff. Nominations called for courageous 6 women our collective resources more effi- Managing community facilities ciently. In the end, this means better and offering recreational and ACT economy slumps: Smyth 6 services for everyone,” Mr Tsiri- social activities.

News in brief 7 mokos said. Providing a diverse range of rewarding employment and Petrol Station petition 7 “The merger provides C@W with volunteering opportunities. Grants to cut obesity 7 access to a broader range of re-

Work resumes on Calwell Park and Ride 8 sources and will provide us with For more information, call 6293 6500 more flexibility to respond to specific or visit www.commsatwork.org. Don’t Forget 8

Tuggeranong Community Council acknowledges its supporters.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 2 TCC takes Myna action isn’t hard to see the potential public health risk they pose. They can also pose possible fire risks to buildings through making large scrappy nests under eaves and roof lines from sticks and any available rubbish they find.

CIMAG suggest the following to discourage the invader from your home: not leaving cat and dog food out in the backyard during the day for mynas to take, making public areas such as shopping centres, restaurants and cafes much less attractive to mynas by not leaving food around, planting more shrubs in gar- dens to reduce open areas that mynas prefer, avoid planting tall thin trees

with dense foliage such as The Indian Myna Bird is considered an invasive species and a threat to native birds and pencil pines which flocks of small mammals. mynas use for roosting at night, The Tuggeranong Community Coun- It has been calculated by the emi- check your roofs for any holes cil (TCC) is encouraging members to nent ANU myna researcher, Dr Chris or entry points and block them become Indian Myna Bird Trappers. Tidemann, that there are around 250 to prevent entry by mynas, Indian Mynas for every square kilo- making sure at the same time Following a presentation by the Can- metre in Canberra. that you haven’t accidentally berra Indian Myna Action Group imprisoned a possum, bat or (CIMAG) at the last Council meeting, Noisy, territorially aggressive, and other native resident, and the TCC has offered to pay for the not afraid of humans, mynas hang keeping stock feed in rural trap of each financial TCC member out in flocks from 5 to 20, and can be areas secured away from my- who signs up to become a Myna Bird very long-lived. They can raise two nas. Trapper to help reduce the popula- broods of young each year, and tion of the invasive pest in the Tug- spend their nights in noisy commu- CIMAG says a trapping program for geranong Valley. nal roosts. Indian Mynas is an essential part of

any strategy to control these pests. CIMAG says the Indian Myna has According to CIMAG these birds are This is perfectly legal for exotic spe- been rated by the World Conserva- seriously “bad news” for our native cies but not for native species, and tion Union as one of ’s 100 birds and other small animals. They any trapping and euthanising should most invasive species. It has been are fiercely territorial and use their only be done in line with good animal rated an Extreme Threat in superior numbers to aggressively welfare principles. Trapping has and won the dubious distinction of defend their territory. During the proven highly successful in Can- receiving the Pest of Australia award breeding season they take over tree berra: one member of the CIMAG in the Wild Watch Quest for Pests hollows from native birds and small trapped 665 in his backyard over six 2005. It beat the cane toad and feral animals, such as sugar gliders, af- months. cat to get this award! ter harassing and evicting them.

They build and defend several nests CIMAG admits we probably won’t A native of India with a natural range during the breeding season although ever get rid of Indian Mynas, but if from the Middle East to Malaysia, they only use one nest — this ex- we do not start to reduce and con- the Indian Myna has now been intro- cludes native hollow nesting birds trol their numbers we risk losing duced all over the world, rapidly and animals from those nesting many of our native birds. adapting to new environments. It sites. They kill chicks and destroy was deliberately introduced into the eggs of native birds. For more information visit: http:// Canberra in the 1960s and has www.indianmynaaction.org.au/ . spread widely throughout the Can- Add to all this, they hang around ca- berra region. fes and restaurants, walking all over tables in search of left-over food. It

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 3 From page 1 New medical centre opens “Moving the production of WIN news out of Canberra will mean less op- berrans. Families pay $70 per year portunity for our bright, young jour- to become Co-op members and nalists and production crews. WIN is thereafter all visits to your local GP an important part of the Canberra are bulk billed, that is, you do not community, and you have demon- pay for each visit. Fees for singles strated the ability to produce an ex- are half this rate and substantially cellent local news bulletin,” Ms less for Healthcare card holders. Brodtmann wrote.

Recently the Co-op opened a new Click on the link to add your name to th clinic at Chisholm, its 7 local GP the Tuggeranong Community Coun- clinic. By the end of the year the Co- cil’s petition . op will have 22 doctors working at its

centres, and is progressively adding Meanwhile ACMA has launched an other affordable medical and allied examination into local content on The new Chisholm medical centre professionals, such as psychologists regional television stations and the and dietitians, to the services pro- operational effectiveness of section The West Health Co- vided. The Chisholm clinic will be 43A of the Broadcasting Services operative has opened its first GP progressively expanded to five GPs Act 1992. medical clinic in Tuggeranong at on staff. Chisholm.

Section 43A applies to regional com- The Health Co-op operates like any mercial television broadcasters in The Health Co-op is a new Canberra suburban GP but with some advan- Regional Queensland, Regional Vic- based non-profit community organi- tages. Co-op members can visit toria, and parts of Re- sation owned by its members and doctors at any of the centres, for in- gional . run by professional medical and ad- stance, if your preferred doctor is on ministrative staff. holidays. Regional television stations are re- quired to broadcast minimum It opened its first medical clinic at Appointments can be made on-line amounts of material of local signifi- Charnwood in 2010 to meet a need or via the centralised contact number cance. The investigation will deter- in an area of 6 suburbs where there and some appointment slots for ur- mine if regional Australians have were no GPs. The health of many gent GP appointments are always adequate access to material of local families was suffering because they kept available. significance on commercial televi- could not find a GP when needed. sion. As this is the first Co-op GP clinic Now, the Co-op has proved highly outside Belconnen, we are now to ACMA will survey regional Austra- attractive to the 23,000 Canberrans become known at the National lians and undertake economic analy- who have already become members Health Co-op. Assistance from the sis as part of the investigation and of the Co-op to take advantage of its ACT Government and the consult with regional commercial family friendly bulk billing GPs and Community Bank has been instru- television broadcasters. convenient suburban locations. mental in enabling us to bring bulk

billing doctors to Tuggeranong. Submissions are being sought from So the Co-op was set up as an af- the public, with both individuals and fordable GP medical service for Can- organisations encouraged to com- ment on a range of issues, including the importance of local information in regional Australia.

Comments on the availability of local information across media platforms in regional Australia and particular issues faced by television broadcast- ers in providing local content in re- gional Australia will also be wel- comed.

The ACMA consultation paper on the investigation can be accessed by visiting the TCC website.

Source: TCC and PS News

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 4 Wood heater buyback Isabella Gardens program reignited opens

The “Don’t Burn Tonight” warnings are designed to encourage Canber- rans to use alternative heating on cold, still nights when smoke is unlikely to clear quickly. It is entirely voluntary and encourages people to act responsibly and runs from 1 June to 31 August every year.

When the weather conditions are L to R: TCC President NickTsoulias, Prof such that a temperature inversion is David Daw, Pat Daw, TCC Treasurer, likely to trap smoke residents are Frank Vrins and Lend Lease Develop- advised through the media not to ment Manager, Steve Harding. use their wood heaters and, where possible, use alternative heating. The latest retirement living complex in the Tuggeranong Valley recently Domestic wood smoke is the largest The ACT Government has also threw its doors open to future and single source of air pollution in launched a cinema advertisement as potential residents. Canberra according to the part of its wood heater education ACT Government. campaign and this can be viewed Retired couple Professor David Daw through YouTube. and his wife Pat were among special The ACT Government has launched guests after purchasing a property in its annual wood heater buyback pro- The Wood Heater Buyback Program the new complex. gram. is conducted in association with Ac- tewAGL. Under the program house- “We can’t wait to move in to our new The program is one of the most gen- holders are offered subsidies when home and take advantage of the life- erous in Australia and offers up to they replace your old wood heater style on offer. We’ve really enjoyed $800 to householders to dispose of with new mains supplied gas heat- seeing first-hand the innovative de- their polluting wood heaters and ing. For a ducted gas heater that can sign features and are really looking transfer to easy and simple to oper- receive $800 or $600 for a flued gas forward to moving in,” Professor ate gas heating. heater. Since its introduction of the Daw said. buyback program eight years ago The ACT Government warns smoke more than 970 wood heaters have Launched in February by Lend from wood heaters is the largest been removed. Lease, Isabella Gardens has had an source of air pollution in Canberra overwhelming response from the and it is linked to a number of seri- The Act Government says wood community resulting in the early re- ous health conditions. heater owners have a responsibility lease of stage two homes and was to minimise air pollution and can awarded the first Retirement Living The program is part of the ACT Gov- face penalties under the Environ- Gold Livable Housing Australia Qual- ernment’s annual “Burn Right To- ment Protection Act 1997. ity Mark. night” campaign which includes ad- vice not to use wood heaters during For a copy of the Wood Heater Buy- The open day was also attended by forecast weather inversions, when back Program application form visit: Tuggeranong Community Council wood smoke is trapped under a layer http://www.tuggcc.com/category/ (TCC) President, Nick Tsoulias and of cold air and which is common in announcements. TCC Treasurer, Frank Vrins. the Tuggeranong Valley.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 5 Nominations called for ACT economy slumps: Smyth courageous women ACT Shadow Treasurer and Liberal a focal point for celebrating women,” Member for Brindabella, Brendan Ms Burch added. Smyth, has expressed concern fol- Nominations for the awards open on lowing the release of the SENSIS 1 August and will close on 20 De- Business findings on the ACT. cember 2013. There will be three award categories: Mr. Smyth said the Index noted: 24% decrease in business ACT Woman of the Year confidence compared to the Young Woman of the Year previous quarter, (16-30 years old) 12% point fall in the sales indi- Senior ACT Woman of the cator, Year (50 years old and 13% point fall in the profitabil- above). ity indicators, ACT SMEs facing problems Nominations will be able to be made with a lack of work or sales, online at www.dhcs.act.gov.au/ ACT has one of the lowest women which will also contain infor- confidence indicators, Joy Burch MLA mation on the awards and eligibility. Businesses experiencing vola- tile conditions, with confidence Nominations open next month for Ms Burch made the announcement levels fluctuating widely, new awards recognising the courage at a forum hosted by the Ministerial Decrease in spending. Advisory Council on Women to dis- and contribution of Canberra cuss the legacy of the 57th meeting women, Minister for Women and “This is an alarming result for the of the Commission on the Status of ALP Member for Brindabella, Joy ACT economy. It shows the Federal Women (CSW 57) held in New York Burch has announced. Labor Government’s leadership in- earlier this year. stability and chaos have had a nega-

"We have worked closely with the tive impact on our city,” Mr. Smyth Three women spoke at the forum Ministerial Advisory Council on said about the significance: Women to develop the ACT

Women's Awards as a replacement “The matter is made worse by the for the former International Women's Penny Williams, Australia's ACT Government’s failure to diver- Day Awards," Ms Burch said. Global Ambassador for sify our economy and its unaccount- Women and Girls, able programs that fail to address "With the advice of the advisory Rebecca Vassarotti, one of what ACT businesses need most,” council, we are giving these awards four delegates representing he said. a new name to underline their focus non-government organisations on Canberra and also extending the as part of Australia's delega- “The ACT Government has been nomination process so that it tion to CSW, 57 and running scare campaigns on the stretches for three months,” she Dr Helen Watchirs, ACT Hu- prospects of a Federal Coalition said. man Rights and Discrimination Government. However, the SENSIS Commissioner. findings show the negative impact "The awards will still be presented from Federal Labor is hitting Canber- on International Women's Day to Source: Media Release rans right now,” Mr. Smyth con- reflect their heritage and will become cluded. Source: Media Release

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 6 News in brief Petrol Station Grants to cut petition obesity

TCC AGM Federal Member for Canberra, Gai Chief Minister and Minister for Brodtmann, has launched a petition Health, Katy Gallagher, has an- Tuggeranong Community Council for a second petrol station in Weston nounced the ACT Government has (TCC) members are reminded the Creek. Ms Brodtmann says Weston redirected the focus of the health Council’s Annual General Meeting Creek residents know only too well grants program to projects that help (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 3 the frustration of having only one reduce the incidence of obesity, par- September 2013. petrol station servicing 23,000 peo- ticularly amongst the ACT's children. ple. All financial members are encour- "Obesity is a growing problem in our aged to attend and to nominate for Ms Brodtmann is petitioning the ACT community and it’s placing extra positions on the new executive Government to designate land for a stress on our health system. The team. Members who have attended new petrol station at the intersection ACT Government is investing in pro- four or more meetings (including the of Cotter Road and Kirkpatrick grams to combat this problem and general meeting held prior to the Street, the refocused 'Healthy Canberra AGM) and are financial are eligible Grants' program will enable commu- to vote and stand for executive posi- “Please join me in calling for a sec- nity groups to gain funding for obe- tions. ond petrol station to service Weston sity reduction projects," the Chief Creek and the growing Molonglo Minister said. Nomination forms are available on Valley,” Ms Brodtmann asked. the TCC Website and must be The new program focuses on tack- lodged with the Returning Officer 10- Residents can sign the petition by ling obesity and improving children's days prior to the AGM. visiting Ms Brodtmann’s electorate health, including improving eating office at 205 Anketell Street, Tugger- habits through school canteens and anong or by downloading the petition food education. For full details on Next TCC Meeting from her website. ACT Health's grants program go Source: Media Release to www.health.act.gov/hpgrants. ACT Opposition Leader, Jeremy Hanson, will be guest speaker at the next Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) meeting.

The TCC will meet on Tuesday 6 August in the upstairs function room at the Southern Cross Club Green- way.

The meeting will commence at 7.30pm and members and guests are welcome. For more information visit: www.tuggcc.com .

Neighbourhood Watch

The community based crime preven- tion program, Neighbourhood Watch (NHW), is reforming in Wanniassa. This follows a community meeting organised by ACT Neighbourhood Watch and concerned residents.

The new Wanniassa NHW Commit- tee is in the process of being formed and a newsletter inviting residents to participate in the program will be distributed in coming weeks. For more information contact NHW Dis- trict Delegate, Kambah/Wanniassa, Terrylea Reynolds.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 7

Work resumes on Valley Voice

Calwell Park

and Ride

Work has resumed on the construc- tion of a new park and ride facility in Calwell.

Major Capital Works Manager at Roads ACT, Ben McHugh, said work has resumed following the engage- Aug 1 to 31: Canberra Fireside Festival. Visit: ment of local contractor Deeble www.firesidefestival.com.au B&C. Tuggeranong Community Council’s Aug 6: TCC General Meeting, newsletter, Valley Voice is designed to Mr McHugh said the new facility will 7.30pm Tuggeranong inform Valley residents of issues that be a permanent park and ride car Southern Cross Club impact on them and to act as a vehicle park, which will also be available to for other community groups and organi- the public and Calwell Club visitors Aug 7: Opening of Afghanistan, the sations to communicate with residents. outside of working hours. . Australian War Memorial. Visit: www.awm.gov.au Valley Voice is produced on a regular

“Completion of this project has been basis and is circulated amongst TCC Aug 9: Adults Surviving Child Abuse members and friends. If you wish to delayed following the liquidation of (ASCA) Workshop, Rydges the previous contractor,” Mr McHugh receive copies of Valley Voice in the Capital Hill. Visit: future please email [email protected]. said. www.asca.org.au/workshops Meanwhile, if you have articles or im- “The new park and ride site, which Aug 10: National Science Week, ages you wish to contribute to Valley is located on the corner of Johnson CSIRO Discovery Centre Acton. Voice please email them to Drive and Were Street in Calwell, is Visit: www.csiro.au/discovery [email protected] by the 20th of each now due for completion in August month. Aug 16: COTA Roundtable Discussion 2013,” he added. 1pm to 3pm Hughes Community Please feel free to pass Valley Voice on Centre. “It will include approximately 60 to those who you think may be interested in its contents. parking spaces conveniently located Sept 3: TCC Annual General Meeting ______near bus stops on Johnson Drive 7.30pm Tuggeranong and Were Street,” Mr McHugh said. Southern Cross Club. Valley Voice is published by the Tugger- anong Community Council (TCC). Mate- rial in this publication comes from a vari- ety of community and government based sources and therefore does not neces- sarily reflect the views of the TCC.

Material submitted to the TCC for inclu- sion in Valley Voice may be subject to editorial changes. Material that includes dates, times and contact details is cor- rect at the time of publishing. Therefore, the TCC cannot be held responsible if it BARR SMITH AVENUE, BONYTHON is not informed of any changes to that information prior to publication.

Tuggeranong Community Council. E: [email protected] W: www.tuggcc.com

Tuggeranong Community Council Inc. (TCC) is an incorporated, voluntary, not for profit, non political, community based association operat- ing within the Tuggeranong district of the Australian Capital Territory.

TCC is formally recognised as the peak commu- nity representative body in Tuggeranong pro- moting the goals and aspirations of local resi- dents and other community groups and organisations within the Tuggeranong Valley. TCC receives partial funding from the ACT Government.

Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 8